航运经济 Shipping Economics--ch00
航运经济 Shipping Economics--航运经济学

国航系——航运经济学期末考试许欢第一章: 国际航运市场概述(简述题)1.国际航运基本市场与相关市场的组成答:(1)基本市场包括:不定期船市场,班轮运输市场,租船市场(2)派生市场:新造船市场,船舶买卖市场,拆船市场,修船市场,船员劳务市场2.航运市场出现的条件:答:拥有一定的经济条件,以及技术条件。
3.不定期船运输市场的主要船型答:主要有三种船型(1)干散货船:其中又分为1)海岬型或好望角型(8万吨以上)2)巴拿马型(6-8万吨)3) 大灵便型(4-6万)4)小灵便型1-4万和超大型矿砂船vloc(20万吨以上)(2)油糟船:其中又分为油船,液化天然气船,液化石油气船,化学品船等油船又分为:vlcc型(20以上),苏伊士型(12-20),阿芙拉型(8-12),巴拿马型(6-8),灵便型(4-6)(3)兼用船:石油/矿石,石油/其他干散货./矿石,石油/干散货4.定期船运输市场的主要船型答:包括传统杂货船,全集装箱船,滚装船,载驳船,冷藏船5. 租船市场的租船形式:答:包括航次租船(程租船),包运租船,定期租船( 期租船),航次期租,光租船6.航次租船装卸条款种类答:1)FI: 船东不承担装货费2) FO: 船东不承担卸货费3)FIO: 船东不承担装卸货费4)FIOST:船东不承担装卸,理货,平仓费用7.租船经济人的作用:答:1)租船市场上的主要调节者2)为船东和租船人迅速有效地成交租船业务3)减少船东和租船人大量租船事务性工作4)减少船东和租船人在租约中的责任风险8.上海航交所的基本功能答:1)规范航运市场行为2)调解航运市场价格3)沟通航运市场信息9.影响新造船舶价格的主要因素:答:1)航运市场的运价水平2)对航运市场未来趋势的预测3)国际信贷的优惠程度4)造船能力的利用程度5)造船成本6)所订造船的技术和设备要求10.影响二手船价格的主要因素:答:1)当期航运市场的行情2)对航运市场未来行情的估计3)新船价格4)船舶的技术状况5)船舶附带的期租合同11.影响拆船价格的主要因素答:1)废船在拆船市场上的投放量2)世界范围内拆船业的拆船能力3)世界对废钢的需求状况第二章:国际航运市场分析1.国际航运需求特点及影响因素(低概率)答:国际航运需求的特点:1)派生性2)不平衡性3)总体需求的规律性4)个别需求的差异性5)同一性国际航运的影响因素:1)世界经济2)个别商品贸易3)平均运距4)运价5)其他因素(政治,法律环境等)2.国际航运供给的特点及影响因素(低概率)答:国际航运供给的提点:1)运输产品的非储存性2)产品的不平衡性3)运输生产的时空差异性4)航运供给的可替代性和不可替代性5)成本转移性6)航运供给的社会公益性国际航运供给的影响因素:1)经济及政治2)世界船队规模3)决定船舶营运效率的限制因素(船舶的设计航速,船舶的年营运天数,船舶的平均停港时间)4)运价(航运供给的运价弹性)5)航运生产成本6)科学技术因素7)相关市场因素3.国际航运市场结构:答:概念:反映某种产品或服务在市场上的竞争状况和竞争程度的市场组织特征。

国际航运管理专业英语International Maritime Transport ManagementThe world of maritime transport is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry that plays a crucial role in the global economy. As the backbone of international trade, the maritime transport sector is responsible for the movement of goods, commodities, and resources across oceans and seas, connecting countries, continents, and cultures. The study of international maritime transport management is a specialized field that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including logistics, supply chain management, port operations, and maritime law.One of the primary objectives of international maritime transport management is to ensure the efficient and effective movement of cargo across the global supply chain. This involves the coordination of various stakeholders, including shipping companies, port authorities, customs agencies, and logistics providers, to ensure that goods are transported safely, securely, and in a timely manner. Maritime transport managers must possess a deep understanding of the complex regulatory frameworks and operational procedures that govern the industry, as well as the ability to adapt to changingmarket conditions and technological advancements.Another key aspect of international maritime transport management is the management of port operations. Ports serve as the gatewaysto global trade, facilitating the loading, unloading, and transshipment of cargo. Maritime transport managers must be skilled in the planning and coordination of port activities, including the allocation of resources, the optimization of cargo handling processes, and the implementation of security measures to protect against potential threats.The field of international maritime transport management also encompasses the study of maritime law and regulations. This includes the understanding of international conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which establish the legal framework for the use of the world's oceans and seas. Maritime transport managers must be well-versed in the complex web of national and international regulations that govern the industry, and they must be able to navigate these regulatory environments to ensure compliance and minimize legal risks.In addition to the technical and operational aspects of maritime transport, international maritime transport management also involves the consideration of environmental and sustainability factors. As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the need to reducecarbon emissions and mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment, maritime transport managers must explore innovative solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of the industry. This may involve the adoption of new technologies, the implementation of energy-efficient practices, and the development of sustainable supply chain strategies.The study of international maritime transport management is not only important for the industry itself but also for the broader global economy. As the world becomes more interconnected and interdependent, the efficient and reliable movement of goods and resources across borders has become essential for economic growth and development. By developing a deep understanding of the complexities of the maritime transport industry, students and professionals in this field can contribute to the continued prosperity and sustainability of the global economy.In conclusion, international maritime transport management is a dynamic and multifaceted field that plays a critical role in the global economy. From the coordination of complex logistics operations to the management of port activities and the navigation of regulatory frameworks, maritime transport managers must possess a diverse set of skills and knowledge to ensure the efficient and effective movement of goods and resources across the world's oceans and seas. As the industry continues to evolve, the demand for skilled andknowledgeable professionals in this field will only continue to grow, making it an increasingly important area of study and career development.。

Factors of Production
Labour (differences in costs, habits, regulation, etc.) Capital (differences in availability, quantity, cost, etc.) Land (differences in climate, resources, location, availability, cost, etc.) Technology (differences in production and management know-how, marketing, etc.)
