·5·UNIT 2 发电和输变电参考译文2.1 电磁感应如将一根导电棒通过磁场,每个自由电子由于通过磁场的运动产生一个力。
从磁感应强度(磁通密度)B 的定义看,在电荷q 通过磁场的运动中,电荷所受到的力由方程(2-1)得到,q sin Bqv F = (2-1)式中,力F 和由电磁场方向确定的平面垂直,vsinθ是垂直于磁场方向的速度分量,B 的单位是韦伯/米2(webers/m 2),q 的单位是库仑,v 的单位是米/秒(meters/sec ),F 的单位是牛顿。
由这个力产生的电场强度E ,即每单位正电荷受力的大小和方向。
在动生电动势(emf )中,电荷被认为是负的,这样等式(2-2)成立þýü=-=-=-=q e e q sin /sin )/(Blv lBv q F E (2-2)这里,l 是导体垂直于磁场方向的长度,电动势ε的单位是伏。
2.2 单相和三相交流电单相交流电压是由单相交流发电机产生或它可以通过三相交流电的两根电力线获得。
UNIT 1 电气和电子工程引言参考译文1.1 电气工程引言电气和电子工业已逐渐趋于成熟,世界上的每个人,每个家庭及工业都受到它所取得成就的影响。
测控技术与仪器专业英语翻译 殷虹 河北工业大学适用
测控专业英语翻译Unit1Measurement,ControlandInstrumentation Instrumentati on is defined as the art and science of measurement and control.Instrumentation engineers are responsible for controlling a whole system like a power plant.译为:仪器可定义为测量和控制的艺术和科学。
An instrument is a device that measures and/or regulates process variables such as flow, temperature, level, or pressure. Instruments include many varied contrivances that can be assimple as valves and transmitters, and as complex as analyzers.译为:仪器是一种用来测量和/或调节过程变量(如流量、温度、液位或压力)的装置。
Instruments often comprise control systems of varied processes such as refineries, factories,and vehicles. The control of processes is one of the main branches of applied instrumentation. Instrumentation can also refer to handheld devices that measure some desired variable.Diverse handheld instrumentation is common in laboratories, but can be found in thehousehold as well. For example, a smoke detector is a common instrument found in mostwestern homes.译为:仪器通常由如精炼厂、工厂和车辆这些不同流程的控制系统组成。
Unit9 工业控制水平图9.1中的三角形表现了工业工厂所有的控制层。
2018-测控技术与仪器科技英语-word范文 (12页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==测控技术与仪器科技英语篇一:测控技术与仪器科技英语第四课翻译与课文Unit 4Digital Signal Processing (DSP)Having heard a lot about digital signal processing (DSP) technology , investigate why DSP is preferred to analog circuitry for many types of operations , and discover how to learn enough to design your own DSP system .This article , the first of a series , is an opportunity to take a substantial first step towards finding answers to your question .This series is an introduction to DSP topics from the point of analog system designers seeking additional tools for handing analog signal. Designers reading this series can lean about the possibilities of DSP to deal with analog signals and where to find additional sources of information and assistance.4.1 What Is DSP?In brief, DSPs are processors or microcomputers whose hardware, software, and instruction sets are optimized high-speed numeric processing applications-an essential for processing digital data representing analog signals in real time. What a DSP does is straightforward. When acting as a digital filter, for example, the DSP receives digital values based on samples of a signal, calculates the results of a filter function operating on these values, and provides digital values that represent the filter output; it can also provide system control signals based on properties of these values. The DSP’s high-speed arithmetic and logical hardware is programmed to rapidly execute algorithms modeling the filter transformation.The combination of design elements a arithmetic operators, memory handling, instruction set, parallelism, data addressing that provide this ability forms the key difference between DSPs and other kinds of processors. Understanding the relationship between real-time signal and DSP Calculation speed provides some background on just how special this combination is .The real-time signal comes to the DSP asa train of individualsamples from an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) .To do filtering in real-time, the DSP must complete all the calculations and operations required for processing each samples (usually updating a process involving many previous samples ) before the next sample arrives. To perform high-order filtering of real-world signals having significant frequency content calls for really fast processors.4.2 Why Use a DSP?To get an ideal of the type of calculations of DSP dose and get an ideal of how an analog circuit compares with a DSP system , one could compare the two systems in terms of a filter function. The familiar analog filter uses resistors ,capacitors,inductors ,amplifiers .It can be cheap and easy to assemble ,but difficult to calibrate,modify, and maintain a difficulty that increases exponentially with filter order .For many purposes, one can more easily design ,modify,and depend on filters using a DSP because the filter function on the DSP is software-based, flexible ,and repeatable.Further,to createflexibly adjustable filter s with higher-order response requires only software modifications,with no additional hardware unlike purely analog circuits .An ideal bandpass filter,with the frequency response shown in Fig.4.1,would have the following characteristics:? a response within the passband that is completely flat with zero phase shift? infinite attenuation in the stopband.Useful additions would include:? passband tuning and width control? Stopband rolloff controlAs Fig.4.1 shows, an analog approach using second-order filters would require quite a few staggered high-Q sections; the difficulty of tuning and adjusting it can beimagined.With DSP software ,there are two basic approaches to filter design : finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response(IIR) .The FIR filter's time response to an impulse is thestraightforward weighted sum of the present and a finite number of previousinput samples. Having no feedback,its response to a given sample ends when the sample reaches the "end of the line "(Fig. 4 . 