英国出境旅游合同范本甲方(旅游者):____________________乙方(旅行社):____________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国旅游法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚信的原则基础上,就甲方参加乙方组织的英国出境旅游事宜,达成如下协议:第一条合同主体1.1 甲方为具有完全民事行为能力的自然人或合法成立的法人、其他组织。
1.2 乙方为取得《旅行社业务经营许可证》的旅行社,许可证编号为:_______。
第二条旅游产品及服务内容2.1 甲方参加的旅游线路为英国出境旅游,行程共计_______天。
2.2 乙方提供的旅游服务包括但不限于:交通、住宿、餐饮、导游、景点门票等。
2.3 详细行程安排见附件一。
第三条合同价格及支付方式3.1 本合同总价为人民币_______元(大写:____________________元整)。
3.2 甲方应于签订本合同之日起_______日内,支付合同总价_______%的预付款,余款应于出发前_______日支付。
3.3 乙方收到甲方支付的全部款项后,应向甲方开具正规发票。
第四条合同变更与解除4.1 甲乙双方应严格履行本合同,如需变更或解除合同,应书面通知对方,经双方协商一致后办理。
4.2 如因不可抗力导致合同无法履行,双方互不承担违约责任。
第五条甲方权利与义务5.1 甲方应确保提供的个人信息真实、准确,并按照乙方要求提供办理签证所需的各类材料。
5.2 甲方应遵守我国及旅游目的地国家的法律法规,尊重当地的风俗习惯。
5.3 甲方应按照行程安排参加旅游活动,不得擅自离团。
第六条乙方权利与义务6.1 乙方应按照合同约定提供旅游服务,确保旅游行程的安全、顺利进行。
6.2 乙方应协助甲方办理签证等出境手续,但不对签证结果承担责任。
6.3 乙方应投保旅游责任保险,并在发生意外事故时及时采取救助措施。
境外旅行合同模板甲方(出行者):姓名:身份证号码:联系地址:联系电话:乙方(旅行社):名称:注册地址:营业执照:联系电话:根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲方参加乙方组织的境外旅行活动,达成如下协议:一、旅行时间及地点:1.1 旅行日期:从(年)(月)(日)起,至(年)(月)(日)止。
1.2 旅行目的地:二、行程安排:2.1 乙方将按照合同约定,为甲方提供相应的旅行服务,包括但不限于交通、住宿、用餐等。
2.2 甲方在旅行期间,应当遵守乙方的安排,不得私自脱离团队或擅自改变行程。
2.3 如因不可抗力等不可预见因素,影响到行程安排,乙方有权根据实际情况作出合理调整。
2.4 如因甲方个人原因(包括但不限于因疏忽、违反规定等)造成行程延误、遗失物品等问题,应由甲方承担相应责任。
三、费用及支付方式:3.1 甲方应当按照合同约定支付相应的费用,包括但不限于团费、签证费、保险费等。
3.2 甲方应当在签订合同时按约定支付相应的定金,并在规定日期前支付尾款。
3.3 如甲方在旅行期间产生额外费用,应当自行承担,乙方有权在甲方回国后向甲方追加收取费用。
四、保险及责任:4.1 乙方应当为甲方购买相应的旅行意外险、医疗险等保险,保障甲方在旅行期间的安全。
4.2 如甲方在旅行期间出现意外或生病等情况,应及时向乙方报告,并按照乙方的指引前往医院就诊。
4.3 如因乙方过失或疏忽造成甲方人身、财产损失,应当由乙方承担相应的赔偿责任。
4.4 如因甲方个人原因造成人身、财产损失,应当由甲方承担相应的责任。
五、变更及解除:5.1 甲方如需变更出行时间、地点等情况,应当提前通知乙方,并经双方协商一致。
5.2 如因不可抗力等特殊情况,导致旅行无法继续进行,双方有权解除合同,并按照各自应承担的责任进行赔偿协商。
六、法律适用及争议解决:6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。
6.2 乙方与甲方因合同履行产生争议的,双方应当通过友好协商解决。
境外旅游合同英文版范本Outbound Travel Contract.Party A: [Full Name of the Traveler]ID/Passport Number: [ID/Passport Number]Contact Information: [Phone Number, Email Address]Party B: [Full Name of the Travel Agency]Business License Number: [Business License Number]Contact Information: [Phone Number, Email Address]Article 1: Purpose of the Contract.This Outbound Travel Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B in accordance with the laws of thePeople's Republic of China, for the purpose of defining the rights and obligations of the parties involved in an outbound travel service provided by Party B to Party A.Article 2: Travel Itinerary.1. The travel itinerary, including the destination, duration, and schedule of the trip, shall be as agreed upon and confirmed by both parties.2. Party B shall ensure that the travel services provided comply with the agreed itinerary and any changes to the itinerary shall be promptly notified to Party A.Article 3: Payment and Fees.1. Party A shall pay the travel fees to Party B in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.2. The travel fees shall cover the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, entrance fees, tour guidance services, and any other services agreed upon bythe parties.3. Any additional expenses incurred during the tripthat are not included in the travel fees shall be borne by Party A.Article 4: Rights and Obligations of Party A.1. Party A has the right to request Party B to provide the travel services in accordance with the agreed itinerary and contract terms.2. Party A shall provide accurate personal information to Party B and comply with all relevant travel regulations and instructions issued by Party B.3. Party A shall pay the travel fees in accordance with the agreed payment schedule and bear any additional expenses incurred during the trip.Article 5: Rights and Obligations of Party B.1. Party B has the right to receive the travel feesfrom Party A in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.2. Party B shall provide the travel services in accordance with the agreed itinerary and contract terms,and ensure the quality of the services.3. Party B shall take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of Party A during the trip and provide necessary assistance in case of emergencies.Article 6: Cancellation and Amendments.1. If Party A wishes to cancel or amend the trip, they shall notify Party B in writing at least [specify number] days before the scheduled departure date.2. If Party B agrees to the cancellation or amendment, the relevant fees and penalties shall be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated byParty B.Article 7: Force Majeure.In case of force majeure events such as natural disasters, wars, or other unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances that affect the normal conduct of the trip, both parties shall take reasonable measures to minimize the impact and协商解决the issues arising therefrom.Article 8: Dispute Resolution.Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation between the parties. If no settlement can be reached through consultation, the dispute shall be submitted to [specify the arbitration institution or court] for arbitration or litigation in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.Article 9: Miscellaneous.1. This Contract shall be deemed effective upon signature and seal by both parties.2. This Contract is made in both Chinese and English. Both versions shall have equal legal effect.3. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.Party A:Signature: ________________________。
旅游出境合同范本一、背景介绍本旅游出境合同(以下简称“合同”)由以下双方共同缔结:甲方:[甲方姓名/公司名称] 住所/营业地:[甲方地址] 联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方:[乙方姓名/公司名称] 住所/营业地:[乙方地址] 联系电话:[乙方联系电话]本合同内容可根据双方协商进行修改、补充并签字确认后生效,并对双方具有法律约束力。
二、旅游行程本合同约定的旅游行程如下所示:1.目的地:[目的地名称]2.出行日期:[出行日期起始时间至结束时间]3.行程安排:行程安排包括但不限于: - 第一天:[具体行程安排] - 第二天:[具体行程安排] - …三、费用及支付方式1.旅游费用:甲方应向乙方支付的旅游费用为:[总费用](人民币)。
费用包含项目及明细: - 交通费用:[具体交通费用] - 餐费:[具体餐费] - 住宿费用:[具体住宿费用] - 活动费用:[具体活动费用] - …费用支付方式:甲方应于[支付时间]前支付[支付比例]%的费用至乙方指定的账户。
出境旅游接待合同Outbound Travel Service Contract合同编号Contract No:GTA__________本出境旅游接待合同由以下双方于 __ 2015__ 年____月____日签订:This Outbound Travel Service Contract is entered into by the following parties on 25 MARCH 2015;__XXXXXXXXXXX公司__,系依照中华人民共和国法律设立的法人,依法享有组织中国公民出国旅游的经营权,注册地址在 ____,电话:_ _,传真:_ _ (下称“甲方”);__,Ltd.Guangzhou branch__, a company incorporated under the laws of the People’s Republic of China and entitled to organize outbound tourism for Chinese citizens with registered address at __________________________________________________; Tel:___________; Fax:_________ (“Party A”).GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (香港格里菲商务旅行公司),系依照香港法律设立的法人,是格里菲旅游集团(Gullivers Travel Associates)的子公司,具有接待中国公民出境旅游的经营资格,地址在香港九龙观塘伟业街223-231号宏利金融中心B座7楼708室; 电话:(852)2102-6688,传真:(852)2102-6169(下称“乙方”)。
GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (“GTA”), a subsidiary of Gullivers Travel Associates and entitled to provide outbound tourism services to Chinese citizen with principal place of business at Unit 708A, 7th Floor, Tower B Manulife Financial Centre 223-231 Wai Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong; Tel: (852) 2102-6688; Fax:(852)_2102-6169_ (“Party B”):甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就组织、接待中国公民前往向中国公民开放旅游的国家/地区旅游事宜,明确双方的权利义务,订立本合同。
1. 旅游目的地。
2. 旅行时间。
3. 行程具体安排。
1. 交通安排。
2. 住宿安排。
并且,乙方会告诉甲方酒店的一些基本设施情况,像有没有免费的Wi Fi呀,早餐是否丰富之类的。
3. 旅游信息提供。
出境游自由行合同一、合同主体1. 甲方(旅游者):- 姓名:______________________- 身份证号码:______________________- 护照号码:______________________2. 乙方(旅行社或旅游服务提供商):- 名称:______________________- 营业执照号码:______________________二、合同标的1. 旅游目的地- 甲方选择的出境旅游目的地为[具体国家或地区]。
2. 行程安排- 出发日期为[具体日期],返程日期为[具体日期]。
- 乙方应向甲方提供详细的行程规划,包括但不限于交通安排(如航班、机场接送等)、住宿安排(酒店名称、房型、住宿天数等)、旅游景点推荐(景点名称、开放时间、门票信息等)。
3. 旅游服务项目- 乙方应协助甲方办理出境旅游所需的签证(如适用)手续,包括提供必要的文件清单、指导填写申请表等,但因甲方自身原因导致签证拒签的除外。
- 乙方提供的交通服务应符合当地的安全标准,交通工具应具备合法运营资质。
- 住宿安排应符合约定的星级或品质标准,保证住宿环境的清洁、安全,并提供基本的住宿设施和服务。
三、权利义务1. 甲方权利义务1.1 甲方有权要求乙方按照合同约定提供旅游服务。
1.2 甲方应按照乙方的要求及时提供办理签证(如适用)和旅游所需的个人信息、资料,并确保其真实性和有效性。
1.3 甲方应按照合同约定的时间和方式支付旅游费用。
1.4 在旅游过程中,甲方应遵守当地的法律法规、风俗习惯,不得从事违法违规活动。
1.5 甲方应妥善保管个人财物和重要证件,如因自身疏忽导致财物丢失或证件损坏、遗失等,应自行承担相应后果,但乙方有过错的除外。
2. 乙方权利义务2.1 乙方有权按照合同约定收取旅游费用。
2.2 乙方应按照合同约定的行程安排和服务标准为甲方提供优质的旅游服务。
2.3 乙方有义务向甲方提供必要的旅游安全提示,包括但不限于当地的安全形势、常见风险等。
