数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯版,第二版)课后习题及解答(部分)Ch 22.1使用2.1节提供的背景信息,并采用纯几何方法,如果纸上的打印点离眼睛0.2m 远,估计眼睛能辨别的最小打印点的直径。
进一步假定黄斑可用1.5mm × 1.5mm 的方阵模型化,并且杆状体和锥状体间的空间在该阵列上的均匀分布。
解:对应点的视网膜图像的直径x 可通过如下图题2.1所示的相似三角形几何关系得到,即()()220.20.014d x = 解得x =0.07d 。
假设成像单元之间的间距相等,这表明在总长为1.5 mm 的一条线上有580个成像单元和579个成像单元间隔。
则每个成像单元和成像单元间隔的大小为s =[(1.5 mm)/1159]=1.3×10-6 m 。
换句话说,眼睛不能检测到以下直径的点:x =0.07d<1.3×10-6m ,即d <18.6×10-6 m 。
下图附带解释:因为眼睛对近处的物体聚焦时,肌肉会使晶状体变得较厚,折射能力也相对提高,此时物体离眼睛距离0.2 m ,相对较近。
而当晶状体的折射能力由最小变到最大时,晶状体的聚焦中心与视网膜的距离由17 mm 缩小到14 mm ,所以此图中选取14mm(原书图2.3选取的是17 mm)。
图 题2.12.2 当在白天进入一个黑暗的剧场时,在能看清并找到空座位时要用一段时间适应,2.1节(视觉感知要素)描述的视觉过程在这种情况下起什么作用?解:根据人眼的亮度适应性,1)由于户外与剧场亮度差异很大,因此当人进入一个黑暗的剧场时,无法适应如此大的亮度差异,在剧场中什么也看不见;2)人眼不断调节亮度适应范围,逐渐的将视觉亮度中心调整到剧场的亮度范围,因此又可以看见、分清场景中的物体了。
第二章 1. 8086CPU内部由哪两部分组成?它们的主要功能是什么?答:8086CPU 内部由执行单元 EU 和总线接口单元 BIU 组成。
主要功能为:执行单元 EU 负责执行指令。
它由算术逻辑单元(ALU)、通用寄存器组、16 位标志寄存器(FLAGS)、EU 控制电路等组成。
EU 在工作时直接从指令流队列中取指令代码,对其译码后产生完成指令所需要的控制信息。
数据在 ALU 中进行运算,运算结果的特征保留在标志寄存器 FLAGS 中。
总线接口单元 BIU 负责 CPU 与存储器和 I /O 接口之间的信息传送。
2. 8086CPU 中有哪些寄存器?各有什么用途?答:8086CPU 内部包含4组16位寄存器,分别是通用寄存器组、指针和变址寄存器、段寄存器、指令指针和标志位寄存器。
(1)通用寄存器组 包含4个16位通用寄存器 AX 、BX 、CX 、DX ,用以存放普通数据或地址,也有其特殊用途。
如AX (AL )用于输入输出指令、乘除法指令,BX 在间接寻址中作基址寄存器,CX 在串操作和循环指令中作计数器,DX 用于乘除法指令等。
(2)指针和变址寄存器 BP 、SP 、SI 和DI ,在间接寻址中用于存放基址和偏移地址。
(3)段寄存器 CS 、DS 、SS 、ES 存放代码段、数据段、堆栈段和附加段的段地址。
(4)指令指针寄存器IP 用来存放将要执行的下一条指令在现行代码段中的偏移地址。
(5)标志寄存器Flags 用来存放运算结果的特征。
3. 8086CPU 和8088CPU 的主要区别是什么?答:8088CPU 的内部结构及外部引脚功能与8086CPU 大部分相同,二者的主要不同之处如下:(1)8088指令队列长度是4个字节,8086是6个字节。
(2)8088的BIU 内数据总线宽度是8位,而EU 内数据总线宽度是16位,这样对16位数的存储器读/写操作需要两个读/写周期才能完成。
第七章集合与搜索树1.第 137 页,第(5),建立37, 45, 91, 25, 14, 76, 56, 65为输入时的二叉搜索树,再从该树上依此删除76, 45,则树形分别如何?(a)建成的二叉搜索树0>)册1除76后(c)册]除45后2.第137页,第(6)试写一个判定任意给定的二叉树是否二叉搜索树算法。
int k=-8; bool fail=false;template <class T>void BTree<T>::IsBiTree(BTNode<T> *p, int &k,bool(if (p&& !fail) (IsBiTree(p->lchild, k,fail);if(k< p->element) k=p-〉element;else fail=true;IsBiTree(p-〉rchild,k,fail);}}3.第137页,第(8)以下列序列为输入,从空树开始构造AVL搜索树。
(DA, Z, B, Y, C, X(2)A, V, L, T, R, E, I, S, 0, K4.第 137页,第(12)5阶B-树的高度为2时,树中元素个数最少为多少?答:55.第137页,第(13)题从空树开始,以关键字序列:a, g, f, b, k, d, h, m, j, e, s, i, r, x ,建立(1) 4 阶B-树;(2) 5阶B-树。
⑵5阶B-树6.第137页,第(14)题从上题的4阶B-树上依次删除a, e, f, h。
第八章散列与跳表1.第154页,第(3)题设散列表ht[ll],散列函数h(key)=key % 11…采用线性探查法解决冲突,试用关键字值序列:70, 25, 80, 35, 60, 45, 50, 55 建立散列表。
Key 70 25 80 35 60 45 50 55h(Key) 4 3 3 2 5 1 6 00123456789 102.第154页,第(6)题给出用拉链方法解决冲突的散列表搜索操作的C++函数实现。
2.10 (a)
2.11 decimal signed-magnitude two’s-magnitude one’s-complement 2.12 (a)
11010100 (b) 101110011 (c) 01011101 (d) 00100110 + 10101011 + 11010110 + 00100001 + 01011010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01111111 10001111 01111101 10000000 yes no no yes
(a) (c) (e) (g) (i)
125 10 = 1111101 2 209 10 = 11010001 2 132 10 = 1000100 2 727 10 = 10402 5 1435 10 = 2633 8 1100010 110101 + 11001 ------------------------1001110 110000 110101 - 11001 -----------------------011100 1372 + 4631 ------------------6223 1372 + 4631 ------------------59A3 (b)
111111110 (d) 11000000 1011000 (c) 11011101 101110 1110010 + 1100011 + 100101 + 1101101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101000000 1010011 11011111 0011010 000010 (c) 11000100 (d) 1110010 11011101 101110 - 1101101 - 1100011 - 100101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0000101 01111010 001001 47135 + 5125 ------------------54262 4F1A5 + B8D5 ---------------------5AA7A + 18 00010010 00010010 00010010 (c) 175214 (d) 110321 + 152405 + 56573 ---------------------------------------------347621 167114 F35B + 27E6 -------------------11B41 + 115 01110011 01110011 01110011 (d) 1B90F + C44E --------------------27D5D +79 01001111 01001111 01001111 –49 10110001 11001111 11001110 –3 10000011 11111101 11111100 –100 11100100 10011100 10011011
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountExercise 2.2.1bFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)Exercise 2.2.1cFor relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 → acctNosavings → type12000 → balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie → firstNameBanks → lastName901-222 → idNo12345 → accountExercise 2.2.1dFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account) Exercise 2.2.1eAn example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo → Integertype → Stringbalance → IntegerfirstName → StringlastName → StringidNo → String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account → IntegerExercise 2.2.1gAnother equivalent way to present the Account relation:Another equivalent way to present the Customers relation:Exercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.Exercise 2.2.3aWe can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.Exercise 2.2.3bWe can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880Exercise 2.2.3cWe can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!Exercise 2.3.1aCREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1cCREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1dCREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1eALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;Exercise 2.3.1fALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’; Exercise 2.3.2aCREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2bCREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2cCREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);Exercise 2.3.2dCREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));Exercise 2.3.2eALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;Exercise 2.3.2fALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30); Exercise 