2). An FIR filter's frequency response has no poles, only zeros. The IIR filter , by comparison, is called infinite because it is a recursivefunction:its output is a weighed sum of inputs and outputs. Since itis recursive , its response can continue indefinitely . An IIR filter frequency response has both poles and zeros. .The x(s) are the input samples, y(s) are the output samples, a(s) are input sample weighings, and b(s) are sample weighings. Nis thepresent sample time, and M and N are the number of samples programmed (the filter's order). Note that the arithmetic operations indicatedfor both types are simply sums and products in potentially great number. In fact ,multiply-and-add is the case for many DSP algorithms that represent mathematical operations of great sophistication and complexity.Approximating an ideal filter consists of applying a transferfunction with appropriate coefficients and a high enough order , or number of taps (considering the train of input samples as tappeddelay line). Fig. 4.3shows the response of a 90-tap FIR filter compared with sharp-cutoff Chebyshev filters of various orders. The90-tap example suggests how close the filter can come toapproximating an ideal filter. Within a DSP system, programming a 90-tap FIR filter like the one in Fig. 4.3 is not a difficult task. By comparison, it would no be cost-effective to attempt this level of approximation with a purely analog circuit. Another crucial point in favor of using a DSP to approximate the ideal fillter is long-term stability. With an FIR (or an IIR having sufficientresolution to avoid truncation-error buildup), the programmable DSP achieves the same response,time after time. Purely analog filter responses of high order areless stable with time.Mathematical transform theory and practice are the core requirementfor creating DSP application and understanding their limits. This article series walks through a few signal-analysis and-processing examples to introduce DSP concepts. The series also provides references to texts for further study and identifies software tools that case the development of signal-processing software.4.3 Sampling Real-world SignalsReal-world phenomena are analog the continuously changing energylevels of physical processes like sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, A transducer converts these levels into manageableelectrical voltage and current signals, and an ADC sampling frequency, of the ADC is critically important in digital processing processingof real-world signals.This sampling rate is determined by the amount of signal information that is needed for processing the signal adequately for a given application. In order for an ADC to provide enough samples to accurately describe the real-world signal, the sampling rate must beat least twice the highest-frequency component of the analog signal. For example, to accurately describe an audio signal containing frequencies up to 20kHz, the ADC must sample the signal at a minimumof 40kHz. Since arriving signal can easily contain component frequencies above 20kHz (including noise), they must be removedbefore sampling by feeding the signal through a low-pass filter, is intend to remove the frequencies above 20kHz that could corrupt the converted signal.However, the anti-aliasing filter has a finite frequency rolloff, so additional bandwidth must be provided for the filter's transition band. For example, with an inputsignal bandwidth of 20kHz, one might allow 2 to 4kHz of extra bandwidth.Figure 4.4 depicts the filter needed to reject any signals with frequencies above half of a 48kHz sampling rate.Second sample .The time between samples is the time budget for the DSP to preform all processing tasks.For the audio example ,a 48kHz sample rate corresponds to a 20.833vs sampling interval. Fig.4.5 relates the the analog signal and digital sample rate .图Next consider the relation between the speed of the DSP andcomplexity of the algorithm (the software containing the transform or other set of numeric operations ).Complex algorithm require more processing tasks.Because the time between samples is fixed ,thehigher complexity calls for faster processing .For example ,suppose that the algorithm requires 50 processing operations to be performed。
测控技术与仪器专业英语课文翻译单元1Instrumentation is defined as the art and science of measurement and control. Instrumentation engineers are responsible for controlling a whole system like a power plant. 译为:仪器可定义为测量和控制的艺术和科学。
An instrument is a device that measures and/or regulates process variables such as flow, temperature, level, or pressure. Instruments include many varied contrivances that can be as simple as valves and transmitters, and as complex as analyzers. 译为:仪器是一种用来测量和/或调节过程变量(如流量、温度、液位或压力)的装置。
Instruments often comprise control systems of varied processes such as refineries, factories, and vehicles. The control of processes is one of the main branches of applied instrumentation. Instrumentation can also refer to handheld devices that measure some desired variable. Diverse handheld instrumentation is common in laboratories, but can be found in the household as well. For example, a smoke detector is a common instrument found in most western homes. 译为:仪器通常由如精炼厂、工厂和车辆这些不同流程的控制系统组成。
最新-测控技术与仪器专业英语阅读翻译 精品
全书共分17个单元,每个单元包括4个部分,分别为Text,Reading and Translation,Further Reading和General Knowledge,有助于读者学习和掌握专业基础知识和专业词汇,阅读和理解专业题材的英语文章,掌握专业英语翻译和写作方面的必备知识。
There are, of course, applications for which the owner of a PC may want higher performance than that offered by the GPIB alone, with its odd assortment of devices. Such systems are generally referred to as PC-based workstations. In a PC-based workstation, instrument modules with matched performance and compatibility are clustered around a PC computer. The PC-based workstation allows data from multiple instruments to be rapidly gathered ,stored, graphed ,analyzed, and incorporated into report form on a single PC. Systems of this type are generally put together by one manufacturer to enhance performance and cooperation between the instrument modules involved.一个基于PC的工作站的一个例子是惠普推出的PC仪器系统。
? One can measure thickness on many scales .The galaxy is sphick.. 你可以测量厚度,在许多尺度螺旋星系的约100 Em(1020m磁盘)深
? 3.Distance measurement 3。距离测量
? The tools and techniques of distance measurement are possibly one of humankind's longest-running inventive pursuits .This chapter concerns itself with methods to measure a relatively small segment of this range-from centimeters to kilometers .Even within this limited segment ,it would hardly be possible to list ,much less describe ,all of the distance measurement approaches that have been devised .Nevertheless ,the small sampling of technologies that are covered here should be of help to a broad range of readers.
? The altitude information at air traffic control (ATC) centers is based on pressure altitude measurement that the aircraft transponder system sends after it receives an appropriate interrogation——known as mode C interrogation——transmitted by a secondary surveillance radar. Actually, the altitude information is an atmospheric pressure measurement transformed to altitude indication through a formula expressing the pressure/altitude relationship. When a flight level is cleared for an aircraft, it actually means that the pilot must keep flying on an isobaric surface. However, the altimetry system may present systematic errors (biases) that are different for each airplane, and that significantly affect safety. Thus, the altimetry system performance as well as the aircraft height keeping performance must be monitored by an independent radar or satellite system. 信息的高度,在空中交通管制中心(ATC)根据压高度测量,飞机的应答机系统发给后都把它珍藏一个适当的审讯——被称为模式C讯问——通过二级监视雷达。实际上,高度的大气压力测量信息转化为高度通过公式显示表达压力/高度的关系。当一个飞行高度是允许飞机时,实际上就意味着飞行员必须不停地飞在一个isobaric表面。然而,altimetry系统系统误差可能出现偏差)(飞机的不同而有所区别,明显影响安全。因此,altimetry系统性能以及飞机高度保持性能均须由独立的雷达或卫星电视系统