Basic trade theory
• Absolute advantage • Comparative advantage
Growth in volume of world GDP and merchandise trade (annual % change)
Annual Growth of World GDP and Trade 1950 – 2008
Chapter objectives:
• To understand the basic concerns of maritime economics • To discuss the relationship among economy, trade and shipping • To demonstrate the law of demand and supply and other economic rules in shipping Economic concepts applied: • Trade theory • Law of demand and supply • National maritime dependence factor

二、国际航运与港口英语的特点和分类2.1 国际航运与港口英语的特点国际航运与港口英语具有以下几个特点:专业性:国际航运与港口英语涉及到许多专业术语、缩略词、缩写词、数字代码等,它们具有明确的定义和用法,需要准确理解和使用。
例如,FCL表示整箱货物(Full Container Load),LCL表示拼箱货物(Less thanContainer Load),ETA表示预计到达时间(Estimated Time of Arrival),ETD表示预计开船时间(Estimated Time of Departure)等。
例如,提单(Bill of Lading)、装箱单(Packing List)、发票(Invoice)、订舱单(Booking Confirmation)、装货通知(Shipping Advice)等。

通过大数据、物联网、区块链等 技术,实现航运业的信息共享、 智能决策和供应链协同,提升整
随着全球贸易的增长和航运市场的开放,竞争日益激烈,企业需 要加强自身实力和服务质量以应对挑战。
航运企业之间可以通过合作,如共建港口、共同采购、共享信息等 ,实现资源共享和优势互补,提高整体竞争力。
航运业的发展促进了全球贸易的发展 ,带动了相关产业的繁荣,如制造业 、农业和服务业等。
航运业的发展促进了金融保险业的发 展,如船舶融资、保险和海事服务等 。
航运业通过提供旅游服务,促进了旅 游业的发展,为当地经济带来了额外 的收入和就业机会。
汇报人:可编辑 2024-01-06
• 航运业概述 • 航运业的经济贡献 • 航运业对全球贸易的影响 • 航运业的环境与社会影响 • 航运业的未来发展趋势与挑战
航运业是指通过船舶运输货物和 乘客的行业,包括内河航运、沿 海航运和远洋航运。
航运业的发展有助于提升 相关产业的制造和服务水 平,促进产业升级和转型 。
古代人类通过河流、湖泊和海洋 进行货物和人员运输,推动了贸
随着工业革命的发展,蒸汽船和集 装箱船等现代化船舶的出现,航运 业逐渐成为全球贸易的重要支柱。
随着经济全球化的加速和技术的不 断创新,航运业面临着新的机遇和 挑战,向更加绿色、智能的方向发 展。

shipowner's liability 船舶所有人责任Shipowner's Liability 船东义务shipowner's liability 船东责任Shipowners Claims Bureau 船东索赔部Shipowners Mutual Association 船东互保协会Shipowners 出租人Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association 船东互相保与保赔协会shipowners'association 船东协会shippable 便于船运的shipped bill of lading 货物)已装船提单已装船提单shipped bill of lading 已装船提单shipped in good condition 装载良好shipped in the hold 装在船舱内shipped on deck at shippers' risk 甲板货托运人自负风险shipped on deck 装在甲板shipped quality terms 装船质量条款shipped weight terms 装船重量条款shipped weight 装船重量shipped 装船的shipper and carrier 托运人与承运人shipper loaded container 货主自装集装箱shipper pays taxes 由托运人付税金shipper service 货运业务shipper 发货人shipper 托运人shipper's copy 给货主的副本shipper's export declaration 托运人出口报关清单shipper's guarantee 托运人保证书shipper's guarantee 托运人担保书shipper's load and count 发货人装载和计数Shipper's load and count 发货人自装自理shipper's load and count 货主自装自理shipper's load and tally 发货人装船与理货shipper's load and tally 发货人装船与理货发货自装自理shipper's load and tally 发货自装自理shipper's manifest 托运人出口报关清单shipper's option 发货人选择托运人选择shipper's option 托运人意见shipper's own container 发货人备集装箱shipper's papers 货运文件运货文件shipper's papers 托运文件shipper's protest 托运人的抗议书shipper's risk 货主自负风险shipper's weight 发货人报的货重shipper's weight 发货人报的货重发货人报的重量货方重量shipper's weight 发货人提出的重量shipper's weight 货方重量shipper-receiver 发货—收货人Shippers Certificate or Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods 危险货物托运人证书Shippers Liability for Carriers Container Used 货主使用承运人集装箱责任Shippers Liability When His Own Container Used 货主使用自有箱责任Shippers Load and Count 托运人装箱点数Shippers Own Containers 货主箱Shippers Packed Container 托运人装箱shipping agent 海运代理人shipping & forwarding agents 船舶运输代理行shipping & forwarding agents 水运代理行shipping accumulation number 装船累积数shipping accumulation numbers 装载累积数Shipping Act 1984 1984年航运法shipping activity 航运活动shipping administration 航运主管机关shipping advice 货运单Shipping Advice 装船通知shipping advice 装货通知书shipping advice 装运通知shipping agency 船舶代理公司shipping agency 