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I joined a jump-rope (跳绳) club five years ago. Sometimes I wonder

what 1 would have been like these years if I hadn’t been a member of this club. I would have watched a lot more TV. That’s fo r sure. I love jumping rope 2 my team. We make people smile.

I never thought I could work so hard at something and yet have so much fun. It has made me a much better person, like learning to 3 disappointments. We’re always trying to improve and learn new tricks. I try so 4 and I don’t want to fail, but it happens. But when I work and work and work on a trick and finally get it, I feel like I’m on top of the world.

At school, 5 I have to give a speech, I don’t worry. I’m not afraid of being myself. If I can jump rope in front of 5,000 people, I can do anything.

( ) 1. A. club B. life C. school D. family

( ) 2. A. to B. with C. against D. except

( ) 3. A. come up with B. get on with C. part with D. deal with

( ) 4. A. hard B. fast C. early D. quickly

( ) 5. A. because B. unless C. even if D. as long as

B 易读度★★☆

Rosie never had to check a calendar to know that a holiday was near. When

a holiday was coming, the conversation in her house 1 something like this: “Did you see the ghosts hanging from Mr. Reilly’s tree? Time to 2 Halloween costumes!” Or “Mr. Reilly put up his lights. Better start our Christmas shopping!”

Everyone called Mr. Reilly’s house the Holiday House. Rosie liked to help him with the decorations (装饰品). The number of 3 they celebrated continued to grow.

One day, Mom told Rosie, “Mr. Reilly is sick. He’s at a nursing home.”

When Rosie and her family 4 , Mr. Reilly said, “This is where I live now. I’m selling my house.” He gave Rosie a 5 . “This goes to my house. Please go in and take my decorations 6 your own house.”

“OK,” said Rosie.

At home, Rosie put up a chain of hearts for Valentine’s Day (情人节), 7 it didn’t feel the same without Mr. Reilly. “Mom, let’s take this to where it belongs!” Then they drove to the nursing home.

“Will you be my valentine, Mr. Reilly?” asked Rosie as she

decorated 8 room.

“Forever!” said Mr. Reilly.

Before the next holiday, Rosie decorated Mr. Reilly’s room 9 . “How do you feel about it?”

Mr. Reilly smiled, “It can’t be better!”

In the months that followed, they never 10 a holiday. They decorated the room together. Everyone called it the Holiday Room.

( ) 1. A. looked B. smelled C. sounded D. tasted

( ) 2. A. think about B. put away C. pay back D. give out

( ) 3. A. birthdays B. victories C. graduations D. holidays

( ) 4. A. performed B. visited C. progressed D. succeeded

( ) 5. A. box B. key C. card D. bottle

( ) 6. A. to B. of C. about D. at

( ) 7. A. so B. but C. until D. because

( ) 8. A. her B. his C. their D. its

( ) 9. A. yet B. ever C. once D. again

( ) 10. A. imagined B. planned C. missed D. offered

C 易读度★★★

Oprah Winfrey is a famous American TV star. She lives in California, but she also has a(n) 1 in Chicago, where she works. Oprah is one of the 2 women in