GLOSSARYAabbreviate [ə'bri:vieit] v. 缩写,简写abide [ə'baid] v. 遵循,遵守abscissa [æb'sisə] n. 横坐标ac abbr. 交流电(alternating current)acceptable [ək'septəbl] a. 可接受的accomplishment [ə'kɔmpliʃmənt] n. 成果;成就accumulation [ə,kju:mju'leiʃən] n. 积累过程,积累accuracy ['ækjurəsi] n. 精度,准确度acoustics [ə'ku:stiks] n. 声学acquisition [,ækwi'ziʃən] n. 获取,采集,探测acronym ['ækrəunim] n. 首字母缩写(词)active ['æktiv] a. 有源的adaptive [ə'dæptiv] a. 适应的,适合的adjacent [ə'dʒeisənt] a. 临近的,毗连的administer [əd'ministə] v. 实施admissible [əd'misəbl] a. 可采纳的,允许的adversely ['ædvə:sli] ad. 相反地,不利地aerial ['εəriəl] a. 航摄的,空气的,气体的aforementioned [ə'fɔ:,menʃənd] a. 上述的,前面提到的AI addr. 人工智能(artificial intelligence)albeit [ɔ:l'bi:it] conj. 虽然;即使algebraic [,ældʒi'breiik] a. 代数的align [ə'lain] v. 匹配;对齐allure [ə'ljuə] n. v. 引诱,吸引;魅力alternate ['ɔ:ltəneit] a. v. 交替的,轮流的;交替,轮流alternation [,ɔ:ltə'neiʃən] n. 半周(交流),交替altitude ['æltitju:d] n. 高度ALU abbr. 算术/逻辑单元(arithmetic/logic unit)ambient ['æmbiənt] a. 周围的,环境的amplitude ['æmplitju:d] n. 幅度,振幅analog ['ænəlɔɡ] n. 模拟anode ['ænəud] n. 阳极antenna [æn'tenə] (pl. antennae) n. 天线appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. 职位approach [ə'prəutʃ] v. 探讨;接近arbitrate ['ɑ:bitreit] v. 仲裁architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 架构,体系结构ARCnet abbr. 附加资源计算机网络(attached resourcecomputer Network)·164·arguably ['ɑ:ɡjuəbli] ad. 有争议地armature ['ɑ:mə,tjuə] n. 电枢,(电机)转子arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt] n. 装置[备],排列,布[配]置ascertain [,æsə'tein] v. 确定assembly [ə'sembli] n. 结构,装配assess [ə'ses] v. 估计,评定assorted [ə'sɔ:tid] a. 已分类的;各式各样的astound [ə'staund] v. 使…大吃一惊astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi] n. 天文学autotransformer [,ɔ:təutræns'fɔ:mə] n. 自耦变压器avionic [,eivi'ɔnik] a. 航空电子学的avoidance [ə'vɔidəns] n. 避免Bbackbreaking ['bæk,breikiŋ] a. 累断腰的,繁重的,非常辛苦的backlash ['bæk,læʃ] n. 齿间隙backplane ['bæk,plein] n. 底板,插接板bandwidth ['bændwidθ] n. 带宽,频带宽度base [beis] n. 基极BCD abbr. BCD码(binary-coded decimal)bellows ['beləuz] n. 波纹管bias ['baiəs] v. 偏置biomedical [baiəu'medikəl] a. 生物医学的bistable [bai'steibl] a. 双稳态的bit [bit] n. 位blind [blaind] a. 盲目的block [blɔk] n. 积木,块blower ['bləuə] n. 鼓风机,吹风机blunder ['blʌndə] n. v. 大错,失误;犯大错,做错boost [bu:st] n. v. 推进,提高,促进,发展bounce [bauns] n. 颤动,跳动brushless ['brʌʃles] a. 无电刷的bubble ['bʌbl] n. 气泡,泡buoyant ['bɔiənt] a. 有浮力的bus [bʌs] n. 总线;母线butterfly ['bʌtəflai] a. n. 蝶形的;蝴蝶bypass ['baipɑ:s] n. 旁路Ccalibrate ['kælibreit] v. 校准calibration [,kæli'breiʃən] n. 标度,刻度,校准CAN abbr. 控制器局域网(controller area network)canonical [kə'nɔnikəl] a. 标准的;规范的·165·capacitance [kə'pæsitəns] n. 电容capacitive [kə'pæsitiv] a. 电容的capacitor [kə'pæsitə] n. 电容器capsule ['kæpsju:l] n. 膜盒carrier ['kæriə] n. 载流子cartridge ['kɑ:tridʒ] n. (唱片)拾音器,卡盘catalyst ['kætəlist] n. 促进因素,催化剂categorize ['kætiɡəraiz] v. 分类cathode ['kæθəud] n. 阴极cavity ['kævəti] n. 腔体cellular ['seljulə] a. 蜂窝状的,网状的,细胞(状)的CEMF abbr. 反向电动势(counter EMF)census ['sensəs] n. 人口统计cereal ['siəriəl] a. n. 谷物的;谷物characteristic [,kærəktə'ristik] a. n. 特性(的),特征,特色;特性曲线charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n. 电荷chip [tʃip] n. 芯片CIMS abbr. 计算机集成制造系统(computerintegrated manufacturing system)circuit ['sə:kit] n. 电路circuitry ['sə:kitri] n. 电路(总称)clash [klæʃ] v. 抵触,冲突clockwise ['klɔkwaiz] a. 顺时针方向的,counter~, anti~ 逆时针方向的CMOS abbr. 互补金属氧化物半导体(complementarymetal oxide semiconductor)coil [kɔil] n. 线圈coincidence [kəu'insidəns] n. 巧合collector [kə'lektə] n. 集电极collision [kə'liʒən] n. 碰撞,冲突commit [kə'mit] v. 保证commonplace ['kɔmənpleis] a. 平凡的commutator ['kɔmjuteitə] n. 换向器compact [kəm'pækt] a. 紧凑的;密集的compatible [kəm'pætəbl] a. 兼容的,协调的(~ with)component [kəm'pəunənt] n. 元件;部件comprehensive [,kɔmpri'hensiv] a. 综合(性)的compress [kəm'pres] v. 压缩compression [kəm'preʃən] n. 压缩compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] v. 折衷,损害condition [kən'diʃən] v. n. 调整[节];条件configuration [kən,fiɡju'reiʃən] n. 组态,结构,配置conscientious [,kɔnʃi'enʃəs] a. 尽责的consecutive [kən'sekjutiv] a. 连续的;相继的consistently [kən'sistəntli] ad. 协调地·166·constraint [kən'streint] n. 约束,约束条件contour ['kɔntuə] n. 形状,轮廓contraction [kən'trækʃən] n. 缩写conversely [kən'və:sli] ad. 相反地converter [kən'və:tə] n. 转换器,换流器coordinate [kəu'ɔ:dinit] n. v. 坐标(用复数);调整,整理corrugated ['kɔruɡeitid] a. 波纹的cost-effective a. 性能价格比covalent [kəu'veilənt] a. 共价的coulomb ['ku:lɔm] n. 库仑(电量单位)CPU abbr. 中央处理单元(central processing unit)criterion [krai'tiəriən] n. 判据critical ['kritikəl] a. 关键的crystalline ['kristəlain] n. 晶体的CSMA/CD abbr. 载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(carrier sensemultiple access with collision detection)culmination [,kʌlmi'neiʃən] n. 顶点,极点curvature ['kə:vətʃə] n. 弯曲,曲率custom ['kʌstəm] a. 定制的cutoff ['kʌt,ɔ:f] a. 截止的,未通电的cybernetics [,saibə'netiks] n. 控制论cylinder ['silində] n. 汽缸,气缸,圆柱体Ddam [dæm] n. 坝damp [dæmp] n. v. 阻尼dash [dæʃ] n. 仪表板dc abbr. 直流电(direct current)decade ['dekeid] n. 十decibel ['desibel] n. 分贝deck [dek] n. (录音机)走带机构decoder [,di:'kəudə] n. 解码器decrement ['dekrimənt] v. n. 递减,减少;减量deduce [di'dju:s] v. 推论de-energized [di'enədʒaizd] a. 失电的deficit ['defisit] n. 缺少,亏损deflection [di'flekʃən] n. 偏向,偏转,折射delay [di'lei] n. 延迟,滞后demodulator [di:'mɔdjuleitə] n. 解调器denominator [di'nɔmineitə] n. 分母deposit [di'pɔzit] v. 沉积,沉淀;存放,寄存derivative [di'rivətiv] a. n. 微分,导数;微分的,导数的designation [,deziɡ'neiʃən] n. 标示,名称detached [di'tætʃt] a. 分离的·167·deterministic [di,tə:mi'nistik] a. 确定的detrimental [,detri'mentəl] a. 不利的,有害的deviation [,di:vi'eiʃən] n. 偏差,背离,偏离dexterity [dek'steriti] n. 灵巧,机敏,灵活,熟练diac ['daiək] n. 二端交流开关(元件)diagnose ['daiəɡnəuz] v. 诊断diagonal [dai'æɡənəl] a. 对角的diaphragm ['daiəfræm] n. 膜片dielectric [,daii'lektrik] n. 电介质differential [,difə'renʃəl] a. 差分的,差动的;微分的differentiator [,difə'renʃieitə] n. 微分器digital ['didʒitəl] a. 数字的digitize ['didʒitaiz] v. 将…数字化diode ['daiəud] n. 二极管disc [disk] n. 唱片discern [di'sə:n] v. 看到;辨出dissipation [disi'peiʃən] n. 消散,驱散distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən] n. 区别;差别distortion [dis'tɔ:ʃən] n. 失真disturbance [di'stə:bəns] n. 扰动diverse [dai'və:s] a. 多种多样的DMA abbr. 直接存储器访问(direct memory access)dominant ['dɔminənt] n. a. 