
全面的企业内容管理平台——Oracle企业内容管理策略 何民雄 minxiong.he@ Oracle中国 内容管理 高级业务经理甲骨文技术峰会2007信息爆炸式增长文档、图像、声音、视频、即时消息、电子邮件 …企业内容管理的信息生命周期存储 捕获 版本 索引 创建 管理清理分发 发布 保持 检索企业内容管理的演变从:没有控制的环境 部门级的内容管理 复杂的用户界面 多个隔离的数据存储 私有的解决方案 很少的应用集成到:易于管理的系统 企业级的部署 标准的、熟悉的用户界面 所有的东西都存在数据库中 基于标准的基础架构 集成的业务流程未来应用和内容管理的发展趋势◆ 全局化 ◆ 工作区 ◆ 上下文相关 ◆ 嵌入式信息管理的领导者——OracleSource: Gartner May 2006, Worldwide RDBMS Total Software RevenueOracle内容管理技术发展•收购Stellent •Content DB 10g •Records DB 10g •Secure Enterprise Search 10gOracle 6~8Oracle 8iOracle 10g数据库 •收购TripleHop R1 Oracle9i 数据库 •收购ContextMedia R2 •ULDB/XML Query Oracle9i 数据库 •中文模糊查找 R1 •在线索引创建 •高速文本过滤SQL*TextRetrieval TextServer3 Oracle ConText Option Oracle ConText Cartridge•Oracle Text •中文分词 •iFS •interMedia Text •XML DB •Ultra Search •和数据库融合•并行索引创建 •Oracle Content Service •Oracle Records Management •Oracle Files1990年代前半1999/52001/102002/82004/42005/82006/22006/11Oracle内容数据库基础架构Oracle 电子商务套件ECM套装应用Desktop 应用层 Apps桌面应用Portals & 门户和 Web浏览器 BrowsersISV ISV 开发的应用 Apps工作流 (Oracle BPEL流程管理器)服务层身份安全 (Oracle身份管理)协作/门户 (Oracle Web Center) 搜索 (Oracle安全企业搜索)流程管理应 用 开 发 框 架内容库服务 (Oracle内容数据库)身份管理结构化数据 非结构化数据 元数据 (Oracle数据库) (Oracle内容数据库) (Oracle内容数据库) 全文索引 (Oracle文本)Web 服务管理 网格控制Oracle内容数据库10g全面的信息储存库内容管理:随时访问企业所有的内容客户端集成 收集/创建 保存/销毁其他的Oracle组件记录管理管理所有的电子文件管理/归档归类/组 织文档 据 元数HTTP其他的 Windows 应用 MS/ExplorerFTP文件库、流程、安全评审/批阅电子商务应用WebDAVMS/OfficeHTTPSFTPs安全/索引共享/ 检索文档流程WAP第三方应用/客户应 用迁入/迁出企业门户发布 Web内容移动用户内容协同Oracle Content DB 10gOracle Content Database 10g可以提供:◆ 开箱即用的基本内容管理和文档管理功能◆ 文档共享、生命周期管理、记录和存储管理 ◆ 企业级部署采用◆ 提供内容管理到所有的◆ 业务应用(于MIS的集成、萨班斯法案遵循) ◆ 业务流程(BPEL扩展)◆ ISV应用开发强大的内容基础架构◆ 行业相关的应用:所有需要处理非结构化数据的应用 ◆ 内容相关的应用:内容管理、知识管理、资源库通过数据库来管理您所有的内容Oracle Content DB 10g特性列表目录和文档级别的安全控制 基于组和角色的存取控制 多站点管理 基于Web Services的开发接口 迁入/迁出 基于策略的自动版本管理 事件驱动的工作流 工作流调用的 Web services 自动/强制 文档属性 符号链接 基于策略的记录和存储管理 病毒检测和扫描 增强的在线编辑Web界面 改进的桌面端客户程序,离线管理 和Mac更好的集成 和 E-Business applications 集成直观用户界面易于使用随时随地的用户访问◆ 从Windows资源管理器/Office/手机移动设备访问内容服务全文检索机制◆ 统一的搜索引擎 ◆ 简单和高级搜索 ◆ 关键词 ◆ 标题 ◆ 用户 ◆ 大小 ◆ 类别 ◆ 通过Oracle安全 企业搜索扩展信 息源Oracle Content Database 10g可以提供:◆ 开箱即用的基本内容管理和文档管理功能◆ 文档共享、生命周期管理、记录和存储管理 ◆ 企业级部署采用◆ 提供内容管理到所有的◆ 业务应用(应用的集成、萨班斯法案遵循) ◆ 业务流程(BPEL扩展)◆ ISV应用开发强大的内容基础架构◆ 行业相关的应用:所有需要处理非结构化数据的应用 ◆ 内容相关的应用:内容管理、知识管理、资源库通过数据库来管理您所有的内容Oracle Portal与内容管理Oracle BPEL 流程管理器下订单 检查库存 已脱销ß 警报替代的产品交付产品备用的产品规范 (内容)Oracle BPEL 流程管理器嵌入内容服务到业务应用的场景中Oracle安全企业搜索引擎架构Web 浏 览器Web Server 查 询和管理功能文本处理和索引Oracle Text SQL 引擎客户端搜索服务层 Crawler各种信息源全面的企业Intranet 搜索解决方案结构化数据电子邮件日程信息文件服务器人员 企业应用传统的 ECM协作解决方案Intranet Web 内容Internet Web 内容 商业智能Oracle电子商务应用与内容管理•可以共享、访问和更新处于应用之外的内容,包括集成其他的业务流程•在业务应用和信息资产之间建立更加强大的业务场景•利用增强的内容管理和记录管理功能来提升对信息的控制Oracle应用内容管理功能*Oracle保留产品计划变更的权力业务应用所需Oracle Content Database 10g可以提供:◆开箱即用的基本内容管理和文档管理功能◆文档共享、生命周期管理、记录和存储管理◆企业级部署采用◆提供内容管理到所有的◆业务应用(于MIS的集成、萨班斯法案遵循)◆业务流程(BPEL扩展)◆ISV应用开发强大的内容基础架构◆行业相关的应用:所有需要处理非结构化数据的应用◆内容相关的应用:内容管理、知识管理、资源库通过数据库来管理您所有的内容面向服务的内容管理架构面向服务的基础架构Web服务APIs:◆自动化◆集成◆功能扩展内容管理Web Services概览全面的内容管理解决方案应用场景:票据集中管理和应用收到票据(纸张拷贝)索引关键字段/批准或退回如果需要的话,票据路由道审核人员谢绝付款信Oracle ERP 应用应用场景:知识管理和资源库应用场景:文档审批提交应用场景:Web内容管理甲骨文技术峰会2007案例分析◆多个内容库并存◆多种技术◆高运营成本◆不一致的服务级别原来的环境现在的环境◆整合的单一非结构化内容库◆企业服务总线架构◆高可用的基础架构Claims Auditor ’s SystemsHuman ResourcesAnnuitiesOracle ContentDB单一权威,组织批准的针对企20062005200420032002• 