代理公司shipping agency 航运公司shipping agent 船舶业务代理人shipping agent 船舶运输代理人装船代理人Shipping Agent 装船代理人Shipping Agents and Brokers Association of Singapore 新加坡航运代理与经纪人协会Shipping and Forwarding Agent 海运和转运代理行shipping application 货运舱位申请shipping application 托运单shipping application 装运申请书shipping articles (船员雇用合同shipping articles 船员雇用合同shipping authority 海运当局shipping belt 装货用皮带shipping bill 船货清单shipping bill 货物装船准单shipping board 航运局Shipping Business 船舶营运shipping business 航运业务shipping capacity 装货容量shipping case 装运箱shipping charge 装船费用shipping clause 装船条款shipping clerk 运输业务办事员shipping commissioner 海员契约监护官shipping community 航运界shipping company 船运公司shipping company 航运公司Shipping Conference Law 海运组合法韩shipping conference 航业协会shipping container 船运集装箱shipping container 海运集装箱shipping contract 货运合同shipping country 海运国shipping country 航运国家shipping cover 运输防雨罩shipping custom 航运习惯Shipping Customs and Usages 航运惯例shipping customs 航运习惯shipping data 船舶资料shipping data 船舶资料船运数据shipping data 船运数据shipping date 船期shipping date 装船日期Shipping Development Fund Committee 航运发展基金委员会Shipping Developments Corporation S.A. v. VO Sojuzneft Export 航运发展公司诉VO索米内夫特出口公司案shipping disaster 航运灾难shipping dispatching work 航运调度工作shipping distance 运程shipping dock 装船shipping dock 装卸码头shipping document 货运单据Shipping Documents of Dangerous Goods 危险货物装运文件Shipping Documents 航运单证货运单证装运单据shipping documents 运货文件shipping documents 装船凭证shipping economics 航运经济学shipping environment 航运环境shipping exchange 航运交易所shipping federation 航业协会shipping field 航运领域shipping finance and accounting 水运财务会计shipping forecast 航运行情预测shipping freight 运费shipping income 海运收入shipping index 航运指南shipping industry 海运业shipping industry 航运业shipping information service 航运情报服务shipping inspection 航运检查shipping instruction 装货说明shipping instruction 装货指令shipping instruction 装载说明shipping instructions 装船须知shipping instructions 装运指示shipping insurance 船运保险shipping interests 海运业者shipping invoice 装货发票shipping invoice 装货发票shipping invoice 装货清单shipping lane 船运航线shipping lane 大洋航线shipping law 航运法shipping law 航运法规shipping legislation 航运法观shipping line 航线shipping list 装货单shipping management 航运管理shipping manifest 装船舱单shipping mark 发货标记shipping marks 装运唛头shipping maser 海员契约监护官shipping master 船东shipping master 船东海员契约监护官shipping memo 装货通知书shipping memorandom 装运备忘录shipping memorandum 装运备忘录shipping note 装船通知单shipping note 装船通知装船通知单shipping note 装船通知装船通知单货运通知单装货通知书shipping number 船运编号shipping number 装船序号shipping of green water 甲板上浪shipping office 运输事务所shipping order 运货单shipping order 装货单shipping ordinance 海运条例Shipping Package 运输包装shipping papers 货运文件shipping papers 货运文件托运文件shipping permit 装船通知单准运单shipping permit 准运单shipping plan 运输计划shipping policy 海运政策shipping policy 航运政策shipping pool 航业联营shipping port 航运港shipping port 装货港shipping receipt 货运收据装货收据shipping receipt 装货收据shipping recession 航运衰退shipping register 船舶登记shipping registrar 船舶登记主管人shipping registrationact 航运登记法shipping regulation 航运规定shipping ring 航业公会shipping route chart 航运路线图shipping route 航线Shipping Sack 集装袋shipping sample 装船货样shipping season 通航季节shipping sector 航运部门shipping space 舱位shipping specification 装载明细表shipping state 航运国家Shipping Statute 航海过失免责shipping tag 货运标签shipping tax 船舶税shipping tax 航运税shipping terminal 航运基地shipping ticket 海运票签海运货物票shipping ton 货运吨shipping track 航线shipping traffic control signal station 船舶交通指挥信号台shipping tribunal 航运法庭shipping unit 货运单位shipping unit 运输容器shipping value 货运价值shipping value 