This is my day 课件

少年儿童图书馆的特点A、服务形式多样化B、活动形式固定化C、借阅方式趋同化D、假日服务市场化 对于从事危及公路安全的作业,如在大中型公路桥梁和渡口周围200m、公路隧道上方和洞口外100m范围内,进行爆破作业以及其他危及公路、公路桥梁等安全的活动,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处以罚款。A.1万元以上B.2万元以下C.3万元以下D.3万元以上 脑栓塞的临床表现中,下述哪项是不正确的。A.起病多急骤B.年龄多较轻C.多有脑膜刺激征D.常见局限性抽搐、偏瘫、失语E.多有风湿性心脏病 霍奇金病的治疗,下列哪项不正确A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期用放射治疗B.ⅢⅣ期用联合化疗合并放射治疗C.常用化疗方案为MOPP和ABVDD.化疗缓解后即可停药E.外科手术主要用于活组织检查 日本血吸虫病的临床分型不包括A.无症状带虫者B.急性血吸虫病C.慢性血吸虫病D.晚期血吸虫病E.异位损害 患者因严重烧伤住院,需给予鼻饲要素饮食补充营养。维生素A缺乏可引起()A.口角炎B.夜盲症C.维生素B1缺乏病D.维生素C缺乏病E.佝偻病 肾结核晚期合并膀胱挛缩时,膀胱容量<50ml,应想到有对侧肾积水的可能,下列检查中应除外哪一项A.逆行肾盂造影B.IVUC.B超D.肾穿刺造影E.CT 税收的特征是什么? 急性肾衰竭多尿期的多尿是由于。A.肾小管再生上皮的再吸收和浓缩功能尚未健全B.少尿期积聚的大量尿素起渗透利尿作用C.水电解质滞留过多D.输液过多E.以上都不是 下列非甾体抗炎药物中哪个药物具有1,2-苯并噻嗪的基本结构A.吡罗昔康B.吲哚美辛C.萘普生D.布洛芬 再生催化剂 如何看待中国传统社会“精耕细作”的农业生产方式? 使用多轴飞行器作业A.应在人员密集区,如公园、广场等B.在规定空域使用,且起飞前提醒周边人群远离C.不受环境影响 在控制流程图中,符号PI-11001的“PI”,表示仪表下列功能。A、温度记录B、压力指示C、流量指示D、液位指示 信息的特征主要包括A、传递性B、共享性C、价值相对性D、时效性 根据建设部《注册建造师执业管理办法》的规定,担任建设工程施工项目负责人的注册建造师应当在相关文件上签字并加盖执业印章。A.建设工程项目设计B.建设工程项目计划C.建设工程施工管理D.建设工程项目验收 下列活动中哪项MET最小?A.步行2.4km/hB.坐厕C.交谊舞(快)D.扫地E.下楼 医学伦理学最突出的特征是。A.实践性、继承性B.时代性、人道性C.人道性、全人类性D.全人类性、继承性E.人道性、实践性 下图所示的是交通标志。A.禁令B.指路C.指示D.警告 “阳脉之海”指A.督脉B.阴维脉C.冲脉D.任脉E.带脉 下列与不作为犯罪相关的表述,哪一选项是。甲立即前往现场,但只是站在现场观看,没有采取任何措施。此时,县卫生局副局长刘某路过现场,也未救助被害妇女。结果,歹徒杀害了其妻。甲和刘某都是国家机关工作人员,都没有履行救助义务 引起儿童黄疸型肝炎最常见的病原为A.甲型肝炎病毒B.乙型肝炎病毒C.丙型肝炎病毒D.丁型肝炎病毒E.戊型肝炎病毒 自然应激在第一阶段即可结束,强烈而持久的应激源才会发展到第三阶段。A.正确B.错误 确诊菌痢最可靠的依据是A.典型脓血便B.大便培养阳性C.明显里急后重D.免疫学检查阳性E.大便镜检发现大量脓细胞、吞噬细胞 国家对部分重点中药材购销实行管理,下列属于第二类的为A.麝香B.杜仲C.牛黄D.甘草E.厚朴 下列哪一项不属于建构数学模型的步骤?A.模型建立B.模型求解C.模型检验D.模型预设 轻柴油按质量分为五个牌号。A.正确B.错误 基坑开挖断面尺寸应符合设计要求,开挖轮廓线应采用有效的手段进行控制。A.开挖B.支护C.测量 全世界的吸烟者大约有A.l亿B.5亿C.11亿D.30亿E.50亿 路面工程各结构层之间的施工是。A.平行作业法B.依次作业法C.流水作业法D.均衡流水法 在气压一定时,湿空气密度总是干空气密度,湿空气比干空气。 患者,男性,35岁,营业员。癫痫史10年。在工作时突然跌倒在地,口吐白沫,四肢强直—抽搐发作。旁观者给予下列哪项处理措施是错误的A.用力按住其手足,阻止抽搐发作B.用缠以纱布的压舌板塞入其一侧上、下门齿之间C.使患者头偏向一侧D.解松患者的衣领及裤带,以利呼吸E.在患者背后 商业银行可根据实际业务情况确定流动性风险限额的管理,流动性风险限额应至少包括()。A.交易限额B.风险价值限额C.止损限额D.期限错配限额 以下不属于《基础电信协议》的主要部分的是。A.一般义务和纪律B.电信附录C.禁止性条款D.各国开放电信市场的承诺 高度近视引起的并发性白内障混浊部位多为A.前囊B.前囊下皮质C.核D.后囊E.后囊下皮质 提出环境保护措施设计,是阶段的主要内容之一。A.项目建议书B.预可行性研究C.可行性研究D.初步设计 患者,女,26岁,因反复乏力、厌油腻6个多月,服用保肝药后肝功能检查GPT偶见正常,停药后又复发,近来尿色逐渐加深2周入院。既往无病毒性肝炎病史,无家族史。生化报告:GPT180U/L,GOT69U/L,TBil39μmol/L,HBsAg(+),HBeAg(+),抗-HBc(+)。根据病史及生化报告应首先 [单选,案例分析题]女,63岁,突然出现剧烈头痛6小时,伴呕吐无发热,无高血压病史,右侧瞳孔对光反射消失,上眼睑下垂,眼球向上、下及内侧运动受限,颈项强直,克氏征阳性。CT示右大脑外侧裂,枕大池呈高密度影。为进一步治疗及预防,最有意义的检查是A.脑电图B.颅脑X线平片C.腰 潜伏性感染与病原携带状态的主要区别A.每种感染性疾病都存在B.病原体一般不排出体外C.体内存在病原体D.不出现临床症状E.以上都不是 补体系统经典激活途径与旁路激活途径的汇合点是A.C1B.C2C3D.C4E.C5
Daily task 英语课件