2.8亿文档总数•大多数为tiff 格式的文档•10 TB 的内容存储•每天增加300,000 -500,000新文档•从Filenet 迁移过来2.7亿个文档,平均每天5百万文档•支持10,000 生产环境用户SAN Today Allstate: 应用架构和效果Allstate: 内容服务与业务应用◆56 个应用基于统一的Content DB◆关键业务应用◆Claims Management, Policy, Agency◆财务◆AP, GL◆HR◆Marketing◆Legal◆TravelAllstate ContentDB系统部署甲骨文技术峰会2007统一内容平台建设路线图如何规划建设统一内容信息平台时间业务价值Oracle 内容管理产品技术路线图统一通用的内容服务•融和中间件提供通用的内容基础架构•提供CDB 、Web 内容管理、数字资产管理、ILM 、I/PM 内容应用套件•整合领先的ECM 产品Stellent 到Oracle 内容管理产品线•充分利用Oracle 其他技术产品中的高级功能•可配置支持企业应用需求融和内容基础架构融和中间件信息权限管理(IRM )内容数据库套件Web 内容管理影像流程管理通用纪录管理(URM )AA数字资产管理信息生命周期管理AAA企业统一内容平台其他考虑因素◆内容的业务相关性和优先级◆统一内容平台和数据中心整合◆企业级演化和成本考虑◆现有业务应用的整合和未来应用规范◆导入内容管理到最终用户◆最佳实践案例和ROI◆……总结◆内容管理正在演进:从部门级到为企业所有用户提供内容管理,随时随地获取并服务于企业业务流程◆Oracle内容管理基于开放的数据库技术,采用SOA的架构和全面的内容管理服务于门户、业务应用、业务工作流◆Oracle内容管理提供了全面的内容管理套装应用,与电子商务应用、业务流程整合良好集成和扩展◆统一内容管理平台和可扩展的套装应用,整个组织需要一个统一内容数据管理和开发平台。
论Oracle Portal及其门户网站开发

( 二) 基于orac legiA S的门户网站的开发 为满足一般企业的业务需求和技术需求,可以构建它的集成信息咨询 门户。该解决方案分为: 层结构: 客户层、中间层、基础架构层,数据层。 日、门户网站开发存在的问皿 以orac eg A 为基础,为企业提供快速建立企业入口网站的方案, l i S 让企业无需购买、安装软件,无需担心额外增加川5人员等负担,只要嵌入 r c e o a l 网站,即可享受o a l 提供的基础构架,并在网站上勾选所需的功 r c e 能以组建自己的网站。脆b界面容易上手的特性,使得In r n t 成为企业沟 t a e 通、管理的重要工具。这也使得企业门户网站的建设逐渐变成一种必然.
每台安装份acl e Por t al 示例的服务器称为一个o ac l e Por t a l 节点。 r
径,同时,灵活的工作环境使各机构、部门和个人用户能够对他们的门 户 风格进行个性化定制. o a l e i A Po t a 作为单一交互点, r c g s r l 通过把信息集 中在一起来解决这些问题: 把用户与他们的信息源更好地连接在一起,同 时提供 了适应不同个人开展工作与处理信息的方式所需的灵活性. oracl egiA Por t al 作为真正企业级的电子商务门户,用称为因r t l et 的可 S 重复使用的信息组件,在彼此互不相连的动态数据、文档和份 站点的世界 b e 中架起了沟通的桥梁。o a l e 认S Po t a 的自 r c g r l 助式门户服务使用户和开发 人员能够组织与发布信息并创建应用。除了能访问企业数据并对其进行个 性化处理外, a l e i A Po t a 还并入了 r o c g S r l 若干自 助式功能,允许门 户用户 和管理员直接地管理他们的信息。这些服务能够让最终用户控制并负责他 们的信息,也向I 专业人员提供了更好地满足最终用户的需求工具。 T r l g A o t l o ac e i S P r a 还为文档发布、文件上传、页面格式化以及访问控制提 供了一套集成功能,可以让用户共享和管理信息。除了文件类型内容外, 来自 a le数据库的信息也能够很容易地集成到o a l e iA Po t a 之中。 r o c r c g S r l r l i S o ac eg A Por a 包含有一个数据驱动的组件库,可以用于与价a l 数据 t l c e 库地交互,并把信息无缝地嵌入门户页面内的por l e 之中. 这些组件包括 t t j avas r P 增强型地数据输入表单、以H M 、纯文本或M Ex e 格式输出 c i t TI S c l 的分栏报告、可定带 M 条形图以及其他几个用于发布o a l 数据库中数 归T L r c e

9 投资管控型 9 战略管控型 9 操作管控型
9 战略管理 9 投资管理 9 业绩管理 9 财务管理 9 人力资源管理 9 资源共享与协调管理
9 资源优化 9 专业分工
9 责任体系 9 核心管理流程
战 略 管 理
非生产性采购 基础设施管理 人力资本管理 项目管理
数据中心(客户数据中心, 资产数据中心, 产品数据中心) 融合中间件(应用服务器, 开发套件, 流程编排, 安全管理, 企业门户, Web 服务)
数据库(10g, RAC, Oblix, Times Ten)
管理软件 – 自主创新 + 并购
¾ 通用管理软件: 财务管理 人力资源管理 客户关系管理 制造 供应链管理 项目管理
¾ 行业特定管理软件 通讯 公共事业 – 水利、电力 银行 零售 医疗保健 保险 航空、航天、汽车、化工、消费品 、高科技、工业制造、交通、自然 资源
咨询台 HR IT
数据中心(资产数据中心, 产品数据中心)
Oracle技术(如:数据库, 应用服务器, RAC, Oblix, Times Ten)
Oracle 工业制造解决方案蓝图
横向一体化 - 采购系统与财务系统的协同
通过采购和财务系统的紧密集成,可以保证财务对业务的过程中控制(预算、付款)、动态 的业务信息反馈(资金、结算付款信息)、高效率的业务处理(会计分录自动产生、资产信 息的自动创建);

Oracle企业管理器(OEM)常见问题解答Oracle企业管理器(OEM)常见问题解答 ___:xx-05-13 OracleEnterpriseManager(Oracle企业管理器,简称OEM)是通过一组Oracle程序,为管理分布式环境提供了管理服务。
OEM控制台与每一个服务器上的智能化代理(In ___igentAgent)相对应。
Q:OEM数据库工具组的功能是什麽?A:OEM数据库工具组是一组使DBA能够通过GUI界面管理Oracle 数据库的工具。
Oracle 企业内容管理

…… Oracle在协作套件中引入了企业范围部署的文档内容管理解决方案,为这个新兴的市场机会做好了预先准备。
”David YockelsonSenior Vice President and Principal Analyst,MetaGroup企业内容管理需求信息内容资产正在变得越来越重要,根据Forrester Research的报告,目前组织机构内容的数量每年超过200%的增长;IDC研究发现——全球性公司员工花费了超过40%的时间来寻找他们需要的业务内容信息。
另外一方面,Fulcrum Research发现超过80%企业创建的内容都是非结构化信息。
