



ELECTROSTAICSENSITIVE DEVICES制作核准接受不接受6.RGBW芯片特性参数Ta=25℃:TOHTOLT1HT1LTreset0码1码Reset 码DIN DO PIX1DINDOPIX2D1D2D3D4DINDOPIX3注:其中复位码>=80us数据刷新周期表1复位码D1D2D3D4注:高位先发,按照GRBW 的顺序发送数据(G7→G6→ 005V1045V104U1U25V104U3RR辐射图特性曲线17.包装规格:载带规格(单位:mm)卷轴尺寸:防潮带包装:标签描述:PRODUCT NO:产品型号QUANTITY:包装数量LOT NO:指令单号CCT:色温BIN:色区代码Ra:显数指数DATE:生产日期注明:SMD5050系列包装标准1000PCS/包,特别要求除外。

标签示图贴标签位贴标签位注:标注公差为±0.1mm,单位:mmPRODUCT NO:QUANTITY:PCSLOT NO:DATE:Lead freePRODUCT NO:产品型号QUANTITY:包装数量LOT NO:指令单号DATE:生产日期1.6.已完成装配的灯珠元件进行防潮管控对需要进行二次SMT工艺或高温的产品,在完成一次焊接后将会进行二次焊接前,亦应做好必要的防潮处理,暴露在(≦30℃/60%RH)条件下,最长不能超过2H,若二次高温生产相隔时间较长,则一次焊接后的材料必需进行必要的除湿工作(在70℃±5℃的烤箱中烘烤不少于12小时),然后抽真空密封保存,或者先将产品储存在干燥箱恒温恒湿箱内,二次高温生产前,再做进行除湿工作(在70℃±5℃的烤箱中烘烤不少于12小时),以确保产品在过高温工艺前不受潮,低湿烘烤条件:70℃±5℃烘烤不小于12小时高温烘烤条件:130°C±5°C烘烤5小时,回流焊正常作业累计不超过3次,对挤出工艺或者高温防护处理的产品,建议产品做防护工艺前,做好必要的除湿工作,在130℃±5℃的烤箱中烘烤5小时,以剔除产品在检测,老化,运输过程中暴露在空气中吸收的湿气,以避免产品在做防护处理后,包在材料表面的湿气会慢慢侵入材料,造成产品失效,1.7.回流焊焊接经丽创光电采用下面所列参数检测证明,表面贴装型LED符合JEDEC J-STD-020C标准。



5050三色RGBLED规格书承認書Samples approval sheet客戶名稱(Customer name):元件名稱(Production name):發光二極體型號(Model):RGB5050編號(Part number):日期(Date):2013-11-22編制Prepared by審核Checked by核准Approved by市場部Market Dept.客戶確認CUSTOMER CONFIRMATION確認Confirmed by審核Checked by核准Approved by一、外形圖Outline dimensions:單位Unit公差Tolerance晶片材料Die material膠體顏色Lens color發光顏色Emission colormm ±0.2mm ---- --※備註:承認書之編號和型號可用于查詢,客戶如有需要,請提供相應的編號和型號。

Remark:P/N & Model in samples approval sheet can be used to inquire,please provide corresponding P/N& model if customer need .二、光電參數Photoelectricity Parameter(環境溫度Ambient temperature:25℃濕度humidity:RH60%)項目Item符號Symbol測試條件Testcondition最小值Min典型值Type最大值Max單位Unit正向電壓Forward voltage VF IF=20mA R 1.9 -- 2.1V IF=20mA G 3.0 -- 3.3IF=20mA B 3.0 -- 3.3反向電流Reverse current IR VR=5V -- -- 10 μA發光強度Luminous intensity IV IF=20mA R 700 -- 900MCD IF=20mA G 1500 -- 1700IF=20mA B 500 -- 700主波長Dominant wavelengthλd IF=20mA R 620 -- 625nm IF=20mA G 520 523 525IF=20mA B 460 462 465光譜半寬度Spectrum line half widthΔλIF=20mA -- 60 -- nm 視角Viewing Angle2θ1/2 IF=20mA -- 120 -- deg備註:亮度測試公差±15%、波長測試公差±1nm、正向電壓測試公差±0.05V Remark:The tolerance of intensity:±15%, The tolerance of wave length:±1nm,The tolerance of forwards voltage: ±0.05V. Only reference for above data when testing.三、極限參數Absolute Maximum Rating(環境溫度Ambient temperature:25℃濕度humidity:RH60%)項目Item符號Symbol數值Value單位Unit備註Remark正向電流Forward Current IF 20 mA ---正向峰值電流Peck forward currentIFM 75 mA F=1KHZ,占空比(duty cycle)1/10反向耐壓Reverse Voltage VR 15 V --- 耗散功率Power DissipationPm 80 mW ---工作環境溫度OperationtemperatureTamb -25至+80 ℃--- 貯藏溫度Storage temperatureTstg +40至+60 ℃---焊接溫度Solderin g temperature Tsol 240 ℃焊接,≤3SSoldering,≤3S型號Model:RGB5050頁碼Page: 3/4四、典型光電特性曲線圖T ypical photoelectricity characteristic curve chart型號Model:RGB5050頁碼Page: 4/4R 五、可靠性實驗項目Reliability Test Project判斷標準Judging criterion:項目 Item符號 Symbol實驗條件 Experiment condition判斷標準CriteriaMin.Max.Forward V oltage V F I F =20mA ---- Initial Datex1.1Reverse Current I R V R =5V ---- 30μA Luminous IntensityIVI F =20mAInitial Datex0.8----描述 Description 項目 Item測試標準 T est criterion 測試條件 T est condition 測試時間 T est time 數量 Qty 失效數量 Fail qty 壽命測試 Life test常溫壽命測試Life test(room temperature) JIS7021:B4 T a=25℃±5℃,IF=30mA1000Hrs22環境測試 Ambience test高溫存儲High temperature store JIS7021:B10 MIL-STD-202:210A MIL-STD-750:2031 T a=85℃±5℃ 1000Hrs 22 0低溫存儲Low temperature storeJIS7021:B12 T a= -35℃±5℃ 1000Hrs 22 0 高溫高濕測試High temperature/ humidity testJIS7021:B11 MIL-STD-202:103D T a=85℃±5℃ RH=85% 1000Hrs22冷熱衝擊測試Cold / Heat strike test JIS7021::B4 MIL-STD-202:107D MIL-STD-750:102630min-10℃±5℃←→100℃±5℃ 5min 5min50Cycles 22 0冷熱迴圈測試Cold and heat cycle testJIS7021:A3 MIL-STD-202:107D MIL-STD-705:105E 5min 5min 5min -35℃~25℃~85℃~-35℃ 30min 5min 30min 5min 50Cycles 22 0。

LA-5050RGB-A LED说明书

LA-5050RGB-A LED说明书

LA-5050RGB-A●目录:(Content)◆封面:(Cover)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥‥━‥━‥PAGE:1OF12◆产品简介(Product introduction)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥‥━‥━‥PAGE:2OF12◆外形尺寸图及应用领域(Outline Dimensions)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━PAGE:3OF12◆产品编码解说及光电参数:Electrical-Optical Characteristics━‥━‥PAGE:4OF12◆色区分BIN及色温坐标:(Intensity Bin Limit)━‥━‥‥━‥━‥━PAGE:5OF12◆光电特性曲线图:(Optical Characteristics)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥PAGE:7OF12◆信赖度测试项目及标准:(Test items and results of reliability)‥‥‥PAGE:8OF12◆包装规范:(Packing)━‥━‥━━‥━‥━━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥PAGE:9OF12◆产品使用说明及注意事项:(Usage and Handling Instructions)‥‥‥PAGE:10-12OF12●特性:(Features)◆ 5.4长*5.0宽*1.6高:(5.4mm*5.0mm*1.6mm SMT LED Thickness.)◆角度:120度:(View Anglc:120°)◆包装:1000/一盒:(Package:1000PCS/Packet)◆发光颜色:RGB(Emitted Color:RGB)◆混色型:(Mono-color type)◆工作温度:-40~80度:(Operating Temperature:-40~+80℃)◆焊接温度:260度10秒:(S oldering Temperature:260for10sec℃)◆超大功率:(Supper High Power Consumption)◆可做不同的种类:(Various Colors And Types Available.)◆胶水:硅胶:(Resin(Mold):Silicone)◆反向电压5V:(Reverse Voltage:5V)◆储存温度-40~+100度:(Storage Temperature:-40~+100℃)◆脉冲电流60mA注:脉冲宽度0.1mS占空比1/10Pulsed Forward Current60mA(Duty1/10,Pulse Width0.1mS.)LA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-A●分BIN参数:(Color Coordinate Comparison)·色坐标范围LA-5050RGB-A●典型光学特性曲线:(Typical optical characteristics curves)环境温度与正向电流特性曲线正向电流与相对光强特性曲线Ambient Temperature vs.Forward Current Forward Current VS.Relative Intensity正向电压与正向电流特性曲线环境温度与相对光强特性曲线Forward Voltage VS.Forward Current Ambient Temperature VS.Relative Intensity相对光谱分布特性曲线辐射图特性曲线Relative spectral emission Radiation diagramLA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-A●包装规格✧标签:(Label)卷轴尺寸:(Reel Dimensions)✧载带规格(单位:mm):(Tape Specifications(Units:mm)✧防潮带包装:(Moisture Resistant Packaging)注:标注公差为±0.1mm,单位:mm:(Note:The tolerances unless mentioned is±0.1mm,Unit:mm)LA-5050RGB-A●回流焊接曲线图(IR reflow soldering Profile)✧有铅焊接(Lead solder)✧无铅焊接(Lead Free solder)注意:(NOTES:)1.我们建议的回流焊温度为240℃±5℃,最高的焊接温度要控制在260℃以内。




