SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求
This guide describes how to prepare contributions for submission. We recommend you read this in full if you have not previously submitted a contribution to Nature. We also recommend that, before submission, you familiarize yourself with Nature‟s style and content by reading the journal, either in print or online, particularly if you have not submitted to the journal recently.Table of contents∙ 1. Formats for Nature contributions Nature文稿格式o 1.1 Articles文章o 1.2 Letters快报o 1.3 Brief Communications Arising and Corrections通信与校正o 1.4 Other types of submission其他∙ 2. The editorial process编辑处理过程∙ 3. Presubmission enquiries投稿前询问∙ 4. Readability易读性∙ 5. Format of Articles and Letters格式o 5.1 Titles标题o 5.2 Text正文o 5.3 Methods方法o 5.4 References引文o 5.5 End notes尾注o 5.6 Statistics统计资料o 5.7 Tables表格o 5.8 Figure legends插图说明o 5.9 Figures插图o 5.10 Production quality figures高质量插图o 5.11 Supplementary information附件信息o 5.12 Chemical structures and characterization ofchemical materials化学结构∙ 6. Submission提交∙7. Publishing in other Nature and NPG journals出版Parts of this document are summarized in a downloadable information sheet.1. Formats for Nature contributions:Nature文稿格式Nature's main formats for original research are Articles and Letters. In addition, Nature publishes other submitted material as detailed below (Section 1.4)."来信"(Letters to Nature)是对某一原始科研成果的初步介绍,其内容是其他领域的研究人员所感兴趣的。
一、对于论文图片的处理,我们经常用到的有graphpad、AI、PS、Image、Image pro plus等。
图源:网络二、我们在投稿之前要清楚这个杂志对图片的要求,要求中包括图片的大小、分辨度、图片注释中字体和字体大小等等,但是很少有一次成型的,我们在第一次投稿的时候,会将论文生成pdf形式上传,再将图片结果分别上传,图片的格式基本上就是 TIFF、EPS和JPG格式,最好是前两种 。
这里要注意的是,保存成TIFF格式的时候, 要以LZW形式压缩,并选择扔掉图层,不然的话,TIFF会很大,影响后续上传。
三、 字体要求Arial或Times , 英文论文中不能出现中文 ,且全篇要保证统一字体。
对于图片中字体的大小没有明确的规定,但是要保证同一类型的图片大小相同,一般字体最小是6号,最大是14号,在这个范围内的都可以 。
四、关于图片大小的调节,点击PS菜单栏上的 图像>图像大小 ,在文档大小处,调整图片的宽度,在约束比例处打勾,软件就会自动调整图片的高度了。
2.Materials and Methods比较好写,看看文献,应该有相同的内容可以参考,把这些内容找来进行一些修改就可以了。
Kazutoshi Takahashi et al., Cell, 2006
(4)对于同一篇论文中的多幅插图来说,应尽量使插图的各要 素相互统一,尤其是使用相同变量的标目、标值、图例等应 相互一致。 (5)照片图或设计图,需注明尺寸大小及长度单位。 (6)图中的缩略语、符号必须与正文中一致。 (7)论文的插图和附表不宜太多,只附最必要的。 (8)图幅的大小与图内所提供的信息量相匹配,不致于使图面 感到空旷或拥挤。
由若干个点组成,这些点对应于平面直角坐标系中的纵横轴 两个变量,表示某个事件的数值。通常用于比较跨类别的非 重复值。可从点的位置判断测量值的高低、大小、变动趋势 或变化范围。散点图加入曲线,可以看到趋势。如果所有的 点构成一个条形,则说明存在相关关系。例如,沿着斜线的 一组点意味着线性相关,如果所有点都落在一条斜线上,那 么其相关系数为1. 00。
为了在不同的场合正确输出图像,有时需要把图像从一种模 式转换成另一种模式。PS通过执行“IMAGE/MODE”子菜 单中的命令,来转换需要的颜色模式。
你需要注意几个方面的问题: (1)图、表还是文字哪个更有效? 如果与文字材料重复,那么 就没有必要使用图和表。如果能够补充说明文字材料或者能 够缩短讨论的长度,那么插图就是呈现信息的有效方式。 (2)哪种图、表最适合你的目的? 是否需要制作详细的、高分 辨率的插图? 能否用一幅简单的、仅用线条和点就能表示的 插图? 两者表达的信息是否一样? (3)图、表是否真实、有效、客观地展示了数据? (造假高发) (4)图、表是否展示了数据的本质和规律? (5)图、表是否表达了论文的主题或观点?
