
三只小猪英文故事公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]The Three Little PigsOnce upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world.The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do.The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house.The third little pig built his house out of bricks.One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig.But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig.The wolf then came to the house of sticks."Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig.The wolf then came to the house of bricks." Let me in , let me in" cried the wolf"Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in""Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs.Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house.The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water.When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf.The next day the little pig invited his mother over . She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can." Fortunately for that little pig, he learned that lesson. And he just lived happily ever after!猪妈妈生了三只可爱的,三只彼此友爱,一家人一直过着幸福快乐的日子。

三只小猪中英文版故事篇1Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They decided to build their own houses. The first little pig was quite lazy. He built his house with straw easily and quickly. "Oh, this is so simple! I'm sure it will be fine!" he said.The second little pig was a bit smarter. He chose to build his house with wood. "This should be stronger than the straw house," he thought.The third little pig was the wisest. He worked very hard to build a house with bricks. "This must be a safe and solid home!" he exclaimed.One day, a big bad wolf came. He saw the first pig's straw house and huffed and puffed, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" "No way! You can't!" shouted the little pig. But the wolf blew the house down easily.Then the wolf came to the second pig's wood house. "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" "Never!" cried the second pig. But the wolf blew the wood house down too.Finally, the wolf came to the third pig's brick house. He huffed and puffed but couldn't blow the house down. "Oh no! What should I do?" the wolf wondered. The three little pigs were safe and happy in the brick house. How smart they were!篇2Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They were brothers and lived happily in a beautiful forest. One day, they knew that a big bad wolf was coming to their home! How scary it was!The three little pigs decided to work together to protect their home. They discussed and thought carefully about what to do. "How can we stop the wolf?" they asked each other worriedly.Finally, they made a great plan. The eldest pig built a strong house with stones. The second one used wood to make a firm one. And the youngest pig made his house with bricks.When the big bad wolf came, he blew and blew, but he couldn't destroy the houses of the three little pigs. How angry the wolf was! "Why can't I break your houses?" he shouted.The three little pigs were not afraid at all. They stayed together and fought against the wolf bravely. At last, they succeeded! How happy they were! They danced and sang together. "We are so brave and united!" they shouted excitedly.This story tells us that when we are united and brave, we can overcome any difficulties. Isn't it wonderful?篇3Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. The first little pig wasvery lazy. He built a house of straw quickly and thought it would be fine. But oh dear! When the big bad wolf came, he huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down easily. How scary it was!The second little pig was not as smart as he should be. He made a house of wood and believed it was strong enough. But alas! The wolf came again and with a bit more effort, the wood house also fell. Poor little pig!However, the third little pig was different. He was very diligent and wise. He spent a lot of time and energy to build a brick house. When the wolf arrived this time, he huffed and puffed as hard as he could. But the brick house stood firm and strong! The three little pigs were safe inside. What a wonderful ending!This story tells us how important it is to be wise and hardworking. If we are lazy like the first pig or not careful like the second one, we might face big troubles. But if we are as smart and diligent as the third pig, we can overcome difficulties and be safe and happy. So, let's always remember to be wise and hardworking in our lives!篇4Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They lived in a beautiful forest. At first, they were all very timid! How could they face the big and scary world?The eldest pig was a bit cautious. The second one was quite naïve. And the youngest one was so scared of everything! But life had manychallenges for them.One day, a big bad wolf came. At that moment, they were all panicked! However, they knew they had to do something. They started to think and act together. The eldest pig came up with a plan. "Can we really do it?" asked the second one. "We must try!" shouted the youngest one.Slowly, they learned to cooperate. They built a strong house together. When the wolf came again, they stood firm and fought bravely. "We won't be afraid of you!" they shouted loudly.From that day on, the three little pigs were no longer timid. They became brave and strong. They understood that unity and courage could overcome any difficulty. What an amazing adventure and growth it was for them!篇5Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They left their mother's house and set out to build their own homes. The first little pig built his house with straw. How could that be strong enough? The second pig built his with sticks. Was that any better? But the third little pig was so smart! He built his house with bricks.Then came the big bad wolf! He huffed and he puffed and blew the first pig's house down in no time. "Oh no!" cried the first pig. And he ran to his brother's stick house. But soon, that house was also blown down. How terrifying!Finally, they both ran to the third pig's brick house. The wolf tried his best to blow it down, but he failed! How wonderful! This story teaches us so many lessons.In our lives, we should be as brave as these little pigs when facing difficulties. Don't be like the first two pigs who took the easy way out and ended up in trouble. We also need to learn from the third pig's wisdom and prepare well in advance for the challenges that might come. Just like building a solid house, we should build a strong foundation for our lives. Isn't that right? So, let's be brave and wise in our own journey of life!。

