美国文学 诗人及作家主题与写作风格分析以及文学术语

一、马克·吐温(Mark Twain)马克·吐温是美国文学史上最著名的作家之一,他以幽默和讽刺的风格闻名于世。
二、欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)海明威是20世纪美国文学的巨匠,他以简洁明快的写作风格和对战争、人性的深刻洞察而闻名。
三、威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)福克纳是美国南方文学的代表人物,他的作品充满了对美国南方历史和文化的深度思考。
四、弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)菲茨杰拉德是美国爵士时代文学的代表人物,他的作品描绘了上层社会的繁华与堕落。
五、托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)莫里森是美国当代文学的重要代表,她以其对种族、性别和历史的关注而获得了广泛的赞誉。
六、约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)斯坦贝克是美国现实主义文学的代表人物,他的作品关注农民和工人阶级的生活困境。

例证,狄更斯《美国杂记》中关于蓄奴制罪恶的揭 露——美国报刊上追捕逃亡黑奴的广告:
在逃,黑妇与两个孩子。在她离开前数天,我曾 用烙铁在她左颊烫烧。意图画一个“M”字。
在逃,黑人名亨利;左眼无珠,左臂上下有若干 刀痕,鞭痕甚多。 在逃,安东尼。一耳被割去,左手被斧砍去。
黑奴汤姆 奴隶主雷格利 凯茜 伊莱莎 埃米琳
乔治· 谢尔比 ※思想内容: 1、对蓄奴制罪恶的强有力控诉。 2、肯定了奴隶的反抗斗争。 3、赞美黑奴汤姆的忍从,表现了小说废奴思想的 局限性。
汤姆叔叔主义: 黑奴汤姆是美国废奴文学、斯托夫人的小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的主人公,他善良能干,对 主人忠诚。在蓄奴制下被几番转卖,受尽折磨和摧 残。但汤姆信奉基督教的“宽恕”教义,逆来顺受, 把黑奴的处境改变希望寄托于压迫者的良心发现。 小说在这一点上表现了作者废奴思想的局限性。汤 姆的这种行为和思想后来被美国黑人称为“汤姆叔 叔主义”,指对白人统治者屈从听命、逆来顺受的 奴性。
受超验主义影响。(超验主义代表:梭罗、爱 默生;其思想源于康德,先于经验,凭直觉认识 真理) 后期浪漫主义主要作家: ◇纳撒尼尔·霍桑 ◇赫尔曼·麦尔维尔
19世纪美国文学概况/(三)废奴文学 ◇希尔德烈斯(1807—1865)
○《白奴》(1836),原名《阿尔琪·摩尔的回 忆》。情节由阿尔琪·摩尔自述。“第一部十足的 反蓄奴制的小说”。

