微雪Dust Sensor 用户手册说明书
![微雪Dust Sensor 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a6fc4092f3f5727a5e9856a561252d380eb20ce.png)
Dust Sensor灰尘传感器用户手册1.特性和原理本模块是以夏普GP2Y1010AU0F为核心的灰尘传感器。
测量对象:直径大于0.8μm灰尘颗粒有效量程:500μg/m3输出类型:电压模拟量工作电压: 2.5V~5.5V产品尺寸:63.2mm×41.3mm固定孔尺寸: 2.0mm通气孔尺寸:9.0mm1.1.传感器输出特性传感器输出电压与灰尘浓度关系在0到0.5mg/m3范围内成线性关系,如下图所示:图1: 传感器输出特性曲线1.2.传感器控制原理1)通过设置模块I LED引脚为高电平,从而打开传感器内部红外二极管。
2)等待0.28ms,外部控制器采样模块A OUT引脚的电压值。
如下图所示:图2: I LED与红外二极管输出波形关系3)采样持续0.04ms之后,再设置I LED引脚为低电平,从而关闭内部红外二极管。
2.操作和现象2.1.传感器接口说明表1: 传感器接口说明2.2.连接开发板使用下面章节以四款不同类型的开发板为例,描述具体操作步骤及实验现象。
2)3)表2: 传感器和Open103R引脚对应关系4)开发板上电,可看到串口助手不断显示当前灰尘浓度值,当有大量灰尘颗粒进入通气孔时,数据发生明显变化,实验现象见附录。
2019年9月第19卷第3期廊坊师范学院学报(自然科学版)Journal of Langfang Normal University (Natural Science Edition)Sep.2019Vol.19 No.3基于单片机的智能空气净化系统郑安豫,杨胜春,李红祥,房雁平(安徽电气工程职业技术学院,安徽合肥230051)【摘要】设计了一种基于单片机的智能空气净化系统。
根据浓度大小控制空气净化 器电机转速,实现空气净化器的智能控制,空气质量差时,实现快速空气净化;空气质量好时,能省电降低噪音。
实验表 明,该系统对清除室内空气污染物质、提高室内空气质量有良好的效果。
【关键词】单片机;空气净化;传感器A Design of Intelligent Air Purifier System Based on MCUZHENG An-yu, YANG Sheng-chun, LI Hong-xiang, FANG Yan-ping(Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College, Hefei 230051, China)[Abstract] An smart air purification system based on 51 single chip computer is designed. The concentration of PM2.5,fbimaldehyde and other harmful health substances in the air is collected by sensors in real time, and the data are displayedon the LCD screen. When the concentration exceeds the standard, the buzzer is controlled to give an alarm. According to theconcentration, the motor speed of air purifier is controlled. When the air quality is poor, the rapid air purification is achieved.When the air quality is good, the power saving and noise reduction are achieved.[Key words] MCU; air purification; sensor冲图分类号〕TP212.9〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1674 - 3229(20⑼03- 0039 - 030 引言随着生活水平的提高,人们对生活环境舒适度的要求也随之提高,室内装修也越来越精致。
空气粉尘浓度检测器电路设计与软件编程论文空气粉尘浓度检测器电路设计与软件编程论文本设计以ATmega382p单片机为控制中心,由GP2Y1010AU0F 光学空气质量传感器测量空气粉尘浓度,通过单片机内置的10位A/D 转换将模拟的电压信号转换成数字信号,得到粉尘浓度值,并由LCD1602显示屏显示出来。
0 引言随着人类工业和经济的快速发展,我们的环境污染越来越严重。
1 系统工作原理单片机选用ATmega328p,粉尘浓度传感器选用夏普GP2Y1010AU0F灰尘传感器,按键部分通过电阻与按键串联将信号输入模拟口,通过读取模拟值的不同判断按键值,显示部分采用LCD1602并用采取I2C总线的8位远程I/O扩展口芯片PCF8574进行引脚简化。
2 系统电路设计2.1 电路总体设计以ATmega328p单片机为核心,主要包括单片机处理模块,信号采集模块,独立按键模块,显示模块和蜂鸣器报警模块。
电路图因为数据是通过pin 5的电压模拟信号输出的,而树莓派的引脚不支持模拟信号直接读取(需要增加数模转换芯片),所以先用Arduino来实验。
Arduino 代码根据电路图,把Arduino和传感器连接起来:1.Sharp pin 1 (V-LED) => 5V 串联1个150欧姆的电阻(最好在电阻一侧和GND之间再串联一个220uf的电容)2.Sharp pin 2 (LED-GND) => GND3.Sharp pin 3 (LED) => Arduino PIN 2 (开关LED)4.Sharp pin 4 (S-GND) => GND5.Sharp pin 5 (Vo) => Arduino A0 pin (空气质量数据通过电压模拟信号输出)6.Sharp pin 6 (Vcc) => 5V1./*2.Interface to Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F Particle Sensor3.Program by Christopher Nafis4.Written April 20125. pin 1 (V-LED) => 5V (connected to 150ohm resister)10.Sharp pin 2 (LED-GND) => Arduino GND pin11.Sharp pin 3 (LED) => Arduino pin 212.Sharp pin 4 (S-GND) => Arduino GND pin13.Sharp pin 5 (Vo) => Arduino A0 pin14.Sharp pin 6 (Vcc) => 5V15.*/16.#include<SPI.h>17.#include<stdlib.h>18.19.int dustPin=0;20.int ledPower=2;21.int delayTime=280;22.int delayTime2=40;23.float offTime=9680;24.25.int dustVal=0;26.int i=0;27.float ppm=0;28.char s[32];29.float voltage=0;30.float dustdensity=0;31.float ppmpercf=0;32.33.void setup(){34.Serial.begin(9600);35. pinMode(ledPower,OUTPUT);36.37.// give the ethernet module time to boot up:38. delay(1000);39.40. i=0;41. ppm=0;42.}43.44.void loop(){45. i=i+1;46. digitalWrite(ledPower,LOW);// power on the LED47. delayMicroseconds(delayTime);48. dustVal=analogRead(dustPin);// read the dust value49. ppm=ppm+dustVal;50. delayMicroseconds(delayTime2);51. digitalWrite(ledPower,HIGH);// turn the LED off52. delayMicroseconds(offTime);53.54. voltage=ppm/i*0.0049;55. dustdensity=0.17*voltage-0.1;56. ppmpercf=(voltage-0.0256)*120000;57.if(ppmpercf<0)58. ppmpercf=0;59.if(dustdensity<0)60. dustdensity=0;61.if(dustdensity>0.5)62. dustdensity=0.5;63.String dataString="";64. dataString+=dtostrf(voltage,9,4,s);65. dataString+=",";66. dataString+=dtostrf(dustdensity,5,2,s);67. dataString+=",";68. dataString+=dtostrf(ppmpercf,8,0,s);69. i=0;70. ppm=0;71.Serial.println(dataString);72. delay(1000);73.}把传感器和Ardiuno连接好后,可以连续打印出传感器的输出电压值。
届.别.2016届学号毕业设计基于51单片机的PM2.5检测系统的设计与实现姓名系别、专业电子信息与电气工程学院电子信息科学与技术专业导师姓名、职称完成时间 2016年5月10日目录摘要 (I)Abstract (I)1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (1)2 系统仿真软件与总体设计方案 (1)2.1 Keil4软件开发坏境 (1)2.2 软件烧录工具 (2)2.3程序结构分析 (4)2.4 整体的设计方案 (4)2.5电源模块 (4)3 主要元器件简介43.1 GP2Y1010AU0F传感器简介 (5)3.2 ADC0832模数转换器简介 (7)3.3 LCD1602液晶显示屏 (10)3.4 STC89C52单片机的简介 (12)4 系统单元电路模块设计 (15)4.1主控制模块 (15)4.2显示模块电路 (16)4.3关于报警模块的设计 (16)4.4按键模块的设计 (17)4.5粉尘模块电路设计 (17)4.6电源局部的设计 (17)5 系统测试与实现 (18)5.1系统程序流图 (18)5.2 仿真电路 (20)5.3 软件跟硬件结合 (21)5.4 测试结果分析 (23)5.5 系统实现 (23)6、总结 (24)致谢 (24)参考文献 (25)附录1:系统整体电路原理图 (26)附录2:系统设计局部源程序 (27)摘要现在社会开展的越来越快,随着工业的开展,虽然给人们的生活带来很多便利。