三只小猪的英文版故事Once upon a time, there were three little pigs named Peter, Paul, and Penny. They lived in a small village in England. These three little pigs were brothers, but they were very different from each other. Peter was the oldest and the most responsible, Paul was the middle child and loved to play, and Penny was the youngest and the most adventurous.One day, their mother told them that they were old enough to build their own houses and live independently. She warned them about a big bad wolf who liked to eat little pigs. She advised them to build strong and sturdy houses to protect themselves from the wolf.Peter, being the responsible one, decided to build his house out of bricks. He knew that bricks were strong and would not be easily blown down. It took him a long time and a lot of effort, but he was determined to build a safe and secure house.Paul, on the other hand, wanted to finish his house quickly so he could go out and play. He decided to build his house out of sticks. He thought it would be easy and fast. He didn't listen to his mother's warning about the big bad wolf.Penny, being the adventurous one, wanted to build a unique and creative house. She decided to build her house out of straw. She thought it would be fun and different. She didn't think the wolf would be a real threat.As the days went by, the three little pigs finished building their houses. Peter's house was strong and sturdy, Paul's house was fragile and weak, and Penny's house was flimsy and easily destroyed. The three little pigs moved into their respective houses and started their new lives.One sunny day, the big bad wolf discovered the houses of the three little pigs. He smelled the scent of the little pigs and knew that they would make a delicious meal. He approached Peter's house and knocked on the door."Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" the wolf called out."Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" Peter replied confidently.The wolf huffed and puffed, but he couldn't blow down Peter's strong brick house. Frustrated, the wolf moved on to Paul's house made of sticks."Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" the wolf demanded."Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" Paul replied nervously.The wolf huffed and puffed, and with a big blow, he blew down Paul's flimsy stick house. Paul quickly ran to Peter's house for safety.Now, the wolf turned his attention to Penny's house made of straw. He thought it would be the easiest to blow down."Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" the wolf growled."Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" Penny replied bravely.The wolf huffed and puffed, and within seconds, he blew down Penny's straw house. Penny ran as fast as she could to Peter's house, where her brothers were waiting.The three little pigs were safe and sound in Peter's strong and sturdy brick house. The big bad wolf tried to break down the door, but he couldn't. He eventually gave up and left, realizing that he couldn't harm the three little pigs.From that day on, Peter, Paul, and Penny learned the importance of being responsible, listening to advice, and making wise decisions. They lived happily ever after in their strong brick house, always keeping an eye out for the big bad wolf.The End.。

三只小猪的故事英文版Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. The time came for them to leave and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them, "Whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world."The first little pig built a house made of straw. He said, "I will build a house quickly so that I can play all day!" The second little pig built a house made of sticks. He said, "I will build a house stronger than the straw house so that I can play all day!" The third little pig built a house made of bricks. He said, "I will build a house the strongest of all so that I can play all day!"One day, a big bad wolf came along and saw the houses. He smelled the pig inside the straw house and said, "Let me in, let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" The little pig said, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. The little pig ran to the stick house.The wolf came to the stick house and said, "Let me in, let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" The little pig said, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. The two little pigs ran to the brick house.The wolf came to the brick house and said, "Let me in, let me in, little pigs or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" The。