目前市面上主要有恒流6MA 幻彩、12-13MA幻彩。





















2. 储存 2-1. 准备使用产品前不要打开防潮袋。开封前请先检查包装袋有无漏气,开包后检查湿度标示卡 20%RH
标示区有无由蓝色变为粉红色.如漏气或变色现象,请联系厂家或退回厂家高温除湿处理,(高温除湿 环境:120 度,6H)切勿自行处理 2-2. 打开包装前, LEDs 需储存在温度低于 30℃,湿度低于 70%RH 。 2-3. 打开包装后,在温度低于 30℃ ,湿度低于 60%RH 的情况下,且开封到焊接完成控制在 4H。 2-4. 如果吸湿材料 (硅凝胶)已经消退或是 LEDs 已经超过了储存时间, 则需要基于以下条件进行烘烤 处理: 60±5℃ / 24 小时。 3. 回流焊注意事项 3-1. 无铅锡膏的温度曲线
█ 电性与光学特性(Ta=25℃)
参数 正向电压 反向电流 发光角度 波长
最小 平均 最大 单位
R IF=20mA
VF G IF=20mA
B IF=20mA
R IF=20mA
3-2. 回流焊不能超过两次。 3-3. 焊接期间, 加热时不要在 LEDs 上添加任何压力。 3-4. 焊接后, 正常回温至 40℃以下后才可过电流。 4. 防护措施
成不良。LED 为半导体敏感器件,静电放电(ESD)或脉冲电流(EOS)可能会损害 LED。 作业机台 有效接地、作业中作好静电防护,可有效提升产品品质。贴片 LED 灯珠在生产过程中及灯具使用环境 需避免与硫.卤素.酸.醇.碱.酮肟类挥发性化合物,强氧化物.增塑剂(又名塑化剂,领苯二甲酸二辛酯 DOP 或邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 DBP,PVC 物料即含有大量增塑剂)等腐蚀性物质接触




产品简介LED RGB声控灯条采用先进的PWM控制技术,能够实现多钟RGB颜色变化(详细模式见下文);采用RF无线射频遥控进行模式选择调节,实现静态、跳变、渐变和音频感应等灯光变化效果,同时客户可根据实际需求对静态颜色进行亮度调节,对动态变化进行速度调节;该款产品是基于音频分析技术和更人性化遥控器设计基础上进行升级的第二代音乐控制器,达到完美的音频控制效果和用户体验;并可以与本公司的RGB信号放大器进行功率扩展,实现更多LED灯的同步化,理论上可以连接无数个RGB放大器。

技术参数工作温度-20-60℃供电电压12~24V静态功耗<1W连接方式共阳灰度级256级(可连发)速度档100级(可连发)净重185g毛重215g外型尺寸L130ΧW64ΧH24 mm包装尺寸L137ΧW80ΧH54 mm输出3回路输出电流≤4A(每回路)遥控方式RF发射接收频率433.92Mhz遥控距离20m模式14种控制器输出功率12V:≤144W产品特点1、产品供电电压12V电压;2、输出为三回路,每路允许最大电流为4A,能带12V30灯/米的灯带20米,12V60灯/米的灯带10米;3、采用RF无线遥控方式,具有遥控距离远,无方向性,可穿透一定厚度阻碍物等特点,环境的不同,最大距离可以达到20米;常规产品的无线遥控器是可通用的,如需要一对一控制,需要对其编码;4、具有断电记忆存储功能,每次上电都会保留上次掉电时的变化模式;5、14种模式,包括8种静态颜色、3种动态变化和3种音乐模式,其中3种音乐模式分别对应F.T.:DJ(快节奏变化)、M.T.:动感(通用型的节奏变化)、C.T.:柔情(慢节奏变化);音频模式时可通过黑色旋钮调节灵敏度;6、音频控制可以通过麦克风和音频线输入信号两种方法实现;7、为了实现更多灯具的同步,可与本公司的RGB信号放大器进行功率扩展。



全球LED驱动IC规格书下载大全编辑文子目录台湾地区部分: 4点晶科技股份有限公司 4台湾聚积科技公司 4台湾广鹏(富晶)科技公司 5台湾台晶科技 5台湾易亨电子公司 5台湾圆创科技股份有限公司 5台湾晶锜科技公司 6天鈺科技股份有限公司 6台湾飞虹积体电路有限公司 6台湾芯瑞科技股份有限公司 6台湾茂达电子公司 6日本部分: 6东芝公司 6松下电器产业株式会社半导体社 6美国部分: 7IR 国际整流器公司 7ON 安森美半导体 7美国超科公司 (SUPERTEX 7TI 美国德州仪器公司屏幕驱动部分 8 TI 美国德州仪器公司白光LED驱动器 8美国美信集成产品公司白光LED驱动器 9美国美信集成产品公司高亮度LED驱动器 9美国国家半导体公司新产品: 10美国国家半导体公司白色LED低功率驱动部分 10美国国家半导体公司照明管理单元(LMU) 11美国凌特公司白光背光及背光指示部分: 12美国凌特公司全彩背光部分: 12美国凌特公司大电流驱动及LED闪光灯部分: 13飞兆半导体公司 13ADI 美国模拟器件公司 14美国 SIPEX 公司 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司数据手册 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司IC 产品系列参考 14美国加州ZYWYN 公司 (美商齐荣小屏背光部分 15美国加州ZYWYN 公司(美商齐荣大尺寸嵌入式背光部分 15美国加州ZYWYN 公司(美商齐荣工业照明部分 15美国灿瑞科技公司 15美商茂力公司(MPS 16美国CATALYST 16欧洲英国IXYS半导体公司 17美国迈瑞半导体公司 17欧洲部分: 17德国英飞凌 17奥地利微电子 17NXP 荷兰皇家飞利浦公司I²C LED 显示控制 17NXP 荷兰皇家飞利浦公司高功率系统用 SMPS 芯片 17ST 意法半导体公司显示器驱动器 18英国ZETEX(捷特科)公司 18国内部分: 18杭州士兰微电子有限公司 18深圳泉芯电子技木有限公司 18深圳光华源科技有限公司 18深圳国微电子股份有限公司 19深圳市彩拓科技开发有限公司 19华润矽威科技(上海)有限公司 19深圳市安联创科技有限公司 19LED屏幕配套部分逻辑IC,飞利浦些列: 19LED 驱动配套部分 MOS管: 19台湾地区部分:点晶科技股份有限公司DD311 单信道大功率恒流驱动IC最大1A最高耐压36V线性恒流IC 规格书DD312 单信道大功率恒流驱动IC最大1A最高耐压18V线性恒流IC 规格书DD313 三信道大功率恒流驱动IC 500mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM412 三通道装饰照明专用可直接数据级联恒流IC 200mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM413 三通道装饰照明专用PWM输出驱动IC 100mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM114A,DM115A 新版8位驱动IC 主要是用于屏幕及灯饰规格书DM115B通用8位恒流驱动IC 恒流一致性及稳定性高规格书DM11C 8位驱动IC 具有短断点侦测及温度保护功能,屏幕灯饰使用规格书DM13C 16位驱动IC 具有短断点侦测及温度保护功能,屏幕灯饰使用规格书DM13A 16位恒流驱动,面对低端屏幕客户规格书DM134,DM135, DM136 16位驱动IC 主要用于LED屏幕及护栏管规格书DM132 16位1024级PWM输出驱动IC 规格书DM137 16位开,短路,过温智能侦测驱动IC 规格书DM133 16位开路检测&64级电流调整&过温警示驱动IC 规格书DM163 8x3信道4096级PWM驱动IC 规格书DM621 4×3装饰照明专用PWM输出驱动恒流IC 规格书DM631 12比特内置PWM+实时检测恒流驱动IC 规格书DM632 16比特内置PWM+实时检测恒流驱动IC 规格书DM163 8×3通道4096级PWM输出恒流驱动IC 规格书DM164 8×3通道4096级PWM输出恒流驱动IC 规格书DD211 二倍升压驱动IC 2-3.3V 最大升压100mA固定式恒流IC 规格书DD231 3信道驱动IC 5-30mA 可设置小体上电即亮型IC 规格书DD233 4信道驱动IC 5-30mA 可设置小体、可开关型IC 规格书DD212 1.5-5.5V二倍升压最大400mA电流输出驱动单颗LED恒流IC 规格书PC112,PC113 2.8-5V四倍升压驱动20mA小功率多颗LED恒流IC 规格书ST2225A 35输出信道之数字/字母LED驱动芯片规格书台湾聚积科技公司MBI1801 1路恒流驱动1.2A电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1802 2路恒流驱动360mA电流可两路单独设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1804 4路恒流驱动240mA电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1816 16路恒流驱动电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI5016 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 已停产规格书MBI5024 面对低端客户16位LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5025 16位最大45mALED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5026 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5028 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC,具电流增益功能规格书MBI5030 16位内置PWM高灰阶LED恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5031 16位内置PWM高灰阶LED恒流驱动IC,相对5030低端客户规格书MBI5039MBI5168 8位LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI6010 3位级联式LED灯饰屏幕,R/G/B单独电流可设置恒流驱动IC 规格书台湾广鹏(富晶)科技公司A701、A702 固定式5-30mA灯饰恒流规格书A703 120mA可开式6-50V降压型恒流IC 规格书A705 220mA、2.7-12V固定降压型单路恒流IC 规格书A706 5-40mA、5-50V/PWM多路可开关型恒流IC 规格书AMC711x 固定式小电流灯饰应用规格书AMC711x_E固定式小电流灯饰应用规格书AMC7135 2-6V 低压差固定式恒流驱动IC 1颗LED 规格书AMC7140 5-50V DC&DC 最大500mA电流可调,1颗或多颗LED驱动IC 规格书AMC7150 5-24V DC&DC 最大1.5A固定式, 1-3颗LED驱动IC 规格书AMC7169 LED保护IC 规格书台湾台晶科技T6309A 手机背光规格书T6309B 手机背光规格书T6313A 手机背光规格书T6319A 手机背光 LED并联固定电压背光驱动IC 规格书T6311A 路灯规格书T6316A/B 路灯规格书T6326A 手电式设备低压差电流多路可调400mA 规格书T6335A 矿灯低压差恒流式与AMC7135相同规格书T6336A 草坪灯用于主付灯矿灯规格书T6315A 草坪灯规格书T6317A MR16-1W 7-24V 350mA 1W多颗驱动IC 规格书T6325A MR16-3/5W 7-24V 700mA 多颗LED驱动IC 规格书T6327A 矿灯主付灯多电流可选固定式低压差是LED恒流驱动规格书T6329A磷酸铁锂电池矿灯升压式LED驱动恒流IC 规格书台湾易亨电子公司台湾圆创科技股份有限公司AT1325 8-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver 规格书AT1326 16-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver 规格书AT1313 Constant current LED driver 规格书AT1312 Boost constant current LED driver 规格书AT1314 Buck constant current LED driver 规格书台湾晶锜科技公司SCT2024 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合目前LED大屏幕使用3-40mA 规格书SCT2026 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合目前LED大屏幕使用3-90mA规格书SCT2210 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合LED大屏幕及插件护栏管使用3-120mA 规格书SCT2110 8位移位LED恒流驱动IC,主要用于灯饰产品规格书SCT2512 12位移位护栏管专用IC,3路OE灰度可以单独调节规格书SCT2007 3路点光源驱动IC,可兼容MIB6010 规格书天鈺科技股份有限公司FP6742A 输入4.5-25V,输出8路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6742 输入4.5-25V,输出6路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6741 输入4.5-25V,输出10路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6732FP6700 高压驱动IC(类似HV9910)规格书FP6735 输入2.8-5.5升压驱动10pcs 25mA 规格书台湾飞虹积体电路有限公司台湾芯瑞科技股份有限公司SMD733 3-40V电压输入,内置MOS管降压型驱动电流1A 规格书SMD735 3-40V电压输入,降压型驱动电流700mA(可替代AMC7150)规格书SMD736 最高40V电压输入,内置MOS管降压型驱动电流3A 规格书SMD802 市电直驱1A LED驱动IC(可替代HV9910)规格书SMD911 市电直驱IC,外置MOS LED隔离方案驱动IC 规格书SMD912 市电隔离型直驱IC,外置MOS LED驱动IC 规格书台湾茂达电子公司APW7003APW7008APW7071APW7005日本部分:东芝公司TB62725 8位移位恒流驱动IC 规格书TB62726AN/AF 16位全彩LED大屏幕规格书TB62726ANG/AFG 16位全彩LED大屏幕规格书TCA62746AFG/AFNG 16位全彩LED大屏幕带断、短路侦测及温度保护规格书松下电器产业株式会社半导体社MIP551 电压输入(80~280 VAC)输出电流0.5 A 多颗LED应用规格书MIP552 电压输入(80~280 VAC)输出电流1 A 多颗LED应用规格书美国部分:IR 国际整流器公司IRS2540 200V市电直驱1W多颗LED驱动IC,500mA 规格书IRS2541 600V市电直驱1W多颗LED驱动IC,500mA 规格书ON 安森美半导体NCP5612 2通道泵式可PWM的白色LED驱动产品是LCD屏背光照明,操作模态 1 x 和 1.5 x 泵式驱动,87% 效率连同 0.2% 相配误差。