GP2Y1010AU0FGP2Y1010AU0FCompact Optical Dust Sensor■Description■Features■Compliance■Applications1. Detecting of dust in the air.2. Example: Air purifier, Air conditioner, Air monitor1. Compliant with RoHS directive (2002/95/EC)1. Compact, thin package (46.0 × 30.0 × 17.6 mm)2. Low consumption current (Icc: MAX. 20 mA)3. The presence of dust can be detected by the photometry of only one pulse4. Enable to distinguish smoke from house dust5. Lead-free and RoHS directive compliantNotice The content of data sheet is subject to change without prior notice.In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device.GP2Y1010AU0F is a dust sensor by optical sensing system.An infrared emitting diode (IRED) and an phototran-sistor are diagonally arranged into this device.It detects the reflected light of dust in air.Especially, it is effective to detect very fine particle like the cigarette smoke.In addition it can distinguish smoke from house dust by pulse pattern of output voltage.■Internal schematic■Outline Dimensions(Unit : mm)V-LEDLED-GND LED S-GND V O V CC123456132654Marking informationDate code (2 digit)1st digit2nd digitYear of production Month of productionA.D.Mark Month Mark2000011200112220022332003344200445520055662006677200778820088992009910X2010011Y::12Z repeats in a 10 year cycleCountry of originPhilippines■■ Absolute Maximum Ratings*1 Open drain drive inputParameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltageCC V Operating temperature T T opr −10 to +65°C −0.3 to V CC V −0.3 to +7Input terminal voltage V V LED *1Soldering temperaturesol−20 to +80°CElectro-optical Characteristics■ Recommended input condition for LED input terminalParameter ConditionsSymbol K V OC I LED *1 *2 *3*2 *3*2 *3R L =4.7k Ω*2LED terminal voltage = 0*2R L =∞MIN.0.3503.4−−TYP.0.50.9−1110MAX.1.50.65−2020Unit V/(0.1mg/m 3)V V mA mASensitivityOutput voltage at no dust V OH Output voltage range LED terminal current I CCConsumption current*1 Sensitivity is specified by the amount of output voltage change when dust density changes by 0.1 mg/m 3.And the dust density for detection is a value of the density of cigarette (MILD SEVEN®) smoke measured by the digital dust monitor (P-5L2: manufactured by SHIBATA SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY LTD.).*2 Input condition is shown in Fig. 1*3 Output sampling timing is shown in Fig. 2(T a =25°C)(T a =25°C, V CC =5V)ParameterPulse Cycle Pulse WidthOperating Supply voltageSymbol T P W V CCValue 10 ± 10.32 ± 0.025 ± 0.5Unit ms ms VFig. 1 Input Condition for LED Input TerminalFig. 2 Sampling Timing of Output PulseI LEDRemarks : Please be aware that all data in the graph are just for reference and are not for guarantee.432100. u t p u t v o l t a g e (V )Dust density (mg/m 3)Fig. 3 Output Voltage vs. Dust Density●Notes1 Connection of case and GNDCase material use conductive resin as cover case {printed model No.} and metal {test terminal side}as bottom cover. The metal case connects with GND in sensor.2 CleaningPlease don’t do cleaning, because there is a case that this device is not satisfied with its characteristics by cleaning.3 Pulse input rangePlease subject to recommendation as regard input condition for LED in order to keep reliability.4 Dust adhesionThere is a case that this product does not detect the dust density correctly, since the dust adhered to the inside of the dust through hole may project into the detecting space which consist of emitter anddetector light axis. Please take the structure and mechanism of the equipment into consideration toavoid the influence of adhered dust. And when the dust is adhered, please consider the maintenance such as vacuuming or blowing off the dust by air.In addition, please pay attention to structure and placing location of the application to avoid anyadhesive particle like oil, etc. to gets into the device. If it sticks to optical part, malfunction may occur.5 Light outputIn circuit designing, make allowance for the degradation of the light emitting diode output that resultsfrom long continuous operation. (50% degradation/5 years)6 Sensitivity adjustment VRVR for sensitivity adjustment is set up at shipping from sharp. Please do not touch the VR orElectro-optical characteristics specified on the specification will be invalid.7 ResolutionPlease do not disassemble the device such as removing tapping screw and so on. Even if the device is reassembled, it may not satisfy the specification.8 Application to fire alarmPlease do not use this device for a fire alarm application. When using this device to application other than air purifying and equipment with air purifying function, please inform us before usage.9 Noise influenceIf the sensor