显性,显性的dope [dəup] v. 给(半导体等)搀杂DPST abbr. 双刀单掷(double-pole single-throw)drain [drein] n. 漏极droop [dru:p] n. v. 下垂量;下垂DSP abbr. 数字信号处理器(digital signal processor)duct [dʌkt] n. 管道dynamics [dai'næmiks] n. 动态(特性),(动)力学dynamometer [,dainə'mɔmitə] n. 测力计Eecological [,i:kə'lɔdʒikəl] a. 生态的,生态学的effector [i'fektə] n. 操纵装置eigenvalue ['aiɡən,vælju:] n. 特征值elapse [i'læps] v. (时间)过去,消逝electromagnetic [i,lektrəumæɡ'netik] a. 电磁的electromagnetism [i,lektrəu'mæɡnitizəm]n. 电磁学electromechanical [i,lektrəumi'kænikəl]a. 机电的,电机的electromotive [i,lektrəu'məutiv] a. 电动的element ['elimənt] n. 元件eliminate [i'limineit] v. 排除,消除embark [em'bɑ:k] v. 从事,着手·168·embed [im'bed] v. 嵌入embrace [im'breis] v. 包括EMF abbr. 电动势(electromotive force)emitter [i'mitə] n. 发射极emulation [,emju'leiʃən] n. 竞争,仿真enamel [i'næməl] n. 珐琅encapsulate [in'kæpsəleit] v. 封装energize ['enədʒaiz] v. 给…通电energized ['enədʒaizd] a. 通电的entity ['entəti] n. 实体equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡equivalent [i'kwivələnt] n. 相等的;相同的Eq. (equation [i'kweiʒən]) n. 方程(式),等式erasable [i'reizəbl] a. 可擦除的ESP abbr. 电子稳定程序(electronic stability program)etch [etʃ] v. 刻蚀,刻画evaluate [i'væljueit] v. 评价evaluation [i,vælju'eiʃən] n. 估计event [i'vent] n. 事件evolve [i'vɔlv] v. 发展,演变,进化exclusively [ik'sklu:sivli] ad. 排外地,专有地excursion [ik'skə:ʃən] n. 偏差executable ['eksikju:təbl] n. a. 可执行文件,可执行的exert [iɡ'zə:t] v. 施加。
jug will feel relatively cold. Besides the subjectivity of our observation ,we human observers are also handicapped by the fact that there are many states or phenomena in the real world around us which we
观察者。换句话说,仪器将最初的观察到任何观测者都表示会同意能封锁。For the measurement instrument’s output ,therefore ,objectively observable output such as numbers on an alpha-numerical display should be used rather than subjective assessment of such things as colour ,etc.. Designing such instruments ,which are referred to as measurement systems ,is the field of (measurement) instrumentation.用来测量仪器的输出,因此,客观观察的输 出如数字显示 alpha-numerical 应使用而不是主观评价诸如色彩,等。设计这样 的仪器都被称为量测系统,域(计量仪表。In the following ,we will define measurement as the acquisition of information in the form of measurement
第五章课后A random erroris due to acontrolled,large number of independent small effects that cannothe identified orit is a statistical quantity. As such,iteach replication of the observations. If a large number of readings iswill vary for the same quantity.the scatter of the data about a mean value can be evaluated.The scatter generally follows a guassian distribution about a mean value.whichis assumed to be the true value.Accuracy is the deviation of the output from the calibration input or the truevalue. If the accuracy of a voltmeter is 2% full scale as described in the precedingsection·the maximum deviation i、士2units for all readings.一个随机误差是由于控制,大量的独立影响小,不能他发现或这是一个统计量。
测控技术与仪器专业英语阅读翻译篇一:测控技术与仪器专业英语课后阅读翻译(1,5__)第1章课后Underwater Acoustic SignalIn the operation of a sonar system the operator is repeatedly faced with the problem of detecting a signal which is obscured by noise. This signal may be an echo resulting from a transmitted signal over which the operator has some control, or it may have its origin in some e_ternal source. These two modes of operation arise in radar surveillance and in disciplines for techniques and for illustrations of the basic principles. Since there are many ways in which one can think about signal detection , it is desirable to define a term to denote special cases . The word detection will be used when the question to be answered is, ?Are one or more signals present?? when the system is designed to provide an answered to this question , either deterministic or probabilistic, one speaks of hypothesis testing. The case of a single signal occurs so often that many system are designed to provide only two answers, ?Yes , a signal is present,? or ?No, there is no signal.? One can make the problem more complicated by endeavoring to classify the signal into categories. Decisions of this latter kind will be referred to as targetclassification.Normally a piece of detection equipment is designed to operate in a fi_ed mode and the parameters such as integrating time of rectifier circuits or persistence of the oscilloscope tube for visual detection cannot be changed readily. There will always be some uncertain signals, which the observer will be hesitant to reject or accept. In these cases the operator might have the feeling that if the integrating time of thedetector or the persistence of the oscilloscope tube were longer, he could reach a decision about the e_istence of the signal. Wald(_50) has formulated this intuitive feeling into a theory of detection. When one is able to vary deliberately the interval over which one stores data in thereception system in order to achieve a certain level of certainty, one speaks of sequential detection. Frequently it is desirable to determine not only the presence or absence of the signal but also one or more parameters associated with the signal . The parameters of interest can vary widely from a simple quantity such as time of arrival or target bearing to the recovery of the completewaveform . When a system is designed to recover one or more parameters associated with thesignal , one speaks of signal e_traction.The word signal was not defined and it was assumed that the reader had an intuitive felling for the word. Some elaboration may be in order since the definition of signal subjective and depends on theapplication . One may say that ?signal? is what one wants to observe and noise is anything that obscures the observation. Thus, a tuna fisherman who is searching the ocean with the aid of sonar equipment will be overjoyed with sounds that are impairing the performance of a nearby sonar system engaged in tracking a submarine. Quite literally, one man?s signal is another man?s noise.Signals come in all shapes and forms. In active sonar system one may use simple sinusoidal signals of fi_ed duration and modulations thereof. There are impulsive signals such as those made withe_plosions or thumpers. At the other e_treme one may make use of pseudorandom signals. In passive systems, the signals whose detection is sought may be noise in the conventional meaning of the word; noise produced by propellers or underwater swimmers, for e_ample. It should be evidentthat one of our problem will be the formulation of mathematical techniques that can be used to describe the signal. Although the source in an active sonar search system may be designed to