三只小猪的英语故事The Story of the Three Little PigsOnce upon a time, there were three little pigs who set off to build their own houses.The first little pig quickly built a house of straw to live in. The second little pig built a house of sticks. They did this to avoid effort and work harder. The third little pig worked hard and built a solid house of bricks.One day, a big bad wolf came. He first blew down the house of straw. The wolf then blew down the house made of sticks. But try as he might, he could not blow down the third pig's brick house. He kept trying but the house of bricks was too strong!Finally, the wolf climbed up the roof and fell into the pot of boiling water that the smart third little pig had kept ready on the fire. The brave and clever third little pig had defeated the wicked wolf! From then on, the three happy piggies lived safely in the brick house forever after.The End.三只小猪的故事从前,有三只小猪,它们要去兴建自己的房子。

The Story of the Three Little Pigs旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek for their fortune.妈妈:Goodbye,kids! To build your own houses,but be careful of the wolf.三只小猪:goodbye,mum.旁白:three pigs leaved their mother.after a while they met a man with a bundle of straw.Pig one: “Please, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house.稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind.Pig one:never mind.only for live.稻草爷爷:it’s ok.here you are.旁白:Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it.then he went into his house,said happily.Pig one:haha!now the wolf can’t catch me and eat me.旁白:pig one falled asleep in his house.then pig two met a man with a bundle o f sticks.(一捆树枝)Pig two: "Please, man, give me that sticks to build a house."旁白:Which the man did, and the pig built his house. However the pig three knew the house is not strong,but easy to do.so pig three keep go ing.The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks. (一担砖块)。

The Story of the Three Little Pigs旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent th em out to seek for their fortune.妈妈:Goodbye,kids! To build your own houses,but be careful of the wolf.三只小猪:goodbye,mum.旁白:three pigs leaved their mother.after a while they met a man with a bundle of straw. Pig one: “Ple ase, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house.稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind. Pig one:never mind.only for liv e.稻草爷爷:it’s ok here you are.旁白:Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it.then he went into his house,said happily .Pig one:haha!now the wolf can’t catch me and eat me.旁白:pig one falled asleep in his house.then pig two met a man with a bundle of sticks.(一捆树枝)Pig two: "Please, man, give me that sticks to build a house."旁白:Which the man did, and the pig built his house. However the pig three knew the house is not strong,but easy to do.so pig three keep going.The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks. (一担砖块)。

三只小猪故事英文版Title: The Tale of the Three Little Pigs in EnglishOnce upon a time, in a verdant forest lived three little pigs. Each pig had reached an age where they needed to build their own homes and live independently. Their names were Porky, Hamlet, and Bacon.Porky, being the most diligent of the three, built his house out of sturdy bricks. He labored tirelessly, ensuring that every brick was set firmly in place for maximum strength and durability.Hamlet, who was somewhat lazy, decided to construct his home with wood. It didn't take him long to gather enough sticks and twigs, and soon he had a cozy wooden cottage.Bacon, the laziest of all, quickly threw together a house made of straw. He thought it was an easy and quick solution, and so he spent his days lounging around rather than working hard on his dwelling.One day, a big, bad wolf came to the woods. His nostrils flared as he smelled the scent of the three little pigs. First, he approached Bacon's straw house and huffed, and puffed, and blew the house down! Bacon scampered to Hamlet’s wooden house for refuge.The Big Bad Wolf then turned his attention to Hamlet's wooden house. With a mighty blow, he shattered the wooden walls, but again, the two clever pigs escaped to Porky's brick house.Arriving at Porky's brick house, the wolf tried his old tricks. He huffed and he puffed, but no matter how hard he blew, the brick house stood firm. Frustrated and defeated, the wolf attempted to enter the house through the chimney.However, the wise Porky had anticipated this move and prepared a pot of boiling water at the hearth. As the wolf tumbled down the chimney, he landed straight into the bubbling pot. The three little pigs were saved!From that day on, Porky's brick house became a symbol of wisdom and hard work. Bacon and Hamlet learned their lessons and eventually built themselves stronger homes too. And as for the Big Bad Wolf, he never troubled the three little pigs again.This timeless tale teaches us the importance of diligence, perseverance, and the value of taking the time to do things right – just like Porky the Pig did with his sturdy brick house.。

