
1. 你通常采用哪些教学方法?
2. 如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣?
1. [列举并描述个人常用的教学方法]
2. [描述如何激发学生学习英语兴趣的策略]
1. 如何处理课堂上的纪律问题?
2. 如何确保每个学生都能参与到课堂活动中?
1. [描述处理课堂纪律问题的方法]
2. [阐述确保学生参与的策略]
1. 你如何利用现代技术辅助教学?
2. 你有哪些教学资源可以分享?
1. [描述如何利用现代技术辅助教学]
2. [列举可以分享的教学资源]
1. 你遇到过哪些教学挑战?
2. 你是如何应对这些挑战的?
1. [列举个人遇到的教学挑战]
2. [描述应对挑战的方法]
1. 你如何评估学生的学习进度?
2. 你如何评价自己的教学效果?
1. [描述评估学生学习进度的方法]
2. [描述评价教学效果的方式]

小学英语教师面试题及答案一、教育背景及教学理念1. 请您简要介绍一下您的教育背景和教学经验。
2. 您认为一位优秀的小学英语教师应具备哪些素质和能力?答案:一位优秀的小学英语教师应具备以下素质和能力:良好的英语语言表达能力,深厚的英语专业知识,善于激发学生学习兴趣的能力,具备良好的课堂控制能力,能够设计富有创意和趣味性的教学活动,善于引导学生自主学习和思考,与学生建立积极和谐的师生关系。
二、课程设计和教学方法1. 您是如何设计一堂生动有趣的英语课程的?答案:我会根据学生的年龄、英语水平和课程要求制定教学目标,并结合学生的兴趣和实际情境设计相关教学活动。
2. 如果一位学生在英语学习中存在学习困难,您会如何帮助他?答案:我会先与学生进行一对一的交流,了解他遇到的困难和问题所在。
三、评价与反馈1. 您是如何评价学生英语学习的?答案:我会综合运用形成性评价和总结性评价相结合的方法来评价学生的英语学习情况。
2. 当学生在英语学习中取得突出成绩时,您会如何给予正面鼓励和激励?答案:当学生在英语学习中取得突出成绩时,我会及时给予公开和私下的正面鼓励和赞扬。

小学英语《A butterfly》一、考题回顾二、考题解析《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step1 Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, I will play the song “The bear”, whose lyrics use the simple past tense, to the students. I will write down a segment of the lyrics on the blackboard and review the past form of some verbs, such as “look-looked”, “meet-met” and “say-said”, with the whole class.Step2 PresentationI will enjoy the strip pictures of butterfly growth with the whole class to introduce the simple past tense. I will ask students questions while watching the pictures. The questions are: “what was the color of the egg?”, “what did a caterpillar eat?” and “how long did the caterpillar live in the small cocoon?” By orders of strip pictures, the growth a butterfly is showed clearly, and time sequences are showed by “the first”, “then” and “finally”.As the students answer these questions, answers are written down on the blackboard. I will invite students to work out the rule of the simple past tense. Simple past tense is usually used to talk about a completed action or state that occurred in the past, and to form this tense, one needs to add -ed to the end of a regular verb and remember the past forms of some irregular verbs.Step3 Practice1. Conversion task: students are required to converse the following simple present tense simple past tense to better understand the new structure:I usually eat an egg for breakfast.I _____ an egg for breakfast yesterday morning.People often live in houses.John _____ in the small village for about two years.Do you come to your grandma’s twice a week?He _____ to see his grandma last week.There are three people in my family.There _____ many butterflies here 5 years ago.2. Translation task: students are expected to translate the following Chinese the corresponding English.我妹妹早餐吃了一个橙子和一片面包。

一、个人基本信息及教育背景1. 请简要介绍您的个人基本信息,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、毕业院校及专业。
2. 请简要介绍您的教育背景,包括学历、所学课程、毕业论文题目等。
二、英语教学理论知识1. 请简述小学英语教学的基本原则和目标。
2. 请阐述如何在小学英语教学中贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念。
3. 请简述小学英语课堂教学的五大环节及其重要性。
三、英语教学设计与实施1. 请根据以下教学材料,设计一节小学英语课的教学方案。
教学材料:《My Family》教学目标:(1)知识目标:学生能够熟练掌握本节课的词汇和句型。
2. 请根据以下教学情境,进行模拟教学。
四、英语教学评价与反思1. 请简述小学英语教学评价的原则和方法。
2. 请结合您的教学实践,谈谈如何进行有效的教学反思。
五、英语教学创新与拓展1. 请简述您对小学英语教学创新的看法。

2023上半年教师资格证考试《小学英语专业面试》真题及答案解析1. 【试讲】1.题目:口语教学试讲2.内容: Tastes3(江南博哥).基本要求:(1)采用全英语授课;(2)创设相关的生活情境,引导学生在情境中学习和理解;(3)注意学生多感官参与学习;(4)配合教学内容适当板书;(5)试讲时间约10分钟。
【答辩】1. The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of theeducational value of the curriculum. Then what are the core competencies made up of?2.根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》,在小学教学中,应该如何帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识?参考解析:【试讲参考解析】Teaching Procedures:I. Lead-inGreeting.Show students some pictures about different fruit and food and students review the names of them.