transmit a signal known shape, there is no guarantee that the return signal whose detection is sought will be similar. In fact , there are many factors to change the signal. The amplitude loss associated with inverse sphericalspreading is most unfortunate for the detection system nut it does not entail any distortion of the wave shape . (Incidentally, where the wave can be appro_imated locally as a plane wave.) The acoustic medium has an attenuation factor , which depends on the frequency . This produces a slight distortion of the wave shape and a corresponding change in the energy spectrum of the pulse. The major changes in the waveform result from acoustic boundaries and inhomogeneities in the medium.When echoes are produced by e_tended targets such as submarines, there are two distinct ways in which echo structure is affected. First, there is the interference between reflections from the different leads to a target strength that fluctuates rapidly with changes in the aspect. Secondly, there is theelongation of the composite echo due to the distribution of reflecting features along the submarines. This means that the duration of the composite echo is dependent in a simple manner on the aspect angle. If T is the duration of the echo from a point scatterer, and L is the length of the submarine, the duration of the returned echo will be T=(2L/c)cosA ,where A is the acute angle between the major a_is of the submarine and the line joining the source and the submarine. C is the velocity of sound in the water. Of course, LcosA must be replaced by the beam width of the submarine when A is near.A final source of pulse distortion is the Doppler shifts produced by the relative motions between the source, and the target (or detector inpassive listening) may each have a different velocity relative to the bottom, the variety of effects may be quite large.水下声波信号在声纳操作过程中,操作员经常需要对受噪声干扰的信号进行检波.干扰信号可能来自操作员发出信号的反射波或者外部声源的信号.这两种类型的干扰对主动声纳和被动声纳都会造成很大影响.类似的情况在雷达监测.工程类和图像类专业的基本原理都会涉及到.当你想到信号检测时有多种方法,那么定义一个术语来表示特殊情况便是可行的.当问题的答案是〝当前有一个还是一个多个信号?〞时,检波一词将被使用.一个系统被设计来为这种问题提供答案--无论是必然性还是偶然性,这就需要谈及假设检验;当一个信号反复出现的情况下,许多系统只被设计提供两个答案:〝是的,当前有一个信号〞或〝不,当前没有信号〞.力图将信号分类会使问题复杂化,因为后者的结论将涉及到目标分类.一般来说,一种检波仪器只被设计在固定的类型和参数下工作,不容易被改变,例如时间积分检波电路和光学检测的辉光示波管.当出现不明信号时,观察者在拒绝或接收信号方面有所迟疑.在这种情况下,操作员会有种感觉如果检波电路或者示波管能够延长时间那么他就能下结论该信号是否存在.沃尔德(_50)在他的检波理论系统阐述了这种直觉.如果(一个检测检测方法)能够主动去改变时间间隔并在接收系统里储存数据以便达到确定的某一水平,这就是顺序检测.一般不仅能够确定信号存在与否,而且还能确定一个或多个与信号关联的参数.在还原完整波形时我们所感兴趣的参数在各简单分量间有很大差别,例如信号的到达时间和相位. 当一个系统被设计来提取一个或多个信号参数时,这就是信号抽取.信号一词并没有明确的定义,只是在读者对它有直观了解时的一种假设.有些较为详细的解释为了对信号一词进定义可能导致是比较主观的或者狭隘与所应用的条件.也许你会说信号就是你想观察到的而噪声就是对观察者产生干扰的信号.但是,一个渔民在用声纳设备搜索海洋时,附近用来追踪潜艇的声纳干扰导致的信号削减常常会使他欣喜若狂.毫不夸张地说,一个人的信号将会是另一个人的噪声.信号的形式和构成是多种多样的.在主动声纳系统中,可以利用相关的固定宽度和调制正弦信号.类似的有脉冲信号,例如爆炸或者撞击.在一些极端的情况可以利用伪随机信号.在被动声纳系统中,例如螺旋桨或潜泳者发出的噪声.很明显,如何利用数学公式的方法来描述一个信号成为了我们所面临的问题.即是在主动声纳系统中的超声波发射器传播已知波形的信号,但无法保证检测后查找出来的反射信号也是类似的波形.振幅和反向球面传播信号失去关联是检波系统最不利的情况,因为它无法承担任何波形畸变.(偶然地,这种事件的乐观情况并不适用于2维波,除非它传播到足够远的地方,可以近似认为是平面波.)声波的传导介质会对其造成衰减,(衰减的程度)取决于声波的频率.这就造成了少量的波形失真和对脉冲波形能谱造成相当的改变.主要的改变还是由于波形的边缘效应和传播介质的不均匀所引起的.当反射波是由外部物体例如潜艇所发出的,这时反射波的结构主要受两种不同方式的影响,第一,由两种反射信号之间的干扰导致外界声源的强度与跟随相位的改变迅速波动,第二,合成反射波的延伸是沿着(来自)潜艇反射的散布特征,这就意味着持续时间取决于相位角的简单特征.如果T是反射波由一个点扩散的持续时间,L是潜艇的长度,那么反射波的回射时间就是 , 是潜艇主轴和声纳拖曳线之间的夹角(锐角),C则是声音在水中的传播速率.当然,当接近的时候必须用潜艇的宽度代入.最后一个造成脉冲波形失真的原因声源,船体,介质,目标之间相对运动所造成的多普勒效应.由于声源,介质,目标(或者被动接收器的探测端)相对于船体都有不通的速度向量,所以各种因素的影响之间的区别也很大.第五章课后A random erroris due to acontrolled,large number of independent small effects that cannothe identified orit is a statistical quantity. As such,iteach replication of the observations. If a large number of readings iswill vary for the same quantity.the scatter of the data about a mean value can be evaluated.The scatter generally follows a guassian distribution about a meanvalue.whichis assumed to be the true value.Accuracy is the deviation of the output from the calibration input or the truevalue. If the accuracy of a voltmeter is 2% full scale as described in the preceding section·the ma_imum deviation i.士2units for all readings.一个随机误差是由于控制,大量的独立影响小,不能他发现或这是一个统计量.因此,它每个复制的观察.如果大量的读数是同样数量的不同而不同.散射的数据值可以评估.散高斯分布通常遵循关于意味着value.which被认为是真正的价值.准确性是偏差的输出的输入或真正的校准价值.如果把电压表的准确性2%全面描述在前面的部分·最大偏差我,士2units所有阅读资料.第五章.Noncontact Temperature MeasurementAny object at any temperature above absolute zero radiates energy. This radiationvaries both in intensity and in spectral distribution with temperature.Hence.temperature may be deduced by measuring either the intensity or the spectrum of theradiation.The total energy density radiating from an ideal?blackbody?(more on that later) isgiven by the Stefan-boltzmann law·E=6T ·where E is energy density in W/cmz.6 Isthe Stefan-boltzmann constant(5. 6697 _ _ z W/cmz K?)and T is the abs olutetemperature(K).In other words·the total radiated energy is proportional to the fourthpower of the absolute temperature. A_ objects.particularly ideal blackbody objects.also absorb incident radiation.(Uiven time to equilibrate.and presuming they are insulated from the heating or coolingeffects of surrounding air or other materials.they will eventually reach a point wherethey absorb and radiate energy at equal rates. ()ne consequence of this is that if an object(a temperature sensor.for e_ample) is an ideal blackbody.is perfectly insulated.and isflooded on its entire surface with radiation from a radiating source.it will eventuallyreach an equilibrium sources and blackbody calibration sources are available).the temperature of the sensor is a measure of the temperature of the radiating object.任何物体在任何温度高于绝对零度的辐射能量.这种辐射无论是在不同强度和在光谱分布和温度.因此.通过测量温度可以推导出要么强度或频谱的辐射.总能量密度辐射从理想 blackbody〞(稍后详细介绍)鉴于法律的Stefan-boltzmann·E = 6 T ·E在是能量密度在W / cmz. 6Stefan-boltzmann的常数(5. 6697 _ _ z W / cmz K〞)和T是绝对的温度(K).换句话说·总辐射能量是成正比的第四绝对温度的力量.A_对象.特别是理想黑体对象.也会吸收入射辐射.(Uiven 时间一致.和他们隔绝放肆的加热或冷却周围空气的影响或其他材料.他们最终会达到一个临界点他们吸收和辐射能量在相同的利率.()东北的后果是,如果一个对象(一个温度传感器.例如)是一种理想的黑体.是完全绝缘.和是在整个表面淹没与辐射发射源.