英美⽂学作家作品及名词解释、⼈物分析Literary works and their authorsAmerican LiteratureColonial Period1.William BradfordOf Plymouth Plantation2.John WinthropA Model of Christian Charity3.Anne BradstreetThe Tenth Muse Lately sprung up in America“Upon the Burning of Our House”“To My Dear and Loving Husband”“The Flesh and the Spirit”4.Edward Taylor“Upon a Spider Catching a Fly”Huswifery5.Roger WilliamsThe Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience6.John Woolman“Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes”“A Plea for the Poor”7.Thomas PaineCommon SenseAmerican CrisisThe Age of ReasonThe Rights of Man8.Philip Freneau“The Rising Glory of America”“The Wild Honey Suckle”9.Captain John SmithA Map of VirginiaDescription of New England10.Charles Brocken BrownWielandThe Transformation: An American TaleEdgar HuntlyOrmondArthur MervynAmerican Revolution1.Jonathan EdwardsThe Freedom of the WillThe Great Doctrine of Original Sin DefendedSinners in the Hands of an Angry GodThe Nature of True VirtueImages or Shadows of Divine Things2.Benjamin FranklinPoor Richard’s Almanac(2009年)The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (2007年)3.Hector St. John CrevecoeurLetters from an American FarmerAmerican Romanticism1.Washington IrvingA History of New YorkThe Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon: Rip Van WinkleThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher ColumbusA Chronicle of the Conquest of GranadaThe AlhambraLife of GoldsmithLife of Washington2.James Fenimore CooperThe SpyLeatherstocking Tales: DeerslayerPathfinderThe Last of Mohicans (2003年)The PrairieThe PioneersNew England Transcendentalism3.Ralph Waldo EmersonNatureThe American Scholar(America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence) Self-reliant (2009年)4.Henry David ThoreauWaldenCivil DisobedienceA Week on the Concord and Merrimack River (2008年)5.Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet LetterTwice-told TalesMosses From an old ManseThe Blithedale RomanceYoung Good Man BrownThe Minister’s Black VeilThe House of Seven GablesThe Marble FaunDr. Rappaccini’s Daughter6.Herman MelvilleTypeeOmooMardiRedburnWhite JacketMoby DickPierreThe Confidence ManBilly Budd7.Edgar Allen PoeSonnet- to scienceIsrafelTo HelenThe City in the SeaThe Raven (2009年)The Fall of the House of UsherBlack CatThe Masque of the Red DeathThe Cask of Ammtillado FoeLigeieThe Purloined LetterThe Gold BudThe Murders in the Rue MorqueTales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 8.Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom’s Cabin9.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowA Psalm of Life (2007年)Voices of the NightHiawathaEvangelineThe Courtship of Miles Standish10.Walt WhitmanLeaves of GrassSong of Myself (2003年出现诗句)I Hear America SingingOut of Cradle Endlessly RockingWhen Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d 11.Emily DickinsonAt last to pray is leftBecause I could not stop for deathI heard a fly buss—when I diedWild nights—wild nightsI die for beauty ———————————————————————————————————————————Realism1.William Dean HowellsThe Rise of Silas LaphanCriticism and FictionThe Minister’s ChargeA Modern InstanceA Word of ChangeAnnie KilburnA Hazard of New Fortunes2.Henry JamesDaisy MillerThe Portrait of a LadyThe AmericanThe Ambassadors (2004年)The Golden BowlThe Wings of the DoveThe Turn of the ScrewWhat Maisie KnewLocal Colourism3.Mark TwainThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County The Gilded AgeThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnLife on the MississippiThe Man That Corrupted HadleyburgHead WilsonThe Mysterious StrangerA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtThe Prince and the PauperAmerican Naturalism1.Stephen CraneMaggie: A Girl of the StreetsThe Black RidersThe Red Badge of Courage“The Open Boat”“The Blue Hotel”“An Experiment in Misery”2.Frank NorrisMcTeagueThe OctopusThe Pit3.Theodore DreiserSister CarrieAn American TragedyThe GeniusJennie GerhardtThe FinancierThe StoicThe Bulwark4.Jack LondonThe Call of the WildWhite FangThe Sea WolfMartin Eden5.O’HenryThe Gift of MagiThe Cop and the Anthem6.Upton SinclairThe JungleModernism1. F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Great GatsbyTender is the NightThe Beautiful and the DamnedThis Side of ParadiseThe Last TycoonAll the Sad Young MenTaps at Reveille2.Ernest HemingwayThe Sun Also Rises (2003年、2004年)A Farewell to Arms (2007年)For Whom the Bell Tolls (2008年、2009年) The Old Man and the SeaThe Torrents of SpringIn Our TimeMen without WomenWinner Take NothingImagism3.Ezra PoundCantosHugh Selwyn MauberlyThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (2003年出现诗句) The Waste Land (2005年)Hollow ManAsh WednesdayFour QuartersMurder in the CathedralThe Cocktail PartyThe Confidential Clerk5.Wallace StevensAnecdote of the Jar (2010年)Sunday MorningThe Emperor of Ice-creamThe Idea of Order at Key West6.William Carlos WilliamsPatersonThe Red WheelbarrowSpring and All7.Robert FrostStopping by Woods on a Sunday Evening Mending WallThe Road Not TakenFire and Ice8.Carl SandburgChicagoFogThe HarbourSmoke and SteelGood Morning, AmericaThe People, yes9. E. E. CummingsTulips and ChimneyThe Enormous RoomO Sweet Spontaneous10.Hart CraneVoyagesAt Melville’s Tomb11.Edith WhartonThe House of Mirth (2013年), The Touchstone, The Age of Innocence Southern Renaissance12.William FaulknerThe Sound and the Fury (2013年)As I Lay Dying (2005年、2006年)Light in August (2008年)Absalom, AbsalomGo Down, Moses (2007年)13.Sherwood AndersonWinesburg, OhioThe Triumph of the EggsDeath in the WoodsI Want to Know WhyPoor White14.Sinclair LewisMain StreetBabbittArrowsmithDodsworth15.Gertrude SteinThree LivesTender ButtonsThe Making of AmericansHow to WriteFour Saints in Three Acts16.Carson McCullers (Southern Gothic)The Heart is a Lonely HunterThe Ballad of the Sad CafeThe Member of the WeddingReflections in a Golden Eye17.Cormac McCarthy (Southern Gothic)SuttreeBlood MeridianAll the Pretty HorsesNo Country for Old ManThe RoadChild of God18.Willa CatherMy AntoniaThe Song of LarkA Lost LadyThe Professor’s HouseO Pioneers! (2002年、2010年) 19.Katherine Anne Porter Ship of FoolsLeaning Tower and Other StoriesFlowering JudasThe Jilting of Granny WeatherallPale Horse, Pale RiderThe Never Ending Wrong20.Thomas WolfeLook Homeward, AngelOf Time and RiverThe Web and the RockYou Can’t Go Home Again21.Margaret MitchellGone with the WindThe 1930s1.John Dos PassosDistrict of ColumbiaU. S. A.The 42nd Parallel1919The Big Money2.John SteinbeckOf Mice and ManThe Grapes of WrathCup of GoldTortilla FlatIn Dubious BattleTravels with Charley3.John O’HaraAppointment in Samara4.James T. FarrellYoung LoniganThe Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan Postmodernism Postwar novel1.Saul BellowDangling ManThe VictimThe Adventures of Augie MarchSeize the DayHenderson the Rain King (2006年)Herzog (2013年)Mosby’s MemoirsMr. Sammler’s PlanetHumboldt’s GiftThe Dean’s DecemberMore Die of HeartbreakThe Bellarosa ConnectionA TheftSomething to Remember Me ByThe Last Analysis2.Norman MailerThe Naked and the Dead (2004年)Barbary ShoreThe Deer ParkThe Armies of the NightMarilyn: A Novel BiographyThe Executioner’s SongAncient EveningTough Guys Don’t DanceHarlot’s GhostThe Gospel According to the SonAdvertisements for MyselfAn American DreamWhy Are We In Vietnam?Miami and the Siege of ChicagoExistential ErrandsGenius and Lust“The White Negro”3.J. D. SalingerThe Catcher in the Rye4.Bernard MalamudThe NaturalThe AssistantA New LifeThe FixerThe TenantsPictures of FidelmanDubin’s LivesGod’s GraceThe PeopleThe Magic BarrelIdiots FirstRembrandt’s Hat5.John UpdikeThe CentaurCouplesMarry MeGertrude & Claudius“Rabbit” pentalogy: Rabbit, Run, (2006年) Rabbit