“МАҢҒЫСТАУМҰНАЙГАЗ”АКЦИОНЕРЛІК ҚОҒАМЫ№__________________Заявитель申请人(наименование департамента)公司名Предмет закупок (Наименование и номер лота)标的Наименование способа закупок采购形式Бюджет закупки, тенге без НДС标的额, 坚戈, 不含增值税Основание для закупки понастоящей Заявке申请采购依据№Наименованиетовара名称Краткая характеристика (СТ РК/ГОСТ/ТУ/СНИП и т.д)简述ед.изм.к-во1 Станок-качалка抽油机ПШГН-6-3-3500 抽油机: 游梁式, 悬点载荷- 60КN, 光杆冲程到3m, 减速箱输出轴允许最大扭矩35KN-m, 三级减速箱,人字齿轮传送,诺维科夫啮合, 曲柄式操纵式, 电机功率18.5千瓦. 游梁摆动频率, 每分钟3-8.5次,曲柄平衡式. 控制柜启动-0.1, ПШГН-6-3-35001.由两个工字梁组成的游梁有一个封闭的截面轮廓, 与非密封轮廓相比, 抗扭刚度增加了几倍, 这是为了防止在抽油机安装不当偏斜时, 强风荷载和其他原因引起的游梁扭转.2.通过四个镀铬销子将驴头安装到游梁上, 提高游梁刚度, 同时高精度制造,确保在使用过程中光杆悬挂器纵向最小偏差. 由此增加密封设备使用期限.3.耦合器(驴头转动装置)用于在修理过程中转动驴头(以一人之力). 此外, 还用于改变冲程时(更换曲柄轴时)扶住和转动游梁.4. 限位开关用于在一根连杆发生损坏时瞬间切断驱动装置, 以及排除在两根连杆损坏时的大故障( 游梁, 驴头, 支架, 井口故障)5.服务平台用于方便安全维护衡量和游梁, 以及方便转动驴头. 为提高维护抽油机的安全性, 平台底采用钢板网6.平衡块位移装置使抽油机必要的平衡调整迅速,轻松7. 曲柄在与减速箱输出轴连接时由一个耦合器拧紧, 安装的平衡块能够归零.8.止动销保险刹车, 可靠的固定住刹车鼓防止转动, 预防抽油机自行解除刹车, 提高维护的安全性9. 曲柄护罩: 护罩下部区域的高度应等于20厘米, 其他区域的间隙为不大于40 cm, 相邻支架轴之间的距离- 不大于2.5mGOST-15150-69 GOST -15150-69Шт台302 Станок-качалка抽油机ПШГН 6-3-4000 (3 m 11 转/分钟) 抽油机: 游梁式, 悬点载荷- 60Кn, 光杆冲程到3m, 减速箱输出轴允许最大扭矩40 Kn-m, 三级减速箱,人字齿轮传送,诺维科夫啮合, 曲柄式操纵式, 电机功率18.5千瓦. 游梁摆动频率,每分钟3-11次, 曲柄平衡式. 控制柜启动-0.1,1.由两个工字梁组成的游梁有一个封闭的截面轮廓, 与非密封轮廓相比, 抗扭刚度增加了几倍, 这是为了防止在抽油机安装不当偏斜时, 强风荷载和其他原因引起的游梁扭转.2.通过四个镀铬销子将驴头安装到游梁上, 提高游梁刚度, 同时高精度制造,确保在使用过程中光杆悬挂器纵向最小偏差. 由此增加密封设备使用期限.3.耦合器(驴头转动装置)用于在修理过程中转动驴头(以一人之力). 此外, 还用于改变冲程时(更换曲柄轴时)扶住和转动游梁.4. 限位开关用于在一根连杆发生损坏时瞬间切断驱动装置, 以及排除在两根连杆损坏时的大故障( 游梁, 驴头, 支架, 井口故障)5.服务平台用于方便安全维护衡量和游梁, 以及方便转动驴头. 为提高维护抽油机的安全性, 平台底采用钢板网6.平衡块位移装置使抽油机必要的平衡调整迅速,轻松7. 曲柄在与减速箱输出轴连接时由一个耦合器拧紧, 安装的平衡块能够归零.8. 止动销保险刹车, 可靠的固定住刹车鼓防止转动, 预防抽油机自行解除刹车, 提高维护的安全性9. 曲柄护罩: 护罩下部区域的高度应等于20厘米, 其他区域的间隙为不大于40 cm, 相邻支架轴之间的距离- 不大于2.5mGOST-15150-69 GOST -15150-69Шт台113Станок-качалка抽油机ПШГН-8-3-5500 抽油机: 游梁式, 悬点载荷- 80Кn, 光杆冲程到3m, 减速箱输出轴允许最大扭矩55Kn-m, 三级减速箱,人字齿轮传送,诺维科夫啮合,曲柄式操纵式, 电机功率22千瓦. 控制柜启动-0.1,曲柄平衡式.1. 由两个工字梁组成的游梁有一个封闭的截面轮廓, 与非密封轮廓相比,抗扭刚度增加了几倍, 这是为了防止在抽油机安装不当偏斜时, 强风荷载和其他原因引起的游梁扭转.2.通过四个镀铬销子将驴头安装到游梁上, 提高游梁刚度, 同时高精度制造,确保在使用过程中光杆悬挂器纵向最小偏差. 由此增加密封设备使用期限.3.耦合器(驴头转动装置)用于在修理过程中转动驴头(以一人之力). 此外, 还用于改变冲程时(更换曲柄轴时)扶住和转动游梁.4. 限位开关用于在一根连杆发生损坏时瞬间切断驱动装置, 以及排除在两根连杆损坏时的大故障( 游梁, 驴头, 支架, 井口故障)5.服务平台用于方便安全维护衡量和游梁, 以及方便转动驴头. 为提高维护抽油机的安全性, 平台底采用钢板网6.平衡块位移装置使抽油机必要的平衡调整迅速,轻松7. 曲柄在与减速箱输出轴连接时由一个耦合器拧紧, 安装的平衡块能够归零.8. 止动销保险刹车, 可靠的固定住刹车鼓防止转动, 预防抽油机自行解除刹车, 提高维护的安全性9. 曲柄护罩: 护罩下部区域的高度应等于20厘米, 其他区域的间隙为不大于40 cm, 相邻支架轴之间的距离- 不大于2.5mGOST-15150-69Шт台45 Всего总№Наименованиетовара名称Техническая характеристика (описание) товаров с указанием (СТРК, ГОСТ/ТУ/СНИП и т.д) (на русском языке)技术描述ед.изм单位.к-во,объем数量Станки-качалки типа ПШГН-6 и 8ПШГН-6 и 8型抽油机2012第一季度数量2012第二季度数量2012第三季度数量2012第四季度数量1 Станок-качалкаПШГН-6-3-3500 台30 598 82 Станок-качалкаПШГН 6-3-4000 (3 м 11 об/мин)Шт台11 2 3 3 33 Станок-качалкаПШГН-8-3-5500 Шт台45 10 15 10 10Всего总。
1 以任意吃水漂浮在水面上的载货船舶,它的排水量等于船体置换掉的相应质量的水。
;ship in loaded condition 船舶处于有负载的状况;arbitrary 任意的 water line (船的)吃水线,水位;displacement 排水量;equal to 等于,与……相等;relevant mass 相应的质量;displace 取代,置换2 船舶的排水量等于相应装载货物船舶的总重量。
;total weight 总重量;all told 副词,表示总计,总共,合计,用在这里强调是载货船舶总共的质量。
3 哪句话不正确?造船工程师与轮机员在职责上处于截然不同的区域。
;(应该是在一些范围内有所重叠);distinct divisions 截然不同的区域;naval architect 造船工程师,验船师;marine engineer 轮机员4 为什么中速柴油机驱动的船舶需要齿轮箱?为了安装固定螺旋桨轴。
(即螺旋桨轴不是直接由主机带动的,而是连接到齿轮箱的);gearbox 齿轮箱;fix 固定,安装,修理;propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5 螺旋桨,为了更有效率的工作,必须以相对较低的速度旋转。
;in order to 为了;efficiently 有效率地;relatively 相关的,相对的6 在柴油机里,燃油的燃烧直接提供了热能,而燃烧过的气体混合物则作为工作介质将热能转变为机械能(即推动活塞做往复运动)。
;working medium 工作介质;change … to …将…转变为…;the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气7 在柴油机里,燃气作为工作介质并将热能转换为机械能,连杆则将往复运动转换为回转运动。
;working medium 工作介质;change … to …将…转变为…;the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气;reciprocating movement 往复运动;rotary movement 回转运动8 二冲程和四冲程柴油机的区别之一是:二冲程机工作中没有吸气过程。
经现场测试,有功功率节能率达到28.58%,系统效率提高6.78%,实现每年平均单井节电2.18×104kWh,每年直接节电效益0.51万元,每年减少CO 2排放量16.95t。
关键词:超长冲程抽油机;参数优化;节能DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.07.006Research and application of oil production technology of ultra-long stroke pumpingunit in oilfield NI BoNo.3Oil Production Plant of Daqing Oilfield Co .,Ltd .Abstract:In view of the problems of irregular wear of rod and tube,high energy consumption and low efficiency of pumping unit in peripheral oilfield,the research and application of oil production technology of ultra-long stroke pumping unit are carried out.The ultra-long stroke pumping unit is selected on the ground while the ultra-long stroke pump is applied to the underground,which makes stroke be up to 50m,achieving the oil production mode of "long stroke and low stroke".Compared with the conventional pumping unit,the application of ultra-long stroke pumping unit oil produc-tion technology can delay the irregular wear of rod and tube.In the meanwhile,after the application of ultra-long stroke oil production technology,the field test showed that the power saving rate of ac-tive power reached 28.58%,the system efficiency is increased by 6.78%,the average power saving per well was 2.18×104kWh,the direct power saving benefit is 5100yuan per year,and the CO 2emis-sion is reduced by 16.95t per year.Most importantly,the oil production technology of ultra-long stroke has great energy conservation potential and has good economic and social benefits,which can be popularized and applied in oilfields .Keywords:ultra-long stroke pumping unit;parameter optimization;energy conservation作者简介:倪勃,工程师,2008年毕业于东北农业大学(行政管理专业),从事节能管理监测,泵况管理等工作,158****2968,*****************,黑龙江省大庆市萨尔图区唯美主邑6号楼,163000。
石油钻具产品英汉互译词汇积累phoscoated磷化处理exceed超过Mechanical properties机械性能Drive section驱动部分die stamped冲压模具Identification标识steel barrel钢筒Across flats对边宽Eccentric偏心Lift plug提丝Lift cap提丝FJWP套铣管双级扣(梯形扣)TSWP套铣管双级扣(矩形扣)MPI磁粉检验LPI液体渗透检验Inspection检验Wells井STD standard 标准OAL overall length 全长Tong space 大钳空间Fishing neck length 打捞径长度钻井工具drilling tools四方钻杆square Kelly六方钻杆hexagonal Kelly钻杆drill pipe螺旋加重钻杆spiral heavy weight drillpipe加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar普通钻铤standard drill collar无磁钻铤non-magnetic drill collar无磁螺旋钻铤spiral non-magnetic drill pipe螺杆钻具downhole motor整体螺旋稳定器spiral integral blade stabilizer 整体直棱稳定器straight integral blade stabilizer 无磁稳定器non-magnet integral blade stabilizer 非旋转稳定器non-rotating stabilizer可换套稳定器replaceable sleeve stabilizer固定直径扩孔器fixed diameter hole opener滚轮铰孔器roller reamer套管刮削器casing scraper键槽扩大器key seat wiper旋塞阀Kelly valve全通径安全阀full opening safety valve投入式止回阀FT type drop-in check valve箭型止回阀FJ type-arrow back pressure valve内防喷器inside bop浮阀接头float valve sub旁通阀by-pass valve试压堵塞器cup tester定向接头oriented bent sub循环接头circulating sub转换接头straight sub变径转换接头reduce sub保护接头saver sub提升短节lift sub震击解卡工具jarring toolsQJZ型全机械式震击器mechanical drilling jar JYSZ型机械液压一体式震击器double acting mechanical-hydraulic drilling jar QYSZ型全液压式震击器double acting hydraulic drilling jarZSJ/ZXJ型机械液压两体式震击器hydraulic&mechanical two-piece drilling jarYSJ型液压上击器hydraulic up jarCSJ型超级震击器super fishing jarZJS型震击加速器jar intensifierDJ型地面震击器surface bumper jarKXJ型开式下击器fishing bumper subBXJ型闭开式下击器lubricated fishing bumper sub 钻柱减震器shock absorber SJ型双向减震器double-way shock absorber YJ型单向减震器one-way shock absorber打捞工具fishing toolsS-150可退式卡瓦打捞筒series150overshotS-70短鱼头打捞筒series70short catch overshot S-20短鱼头抽油杆打捞筒series20overshotS-10抽油杆打捞筒series10overshot可退式倒扣捞筒releasing and reversing overshot 提放可退式打捞筒lifting-lowering and releasing overshot可退式卡瓦打捞矛releasing spear倒扣捞矛reversing spear倒扣接头reversing sub滑块捞矛sliding block spear公锥taper tap母锥die collar内钩internal hook外钩external hook反循环打捞蓝reverse circulation junk basket强磁打捞器standard fishing magnet反循环强磁打捞器reverse circulation fishing magnet泥浆槽磁铁ditch magnet磨铣工具junk mills平底磨鞋flat bottom junk mill凹底磨鞋concave bottom junk mill裙式磨鞋skirted junk mill领眼磨鞋pilot mill铣锥tapered mill刀翼磨鞋bladed junk mill钻柱磨鞋string junk mill简易磨鞋economill机械式内割刀mechanical internal cutter机械式外割刀mechanical external cutter多层管柱割刀muti-string cutter段铣工具section millH型安全接头H safety jointAJ型安全接头AJ safety joint打捞杯junk sub铅印impression block钻穿越扩孔工具directional drilling traversing hole opener刀板式扩孔器cutting flat type hole opener飞旋切割刀fly-rotate cutter桶式扩孔器barrel type hole opener板桶联合式扩孔器flat-barrel combination type hole opener 中心定位器center locator管圈式中心定位器tube ferrule type center locator浮筒式中心定位器float barrel type center locator 转换接头(钻柱短节)crossover sub(drill string pup joint)喷浆短节(侧偏孔短节)guniting sub(side-hole sub)取芯工具coring tools维修设备service equipmentCZJ320W型完井液压拆装架completion hydraulic Bucking unitKCZJ400型翻盖式拆装架flip hydraulic bucking unit CZPT-II型液压拆装平台hydraulic makeup/breakout platformDYNJ-200/20型液压拧扣hydraulic screwing machine SYJ液压试验架hydraulic testerLMST-II型螺杆钻具马达试验台资料downhole drilling motor tester dataSXL自动上下料机SXLautomatic loading and unloading machine石油钻井工程英语词汇D D R R I I L L L L I I N N G GE E N N G G I I N N E E E E R R I I N N G G E E N N G G L L I I S S H H W W O O R R D D S S A A N N D D P P H H R R A A S S E E S S 中油长城钻井有限责任公司钻机管理分公司Drilling Branch of Greatwall Drilling Company .Ltd,目录第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇 (1)第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇 (5)第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇 (5)第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇 (6)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称 (7)第6节石油作业现场常用工具 (8)第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分............................................................1 3 第2节钻井泵类及相关设备...................................................1 6 第3节与泵操作有关的实用短语.............................................18 第4节钻台与底座 (19) 第5节井控操作与防喷器 (19)第三章:钻井工程作业部分第1节钻井事故 (24)第2节钻头 (25)第3节钻具 (25)第4节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语 (27)第5节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语 (28)第四章:钻井液及相关设备第1节钻井液名称 (30)第2节钻井液设备...............................................................3 1 第3节钻井液处理剂 (31)第五章:钻井相关作业第1节取芯部分 (35)第2节固井部分 (35)第3节固井水泥浆名称和参数 (37)第4节测井部分 (38)第六章:井下作业常用短语....................................39第七章:海上钻井作业 (40)第八章:定向井部分 (41)第九章:石油现场机械传动与机械设备第1节:动力与传动 (42)第2节机械加工与设备.........................................................4 4 第3节油品名称 (49)第十章:地质地层与油藏工程第1节地质及地层 (50)第2节油藏工程和采油工程……………………………………………5 1第十一章:石油工程作业现场生活用词第1节身体各部分名称.........................................................5 2 第2节服装 (54)第3节描述天气 (56)第4节常见蔬菜名称 (57)第5节常见水果名称 (57)第6节味道和调味品调味品 (58)第7节酒类和祝酒 (59)第8节食品 (59)第9节超级市场 (60)第10节容器、单位及钱币......................................................6 1 第11节肉类 (61)第12节海鲜,鱼类...............................................................6 2 第13节救火及救援...............................................................6 2 第14节日常生活用品............................................................6 2 第15节星期与月份...............................................................6 3 第16节数字 (64) 第17节颜色 (65)第十二章:常用缩略语与换算第1节常用缩略语Abbreviation.............................................6 6 第2节钻井现场常用公英制(美国用法)换算 (67)第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇钻井:drill定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 海上钻井:off-shore drilling陆地钻井:on-shore drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit (镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit)金刚石钻头:diamond bit取心钻头:coring bit钻头浮阀:float valve钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out 钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包:bit is balling钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull. I suggest to POOH now 钻铤:DC(drill collar )光钻铤slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar钻杆:DP(drill pipe ) 方钻杆:kelly公扣:pin end 母扣:box end内平式连接:IF(internal flash)正规式连接:REG(regular)贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe短钻杆 pop joint井下马达:downhole motor 涡轮钻具:turbine震击器:drilling jar减震器:absorber下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil 原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):CNPC(China National Petroleum Corporation )长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油:oil production产油层(目的层):reservoir( or pay zone)钻进:drilling调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP起钻:POOH(pull out of hole)下钻:RIH(run in hole)下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing) 短起下钻:wiper trip循环泥浆:circulate泥浆:reverse circulate中途循环泥浆:break circulation分段下钻:RIH in stages通井:control trip划眼:reaming倒划眼:back reaming接单根:make connection滑、割大绳:slip and cut drillingline by ton-mile保养设备:maintain the equipment修理设备: repair (or fix) the equipment保养顶驱:service TDS保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe待工日费:standby rate今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today)我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge) you. Pleasegive me full understanding.不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss. I will let youknow as soon as I get news.大鼠洞:rat hole小鼠洞:mouse hole 钻具错扣:the connections are crossed 钻具粘扣:thread is galled 丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged 起钻错扣:alternate the connections 新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint 新钻头磨合:break in the new bit PDC 钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit 跳钻:rough drilling( vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing) 蹩钻:rough drilling (drilling torque is abnormally high )缩径:tight hole 起钻遇卡:get overpull 下钻遇阻:set weight 部分漏失:partially lost circulation 全部漏失:totally lost circulation 盲钻:blind drilling 堵水眼:bit jets are blocked 掉水眼:bit jets are lost 憋压:the pressure is built up 卸压:release pressure试压:pressure test功能测试:function test双方独自检查:double check地质:geology地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical exploration.