is located close to noise generator (ex. Electric dust collector, etc. ), the sensor outputmay be affected by leaded noise. On top of that noise from power supply line also may affect thesensor output. When desinging the system, please consider the effect from noise.10 Vibration influenceThe sensor may change its value under mechanical oscillation. Before usage, please make surethat the device works normally in the application.11 Incident light influenceThere is a case that the sensor output may be affected when outer-light comes through dust through hole on printed side. In order to avoid any influence from outer-light, please locate the printed sideof sensor facing to inside of the application.12 When inside of the sensor is moisturized, this product does not keep its proper function. Pleasedesign the application so that moisturization of the sensor does not happen.Sheet No.: E4-A01501EN●Presence of ODC etc.This product shall not contain the following materials.And they are not used in the production process for this product.Regulation substances : CFCs, Halon, Carbon tetrachloride, 1.1.1-Trichloroethane (Methylchloroform) Specific brominated flame retardants such as the PBB and PBDE are not used in this product at all.This product shall not contain the following materials banned in the RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC).• Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).Packing SpecificationPACKING METHOD1. Each tray holds 50 pieces. Packing methods are shown in (A).2. Each box holds 5 trays. Pads are added to top (B).3. The box is sealed with packing tape. (C) shows the location of the Model number, Quantity, and Inspection date.4. Weight is approximately5.6 kg■Important Notices· The circuit application examples in this publication are provided to explain representative applications of SHARP devices and are not intended to guarantee any circuit design or license any intellectual property rights. SHARP takes no responsibility for any problems related to any intellectual property right of a third party resulting from the use of SHARP's devices.· Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. SHARP reserves the right to make changes in the spec- ifications, characteristics, data, materials, structure, and other contents described herein at any time without no-tice in order to improve design or reliability. Manufactur-ing locations are also subject to change without notice.· Observe the following points when using any devices in this publication. SHARP takes no responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the devices which does not meet the conditions and absolute maximum ratings to be used specified in the relevant specification sheet nor meet the following conditions:(i) The devices in this publication are designed for use in general electronic equipment designs such as:--- Personal computers--- Office automation equipment--- Telecommunication equipment [terminal]--- Test and measurement equipment--- Industrial control--- Audio visual equipment--- Consumer electronics(ii) Measures such as fail-safe function and redundant design should be taken to ensure reliability and safety when SHARP devices are used for or in connection with equipment that requires higher reliability such as:--- Transportation control and safety equipment (i.e., aircraft, trains, automobiles, etc. )--- Traffic signals--- Gas leakage sensor breakers--- Alarm equipment--- Various safety devices, etc.(iii) SHARP devices shall not be used for or in connec-tion with equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability and safety such as:--- Space applications--- Telecommunication equipment [trunk lines]--- Nuclear power control equipment--- Medical and other life support equipment (e.g., scuba).· If the SHARP devices listed in this publication fall within the scope of strategic products described in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, it is necessary to obtain approval to export such SHARP devices.· This publication is the proprietary product of SHARP and is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, no part of this publication may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of SHARP. Express written permission is also required before any use of this publication may be made by a third party.· Contact and consult with a SHARP representative if there are any questions about the contents of this publi-cation.Sheet No.: E4-A01501EN。
灰尘传感器 GP2Y1010AU
![灰尘传感器 GP2Y1010AU](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4c99a716ff00bed5b9f31d4b.png)
一, 简介
1,该模块由夏普粉尘传感器GP2Y1010AU0F 和模块型号是:GP2Y1010AU0FC01,模块经过精确标定后,检测空气中的粉尘浓度,精度高,一致性强。
数字串口输出;供其它平台MCU 直接读取。
第一脚:5V 工作电压输入端
由项目实例从零开始学arduino系列(一)项目:利用arduino自制pm2.5检测仪目的:通过自制pm2.5检测仪过程掌握arduino 控制板接口电路,1602液晶显示屏连接arduino 控制板显示技术,相关arduino编程语言,灰尘传感器连接arduino控制板方法。