I have breakfast at__________.
I go to school at__________.
I have lunch at__________.
I go home at__________.
I do homework at__________.
I brush your teeth at__________. I go to bed at__________.
U3 Daily tasks
E v e r y d a y E n g l i s h Hi,Ben. What time do you go to school?
I go to school at quarter past seven. What time is it now?
. Oh no! It’s quarter to eight I am late!
have breakfast
at _7__:_0__0
go to school at
has dinner at
goes home at
Talk about your daily task
I brush my teeth
take the dog for a walk
dry the dishes
feed the dog
What time do you...?
I _t_a__k_e__t_h__e__d__o_g___f_o_r__a__w__a__l_k_ at __1_1__:3_0___.
do the shopping
This is my day

二、预习Let’s learn, Let’s chant,Let’s sing部分。
二、教学课题小学英语五年级Unit1 This Is My Day第四课时1能够使用频度副词问答周末活动,如:What do you do on the weekend ? I often go shopping.(能力目标)。
2.能够掌握Let’s learn 中的四会单词(知识目标)。
三、教材分析Unit1 This Is My Day是义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语五年级第一单元第四课时的内容。
【教学目标】(1)知识与技能目标:能够听说读写本课时四会动词短语:climb mountains, go shopping, play thepiano, visit grandparents, go hiking。
教学难点:正确拼写单词mountain 和grandparents。
this is my day英语的小作文