2.4.1aR1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)model100510061013Exercise 2.4.1bR1 := σhd ≥ 100 (Laptop)R2 := Product (R1)R3 := πmaker (R2)makerEABFGExercise 2.4.1cR1 := σmaker=B (Product PC)R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop)R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer)R4 := πmodel,price (R1)R5 := πmodel,price (R2)R6: = πmodel,price (R3)R7 := R4 R5 R6model price1004 6491005 6301006 10492007 1429Exercise 2.4.1dR1 := σcolor = true AND type = laser (Printer)R2 := πmodel (R1)model30033007Exercise 2.4.1eR1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker(R1)R4 := πmaker(R2)R5 := R3 – R4makerFGExercise 2.4.1fR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model) R2R4 := πhd(R3)hd25080160Exercise 2.4.1gR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model) R2R4 := πPC1.model,PC2.model(R3)PC1.model PC2.model1004 1012Exercise 2.4.1hR1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model(R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker(R4)makerBEExercise 2.4.1iR1 := πmodel,speed(PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5R7 := πmaker(R6 Product)makerBExercise 2.4.1jR1 := πmaker,speed(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3R6 := πmaker(R5)makerADEExercise 2.4.1kR1 := πmaker,model(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1)R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1)R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker(R7)makerABDEExercise 2.4.2aπmodelσspeed≥3.00PCExercise 2.4.2bπmakerσhd ≥ 100 ProductLaptopExercise 2.4.2cσmaker=B πmodel,priceσmaker=B πmodel,price σmaker=Bπmodel,priceProduct PC Laptop Printer ProductProductExercise 2.4.2dPrinter σcolor = true AND type = laserπmodelExercise 2.4.2e σtype=laptop σtype=PC πmakerπmaker –Product ProductExercise 2.4.2fρPC1ρPC2 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model)πhdPC PCExercise 2.4.2gρPC1ρPC2PC PC(PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model)πPC1.model,PC2.modelExercise 2.4.2hPC Laptop σspeed ≥ 2.80σspeed ≥ 2.80πmodelπmodel Productπmaker,modelρR3(maker2,model2)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)makerExercise 2.4.2iPCLaptopProductπmodel,speed πmodel,speed ρR4(model2,speed2)πmodel,speed(speed < speed2 )–makerExercise 2.4.2jProduct PC πmaker,speed ρR3(maker3,speed3)ρR2(maker2,speed2)(maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2)(maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed)πmakerExercise 2.4.2kπmaker(maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)ρR2(maker2,model2)ρR3(maker3,model3)ρR4(maker4,model4)πmaker,modelProduct PCExercise 2.4.3aR1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes)R2 := πclass,country (R1)Exercise 2.4.3bR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships)R2 := πname (R1)KirishimaKongoRamilliesRenownRepulseResolutionRevengeRoyal OakRoyal SovereignTennesseeExercise 2.4.3cR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk(Outcomes)R2 := πship (R1)shipBismarckHoodExercise 2.4.3dR1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)R3 := πname (R2)nameIowaMissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaWashingtonWisconsinYamatoExercise 2.4.3eR1 := σbattle=Guadalcanal(Outcomes)R2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2R4 := πname,displacement,numGuns(R3)name displacement numGuns Kirishima 32000 8Washington 37000 9Exercise 2.4.3fR1 := πname(Ships)R2 := πship(Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3nameCaliforniaHarunaHieiIowaKirishimaKongoMissouriMusashiNew JerseyExercise 2.4.3gFrom 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass (Classes) R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships)) R3 := R1 – R2Exercise 2.4.3hR1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes)) R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes)) R3 := R1 ∩ R2Exercise 2.4.3iR1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship (R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.4aσbore ≥ 16πclass,countryClassesExercise 2.4.4bNorth Carolina Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign Tennessee Washington Wisconsin Yamato Arizona Bismarck Duke of York Fuso Hood King George V Prince of Wales Rodney Scharnhorst South Dakota West Virginia Yamashiro class Bismarck country Japan Gt. Britainπnameσlaunched < 1921ShipsExercise 2.4.4cπshipσbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunkOutcomesExercise 2.4.4dπnameσlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000Classes Ships Exercise 2.4.4eσbattle=Guadalcanal Outcomes ShipsClasses(ship=name)πname,displacement,numGunsExercise 2.4.4f Ships Outcomesπnameπship ρR3(name)Exercise 2.4.4g Classes Shipsπclass σname <> class πclass–Exercise 2.4.4hClasses Classesσtype=bb σtype=bcπcountry πcountry∩Exercise 2.4.4iBattles Outcomes (battle=name)πship,result,dateρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2)πshipExercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple.Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the originalresult and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the originalresult. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the newresult. The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thusthe selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples ofanother relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesianproduct operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additionalsuccessful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection onsome condition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the addedtuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.Exercise 2.4.7aIf all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.Exercise 2.4.7bIf all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pairsuccessfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7cIf the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7dAssuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2133.