白话文式讲解一、硬件连接(图在详细讲解处)(一)粉尘传感器连接nano板SHARP GP2Y1010AU0F型灰尘/粉尘传感器的红色线为6号线,向左依次为5,4,3,2,1号线。
2 总体设计本设计将单片机与传感器相结合,开发和研究时采用模块化设计的方案,系统架构图如图1所示,实现集成温湿度、空气PM2.5监测为一体的环境质量检测系统。
3 硬件设计3.1 MCU(微控制单元)本设计采用Arduino uno R3核心板作为开发单片机,是Arduino USB接口系列的最新版,集成了USB接口贴片芯片ATmega16U2和ICSP在线串行编程接口。
其MCU是使用ATMEGA328P-PU芯片,是一款高性能、低功耗的8位A VR 微处理器。
3.2 PM2.5粉尘传感器本设计采用的是一款GP2Yl010AUOF光学空气质量传感器,其内部结构为对角安放着红外线發光二极管和光电晶体管,使其能够探测到空气中尘埃反射光[1]。
1.4 代码说明: 由于参考代码过多,在此对于常见的代码不予讲解,下面对于核心代码进行说明。 430 单片机特点:16 位处理器,低功耗,8M 的主系统时钟决定单指令周期为 0.125us,内 部集成众多外设,包括 12 位 ADC,定时器 A,定时器 B。强调一点是,由于此传感器要求 采样时序较为精确,因此像 430 这种中端的微处理器或者更高端的处理器比较适合开发此传 感器,也就是说指令的处理速度越快越好。 430 单片机带动传感器工作一次的时间大概为 1.5s,工作期间不间断提供输入脉冲,大概到 1s 左右,此时传感器的工作已经稳定,因此可以开始采样了,连续采样 4 次,然后将数据 取平均值,这就是一次工作的整个流程。这样的设计思路既可以保证传感器的读值稳定性, 又可以做到低功耗。 输入信号由定时器 A 产生,P1.2(TA1)输出,ADC 采样时序的控制由定时器 B 控制,使用 片内 12 位的 ADC 进行采样,采样的参考电压是系统电压 3.2V(做法比较粗糙),采样后直 接转成模拟信号的表达形式,最后输出的是电压值,对于电压转换到 PM2.5 的值,在 1.5 节 有简单说明。
Curr_Volt=caltmp>>12; ptr[0]=Curr_Volt/100;//Hex->DEC 变换,百位 t1=Curr_Volt-(ptr[0]*100); ptr[1]=t1/10;//十位 ptr[2]=t1-(ptr[1]*10);//各位 }
430 的 P1.2 作为脉冲的输入脚,为传感器提供输入信号 传感器的引脚按照 datasheet 中典型电路来接,R1、C1 分别为 150Ω和 220uF 的电解电
GP2Y1010AU0F11807-0430-980© SHARP CorporationGP2Y1010AU0FCompact Optical Dust Sensor■Description■Features■Compliance■Applications1. Detecting of dust in the air.2. Example: Air purifier, Air conditioner, Air monitor1. Compliant with RoHS directive (2002/95/EC)1. Compact, thin package (46.0 × 30.0 × 17.6 mm)2. Low consumption current (Icc: MAX. 20 mA)3. The presence of dust can be detected by the photometry of only one pulse4. Enable to distinguish smoke from house dust5. Lead-free and RoHS directive compliantNotice The content of data sheet is subject to change without prior notice.In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device.GP2Y1010AU0F is a dust sensor by optical sensing system.An infrared emitting diode (IRED) and an phototran-sistor are diagonally arranged into this device.It detects the reflected light of dust in air.Especially, it is effective to detect very fine particle like the cigarette smoke.In addition it can distinguish smoke from house dustby pulse pattern of output voltage.■Internal schematic■Outline Dimensions(Unit : mm)V-LEDLED-GND LED S-GND V O V CC123456132654Marking informationDate code (2 digit)1st digit2nd digitYear of production Month of productionA.D.Mark Month Mark2000011200112220022332003344200445520055662006677200778820088992009910X2010011Y::12Z repeats in a 10 year cycleCountry of originPhilippines■■ Absolute Maximum Ratings*1 Open drain drive inputParameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltageCC V Operating temperature T T opr −10 to +65°C −0.3 to V CC V −0.3 to +7Input terminal voltage V V LED *1Soldering temperaturesol−20 to +80°CElectro-optical Characteristics■ Recommended input condition for LED input terminalParameter ConditionsSymbol K V OC I LED *1 *2 *3*2 *3*2 *3R L =4.7k Ω*2LED terminal voltage = 0*2R L =∞MIN.0.3503.4−−TYP.0.50.9−1110MAX.1.50.65−2020Unit V/(0.1mg/m 3)V V mA mASensitivityOutput voltage at no dust V OH Output voltage range LED terminal current I CCConsumption current*1 Sensitivity is specified by the amount of output voltage change when dust density changes by 0.1 mg/m 3.And the dust density for detection is a value of the density of cigarette (MILD SEVEN®) smoke measured by the digital dust monitor (P-5L2: manufactured by SHIBATA SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY LTD.).*2 Input condition is shown in Fig. 1*3 Output sampling timing is shown in Fig. 2(T a =25°C)(T a =25°C, V CC =5V)ParameterPulse Cycle Pulse WidthOperating Supply voltageSymbol T P W V CCValue 10 ± 10.32 ± 0.025 ± 0.5Unit ms ms VFig. 1 Input Condition for LED Input TerminalFig. 2 Sampling Timing of Output PulseI LEDRemarks : Please be aware that all data in the graph are just for reference and are not for guarantee.432100. u t p u t v o l t a g e (V )Dust density (mg/m 3)Fig. 3 Output Voltage vs. Dust Density●Notes1 Connection of case and GNDCase material use conductive resin as cover case {printed model No.