SM16703 IC(5050)灯条规格书一米10段60灯LED全彩灯条又名LED幻彩灯条,LED数码灯条,像素灯条,英文名为:LED pixel strips,产品为柔性FPC(软灯条板)/PCB(硬灯条板)为基板焊接LED,以及外围电路形成,可以实现追逐,流水,幻彩,显示效果等,主要用于KTV,酒店,家庭等等地方的装饰.SM16703全彩灯条采用一个IC六个灯,俗称”一拖六”,IC为SM16703,灯珠是5050RGB灯珠.工作电压为24V直流电压,配备24V全彩控制器可实现渐变/跳变,单/多跑马变,流水/追逐变,流星/快闪,单色变/混和变等等各种效果模式!灯带带有智能IC芯,可通过全彩控制器或带有编程的,达到任何想要的效.*产品规格*产品名称: 10段60灯灯珠型号: 5050RGB内置IC灯珠型号: SM16703工作电压: 24V功率:±18W/米灰度等级:256数据传输速率:800K/S工作温度:-40°C---80°C工作寿命:30Kh灯珠数量: 60灯/米IC数量: 10个IC/米(集成到了灯珠外部)10个像素点/米发光颜色:全彩/通过控制器控制能实现任意颜色任意效果(可定制其他单色跑马)点间距:板宽:12MM板底颜色:白板 / 黑板防水等级与重量:裸板-不防水 -滴胶防水-IP65 -套管防水-IP66 -灌胶防水-IP68 -包装:5米/盘卷盘固定防静电袋包装裸板-不防水:两端出三并对插接头外加双色电源线;背面贴3M强力双面胶;5米/盘,卷盘固定静电袋包装出货滴胶防水-IP65:表面覆盖一层透明防护硅胶;两端出三并对插接头外加双色电源线;背面贴3M强力双面胶;5米/盘,卷盘固定静电袋包装出货套管防水-IP65:将灯条置入360度全方位保护的硅胶套管内部;两端堵头堵死出三并对插接头外加双色电源线;5米/盘,卷盘固定静电袋包装出货灌胶防水-IP68:全方位保护的硅胶套管内部再注满透明硅胶;两端堵头堵死出三并对插接头外加双色电源线(也可出特制的防水对插接头);5米/盘,卷盘固定静电袋包装出货*产品优点*1、比传统的单色灯条更漂亮、色彩更绚丽。