This Is My Day: A Journey through My DailyRoutineThe sun peeks through my curtains, casting a warm glow over my bed. My eyes slowly open to greet the new day, and I find myself smiling as I anticipate the adventures itwill bring. This is my day—a blend of routine and spontaneity, a tapestry of moments that make each day unique.I rise from my bed, stretching my limbs to shake off the sleepiness. The first task of the day is always the same: making my bed. It's a small task, but it sets the tone for the rest of my day—tidy and organized. As I straighten the sheets and fluff the pillows, I feel a sense of accomplishment that helps me start the day on a positive note.After a quick breakfast, I head to the office. The morning is usually filled with meetings and project work. The buzz of conversation and the click of keyboards create a lively atmosphere that激发我的创造力。
PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册unit 1 This is my day Let's Learn教学课件

When do you do morning exercises ?
I usually do morning eห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ercises at 8:45 .
When do you eat dinner ?
I (usually) eat dinner at 6:00.
I usually eat breakfast at 7:00.
When do you(usually) eat breakfast ?
What do you do on the weekend ? Sometimes I watch TV on the weekend.
What do you(often) do on Fridays ?
Unit1 This is my day
Let’s chant
often What do you do on the weekend? I usually go swimming. Sometimes I climb mountains. Sometimes I go shopping. What do you do on the weekend? I usually play the piano. Sometimes I visit grandparents, Sometimes I watch videos.
go swimming
climb mountains
go shopping
play the piano
visit grandparents
watch videos
12 11 1 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 6 5
《My day》PPT课件[优秀课件]
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What time is it ? It’s….
five past seven ten past seven twenty past seven
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What time does he go to school? He goes to school at __a_q_u_a_rt_e_r_to__e_ig_h_t__.
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What time does he get up? He gets up at __s_ev_e_n__fi_v_e.
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a qu_a_r_te_r_ past seven A red apple big big,
_h_a_lf_ past seven
A half for you and a half for me!
A red apple sweet sweet, fifteen minutes = a quarter
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this is my day 教案说课稿

Unit 1 This Is My Day 第一课时教案、说课稿及反思教案教案教学内容:A Let’s learn 、Let’s do :教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写词组:have English class ,do morning exercises, playsports, eat breakfast, eat dinner2、能听懂问句When do you play sports?并能做出正确的回答I usually play sports at 3:30.3、能够运用新的语言进行Let’s play.中的双簧游戏。
教学重点:掌握Let’s learn部分的单词:have English class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast ,eat dinner 五个词组的听、说、读、写;能听懂会说When do you do morning exercises? 并回答I usually do morning exercisesat 8:30.教学难点:do morning exercises, 及单词usually的发音;根据实际情况运用句型:When do you…?I usually …at …教具准备:动词卡片,教学挂图钟表一、Warm-up1、Let’s do :Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.2. 师生交流。
T: What day is today ?It’s Monday.T: What do you have on Mondays.We have E nglish, Chinese…on Mondays.T: Do you like Mondays ? Why ?二、导入新课学习Let’s learn(1)have English classa. T: Excuse me. What time is it now?It’s time for English class. We usually have English class at 9:00 on Mondays.学生跟读,教师板书:I usually have English class at 9:00 on Mondays.b.操练。

Unit 6 Food and lifestyle
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Unit 8 Fashion
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Unit 7 Shopping
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Project 2 Different lifestyles
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册 全册课件【完整版】目录
0002页 0050页 0115页 0248页 0294页 0329页
Unit 2 Let"s play sports! Unit 4 My day Unit 1 This is me! Unit 8 Fashion Project 2 Different lifestyles 课文注释
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Project 1 My friend
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Unit 1 This is me!
Unit 2 Let"s play sports!
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
Unit 3 Welcome to our school!
2020最新译林版七年级英语上册全 册课件【完整版】
unit1 this is my day 第四课时课件