测井:logging电测井作业:wireline logging operation泥浆测井:mud logging井(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:bore hole油气井:oil&gas well试井:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling大位移井:big distance( or extended ) well侧钻井:sidetracking drilling水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well丛式钻井:cluster well drilling煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production well报废井:abandoned well停产井:none-production well井下情况:downhole condition第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength弯曲强度:bending srength最小屈服强度: minimum torsional strength应力:stress压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差: pressure difference静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure破裂压力:fractured pressure液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇钻压:WOB(weight on bit)转盘转速:RPM(rotation per minute)泵压:SPP(slurry pump pressure)泵冲:SPM(stroke per minute)排量:FR(flow rate)大钩负荷:hook load扭矩:torque 反扭矩:reactive torque钻速:ROP(rate of penetration)顶驱:TDS(top drive system)钻井周期:drilling period钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size垂深:TVD(total vertical depth) 井深:MD(measured depth) 水平位移:horizontal displacement 井斜角:angle( or holeinclination)方位角:azimuth井眼环空:annulus第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称甲方:oil company(operator)钻井承包商:drilling contractor第三方(分包商)the third party(sub-contractor)钻井经理:drilling manager监督:supervisor钻井监督:DSV(drilling supervisor) or Companyman地质监督:geologist泥浆工程师:mud engineer固井工程师:cementing engineer泥浆录井工:mud logger钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻井1班:drilling shift one总经理:general manager总工程师:chief engineer项目经理:project manager(country manager)作业经理:operation manager财务经理:financial manger会计:accountant平台经理:rig manager 带班队长:tool pusherHSE监督:HSE officer司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller井架工:derrick man钻工:roughneck(or floorman)场地工:roustabout泥浆工:mudman发动机工:motorman机械师: mechanic电工:electrician电焊工:welder司机:driver吊车司机:crane operator铲车司机:forklift operator营房经理:camp boss医生:doctor材料员:material man(storekeeper) 炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter洗衣工:laundry man厨房服务生:waiter保安:watchman(or security)机械工程师:mechanic engineer第6节石油作业现场常用工具扳手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver (cross-headed screwdriver)撬杠:bar 加长撬杠:cheater bar活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers钩子:hook台钳:bench vice钢挫:file榔头:hammer锤击扳手:hammer wrench搬手:spanner内六角扳手:Allen key钢锯:hacksaw砂纸:sandpaper管钳:pipe tongs(pipe wrench) 链钳:chain tong 千斤顶:jack 黄油枪:grease gun吊车:crane 牵引绳:tag line电焊条:welding rod拖拉机:tractor推土机:bulldozer硬尺:ruler 游标卡尺:Vernier slide油漆:paint 铅油:dope油漆刷:paint brush 铅油刷:dope brush绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire插头:plug电插座:outlet(receptacle or switchboard)开关:switch螺栓:bolt螺帽:nut垫片:washer钉子:nail手电钻:hand drill钻头:bit工作台:workbench工具箱:toolbox胶水:glue胶棒:glue bar护丝:thread protector手轮:hand wheel脚轰油门:throttle联接法兰:coupling flange(or adaptor flange)安全带:safety belt安全帽:helmet工作靴:safety boot工衣:coverall棉袄:coat防护眼镜:safety goggle手套:gloves口罩:mouth mask围裙:apron洗眼台:eye washing station灭火机:fire extinguisher消防栓:fire -hydrant水龙头:water tap消防斧:fire fighting axe铲子:shovel手砂轮:emery wheel左转: turn left右转: turn right手势:gesture信号:signal 垃圾:waste garbage 拖把:mop 接头:sub 配合接头:X-over ,cross-over 提升短节:lifting sub 卡瓦:slips 放卡瓦:set slips 母锥:box tap 公锥:taper tap 打捞矛:fishing spear 安全接头:safety sub 柔性短节:flexible joint 井口盖子:wellhead cover 防喷盒:mud box BOP 吊装:BOP trolley( BOP hoist) 吊卡:elevator 吊环:elevator links 安全卡瓦:safety clamp(dog collar) 钻杆架:pipe rack 水龙头提环:swivel bail 材料房:warehouse 绳卡:bullnose clamp(guy anchor) 绳套:sling 吊带:soft sling(belt) 卸扣:shackle 吊装工具:lifting gear维护保养:maintenance内钳:make-up tong外钳:break-out tong液压大钳:power tong 液压猫头:E-zy tong兜绳:mule line四通阀:four-way valve 三通:Tee软管:hose球阀:ball valve闸板阀:gate valve 单流阀:back valve灌注泵:supercharge pump 第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分井架:Derrick(or mast)起(放)井架:erect(lay down) Derrick 底座大梁:sill 钢木基础:mat铅锤:plumb水平仪:level架,台:rack 立根盒:setback area坡道:V door(or ramp) 猫道:catwalk二层台:monkey-board 圆井盖:cellar cover天车:crown block 防碰天车:crown-o-matic天车梁:crown block beam 天车台:water table游动滑车:traveling block钻井大绳:drilling line 引绳:guide line穿大绳:string-in drilling line 金属线,电线:wire,cable钢丝绳股:strand截断:cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley(hoist) 手拉葫芦:hand pulley吊耳:lifting eye顶驱:top drive大钩:hook大钩弹簧:hook spring大钩销子:hook pin大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度:hook height水龙头:swivel鹅颈管:gooseneck冲管:wash pipe水龙头盘根:swivel packing钻井水龙带: rotary hose( kelly hose)立管:stand pipe 立管管汇:stand pipe manifold高压管线:high pressure line 由壬:union低压管线:low pressure line 传感器:sensor放压管线:relief line转盘:Rotary Table转盘方瓦:master bushing方补心取出装置:bushing handling tool方补心:kelly drive bushing 方孔: square opening小鼠洞:mouse hole大鼠洞:rat hole绞车:Drawworks挂合(摘开)绞车:engage(disengage) drawworks液压绞车:hydraulic winch气动绞车:air tugger(air hoist)滚筒: drum( reel)滚筒高速气离合器:high speed clutch滚筒低速气离合器: low speed clutch锚头:cathead液压猫头:E-zy tong上扣猫头:make up cathead卸扣猫头:make out cathead牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch涡磁刹车:eddy currentbrake(electromagnetic brake)猫头轴:cathead shaft猫头绳:cathead line死绳:dead line死绳固定器:dead line anchor间隙:gap死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm上扣:make up上扭矩:torque sth卸扣,卸开:break out上紧,固定:tighten (fasten )松开,松扣:loosen加载:load卸载:unload盘式刹车:disc brake刹车总成:brake assembly刹车轴: brake shaft刹车带:brake band刹车片:brake block液压油箱:hydraulic power unit 液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump 液压大钳:hydraulic (power )tong 倒档齿轮:reverse gear 动力扳手:power wrench 吊钳钳头:hinged jaw 钳牙:die 大钳锁销:latch 大钳悬臂:suspension bar 平衡重:counterbalance weight 吊钳钳臂:tong arm 第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump 活塞:piston 活塞杆:piston rod 活塞皮碗:piston cup 缸套:liner 凡尔体:valve body 凡尔座:valve seat 凡尔箱:pump module 阀弹簧:valve spring 阀杆:valve lever 阀面:valve face阀帽:valve bonnet 空气包:pulsation damper充氮气:refill with nitrogen 泥浆泵安全阀:pop-off valve 卸压管线:release line 排出阀:discharge valve 吸入阀:suction valve 上水滤子:screen油尺:oil-level dipstick灌注泵:supercharge pump冷却水泵:cooling pump潜水泵:submersible pump盘根盒:stuffing box叶轮:impeller单向阀:check valve (single-passvalve )安全阀:safety valve手动阀:manual valve液动阀:hydraulic valve拉杆:tie rod ,tension bar压力表:pressure gauge冲数:strokes排量:flow rate80冲(次)/分:eighty strokes perminute泥浆罐:mud tank倒泥浆:transfer mud循环罐:active tank 储备罐:reserve tank起下钻罐:trip tank 溢流检查:flow check沉砂罐:satteling tank 锥形罐:sand trap 震动筛:sahle shaker 筛布:screen 目数:mash 除砂器: desander 除泥器: desilter 离心机: centrifuge 泥浆分配槽:spider box 缓冲罐buffer tank 第3节与泵操作有关的实用短语没有压力:No pressure 压力过高:The pressure is too high 返回太少:Mud return is too few 水太少:Water is not adequate. 抢修:Rush to repair 请看记录:Please check the record。
抽油机规格型号说明:例:CYJY12-6-73 H F①②③④⑤⑥①CYJY—异向曲柄游梁式抽油机②12—悬点最大负荷120千牛③6—最大冲程6米④73—减速器额定扭矩73千牛·米⑤H—减速器采用双圆弧齿轮传动⑥F—复合平衡二、技术规范说明:1、该表中冲次计算以电机转速740r/min为基准,若配备降速装置实现冲次至1~3r/min,同时可以通过匹配电机,降低抽油机冲次。
计算公式:Mn=TF (W-G )-M 平Sin (θ+τ) 式中: Mn----减速器净扭矩,kN m ;TF-----扭矩因数,m ;M 平----旋转平衡重最大平衡力矩,kNm ; W------悬点载荷,kN ; G------结构不平衡重,kN ;θ-----以12点钟为零度,面对抽油机,油井位于右侧, 曲柄逆时针旋转的角度。
发动机专业术语中英文对照收集发动机专业术语中英文对照收集发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engineW形发动机 w-engineI形发动机 I-engineL形发动机 L-engineF形发动机 F-engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程 explosion stroke发动机专业术语中英文对照收集(二)膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center) 上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air适应性系数 adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数 coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数 speed adaptive coefficient强化系数 coefficient of intensification校正系数 correction factor换算系数 conversion factor活塞平均速度 mean piston speed发动机转速 engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速 idling speed经济转速 economic speed起动转速 starting speed最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速 speed at maximum torque最高空转转速 maximum no load governed speed 调速 speed governing超速 overspeed怠速 idling转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate工况 working condition(operating mode)额定工况 declared working condition变工况 variable working condition稳定工况 steady working condition空载 no-load全负荷 full load超负荷 overload部分负荷 part load充量(进气) charge旋转方向 direction of rotation顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counter-clockwise左转 left-hand rotation右转 right-hand rotation外径 major diameter中径 pitch diameter内径 minor diameter径向间隙 radial clearance发动机性能 engine performance加载性能 loading performance起动性能 starting performance加速性能 acceleration performance动力性能 power performance排放性能 emission performance空转特性 no load characteristics负荷特性 part throttle characteristics调速特性 governor control characteristics万有特性 mapping characteristics稳定调速率 steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head气缸体 cylinder block整体铸造 cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩 engine bonnet气缸体加强筋 engine block stiffening rib气缸 cylinder(转子机)缸体 stator缸径 cylinder bore气缸体机架 cylinder block frame气缸盖 cylinder head配气机构箱 valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片 cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环 cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket气缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套 dry cylinder liner湿式缸套 wet cylinder liner气缸水套 water jacket膨胀塞 expansion plug防冻塞 freeze plug气缸壁 cylinder wall环脊 ring ridge排气口 exhaust port中间隔板 intermediate bottum导板 guideway创成半径(转子机) generating radius缸体宽度(转子机) operating width机柱 column燃烧室 combustion chamber主燃烧室 main combustion chamber副燃烧室 subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室 prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室 divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室 hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室 bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室 L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室 wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber封闭喷射室 closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室 piston chamber爆发室 explosion chamber燃烧室容积比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口 crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座 camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖 crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖 main bearing cap气缸盖罩 valve mechanism cover飞轮壳 flywheel cover扫气储器 scavenging air receiver活塞 piston裙部开槽活塞 split skirt pistonU形槽活塞 U-slot piston滚花修复活塞 knurled piston圆顶活塞 dome head piston平顶活塞 flat head piston凸顶活塞 crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞 concave head piston阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston筒形活塞 trunk piston椭圆形活塞 oval piston抗热变形活塞 autothermic piston不变间隙活塞 constant clearance piston 镶因瓦钢片活塞 invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞 indirect cooled piston 滑裙活塞 slipper piston活塞速度 piston speed活塞顶部 piston head活塞裙部 piston skirt整体活塞裙 solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧 piston skirt expander 滑履式活塞裙 slipper skirt隔热槽 heat dam活塞标记 piston mark活塞销 piston pin活塞销孔 piston pin boss活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销 full-floating piston pin 半浮式活塞销 semifloating piston pin 固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin 活塞环 piston ring组合式活塞环 compound piston ring同心活塞环 concentric piston ring偏心活塞环 eccentric piston ring自由环 free ring闭合环 closed ring梯形环 keystone ring半梯形环 half keystone ring矩形环 rectangular ring油环 oil control ring开槽油环 slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环 coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环 expander双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口 internal bevel top内下坡口 internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环 scrapper ring钩形环 napier ring镀铬活塞环 chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环 piston ring expander活塞环槽 piston ring groove活塞环区 ring zone活塞环岸 piston ring land活塞环内表面 back of ring曲柄连杆机构 connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod连杆 connecting rod连杆小头 connecting rod small end连杆大头 connnecting rod big end连杆杆身 connecting rod shank副连杆 slave connecting rod叉形连杆 fork-and-blade connecting rod主连杆 main connecting rod方形连杆 boxed rod绞链式连杆 hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆 articulated connecting rod连杆盖 connecting rod cap连杆轴承 connecting rod bearing曲轴 crankshaft整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft充量系数 volumetric efficiency涡流比 swirl rate进气涡流 intake swirl螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake进气紊流 intake trubulence进气提前角 intake advance angle进气持续角 intake duration angle进气迟后角 intake lag angle进面值 time-area value气门升程 valve lift气门正时 valve timing扫气口面积 scavenging port area菌形气门 mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门 sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve) 双气门 dual valve进气门 intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门 exhaust valve顶置气门 overhead valve侧置气门 side valve倾斜气门 inclined overhead valve直立气门 vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀 sleeve valve气门机构 valve gear直接式气门驱动机构 direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构 indirect valve gear气门杆 valve stem加大气门杆 oversize valve stem气门头 valve head气门工作面 valve face气门边限 valve margin气门弹簧座 valve-spring retainer气门锁片 valve key气门间隙调节螺钉 valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器 valve rotator气门室 valve cage气门油封 valve oil seal气门口 valve port气门座 valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring) 气门座锥角 valve seat angle气门座宽度 valve seat width气门挺杆 valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆 hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆 zero-rush tappet (non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆 barrel type tappet油压挺杆 ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位 tappet rotation排气门挺杆 exhaust valve lifter气门导管 valve guide气门杆导管 stem guide气门重叠度 stem overlap气门开启持续时间 valve duration气门正时标记 valve timing sign气门弹簧 valve spring气门内弹簧 inner valve spring气门外弹簧 outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧 stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧 energizing spring防振气门弹簧 non-surging spring弹簧座圈 spring retainer蝶形弹簧 belleville spring滚柱 roller气门室盖 valve chamber cover摇臂 rocker arm高升程摇臂 high lift rocker arm摇臂轴 rocker arm shaft推杆 push-rod摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover导向轮 guide wheel导杆 slide bar导轨 slide rail张紧轮 tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置 assembly chain tension adjuster 张紧带轮 tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置 belt tensioner同步驱动皮带 synchronous belt发动机专业术语中英文对照【9】热空气导流管 hot air duct隔热板 heat shield排气再循环阀 exhaust -gas-recirculation消声器 silencer进气消声器 intake silencer排气消声器 exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器 steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器 glass pack muffler空洞消声器 gutted muffler前排气管 front exhaust pipe尾管 tail pipe消声器联接管 intermediate pipe热空气管 hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩 acoustic hood进气消声器元件 silencer element真空泵 vacuum pump指示功率 indicated power指示热效率 indicated thermal efficiency指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption示功图 indicator diagram冷却系 cooling system风冷 air cooling水冷 water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统 natural circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统 thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system 温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system压力式水冷却系统 positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法 pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统 pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统 forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统 sealed cooling system散热器 radiator片式散热器 finned radiator管式散热器 tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器 Harrison type radiator带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator上水箱 upper tank下水箱 lower tank涨溢箱 expansion tank散热器芯 radiator core之字形管散热器芯 film core管-片式散热器芯 fin and tube core散热器加水口盖 radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖 radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀 vapor-air release valve散热器护罩 radiator cowl散热器百叶窗 radiator shutter散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind散热片 cooling fin缸盖散热片 cylinder head fin缸体散热片 cylinder block fin控温装置 temperature regulating device恒温器 thermostat恒温器主阀 thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀 thermostat by-pass valve恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows 液体冷却设备 liquid cooling equipment水泵 water pump水泵体 pump casing水泵叶轮 water pump impeller旁通进水口 water by-pass inlet neck循环泵 circulating pump主进水口 water main inlet port出水口 water outlet port自调式水封 self-adjusting seal unit溢流管 overflow pipe导流板 deflector风扇 fan(blower)轴流式风扇 axial flow fan离心式风扇 centrifugal fan风扇壳体 blower casing风扇导流罩 fan cowl风扇毂 fan hub风扇叶片 fan blade风扇叶轮 blower impeller风扇导流定子 blower stator风扇皮带轮 fan pulley臭氧发生器 ozonator底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer惯性模拟系统 inertia simulation system功率吸收装置 device for power absorption转鼓 roller空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance当量惯量 equivalent inertia滤纸式测试仪 filter-type measuring apparatus转速表 tachometer成套分析设备 analytical train组合气室 stacked cell参比室 reference cell滤光室 filter cell干扰滤光器 interferential