开发信 第二封跟进

那么我们该当如何搜邮箱呢?1. 总结产品关键词,将之翻译成各种不同国家的语言,再用各个国家本土运用最多的搜索引擎搜索。
2. 往往,在谷歌键入关键词后,搜索到的网站链接很繁杂,我们如何去辨别哪个是公司网站,哪个不是,这要自己多多去熟悉,譬如,.Eu是学术性质的,.Org是政府运营的,.Blog就是博客啦,如果搜到这种链接的都是可以直接忽略的。
3. 最好用谷歌浏览器,如果是非英语国家,谷歌浏览器自带的翻译器可以全文翻译,简直太好使了。
4. 打开公司网站,熟悉公司的大体结构,根据网页上的图片,以及公司的产品内容,判断是否可能发展成为潜在客户。
如果是心目中的网站,那么就去打开Contact,寻找公司的邮箱,现成有的话就直接顺手复制过来,要是翻遍公司网站还是一无所获的话,这里有三种比较管用的方法,也可以得到公司的邮箱:①在谷歌里直接键入“*****.com email”, 其中*****.com是公司域名,搜索后,大体是能找到类似于info@*****.***等的邮箱,复制过来就行了。
②在谷歌里键入“已知公司电话号码email”, 这样也能搜索到很多找不到的邮箱的。
③要是实在不行,就直接尝试在域名前加info, office, sales,inquiries, contact等,总有一个是对的。
二开发信系列问题1. 开发信的内容:简单自我介绍和公司介绍,产品范围,图片,结尾,附件一份PDF关于公司和产品,把员工照片放上去,会显得我们很人性化。
2. 开发信的书写:Arial 9号,或者Tahoma 10号,黑色。
段落要拉的很开,即使就四五行的话也要enter 很多行,感觉像是写了很多内容似的,昭显我们的热情。

古语说:天晴的时候是最好修屋顶的时候,等 下雨了再去修屋顶就来不及了!淡季的时候 你会稍微空一些,可以把网上的生意理顺, 等到旺季的时候,你的生意才会更好!我相 信,象您这样的生意人一定也希望有更多的 客户对吗?
用促销去测探客户,但是要注意的点是: 客户一般都会有兴趣,问我们优惠是什么的,这时候一 定要沉住气,不要随意喷促销,对不是目标的客户随意 喷促销,会浪费自己很多时间,但是可以借这个机会最 后确定客户意向: 参考说辞如下:因为这个优惠是建立在诚信通的基础上 的,所以您是确定下来要合作诚信通了吗?能有这样的 优惠,您还是要支付诚信通费用的,您是真的确定要合 作了吗? 结果:如果客户是ok的,就喷出促销,现场到单 如果客户是有以前不愿意说的异议的,这时候一 般都会真正内心的真正想法说出的,继续解决异议,回 到流程上。
开场 核对资料 了解产品 挖需求 介绍服务 试缔结 布置作业(看同行,看买家,看邮件, 上网操作) 一定要建立好跟客户的信任,第一通电话不 要狼性太重.
怎么建立跟客户的信任: 1、详细的了解产品,销售渠道,网络背景 2、通过他的需求告诉他我们能帮他做什么, 再引出这是诚信通的服务,客户都知道要付 费,主要就是在考虑这个费用花的值不值,客 户觉得这个服务有帮助,自然就会问费用。 3、让他认为你是在帮助他的,专业,顾问式 的,由他来选择和决定。
新客户第一通电话目的: 和客户建立好信任ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้了解清楚客户的公 司情况、产品情况、销售渠道等等,介绍服 务,引导客户上网,时布置作同业,预约详 细的联系时间(详细到日期,上午还是下午)
关键词:我们对客户的了解度及对客 户的判断以及引导