货运价值(包括货物价值shipping water elevation 甲板上积水高度shipping water 甲板淹湿shipping weight terms 装货重量条款shipping weight 离岸重量shipping weight 启运重量shipping weight 装运重量Shipping World and Shipbuilder 《世界航运与造船师》shipping 船舶shipping 航运shipping 装货;起运shipping 装运shipping-trade 航运业ships afloat and building 现有的和建造中的船舶Ships Agency 船舶代理Ships Agent 船舶代理人Ships Call Sign 船舶呼号ships cost analysis 船舶价格分析Ships Information Card 单船作业卡ships loading computer 船舶配载计算机Ships Materials and Stores Burnt for Fuel 当作燃料烧掉的船用材料、物料ships navigation and aircraft inertial alignment system 船舶导航与飞机惯性调整系统Ships of Neutral States 中立国船舶ships position report 船位报告ships radio service 船舶无线电业务Ships Surveys 船舶检验ships tackle 船吊钩Ships Turning Ability 回转性Ships Value and Freight System 船价加运费制度Ships Value System 船价制度ships without nationality 无国籍船舶ships' repair party 船舶抢修队ships'service 船用shipshape vessel 船形容器shipshape 整齐的shipshore safety check list 船岸安全核查表shipside 船边shipway crane 船台吊车shipway 船台shipway 造船台shipworker 装卸组长shipworm 船蛆shipworm 船蛀shipwreck 失事船;沉船;船舶失事shipwreck 遇难船shipwreck 遇难船船舶失事shipwrecked crew 失事船船员shipwright officer 军舰建造师shipwright 船木工shipwright 船木工船体装配工造船木工shipwright 船体装配工造船木工shipwright 造船木工shipwright's working 造船木工工场shipyard combined plate bending and flanging machine 船厂钢板弯曲折边两用机shipyard crane 船台起重机shipyard layout 船厂布置shipyard noise 船厂噪声shipyard operation 船厂工作shipyard roll press 船厂滚压两用机shipyard 船厂shipyard 船坞造船厂shipyard 造船厂shoal area 浅滩区shoal indicator 浅滩标志。


C h i n as t o r a g e&t r a n s p o r t m a g a z i n e 2017.0146特别策划S P E C I A L S C H E M E R从经济视角看航运发展文/王悦当前的经济局势我国经济发展三十多年,经济结构已经发生了深层次的变化,劳动力成本的提高、社会结构的变化、生态环境压力的加大,这些变化虽然具有长期的意义,然而实际上,中国经济在近六年间是呈现下滑态势的,很快就会触底,接着就会迎来L 型下的“一横”。
S P E C I A LS C H E M E R特别策划│航运业:在深度低迷中砥砺前行. All Rights Reserved.S P E C I A L S C H E M E R特别策划目前产能过剩、库存积压、债务率过高等问题亟待解决。

1841 1844 1850 1867 -1894 1875 1878 1887
把交通作为国民生产力的 一个构成因素进行研究。
早期运输经济学的部分代表人及其著作 (杜比特)
姓 名 国籍 代表作 年代
亚当· 斯密
李斯特 杜比特 拉德那 马克思 朱蒲洛夫 萨克斯 惠灵顿
1878 1887
早期运输经济学的部分代表人及其著作 (李斯特)
姓 名 国籍 代表作 年代
亚当· 斯密
李斯特 杜比特 拉德那 马克思 朱蒲洛夫 萨克斯 惠灵顿
德国 法国 英国 德国 俄国 奥地利 美国
政治经济学 的国民体系 论公共工程 的效用 铁路经济 资本论 铁路经济 国民经济中 的运输工具 铁路布局的 经济理论
向发展,直到后来经营论中的运输财务、会计、统计等内 容因学科的分化与发展而逐一分离出去形成相互独立的应 用经济学科。
早期运输经济学的部分代表人及其著作 (亚当· 斯密)
姓 名 国籍 代表作 年代
亚当· 斯密
李斯特 杜比特 拉德那 马克思 朱蒲洛夫 萨克斯 惠灵顿
(1)从运输对象分: 旅客运输和货物运输 (2)从经济关系和运输任务完成的主体分: 自营运输、公营运输和私营运输 (3)从运输方式分: 铁路运输、公路运输、水运、航空和管道运输 (4)从经济空间范围分: 城市内运输、城市与郊区运输、城市间运输、乡 村运输、国内运输和国际运输
我们只考虑“一定范围内”的运输活动,因此有必要 弄清楚范围的界限,然而要在所以的人和物的位移里面划 清属于运输的界限,却也不是一件容易的事情,我们在这 里只能大致低划分出属于运输的人与物的位移,以便明确 讨论的范围。

1. 《船舶经济学》(Maritime Economics) by Martin Stopford
- 作者Martin Stopford是海运经济学领域的知名专家,这本书深入探讨了航运业的各个方面,包括市场、运价、船舶设计和技术等。
2. 《船舶运营与管理》(Ship Operations and Management) by Ioannis Theotokas, Manolis G. Kavussanos, and Ilias D. Visvikis
- 该书着重介绍了海运业的运营和管理方面的知识,包括船舶管理、物流、法规等。
3. 《中国船舶制造业研究》(China’s Shipbuilding Industry) by Kevin Cullinane and Shuo Ma
- 这本书聚焦于中国的船舶制造业,分析了中国在全球船舶建造领域的地位以及其发展趋势。
4. 《Sea Change: The Unfinished Agenda of the Indian Ocean》by P.K. Ghosh
- 本书通过探讨印度洋地区的海洋经济和地缘政治来了解该地区的航运业发展。
5. 《The Shipping Man》by Matthew McCleery
- 这本书是一位前沙特阿拉伯油田工程师的回忆录,他购买了一艘旧货轮,开始了他的航运业务,揭示了航运业的挑战和契机。