filter加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heated flame ionization detector 氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO)反应室 reactive cell (chamber)催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer碳氢化合物响应度 hydrocarbon response碳数当量 carbon equivalent百万分率碳 parts per million carbon (ppmC)氧干扰 oxygen interference氧校正 oxygen correction湿度较正系数 humidity correction (kh)factor拖尾 tailing五氧化二碘法 iodine penta-oxide method平衡气 balance gas零点气 zero grade gas (air zero gas)校正气 calibrating gas量距气 span gas拉格朗日拟合lagrangian fit二氧化碳干扰校正 corrected for CO2 extraction袋式分析 bag analysis柴油机排烟测定仪器 diesel smoke measuring instrument排气烟度 opacity of exhaust gas烟度计 opacimeter全流式烟度计 full flow opacimeter取样烟度计 sampling opacimeter光线有效通过长度 effective path length of light ray吸光系数 light absorption coefficient峰值储存器 peak hold device烟室 smoke chamber引进气体 incoming gas排出气体 outgoing gas色温 color temperature人眼的感光曲线 photoptic curve of human eye光谱反应曲线 spectral response curve光源 light source光束 light beam直接光线 direct light ray反射光线 reflected light rays散射光 diffused light光通量 light lux中性滤波仪 neutral optical filter烟度计物理反应时间 physical response time of opacimeter 电气响应时间 electrical response time倍频程 octave热时常数 thermal time-constant烟柱 smoke column标定用遮光片 calibrating screen示踪气体 tracer gas扫气 scavenge air冷却装置 cooling device膨涨箱 expansion tank暗度刻度 obscuration scale光学试验台 optical bench热电偶 thermocouple气密性 gas tightness阻尼室 dampling chamber烟度计 smokemeter光学式烟度计 optical smokemeter不透光式烟度计 smoke opacimeter比尔-朗伯定律 beer-lambert law不透光度 opacity (lgiht obscuration )(N)透光度 transmittance(t)光吸收系数 coefficient of light absorption (k)光通道有效长度 effective optical path length(L)滤纸式烟度计 filter type smokemeter有效长度 effective length逆向清洗 back flush试验方法和限值 testing method and limits试验循环 test cycle行驶循环 driving cycle工况 mode行驶监视仪 driver aid中间转速 intermediate speed加权系数 weighting coefficient美国烟排放物试验循环US EPA smoke emission test cycle 全负荷法 full load method自由加速法 free acceleraton method加载减速法 lug down method稳定单速法 single steady speed method道路试验法 road test method滑行法 coastdown密闭室测定蒸发排放物法(SHED)sealed housing ofr evaporative emission determination (SHED)运转损失 running losses热浸损失 hot soak losses昼间换气损失 diurnal breathing losses美国LA-4C法 USEQP A-4CH test procedure美国LA-4CH法 US EPA 4CH test procedure美国九工况法 US EPA 9 -mode test cycle美国十三工况法 US EPA 13-mde test cycle美国重型柴油机瞬态法 US EPA heavy duty diesel engine transient test cycle日本四工况法 Japanese 4-mode test cycle日本十工况法 Japanese 10/11-mode test cycle日本六工况法 Japanese 6-mode test cycle欧洲ECE十五工况法 ECE 15-mode test cycle排放限值 emission limits怠速排放限值 idle speed emission limits浓度排放限值 emission concentration limits质量排放限值 mass rate of emission limits净化 purifying净化率 purifying rate在用车 in-use vehicle无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline劣化系数(DF) deterioration factor(DF)。
Word and Phrases单词及短语柴油储罐一、The Process And Equipment OfOil Production采油工艺及设备差压控制阀1.atmospheric vent放空阀23.dispersed gas floatater加气浮选器2.auto-drain valve自动排放阀24.displacement oil pump置换油泵3.backwash return pump反冲洗循环泵25.drain pit排放池4.blind spectacle plange双孔盲法兰26.electric desalter电脱盐器5.blowdown vessel排放罐27.electric - hydraulic valve电液控制阀6.boiler make-up pump锅炉提升泵28.electrical submergible电潜泵7.centrifugul pump离心泵29.emergency shutdown valve紧急关断阀8.chemical seal化学密封30.fine filtration scour blower细滤器洗刷风机9.clean water surge tank净化水缓冲罐31.first (second) stage separator一(二)级分离器10.close drain tank闭式排放罐32.flare assembly火炬燃烧总成11.coalescer聚集器33.flare pilot gas火炬点火气12.condensate drum冷凝液罐34.floater controlled valve浮球控制阀13.corrugated plate incling separator(CPI separator)波形斜板隔油器35.FPSU-floating oil production and storge unit浮式生产储油系统14.crude cooler原油冷却器36.free water knock - out自由水分离器15.crude heat exchanger原油热交换器37.fresh water maker unit淡水制造装置(造水机)16.crude sucition strainer原油吸入滤器38.fuel gas heater燃烧气加热器17.D/P - drilling and production platform钻采平台39.fuel gas system燃烧气系统18.deaeration tower除氧塔40.fusible plug易熔塞19.dehydration preheater脱水与预热器41.heat traced pipeline伴热管线20.diaphragm valve薄膜调节阀42.heater加热器21.diesel storage tank柴油储罐43.heater treater feed pump热处理器供液泵22.differential pressure control valve差压控制阀44.high pressure condensate drum高压冷凝水罐45.high pressure gas knockout drum(HP gas K.O drum)高压燃料气分离器69.process module工艺模块46.high-high pressure separator(HHP separator)高高压分离器70.production manifold生产管汇47.hose connection软管接头71.production train shutdown panel生产系列关断盘48.hydraulic lines液压管线72.sample connection取样接头49.hydraulic operated valve液压控制阀73.sand filter 砂滤器50.hydraulic piston pump水力活塞泵74.sans scrubber 砂净化器51.ignitor点火器75.screw pump螺杆泵52.insrlation flange绝缘法兰76.scum vessel渣油罐53.jet pump射流泵77.solenoid operated with manual reset valve手动复位电磁阀54.jump hose(jimper hose)跨越软管78.solenoid valve电磁阀55.LCP-local control panel就地控制盘79.seawater coarse filter海水提升泵56.low perssure flare低压燃烧火炬80.self-contained pressure regulation valve自给式压力调节阀57.main boiler主锅炉81.service water supply system服务水供给系统58.main process lines主流程管线82.silencer清音器59.normally open(close)valve常开(关)阀83.skimmer撇油器60.oily water tank含油污水舱84.slop tank沉降罐,污油罐61.package equipment组块设备85.snubber缓冲器、减振器62.pig larncher清管球发射器86.SSSV-subsurface safety valve井下安全阀63.plate attachment板间连接件87.SSV-subsurface safety valve井口安全阀64.pneumatic operated valve气动控制阀88.steam distribution system蒸汽分配系统65.pneumatic operated with manual reset valve手动复位气动阀89.steam radiator蒸汽散热器66.position light状态灯90.submarine pipeline(subsea pipeline)海底管线67.pressure regulation valve压力调全阀91.swivel joint旋转接头68.pressure safety valve压力安全阀92."T"type strainer T型过滤器93.test manifold计量管汇94.transfer pump输送泵95.tube side of exchanger热交换器管程96.vacuum pump呼吸阀97.vacuum puessure relief valve真空泵98.vacuum injection coarse filtration package注水粗滤撬块99.water softener水软化器100.well space井口区二、The equipment of storage and loa储输装置1.access hatch 甲板舱口23.duplex filter双联滤器2.access up/down甲板上/下走道24.electric capstan电动绞缆车3.after peak tank艉尖舱25.emergency air reservoir应急空气瓶4.after winch船尾绞车26.export tank外输油轮5.air releaser除气器27.floating hose飘浮软管6.artomatic drainer自动排流器28.flow low limit低限流量7.ballast pump压载泵29.fore peak tank艏尖舱8.ballast wing tank压载侧舱30.fore castle艏楼甲板9.barge bumper靠船碰垫31.galley厨房舱10.batch sequence批量控制程序32.hawser系泊缆11.blind flange盲板法兰33.heating medium circulation pump热介质油循环泵12.boat landing platform靠船台34.heating medium drain tank热介质油排放泵13.bow winch船头绞车35.hose connection软管连接14.celler deck底甲板36.hydraulic winch package液压绞车撬块15.cleaning machine for cargo tank油舱清洗机37.initial flow初始流量16.closed paddle blind闭式闸盲板38.insulating flange joint隔离法兰连接17.collection sump收集坑(池)39.jacket walkway platform导管架人行道18.conductor installation platform导管架固定甲板40.kingpost将军柱19.crude loading (export) pump原油外输泵41.line size change管线尺寸改变20.crude storage tank原油储输(舱)42.loading arm输油臂21.crude transfer pump原油输送泵43.loading condition装载条件22.discharge muffler释放消音器44.lower deck下甲板45.machine room机舱69.specification break技术规范变化46.meter / prover unit计量/标定装置70.SPM frame support单点支撑构架47.middle deck中甲板71.stripping pump扫舱泵48.mooring head系泊头72.swivel joint旋转接头49.mooring head pitch bearing系泊头纵摇轴承73.tandem mooring串靠系泊50.mooring jacket系泊导管架74.thermal insulation热绝缘51.mooring leg系泊腿75.towing meter拖力计52.mooring structure系泊结构76.turbine flowmeter涡轮流量计53.mooring weight系泊配重77.upper deck上甲板54.mooring winch系泊绞车78.vent stack , vent line排烟道、放空管55.multi - path swivel多通道旋转头、多通道转盘79.water ballast tank压载水舱56.oily water drain system含油污水排放系统80.water barrage防水罩57.overboard舷外81.winch control pannel绞车控制盘58.piping specialty item管线专用项82.Y - type strainer Y型过滤器59.pneumatic gangway ladder气动舷梯60.process tank工艺舱61.production deck生产甲板62.production deck support生产甲板支架63.programmable logic controller可编程序逻辑控制器64.pump room泵舱65.retaining beam固定架66.roller bearing greasing sy滚动轴承注油系统67.soft yoke柔性轭架(软钢臂)68.spacer ring隔环(垫圈)三、Control instrument控制仪表1.callar shutdown panel (CSDP)井口系统关断盘,进口系统控制盘24.instrument air supply仪表气气源2.central control panel (CCP)中央控制盘25.level control valve (LCV)液位控制阀3.central control room (CCR)中央控制室26.level indicator (LI)液位显示器4.emergeney light应急灯27.local control panel就地控制盘5.emergency shutdown system应急关断系统28.local indicating light就地控制灯6.emergency shutdown valve (SDV)应急关断阀29.local shutdown panel就地关断盘7.flow control valve (FCV)流量控制阀30.local totallizing现场累加8.flow element流量元件31.locally mounted instrument现场仪表9.flow indication controller (FIC)流量显示控制器32.low level alarm (LSL)低液位报警器10.flow quantity recorder (FQ)累计流量计33.low level smitch (LSL)低液位开关11.flow quantity device (FE)限流器34.low pressure alarm (PAL)低压报警器12.flow straightening vanes稳流栅35.motor control center (MCC)电动机控中心13.flow transmitter流量变送器,流量传送器36.multifunction power record多功能功率记录仪14.high pressure alarm (PAH)高压报警器37.multifunction temperature 多功能温度记录仪15.high pressure differential alarm 高压差动报警器38.navigational light导航灯16.high pressure differential switch高压差动开关39.orifice plate孔板17.high temperature alam (TAH)高温报警器40.pilot light (indication la指示灯,引导灯,显示灯18.high-high level switch (LSHH)高高液位开关41.position light (ZL)状态灯19.high-high pressure switch (PSHH)高高压力开关42.position switch (ZS)状态开关20.high/low pressure switch (PSHL)高/低压力开关43.positive displacement mete容积式流量计21.high/low temperature switch (TSHL高低温开关44.pressure control valve压力控制阀22.indication lamp test switch指示灯试验开关45.pressure differential indi差压显示器23.instrument with two services or f同时具有两种功能或性能的仪表46.pressure indication contro压力显示控制器47.pressure indicator (PI)压力显示器48.pressure multifunction rec多功能记录仪49.pressure regulation valve压办调节阀50.pressure safety element (P压力安全膜片51.pressure transmitter(PI)压力变送器52.production shutdown panel(生产系统关断盘,生产系统控制盘53.pump stop switch停泵开关54.rotameter转子流量计55.shutdown switch关断开关56.shutdown valve关断阀57.temperature control valve(TCV)温度控制阀58.temperature control(TC)温度控制器59.temperature indicator温度指示器60.temperature well(TW)测温孔61.test separator shutdown panel(TSD计量分离器关断盘62.venturi or nozzle文丘里管或喷嘴四、Machinery机械类1.after winch船尾绞车23.electrcal submergible pump电潜泵2.antisweat防渗24.electrically traced电伴热3.artificial lift pump人工举升泵25.emulsion trabsfer pump乳化油输送泵4.automatic air pump自动排气26.evaporator蒸发器5.automatic air/vacume release自动呼气27.expansion bellows膨胀伸缩式波纹管6.backwash return pump反冲洗循环泵28.expansion joint膨胀接头7.barge bumper靠船碰垫29.flame arrestor阻火器8.blowndown valve泄压阀(放空阀)30.flex connector挠性连接9.boiler make-up pump锅炉提升泵31.floating hose漂浮软管10.bow winch船头绞车32.fresh water maker unint淡水制造装置、造水机11.centrol control room中控室33.fuel oil system燃油系统12.cold conservation保冷34.heat conservation电伴热、保温13.condensate drum冷凝液罐35.heater加热器14.conductor installation platform导管架固定板36.hose reel软管滚筒15.cooling water return冷却水回水37.hydraulic piston pump水力活塞泵16.cooling water supply冷却水源38.hydraulic winch package 液压绞车撬块17.diesel storage tank柴油储罐39.ignitor点火器18.direct acting正作用40.incinerator焚烧炉19.displacement oil tank置换油罐41.insulating flange joint隔离法兰连接20.duplex fiter双联滤器42.jet pump射流泵21.ejector喷射器43.line end termination管线终端22.electric oapstan电动绞缆机44.line size change管线尺寸改变45.liquid seal液体密封69.pump room泵房46.machine room机舱70.quick release hook快速解脱钩47.main boiler 主锅炉71.remote operated遥控阀48.main switchgear room主配电间72.retaining beam固定梁49.mooring head系泊头73.riser clamp立管卡子50.mooring head pitch bearing系泊头纵摇轴承74.roll/pitch articulation横摇/纵摆绞接头51.mooring jacket 系泊导管架75.roller bearing greasing sy滚动轴承注油系统52.mooring structure系泊结构76.roller bearing water barra滚动轴承防水罩53.mooring winch系泊绞车77.rotary oil burner旋转燃烧器54.motor operated valve马达驱动阀78.sample connetion取样接头55.mutli path swivel多通道旋转头(多通道转盘)79.seam to seam缝对缝56.normally open常开80.seawater lift pump海水提升泵57.package equiment组块设备(撬装设备)81.service water supply syste用水供给系统58.personnel protection个人保护82.set point设定点59.pig launcher清管球发射器83.shell side of exchanger热交换器壳60.plate attachment扳间连接件84.silencer消音器61.plate type exchanger板式热交换器85.space ring隔环62.pneumatic gangway ladder气动舷梯86.SPM frame support单点支撑构架63.power liquid动力液87.status light状态灯64.power water动力水88.steam boiler蒸汽锅炉65.preheater预热器89.seteam rediator蒸汽散热器66.pressure differential rilief valv差压安全阀90.stress relieve消除应力67.pressure safely valve压力安全阀91.surface safely valve(ssv)地面安全阀68.production deck support生产甲板支架92.swivel joint旋转接头93.tangent to tangent切面对切面94.trap疏水器95.vapor blower蒸汽鼓风机96.ventilation fan排风扇97.water softener水软化器98.well killing pump压井泵99.winch braker 滚筒刹车五、Electricity电气类1.aeronautical radio system航空无线电系统23.emergency air reservoir应急空气瓶2.alarm acknowledge switch 报警确认开关24.emergency fire pump room应急消防泵房(间)3.ammeter电流表25.emergency generator engine应急发电机引擎4.annumciator信号器(报警器)26.emergency light应急灯5.ballast pump压载泵27.emergency power station应急电站6.burner motor燃烧器马达28.emergency radio system应急通讯系统7.changing room更衣室29.emergency shutdown system应急关断系统8.chilling water thermostat冷却水恒温器30.emergency switch board应急配电板9.circuit breaker open断路器打开31.emergency switchgear room应急配电间munication system通迅系统32.export pump外输泵11.uninterrupted power supply(UPS)不间断电源33.fail to crank盘车失败12.control bus 控制总线(母线)34.fail to start启动失败13.crew cabin船员室35.fan room风机室14.D.C emergency supply直流应急电源36.fire fighting equipment ro消防设备间15.deep freeze compressor深冷压缩机37.flood light泛光灯16.discharge muffler释放消音器38.flow recorder流量记录仪17.electric capstan电动绞缆车39.flow restriction device限流器18.electric main fire pump电动主消防泵40.fluorescent lamp荧光灯19.electric trace电伴热41.frequncy频率20.electrical duct]电缆通道42.gas turbine power generato燃气透平发电机21.electrical single line diagram电路单线图43.general service pump总用泵22.emergency air compressor应急空压机44.generator synchronizing发电机同步45.halon fire protection海伦火灾保护69.power failure电源故障46.high pressure alarm(PAH)高压报警器70.pressure indicaion(PI)压力显示器47.high/low pressure switch(PSHL)高低压开关71.pressure indication contro压力显示控制器48.hour counter计时器72.pressure transmitter(PT)压力变送器49.ignition failure点火失败73.prodution shutdownpanel(PS生产系统关断盘50.illumination level照明度74.pump stop switch停泵开关51.incandescent lamp白炽灯75.radio battery room无线电蓄电池间52.indication lamp test switch指示灯试验开关76.radio equipment无线电设备53.individual auto synchronizer独立式自动同步器77.radio room报务室54.insulation material 绝缘材料78.radio telegraph无线电报55.insulation thickness绝缘厚度79.radio telephone无线电话56.loading condition装载状态80.recreation room娱乐室57.mail battery room主电瓶间81.removable insulation可卸式绝缘58.main switch room主配电间82.reset switch复位开关59.marine radio system船用无线电系统83.slop pump污水泵60.mobile radio system移动式无线电系统84.smoking room吸烟室61.motor control center(MCC)电动机控制中心85.start push button启动按钮62.navigational light导航灯86.stripping pump扫舱泵63.obstructionlight障碍灯87.store room储藏室64.over voltage过电压88.summary switch gear signal即时配电设备信号65.overspeed过速89.temperature controller温度控制盘66.pilot light(indication lamp)指示灯90.thermal conductivity导热系灵数67.platform-to-shore radio system平台-海岸无线电系统91.thermal insulation热绝缘68.portable radio for life boat逃生电台92.transfer pump输送泵93.transformer room变压器间18.explosion proof eqvipment防爆设备94.under voltage低电压19.explosion proof divisional防爆隔离墙95.unloading condition卸载状态20.extinguisher灭火器96.vent fan排风扇21.fire alarm box火灾报警盒97.very high frequency radio telepho甚高频电话22.fire control panel火灾控制盘98.voltmeter电压表23.fire fighting system消防系统六.Safety安全24.fire house消防站1.air foam chamber空气泡沫室25.fire hydrant消防栓2.air foam extinguisher空气泡沫装置26.fire proof door防火墙门3.audible alarm音响报警27.fire pump消防泵4.auto fire alarm system自动火灾报警系统28.fire push button 消防按钮5.auto/manual locked-out selector s手动/自动连锁选择开关]29.fire triangle 燃烧三角形6.bilge/fire pump舱底污水/消防泵30.fire water消防用水7.breathing apparatus防毒面具31.fire water life pump消防水提升泵8.carbon dioxide extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器32.fire-proof wall防火墙9.clear signal明显信号33.first aid kit急救箱10.cold work冷工作业34.foam deluge system水喷淋系统11.collision mat堵漏毯35.foam extinguishing system泡沫灭火系统12.damper reset valve box风门复位开关36.foam mixer泡沫混合器13.dry chemical extinguisher干粉灭火器37.foam monitor remote contro泡沫枪遥控盘14.distress signals救生信号38.foam/water pun泡沫/水枪15.docking sonar system入港声纳系统39.gas detecting alarm system可燃气探测报警系统16.emergency push button应急按钮40.gas detector可燃气探测器17.escape line逃生路线41.gas monitor panel可燃气监测盘42.halon cylinder海伦瓶66.light type combustible gas轻型可燃气体探测器43.halon discharge indicaor海伦释放器67.line throwing appliances抛绳设备44.halon extinguisher海伦灭火器68.main fire water ring消防主环形管路45.halon fire system海伦消防系统69.noise limit噪音限制46.halon local panel海伦就地控制盘70.noise pollution噪音污染47.halon manual switch海伦手动开关71.non-combustible不可燃物质48.halon nozzle海伦喷嘴72.non-directional navigation不定向航行警标49.halon portable extinguisher手提海伦灭火器73.oil concentration 含油浓度50.hazardous area危险区域74.oil fence围油栅51.hazardous area classfication 危险区等级75.oil fence reel围油栅卷筒52.heat actuating alarm system测温火灾报警装置76.oil pollution原油污染53.heat detector热探测器77.personnel protection人身保护54.high concentration gas alarm高浓度可燃器报警78.piston releaser活塞式释放55.hose box软管箱79.process drain生产流程排放56.hose station软管站80.rescue boat救助艇57.hot work明火作业81.restricted area限制区58.HS detecting alarm system硫化氢检测报警系统82.safety equipment安全设备59.life boat救生艇83.safety zone安全区60.life boat davit吊艇架84.smoke detector烟探测器61.life boat landing area救生艇登乘处85.spilled oil recovery溢油回收62.life buoy救生圈86.static electricity dischar静电释放63.life jacket救生衣87.survival belt救生带64.life saving appliances救生设备88.survival craft救生筏65.life saving system救生系统89.ultra-violet detector紫外线探测仪90.warning alarm报警系统19.dissolved gas oil ratio油解油气比91.water curtain水幕20.driver head驱动头92.water extinguishing system水灭火系统21.dynamic fliud level动液面93.wheeled extinguisher轮式灭火器22.ESP=electric submersible p电浅泵94.work boat工作艇23.extender加长短节,电机引线七.Mechnical Oil Production机械采油24.flat cable扁电缆1.artificial lift人工举升25.flow rate at cavitation po气蚀流量2. B.H.P.