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tangible manifest heritage enormous
The World Expo will make a tangible achievement. touchable/actual/solid/physical/real The Shanghai World Expo will manifest the development of China. show The World Expo is a good chance to learn the culture and natural heritage of many countries. inheritance/tradition/custom/birthright The Shanghai World Expo will attract an enormous amount of visitors. huge/massive
treasure showcase splendid interact purchase pavilion duration
Haibao's name means 'treasure by the sea'. jewel/gold The participants for the Expo will each have a showcase. platform The World Expo is a splendid event. worthy of high praise People from around the world can interact with an online presence. work together/relate Visitors are advised to purchase tickets ahead of time. buy/acquire Each pavilion in the Shanghai World Expo has its own features. exhibition area/large tent The pavilions will be displayed for the duration of the World Expo. period/length
massive leisure inspect triumph dweller precious
People will be amazed by the massive pavilions. huge/great/vast Shanghai's top hotels can offer leisure to visitors. relaxation/free time/spare time/time off Safety experts will inspect the pavilions before the Expo. to look over closely Hosting the World Expo is a triumph for China. an important success or win Every Shanghai city dweller welcomes visitors from around the world. resident/local people Every child is precious. loved and adored
standard dominant
Tickets for the standard day admission will be cheaper than on peak days. normal/typical/average/ordinary Big and tall pavilions will be dominant in the Expo. above all others
evolution efficient miniature benchmark marvelous
The World Expo in Shanghai is an important period in urban evolution. development/progress/growth/advancement Participants of Expo will use environmentally friendly and efficient technologies. not wasteful/resourceful The China pavilion has miniature copies around Shanghai. a very small model The benchmark price for the Expo 2010 tickets is RMB 160. standard/point of reference The badge is a marvelous design. wonderful/amazing/spectacular/great fantastic/remarkable
பைடு நூலகம்
The cheery Haibao can be seen everywhere. happy/jolly/smiling
steady actual
There will be steady traffic during the Expo stable/continues and does not change It is better to see the actual pavilions than look at photos. real
peak vary agent
Admission for the World Expo on peak days will be more expensive. busiest days Experiences of visitors in the Expo will vary. be different As a group, you can turn to a travel agent for group tickets. representative/mediator/negotiator
arena excel survey
An Expo pavilion is a type of arena. an enclosed space for shows Many pavilions will excel during the Expo. shine/stand out A lot of surveys were conducted while pavilions were being constructed. inspection/review/examine
superb fusion luxury variety elevate festive curious diverse society signify convert sponsor gallery stylish virtual
Visitors expect a superb experience at the 2010 World Expo. of the best quality The World Expo is a fusion of different ideas. union/mixture/blend Luxury hotels for visitors can be found around Shanghai. lavish/extravagance/comfort The Shanghai Expo has a variety of pavilions. different forms or types The World Expo will help elevate the position of Shanghai in the world. to increase in position or rank The opening ceremony of the Expo will be festive. having to do with a feast or celebration People who are curious about the Expo should go and see it. want to learn or find out about something Diverse cultures will be present at the Expo. varied/different The World Expo will have a big impact in the Shanghai society. humanity/culture/people The official invitations will signify that the Expo 2010 has been launched. mean/indicate/imply/be a sign of The World Expo will convert Shanghai into a very busy city. to change from one form to another Many companies and organizations will sponsor the World Expo. support/fund/subsidize The World Expo is a gallery of human inspirations and thoughts. a room or series of rooms where works of arts are exhibited Travellers can enjoy the stylish buildings in Shanghai during the Expo. fashionable/chic/trendy/classy There is a virtual version of the World Expo on the internet. not actual/not real/fictitious
inspire circular response reliable duration
The pavilions in the World Expo will surely inspire other architects. to encourage and excite Some pavilions are circular in design. being like circle/round The World Expo will receive an excited response from many visitors. reaction to something The World Expo provides reliable opportunities for countries. dependable/unfailing/consistent The duration of the Shanghai World Expo is from 1st of May to 31st October. period/length/time
The Expo will increase tourism in China. sightseeing
The Expo badge will radiate the Chinese national spirit of harmony and unity. emit/glow with/spread out