Ⅱ. Presentation1. Students listen to the tape and confirm their predictions. Get familiar with the topic of tastes.2.Students listen again and learn the sentence patterns "How is it?"and"It's..." to ask and answer the tastes.3.Students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Ⅲ. Practice1.Students work in pairs to role play the conversation2.Students role play the conversation and then try to make short conversation with the given food on the screen according to the text. IV. ProductionCreate a scene: You are the taste tester in a first-class hotel. You are going to test all the food there. Work in groups to make a short play according to the situation and act it out in the front.V. SummaryStudents summarize the lesson and the teacher makes supplements. VI. HomeworkStudents will share the short play with their parents after school. Blackboard Design:略【答辩及解析】1. The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of the educational value of the curriculum. Then what are the core competencies made up of?【参考答案】The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of the educational value of the curriculum, which consists of the values and attitudes, indispensable qualities and key abilities.The core competencies achieved through the English curriculum include language ability, cultural awareness, thinking capacity and learning ability.2.根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》,在小学教学中,应该如何帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识?【参考答案】根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》课程内容中的要求,在教学中应创设丰富的语境,在理解和表达活动中帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1.题目: Let's chant2.内容:One, two, tree, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go againWhy did you let it go?3.基本要求:(1)示范朗读文本,关注学生双元音的发音,通过儿歌的韵律训练增强学生的语感,辅助体态语帮助学生理解,体现过程性评价;(2)体现良好的师生互动和板书设计。
答辩题目1.As an English teacher, what do you think of the usage of multimedia in class?2. Do you think that singing English songs or playing chant are useful for cultivating students' interest in English learning?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive”and so on.Ability aim:Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Emotional aim:Students will be more interest in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive”and so on. Difficult Point: Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1.Greetings.2.Play a chant they have learned “tomato, tomato, wash, wash, wash”and lead them to learn another chant this class..Step 2: Presentation1. Students watch the picture and tell the teacher what they can see in the picture, and the teacher guide them to present the first part of the chant. Then students watch the picture carefully and predict what’s wrong with the boy, then the teacher guide them to present the last part of the chant.2. Students observe the sentences and find out what common letters they can find.3. The teacher teaches them correct pronunciation of the letter “i”in “five”, “right”and so on.Step 3: Practice1. Read the pronunciation /ai/ and the words that includes “i”repeatedly.2. Listen to the tape and follow the tape, paying attention to the intonation of the chant.3. Students work in pairs to make a chant in 5 minutes.Step4: Production1. The teacher writes more words that includes the sound /ai/and students try to read them.2. Students work in groups to make a story using the picture and the words with the sound /ai/ on the blackboard.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to search other pronunciation of the letter “i”and list those words accordingly.Blackboard design:Let's chantOne, two, tree, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go againWhy did you let it go?Because it bit my fingerSo which finger did it bite?This little finger on my right“i”says【答辩解析】1. As an English teacher, do you think multimedia is useful?【参考答案】Multimedia is a powerful tool in the modern class, as it helps students to understand our class more vividly and enhance their processing of the new knowledge. With images, audios and videos, knowledge that is difficult to understand in English is well presented. The students can have a deeper understanding of the content of the text, which is helpful to solve difficulties. In the environment of multimedia students can also develop abstract thinking and divergent thinking.2. Do you think that English songs or chants are helpful for cultivating students' interest in English learning?【参考答案】Class activities, such as singing or chants are actually a good way to arouse students attention in the class. As we know these activities are very interesting. Most students, especially young kids of elementary schools, they could not concentrate on class for a very long time, so these songs and chants are necessary. If you add such activities as some songs and chants that students like, you can not only attract students' attention, but also cultivate their interest in learning. Therefore, combining knowledge and activities in the classroom allows students to learn while playing and even achieve better effects.。