} and metal {test terminal side}as bottom cover. The metal case connects with GND in sensor.2 CleaningPlease don’t do cleaning, because there is a case that this device is not satisfied with its characteristics by cleaning.3 Pulse input rangePlease subject to recommendation as regard input condition for LED in order to keep reliability.4 Dust adhesionThere is a case that this product does not detect the dust density correctly, since the dust adhered to the inside of the dust through hole may project into the detecting space which consist of emitter anddetector light axis. Please take the structure and mechanism of the equipment into consideration toavoid the influence of adhered dust. And when the dust is adhered, please consider the maintenance such as vacuuming or blowing off the dust by air.In addition, please pay attention to structure and placing location of the application to avoid anyadhesive particle like oil, etc. to gets into the device. If it sticks to optical part, malfunction may occur.5 Light outputIn circuit designing, make allowance for the degradation of the light emitting diode output that resultsfrom long continuous operation. (50% degradation/5 years)6 Sensitivity adjustment VRVR for sensitivity adjustment is set up at shipping from sharp. Please do not touch the VR orElectro-optical characteristics specified on the specification will be invalid.7 ResolutionPlease do not disassemble the device such as removing tapping screw and so on. Even if the device is reassembled, it may not satisfy the specification.8 Application to fire alarmPlease do not use this device for a fire alarm application. When using this device to application other than air purifying and equipment with air purifying function, please inform us before usage.9 Noise influenceIf the sensor is located close to noise generator (ex. Electric dust collector, etc. ), the sensor outputmay be affected by leaded noise. On top of that noise from power supply line also may affect thesensor output. When desinging the system, please consider the effect from noise.10 Vibration influenceThe sensor may change its value under mechanical oscillation. Before usage, please make surethat the device works normally in the application.11 Incident light influenceThere is a case that the sensor output may be affected when outer-light comes through dust through hole on printed side. In order to avoid any influence from outer-light, please locate the printed sideof sensor facing to inside of the application.12 When inside of the sensor is moisturized, this product does not keep its proper function. Pleasedesign the application so that moisturization of the sensor does not happen.Sheet No.: E4-A01501EN●Presence of ODC etc.This product shall not contain the following materials.And they are not used in the production process for this product.Regulation substances : CFCs, Halon, Carbon tetrachloride, 1.1.1-Trichloroethane (Methylchloroform) Specific brominated flame retardants such as the PBB and PBDE are not used in this product at all.This product shall not contain the following materials banned in the RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC).• Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).Packing SpecificationPACKING METHOD1. Each tray holds 50 pieces. Packing methods are shown in (A).2. Each box holds 5 trays. Pads are added to top (B).3. The box is sealed with packing tape. (C) shows the location of the Model number, Quantity, and Inspection date.4. Weight is approximately5.6 kg■Important Notices· The circuit application examples in this publication are provided to explain representative applications of SHARP devices and are not intended to guarantee any circuit design or license any intellectual property rights. SHARP takes no responsibility for any problems related to any intellectual property right of a third party resulting from the use of SHARP's devices.· Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. SHARP reserves the right to make changes in the spec- ifications, characteristics, data, materials, structure, and other contents described herein at any time without no-tice in order to improve design or reliability. Manufactur-ing locations are also subject to change without notice.· Observe the following points when using any devices in this publication. SHARP takes no responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the devices which does not meet the conditions and absolute maximum ratings to be used specified in the relevant specification sheet nor meet the following conditions:(i) The devices in this publication are designed for use in general electronic equipment designs such as:--- Personal computers--- Office automation equipment--- Telecommunication equipment [terminal]--- Test and measurement equipment--- Industrial control--- Audio visual equipment--- Consumer electronics(ii) Measures such as fail-safe function and redundant design should be taken to ensure reliability and safety when SHARP devices are used for or in connection with equipment that requires higher reliability such as:--- Transportation control and safety equipment (i.e., aircraft, trains, automobiles, etc. )--- Traffic signals--- Gas leakage sensor breakers--- Alarm equipment--- Various safety devices, etc.(iii) SHARP devices shall not be used for or in connec-tion with equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability and safety such as:--- Space applications--- Telecommunication equipment [trunk lines]--- Nuclear power control equipment--- Medical and other life support equipment (e.g., scuba).