=bottom hole pressure井底压力26.flrid level surveyor液面测试仪3. B.H.P.=brake horse-power制动功率27.free gas游离气,自由气4.bleed valve泄油阀28.gas lift(valve)气举(阀)5.cable shield电缆护罩29.GOR=gas oil ratio油气比6.casing套管30.hydraulic horsepower水马力7.casing-tubing communicator油套连通器31.in-site gas oil ratio就地油气比8.check valve单流阀32.interlock/self-lock互锁/自锁9.centrifugal pump离心泵33.jet pump射流泵10.control line of safety valve安全阀控制管线34.juction box接线盒11.control pressure控制压力nding nipple座落接头12.control circuit控制回路36.lock mandrel锁心13.current dial电流记录卡37.lock/unlock锁定/释放14.current recorder (diagrammer)电路记录仪38.main circuit主回路15.dead oil死油,脱气油39.motor电机16.dead oil viscosity死油粘度40.motor base电机底座17.diffuser tube扩散管41.nozzle喷嘴18.dissolved salt content in fornati地层水溶解盐量42.non-welded staor centraliz非焊接式定子扶正器43.oil(water,gas)viscosity油(水,气)粘度67.sand content含砂量44.oil filled pump注油泵68.SCSSV(surface control subs地面控制井下安全阀45.overload过载69.secondary circuit次边回路,第二回路46.packer封隔器70.setting voltage(current)设定电压/电流47.PCP(progressive cavity pump)螺杆泵,空腔进动泵71.special well head for ESP电潜泵专用井口48.permanent packer永久封隔器72.SPM(side pocket mandrel)偏心工作筒49.power flat(rornd)cable动力扁(圆)电缆73.SSSV(subsurface safety val井下安全阀50.power liquid/water动力液/水74.SSV(suface safety valve)地面安全阀51.power liquid pressure动力液压力75.static fluid level静液面52.power liquid rate动力液量76.stator定子53.power cable动力电缆77.stock oil死油粘度,商品油54.prodution oil gas ratio生产油气比78.stride packer双管封隔器55.protector/balacer保护器/平衡阀79.sucker rod抽油杆56.PSI(pressure sensor&instrument)压力/温度传感器80.sulpher content含硫量57.pump body泵体81.switchboard配电盘(开关屏)58.pump outlet pressure泵出口压力82.tail pipe尾管59.pump suction pressure泵入口压力83.test/production plug测试/生产堵塞器60.pump setting depth泵挂深度84.throat喉管61.rating voltage(current)额定电压/电流85.transformer 变压器62.rod centralizer抽油杆扶正器86.tubing油管63.RODEMIP(PCP)螺杆泵87.tubing head油管头64.rotor转子88.tubing head hanger油管挂65.round cable圆电缆89.twin(dual)string tubing ha双管油管挂66.safety valve安全阀90.tein(dual)string X-mass tr双管采油树91.underload欠载14.areal drive面积驱油92.VSD=variable speed driver变速器,变频器15.asphaltene沥青质93.WC=water cut含水率,水侵量16.back flow回流,反循环洗井94.WHP=well head pressure井口压力17.back pressure回压95.WHT=well head temperature井口温度18.backwash 反洗96.wax content含蜡量19.bean back减小油嘴97.well bore井筒20.beam unit油梁抽油机98.working voltage/current工作电压/电流21.bean up放大油嘴99.X-mass tree=Christmass tree采油树22.blank pore死孔隙100.Y-connector“Y”接头23.bottom hole pump井下泵八.Petroleeun Geology 石油地质24.bottom water drive底水驱动1.abandonmont pressure 油层枯竭压力25.boundary边界2.abandoned well报废井26.brige type mandrel桥式配产器3.abnormal pressure异常压力27.build-up curve压力恢复曲线4.acid attack酸蚀28.build-up of pressure压力恢复5.acid fructuring treatment酸压裂处理29.cavitation气蚀6.acidify酸化30.center to edge flood顶部注水,中央注水7.accumulation of injected water累积注水量31.chanelling水窜8.addition agent 添加剂32.chock(choke)油嘴9.additional oil recovery增产油量33.clay stabillizing agent粘土稳定剂10.adjustable bean可调油嘴34.clear area有效面积11.air lift气举35.closd-in pressure关井压力12.allocation配产mbusion drive火烧驱油13.aquifuge隔水层busite WOR综合油气比38.contineous flow gas lift 连续流动气举ction valve排气阀39.counter-flush反循环洗井tor气举管40.cumulative production累计产量64.elastric drive弹性驱动41.cusping形成水舌65.enhanced recovery techniqu强化采油技术42.cyclic flooding周期注水66.enjector pump喷射泵43.damage removal解堵67.enrich富化44.dead well废井68.evaluation评价45.decline rate递减速度69.exhausted well枯竭井46.deep well pump深井泵70.fill in well加密井47.demulsifying agent破乳剂71.fish井下落物48.depleted formation枯竭层72.fishing job打捞作业49.depletion drive溶解气驱73.fishing tool打捞工具50.depth of plunger泵深74.flood front注水前缘51.determing depth of fluid测液面75.flooded strata水淹地层52.development program开发方案76.flood-response time注水见效时间53.drainage radius泄油半径77.fluid entry profile产液剖面54.drawdown test降压试井法78.flowing pressure流动压力55.dual-pipe production 双管采油法79.flowing tubing head pressu油管压力56.dynamometer card示功图80.flowing well自喷井57.eccentric mandrel偏心配水气81.foam泡沫58.echo meter回声仪82.foaming agent起泡剂59.echogram回声图83.forced oil production强化采油60.edge water drive边水驱84.formation evaluation产层评价61.edge water encroachment边水侵入85.formation gas-oil ratio地层油气比86.formation damage removal油层解堵110.immersidle pump沉没泵87.fracturing pressure破裂压力111.initial water break throug开始水窜88.free piston气举活塞112.inflow performance curve流入动态曲线89.frontal displacement前缘躯替113.injectivity and productivi注采能力90.gas anchor气锚114.injection-production equil注采平衡91.gas condensate field凝析气田115.injection interval注水井段92.gas drive气压驱动116.injectivity and productivi注水能力93.gas leadage气窜117.input profile注水剖面94.gas lift(valve)气举118.interference test干扰实验95.gas lift mandrel气举工作筒119.intertonguing舌井96.gas oil ratio气油比120.intermittent flow间歇自喷97.gas water surface气水界面121.kick-off valve气举启动阀98.gas zone含气带122.kill line压井管线99.gelling agent凝胶剂123.kill string压井管拄100.guide导向器124.knife a well油井清蜡101.gushing well自喷井125.leakage test漏失实验102.high water cut高含水126.leak resistance防漏103.horse head驴头127.line drive线性水驱104.huff-and-puff蒸汽吞吐128.main oil-bearing region主要含油区105.hydravlic pump水力活塞泵129.massive hydraulic fracturi大型水力压裂106.hydrofracturing水力压裂130.match匹配107.hydrophilic亲水的131.measuring dynamoeter diagr测示功图108.hydrophobic亲油的132.mechanical recovery机械采油109.hystersis滞后现象133.medium water cut well中含水井l type shoe磨鞋158.pilot area实验区135.miscible phase recovery混相区开采159.pilot flood试注水136.multiphase system多相系统160.pilot teat unit生产实验区137.multizone well test分层测试161.pllunger flood活塞气举138.natural drive自然驱动162.point water flooding点状注水139.nozzle喷嘴163.polymer flood聚合物驱油140.oil drain泄油164.positive reserves探明储量141.oil displacement驱油165.possible reserves可能储量142.oil originally in place地质储量166.pressure drop压力降143.off production停产167.pressure responsed curve压力响应曲线144.oleophilic亲油的168.pressure survey 测压145.oleophobic憎油的169.primary recovery一次采油146.open hole裸眼井170.producing pressure differe生产压差147.open-line production无嘴采油171.producing test试采148.over-all gas-oil ratio总油气比172.production engineering采油工程149.packer封隔器173.production history采油曲线150.packer seat封隔器座174.production on artificial l机械开采151.pattern drive面积驱油175.production platform采油平台152.pay section生产层厚度176.productive interval生产层段153.payzone产层177.productive life开采期154.PCF(production control facility)采油控制装置178.productivity生产率155.permeabilty渗透率179.productivity index采油指数156.permeabilty-saturation curve渗透率--饱和度曲线180.profile-log of water injec注水井吸水剖面157.petroleum engineering石油工程181.proppant支撑剂182.proppant concentration支撑剂浓度206.selective water injection选择性注水183.proration限产207.selective water plugging选择性堵水184.prospect well探井208.separate;layer pressure分层压力185.proved reserves探明储量209.separate layer water cut分层含水率186.pumping head泵压头210.shot density 射孔密度187.reciprocating motion往复运动211.shut in well关井188.recoverable reserve可采储量212.single tubing string produ单管采油189.recovery gas-oil ratio开采油气比213.skirt引管,导流管190.recovery rate 开采速度214.slug段塞191.reservoir stimulation油层改造215.solubility溶解剂192.residual oil saturation残油饱和度216.solvent溶剂193.reverse pressure perforating负压射孔217.stage-gas-lift多级气举194.rodless pump无杆泵218.standing valve固定凡尔195.rotary shoe铣鞋219.static bottom hole pressur井底静压196.safety measures安全措施220.static casing pressure静套压197.sample taker取样器221.static fluid level静液面198.sampling取样222.static pressure静压199.sand consolidation固砂223.steam flooding蒸汽驱200.sand control防砂224.stimulation增产措施201.sand up砂堵225.sting production多管采油202.sand well出砂井226.stuffing box防喷盒203.saturation饱和度227.submersible motor潜油电机204.secondary recovery二次采油228.sucker rod 抽油杆205.segregation drive重力驱油229.sucker rod pump杆式泵230.sudden water influx暴性水淹231.surfactant表面活性剂232.surging well间歇自喷井233.swabbing抽吸234.sweep area扫油面积235.typered string 变径油管236.tertiary recovery三次采油237.thermal recovery热力采油238.tracer示综计239.transitional belt(zone)过渡带240.travelling valve游动凡尔241.type of drive驱动类型242.tubing pump管式泵243.tubing spear油管打捞矛244.tubing string油管拄245.ultimate recovery最终采收率246.ultimate life极限寿命247.ultra-low viscosity oil超低粘度油248.undersaturated sand欠饱和油藏249.viscos crude oil粘性原油250.viscosity粘度251.walking beam游梁252.water block水堵254.water cone水锥255.water cut含水256.water drive水驱257.water fingering水指进258.water flood project注水方案259.water influx rate水侵速度260.water out水淹261.water swept zone水淹层262.water treatment水处理263.wellhead fitting井口装置配件264.well interference井的干扰。
English Pumping Unit Beam pumping unit Involutes Double circlar Stroke Loading horse head Walking beam Saddle bearing Samson post Ladder Tail bearing Equalizer beam Pitman Crank Wrist pin assembly Wide skid Brake Brake pulling rods Brake hub Brake wheel Brake cam Brake cable Belt guard Polished rod Carrier bar Tool Spanner Sway handle Bolt Nut Gasket Rail Crank guard Lubrication system Frame bolts Working stage Reducer Gear Shaft Bearing Bearing housing Counterweight Largest sheave Wire line O-seal ring s Angle connected Lip oil seal Gear box housing
抽油机中英文对照 序号 中文 1 抽油机 2 游梁式抽油机 3 渐开线 4 双圆弧 5 冲程 6 载荷 7 驴头 8 游梁 9 中央轴承 10 支架 11 梯子 12 尾轴承 13 横梁/均衡器 14 连杆/拉杆 15 曲柄 16 曲柄销总成 17 宽底基架 18 刹车/制动装置 19 刹车拉杆 20 刹车毂 21 刹车轮 22 凸轮 23 刹车线缆 24 皮带罩 25 光杆 26 悬绳器/承载杆 27 工具 28 扳手 29 摇把 30 螺栓 31 螺母 32 垫圈 33 导轨 34 护栏 35 润滑系统 36 地脚螺栓 37 操作平台 38 减速器 39 齿轮 40 轴 41 轴承 42 轴承盒 43 平衡锤 44 皮带轮 45 钢丝绳 46 O型密封圈 47 平键 48 楔键 49 油杯 50 角接头 51 唇型密封圈 52 减速器壳体
测试投捞工具室Room of Casting and Fishing Tools in Logging1.打捞器:(打捞短钢丝与绳帽)本仪器适合打捞10米以下断钢丝.Fishing tool: (salvaging short steel wire and the rope headgear )It is used for salvaging broken steel wires within the length of 10 meters。
2.打捞器:专用打捞井底的外丝扣仪器,本仪器与加重杆配套使用.Fishing tool: It is for the special use of salvaging outer buckles under well accompanying with aggravated poles。
3.打捞器(打捞长钢丝)适合打捞10米以上钢丝必须与加重杆、钢丝绞车配合使用. Fishing tool:It is fit for salvaging steel wires upwards of the length of 10 meters using aggravated poles and steel winches together.4.油管内壁取胶圈专用扳手,专用于取井底胶圈。
Special—purpose spanner of fetching rubber collar out of the inner wall of tubing,fetching rubber collar under well only.5.打捞器:(打捞内丝扣)专用打捞掉入井底的内线扣仪器,与加重杆配套使用。
Fishing tool: (salvaging inner buckle): for the special use of salvaging inner buckle under well using aggravated poles together。
汽轮机机加工相关专业词汇中英文对照常用词汇一览叶片相关词汇1. 汽轮机/涡轮机turbine(来自拉丁语turbo旋转)2. 电站汽轮机叶片power station turbine blade3. 工业汽轮机叶片industrial turbine blade4. 燃汽轮机叶片gas turbine blade5. 烟气轮机叶片combustion turbine blade6. 鼓风机叶片blast turbine blade7. 水轮机叶片water-turbine blade8. 给水泵叶片feed pump blade9. 叶片blade/vane10. 动叶片moving vane/bucket(BKT.) /rotor blade11. 静叶片stationary vane/ (nozzle/diaphragm)partition12. 隔叶spacer13. 喷嘴nozzle14. 隔板partition/diaphragm15. 导叶片guide vane16. 进气导叶(IGV)inlet guide vane17. 出气导叶(OGV)outlet guide vane18. 转子rotor19. 叶梢(尖)blade tip20. 叶冠cover tip21. 叶根blade root/bucket dovetail(BKT. DVT’L)22. 叶根槽/键槽blade slot/ key way23. 叶面blade face24. 叶背blade back25. 叶(片)弦叶blade chord26. 叶缘/叶边blade edge27. 叶片轮廓/叶片剖面blade profile28. 叶(片)形(状) blade shape29. T型叶片T-shape blade30. 外包T型cladding31. 双T型TT-shape32. 枞/松树型叶片fir/pinetree blade33. 圆弧型arc shape34. 直线型straight shape35. 叉型叶片fork shape blade36. 直叉straight fork37. 台肩叉shoulder fork38. 菌型叶片mushroom blade39. (叶)根形(状) root shape40. T型T-shape root41. 双T型叶根T T-shape root42. 叉型叶根fork shape root43. 叶片宽度blade width44. 叶片长度blade length45. 叶片弯度blade camber/ curvature['k?:v?t??]46. 叶片厚度blade thickness47. 叶片总长vane overall length48. 叶片面积blade area49. 叶片排列blade arrangement50. 叶片组列blade lattice51. 叶片组装/叶片组blade assembly [?'sembli]52. 叶片型线airfoil profile.53. 叶根型线dovetail profile.54. 标准(叶)片standard vane55. 常规/普通(叶)片regular vane56. 加厚(叶)片large taper bucket57. 末叶片end bucket58. 锁口叶片closure bucket59. 首锁叶片lead AUX.BKT.60. 末锁叶片TRAL AUX.BKT.61. 可回用叶片setup bucket62. 备用叶片(备件)spare blade63. 叶尖最大厚度maximal thickness for partition tip64. 叶根最大厚度maximal thickness for partition root65. 汽道表面粗糙度Airfoil Surface Roughness66. 节圆节距PCD= Pitch Center Diameter67. 节圆直径pitch diameter[dai'?mit?]68. PCD截面最大厚度maximal thickness for PCD section69. PCD截面排气边厚度trailing edge thickness PCD section70. 进气边leading /sideentry edge71. 出/排气边exit/trailing edge72. 背弧Convex(Suction) Side73. 内弧Concave(Pressure) Side74. 叶根锥面Dovetail Taper75. 内/背径向面front/back taper face76. 级别stage/row77. 公差tolerance78. 误差error79. 偏差deviation80. 喉宽Pro81. 节距taper dimension82. 叶根齿距pitch83. 叶根边角倒棱chamfer84. 工艺余量surplus85. 粗铣Rough Milling86. 精铣Finish Milling87. 抛光polishing/buffing88. 振动抛光vibration polish89. 砂轮grinding wheel90. 翼片砂轮flap wheel91. 铣大小头背平面Mill Two Back Planes92. 铣大小头内平面Mill Two Inside Planes93. 打顶针孔Drill thimble aperture94. 线切割两段圆弧面Wire Cut Two Ends Cirque95. 磁粉探伤Magnetic Test(M.T.)96. 刻写标识I.D. Marking97. 电刻机Dot Printing Machine98. MPP= Manufacturing Process Plan生产加工过程计划99. 完工检查Final Inspection100. 尺寸检查Dimensional Check101. 外观检查Visual Check102. 清单检查Data Package Review103. 检查记录Examination Record104. 检验记录Inspection Record105. 不良品/不合格报告NCR=Non-conformance Report 106. 径向线radial line107. 成型面moulding /molding face108. 工作面working face刀具/夹具/比较样板Cutter/Jig/Fixture/Gage109. 汽道检查夹具vane check fixture110. 样板, 模板template111. 整理条line up bar112. PIN样板PIN gage113. 铆钉头样板tenon gage114. 块规Block Gage115. 圆弧比较样板paddle gage116. 三角区(测径向面保留区)样板guillotine gage 117. 叶根止通规样板dovetail no-go gage 118. 键槽(叶根槽)铣刀slot cutter119. 成型铣刀form cutter120. 枞树型(叶根)铣刀pinetree cutter 121. 汽道面粗糙度airfoil surface roughness加工工艺/加工设备122. 刨床facing machine123. 拉床broaching machine124. 铣床milling machine125. 钻床drill machine126. 镗床boring machine127. 磨床grinder128. 机床machine tool129. 锻造forge130. 锻件forging131. 铸造/熔制found132. 压模stamping133. 焊接weld134. 拉孔broaching135. 数控numerical control 136. 拉伸pulling 137. 压缩hitting138. 剪切shear139. 钳工locksmith140. 车工latheman141. 车床lathe142. 车刀lathe tool143. 车削turning144. 铣削mill145. 铣刀milling cutter146. 钻削/镗削bore147. 标准件standard component 148. 尺寸标注size marking 金属切削metal cutting外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding弯曲应力bending stress硬度rigidity强度intensity弹性elasticity精度precision频率特性frequency characteristic 变形deformation应力stress扭转twist热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool前角rake angle淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering 磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining 滚齿hobbling插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail视图view图表chart剖视图pro清单/明细表list表格/ 图表sheet工艺图纸art work sheet基本流程图basic flow sheet截面section全图full figure, overall view草图/简图sketch机械制图mechanical drawing零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing投影projection零配件accessories & parts组件subassembly放大镜magnifier /magnifying glassNote:Turbine,汽轮机/涡轮机/透平机,来自拉丁语turbo,意为旋转Any of various machines in which the kinetic energy(动能) of a moving fluid is converted to mechanical power(机械能) by the impulse or reaction of the fluid with a series of buckets, paddles, or blades arrayed about the circumference of a wheel or cylinder.各种通过安装在一个轮或圆筒周围的桶、桨板或叶片的运动而带动液体从而产生推动力或反作用力,将流动的液体的动能转化为机械能的机器中的任何一种。