DS174 LUXEON 5050 产品数据手册说明书

DS174 LUXEON 5050 产品数据手册说明书

DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved.No. E507562(LES). LUXEON 5050 comes in 70CRI, 80CRI and 90CRI with a wide range of CCTs, and offers hot-color targeting to ensure that the LEDs are within color target at application conditions of 85°C.FEatuREs and BEnEFItsPRImaRy aPPlICatIons Superior lm/W enables outstanding efficacy in end applicationHigh Bay Extremely reliable package design affirms long lifetime in harsh environments [1]Low Bay Robust coating design for enhanced sulfur protection capability (LUXEON 5050 Square LES) [1]Floodlights Two voltage configurations are compatible with low cost high efficacy drivers Wall PackLow R th enables effective thermal dissipation design for higher efficiency Landscape Lighting Hot-color targeting ensures color is within ANSI bin at 85°CSpotlights 3-step and 5-step MacAdam ellipse binning structure ensures excellent color uniformityMore…1.Refer to reliability datasheet for more details.Table of ContentsGeneral Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Product Test Conditions (2)Part Number Nomenclature (2)Lumen Maintenance (2)Environmental Compliance (2)Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Product Selection Guide (3)Optical Characteristics (6)Electrical and Thermal Characteristics (6)Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Characteristic Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Spectral Power Distribution Characteristics (7)Light Output Characteristics (8)Forward Current Characteristics (10)Radiation Pattern Characteristics (12)Product Bin and Labeling Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Decoding Product Bin Labeling (13)Luminous Flux Bins (14)Color Bin Definitions (15)Forward Voltage Bins (16)Mechanical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Reflow Soldering Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 JEDEC Moisture Sensitivity (18)Solder Pad Design (19)Packaging Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Pocket Tape Dimensions (19)Reel Dimensions (20)DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. iGeneral Product InformationProduct Test ConditionsLUXEON 5050 LEDs are tested with a 20ms monopulse specified below at a junction temperature, Tj, of 25°C. Forward voltageand luminous flux are binned at a Tj of 25°C, while color is hot-targeted at a Tjof 85°C.160mA – LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) – 24V and LUXEON 5050 (Square LES) – 30V640mA – LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) – 6V800mA – LUXEON 5050 (Square LES) – 6VPart Number NomenclaturePart numbers for LUXEON 5050 follow the convention below:L 1 5 0 –A A B B 5 0 C C 0 0 0 D 0Where:A A– designates nominal ANSI CCT (22=2200K, 27=2700K, 30=3000K, 35=3500K 40=4000K, 50=5000K,57=5700K, 65=6500K)B B– designates minimum CRI (70=70CRI, 80=80CRI, 90=90CRI)C C– designates voltage (06=6V, 24=24V, 30=30V)D– designates product type (0=Round LES, S=Square LES)Therefore, the following part number is used for a LUXEON 5050 Square LES, 3000K 80CRI, 30V:L 1 5 0 – 3 0 8 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 S 0Lumen MaintenancePlease contact your local Sales Representative or Lumileds Technical Solutions Manager for more information about the long-term performance of this product.Environmental ComplianceLumileds LLC is committed to providing environmentally friendly products to the solid-state lighting market. LUXEON 5050 is compliant to the European Union directives on the restriction of hazardous substances in electronic equipment, namely the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006. Lumileds LLC will not intentionally add the following restricted materials to its products: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 2Performance Characteristics Product Selection GuideLUXEON 5050 (Round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ound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able 1a continued on next page:1. Correlated color temperature is hot targeted at Tj =85°C.2. Luminous flux and CRI are based upon mounted package on highly reflective surface at Tj =25°C. Typical CRI is approximately 2 points higher than the minimum CRI specified, but thisis not guaranteed.3. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±2 on CRI and ±7% on luminous flux measurements.DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 3LUXEON 5050 (Square LES)30V 2700K70693775159160L150-27705030000S0 3000K70720803165160L150-30705030000S0 3500K70729815167160L150-35705030000S0 4000K70743835171160L150-40705030000S0 5000K70743833171160L150-50705030000S0 5700K70738823169160L150-57705030000S0 6500K70720803165160L150-65705030000S0 2200K80586630129160L150-22805030000S0 2700K80650695142160L150-27805030000S0 3000K80665730150160L150-30805030000S0 3500K80679735151160L150-35805030000S0 4000K80700768157160L150-40805030000S0 5000K80702768157160L150-50805030000S0 5700K80700768157160L150-57805030000S0 6500K80688740152160L150-65805030000S0 2700K90558600123160L150-27905030000S0 3000K90586630129160L150-30905030000S0 3500K90600640131160L150-35905030000S0 4000K90609655134160L150-40905030000S0 5000K90618665136160L150-50905030000S0 5700K90605650133160L150-57905030000S0LUXEON 5050 (Square LES)6V 2200K70621695142800L150-22705006000S0 2700K70693775159800L150-27705006000S0 3000K70720803165800L150-30705006000S0 3500K70729815167800L150-35705006000S0 4000K70743835171800L150-40705006000S0 5000K70743833171800L150-50705006000S0 5700K70738823169800L150-57705006000S0 6500K70720803165800L150-65705006000S0 2200K80586630129800L150-22805006000S0 2700K80650695142800L150-27805006000S0 3000K80665730150800L150-30805006000S0 3500K80679735151800L150-35805006000S0 4000K80700768157800L150-40805006000S0 5000K80702768157800L150-50805006000S0 5700K80700768157800L150-57805006000S0 6500K80688740152800L150-65805006000S0 2700K90558600123800L150-27905006000S0 3000K90586630129800L150-30905006000S0 3500K90600640131800L150-35905006000S0 4000K90609655134800L150-40905006000S0 5000K90618665136800L150-50905006000S0 5700K90605650133800L150-57905006000S0Notes for Table 1a:1. Correlated color temperature is hot targeted at Tj =85°C.2. Luminous flux and CRI are based upon mounted package on highly reflective surface at Tj =25°C. Typical CRI is approximately 2 points higher than the minimum CRI specified, but thisis not guaranteed.3. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±2 on CRI and ±7% on luminous flux measurements.DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 4LUXEON 5050 (Round LES)- 24V 2700K707.288.53 2.18L150-2770502400000 3000K707.668.69 2.23L150-3070502400000 3500K708.308.75 2.24L150-3570502400000 4000K707.108.84 2.26L150-4070502400000 5000K708.018.90 2.28L150-5070502400000 5700K708.028.84 2.27L150-5770502400000 6500K708.048.86 2.27L150-6570502400000 2200K80 6.947.85 2.01L150-2280502400000 2700K807.208.14 2.09L150-2780502400000 3000K807.168.34 2.14L150-3080502400000 3500K80 5.408.42 2.16L150-3580502400000 4000K807.958.59 2.20L150-4080502400000 5000K807.748.60 2.20L150-5080502400000 5700K807.758.55 2.19L150-5780502400000 6500K808.008.60 2.20L150-6580502400000 2700K90 6.777.59 1.94L150-2790502400000 3000K90 6.977.75 1.98L150-3090502400000 3500K907.237.90 2.02L150-3590502400000 4000K7907.588.17 2.09L150-4090502400000 5000K907.678.13 2.08L150-5090502400000 5700K907.498.08 2.07L150-5790502400000LUXEON 5050 (Round LES)- 6V 2200K707.508.32 2.13L150-2270500600000 2700K707.288.53 2.18L150-2770500600000 3000K707.668.69 2.23L150-3070500600000 3500K708.308.75 2.24L150-3570500600000 4000K707.108.84 2.26L150-4070500600000 5000K708.018.90 2.28L150-5070500600000 5700K70 2.008.84 2.27L150-5770500600000 6500K708.048.86 2.27L150-6570500600000 2200K80 6.947.85 2.01L150-2280500600000 2700K807.208.14 2.09L150-2780500600000 3000K807.168.34 2.14L150-3080500600000 3500K80 5.408.42 2.16L150-3580500600000 4000K807.958.59 2.20L150-4080500600000 5000K807.748.60 2.20L150-5080500600000 5700K807.758.55 2.19L150-5780500600000 6500K808.008.60 2.20L150-6580500600000 2700K90 6.777.59 1.94L150-2790500600000 3000K90 6.977.75 1.98L150-3090500600000 3500K907.237.90 2.02L150-3590500600000 4000K907.588.17 2.09L150-4090500600000 5000K907.678.13 2.08L150-5090500600000 5700K907.498.08 2.07L150-5790500600000Notes for Table 1b:1. Correlated color temperature is hot targeted at Tj =85°C.2. CRI and PPF are specified at Tj =25°. Typical CRI is approximately 2 points higher than the minimum CRI specified, but this is not guaranteed.3. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±2 on CRI and ±7.5% on PPF.4. PPF data is calculated from luminous flux measurements.DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 5DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 6Optical CharacteristicsTable 2 . Optical characteristics for LUXEON 5050 at test current, T=25°C .Notes for Table 2:1. Total angle at which 90% of total luminous flux is captured.2. Viewing angle is the off axis angle from the LED centerline where the luminous intensity is ½ of the peak value.Electrical and Thermal CharacteristicsL150-xxxx500600000 5.8 6.1 6.6-3 2.4L150-xxxx5030000S029.030.532.0-15 1.4L150-xxxx5006000S05.86.16.6-31.4Notes for Table 3:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±1% on forward voltage measurements.2. Measured between 25°C and 85°C.Absolute Maximum RatingsDC Forward Current [1, 2]240mA for L150-xxxx502400000800mA for L150-xxxx500600000240mA for L150-xxxx5030000S01000mA for L150-xxxx5006000S0Peak Pulsed Forward Current [1, 3]300mA for L150-xxxx5024000001000mA for L150-xxxx500600000300mA for L150-xxxx5030000S01250mA for L150-xxxx5006000S0LED Junction Temperature [1] (DC & Pulse)125°C ESD Sensitivity (ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012)Class 2Operating Case Temperature [1]105°C LED Storage Temperature -40°C to 105°CAllowable Reflow Cycles 3Reverse Voltage (V reverse )LUXEON LEDs are not designed to be driven in reverse biasNotes for Table 4:1. Proper current derating must be observed to maintain the junction temperature below the maximum allowable junction temperature.2. Residual periodic variations due to power conversion from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), also called “ripple,” are acceptable if the following conditions are met: – The frequency of the ripple current is 100Hz or higher– The average current for each cycle does not exceed the maximum allowable DC forward current – The maximum amplitude of the ripple does not exceed the maximum peak pulsed forward current 3. At 10% duty cycle with pulse width of 10ms.Characteristic CurvesFigure 1a. Typical normalized power vs. wavelength for L150-xx7050xx000x0 at test current, T=25°C .j=25°C .jDS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 7DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 8Figure 1c. Typical normalized power vs. wavelength for L150-xx9050xx000x0 at test current, T j=25°C .jjDS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 9jjjj Radiation Pattern CharacteristicsFigure 5. Typical radiation pattern for L150-xxxx50xx000x0 at specified test current, T=25°C .j=25°C .Figure 6. Typical polar radiation pattern for L150-xxxx50xx000x0 at specified test current, TjProduct Bin and Labeling DefinitionsDecoding Product Bin LabelingIn the manufacturing of semiconductor products, there are variations in performance around the average values given in the technical datasheet. For this reason, Lumileds bins LED components for luminous flux or radiometric power, color point, peak or dominant wavelength and forward voltage.LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) LEDs are labeled using a 4-digit alphanumeric CAT code following the format below:A B C CWhere:A– designates luminous flux bin (example: L=600 to 650 lm, M=650 to 700 lm)B – designates color bin (example: 3=3 SDCM, 5=5 SDCM parts)C C– designates forward voltage bin (example: A1, A2, B1, B2)Therefore, a LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) with a lumen range of 600 to 650 lm, color bin of 3 and forward voltage range of 23.5 to 24.2V has the following CAT code:L 3 A 1LUXEON 5050 (Square LES) LEDs are labeled using a 4-digit alphanumeric CAT code following the format below:A B B CWhere:A– designates luminous flux bin (example: L=600 to 650 lm, M=650 to 700 lm)B B – designates color bin: (example: 83=2700K and 3 SDCM, 35=5000K and 5 SDCM)C– designates forward voltage bin (example: A, B, C, D)Therefore, a LUXEON 5050 (Square LES) with a lumen range of 600 to 650 lm, color bin of 83 and forward voltage range of 29.0 to 30.0V has the following CAT code:L 8 3 ALuminous Flux BinsTable 5 lists the standard luminous flux bins for LUXEON 5050 LEDs. Although several bins are outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production run and by product performance. Not all bins are available in all CCTs.Table 5. Luminous flux bin definitions for LUXEON 5050, T=25°C .H450500J500550K550600L600650M650700N700750P750800Q800850R850900S900950T9501000Notes for Table 5:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±7% on luminous flux measurements.Color Bin DefinitionsFigure 7. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse illustration for hot-color targeting expected at 85°C.=85°C .Table 6. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for LUXEON 5050 at test current, hot-color targeted at T Array 2700K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4578, 0.4101)0.008100.0042053.70°383 3000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4338, 0.4030)0.008340.0040853.22°373 3500K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4073, 0.3917)0.009270.0041454.00°363 4000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3818, 0.3797)0.009390.0040253.72°353 5000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3447, 0.3553)0.008220.0035459.62°333 5700K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3287, 0.3417)0.007450.0032059.09°323 6500K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3123, 0.3282)0.006690.0028558.57°313 2200K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.5018, 0.4153)0.014380.0066349.27°5A5 2700K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4578, 0.4101)0.013500.0070053.70°585 3000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4338, 0.4030)0.013900.0068053.22°575 3500K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.4073, 0.3917)0.015450.0069054.00°565 4000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3818, 0.3797)0.015650.0067053.72°555 5000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3447, 0.3553)0.013700.0059059.62°535 5700K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3287, 0.3417)0.012430.0053359.09°525 6500K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse(0.3123, 0.3282)0.011150.0047558.57°515 Notes for Table 6:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.005 on x and y coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.Forward Voltage BinsTable 7. Forward voltage bin definitions for LUXEON 5050, T=25°C .L150-xxxx502400000A224.225.0 B125.025.8 B225.826.5L150-xxxx500600000A1 5.8 6.0 A2 6.0 6.2 B1 6.2 6.4 B2 6.4 6.6L150-xxxx5030000S0A29.030.0 B30.031.0 C31.032.0L150-xxxx5006000S0A 5.8 6.0B 6.0 6.2C 6.2 6.4D 6.4 6.6Notes for Table 7:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V on forward voltage measurements.Mechanical DimensionsNotes for Figure 8:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.Figure 8. Mechanical dimensions for LUXEON 5050 (Round LES), left, and LUXEON 5050 (Square LES), right.smin smaxRamp-Up Rate (TL to Tp)3°C / second maximumLiquidous Temperature (TL)217°CTime Maintained Above Temperature TL (tL)60 to 150 secondsPeak / Classification Temperature (Tp)260°CTime Within 5°C of Actual Peak Temperature (tp)20 to 40 secondsRamp-Down Rate (Tp to TL)6°C / second maximumTime 25°C to Peak Temperature8 minutes maximum JEDEC Moisture SensitivitySolder Pad DesignNotes for Figure 10:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Refer to application brief AB174 for additional details regarding recommended PCB layout design.Figure 10. Recommended PCB solder pad layout for LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) and LUXEON 5050 (Square LES).Packaging InformationPocket Tape DimensionsNotes for Figure 11:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.Figure 11. Pocket tape dimensions for LUXEON 5050 (Round LES) and LUXEON 5050 (Square LES).Notes for Figures 12a and 12b:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.12a. Reel dimensions for LUXEON 5050 (Round LES). Figure 12b. Reel dimensions for LUXEON 5050 (Square LES).DS174 LUXEON 5050 Product Datasheet 20210525 ©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 20©2021 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved.。

