全国2008 年10 月高等教育自学考试应用文写作试题课程代码:02126、单项选择题(本大题共22小题,每小题1分,共22 分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.为了使听众能很快明了广播的内容,达到预期的新闻效果,因此广播稿具有特点(A .语言简明B •逻辑性强C.条款明确 D •表现手法多样2•简讯一般只突出事实中的某一部分或某一侧面,因此,在写作时要求(A •格式规范B •内容真实C.通俗易懂 D •背景从略3 •失实的消息不仅毫无价值可言,而且会造成很坏的影响,因此消息具有特点(A •真实性B •欺骗性C.权威性 D •目的性4 •申请人在申请执行书中要求运用国家强制力量维护自己的合法权益,以使生效的法律文书得到切实的执行,因此其具有特点(A •说服力强B •内容真实C.愿望强烈 D •特色鲜明5•诉状有其特定的项目:如原被告的基本情况、谋求事项、事实与理由、致送机关等,为使人民法院能全面掌握情况,利于对申诉人的支持,因此写作时要求(A •要素齐全B •体例规范C.合情合理 D •论证充分6•规定是为了解决特定范围内的工作和事务而制订的,它根据不同的情况拟定不同的条款,因此规定具有特点(A •事理结合B •具有强迫性C.内容专门具体 D •具有号召力7•就某一问题或事项,提出本机关的处理意见,请求上级机关给予批准或表明态度,应该书写的是(A .通知B .意向书C.诉状 D •请示8借助通知可以将有关事项告知一定范围内的组织或个人,因此通知具有特点(A .时效性B •周知性9.为便于执行检查,计划在时间、数量、质量、目的、任务等方面写作时要求(A •面面俱到B •条理清楚C.表述准确 D •实事求是10.—份好的申请书,它的申请理由必定如实客观,不真实的申请书可能导致相反的结果,因此申请书具有特点(A •导向性B •真实性C.论证性 D •感情性11开幕词要向会议发出号召、提出希望,确保会议顺利召开、圆满结束,因此,开幕词应具有特点(A .宣告性B •号召性C.理想性 D •暂时性12. —篇演讲稿如果只是思想内容好,而语言干巴无味,也起不到应有的作用,因此,演讲稿的语言要求(A •特色鲜明B •通俗易懂C端庄典雅 D •富有感染力13•为向作出贡献的个人或集体表示慰问,鼓励他们戒骄戒躁,继续前进,应写作的慰问信是A •劝说型B •强迫型C鼓励型 D •肯定型14•感谢信的叙述和议论要倾注作者真诚、朴素的情感,这样才能真正打动人,令人信服,因此感谢信写作时要求(A •感情真挚B •以理服人C实事求是 D •多加赞扬15•不针对消费者制作的商品广告,很难发挥其宣传商品、促售商品的作用,因此商品广告写作时要求(A •创造性强B •针对性强C说服力强 D •议论充分16 •双方或多方就某一项目的合作问题,在实质性谈判之前,经过初步接触而形成的具有原则性、导向性意见的书面材料是(A •意向书B •经济合同书C.投标书 D •招标书17•根据大量现时和过去的市场经济活动的现象分析研究其发展变化趋势,并对市场活动进行预测的一种市场活动分析方法是(A •比较分析法C.动态分析法B •类推法D •集合意见法18.主要通过向经营人员、销售人员、消费者进行调查,取得各种相关信息,归纳整理,研究讨论、 集思广益,最后确定一个预测值,这种市场预测调查方法是( )C .广泛性D .时效性20. 来源于实践,又为实践所验证了的理论、思想、观点是( )A •事实性材料B •具体材料C .观念性材料D .直接材料 21. 写作者通过全篇内容表达出来的贯穿全文的写作意图、观点和公务活动的行为意向称为应用文的 ()A .立意B .主旨C .构思D .实用性 22. 应用文的撰稿人必须根据国家有关方针、政策和相关规章制度,针对问题,表明自己的观点,因 此立意具有( )A .时代性B .客观性 D .主观性A .集合意见法C .定量预测法 19.市场调查报告应及时反馈市场信息, A .事实性B .因果法 D .专家意见法因此市场调查报告具有() B .针对性C .观念性、多项选择题 (本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.下列关于赠与合同的表述正确的是()A. 赠与合同是有名合同B. 赠与合同是双务合同C. 赠与合同是要式合同D. 赠与合同是实践合同2.甲乙约定甲将房屋无偿提供给乙短期居住,乙无偿教甲女儿学钢琴,该约定属于()A. 实践合同 B. 互易合同C. 有名合同 D. 无偿合同3.合同自由原则不包含的内容是()A. 缔结合同的自由B. 选择相对人的自由C. 选择合同方式的自由D. 履行合同的自由4.在合同终止时,诚信原则要求当事人履行的义务是()A. 相互协助B. 忠实保密C. 不作虚伪陈述D. 及时通知5.下列选项中,属于要约的是()A. 寄送价目表B. 拍卖公告C. 招股说明书D. 含有保证供应用语的商业广告6.委托合同属于()A. 提供劳务合同B. 完成工作合同C. 实践合同D. 要式合同7.合同一方当事人根据另一方当事人的委托,以自己的名义为另一方当事人从事贸易活动,并收取报酬的合同,这种合同是()A. 委托合同B. 居间合同C. 行纪合同D. 代理合同8.下列选项中,属于保管合同中保管人义务的是()A. 告知义务B. 声明义务C. 包装义务D. 危险通知义务9.下列选项中,不属于合同变更的是()A. 甲银行将其对乙公司的贷款转让给丙银行B. 丁公司与戊公司签署的设备买卖合同价款由100万元改为95万元C. 己公司与庚公司签署的建筑工程合同由于天气原因双方同意推迟三个月开工D. 辛公司与酉公司签署的汽油买卖合同由90号改为93号10.我国《合同法》对于要约生效的时间采取()A. 投邮主义B. 了解主义C. 到达主义D. 必须经过人民法院或仲裁机构确认11.下列选项中,合同解除不具有溯及力的是()A. 房屋买卖合同B. 借用合同C. 贷款合同D. 赠与合同12.要约的法律性质是()A. 单方法律行为B. 法律行为C. 意思表示D. 法律事实中事件13.在买卖合同中,不属于买受人义务的是()A. 支付价款B. 受领标的C. 及时检验D. 瑕疵担保14.公民乙向甲借款,甲同意并约定一周后提供,但届时甲拒绝提供。
2008年10月全国自考(教育学)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 名词解释题 3. 简答题 4. 论述题 5. 案例分析题单项选择题每小题2分,在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
全部题目用英文作答(翻译题除外I. Reading Comprehension. (50 points, 2 points for eachDirections: In this part of the test, there are five passages. Following each passage, there are five questions with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and then write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. Passage OneWhether you‘re delivering a speech, approaching your boss for a raise or addressing audience on an important social occasion, do your homework. The most polished, smoothly delivered, spontaneous-sounding talks are the result of many hours of work. The memorable one-liners and moving phrases that go down in history don‘t come from last minute burst of inspiration.If you‘re making a p resen tation of any sort, begin preparing as far ahead of time as possible. ―Good writing,‖ says Harvard University historian Richard Marius, ―is a kind of wrestling with thought.‖ Begin the wrestling match early. Two days before your presentation is usually too late to go into the ring and come up with a winning idea.Prepare yourself as well as your material, giving special attention to your voice. A shrill, nasal tone strikes your listener like chalk screeching on a blackboard. By putting energy and resonance into your voice, you will have a positive effect. If your voice is timid or quivers with nervousness, you sense it, the audience hears it, and you see discomfort in their eyes. With energy and enthusiasm in your voice, the listeners say ahhh, tell me more. Y ou read approval.Like your voice, your appearance is a communication tool. For example, if you are animated, you are most likely to see animated listeners. Y ou give the audience the message: I‘m glad I‘m here; I‘m glad you‘re here.However, don‘t e ve r assume that an audience, an interviewer, your boss will be sympathetic. Always be prepared for a grilling. Think beforehand of the ten toughest questions you could get and be ready with your answers. And remember, when you‘re asked a hostile question, never show hostility to your questioner. If you do, you lose.While the hostile questioner is talking, prepare your response. Take a