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)Exercise 2.4.10πA1,A2…An(R S)Exercise 2.5.1aσspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = øModel 1011 violates this constraint.Exercise 2.5.1bσscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = øModel 2004 violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1cπmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = øManufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1dThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ⊆ R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1eπmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = øModels 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2aπclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = øThe Yamato class violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2bπclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = øNo violations to the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2cThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = øThe Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2dπcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = øJapan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2eThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,bat tle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = øNo violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = øwhere is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2 = øAs a containment, we can simply say:E1⊆ E2 AND E2⊆ E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
2020-2021学年北师大版数学选修2-3课后作业:第二章 4 二项分布 Word版含解析
[A 组 基础巩固]1.若100件产品中有10件次品,从中有放回地抽取5件,其中次品数ξ~B (n ,p ),则( ) A .n =5,p =0.1 B .n =10,p =0.1 C .n =5,p =0.9 D .n =10,p =0.9解析:n =5,p =10100=0.1.答案:A2.已知小王通过英语听力测试的概率是13,若他连续测试3次,那么其中恰有1次通过的概率是( )A.19B.29C.13D.49解析:P =C 13(13)×(1-13)2=49. 答案:D3.一射手对同一目标独立地射击四次,已知至少命中一次的概率为8081,则此射手每次射击命中的概率为( )A.13B.23C.14D.25 解析:设此射手射击四次命中次数为ξ, ∴ξ~B (4,p ),依题意可知,P (ξ≥1)=8081.∴1-P (ξ=0)=1-C 04(1-p )4=8081, ∴(1-p )4=181,p =23.答案:B4.设某批电子手表正品率为34,次品率为14,现对该批电子手表进行测试,设第X 次首次测到正品,则P (X =3)等于( )A .C 23⎝⎛⎭⎫142×34 B .C 23⎝⎛⎭⎫342×14C.⎝⎛⎭⎫142×34D.⎝⎛⎭⎫342×14解析:P (X =3)是前两次未抽到正品,第三次抽到正品的,则P (X =3)=⎝⎛⎭⎫142×34. 答案:C5.一个学生通过某种英语听力测试的概率是12,他连续测试n 次,要保证他至少有一次通过的概率大于0.9,那么n 的最小值为( )A .6B .5C .4D .3解析:由1-C 0n ⎝⎛⎭⎫1-12n >0.9, 得⎝⎛⎭⎫12n<0.1, ∴n ≥4. 答案:C6.某射手射击1次,击中目标的概率是0.9,他连续射击4次,且各次射击是否击中目标相互之间没有影响.有下列结论:①他第3次击中目标的概率是0.9; ②他恰好击中目标3次的概率是0.93×0.1; ③他至少击中目标1次的概率是1-0.14.其中结论正确的是________(写出所有正确结论的序号).解析:②中概率应为C 34×0.93×0.1.答案:①③7.已知随机变量X ~B (3,34),则X 的分布列为________.解析:P (X =0)=C 03(14)3=164, P (X =1)=C 13·(34)·(14)2=964,P (X =2)=C 23·(34)2·(14)=2764, P (X =3)=(34)3=2764.答案:8.下列随机变量X 的分布列不属于二项分布的是________.①某事业单位有500名在职人员,人事部门每年要对他们进行年度考核,每人考核结果为优秀的概率是0.25.假设每人年度考核是相互独立的,X 为考核结果为优秀的人数;②某汽车总站附近有一个加油站,每辆车出汽车总站后再进加油站加油的概率是0.12,且每辆车是否加油是相互独立的,某天出汽车总站有50辆汽车,X 为进加油站加油的汽车数;③某射手射中目标的概率为p ,设每次射击是相互独立的,X 为从开始射击到击中目标所需要的射击次数;④某星期内,每次下载某网站数据后被病毒感染的概率为0.5,X 表示下载n 次数据后电脑被病毒感染的次数.解析:命题①:每人考核结果只有“优秀”“不优秀”两个对立结果,且每人考核结果为优秀是相互独立的,并且概率为常数,所以随机变量X 服从二项分布;命题②:每辆车出汽车总站后,只有进加油站加油和不进加油站加油两个结果,同时每辆车进加油站加油的概率为常数,而且相互独立,所以随机变量X 服从二项分布;命题③:在一次又一次射击中,第一次射中是我们关注的事件A ,随机变量X 表示第一次击中目标时射击的次数,显然随机变量X 不服从二项分布;命题④:同命题①②,可判断随机变量X 服从二项分布.答案:③9.某射手进行射击训练,假设每次射击击中目标的概率为35,且各次射击的结果互不影响.该射手射击了5次,求:(1)其中只在第一、三、五次击中目标的概率; (2)其中恰有3次击中目标的概率;(3)其中恰有3次连续击中目标,而其他两次没有击中目标的概率.解析:(1)该射手射击了5次,其中只在第一、三、五次击中目标,是在确定的情况下击中目标3次,也即在第二、四次没有击中目标,所以只有一种情况,又各次射击的结果互不影响,故所求概率为p =35×(1-35)×35×(1-35)×35=1083 125.(2)该射手射击了5次,其中恰有3次击中目标的概率情况不确定,根据排列组合知识,5次当中选3次,共有C 35种情况,又各次射击的结果互不影响,故所求概率为p =C 35×(35)3×(1-35)2=216625. (3)该射手射击了5次,其中恰有3次连续击中目标,而其他两次没有击中目标,应用排列组合知识,将3次连续击中目标看成一个整体,另外两次没有击中目标,产生3个空隙,所以共有C 13种情况,故所求概率为p =C 13×(35)3×(1-35)2=3243 125. 10.某居民小区有两个相互独立的安全防范系统(简称系统)A 和B ,系统A 和系统B 在任意时刻发生故障的概率分别为110和p .(1)若在任意时刻至少有一个系统不发生故障的概率为4950,求p 的值;(2)设系统A 在3次相互独立的检测中不发生故障的次数为随机变量X ,求X 的概率分布列.解:(1)设“至少有一个系统不发生故障”为事件C ,那么1-P (C )=1-110P =4950,解得p =15. (2)由题意,P (X =0)=C 03⎝⎛⎭⎫1103=11 000, P (X =1)=C 13×⎝⎛⎭⎫1102×⎝⎛⎭⎫1-110=271 000,P (X =2)=C 23×110×⎝⎛⎭⎫1-1102=2431 000, P (X =3)=C 33×⎝⎛⎭⎫1-1103=7291 000. 所以,随机变量X 的概率分布列为X 0 1 2 3 P11 000271 0002431 0007291 000[B 组 能力提升]1.已知甲、乙两人投篮命中的概率分别为p 、q ,他们各投两次,若p =12,且甲比乙投中次数多的概率恰好等于736,则q 的值为( )A.45B.34C.23D.12解析:C 12(12)2C 02(1-q )2+C 22(12)2(1-q 2)=736, 解得q =23.答案:C2.口袋里放有大小相同的两个红球和一个白球,每次有放回地摸取一个球,定义数列{a n },a n ={ -1,第n 次摸到红球,1,第n 次摸到白球,如果S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,那么S 7=3的概率为( )A .C 57×⎝⎛⎭⎫132×⎝⎛⎭⎫235 B .C 27×⎝⎛⎭⎫232×⎝⎛⎭⎫135 C .C 57×⎝⎛⎭⎫132×⎝⎛⎭⎫135D .C 27×⎝⎛⎭⎫132×⎝⎛⎭⎫232 解析:由S 7=3知,在7次摸球中有2次摸到红球,5次摸到白球,而每次摸到红球的概率为23,摸到白球的概率为13,则S 7=3的概率为C 27×⎝⎛⎭⎫232×⎝⎛⎭⎫135,故选B. 答案:B3.设随机变量X ~B (2,p ),Y ~B (3,p ),若P (X ≥1)=716,则P (Y =2)=________. 解析:716=P (X ≥1)=1-P (X =0)=1-(1-p )2,即(1-p )2=916,p =14.故P (Y =2)=C 23(14)2(34)1=964. 答案:9644.某大厦的一部电梯从底层出发后只能在第18、19、20层可以停靠.若该电梯在底层载有5位乘客,且每位乘客在这三层的每一层下电梯的概率均为13,用X 表示这5位乘客在第20层下电梯的人数,求随机变量X 的分布列.解析:可视一位乘客是否在第20层下电梯为一次试验,相当于做了5次独立重复试验,故X ~B (5,13),即有P (X =k )=C k 5(13)k (23)5-k,k =0,1,2,3,4,5. 从而X 的分布列为:5.如图是高尔顿板的改造装置示意图,小球从入口处自由下落,已知在下落过程中,小球遇到黑色障碍物时,向左、右两边下落的概率都是12.(1)求小球落入A 袋的概率P (A );(2)在入口处依次放入4个小球,设落入A 袋中的小球个数为ξ,求ξ的分布列. 解析:(1)记“小球落入A 袋中”为事件A ,记“小球落入B 袋中”为事件B ,则事件A 的对立事件为B ,而小球落入B 袋中当且仅当小球一直向左落下或一直向右落下,故P (B )=(12)4+(12)4=18,从而P (A )=1-P (B )=78; (2)ξ可能的取值为0,1,2,3,4. P (ξ=0)=C 04(78)0·(18)4=14 096.P (ξ=1)=C 14(78)1·(18)3=71 024; P (ξ=2)=C 24(78)2·(18)2=1472 048; P (ξ=3)=C 34(78)3·(18)1=3431 024; P (ξ=4)=C 44(78)4·(18)0=2 4014 096. 所以ξ的分布列为:ξ 0 1 2 3 4 P14 09671 0241472 0483431 0242 4014 096莘莘学子,最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。
