
• 什么是质量?
戴明: 质量是一种以的最经济手段,制造出市场最有用的产品。 (质量是制造出来的,而非检验出来的)
朱兰: 质量是一种适用性。 【Fitness of Use 产品使用期间,要满足使用者的需要】
费根葆姆: 质量没有最好,而是在某种消费条件下的最好(客户满意)。
面推广,使日本制造业的产品质量得到迅速提高,并且领 先于世界水平,继而进一步扩大到工商业所有领域。
(1)提高品质就是降低成本(损失成本或失败成本); (2)品质的损失成本包括内部成本(不良报废/返工返修
/重检等)和外部成本(客户投诉/退货索赔/订单 减 少或取消/公司声誉损失等); (3)品质与效率、交期并不矛盾。
4. 提供高素质且不断改进之产品与服 务
(1)品质就是满足客户的需求; (2)品质是制造出来的,不是检验出来的; (3)遵循PDCA的管理循环进行改进。
4.P - 效率(Productivity): 效率是部门绩效的量尺,也是企业生存和发展的基础,更 是工作改善的标竿。 5.S - 安全(Safety): 工作是为了生活好,安全是为了活到老。安全、舒适的工 作环境是善待员工的基本保障,因而也是企业应有的管理 目标。 6.M - 士气(Morale): 坚强有力的团队、高昂的士气是企业活力的表现,是取之 不尽、用之不竭的宝贵资源。
3.看板管理(Kanban):管理看板是发现问题、解决问题的非常有 效且直观的手段,尤其是优秀的现场管理必不可少的工具之一。

TQM一、TQM的起源TQM英文Total Quality Managemen第一个字母的缩写,译为“全面质量管理”或“全面质量经营”。

1. Specified quality
Specified quality is the first essential element. Companies should specify what quality means and give employees a clear picture to
very good reputation for quality.
2. Customer orientation
The second element is customer orientation. Business must provide what the customer wants. An example is Dell computer's
management consulting firms such as Andersen Consulting make good use of this approach.
Checking the quality, efficiency, and responsiveness of each phase or unit gives managers accurate information to make necessary changes. Increased efficiency of each step greatly contributes to the overall improvement.

Total Quality Management全面质量管理IntroductionRight from the dawn ofhistory, people in all walks of life around the globe have been striving to survive in a highly competitive word. The industrial scenario is no different. Corporate executives have been working overtime toachieve business excellence by striving to find solutions to those problems which have de feated their counterparts in other parts of the globe. The message is amply clear: the gospel of globalization has come to occupy center stage. The focus onprice, which hitherto ruled the competition, has shifted to both price and quality. Today, customers are demanding quality in products, services and in life. They have become increasingly discerning and have started lookingfor options more in tune with their basic needs, requirements and self-esteem. Infact, they are prepared to pay a premium for a quality product or service. One ofthe approaches that seems to provide the solution to the aforesaid challenges is the ma nagement philosophy of total quality management (TQM).介绍有史以来,全世界所有的人就在这个高度竞争的世界中奋斗。

随着全面质量管理理念的普及,越来越多的企业开始采用这种管理方法。1986年,国际标准化组织ISO把全面质量管理的内容和要求进行了标准化,并于1987年3月正式颁布了ISO 9000系列标准,这是全面质量管理发展的第三个阶段。因此,我们通常所熟悉的ISO9000系列标准实际上是对原来全面质量管理研究成果的标准化。

TQC-TQMTQCTQC是英文Total Quality Control(Total Quality Management)全面质理管理。
20世纪80年代后期以来,全面质量管理得到了进一步的扩展和深化,逐渐由早期的TQC(TotalQualityContr01)演化成为TQM(Total Quality Management),其含义远远超出了一般意义上的质量管理的领域,而成为一种综合的、全面的经营管理方式和理念。
1. 全面质量的管理过去我们一说到质量,往往是指产品质量,它包括性能、寿命、可靠性和安全性,即所谓狭义质量概念。
产品质量+成本+交货期+服务=全面质量2. 全部过程的管理产品是怎样形成的呢,它是包括企业一系列活动的整个过程。