出境旅游英文合同范本3篇篇一Outbound Travel ContractThis Outbound Travel Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] between [Tour Operator's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tour Operator") and [Tourist's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tourist").1. Tour ItineraryThe Tour Operator shall provide the Tourist with the following itinerary for the outbound travel:[Detled description of the destinations, activities, and duration of each stop]2. Tour PriceThe total price for the tour is [amount in currency] (including taxes and fees). The Tourist shall make the payment as follows:Deposit: [amount in currency] to be pd within [number of days] days of signing this Contract.Balance: [amount in currency] to be pd no later than [date].3. Services IncludedThe tour price includes the following services:Acmodation at the specified hotels or similar.Meals as specified in the itinerary.Transportation as per the itinerary (flights, buses, etc.).Guided tours and entrance fees to attractions mentioned.4. Services ExcludedThe tour price does not include the following:Personal expenses such as shopping, laundry, and phone calls.Optional activities and excursions not mentioned in the itinerary.Visa fees (if applicable).5. Tour Cancellation and Refund PolicyIf the Tourist cancels the tour more than [number of days] days before the departure date, a refund of [percentage] of the total tour price will be made.If the cancellation is made within [number of days] days before the departure date, no refund will be given.In case the Tour Operator cancels the tour due to unforeseen circumstances,a full refund will be made to the Tourist.6. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for flure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to events beyond its reasonable control, such as natural disasters, war, or government restrictions.7. InsuranceThe Tourist is strongly advised to purchase travel insurance covering medical emergencies, trip cancellation, and lost luggage.8. LiabilityThe Tour Operator shall be liable for any losses or damages suffered the Tourist due to the Tour Operator's negligence or flure to fulfill its obligations as specified in this Contract. However, the liability shall be limited to the amount of the tour price.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings.Please read this Contract carefully before signing. By signing this Contract, the Tourist acknowledges having understood and agreed to all the terms and conditions herein.Tour Operator's Signature: [Name and Signature]Tourist's Signature: [Name and Signature]Date: [Date]Please note that the above is a basic template and may need to be customized and adjusted based on specific detls and legal requirements of the destination and the tour. It is remended to consult a legal professional for a prehensive and legally binding contract.篇二Outbound Travel ContractThis Outbound Travel Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:Tour Operator:Name: [Tour Operator's Name]Address: [Tour Operator's Address]Contact Number: [Tour Operator's Contact Number]E: [Tour Operator's E]Tourist:Name: [Tourist's Name]Passport Number: [Passport Number]Contact Number: [Tourist's Contact Number]E: [Tourist's E]Article 1: Tour Package Detls1.1 The tour package includes the following:Destination: [Destination Country/Region]Travel Dates: From [Start Date] to [End Date]Acmodation: [Hotel Name and Location]Transportation: [Detls of Flights, Trns, Buses, etc.]Tour Itinerary: [Detled Dly Itinerary]Article 2: Tour Price and Payment2.1 The total tour price is [Amount in USD/EUR/Other Currency] per person.2.2 The tourist shall make the following payments:Deposit: [Deposit Amount] within [Number of Days] days after signing this contract.Balance Payment: [Balance Amount] no later than [Specific Date] before the departure date.Article 3: Cancellation Policy3.1 If the tourist cancels the tour:More than [Number of Days] days before departure: [Refund Percentage] of the total tour price will be refunded.Less than [Number of Days] days but more than [Number of Days] days before departure: [Refund Percentage] of the total tour price will be refunded.Within [Number of Days] days before departure: No refund will be provided.3.2 If the tour operator cancels the tour for any reason, a full refund of