英文小学面试题目及答案1. What is your name?My name is [Your Name].2. How old are you?I am [Your Age] years old.3. Can you tell me about your family?My family consists of my father, my mother, and me. We live in a [house/apartment] and we enjoy spending time together.4. What is your favorite subject in school?My favorite subject is [Your Favorite Subject] because it is [interesting/useful/fun].5. Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I enjoy [Your Hobbies] in my free time.6. Can you name three colors?Three colors are red, blue, and green.7. What is your favorite animal?My favorite animal is a [Your Favorite Animal] because it is [cute/fascinating/strong].8. How many days are there in a week?There are seven days in a week.9. Can you count to ten in English?One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.10. What is your favorite book and why?My favorite book is [Your Favorite Book] because it has [interesting characters/a good story/beautiful illustrations].11. Can you tell me the names of the four seasons?The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter.12. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.13. What is the capital of [Your Country]?The capital of [Your Country] is [Capital City].14. Can you tell me the months of the year?The months of the year are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.15. What do you want to be when you grow up?When I grow up, I want to be a [Your Future Profession] because I enjoy [reason for your choice].16. Can you tell me a nursery rhyme?One nursery rhyme is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" which goes like this: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond inthe sky."17. What is your favorite food?My favorite food is [Your Favorite Food] because it tastes [delicious/sweet/savory].18. Can you tell me the difference between a cat and a dog?A cat is a small, domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, while a dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.19. What is the weather like today?Today the weather is [sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy].20. Can you tell me a simple sentence in English?A simple sentence in English is "The cat is on the mat."。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1.题目: Last weekend2.内容:Cleaned my room; washed my clothes; stayed at home; watched TV Mike: How was your weekend?Chen Jie: It was fine, thanks.Mike: What did you do?Chen Je: I stayed at home and watched TV.3.基本要求:(1)朗读内容(2)设计语法课(3)设计相关的教学活动答辩题目1.你认为板书应该呈现什么?2.你认为小学英语老师应该具备什么样的特质?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Students can master the meaning of the words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home”and “watched TV”.2. Students can grasp the grammar-simple past tense in key sentence patterns such as “What didyou do?”and “I stayed at home”.Ability aim:Students can express their feelings by using simple past tense in daily communication.Emotional aim:Students can develop their interest in learning English.Key and difficult points:Key Points:Words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV;Sentence patterns: What did you do?, I stayed at home.Difficult Point:Students can master the usage of simple past tense and use it in their daily communication.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.2. Free talk.Tell students I went shopping and bought a new dress last weekend. Ask students questions “What about you”or “What did you do last weekend?”. Then invite some of them to share. Some students may give the answer with wrong tense such as “I play basketball last weekend.”