浅谈SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求
浅谈SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求
1、Figure Legends的写作应严格按照期刊要求,如有的期刊要求另页双行打印,位置在表格或参考文献后面,也就是在论文的最后。
Figure legends不要排在插图下面。
根据插图在正文中被提及的顺序,用阿拉伯数字进行排序,如Figure 1、Figure 2等,并尽量把图安排在靠近第一次提及它的位置。
3、Figure Legends不应该包含方法细节,或者不超过100个字。
如果SCI论文没有方法部分,Figure Legends应该少于300个字。
此外,在撰写Figure legends时一定要参考期刊的要求,有些期刊对图片数量有一定限制,因此在处理文档时,务必确认好哪些图片是必需放在文章内的,然后整理好Figure legends。
【分享】在国外期刊发表⽂章时⼀定⽤到的,SCI论⽂写法攻略(很详尽,研究⽣必看)SCI论⽂写法攻略第⼀部分 SCI论⽂全攻略之选题与创新⼀、先想先写最后做1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪⾥?2. 先把⽂章⼤框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓⼼中有沟壑!3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪⾥、⾃⼰研究与同类研究有何出⾊之处”之前,就不要动⼿做!4. 继续去看⽂献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做!5. 要想这样做,就得先看⽂献!要知道如何把⽂章架起来、要知道别⼈是如何讨论的、要知道⾃⼰的数据是不是说明了与别⼈不同的事情或别⼈没有做过……这个过程就是阅读⽂献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了!6. 要是先做事,做完发现别⼈做过,或⽆法⽤理论来解释,岂不是冤⼤头?⼆、如何科学选题1. 课题选择和国际接轨。
2. 课题要有可发展性。
中国科技⼤学范洪义另辟蹊径,发展了诺贝尔奖得主狄拉克(Dirac) 奠定的量⼦论的符号法,系统地建⽴了“有序算符内的积分理论”,1998年有24篇论⽂被SCI收录;他对⾃⼰论⽂⾼产的解释是,研究“具有开创性,突破⼀点以后就可以向纵深发展,使研究⼯作⾃成系列、成⾯成⽚”。
我院被SCI收录论⽂最多的杨新民⽼师从事凸性理论研究,该理论兴起于 20世纪70年代,90年代进⼊⾼峰。
英语医学科研论文的格式和要求1.格式根据医学杂志编辑国际委员会 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)制定的《生物医学杂志投稿统一要求》(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997)*, 一篇生物医学科研论文(以下简称“论文”)应包括以下12个部分:1.标题(Title) 2.摘要(Abstract) 3.引言(Introduction) 4.材料与方法(Materials and Methods ) 5.结果(Results) 6.讨论(Discussion) 7.致谢(Acknowledgements) 8.参考文献(References) 9.插图说明(Legends) 10.插图(Figures)11.表格(Tables) 12.照片和说明(Plates and Explanations)以上除7、9、10、11、12部分因实际情况不需要外,其他各部分是一篇论文必不可少的内容。
2.要求1)引言部分总的要求是:The purpose of an introduction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study (move from the general to the specific). The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.** 即:说明研究的总体范围和目的。
Figure Legends的写作技巧
在撰写Figure Legends时,应避免使用过多的形容词和副词,以免使读者产生困惑。同时,要避免在 Figure Legends中重复图表中的信息,只需提供必要的解释和说明。
Partபைடு நூலகம்
Figure Legends的写作规范
Figure Legends应使用 英文书写,避免使用中文。
确保语法正确,无拼写错 误,使用正式、客观的语 言。
使用专业术语,避免使用 非学术性语言。
Figure Legends应包括图中所描述的实验 或观察的简要说明,包括实验材料、方法、 结果和结论。此外,还应提供图中的标尺和 单位,以及任何特殊符号或缩略词的解释。
避免在Figure Legends中提供过多的细节或冗长的描述。
Figure Legends应简洁明了,只提供必要的信息。避免重 复图中的信息,而是提供附加的解释和背景信息。同时, 使用专业术语和简练的语言,以提高清晰度和可读性。
sci论文中 figurelegends的写 作要求
• Figure Legends的基本信息 • Figure Legends的写作规范 • Figure Legends的写作技巧 • Figure Legends的常见问题及解决方法 • 实例分析
Preparing the ManuscriptPain Management Nursing subscribes in general to the Publication Manual of theAmerican Psychological Association, 6th Edition (2010, Washington, DC: AmericanPsychological Association).• Manuscripts must be neatly typed, double spaced, with 12 cpi in Times New Roman font, on 8 1/2" × 11" format with margins at least 1" all around.• Use APA level headings and subheadings to separate major sections and ideas within the paper.• Submit one original electronic manuscript, including a title page, abstract, text, tables, references, and illustrations to /pmn. Be sure there is anabbreviated title of no more than 52 characters as a running head on each page of the manuscript.General InformationSubmission format - Submission to this journal proceeds totally online. The following guidelines have been created to assist in the preparation of the manuscript. Submissions will automatically be converted to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is used in the peer-review process. Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission these source files are needed for further processing after a decision has been reached regarding acceptance.Communications - All correspondence regarding the Editor's decision and requests for revision take place via email and via the Author's homepage, removing the need for a hard-copy paper trail. Authors are encouraged to print out the submission guidelines for reference during subsequent stages of article preparation.Submission mandates - Only previously unpublished work should be submitted; material that has been presented in part in abstract form elsewhere should be acknowledged in a note. All individuals who are listed as authors of a manuscript must have participated significantly in the conception and design of the work and the analysis of the data (ifapplicable) as well as in the writing of the manuscript. At least one author must be aregistered nurse. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Editor based on the significance and relevance of the work to the discipline of nursing. All authors must also believe the manuscript represents valid work and must have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approved it for publication. The authors must report any potential conflicts of interest regarding this publication. See information under Journal Format.Materials submitted to the journal must not be under consideration for publicationelsewhere. Manuscripts should be in English and conform to the journal format.Foreign authors - Prior to submission, foreign authors are encouraged to have their final version proofread by a native English-speaking health professional for proper grammar and syntax. Elsevier provides a fee-based service to assist with