Unit 1 Terms of Shipment in the Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsSection 5 Word Bank1.ports of call挂靠港/停靠港2.expiry date有效期3.presentation of documents交单4.partial shipments分批装运5.shipping documents装运单据/运输单据6.liner transport班轮运输7.shipping by chartering租船运输8.sailing schedule船期表9.liner freight tariff班轮运价表10.weight ton重量吨11.measurement ton尺码吨12.direct additional直航附加费13.transshipment additional转船附加费14.port additional 港口附加费15.port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费16.alteration of destination additional变更卸货港附加费17.deviation surcharge绕航附加费18.optional additional选卸附加费19.bunker surcharge燃油附加费20.additional for excess ofliability超额责任附加费21. dispatch money速遣费22. shipping space 舱位Section 6 Useful Expressions1.装船日期1) Shipment on or about May 20, 2009.2) Shipment not later than May 31st, 2009. Or, Latest shipment date: May 31st, 2009.3) Shipment to be made during May/June, 2009.4) Shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance.5) Shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C.2.包装要求1) The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.2) Please see to it that the packing is suitable for a long sea voyage.3) Taking into consideration the transport conditions at your end, we have especially reinforced our packing so as to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods.4) We are afraid that we shall have to charge more for the designated packing, as it calls for extra labor and cost.5) The packing should be double bags lined with kraft paper.3.询问装船1)We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by s/s …sailing from…on or about …2)Please ship the first lot under Contract No. …by s/s … scheduled to sail on or about…3) The users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of an early delivery.4) As the season is rapidly approaching, our buyers are badly in need of the goods.Unit 2 The Practice of International Ocean CargoTransportationSection 5 Word Bank1.carrier承运人common carrier 公共承运人2.charter租船3.consignee收货人4.delivery order提货单5.document of title物权凭证6.non-conference lines非班轮公会航线7.NVOCC无营运船公共承运人8.port authorities港务局,港口主管机关9.scheduled service 定期航运10.shipping conference 班轮公会11.trans-shipment points转运地12.shipping documents 货运单证Section 6 Useful Expressions1.Please could you quote your inclusive rates on the following consignments?2.Please let us know the present freight rates for large shipments.3.We shall be glad to know the time of transit and frequency of sailings, andwhether cargo space must be reserved; if so, please send us the necessary application forms.4.Please advise us of the loading dates.5.We shall be pleased to have your current tariffs.6.it gives us much pleasure to send you our quotation of the freight rates asked forin your letter of…7.In reply to your letter of 10th May, the rates we can quote you are as follows…8.Thank you for your letter of 23 June, asking for tariffs. For your information, weare airmailing under separate cover brochures giving full details of the presentfreight rates of our company.9.As the cargo is to be transshipped at Antwerp, we shall require “Through Bill ofLading”.10.All the cargoes are payable by us and the Bs/L are to be marked “Freight Prepaid”.11.This is in reply to your inquiry of ____, we are now sending you a quotation ofour tariffs. Please be informed the quotation is subject to change on account of the situation of the shipping market.12.We hope to have the pleasure of dealing with your shipment.13.We have to express our regret for being unable to accommodate the cargo youoffered and to explain that this solely on account of necessary space not being available.14.With regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letterof (date), I regret