

【自制】Eminem PPT

【自制】Eminem PPT

Eminem与Proof同台表演 模 (他 为 一 的纪 样 名念 的 的字 图 右纹 案 臂在 ) 上左 曾小 有臂 一上 将 Proof
Doody, most of my life its just been me and you there Doody,我和你一起走过我生命中的大部分时间 and I continuosly stare at pictures of you 我不停的凝视你的那些照片 I never got to say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do 我从未像我想的那样告诉你我爱你 yeah I say it now and you can’t hear me 是的,现在我终于把它说出口,可你永远听不见 what the fuck good does that do me now 现在这样的表达对我的到底还有什么用处? but somehow I know you’re near me in presence 不知为什么我能够感觉你还在我身边 or I went and drop some presents off to ease it to them 我专程去你家把礼物带给你的孩子,以减轻思念你的压抑和痛苦 two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little 你那两个漂亮的小男孩,我很想能安抚到他们一些
直到如今,Eminem也不知道自己的父亲是谁。而他的母 亲,也没能给予他多少关心和照顾。他在歌曲《Cleanin’ out my closet》中唱到:
But put yourself in my position just try to invision 但是你站在我的位置来,试着想象一下 witnessin' yo mama poppin' prescription pills in da kitchen 亲眼目击你自己的妈妈在厨房里吞服摇头丸 Keep tellin' yourself that you was a mom 继续反复对你自己说你是个母亲 But how dare you try to take what you didn't help me to get? 可是你怎么敢试着夺走我从未靠你的帮助而得到的一切 ?



Dr. Dre
I need a doctor
? Hope,I just need a ray of that 期待着,我需要的仅仅是人生中的 一丝曙光 ' Cause no one see's my vision when I play it for ‘em 因为他们没人能了解我歌中的内涵
They just say it's wack 他们只说它真差 But they don't know what dope is 他们连酷是什么也不知道( dope: 酷,棒极了)
the Academy Award for Best Original Song
for Lose
Yourself, the song which was iconic to this film.
Thank U Guys
Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya I'mma give you the world
咬住你的唇 我的小淑女
Daddy's here to hold ya through the night I'mma buy a diamond ring for you
? His name's Bruce Marshall Mathers,but his fans prefer to call him Eminem or “slim shady(痞子阿 姆)”.i think he is a man of suffering ots anyone he wanna shoot -



Academy Awards(奥斯卡颁奖礼)
2003:Best Original song(最佳原创歌曲): ——《Lose Yourself》
MTV European Music Awards(欧洲音乐颁奖典礼)
1999:Best New Artist(最佳新艺人) (My Name Is)
:Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人)
律城的生活经历。 精选ppt
直到如今,Eminem也不知道自己的父亲是谁。而他的母 亲,也没能给予他多少母亲的关心和照顾。神经质、絮絮 叨叨、爱钱如命、嗜毒成瘾,这是阿姆眼中的母亲。
Eminem从小在“黑人区”里成长。因此他目睹了许多丑 恶的交易,人性的卑劣,一些令人毛骨悚然的枪击事件, 暴力事件。Eminem在接受电台访问的时候,他说过这样 一段话。“你能想象在回家的时候,在家门口看见一具睁 大着双眼的尸体么?我发誓我看见它了。在以后的日子里, 我最希望的就是上帝保佑我别让我再看见这该死的东西”。
many awards, such as UN Goodwill Ambassador and the
ambassador of the global r精e选fpuptgee relief agencies. She5 is
ranked the first, undisputed.
Things here are worthy of our attention, Chinese martial arts star Bruce Lee WINS. And seventh, over a long period of time, Americans are obsessed with this Chinese martial arts star. In the United States who, this is so good at fighting Chinese people look a little thin, and his hand is always so accurate and rapidly fatal. In time, the "Chinese KungFu" sweeping the United States, as young people followed the boom at the time. Have a Hollywood director says: "Bruce Lee is United States history of film, and the United States on the social history of the birth of the best Oriental. Over the next 200 years, I don't think any of the East one