language editing andcopyediting at /languageediting or by accessing the customer support site at for more information.Reference software - Please refrain from using end notes as references or automatic list numbering because these features are lost in conversion. Formatting, such as Greek letters, italics, super-and subscripts, may be used: the coding scheme for such elements must be consistent throughout. With the exception of review articles, manuscripts should be no more than 20 pages in length.Ethics - Research article authors must include a statement within their work that assures informed consent was obtained from human subjects and the study has received ethical approval according to the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans(/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html). For information on ethics in publishing and ethical guidelines for publication please access the following links: /publishingethics and /ethicalguidelines.Revision timeline - Articles whose authors are invited to make revisions and resubmit their work will have a three (3) month window in which to make revisions unless otherwise noted by the Editor. Should the author not submit revisions within the 3 month window, the journal will conclude that the author is not interested in pursuing publication in the journal and will remove their work from the journal's data base.Contributors and Acknowledgements - All authors listed on the manuscript should have made substantial contributions to one or more of the following: (1) the conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of the data, (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual and disciplinary content, (3) final approval of the version to be submitted. The order of author listings should reflect the extent to which the author contributed to the manuscript.All individuals who provide help during the research (e.g. providing language help, writing assistance or proofreading the article, etc.) that do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the paper. Acknowledgements are noted on a separate page at the end of the manuscript, following Conclusions and before the reference pages.Manuscript typesThe journal currently focuses on publishing works that fall into the following categories:Research papersPapers reporting original research are welcomed. The journal editors recommend authors adhere to recognized reporting guidelines relevant to research design used in their manuscript. For quasi-experimental/non-randomized evaluations and, randomized (and quasi-randomized) evaluations the journal advocates the use of TREND (Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomized Designs or CONSORT (ConsolidatedStandards of Reporting Trials) guidelines each of which may be accessed at/index.aspx?o=1032. Qualitative study authors may wish to refer to the guidelines known as COREQ (Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research) by Tong, et al. found in International Journal for Quality in Health Care (2007), 19(6), 349-357 accessible through the following link:/10.1093/intghc/mzm042.Review articlesIn depth literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and meta- syntheses are also welcomed. For guidance regarding manuscript content authors should refer to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines that may be accessed at /index.aspx?o=1032. Authors presenting meta-syntheses are again encouraged to access the COREQ guidelines noted above. Authors are expected to include a statement early in their work about the type of review they are presenting in the submitted manuscript.Open accessThis journal offers you the option of making your article freely available to all via the ScienceDirect platform. To prevent any conflict of interest, you can only make this choice after receiving notification that your article has been accepted for publication. The fee of $3,000 excludes taxes and other potential author fees such as color charges. In some cases, institutions and funding bodies have entered into agreement with Elsevier to meet these fees on behalf of their authors. Details of these agreements are available at/fundingbodies. Authors of accepted articles, who wish to take advantage of this option, should complete and submit the order form (available at/locate/openaccessform.pdf). Whatever access option you choose, you retain many rights as an author, including the right to post a revised personal version of your article on your own website. More information can be found here:/authorsrights.Other manuscript typesOther types of manuscripts such as concept analyses and those addressing contemporary pain management issues may be accepted for review based on the Editor's decision as to the significance and relevance of the work to nursing and to pain management.Manuscripts that do not comply with journal requirements may be returned without review at the discretion of the Editor. All manuscripts, including review articles, will be subject to peer review. Please note that the publication process moves slowly, leading to a cache of articles awaiting publication. While the journal takes every effort to expedite publication, there