第二章第二章 习题与思考题习题与思考题一、填空题:1.1. 8086 CPU 内部数据总线宽度为内部数据总线宽度为__________________位,外部数据总线宽度为位,外部数据总线宽度为位,外部数据总线宽度为__________________位。
2.2. 8088 CPU 内部数据总线宽度为内部数据总线宽度为__________________位,外部数据总线宽度为位,外部数据总线宽度为位,外部数据总线宽度为__________________位。
3.3. 8086 CPU 地址总有地址总有____________位,寻址范围是位,寻址范围是位,寻址范围是__________________________________________。
4.4. 8086 CPU 的编程结构一般为的编程结构一般为________ ____________ ____和______ ______两部分两部分. .5.5. SP 常称为常称为____________________________________,其位数为,其位数为,其位数为_________位,作用是位,作用是位,作用是____ ___________________ _______________。
6.6. CS 常称为常称为____________________________________,其位数为,其位数为,其位数为_________位,作用是位,作用是位,作用是________ ___________________ ___________。
7.7. IP 常称为常称为____________________________________,其位数为,其位数为,其位数为_________位,作用是位,作用是位,作用是___ ___________________ ________________。
8.8. FLAGS 常称常称____________________________________,其位数为,其位数为,其位数为_________位,作用是位,作用是位,作用是_______ __________ _______ __________。
数据仓库与数据挖掘教程(第2版)课后习题答案 第二章
电磁场与电磁波理论基础 第二章 课后答案
∂u 1 ∂u ∂u E = −∇u = − e ρ + eϕ + e z ρ ∂ϕ ∂z ∂ρ
得到 题 2-9 图
E = −∇u = 0, ρ ≤ a
a2 a2 E = − A 1 + 2 cos ϕ e ρ + A 1 − 2 sin ϕ eϕ , ρ ≥ a ρ ρ
2 2
-2 q
S1 (-a, 0 , 0)
S 2 (a, 0, 0)
题 2-7 图
u (r ) =
q 4πε 0
( x + a)
+ y2 + z2
2 2 2 ( x − a) + y + z 2
q u (r ) = 4πε 0
∂u2 =0 ∂x
ρ S下 = −ε 0
∂u1 ∂x
x =0
ρd ρd ε U ε U x2 − 0 0 + 0 = − 0 0 + 0 2d 6 x =0 6 d d
u1 = U 0
∂u1 =0 ∂x
场分布具有柱对称性,电通密度矢量 D 仅有 e ρ 分量,由 高斯定理 题 2-15 图
D ⋅ dS = ρ
(S ) (V )
Dρ ρ ldϕ = 20 ρ e
0 0 0
(3) 计算机硬件由控制器,运算器,存储器,输入设备和输出设备5大部分组成。
lim e(t)
lim s s0 1
Xi (s)
所以,输入为 xi2 sin 6t 1(t), ess2 0.8
(对此题来说,还有一种办法:如果记得对于一阶惯性环节, 当输入为阶跃函数,t=4T时输出为输入的98%,则由放入水 中1min时为输入的98%可直接得出: T=1/4=0.25(min)
uo (30) 1 e 4 1V
arctan 1 2 arccos , cos
arctan 1 2 arccos , cos
试求:(1)系统的闭环传递函数; (2)系统的无阻尼自振角频率及阻尼比。
解:ui (t) i(t)R1 uo (t)
uo (t)
1 c
i(t)dt i(t)R2
I (s)R1
UO (s)
UO (s)
1 Cs
I (s)
I (s)R2
Uo (s) R2Cs 1
消去I(s),得:Ui (s) (R1 R2 )Cs 1
Ds( x2 xo ) k2 xo
Ds k2 Ds
k1 x1
k1Ds k1k2 Ds
k2 xo
(k1Ds k2 Ds k1k2 ) xo k1Dsxi
X o (s)
X i (s) (k1 k2 )Ds k1k2
习题 二1. 计算下列矩阵的乘积.(1)[]11321023⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=; (2)500103120213⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦; (3) []32123410⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (4)()111213112321222323132333a a a x x x x a a a x a a a x ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦; (5) 111213212223313233100011001a a a a a a a a a ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦; (6) 1210131010101210021002300030003⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦. 【解】(1) 32103210;64209630-⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥-⎣⎦(2)531⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦; (3) (10);(4) 3322211122233312211213311323322311()()()ij iji j a x a x a x a a x x a a x x a a x x a x x==++++++++=∑∑(5)111212132122222331323233a a a a a a a a a a a a +⎡⎤⎢⎥+⎢⎥⎢⎥+⎣⎦; (6) 1252012400430009⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥-⎣⎦. 2. 设111111111⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦A ,121131214⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦B , 求(1)2-AB A ;(2) -AB BA ;(3) 22()()-=-A+B A B A B 吗?【解】(1) 2422;400024⎡⎤⎢⎥-=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦AB A (2) 440;531311⎡⎤⎢⎥-=--⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦AB BA (3) 由于AB ≠BA ,故(A +B )(A -B )≠A 2-B 2.3. 举例说明下列命题是错误的.(1) 若2=A O , 则=A O ; (2) 若2=A A , 则=A O 或=A E ; (3) 若AX =AY ,≠A O , 则X =Y . 【解】(1) 以三阶矩阵为例,取2001,000000⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦0A A ,但A ≠0(2) 令110000001-⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A ,则A 2=A ,但A ≠0且A ≠E (3) 令11021,=,0111210110⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=≠=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦A Y X 0 则AX =AY ,但X ≠Y .4. 设101A λ⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦, 求A 2,A 3,…,A k .【解】2312131,,,.010101kk λλλ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦A A A L 5. 100100λλλ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A =, 求23A ,A 并证明:121(1)2000kk k k kk k k k k k λλλλλλ----⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A =.【解】2322233223213302,03.0000λλλλλλλλλλλ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦A =A = 今归纳假设121(1)2000kk k k kk k k k k k λλλλλλ----⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A =那么11211111(1)1020100000(1)(1)2,0(1)00k k k k k k k k k kk k kk k k k k k k k k λλλλλλλλλλλλλλλ+---+-++=-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦+⎡⎤+⎢⎥⎢⎥=+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A A A= 所以,对于一切自然数k ,都有121(1)2.000kk k k kk k k k k k λλλλλλ----⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A =6. 已知AP =PB ,其中100100000210001211⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦B =,P =求A 及5A .【解】因为|P |= -1≠0,故由AP =PB ,得1100200,611-⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦A PBP而51551()()100100100100210000210200.211001411611--==⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=--==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥----⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦A PBP PB P A7. 设a b c d ba dc cd a b dcb a ⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥--⎣⎦A =,求|A |. 解:由已知条件,A 的伴随矩阵为22222222()()a b c d b a dc a b cd a b c d c d a b dcba *⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎢⎥-+++=-+++⎢⎥--⎢⎥--⎣⎦A =A 又因为*A A =A E ,所以有22222()a b c d -+++A =A E ,且0<A ,即 42222222224()()a b c d a b c d -++++++A =A A =A E 于是有22222()a b c d ==-+++A . 