1 抽油机新进展“十三五”期间,胜利油田通过研发、引进多种类型的新式抽油机,包括:长环形齿条抽油机[1]、数控式塔架抽油机[2]、电机换向长冲程抽油机[3]、无功换向智能抽油机[4]、双井节能抽油机[5]等,实现抽油机传动系统更新改进,现场推广取得一定的应用效果,在抽油机电机负载率低、平衡率低和倒发电等技术取得良好应用成效;此外,应用新型电机及控制技术[6],包括永磁电机直驱抽油机等,也实现了抽油机系统的技术变革;最后,通过增设飞轮、曲柄自带调平衡等[7]新型节能技术,也取得显著实施效果。
2 抽油机传动系统改进研究2.1 长环形齿条抽油机[1]长环形齿条抽油机主要由基座、机身、润滑系统、电动机、胶带传动及刹车系统、减速器、换向机构等组成,其结构如图1所示。
图1 长环形齿条抽油机结构示意图1-基座;2-机身;3-润滑系统;4-电动机;5-胶带传动及刹车系统;6-减速器;7-换向水平导轨;8-小齿轮和导向轮;9-平衡滑块;10-悬挂系统;11-悬重胶带胜利油田机械采油抽油机技术现状及发展方向宋辉辉中国石化胜利油田石油工程技术研究院 山东 东营 257000摘要:通过总结胜利油田“十三五”期间有杆泵采油工艺抽油机取得的新成果,有效解决生产实践中抽油机电机负载率低、平衡率低和倒发电等技术问题,提升了抽油机电机工作性能、延长电机使用寿命,结合现场使用效果,总结各种抽油机的性能优势和适应范围,最后,预测了未来抽油机发展趋势。
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 202022512360.3(22)申请日 2020.11.04(73)专利权人 胜利油田胜机石油装备有限公司地址 257100 山东省东营市东营区西四路906号(72)发明人 张端光 高凤云 李宝华 胡永辉 唐玲 燕国杰 (74)专利代理机构 北京超成律师事务所 11646代理人 许书音(51)Int.Cl.E21B 43/00(2006.01)F04B 47/02(2006.01)(54)实用新型名称超长冲程抽油机(57)摘要本实用新型提供了一种超长冲程抽油机,涉及油气开采技术领域,该超长冲程抽油机包括机架、回转装置、配重装置以及柔性光杆;回转装置包括传动连接的滚筒和驱动机构,滚筒枢接于机架,驱动机构用于驱动滚筒相对机架转动;配重装置包括动滑轮和连接于动滑轮的滑轮绳,滑轮绳的一端相对机架固定,另一端固定连接于滚筒;柔性光杆的一端固定于滚筒,另一端用于与抽油杆相连,以带动抽油杆做上下往复运动。
权利要求书2页 说明书5页 附图2页CN 212202013 U 2020.12.22C N 212202013U1.一种超长冲程抽油机,其特征在于,包括:机架(100)、回转装置(200)、配重装置(300)以及柔性光杆(400);所述回转装置(200)包括传动连接的滚筒(210)和驱动机构,所述滚筒(210)枢接于所述机架(100),所述驱动机构用于驱动所述滚筒(210)相对所述机架(100)转动;所述配重装置(300)包括动滑轮(310)和连接于所述动滑轮(310)的滑轮绳(320),所述滑轮绳(320)的一端相对所述机架(100)固定,另一端固定连接于所述滚筒(210);所述柔性光杆(400)的一端固定于所述滚筒(210),另一端用于与抽油杆相连,以带动所述抽油杆做上下往复运动。
液压式抽油机的设计 毕业论文
关键词:液压抽油机;液压系统;液压缸The design of hydraulic pumping unitAbstract: According to the basic parameters of hydraulic pumping units and agencies of the performance characteristics of a conventional beam pumping unit for the base model, its technical improvements, and get a new energy-saving features of the hydraulic pumping unit. The machine has limitless adjustment stroke length, stroke, shock suspension point load of small, flexible control and easy, well you can adapt to different states, while the maximum extent possible to maintain the conventional beam pumping unit of simple structure, operation, the advantages of easy maintenance, suitable for a variety of working conditions in crude oil production, is a relatively good overall performance hydraulic pumping unit. Article in the hydraulic pumping unit based on the basic theory, do the following calculation: the first ass hydraulic pumping rod load calculations, schematic design of the hydraulic system, hydraulic cylinder design and motor power calculation. Finally, the design is the size of the parts calculation and check, hydraulic pumping unit driven by the hydraulic system of the upper and lower reciprocating rod; balance system is mainly used to control and adjust the work schedule for movement to and sucker rod balance the electrical load evenly, to save energy purposes. And components will help to improve the situation by force, to reduce the occurrence of pumping units, thereby improving the overall efficiency of pumping units. The configuration of the balanced analysis and optimal design, to meet the needs of the required conditions.Key words: hydraulic pumping unit; hydraulic system; hydraulic cylinder目 录1 绪论 (1)1.1 前言 (1)1.2 国外液压抽油机的发展概况 (2)1.3 国内液压抽油机的发展概况 (2)1.4 抽油机的现状~发展方向及其节能技术 (3)1.4.1 现有抽油机主要存在的问题 (3)1.4.2 今后抽油机的发展方向 (4)1.4.3 抽油机节能技术及发展情况 (5)1.5 液压抽油机设计方案及基本原理 (6)2 液压抽油机总体尺寸的确定 (7)2.1 公式推导 (7)2.1.1 几何关系公式 (7)2.1.2 行程计算公式 (8)2.1.3 力矩计算公式 (8)2.1.4 单位功计算公式 (8)2.1.5 油缸最大摆角公式 (8)2.2 方案计算 (8)2.2.1 分别计算10b,r ,α和S 。
海洋石油钻井常用英语手册A Handbook of English for Offshore Oil Drilling海洋石油钻井常用英语手册Drilling 钻井1. Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业.2. Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.3. Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.4. Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.5. Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底6. Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.7. Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具8. Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置.9. Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号.10. Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.11. Pick up stands. 接立柱12. Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱13. Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪14. Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪15. Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深16. Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟17. Run in hole. 下钻18. Put out of hole. 起钻19. Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单20. Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手21. Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车22. Lay down 57 joints of 5”drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆23. Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具24. Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时25. Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具26. Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼27. Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周28. Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次29. Check mud weight every 15 minutes. 每15分钟检查泥浆比重30. Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆31. Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆32. Stop drilling. 停止钻进33. Drilling ahead. 钻进34. Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头35. Change bit. 换钻头36. Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心37. The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣38. What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?39. Run in 9”collars. 下9”钻铤40. The cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头力量不够41. Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头42. The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了43. Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆44. Break out the stand. 卸立柱45. Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞46. Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗?47. No! Break it out with tong. 不行! 要用大钳卸扣48. Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣49. Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器50. Don’t set this stand back. 这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上51. Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节52. Secure the safety clamp. 上紧安全卡瓦53. The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了54. Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度55. This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段56. This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书57. How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?58. Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM. 转速保持120---140转/分59. Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分60. The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了61. Don’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快62. Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化63. The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了64. The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了65. Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000米停钻66. Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时67. The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了68. One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了69. What is the hook load? 悬重多少?70. What’s the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少?71. What’s the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少?72. Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆73. A stabilizer is needed here. 这里需要一个扶正器74. This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头75. This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录76. Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径77. We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤78. Pull the cat line. 拉猫头79. Operate the break lever. 操作(或:扶)刹把80. Stop the pumps. 停泵81. Make a wiper trip. 通井82. Retrieve wear bushing. 取出抗磨补心83. Bleed off pressure. (释)放压(力)84. Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5圈85. Set slips. 座上卡瓦86. If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井眼紧, 重复划眼87. Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内88. Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有的警报信号都开着89. Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器90. Run in hole bit #15 to bottom. 用15号钻头下钻到井底91. Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋92. Pick up same bit and BHA. 装上同样的钻头和钻具组合93. Lay down 5”HW drill pipe. 甩5”加重钻杆94. Move string every 2 hours. 每2小时活动钻具一次95. Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净96. Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气97. Ream if needed. 如必要时进行划眼98. Select the best penetration rate. 选择最佳钻进速度99. Fix the traveling assembly. 固定游动系统100. Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台100. What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?101. What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合?102. Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥103. Drill out 20”casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋104. Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡105. Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡106. Set the slips. 放卡瓦107. Adjust the crown-o-matic (crown saver). 调整防碰天车108. Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大钩销子109. Check OD of stabilizer. 检查扶正器的外径110. Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试111. Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线112. Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆113. Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻114. Change the cutters. 换割刀115. Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆116. Drill the stand down. 钻完立柱117. Start/run the shale shaker. 开振动筛118. Start the desanders. 开除砂器119. Start the desilters. 开除泥器120. Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40目筛布121. Shut it off. 关掉122. Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去123. Make a fast connection. 接单根要快124. Don’t dump the mud into the sea. 不要把泥浆排放到海里125. Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸开126. Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍127. Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗?Casing and Cementing 下套管与固井128. Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井129. This is the casing program. 这是套管程序130. Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管131. Make everything ready for running 7”casing. 做好下7”套管的准备132. Make cementing job. 固井133. Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替泥浆134. Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞135. Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头136. Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固137. Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液138. Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞139. Wait on cement. 候凝140. The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋141. Connect the floor collar. 接浮箍142. Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线143. Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 用350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管144. Clean and dry 20”casing threads with rags. 清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣145. Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里?Rig Move, Anchoring and Positioning 拖航, 抛锚, 定位146. What is our position now? 我们现在船位在哪里?147. What’s the moving speed now? (What’s the towering speed?) 拖航速度是多少?148. The speed is about 4 knots. 船速是4节左右149. Which one is the main tug? 主拖是哪条船?150. The main tug is Nanhai 205. 主拖是南海205151. Which one is the chase boat? 护航船是哪一条?152. How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?153. She has 6000 HP. 有6000马力154. Move the rig off location 50 feet. 将平台移开50英尺155. We are ready to drop the anchor. 我们已经做好抛锚的准备了156. Secure all the movable equipment. 固定好各种活动的设备157. Preload. (自升式)压载158. Ballast. (半潜式)压载159. Put the preload water into the tank. 向压载舱灌压压载水160. We need 5500 tons of preload water. 需要5500吨压载水161. Shall we preload right now? 马上开始压载吗?162. Drain the water off. 放水163. The rig is overloaded. 平台已超载164. Jack up (jack down) the rig. 升(降)船165. The draft is 3.5 meters. 船体吃水3.5米166. The jetting pressure is 100psi. 冲桩压力是100psi167. Penetrate the legs. 插桩168. How much penetration do we have? 入泥多深了?169. No.1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters. 1,2号桩腿插入10米170. Fix the upper and lower wedges. 固定上下楔块171. Pay out the anchor line. 放出锚缆绳172. Skid the derrick. 移开井架173. The rig is short of potable water now. 平台缺乏饮用水174. Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors. 抛2号和3号锚175. Why has the main engine stopped? 主机为什么停?176. Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具177. Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点178. Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开锚机刹车冷却水179. Retrieve the No.1 to No.8 anchors. 起1到8号锚180. Check the paint marks at the anchor winches. 检查锚机上的油漆记号181. Prepare for a location move. 准备好移井位182. Commence anchor handling. 开始起锚(或抛锚)183. Secure all equipment stored on deck. 固定好所有存放在甲板上的设备184. Carry out stability and load calculations. 做稳性和载荷计算185. Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. 将起抛锚短索, 卸扣和浮标吊起给起锚船186. Lower the windward anchor to seafloor. 抛上风锚到海底187. Pick up the leeward anchor first. 先起下风锚188. Take anchor chaser (or chaser) back to rig. 将捞/抛锚环送回平台189. Hook up towing lines to tug boat. 将拖缆连接到拖轮190. Sound fog signal for two seconds every twenty seconds. 发大雾信号, 每20秒钟响两秒Fishing 打捞191. The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井192. Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循环打捞篮193. There is a lot of junk in the hole. 井下有很多落物194. The fish is 235.46 meters long. 落鱼长度235.46米195. The fish top is at 2478.34 meters. 鱼顶位置2478.34米Coring 取芯196. Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯197. Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头198. What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头? 199. Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头200. Let’s drop the ball for coring. 可以投球取芯201. The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了202. Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装在岩芯盒里203. Don’t brake suddenly. 不要猛刹车204. Take out the core. 