全面质量管理(TQM)TQM的理念于80年代时已逐渐形成,最早提出TQM这一名词则有两种说法:1.美国心理学家Nancy Warren于1985年时利用TQM来描述所服务单位所采用的品质改进作法。
2、全员参与质量不仅仅是QA,Tester, Language Consultant的事,每一个员工都有维护质量的责任。

全面质量管理T Q M介绍Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#全面质量管理(TQM)介绍作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:3529 更新时间:2006-7-9 23:37:59全面质量管理的英文简称为 TQM,最早提出全面质量管理的是费根堡姆,他给全面质量管理所下的"定义":"为了能够在最经济的水平上,并考虑到充分满足顾客要求的条件下进行市场研究、设计、制造和售后服务,把企业内各部门的研制质量,维持质量和提高质量的活动构成为一体的一种有效的体系"。

(TQM全面质量管理)全面质量管理发展历史概述(TQM全面质量管理)全面质量管理发展历史概述全面质量管理发展历史概述最早提出全面质量管理概念(Total Quality Management)的是美国通用电器公司质量管理部的部长菲根堡姆(A.V.Feigenbaum)博士。
1986年,国际标准化组织ISO把全面质量管理的内容和要求进行了标准化,且于1987年3月正式颁布了ISO 9000系列标准,这是全面质量管理发展的第三个阶段。
因此,我们通常所熟悉的ISO 9000系列标准实际上是对原来全面质量管理研究成果的标准化。
Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. TQM requirements may be defined separately for a particular organization or may be in adherence to established standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000series. TQM can be applied to any type of organization; it originated in the manufacturing sector and has since been adapted for use in almost every type of organization imaginable, including schools, highway maintenance, hotel management, and churches. As a current focus of e-business, TQM is based on quality management from the customer's point of view.TQM processes are divided into four sequential categories: plan, do, check, and act (the PDCA cycle). In the planning phase, people define the problem to be addressed, collect relevant data, and ascertain the problem's root cause; in the doing phase, people develop and implement a solution, and decide upon a measurement to gauge its effectiveness; in the checking phase, people confirm the results through before-and-after data comparison; in the acting phase, people document their results, inform others about process changes, and make recommendations for the problem to be addressed in the next PDCA cycle.全面质量管理(TQM)是一个综合的、结构化的方法来组织管理,旨在通过响应于连续反馈不断改进提高产品质量和服务质量。

全面质量管理的理念全面质量管理Total Quality Management(TQM ):是指在全面社会的推动下,企业中所有部门,所有组织,所有人员都以产品质量为核心,把专业技术,管理技术,数理统计技术集合在一起,建立起一套科学严密高效的质量保证体系,控制生产过程中影响质量的因素,以优质的工作最经济的办法提供满足用户需要的产品的全部活动。
意义:* 提高产品质量* 改善产品设计* 加速生产流程* 鼓舞员工的士气和增强质量意识* 改进产品售后服务* 提高市场的接受程度* 降低经营质量成本* 减少经营亏损* 降低现场维修成本* 减少责任事故内涵:是以质量管理为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有者,员工,供方,合作伙伴或社会等相关方收益而使组织达到长期成功的一种管理途径.[1]范围:全面质量管理的基本原理与其他概念的基本差别在于,它强调为了取得真正的经济效益,管理必须始于识别顾客的质量要求,终于顾客对他手中的产品感到满意。
其主要活动范围可以使用如下示意图描述:TQM的基础:* 系统工程与管理(系统工程)* 完善的技术方法(控制工程)* 有效的人际关系(行为工程)TQM的演变:TQM的演变过程TQM的工作内容:* 新设计的控制* 进厂材料的控制* 产品的控制* 专题研究全面质量管理原理概述:1. 在“质量控制”(Quality Control)这一短语中,“质量”一词并不具有绝对意义上的“最好”的一般含义。
2. 在“质量控制”这一短语中,“控制”一词表示一种管理手段,包括四个步骤:a.制订质量标准;b.评价标准的执行情况;c.偏离标准时采了纠正措施;d.安排改善标准的计划。