这种情况会导致这样的一些问题:•难于在不同的文件和电子邮件服务器上的分散的存储中去搜索内容•不能有效跟踪和监管文档,会带来管理风险,因此导致公司的额外成本和消耗•增加了对邮件的依赖来共享文件和协同工作同样大概 20%左右的结构化信息,如在CRM客户的名称和地址和ERP中的总账信息,这些信息都存在大型的Oracle关系数据库中。
通常这也是一些企业应用供应商的选择,甚至Documentum, FileNet和 Opentext 这些内容管理的领先者也把描述文档的元数据存储在数据库中,但还不是文档本身,大多数情况下,文档仍然保存在文件服务器上。
利用ORACCLE iAS部件实现企业门户网站

Portal 缓存
Portal Cache
缓存可以减少对数据库以及Provider的调用 几乎所有的内容与元数据都可被缓存
– – – – –
页面定义 Portlet的内容 组装好的页面 文档,包括图像 事件 登录元数据
Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Internet Directory Oracle Advanced Security
浏览器客户端 Oracle9iAS Portal 中间层
页面 元数据 Page 请求 Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle9iAS Portal 数据库层
Oracle SSO的开放性
– – –
Oracle9iAS 门户主要信息
提供集成和安全的信息入口 为多类客户提供个性化的窗口 提供客户自我服务的能力来管理内容
LDAP 服务器
LDAP服务器——Oracle Internet Directory
通过SSO(Single Sign On) 服务器能够实现访问其它应用系统的单 点登录 Oracle支持两种方式的Single Sign On
– –
External Application 对应用访问的认证的是在External Application系统中实现的 Partner Application Oracle Portal, Oracle Reports,…, 以及使用Oracle SSO API的第三 方应用 能够通过Oracle SSO API与第三方的SSO服务器集成。如Netegrity公 司的SiteMinder Server
使用Oracle企业管理器10g 管理Oracle应用服务器 Oracle 白皮书

使用Oracle企业管理器10g管理Oracle应用服务器Oracle 白皮书2004 年 7 月使用Oracle企业管理器10g管理Oracle应用服务器引言 (4)管理拓扑结构 (4)随取随用管理 (5)集中和综合的管理 (5)使用应用服务器控制进行管理 (6)单点管理 (6)应用服务器环境的拓扑结构 (7)部署 J2EE 应用程序 (8)统一的管理操作 (9)集中的端口管理 (9)诊断日志查看器 (10)更改基础架构服务 (11)身份管理 (12)元数据信息库 (12)场信息库管理 (12)自动的服务保障 (13)使用网格控制管理 (13)随取随用的监视 (13)历史记录收集和分析 (14)J2EE 应用程序诊断 (15)应用程序服务级别管理 (15)应用程序可用性 (16)预先监视商务事务处理 (17)了解最终用户体验 (18)交互跟踪商务事务处理 (19)分析中间层页面的性能 (19)使应用程序性能相互关联 (20)管理应用服务器网格 (21)企业配置管理 (22)系统数据的自动收集 (22)报告收集的数据 (22)收集数据的查询和分析 (23)补丁 (24)克隆 Oracle 主目录 (25)结论 (26)使用Oracle企业管理器10g管理Oracle应用服务器引言Internet 为企业提供了快速发展更多客户的机会,同时降低了业务流程和信息系统的复杂性。
利用应用服务器(如 Oracle 应用服务器 10g)可以实现第二个好处,这些服务器允许用户集成完全不同的业务系统,并简化基于Web 的应用程序的开发和部署。
Oracle 应用服务器提供了各种各样的功能,并在平台内集成了若干组件。

– How it Works
Even when Jim receives the request, Dan
doesn’t know Jim was matched until Jim responds
WebCenter Intelligent Collaboration Brokering:
• 企业信息门户
• 为员工提供一站式的信息访问服务—职工门户
• 协同办公
• 实现跨地域、跨组织、跨领域的工作协同
• 业务流程整合
• 实现集团内资源协调、业务协调和信息共享
员工对 工作
基于角色的信 息访问
基于角色控制 的应用访问
• Oracle企业内容管理
• 什么是内容和内容管理 • Oracle解决方案特点
• Oracle内容管理和Apps集成 • 讨论
文档, 报表, 邮件,影像
• 通告 • 讨论 • 博客 • 标签 • 链接 • Wiki • 文档 • 事件 • RSS
• 工作列表 • 人员联系 • 活动图 • 最近活动 • 邮件 • 备忘录 • 搜索
• Mashups
• 分析 • 以及更多……
项目管理 员工对团队
电子会议 即时协作

4.2 OEM的启动与登录
p 启动相关服务
n OracleService<SID> n Oracle<ORACLE_HOME_NAME>TNSListener n OracleDBConsole<SID>
p 通过Web方式启动OEM的
n OEM控制台的URL格式为 http://hostname:portnumber/em
4.1 OEM简介
p 基本概念
n Oracle 10g企业管理器(Oracle Enterprise Manager,简称OEM)是一个基于Java框架开发的 集成化管理工具,采用Web应用方式实现对Oracle 运行环境的完全管理,包括对数据库、监听器、主机、 应用服务器、HTTP服务器、Web应用等的管理。 DBA可以从任何可以访问Web应用的位置通过OEM 对数据库和其他服务进行各种管理和监控操作。
n 实现对多个Oracle数据库的集中管理; n 实现对Oracle应用服务器的管理; n 检查与管理目标计算机系统软硬件配置。
p Oracle 10g OEM分类
n 数据库控制OEM(Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control),用于本地管理单一的 Oracle 10g数据库,在安装Oracle 10g数据库服 务器时安装。
Oracle FLEXCUBE 银行业企业级应用程序设置门户说明书