岩芯出筒205. How long is the core? 岩芯多长206. The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%207. Run in the core barrel again. 继续下岩芯筒(或: 取芯筒) 208. Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒209. Drop ball. 投钢球210. Recover core. 取出岩芯211. Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡212. The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂213. The hole is tight. 遇阻了214. Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力) 215. The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定216. The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重217. There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多218. The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少219. The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了220. The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了221. Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨222. Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨223. Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼224. The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动225. Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里226. Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验227. Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣228. Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪229. Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control异常井况与压井230. The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵231. The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快232. The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆233. The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小234. Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里235. Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量236. Lower the mud density. 降低比重237. Cut down the hydrostatic pressure. 减少静压238. The gas smell is strong. 天然气味度很浓239. There’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花240. The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳241. It is a zone of abnormal pressure. 这是异常压力层242. The hole (well) is kicking! 井涌啦!243. Shut in the BOP! 关闭防喷器244. Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合警报245. The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2. 立管压力10公斤/厘米2 246. The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2. 套压2510公斤/厘米2 247. Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表248. Kill the well. 压井249. There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又漏, 情况复杂250. Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气251. What’s the lag time? 迟到时间是多少252. The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定BOP and subsea Equipment 防喷器与水下设备253. Cut off the 30”conductor. 割掉30”隔水管254. Weld on the 30”bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰255. Hoist and nipple up 30”diverter. 吊装30”转喷器256. Change the 5”pipe rams to 3-1/2”rams. 把这个5”闸板换成3-1/2”257. Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子258. Check the seal ring of the conductor. 检查隔水管密封圈259. Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环260. Test BOP. 测试防喷器261. Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子262. Full pressure test the ram preventers. 对闸板防喷器进行全压试压263. Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psi264. Check annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力265. Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度266. The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝267. Establish the guide lines. 装导向绳268. Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具269. Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底270. Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具271. Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管272. Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管273. Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节274. Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力275. Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试276. Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器277. Move the BOP to the moonpool door. 将防喷器移到园井甲板的活动门上278. Run the test plug. 下试压塞279. Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器280. Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀281. The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅282. The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅283. Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环284. Remove the hose bundles. 卸下垮接软管285. Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自控转动286. Set the LMRP on the test pump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上287. Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头288. Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头289. Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察290. Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具291. BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车292. Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架293. Paint mark the top 6 meters of 30”conductor white. 在30”隔水管的顶部6米处用白漆涂上记号294. Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够295. Move temporary guide base (TGB) into moonpool. 将临时导向基板到园井甲板296. Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接297. Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给导向基板及下入工具上黄油298. Test fit TGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接299. Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物300. Pick up 30”conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣301. Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?302. Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态303. Place BOP stack on the test pump. 将防喷器组放在试压桩上304. Check condition of all 30”casing connectors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况305. Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈306. Attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪307. Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器308. Prepare spud plate and wireline to check water depth. 准备测深板和钢丝绳测量水深309. Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录310. Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件311. Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓312. Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气313. Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏314. Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈315. Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验316. Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水317. Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力318. Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕319. Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板320. Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了321. Slack off drill pipe and release running tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具322. Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水电视观察钻头是否进入临时导向基板323. Don’t rotate until hole opener passes through the TGB. 在扩眼器通过临时导向基板前不要旋转324. Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板325. Monitor riser level via trip tank. 用计量罐来控制隔水管内的液面326. Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psi327. Pick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组328. Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防328. Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业329. Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊330. Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽331. It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区332. That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业333. Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动334. The repairing is under way. 正在检修335. Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动336. Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带337. Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣338. Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持放毒面具在附近339. It’s a drill. 这是演习340. It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习341. Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇342. Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣343. Abandon the vessel! 弃船344. Sound the abandonment alarm! 发出弃船警报345. Go to the helideck! 去飞机坪集合346. Aboard the lifeboat. 登上救生艇347. Aboard the supply boat to shore! 乘拖船上岸348. Check life saving apparatus periodically. 定期检查救生设备349. It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的350. Start the fire pump. 启动消防泵351. This rope is too small. 这根绳子太细了352. It should be function tested. 需做功能测试353. A warning notice should be set up. 要挂警告牌354. Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?355. It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须始终保持良好的应急状态356. Will the typhoon hit our rig? 台风要袭击我们的平台吗?357. We will have to evacuate the rig. 我们要撤离平台358. Personnel on board (POB). 在船人员总数359. Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报360. This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习361. conduct abandon ship drill. 举行弃船演习362. Release the boat hooks. 释放救生艇吊钩363. Board the life boat. 登救生艇364. Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆365. Three rafts are located near life boat station port side. 在左舷救生艇站附近还存放有3个救生筏366. Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck. 在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣367. The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新368. Check the expiry date for all foam extinguisher. 检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间369. Close all the water-tight doors. 关闭所有水密门370. Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时候都应遵守安全程序371. Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头372. Colour code all the connection at the loading station. 在供给站管线接头处用颜色表明各管线373. Verify that a high level alarm is installed on the sludge tank. 确认污水舱安装有高位警报374. Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸375. Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机柴油机应有两套独立的起动方法376. Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳377. Clean the internals of the emergency switchboard. 清洁应急配电盘内部Helicopter and Supply Vessel 直升机与供应船378. Load out Contractor’s riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台379. Offload casing. (从供应船上)卸套管380. Load (offload or unload) the boat. 装(卸)船381. Get the food container loaded on the boat. 把食品集装箱装上船382. The helicopter will land on rig soon. 直升机很快就要在平台降落383. Tell the base to get (or send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来384. Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 飞机不能降落385. Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞行员报天气386. Inform the boat come to standby. 通知拖轮过来待命387. Call the boat to come along port side. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷388. We will take the personnel basket. 我们乘坐吊篮Repair and Maintenance 检修389. Have an overall check. 进行全面检查390. MPI the brake linkage system. 对刹车连接系统进行磁粉探伤391. Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 lbs. 证明上扣猫头能拉到7000磅392. Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理393. Adjust the brake band equalizer beam properly. 适当调整刹带平衡梁394. Note that the 3000 hour inspection on TDS is due. 注意顶驱的3000小时保养时间已到395. Check sheave rope pocket wear with a 1 3/8”+1 1/32 template. 用1 3/8”+1/32”量规检查绳槽磨损的情况396. Repair the handrails on the crown. 修理天车台的栏杆397. Function test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis. 每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验398. Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手399. Renew brake rim because of excessive wear. 更换磨损严重的刹车鼓400. Clearly mark safe working load (SWL) on the air winch below the rig floor. 表明钻台底下气动绞车的安全工作负荷401. Measure the master bushings for wear. 测量主补心磨损情况402. Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查403. Install a ground cable on the triplex pump motor. 给三缸泵马达安装接地线404. We need a 48”pipe wrench. 我们需要一把48”的管钳405. Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打406. We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀407. Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝408. Check it with a level. 用水平尺量一下409. Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油410. Have it greased. 给它上黄油411. Put out of hole test string. 取出测试管串412. Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备413. There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病414. Rig inspection will be performed in August. 验船安排在8月份415. Maintain the hoisting system. 保养提升系统416. Adjust the brake band. 调整绞车刹带417. Change the oil in the rotary gear box (transmission). 更换转盘变速箱机油418. Replace one water pump. 倒换一台冷却泵419. It’s quick-discharge air valve. 这是快速放气阀420. This clutch needs repair. 这台离合器需修理421. This tong needs replacing. 这把钳要更换了422. Slip 6 meters of the drilling line. 滑移钻井大绳6米423. Cut off 45 meters of the drilling line. 切割大绳45米424. Check the pump liners and pistons. 检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞425. The piston has been washed. 活塞刺坏了426. The supercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水427. Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀428. This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对429. The multi-pen recorder has some problem. 多笔记录仪坏了Miscellaneous 其他430. No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟431. Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪432. Speed up please. 请快点433. The geologist must be present. 地质人员必须到场434. We have to wait on weather. 必须等候天气435. There will be strong wind. 有强风436. Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙437. Do you understand? 明白吗?438. No way! 不行439. Man overboard! 有人落水440. Help! Help! 救命441. Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了, 医生442. Call for the medic. 叫医生443. Get a stretcher please. 拿担架来444. No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人445. Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒446. Don’t overrun your equipment. 不要超负荷运转447. Be careful at work. 工作时要小心448. No joking here. 别开玩笑449. Rig up for logging. 准备电测450. What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?451. Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备附录一: 平台人员岗位名称一. 承包商人员( Contractor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior Toolpusher 高级队长Junior Toolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Barge Master (captain) 船长First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工Chief Engineer 轮机长Head of Routabout 甲板班长Crane Operator 吊车工Routabout 甲板工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Motorman 轮机员Welder 焊工Radio Operator 电报员Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Medic 医生Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师ROV Engineer 潜水工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师附录二: 平台主要设备一. 钻井设备(Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统(Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备(Well Control Equipment): Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统(Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房(Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备(Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船附录三. 平台场所Bow 船首Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column 立柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool 月池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV RoomChange Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up Tong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞(接单根用)Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀Chain Tong 链钳Casing 套管Tubing 油管Drill String 钻柱Jar (drilling jar) 震击器Right Hand Thread 正扣Left Hand Thread 反扣Stabilizer 扶正器Rabit 通管器Liner 尾管Conductor 导管Thread Protector 护丝Stand (钻杆) 立柱Single (钻杆) 单根Joint (钻具) 根Bend 弯头Sub 短节Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头Bit 钻头Bit Breaker 钻头盒Box 母扣Pin 公扣Hole Opener 开眼钻头Reamer 扩眼钻头Overshot 打捞筒Junk Basket 打捞篮Junk Mill 平头磨鞋Spear 打捞矛Fishing Tap 打捞公锥Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) 下部钻具组合附录五. 材料和工具Steel 钢Iron 铁Wood 木Chemicals 化学品Cement 水泥Barite 重晶石Potable Water 淡水Drilling Water 钻井水Sea Water 海水Fuel 柴油Helifuel 飞机燃油Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油Grease 黄油Thread Dope 丝扣油Ballast Water 压载水Bilge Water 舱底水Gasoline 汽油Mud 泥浆Bentonite 般土Additive 添加剂Caustic Soda 烧碱Weight Material 加重材料Thinner 稀释剂Oxygen 氧气Nitrogen 痰气。