5050 0.5W规格书

5050 0.5W规格书

Color bin limit(If=150mA)—◎white
色区范围(IF=150mA) —白光
0.283 0.284
0.3035 0.332
0.295 0.297
0.315 0.3435
0.298 0.288
0.316 0.332
0.287 0.276
0.306 0.322
Y 0.357 0.3697 0.3568 0.345 0.369 0.3827 0.3697 0.357 0.3812 0.3956 0.3827 0.369 0.321 0.342 0.332 0.3135 0.342 0.355 0.3435 0.332
White CIE Chromaticity Diagram
Our 5050 products, use silica gel packages, effectively improve the heat dissipation performance. Reliability is better than companies in general, it is a complete white combination with high brightness, low-light decay characteristics.
0.316 0.332
0.329 0.33
0.317 A6
0.319 0.311
0.329 0.345 B3
0.3455 0.3568
0.306 0.322
0.3442 0.3421
X 0.329 0.3466 0.3455 0.329 0.329 0.3478 0.3466 0.329 0.329 0.3489 0.3478 0.329 0.287 0.301 0.3035 0.2895 0.301 0.314 0.315 0.3035



IDD(on) 1 Rext= 910Ω, OUT0 ~ OUT15 = On -
IDD(on) 2 Rext= 460Ω, OUT0 ~ OUT15 = On -
7.2 10.2
9.3 12.3
150 165
2006 年 10 月,V2.00
***请参考图 6。
2006 年 10 月,V2.00
动态特性(VDD= 3.3V)
内建 PWM 之 16 位恒流 LED 驱动器
代表符号 量测条件 最小值 一般值 最大值 单位
GCLK – OUT4n * tPD1
LE – SDO**
OUT4n + 1*
输出通道间的交错迟滞时间 OUT4n + 2 *
OUT4n + 3 *
VIL=GND Rext=460Ω
OUT0 ~ OUT15 参考直流特性的测试电路
SDO Ta = -40~85ºC Ta = -40~85ºC
VDS= 17.0V IOL= +1.0mA IOH= -1.0mA
IOUT=10.8mA VDS=1.0V
最小值 一般值 最大值

ALEPH2 ET Mk2 5色高功率LED亮a

ALEPH2 ET Mk2 5色高功率LED亮a

ALEPH2 ET Mk25C O L O U R H I GH P O W E R L E D L I G H T B A R300mm/600mm/1200mmBack PanelPlease make sure the Power pass-through current does not exceed 10 AmpsF eatures•Strong aluminium chassis with small profile•DMX512 Controllable and RDM Configurable•Can use up to 12 DMX channels, depending on configuration•Snapshots: 64 fully user recordable slots, 50 different pre-loaded stand-alone colours •16-bit or Smart 8-bit LED dimming •Strobe Mode with controllable frequency from DMX •Fan-less smart heat management•Easy addressing and configuration interface •180° Adjustable mounting bracket•Changeable diffuser using holder accessory (sold separately)CleaningIt is important to clean the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 to maintain a long service life. Make sure the unit is unplugged before you attempt any cleaning.•Surface dust should be removed with an air compressor, please make sure you do not blowcompressed air directly inside the unit.•Optics can be cleaned with a glass cleaner or IPA with a soft cloth•Make sure the unit is dry and there is no cleaning fluid residue before powering the unit aftercleaning.Safety•Do not expose the ALEPH2ET Mk2to rain or moisture, doing this will void your warranty.•Do not spill water or other liquids into or onto your unit.•Do not look directly into the LEDs, doing so may damage your eyes.•Check that the local power outlet matches the required voltage (120 240V AC)→•Make all the connections before you plug in the main power.•Do not remove the cover under any condition.There are no user serviceable parts inside.•Never operate this unit when its cover is removed.•Never plug this unit in to a dimmer rack.•Always be sure to mount this unit in an area that will allow proper ventilation. Allow at least 20 cmbetween this device and a wall.•Make sure ventilation holes are clean and unobstructed.•Do not attempt to operate this unit, if it becomes damaged.•Always mount this unit in a safe and stable manner.•Power-supply cords should be routed carefully.•The unit should be situated away from heat sources Control PanelAfter powering up, the current firmware version is displayed, followed by the DMX Start Address.The unit can be configured by using the 4 buttons under the display as follows.The following is the menu setting structure:BACK→SET -If pressed while address is being displayed:It activates the back-light and goes to Main Menu-If pressed while setting a menu:It takes you to the previous level without changing anything← -Scrolls down when navigating the menu-Decreases the value displayed when setting a parameter-Hold the key for a few seconds to fast scroll down-Scrolls up when navigating the menu-Increases the value displayed when setting a parameter-Hold the key for a few seconds to fast scroll up-Confirms the displayed value-Activates the displayed function or-Opens the next menuMain MenuDMX Address MenuThe DMX start address is the most important parameter to be defined when setting up your lights. By default the fitting will be set to 001.The addressing will depend on the current selected personality. For example if the light is set to RGBAW mode (5 channels), the DMX address range will be 001 –508.Personality MenuThe ALEPH2 ET Mk2 has six different personalities or operational modes, which can either be selected remotely from any standard RDM controller tool or locally using the control panel. The light behaves differently in each mode, since the DMX channel distribution changes according to the desired working personality. Set the desired personality before patching your lights in any lighting desk or control system.1 – 8BIT RGBAW MODE (5 Channel)This basic mode will turn the ET into a 5 channel light,allowing to drive each available colour as an independent dimmer. Each DMX channel uses 8 bits resolution where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.2 – 8BIT RGBW MODE (4 Channel)As some lighting control systems do not support RGBAW lights, we have implemented a RGBW mode so the fitting can be used with any controller. Each DMX channel uses 8bits resolution where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.3 – 8BIT (6CHANNEL) MODEThis basic mode will allow you to drive each colour using 8 bits resolution, setting the values from one of the 6DMX channels where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.Example 1: to turn all the channels to full intensity, set all the channels to 255 value:Example 2: to turn only the red group colour to full intensity,set the first channel to 255 value:The smart dimming in this personality follows an “s” curve resulting in a smooth LED output all along the 8 bits range.4 - 16BIT (12 CHANNEL) MODEThis mode will allow you to drive each colour using 16 bits resolution; setting the values from one of the 12 DMX channels from 000 to 255 where the first channel of each group will be (HIGH) and the following channel the (LOW)one, as described in the following chart.This personality gives the user full control on the output dimming, so any colour combination can be generated.5 - EXTENDED (9 CHANNEL) MODEThis extended mode offers a wide variety of output effects,turning the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 into a very versatile unit, using 9DMX channels, as described in the following chart.COLOUR GROUP INTENSITY (CH1-CH5) operate as described in the RGBAW personality plus they can be modified or affected by the strobe function or master dimmer channel, as described further in this section.Although these 6 channels have no effect when the true CCT mode is activated (9th channel > 010)STROBE DURATION(CH6)this channel works in conjunction with the strobe frequency from CH7. It will only take any effect if the channel 7th > 10.It defines the duration of the ON state and linearly increases the time from 2.5 milliseconds when 000 to 650 milliseconds when 255.NOTE: Strobe duration time must be lower than Strobe frequency for flashing. If duration time is equal or greater than frequency, the light will be continuously ON. STROBE FREQUENCY (CH7) will turn the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 bar into a versatile multi-colour strobe with user adjustable frequency. The strobe feature can be activated by setting the channel to a value between 011 and 255. In the same range, the strobe frequency can be adjusted by varying the channel value, with 011 the lowest frequency (about 0.3 flashes per second) and 255 the highest one (25 flashes per second).The strobe channel can be used in conjunction with all the other channels,so you can change the current output colour or the master intensity whilst strobing at the selected frequency, all at the same time.MASTER DIMMER(CH8)drives the general intensity, multiplying with all other current output channels, with 000 the lowest intensity 0% (light will be OFF, regardless of other channel values)and255the highest,allowing100% whatever other channels are demanding.TRUE CCT MODE (CH9)will turn the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 bar into a true colour temperature adjustable fitting, simulating a tungsten light behaviour.The white colour feature can be activated by setting the channel to a value greater than 010. CH9=011 will produce the warmest white and 255 the coolest one. Values between 000-010 will stop the true CCT feature.The true CCT mode channel can be used in conjunction with strobe and master dimmer features,so you can strobe and/or dim the current white output set by this channel. The ALEPH2ET Mk2has been laboratory calibrated to closely follow the black body Locus curve.With8bits resolution allowing the light to travel from TRUE warm to cool whites (12000K to 1800K) keeping a high CRI for natural colours.6 – 8BIT 1CHANNEL MODEThis mode turns the Aleph 2 ET Mk2 into a single colour, single channel dimmer.The output colour is not any specific kind of white and this mode is not tuned up to produce balanced output. It is onlymeant to produce as much light as possible using only one control channel.This mode is often used to control custom built A2 lights where only white LEDs are populated instead of coloured LEDs.Presets MenuThe Aleph2 ET Mk2 has 64 available slots where the user can record custom colours from DMX. These can later be activated from the menu. Presets turn the ET into a stand-alone fitting,where64different colours can easily be triggered on-site, without the need of DMX.It is also possible to record user personalised presets on any of the 64 memory slots, overwriting the default ones. RECORDING CUSTOM PRESETS:To record your own colours, please scroll to the desired slot (from 01 to 64), feed the desired data through the DMX port until you are happy with the look. Then pressIMPORTANT NOTES:When the light is powered on,it will automatically take preset 01 as the default power on value, if the Lamp On Mode setting is ON. This feature is handy for the user to set up the desired colour combination for the fitting to start every time it is powered up.Note that the strobe feature is not a supported preset.Any incoming DMX data will override the presets, so ensure that there is no DMX data coming in before navigating this menu intending to playback the different colours. Running the Factory Defaults RDM command will restore all the presets to the original values and user recorded presets will not be recoverable.Lamp On Mode MenuThis setting instructs the ET about what to do after a power up sequence.If DMX or OFF settings are chosen, the ET will stay off and will wait for DMX instructions.When Lamp On Mode = ON the ET will power up and then output whatever drop has been recorded in slot 01 of the presets. Please notice that any incoming DMX will override this preset, as DMX takes the highest precedence. PWM Frequency MenuThe PWM driving frequency can be adjusted. This might have an impact on the way some cameras respond to the light emitted by the A2 ET Mk2.Backlight MenuThe NORMAL setting will turn the display green back light on after any key operation.It will turn it off after a15 seconds of in-activity. The ON setting will keep the back light always on. The OFF setting will keep the back light always off, regardless of any operation.Factory Defaults MenuRunning the Factory default sequence will reset all the user configurable parameters,including DMX address,presets, Personality, Lamp On mode, Etc.Temperature MenuThis menu shows the current fixture temperature in degrees Celsius.LED and CPU operating temperatures can be monitored from the control panel as well as RDM.Test MenuUsing this menu you can test every group of LEDS in the ET fitting. The LEDs will turn on at full power, so avoid looking at the light directly when performing the test. Firmware VersionIndicates the current firmware version installed in the fitting. Please check ENTTEC website for latest firmware version.Firmware UpdateUpdating the firmware of the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 requires an ENTTEC USB Pro or a Pro Mk2 usb interface plugged in to a PC USB port. Connect the USB PRO to the ET through a standard 5 pin DMX cable.Please download and install the RDM Controller App from website, connect the widget to the unit, power it up and run the application.To make sure the process has been successful, please the firmware version has changed by looking at the “Software Version ID” RDM field or navigate to the Firmware Version menu using the control panel.RDM CapabilitiesThe ALEPH2 ET Mk2 supports RDM features and any RDM Controller can be used to configure it using RDM. The “ENTTEC RDM Controller” free App can be downloaded from ENTTEC website and be used in combination with a DMX USB PRO or a PRO MK2 widget.The supported RDM parameters are:Read only fields•Device Info•Software Version ID•Supported Parameters•Parameters Description•DMX Personality Description•Sensor Value (temperature x 2)•Sensor Definition•Boot Software Version•Manufacturing Label•Device Label•Status MessagesUser configurable fields•Identify Device•DMX Start Address•PID_8001: Master faders•DMX Personality•Factory Defaults•Lamp On Mode•Reset Device•Capture Preset•Preset PlaybackPlease note that DMX Personality,DMX Start Address, Factory Defaults, Lamp On Mode and Presets fields can also be configured from the menu interface at the back of the light.SpecificationsDue to continuous improvements and innovations of all ENTTEC products, specifications and features are subject to change without notice.Colour Gamut Ordering InformationDimensionsSales enquiries: ****************Support enquiries: ******************。