to inform you that the ship has no more space allotted for that cargo.15.If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.16.Please feel free to contact me if you have any further question.Section 7 Exercises1.Read the following letter and work out the Chinese version with your partner : Dear Sirs,Information on Container ServiceThank you for your inquiry of May 12th. The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes, namely 10ft and 20 ft respectively. They can be opened at both ends, thus making it possible to load and unload at the same time. For carrying goods liable to be spoiled by damp or water they have the great advantage of being both water-tight and air-tight. Containers can be loaded and locked at the factory, if necessary. Pilferage is therefore impossible.Being temperature-controlled, our containers are provided for any cargo that needs special care. This lends its full benefit in shipping.There is also a saving on freight charges, when separate consignments intended for the same port of destination are carried in one container, and an additional saving on insurance because of lower premium charged for container-shipped goods.We enclose a copy of our tariff and look forward to receiving your instructions. Yours faithfully,Spike Chungto make out letters on enquiries and replies for information on shipping space, freight rates, frequency of sailing, charter hire, and other shipping services.Unit 3 Ocean Freight RatesTeaching Aims:Ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into tramp rates and liner freight rates. Tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. Liner freights are fixed by shipping conferences and other liner operations. Reasonable enquiry about ocean freight rates and effective calculation and reply play important parts in the shipment of the goods in foreign trade. This unit aims at helping the students to learn how to write effective letters about ocean freight rates in shipping business. A few sample letters have been selected for a preliminary study.Main Difficult Points:1. The rules of writing letters of enquiry.2. The rules of writing letters of reply.3. The business termsKey Words & Expressions:Ocean freight rates, tramp rate, liner freight rate, inclusive, vessel, enclose, tariff, observe, to the point, expectant, humbleness, favorableSection 1 Warming upHave a discussion with your partner about the question: in shipping business, how to make enquiries about ocean freight rates and how to quote them. Share your opinions with your classmates.Section 2 Lead-inOcean freight rates play the key role in the procedure of shipping business. Reasonable enquiry about ocean freight rates and effective quotations will make great profits for carriers and shippers. Understanding all kinds of freights is quite necessary in writing letters about ocean freight rates.Section 3 Samplestotal amount of money per container to be paid to the agent in the USA (all fees, commissions, document charges etc must be included on the price quoted).If the price is right we will contact you back.thank you vey much,Dear Sir or Madam:We are on the lookout for Exporters/Importers who need the best of Ocean freight ex Indian ports to various ports worldwide. Besides we also wish to act as agents for F/Forwarders who need representation at Indian ports.We possess 40 years of shipping experience and can handle A