are unavoidable constraints on how many articles may be published in each issue. Authors should expect to wait approximately 3 months to receive word about the outcome of the review of their work. Letters to the Editor will also be published at the discretion of the Editor as space permits and may be subject to editing. Accepted manuscripts will become the property of the journal (except those protected by U.S. Government law), and excerpts or parts of their contents may not be published elsewhere without writtenpermission.Journal FormatManuscripts should be submitted in the following order: title page, abstract/key words, text, acknowledgments, references, figures, figure legends, and tables. If a disclaimer is required, it should be written on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. All pages should be numbered sequentially in the upper right hand corner of the manuscript. A cover letter should accompany all submitted manuscripts. The manuscript, including references, tables, and legends, should be typed on one side of the page only and double-spaced with at least 1" (2.5 cm) margins throughout. Each numbered page should contain a running head according to APA guidelines. In addition, to facilitate editorial review and commentary each line of text within the manuscript should be numbered beginning with line 1 on each new page.Permissions - Permission to quote and reproduce material previously published must be obtained from the copyright holder, and a copy of the letter granting such permission must accompany the manuscript. Authors are expected to disclose any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted manuscript. All manuscripts accepted for publication must be accompanied by a final version in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word. All components of the manuscript must appear electronically.Submission items include:• a cover letter (save as a separate file for uploading)• the manuscript (including title page, abstract, main text, references, tables, and figures (and table/figure legends).• Files should be labeled with appropriate and descriptive file names (SmithText.doc,Fig1.eps, Table3.doc).Upload text, tables and figures as separate files. You can compress multiple figure files into a ZIP file and upload in one step. The system will then unpack the files and you will be prompted to name each figure. Artwork also known as figures consists of camera ready photographs, line drawing such as graphs or illustrations, and combination art (combining line and photographic images). Authors must submit as a CMYK(4 color EPS or TIFF file is preferred over PDF format for the following reasons: EPS (encapsulated post-script) is a vector based file and not suitable for photos or combination art. Files submitted must be at 1000 dpi or higher. TIFF files (text to file format) work best for photographs. Files submitted in this format must be 300 dpi or higher. TIFF files are not compressed and cannot be expanded. Usually the image becomes grainy or jagged when enlarged. PDF files cannot be edited and should be submitted at 300 dpi or higher-these do not reproduce as well as an EPS or TIFF file and are therefore not encouraged. All images should be at least 5 inches wide.Complete instructions for electronic artwork submission can be found on the authorGateway, accessible through the journal home page.Software such as Photoshop® and Illustrator® may be used in the creation of art. Gray scale images should be at least 300 dpi. Black and white line art needs to be at least 500 dpi. Combinations of gray scale and line art should be at least 1000 dpi. Please include hardware and software information, in addition to the file names with the disk.Cover LetterA one-page cover letter must accompany all submitted manuscripts. In addition to the request for publication, the cover letter should address the reason the author seeks publication in this particular journal. The cover letter should also provide the name, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the corresponding author.Title PageThe title page of the manuscript must include the full name(s), highest academic title(s), affiliations/credentials, address, telephone, email address and disclosure statements for each author. Please refer to APA guidelines for proper title page formatting. Authors are required to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in the study (see /funding). All funding sources supporting the work submitted should be properly acknowledged on the title page of the manuscript.Presentation of ManuscriptsAbbreviations - Avoid using abbreviations unless they are likely to be common or well recognized within the discipline. Any abbreviations that the authors intend to use should be written out in full followed by the letters of the abbreviation in brackets the first time they appear. Thereafter, only the letters without brackets should be used.Statistics - Standard methods of presenting statistical material should be used. A statement identifying the statistical package used should be included. Where methods are not widely recognized explanation and a full reference to widely accessible sources must be