the tour price will be made to the tourist.Article 4: Insurance4.1 The tour operator shall remend appropriate travel insurance to the tourist and provide necessary information.4.2 It is the tourist's responsibility to purchase travel insurance at their own expense.Article 5: Tourist's Responsibilities5.1 The tourist shall hold a valid passport and obtn all necessary visas and travel documents.5.2 The tourist shall abide the laws and regulations of the destination country/region and respect local customs and traditions.5.3 The tourist shall follow the instructions of the tour guide and tour operator during the tour.Article 6: Tour Operator's Responsibilities6.1 The tour operator shall provide the services as described in the tour package with reasonable care and skill.6.2 The tour operator shall handle any emergencies or problems that occur during the tour in a timely and appropriate manner.Article 7: Force Majeure7.1 In the event of force majeure (such as natural disasters, wars, strikes, etc.), neither party shall be held liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this contract.7.2 If the force majeure event affects the tour, the tour operator shall make reasonable efforts to arrange alternative arrangements or provide a refund as appropriate.Article 8: Dispute Resolution8.1 Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation.8.2 If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].Article 9: Governing Law and Jurisdiction9.1 This contract shall be governed the laws of [Applicable Law].9.2 Any legal actions arising from this contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. By signing this Contract, both the tour operator and the tourist agree to be bound its terms and conditions.Tour Operator (Signature): [Tour Operator's Signature]Tourist (Signature): [Tourist's Signature]Date: [Date]Please note that this is a basic template and may need to be customized and adapted based on the specific detls and requirements of your outbound travel package. It is remended to consult with a legal professional for a prehensive and legally binding contract.篇三Outbound Travel ContractThis Outbound Travel Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:Tour Operator: [Name of Tour Operator], a pany registered at [address] and having its business registration number as [number] (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator");Tourist: [Name of Tourist], with passport number [passport number] and contact detls as [contact information] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tourist").1. Tour Package Detls1.1 The Operator shall provide the Tourist with the following outbound tour package:Destination: [Destination country/city]Travel Dates: From [start date] to [end date]Acmodation: [Hotel name and location]Tour Itinerary: [Detled itinerary of the tour]1.2 The total cost of the tour package for the Tourist is [total amount] (inclusive of all taxes and fees).2. Payment Terms2.1 The Tourist shall make the following payments to the Operator:A deposit of [deposit amount] within [number of days] after the signing of this Contract.The balance payment of [balance amount] no later than [date].2.2 Payments shall be made one of the following methods: [List acceptable payment methods, such as bank transfer, credit card, etc.]3. Cancellation and Refund Policy3.1 If the Tourist cancels the tour:More than [number of days] before the departure date, the deposit will be refunded with a deduction of [cancellation fee percentage].Within [number of days] before the departure date, no refund will be given for the deposit.In case of force majeure (such as natural disasters, political unrest, etc.), the Operator will refund the Tourist the amount pd after deducting the non-recoverable costs.3.2 If the Operator cancels the tour for any reason, the Tourist will be end toa full refund of the amount pd.4. Obligations and Responsibilities of the Operator4.1 The Operator shall make necessary arrangements for the Tourist's travel, acmodation, and tour activities in accordance with the agreed itinerary.4.2 The Operator shall provide accurate and timely information