Redux, Rabbit is Rich, Rabbit at Best, Licks of Love 6.Flannery O’Connor Wise BloodA Good Man Is Hard to FindThe Violent Bear Is AwayEverything That Rises Must Converge7.William StyronLie Down in DarknessSet This House on FireThe confessions of Nat TurnerSophie’s ChoiceA Tidewater MorningThe Long MarchIn the Clap Shack8.Truman CapoteOther Voices, Other RoomsThe Grass HarpA Christmas MemoryBreakfast at Tiffany’sIn Cold Blood9.Philip RothGoodbye, Columbus, and Five Short Stories Portnoy’s C omplaint10.Joseph HellerCatch-22 (2005年)Something Happened11.Kurt V onnegutSlaughterhouse-Five (2008年)Player PianoMother NightCat’s CradleBreakfast at ChampionsSlapstickJailbirdDeadeye dickGalapagosBluebirdHocus PocusCanary in a CathouseWelcome to the Monkey House12.Ken KeseyOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestSometimes a Great NationDemon BoxSailor Song13.John BarthLetters: A NovelSabbatical: A RomanceThe Tidewater TalesThe Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor The Sot-Weed FactorLost in the FunhouseThe Floating OperaThe End of the RoadGiles Goat-Boy14.Donald BarthelmeCome Back, Dr. Caligarri Unspeakable PracticesUnnatural ActsCity DaysSadnessGuilty PleasuresAmateursGreat DaysOvernight to Many Distant CitiesSnow WhiteThe Dead FatherThe King15.Thomas PynchonV.The Crying of Lot 49Gravity’s RainbowVinelandMason & Dixon16.William GaddisRecognitionsCarpenter’s GothicJR17.Vladimir NabokovLolita (2004年)Dar, or the GiftPale Fire (2005年)18. A. S. ByattPossession(2013年、2010年)The Shadow of the SunThe Virgin in the GardenA Whistling WomanThe Children's BookStill LifeThe Shadow of the Sun19.Tim O’Brien (A war writer)The Things They CarriedIf I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me HomeNorthern LightsGoing After CacciatoThe Nuclear AgeIn the Lake of WoodsJuly, JulyPostwar Poetry20.Elizabeth BishopQuestions of TravelGeography III“Sestina”“One Art”“Filling Station”“Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance”21.Richard WilburThe Beautiful Changes and Other PoemsCeremony and Other PoemsThings of This WorldAdvice to the Prophet and Other PoemsPrince Souvanna Phouma: An Exchange between Richard Wilbur and William Jay Smith ComplaintWalking to Sleep: New Poems and Translations Seed Leaves: Homage to R. F.22.John BerrymanThe Dream SongsThe DispossessedHomage to Mistress Bradstreet23.Randall JarrellBlood for a StrangerLittle Friend, Little FriendLossesThe Seven-League CrutchesThe Woman at the Washington ZooThe Lost WorldThe Confessional School24.Robert LowellLord Weary’s CastleLand of UnlikenessLife StudiesFor the Union DeadDay by Day25.Sylvia PlathA Winter ShipCrossing the WaterThe Bell Jar“Daddy”“Lady Lazarus”26.Anne SextonLive or DieTo Bedlam and Part Way BackAll My Pretty OnesTransformationsThe Death of NotebookThe Awful Rowing toward GodThe Beat Generation27.Allen GinsbergEmpty MirrorReality SandwichesThe ChangePlanet NewsThe Fall of AmericaA Supermarket in California (2011年出现诗句)28.Gary SnyderAugust on Sourdough29.W. S. MerwinThe Asians DyingFor a Coming ExtinctionThe Last One30.Robert BlySilence in the Snow FieldsThe Night around the Body31.James WrightMinnesotaLying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm on Pine Island The New York School 32.Frank O’Hara“The Day Lady Died”33.John Ashbery“Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror”34. A. R. AmmonsCorsons InletMountain TalkThe Black Mountain Poets35.Charles OlsonProjective VerseIn Cold Hell, in ThicketThe DistanceThe Maximus PoemsThree “beat” writers36.William BurroughsThe Naked LunchThe ExterminatorThe Wild BoysCities of the Red NightMind WarsPlace of Dead Roads37.Jack KerouacOn the RoadThe Lonesome TravellerThe Subterraneans and Maggie Cassady 38.Henry Miller Tropic of CancerBlack SpringTropic of CapricornThe Colossus of MaroussiThe Rosy CrucifixionPostwar Drama39.Eugene O’NeilThe Hairy Ape (2005年)Long Day’s Journey into NightDesire under the Elm Tree (2010年)The Iceman ComethBound East for CardiffBeyond the HorizonThe Emperor JonesAnna Christie40.Elmer RiceThe Adding Machine41.Tennessee WilliamsThe Glass MenagerieA Streetcar Named Desire42.Arthur MillerDeath of a SalesmanThe Man Who Had All Luck43.Edward AlbeeWho’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Multiethnic LiteratureAfrican American Literature1.Frederick DouglassMy Bondage and My Freedom2.Booker T. WashingtonUp from Slavery3.W. E. B. DuboisThe Souls of Black Folks: Essays and Sketches Harlem Renaissance4.Jean ToomerCane5.Countee Cullen“Shroud of Colour”ColourCopper SunThe Ballad of the Brown Girl/doc/88ea8e0bbe23482fb4da4c86.html ngston Hughes The Weary BluesSimple Speaks His MindThe Best of SimpleSimple’s Uncle SamMontage of a Dream Deferred“The Negro Speaks of Rivers”“As I Grew Older”7.Richard WrightUncle Tom’s Children: Four NovellasNative SonBlack Boy8.Ralph EllisonInvisible Man9.James BaldwinGo Tell It on the Mountain10.Alice WalkerThe Colour Purple (2010年)11.Toni MorrisonThe Bluest Eye (2011年)Beloved (2006年)Song of SolomonJazzParadiseAsian American Literature12.Maxine Hong KingstonThe Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Childhood among Ghosts China Men13.Amy TanThe Joy Luck ClubBritish LiteratureThe Middle Ages1.Geoffrey ChaucerThe Canterbury Tales (2005年)The House of FameTroilus and CriseydeThe Book of DuchessThe Parliament of FowlsPardoner’s Tale (2004年)2.William LanglandVision of Piers the Plowman___________________________________________________________________________________ The Elizabethan Age1.Thomas MoreUtopia2.Edmund SpenserThe Shepherd’s CalendarProthalamion and EpithalamionAmorettiThe Faerie Queene3.Philip SidneyAstrophel and StellaArcadiaApologie for Poetrie4.Christopher MarloweTamburlaine the GreatJew of MaltaThe Tragical History of Doctor FaustusHero and LeanderThe Passionate Shepherd5.William ShakespeareHenry IVLove’s Labour’s LostRichard IIIRomeo and JulietA Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of Venice (2009年)The Merry Wives of WindsorAs You Like It (2006年)Julius Caesar (2005年)HamletOthelloKing LearMacbethAntony and CleopatraTimon of AthensAll’s Well That Ends WellMeasure for MeasureCymbelineWinter’s TaleThe Tempest6.Francis BaconAdvancement of LearningNew AtlantisEssays7.Ben JonsonEvery Man in His Humour___________________________________________________________________________________ The 17th Century 1.John DonneThe FleaA Valediction: Forbidden MorningDeath be not ProudThe CanonizationBatter my heart, three-personed God, for you2.John MiltonParadise LostParadise Regained (2006年)Samson Agonistes (2002年)Lycidas3.John DrydenAll for LoveAbsalom and AchitophelAn Essay of Dramatic Poesy4.John BunyanThe Pilgrim’s ProgressThe Life and Death of Mr. BadmanHoly WarGrace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners___________________________________________________________________________________ The Classic Age1.Alexander PopeEssay on Criticism (2004年)The Rape of the LockEssay on ManAn Epistle to Dr. ArbuthnotThe Dunciad2.Samuel JohnsonLondonThe Vanity of Human WishesLives of the PoetsA Fable for CriticsThe History of Rassledas, Prince of AbyssiniaTo the Right Honourable the Earl of ChesterfieldA Dictionary of English LanguageLife of the Poets3.Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard4.Oliver GoldsmithThe Deserted VillageShe Stoops to Conquer The Vicar of Wakefield5.Richard Brinsley Sheridan The RivalsThe School for Scandal6.Richard SteeleThe Spectator ClubThe Christian Hero7.Joseph Addison Adventures of a Shilling8.Jonathan SwiftThe Battle of the Books Tale of a TubThe Irish Drapier’s LettersA Modest Proposal Gulliver’s Travels9.Daniel DefoeRobinson CrusoeMoll FlandersRoxana10.Samuel Richardson Pamela, Or Virtue Rewarded Clarissa Howe。