三只小猪的起因经过结果英语版Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided it was time to leave their mother and build their own homes. The first little pig built a house of straw, thinking it would be quick and easy. The second little pig chose to build a house of sticks, believing it would be stronger than straw. The third little pig, however, waswise and built a sturdy house of bricks, knowing it would provide the best protection.Soon after, a big bad wolf came along and saw the houses of straw and sticks. He huffed and puffed and blew down the houses, causing the first and second little pigsto flee to the safety of the third little pig's brick house.When the wolf arrived at the brick house, he couldn't blow it down. He tried to trick the little pig into coming out, but the clever pig outsmarted him at every turn. Inthe end, the wolf tried to come down the chimney but the third little pig had a pot of boiling water waiting for him.The wolf fell into the pot and the three little pigs lived happily ever after in the safety of the brick house.In this story, the three little pigs' decision to build their houses differently led to different outcomes. Thefirst two pigs' hasty decisions resulted in their houses being easily destroyed, while the third pig's careful planning and hard work led to a strong and secure home. The story teaches the importance of diligence, foresight, and hard work in achieving long-term success and safety.。

三只小猪英语故事Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. The time came for them to leave and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them, "Whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world."The first little pig built himself a house of straw. He said, "This is the easiest thing to do." The second little pig built a house of sticks. He said, "This is a little bit stronger." The third little pig built a house of bricks. He said, "This is the strongest of all."One day, a big bad wolf came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said, "Let me in, let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your housein!" The little pig didn't want the wolf to come in, so he refused. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down in no time. The little pig ran to the second pig's house.The wolf came to the second little pig's house made of sticks. He said, "Let me in, let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" The little pigs didn't want the wolf to come in, so they refused. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down in no time. The two little pigs ran to the third pig's house.The wolf came to the third little pig's house made of bricks. He said, "Let me in, let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" The little pigs didn't want the wolf to come in, so they refused. The wolf huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed but he could not blow the house down. He tried to enter through the chimney but the clever little pig boiled a pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and died.From that day on, the three little pigs lived happily in the brick house. They were safe and sound, and they knew that hard work pays off in the end.This story teaches us the importance of hard work and perseverance. It also shows us that we should always strive to do our best, just like the third little pig who built his house with strong bricks. In life, we will face challenges and obstacles, but withdetermination and hard work, we can overcome them just like the three little pigs did. So, let's always remember the valuable lesson from the story of the three little pigs and strive to do our best in everything we do.。