This is my day
Moral Education
Time flies.
What day is it ?
Friday=福来 day
Saturday=洒脱day Sunday=伤day
climb mountains
What do you do on the weekend?
go hiking
What do you do on the weekend?
play the piano
What do you do on the weekend?
visit grandparents
Give love more than money
1. I football sometimes play weekend the on
Sometimes I play football on the weekend _____________________________________.
2. do you do Sundays what on
Sometimes I ….
What do you do on the weekend?
go shopping
学生分两组,两组按顺序两人同时 翻动词卡片,翻开牌面后,根据牌 面上的词组造句说:I go hiking on the weekend./I climb mountains on the weekend.若两个 人词组词组相同的人即为朋友,互 相击掌说:Let’s go together!然后继 续下一轮。
PEP五年级下Unit1 this is my day B lets talk课件ppt

Chen: What do you do on the weekend? John: I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you? Chen: Usually I clean my room. I often go hiking, too. John: Let’s go hiking together next Sunday.
Mike hurries to school. Of course I am waiting for him. He can always depend on me!
Let’s do a survey. What’s the favourite weekend activity in you group?
Let’s chant
often What do you do on the weekend? I usually go swimming. Sometimes I climb mountains. Sometimes I go shopping. What do you do on the weekend? I usually play the piano. Sometimes I visit grandparents, Sometimes I watch videos.
One day, I wake up. It’s late. I bark at Mike. But he doesn’t wake up. How can I help him?
Mike wakes up.He searches for his bag. Oh Mike, come on! Hurry up!
最新人教版五年级英语下册Unit1 This is my day精品课件1

3,morning, afternoon, evening 搭配in: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 4,星期几前面用on: on Monday, on Thursday. 5,weekend 搭配: on the weekend.
(6)When do you eat dinner?(吃晚饭)
(7)When do you do homework?(做作业) (8)When do you watch TV?(看电视) (9)When do you go to bed?(睡觉)
• 自由填空.
I usually _________ on the weekend. Sometimes I _____________ . I can _________ with _____________ . I can _________ with _____________ • 判断对错 1.Dog usually goes shopping on the weekend. 2.Zoom often plays football on the weekend. 3.Monkey is going to watch TV this weekend. 4.They are going to read story books this weekend.
第三关:细节决定成败 1,英语里面时间由小到大来排列,先说小时间,但翻译成 中文时倒着翻译。 例如:we have English class at 9:00 in the morning on Mondays. 连词成句练习: to at in I work go the 9:00 evening (.) I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. breakfast have at the in morning We 7:00 (.) We have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. 2,点钟时间前面用at: at 8:00; at 7:30; at about 9:00 另外英语里常用a.m. (或am)表示上午时间,p.m.(或pm) 表示下午时间.例如:8:00 a.m. 5:00p.m.
Unit1 Lesson2课件 人教PEP 五年级下

walk the dog 遛狗
go for a walk 散步
go + doing 去......
go shopping 购物
have a dancing class class 也可以用have 来
take a dancing class 上舞蹈课
询问某人周末安排 A: What do you often do on the weekend? B: I often
Tick or cross. Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning.( ) Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays.( ) Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon. ( )
( ) 1.---____do you get up ? ---At 6:30.
B.When C.How
( ) 2.We eat lunch ____home. C./
( )3. _____ start at 3 o’clock.
A.Classes B.classes C.Class
读一读 你知道”often”什么意思吗?
读一读 模仿句子: I often... on...
Why is Sarah shopping today? What does Sarah do on the weekend?
this is my day范文

this is my day范文英文回答:This is my day. I usually wake up at around 7 o'clockin the morning. I start my day by stretching and doing some light exercises to wake up my body. Then, I head to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee and a healthy breakfast. I usually have oatmeal with fruits and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.After breakfast, I get ready for work. I work as a software engineer in a tech company. I usually take the subway to the office, which takes about 30 minutes. During the commute, I like to listen to podcasts or read a book to make the most of my time.Once I arrive at the office, I check my emails and prioritize my tasks for the day. I have a meeting with my team to discuss the progress of our ongoing project. We brainstorm ideas and come up with solutions to anychallenges we may be facing.During lunchtime, I usually go out with my colleaguesto grab a bite to eat. We often go to a nearby café or restaurant. We chat and catch up on each other's liveswhile enjoying our meal. Sometimes, we even have a friendly competition to see who can finish their food the fastest.In the afternoon, I continue working on my tasks. Ihave to write code, test it, and fix any bugs that may arise. It can be challenging at times, but I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of my job. I also have a fewmeetings with clients to discuss their requirements and provide updates on their projects.At around 6 o'clock, I finish work and head home. Onthe way back, I sometimes stop by the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for dinner. Once I'm home, I like to unwind by watching a TV show or playing video games for a while. It helps me relax and take my mind off work.For dinner, I usually cook a simple yet nutritious meal.One of my favorite dishes to make is stir-fried vegetables with tofu and rice. It's quick, easy, and delicious. After dinner, I clean up the kitchen and spend some time readingor doing a hobby before getting ready for bed.Before going to sleep, I like to reflect on my day and plan for the next one. I write down any tasks or goals I need to accomplish and make a to-do list. Then, I turn off the lights and drift off to sleep, ready to start a new day tomorrow.中文回答:这是我的一天。