1. 美国文学:美国文学是指在美国国土上创作的文学作品,包括小说、诗歌、戏剧和散文等各种文体。
2. 讽刺文学:讽刺文学是通过调侃、嘲笑或批评等手法,通过善意或恶意地对社会、人物、社会习俗等进行揭示和描述的一种文学形式。
3. 大都市文学:大都市文学是指以城市为背景、以城市生活为题材的文学作品。
4. 美国本土文学:美国本土文学是指探讨、描写和反映美国本土历史、文化、民族特色的文学作品。
5. 后现代主义文学:后现代主义文学是指具有反传统、颠覆常规、模糊现实与虚幻界限的文学形式。
美国文学史 作家 代表作 写作特点

(红字) suffuse(充满) with allegory and symbolism, metaphor(隐喻)and similes(明喻). The use of colors of black, red and gray contributes to the vivid expression of mood. Use of setting effectively immersed readers in the atmosphere. Ambiguity(模棱两可的话) works as a repetitive technique in this work..
7、Henry David Threau亨利•戴维•梭罗1817-1862
Walden瓦尔登湖(a great transcendentalist book);Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府/非暴力不合作;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙;The Innocent’s Abroad傻瓜出国记;The Gilded Age镀金时代;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆·索耶历险记;The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利·费恩历险记(美国现实主义文学的代表作)

一、浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初,强调个人情感、想象力和自然的重要性。
(一)英国浪漫主义作家1、威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)他是英国浪漫主义诗歌的先驱之一,其作品强调对自然的热爱和对普通人生活的关注。
代表作有《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)。
2、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)他的诗作充满奇幻的想象和神秘的元素,《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)是其经典之作。
3、乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)拜伦以其奔放的激情和叛逆的精神著称,作品有《唐璜》(Don Juan)等。
4、珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)雪莱的诗歌富有理想主义和革命精神,《西风颂》(Ode to theWest Wind)广为流传。
(二)美国浪漫主义作家1、华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)他的作品具有浓厚的地方色彩和幽默风格,《瑞普·凡·温克尔》(Rip Van Winkle)是其代表作。
2、詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)以描写边疆生活和印第安人而闻名,《皮袜子故事集》(The Leatherstocking Tales)是其重要作品。
二、现实主义文学现实主义文学在 19 世纪中叶兴起,注重真实地反映社会现实和生活。
(一)英国现实主义作家1、查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)狄更斯的作品生动描绘了英国社会底层人民的生活,如《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)。

1、Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林(1706-1790)he is the only good American author before the the Revolutionary W ar and he is the only one in the colonial period.写作特点:1.叙事清楚简洁 2.富有哲理和睿智 3.文字质朴幽默 4.易于读者接受。
2.Thomas Paine 托马斯·佩因(1737-1809)英国人民将他视为“最受爱戴”的“政论家”,他的书“被看作穷人的圣经”。
写作特点:支持独立宣言,语言精炼,层次分明,结构严密,逻辑性强,抒情和说理有机结合3.Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰弗逊(1743-1826)主张:主张追求幸福,人人生而平等,包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利4.Philip Freneau 菲利普·费瑞诺(1752-1832)Father of American Poetry" 美国诗歌之父,政治方面的新闻记者写作特点: the poems of Freneau fall mainly into two categories, one of description of nature, and one of expression of his political ideas.备注:菲利普·弗瑞诺作为一个自然诗人,在时间上介于布拉兹特里特和布莱恩特之间;作为一个哥特式作家,介于威格斯沃斯和爱伦·坡之间;作为一个原始主义者,介于莫顿和库珀之间。
5.Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文(1783-1859)the father of American literaturethe first great belletrist第一个纯文学作家,美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家,重振了没落的哥特式浪漫主义小说。