石油机械词汇知识资料大全C型胶管(一端带直角弯头)Rubber pipe assembly, C-type(with an elbow, 90°)上部内防喷器接头(远控) Upper IBOP (remote)主机防风棚可燃气体探测仪Inflammable gas detector in main equipment shedYM-16-Ⅱ型液压猫头YM-16-Ⅱ Hydraulic Cathead主发电机组额定功率×台数Rated power X quantity, main generator set将所有DAQ数据存于硬盘Store all DAQ data on hard disk.由任式金属硬密封泥浆阀门Mud valve , union type, metal to metal seal焊拉式金属硬密封泥浆阀门Welding metal seal mud valve焊接式金属硬密封泥浆闸门Welding metal rigid mud-sealing gate焊接式金属硬密封泥浆阀门Welded metal hard sealing mud valve底部压井管线包括四个阀门Kill line(including 4 valves)API阀门DN50组数量API gate valve DN50 union刹车液压操作系统额定压力Rated hydraulic operation system pressure of brake金属硬密封泥浆阀门密封件Metal hard seal mud valve sealings 设计符合API4F规范The mast conforms to API 4F设计符合API9B规范Conforms to API 9B设计符合API8A规范Conforms to API 8A specification设计符合API7K规范Conforms to API 7K specifications柴油发电机组保养配件清单Maintenance parts list of diesel generator set house司钻控制室及钻井参数仪表Driller's control cabin and drilling parameter instrument焊接式金属硬密封泥浆阀板Welding metal seal mud valve plate 每个泵上的三个缸可以互换The 3 hydraulic cylinders of every pump can be interchanged.操作台升降行调节范围6m Console rising and lowering distance is 6m带传动,以简化减速机构. Belt transmission is adopted, which simplifies the speed-reducing mechanism.主滚筒尺寸(直径×长度)Main drum size(Dia.×Length)压力差开关(油气分离器)Pressure difference switch (oil-gas separator)旋转方向(面向飞轮端视)Rotation direction(facing to flywheel)橡胶管线1""(约30米)Rubber pipe line1""(About 30 m) 推拉式塑钢窗(钢化玻璃) Slide plastic-steel window (tempered glass)刹车鼓尺寸(直径×长度)Brake rim size(Dia.×Length)排出滤网及辅助管路(二)Discharge Filter Screen and Assistant Pipe(2)空气过滤器滤芯(重负荷)Air filter element(heavy duty)胶管总成(长度仅供参考)Rubber hose assembly(Length for reference)电传系统部分(发电机柜)Electric drive system(generator cabinet)电传系统部分(开关柜)Electric Drive System(Cubicle Switchboard)打捞震击器(液压上击器)Fishing jar不锈钢丝护套胶管(横向) Stainless wire jacketed hose(horizontal)不锈钢丝护套胶管(横向)Stainless wire jacketed hose(cross)(5″钻杆28米立根)(5"drill pipe 28m stand)四川宏华石油设备有限公司Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd.发电、气源房布置各部件图Parts drawing for Generator/air source house钻井液管汇通径/额定压力Drilling fluid manifold bore size / rated pressrue扣压式软管接头Press type softpipe fitting金属硬密封泥浆阀门阀座Metal hard seal mud valve seatCAT3406柴油机组CAT3406 Diesel engine generator set起升大绳死绳端固定装置Fixation device of hoisting wireline deadline end主机防风棚排风系统控制Control of the ventilation system in main equipment shed 泥浆泵H2S气体探测仪Mud pump H2S gas monitor固控区H2S气体探测仪H2S gas detection instrument in Solid control area外螺纹/外螺纹穿板接头Out thread/external thread bulkhead joint井场交流区域配供电系统Well site AC distribution system绞车辅助驱动电机/台数Drawworks auxiliary driving motor / quantity辅助发电机组功率×台数Auxiliary generator set power X quantity鹅颈管与水龙带联接方式Goose neck pipe and rotary hose connection type电动倒绳机及钻井钢丝绳Electrical spooler and drill line司钻偏房安装在支撑架上The doghouse installed onsupporting frame通风式气胎离合器摩擦片Ventilated type air tube clutch friction plate小气室普通气胎离合器囊Clutch Ballonet装在底座上司钻位置对面Installed on the substructure facing driller side压力传感器配2m长电缆Pressure transducer, with 2m long cable突面板式平焊钢制管法兰Crowning plate type flush welding steel tube flange凸面板式平焊钢制管发兰Convex type plain welding flange移送气缸支撑架装置部件SUPPORT, MOVING CYLINDER无火花型三相四极插件Non-spark three-phase four-pole plug-in自动电压调节器反应时间Response time, auto voltage regulator二层台及挡风墙、飞机架Racking board and bayshon, cantileverKXT型可曲挠橡胶接管KXT type flexible rubber connecting pipe井架左右四段及左右五段Left and right section IV & V of mast 由壬式双刻度抗震压力表EP dual-scale pressure gauge, union type动力及电传动系统区设备Power and electric driving system equipment金属硬密封泥浆阀门阀板Metal hard seal mud valve plate振动罐-吸收罐(录井)Shaker tank-suction tank( well logging) 油气分离器滤芯(次级)Oil-gas separator filter element(secondary)油气分离器滤芯(初级)Oil-gas separator filterelement(primary)印制电路板(发电柜)Printed circuit board( generator cabinet) 外形尺寸(长×宽×高)Overall measurement (L x W x H)干粉灭火器(带安装架) Dry powder fire extinguisher (w/installation frame)电传系统部分(同期柜)Electric drive system(synchronizing cabinet)电传系统部分(变频柜)Electric drive system(converter cabinet)低压泥浆系统(固控室)Low pressure mud system(solid control room)(含由壬fig100)(includes Union fig100)发电、气源房布置图总图Layout of Generator/Air Source House注可按用户要求颜色配Note: the colour is based on client requirement.铺板(六)与左右上座Paving plate(6) and left&right upper seat 立根盒前梁与左右上座Front beam of setback and left&right upper seat机架与绞车护罩及底座Main frame and drawworks guard and skid卡特辅助柴油发电机组CAT aux. diesel generator set防爆应急荧光灯电池组Battery set of Explosion proof emergency fluorescent lamp 人字调节支撑架含销轴A-frame adjustable support (including pins)泥浆泵可燃气体探测仪Mud pump gas monitor固控区可燃气体探测仪Flammable gas detection instrument in Solid control area双液动节流管汇控制箱Double hydraulic choke manifold control box动力钳及套管钳备件箱Power tong and casing tong spare parts box泵及螺杆压缩机备件箱Spare parts box of pump and screw compressorBOP控制装置集装箱BOP control unit container高压及内防喷高压管线High pressure pipe line and inner blowout preventing pipe line 左下段及人字架左支腿Left lower section and A frame left legs右下段及人字架右支腿Lower section and A-frame right leg钻杆台绞车气路安装图Air piping diagram for drill pipe board winch左路工作钳总进油接头Oil inlet joint, left service caliper右路工作钳总进油接头Oil port joint, right service caliper无螺纹焊接式管接头Unthreaded Welded Pipe Connector扩口式组合三通管接头Combined T joint, flare type可曲挠性合成橡胶接头Flexible rubber joint焊接式头端直通管接头Through Welded Pipe Connector叉形状预绝缘管状端头Lug(fork-shaped, tubular end)发电机控制及并车系统Generator control and paralleling system液压动力钳滑轮2套2sets of hydraulic power tong pulley手动大钳平衡重2套2sets Sheave of manual tong常开式制动钳密封一套Normally open brake tong seals常闭式制动钳密封一套A set of normal closed brake tong sealings钻台上一个远程控制台Remote console on drill floor循环泵电机功率/转速Circulating pump motor power/rotation speed刹车泵电机功率/转速Brake pump motor power/rotary speed 机具泵电机功率/转速Tools pump motor power/rotary speed电压、频率、功率因素Voltage, frequency, and power factor of generator set钻井泵额定功率/台数Drilling pump rated power/ quantity泥浆泵额定功率×台数Mud pump rated power×quantity泥浆泵电机功率/台数Mud pump motor power / quantity液压大钳配件套管扳手Casing spanner for hydraulic power tong旋钮带锁定,圈数指示Knob has a lock and circle number indicator游吊系统倒绳用钢丝绳Traveling system spooling steel line用于穿绳、取绳、存绳Used for reeving, spooling and storing drill lline正压式压缩空气呼吸器Compressed air respirator载荷限制器手柄制动器Handle brake of load limiter室内吸顶式烟雾报警器Roof smoke detector除砂除泥一体化清洁器Desander& desilter combined mud cleaner通风式气胎离合器气囊Ventilated type air tube clutch air bag 通风式膜式离合器气囊Clutch Ballonet刹车泵额定压力/排量Brake pump rating pressure/displacement机具泵额定压力/排量Tools pump rated pressure/displacement绞车轴编码器带有电缆Drawworks shaft coder with cableMCC房VFD房线缆MCC house VFD house cable双三通阀带溢流阀阀块Dual 3-way valve with relief valve block 美制螺纹锥面扩口接口American system screw thread taper expanded interface转盘驱动交流变频电机AC VF motor of RT drive device绞车驱动交流变频电机Drawworks AC VF motor固定式螺杆空气压缩机Fixed screw air compressor隔爆型三相异步电动机Ex-proof three phase asynchronous motor铺板(十二)与立根盒Paving plate(12)and setback输送装置止推轴承密封Stop bearing seal of transportation device发电-气源-MCC房Generating-air source-MCC house井架左右中下段及上段Mast L&R, middle lower section and upper section微型高压软管接头总成Micro HP hose connector assembly三通型鹅颈管组件总成T goose neck assembly高压耐火隔热软管总成High Pressure Fireproof Hose&heat insulating hose assembly 双轮闭口锁环起重滑车Lifting yoke VFD到泥浆泵电缆槽Cable trough from VFD to mud pump houseVFD到钻台面电缆槽Cable trough from VFD to drill floorMCC到泥浆罐电缆槽Cable trough, MCC to mud tank控制管路过滤器维修包Maintenance kit control pipeline filter 套管卡瓦钻铤吊卡CD Casing slip DC elevator CDC型胶管/单弯90°Rubber pipe assembly, C-type/single elbow, 90°C型胶管/双弯90°Rubber pipe assembly, C-type/ dual elbow, 90°所有接头都为震击由壬All connections are hammer unions.密封胶芯使用寿命长. Packing unit has enough rubber volume and long service life采用可靠的复合密封. Reliable compound seal is adopted to ensure no leakage.滚子补芯,四销驱动, Roller bushing,squre driving,印制电路板(同期柜)Printed circuit board(synchronouscabinet)液压系统(两个液缸) Hydraulic system(two cylinders )液压大钳(一年备件)Hydraulic power tong(one year spare parts)液控换向阀(力士乐)Hydraulic control reversal valve (Roxreth)压力差开关(过滤器)Pressure difference switch(filter)联轴节链轮(变速箱)Shaft-connecting sprocket (gearbox)接插件(插头/插座)Connector(plug/socket)防爆护罩(含摄像机)Explosion proof guard ( including camera)防爆控制按钮(带灯) EX Control button(with lamp)电传系统部分(其它)Electric drive system(others)柴油机底座(加宽台) Substructure of Diesel Engine(含螺杆压缩机1台)(including one screw compressor)(KB-75空气包)( KB-76 air discharging bag)转盘电机风机引风装置Air-guide device of RT motor blower循环泵额定压力/排量Rating pressure/displacement of circuling pump底漆低表面处理环氧漆PrimerLow surface treat epoxy painting 悬臂吊含电机,基座Cantilever crane includes motor and fundation support三相A移动插头插座Inserts绞车前梁与左右上座Drawworks front beam and left&right upper seat地面高压管汇固定座HP manifold Fixed Seats钻台高压管汇闸阀组Gate valve assembly for drilling floor highpressure manifold 地面高压管汇闸阀组Ground highpressure manifold gate valve assembly配气动过卷防碰装置Pneumatic over roll anti-crush device泥浆液面报警器装置Mud Lever Alam Devices防喷器液压控制装置BOP hydraulic control device地面防喷器控制装置Ground BOP control device登梯防坠落保护装置Climbing anti-falling device固控区排风系统电源Power supply for ventilating system of solid control area空气滤清器次级滤芯Air filter secondary filter element空气滤清器初级滤芯Air filter primary filter element初级油气分离器滤芯Kit. Seperator液动节流管汇控制箱Hydraulic choke manifold control box进口固控系统备件箱Solid control system spare parts box管汇及固控等备件箱Spare parts box of manifold and solid control泵及防喷器等备件箱Spare parts box of pump and BOP左起升人字架前支腿Left front leg of lifting frame左起升人字架后支腿Left back leg of lifting frame右起升人支架前支腿Front leg of right lifting frame右起升人支架后支腿Back leg of right lifting frame司钻室气控箱安装图Pneumatic Control Box in Driller's Cabin installation drawing 两用水龙头各部件图Dual purpose swivel parts drawing美制外螺纹穿板接头British measurement external thread bulkhead joint快插式螺纹穿板接头Quick threaded bulkhead connector可曲挠合成橡胶接头Flexible rubber joint焊接式母由壬死堵头Weld Box Union Plug焊接式公由壬死堵头Welded male union plug齿轮泵出油三通接头T-joint of oil gear pump output插入式螺纹穿板接头Plug-in type threaded piercing connector Y形插入式螺纹接头Y-shaped plug-in type threadedconnectorY形快插式螺纹接头Quick push-in fitting of Y-shapeL形快插式螺纹接头Quick push-in fitting, L-shapeL形插入式螺纹接头Quick push-in fitting of L-shape绞车油、气、水系统Oil, air and water System of DW风动马达及传动系统Pneumatic motor and drive systemVFD房及控制系统VFD house and control systemMCC房及控制系统MCC house and control systemDC用玻璃管保险丝Glass tube fuse for DCAC用玻璃管保险丝Glass tube fuse for AC转盘电机功率/台数Rotary table motor power / quantity绞车电机功率/台数Drawworks motor power / quantity触摸屏上显示的参数Parameters displayed on touch screen控制电缆及辅助设施Control cable and auxiliary equipments 笔,圆珠总成,蓝色Pen, Ball Point Assy, Blue直角接头,带O型圈Right-angle elbow, with O-ring液压大钳配件密封圈Seal ring for hydraulic power tong搅拌机减速箱密封圈Agitator reducer sealing ring焊接式由壬密封垫圈Welded union seal washer断路器合闸压线圈Chopper switch on winding,液压大钳配件黄油枪Grease gun for hydraulic power tong泥浆回流流量传感器Mud Return line sensor assembly各种气体检测报警器Gas detects and alarms个人随身气体报警器Personal gas warner钢丝绳及液压卷绳器Wire line and hydraulic spooler返流泥浆流量传感器Return mud flow sensor assembly常开型电磁阀岛阀片Noramlly open Solenoid valve terminal valve plate 常闭型电磁阀岛阀片Noramlly closed Solenoid valve terminal valve plate 普通气胎离合器气囊Clutch Ballonet 出磁性过滤器30目Magnetic filter, 30 mesh美制扩口管接头螺母British measurement flared joint nut金属硬密封泥浆阀门Metallic hard sealing mud valve排出滤网及辅助管路Discharge Filter Screen and Assistant Pipe (1)防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦Wire line electric hoist, EX-PRF冷启动装置额定排量Cold start device rated displacement机具吸油过滤器法兰Flange of suction filter机具回油过滤器法兰Flange of oil return filter晶闸管/二级管模块Transister/diode moduleVIP数据录井模块VIP data logging module耐油胶管NPT丝扣Oil proof rubber hose NPT thread connection阀杆导向器装卸工具Handling equipment of valve lever guide device测斜绞车配件及工具Accessaries and tools of deviation winch 平移液缸缸径/杆径Slipping cylinder diameter/pole diameter 顶升液缸缸径/杆径Lifting cylinder diameter/pole diameter一年备件除气器配件List of one year spare parts for degaser 液压站电气系统部件Parts for electric system of HPU压力表高压油管部件Parts for High-pressure oil line of pressure gauge 气源系统其他附属件Accessories of air source system起升人字架撑杆组件 A frame components for rig-up泥浆泵安装必须配件Necessary accessories of mud pump installation供给喷嘴钨制嵌入件Supply nipple parts发电机控制系统部件Parts of Generator Control SystemBOP防喷器连接件BOP connecting parts防爆区域内防爆等级Explosion proof of explosion proofing area高压呼吸空气压缩机High pressure breathing air compressor 吸入罐高压剪切管汇Shear manifold, suction tank混浆罐高压剪切管汇HP shear manifold of mixing tank安全阀及灌注泵管汇Safety valve and charge pump manifold 队长室和办公室电话Telephones in tool pusher's office and other offices发电机控制及同期柜Generator control and synchronizing cabinet方钻杆及大小鼠洞管Kelly & Mouse Holes泵房保温棚底座方管Square pipe of insulated booth basement of pump house 远/近控制转换开关Remote/local shiftswitch 液压钻杆钳尾桩1个One snub line stake of hydraulic drill pipe power tong手动大钳尾绳桩2个 2 pcs Tail rope pole of manual tong电缆专用SLS型钢Special steel for cable, SLS type锤击式钢制由壬密封Impact steel unoin seal防爆比例先导溢流阀Pilot operated proportional relief valve, explosion-proof二位三通常闭按钮阀Two-position three-way normally closed valve二位三通常闭气控阀Two-position three-way normally open pneumatic valve 二位三通常开气控阀Two-position three -way normally open air control valve叠加式双单向节流阀Double-single chock valve电瓶输出负极连接端Cathode connection end of battery电瓶输出正极连接端Anode connection end of battery冷暖分体式防爆空调Warmer/cooler air conditioner, explosion proof液压系统及液压站等Hydraulic system and HPU泥浆泵随机工具清单Special Tools List For Mud Pump左钻台偏房外形尺寸Overall dimension of the left rig floor dog house右钻台偏房外形尺寸Overall dimension of dog house on the right side of rig floor 最大缸套直径×冲程Max. liner dia. x stroke 方形带座外球面轴承Square type sphere bearing支架全部由槽钢制成The whole bracket is made of channel steel移送气缸支撑架总成Support assembly, moving cylinder压风机进排气阀总成Compressor air in/out valve assembly无石棉级摩擦片总成Asbestos-free friction disc assemblage气胎离合器气囊总成Clutch Ballonet assembly空气包充气软管总成Charging hose assembly of dampener热交换器及油标名称Heat exchanger and oil level indicator配有张力型指重仪表Completed with a tension type weight sensor大力空压机及压力表Air compressor and pressure gauge立管压力缓冲器胶杯Standpipe pressure buffer rubber cup突面钢制管法兰盖板Blind plate套装内六角扳手Inner hex wrench转盘下部泥浆回收盘Mud sump under rotary table照明具备应急功能Lighting, emergency function shall be available.右钻台偏房为工具房Dog house on the right side of rig floor is a tool house.液缸由合金锻造而成The hydraulic cylinder is alloy steel forged.