Community, places to visit, people you meet, and daily activities.
The position of the theme in the textbook
This unit is the fourth unit in the first chapter of the book, which is dedicated to introducing the concept of neighborhoods and community.
Analyze student performance
Assess student performance and identify patterns or trends that can inform teaching strategies and courseware improvements.
It builds upon the previous unit's focus on greetings and introductions, introducing more complex topics related to community life.
Teaching objectives of the theme
Situational teaching method
情境教学法是一种通过模拟真实情境来教 授知识的方法。
教师可以使用实物、图片、音乐、视频等 手段来创造一个真实的语言环境,让学生 在其中学习和使用英语。
情境教学法能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提 高他们的参与度和口语表达能力。

《This Is My Day》教案优秀设计一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够听懂、会说、会读本节课的主要词汇:morning, afternoon, evening, breakfast, lunch, dinner, brush my teeth, wash my face, read books, watch TV, do homework, go to bed。
(2)学生能够理解并运用句型"This is my day." 描述自己的一天。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够通过图片和情景,正确使用本节课的主要词汇和句型。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和热情。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:(1)学生能够掌握本节课的主要词汇和句型。
2. 教学难点:(1)词汇的准确理解和运用。
三、教学方法:1. 情景教学法:通过设置生活中的情境,让学生在实际语境中学习和运用英语。
2. 交际教学法:通过小组活动,让学生在交流中学习英语,提高口语表达能力。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用英语。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动(5分钟):(1)跟唱歌曲"Hello, Hello, Hello!",引导学生进入英语学习氛围。
2. 新课导入(10分钟):(1)老师出示本节课的主要词汇卡片,引导学生用中文说出单词的中文意思。
3. 课堂活动(15分钟):(1)老师设置情景,让学生用英语描述自己的一天。
4. 巩固练习(5分钟):(1)老师出示图片,学生用英语描述图片中的场景。
This Is My Day

本单元This is my day是五年级上册第二单元的延续,旨在适时复现,强化知识,并作进一步的拓展练习。根据对教材的理解,本节课的学习目标不仅要使学生能够结合声音、图片来表达不同时段学习和生活的情况,还通过对日常生活习惯准则的学习,养成良好的行为习惯。
Step 1 Warm-up
Daily talk
Step 2 Preview
Game: What time is it?
have English class的图片
教案设计,教学反思this is my dayB

《This is my day 》Part A Let’s talk章琼襄阳市第一实验小学一、设计说明本节课的教学内容为 PEP 英语五年级下册第一单元《 This is my day 》PartA Let’s talk.话题是谈论一天活动的时间安排。
三、教学设计1.核心任务根据英语课程标准设置的总体教学目标,结合本单元的实际教学内容,确定本课的教学目标如下:(1)知识目标:学生能听、说、认、读使学生能掌握“when do you ….. ”“ I usually ….at…. ”(2)能力目标:在情景中运用以上句型(3)情感目标:培养学生合理利用时间,合理安排生活的意识。
3.教学重难点:在情景中使用When do you …? I usually…at…的句型进行交流。
4.课前准备:1、录音材料: Let’s talk2、PPT3、钟表模型,4、张鹏,Amy, Zoom, zip 的头饰5、时间表6、教学过程中的评价方式(competition by catching the time .)5、教学过程:Step 1 warm up(1)用时钟识别时间(教师扮演zoom 和学生们一起玩游戏)设计意图:结合对话话题,通过猜时间游戏对相关旧知进行复习热身。