分析下原因,一般情况下我会再写封追踪信给他:Hope you are fine, my friend.It is regret that I haven't receive any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we don't want to lost a good customer like you!If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with your.如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因)Glad to contact you again!Have you kindly check my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would apprreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, sercive. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your requirement.Waiting for your favorable reply soon!之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经.我通常是这样写的:good day!my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience?if the products isnot your are expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer asap.i am of service at any time!但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在.我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的:Dear ***,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if you have any other ideas.Please feel free to contact me.We will do much better if you can give any advices to us.I am waiting for your reply ASAP.Best regardsWennie.但是,想成功可不是容易的事情.dear sirhave you received our quotation of ..., if you have any further question,please don't hesitate to contact us.we are waiting for you comment about our quotation.we hope that we can establish a good business relationship with you in the nearest future.your prompt reply will be appreciate.回复A:直接去函敦促 Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Kevin回复B:先写邮件问清情况。

客人时间很宝贵,如果一个项目和你讨论几个月了,然后没下文了,然后再去和别的供应商又从头来起,再谈几个月?这不可能的!总之一句话,和客人沟通的回合越多,时间越长,拿下订单的可能性越大!!!嘿嘿,这样说吧,拖死他,拖到他不得不把订单下给你为止!二、针对不同的回复如何跟踪1、主要看对方怎么回,如果只一句no, thanks. 那就算了。
2、对于只回了一封,问moq和报价的,QUOTE:例如,开发信后经常会遇到如此电邮的客户: We are interested in your products and pls send us your catalog with price list!直接把价格表给他不好吧(即使在查过此客户的信息后 ...其实有很多这样的客人,有一部分纯粹是吃饱了饭撑的。
另一部分是杂货商,他们平时采购的东西很多很杂,没有时间一类一类去询价,通常会漫天要报价单,然后再考虑并选择供应商~ 这一类通常都是小客人,甚至一些很小很小的零售商。

新手开发信常犯的几个错误: 1)邮件写得过长。客人的时间很宝贵,每天要收到数百封邮件,你想想,一个不认识的人发
了一封又长又臭的邮件给你,英语表述又不好,还加了好几M的附件,你会不会认真去看? 而且很多老外的时间观念很强,每天都有几块固定的时间用来处理email(2-3秒),很多长篇 大论的邮件,只要不是他的熟人发的,一般会被直接删除,或者是把你的地址设为垃圾邮件。
交通便利,风景优美,离上海和杭州仅仅2小时车程,我们公司成立于2002年,具有丰富的生产 和直流接触器开发经验,享誉全球,我们工厂获得ISO9001:2000质量体系,严格按照5S管理, 真诚欢迎您来我厂参观拜访,希望和您建立起长久的业务关系,我们以真诚和服务赢得客户……” 诸如此类的话,客人会看得很不耐烦,即使你是一个很好的公司或很好的工厂,第一次就收到这
主题:To Chargemaster (英国充电桩制造商,目标客户)/ TE(Tyco) ,GIGAVAC type automotive contactor manufacturer/ Zhejiang Aokai Electric 内容:
Dear Sir,
Good day. With great interest from your boss, I write to you this email We manufacturer high voltage automotive contactors, widely used in charging post. They are similar to TE, GIGAVAC type, but with more reliablity and better price. Please reply "ok" for more information. ……………………………………… Best regards 签名