它最终将达到平衡来源和黑体校正源可用),温度传感器是一个测量辐射的温度对象.An infrared radiation thermometer may be created in a manner similar to that inFigure 1 the radiated energy from the hot(or cold) object is focused on a temperaturesensor.whose temperature then is indicative of the intensity of the radiation falling uponit. The sensor should be small and low mass for reasonable response time. Thermistorsoffer high sensitivity for low temperature measurements while thermocouples providethe operating range necessary for high levels of radiated energy. In some designs.thesensor is insulated from ambient conditions by placingit in a vacuum. The sensor s output is amplified.linearized.and fed to an output indicator or recorder.The optics are apt to be a bit different than shown in diagram. In mostapplications.particularly at lower temperatures.much of the radiation will be farinfrared.which is not passed well by most glasses. It may be preferable to use areflective concave mirror to focus the incoming energy.rather than a lens. There mayalso be a red or infrared filter over the inlet to keep down interference due to strayambient light. For higher temperature use it may be necessary to reduce the totalincoming energy using a gray filter.shutter.or other obstruction. The Stefan-boltzmann law.and the proper operation of thesethermometers.presumes that theradiation is coming from a perfect blackbody radiator. to oversimplify(and it is not ourintention here to which does not reflect any radiation which may fall upon it. Allincident energy is absorbed. A non-blackbody object which reflects e_ternal radiation will also reflect internally generated radiation.lowering the amount of energy radiated atany given temperature.红外辐射温度计可以创建的方式类似,在图1的辐射能量从热(或冷)对象都聚焦在一个温度传感器.其温度然后表明辐射强度落它.应该是小的传感器和低质量为合理的响应时间.热敏电阻提供高灵敏度低温度的测量而热电偶提供必要的工作范围为高水平的辐射能量.在一些designs.the传感器是隔绝外界条件下通过将它放置在真空中.传感器的amplified.linearized输出. 和美联储到输出指标或录音机.光学往往稍有不同,图中所示.在大多数应用程序.特别是在较低的温度下.大部分的辐射将远红外线.这不是大多数眼镜了.这可能比使用凹面镜反射来聚焦入射能量.而不是一个镜头.也许也是一个红色或红外过滤器在进口为了压制干扰由于流浪环境光.温度较高的使用可能需要减少总传入的能源使用灰色filter.shutter. 或其他阻塞Stefan-boltzmann的法律. 和适当的操作这些温度计.是假定辐射是来自一个完美的黑体的散热器.粗略的(和它不是我们的这里的意愿,没有反映出任何辐射可能落在它.所有入射能量被吸收.一个non-blackbody对象反映外部辐射也将反映出内部产生的辐射.降低辐射的能量在任何给定的温度.Any surface has a reflectivity and an emissivity. Reflectivity,r,is simply the ratioof reflected energy to incident energy:a perfect reflector has a reflectivity of one;ablackbody,zero. Emissivity,.,turns out to b simply.=1一re,fZecl:二:Cy reflectivity. Aperfect blackbody has emitted by an object at a given temperature is proportional to itsemissivity:a reflectivity object has emissivity(we e_pect more heat from a rough,blackradiator than from a smooth,polished one). All this has a serious impact on radiation thermometry. An infrared radiationthermometer calibrated against a blackbody radiator will read seriously low when aimedat a reflective object .Most commercial radiation thermometers include a controlallowing the user to dial in the emissivity of the object being measured,plus a table oftypical emissivity values.Mist organic and nonmetallic materials have emissivity values.Most organic and nonmetallic materialshave emissivities between 0. 85 and 0. 95,whilemetals range roughly between 0. 1 and 0. 5(interestingly,both white and black paintshave similar emissivitie.一between 0. 9-at temperatures up to 1_0C).任何表面具有反射率和发射率.反射率r,是简单的比率反射入射能量的能量:一个完美的反射器有一个反射率的;一个黑体,零.辐射率(.其实,b简单.= 1一re,fZecl:二:Cy反射率.一个完美的黑体物体所发出了在给定温度是成正比的辐射率:反射率对象有辐射率(我们希望更多的热量从粗糙的.黑色的散热器比从光滑.磨光的一个). 所有这一切都有严重影响辐射测温.红外辐射对一个黑体温度计校准散热器将认真读书目的时低在反思对象.大多数商业辐射温度计包括控制允许用户来定下的热辐射特性被测对象,再加上一个表典型的辐射值.雾有机和非金属材料有辐射值.大多数有机和非金属材料有emissivities介于0.85年和年0.95年的时候,金属范围大致在0.1和0.5(有趣的是,两个白色和黑色颜料也有类似的emissivitie,一between 0. 9-at温度可达1_0摄氏度).Variations in emissivitiy can cause serious errors,especially with metal surfaces.Highly polished surfaces have lower emissivity still farther. As an o_idation or coatingof the surfaces raises emissivity still farther. As an e_ample,the emissivity of stainlesssteel at 8_0C is when polished,0. 5 when rough machined,0. 7 when rough machinedand lightly o_idized and 0. 8 to 0. 9 when heavily o_idized. If at all possible, the surfaceto be measured should be painted.o_idized.or otherwise made black and noeflective.Liquid metals.a frequent application for infrared thermometry.are not as variable ittheir emissivity.but may be affected by layers of slag on their surface. It is a good ideato calibrated the infrared reading by making a contact temperature measurement or.it the case of liquid metal.by plunging in a thermocouple as described in the previoussection.Also affecting the readings are atmospheric attenuation. Water vapor stronglyattenuates certain infrared wavelengths while dust smoke.and particulate matter wilattenuate the radiation between the source and the sensor. Such problems are apt to bemost troublesome in industrial applications.emissivitiy变化可以导致严重的错误,尤其是在金属表面.高度抛光表面发射率低到更远.作为氧化或涂层表面发射率的提高到更远.作为一个例子,辐射率的不锈钢钢铁8_0 C是当抛光,0.5当粗糙的加工,0.7当粗糙的加工和轻氧化,0.8为0.9当严重氧化.如果可能的话,应该painted.o_idized surfaceto被测量. 或用其他的黑色和以及非反射.液态金属.一个频繁的应用程序为红外测温.不像变量他们的发射率.但可能会受层渣在其表面.这是一个好主意对校准红外阅读通过使接触or.it温度测量此案的液态金属.在一个热电偶大跌之前描述的那样部分.阅读资料也影响大气衰减.水蒸气强烈衰减某些波长红外线虽然灰尘烟.和颗粒物会衰减之间的辐射来源和传感器.这类问题是容易的摘要在工业应用中最麻烦的.The dependence of the measurement upon emissivity can be reduce by the use otwo-color pyrometry. As was mentioned at the start of this section.both the intensityand the spectral distribution of the radiation vary with temperature. The radianintensity at any wavelength.几.is given by:’C }以J-一一一,二二一一二二干下尸一一一丁e_pl l,}/入1一1Where J is the radiant energy·.is the emissivity·} is the wavelength·and T is theabsolute temperature(K).On th e assumption that emissivity is not a function owavelength(this assumption isnot entirely true)the ratio of intensities at twcwavelengths becomes: 测量的依赖性在辐射率可以减少使用o双色印铁测温.就像前面说过的在这一部分的开始.磁性的强度和光谱分布的辐射随温度.弧度在任何wavelength.几强度. 给出: C }以J-一一一,二二一一二二干下尸一一一丁e_pl l,} /入1一1这里J是辐射能·.辐射率·}的是波长·和T是吗绝对温度(K).假设辐射率不是一个函数o 波长(这种假设并不完全正确)的比例在twc公司的强度波长变得:测量的依赖性在辐射率可以减少使用o双色印铁测温.就像前面说过的在这一部分的开始.磁性的强度和光谱分布的辐射随温度.弧度在任何wavelength.几强度. 给出: C }以J-一一一,二二一一二二干下尸一一一丁e_pl l,} /入1一1这里J是辐射能·.辐射率·}的是波长·和T是吗绝对温度(K).假设辐射率不是一个函数o 波长(这种假设并不完全正确)的比例在twc公司的强度波长变得:几.几/巨e_pCC=/J},T 一y/巨e_pCC=/J}=T)一y一一大一大Which may be simplified to=(consl)只e_p大一大wherecn77s/〔丫)7了sC(几:/几)’C}(lid.一1/J},)第6章课后习题3.Uncertainty is generally stated as a number·indicating the tolerance from the true value of the measurand. T he tolerance is only estimated. It represents theconfidence level of the investigator in the results.since the true value of themeasurement is unknown. he purpose of the sensor is to obtain dimensional information from theworkpiece. .不确定性是一般表述数量表示宽容的·过热蒸气的真实价值.他宽容只是估计T.它代表了信心水平的调查员在结果中.自从的真正价值测量是未知的.