Panos Kouvelis Manufacturing Management 7
Olin School of Business Washington University
“Quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to a design or specification.”
Panos Kouvelis Manufacturing Management 11
Olin School of Business Washington University
Quality Specifications
• Design quality
– inherent value of the product or service in the marketplace
Panos Kouvelis Manufacturing Management 10 Olin School of Business Washington University
Features Reliability Durability Serviceability
Olin School of Business Washington University
Internal failure costs
• • • • • • • • •
Panos Kouvelis Manufacturing Management 18
Scrap Rework Downtime/overtime Downgrading/disposition Analysis of scrap/rework Accidents/injuries Employee turnover Loss of morale Handling grievances

PDCA Cycle (Deming Wheel)
4. Institutionalize the change or abandon or do it again.
4. Act
1. Plan a change aimed at improvement.
1. Plan
3. Check
3. Study the results; did it work?
Today’s customer is well informed journals, news Quality-based management philosophy - key to success
Total Quality Management
TQM was advanced by W. Edwards Deming in late 50's
Discuss work with customer
Y Perform
Repair Not Authorized
Customer departs with car
Collect Money
Notify Customer
Order Parts
Pass Y Inspection?
Quality Definitions
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. - ASQ Garvin advanced 5 viewpoints; 1. Transcendent 2. Product-Based 3. User-Based 4. Manufacturing-Based 5. Value-Based

2:统计质量管理阶段。(统计品管 SPC) 统计质量管理阶段。(统计 品管 SPC): 这一阶段的特点是利用数理统计原理在生产工序间进行质量控制,预防 产生不合格品并检验产品的质量。在方式上,责任者也由专职的检验员 转移到由专业的质量控制工程师和技术人员。这标志者事后检验的观念 改变为预测质量事故的发生并事先加以预防的观念。 由于这个阶段过于 强调质量控制的统计方法,使人们误认为质量管理就是统计方法,是统 计学家的事情,因而在一定程度上限制了质量管理统计方法的普及推广。
全面品质管理,英文是Total Quality Management,缩写为TQM。是 一种由顾客的需要和期望驱动的管理哲学 TQM以质量为中心,建立在全员参与基础上的一种管理方法。 ISO8402对TQM的定义是:一个组织以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础, 目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社会受益而达到长期成功 的管理途径。 菲根堡姆(20世纪60年代,提出全面质量管理概念)对TQM的定义: “为了能够在最经济的水平上,并考虑到充分满足顾客要求的条件下进 行市场研究、设计、制造和售后服务,把企业内各部门的研制质量,维 持质量和提高质量的活动构成为一体的一种有效的体系”。
1、缩短总运转周期 2、降低质量所需的成本 3、缩短库存周转时间 4、提高生产率 5、追求企业利益和成功 6、使顾客完全满意 7、最大限度获取利润
1:产品质量检查阶段。(操作工品管、领班品管、检验员品管) 产品质量检验阶段:专职检验的特点就是:三权分立即有人专职制定标准; 有人负责制造;有人专职检验产品质量。这种做法的实质是在产品中挑 废品、划等级。 这样做虽然对保证出厂产品质量方面有一定的成效,但也有不可克服的 缺点: 一、出现质量问题容易扯皮、推委,缺乏系统的观念; 二、只 能 事 后 把 关 而 不 能 在 生 产 过 程 中 起 到 预 防 控 制 作 用 , 待发现废品时已经成为事实,无法补救; 三、对 产 品 的 全 数 检 验 有 时 在 技 术 上 是 不 可 能 做 到 的 (如 破 坏 性 检 验),有 时 在 经 上 是 不 合 理 不 合 算 的 (如 检 验 工 时 太 长 、检 验 费 用 太 高 等)。 随 着 生 产 规 模 的 不 断 扩 大 和生产效率不断提高,这些缺点也就越 来越显得突出