外贸人必备的10封邮件模板1. 新客户开发信主题:Re: New Supplier Offer for XXX From XXXXX/ Name+DateDear XXXWe manufacture XXX products. I believe our price will be cheaper at least 10% than your current supplier for the same quality products.Free samples and E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly to talk more. Thank you!2. 老客户开发信主题:Re: New Offer for XXX From XXXXX/ Name+DateDear XXX,Long time no your news. How are you doing these days? Hope everything goes quite well with you.Is there any inquiry about cloths, Gloves, Wrist/heel straps, Mat, Sticky mat, Chair, Tapes and some other Products? We would like to send you free samples for most of our products. Kindly please contact us if you are interested in them.By the way, the price for some of products you inquired was updated. Please email me back if you need to know the new price.Thanks in advance and have a nice day!3. 第一次报价主题:Offer+Product Name from +Company Name/ Your Name+DateDear XXXThanks very much for your inquiry and interesting in our products. This is XXX, sales manager from XXXXX, manufacturer of XXX and some other products in China. Here in following is our best offer based on EX-W Terms. 1) Item: Cleanroom Mat此处插入产品图片; 2) Size: Width 1.0m*Length 10m*T2mm3) Unit Price: USD86.3/Roll based on EX-W; 4) Lead time: 2-3 weeks5) Payment Terms: T/T in advance6) Packing: Standard Export Packing (或者写具体的产品包装)By the way XXX(客户名字), Do you need samples to test ? Our samples are available for free of charge for your evaluation. Your positive early reply will be highly appreciated and thanks in advance.4. 新客户快速报价主题:Re: Offer gloves From XXXXX Manufacturer/NAME+DATEDear XXX,Thanks very much for your inquiry and interesting in our products. This is xxx from XXXXX. We are a leading manufacturer of xxx in china.With quantity of 10,000pcs of .Our best price is USD0.69/pairs, EX-W Terms, Lead time of 1-2 weeks.By the way, XXX, Our samples are available for free of charge for your evaluation if you like. Awaiting for your feedback and thanks in advance.5. 报价后跟进主题:Re: Follow up Offer gloves From XXXXX ManufacturerDear XXX,This is xxx, sales xxx from XXXXX, manufacture of xxx. We appreciated your enquiry about xxx via Alibaba dated on xxxx.I am writing to ask if you have received my quotation. Now I am sending it again as below. Hope you could spare6. 报价后二次跟进主题:Ref 2nd-Follow up Offer gloves From XXXXX ManufacturerDear XXX,How are you doing today? Hope everything goes quite well with you.I am sorry to disturb you but I'd like to have your idea about our offer for xxx products quoted as below email on Jun.th 26th. We can serve you well after knowing your comments, right? Hope there would be good cooperation between our two companies.Your prompt feedback will be highly appreciated.7. 报价后再跟进主题:Re:3rd-Follow up Offer gloves From XXXXX ManufacturerDear XXX,Is there any updated news from you about the Gloves we quoted on Jun. 26th. Your early feedback will be greatly appreciated.By the way, XXX, Any new inquiry about xxxx, Kindly pls feel free to contact us. Thanks!8. 报价后跟进&提供样品主题:Samples available for gloves from XXX+Name.Dear XXX,This is XXX from XXXXX, manufacturer of Gloves.Have you spared your time to check our offer below? Your prompt feedback about our offer will be highly appreciated including price, MOQ, Lead time, Payment terms.By the way xxx, our samples can be available for free of charge for your evaluation if you like. Awaiting for your feedback and thank you in advance.9. 报价后跟进主题:Professional suppler for Gloves.Dear XXX.For so many days no response from you, now I am writing to remind you about our offer for gloves dated on July.25th. We would like to work out a better price for you after feedback by you. Any of your comments by return will be much appreciatedIt will be our big pleasure if we have the opportunity to be on service of you in near future. Looking forward to your early reply.10. 报价后跟进主题:Re: Gloves Manufacturer XXXXX.Dear XXXLong time no news from you, how’s everything going these day?I am writing to ask if the Gloves project still open? Kindly pls keep us posted about that. Thanks.By the way XXX, any new enquiry, Pls do not hesitate and feel free to contact us. Awaiting for your feedback and thank you in advance.外贸寄样邮件模板汇总寄样前:不管是客户是需要某一特定型号产品还是某一类产品,目标产品是否明确,在给客户寄送样品前一定要确认以下这6点:1,产品型号;2,客户的收货地址;3,客户是否支付样品费、运费:如果客户支付,是否会在成单后返还等; 4,运输方式海运还是空运;5,承运快递:取决于预算和收件日期是否有限定;6,支付方式:预付,垫付,到付。