Slim,我写信给你,但是仍然没有你的回信 信的封底有我的手机、呼机、以及家里的电话
秋天有两封信退了回来,你一定没收到 可能是邮局或其它什么问题
有时候我匆匆写下地址,不太整洁,过于ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้草了 操,不管它了。嘿,最近怎么样? 你的女儿还好吗? 我女朋友也怀孕了,我要当爸爸拉
如果我有个女儿,猜我给她取什么名字? 我要叫她Bonnie
The total number of awards obtained by Eminem was ranked third in the history, ranking after Madonna and Pitt - Gabriel.
He is the highest-selling singer in the world in the first decade of 21st century.
He shoots anyone he wanna shoot - his mom, his ex-wife, some stars and even politicians. So many people call him a ruffian.
13 Grammy
1 Oscar
6 Europe MTV
Lyric - Stan
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I.. got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window.. and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey, put your picture on my wall



• There was a black guy said:“Eminem is the only white man I admire. • It’s said that white man cannot play hip-hop better than black guy. But Eminem proves it was absolutely wrong , because there is no distinction among human beings . Supposed you devoted yourself in it , you would eventually succeed. • 人种之间并无差异,正如俗语说:只要有恒心, 铁杵磨成针
The King of Rap Music
• He got 1 billion fans around the world,but ne never stops. His music , lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people. He just says:“I’m not a real person, I’m a ghost trapped in a beat.” It’s just Eminem,you may say him crazy,but rap made him, you just can’t help loving 他有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止过。 他有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止过。他的音 他的歌词和思想影响了无数的人,他说过: 乐,他的歌词和思想影响了无数的人,他说过:“我不是一 个真正的人,我是个困在节奏里的幽灵。” 个真正的人,我是个困在节奏里的幽灵。 这就是阿姆,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他, 这就是阿姆,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他,听 过他的歌你就会不情不自禁爱上他。 过他的歌你就会不情不自禁爱上他。



My topic today is about my favorite hip hop star—Eminem, who is known as “rap god”.His name's Bruce Marshall Mathers, but fans prefer to call him “Slim Shady”. He is a legend, not only he is white rapper, but also he has great talent in rap music. Eminem is “bound”very successful hip-hop “white”, one of the rap singers who are widely acclaimed music critics.His characteristic rap style is called hardcore. He has a strong sense of beat and rhyme. He can change his rap flow and style without any changes in beat.Eminem is not afraid to say anything about anyone and does so through his music, even he got 1 billion fans all around the world. He shot everyone he wants to shoot, his mom, his wife and some stars, too. Some people called him “ruffian”. But it’ll never happen to Hailie Jade, his daughter. He loves her so much that he wrote lots of songs for her, such as <mockingbird>. No matter how people says him a evil, they can’t deny that he is a great father. His music, his lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people. He just said:” I’m not a real person, I’m a ghost tapped in a beat.” It’s just Slim Shady. You may think he is c razy, but rap made him. Once you listened to his music, you are gonna fall in love with him.He won lots of awards but he didn’t care. He cares a lot about his friends. His song <I need a doctor> is written for Dr. Dre, his mentor. It is the time when Dr. Dre was tough that he can do nothing. The song impressed me a lot.No matter what happens, I would support him as always.。

英语 eminem 介绍 ppt

英语  eminem  介绍 ppt

• • 阿姆是“嘻哈”界极少数成功 的“白人”歌手之一,音乐也 受到乐评人广泛好评。他自己 作的歌词韵律感很强,也能够 在保持音乐节拍不变的情况下 在一首歌中改变好几次自己的 说唱节奏和风格。
EMINEM,the king of rap music.
He got 1 billion fans around the world,but he never stops.His muisc,lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people.He just says:"I'm not a real person,I'm a ghost trapped in a beat." It's just shady,you may say shady's crazy,but rap made him,you just can't help loving.
他得有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止。他的音乐,他 的歌词和思想影响了无数的人 他说过:“我不是一个真正的人, 我是个困在节奏理的幽灵。" 这就是shady,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他,听过他 的歌你就会情不自禁爱上他。
He shot anyone he wanna shoot,.his mom,his wife,some stars that he hate.So Some people call him ruffian.But it should be noted that it will never be Hailie Jade,his daugher.He loves her so much so that he wrote many songs for her.No matter how people say he is evil,he is always true to her.He is a great father