三只小猪Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. And each one built a house to live in.The first little pig built his house out of straw. "A straw house is easy to build," he said.The second little pig built her house out of sticks. "A stick house is easy to build," she said.The third little pig built his house out of bricks. "A brick house is hard to build, but it is very strong," he said.Then one day, a big bad wolf knocked on the door of the straw house. "Little pig, little pig, let me come in," said the wolf in his deep voice.The first little pig called out from behind the door, "No, no, you can't come in, not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!"Well, the wolf did not like this answer one bit, so he said, "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"So the big bad wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house in!The first little pig ran all the way to the second little pig's house. As you remember, this house was made of sticks. But as soon as the door was shut, they heard a deep voice."Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in," said the big bad wolf. This time two little pigs called out from behind the door, "No, no, you can't come in, not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!" Well, the wolf still did not like this answer, so he said, "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"So the big bad wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house in!This time, two little pigs ran all the way to the thirdlittle pig's house. And THIS house was made ofbricks.But as soon as the door was shut, they heard a familiar deep voice. "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in," said the big bad wolf.This time three little pigs called out from behind the door, "No, no, you can't come in, not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!" Well, the wolf was getting tired of this answer, so he said, "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"So the big bad wolf huffed, and he puffed... but he did NOT blow the house in! The brick house was too strong!The three little pigs were very happy, but the wolf was very angry. "If I can't blow your house in," the big bad wolf said in his deep voice, "then I'm coming down your chimney to eat you!"The wolf started down the chimney. But there was something he did not know: there was a big pot of boiling water in the fireplace. The wolf came down further, and further, and further. He was almost in the house when he landed in the water!"Yeeeeow!" yelled the big bad wolf. And he went straight back up the chimney!So, the big bad wolf - who was tired of huffing and puffing - ran away. And the three little pigs lived happily ever after.But they all learned a lesson: don't build a house out of straw or sticks. It may be easier, but a brick house is more wolf-proof!。

《三只小猪》英文版:A Tale of ThreeLittle PigsOnce upon a time, in a peaceful village, there lived three little pigs. They were brothers and decided it was time for them to build their own houses. The first little pig, being lazy and wanting to finish quickly, chose to build his house out of straw. He thought it would be easy and fast, but little did he know the danger that lay ahead.The second little pig, a bit more sensible than his brother, decided to build his house out of sticks. He believed it would be stronger than straw and provide better protection. However, he still underestimated the power of the big bad wolf that roamed the village.The third little pig, wise and diligent, chose to build his house out of bricks. He knew it would take more time and effort, but he was determined to create a sturdy and secure home for himself. This little pig understood the importance of hard work and preparation in the face of adversity.The second little pig, seeing his brother's swift progress, felt a twinge of urgency. He worked diligently, stacking the sticks one one to form the walls of his house. He reinforced the corners with mud and was quite proud of hishandiwork. It stood taller than the straw house, and he felta sense of security as he laid down to rest.Meanwhile, the third little pig toiled away, brick brick. His arms ached, and his back was sore, but he pressed on. He mixed the mortar with care and laid each brick with precision. The house rose slowly but surely, a testament to his perseverance and foresight.One fateful day, the big bad wolf, known for his cunning and strength, stumbled upon the village. His eyes gleamedwith mischief as he spotted the first little pig's straw house. With a sly grin, he huffed and puffed, and with a mighty breath, he blew the straw house down. The first little pig, terrified, scrambled to his brother's stick house.The two little pigs, hearts pounding, barred the door as the wolf approached the stick house. He took a deep breathand blew with all his might. The stick house swayed and creaked but held for a moment. However, it was no match forthe wolf's powerful lungs. Down came the stick house, and the two little pigs fled to their third brother's brick house.Finally, exhausted and defeated, the big bad wolf slunk away, vowing revenge. Inside the sturdy brick house, thethree little pigs sighed with relief. They had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work andplanning for the future. Together, they made the brick housetheir home, knowing it was a place where they could live safely and happily ever after.As days turned into weeks, the three little pigs adapted to their new life within the walls of the brick house. The first little pig, once so carefree and lazy, now took it upon himself to tend to the small garden they had started. He found solace in the rhythm of planting and watering, and his once idle hands now bore the callouses of hard work.The village took notice of the pigs' transformation. Where once there was laughter at their folly, now there was admiration for their resilience. The three little pigs became a symbol of what could be achieved through unity and perseverance.The wolf, humbled his previous defeat, offered a truce. He spoke of the loneliness he felt and the desire to change his ways. The three little pigs, wise beyond their years, decided to give him a chance. They invited him to share in their meal, an act of kindness that would mark the beginning of a new era in the village.From that day on, the big bad wolf became an ally to the pigs and the rest of the villagers. He used his strength to help with heavy tasks and his keen senses to keep the village safe. The three little pigs had not only built a house of bricks but also bridges of understanding and forgiveness.。