第一封Dear Sir or Madam,I am Youmi from Chinese CEMold plastic manufactory, nice to meet you by email.We are a professional plastic injection mould maker in Shenzhen of China. As you know, Chinese mould design and tooling is very developed and here have low labor, low cost. We export moulds and products to Europe, America,some countries of Africa and Asia for decades, We can do including product design, prototype, mould design, moulding and secondary processing; also we are capable of making diecasting, over mould rubber mould. If you need, please send us the 2D/3D drawing design or samples with your requests as mould life ,mould cavities and material, then we will quote for you with a competitive price. Welcome you to our factory for a visit.It is appreciated for your swift response, thanks.Nice every day for you!Best Regards第二封Dear sir/ madamI am Youmi from Chinese CEMold plastic manufactory.Your name and address have been passed on to us by internet,and we glad to forward to you this introductory letter ,hoping that it will be the prelude to mutuallybeneficial relations between us .We are a regular manufacturers and exports of various kinds of plastic mould. As you know, low material cost and cheap labor in china ,so we have the advantage over other exports corporation in priceMoreover the quality of products has the guarantee. Making mould in china can save many capitals in order to give you some idea of our lines , if wemeet your interset ,plase sent your 3D or 2D drawing with your specific enquiry and our offer will be forwarded without delay .Yours faithfully第三封Dear Sir/Madam,How are you! I am Youmi from Chinese CE Mold plastic manufactory.We are a mould and injection products manufacturer in China. Our main business is mould-making, plastic product and diecasting product. With high quality, good price and pro mpt leadtime,we are popular with clients at home and abroad. I have read your basic require ments many times , we believe that we can complete with your satisfied.If you want to learn more about our company, pls visit our website:When you have project fit for us, be free to contact me on time.Best regards,第四封Dear sir,Have a good day ! I am Youmi from Chinese CE Mold plastic manufactoryIt's my pleasure to contact you.I would like tointroduce my factory CEMold to you,which was established in 1994.At present,We have over 200 excellent employees.the capacity is 60 to 70 sets molds per month.We can offer one-stop services to our customers,including:Part design----Mould design----mould making(tunnage less than 40T)----Part injection------Prin ting----Spray-painting----Part assembly-ShippingPlease feel free to contact us if our service meets your requirements.Waiting for your consult and reply!第五封Dear Manager,Have a good day ! I am Youmi from Chinese CE Mold plastic manufactoryWe are a professional mould-maker from Shenzhen in China. Our factory specializes in designing and manufactures various of plastic moulds.CE Mold have rich experience in mould-making, plastic product and diecasting productsI hope we can team up with you and your company. If you have any enquiry, do not hesitate to contact me; and you can also directly send your drawings or other information for quotation.Just reply this email for more detail or keep it for future needs.My Skype ID is CE Mold-Youmi, If you have, please get me in your contact list, I think that will more convenient to communicate.Hope you have a good day.Thank you and best regards,第六封Dear Sir/Madam,You might be busy, so I will get right to it.With reference to your website, I notice your products and we have strong confidence to mak e excellent job for you. As a leading importer like you, you must try to avoid purchasing bad-q uality productions to damage your reputation.We are a mould-making company who specialize in manufacturing plastic injection mould, blo w mould, die casting and relative products, involving in automotive spare parts, motorcycle sp are parts, household spare parts and cosmetic packing. Hope we have the chance to provide you high quality moulds and products with competitive price.Hope you have a good day.Thank you and best regards,第七封Dear SirGood day!This is Youmi, a sales engineer of CE Mold. I am looking for business opportunity.I know your company via internet, and I suppose you will need plastic injection mould to produce the parts you sell. We are a Auto parts plastic injection mould and parts manufacturer with rich experiences in Shenzhen, China. We can offer services such as product design, prototype, mould design, moulding and secondary processing; also we are capable of making diecasting, blow mould, over mould, 2-shot moulding and gas-assisted mo uld. We can provide the mould with high quality and competitive price for you.For more information, pls view our company website: So please contact me without hesitation when you need. Looking forward you reply.Have a good day.Thank you and best regards,第八封Dear Sirs/Madam,First of all, sincerely thanks for your taking time to read my email. I’m youmi, from CE Mold. I know your esteemed company via internet and write to explore the possible cooperation with you.Our company is a professional plastic injection mould maker in Shenzhen China. We can offer hardened molds, prototype and soft moulds with competitive price. Our company is specialized in building moulds with cams, slides, lifters and automatic unscrewing actions.The moulds we made are particularly attractive to customers from American and European markets with the best price and sound quality. We are sure that our cooperation will be as nice as those we have dealt with.You can visit our website as well for more information. If you are interested in our products and wish to step further, kindly please contact us by tel., fax or via e-mail (see below). We shall reply you ASAP with best prices.Your early reply will be highly appreciated. \Best Regards第九封Dear Sirs/Madam,Glad to get your contact info from Internet!We supply plastic injection mold with good quality and very competitive price.Hope to be a partner of your company!E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly. Thank you!Best regards,第十封Dear Sir/Madam,Are you looking for qualified supplier to manufacture good-quality for your series production? If yes, SHENZHEN CE MOLD is the right one to support you!We have confidence to face any new challenge as we are gradually developed. The molds that we shipped to Europe and North America were praised!Your swift response will be highly appreciated!Best regards,。