一 TQM简介
1.分权化 2.低纵向变异 3.低劳动分工 4.宽管理跨度 5.跨职能小组
1.柔性流程 2.工人教育训练
1.教育训练 2.支持性的绩效 评估与奖酬制度
一 TQM简介
全 员 参 与
高层管理者 普通办公职员 一线工人
全 过 程
全 面
市场调研、产品选 型、研究试验、设 计、原料采购、制 造、检验、储运、 销售、安装、使用 和维修等环节
四 TQM工具
当老方法、旧思路不再管用或已经不够好,需要寻找新方法、新 思路时使用。 种种制约使这种全新的思维方式无法发挥作用时不要用。 Edward de Bono(爱德华)写的Lateral Thinking for Management(管理中的横向思维)一书 开创新思路,激发创意,找出可行的解决方案。 需要传统的逻辑思维加以支持。 爱德华建议,只有10%的解决问题过程宜采用横向思维。 确定问题。运用幽默、随机排列和对流行观念的挑战来制定横向 思维解决方案。对找到的各种想法加以适当的提炼和取舍。
何时用 何时不用 培训 何目的 注意事项
四 TQM工具
这是一种产品和流程设计工具,可以用于把顾客的呼声转化成产品或流程 的特点。采用该方法能防止企业仅因为某些观念似乎有效就予以实施。 何时用 何时不用
用以设计或重新设计产品或流程,保证提供顾客切实需要的产品特性; 专为制造业设计的,但也可用于服务业。 如果问题的优先顺序已经分明、流程设计卓有成效或设计团队经验老 到,不要采用该方法。 该方法运用特定的惯例,建立相关的矩阵图和计分标准。在这方面有 必要进行培训。 有能力分辨基本的产品与流程特色和所期望的产品与流程特色,以便 看清高成本的技术或工程投资在哪方面将有回报。同时,还提供了一 个评估产品或流程变化影响的框架准则。 花时间通过市场调研来找出顾客的真正需求所在。 研究顾客的需求。找出符合顾客需求的流程设计特色。建立一个矩阵 图,将顾客的需求与设计特色进行比较(即性能/方案矩阵图)并加 以计分。选取5个左右分数最高的设计特色,然后再按3个层次建立矩 阵图:设计特色和关键部件特点、关键部件特点和制造工序、制造工 序和生产要求。
全面质量管理(The Development of Total Quality Management Theory )