given. Wherever possible, exact p values should be given to no more than three decimal places. Wherever possible, give both point estimates and confidence intervals for all population parameters estimated by the study (e.g. group differences, frequency of characteristics).Key words - Include a maximum of 6 key words for indexing purposes. The purpose of key words is to increase the accessibility of your paper to potential readers searching the literature. Refer to a recognized thesaurus of keywords whenever possible, such as Medical Subject Headings (MESH) thesaurus or Cumulative Index of Nursing and AlliedHealth (CINAHL) headings (see /mesh/meshhome.html). Key words are placed a few lines below the abstract on the same page. See APA for an example.Abstract - The abstract should appear on a separate page and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should not include references of abbreviations. Abstracts for research papers should be structured to include Background; Aims; Design; Settings; Participants/Subjects; Methods; Results and Conclusions. Abstracts for reviews should provide a summary under the following headings, where possible: Objectives; Design; Data sources; Review/Analysis methods; Results and Conclusions. Abstracts are not allowed for Editorials or papers about contemporary issues.Level Headings -The content of your paper should determine the level headings used. For quantitative research papers the level headings should include the usual layout such as Background (including problem, purpose and significance); Literature Review; Methods (including research question, design, & procedures); Data/Results; Discussion; Implications for nursing education, practice and research; and Conclusions. Be sure to refer to the APA manual for the proper placement of level headings within the manuscript (see APA, 6th ed., p. 62). For reviews, the level headings should include, insofar as possible: Objectives, Design; Data sources; Review methods; Results; Implications for nursing; and Conclusions.TablesAll tables must be numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text. Each table should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper and should be accompanied by a clear, specific title and legends (as appropriate). See APA for guidelines regarding table formatting.Figures and Figure LegendsAll figures must be numbered sequentially in the text and accompanied by figure legends typed on a separate page. Legends should be brief and specific. All illustrations should be submitted electronically. Figures should preferably be submitted electronically in EPS or TIF format. Graphics software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, not presentation software such as PowerPoint, CorelDraw, or Harvard Graphics, should be used to create the art. Color images must be CMYK, at least 300 dpi. Gray scale images should be a least 300 dpi. Combinations of gray scale and line art should be at least 1200 dpi. Line art (black and white or color) should be at least 1200 dpi. Please see the Elsevier's author artwork and multimedia instructions at /artwork for more information.Disclosure of Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of InterestAuthors are required to provide full disclosure on potential conflicts of interest. This includes financial or personal relationships, interests and affiliations relevant to the subject matter of the manuscript that have occurred over the past two years, or that are expected in the foreseeable future. This disclosure may include, but not be limited to, grants or funding, employment, affiliations, honoraria, consultancies, royalties, stockoptions/ownership, or expert testimony. Such information may be held as confidential during the review process. If the article is accepted for publication, a disclosure statement will appear with the article.The disclosure statement should be included for each author on the title page. If an author has no conflicts of interest to declare, this must be stated. Authors should contact the Editorial Office with questions or concerns, but should err on the side of inclusion when in doubt. The following is sample text:"Jane Smith reports having received lecture fees from XYZ Laboratories. SusanBrown disclosed consulting fees from 123 Inc. Elizabeth Wall reports no financial interests or potential conflicts of interest."ReferencesIn-text citations:References are cited in the text as follows; et al. may be used as noted in the APA. Please be aware that the number of authors for a reference matters when including in-text citations. The APA manual is very helpful.Manual: Source citation(Fuller, 2005)Direct quote(Beck & Higgins, 2005, p.17)Use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)The digital object identifier (DOI) is used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string that is assigned to a document by the publisher upon initial electronic publication. The assigned DOI never changes. Therefore, it is an ideal medium for citing a document, particularly 'Articles in Press' because they have not yet received their full bibliographic information. Use of the web site may be helpful in locating Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) for journal articles or seek help from a librarian.When a DOI is unavailable refer to the APA manual for assistance in documenting retrieval information (APA (6th ed. Pp. 188-192).Reference listThe reference list should be double-spaced and in alphabetical order, according to APA format (6th edition), as follows. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of references. Authors should also include retrieval information for all journal articles contained on the reference pages. Sample reference page listings with sample DOI's follow:Journal article, one author:McDonald, M. (2003). Seeing the cage: Stigma and its potential to inform the concept of the difficult patient. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 17(6), 305-310. doi:10.1079/00002800-200311000-00012Journal article, two authors:Mitra, S., & Sinatra, R.S. (2004). Perioperative management of acute pain in theopioid-dependent patient. Anesthesiology, 101, 212-227. doi:10.1097/00000542-200407000-00032Journal article, three to five authors:Dracup, K., Cronenwett, L., Meleis,A.L., & Benner, P.E. (2005). Reflections on the doctorate of nursing practice. Nursing Outlook, 53, 177-182. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2005.06.003Journal article, six or more authors (article with no doi):Quinn, E.M., Berding, C., Daniels, E., Gerlach, M.J., Harris, K., Nugent, K., Green, C., Clarke, G. (2004). Shifting paradigms: teaching gerontological nursing from a new perspective. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 30(1), 21-27. Retrieved fromIn text, use the following parenthetical citation each time (including the first) the work is cited: (Leavitt et al., 2005)Journal article in press:Rieger, P.T., Pentz, R.D. (in press). Genetic testing and informed consent. Seminars in Oncology Nursing.Chapter of book:Shortell, S.M., Rundall, T.G. (2003). Physician-organization relationship: social networks and strategic intent. In S.S.Mick & M.E.Wyttenbach (Eds.), Advances in health care organization theory (pp. 171-173). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Book:ACSM. (2000). Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.Proofs and ReprintsThe corresponding authors will be provided with page proofs to check the accuracy of typesetting. Proofs must be checked carefully and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Important changes in data will be accepted, but authors will be charged for excessive alterations in proofs. A reprint order form will be sent to the corresponding author. Reprints will be shipped six to eight weeks after publication of the issue in which the article appears.Checklist for Submitting ManuscriptsIncomplete submissions will be returned to the author. 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英文医学论文撰写的基本要 求及常见问题
作者名单 Authors’ name
作者单位 Author affiliation
Absቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱract
关键词 Key words
材料与方法 Materials and Methods
国外期刊对文题书写格式要求与国内期 刊的不同。
Perioperative Chemotherapy versus Surgery Alone for Resectable Gastroesophageal Cancer
(N Engl J Med, 2006, 355:11-20)
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders is higher in urban than in rural areas
Clinical study of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion
Symptoms and signes of purulent meningitis suggestive of subdural
利益冲突 Conflicts of interest
参考文献 References
统计图在绘制过程中对其结构组成[包括标题(Legend)、轴标(Axis Label)、数轴(Axis)、图例(Symbol and Key to Symbols)、误差棒(error bar)]、和正文引述(Describe)有一定的要求,以下就这几部分进行阐述,同时列举四种常用统计图[直条图(Bar Graph),频率直方图(Frequency Histogram),XY散点图(X,Y Scatterplot),XY线图(X,Y Line Graph)]的用法,希望对大家有所帮助。
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Title page 的式样如下:的式样如下:的式样如下: Peroxisome Proliferation-Activated Receptor-g Ligands Ameliorate Experimental Autoimmune MyocarditisZuyi Yuan, MD, PhD; Yan Liu, MD; Yu Liu, MD; Jijun Zhang, MD; Chiharu Kishimoto, MD, PhD*; Yanni Wang, MD; Aiqun Ma, MD, PhD; Zhiquan Liu, MD.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, First Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710061, China; *Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, KyotoUniversity, Kyoto 606-8501, JapanFirst author's surname: YuanRunning head: PPARg ligands ameliorate myocarditisSupported by Natural Science Foundation of China (30170371)Address correspondence tZuyi Yuan, MD, PhDDepartment of Cardiovascular Medicine, First Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University,No.1 Jiankang Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710061, ChinaTel: +86-29-532-4021 Fax: +86-29-5263190E-mail: ******************三、向国外生物医学期刊投稿需注意(一)期刊选择:(一)期刊选择:英文生物医学期刊种类繁多,选择一本恰当的期刊并非一件易事,然而这是论文得以发表的一个重要环节。
SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求
Some key issues to deal with!
• Multinationals
– Ownership ? – Current scene – Empowering employees – Developing channel partners (WEIGHTING) – Investing in skills development (WEIGHTING)
• Customers
– Consistency between public and private – Balancing business needs, yet drive internal and external transformation – Is Telkom black owned – Is arrivia black owned – Role of SITA – Accountability of SOE’s
Some key issues to deal with!