假如你搜索到一封客户邮件,其邮箱为a@, 那么,很可能是客户自己的网站.如果是,直 接访问,你就能直接察看客户 的背景信息了.反过来,除了这个后缀名之外, 国外贸易商很喜欢用info, buy, sales等作前缀名,因 此,当你看到一个客户的网站,上面并没有提 供具体联系邮件(只有在线留言这种很不可靠的方 式)的话,不妨尝试发邮件给 info@,buy@等,猜中的概率不低--反正电子邮件不花钱,乐于一试.
第一封开发信没有得到客户回复,第二封 开发信是1月27号发送的,而且以中国的新 年为理由,建议客户欲买从速。给客户一 点点紧迫感,但是字面意思完全是为客户 着想的。
--------------Original Message------------From:kevin@********* To:steel@********* Cc: Subject:Best wishes from *** CO., LTD(新年问候,发到公共邮箱) Date:2013-02-7 17:21:41.79 Dear Sir or Madam, Hi, Nice to contact you again. How are you recently? As the Chinese New Year is approaching, we will have a holiday from Feb.9 to Feb.16. Although this is a chinese festival, we also sincerely wish you have a great time! Do you demand *** materials recently? Awaiting your reply, thank you! Best regards, Kevin Chen

D.出奇意外 (多次跟进,无进展) 张总,您好!我是阿里巴巴-骆红映,给您打电话之前我为自己鼓 了很多勇气,我承受了您三次的拒绝,您真的是个非常执着的人,呵 呵…. E.同理心 张总,你好,您上次告诉我总是收到推销电话,我今天真的能体会 到您的心情了!今天10086总是和我推销彩铃套餐,对了,我忘了您 上次说的也是10086的推销吧?这年头不止网络,手机也是这样啊 (针对型) F.单刀直入 张总,生意忙?阿里巴巴-骆红映,给你打了N多个电话啦。每次你都 吊我胃口,跟我说想把你的产品放到阿里巴巴网上销售,但每次都还 要考虑,而且每次考虑考虑去还是考虑同一个问题(笑) G.封闭式 张总,你好!给你打了N多个电话啦。您每次都是在开车、开会,您 说句心底话,您一直在考虑,您是不是担心效果、还是不会操作,还 是怕我是骗子啊?(三选一,圈定客户异议)
浅层疑义: 服务可以 解决的异议.
深ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ异议:
掩藏在客户 背后真正的异议.
客观异议: 搬迁厂房, 营业执照, 产品没出来
效果,价格, 试用等
• • • • • • 1.同行. 2.买家. 3.成功故事. 4.市场动态. 5.品牌. 6.第三方数据
A.买家吸引 张总,您好!我是阿里巴巴-骆红映,上次您说是做广告扇的对吧?最 近我特意帮您留意了一下,今天我们网站上有260个客户在采购,像这 个杭州的采购12000把长柄的广告扇,他们是医院里用的,样品图片都 有的,像这样的单子您能接吗?(报2-3个买家,越详细越好) B.同行刺激 张总,您好!我是***,上次您说是做广告扇的对吧?某某街的某某厂 的陈总,您认识的吧?他们前两天刚刚跟我们这里续费啦,今天第三 年啦。。。(报2-3个同行,离他越近越好,最好同村的) C.时事开场 张总,您好!我是***,这几天有没看新闻吗?我们阿里巴巴5.86亿美元 收购新浪微博啦。。。。我们阿里巴巴推出10点火拼(产业带,VIP批 发,贷款),就相当于是阿里的聚划算,您觉得怎么样??