配有天车防碰过卷阀The drawworks is equipped with Crown-O-Matic安装有接线柱及电缆Complete with all binding posts and cables总重量(含钻井泵)Total weight(including drill pump)重量(不含主补芯) Weight(excluding master bushing)重量(不含液压油) Weight (without hydraulic oil)液压钻杆钳(备用) Hydraulic drill pipe power tong(standby)两用水龙头(备用) Dual purpose swivel (standby)联轴节链轮(马达)Shaft-connecting sprocket (motor)空压机(英格索兰) Air compressor (Ingersolland )胶囊(吸入空气包)Capsule(suction pulsation dampener)管汇(方案布置图) Manifold (Layout)挂图橱窗(带台边)Picture show window(w/window sill )工具提篮(配件箱) Junk basket(accessory box)防滑钩(带保险卡)Anti-slip hook(with safety clip)顶跨(正面/侧面)Width of top(face/side)蝶阀箱(一年备件)Butterfly valve case(one year spares)(一端带直角弯头)(with one 90 degree bend)(含气瓶及干燥机)(including air tanks and air dryer)发电、气源房布置图Layout of Generator/Air Source House井电灯具及配件列表List of lamps and fittings on wellsite二位三通防爆电磁阀Two-position three -way electromagnetic valve, explosion-proof 电机额定电压/频率Motor rating voltage/frequency面漆丙烯酸聚氨酯漆Surface painting acrylic polyurethane地面支座固定座Surface support, fixed两位两通换向阀组Two-Position Two-Way Reverse Valve set 卡特柴油发电机组CAT diesel generator set柴油机变矩器机组Diesel torque converter set风压开关辅件组装Air pressure switch accessory assembling 钻机底座平移装置Rig substructure horizontally sliding device 钻井泵及传动装置Drilling pumps and driving unit液压盘式刹车装置Hydraulic disc brake unit液压自动举管装置Hydraulic auto lifting-pipe device液压猫头固定装置Fastening Unit for hydraulic cathead泥浆泵及传动装置Mud pump and tansmission device防坠落及拖拽装置Falling arrester and drag device绞车盘刹水泵控制Drawworks disc brake water pump control 含蒸汽管线防护罩Including steam pipeline guard分料箱和转鼓护罩Casing泵电机风机及护罩Pump motor blower and guard泥浆泵参数屏电源Mud pump parameter screen power绞车盘刹水泵电源Drawworks disc brake water pump power supply指重表齿轮润滑油Gear lube oil,weight indicator液压离合器涡轮油Turbine oil for hydraulic clutch减速器传动润滑油Drive lubricant oil of speed reducer自浮式电子测斜仪Floating electronic inclinometer硫化氢气体探测仪H2S gas monitor固控区气体探测仪Gas detection instrument in solid control area电子单多点测斜仪Electronic inclinometer便携式HS探测仪HS Detecting Instrument转盘配以下补芯The rotary table is equipped with the following bushing. 空气过滤器内滤芯Elem. Air fliter fty 空气过滤器外滤芯Elem. Air filter primary背包绳滑轮固定销Sheeve fixed Pin远程控制台配件箱Parts box for remote control console液动手动闸板阀箱Hydrailic/manual gate valve box液压卷绳机胶管箱Hose box for hydraulic rope spooler起井架缓冲控制箱Buffer Control Case卡特柴油机配件箱CAT diesel engine accessaries box防喷器随机配件箱BOP accessory box顶驱控制室集装箱T op drive control room container吊卡及卡瓦随机箱Elevator and slip box振动筛视频信号线Video signal wire of shale shaker振动筛视频电源线Power line of shale shaker video泥浆泵视频信号线Mud pump video signal line泥浆泵视频电源线Mud pump video power line泥浆泵电机PE线Mud pump motor PE line环状活动连接管线Chicksan loop hoses固控系统各部件图Solid control system parts drawings高压管汇各部件图Parts Drawing for HP Mud Manifold转换(由壬)接头Adapter (Union)油泵出口高压球头HP spherical head, pump outlet液压油进出口接头Inlet and outlet joints of hydraulic oil液压马达进油接头Hydraulic motor oil-inlet joint循环水进出口接头Inlet/outlet Joints for water circulation刹车泵出油管接头Oil outlet pipe connection of brake pump 刹车泵进油管接头Oil inlet pipe connection, brake pump刹车泵泄油管接头Oil drain pipe connector, brake pump美制锥面扩口接头British measurement pyramidal face flared joint美式强力快速接头American type fast connection扩口式B型管接头Flared fitting, B-type可曲挠性橡胶接头Flexible rubber joint井口防喷装置接头Wellhead BOP joint接线盒含备用插头T erminal box with spare plug焊接式铰接管接头Welded Pipe Connector焊接式直通管接头Through Welded Pipe Connector焊接式三通管接头Three-Way Welded Pipe Connector焊接式公由壬堵头Welded male union plug""不锈钢波纹管接头Stainless steel corrugated pipe connector 井架固定绞链套筒Hinge Sleeve for mast fixation钻井参数记录系统Recording system for drilling parameters 钻井参数仪表系统Instrumentation system for drilling parameters气体探测固定系统Gas detection fixed system动力及电传动系统Power and Electrical drive system死绳稳绳器3套 3 sets Deadline stabilizer套管扶正机控制台Casing stabilizer console套管扶正机维修台Casing centralization machine repairing desk防喷器安装维护台BOP installation and maintenance platform 真空泵功率/转速Vaccum pump power/rotation speedBOP用套筒扳手Socket spanner for BOP定子绕组接线方式Stator winding wireline connection type登梯助力器斜拉绳Inclined pulling line of Climb assistantor断路器失压线圈Chopper lose voltage winding,导线防护橡胶垫圈Rubber gasket, for conductor protection振动筛磁力启动器Shale shaker magnectic startor泥浆罐液压传感器Mud level sensor梅花形弹性联轴器Elastic coupling交流开关量变送器AC switching value transducer活绳头绳卡固定器Drill line Fixed Unit滚筒编码器传感器Drum coder sensor固定式气体控测器Fixed air detector供给加速器缓冲器Supply accelerator baffler防毒面具及过滤器Gas mask and filter防爆荧光灯镇流器Current stabilizer of Explosion proof fluorescent lamp 多功能保护继电器Multifunction protective relay 超声波液位传感器Ultrasonic fluid level sensorISV吸油过滤器ISV oil suction filter气胎离合器摩擦片Air tube clutch friction block转向球销锁紧螺母Locknut梯子(二)与台面Ladder(II)and drilling floor梯子(-)与台面Ladder(I)and drilling floor绞车刹车带轴惰轮DW brake idler wheel with shaft油箱电加热器功率Oil tank heater power线电压波形畸变率Line voltage wave distorting rate绞车额定输入功率Drawworks rated input power换热器热交换功率Heater change power防爆交流电机功率Explosion proof AC motor power悬臂吊及电动葫芦Cantilever crane and electric blockSH环链手拉葫芦SH loop chain block主液压泵额定排量Rated flow rate of main hydraulic pump液压系统额定流量Hydraulic system rated flow rate转盘传动箱支承梁Support beam of RT gear box液缸最高工作压力Max. working pressure of hydraulic cylinder 向传感器提供电力Supply power to sensors气动系统工作压力Air system working pressure内防喷器工作压力IBOP Pressure Rating顶驱最大提升能力Max. lifting Capacity of top drive泥浆泵电机主电缆Mud pump motor main cable液压油进出口法兰Inlet and outlet Flanges of hydraulic oil循环水进出口法兰Inlet/outlet Flanges for water circulation 蓄能器过滤器油块Accumulator filter block井架专用钢管管卡Special steel pipe clamp for mast井架安装专用工具Special tools for mast installation短时最大工作扭矩Short time max working torque适用的钢丝绳直径Wireline dia.上水管线油壬短节Water pipeline union sub法兰由壬过渡短节Flange and union Crossover钻杆吊卡随机配件Parts delivered together with DP elevator游动系统安装配件Parts for traveling system installation移送气缸装置部件Moving cylinder (pneumatic) parts移动模块安装配件Installation accessories for moving module 压力表接头组合件Connector subassembly, pressure gauge气源系统安装配件Installation accessories of air source system 联接管路焊接部件Pipe-connecting welding part进油接头焊接部件Oil input joint welding part回油接头焊接部件Oil welding joint parts固控系统成套辅件Solid control System complete accessories 固控系统一年备件One year spares of solid control system发电机组安装配件Installation fittings of generator set宝鸡防水防暴插件Water and explosion proof plugs, Baoji加料漏斗上药品架Pill rack on pill hopper热交换器换热面积Heat exchanger area螺杆式空气压缩机Srew type air compressor绞车辅助驱动电机Drawworks auxiliary driving motor电动螺杆式压缩机Electrical screw compressorYJ系列交流电机YJ Series AC Motor高压油泵柱塞弹簧HP oil pump plug spring转盘梁最大静负荷Max. static load of rotary table beam泥浆泵参数屏信号Mud pump parameter screen signal螺杆空气压缩型号Model of srew type air compressor泥浆泵参数信号柜Mud pump parameter signal cabinet泥浆泵冷却小水罐Mud pump cooling water tank固控系统振动筛罐Share shaker tank of solid control tank一层钢丝编制胶管Rubber hose, with one steel-line-knitted layer 型可曲挠橡胶接管Type flexible rubber connecting pipe 吸入罐外置连通管Suction tank outfitting connection pipe稳压电源保险丝管Stabilized voltage power fuse tube机房用气输出胶管Air output hose for machine house钢丝编织护套胶管Rubber hose法兰连接金属软管Metal hose for flange connection不锈钢丝护套胶管Stainless wire jacketed hose高压跳脱保护开关High-pressure tripping protective switch上下底座连接撑根Connecting supporting pole between upper and lower bases液压钻杆钳移送缸Liquid Pressure Cylinders井架、底座液压缸Mast and substructure Hydraulic Cylinder 泥浆泵护罩支承杆Mud Pump Shield Rods突面钢制管法兰盖Blind plate司钻房和司钻偏房Integrated console/control house and Doghouse Cubicle(driller's cabin)电动压风机气源房Air Compressor HouseVFD/MCC房VFD/MCC house滚子补芯四销六方Roller bushing pin hex钻机主要技术规范Main technical specification of drilling rig 双功能箭形回压阀Back pressure valve防爆电磁换向气阀Ex proof electromagnetic change valve内六角圆柱头螺钉Inner hexagon cheese head screw扁平头半空心铆钉Rivet坡道梯子逃生跑道Ramp ladder escaping way配套清单Parts list工具房遥控器钥匙Remote control key of tool house钻台阀组组件总成Drill floor valve assembly振动筛排砂槽总成Sand-removing ditch assembly of shale shaker异型三通组件总成Reducer tee subassembly万向轴十字轴总成Cardan shaft crosshead Assembly双单向阀阀块总成Dual-Check Valve Block Assembly泥浆泵拔缸器总成Mud Pump Seat Fixing Tool猫头油缸连接总成Connection Assembly for Cathead Cylinder 离心机旋转件总成Centrifuge ROTATING PARTS ASSEMBLY胶管安全装置总成Hose safety device assembly电磁刹车手柄总成Electromagnetic Braker Control Handle地面阀组组件总成Ground valve set assembly地面阀组底座总成Skid assembly of Ground valve group除泥器排砂槽总成Desilter sand trough assembly除砂器排砂槽总成Desander/dump assembly排砂槽三角架支撑Sand discharging groove tripod电极和油泵支支撑Generator and oil pump supporter名称Name风冷电磁涡流刹车Air cooled eddy current brake单轮链环起重滑车Pulley of single sheave0.5T风动绞车0.5T air winch油壬式抗震压力表EP pressure gauge, union type由壬式抗震压力表EP pressure gauge,union type双刻度抗震压力表Dual-scale shockproof pressure gauge空气进出口温度表Air inlet/outlet thermometer泥浆清洁器供液泵Mud cleaner feed pump压力调节器维修包Repair kit for pressure regulator进气提升阀维修包Kit. Rep 4 INL VLV死、活绳固定压板Drill line Fixed Blocks所有交流电机防爆All AC motors are explosion proof type.带双向气动旋扣器With double direction air make-up device 轴承(固相输出)Bearing(solid output)轴承(液相输出)Bearing(liquid output)终端电阻(进口)Terminal resistor(imported)直管总成(双公)Straight pipe assembly (double pins)振动筛(直线型) Shale shaker (linear type)由壬接头(丝扣)Union(thread )以太网线(低温) Ethernet lead(low temperature)小杂件(活绳头)Accessories (live line head)砂泵(一年备件)Sand pump(one year spares)钳工锉(带木柄)Fitter file(with wood handle)配件箱一年配件)Accessory box one year spares)猫道(含钻杆架) Catwalk channel(includs pipe rack)喇叭口(选配项) Bell nipple(for option)缓冲垫(安全阀)Buffer pad(safety valve)滚子补芯(一套) Roller bushing(1 set)挂钩(带安全舌)Hook(with safety pin)(含辅助发电机)(including an auxiliary generator)(不包括消声器)(except the muffler)最大举升管子质量Max. mass of lifted pipe最大举升管子长度Max. length of lifted pipe最大举升管子直径Max. diameter of lifted pipe主液压泵额定压力Rated pressure of main hydraulic pump主液压泵电机功率Motor power of main hydraulic pump液压系统额定压力Hydraulic system rated pressure凸面带颈平焊法兰Downward welding flange空气过滤器修理包Air filter maintainance kit底座配以下附件The substructure is provided following accessory 斜拉杆与上下座Inclined tension rod and upper &lower seats泥浆泵调节底座Mud pump Adjustable skid井架连接双耳座Dual Eyepad Seat For mast-connecting防喷管线固定座Choke Manifold Fixed Seat防喷器运载底座Carrying seat of BOP保温棚柱与底座Insulated booth poles and baseⅡ级托板后支座Grade II pallet rear support直接式黄油油嘴Straight grease nipple钻台H型闸门组H gate valve unit on drill floor蓄能器过滤器组Accumulator filter set泥浆泵电动机组Rig pump driving unit-DC motor井架起升滑轮组Mast lifting sheaves set节流管汇闸阀组Choke manifold gate valve set地面管汇闸阀组Gate valve set of ground manifold比例溢流阀阀组Proportional Relief valve set输出虑波器电阻Output wave filter resister逃生滑道及梯子Escape slide and ladder排砂槽总成梯子Sand discharging groove assembly ladder 二层台栏杆销子Pins for Racking board handrail液压大钳尾绳柱Snub line stake, hydraulic power tong钻井泵传动装置Mud pump transmission device转盘及驱动装置Rotary table and driving device主补芯吊装装置Lifting device for master bushing套管灌泥浆装置Casing mud charge unit泥浆泵传动装置Mud pump drive device泥浆泵控制装置Mud pump controlling device立根防坠落装置Pipe Falling arrester井架工安合装置Derrickman safety device辅助蓄能器装置Assistant Accumulator Set防喷器起吊装置Lifting unit of BOP防喷器吊装装置Hoisting device of BOP防喷器移动装置BOP trolley防喷器吊装装置BOP lifting device防碰器吊装装置BOP hoisting unit防喷器导轨装置BOP guide rail device二层台逃生装置Racking board escaping device二层台拖曳装置Drag device on racking board大钳平衡重装置T ong counterweight。
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tation of the body at any instant of time is known, then the global position of any point on the body can be determined from Eq. ͑3͒. The vector of coordinates for body i is defined by the vector qi = ͓rT , ͔iT = ͓x , y , ͔iT, where r and represent the body translation and rotation, respectively. The total vector of coordinates for this
Artificial lift by beam pumping is used extensively on most wells in the U.S. and in the other parts of the world. In the U.S., they represent the majority of the total wells placed on artificial lift. This makes the study of beam pumping units’ kinematics more challenging in terms of its optimization. Several studies have been presented in the past on the kinematic analysis of pumping units. The first kinematic analysis method ͓1͔ focused on the analysis of polished rod position, velocity, and acceleration as a function of crank angle.
e-mail: jamesflea@
Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas Tech University,
214 8th and Canton Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-3111
A Computational Method for Planar Kinematic Analysis of Beam Pumping Units
tively, and their relation is given by
rip = ri + AiSiЈp = ri + ¯sip
ͫ ͬ cos − sin
Ai = sin cos i
p i
p i
p i
Contributed by the Petroleum Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received April 26, 2004; final manuscript received May 21, 2007. Review conducted by G. Robello Samuel.
p i
where ri is the vector containing the global components of a point on the body i, Ai is the transformation matrix defined by Eq. ͑2͒,
and ¯sip is the global x-y component of vector SiЈp. The elements of
A generalized computational method for planar kinematic analysis of pumping units is presented in this study. In this method, a local coordinate system is assigned to each body with respect to a fixed global coordinate system. The position of each point in a body is determined by specifying the global translational coordinates of the local coordinate system origin and its rotational angle relative to the global coordinate system. Constraint equations of motion are developed using the vector of coordinates of the connected bodies. These equations are solved to yield the position, velocity, and acceleration of the individual linkages at each instance of time. Both rotational and translational types of joints are considered in the analysis. The translational joint analysis is not discussed in this paper as they are not applicable for beam pumping units. This method can be used as an effective tool for pumping unit design and optimization. An example is provided to show the application of this method. ͓DOI: 10.1115/1.2790981͔
Ramkamal Bhagavatula
e-mail: ramkamal.bhagavatula@
Olu A. Fashesan
e-mail: olu.fasesan@
Lloyd R. Heinze
e-mail: lloyd.heinze@
James F. Lea
From a review of the kinematic analysis methods presented so far, it is observed that all the methods focused on the development of various analytical equations based on specific pumping unit geometry. Most equations have very rigorous and convoluted solutions based on their formulation procedure. In this paper, a new method of kinematic analysis is presented, which is a generalized method that can be used for kinematic analysis of any pumping unit. This method does not depend on specific unit geometry and can be used for analyzing any multibody closed loop mechanism. The kinematic parameters such as position, velocity, and acceleration at any point on linkage can be easily evaluated, which help in better understanding of linkage motion, and ultimately serve as a modern tool for pumping unit design optimization.
Cartesian Coordinate Method
In Fig. 1, body i of any arbitrary shape is defined in a plane and a local i-i coordinate system defined within it. The local coordinate system is referenced with respect to a fixed global x-y coordinate system ͓4͔. The local position of any point p on the
The polished rod position was represented by a complex mathematical equation and the velocity and acceleration were derived by differentiating the position equation. From the geometry of the pumping unit, another analytical solution ͓2͔ was developed that related the polished rod position as a function of crank angle. This was developed mainly to be used as input for the solution of the wave equation with the finite difference method. An analysis procedure was later presented that analyzed the pumping unit geometry based on synthesis of a four-bar linkage ͓3͔. By representing vectors with complex numbers, the polished rod position, velocity, and acceleration equations were derived. This method calculates the position, angular velocity, and angular accelerations of all the linkages of a pumping unit.