8. 已知线性变换112112212321331233232,3,232,2,45;3,x y y y z z x y y y y z z x y y y y z z =+=-+⎧⎧⎪⎪=-++=+⎨⎨⎪⎪=++=-+⎩⎩ 利用矩阵乘法求从123,,z z z 到123,,x x x 的线性变换. 【解】已知112233112233210,232415310,201013421124910116x y x y x y y z y z y z ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥===-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦-⎡⎤⎢⎥==-⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦X AY Y Bz X AY ABz z,从而由123,,z z z 到123,,x x x 的线性变换为11232123312342,1249,1016.x z z z x z z z x z z z =-++⎧⎪=-+⎨⎪=--+⎩ 9. 设A ,B 为n 阶方阵,且A 为对称阵,证明:'B AB 也是对称阵.【证明】因为n 阶方阵A 为对称阵,即A ′=A ,所以 (B ′AB )′=B ′A ′B =B ′AB , 故'B AB 也为对称阵.10. 设A ,B 为n 阶对称方阵,证明:AB 为对称阵的充分必要条件是AB =BA . 【证明】已知A ′=A ,B ′=B ,若AB 是对称阵,即(AB )′=AB .则 AB =(AB )′=B ′A ′=BA , 反之,因AB =BA ,则(AB )′=B ′A ′=BA =AB ,所以,AB 为对称阵.11. A 为n 阶对称矩阵,B 为n 阶反对称矩阵,证明: (1) B 2是对称矩阵.(2) AB -BA 是对称矩阵,AB +BA 是反对称矩阵. 【证明】因A ′=A ,B ′= -B ,故(B 2)′=B ′·B ′= -B ·(-B )=B 2;(AB -BA )′=(AB )′-(BA )′=B ′A ′-A ′B ′= -BA -A ·(-B )=AB -BA ;(AB +BA )′=(AB )′+(BA )′=B ′A ′+A ′B ′= -BA +A ·(-B )= -(AB +BA ).所以B 2是对称矩阵,AB -BA 是对称矩阵,AB+BA 是反对称矩阵. 12. 求与A =1101⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦可交换的全体二阶矩阵. 【解】设与A 可交换的方阵为a b c d ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,则由1101⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦a b c d ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦=a b c d ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦1101⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦, 得a cb d a a bcd c c d +++⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥+⎣⎦⎣⎦.由对应元素相等得c =0,d =a ,即与A 可交换的方阵为一切形如0a b a ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦的方阵,其中a,b 为任意数.13. 求与A =100012012⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦可交换的全体三阶矩阵. 【解】由于A =E +000002013⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦, 而且由111111222222333333000000,002002013013a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦可得11122233333323232302300023222.023333c b c cb c a b c c b c a a b b c c -⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥----⎣⎦⎣⎦由此又可得1113232332322333230,230,20,30,2,3,232,233,c b c a a a c b c b b b c c b c c c =-==-===--=-=-所以2311233230,2,3.a a b c c b c b b ======-即与A 可交换的一切方阵为12332300203a b b b b b ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦其中123,,a b b 为任意数. 14. 求下列矩阵的逆矩阵.(1) 1225⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦; (2) 123012001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (3)121342541-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦; (4) 1000120021301214⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (5) 5200210000830052⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (6) ()1212,,,0nn a a a a a a ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥≠⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦L O ,未写出的元素都是0(以下均同,不另注). 【解】(1) 5221-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎣⎦; (2)121012001-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦;(3) 12601741632142-⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦; (4) 100011002211102631511824124⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎣⎦; (5) 1200250000230058-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥-⎣⎦; (6) 12111n a a a ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦O. 15. 利用逆矩阵,解线性方程组12323121,221,2.x x x x x x x ++=⎧⎪+=⎨⎪-=⎩ 【解】因123111102211102x x x ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦,而1110022110≠- 故112311101111122.02211130122*********x x x -⎡⎤⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥---⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦16. 证明下列命题:(1) 若A ,B 是同阶可逆矩阵,则(AB )*=B *A *. (2) 若A 可逆,则A *可逆且(A *)-1=(A -1)*. (3) 若AA ′=E ,则(A *)′=(A *)-1. 【证明】(1) 因对任意方阵c ,均有c *c =cc *=|c |E ,而A ,B 均可逆且同阶,故可得|A |·|B |·B *A *=|AB |E (B *A *)=(AB ) *AB (B *A *)=(AB ) *A (BB *)A * =(AB ) *A |B |EA *=|A |·|B |(AB ) *.∵ |A |≠0,|B |≠0, ∴ (AB ) *=B *A *.(2) 由于AA *=|A |E ,故A *=|A |A -1,从而(A -1) *=|A -1|(A -1)-1=|A |-1A . 于是A * (A -1) *=|A |A -1·|A |-1A =E ,所以(A -1) *=(A *)-1. (3) 因AA ′=E ,故A 可逆且A -1=A ′. 由(2)(A *)-1=(A -1) *,得(A *)-1=(A ′) *=(A *)′.17. 已知线性变换11232123312322,35,323,x y y y x y y y x y y y =++⎧⎪=++⎨⎪=++⎩ 求从变量123,,x x x 到变量123,,y y y 的线性变换. 【解】已知112233221,315323x y x y x y ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦X AY且|A |=1≠0,故A 可逆,因而1749,637324---⎡⎤⎢⎥==-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦Y A X X所以从变量123,,x x x 到变量123,,y y y 的线性变换为112321233123749,637,324,y x x x y x x x y x x x =--+⎧⎪=+-⎨⎪=+-⎩ 18. 解下列矩阵方程.(1) 12461321-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦X =; (2)211211************--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦X ;(3) 142031121101⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥---⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦X =; (4) 010100043100001201001010120-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦X .【解】(1) 令A =1213⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦;B =4621-⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦.由于13211--⎡⎤=⎢⎥-⎣⎦A 故原方程的惟一解为13246820.112127----⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦X A B同理(2) X =100010001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (3) X =11104⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (4) X =210.034102-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦19. 若kA =O (k 为正整数),证明:121()k ---L E A =E +A+A ++A .【证明】作乘法212121()()k k k k k ----=-----=-=E A E +A+A ++A E +A+A ++A A A A A E A E,L L L 从而E -A 可逆,且121()k ---L E A =E +A+A ++A20.