positive tack immediately, and make your answer short. The instant the interviewer finishes the question, begin the answer: first point, second point, third point...bingo, your conclusion.The way you listen gives messages about you too. Listen with interest, focusing your eyes on the speaker. If he or she is sitting next to you, angle your body slightly in the chair so that y o u‘re turned toward the person. Animate your face with approval. It says, I‘m with you, I‘m interested in what you‘re saying.Once you‘re prepared for a situation, you‘re 50 per cent of the way toward overcoming nervousness. The other 50 percent is the physical and mental control of nervousness: adjusting your attitude so you have confidence, and control of yourself and your audience.Questions 1-5 are based on Passage One.1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The methods that one can use to let people agree with him or her in a speech.B. How to make one‘s voice and appearance pleasant when one gives speeches.C. The importance of preparation before one talks to people on formal occasions.D. How to overcome anxiety when one talks to the audience on formal occasions.2. ―One-liners‖ (Para. 1are ________.A. well-written articlesB. excellent speechesC. single witty sentencesD. unforgettable phrases3. By saying ―like chalk screeching on a blackboard‖ (Para. 3, the author ________.A. refers to the feeling an unpleasant voice arouses in the audienceB. points out that one needs to use chalk to write on the blackboardC. means that one should speak loud enough for all audience to hearD. stresses that one must put energy and resonance into his or her voice4. When asked a hostile question, one should________.A. answer quickly and brieflyB. ignore the question totallyC. defend himself or herself firmlyD. respond smartly and pleasantly5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. One should look out for tough questions from an audience beforehand.B. One should spend a lot of time preparing before talking to an audience.C. If one looks active and vigorous, the audience will respond accordingly.D. If on e makes a thorough prepara tion he won‘t be nervous at all in a speech.Passage TwoSoccer might be the most popular sport in the world, but for decades, Americans have managed to resist its charm. Their attention has been focused, of course, on the big three American sports: baseball, football and basketball. And while soccer is rapidly gaining popularity among younger Americans, the older generation remains detached from the game, even when the rest of the world is glued to TV screens watching the 2006 World Cup matches.It‘s not a s though soccer is a stranger to American shores. The U.S. national soccer team played in the first World Cup in 1930. But from the start, the game had an image for many Americans as an immigrant sport. Still soccer began to attract more attention in the United States after the 1974 World Cup.The following year, the country got its first professional soccer teams, with the launch of the North American Soccer League. The New Y ork Cosmos became the league‘s flagship franchise when i t acquired a stellar ros ter of players from 16 different countries, including the Brazilian soccer legend Pele, the high-scoring Italian great Georgio Chinagalia, andGerman superstar Franz Beckenbauer. By 1977, attendance at American soccer games had grown to a record 62,000.Peppe Pinton, a veteran soccer player and the executive director of the Cosmos soccer camps, likes to recall those golden days when American fans packed the stadiums to watch some of the world‘s best soccer players — most of them play ing on the same team. ―Americans are used to watch winners,‖ Pinton says. ―Americans are used to watch superstars, great players in all sports, and they are not settling for inferiority. TheCosmos team was not successful in the early years, but it was suc cessful when those pla yers came here.‖People lined up to get into the stadium like they would line up to get into a popular restaurant, Pinton says. ―People attracted people. And the Cosmos made this happen all over the U.S.,‖ he says. ―It drew record cro wds in Seattle, in Mi ami, in Tampa, Boston, in Chicago and then they went all over the world. They went even into China when nobody was reaching China those years.‖But for 40 years, the U.S. was unable to qualify for World Cup games because most of the players on its soccer teams were not American citizens. Finally, in 1990, with enough home-grown or naturalized players on its rosters, the U.S. was able to field a World Cup team.Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two.6. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. The U.S. has been playing in World Cup for 20 years.B. Soccer is not one of the top spectator sports in the U.S.C. Many players on America‘s soccer team were foreigners.D. More and more young people in the U.S. are enjoying soccer.7. Which is true about the New Y ork Cosmos?A. It was established in 1975.B. It played in the 1974 World Cup.C. It was a great success in mid- 1970s.D. It broke a sport record in the late 1970s.8. It is suggested that more and more Americans will watch soccer if________.A. their team plays in the World CupB. there are superstar players in their teamsC. there is greater promotion of the sportD. more matches are arranged in their country9. Which year is the most glorious time for soccer in the U.S.?A. 1974.B. 1977.C. 1990.D. 2006.10. ―Field‖ (Para. 6has the closest meaning to which of the following?A. To sponsor a team.B. To host a sports event.C. To provide a game venue.D. To send players to a game.Passage ThreeMany Americans harbor a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food. Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science andnutrition at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says bluntly that if the dangers from bacterially contaminated ch icken were as great as some people believe, ―the streets would be littered with people lying here and there.‖Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Bruce Ames, chairman of the biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plant‘s weight is made up of natural pesticides. He says, ―Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare.‖ And many naturally producedchemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in laboratory tests to be strong carcinogens — substance which can cause cancer. Mushrooms might be banned if they were judged by the same standards that apply to food additives. Declares Christina Stark, a nutritionist at C ornell University, ―We‘ve got far worse natural chemicals in the food supply than anything man-made.‖Y et the issues are not that simple. While Americans have no reason to be terrified to sit down at the dinner table, they have every reason to demand significant improvements in food and water safety. They unconsciously and unwillingly take in too much of too many dangerous chemicals. If food already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make much sense to add dozens of new man-made ones. Though most people will withstand the small amount of contaminants generally found in food and water, at least a few individuals will probably get cancer one day because of what they eat and drink.To make good food and water supplies even better, the Government needs to tighten its regulatory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies. The food industry should modify some long-accepted practices or turn to less hazardous alternatives. Perhaps most important, consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to handle and cook food properly. The problems that need to be tackled exist all along the food-supply chain, from fields to processing plants to kitchens.Questions 11-15 are based on Passage Three.11. What does the author think of the Americans‘ view of their food?A. They overlook the risks of the food they eat.B. They overestimate the hazards of their food.C. They are overoptimistic about the safety of the food they eat.D. They overstate the government‘s interference with the food industry.12. The author considers it impossible to obtain no-risk food because ______.A. no food is free from pollution in the environmentB. pesticides are presently widely used in agricultureC. almost all foods have additives and preservativesD. many vegetables contain dangerous natural chemicals13. By saying ―they employ chemical warfare‖ (Para. 2, Bruce Ames means ______.A. plants produce certain chemicals to combat pests and diseasesB. plants make use of natural chemicals to promote their growth111C. farmers use man-made chemicals to dissolve the natural chemicals in plantsD. farmers use man-made chemicals to protect plants against pests and diseases14. Who is most responsible for better food and water supply?A. The government.B. The consumer.C. The processor.D. The growers.15. What is the message the author wants to convey in the passage?A. Eating and drinking have become more hazardous.B. Measures must be taken to improve food production.C. Health food is no longer a dream in modern society.D. There is no cause for alarm about food consumption.Passage FourThe estimates of the numbers of home-schooled children vary widely. The U.S. Department of Education estimates there are 250, 000 to 350, 000 home-schooled children in the country. Home-school advocates put the number much higher –at about a million.Many public school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home schoolers, perceiving their actions as the ultimate slap in the face for public education and a damaging move for the children. Home schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children.Y et, as public school officials realize they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home-school population, and as home schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit. Public schoolers have moved closer to tolerance and, in some cases, even cooperation.Says John Marshall, an education official, ―We are becoming relatively tolerant of home schoolers.