British and American Literature一、选择题(共10个,每个1分)二、名词解释(共5个,共30分)Modernism: Modernism is a cultural movement that generally includes the progressive art and architecture, design, literature, music, dance, painting and other visual arts which emerged in the beginning of the 20th century, particularly in the years following World War I. It was a movement of artists and designers who rebelled against late 19th century academic and historicist tradition, and embraced the new economic, social and political aspects of the emerging modern world.The key elements of Modernism in literature are experimentation, anti-realism, individualism and a stress on the cerebral['seribrəl] rather than emotive aspects. The work of Modernist writers is characterized by showing the disenchantment, dislocation, and alienation of men in the world, and by the emphasis on experimentation and formalism and objectivism which are, in most cases, a reaction to the Modern Age.Enlightenment: The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century. It was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie [,bu:ʒwɑ:'zi:] against feudalism. The enlighteners thought the chief means for bettering the society is enlightenment or education for the people.Transcendentalism: Transcendentalism [,trænsen'dentlizəm] is a New England movement which flourished from about 1835 to 1860. It had its roots in romanticism and in post-Kantian idealism by which Coleridge was influenced. It had a considerable influence on American art and literature. Basically religious, it emphasized the role and importance of the individual conscience['kɔnʃəns], and the value of intuition in matters of moral guidance and inspiration.Imagism: It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from 1908 to 1917.The Imagists used precise, clearly presented images in their works. They also used common, every day speech and aimed for conciseness[kən'saisnis], concrete imagery, and the creation of new rhythms. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell.Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church. They were a group of serious, religious people, advocating highly religious and moral principles.They wanted to purity their religious beliefs and practices.They virtues of thrift and hard work.They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin[sin] and total depravity[di'præviti], and limited atonement[ə'təunmənt] through a special infusion of grace form God.Puritanism has a profound influence on American literature.Realism:A nineteenth century European literary movement that sought to portray [pɔ:'trei] familiar characters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner. This was done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail. It is an action against Romanticism, and it paves the way for Modernism.Romanticism:A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most of the 19th century.Romanticism[rəu'mæntəsizəm] was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism.Romantics frequently shared certain general characteristics: moral enthusiasm, faith in value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption. Romantic values were prominent in American politics, art, and philosophy until the Civil War.Lost Generation: A term first used by Stein to describe the post-World War I generation of American writers: men and women haunted by a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by the destructiveness of the war. Full of youthful idealism, these individuals sought the meaning of life, drank excessively, had love affairs and created some of the finest American literature to date. The three best-known representatives of Lost Generation are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos.三、简答(共30分,共5个或6个题目)Edgar Allan PoeEdgar Allan Poe was an American author, poet, editor and literary critic.He is considered as the father of detective story and psychoanalytic [,saikəu,ænəl'itik] criticism.His aesthetics[i:s'θetiks], his call for "the rhythmical['riðmikl] creation of beauty" have influenced French symbolists and the devotees of "art for art's sake."The style of Poe is unique. He tries to bring out the evil of humanity and show it to the world.He is what you would call a Dark Romantics.His writing style is owing to his personal tragedy.The three major themes of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories and poems are death, insanity, and horror.His famous Poems: The Raven, Annabel Lee, To Helen.Mark TwainMark Twain is a great literary giant of America.He was acclaimed as "the father of American literature."With works like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Life on the Mississippi Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done.Twain is also known as a local colorist who preferred to present social life through portraits of the local characters of his regions. With his great mastery and effective use of vernacular[və'nækjulə], Twain has made colloquial [kə'ləukwiəl] speech an accepted respectable medium in American literature. Besides,Twain’s humor and satire['sætaiə] is remarkable, too.Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway was an American writer and journalist.He was also known as one of the representatives of "the Lost Generation."Typical of this “iceberg” style is Hemingway’s style, which he had been trying hard to get.Besides, Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism[kə'ləukwiəlizəm] initiated by Mark Twain. He deals with a limited range of characters in quite similar circumstances and measures them against an unvarying code, known as “grace under pressure.”His main woks include The Sun Also Rises,A Farewell to Arms,For Whom the Bell Tolls,The Old Man and the Sea.Ezra PoundEzra Pound was an American expatriate poet and critic and a major figure in the early modernist movement in poetry.He launched Imagism which stressed clarity, precision, and economy of language.As a critic and editor, Pound discovered and encouraged many experimental authorsHis main woks include The Cantos['kæntəu] , In a Station of the Metro and so on.Henry JamesHenry James was an American-born writer, regarded as one of the key figures of 19th-century literary realism. James is generally ranked as the greatest American novelist of the second half of the 19th century.James is noted for his "international theme" which refers to the moral and psychological complications when the American innocence encountered the European sophisticationJames is a master of character portrayal[pɔ:'treiəl] and has extensively used the "stream of consciousness" method in his fictional writing. His style is over-elaborate, refined and genteel.His major works: The American,Daisy Miller,The Portrait of a LadyWalt WhitmanWalt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, journalist and humanist.He was a part of the transition between transcendentalism [,trænsen'dentlizəm] and realism, incorporating both views in his works. In this giant work Leaves of Grass, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism are all that concerned him.Whitman’s poetical style is marked, first of all, by the use of the poetic “I.”Besides,Whitman was the first American to use free verse extensively.Another characteristic in Whitman’s language is his strong tendency to use oral English.R.W. EmersonHe was an American essayist, philosopher, poet and leader of the Transcendentalist movement in the early 19th century.Emerson’s point of view1、the infinitude of man2、firmly believes in the transcendence [træn'sendəns] of the oversoul3、regards nature as the purest and the most satisfying moral influence on man4、everyone should understand that he makes himself by making his world,and thathe makes the world by making himself.Emerson’s major literary works :Nature,The Amercian Scholar, PoetJane AustenJane Austen,an English novelist wrote numerous influential works contributing to the Western literary .Though living in the Romantic period, Austen is generally regarded as a realistic novelist.Her theme are mostly about love and marriage.Her style can be described as simple, suggestive , humorous and with quiet irony.Major works:Pride and Prejudice,Sense and Sensibility ,Mansfield Park,Emma Emily Dickinson四、问答(共2个题目,共30分)William Shakespeare1. Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature. He maintains that the purpose of dramatic performance is “to hold, as it were, the mirror up to nature”. In his works, he paints the decline of the old feudal nobility and the vice of the new Tudor['tju:də] monarch. Besides, his plays have good plots and life-like characters too. His drama is an expression, a monument of the English Renaissance since he wrote about his own people for his own time.2. Shakespeare is amazingly prolific. Within 22 years, he produced 37 plays, 154 sonnets['sɔnit], and 2 long poems. No two of his play invoke the same feeling or image among the audience. He is a master-hand for every form of drama-comedy, tragedy, and historical plays. He gives us a world of full-blooded people who live and struggle, suffer and rejoice, representing all the complexities and implications of real life.3. Shakespeare was skilled in many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the couplet ['kʌplit], and the dramatic blank verse. And he is a great master of the English language. He used a vocabulary larger than any other English writers. Many of his new coinage['kɔinidʒ] and turns of expressions have become everyday usage in English life. Shakespeare and the Authorized version of the English Bible are the two great treasures of the English language.William FaulknerWilliam Faulkner is an American novelist and poet whose works feature his native state of Mississippi.He regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. In 1950,he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.Besides,he's considered part of the “Southern Renaissance.”In his works, Faulkner explains the present by examining the past, by telling the stories of several generations of family to show how history changes life. He was interested in the relationship between blacks and whites as well as the conflicts between generations, classes, man and environment.His works also focus on focused on deterioration[di,tiriə'reiʃən],horror, violence and the abnormal.Faulkner wrote works of psychological drama and emotional depth, typically with long serpentine['sə:pənti:n] prose and high, meticulously-chosen[me'tikjuləsli] diction, also using groundbreaking literary devices such as stream of consciousness, multiple narrations or points of view, and time-shifts within narrative.Yoknapatawpha County is the setting for most of William Faulkner’s novels and short stories, with which Faulkner has managed successfully to show a panorama of the experience and consciousness of the whole Southern society.Major Works:The Sound and the Fury,As I lay Dying,Light in August, A Rose for EmilyWhat factors help the modernism come into being?Modernism rejects rationalism. Modernism includes internal, subjective, and psychological world. The student’s answer could cover Darvin’s revolution theory, Marxism and Relativity theory. It is a movement against the ration in the past.TranscendentalismR.W. Emerson published Nature in 1836 which represented a new way of intellectual thinking in America. “The Universe is composed of Nature and the Soul. Spirit is present everywhere.” This new voice led American Romanticism to a new and mature period, the period of New England Transcendentalism. This was the most significant development of American literature in the mid-19th century.New England Transcendentalism was, in essence, romantic idealism on Puritan soil. It was a system of thought that originated from three sources.Firstly, Unitarianism[,ju:ni'tεəriənizəm] laid the foundation for the central doctrines of transcendentalism. Unitarianism believed God as one being, rejecting the doctrine of trinity['triniti], stressing the tolerance of difference in religious opinion, and giving each congregation[,kɔŋgri'geiʃən] the free control of its own affairs and its independent authority.Secondly, the idealistic philosophy from France and Germany exerted enormous impact on American intellectuals.Thirdly, oriental mysticism as revealed in Hindu and Chinese classics reached America in English translations. As a result, New England Transcendentalism blended native American tradition with foreign influences.。

