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Listen to the following sentences and choose the best response to each one. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听句子,然后选出一个能够恰当应答你所听到的句子的选项。每个句子只读一遍。)

1. A. Yes, my friend David lives in America. B. Our favourite country is China.

C. My grandparents live with us.

D. I like to travel abroad.

2. A. No, I’d like you to go there. B. Sorry, I’m late.

C. Yes, I’d like to try on the jacket.

D.I’ll see you tomorrow.

3. A.There is good news for you. B. She’s a lovely girl.

C. Go ahead. Here we are.

D. I’m in the office.

4. A.Maybe next time. B. I’m in the office.

C.He loves football.

D. Thanks for your help.

5. A.I’m a stranger here. B.I’m not sure really

C. I eat at home.

D. I have a new friend.


A)Listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question.

Choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上。)

6. A.6:30pm B.4:45pm C.6:15pm D.4:50pm

7. A. She went up the tower B. She walked to the hill.

C. She did nothing.

D. She rode on the road.

8. A. On foot B. By bicycle C. By car. D. By train.

9. A. Beer B. Coke C.Tea. D. Hot water.

10. A. Neat the post office. B. In the park

B. In Black Prince Road D. Near a two-storey building

B) Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍)(答案涂在答题纸上)

11.Where did John Clark find the advertisement?

A. On the Internet

B.Over the radio.

C. In the newspaper.

D. In a magazine.

12.Why did Garden Hotel advertise?

A. They needed people washing up in the kitchen.

B. They wanted someone to clean the rooms.

C. There was a hotel on sale.

D. They needed to pay for the travelers.

13.When will John Clark meet the manager?

A. At 3:00 pm.

B. At 4:00 pm.

C. At 4:15 pm.

D. At 4:45 pm.

14. Where is the hotel?

A. At the back of the museum.

B. In South Road.

C. Near the Mrs sley’s.

D. Opposite the snack bar.

15. What do you learn about John Clark?

A. He is a good student.

B. He likes to help others.

C. He works very hard.

D. He wants a part-time job.

C)Listen to the following dialogues and match the information in the two columns. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,将两栏中的信息进行匹配。对话读两遍)(答案堵在答题纸上)

16. Nick’s mother A. Some sweets

17. Nick’s sister B. a radio

18. Nick’s younger brother C. lots of colour films

19. Nick’s dad D. a sports bag.

20. Nick’s aunt E. a painted plate.


21. ——Would you like some more?


A.Thanks, I am full.

B. I am sorry.

C. Excuse me.

D. Never mind.

22. Only by doing like that learn everything very well.

A. we can

B. can we

C.would me

D.should we

23. I him to follow my advice, but he refused.

A. persudaded

B. tried to persudade



24. she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she the trip properly.

A. Although , organize

B. Although , organized

C. Once , organize

D. That , organize

25. number of people I know reached 50 and number of them are going for a trip.

A. A , the

B. The , a

C. A , a

D. The , The

26. This is the boy mother died in the earthquake.

A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. which

27. Please lend me the pen I can write my diary.

A. which

B. with that

C. with which

D. which with

28. I still remember the day I joined the Party.

A. which

B. on which

C. when

D. B and C

29. The fire left the house .

A. ruin

B. in ruin

C. in ruins

D. ruins

30. The reason he was late is that his mother was ill.

A. that

B. which

C. why

D. B and C



31 middle school, my sister WangWei and I 32 about 33 a great bike trip. Two years ago, she bought an expensive mountain bike and persuaded me 34 one. After 35 from college, we 36 got the chance to take a bike trip.

31.A. Every since B. Eeve since C. Ever since D. ever since

32.A. dreamed B. has dreamed C. have dreamed D. dream

33.A. take B. to take C. takeing D. taking

34.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought

35.A. graduate B. graduateing C. graduated D. graduating

36.A. family B. fimaly C. finaly D. finally


37 she has 38 , nothing can change it. In the end, I had to 39 .

I 40 my sister 41 she has one serious 42 . She can be really stubborn.