to Z in the shipping field. So why hesitate, contact us immedietly and see the difference.Await yr prompt response.RegardsAlhajj A.S.BashaDear Supplier,We are please to intoduce ourseleves as one of the leading manufacturers of Cast Iron and Ductile Iron products in South India. For this, we would like to tie up with a regular supplier of Cast IronScrap(Foundary grade) also called Used rail scrap.Our requirement is about 250 metric tonnes/month and in just a few month as we are heading for major expansion drive, our requirement would go upto 750 metric tonnes/month. Request you to please let us know your rate per metric tonne including freight to following address:Section 4 TipsSection 5 Word Bankdeviation surcharge 绕航附加费ocean freight rate 海运运费tramp rate 不定期船运费liner rate 班轮运费liner operator 班轮营运人lump sum rate 整笔运费stowage factor 积载因数Freight All Kinds (FAK) Rates 均一运费费率;不分货种运费费率basic rate 基本费率surcharge 附加费bunker adjustment factor燃油附加费port additional 港口附加费currency adjustment factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费transshipment surcharge 转船附加费direct additional 直航附加费heavy lift additional 超重附加费long length additional 超长附加费surcharge of bulky cargo 超大附加费port congestion additional 港口拥挤附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费Section 6 Useful Expressions1. Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters1)特此奉告等To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of; To bring to one's notice (knowledge); To lay before one; To point out; To indicate; To mention; To apprise one of; To announce; To remark; To call one's attention to; To remind one of; etc.2)为(目的)奉告某某事项a. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)b. The object of the present is to report you thatc. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)3)惠请告知某某事项,等a. Please inform me that (of)b. Be good enough to inform me that (of)c. Oblige me by informing that (of)4)特确认,本公司某月某日函件等a. We confirm our letter of the l0th of this monthb. We had the pleasure of writing you last on the l0th of this monthc. Confirming our respects of the 10th May,---5)贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等a. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd Mayb. Your letter of May 5 was very welcomec. We thank you for your favour of the 5th May6)特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等a. I have the pleasure of stating, in answer to your inquiry of the 4th inst, thatb. In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you that (of)c. I hasten to answer your inquiry of the l5th May, by stating that7)非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。

二、航运指数对经济的意义1. 宏观经济层面:航运指数可以反映全球贸易活动的状况,对全球经济的发展和走势有一定的预测作用。
2. 国际贸易层面:航运指数的涨跌直接关系到货物运价,影响着进出口商的成本和利润。
三、航运指数对金融市场的意义1. 资产配置参考:航运指数可以作为金融市场的参考指标之一,反映全球经济运行的整体情况,对投资者进行风险评估和资产配置提供了重要的参考依据。
2. 衍生品交易标的:航运指数作为金融衍生品市场的标的资产,在期货、期权等交易中具有一定的价值,为金融市场的风险管理和套期保值提供了工具。
五、航运指数对全球产业链的影响1. 供应链稳定性:航运指数的波动会对全球供应链的稳定性产生影响。
2. 工业转移与布局:航运指数也会影响到全球产业布局和转移。

航运经济知识点总结高中一、航运经济的基本概念1. 航运经济的含义航运经济是指以船舶为载体进行货物和人员的运输活动,并从中获取利润的经济活动。
2. 航运经济的作用航运经济在国际贸易中扮演着重要的角色,通过航运可以快速、廉价地进行跨国货物和人员的运输,为全球化贸易提供了便利条件。
二、航运经济的发展历史1. 古代航运古代的航运主要以风帆船为主,航程短、运载能力小。
2. 近代航运近代以来,随着航海技术的进步,航运业得到了迅速发展。
3. 现代航运现代航运业主要以集装箱运输为主,利用大型货轮和远洋运输船进行全球性的跨国货物运输。
三、航运经济的组成要素1. 船舶船舶是航运经济的载体,是进行货物和人员运输的工具。
2. 港口港口是船舶装卸货物和乘客的地方,也是航运业的枢纽。
3. 航运公司航运公司是进行航运经济活动的主体,他们运营船舶,开展货物和人员的运输服务,并从中获取利润。
4. 物流运输航运经济是与物流运输密切相关的,船舶承担着货物长途运输的重要任务。