美国诗人惠特曼简介及作品赏析 ppt课件

全诗三节,逐层深入地表达了诗人对林肯总统的 热爱和深切的悼念之情。 1.航程结束,大船凯旋,船长却倒下了。噩耗 伴随着胜利的巨大欢乐而来,人们为船长的死而 悲恸、痛惜。 2.人民群众为大船凯旋而热情欢呼,钟声军号 齐鸣,旗帜飘扬,鲜花飞舞,但船长倒下了,人 们是多么悲痛! 3.航船下锚,大功告成,而船长永远倒下了。
1885年 为纪念林肯逝世20周年,作诗《献给
起来,——旌旗正为你招展——军号正为你发出 颤音。
在写意上,他受当时刚发明的摄影技 术的影响,除了追求写真外,一行诗 句捕捉一刹即遁的时刻,静态中表现 出动感。

美国现代派诗歌的特点与代表作1. 简介美国现代派诗歌是20世纪初期产生的重要文学流派,具有独特的风格和特点。
2. 特点美国现代派诗歌具有以下几个显著特点:2.1 自由而创新的形式美国现代派诗人在形式上追求自由和创新,不拘泥于传统格律和韵律。
2.2 多样化的主题与意象美国现代派诗歌关注广泛而多元化的主题,涉及社会、政治、人类关系等各个方面。
2.3 精炼而冲击力强的语言美国现代派诗人善于运用简明扼要的语言表达意念,并借助文字、音韵和节奏等元素创造出强烈的冲击力。
2.4 对传统进行反叛与否定美国现代派诗歌通过对传统主流文化和价值观念的反叛与否定,追求个人独立思考和创作自由。
3. 代表作品以下是一些美国现代派诗歌中的经典代表作品:3.1 T.S.艾略特(T.S. Eliot)-《荒原》(The Waste Land)《荒原》是美国现代派诗歌的里程碑之作,以其复杂多样的语言、广泛涉及的主题以及全面拓展了诗歌形式边界等特点而闻名。
3.2 约翰·阿什贝利(John Ashbery)-《自己形象》(Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror)《自己形象》是约翰·阿什贝利的重要作品,以其复杂的结构和晦涩的语言展现了现代人在存在与非存在之间的边界上漂移、迷失和焦虑。
3.3 艾美丽·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)-《选集》(Selected Poems)艾美丽·狄金森是美国现代派诗歌中最著名的女性诗人之一。


