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1. The Hastings center report
2. Ethics
3. Philosophy of science
4. The British journal for the philosophy of science
5. Political theory
6. Journal of moral education
7. Philosophical psychology
8. Philosophy of the social sciences
9. Philosophy: the journal of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies
10. The Monist
11. The British journal of aesthetics
12. The Journal of philosophy
13. Philosophy and literature
14. South African journal of philosophy
15. Philosophy east and west
16. Social theory and practice
17. International journal of philosophical studies
18. Asian philosophy
19. The Humanist
20. Journal of Chinese philosophy
21. Journal of the history of philosophy
1. The American journal of sociology
2. American sociological review
3. American journal of public health
4. Social forces
5. Journal of marriage and the family
6. Journal of social history
7. Sociological quarterly
8. Journal of personality and social psychology
9. Ethnic and racial studies
10. Journal of experimental social psychology
11. Industrial & labor relations review
12. Journal for the scientific study of religion
13. Family planning perspectives
14. The British journal of sociology
15. Addiction
16. Social problems
17. Gender & society
18. Population and development review
19. The Sociological review
20. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society
21. Journal of communication
22. International journal of urban and regional research
23. Law & society review
24. The International migration review: IMR
25. Europe-Asia studies
26. The American behavioral scientist
27. The British journal of criminology
28. Population studies
29. Journal of the American Planning Association
30. Ethics
31. Social science quarterly
32. Work and occupations
33. Journal of cross-cultural psychology
34. British journal of sociology of education
35. Family relations
36. Symbolic interaction
37. Acta sociologica
38. Comparative studies in society and history
39. Sociological perspectives
40. Journal of family issues
41. The Journal of social psychology
42. Society
43. Journal of contemporary ethnography
44. Science & society
45. Research on aging
46. International social science journal
47. Urban studies
48. Social work research
49. Journal of social work education
50. Modern China
51. Social science research
52. Social science history
1. The American political science review
2. Public administration review
3. Academy of management journal
4. Administrative science quarterly
5. International security
6. The Academy of management review
7. New republic
8. International organization
9. World politics
10. Foreign affairs
11. American journal of political science
12. Nation
13. Political theory
14. The Journal of conflict resolution
15. The Journal of politics
16. International studies quarterly
17. Comparative political studies
18. Political geography
19. Political studies
20. Journal of Common Market studies
21. Foreign policy
22. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
23. Asian survey
24. The China quarterly
25. The Washington quarterly
26. Ethics
27. Europe-Asia studies
28. Politics & society
29. Political science quarterly
30. Ethnic and racial studies
31. Political communication
32. Feminist studies
33. Parliamentary affairs
34. Policy review
35. The Journal of Asian Studies
36. Third world quarterly
37. PS, political science & politics
38. Latin American perspectives
39. Communist and post-communist studies
40. Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs
41. Modern China
42. World policy journal
43. Orbis
44. Le Nouvel observateur
45. Telos
46. Policy sciences
1. Michigan law review
2. University of Pennsylvania law review
3. The Journal of taxation
4. American journal of law & medicine
5. Journal of criminal law and criminology
6. Law & society review
8. The Journal of research in crime and delinquency
9. Harvard journal of law & public policy
10. The British journal of criminology
11. Ecology law quarterly
12. Criminal justice and behavior
13. The Washington quarterly
14. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics
15. Issues in law & medicine
16. Ocean development and international law
17. American business law journal
1. The American economic review
2. The Economist
3. Econometrica
4. The Quarterly journal of economics
5. Journal of economic literature
6. The Journal of finance
7. Harvard business review
8. The Academy of management review
9. Journal of financial economics
10. Journal of marketing
11. The Economic journal
12. The Journal of economic perspectives
13. JMR, journal of marketing research
14. The Review of economics and statistics
15. Health care financing review
16. Brookings papers on economic activity
17. Journal of monetary economics
18. Sloan management review
19. Industrial & labor relations review
20. The Journal of human resources
21. Journal of business & economic statistics
22. American journal of agricultural economics
23. Journal of environmental economics and management
24. Fortune
25. The World bank economic review
26. Journal of international economics
27. International economic review
28. Economic geography
29. Journal of applied econometrics
30. Journal of international business studies
31. BusinessWeek
32. Forbes
34. Economica
35. Land economics
36. Economic inquiry
37. Business insurance
38. Oxford economic papers
39. National tax journal
40. Journal of advertsing research
41. Cambridge journal of economics
42. Journal of public policy & marketing
43. Journal of international money and finance
44. Journal of economic dynamics & control
45. Applied economics
46. Journal of retailing
47. Journal of comparative economics
48. British journal of industrial relations
49. Journal of regional science
50. The World economy (
51. Journal of economic issues
52. The Journal of risk and insurance
53. The Journal of taxation
54. Futures
55. Euromoney
56. Journal of portfolio management
57. Journal of world trade
58. The Journal of economic education
59. Auditing
60. Journal of world business
61. International journal of service industry management
62. The Banker