8 Miles
You own it you better never let it go 你赢得它 你最好永远不要放走它 You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow 你只有这一次机会 不要错过引爆众 人的机会 This opportunity comes once in a lifetime 这种机会人生只有一次
别名:Slim Shady 生日:1972年10月17日 奖项:奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲奖 academy award best original song award
因为给他写了几封信Em没回。STAN不知 道是不是邮局的过失。但是等了很久都 没有回信。 在喝了伏特加后,把女朋友绑在后备箱 里,在高速公路上飚车,最后同归于尽。 不久后EMINEM受到了Stan的信,一边看 电视,一边写回信。写道一半的时候才 发现电视上的新闻中正是Stan的

eminem PPt

eminem PPt

电影作品:《8 Mile》(八英里)
阿姆也凭借自己在电影中的一曲原唱 《Lose Yourself》荣登奥斯卡最佳原 唱奖,成为获得奥斯卡殊荣的流行音 乐界第一人。 新的领域开花结果,阿 姆酷爱的本行也没落后。同年,阿姆 推出了个人第三张专辑 《The Eminem Show》。 专辑销售一如既往 的火爆,阿姆也又一次站在格莱美奖 的领奖台上。《 The Eminem Show 》 荣获45届格莱美最佳说唱专辑奖,主 打歌曲《 Without Me 》荣获最佳短 MV奖。三张专辑,三获格莱美最佳说 唱专辑奖,阿姆没有辜负当年歌迷赐 予的昵称“Great White Hope”,如今 希望变成了的现实。虽然阿姆的成名 可谓平步青云,但是在生活上他历尽 艰辛。这位白人小伙凭着自己对说唱 音乐的痴迷,在黑人把持的说唱界获 得如此成就,印证了中国的一句老话: “事上无难事,只怕有心人。”
EMINEM是美国的一名说唱歌手。 其风格类型为:Hardcore Rap (硬核说唱)。埃米纳姆最大的突 破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人 一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而 且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛 逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年 喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到 抨击。 国籍:美国 出生地:美国密苏里州圣约瑟夫 出生日期:1972年10月17日 职业:歌手 代表作品:《My Name Is》、《Without Me》、《Mockingbird》等 主要成就:九次获得格莱美奖 第75届奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲大奖 21世纪以来十年全球唱片销量最高
左肩膀:蘑菇形 状的骷髅,后面 有着火的大厦。 纪念已故叔叔 “Ronnie Pilkington” (EM 指出Ronnie是家 庭中唯一关心他 的人)

英语剧本 eminem

英语剧本 eminem

Encore rap(Eminem's believing)(艾米纳姆的信念):重复表演rap剧本—艾米纳姆(Eminem)的故事Eminem's story(剧本的rap由本人独唱)剧本说明:我一直很喜欢阿姆的歌,这个剧本是阿姆的曾经的一段小小的遭遇,为了唱歌,和父母反目,反映出阿姆的固执,为了唱歌牺牲一切。

他用生命创作rap,不怕和黑人做对(因为rap界的顶级人物一般是黑人,黑人对白人rap歌手很排斥),这剧本是我从他的人生中挑选出来的比较精彩的部分,中间还插有rap,这部剧本主要以rap 反映艾米纳姆的人生。