‖ The idea is, ―Let‘s give the kids access to public school so they‘ll see it‘s not as terrible as they‘ve been told, and they‘ll want to come back.‖Perhaps, but don‘t count on it, say home-school advocates. Home schoolers, oppose the system because they have strong convictions that their approach to education —whether fueled by religious enthusiasm or the individual child‘s interests and na tural pace — is best.―The bulk of home schoolers just want to be left alone,‖ says Eng e Cannon, associate director of the National Center For Home Education. She says home schoolers choose that path for a variety of reasons, but religion plays a role 85 percent of the time.Professor V an Galen breaks home schoolers into two groups. Some home schoolers want their children to learn not only traditional subject matter but also ―strict religious doctrine and a conservative political and social perspective. Not incidentally, they also want their children to learn —both intellectually and emotionally —that the family is the most important institution in society.‖Other home schoolers contend ―not so much that the schools teach heresy, but that schools teach wha tever they teach inappropriately‖. V an Galen writes, ―These parents are highly independ ent and strive to ‗take responsibility‘ for their own lives within a society that they define as bureaucratic and inefficient.‖Questions 16-20 are based on Passage Four.16. According to the passage, home schoolers are______.A. those who hire teachers to educate their children after schoolB. those who are educated at home instead of going to schoolC. those who advocate combining public education with home schoolingD. those who teach their children at home instead of sending them to school17. Public schools are softening their position on home schooling because______.A. they want to show their tolerance for different situationB. there isn‘t much they can do to cha nge the present situationC. public schools cannot offer proper education for all childrenD. home schooling provides a new variety of education for children18. Home-school advocates are of the opinion that ______.A. things in public schools are not so bad as they have often been saidB. their cooperation with public school will bring about benefits to allC. home schooling is superior and, therefore, they will not easily give inD. their tolerance of public education will attract more kids to public schools19. Most home schoolers‘ opposition to public education stems from their______.A. devotion to religionB. concern with the cost involvedC. respect for the interest of individualsD. worry about the inefficiency of public schools20. According to V an Galen, some home schoolers believe that ______.A. public schools take up a herdlike approach to teaching childrenB. teachers in public schools are not as responsible as they should beC. public schools cannot provide good enough education for their childrenD. public schools are the source of bureaucracy and inefficiency in societyPassage FiveImagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion —a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation.People might not be able to stay alive: knowing neither joy nor pleasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear: people would be as likely toharm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist: in a world without friends or enemies, there co uld be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society‘s economic underpinnings would be destroyed: since earning $10 million would be no more pleasant than earning $ 10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives of any kind. For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways.As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an object‘s physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us — hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families, communities, and overall society.Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are ―good‖ and others are ―bad‖, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life — from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept.In fact, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes, such as loyalty, morality, pride, shame, guilt, fear and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal penal system to make people afraid to engage in anti-social acts.Questions 21-25 are based on Passage Five.21. The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that______.A. they would not be able to tell the texture of objectsB. they would not know what was harmful to themC. they would not be happy with a life without loveD. they would do things that hurt each other‘s feelings22. According