• Targets
– % of black ownership
• • • • • Beauty parades Investment versus operational Joint ventures FRONTING ! Funding
– % of black management
• Or is BEE for SMME’s only
– Blackness in cutting edge, leading edge technologies, products and services
• Cabling versus Strategic engagements 10
Table of Contents:I.General Editorial, Ethical and Legal Issues一般编辑、伦理、法律问题A.AuthorshipB.Group Authorship团体作者C.Group Collaborators合作者D.Copyright 版权E.Duplicate, Prior or Divided Publications重复的、优先的、分开的出版物F.Scientific Misconduct科学不端行为G.Human Studies: IRB Approval and Consent人体研究H.Animal Studies: Animal Care Approval动物研究:动物伦理批准I.Conflicts of Interest利益冲突pliance with NIH and Other Research Funding AgencyAccessibility Requirements符合美国国立卫生研究院和其他研究资助机构的可达性要求K.Study Design Issues实验设计1.PreClinical Trials2.Surveys调查3.Observational Studies观察性研究4.Clinical Trials临床试验II.Types of Papers论文类型A.Original Investigations原始调查B.Clinical Concepts and Commentary (CCC) Articles临床概念和评论文章C.Review Articles review文章D.Special Articles特殊文章E.Correspondence对应F.Mind to MindG.Clinical Practice Guidelines 临床指南H.Images in Anesthesiology (IiA) 图像I.Other Items其他项目III.Manuscript PreparationA.General Arrangement Information on electronic documents电子文件一般资料整理B.Title Page标题页C.Abstract (when required) 摘要D.Body Text正文E.References参考文献F.Tables表G.Appendices附录H.Figure Legends图I.Figures图1.Color Images彩图2.Preparation of Electronic Figures3.Journal Cover Figures杂志封面彩图J.Manuscripts "In Press"K.Supplemental Digital Content补充数字内容L.Additional Information附加信息1.Units of Measurement测量单位2.Abbreviations缩写3.Drug Names and Equipment药品名称和设备4.Data Reporting and Statistics数据报告和统计5.Patient Identification患者识别M.Permissions权限nguage Editing Services语言编辑服务IV.Submission of Electronic Documents提交电子文件A.File Formats, Text文件格式,B.File Formats, Fonts文本文件格式,字体C.File Formats, Graphics and Images图像和图形D.File Sizes文件大小I.General Editorial, Legal and Ethical IssuesA.AuthorshipEach manuscript must have one "Corresponding Author." Anesthesiology follows the ICMJERecommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work inMedical Journals to define the criteria required for authorship. All authors must have participated in the design, execution, and/or analysis of the work presented, and attest to the accuracy andvalidity of the contents. All persons or organizations involved in the work must be listed asauthors or acknowledged. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they have beenwritten by the authors; ghostwritten papers are unacceptable. See Cullen D: Ghostwriting inscientific anesthesia journals. Anesthesiology 1997; 87: 195-6..每个手稿都必须有相应的作者。
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(4)作者单位(author affiliation)。
(5)通讯作者及其单位、邮箱、电话、传真等(corresponding author)。
摘要最常见的为一段式或结构式两种,结构式摘要(structured abstract)一般从以下四个方面入手:(1)背景或目的(background/obxxxxjective);(2)方法(methods);(3)结果(results);(4)结论(conclusions)。
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SCI稿件的撰写格式同一般文学写作不同, 科学杂志的论文有一定的格式, 尽管不同杂志一般又有自己的特殊要求, 但基本格式是一致的。
稿件的文字要清楚, 行与行之间要留有手写修改文字的空间。
稿件的文字一般用12号字, 行与行之间用double space、Figure 和Table 都是附在稿件的后面, 同文字分开,而不是安插在文字中间。
科技杂志论文稿件一般要有以下几个部分,按先后顺序为:Title page、Abstract、Key words、Introduction、Materials and Methods or Experimental Section、Results、Discussion、Conclusion、Acknowledgments、and References写作时, 一般先写主体部分, 也就是Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusion, References 部分,Title、Abstract、Keywords 等一般最后再写,Results 中的Figure captions, Figure 和Table 一般要单独附在稿件的后面。
为满足不同杂志的特殊要求, 读者应先阅读投稿说明(Guide to Authors) 并参阅杂志上已发表的论文。
在杂志网址上或每卷杂志的第一期上可以找到Guide to Authors。
Cover Letter投稿时需附cover letter 。
一个简单的Cover letter 一般可以这么写:Dear Editor:We would like to submit a manuscript entitled:” Rat Plasma Stability Study of Insulin by LC-MS” by Laiwen Liu et al for publication in the Journal of Mass Spectrometry.简要的描述一下论文的结论,重要性和新颖性.Sincerely,Abstract and Key wordsAbstract 就是一个压缩的论文,对课题背景,要研究的问题,实验设计和方法,结果和讨论做简要的叙述。
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dti policy document is platform
• Charters
• Definitions • Targets
• Timelines
Some key issues to deal with!