设方阵A 满足A 2-A -2E =O ,证明A 及A +2E 都可逆,并求A -1及(A +2E )-1.【证】因为A 2-A -2E =0, 故212().2-=⇒-=A A E A E A E由此可知,A 可逆,且11().2-=-A A E同样地2220,64(3)(2)41(3)(2)4--=--=--+=---+=A A E A A E E,A E A E E,A E A E E. 由此知,A +2E 可逆,且1211(2)(3)().44-+=--=-A E A E A E21. 设423110123⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦A =,2AB =A+B ,求B . 【解】由AB =A +2B 得(A -2E )B =A .而22310,1102121==-≠---A E即A -2E 可逆,故11223423(2)110110121123143423386.1531102961641232129--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=-=-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦----⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥==----⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥---⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦B A E A 22. 设1-P AP =Λ. 其中1411--⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦P =,1002-⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦=Λ, 求10A . 【解】因1-P 可逆,且1141,113-⎡⎤=⎢⎥--⎣⎦P 故由1Λ-A =P P 得10110101101012121010()()141410331102113314141033110211331365136412421.34134031242--==⎡⎤⎢⎥---⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤⎢⎥--⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤-+-+⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥----⎣⎦⎣⎦A P P P P ΛΛ 23. 设m 次多项式01()m m f x a a x a x =+++L ,记01()mm f a a a =+++L A E A A ,()f A 称为方阵A 的m 次多项式.(1)12λλ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦A =, 证明12kk k λλ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦A =,12()()()f f f λλ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦A ; (2) 设1-A =P BP , 证明1k k -B =PA P ,1()()f f -=B P A P . 【证明】(1)232311232200,00λλλλ⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦A A 即k =2和k =3时,结论成立. 今假设120,0kkk λλ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦A 那么111111222000,000kk k k k k λλλλλλ+++⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦AA A = 所以,对一切自然数k ,都有120,0kkk λλ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦A 而011101220111012212()1100().()mm mm m m m m m f a a a a a a a a a a a a f f λλλλλλλλλλ=⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤=+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤+=⎢⎥+⎣⎦⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦L L L L A E +A++A ++++++ (2) 由(1)与A =P -1BP ,得B =PAP -1.且B k =( PAP -1)k = PA k P -1,又0111011011()()().mm m m mm f a a a a a a a a a f ----=+++=+++=++=B E B B E PAP PA P P E A+A P P A P L L L24. a b c d ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦A =,证明矩阵满足方程2()0x a d x ad bc -++-=.【证明】将A 代入式子2()x a d x ad bc -++-得222222()()10()()010000.00a d ad bc a b a b a d ad bc c d c d ad bca bc ab bd a ad ab bd ad bc ac cd cb d ac cd ad d -++-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤=-++-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦-⎡⎤⎡⎤++++⎡⎤=-+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-++++⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎣⎦A A E0 故A 满足方程2()0x a d x ad bc -++-=. 25. 设n 阶方阵A 的伴随矩阵为*A ,证明:(1) 若|A |=0,则|*A |=0;(2) 1n *-=A A .【证明】(1) 若|A |=0,则必有|A *|=0,因若| A *|≠0,则有A *( A *)-1=E ,由此又得 A =AE =AA *( A *)-1=|A |( A *)-1=0,这与| A *|≠0是矛盾的,故当|A | =0,则必有| A *|=0. (2) 由A A *=|A |E ,两边取行列式,得|A || A *|=|A |n ,若|A |≠0,则| A *|=|A |n -1 若|A |=0,由(1)知也有| A *|=|A |n -1.26. 设52003200210045000073004100520062⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦A =,B . 求(1) AB ; (2)BA ; (3) 1-A ;(4)|A |k (k 为正整数). 【解】(1)2320001090000461300329⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦AB =; (2) 19800301300003314005222⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦BA =;(3) 11200250000230057--⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥-⎣⎦A =; (4)(1)k k =-A . 27. 用矩阵分块的方法,证明下列矩阵可逆,并求其逆矩阵.(1)1200025000003000001000001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦; (2)00310021********-⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦; (3)20102020130010*******0001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦.【解】(1) 对A 做如下分块 12⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦A A A 00其中1230012;,01025001⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦A A12,A A 的逆矩阵分别为1112100523;,01021001--⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦A A 所以A 可逆,且1111252000210001.000030001000001----⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A A A同理(2)11112121310088110044.110055230055----⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎡⎤⎢⎥⎡⎤===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦A A A A A (3)1110012211300222.001000001001-⎡⎤--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A。
高等数学第六版课后习题及答案 第二章第四节
高等数学第六版课后习题及答案 第二章第四节习题 2-41. 求函数的二阶导数:(1) y =2x 2+ln x ;(2) y =e 2x -1;(3) y =x cos x ;(4) y =e -t sin t ;(5)22x a y -=;(6) y =ln(1-x 2)(7) y =tan x ;(8)113+=x y ; (9) y =(1+x 2)arctan x ;(10)xe y x =; (11)2x xe y =;(12))1ln(2x x y ++=.解 (1)x x y 14+=', 214xy -=''. (2) y '=e 2x -1 ⋅2=2e 2x -1, y ''=2e 2x -1 ⋅2=4e 2x -1.(3) y =x cos x ; y '=cos x -x sin x ,y ''=-sin x -sin x -x cos x =-2sin x -x cos x .(4) y '=-e -t sin t +e -t cos t =e -t (cos t -sin t )y ''=-e -t (cos t -sin t )+e -t (-sin t -cos t )=-2e -t cos t .(5)222222)(21xa x x a x a y --='-⋅-=', 22222222222)(xa x a a x a x a xx x a y ---=---⋅---=''. (6) 22212)1(11xxx x y --='-⋅-=', 222222)1()1(2)1()2(2)1(2x x x x x x y -+-=--⋅---=''. (7) y '=sec 2 x ,y ''=2sec x ⋅(sec x )'=2sec x ⋅sec x ⋅tan x =2sec 2x ⋅tan x .(8)232233)1(3)1()1(+-=+'+-='x x x x y , 333433223)1()12(6)1(3)1(23)1(6+-=+⋅+⋅-+⋅-=''x x x x x x x x x y . (9)1arctan 211)1(arctan 222+=+⋅++='x x xx x x y , 212arctan 2xxx y ++=''. (10)22)1(1x x e x e x e y x x x -=⋅-⋅=', 3242)22(2)1(])1([x x x e x x x e x e x e y x x x x +-=⋅--⋅+-=''. (11))21()2(2222x e x e x e y x x x +=⋅⋅+=',)23(24)21(222222x xe x e x x e y x x x +=⋅++⋅⋅=''.