三只小猪的故事-英文Three little pigsThere are three little pigs。
They live in a small house with their mother。
"This house is too small。
The three of you must leave home。
You must build your own homes," says the mother pig one day。
The first little pig gets some hay。
"I will build a house of hay," he says。
"It will not be hard。
My house will be easy to make。
Then,I will go play。
""I will use sticks to make a house," says the second little pig。
"It will be easy。
Then, I will go play with my brother。
" The second little pig quickly builds his home。
He goes outside to play。
" I will build my houseof bricks。
It will take a long time," says the third little pig。
He builds his house。
It is hard work, but the house is strong。
One day, the three little pigs see some footprints。

英语童话故事三只小猪Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. The time came for them to leave and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them, "Whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world."The first little pig built a house of straw. The second little pig built a house of sticks. They sang and danced and played together the whole day long. The third little pig worked hard all day and built a house of bricks.One night, a big bad wolf came to the straw house and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." But the little pig saw the wolf's big paws through the keyhole, so he answered back, "No, no, no, not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin."So the wolf showed his teeth and said, "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down." So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The little pig ran to the second pig's house that was made of sticks. The wolf came to the house and said, "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in." But the pigs saw the wolf's pointy ears through the keyhole, so they answered back, "No, no, no, not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins."So the wolf showed his teeth and said, "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down." So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The little pigs ran to the third pig's house that was made of bricks. The wolf came to the house and said, "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in." But the pigs saw the wolf's sharp eyes through the keyhole, so they answered back, "No, no, no, not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins."So the wolf showed his teeth and said, "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down." But no matter how hard he huffed and puffed, he could not blow the house down. The wolf became very angry, and he tried to climb down the chimney, but thesmart little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and that was the end of him.The three little pigs danced and sang and played together the whole day long. And the moral of the story is: Work hard and do your best, and you will be safe and sound. The end.。
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三只小猪的英语故事:There are three little pigs。
They live in a small house with their mother。
"This house is too small。
The three of you must leave home。
You must build your own homes," says the mother pig one day。
”The first little pig gets some hay。
"I will build a house of hay," he says。
"It will not be hard。
My house will be easy to make。
Then, I will go play。
”"I will use sticks to make a house," says the second little pig。
"It will be easy。
Then, I will go play with my brother。
" The second little pig quickly builds his home。
He goes outside to play。
" I will build my houseof bricks。
It will take a long time," says the third little pig。
He builds his house。
It is hard work,but the house is strong。
One day, the three little pigs see some footprints。
They are the big bad wolf's footprints。
The little pigs run to theirhomes。
They are afraid of the big bad wolf。
He eats little pigs。
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig's house。
The house is made of hay。
"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" says the wolf。
”"No way! I will not let you in," says the little pig。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。
The wolf blows hard。
The house falls down。
The first little pig runs away。
He runs to the second little pig's house。
The second little pig's house is made of sticks。
The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house。
They are both very afraid。
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。
"No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。
The wolf blows down the second little pig's house。
The stick house is easy to blow down。
The two little pigs run to the third little pig's house。
The wolf goes to the third little pig's house。
The house is strong。
It is made of bricks。
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。
"No way! We will not let you in," say the three little pigs。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。
The wolf is hungry。
He wants to eat all of the three little pigs。
He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot be blown down。
The wolf is angry。
"I will get all of you," says the wolf。
He climbs on top of the house。
He goes down the chimney。
The third little pig makes a fire。
"Owwwwwwwwww!" cries the wolf。
The fire burns the wolf,and he runs away。
The three little pigs never see him again。
The next day,the third little pig helps his brothers。
He helps them build houses。
They all build houses of brick。
It takes a long time, but no one can ever blow their houses down。
The wolf runs far away。
He doesn't eat little pigs anymore。
It is too dangerous。