Gateway Application Setup Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal BankingRelease[April] [2014]Table of Contents1.SETTING UP GATEWAY FOR ORACLE FLEXCUBE ......................................................................................... 1-1 1.1I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2S ETTING UP G ATEWAY EJB A PPLICATION................................................................................................................ 1-11.2.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2.2Building EAR File ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3S ETTING UP G ATEWAY MDB A PPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 1-91.3.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................... 1-91.3.2Building EAR File ............................................................................................................................................ 1-9 1.4S ETTING UP G ATEWAY HTTP A PPLICATION .......................................................................................................... 1-171.4.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 1-171.4.2Building EAR file ........................................................................................................................................... 1-17 1.5S ETTING UP G ATEWAY W EB S ERVICE A PPLICATION .............................................................................................. 1-241.5.1Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 1-241.5.2Building EAR File .......................................................................................................................................... 1-242.POST BUILDING ACTIVITY ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.1Gateway Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.2Deployment Using Oracle WebLogic Application Server ................................................................................ 2-12.1.3Deployment Using IBM Websphere Application Server .................................................................................. 2-11. Setting up Gateway for Oracle FLEXCUBE 1.1 IntroductionThis chapter explains the steps for setting up the Gateway Application for Oracle FLEXCUBE.1.2 Setting up Gateway EJB ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application.1.2.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway EJB property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_EJB_Prop.properties1.2.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway EJB Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Click ‘Next’.The following screen will be displayed.3. Select the application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.4. Specify the following details:File separator StyleSpecify the style of file separator (e.g Linux or Windows). Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster5. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’.6. Select ‘Gateway EJB’. Click ‘Next’.7. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.8. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software gets copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (usnderscore).Eg: GWEJBMultiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer does not allow you to specify the source directory in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.9. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.The EJB reference name will be ‘{APPLICATIONAME}_GW_EJB_Bean’ and the JNDI name will be‘{APPLICATIONAME}/ejb/GW_EJB_Bean’.For example, consider that the application name is GWEJB. In that case EJB and JNDI names will be as follows:∙EJB reference name: GWEJB_GW_EJB_Bean∙JNDI name: GWEJB/ejb/GW_EJB_Bean10. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is di splayed.11. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.12. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.13. Specify the following details:Distributed SchemaSpecify whether this is a distributed schema or not. This is a read only component . the Distributed schema will be YES only if the property file has distributed schema.Data SourceSpecify the data source of the schema.14. Click ‘Next’. In case you have selected ‘Yes’ against Distributed Schema, the following screen isdisplayed.15. Specify the datasource names.16. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.17. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.18. Click ‘Next. The following screen is displayed.19. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files.This completes the EAR file generation process. The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.3 Setting up Gateway MDB ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application.1.3.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway MDB property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_MDB_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway MDB Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ (04-PropertyFile_Setup).1.3.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway MDB Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the a pplication ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:File Separator Style:Specify the type of file separator (e.g: Linux or Windows). Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. You also need to specify the version of the selected operating system.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed:5. Select ‘Gateway MDB’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:6. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (Underscore).Eg: GWMDBMultiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directory in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.8. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.The EJB reference name will be ‘{APPLICATIONAME}_GW_MDB_Bean’ and the JNDI name will be‘{APPLICATIONAME}/ejb/GW_MDB_Bean’.For example, consider that the application name is GWMDB. In that case EJB and JNDI names will be as follows:∙EJB reference name: GWMDB_GW_MDB_Bean∙JNDI name: GWMDB/ejb/GW_MDB_Bean9. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.10. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.11. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.12. Specify the following details:Distributed SchemaSpecify whether this is a distributed schema or not. Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that this is a distributed schema. Otherwise, select ‘No’.Data SourceSpecify the data source of the schema.13. Click ‘Next’. In case you have selected ‘Yes’ against Distributed Schema, the following screen isdisplayed.14. Specify the datasource names.15. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.16. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.17. Click ‘N ext. The following screen is displayed.18. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.4 Setting up Gateway HTTP ApplicationThis section explains the methods of setting up Gateway EJB Application. This is not applicable in EXEC mode of installation.1.4.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway HTTP property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_HTTP_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway HTTP Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ (04-PropertyFile_Setup).1.4.2 Building EAR fileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway HTTP Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the Application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:File Separator StyleSpecify the operating system in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.Application ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster.4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is di splayed:5. Select ‘Gateway Http Servlet’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:6. C lick ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (underscore).Eg: GWHTTPApplication ContextBased on the Application type selected, the Installer displays the application context. However, you may modify the default value.Multiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directo ry in this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.You can select all the source directories in this screen. The Installer will copy the sources from the multiple locations into the destination directory. You can have consolidated sources in the destination directory.∙Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.∙The following screen is displayed.8. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.9. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.10. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.11. Click ‘Next. The following screen is displayed.12. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.1.5 Setting up Gateway Web Service Application1.5.1 PrerequisitesYou need to create the following gateway HTTP property files before building the application: ∙∙GW_WS_Prop.propertiesFor details, refer to the section ‘Gateway Web Services Application’ in chapter ‘Setting up Property Files’ 04-PropertyFile_Setup.You must create the environment variables for the corresponding application. For details, refer to thesection ‘For Gateway Web Service Application Building’ in chapter ‘Setting up Oracle FLEXCUBEInstaller’ (02-Installer_Installation).1.5.2 Building EAR FileIn order to build EAR file for Gateway Web Service Application, you need to follow the steps given below:1. Launch Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer. The welcome screen is displayed.2. Select the Application ‘Gateway’. Click ‘Next’.The following screen is displayed:3. Specify the following details:Operating SystemSpecify the operating system in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. YouApplication ServerSpecify the application server in which you are creating the property file. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.ReleaseSpecify the release in which you are creating the property file.Select the appropriate one from the drop-down list.The options are:∙KERNEL∙VN Cluster4. Select ‘Build Application’. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed:5. Select ‘Gateway WebServices’. Click ‘Next’.6. The following screen is displayed:click ‘Next’ the following screen will be displayed.This screen is not displayed in EXEC mode of installation.7. Specify the following details:Source DirectorySpecify the location of the source directory.Eg: Source_Dir\GatewayThe location of the source directory can be remote or local.Destination DirectorySpecify the location of the destination directory. The source files from the software will be copied to this location.Eg: D:\Testing\source\destApplication NameSpecify the EAR name of the application.The application name should not contain special characters and space. However, you may use ‘_’ (usnderscore).Eg: GWWebServiesApplication ContextBased on the Application type selected, the Installer displays the application context. However, you may modify the default value.Multiple SourcesIn case of Cluster/Patch releases, you can get the files from multiple source directories. If you check this box, the installer will not allow you to specify the source directory i n this screen. On clicking ‘Next’, the following screen is displayed.In EXEC mode of installation, on clicking ‘Next’ after verifying the JAR requirement, you will be navigated to the following screen.Here you can specify details regarding source directory, destination directory and application name.XSD ModifiedYou can check this box if the installer needs to recompile web services with new XSDs. This is required when an XSD is modified.WSDL ModifiedYou can check this box if the installer needs to recompile web services with new WSDLs. This is required when WSDL is modified.In case of XSD or WSDL web services should be recompiled,Copy the modified service sources into the service source path (<services_source_path>). Remove the unmodified services and proceed.In case of FCUBS the services sourcepath is ‘Source_Dir\MAIN\<Module>\Gateway\Services’.8. Once you have specified the details, click ‘Next’ to continue.9. The following screen is displayed.10. Specify the following details:Centralized Property FileTo modify an existing property file, you need to select the exact property file by clicking on the folder icon.Do not load the file. The installer will load that file automatically based on the property file.11. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.12. Select the modules to be included for Web Services.13. Click ‘Next’. The following screen is displayed.14. Click ‘Copy’ button. The installer copies the files.15. Click ‘Next. The follow ing screen is displayed.16. Click ‘Build’ button to start the build process. The installer builds the source files. This completes the EAR file generation process.The EAR file will be saved to the destination directory.2. Post Building Activity 2.1 IntroductionThis section introduces you to the activities to be carried out after setting up the gateway applications. 