(12)2222211)1221(11)1(11x x x x x x x x x y +=++⋅++='++⋅++=', xx x x x x x x y ++-=+⋅+-='⋅+⋅+-=''1)1()12211)1(1122222. 2. 设f (x )=(x +10)6, f '''(2)=?解f '(x )=6(x +10)5, f ''(x )=30(x +10)4, f '''(x )=120(x +10)3,f '''(2)=120(2+10)3=207360.3. 若f ''(x )存在, 求下列函数y 的二阶导数22dx y d : (1) y =f (x 2);(2) y =ln[f (x )] .解 (1)y '= f '(x 2)⋅(x 2)'=2xf '(x 2),y ''=2f '(x 2)+2x ⋅2xf ''(x 2)=2f '(x 2)+4x 2f ''(x 2).(2))()(1x f x f y '=', 2)]([)()()()(x f x f x f x f x f y ''-''=''22)]([)]([)()(x f x f x f x f '-''=. 4. 试从y dy dx '=1导出: (1)322)(y y dy x d '''-=; (2)5233)()(3y y y y dy x d '''''-''=. 解 (1)()()()3222)(1)(11y y y y y dy dx y dx d y dy d dy dx dy d dy xd '''-='⋅'''-=⋅'='==. (2)(())(())dy dx y y dx d y y dy d dy xd ⋅'''-='''-=3333 52623)()(31)()(3)(y y y y y y y y y y y '''''-''='⋅''''⋅''-''''-=.5. 已知物体的运动规律为s =A sin ωt (A 、ω是常数), 求物体运动的加速度, 并验证:0222=+s dts d ω. 解 t A dtds ωωcos =,t A dts d ωωsin 222-=. 22dt s d 就是物体运动的加速度. 0sin sin 22222=+-=+t A t A s dts dωωωωω. 6. 验证函数y =C 1e λx +C 2e -λx (λ,C 1, C 2是常数)满足关系式: y ''-λ2y =0 .解 y '=C 1λe λx -C 2λe -λx ,y ''=C 1λ2e λx +C 2λ2e -λx .y ''-λ2y =(C 1λ2e λx +C 2λ2e -λx )-λ2(C 1e λx +C 2e -λx )=(C 1λ2e λx +C 2λ2e -λx )-(C 1λ2e λx +C 2λ2e -λx )=0 .7. 验证函数y =e x sin x 满足关系式:y ''-2y '+2y =0 .解 y '=e x sin x +e x cos x =e x (sin x +cos x ),y ''=e x (sin x +cos x )+e x (cos x -sin x )=2e x cos x .y ''-2y '+2y =2e x cos x -2e x (sin x +cos x )+2e x sin x=2e x cos x -2e x sin x -2e x cos x +2e x sin x =0 . 8. 求下列函数的n 阶导数的一般表达式:(1) y =x n +a 1x n -1+a 2x n -2+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ +a n -1x +a n (a 1, a 2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅, a n 都是常数);(2) y =sin 2x ;(3) y =x ln x ;(4) y =xe x .解 (1) y '=nx n -1+(n -1)a 1x n -2+(n -2)a 2x n -3+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ +a n -1,y ''=n (n -1)x n -2+(n -1)(n -2)a 1x n -3+(n -2)(n -3)a 2x n -4+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ +a n -2,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,y (n )=n (n -1)(n -2)⋅ ⋅ ⋅2⋅1x 0=n ! .(2) y '=2sin x cos x =sin2x ,)22sin(22cos 2π+==''x x y , )222sin(2)22cos(222ππ⋅+=+='''x x y , )232sin(2)222cos(233)4(ππ⋅+=⋅+=x x y , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅,]2)1(2sin[21)(π⋅-+=-n x y n n . (3) 1ln +='x y ,11-==''x xy , y '''=(-1)x -2,y (4)=(-1)(-2)x -3,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,y (n )=(-1)(-2)(-3)⋅ ⋅ ⋅(-n +2)x -n +1112)!2()1()!2()1(-----=--=n n n n x n x n . (4) y '=e x +xe x ,y ''=e x +e x +xe x =2e x +xe x ,y '''=2e x +e x +xe x =3e x +xe x ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,y (n )=ne x +xe x =e x (n +x ) .9. 求下列函数所指定的阶的导数:(1) y =e x cos x , 求y (4) ;(2) y =x sh x , 求y (100) ;(3) y =x 2sin 2x , 求y (50) .解 (1)令u =e x , v =cos x , 有u '=u ''=u '''=u (4)=e x;v '=-sin x , v ''=-cos x , v '''=sin x , v (4)=cos x ,所以 y (4)=u (4)⋅v +4u '''⋅v '+6u ''⋅v ''+4u '⋅v '''+u ⋅v (4)=e x [cos x +4(-sin x )+6(-cos x )+4sin x +cos x ]=-4e x cos x .(2)令u =x , v =sh x , 则有u '=1, u ''=0;v '=ch x , v ''=sh x , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , v (99)=ch x , v (100)=sh x ,所以)100()99(99100)98(98100)98(2100)99(1100)100()100( v u v u C v u C v u C v u C v u y ⋅+⋅'+⋅''⋅⋅⋅+''⋅+'⋅+⋅= =100ch x +x sh x .(3)令u =x 2 , v =sin 2x , 则有u '=2x , u ''=2, u '''=0;x x v 2sin 2)2482sin(24848)48(=⋅+=π, v (49)=249cos 2x , v (50)=-250sin 2x ,所以 )50()49(4950)48(4850)48(250)49(1150)50()50( v u v u C v u C v u C v u C v u y ⋅+⋅'+⋅''⋅⋅⋅+''⋅+'⋅+⋅= )50()49(4950)48(4850v u v u C v u C ⋅+⋅'+⋅''= )2sin 2(2cos 22502sin 22249505024928x x x x x -⋅+⋅⋅+⋅⋅⋅= )2sin 212252cos 502sin (2250x x x x x ++-=.。
应用弹塑性力学习题解答张宏编写西北工业大学出版社目录第二章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第三章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第四章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第五章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第六章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第七章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第八章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第九章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第十章习题答案 ..... 错误!未定义书签。
第十一章习题答案 ... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章 习题答案设某点应力张量ijσ的分量值已知,求作用在过此点平面ax by cz d ++=上的应力矢量(,,)n nx ny nz p p p p ,并求该应力矢量的法向分量n σ。
解 该平面的法线方向的方向余弦为l a d m b d n c d d ====,,,而应力矢量的三个分量满足关系nx x xy xz ny xy y yz nz xz yz z p l m n p l m n p l m nστττστττσ⎧=++⎪=++⎨⎪=++⎩ 而法向分量n σ满足关系n nx ny nx p l p m p n σ=++最后结果为()()()()22222222222nx x xy xz ny xy y yz nx xz yz z n x y z xy yz zx p a b c d p a b c a p a b c da b c ab bc ca d d a b c στττστττσσσσστττ=++=++=++=+++++=++利用上题结果求应力分量为0,2,1,1,2,0x y z xy xz yz σσστττ======时,过平面31x y z ++=处的应力矢量n p ,及该矢量的法向分量n σ及切向分量n τ。
解求出l m n ===,,nx ny nz p p p 及n σ,再利用关系222222n nx ny nz n np p p p στ=++=+可求得n τ。
(1) Z=W+(Z+X)
(2) Z=W-(X+6)-(R+9)
(2)MOV AX,[100H]
(4)MOV BX,[SI]
(6)MOV CL,[BX][SI]
(8)MOV [BP][SI],100
(1)MOV AX,0ABH 寻址方式:立即寻址;物理地址:无
DX,0 CL,5
7.假定 DX=1100100110111001B,CL=3,CF=1,试确定下列各条指令单独执行后 DX 的值。
第二章 质点动力学2-1一物体从一倾角为30︒的斜面底部以初速v 0=10m·s -1向斜面上方冲去,到最高点后又沿斜面滑下,当滑到底部时速率v =7m·s -1,求该物体与斜面间的摩擦系数。
解:物体与斜面间的摩擦力f =uN =umgcos30︒物体向斜面上方冲去又回到斜面底部的过程由动能定理得220112(1)22mv mv f s -=-⋅物体向斜面上方冲到最高点的过程由动能定理得2010sin 302mv f s mgh f s mgs -=-⋅-=-⋅-2(2)s ∴=把式(2)代入式(1)得,220.198u =2-2如本题图,一质量为m 的小球最初位于光滑圆形凹槽的A 点,然后沿圆弧ADCB 下滑,试求小球在C 点时的角速度和对圆弧表面的作用力,圆弧半径为r 。