to the passage, peo ple‘s learning activities are possible because they______.A. believe that emotions are fundamentalB. benefit from providing help to one anotherC. enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thingD. know what is vital to the progress of society23. It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society is dependent on______.A. the ability to make moneyB. the will to work for pleasureC. the capacity to enjoy incentivesD. the wish to create more products24. Emotions are significant for man‘s survival and adaptation because ______.A. they encourage people to perform dangerous achievementsB. they generate more love than hate among people in societyC. they provide the means by which people view the shape of objectsD. they give people the social feeling of agreement that maintains society25. The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they ______.A. help us adapt our behavior to the societyB. encourage us to perform important tasksC. help to perfect the legal and penal systemD. help society exploit its members for profitII. Vocabulary. (10 points, 1 point for eachDirections: Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly the same meanings as those given below. The number in the brackets after each worddefinition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is. Write the word you choose on your Answer Sheet.Although the actual extent of computer crime is difficult to measure, most experts agree that it is one of the fastest growing areas of illegal activity. The principal reason for both the growth and the lack of accurate measurement is the difficulty in detecting a well-executed theft. Losses per incident thus tend to be higher than in other types of theft. Once the computer criminal has compromised the system, it is just as easy to steal a great sum as it is to steal a little, and to continue stealing long after the initial theft.Computer criminals are, for the most part, well-educated and highly intelligent, and have the analytical skills that make them valued employees. The fact that computer criminals do not fit criminal stereotypes helps them to obtain the positions they require to carry out crimes. Being intelligent, they have fertile imaginations, and the variety of ways in which they use equipment to their advantages is constantly being extended. In addition to direct theft of funds, the theft of data for corporate espionage or extortion is being widespread, and can obviously have a substantial effect on a company‘s finances. Another lucrative scheme, often difficult to detect, involves accumulating fractions pence from individual payroll accounts, with electronic transfer of the accumulated amount to the criminal‘s payroll.Sabotage is also an increasingly common type of computer crime. Everyone in the computer business has heard of cases of a ―ti me-bomb‖ being placed in a program. Typically, the programmer inserts an instruction that causes the computer to destroy an entire personnel data bank, for example, if the programmer‘s employment is terminated. As soon as the termination data is fed into the system, it automatically erases the entire program.26. most important; main (Para. 127. something that happens (Para. 128. to do something damaging (Para. 129. fixed images of what a particular type of person is like (Para. 230. full of interesting and unusual ideas (Para. 231. profitable; able to make a lot of money (Para. 232. the process by which something moves or is moved from one place to another (Para. 233. damage done deliberately to equipment so that they can‘t be used (Para. 334. puts something into something else (Para. 335. the act of ending something (Para. 3III. Summarization. (20 points, 2 points for eachDirections: In this section of the test, there are ten paragraphs. Each of the paragraph is followed by an incomplete phrase or sentence which summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. Spell out the missing letters of the word on your Answer Sheet.Paragraph OneMany banks are preparing ―online branches‖, which means that people will be able to take care of their banking business through their home computers. At these online branches, customers will be able to view their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan, and get current information on products such as credit.36. What can be realized ______at ―online branches‖.Paragraph TwoBy the 17th century people began to leave gold with the local goldsmiths for safe keeping. Receipts of £1 or £5 were issued which could then be converted back into gold at any time. Soon these receipts began to circulate as banknotes.37. The origin______ of banknotes.Paragraph ThreePop Art was defined by images of material goods and popular culture. Pop artists rejected the serious nature of the art world. They painted or printed everyday images of things that usually are not considered art. These images included