Script explanation: I always enjoy Eminem's song, the play is a period of Eminem's small encounter, in order to sing, he don't listen to parents' words, that reflecting Eminem's stubborn. In order to sing, he sacrificed. He lives writing songs of rap,and He isn’t afraid of black(because the top of rap person is always Negro,Black rap singers are also rejecting to White)This play is from his life are selected comparative good part, among still inserted with rap. This drama mainly does with rap that can reflect Eminem's life.角色1(艾米纳姆Eminem)扮演人:角色2(警察policeman)扮演人:角色3(老师teacher)扮演人:角色4(艾米纳姆的好友保罗Paul)扮演人: 角色5(艾米纳姆的好友凯瑞Kerry)扮演人:角色6(艾米纳姆的母亲mother)扮演人: 小组的分工情况:开场rap:(艾米纳姆的发泄)I've become so numb hahaCan I get an encore,do you want more( more more)Get your ass up for the doctor你这个笨蛋快去看医生One more time, get your ass up for the doctorCome on now, here we goCliff hanger, it's another club bangerGot you hanging on the edge of your seatGet on downTimes up, games over, you lose, I win'bout to show these knuckleheads how to do this hereOoh yeah, new year, next phase, beginLook who's got you going' crazy againI'm a trend, I set one every time I'm inI go out and just come back full circle againYou a fad, that means your something that we already hadBut once you're gone, you don't come back, too badYou're off the map now, radar can't even find youWe stay on the grind, you slip, we out-grind youYou walk around mad, you let your anger blind youWe walk around just playing' the violin behind youEnough with all the missing' and moaning', whining' and pitching' Sit and observe, listen, you'll learn if you pay attentionWhy ten multi-platinum albums later, three diamondWorld-wide, we're on the charts with a bullet and still climbing' [Chorus: Jay-Z & Linken Park]Now can I get an encore, do you want moreCooking raw with the Brooklyn boySo for one last time I need y'all to roarNow what the hell are you waiting forAfter me, there shall be no moreSo for one last time, Nigga, make some noise剧暮1:(现在,艾米纳姆回到了家中。

eminem 阿姆 英文 PPT

eminem 阿姆 英文 PPT

EMINEM,the king of rap music.
He got 1 billion fans around the world,but he never stops.His muisc,lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people.He just says:"I'm not a real person,I'm a ghost trapped in a beat." It's just shady,you may say shady's crazy,but rap made him,you just can't , I know you miss your mom Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈, 我知道你想念你的妈妈, And I know you miss your dad when I’m gone ’ 想念你的爸爸 But I’m trying to give you the life that I ’ never had 但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 I can see you’re sad ’ 我真能看见你的悲伤 Even when you smile 甚至在你强装着微笑 Even when you laugh 摆出一副笑脸的时候 I can see it in your eyes 我真能从你眼眸 Deep inside, you wanna cry 最深处察觉你想哭的冲动
You’re mother and me ’ 我和你妈妈都不想 But things have got so bad between us 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟 糕 I don’t see us ever being Together ever ’ again 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 Like we used to be when was teenagers 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 I guess it was never meant to be 我想, 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 But it’s just something We have no ’ control over 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的


This is my view about Eminem. I hope all of you can listened to his music and love rap. thank you
He is the only singer I liked and there are two reasons for this
One is his reality and one is his fratenity [frə‘tə:niti](兄弟情义) with his friends
Most singers a singer who sings real But Eminem isin the word sing a lot of songs about Romance . But the fact is that they haven’t went songs. through the experience written in the lyrics at all. What he songs to us are all his real They are In making a he shot anyone feelings. justhis lyrics fuss [fʌs] 大惊小怪 about an imaginary 想像中的 illness (无病呻吟). and anything he wanna shoot : The sings,they song are unreal ! ,someare messing with his wife racist(种族歧视者) They the songs just for the sake[利益] of messing with it. stars even the government and the This violated ['vaɪə,let] 违犯the essence['ɛsns] society . 本质 of the music which appeared as the real feelings! He told us about his sad childhood , 世界上大部分歌手唱的大部分的歌曲是讲爱情的,不 told us his mother likes drugs ,his father 是失恋就是相恋.但是是事实,他们自己并没有经历过任 is a sot(酒鬼). 何有关歌词中提到的经历..他们是为了唱歌而唱歌! He sings songs for grating his rap (或者说为了利益而唱歌)这违背了音乐作为真情实感 teacher ,and sings songs to express his 显现的本质 ! love to his daughter.