开发信跟进模板篇一:外贸老手的开发信模板外贸老手的开发信模板Hi Sir,Glad to hear that you're on the market for fiberglass. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of chopped strand mat and stitch chopped strand mat, with good quality and pretty competitive price.Should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to contact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation!Tks & br,Jack**** company (这里留下公司名、电话、传真、邮件就可以了,正文就可以写的很简单。
) T el: ***Fax: ***Mail: ***Website: (请记住,如果你非要在里面加上网页链接,请放在签名里,不要放正文,让人感觉更像搞推销的,不太好。
) 外国人版本Hey guy,XYZ trading here, exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me, let's talk details.Rgds,RickCell phone: ***一:开发信后客户没回音,催!!!!Dear ***,Sorry to trouble you again!Please find my mail below. Could you please kindly check by return today? Because we'll be on holiday from May.1st to 3rd.Thank you in advance!Best regards,Cindy先写得委婉一点,把你上次写给他的邮件放在下面。

第一封信,外贸客户开发信及跟踪信第一封信:Dear friend,This is Celeste from YIMETECompany of KBB Automatic Door Group which is located in Beijng,China. It's myhonor to know your company from the net. I wr ite this email to introduce our company to you.Company introduction:Our Group has three branch companies in China which are located in Beijng, Shenyang and Ningbo and we are the largestmanufacture of automatic door in China. Our domestic market share is up to 5 0% which is higher than Boonedam, Besamand Dorma in China.Products introduction:Our main products are two wings automatic revolving door, three wings autom atic revolving door, three wings manualrevolving door and automatic sliding door hermetic door and also sliding door operater .Conformity introdution:Our products have been granted the conformity of ISO9001, TGA, RAB and U KAS, while for safety we have theconformity of UL and CE.Export to:With competitive price and excellent quality our products have been exported to America, Japan, Greece, Russia,Spain,Chile and many other countries. I hope we can establish business relationship with you and expand your business scale.If you have interest in our products or any question about our company pleas e feel free to contact me and I will offeryou more detailed information.Expeccting your kindly reply.Thank you for your time.Best Regards.Sincerely yours Celeste客户回函:Dear CelesteCan you please mail catalog to me.Dylan CunninghamReina Victoria no. 19 aticoBarcelona Spain, 08021SpainWe mainly sell Central and South American markets and Mexico. We dont sell into Spain. Do you have a sliding automatic that is frameless -only glass (no profile on sides or bottom)?. Please advise.Regarding sliding doors with frame do you have a KD version (knock down) ready to assemble or operator only?Please advise,thanks and regards,Dylan第二封信:Dear Dylan,This is Celeste from KBB Automatic Door Inc.I have send you email before to introduce my company.You have asked me to send you our catalogue to and said you are interested in our sliding door operator.At that time our catalogue has used out but now have the new catalogue printed. Do you still interested inour doors? If you do please confirm the adress and I will send you the catalogue.Best regards,Celeste Lu客户回函:Dear CelesteYES I AM INTERESTED IN THE CATALOG.PLEASE SEND IT TO:DYLAN CUNNINGHAMREINA VICTORIA NO. 19 ATICOBARCELONA 08021SPAINTEL. 34-660652657第三封信:Dear Dylan,How are you? According to the UPS tracking information the catalogue and our company introduction disk are delivered. Have you received it?Hope it can help you to know more about our company and products. If you have need any other informationplease do not hesitate to contact me.Best regards,Yours Celeste回函:Dear Celeste,Tomorrow, wednesday, I have a meeting with Spanish associates regarding representing your products in Spain. Please advise if you have a distributor in Spain, and if so who. And also if there is a possiblity of becoming an exclusive distributor in Spain. We are interested in an exclusive relationship. If you agree to this then we can proceed. We would like to know if you have a price list you can send to us for the sliding door systems.Can you give us some names of companies Europe who buy your products and buildings that have your products installed.This information will be helpful for tomorrows meeting.best regards,Dylan第四封信:Dear Dylan:Thank you very much for your emails.We are now contacting a Spanish company and we will provide OEM service to them, but that contract only refer to KBB revolving Doors. We are still looking for the other exclusive representative for KBB sliding door in Spain and the other European and LA countries. Do you interested in?Celeste回函Dear Celeste,Yes please provide pricing on the sliding doors. We are still interested. Regarding revolving doors is that the Manusa company? If so it is ok and we can market the sliding doors.Best regards,Dylan Cunningham。