photographs from magazines, drink advertisements and drawings from popular comic strips.38. I ntroduction____ of Pop Art.Paragraph FourIn the U.S. today, it is common to pay one fourth to one third of family‘s income on the place to live. Big houses are more expensive than smaller ones. And houses closer to the center of big cities are more expensive than the ones in the suburbs or in small towns.39. The cost_______ of housing in the U.S. today is very high.Paragraph FiveA new public health report concludes there is no safe level of environmental tobacco smoke. One of the nation‘s top public health physician says inhaling someone else‘s tobacco smoke leads to an immediate chain of biological events that can lead to disease in a non-smoker and even death.40. Expert warns __________ against environmental tobacco smoke.Paragraph SixDehydration limits a person‘s ability to work and think. Experts say a reduction of only four or five percent in body water leads to a drop of twenty to thirty percent in work ability. The loss of salt through perspiration also reduces the amount of work that muscles can do.41. Relation_______ between dehydration and person‘s ability to work and think.Paragraph SevenHard war situation finally forced Germany to make the decision that would bring the United States into the war. It decided to use its submarines to break the British blockade. The submarines would attack any ships that came near Britain. This included ships from neutral countries, like the United States.42. Germany adopted new strategy_________ in hard situation.Paragraph EightThe Tata Group is made up of 96 companies that employ more than 200,000 people. Tata operates in more than 54 countries. Its companies run hotels, provide engineering services and business advice. They also make cars and steel, among other things.43. The Tata Group is involved in various __________ industries.Paragraph NineAnxiety is normal. Y ou just have to prevent it from getting the best of you. The first step is to learn to relax. If before or during an examination you start to panic, stretch as hard as you can, tensing the muscles in your arms and legs, and then suddenly relax all of them.44. How one should handle __________ anxiety.Paragraph TenElectronic mail can eliminate hours of frustrating ―telephone tag‖ and enable people to communicate across time-zones with ease. It also substitutes for busy fax machines that print out piles of paper which are often misplaced or misdirected. With electronic mail, the message appears upon the computer screen of the individual being contacted.45. People benefit__________ from electronic mails a lot.IV. T ranslation. (20 points, 4 points for eachDirections: In the following passage, there are five groups of underlined sentences. Read the passage carefully and then translate these sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet.Machinery has made it possible to produce more and more food in vast areas, such as the plains of America and Russia. Crops have increased almost everywhere and people are growing more and more food. 46. New forms of preservation have also been developed so that food need not be eaten as soon as it has grown. 储藏食物的新方法也得到了发展。
全国2008年10 月高等教育自学考试高等数学(一)试题课程代码:00020一、单项选择题(本大题共5 小题,每小题2 分,共10分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1. 设函数y=f (x)的定义域为(1,2],则f (ax)(a<0)的定义域是( )A.( 1, 2 ]B.[ 2,1)C.(a,2a]D.(2,a]a a a a a知识点:函数的定义域答案:B解: 1 ax 22x1aa2. 设f (x)=x|x|,则f′(0)=( )A.1B.-1C.0D.不存在知识点:函数的导数答案:C解:1 / 122 / 12x 2,x 0f(x) x xx 2,x 0f '(0) f _ '(0) f '(0) 03. 下列极限中不能应用洛必达法则的是 (ln x cos2x A. lim B.lim x x x知识点:洛必达法则C.lim ln xD. lim e x ln x x 11 xx答案:BA.cos x -x sin xB.cos x + x sin xC.sin x -x cos xD.sin x + x cos x知识点:变上限积分的导数 答案:A 解: f(x) ( 0 f(t)dt)'5.设某商品的需求量xcosx ' cosx xsinxD 对价格 p 的需求函数为 D =50- p,则需求 5价格弹性函数为 ( )f _ '(0) limx0x0limx0x0f '(0)lim x0x0lim x 0x0解:A. lim lnxxxB. lim cos2x xxC.lim ln xx 11 xD. lim e x ln xx10 x 这个用有界量乘以无穷小量等于无穷小量lim x4.设 f (x )是连续函数,lim 1 1 x1xlnx 1 lim x lim x 0x e x x xe x且 f(t)dt xcosx , 则 f (x )=(3 / 12A. pB. pC.1 pD.1pp 250 250 p 5 250 p5p 250 知识点:需求价格弹性答案:BEDPP解:EDP D '(P) PP PEP D 5D5 50 P250 P5二、填空题(本大题共 10小题, 每小题 3 分,共 30 分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1.“割不正不食”观念的提出者是(B)A.老子B.孔子C.孟子D.墨子2.中国茶树原产地的中心是(A)A.西南地区B.华南地区C.东北地区D.东南地区3.相传,豆腐的发明者是西汉的(D)A.刘荣B.刘彻C.刘秀D.刘安4.蒙古族喜食的、招待尊贵客人的最为丰盛和最为讲究的一种传统宴席是(A)A.全羊席B.全狗席C.全牛席D.全马席5.我国历史上最为著名、影响最大的宴席是(D)A.红楼宴B.孔府宴C.谭府宴D.满汉全席6.粤菜主要覆盖在(C)A.长江中游地区B.长江下游地区C.珠江流域D.黄河流域7.我国的正式筵席是(A)A.宴会席B.便餐席C.酒会席D.茶会席8.周代专门制作酒具的人称为(B)A.舌人B.梓人C.匠人D.艺人9.乌龙茶属于半发酵茶,又称为(B)A.绿茶B.青茶C.白茶D.红茶10.祁门红茶产于(A)A.安徽B.四川C.福建D.云南11.颜色对菜肴的作用主要有增进食欲和(B)A.提高口感B.视觉欣赏C.辨别生熟D.掌握火候12.每年的农历七月十五是我国的中元节,民间的佛教寺院也大办水陆道场,称为(C)A.盂兰盆经 B.库尔帮节C.盂兰盆会D.宰牲节13.大部分地区苗族的餐制是一日三餐,主食是(D)A.小麦B.高粱C.青稞D.大米14.20世纪80年代是红学研究的黄金时代,第一个走上“红楼”饮食文化舞台的是(D)A.红楼小吃 B.红楼宴C.红楼菜D.红楼糕点15.汉赋的奠基者和成就最高的代表作家是(B)A.董仲舒B.司马相如C.司马迁D.刘勰16.赞誉李白“斗酒诗百篇”的诗人是(B)A.陆游B.杜甫C.白居易D.苏东坡17.在佛教饮食理念中,各种思虑、思考、意欲使意识活动得以进行,即为(D)A.