美国文学名词解释 -

迷惘的一代(Lost Generation),又称:迷失的一代。

Analogy:A comparison of two things alike in certain respects; particularly a method of exposition by which one unfamiliar object or idea is explained by comparing it with more familiar objects or ideas.Blank verse:Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter.Conflict:The struggle which grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot, such as the active opposition of characters, ideas, way of life. It is a dynamic test of the capacities of one thing or person to overcome whatever competes with or frustrates it or him. Conflict gives rise to suspense, drama, and the emotional tension that shapes our intuitions about characters and the values they are contending for. Convention:A literary convention is any device, style or subject matter that has become a recognized means of literary expression, an accepted element in technique by earlier and repeated usage.Illusion:No story provides optical illusions. Sensory experiences can only be evoked by language; they cannot be duplicated. Nevertheless, in varying degrees, stories can provide the sense that one is morally and emotionally involved in a situation shared with fictional characters. They smell the roses and feel the pain of a stab wound, but the reader envies the former experience and sympathizes with the latter, much as he or she would if the experiences were real.Omniscience:A convention in which the author tells the story in his or her own words. It is not uncommon in third-person narration for one of the characters to tell an extended story. In such a case it is quite proper to refer to him or her as a narrator.Point of view:The events of a story may be told as they appear to one or more participants to observers. In first person narration, the point of view is automatically that of the narrator. More variation is possible in third-person narration, where the author may choose to limit his or her report to what could have been observed or known by one of the characters at any given point in the action – or may choose to report the observations and thoughts of several characters. The author might also choose to intrude his or her own point of view.Rhyme:Similarity or identity of sound existing between accented syllables occupying corresponding positions within two or more lines of verse.Style:A writer‘s habitual way of expressing himself or herself and his or her unique arrangement of words including vocabulary, sentence patterns, and other compositional elements.Tension:The emotional and intellectual force generated by disparate potentials within a literary work. In every ambiguity there is a tension between the primary meaning and the secondary meanings of a word, phrase, or larger unit of expression. There may be tension between a comic tone and pathetic subject matter.1.Benjamin Franklin : A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Poor Richard‘s Almanack; The Autobiography; The Way to Wealth. In June 1776, he was appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence. Franklin‘s autobiography remains one of the classics of its kind. It shows Franklin as a man of versatile energy and new ideas, a man who represented American enlightenment and the fulfillment of American dream. It is a humorous and fascinating record of an old man‘s reflections on his r ise from a poor boy to a rich and famous personage through self-examination, self-reliance, self-improvement.1.Do you think the 13 virtues are equally important?2. Have you any preference?3. Are there some difficulties in carrying them out?答:1.No! I don't think the 13 virtues are equally important. They belong to different levels of the human virtues.2.I prefer the sixth. No industry, no anything! We change the world through protracted and unremitting efforts, this is what we should hold in mind for the value of our existence.3.Yes, of course. We are born with many bad manners. Only if we are consciously getting rid of bad habits, can we be a perfect man with all the moral virtues. And I think only extreme rationality can qualify man for the 13 moral virtues.2.Philip Freneau:The Rising Glory of America;The British Prison Ship;To the Memory of the BraveAmericans;On the Memorable Victory of John Paul Jones; The Wild Honeysuckle;The Indian Burying Ground. The Wild Honeysuckle: In this poem the poet expressed a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature. He not only meditated on mortality but also celebrated nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature, "the wild honey suckle‖ is Philip Freneau's most widely read natural lyric with the theme of transience. The central image is a native-wild flower, which makes a drastic difference from elite flower images typical of tradition English poems. The poem showed strong feelings for the natural beauty, which was the characteristic of romantic poets.Structure and Form :The poem is divided into four stanzas. Each stanza consists of four lines, which are composed in cross rhymes. Then, after an insertion, comes a rhyming couplet. The first four lines of each stanza describe the flower and address it. The last two lines show the fate of that flower. The rhythm is regular and iambic with four stressed syllables in each line. All cadences are male, except for those in the rhyming couplets of stanza three and four, which are female. The regularity of structure and form make the poem well-readable.Imagery :Philip Freneau employs a language full of imagery. Especially personifications constitute a main part of ―The Wild Honey Suckle‖. Moreover, the flower itself is personified. The narrator talks to the flower as if it were a human being. He expresses that t he ―little branches greet‖, hopes that there will be no ―tear‖ of the flower and advices it to ―shun the vulgar eye‖. The ―roving foot‖ and the ―busy hand‖ are metaphors of the destruction of nature by men. Nature itself is personified as ―Nature‘s self‖ which arrayed the flowers ―and planted here the guardian shade and sent soft waters murmuring by‖. The waters are personified as well, being smooth and producing sounds like silent talking.Freneau was extremely sensitive to the beauties of nature. He expresses a keen awareness of the loneliness and transience of nature. Freneau personifies the flower in this poem to reflect how beautiful it is. The sounds of words effects created through changes in the rhythm. Especially in the last stanza he tells us the space between birth and death. The final verse to me is very comforting to those of us with little religious faith. It says simply, that death is like the time before birth. It is a non-existence that is not to be feared. Freneau describes the beauty of the flower very charmingly and sweetly. But at the same time, I can feel sorrow and loneliness of itself. And show the stern or hard realities of life and describe sensible way representing flower as real life.1. Do you think the poet is comparing the life of a flower with that of a man?2. What is implied in the phrase "but an hour"?答Yes. Just as the flowers, man come into the world and enjoy the life, and then come to death. This is the rule of the nature. No one can escape.With highly exaggerated means, it implies the transcience of life. Nobody knows what will happen in the next second, the footsprint of life may stop at every unexpected second.The Indian Burying Ground: The poem is about an Indian culture, especially and Indian funeral. It describes death in this tradition, which is looked at as rude and savage. Still, the speaker reveals a lot about its strength and beauty as the poem goes on. It is a message inviting people to understand this culture as it is without prejudices. Unlike the white man's tradition, in the Indian's, the dead Indian is dressed in special clothes as though celebrating a happy event. Death in the Indian tradition has a different meaning. It is no longer that sad and dreadful event that everyone is afraid of. The dead person becomes a warrior who protects the land. It is deep rooted and old, and believes in the existence of specters. It gives greatest value to the soul and considers it as the perfect and purest element in humans that live s eternally. The Indian culture is a strong one that has a strong belief in its principles that no reason can solve its mystery. By resorting to reason, one is to misunderstand and misjudge this beautiful culture that deserves more care and attention.3.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Voices of the Night; Ballads and Other Poems; Tales of a Wayside Inn; The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌----美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗; Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems; TheCourtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯·斯坦迪什的求婚----叙事长诗;The Secret of the Sea.. He was the first American to translate The Divine Comedy. Longfellow predominantly wrote lyric poems which are known for their musicality and which often presented stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popular American poet of his day and also had success overseas. He has been criticized, however, for imitating European styles and writing specifically for the masses. Longfellow's poems are not only accessible in their meaning, but they are also highly regular in their form. It is very simple to teach metrics with Longfellow because he provides easy and memorable examples of so many metrical schemes.The Secret of the Sea: The poem reflects the romanticism writing because the whole poem deals with nature, and nature is a major aspect of the romanticism writing. The nature in the poem influences dreams and memories. Imagination, which could also go along with dreams and memories is another big aspect of romanticism writing. It uses flowing rhythm to express a longing many people have felt. In this poem the sea symbolizes life and the moral of t he poem lies in the lines of ‗Only those who brave its dangers comprehend its mystery‘.1.According to the helmsman, how can one learn the secret of the sea?2. Do you have any idea what the secret might be?答:―Only those who brave its dangers comprehend i ts mystery!" For those who are brave enough to confront the predictable or unexpected dangers and setbacks with opticism, they have the chance to learn the secret of the sea. With the process of going through a difficult period, one's soul can be fulfilled with power and strength. All the way through, but also the first of their soul purification.The secret is that the more powerful your mind and your soul are, the easier for you to conquer the dangers, the setbacks and so on all the bad things.Hymn to the Night: Although it is a song in praise of the Night, a very common subject about nature, it has a dignity proper foe its mood and message. The beautiful language, the regular rhythm and rhyme, and the device of personification all demonstrate the poet‘s craftsmanship and the European influence on his writing. Like his other lyrics, this poem also carries a moral message: endurance. The imagery of the hymn is very rich and diverse. Longfellow uses a lot of personifications, similes, metaphors, and other literary figures to create the aesthetic atmosphere of the poem. The most widely used device of the poem is personification. The central image of the poem is the Night that is a personification of the beloved woman. Another figure of speech that is widely used in the poem is metaphor. "The sable skirts" of the Night are "all fringed with light", so the image created by the poet is magic and light. The "perpetual peace" also flows from the fountain of cool air. This metaphor creates a feeling of calmness and pacification. Longfellow also uses similes when he is talking about two things at the same time. He explicitly compares the "calm, majestic presence of the Night" to the presence of "the one" he loves. In the last stanza the poet compares himself to Orestes ("Orestes-like I breathe this prayer"). This allusion to Greek mythology is very significant to the meaning of the poem. Longfellow also uses such a figure of speech as a paradox. The "chambers of the Night" are filled with "sounds of sorrow and delight". These two feelings would seem impossible to combine, but in the atmosphere of the poem such a combination strikes as an extraordinary and unusual one. The rhyme of the poem is in the form ABAB, as it can be seen in the following example: ―I heard the trai ling garments of the Night Sweep through her marble halls! I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light From the celestial walls!‖ Tone: The tone of the poem could be defined as a sort of admiration and veneration that there is toward a woman, who is personified as the Night. The Night is like a goddess honored, respected and above all loved.4.William Cullen Bryant:Thanatopsis; translation of Homer‘s Iliad and Odyssey; The Fountain; The White-Footed Deer; A Forest Hymn; The Flood of Years. His works demonstrate some British influence and American characteristics. He was good at using blank verse.无韵诗体He possessed a simple dignity and an impeccable, restrained style.To a Waterfowl: The narrator questions where the waterfowl is going. He questions his motives for flying. He warns the waterfowl that he could possibly find danger, traveling alone. But, this waterfowl is not alone. He knows that the waterfowl is being led by some Power. As the waterfowl reaches out of the narrator's sight, the narrator reflects on God's guidance in his own life. He knows that God is guiding him as well."To a Waterfowl" is written in iambic trimeter and iambic pentameter, consisting of eight stanzas of four lines. The poem represents early stages of American Romanticism through celebration of Nature and God's presence within Nature. Structure and Rhyme:Bryant neatly divides the poem into eight stanzas, each with the same metrical structure and each with the same rhyme pattern: the last syllable of the first line always rhymes with the last syllable of the third, and the last syllable of the second line always rhymes with the last syllable of the fourth. The use of iambs throughout the poem could be a way to suggest the flapping of wings. Figures of Speech: alliteration: While, Whither; depths, dost ; their, thou, thy; distant, do, darkly; metaphor: last steps of day (comparison of the day to a creature that walks); anaphora: repetition of soon; personification: The speaker addresses the waterfowl as if it were a person, saying it has taught a lesson; he also refers to other waterfowls as fellows.1.Can you divide the poem into 3 parts and summarize the main point of each one?2. What faith does the last stanza express?答:The first three stanzas are the first part, the middle three stanzas, the second part. And the last two stanzas are the third part. The first part is about the picture seen by the poet, that a waterfowl flying in the sky. Then hare comes the poet's meditation about the bird——its flight is related to the guidance of a divine power. The last part shows his final conclusion that he shall take the thoughts as a guidence of his own life.It expresses the ambitions and passion towards the life goal and your spiritual pursuit. One should be enthusiastic about your life all the time.5.Washington Irving : Rip Van Winkle;Diedrich Knicherbocker;The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent;The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;The Life of Oliver Goldsmith;Life of Washington. He is the father of American literature, the first great belletrist.第一个纯文学作家,美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家,重振了没落的哥特式浪漫主义小说。