40C02 0.3859 (3900-4100K) 0.3920
50C02 0.3469 (4700-5000K) 0.3558
CIE-Y 0.424 0.4116 0.4204 0.4329
条件 =60mA
=60mA =60mA =60mA
18 20 22
2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 118
20 22 24
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 123
单位 lm V deg -
4.: 03/01/2013: 03/01/2013 Rev: 01
5050 灯珠规格书
ZT5050W: 03/01/2013 Rev: 01
1.产品描述 2.最大额定值 3.光电参数 4.典型光电特性曲线 5.分光标准 6.可靠性测试 7.产品规格尺寸 8.料盘结构和包装 9.回流焊 10.使用注要事项
240℃ 20-40 秒 最大 6℃/每秒 最大 8 分钟
10.使用注意事项 储存 (1) 打开包装前 在温度不超过 40℃及湿度不超过 90%RH 条件下,LED 可以保存一年,在储存的时候, 建议采用带干燥剂的防潮袋的包装方式。 (2)打开包装后 LED 需要储存在<=40℃&<=60%RH 相对湿度的条件下,我们强烈建议您从打开包装到 完成贴片整个过程在一个星期内完成。 如果有未使用完的剩余 LED,我们建议重新使用出厂时的防潮剂,并且需要重新密封。 如果干燥剂过期了,请将 LED 放在 60℃烤箱烘烤 12 小时。 LED 电极和引线框架是由表面镀了银的铜合金构成,镀银层会受到来自周围环境的破 坏,请把 LED 远离那种会腐蚀 LED 电极镀银层的环境,LED 电极被腐蚀后,会降低它的 焊接能力和光电参数。 请避免 LED 使用在温度快速变化的环境中,尤其是会发生冷凝的高湿环境中。