四、航运经济的市场特点1. 国际化航运经济是国际贸易的重要组成部分,航运市场具有国际化的特征。


1. 国际贸易和航运国际贸易是各个国家之间进行商品和服务交换的重要形式之一。
2. 货运协议货运协议是货主和船东之间达成的一种合同,用于规定货物的运输条件和责任。
3. 船舶类型和运输工具航运涉及到多种类型的船舶和运输工具。
其中包括散货船(Bulk Carrier)、集装箱船(Container Ship)、油轮(Oil Tanker)等。
4. 航运术语在航运中,有很多专业的术语需要理解。
例如,船舶的载重量单位是“吨位”(tonnage),货物的装载点被称为“装运港”(port of loading),货物的卸载点被称为“卸货港”(port of discharge)等。
5. 运输保险运输保险是航运中非常重要的一环。
运输保险可以分为货物保险(marine insurance)和船舶保险(hull insurance)。
6. 港口管理和操作港口是连接船舶和陆地的重要环节。
7. 船舶安全船舶安全是航运中的重要问题之一。

常见的海运术语表1.班轮运输(Liner Shipping):一种海上运输方式,由固定航线、固定港口、相对固定的船期和相对稳定的费率的船舶进行运输。
2.租船运输(Charter Shipping):一种海上运输方式,由船东或船舶经纪人将船舶出租给租船人使用,租船人按照合同支付租金并负责船舶的运营和维护。
3.散货运输(Bulk Shipping):一种海上运输方式,适用于大量散装货物的运输,如煤炭、矿石等。
4.集装箱运输(Container Shipping):一种海上运输方式,使用集装箱进行货物的装载和运输,具有高效、安全、方便的优点。
8.班轮公会(Liner Conference):由多家班轮公司组成的协会,共同制定费率和运价政策。
9.提单(Bill of Lading):由船东或承运人出具的货物收据和运输合同,具有法律效力和可转让性。
12.租船合同(Charter Party):由船东和租船人签订的合同,规定双方在租船运输中的权利和义务。
13.海上货运保险(Marine Cargo Insurance):为货物运输提供风险保障的保险种类,包括平安险、水渍险和一切险等。
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有两个非常聪明的经济学天才青年,他们经常为 一些高深的经济学理论争辩不休。一天饭后去散 步,为了某个数学模型的证明两位杰出青年又争 了起来,正在难分高下的时候,突然发现前面的 草地上有一堆狗屎。甲就对乙说,如果你能把它 吃下去,我愿意出五千万。五千万的诱惑可真不 小,吃还是不吃呢?乙掏出纸笔,进行了精确的 数学计算,很快得出了经济学上的最优解:吃! 于是甲损失了五千万,当然,乙的这顿加餐吃的 也并不轻松。
International Journal of Maritime Economics 季 刊 Erasmus University Rotterdam
Transport Policy 季刊 World Conference on Transport Research Society
ISL Shipping Statistics and Market Review 月刊 ILS
(5)贸易能使每个人状况更好。人与人的关系本质上是 交易关系,这种关系之所以产生是因为贸易是双赢的,无 论对个人还是国家都如此。
(6)市场通常是组织经济活动的一种好方法。市场经济 的基本原则是“看不见的手”调节每个人的经济活动, “看不见的手”就是价格。市场机制调节是经济学的基本 内容。
(7)政府有时可以改善市场结果。市场经济需要法治, 同时市场也有失灵。政府的作用是补充市场机制之不足。
杨靳主编《国际航运经济学》,人民交通出版社, 2009年
蔡桂英主编、曲林迟副主编《国际航运经济》, 人民交通出版社,1995年
陈家源、佟成权编著《国际航运市场学》,大连 海事大学出版社,1995年
汪传旭主编《国际航运市场与政策》,人民交通 出版社,1999年
徐剑华主编、曲林迟副主编《国际航运经济新 论》,人民交通出版社,1997年
(2)某种东西的成本是为了得到它所放弃的东西。经济学 中最重要的一个概念——机会成本。
(3)理性的人考虑边际量。经济学中最重要的分析方法— —边际分析法。
(4)人们会对激励作出反应。经济学分析的背景——制度 决定人们的行为,要用制度来引导与约束人们的行为。
这四条是关于个人如何做出决策的四个原理。市场经济的组 成单位是个人,个人有决策(做出选择)的自由。个人组成 整体。经济学研究的出发点是个人行为。这四条原理说明了 如何研究个人行为。Fra bibliotek航运杂志
《航运交易公报》 《中国航务周刊》 《中国远洋航务公告》 《集装箱化》 《水运管理》 《中国港口》 《中国水运》 《海运情报》、《世界海运》等
Maritime Policy & Management 季刊 A Taylor & Francis Journal
Transport Review 季刊 A Taylor & Francis Journal
两个人继续散步,突然又发现一堆狗屎,这时候 乙开始剧烈的反胃,而甲也有点心疼刚才花掉的 五千万了。于是乙说,你把它吃下去,我也给你 五千万。 于是,不同的计算方法,相同的计算结 果——吃!甲心满意足的收回了五千万,而乙似 乎也找到了一点心理平衡。 可突然,天才们同时 嚎啕大哭:闹了半天我们什么也没有得到,却白 白的吃了两堆狗屎!他们怎么也想不通,只好去 请他们的导师,一位著名的经济学泰斗给出解释。 听了两位高足的故事,没想到泰斗也嚎啕大哭起 来。好容易等情绪稳定了一点,只见泰斗颤巍巍 的举起一根手指头,无比激动地说:“1个亿啊! 1个亿啊!我亲爱的同学,我代表祖国和人民感 谢你们,你们仅仅吃了两堆狗屎,就为国家的 GDP贡献了1个亿的产值!”
Lloyd’s Shipping Economists 月刊
1、经济学的十大原理复习 2、世界经贸发展对国际航运的影响 3、2013年世界经济及航运市场回顾与展望 4、本课程学习的主要内容 5、本课程学习的主要方法 6、本课程学习的一般要求
(1)人们面临权衡取舍。这表明经济学是研究资源稀缺条 件下的选择问题。
学科门类: 经济学 一级学科: 应用经济学 二级学科: 产业经济学 学科专业: 运输经济学 研究方向: 航运经济学
经济学的基本原理应该是普遍适用的,但这些 原理一般不能随意平移或套用,因为每一个具 体领域都存在着使用经济学一般原理的技术约 束或体制约束
学习航运经济学的意义,就在于学会根据航运 业的特点使用经济学一般原理的方法与途径
航运经济学 Shipping Economics
姓名:许欢 性别:不用说了吧 年龄:80后 籍贯:东北 毕业院校:大连海事大学(本科);上海
海事大学(硕士、博士) 工作单位:上海海事大学 国航系 教龄:八年半
1、按时到课并积极参与课堂讨论与发言;课 下按要求查找资料和阅读文献,勤于思考
2、认真做好课堂笔记 3、努力做好课外作业 4、课下以小组为单位学习,轮流汇报 5、评分为百分制,评分依据①到课与参预程
➢运输经济学是产业经济学的一个分支;而航 运经济学是运输经济学的一个研究方向 ➢航运经济学是以经济学的理论和分析方法, 研究与探讨航运领域的各种问题的一门课程
这三个原理是市场经济的基本原则,也是微观经济学所要 论述的问题。
(8)一国的生活水平取决于它生产物品与劳务的 能力。决定一国整体状况的是其生产能力,这是 分析整体经济的中心。
①对理论的深刻理解; ②对现象和问题的切实把握; ③独到的见解。
只有当理解超越了感觉,能够深入浅出地 抓住实质,达到融会贯通的时候,才会获 得学习的最大乐趣。当你对事物的领悟已 达到这一层次,发现新东西就很容易了。
Maritime Economics--Martin stopford, Routledge,London,UK,2009 (3rd)