开场白 重温旧梦 浅层疑义处理 火上浇油 试缔结 疑议处理 再缔结 促销/铺垫 /布置作业 Ps:这时候,好的客户小循环,差的客户大循环或放弃
开场内容:自报家门,简单明了,带着客户回忆当时沟通的情形.给客户营造一个轻松的沟通 氛围 开场说辞举例: 说辞: 1)X总您好,我是小许!您还记得我吗?(稍微停顿,看客户反应)阿里巴巴授权渠道商公司的! Hehe (女生可以俏皮点)在上周五的下午2点与您电话过的,有印象吗? ……(不管客户有 无印象).上次与您沟通的很愉快!上次和您蛮聊得来的! ps: 1)首先,开场必须降低客户的戒备心,暖场信任感的重新确立,态度要诚恳,亲切,适当的pmp 2)不要急于攻心忽略开发,过早缔结,目的是勾起客户美好回忆 4)促销不能太快
异议 处理 信 心 应变 能力 逻辑
一、忽 略法
通常在出现一些浅层异议时候可以进行的方法,引导客户,挖到需 求和服务以后,自然解决(老销售用的比较好)
二、剥 洋葱法
不断提问,明确到一个细节上面,只认准一个自己可以解决的异议 进行处理,如产品没出来,搬迁厂房等
三、归 一法
在第三通、第四通电话后,客户还是老油条,不断出现一些新的异 议,可以引导到效果异议上面来,进行解决。
3 、企业发展的机遇
促销/ 铺垫/ 布置作业
再缔结 没有问题, 就上促销
再缔结 问题不大 还需要考虑 就铺垫
再缔结 问题比较大 就重新 布置作业
另,做好判断, 好者:小循环 次者:大循环 或放弃
内容: 本通电话总结+客户需要做什么+完成作业对客户的好处+明确下次联 系时间或联系内容