Instruction ManualILPL-K501-RGBW-SK105-01Product OverviewThe ILPL-K501-RGBW-SK105-01 is an Intelligent LED with control and light emitting circuit, all contained in a 5050 sized package.Based on the industry standard SK6182 device, the control circuit consists of signal shaping amplification, built-in constant current source, and a high precision RC oscillator.The data protocol being used is the unipolar NRZ communication mode, where the 32-bit data is transmitted from the controller to DIN of the first LED, after an internal data latch, the remaining data is passed through the internal amplification circuit and sent out of the DO port to the remaining pixels. Using ‘automatic shaping forwarding technology’ means the number of cascaded LEDs is only limited by the signal transmission speed.Applicationsz Task Lightingz Back Lightingz Desk Lightingz Garage Lightingz Accent Lightingz Under Cabinet Lightingz Bar Lightingz Refrigerationz Industrial Applicationsz PhotographyTechnical Featuresz Control circuit and the RGBW die all in one 5050 sized devicez Grey level adjusting control (256 level grey scale)z Red drive special control enhances colour balancez Transmission distance between two points can be up to 10Mz Using a typical data transmission frequency of 800 Kbps, you can achieve refresh rates of 30 frames per secTechnical Drawing (mm)Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters.2. Tolerance is ±0.1mm unless otherwise notedPIN configurationAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25˚,VSS=0V)The electrical parameters (unless otherwise specified, TA=-20 - +70˚C, VDD=4.5 - 5.5V, VSS=0V)The dynamic parameters (Ta=25˚C)The data transmission time (TH+TL=1.25μs±600ns)T0H0 code, high level time0.3μs±0.15μs T0L0 code, low level time0.9μs±0.15μs T1H 1 code, high level time0.6μs±0.15μs T1L 1 code, low level time0.6μs±0.15μs Trst Reset code, low level time80μsTiming waveformmode:ConnectionInputcode:The method of data transmissionThe data structure of 24bitNote: high starting, in order to send data (R7 - R6 - ...... ..W0) The typical application circuit:CIE chromaticity coordinates (ANSI Natural white)ANSI Warm White Color bin structuresStandard LED Performance Graph1020%0.0040%60%80%Forward Current(mA)Forward Voltage(V) Tj=25 °CN o r m a l i z e d L u m i n o u s F l u xF o r w a r dC u r r e n t (m A )Typical Relative Luminous Flux vs. Forward CurrentForward Voltage vs. Forward Current12040608010020%0.0040%60%80%Thermal Pad Temperature (T=25°C)N o r m a l i z e dL u m i n o u s F l u xThermal Pad Temperature vs. Relative Light Output12020%0.0040%60%80%Wavelength (nm)R e l a t i v e E m i s s i o n D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength Characteristics7590604530150.°Typical Radiation Pattern 120°Radiation Angle1020150150.02050150150%200406080100F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Thermal Pad Temperature vs. Forward Current200406080100Thermal Pad Temperature (°C)120TOP SMD LED Application Notes1. FeaturesThe Purposes of making OPSCO’s customers and users to have a clear understanding on the ways how to use the LED.2. DescriptionGenerally. The LED can be used the same way as other general purposed semiconductors. When using OPSCO’s TOP SMD LED, the following precautions must be taken to protect the LED.3. Cautions3.1. Dust & CleaningThis emitter has a silicone surface, There are many benefits to the silicone surface in terms of optical properties and improved reliability. However, silicone is a softer material and prone to attract dust. Whilea minimal amount of dust and debris on the LED will not cause significant reduction in illumination, steps should be taken to keep the emitter free of dust.These include keeping the LEDs in the manufacturer’s package prior to assembly and storing assemblies in an enclosed area after installing the emitters.Surface condition of this device may change when organic solvents such as trichloroethylene or acetone were applied.Avoid using organic solvent, it is recommended that isopropyl be used as a solvent for cleaning the LEDs. When using other solvents, it should be confirmed beforehand whether the solvents will dissolve the package and the resin of not.Do not clean the LEDs by the ultrasonic. When it is absolutely necessary, the influence as ultrasonic cleaning on the LEDs depends on factors such as ultrasonic power. Baking time and assembled condition. Before cleaning, a pre-test should be done to confirm whether any damage to the LEDs will occur.3.2. Moisture Proof PackageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture during transportation and storage, LED are packed in the aluminum envelop, A desiccant is included in the aluminum envelop as it absorbs moisture. When moisture is absorbed into the AMT package it may vaporize and expand during soldering. There is a possibility that this can cause exfoliation of the contacts and damage to the optical characteristics of the LEDs. For this reason, the moisture proof package is used to keep moisture to a minimum in the package.3.3. StorageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture, It is recommended to store SMD LED (in bulk or taped) inthe dry box (or the desiccator ) with a desiccant, Otherwise to store them in the following environment as recommended.a. Temperature: 5˚C — 30˚Cb. Humidity: 60% RH MaxIt is recommended to solder the LED as soon as possible after unpacking the aluminum envelop, But in case that the LED have to be left unused after unpacking envelop again is requested.The LED should be soldering within 1 hours after opening the package.If baking is required, A baking treatment should be performed as follows:70˚C ±5˚C for more than 24 hours.Reflow Soldering CharacteristicsIn testing, OPSCO has found S50 LEDs to be compatible with JEDEC J-STD-020C,using the parameters listed below. As a general guideline OPSCO recommends that users follow the recommended soldering profile provided by the manufacturer of solder paste used.Note that this general guideline is offered as a starting point and may require adjustment for certain PCB designs and Configurations of reflow soldering equipment.Tem per at ure(°C )L Profile Feature Lead-Based Solder Lead-Free SolderAverage Ramp-Up Rate (Ts max to Tp )3˚C/second max.3˚C/second max.Preheat: Temperature Min (Ts min)100˚C 150˚CPreheat: Temperature Min (Ts max)150˚C 200˚CPreheat: Time ( ts min to ts max )60-120 seconds 60-180 secondsTime Maintained Above: Temperature (TL)183˚C 217˚CTime Maintained Above: Time (t L)60-150 seconds 60-150 secondsPeak/Classification Temperature (T P)215˚C 240˚CTime Within 5˚C of Actual Peak Temperature ( tp)<10 seconds <10 secondsRamp-Down Rate 6˚C/second max.6˚C/second max.Time 25˚C to Peak Temperature <6 minutes max.<6 minutes max.Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.Heat GenerationThermal design of the end product is of paramount importance. Please consider the heat generation of the LED when making the system design. The coefficient of temperature increase per input electric power is affected by the thermal resistance of the circuit board and density of LED placement on the board, as wellas components. It is necessary to avoid in tense heat generation and operate within the maximum rating given in this specification. The operating current should be decided after considering the ambient maximum temperature of LEDs.Electrostatic Discharge & Surge CurrentElectrostatic discharge (ESD) or surge current (EOS) may damage LED.Precautions such as ESD wrist strap, ESD shoe strap or antistatic gloves must be worn whenever handling of LED.All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded.It is recommended to perform electrical test to screen out ESD failures at final inspection.It is important to eliminate the possibility of surge current during circuitry design.Moisture Proof PackageCannot take any responsibility for any trouble that are caused by using the LEDs at conditions exceeding our specifications.The LED light output is strong enough to injure human eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the LEDs with unaided eyes for more than a few seconds.The formal specification must be exchanged and signed by both parties before large volume purchase begins. The appearance and specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice.For further information please contact ILSThe values contained in this data sheet can change due to technical innovations. Any such changes will be made without separate notification.。



Max.260℃ for 5 sec Max. (3min from the base of the epoxy bulb)
■Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics(Ta=25°)
Items Symbol Condition
Min 3.0 1.9 --620 518 465 700 1800 400 ---
Test Item Operating Life Test High Temperature Storage Low Temperature Storage Temp &Humidity Test
Duration 1000h
Units Tested 22
Number of Damaged 0/22
25℃~85 ℃~25℃ 3min -5min30min- 5min
50 Cycles
Mechanical Test
Resistance to Soldering Heat Lead Integrity
1 time
Load 2.5N 0°~90°~0°
Typical Electrical/Optical Characteristics Curves (G):
Customer Service Hotline:400-676-8616
TEL:0769-8200 5999 0769-8200 2226 FAX:0769-8200 2777 E-MIAL∶tongjiacn@



目录1、产品概述 (3)2、主要应用 (3)3、特征说明 (3)4、产品尺寸 (4)5、产品命名规则 (4)6、引脚功能 (5)7、RGB光电特性 (5)8、绝对最大值 (6)9、IC电气参数 (6)10、开关特性 (6)11、数据传输时间 (7)12、时序波形图 (7)13、数据传输方式 (8)14、24bit数据结构 (8)15、典型应用电路 (8)16、光电特性曲线 (9)17、包装 (10)18、可靠性测试 (11)19、焊接说明 (112)20、注意事项 (113)1.Description(产品描述)TX1812CXD是一个集控制电路与发光电路于一体的智能外控LED光源。

其外型与一个5050LED 灯珠相同,每个元件即为一个像素点。







3.Features(特征说明)LED内部集成高质量外控单线串行级联恒流IC;控制电路与芯片集成在SMD5050元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点,效果均匀且一致性高; 内置数据整形电路,任何像素点收到信号后经过波形整形再输出,保证线路波形畸变不会累加; 内置上电复位和掉电复位电路,默认上电不亮灯;灰度调节电路(256级灰度可调);红光驱动特殊处理,配色更均衡;单线数据传输,可无限级联;整形转发强化技术,两点间传输距离超过10M;数据传输频率可达800Kbps,当刷新速率30帧/秒时,级联数不小于1024点。




特性:尺寸(mm):5.0x5.0mm 表面贴片发光二极管胶体颜色:透明发光颜色:七彩和白光发光角度:120°表面颜色:表面白色应用:LED面板灯,半户外和户外显示屏红绿蓝全彩屏产品在不断更新,建议有新产品代替时使用.产品参数:注意:所有尺寸单位为mm;如无特殊说明误差范围为±0.05mm 。

***应用注意事项特点本文件主要向顾客及用户介绍怎样如何更好的使用我司的SMD LED 产品。

描述一般来说,SMD 5050跟一般的半导体有相同的用法。

当使用荧月电子的SMD5050产品,请遵从以下的使用方法以保护SMD LED 产品。

1.清洁:不要使用不明化学液体清洗SMD LED,不明的化学液体可能会损坏SMDLED。

当必要清洗时,把SMD LED沉浸在酒精里,在正常的室温下少于1 分钟并且自然干燥15 分钟,然后才开始使用。

2.防潮湿包装为避免产品在运输及储存中吸湿,SMD LED 的包装是用防潮的铝包装袋包装,并且包装袋里面含有干燥剂及湿度卡,干燥剂主要起到控制包装袋里的湿度,湿度卡主要是起到监控包装袋里的湿度。