Some key issues to deal with!
• Targets
– – – – – % of black ownership % of black control % of black management % black skills base ? Black owned large enterprises
Some key issues to deal with!
• Multinationals
– Ownership ? – Current scene – Empowering employees – Developing channel partners (WEIGHTING) – Investing in skills development (WEIGHTING)
• List all multinationals – 4 black CEO’s • List all listed company - ? Black CEO • List all SOE - ? Black CEO 11
Some key issues to deal with!
• Definitions
– Sector ( what is – Segmentation I C T)
• H/w, software, SI, Manufacturer, • high value versus “holes and poles”
– Enterprise (Listed, Private, Multinational, SOE) – SMME – Black enterprise – PDI’s, HDI’s, HDG’s PAI’s, HAI’s – White women = ? PDI’s – Black empowered enterprise Achieve clarity, standard, consistency
dti policy document is platform
• Objectives of BEE
– A substantial increase in the number of black people who have ownership and control of existing and new enterprises. – Above in priority sectors of the economy – A significant increase in the number of new black enterprises, black-empowered enterprises and black-engendered enterprises – A significant increase in the number of black people in the executive and senior management of enterprises
• Or is BEE for SMME’s only
– Blackness in cutting edge, leading edge technologies, products and services
• Cabling versus Strategic engagements 10
Background – Why a Charter?
• Pale male complexion of IT must change' THE uncompromisingly white male profile of information technology companies has been blasted by Andile Ngcaba, the director-general of the communications department, with a stern message that the industry must be overhauled, writes Lesley Stones... Sep 13 2002 12:00:00:000AM Business Day 1st Edition
• Targets
% of black management Management ? CEO CFO COO Sales Director ?? HR Executive ?? BEE Execute key issues to deal with!
– Despite the implementation of transformative policies and sound fiscal management by Government, South Africa’s economic growth performance remains disappointing. Continued high levels of unemployment and poverty undermine the stability of our new democracy. The country still has one of the most unequal distributions of income in the world. This is a reflection of the extremely low levels of black participation in the economy.
Background – Why a Charter?
• BEEcom Report Feb 2001
– The country cannot therefore sustain high levels of economic growth in the absence of deliberate measures by the State to facilitate the meaningful participation of black people in the economy. The state has an integral role to play, in the policy and regulatory environment and in the provision of services itself.
Hasmukh Gajjar Member: ICT Charter Working Group 16th September 2003
Background – Why a Charter?
• BEEcom Report Feb 2001
• Customers
– Consistency between public and private – Balancing business needs, yet drive internal and external transformation – Is Telkom black owned – Is arrivia black owned – Role of SITA – Accountability of SOE’s
Background – Why a Charter?
• The socio-economic landscape has structural deficiencies consequent to a policy of artificial engineering based on race • Accelerated economic growth can be achieved through re-engineering legacy • The ICT Charter is our Business Plan
Some key issues to deal with!
• Targets
– % of black ownership
• • • • • Beauty parades Investment versus operational Joint ventures FRONTING ! Funding
– % of black management
Some key issues to deal with!
• Stakeholders
– Consulting – Multinationals – Distribution – Enterprise Resellers – Resellers – Customers / Consumers
Background – Why a Charter?
• Government softens its approach to IT industry reforms
Plans to impose black empowerment criteria on the high-tech sector appear to have been withdrawn, with the communications department saying it trusts industry leaders to introduce their own reforms. The retreat has been welcomed by industry leaders, who feared that strict targets similar to those in the mining charter would be imposed although doubts linger about how quickly reform will happen if government does not force the direction and pace of change. Feb 27 2003 06:50:28:000AM Lesley Stones Business Day 1st Edition