The Development of Total Quality Management TheoryAuthor: Labored D.AbstractTotal quality management after a long stage of development, from quality management ideas and methods of the deeming (PDCA cycle) development to the Philippines fort root, put forward the concept of the beginning, the world has carried on the thorough research to it, the total quality management thought and method, the theory of application and development constantly in practice. Content and requirements of quality management standardization with the spread of the concept of total quality management, more and more companies began to adopt this kind of management method, it is the world recognized the effective quality management mode. The core of the product design quality management plan based on customer as the center, design products that customers need, speed up the product design, guarantee the quality of the product design, to achieve product design. Goal is to save the product cost, make the product design meets the requirements and related standards, reduce rework, enhance the competitiveness of the product has the profound significance.Key words: Total quality management; Product design; Management plan1 IntroductionTotal quality management (TQM) is an important content of enterprise management modernization and scientific. It originated in the United States in the 1960 s, was later Western Europe and Japan to promote gradually get rapid development. It is the principle of application of mathematical statistics method for quality control and quality management to realize quantitative, change the after inspection of the quality of the products for the quality control in the process of production. Total quality management (TQM), first of all, the meaning of quality is comprehensive, including not only the product quality of service, but also the quality of work, work with quality guarantee the quality of the product or service; Second, it is the whole process of quality management, not only to manage the manufacturingprocess, and management of procurement, design until the whole process of storage, sales and after-sales service. International quality academy of sciences lie zhang pointed out that the best things in the world than the total quality management. He has a very incisive insights for total quality management is: total quality management is to improve staff quality and enterprise quality, to improve quality, reduce consumption and increase the efficiency of purpose; Total quality management is the key coordination and supervision of the quality management work, and it only head shall have the right to do; The history of management is from tube people to respect people.2 The relative concepts of total quality management2.1 The definition of qualityQuality from the viewpoint of customers into consideration and strengthen to the product. Quality importance lies in its consistency, it is a kind of culture, is a way of life. For example, workability, reliability, durability, operational, etc., but some quality characteristics is not easy to be identified. In a word, to improve the consistency of quality, make it a better focus to meet customer demand, to exceed customer expectations, is the real quality. Traditional production oriented enterprise, the quality of products are usually only be book financial losses linked with the company: to rework cost, scrap, and warranty and service costs to measure the quality of the product. The customer is the most important part of the production system, due to the high quality products and services is not lost can ensure that the old customers and attract new customers, also can improve the company's reputation and increase market share. Customer is can feel the products quality, and can pass the demand increase and decrease of feedback. Good quality products can attract more customers, this has brought the company market space, but also a profit. The definition of national standards: quality is the product or service characteristics and features of the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. And popular definition of quality: quality is the user of a product (including services) satisfaction measurement. Quality is the life of the product or service.2.2 Quality managementQuality management is the quality of command and control coordinate activitiesof the organization. Quality management involves all aspects of the organization, it requires around form the whole process of product quality, through the establishment and implementation of quality policy and quality objectives, to provide the market with products to meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties. Quality management of the main activities include: quality policy and quality objectives; Quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. In these activities, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement is to formulate and implement the quality policy and quality objectives. When after the quality policy, quality objectives should be back to quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Therefore, it can be said that quality management is a kind of continuous implementation of the cycle of quality planning and quality improvement activities, is a cycle, the process of continuous improvement.Quality cost is also called "quality cost", refers to the organization to meet the requirements of a certain quality of costs and for not meet the quality requirements and did not meet the needs of the customers and final consumers of all losses. Quality cost, discussed the quality and cost should be level. Quality cost by general prevention cost, appraisal cost and loss cost (including the internal loss cost and external loss cost of the project.Quality cost by the United States is the concept of quality expert Dr. Philip fort root, in the 1950 she will be in the enterprise quality prevention and appraisal cost and quality of the products do not conform to the requirements of the enterprise itself and the customers loss caused by consideration together, forming quality report, for the enterprise top managers to understand and grasp the quality problems impact on the economic efficiency of enterprises, quality management decision to provide important basis. Since people fully understand the lower quality costs tremendous potential for improving enterprise economic benefit, so as to further improve the quality of the importance of cost management in the enterprise management strategy. The improvement of the quality, often accompanied by prevention and appraisal costs ink erase as well as a decline in the cost of loss. On the premise of meet the requirements,therefore, choose reasonable and proper quality level is an important way to reduce quality cost.3 Total quality management theoryTotal quality management, is the enterprise staff and relevant departments to participate in, the integrated use of modern science and management technology, to control the factors affect the whole process of product quality and the economic development and production of management activities and provide customer satisfaction of products and systems.Quality