他的目的是获取维度信息的传感器从theworkpiece.4. It is like a transducer in many instances because it converts oneenergy form to another. This other energy form is always an electrical signal.since we are considering sensors which provide an篇二:测控技术与仪器专业英语课后阅读翻译第五章课后A random erroris due to acontrolled,large number of independent small effects that cannothe identified orit is a statistical quantity. As such,iteach replication of the observations. If a large number of readings iswill vary for the same quantity.the scatter of the data about a mean value can be evaluated.The scatter generally follows a guassian distribution about a mean value.whichis assumed to be the true value.Accuracy is the deviation of the output from the calibration input or the truevalue. If the accuracy of a voltmeter is 2% full scale as described in the preceding section·the ma_imum deviation i.士2units for all readings.一个随机误差是由于控制,大量的独立影响小,不能他发现或这是一个统计量.因此,它每个复制的观察.如果大量的读数是同样数量的不同而不同.散射的数据值可以评估.散高斯分布通常遵循关于意味着value.which被认为是真正的价值.准确性是偏差的输出的输入或真正的校准价值.如果把电压表的准确性2%全面描述在前面的部分·最大偏差我,士2units所有阅读资料.第五章.Noncontact Temperature MeasurementAny object at any temperature above absolute zero radiates energy. This radiationvaries both in intensity and in spectral distribution with temperature.Hence.temperature may be deduced by measuring either the intensity or the spectrum of theradiation.The total energy density radiating from an ideal?blackbody?(more on that later) isgiven by the Stefan-boltzmann law·E=6T ·where E is energy density in W/cmz.6 Isthe Stefan-boltzmann constant(5. 6697 _ _ z W/cmz K?)and T is the absolutetemperature(K).In other words·the total radiated energy is proportional to the fourthpower of the absolute temperature. A_ objects.particularly ideal blackbody objects.also absorb incident radiation.(Uiven time to equilibrate.and presuming they are insulated from the heating or coolingeffects of surrounding air or other materials.they will eventually reach a point wherethey absorb and radiate energy at equal rates. ()ne consequence of thisis that if an object(a temperature sensor.for e_ample) is an ideal blackbody.is perfectly insulated.and isflooded on its entire surface with radiation from a radiating source.it will eventuallyreach an equilibrium sources and blackbody calibration sources are available).the temperature of the sensor is a measure of the temperature of the radiating object.任何物体在任何温度高于绝对零度的辐射能量.这种辐射无论是在不同强度和在光谱分布和温度.因此.通过测量温度可以推导出要么强度或频谱的辐射.总能量密度辐射从理想 blackbody〞(稍后详细介绍)鉴于法律的Stefan-boltzmann·E = 6 T ·E在是能量密度在W / cmz. 6Stefan-boltzmann的常数(5. 6697 _ _ z W / cmz K〞)和T是绝对的温度(K).换句话说·总辐射能量是成正比的第四绝对温度的力量.A_对象.特别是理想黑体对象.也会吸收入射辐射.(Uiven 时间一致.和他们隔绝放肆的加热或冷却周围空气的影响或其他材料.他们最终会达到一个临界点他们吸收和辐射能量在相同的利率.()东北的后果是,如果一个对象(一个温度传感器.例如)是一种理想的黑体.是完全绝缘.和是在整个表面淹没与辐射发射源.它最终将达到平衡来源和黑体校正源可用),温度传感器是一个测量辐射的温度对象.An infrared radiation thermometer may be created in a manner similar to that inFigure 1 the radiated energy from the hot(or cold) object is focused on a temperaturesensor.whose temperature then is indicative of the intensity of the radiation falling uponit. The sensor should be small and low mass for reasonable response time. Thermistorsoffer high sensitivity for low temperature measurements while thermocouples providethe operating range necessary for high levels of radiated energy. In some designs.thesensor is insulated from ambient conditions by placing it in a vacuum. The sensor s output is amplified.linearized.and fed toan output indicator or recorder.The optics are apt to be a bit different than shown in diagram. In mostapplications.particularly at lower temperatures.much of the radiation will be farinfrared.which is not passed well by most glasses. It may be preferable to use areflective concave mirror to focus the incoming energy.rather than a lens. There mayalso be a red or infrared filter over the inlet to keep down interference due to strayambient light. For higher temperature use it may be necessary to reduce the totalincoming energy using a gray filter.shutter.orother obstruction. The Stefan-boltzmann law.and the proper operation of thesethermometers.presumes that theradiation is coming from a perfect blackbody radiator. to oversimplify(and it is not ourintention here to which does not reflect any radiation which may fall upon it. Allincident energy is absorbed. A non-blackbody object which reflects e_ternal radiation will also reflect internally generated radiation.lowering the amount of energy radiated atany given temperature.红外辐射温度计可以创建的方式类似,在图1的辐射能量从热(或冷)对象都聚焦在一个温度传感器.其温度然后表明辐射强度落它.应该是小的传感器和低质量为合理的响应时间.热敏电阻提供高灵敏度低温度的测量而热电偶提供必要的工作范围为高水平的辐射能量.在一些designs.the传感器是隔绝外界条件下通过将它放置在真空中.传感器的amplified.linearized输出. 和美联储到输出指标或录音机.光学往往稍有不同,图中所示.在大多数应用程序.特别是在较低的温度下.大部分的辐射将远红外线.这不是大多数眼镜了.这可能比使用凹面镜反射来聚焦入射能量.而不是一个镜头.也许也是一个红色或红外过滤器在进口为了压制干扰由于流浪环境光.温度较高的使用可能需要减少总传入的能源使用灰色filter.shutter. 或其他阻塞Stefan-boltzmann的法律. 和适当的操作这些温度计.是假定辐射是来自一个完美的黑体的散热器.粗略的(和它不是我们的这里的意愿,没有反映出任何辐射可能落在它.所有入射能量被吸收.一个non-blackbody对象反映外部辐射也将反映出内部产生的辐射.降低辐射的能量在任何给定的温度.Any surface has a reflectivity and an emissivity. Reflectivity,r,is simply the ratioof reflected energy to incident energy:a perfect reflector has a reflectivity of one;ablackbody,zero. Emissivity,.,turns out to b simply.=1一re,fZecl:二:Cy reflectivity. Aperfect blackbody has emitted by an object at a given temperature is proportional to itsemissivity:a reflectivity object has emissivity(we e_pect more heat from a rough,blackradiator than from a smooth,polished one). All this has a serious impact on radiation thermometry. An infrared radiationthermometer calibrated against a blackbody radiator will read seriously low when aimedat a reflective object .Most commercial radiation thermometers include a controlallowing the user to dial in the emissivity of the object being measured,plus a table oftypical emissivity values.Mist organic and nonmetallic materials have emissivity values.Most organic and nonmetallic materialshave emissivities between 0. 85 and 0. 95,whilemetals range roughly between 0. 1 and 0. 5(interestingly,both white and black paintshave similar emissivitie.一between 0. 9-at temperatures up to 1_0C).任何表面具有反射率和发射率.反射率r,是简单的比率反射入射能量的能量:一个完美的反射器有一个反射率的;一个黑体,零.辐射率(.其实,b简单.= 1一re,fZecl:二:Cy反射率.一个完美的黑体物体所发出了在给定温度是成正比的辐射率:反射率对象有辐射率(我们希望更多的热量从粗糙的.黑色的散热器比从光滑.磨光的一个). 所有这一切都有严重影响辐射测温.红外辐射对一个黑体温度计校准散热器将认真读书目的时低在反思对象.大多数商业辐射温度计包括控制允许用户来定下的热辐射特性被测对象,再加上一个表典型的辐射值.雾有机和非金属材料有辐射值.大多数有机和非金属材料有emissivities介于0.85年和年0.95年的时候,金属范围大致在0.1和0.5(有趣的是,两个白色和黑色颜料也有类似的emissivitie,一between 0. 9-at温度可达1_0摄氏度).Variations in emissivitiy can cause serious errors,especially withmetal surfaces.Highly polished surfaces have lower emissivity still farther. As an o_idation or coatingof the surfaces raises emissivity still farther. As an e_ample,the emissivity of stainlesssteel at 8_0C is when polished,0. 5 when rough machined,0. 7 when rough machinedand lightly o_idized and 0. 8 to 0. 