2.1.1 Gateway ConfigurationGateway application looks for the required files inside the ‘XSD Path’ and ‘Logger File’ provided at thetime of Gateway Property creation.Refer to the step 7 in the chapter ‘Creating Property File for Gateway Applications’ in the manual ‘Setting up Property File’ for details.You need to maintain the following files in XSD Path and Logger Path:Path FilesLogger Path Logger path should contain the gateway property files generated by the Installer.For example, for Gateway EJB application, the installer generates the files‘’ and ‘’. While creating the property file if you specify t he ‘Logger Path’ as ‘D:/Kernel11.1/GW_EJB/config/’, then you need to place both the files‘’ and ‘’ inside the folder‘D:/Kernel11.1/GW_EJB/config/’.XSD Path XSD Path should contain the common XSD files as well as the gateway module specific XSD files which are related to gateway operation.Copy the common XSD files from ‘MAIN\Core\Gateway\COMMON’ to the XSD Path. Copy the module specific XSD files from ‘MAIN/<module>/ Gateway/XSD’ to the XSD Path.ServerState.xml should be copied in the XSD Directory fromGateway\Utilities\POSS\ServerState.xml2.1.2 Deployment Using Oracle WebLogic Application ServerFor details on the manual deployment using Oracle WebLogic Application Server, refer to the chapter ‘Gateway Application with WebLogic’ (GATEWAY_Applications_WL).2.1.3 Deployment Using IBM Websphere Application ServerFor details on the manual deployment using IBM Websphere Application Server, refer to the chapter ‘Gateway Application with Websphere’ (GATEWAY_Applications_WAS.doc).Gateway Application Setup[April] [2014]Version Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © [2007], [2014], Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。

客户关系管理作业作者 _______________ 系别 _____________ 专业__________ 物流管理______________ 年级10 级_______________________ 学号102067134 _______________ 成绩_________________________________Oracle 公司针对金融行业的数据仓库解决方案一. 金融行业面临的问题和挑战今天,大多数银行都面临同样的问题,如何提高客户服务水平,如何控制金融风险,及如何提高银行的经营业绩,保证利润的持续增长。
对于中国的银行业,同样迫切的是,中国加入WTO 的步伐正在加快,大量实力雄厚的外资银行在跃跃欲试,对我国金融业的生存和发展形成了严峻的挑战,也带来了机遇,由于金融和高技术领域的进一步开放,给金融电子化的发展提供了新的动力和契机。
由于解决2000 年问题而暂缓或停止的项目会在更高的起点上重新起步,导致开始新一轮金融电子化手段的竞赛。
从2001 年金融展看,数据集中、网上银行、无人银行、客户关系管理、数据仓库成为电子商务时代金融电子化发展的新趋势。
Oracle FMW简介

?? ?
查询和分析 (OBIEE) 数据整合
Essbase OLAP
完整DW/BI 产品方案架构
数据 源
数据 清洗
数据 中心
数据 集市 BI Server
数据 分析 通用企业信息模型
网上银行 CDC
呼叫中心 CDC CDC
SOA治理& 策略管理
业务活动监控 人工工作流
统一 SOA
If “Date” = <2010 Then set category “New”
业务规则 流程构建
企业服务总线 B2B 集成
Oracle SOA & BPM 策略
产品策略 • 完整 & 集成的SOA和BPM平台
Identity Manager Role Manager
Directory Server EE Internet Directory Virtual Directory
? ?
$$ $
财务集中 Microsoft Office的整合 包装的BI 应用
$$ $
$$ $
• 主要优势
– – – – – – – – – J2EE应用服务器性能记录的保持者 应用程序和服务坚若磐石的可用性和运行时间 更好地监视和管理生产应用程序 能够仅仅获取并安装所需的项目 更快、更高效的开发-部署-调试周期 卓越的最终用户客户端可用性 高效快速的服务器管理 简化新应用程序和服务的开发 工具选项扩充了可用的开发人员知识库

²蓝凌EKP解决方案内容EKP解决方案整体架构图示意如下:蓝凌EKP基于SOA设计理念,采用三层体系架构,由基础平台层、应用服务层、展现层构成,具体包括:²基础平台层:遵循跨平台、与平台无关的设计原则,在基础设施方面,支持主流的服务器、网络等硬件系统和Windows/Linux/UNIX操作系统,数据库支持DB2/Oracle/SQL Server等关系型数据库和IBM Lotus Domino文档数据库,应用中间件支持J2EE和.net Framework技术标准和主流产品;²应用服务层:提供业务功能的应用实现,包括公共服务层和应用功能层,公共服务层为应用功能层提供公共的基础服务,如知识管理基础服务、流程服务、消息服务、搜索服务、系统配置服务等,应用功能层在调用公共服务的基础上实现业务需求,满足不同的业务需要;²门户展现层:实现“以人为本”的个性化信息展现,根据企业、部门、个人的需求可灵活构建不同的门户,展现所关心的信息与知识,并提供多种接入方式。