. Therefore, I will correct it and let them pay attention to it and tell them today we are going to learn the grammar simple past tense.Step 2: Presentation1. Show some pictures on the screen and present some words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home”and “watched TV”on the blackboard. Let students learn the words.2. Ask students to observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities. Then invite some of them to give answers.3. Explain simple past tense to students and summarize the rules of it. Write down the rules on the blackboard.4. Ask students to listen to the tape and find out how to ask other’s activities in the last week. Write the sentences on the blackboard.Step 3: Practice1. Do an exerciseAsk students to write down the past tense of the verbs given on the blackboard.wash stay play is are do2. Role playAsk students to work in pair to practice the conversation. Then act the conversation out. 5minutes is given. Then invite some pairs to show their performance.Step4: ProductionAsk students to do a survey about what they did last weekend. Let them work in group of 6 and one of them acts as the group leader to collect their group members’activities and make a list for us. 10 minutes will be given. After that, invite one group to share their report. Tell students they should report like this. For example, “Last weekend, Lily washed the clothes.”Then give encouragement for them.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Talk about what they did in the last weekend with their parents.Blackboard design:Last weekendcleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TVrules: verb+ed do-did is/am-was are-were-What dd you do?-I stayed at home and watched TV.wash___ stay___ play___ is___ are___ do___【答辩题目解析】1.What does the blackboard design should present?【参考答案】Blackboard design is an important part of our teaching because a good blackboard design can show the key points of lesson clearly. Also, it is very helpful for students to understand the content of this lesson. As for me, this lesson is a grammar class. So I think the content of blackboard design should contain the following aspects, including title of this lesson, key words and sentence patterns, key grammar points or rules, and exercises. By writing these on the blackboard, I believe students can grasp the main content of this lesson.【答辩题目解析】2.What qualities do you think you should have as a primary school English teacher?【参考答案】I think as a primary school English teacher, I should have the quality of innocence. Primary school students like lively and relaxed classes, as well as kind and friendly teachers. The teacher’s smile and friendly face often makes the students feel warm and be willing to communicate, so that the teaching atmosphere will be very relaxed, and the teaching effect will be better.。

第1篇一、题目一:My Birthday【题目解析】本题目要求考生设计一节以"My Birthday"为主题的英语课堂,旨在考查考生对小学英语教学内容的把握、教学设计能力以及对学生的引导和启发能力。
【教学目标】1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂并说出关于生日的基本词汇和句型,如:Happy birthday! When is your birthday? How old are you? 等。
2. 能力目标:通过听、说、读、写的实践活动,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
【教学重难点】1. 教学重点:掌握关于生日的基本词汇和句型,能够用英语进行简单的交流。
2. 教学难点:正确运用句型,进行角色扮演,提高学生的口语表达能力。
【教学过程】一、导入1. 老师出示一张生日贺卡,让学生猜一猜这是什么。
2. 引导学生说出生日相关词汇,如:birthday, cake, gift等。
二、呈现新知1. 老师用PPT展示生日场景,如:生日蛋糕、礼物等,让学生说出对应的英文单词。
2. 教师引导学生学习关于生日的句型,如:Happy birthday! When is your birthday? How old are you? 等。
三、操练1. 老师带领学生进行句型练习,如:Happy birthday to you! You are five years old. 等等。
2. 学生两人一组,互相询问对方的生日,并用英语回答。
四、拓展1. 老师出示一张生日派对的照片,让学生用英语描述派对场景。
2. 学生进行角色扮演,模拟生日派对。
五、总结1. 老师带领学生回顾本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 学生分享自己的生日经历,并用英语表达。
六、作业1. 学生回家后,向父母询问他们的生日,并用英语进行交流。
2. 学生制作一张生日贺卡,送给父母。

「教师证」小学英语面试真题小学英语教师资格证面试真题《Kitty ’s morning》考试目标:小学面试科目:英语题目名称:《Kitty ’s morning》详情:1. 题目:《Kitty ’s morning》2. 内容:Kitty gets up at 6:00 in the morning.Kitty brushes teeth at 6:30 in the morning.Kitty goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.Kitty has lunch at 12:00.3. 基本要求:(1)全英试讲。
(3)试讲时间:10 分钟。