We'll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨 Whatever weather, cold or warm 随他是什么,严寒或酷暑 ---《Not afraid》
More Than Music
The film is a semi-autobiography of Eminem, accounting of a young white rapper named Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr. (Eminem) living in inner city Detroit, Michigan set in 1995, and his attempt to launch a rap career in an industry dominated by African Americans. The film was a critical and financial success. Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Lose Yourself," the song which was iconic to this film.
He won a lot of awards,including 8 Grammy,1 Oscar,6 Europe MTV.The total number of awards obtained by Eminem was ranked third in the history, ranking after Madonna and Pitt Gabriel.He is the 21st century decade global music's highest-selling singer He never forget his friends.Because of Proof's death,he even said googbye to the stage,till 2009.



(Play the video ‘Hip Hop’)16′28″ & 18′17″ & 22′06″ & 29′14″& 39′33″Hello everyone, today I am glad to be here and introduce a person to you that you have just seen in the video. His name is EMINEM.Background InformationEminem is a famous rap singer from America. His birth name is Marshall Bruce Mathers, but his fans and even he himself usually call him Slim Shady. You can hear it in his songs.The King of RapWell…for this part, I think there’s no need for me to explain. We can feel his talent through his songs which I will show you later. All I have to say is he’s a legend of rap, he’s a crazy guy, he gets millions of fans around the world and he is a ruffian, not only before his debut but also for now.AwardsAs for his awards, I have to say Eminem has won a lot of awards, including 13 Grammy, 1 Oscar, 6 Europe MTV, a nd has been ranked number nine on MTV’s list of The Greatest MCs of All Time. The total number of awards obtained by Eminem was ranked third in the history. He is the highest-selling singer in the world in the first decade of 21st century. Eminem获得的奖项总数位居历史第三位,居麦当娜和皮特-加布里埃尔之后。


He got 1 billion fans around the world, but he never stops. His music, lyrics and thoughts affect lots of people. He said: "I'm not a real person, I'm a ghost trapped in a beat.“
We waited in the blistering cold for you, four hours and you just said, "No." That's pretty shitty man
you're like his fuckin idol He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do



His traits
But it should be noted that he only criticized people who have ever hurt him and social prolems that are controversial. He loves his daughter from the bottom of his heart.He loves her so much that he wrote many songs for her. No matter how people say he is evil,he keeps his true love to her.He is a great father
His live viedo
Love the way you lie+I need a doctor[live]
His experience
从小生活艰辛的Eminem,几乎没有享受过什 么温暖,因此造就了他独立和决绝的性格。小 时候的他一直过着那种衣食无着,颠沛流离的 生活,因此在他的生命里,我们同时也能看见 他的一丝脆弱和孤独。 直到如今,Eminem也不知道自己的父亲是谁。 而他的母亲,也没能给e film is a semi-autobiography of Eminem. He directed this movie,and at the same time act the leading role in this movie. The movie gave an account of his early life and his growth process. 这部电影是阿姆的自传片,他自拍 自导了这部影片。影片记述了他的 早年生活和成长历程。 The film was a critical and financial success. Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for the song "Lose Yourself," 这部电影获得了重大成功。 阿姆也凭借主题曲“lose your self”赢 得了一个奥斯卡奖项。
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Hip hop music, also referred to as rap music, is a music genre typically consisting of a rhythmic vocal style called rap which is accompanied with backing beats. Hip hop music is part of hip hop culture, which began in the 1970s.The term rap is often used synonymously with hip hop music.
——The film
The film “8 Mile” is a semi-autobiography of Eminem, accounting of a young white rapper named Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr. (Eminem) living in inner city Detroit in 1995, and his attempt to launch a rap career in an industry dominated by African Americans. The film was a critical and financial success. Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Lose Yourself," the song which was iconic to this film.
Eminem is a legend, not only because he's a white rapper, but his great talent in rap music as well. He can rap with any kind of beat, and his lyrics are never gentle.
When everyone was telling you don‘t sign me 当人们都劝你别签我 Everyone at the f-cking label 当时每个唱片公司里的人都这么说 Let's tell the truth,You risked your career for me 但实际上,为了我,你把自己事业全赌了下去 I know it as well as you 这点我和你一样清楚 Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy 在这个行业没人会吊一个白人 Dre I’m crying in this booth 德瑞,我在这个暗室中呼喊 You saved my life, now maybe it’s my turn to save yours 你救了我一命,现在也许轮到我来救你的命了 But I can never repay you what you did for me is way more 但你对我的恩德不论如何我都报答不尽,(因为)你为 我做的更多 But I ain‘t giving up faith and you ain’t giving up on me 但我不会放弃我的信念,而且你也不会放弃我 Get up Dre, I’m dying I need you, come back for f-cks sake 振作吧,德瑞,我要死了,我需要你,看在这份上回来 吧!