美国文学中有许多特殊的名词和术语,下面是其中一些常见的名词解释:1. Puritanism(清教主义): 清教主义是美国文学发展的重要起点之一,它是在17世纪早期由清教徒带入美洲的思想和信仰体系。
2. American Renaissance(美国文艺复兴): 美国文艺复兴指的是19世纪中期到20世纪初期的一个时期,这个时期出现了一大批杰出的美国作家和作品。
3. Realism(现实主义): 现实主义是19世纪末至20世纪初的一种文学流派,在美国文学发展史中具有重要的地位。
4. Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴): 哈莱姆文艺复兴是20世纪20年代至30年代期间,在纽约哈莱姆区集中发展起来的一种文化和艺术运动。
5. Beat Generation(垮掉的一代): 垮掉的一代是20世纪50年代和60年代期间在美国兴起的一种文学和文化运动。

二、代表作家1. 埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)庞德是美国现代主义文学的重要代表人物之一。
2. T·S·艾略特(T.S. Eliot)艾略特是美国现代主义文学的又一位重要代表人物。
3. 威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)福克纳是美国南方文学的代表人物之一,也是现代主义文学的重要作家。
4. 厄内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)海明威是20世纪美国文学的重要作家之一,也是现代主义文学的代表人物。

3个重要作家Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway (1899-1961) is an American novelist, journalist and war correspondent. He is the leading spokesman of the “Lost Generation”, awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.(Thematic patterns)(1)The Lost Generation: described in “The Sun also Rises”(1926). The generation was “lost” in the sense that they were disillusioned with the war-wrecked world and spiritually alienated from a civilization and replaced by despair or a cynical hedonism.(2)The Hemingway Code Hero: d escribed in “The Old Man and The Sea”(1952). A man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually. (Life is full of tension and battles, the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom are known as "the Hemingway code".)(3)Ice theory: The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. Typical of this "iceberg" analogy is Hemingway's style. It means “Less is more”. (e.g: His novel “Indian Camp” has four “Icebergs” as the shadow.) Application: Hemingway’s Code Hero is embodied in “Indian Camp". It relates the story of young Nick watching his father deliver an Indian woman of a baby by caesarian section with a jack-knife and without anesthesia to relieve the pain. In this novel, Hemingway's concern about violence and death by revealing Nick's feeling of perplexity, anxiety and terror over the misery of life and death. Hemingway introduced us five medical knowledge in the novel through the father’s teaching. (Writing style)(1)Hemingway's novel are based on using short, simple and conventional words and sentences, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone. No detail is wasted.("Less is more").(2) He is good at using “Iceberg Theory”, and colloquial style.(3) Hemingway develops the style of co1loquialism, understatement and symbolism.(4) The accents and mannerisms of human speech are well presented, so the characters are full of flesh and blood.Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau (1817-1862) is an American essayist, poet and philosopher. He is the representative of the philosophical and literary school of American Transcendentalism. In 1845 he built a cabin beside the Walden Pond and lived there in a very simple manner for over two years, which gave birth to a great transcendentalist work —Walden (1854).(Writing style)His literary style interweaves close natural observation, personal experience, pointed rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical lore, while displaying a poetic sensibility, philosophical austerity, and "Yankee" love of practical detail. Use precise language, long and complex paragraphs and sentences and vivid, detailed descriptions, made it lucid, simply wrought and unpretentious.(Theme)(1)For Thoreau, nature is not merely symbolic but divine in itself and human beings can receive precise communication from the natural world by way of pure senses. (2) He believed in self-culture and was eager to identify himself with the Transcendental image of the self-reliant man. he thinks, the most important thing for men to do with their lives is to be self- sufficient.(3)He emphasized individual conscience and even considered the society fetters of the freedom of individuals.Walden is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, it emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature in transcending the "desperate" existence. Mainly expresses a critique of consumerism and capitalism. He does not perceive nature as a dead and passive object of conquest and exploitation.Walt WhitmanWhitman (1819-1892) is an American poet, essayist, journalist and humanist. He was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, and was also called “the father of verse”.(Writing style)(1) Whitman's poetic style is marked by the use of the poetic "I".(2) Whitman is also radically innovative in terms of the form of his poetry, such as adopted "free verse".(3)Whitman is conversational and casual, in the fluid, expansive, and unstructured style of talking. Using Parallelism and phonetic at the beginning of the lines.(4) His vocabulary is amazing, he is good at using powerful, colorful words and oral English.(Theme)His poetry is filled with optimistic expectation and enthusiasm about new things and new epoch.(1) He shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities.(2) He advocates the realization of the individua1 value. Most of the poems in “Leaves of Grass” sing of the "en-mass" and the self as well.(3)Pursuit of love and happiness is approved of repeatedly and affectionately in his lines.(4) Some of Whitman's poems are politically committed.His major work “Leaves of Grass” commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. He is the poet of the common people and the prophet and singer of democracy.In this poetry collection,(1)Openness, freedom, and individualism are all concerned.(2)It brings the hard-working farmers and laborers into American literature, attack the slavery system and racial discrimination.(3)It extols nature, democracy, labor and creation, and sings of man's dignity and equality, and of the brightest future of mankind . Most of the poems in “Leaves ofGrass” sing of the "en-mass" and the self as well.The work was to express some new poetical feelings and to initiate a poetic tradition and he believed that poetry could play a vita1 part in the process of creating a new nation.文学术语1.Transcendentalism 超验主义Transcendentalism is also called “New England Transcendentalism”. As a philosophical and literary moment, It flourished from 1810 to 1836 around Concord, Massachusetts. It was represented by Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. It has five characteristics: individualism, self-reliance, returning to nature, intuition and national consciousness.2.Prose Epic 散文史诗It is a long narrative poem telling of heroic deeds of reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. The novel Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is regarded as the Great American Novel.3.Free Verse自由体It is poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. It was invented by Walt Whitman and popular used in “Leaves of Grass.”4.Hemingway Code Hero 海明威式的硬汉It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway's works. In his novels, life is full of tension and battles. The world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as "the Hemingway code". A man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually. It is described in“ The Old Men and the Sea.”5. Lost Generation 迷惘一代The Lost Generation was a group of rebellious youth appeared in America after the First World War. It is represented by Hemingway. It’s described in “The Sun Also Rises.”The generation was “lost” in the sense that they were disillusioned with the war-wre cked world and spiritually alienated from a civilization and replaced by despair or a c ynical hedonism.6.Iceberg theory 冰山理论The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above the water. Typical of this "iceberg" analogy is Hemingway's style. Hemingway's style is actually polished and tightly contro1led, but highly suggestive and connotative. It means “less is more.”7. International theme 国际主题Henry Jame’s treatment with the c1ashes between two different cultures and the emotional and moral problems of Americans in Europe, or Europeans in America.8. Local Colorism 地方色彩Local Colorism is a unique variation of American literary realism. Local colorism concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region or province, which are marked by its customs, dialects, customs, landscape or other peculiarities. It was represented by Mark Twain, especially in Mississippi life in Mississippi river.诗歌Historical background:Emily Dickinson(1830-1886), the best-known female poet in American literature. Her poems, as well as Walt Whitman's, were considered as a part of "American renaissance"; they were regarded as pioneers of imagism. (三首诗都可以写上去的,是诗人背景)1.I Died for Beauty(Emily Dickinson)我为美而死去(艾米莉·狄金森)I died for beauty--but was scarce 我为美而死,却还不曾Adjusted in the Tomb 在墓中安息,When one who died for Truth,was lain 一个殉真理的烈士In the adjoining Room--就成了我的近邻He questioned softly “Why I failed?”他轻声问我“你为何而丧生?“For beauty,”I replied--我会说:“为了美”“And I--for Truth--Themself are One “我为真理,真和美本是一体“We Brethren,are,”He said--他说:“我们也是兄弟”And so,as Kinsmen,met a Night--于是,我们像亲戚在黑夜里相逢。
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3个重要作家Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway (1899-1961) is an American novelist, journalist and war correspondent. He is the leading spokesman of the “Lost Generation”, awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.(Thematic patterns)(1)The Lost Generation: described in “The Sun also Rises”(1926). The generation was “lost” in the sense that they were disillusioned with the war-wrecked world and spiritually alienated from a civilization and replaced by despair or a cynical hedonism.(2)The Hemingway Code Hero: described in “The Old Man and The Sea”(1952). A man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually. (Life is full of tension and battles, the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom are known as "the Hemingway code".)(3)Ice theory: The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. Typical of this "iceberg" analogy is Hemingway's style. It means “Less is more”. (e.g: His novel “Indian Camp” has four “Icebergs” as the shadow.)Application: Hemingway’s Code Hero is embodied in “Indian Camp". It relates the story of young Nick watching his father deliver an Indian woman of a baby by caesarian section with a jack-knife and without anesthesia to relieve the pain. In this novel, Hemingway's concern about violence and death by revealing Nick's feeling of perplexity, anxiety and terror over the misery of life and death. Hemingway introduced us five medical knowledge in the novel through the father’s teaching.(Writing style)(1)Hemingway's novel are based on using short, simple and conventional words and sentences, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone. No detail is wasted.("Less is more").(2) He is good at using “Iceberg Theory”, and colloquial style.(3) Hemingway develops the style of co1loquialism, understatement and symbolism.(4) The accents and mannerisms of human speech are well presented, so the characters are full of flesh and blood.Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau (1817-1862) is an American essayist, poet and philosopher. He is the representative of the philosophical and literary school of American Transcendentalism. In 1845 he built a cabin beside the Walden Pond and lived there in a very simple manner for over two years, which gave birth to a great transcendentalistwork —Walden (1854).(Writing style)His literary style interweaves close natural observation, personal experience, pointed rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical lore, while displaying a poetic sensibility, philosophical austerity, and "Yankee" love of practical detail. Use precise language, long and complex paragraphs and sentences and vivid, detailed descriptions, made it lucid, simply wrought and unpretentious.(Theme)(1)For Thoreau, nature is not merely symbolic but divine in itself and human beings can receive precise communication from the natural world by way of pure senses. (2) He believed in self-culture and was eager to identify himself with the Transcendental image of the self-reliant man. he thinks, the most important thing for men to do with their lives is to be self- sufficient.(3)He emphasized individual conscience and even considered the society fetters of the freedom of individuals.Walden is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, it emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature in transcending the "desperate" existence. Mainly expresses a critique of consumerism and capitalism. He does not perceive nature as a dead and passive object of conquest and exploitation.Walt WhitmanWhitman (1819-1892) is an American poet, essayist, journalist and humanist. He was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, and was also called “the father of verse”.(Writing style)(1) Whitman's poetic style is marked by the use of the poetic "I".(2) Whitman is also radically innovative in terms of the form of his poetry, such as adopted "free verse".(3)Whitman is conversational and casual, in the fluid, expansive, and unstructured style of talking. Using Parallelism and phonetic at the beginning of the lines.(4) His vocabulary is amazing, he is good at using powerful, colorful words and oral English.(Theme)His poetry is filled with optimistic expectation and enthusiasm about new things and new epoch.(1) He shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities.(2) He advocates the realization of the individua1 value. Most of the poems in “Leaves of Grass” sing of the "en-mass" and the self as well.(3)Pursuit of love and happiness is approved of repeatedly and affectionately in his lines.(4) Some of Whitman's poems are politically committed.His major work “Leaves of Grass” commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. He is the poet of the common people and the prophet and singer of democracy.In this poetry collection,(1)Openness, freedom, and individualism are all concerned.(2)It brings the hard-working farmers and laborers into American literature, attack the slavery system and racial discrimination.(3)It extols nature, democracy, labor and creation, and sings of man's dignity and equality, and of the brightest future of mankind . Most of the poems in “Leaves of Grass” sing of the "en-mass" and the self as well.The work was to express some new poetical feelings and to initiate a poetic tradition and he believed that poetry could play a vita1 part in the process of creating a new nation.文学术语1.Transcendentalism 超验主义Transcendentalism is also called “New England Transcendentalism”. As a philosophical and literary moment, It flourished from 1810 to 1836 around Concord, Massachusetts. It was represented by Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. It has five characteristics: individualism, self-reliance, returning to nature, intuition and national consciousness.2.Prose Epic 散文史诗It is a long narrative poem telling of heroic deeds of reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. The novel Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is regarded as the Great American Novel.3.Free Verse自由体It is poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. It was invented by Walt Whitman and popular used in “Leaves of Grass.”4.Hemingway Code Hero 海明威式的硬汉It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway's works. In his novels, life is full of tension and battles. The world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as "the Hemingway code". A man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually. It is described in“ TheOld Men and the Sea.”5. Lost Generation 迷惘一代The Lost Generation was a group of rebellious youth appeared in America after the First World War. It is represented by Hemingway. It’s described in “The Sun Also Rises.”The generation was “lost” in the sense that they were disillusioned with the war-wre cked world and spiritually alienated from a civilization and replaced by despair or a c ynical hedonism.6.Iceberg theory 冰山理论The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above the water. Typical of this "iceberg" analogy is Hemingway's style. Hemingway's style is actually polished and tightly contro1led, but highly suggestive and connotative. It means “less is more.”7. International theme 国际主题Henry Jame’s treatment with the c1ashes between two different cultures and the emotional and moral problems of Americans in Europe, or Europeans in America.8. Local Colorism 地方色彩Local Colorism is a unique variation of American literary realism. Local colorism concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region or province, which are marked by its customs, dialects, customs, landscape or other peculiarities. It was represented by Mark Twain, especially in Mississippi life in Mississippi river.诗歌Historical background:Emily Dickinson(1830-1886), the best-known female poet in American literature. Her poems, as well as Walt Whitman's, were considered as a part of "American renaissance"; they were regarded as pioneers of imagism. (三首诗都可以写上去的,是诗人背景)1.I Died for Beauty(Emily Dickinson)我为美而死去(艾米莉·狄金森)I died for beauty--but was scarce 我为美而死,却还不曾Adjusted in the Tomb 在墓中安息,When one who died for Truth,was lain 一个殉真理的烈士In the adjoining Room--就成了我的近邻He questioned softly “Why I failed?”他轻声问我“你为何而丧生?“For beauty,”I replied--我会说:“为了美”“And I--for Truth--Themself are One “我为真理,真与美本是一体“We Brethren,are,”He said--他说:“我们也是兄弟”And so,as Kinsmen,met a Night--于是,我们像亲戚在黑夜里相逢。