简案:Teaching content: Sentence pattern about“Kitty’s morning”.Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the changes of third person singular verbs.Ability aim: Students can use sentence to describe what other people do in their daily life.Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English and realize they should cherish the time.Teaching Key Points:Students know how to describe daily activities at exact time.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply the structure into daily communication.Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming upGreeting the students,sing a chant and do the action together.Step 2: Presentation(1) Show students pictures to review the words.(2) Say sentences to the Students and let them find out what the changes are.(3) Make a conclusion.Step 3: PracticeInvite one student coming in front, do the action and let other students say the sentence: He/She goes to school.Step 4: ProductionMake a survey: Let students work in their group of four. They’ll be given 15 minutes to ask some questions with each other and fill in the survey table about what they do at what time. After that, invite some students to share their survey result by saying “XX gets up at 6:30”, etc.Step 5: Summary & & HomeworkSummary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, and make a summary about what we have learned today.Homework: Let students to think and design “A Day of Peppa Pig”.Blackboard design:详细教学过程:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing a chant, invite the whole students to do the action when singing together.In the morning GO GO GOBrush your teeth! Brush your teeth! In the morning SHUA SHUA SHUAGo to school! Go to school! In the morning GO GO GOStep 2: Presentation1.Show students four pictures to review the words get up, brush teeth, have lunch,go to school.2.Say sentences to the Students and let them find out what the changes are.e.g. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. Kitty gets up at 6:00 in the morning.e.g. I brush teeth at 6:30 in the morning. Kitty brushes teeth at 6:30 in the morning.......3.Make a conclusion. When we say he/she/other’s name, we change the words “get-gets”, “brush-brushes”, “have-has”, “go-goes”.Step : 3: PracticeInvite one student coming in front, do the action and let other students say the sentence: He/She goes to school.Step 4: ProductionMake a survey: Let students work in their group of four. They’ll be given 15 minutes to ask some questions with each other and fill in the survey table about what they do at what time. After that, invite some students to share their survey result bysaying “XX gets up at 6:30”, etc.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, and make a summary about what we have learned today.Homework: Let students to think and design “A Day of Peppa Pig”. They may draw some pictures. Tomorrow two of them will be invited to share their works and say some sentences to introduce a day of Peppa Pig.Blackboard design:【答辩题目及解析】1. 请谈谈什么是语法教学中的归纳法?【参考答案】先让外语学习者接触包含语法规则的真实上下文,通过学习大量例句,使学生形成一定程度的感性认识,进而对材料进行加工,最后再总结归纳出语法规则。

小学英语教师结构化面试题目第一部分:教学理念与教学方法1. 请简要描述一下你的教学理念和对小学英语教育的看法。
2. 在小学英语教育中,你认为最重要的教学方法是什么?请具体说明。
3. 如何激发学生的学习兴趣并增强他们的参与度?4. 请举例说明如何适应不同学生的学习风格和智力发展水平。
第二部分:课程设计与教材运用1. 你曾经设计过什么样的英语课程?请说明你的设计思路和实施效果。
2. 教材在你的教学中扮演着怎样的角色?请说明你如何合理运用教材。
3. 如果遇到教材中的某些内容难以理解或不适合学生,你会采取什么措施解决这个问题?4. 请谈谈你对综合素质教育在小学英语教学中的重要性,并举例说明如何在教学中培养学生的综合素质。
第三部分:评估与反馈1. 如何确定学生的学习目标和教学目标,并进行有效的评估?2. 请简要说明你采用的常见评估方式,并谈谈你如何利用评估结果调整教学策略。
3. 如何通过课堂反馈帮助学生改进学习效果?你会使用哪些具体的反馈方式?4. 如果遇到学生学习困难的情况,你会采取什么措施帮助他们克服难题?第四部分:专业知识与实践经验1. 请简要介绍一下你的英语教育背景和相关的教学经验。
2. 请谈谈你对小学英语课程标准的理解,并说明你如何在教学实践中贯彻执行这些标准。
3. 请列举一些你认为对小学英语教师而言必备的专业知识和能力。
4. 如何持续提升自己的教学能力和专业素养?你会采取哪些措施来保持自己的教学水平?结语:以上是我对小学英语教师结构化面试题目的设想,希望能够帮助你在面试中有所准备。

小学英语面试试题及答案一、听力理解(共10分)1. 请听录音,选择正确的图片。
(每题2分,共4分)(1)A. 一个苹果 B. 一个橙子 C. 一个香蕉(2)A. 一只猫 B. 一只狗 C. 一只鸟2. 请听录音,判断下列句子是否正确。
(每题1分,共6分)(1)The girl is playing the piano. ( )(2)The boy is reading a book. ( )二、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 选择填空。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)This is ________ English book.A. aB. anC. the(2)She ________ a teacher.A. amB. isC. are2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
(每题1分,共10分)(1)There ________ (be) some apples on the table.(2)I ________ (like) playing football.三、阅读理解(共20分)1. 阅读短文,判断正误。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)Tom has a new bike. ( )(2)Lily likes playing basketball. ( )2. 阅读短文,回答问题。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)What does Tom have?(2)What does Lily like to do?四、写作(共20分)1. 写一篇关于你最喜欢的季节的短文。