回复率高的几个开发信模板外贸开发信模板模板一:Hi Sir/Madam,Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture,we specialize in this field for 14 years,with thestrength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price.Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements.Should you have any questions,call me,let's talk details.Best regards!Leon外贸开发信模板模板二:Dear purchasing manager,Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xx manufacturer with yea rs’s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you.Please link our company web site:............. if you want to know more about our product.by the way, free sample are available.Tahnk you in advance!Best regards]XxxCompany name:Tel:…….Fax:…….MSN:..........Skype:………..外贸开发信模板模板三:Subject: XX (products name) you need/ XX factory / xx good quotationDear Sirs:We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx. that you are in the market for XXXX. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work together in future .This is (Name ) from (Company Name ) which is specializing in (Products Name ) for many years. According to your information posted on xxxx, we'd like to introuduce this item for you, and its feture have XXXXXXXXXXX ( products infomations).....If you want to see more items,pls visit our websiteShould any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,Your name ( position)company date ....(NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, MAIL, TEL AND FAX ETC.)外贸开发信模板模板四:Hey guy,XYZ trading here, exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me, let's talk details.Rgds,RickCell phone: ***(这是一个巴西的贸易公司写给陌生的美国公司的开发信)外贸开发信模板模板五:Dear Mr. Mukund Kamath,Glad to get your contact info from Indiamart!We supply homogenizers and ice cream freezing machine with good quality and very competitive price. Hope to be a partner of your company!E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly. Thank you!Best regards,Mandy******Co., Ltd.Add: ***Tel: ***Fax: ***Mail: ***Web: ***外贸开发信模板模板六:To: Purchase ManagerRe: Supplier of Deep Groove ball bearingApril 29, 2010Dear Sirs,It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a business relationship with you. I obtained your company name and email address from the Internet. Ningbo Fenghai Bearing Co., Ltd. is a factory specialized in Deep Groove ball bearing. Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality System Authorities. For more information, we would like to let you know our company web site as below.Hope to hear good news from you.Sincerely Yours,SkyExport ManagerNingbo Co., Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:Website老外更在意的,并不是你工厂的ISO9001之类的东西,这些都是虚的。



而下面这些外贸开发信模板通过在邮件中引用假期/New Year这一因素来放大来这种影响。
使用下面的以新年New Year为主题的销售型外贸开发信模板来连接,跟进并与潜在客户建立联系。
1. 拓展型外贸开发信模板写一封非常幽默的外贸开发信提醒潜在客户在新的一年别掉链子[Prospect name], how are you handling [challenge]?Hi [prospect name],The ball might’ve dropped in Times Square, but I’m guessing you don’t want to drop the ball on [initiative, recent company announcement, industry shift, likely challenge].I have a few suggestions on [improving/addressing business challenge]. Are you free on [date and time] to discuss them?Best,[Your name]对这个外贸开发信模板的分析/点评:为了激发潜在客户的反应,提醒他们及时的机会并提供你的专业知识。
2. 跟进型外贸开发信模板发送多封邮件没回复是常事,但这封新年外贸开发信或许可以打动买家Turning the pageHi [prospect name],I’ve reached out to [prospect’s company] a few times over the past [X months, year] but haven’t heard back. What I talked about clearly didn’t resonate. In honor of the new year, I’m refocusing on your needs.The companies I work with in [prospect’s industry] of [prospect’s size] typical ly struggle with these challenges: [Challenge #1][Challenge #2]Are you experiencing either of these?Best,[Your name]对这个外贸开发信模板的分析/点评:你在外贸开发信中的诚实会打动买家,并帮助你赢得他们的信任。

Pls tell me what your think!
Thanks and regards, Alisa web:voeloon
(三)开发信中级与高级进阶 ———开发信群(mail group)
You have your brand Simpex in speedlight business, and we hope to get an opportunity with you! We have many years of OEM cooperation, such as with B&H, Yashica. We have confidence to provide you the best products and service. Welcome to test our samples or visit our factory first!
Slip mails(开发信不一定是一封信,也可以是2封、3封,甚至更
多。) 案例: 假设我今天通过GOOGLE 发现了一个瑞典专业买家,规模很大,决
You have many years of experience in doing photography business with Chinese. But we could provide you with more benefits : a.the exclusive distribute right in your country;(price control) b. stable market with good quality and competitive price; c.open mold according to your market need.