His name’s Bruce Marshall Mathers,but his fans prefer to call him Eminem or “slim shady(痞子阿 姆)”.i think he is a man of suffering and rebirth.
The King of Rap
Thank U
When Eminem was a young boy, he contact with rap. With the great talent on rap, he join a underground rap game in his hometown and became the champion. And his work at the time was heard by of the rap Godfather Dr dre,Dr dre contact and develop Eminem. However, when Dr dre annouced to cultivate a young white rapper everybody regard it as a joke. Eminem angry,also understand,because no body wanted to waste time with a while boy.Fortunately,after making the first album,the world had notied the whlie boy and eminem started his legend career.
Mocking bird
And if you ask me too Now hush little baby, don't you cry 而如果你们想要 好了 我的宝贝 不要哭了 Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird Everything's gonna be alright 我会给你们买一只知更鸟 事情总会好起来的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya I'mma give you the world 我会给你们世界 咬住你的唇 我的小淑女 Daddy's here to hold ya through the night I'mma buy a diamond ring for you 我会给为你们买钻戒 爸爸在这里 爸爸拥着你渡过暗夜 I'mma sing for you I know mommy's not here right now 我会为你们唱歌 and we don&不知道原因 I'll do anything for you to see you smile 我会为了看见你们的微笑做任何事情 We feel how we feel inside And if that mockingbird don't sing and that 我们感觉的只是自己的内心 ring don't shine It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 而如果那只知更鸟不叫 而钻戒不够闪耀 这也许有点疯狂 亲爱的宝贝 I'mma break that birdie's neck But i promise momma's gon' be alright 我就掐断那只愚蠢的鸟的脖颈 但爸爸发誓 妈妈会好起来。 I'd go back to the jewler who sold it to ya 我会去找那些把戒指卖给我的珠宝商 And make him eat every carat 让他们把每一克拉钻戒都吞下去

Eminem grew up in a poor family, six months old his father and mother divorced .His mother took him back and forth to Detroit and Kansas City, he turned twenty schools when he was a child. Lacking of food in his childhood, he was thin and short, always being the target of abuse , bullying by other students . So what he can see in the world is just all violence.
He shoots anyone he wanna shoot - his mom, his ex-wife, some stars and even politicians. So many people call him a ruffian.
13 Grammy 1 Oscar Best Original Song 6 Europe MTV The total number of awards obtained by Eminem was ranked third in the history. He is the highest-selling singer in the world in the first decade of 21st century.
I’m thankful for the talent in which God gave me and I’m thankful for the environment that he placed me.----《Never Enough》(译:我感谢上帝赐予我的天分,并感激他 把我置身于那么坎坷的境况。)
Dr. Dre
I need a doctor

Hope,I just need a ray of that 期待着,我需要的仅仅是人生中的 一丝曙光 ’Cause no one see's my vision when I play it for ‘em 因为他们没人能了解我歌中的内涵 They just say it’s wack 他们只说它真差 But they don’t know what dope is 他们连酷是什么也不知道(dope: 酷,棒极了) And I don’t know if I was awake or asleep,When I wrote this 当我写下这歌词时,我甚至不清楚 我到底是醒还是睡着 All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest 我只知道在我人生最低谷时 你来 到了我身边 You picked me up, breathed new life in me 你把我拉出低谷 让我焕发了新生 I owe my life to you 我欠你一条命!