63. Challenge
64. Survey of current business
65. Federal Reserve bulletin
66. IMF staff papers
67. Creative review
68. OECD economic outlook
1. Review of educational research
2. Child development
3. Journal of educational psychology
4. Reading research quarterly
5. Phi Delta Kappan
6. Journal of research in science teaching
7. Educational leadership (lib1.)
8. Journal of learning disabilities
9. Science education
10. Educational psychology
11. Harvard educational review
12. The Journal of special education
13. The Journal of higher education
14. The Chronicle of higher education
15. Remedial and special education
16. Teaching and teacher education
17. American journal of education
18. Topics in early childhood special education
19. Journal of educational measurement
20. Teachers college record
21. The Elementary school journal
22. British journal of sociology of education
23. The Journal of educational research
24. Educational technology research and development: ETR & D
25. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy
26. Contemporary educational psychology
27. British journal of educational studies (edu.
28. Oxford review of education
29. Research in higher education
30. Comparative education review
31. The British journal of educational psychology
32. Journal of moral education
33. Journal of teacher education
34. Journal of curriculum studies
35. Educational administration quarterly
36. Roeper review
37. Studies in higher education
38. Comparative education
39. Educational review
40. Urban education
41. Educational research
42. The Journal of experimental education
43. Adults learning
44. Educational studies
45. Theory into practice
46. The Educational forum
47. Change
48. Adult education quarterly
49. History of education quarterly
50. International journal of lifelong education
51. Techniques
52. European journal of education
53. Journal of education for teaching
54. European journal of teacher education
55. History of education
56. Childhood education
57. The Presidency
58. Adult learning
59. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik
60. Paedagogische rundschau
61. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft 图书馆学情报学核心期刊
1. College & research libraries
2. Online
3. Journal of academic librarianship
4. Database
5. Library journal
6. Information today
7. Library trends
8. Journal of information technology
9. Computer networks and ISDN systems
10. Government information quarterly
11. Byte
12. American libraries
13. E Media professional
14. Libri
15. Information technology and libraries
16. School library journal
17. Computers in libraries
1. Language
2. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research
3. TESOL quarterly
4. Linguistic inquiry
5. The Modern language journal
6. Reading research quarterly
7. Journal of linguistics
8. Journal of language and social psychology
9. Human communication research
10. Language learning
11. ELT journal
12. Pragmatics & cognition
13. Language learning journal
14. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy
15. Style
16. Вопросыяэыкоэнания
17. Written communication
18. Language testing
19. Reading in a foreign language
20. IRAL, International review of applied linguistics in language teaching
21. Zielsprache Deutsch
1. American literature
2. The Antioch review
3. Chicago review
4. College literature
5. Comparative literature
6. Contemporary literature
7. Essays in criticism
8. Europe
9. The Explicator
10. The Kenyon review
11. Medium aevum
12. Nineteeth-century literature
13. The North American review
14. Papers on language and literature
15. Review of contemporary fiction
16. The Sewanee review
17. Studies in American fiction
18. Studies in English literature, 1500-1900
19. Studies in short fiction
20. Studies in the novel
21. Twentieth Century literature
22. The Virginia quarterly review
23. World literature today
24. Comparative literature studies
1. African arts
2. The Art bulletin
3. Art history
4. Art journal
1. The American historical review
2. Comparative studies in society and history
3. Latin American research review
4. Journal of social history
5. Journal of African history
6. The Journal of modern history
7. The Journal of interdisciplinary history
8. Isis
9. Social science history
10. The Journal of Asian studies
11. History of science
12. Historia mathematica 13. Journal of family history
14. Labor history
15. Annals of science
16. Art history
17. History and theory
18. Journal of urban history
19. Modern China
20. Annales historiques de la revolution Francaise
21. Annales
22. Diplomatic history
23. Australian historical studies
24. History of education quarterly
25. East European quarterly
26. History today
27. Journal of contemporary history
28. Church history
29. Pacific historical review
30. The Catholic historical review
31. American quarterly
32. American heritage
33. World archaeology
34. The Journal of American history
1. Urban studies
2. American journal of agricultural economics
3. Regional studies
4. Journal of the American Planning Association
5. Annals of the Association of American Geographers
6. Progress in human geography
7. Population and development review
8. Economic geography
9. International journal of urban and regional research
10. Geographische Rundschau
11. Political geography
12. The International migration review
13. Journal of environmental economics and management
14. Land economics
15. The Professional geographer
16. Europe-Asia studies
17. The Geographical journal
18. Journal of regional science
19. Urban geography
20. Geography
21. Urban affairs review
22. Journal of environmental management
23. Ethnic and racial studies
24. Society & natural resources
25. Environmental management
26. Journal of environmental planning and management
27. Journal of geography in higher education
28. Growth and change
29. The Journal of geography
30. European planning studies
31. Applied geography
32. The Annals of regional science
33. Geoforum
34. Natural resources forum
35. L'Espace geographique
36. Journal of water resources planning and management
37. Environment
38. Geographical review
39. The Canadian geographer. Geographe canadien。