解:小球在运动的过程中受到重力G 和轨道对它的支持力T.取如图所示的自然坐标系,由牛顿定律得22sin (1)cos (2)t n dv F mg mdtv F T mg m Rαα=-==-=由,,1ds rd rd v dt dt dt vαα===得代入式(), A 并根据小球从点运动到点C 始末条件进行积分有,习题2-2图902n (sin )m cos 3cos '3cos ,e v vdv rg d v v rv mg mg rmg αααωααα=-===+==-=-⎰⎰得则小球在点C 的角速度为=由式(2)得 T 由此可得小球对园轨道得作用力为T T 方向与反向2-3如本题图,一倾角为θ 的斜面置于光滑桌面上,斜面上放一质量为m 的木块,两者间摩擦系数为μ,为使木块相对斜面静止,求斜面的加速度a 应满足的条件。
解:如图所示()1212min max sin ,cos cos sin (1)sin cos 2(1)(2)(sin cos )(cos sin )(sin cos )()(cos sin )1(2)(1)(sin cos )(cos sin )(sin cos a a a a N mg ma ma mg uN m a ma u g u a u g u g tg u a u utg u g u a u g u a θθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθ==∴-==±==⨯+-=+--∴==++-⨯+=-+∴=得,得,)()(cos sin )1()()11g tg u u utg g tg u g tg u a utg utg θθθθθθθθθ+=---+∴≤≤+- 2-4如本题图,A 、B 两物体质量均为m ,用质量不计的滑轮和细绳连接,并不计摩擦,则A 和B 的加速度大小各为多少 。
D S第二章_课后习题答案第二章线性表2.1 填空题(1)一半插入或删除的位置(2)静态动态(3)一定不一定(4)头指针头结点的next 前一个元素的next2.2 选择题(1)A (2) DA GKHDA EL IAF IFA(IDA)(3)D (4)D (5) D2.3头指针:在带头结点的链表中,头指针存储头结点的地址;在不带头结点的链表中,头指针存放第一个元素结点的地址;头结点:为了操作方便,在第一个元素结点前申请一个结点,其指针域存放第一个元素结点的地址,数据域可以什么都不放;首元素结点:第一个元素的结点。
void InserList(SeqList *L,ElemType x){int i=L->last;if(L->last>=MAXSIZE-1) return FALSE; //顺序表已满while(i>=0 && L->elem[i]>x){L->elem[i+1]=L->elem[i];i--;}L->elem[i+1]=x;L->last++;}2.5 删除顺序表中从i开始的k个元素int DelList(SeqList *L,int i,int k){int j,l;if(i<=0||i>L->last) {printf("The Initial Position is Error!"); return 0;}if(k<=0) return 1; /*No Need to Delete*/if(i+k-2>=L->last) L->last=L->last-k; /*modify the length*/for(j=i-1,l=i+k-1;l<L->last;j++,l++)L->elem[j]=L->elem[l];L->last=L->last-k;return 1;}2.6 已知长度为n的线性表A采用顺序存储结构,请写一时间复杂度为O(n)、空间复杂度为O(1)的算法,删除线性表中所有值为item的数据元素。
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第二章线性表2.1 填空题(1)一半插入或删除的位置(2)静态动态(3)一定不一定(4)头指针头结点的next 前一个元素的next2.2 选择题(1)A (2) DA GKHDA EL IAF IFA(IDA)(3)D (4)D (5) D2.3头指针:在带头结点的链表中,头指针存储头结点的地址;在不带头结点的链表中,头指针存放第一个元素结点的地址;头结点:为了操作方便,在第一个元素结点前申请一个结点,其指针域存放第一个元素结点的地址,数据域可以什么都不放;首元素结点:第一个元素的结点。
void InserList(SeqList *L,ElemType x){int i=L->last;if(L->last>=MAXSIZE-1) return FALSE; //顺序表已满while(i>=0 && L->elem[i]>x){L->elem[i+1]=L->elem[i];i--;}L->elem[i+1]=x;L->last++;}2.5 删除顺序表中从i开始的k个元素int DelList(SeqList *L,int i,int k){int j,l;if(i<=0||i>L->last) {printf("The Initial Position is Error!"); return 0;}if(k<=0) return 1; /*No Need to Delete*/if(i+k-2>=L->last) L->last=L->last-k; /*modify the length*/for(j=i-1,l=i+k-1;l<L->last;j++,l++)L->elem[j]=L->elem[l];L->last=L->last-k;return 1;}2.6 已知长度为n的线性表A采用顺序存储结构,请写一时间复杂度为O(n)、空间复杂度为O(1)的算法,删除线性表中所有值为item的数据元素。
[算法1]void DeleteItem(SeqList *L,ElemType item){int i=0,j=L->last;while(i<j){while(i<j && L->elem[i]!=item) i++;while(i<j && L->elem[i]==item) j--;if(i<j) { L->elem[i]=L->elem[j]; i++; j--;}}L->last=i-1;}[算法2]void DeleteItem (SeqList *L,ElemType e){int i,j;i=j=0;while(L->elem[i]!=e && i<=L->last)i++;j=i+1;while(j<=L->last){while(L->elem[j]==e && j<=L->last)j++;if(j<=L->last){L->elem[i]=L->elem[j];i++; j++;}}L->last=i-1;}2.7 编写算法,在一非递减的顺序表L中,删除所有值相等的多余元素。
void DeleteRepeatItem(SeqList *L){int i=0,j=1;while(j<=L->last){if(L->elem[i]==L->elem[j])j++;else{L->elem[i+1]==L->elem[j];i++; j++;}}L->last=i;}2.8已知线性表中的元素(整数)以值递增有序排列,并以单链表作存储结构。
void DelData(LinkList L,ElemType mink,ElemType maxk){Node *p=L->next,*pre=L;while(!p && p->data <= mink) //寻找开始删除的位置{pre=p; p=p->next;}while(p){if(p->data > maxk)break;else{pre->next=p->next;free(p);p=pre->next;}}}T(n)=O(n);2.9试分别以不同的存储结构实现线性表的就地逆置算法,即在原表的存储空间将线性表(a1, a2..., a n)逆置为(a n, a n-1,..., a1)。
(略)(1)void ReverseArray(ElemType a[],int n){int i=0,j=n-1;ElemType t;while(i<j){ t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t;}}(2)void ReverseList(LinkList L){p=L->next;L->next=NULL;while(p!=NULL){q=p->next;p->next=L->next;L->next=p;p=q;}}2.10已知一个带有表头结点的单链表,假设链表只给出了头指针L。
(提示:设置两个指针,步长为k)int SearchNode(LinkList L,int k){Node *p=L,*q;int i=0;while(i<k && p){i++; p=p->next; }if(p==NULL) return 0; //不存在倒数第k个元素q=L->next;while(p->next!=NULL) //p到终点时,q所指结点为倒数第k个{q=q->next; p=p->next;}printf("%d",q->data);return 1;}2.11把元素递增排列的链表A和B合并为C,且C中元素递减排列,使用原空间。
(头插法)LinkList ReverseMerge(LinkList *A, LinkList *B){ LinkList C;Node *pa=A->next,*pb=B->next; //pa和pb分别指向A,B的当前元素A->next=NULL; C=A;while(pa!=NULL && pb!=NULL){if(pa->data < pb->data) /*将pa的元素前插到pc表*/{temp=pa->next; pa->next=C->next; C->next=pa; pa=temp;}else{ temp=pb->next; pb->next=C->next; C->next=pb; pb=temp;} /*将pb的元素前插到pc表*/}while(pb!=NULL){ temp=pa->next; pa->next=C->next; C->next=pa; pa=temp;} /*将剩余pa的元素前插到pc 表*/while(pb!=NULL){ temp=pb->next; pb->next=C->next; C->next=pb; pb=temp;} /*将剩余pb的元素前插到pc 表*/return hc;}2.12一单链表,以第一个元素为基准,将小于该元素的结点全部放到前面,大于该结点的元素全部放到后面。
void AdjustList(LinkList L){Node *pFlag=L->next,*q=L->next->next,*temp=NULL;pflag->next=NULL;while(q!=NULL){if(q->data < pFlag->data) //插到链表首端{temp=q->next; q->next=L->next;L->next=q; q=temp;}Else //插到pFlag结点后面{temp=q->next; q->next=pFlag->next;pFlag->next=q; q=temp;}}}2.13假设有一个循环链表的长度大于1,且表中既无头结点也无头指针。
void DelPreNode(Node* s){Node* p=s;while(p->next->next!=s) p=p->next;free(p->next);p->next=s;}2.14已知由单链表表示的线性表中含有三类字符的数据元素(如字母字符、数字字符和其他字符),试编写算法来构造三个以循环链表表示的线性表,使每个表中只含同一类的字符,且利用原表中的结点空间作为这三个表的结点空间,头结点可另辟空间。
//L为待拆分链表//Lch为拆分后的字母链;Lnum为拆分后的数字链,Loth为拆分后的其他字符链//Lch,Lnum,Loth均已被初始化为带头结点的单循环链表,采用头插法void splitLinkList(LinkList L,LinkList Lch,LinkList Lnum,LinkList Loth){Node *p=L->next;while(p!=NULL){if( (p->data >='a' && p->data<='z')|| (p->data >= 'A' && p->data<='Z')){temp=p->next; p->next=Lch->next; Lch->next=p; p= temp; }else if(p->data >='0' && p->data<='9'){temp=p->next; p->next=Lnum->next; Lnum->next=p; p= temp; }else{temp=p->next; p->next=Loth->next; Loth->next=p; p= temp; }}}2.15设线性表A=(a1, a2,…,a m),B=(b1, b2,…,b n),试写一个按下列规则合并A、B为线性表C 的算法,使得:C= (a1, b1,…,a m, b m, b m+1,…,b n)当m≤n时;或者C= (a1, b1,…,a n, b n, a n+1,…,a m) 当m>n时。