(10分)2. 描述一下你的家庭成员。
(10分)五、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据图片描述场景。
(10分)2. 讲述你在学校的一天。
(10分)3. 谈谈你的梦想。
(10分)答案:一、听力理解1. (1)B (2)A2. (1)√ (2)√二、词汇与语法1. (1)B (2)B2. (1)are (2)like三、阅读理解1. (1)√ (2)×2. (1)Tom has a new bike.(2)Lily likes playing basketball.四、写作(答案略,根据学生实际写作内容评分)五、口语表达(答案略,根据学生实际口语表达能力评分)。

第1篇一、自我介绍与教育理念1. 请简单介绍一下您的个人背景,包括教育经历、工作经历等。
2. 您认为作为一名小学英语教师,最重要的品质是什么?请结合您的经历谈谈您的理解。
3. 您如何理解“教育即生长,教育即生活,教育即经验的不断改造”这一教育理念?在您的教学实践中,如何体现这一理念?二、教学设计与实施1. 请谈谈您对小学英语课程标准的理解,以及如何将这些标准融入您的教学设计中。
2. 请描述一次您设计的教学活动,包括教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等。
3. 在教学过程中,如何处理学生之间的差异?请举例说明您如何根据学生的不同特点进行差异化教学。
4. 您认为如何有效地激发学生的学习兴趣?请分享您在教学过程中使用的具体策略。
5. 请谈谈您在课堂管理方面的经验,包括如何建立良好的课堂纪律、如何处理课堂突发事件等。
三、学生发展与评价1. 您如何看待学生的全面发展?在您的教学实践中,如何促进学生的全面发展?2. 请谈谈您对“过程性评价”和“终结性评价”的理解,以及如何在教学过程中运用这两种评价方式。
3. 在评价学生时,如何保证评价的客观性和公正性?请分享您的具体做法。
4. 您认为如何帮助学生建立自信?请举例说明您在教学过程中如何帮助学生建立自信。
5. 在学生遇到学习困难时,您如何给予他们支持和帮助?请分享您的经验。
四、教师职业道德与职业发展1. 您认为作为一名教师,职业道德的重要性体现在哪些方面?请结合您的经历谈谈您的理解。
2. 您如何看待教师职业发展?请谈谈您在职业发展方面的规划。
3. 在您的教学实践中,如何践行社会主义核心价值观?请举例说明。
4. 请谈谈您对教师团队合作的理解,以及如何在团队合作中发挥自己的作用。
5. 您认为如何平衡工作与生活?请分享您的经验。
五、教育政策与教学实践1. 请谈谈您对当前我国教育政策的理解,以及如何将这些政策融入您的教学实践中。
2. 您如何看待信息技术在小学英语教学中的应用?请分享您在教学过程中使用信息技术的经验。
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I. Read the following passage and translate it
One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell. “I’s wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn’t it?” the teacher said. “Yes, sir.” said one of the boys, “but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its egg shell before hand."
II. Read this dialogue and express their disappointment and joviality.
Part I 译文
One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator(孵卵器), chick just got out of its egg shell.
“It’s wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn’t it?” the teacher said.
“Yes, sir.”said one of the boys, “but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its egg shell before hand.”
I. Read the following passage and translate it
The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest’s plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: “You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?”“In the rat-tra p, sir,”replied the boy.
II. Read this dialogue and imitate the robot’s voice.
小学英语教师面试试题( 2 )
Part I 译文
The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese.
The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest’s plate.
The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: “You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny.”
“Where did you find the cheese?”“In the rat-trap, sir,” replied the boy.
“你在哪里找到的奶酪?” “在捕鼠夹上,先生。
小学英语教师面试试题( 3 )
I. Read the following passage and translate it
A fisherman who lived on the produce of his nets. One day, he caught a single small fish as the result of his day’s labor. The fish, panting convulsively, thus entreated for his life: “Oh, Sir, what can I be to you, and how little am I worth? I am not yet come to my full size. Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea. I shall soon become a large fish fit for the tables of the rich, and then you can catch me again, and make a handsome profit of me.” The fisherman replied, “I should indeed be a very simple fellow, if for the chance of a greater uncertain profit, I were to forego my present certain gain.”
II. Read this dialogue and express each character’s feeling.
小学英语教师面试试题( 3 )
Part I 译文
A fisherman who lived on the produce of his nets. One day, he caught a single small f ish as the result of his day’s labor.
The fish, panting convulsively, thus entreated for his life: “Oh, Sir, what can I be to you, and how little am I worth? I am not yet come to my full size.
Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea. I shall soon become a large fish fit for the tables of the rich, and then you can catch me again, and make a handsome profit of me.”
The fisherman replied, “I should indeed be a very simple fellow, if for the chance of a greater uncertain profit, I were to forego my present certain gain.”