· If the SHARP devices listed in this publication fall within the scope of strategic products described in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, it is necessary to obtain approval to export such SHARP devices.· This publication is the proprietary product of SHARP and is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, no part of this publication may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of SHARP. Express written permission is also required before any use of this publication may be made by a third party.· Contact and consult with a SHARP representative if there are any questions about the contents of this publi-cation.。
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多功能 PM2.5检测系统
![多功能 PM2.5检测系统](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/46d88896e43a580216fc700abb68a98271feac8c.png)
多功能 PM2.5检测系统王路;曲伟;胡家骏【摘要】A multifunctional PM2.5 detection system is designed , in order to overcome the problems of high cost and single function of the PM2.5 detectors on markets .PM2.5 concentrations and ambient air temperature are detected by core controller implementation of STC 90C51 micro-controller, dust sensor GP2Y1050AUOF and temperature sensor DS18B20 respectively, and data acquisition, calculation and processing are implemented after A/D conversion .It is achieved to the real-time displayof PM2.5 concentration , temperature and time , and functions of PM2.5 limit alarm, time adjustment and interactive .Test results show:PM2.5 data error tested by the PM2.5 detector in normal outdoor ambient air is ±3μg/m3 , the temperature error is ±1 ℃ th at compared with data announced by the local environmental monitoring department , and walking time accurately .%针对市场上PM2.5检测仪的功能单一和价格昂贵的问题,设计了一款多功能PM2.5检测系统。
∙清洁空气中电压:0.9V 典型值
关键词:PM2.5;粉尘传感器;检测系统The pollution of ambient fine particulate matter has a great negative effect on human health and the ecological environment. It makes people gradually pay attention to the detection of PM2.5. In this paper, described five kinds of test methods of PM2.5. In terms of the actual demand of PM2.5 pollution detection in daily life,this paper puts forward a design of PM2.5 test system. This design uses the GP2Y1010AU0F dust sensor collected of PM2.5 concentrations. In addition, sensor analog quantity turn into digital quantity by ADC0832 and data is transmitted to the MCU. Single-chip microcomputer process data to get last detect result on the LCD screen. When the PM2.5 test concentration is detected is greater than the preset concentration, the buzzer and the light-emitting diode emit will sound and light alarm. In this paper, designed the function modules and realized the corresponding function by production circuit. Through further debugging and integration to achieve the function of the whole system,so as to achieve the purpose of detection.Key words:PM2.5;Dust Sensor;Detection System目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)一绪论....................................................................... 11.1研究背景及意义 ..................................................... 11.2国内外研究现状 ..................................................... 21.3研究的主要内容 ..................................................... 31.4本章小结............................................................. 3二系统总体方案设计 ..................................................... 42.1总体方案设计........................................................ 42.2系统硬件选型........................................................ 62.3本章小结............................................................. 7三硬件电路设计........................................................... 83.1主控制器模块........................................................ 83.2粉尘传感器模块 ..................................................... 93.3模数转换模块 (10)3.4液晶显示模块 (10)3.5电源模块 (11)3.6按键模块. (12)3.7报警模块. (12)3.8本章小结 (12)四系统软件设计 (13)4.1程序功能分析 (13)4.2系统程序设计 (13)4.3本章小结 (16)五安装与调试 (17)5.1硬件安装 (17)5.2程序调试 (18)5.本章小结 (18)六结论与展望 (19)6.1结论 (19)6.1展望 (19)致谢 (20)参考文献 (21)附录一元器件清单附录二源程序一绪论1.1 研究背景及意义随着工业的发展,各种新产品不断被制造出来,人们的生活水平得到了很大的提高。
GP2Y1010AU0F 粉尘传感器
![GP2Y1010AU0F 粉尘传感器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3f730e819e8b8f67c1cb970.png)