段食B.触食C.识食D.思食18.记载了丰富的养生方法,并将饮食作为一门科学的藏族医学著作是(B)A.《新红史》B.《四部医典》C.《佛学养生经》D.《西藏王臣记》19.人类需要的最高层次是(B)A.生理需要B.自我实现C.安全需要D.情感需要20.21世纪餐饮业的主流是(B)A.规范化B.集团化C.社会化D.科学化二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1.从“关系"性质的角度看,公共关系主要指()A.组织与组织之间的信息交流关系B.组织与公众之间的信息交流关系C.公众与公众之间的信息交流关系D.公众与政府之间的信息交流关系2.公共关系的主体是()A.个人B.集体C.组织D.群体3.在公共关系中,将追求平等和双赢作为处理各种关系的行为准则而形成的公关观念,一般称为()A.协调观念B.服务观念C.传播观念D.互惠观念4.公共关系作为一种职业和一门学科,最早产生于()A.美国B.奥地利C.英国D.法国5.在美国开设第一所公共关系学院的大学是()A.纽约大学B.斯坦福大学C.波士顿大学D.哈佛大学6.公共关系学正式成为一门科学的时间是()A.20世纪初B.20世纪20年代C.20世纪30年代D.20世纪40年代7.公共关系传入中国大陆地区是在()A.20世纪初B.20世纪20年代C.20世纪60年代D.20世纪80年代8.公共关系专著《有效的公共关系》在美国被誉为“公共关系的圣经”,其作者是()A.艾维·李B.卡特利普和森特C.巴纳姆D.爱德华·伯尼斯9.公关人员应具备的公关意识中,其核心意识是()A.塑造形象意识B.服务公众意识C.沟通交流意识D.创新审美意识10.根据公众对组织的态度,公众可划分为()A.临时公众、周期公众和稳定公众B.顺意公众、逆意公众和边缘公众C.首要公众和次要公众D.非公众、潜在公众、知晓公众和行动公众11.在公关中,属于“必争之地"的是()A.顺意公众B.逆意公众C.边缘公众D.目标公众12.从对外公共关系实务工作层次来看,往往被置于最显著位置,甚至被称为对外传播首要公众的是()A.内部公众B.社区公众C.顾客公众D.媒介公众13.中国最高的公共关系组织-—中国公关协会成立的时间和地点是()A.1985年在广州B.1986年在上海C.1987年在北京D.1988年在天津14.马斯洛认为决定人们行为的需要是()A.高级需要B.低级需要C.优势需要D.长远需要15.反映人们某种要求、期望、未实现的梦想以及未满足需求的流言是() A.愿望流言B.恐怖流言C.攻击流言D.喜悦流言16.一企业有一新产品刚投放市场,这个时候它应该选择的公关行为方式是()A.建设型公关B.维系型公关C.进攻型公关D.征询型公关17.组织的自我形象是其()A.实际的社会形象B.公众形象C.期望建立的社会形象D.过去已建立的社会形象18.当某组织发现自身利益与公众目标要求相冲突时,应该重点()A.强化正面形象B.进行形象转换C.进行形象修补D.减弱正面形象19.组织的门面、招牌、橱窗等属于()A.组织的管理形象B.组织的环境形象C.组织的社区形象D.组织的文化形象20.公共关系工作的一般程序是()A.公关策划——公关实施——公关调查—-公关检测B.公关调查-—公关检测-—公关策划—-公关实施C.公关检测--公关调查——公关策划--公关实施D.公关调查—-公关策划—-公关实施—-公关检测21.马斯洛认为最高层次的需要是()A.自我实现的需要B.安全需要C.自尊需要D.生理的需要22.World Wide Web简称WWW,是Internet发展最迅速的部分,其研制者是()A.IBM B.美国核物理中心C.微软公司D.欧洲核物理中心23.具有显著的双向交互式特征的公共关系传播媒介是()A.报纸B.杂志C.因特网D.广播电视24.组织公关人员的素质结构中,其核心要素是()A.公关职业心理B.公关意识C.公关专业知识D.公关能力25.以提高组织知名度、树立组织整体形象为目标的公关广告是()A.形象广告B.公益广告C.观念广告D.响应广告26.“并非××属性”类广告所运用的定位策略是()A.市场领导者定位策略B.市场跟进者定位策略C.市场模仿者定位策略D.市场挑战者为竞争对手重新定位策略27.人类交往过程中最基本、最重要的工具是()A.语言B.书面文字材料C.网络D.文件28.行为识别系统简称()A.DIS B.CISC.BIS D.IC29.CIS的核心与原动力是()A.VIS B.BISC.MIS D.NIS30.“承诺制”体现的是()A.公众选择意识B.契约意识C.政府公开意识D.民主意识二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.国际分工形成和发展的决定性因素是( )A.跨国公司B.自然条件C.社会生产力D.上层建筑2.提出协议性国际分工理论的学者是( )A.德纽B.范纳C.李普西D.小岛清3.根据联合国贸发会议决议,普惠制的一个实施期限的阶段是( )A.5年B.10年C.15年D.20年4.国际商品协定中最重要的内容是( )A.序言与宗旨B.最后条款C.行政条款D.经济条款5.认为对外贸易应该遵循“卖给外国人的商品总值应大于购买他们的商品总值”的理论是( )A.货币差额论B.贸易差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论6.商品的世界市场价格变动的基础和中心是( )A.商品的国际价值B.商品的国别价值C.商品的质量与包装D.商品的国际垄断力量7.普雷维什认为,发展中国家实施贸易保护政策的理论依据之一是( )A.幼稚产业保护论B.中心-外围论C.外贸乘数理论D.比较优势说8.假设进出口商品价格指数不变,如果出口商品劳动生产率指数在同期内高于进口商品劳动生产率指数,则双因素贸易条件( )A.将会恶化B.将会改善C.保持不变D.无法确定9.最惠国待遇条款、国民待遇条款和互惠待遇条款体现的WTO基本原则是( )A.贸易自由化原则B.非歧视原则C.促进公平竞争原则D.对发展中国家特殊优惠原则10.以占领、垄断国外市场,获取高额利润为目的,严重损害进口国家的利益的商品倾销类型是( )A.暂时倾销B.偶然性倾销C.掠夺性倾销D.长期性倾销11.成员国间取消关税和数量限制,但仍保持对非成员国各自独立的贸易壁垒的区域经济一体化形式是( )A.自由贸易区B.关税同盟C.共同市场D.经济同盟12.有条件的最惠国待遇条款也称( )A.美洲式最惠国待遇条款B.欧洲式最惠国待遇条款C.亚洲式最惠国待遇条款D.非洲式最惠国待遇条款13.在交易磋商中,受盘人对发盘内容的实质性变更是( )A.发盘的邀请B.有效的接受C.还盘的一种形式D.发盘的撤回14.国际上关于贸易术语的国际贸易惯例主要有( )A.两种B.三种C.四种D.五种15.根据《2000年通则》的解释,采用CPT术语时,负责货物出口报关的是( )A.买方B.卖方C.承运人D.船方l6.广州出口一批货物海运至东京,中方办理出关手续,外方办理进关手续,外方支付运费和保险费,按以上交易条件,适用的贸易术语是( )A.FOB广州B.CIF东京C.CFR广州D.FCA东京l7.我们所说的FAQ一般是指( )A.精选货B.一级品C.大路货D.次品18.既无生产地名和厂商名称,又无商标、牌号的包装种类是( )A.无牌中性包装B.定牌中性包装C.运输包装D.销售包装1 9.少量货物或杂货通常采用的运输方式是( )A.班轮运输B.定期租船运输C.光船租船运输D.定程租船运输20.轮船公司在提单上注明“第五件包装破损”,此提单肯定是( )A.记名提单B.指示提单C.清洁提单D.不清洁提单21.在同美国进行贸易时,若要取得运费上的优惠可采用( )A.OCP条款B.GSP条款C.UPC条款D.EAN条款22.某公司出口一批茶叶,在海运途中遭遇暴风雨,致使一部分茶叶发霉变质,这种损失属于( )A.实际全损B.推定全损C.单独海损D.共同海损23.海上货物运输保险中,战争、罢工风险属于( )A.自然灾害B.意外事故C.一般外来风险D.特殊外来风险24.按出票人的不同来分类,汇票分为( )A.跟单汇票和光票B.远期汇票和即期汇票C.本票和支票D.银行汇票和商业汇票25.T/T指的是( )A.提单B.电汇C.信汇D.票汇26.信用证支付方式实际是把进口人履行的付款责任转移给( )A.出口人B.供货商C.银行D.最终用户27.仲裁裁决是终局性的,双方必须遵照执行,这体现了仲裁的( )A.灵活性B.自愿性C.强制性D.排他性28.在国际贸易中,当采用信用证为支付方式时,信用证开立的依据是( )A.合同B.发票C.汇票D.本票29.国际政府机构在采购物资时,为了获得对自己最有利的交易条件,常采用贸易方式是( )A.寄售B.拍卖C.补偿贸易D.招标投标30.在拍卖中,主持人落槌属于交易磋商中的( )A.询盘B.发盘C.还盘D.接受二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.首次提出“马克思主义中国化”命题的中国共产党领导人是(A)A.毛泽东 B.邓小平C.江泽民 D.胡锦涛2.“三个代表”重要思想创造性回答的问题是(C)A.什么是社会主义改造、怎样进行社会主义改造B.什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义C.建设什么样的党、怎样建设党D.什么是发展、怎样发展3.我们今天讲一切从中国的实际出发,其中最大的实际就是(C)A.人口多,底子薄B.地区发展不平衡C.正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段D.农业人口仍占很大比重4.毛泽东在《星星之火,可以燎原》中提出的重要思想是(B)A.枪杆子里面出政权 B.以乡村为中心C.没有调查,就没有发言权 D.一切为了群众,一切依靠群众5.毛泽东确定的人民军队建设的最根本原则是(D)A.坚持中国共产党对军队的绝对领导 B.全心全意为人民服务C.政治工作是人民军队的生命线 D.军民一致,官兵平等6.党在过渡时期总路线的主体是(D)A.对农业的社会主义改造 B.对手工业的社会主义改造C.对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造 D.实现社会主义工业化7.解决社会主义初级阶段主要矛盾的根本手段是(A)A.大力发展生产力 B.控制社会需求的过快增长C.维护社会稳定 D.巩固社会主义经济基础8.邓小平曾经指出,四个现代化的关键是(C)A.农业现代化 B.工业现代化C.科学技术现代化 D.国防现代化9.邓小平第一次提出“建设有中国特色的社会主义”概念的会议是(C)A.党的十一届三中全会 B.党的十一届六中全会C.党的十二大 D.党的十三大10.“一个中心,两个基本点”是对社会主义初级阶段基本路线的简明概括。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.下列四组词语中,最能体现《五代史伶官传序》中心旨意的一组是(分数:2.00)A.忧劳与逸豫B.盛与衰C.天命与人事√D.满与谦解析:3.《容忍与自由》所体现的基本社会理念是(分数:2.00)A.一分为二B.和而不同√C.言论自由D.党同伐异解析:4.从《我的世界观》看,爱因斯坦的政治理念是(分数:2.00)A.崇尚民主,反对专制√B.人是为别人而生存的C.全神贯注,献身科学D.不承认万能上帝存在解析:5.《垓下之围》中项羽“羞见江东父老”的直接原因是(分数:2.00)A.“天之亡我,我何渡为”B.“八千人渡江而西,今无一人还”√C.“时不利兮骓不逝”D.“背关怀楚,放逐义帝而自立”解析:6.《张中丞传后叙》:“愈贞元中过泗州,船上人犹指以相语”。