3.储存a.包装袋密封后贮存在条件为温度< 40℃,湿度< 60%RH,保存期为12 个月。



c.开封后请在以下条件使用:温度< 30℃、湿度在30%RH 以下;如果使用时间超出24小时,须做以下烘烤处理才可使用。

d.烘烤条件:产品在烘箱在温度为70℃±5℃;相对湿度≤10%RH,时间:24 小时。

OSA5Opto5Light5GmbH LED光源说明书

OSA5Opto5Light5GmbH LED光源说明书

preliminaryFeatures- size 3.0(L) x 2.0(W) x 1.0(H) mm - circuit substrate: Al2O3 Ceramics - devices are ROHS conform- lead free solderable. soldering pads: gold plated - taped in 8 mm blister tape. cathode to transporting perforation- all devices sorted into luminous intensity classes - taping: face-up (T)- high radiation intensity typesI F, max [mA]I F,P [mA] tp ≤ 100 µs τ=1: 10V R [V] allowable I R, max [mA]Thermal resistance R thJA [K / W]T Op [°C] T St °[C] 3050510060-40 (85)-40 (100)-40-200204060801000102030T op [°C]I F [m A ]Maximal forwardcurrent (DC) characteristicelectrostatic discharge classification (MIL-STD-883E)class 1Type Marking measured VF[V]λp [nm]I e [mW/sr] Φe [mW]at at I F [mA] typ max min max min max min max OCU-400 UE400 OCU-400 UE410 OCU-400 UE415anode anode anode 20 20 203.2 3.2 3.24.5 4.5 4.5400 410 415 405 415 4201.5 1.5 1.5 4.0 4.0 4.04.2 4.2 4.2 11 11 11Wavelength between 370 and 420 nm upon request possibleSeries 400 - CeramicsUV - LED Absolute Maximum RatingsElectro-Optical Characteristics90view angle1102,42,62,83,03,23,43,6UF (V)I F (m A )U F – I Fcharacteristic01020301I v r e l (a t 20 m A )IF (mA)I F – I v, relcharacteristicOutline Drawing Recommended Soldering PatternsSoldering ConditionsOrdering Code For PartsSeries Color Encapsulation PackagingOCU-400 - - X - TT - tapedX - uncolored clearType definition, e.g. OCU-400 UE400-X -TLED Radiation Intensity Groups [mW ](general information – not this device specific)C: 0.28 - 0.45 C1: 0.28 - 0.36 P1: 45 - 56D: 0.45 - 0.71 C2: 0.36 - 0.45 P2: 56 - 71E: 0.71 - 1.12 D1: 0.45 - 0.56 Q1: 71 - 90F: 1.12 - 1.80 D2: 0.56 - 0.71 Q2: 90 - 112G: 1.80 - 2.80 E1: 0.71 - 0.90 R1: 112 - 140H: 2.80 - 4.50 E2: 0.90 - 1.12 R2: 140 - 180J: 4.50 - 7.10 F1: 1.12 - 1.40 S1: 180 - 224K: 7.10 - 11.20 F2: 1.40 - 1.80 S2: 224 - 280L: 11.20 - 18.00 G1: 1.80 - 2.24 T1: 280 - 355M: 18 - 28 G2: 2.24 - 2.80 T2: 355 - 450N: 28 - 45 H1: 2.80 - 3.55 U1: 450 - 560P: 45 - 71 H2: 3.55 - 4.50 U2: 560 - 710Q: 71 - 112 J1: 4.50 - 5.60 V1: 710 - 900R: 112 - 180 J2: 5.60 - 7.10 V2: 900 - 1120S: 180 - 280 K1: 7.10 - 9.00 W1: 1120 - 1420T: 280 - 450 K2: 9.00 - 11.20 W2: 1420 - 1800U: 450 - 710 L1: 11.20 - 14.00 X1: 1800 - 2250V: 710 - 1120 L2: 14.00 - 18.00 X2: 2250 - 2800W: 1120 - 1800 M1: 18.00 - 22.40 Y1: 2800 - 3550X: 1800 - 2800 M2: 22.40 - 28.00 Y2: 3550 - 4500Y: 2800 - 4500 N1: 28.00 - 35.50 Z1: 4500 - 5750Z: 4500 - 7100 N2: 35.50 - 45.00 Z2: 5750 - 7100Measured according to CIE 127. All SMD-LEDs are 100% measured and selected on full automated equipment with an accuracy of ± 11 %.Warnings and Handling Instructions• UV LEDs emit intense but mainly invisible ultraviolet radiation when in operation, which may be harmful to eyes, even for brief periods.• * DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE UV LED DURING OPERATION *• * BE SURE THAT YOU AND ALL PERSONS IN THE VICINITY WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES THAT PROVIDE SUITABLE UV PROTECTION WHEN A UV LED IS OPERATING * • * KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE OPERATING VICINITY *• * KEEP UV LEDs OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN *• If you incorporate a UV LED into a product, be sure to provide appropriate cautionary labels and instructions.• Please follow all standard procedures for storing, handling, cleaning, mounting, soldering, disposal, or otherwise handling LED dies or packaged LEDs, including static electricity protection.• The user has the responsibility to inform, train and instruct customers and coworkers • UV- LED are ESD sensitive (Class1). The handling and usage have to consider this device propertyPacking :The reel is sealed in special plastic bag with integrate ESD protection( MIL - STD 81705 ) including a silica dry-packLabelOrder No. XXXXXXXXXCustomer order No.Type OCU-400 -??-TIntensity group ZZ Color class : CCColor class - optionalCharge No. 1122-AAAAAA11 Week – 22 year – A internal identificationQuantity9999Attention please:The information describes the type of component and shall not considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. The data sheet may changed without prior information; the valid issue will be on our webpage ininternet. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for eachcustomer application by the customer. OSA opto light does not have the responsibility for the reliability and the degradation behaviour of products made with OSA opto light diodes because they depend not only on the diode but also on the conditions of manufacture or design of the final products.Packaging: Please use the recycling operators known to you.Components used in life support devices or systems and safety systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose!D Parts/reel 180 mm 330 mm2000 8000Tape And Reel Packing。

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发光强度范围 Luminous Intensity Ranking (TA=25ºC) :
CIE 坐标 产品型号 相关范围 CCT Part Range(K) Number CIE Coordinates Luminous intensity (mcd) @ 20mA Luminous Flux(lm) Vf@20mA Voltage (V) 发光强度 光通量Φ 正向电压
1. ±0.1V.正向电压的公差为±0.1V Tolerance of Forward Voltage is 。 2. ±15%.光通量的公差为±15% 场人员 If Ra is over 80, the brightness of products will be lower than listed below. For further informationof Ra, please consult marketing staff of Sunlight. Tolerance of Luminous Flux is 。 3. 如显色指数达80以上,产品的亮度将比上表所列略低。如对显色指数有特别要求,请咨询市
地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇恒超工业园 A 栋 3 楼 Address:3/F, Building A, hengchao Ind.,Shiyan Town, Shenzhen China TEL:+18664985461 +86-755-29002358 FAX:+86-755-29002359 上海办事处:Shanghai Office 地址:上海市普陀区真北路 2977 弄 22 号 Address:NO.22 Lane 2977,Zhenbei Rood,Putuo District,Shanghai TEL:+86-21-36538359 Fax:+86-21-36538316
400 800 200
数值 Value Avg 2.0 3.0 3.2
450 900 250
单位 Max 2.2 3.2 3.4
500 1000 300
120 --
deg A
Address:3/F, Building A, hengchao Ind.,Shiyan Town, Shenzhen China 地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇恒超工业园 A 栋 3 楼 TEL:+18664985461 +86-755-29002358 FAX:+86-755-29002359 上海办事处:Shanghai Office 地址:上海市普陀区真北路 2977 弄 22 号 Address:NO.22 Lane 2977,Zhenbei Rood,Putuo District,Shanghai TEL:+86-21-36538359 Fax:+86-21-36538316
参数 Parameter 测试条件 Test Condition 符号 Symbol R 正向电压 Forward voltage IF =20mA Vf G B R 发光强度 Luminous intensity IF =20mA Iv G B 角度 Viewing Angle 反向电流 Reverse Current ------2θ1/2 IR Min 1.8 2.8 3.0
Address:3/F, Building A, hengchao Ind.,Shiyan Town, Shenzhen China 地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇恒超工业园 A 栋 3 楼 TEL:+18664985461 +86-755-29002358 FAX:+86-755-29002359 上海办事处:Shanghai Office 地址:上海市普陀区真北路 2977 弄 22 号 Address:NO.22 Lane 2977,Zhenbei Rood,Putuo District,Shanghai TEL:+86-21-36538359 Fax:+86-21-36538316
Address:3/F, Building A, hengchao Ind.,Shiyan Town, Shenzhen China 地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇恒超工业园 A 栋 3 楼 TEL:+18664985461 +86-755-29002358 FAX:+86-755-29002359 上海办事处:Shanghai Office 地址:上海市普陀区真北路 2977 弄 22 号 Address:NO.22 Lane 2977,Zhenbei Rood,Putuo District,Shanghai TEL:+86-21-36538359 Fax:+86-21-36538316
反射蓋灌注型高效率發光二極體 REFLECTOR COATING TYPE HIGH-PERFORMANCE LEDs 高性能 SMD 单色顶级 led High Performance SMD Single-Color Top LEDs 产品型号 Part Number:PL-T5050RGB(IC)-C2
otherwise noted。
Address:3/F, Building A, hengchao Ind.,Shiyan Town, Shenzhen China 地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇恒超工业园 A 栋 3 楼 TEL:+18664985461 +86-755-29002358 FAX:+86-755-29002359 上海办事处:Shanghai Office 地址:上海市普陀区真北路 2977 弄 22 号 Address:NO.22 Lane 2977,Zhenbei Rood,Putuo District,Shanghai TEL:+86-21-36538359 Fax:+86-21-36538316
MATERIALS 物料 Silicon 硅胶 23 m Au Water Clear( 水清透明) InGaN
■ ■
■ ■
产品型号Part Number: PL-T5050RGB(IC)-C2
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Package Size:5.0(L) ×5.0(W) × 1.6(T) mm Silicone Packed Suitable for different working environment Super long lifetime:30000HRs Anti UV Wide viewing angle (2θ1/2=120°)
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
封装尺寸:5.0(长) ×5.0 (宽) ×1.6(厚) mm 采用硅胶封装 适应多种工作环境 超长寿命:30000 小时 防紫外线 宽角度 (2θ1/2=120°)
Device Selection Guide 物料选用指南
ITEM 项目 Resin 胶体 Bonding wire 焊线 Lens color 胶体颜色 Dice 晶片







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客户代码 Custome:
产品型号 Product Name:PL-T5050RGB(IC)-C2 样品单号 Version number: 日期 Deliver date:2015.2.19 客戶承認簽章 Customer confirm and sign
符号 Symbol
IF Vr Pd Top Tstg IFP Tsol
额定值 Rat
60 5 200 -20 ~+80 -40 ~+80 60
Unit (单位)
mA V mW ℃ ℃ mA
260℃ For 5 Seconds)/℃
光电特性 Electro-optical characteristics
回流温度曲线 Reflow Profile
回流 Temp /时间 Reflow Temp/Time
烙 铁 Soldering iron 基 本 规 格:260℃ 5sec,如 果 温 度 更 高 时 间 应 该 缩 短(+10℃ Basic spec
is 5sec when 260℃. If temperature is higher, time should be shorter (+10℃ -1sec ) 铁 消 耗 功 率 应 该 小于 15W,溫 度 是 可 以 控 制 的 -1sec ).Power dissipation of iron should be smaller than 15W, and temperatures should 设 备 的 表 面 温 度 应 该 低 于 230℃. be controllable .Surface temperature of the device shouldbe under 230℃.
Indoor lighting: Fluorescent lamp, tube Commercial illumination and displays: Advertising words, light box LCD Backlighting Decorative lighting: light strip Automotive interior auxiliary lighting Other illumination and displays