9 when heavily o_idized. If at all possible, the surfaceto be measured should be painted.o_idized.or otherwise made black and noeflective.Liquid metals.a frequent application for infrared thermometry.are not as variable ittheir emissivity.but may be affected by layers of slag on their surface. It is a good ideato calibrated the infrared reading by making a contact temperature measurement or.it the case of liquid metal.by plunging in a thermocouple as described in the previoussection.Also affecting the readings are atmospheric attenuation. Water vapor stronglyattenuates certain infrared wavelengths while dust smoke.and particulate matter wilattenuate the radiation between the source and the sensor. Such problems are apt to bemost troublesome in industrial applications.emissivitiy变化可以导致严重的错误,尤其是在金属表面.高度抛光表面发射率低到更远.作为氧化或涂层表面发射率的提高到更远.作为一个例子,辐射率的不锈钢钢铁8_0 C是当抛光,0.5当粗糙的加工,0.7当粗糙的加工和轻氧化,0.8为0.9当严重氧化.如果可能的话,应该painted.o_idized surfaceto被测量. 或用其他的黑色和以及非反射.液态金属.一个频繁的应用程序为红外测温.不像变量他们的发射率.但可能会受层渣在其表面.这是一个好主意对校准红外阅读通过使接触or.it温度测量此案的液态金属.在一个热电偶大跌之前描述的那样部分.阅读资料也影响大气衰减.水蒸气强烈衰减某些波长红外线虽然灰尘烟.和颗粒物会衰减之间的辐射来源和传感器.这类问题是容易的摘要在工业应用中最麻烦的.The dependence of the measurement upon emissivity can be reduce by the。
UNIT 5 基本半导体器件参考译文5.1 半导体二极管我们知道,某些材料(导体)很容易导电,而另一些材料(绝缘体)则不易导电。
二极管仅是由相邻的P型和N 型材料制成的一个PN结器件,如图5-1(A)所示,这种由相邻P型和N型材料形成的结允许电流单向导通,但反向时,则对电流产生高阻抗。
测控技术与仪器专业英语(韩建国)Unit8翻译Unit 8 基于计算机网络的工业控制1、网络类型计算机集成制造是一种(通过)集成硬件和集成软件来实现全面自动化的原理。
Unit 6 Signal Conditioning
译为:设计信号发生器和调制回路时一定要警惕以保证 传感器是系统中准确度最低的部件,如果周围回路有附加 噪声或降低了准确度,传感器输出的准确度将受影响。
Unit 6 Signal Conditioning
The following are some of the tasks performed by a signal conditioner: 以下是一个信号调制器执行的操作: (1)Isolation and impedance conversion;隔离和阻抗变换 (2)Amplification and analog-to-analog conversion; 放大和模-模转换 (3)Noise reduction (filtering); 降噪(滤波) (4)Linearization; 线性化 (5)Data sampling; 数据采样 (6)Digital-to-Analog conversion; 数-模转换 (7)Analog-to-Digital conversion. 模-数转换
Voltage output
Unit 6 Signal Conditioning
Three types of input topologies exist for the signal conditioning of voltage output sensors: differential, single-ended and pseudo-differential. The type of signal conditioning input is typically matched to the output structure and precision requirements of the sensor .
测控技术与仪器专业英语(韩建国)Unit6翻译Unit6 引言1、控制系统概述在我们周围和体内,控制系统无处不在。
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There are, of course, applications for which the owner of a PC may want higher performance than that offered by the GPIB alone, with its odd assortment of devices. Such systems are generally referred to as PC-based workstations. In a PC-based workstation, instrument modules with matched performance and compatibility are clustered around a PC computer. The PC-based workstation allows data from multiple instruments to be rapidly gathered ,stored, graphed ,analyzed, and incorporated into report form on a single PC. Systems of this type are generally put together by one manufacturer to enhance performance and cooperation between the instrument modules involved.一个基于PC的工作站的一个例子是惠普推出的PC仪器系统。
PC仪器是一系列的九个专用仪器模块,旨在通过一个专门的接口总线操作惠普触摸屏II个人电脑,IBM PC / XT / AT,AT&T的电脑6300,或的HP Vectra PC。
在PC的仪器提供仪器模块是一个50 MHz的数字示波器,一个12位数字 - 模拟转换器双通道,100 MHz的通用计数器,5 MHz的函数发生器,数字万用表。
An example of a PC-based workstation is the PC Instruments system introduced by Hewlett-Packard. PC Instruments are a series of nine dedicated instrument modules designed to operate over a dedicated interface bus by an HP Touchscreen II personal computer ,an IBM PC/XT/AT, an AT&T PC 6300, or an HP Vectra PC. Among the instrument modules available for PC Instruments are a 50-MHz digitizing oscilloscope, a 12-bit dual-channel digital-to-analog converter, a 100-MHz universal counter, a 5-MHz function generator, and a digital multimeter.从仪器模块收集的测试数据直接送入电脑存储,显示和分析。
Test data gathered from the instrument modules are fed directly to the PC for storage, display, and analysis. The instrument modules themselves have no meters or displays of their own. All outputs, including waveform displays, are through the PC screen, and up to eight different instrument outputs may be displayed simultaneously.PC仪器通信与PC通过PC的仪器总线,或PCIB。
PC Instruments communicates with the PC via the PC Instruments Bus, or PCIB. PCIB is implemented with a single interface card that plugs into one expansion slot of the PC motherboard. Each PCIB interface card supports up to eight instrument modules. Installing a second PCIB into the computer permits support for an eight additional instrument modules.PCIB是独一无二的,它支持并行和串行通信(图1)。
The PCIB is unique in that it supports both parallel and serial communications (Figure 1). At first glance, the idea of having two communications channels in a single bus system appears to be redundant. On closer analysis, however, a cost saving is realized and the redundancy is reduced.在一个典型的GPIB系统,有需要的输入和/或输出接地和计算机隔离,以使可浮动测量的仪器,如电压和电流米。
In a typical GPIB system there are instruments, such as voltage and current meters, that require the inputs and/or outputs to be isolated from earth ground and the computer so that floating measurements can be made. The isolation is typically provided by optoisolators communicating the data from the GPIB side to the instrument in serial fashion using a parallel-to-serial converter. Data coming from the instrument likewise must pass to the GPIB through an optoisolator using a serial-to-parallel converter. Consequently, every device that requires isolation also requires its own pair of optical isolators and respective converters.在PC仪器,测试仪器,可以选择之间的隔离的串行通信通道或更快,非隔离总线并行通信。
In PC Instruments, the test instrument may choose between an isolated serial communications channel or the faster, nonisolated parallel communications bus. The parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel converters for the serial channel are placed on the interface card ,thus reducing system cost while improving performance. PCIB并行通信通道(图2)提供高速数据路径为文书,并不需要隔离。
The PCIB parallel communications channel (Figure 2) offers a high-speed data path for instruments that do not need isolation. Data can be transmitted at rates up to 100K bytes/second, subject to limitations of the host personal computer. The parallel communications channel consists of an 8-bit data path, two control lines, with appropriate ground returns, are part of the 26-conductor ribbon cable that connects the host personal computer to the modular instruments. The PCIB parallel communications channel is also upwardly compatible the GPIB, making PC Instruments a most versatile system.PC仪器的最令人印象深刻的的方面之一是软前面板的系统软件,它提供了一个交互式图形用户手动控制仪器的机制。