线性代数试题课程代码:02198说明:在本卷中,A T 表示矩阵A 的转置矩阵,A *表示矩阵A 的伴随矩阵,E 是单位矩阵,|A |表示方阵A 的行列式,r (A )表示矩阵A 的秩.一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.已知矩阵A =⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-1011,B =⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1101,则AB -BA=( ) A.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--1201B.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-1011C.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1001D.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛0000 2.设A 为3阶方阵,且3131=-A ,则|A |=( ) A.-9B.-3C.-1D.93.设A 、B 为n 阶方阵,满足A 2=B 2,则必有( )A.A =BB.A =-BC.|A|=|B|D.|A|2=|B|24.设A 、B 均为n 阶可逆矩阵,且AB =BA ,则下列结论中,不正..确.的是( ) A.AB -1=B -1AB.B -1A =A -1BC.A -1B -1=B -1A -1D.A -1B =BA -15.设向量α1=(a 1, b 1, c 1),α2=(a 2, b 2, c 2),β1=(a 1, b 1, c 1, d 1),β2=(a 2, b 2, c 2, d 2),下列命题中正确的是( )A.若α1,α2线性相关,则必有β1,β2线性相关B.若α1,α2线性无关,则必有β1,β2线性无关C.若β1,β2线性相关,则必有α1,α2线性无关D.若β1,β2线性无关,则必有α1,α2线性相关6.设m ×n 矩阵A 的秩r (A )=n -3(n >3),α,β,γ是齐次线性方程组Ax =0的三个线性无关的解向量,则方程组Ax =0的基础解系为( )A.α,β,α+βB.β,γ,γ-βC.α-β,β-γγ-αD.α,α+β,α+β+γ 7.已知⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-132,121是齐次线性方程组Ax =0的两个解,则矩阵A 可为( )A.(5,-3,-1)B.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-112135C.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--712321D.⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛----1352211218.设A 为n (n ≥2)阶矩阵,且A 2=E ,则必有( )A.A 的行列式等于1B.A 的逆矩阵等于EC.A 的秩等于nD.A 的特征值均为1 9.设矩阵A =⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛001010100,则A 的特征值为( )A.1,1,0B.-1,1,1C.1,1,1D.1,-1,-1 10.已知矩阵A 与对角矩阵D =⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--100010001相似,则A 2=( )A.AB.DC.ED.-E二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请在每小题的空格上填上正确答案。
22.根据1889年日本宪法的规定,内阁直接对之负责的机关是(D )
A.帝国议会 B.枢密院C.元老院 D.天皇
23.法兰西第五共和国总统产生的方式是(C )
A.始终由选民间接选举 B.始终由选民直接选举C.先是间接选举后改为直接选举D.先是直接选举后改为间接选举
A.选民直接选举产生 B.选民间接选举产生C.各邦元首任命 D.皇帝任命
20.统一后的德意志帝国建立了容克贵族和资产阶级的联合统治,这就决定了1871年后德国的法律具有( )
A.封建性 B.军事性C.资产阶级性 D.封建和军国主义性
21.646年日本颁布诏书废除奴隶制度,按照中国隋唐封建集权国家的形式进行经济、政治改革,这次改革称为( )A.明治维新
B.大化改新C.自由民权运动 D.天保改革
22.根据1889年日本宪法的规定,内阁直接对之负责的机关是( )
A.帝国议会 B.枢密院C.元老院 D.天皇
23.法兰西第五共和国总统产生的方式是( )
2008自考试题及答案2008年自学考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 社会主义市场经济的基本特征是()A. 计划经济B. 市场经济C. 公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展D. 完全自由竞争答案:C2. 下列哪项不是市场经济的基本规律?()A. 价值规律B. 竞争规律C. 垄断规律D. 供求规律答案:C3. 我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度是()A. 单一公有制B. 单一私有制C. 公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展D. 完全市场经济答案:C4. 社会主义市场经济中,国家对经济生活进行宏观调控的主要目标是()A. 经济增长B. 充分就业C. 物价稳定D. 所有选项都是答案:D5. 在市场经济中,价格的形成和变动主要受()A. 政府调控B. 市场供求关系C. 生产成本D. 国际市场影响答案:B(以下题目略,共20题)二、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架包括()A. 坚持公有制的主体地位B. 建立现代企业制度C. 发展统一、开放、竞争、有序的市场体系D. 建立以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的个人收入分配制度E. 建立健全的宏观调控体系答案:ABCDE2. 下列哪些属于市场经济中企业的主要类型?()A. 国有企业B. 集体企业C. 私营企业D. 外资企业E. 个体工商户答案:ABCDE(以下题目略,共10题)三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 简述社会主义市场经济体制的基本特征。
2. 如何理解市场经济中的平等竞争原则?答案:市场经济中的平等竞争原则是指在市场经济活动中,所有市场主体在法律面前地位平等,享有平等的权利和义务,能够平等地参与市场竞争,不受任何形式的歧视和不公正待遇。
(以下题目略,共3题)四、论述题(每题10分,共20分)1. 论述市场经济与计划经济的区别。
1.下列关于“语言”的说法,不正确的一项是(A )A.语言就是人们说出来的话B.语言是一种有声符号系统C.语言系统由多个子系统组成D.语言是人类最重要的交际工具2.下列属性中,风声、雨声、喷嚏声、咳嗽声均不具有的一项是(C )A.生理属性B.自然属性C.社会属性D.物理属性3.下列各组元音中,都属于圆唇元音的一组是(D)A.[i,u]B.C.D.[o,y]4.下列词语中,不属于派生构词的一项是(B)A.rewrite B.cats C.teacher D.unafraid5.下列词语中,不属于偏义复合词的一项是(C)A.妻子B.国家C.开关D.忘记6.下列各项中,不属于“语”的是(D)A.惯用语B.歇后语C.成语D.术语7.美国语言学家乔姆斯基创立的语法理论是(C)A.结构语法理论B.功能语法理论C.生成语法理论D.认知语法理论8.在“这道题我们做过”这个语言片段中,“这道题”和“我们做过”的性质是(A)A.既是成分,也是组合B.是成分,不是组合C.不是成分,也不是组合D.是组合,不是成分9.英语“John loves she”这句话是病句,其错误在于(B)A.性B.格C.数D.态10.下列关于义项的表述,正确的一项是(C)A.义项只包括词的理性意义B.义项包括词的临时意义C.义项是词典释义的最小单位D.词的多个义项并非总有关联11.下列关于语义场的表述,不正确的一项是(D)A.语义场是词义系统性的重要表现B.语义场与上下位词关系密切C.语义场是一个层级体系D.不同语义场的系统性是均衡的12.“行为”和“行径”在词义上最主要的差别在于(A)A.感情色彩不同B.形象色彩不同C.语体色彩不同D.理性意义不同13.下列文字系统中,属于自源文字的是(A)A.苏美尔文字B.阿拉伯文字C.腓尼基文字D.拉丁文字14.由意音文字换用表音文字,属于(C)A.文字的创制B.正字法改革C.文字类型改革D.字符类型改革15.下列关于“语言转用”的表述,不正确的一项是(C)A.语言转用是语言统一的重要形式B.双语现象并非一定导致语言转用C.语言转用以民族融合为必要条件D.语言间的密切接触是语言转用的重要条件16.语汇系统中最为稳固而不易变化的是(B)A.一般语汇B.基本语汇C.通用语汇D.专用语汇17.感性思维(前思维)活动不包括(D)A.视觉和听觉B.触觉和知觉C.记忆和想象D.情感和意志18.一般儿童能跟成年人差不多一样地说话的年龄是(C)A.1岁左右B.3岁左右C.5岁左右D.12岁左右19.下列关于母语教学的表述中,不正确的一项是(B)A.母语教学主要指中小学阶段的语言教学B.母语教学的目的就是学会使用一种语言C.母语教学的任务包括提高逻辑思维能力D.母语教学也注重提高文化素质20.对于中介语的错误类型,目前较多采用的分类是(A)A.系统前错误、系统错误、系统后错误B.语法错误、语汇错误、语音错误C.可容忍的错误、部分容忍的错误、不能容忍的错误D.目标语判断性错误、来源语干扰性错误二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
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四、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)46.中国抗日战争胜利的伟大历史意义是什么?47.为什么说中国共产党提出的过渡时期总路线反映了历史的必然?2008年10月中国近现代史纲要试题答案选择、1-5ADCBA6-10CACAA11-15CABDD16-20ADBAB21-25DCDBA26-30BCCCD31-35 ABCD- ABC- CD- CD- ABCD36-40 AD- ABCD -ABC -ACD -ABC41.孙中山三民主义的主要内容答:三民主义即民族民权民生。
其内容是核定地价,按价征税,涨价归功,按价收买P44 4542.1924至1927国民革命的历史意义答、(1.)它沉重的打击了帝国主义和封建主义的统治势力。