mainly includes: the quality of the products and/or services; the quality of the work; Design quality and manufacturing quality. And then tend to be forgotten, but it is essential for total quality management ideas and management methods.The development of the theory of quality control can be summarized into five stages. In the 30 s of this century is the quality inspection stage before, can only exercise afterwards checks the quality of products, eliminating defects and waste. But the quality is not the inspection, so, the quality inspection does not improve the quality of the product.1924 annual leave, hart theory quality control stage. From inspection stage development to statistical process control stage, using hart working procedure quality control chart in quality control. Product quality inspection does not come out, but the production, the quality control should focus on the manufacturing stage, which will be engaged in quality control checks in advance to the manufacturing stage.1961 Philippines fort roots, total quality management (TQM) theory is put forward, to expand quality control to the whole process of product life cycle, stressed and the staff are involved in quality control. In the 70 s, tag chi doctor thinks, product quality is designed first, second. Therefore, the quality control should focus on the design stage, to the quality control from the manufacturing stage further in advance to the design stage. In the 80 s, is the use of computers for quality management (CAQ), appeared in the CIMS environment quality information system (Qis).With the help of the advanced information technology, make the quality control and management on a new step, because information technology can realize many cannot be achieved byquality control and management functions. Make quality management more stylized and quantify, intelligent control. During the design phase of the quality of management, it is also will not small.4. The development and total quality managementTotal quality management in the early ninety s of the 20th century, the quality of the famous master drive quality trend. The master include deeming, Joseph Juan and Philip, Klaus. Total Quality Management, that is, Total Quality Management, is a kind of driven by customer needs and expectations of Management philosophy.TQM take the quality as the center, based on full participation on the basis of a management method, its purpose is to secure long-term customer satisfaction, organizational members and the interests of the society.1508402 definition of TQM is: an organization take the quality as the center, on the basis of full participation, the purpose is to through to customer satisfaction and all members of the organization and the management way of social benefit and achieve long-term successes fort root's definition of TQM: "in order to be able to in the economic level, and consider to fully meet customer requirements under the condition of market research, design, manufacturing and after-sales service, the different departments within the enterprise development quality, maintain quality and improve quality activities constitute as one of a kind of effective system”. Specifically, TQM contains the following: strong attention to customers. From the point of view of the present and the future, the customer has become the enterprise of food and clothing parents. “Customer-oriented" management model is gradually attaches great importance to by enterprises. Total quality management focus on customer value, the dominant idea is "customer's satisfaction and recognition is to win the market for a long time, the key to create value”. Therefore, a comprehensive quality management must take the customer as the center of thought through to management of enterprise business processes, namely, from market research, product design, manufacture, production, inspection, warehousing, sales and after-sales service of each link should firmly establish the idea of "customer first", not only to produce cheap products, and to provide services for customers, finally make the customer satisfied.Adhere to continuously improve. TQM is a kind of never meet commitments, "very good" is not enough, quality can be improved, "no best, only better”. Under the guidance of this concept, the enterprise continuously improve the quality and reliability of the product or service, to ensure enterprise access to rival competitive advantage difficult to imitate. To improve the quality of the organization in every job. The quality of the TQM by generalized definition. It is not only related to the final product, and also and how the organization delivery, how to quickly response to customer complaints, how to provide customers with better after-sales service, etc.。
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Does not meet specs
Jars Mislabeled
Damaged Product
Pareto Analysis
80% of the problems may be attributed to 20% of the causes.
Customer Driven Quality
Dimensions of Quality
Performance - primary ops characteristics
– Availability, Reliability, Durability, Maintainability
Quality Definitions
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. - ASQ Garvin advanced 5 viewpoints; 1. Transcendent 2. Product-Based 3. User-Based 4. Manufacturing-Based 5. Value-Based
TQM全面质量管理简介( 英文版)
Total Quality Management
Quality has become a high priority issue Quality impacts the entire organization
– suppliers, customers ,design, maintenance
Customer Driven Quality
Perspective on quality - placement Internal/external customers Product Planning Market segments to be served Level of performance/price Level of quality comes from customer Do not care why it is defective
Discuss work with cusrm
Repair Not Authorized
Customer departs with car
Collect Money
Notify Customer
Order Parts
Pass Y Inspection?
Features - secondary characteristics Warranty - promise of performance Aesthetics - pleasing characteristics Price - indicates value of product Example - Stereo Amplifier
Quality Standards
1. Baldrige Award
- only US firms can apply
2. Deming Prize
- open to all companies
3. ISO 9000
- Quality Standards for Europe
Completed Repair
Perform Corrected Work
Cause & Effect Diagram
Bad Repair Temperature Control
Not Maintained Not Clear
Bad Cleanup
Incorrect Measurement
2. Do
2. Execute the change.
Visible to customer
Process Flow Chart
Repair Authorized
Not visible to customer
Customer drops off car
Mechanic makes diagnosis
Tools of TQM
Quality problems are uncovered by using workers and inspectors who conduct tests on products People must be trained on the various tools that are available W. Edwards Deming - PDCA cycle
– " I told the Japanese that they would capture markets within five years the world over, that they would take their place alongside prosperous nations. They have done it."
PDCA Cycle (Deming Wheel)
4. Institutionalize the change or abandon or do it again.
4. Act
1. Plan a change aimed at improvement.
1. Plan
3. Check
3. Study the results; did it work?
Today’s customer is well informed journals, news Quality-based management philosophy - key to success
Total Quality Management
TQM was advanced by W. Edwards Deming in late 50's