GP2Y1010AU0FGP2Y1010AU0FCompact Optical Dust Sensor■Description■Features■Compliance■Applications1. Detecting of dust in the air.2. Example: Air purifier, Air conditioner, Air monitor1. Compliant with RoHS directive (2002/95/EC)1. Compact, thin package (46.0 × 30.0 × 17.6 mm)2. Low consumption current (Icc: MAX. 20 mA)3. The presence of dust can be detected by the photometry of only one pulse4. Enable to distinguish smoke from house dust5. Lead-free and RoHS directive compliantNotice The content of data sheet is subject to change without prior notice.In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device.GP2Y1010AU0F is a dust sensor by optical sensing system.An infrared emitting diode (IRED) and an phototran-sistor are diagonally arranged into this device.It detects the reflected light of dust in air.Especially, it is effective to detect very fine particle like the cigarette smoke.In addition it can distinguish smoke from house dust by pulse pattern of output voltage.■Internal schematic■Outline Dimensions(Unit : mm)V-LEDLED-GND LED S-GND V O V CC123456132654Marking informationDate code (2 digit)1st digit2nd digitYear of production Month of productionA.D.Mark Month Mark2000011200112220022332003344200445520055662006677200778820088992009910X2010011Y::12Z repeats in a 10 year cycleCountry of originPhilippines■■ Absolute Maximum Ratings*1 Open drain drive inputParameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltageCC V Operating temperature T T opr −10 to +65°C −0.3 to V CC V −0.3 to +7Input terminal voltage V V LED *1Soldering temperaturesol−20 to +80°CElectro-optical Characteristics■ Recommended input condition for LED input terminalParameter ConditionsSymbol K V OC I LED *1 *2 *3*2 *3*2 *3R L =4.7k Ω*2LED terminal voltage = 0*2R L =∞MIN.0.3503.4−−TYP.0.50.9−1110MAX.1.50.65−2020Unit V/(0.1mg/m 3)V V mA mASensitivityOutput voltage at no dust V OH Output voltage range LED terminal current I CCConsumption current*1 Sensitivity is specified by the amount of output voltage change when dust density changes by 0.1 mg/m 3.And the dust density for detection is a value of the density of cigarette (MILD SEVEN®) smoke measured by the digital dust monitor (P-5L2: manufactured by SHIBATA SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY LTD.).*2 Input condition is shown in Fig. 1*3 Output sampling timing is shown in Fig. 2(T a =25°C)(T a =25°C, V CC =5V)ParameterPulse Cycle Pulse WidthOperating Supply voltageSymbol T P W V CCValue 10 ± 10.32 ± 0.025 ± 0.5Unit ms ms VFig. 1 Input Condition for LED Input TerminalFig. 2 Sampling Timing of Output PulseI LEDRemarks : Please be aware that all data in the graph are just for reference and are not for guarantee.432100. u t p u t v o l t a g e (V )Dust density (mg/m 3)Fig. 3 Output Voltage vs. Dust Density●Notes1 Connection of case and GNDCase material use conductive resin as cover case {printed model No.} and metal {test terminal side}as bottom cover. The metal case connects with GND in sensor.2 CleaningPlease don’t do cleaning, because there is a case that this device is not satisfied with its characteristics by cleaning.3 Pulse input rangePlease subject to recommendation as regard input condition for LED in order to keep reliability.4 Dust adhesionThere is a case that this product does not detect the dust density correctly, since the dust adhered to the inside of the dust through hole may project into the detecting space which consist of emitter anddetector light axis. Please take the structure and mechanism of the equipment into consideration toavoid the influence of adhered dust. And when the dust is adhered, please consider the maintenance such as vacuuming or blowing off the dust by air.In addition, please pay attention to structure and placing location of the application to avoid anyadhesive particle like oil, etc. to gets into the device. If it sticks to optical part, malfunction may occur.5 Light outputIn circuit designing, make allowance for the degradation of the light emitting diode output that resultsfrom long continuous operation. (50% degradation/5 years)6 Sensitivity adjustment VRVR for sensitivity adjustment is set up at shipping from sharp. Please do not touch the VR orElectro-optical characteristics specified on the specification will be invalid.7 ResolutionPlease do not disassemble the device such as removing tapping screw and so on. Even if the device is reassembled, it may not satisfy the specification.8 Application to fire alarmPlease do not use this device for a fire alarm application. When using this device to application other than air purifying and equipment with air purifying function, please inform us before usage.9 Noise influenceIf the sensor is located close to noise generator (ex. Electric dust collector, etc. ), the sensor outputmay be affected by leaded noise. On top of that noise from power supply line also may affect thesensor output. When desinging the system, please consider the effect from noise.10 Vibration influenceThe sensor may change its value under mechanical oscillation. Before usage, please make surethat the device works normally in the application.11 Incident light influenceThere is a case that the sensor output may be affected when outer-light comes through dust through hole on printed side. In order to avoid any influence from outer-light, please locate the printed sideof sensor facing to inside of the application.12 When inside of the sensor is moisturized, this product does not keep its proper function. Pleasedesign the application so that moisturization of the sensor does not happen.Sheet No.: E4-A01501EN●Presence of ODC etc.This product shall not contain the following materials.And they are not used in the production process for this product.Regulation substances : CFCs, Halon, Carbon tetrachloride, 1.1.1-Trichloroethane (Methylchloroform) Specific brominated flame retardants such as the PBB and PBDE are not used in this product at all.This product shall not contain the following materials banned in the RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC).• Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).Packing SpecificationPACKING METHOD1. Each tray holds 50 pieces. Packing methods are shown in (A).2. Each box holds 5 trays. Pads are added to top (B).3. The box is sealed with packing tape. (C) shows the location of the Model number, Quantity, and Inspection date.4. Weight is approximately5.6 kg■Important Notices· The circuit application examples in this publication are provided to explain representative applications of SHARP devices and are not intended to guarantee any circuit design or license any intellectual property rights. SHARP takes no responsibility for any problems related to any intellectual property right of a third party resulting from the use of SHARP's devices.· Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. SHARP reserves the right to make changes in the spec- ifications, characteristics, data, materials, structure, and other contents described herein at any time without no-tice in order to improve design or reliability. Manufactur-ing locations are also subject to change without notice.· Observe the following points when using any devices in this publication. SHARP takes no responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the devices which does not meet the conditions and absolute maximum ratings to be used specified in the relevant specification sheet nor meet the following conditions:(i) The devices in this publication are designed for use in general electronic equipment designs such as:--- Personal computers--- Office automation equipment--- Telecommunication equipment [terminal]--- Test and measurement equipment--- Industrial control--- Audio visual equipment--- Consumer electronics(ii) Measures such as fail-safe function and redundant design should be taken to ensure reliability and safety when SHARP devices are used for or in connection with equipment that requires higher reliability such as:--- Transportation control and safety equipment (i.e., aircraft, trains, automobiles, etc. )--- Traffic signals--- Gas leakage sensor breakers--- Alarm equipment--- Various safety devices, etc.(iii) SHARP devices shall not be used for or in connec-tion with equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability and safety such as:--- Space applications--- Telecommunication equipment [trunk lines]--- Nuclear power control equipment--- Medical and other life support equipment (e.g., scuba).· If the SHARP devices listed in this publication fall within the scope of strategic products described in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, it is necessary to obtain approval to export such SHARP devices.· This publication is the proprietary product of SHARP and is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, no part of this publication may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of SHARP. Express written permission is also required before any use of this publication may be made by a third party.· Contact and consult with a SHARP representative if there are any questions about the contents of this publi-cation.Sheet No.: E4-A01501EN。
2.1 SCM最小系统。
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Sharp's GP2Y1010AU0F 是一款光学空气质量传感器,设计用来感应空气中的尘埃粒子,其内部对角安放着红外线发光二极管和光电晶体管,使得其能够探测到空气中尘埃反射光,即使非常细小的如烟草烟雾颗粒也能够被检测到,通常在空气净化系统中应用。
46.0 × 30.0 × 17.6 mm)
Do not miss the 150ohm resistor and a 220uF capacitor
Arduino Pin
1Vled–>5V (150ohm
3LED–>Digital pin 2
5Vo–>Analog pin 0
The LED pin has to be modulated with a cycle of 1ms as discussed in the datasheet. The LED seems to use a PNP transistor so to power on, the LED pin must actually recieve a lower voltage.
int dustPin=0;
int dustVal=0;
int ledPower=2;
int delayTime=280;
int delayTime2=40;
float offTime=9680;
void setup(){
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
// ledPower is any digital pin on the arduino connected to Pin 3 on the sensor
digitalWrite(ledPower,LOW); // power on the LED delayMicroseconds(delayTime);
dustVal=analogRead(dustPin); // read the dust value via pin 5 on the sensor delayMicroseconds(delayTime2);
digitalWrite(ledPower,HIGH); // turn the LED off delayMicroseconds(offTime);