Part 3 Sounds and Letters
wash/ wɔʃ / 洗
brush/brʌʃ / 刷
shoes/ʃ u:z/ 鞋子
What’s the Date Today?
January ['dʒænjuəri]
February ['februəri]
March [mɑ:tʃ]
Part 2 Talk Together
示例2: ——How does Jane go to school? ——She goes to school by subway.
Part 2 Talk Together
句型2: ——How long does it take to…? ——It takes about…minutes. ——Why don’t you…? ——That’s a good idea.
Part 2 Talk Together
示例1: ——Did you wash your hands? ——Yes, I did. I washed my hands before dinner.
Part 2 Talk Together
句型2: ——What did you do before / after…? ——I…before / after….
Where Are You From?
Part 1 Listen and Speak
Sandy: Where are you from? Dongdong: I'm from China.
Part 1 Listen and Speak
(小学五年级英语教案)Unit 1 This is my day第四课时-教学教案

Unit 1 This is my day第四课时-教学教案一、教学重点:把握五个四会动词短语:climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,go hiking。
Let’s learn和Let’s sing的录音。
短语卡片:climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,go hiking。
四.教学过程:Review〔复习〕活动一复习句子教学参考时间:3-4分钟请同学分角色朗读Read and write局部对话。
老师提问:When do you... When do you ...... onSaturdays/Sundays请同学做出相应答复。
老师说:On Saturdays and Sundays,we don’t go to school. It is fun. OK,let’s listen to a song.复习本单元A局部内容,时间状语On Saturdays / Sundays的消灭可以以旧带新,为on the weekend的学习和使用进行铺垫,同时引起同学了解歌曲内容的古怪。
Warm up 〔热身〕活动二学唱歌曲教学参考时间:5分钟老师播放歌曲录音,同学观赏。
老师说:From Friday evening to Sunday is weekend. 出示单词weekend,同学仿照发音。
老师说:On the weekend,we don’t go to school. What do we do on the weekend Let’s learn the song. 同学跟录音逐句学唱,老师适当用动作演示句子意思,挂念同学理解。
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What do you do in a day?
11 10
12 1 2 3
What time is it? It’s six o’clock.
7 6 5
I get up at 6:00.
12 1 2 3
7 6
What time is it? It’s 6:30.
UNIT 1 This is my day A
Saturday, Saturday What do you do on Saturdays? I often paint or watch TV. Saturday is fun for me! Sunday, Sunday What do you do on Sundays? I read books or play computer games. Sunday is sweet for me!
11 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 12 1 2 3
Listen and repeat.
(1)When do you get up?
(2)When do you eat breakfast? (3)When do you go to school? (4)When do you eat lunch? (5)When do you have Chinese class? (6)When do you eat dinner? (7)When do you do homework? (8)When do you watch TV? (9)When do you go to bed?
7 6 5
What time is it?
It’s seven o’clock.
I eat dinner at 7:00.
Listen and repeat!
do morning exercises.
play sports
eat breakfast.
have English class
eat dinner
I usually …
My friend’s Day
get up: ______ eat breakfast:______ go to school: ______ eat lunch: ______ go home: ______ play sports: ______ eat dinner: ______ go to bed: ______
I ea2 1 2 3
7 6 5
What time is it?
It’s eight o’clock.
I have English class at 8:00.
11 10
12 1 2 3
7 6 5
What time is it? It’s 8:45.
I do morning exercises at 8:45 .
11 10
12 1 2 3
7 6 5
What time is it? It’s 4:05.
It’s time for P.E. class.
I play sports at 4:05.
11 10
12 1 2 3
11 10
12 1 2 3
Translate(翻译): 我6:00起床。 I get up at 6:00.
7 6 5
I usually(通常) get up at 6:00.
What time do you get up? =When do you get up? I usually(通常) get up at 6:00.
What do you do on the weekend? I often ……
do my homework
wash my clothes
play football watch TV draw cartoons play ping-pong read books
Let’s think
There are 24 hours(小时) in a day.
Adage :
Best timetable is good for your health.