to the Tourist regarding the tour.4.3 The Operator shall ensure the safety and well-being of the Tourist during the tour and take appropriate measures in case of emergencies.5. Obligations and Responsibilities of the Tourist5.1 The Tourist shall abide the laws and regulations of the destination country.5.2 The Tourist shall follow the instructions of the tour guide and the Operator's staff.5.3 The Tourist shall be responsible for obtning the necessary travel documents (such as passports, visas, etc.) and ensuring their validity.6. Force MajeureIn the event of force majeure circumstances beyond the control of either party, such as natural disasters, wars, or epidemics, the parties shall negotiate in good fth to find an appropriate solution.7. Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the parties.7.2 If the negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to the arbitration institution [name of the arbitration institution] for arbitration in accordance with its rules and procedures.8. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable law]. The courts of [jurisdiction] shall have jurisdiction over any disputes arising from this Contract.This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. By signing this Contract, both the Operator and the Tourist agree to be bound its terms and conditions.Operator (Signature and Seal): [Operator's Signature and Seal]Date: [Date]Tourist (Signature): [Tourist's Signature]Date: [Date]。
出境旅游英文合同范本Outbound Travel ContractThis Outbound Travel Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into and between [Tour Operator Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tour Operator") and [Tourist Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tourist").1. Tour Detls:The Tour Operator shall provide the tourist with the following tour services: Destination: [Specific destination]Duration: [Start date] to [End date]Acmodation: [Detls of acmodation]Itinerary: [Describe the detled itinerary]2. Fees and Payments:The total cost of the tour for the tourist is [Amount in currency]. The tourist shall pay [Amount of deposit] as a deposit within [Number of days] days after signing this contract, and the remning balance shall be pd [Time for balance payment] before the start of the tour.3. Responsibilities of the Tour Operator:Arrange for transportation, acmodation, and sightseeing as stipulated in the itinerary.Provide professional tour guides and necessary assistance during the tour.Ensure the safety and fort of the tourist.4. Responsibilities of the Tourist:Comply with the tour itinerary and rules.Pay the tour fees on time.Take care of personal belongings and be responsible for personal actions.5. Cancellations and Refunds:In case of cancellation the tourist, the following refund policies shall apply: [Detls of refund policy for different cancellation times]In case of cancellation the Tour Operator due to force majeure or other unavoidable reasons, the Tour Operator shall make reasonable arrangements and refunds as appropriate.6. Dispute Resolution:In case of any disputes or differences arising from this Contract, both parties shall attempt to resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to [Appropriate arbitration body or court] for resolution.7. Miscellaneous:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. Any amendments or additions to this Contract must be in writing and signed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Contract on [Date of signing].Tour Operator: [Signature and Name]Tourist: [Signature and Name]Please note that this is just a basic sample and actual contracts may vary depending on specific circumstances and requirements. It is advisable to consult a legal professional for a prehensive and customized contract.。
中英文旅游合同范本甲方(旅游者):_____________________Party A (Tourist): _____________________乙方(旅行社):_____________________Party B (Travel Agency): _____________________鉴于甲方有意参加由乙方组织的旅游活动,乙方愿意提供相应的旅游服务,双方本着平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,订立本合同,以资共同遵守。
鉴于 Party A intends to participate in the travel activities organized by Party B, and Party B is willing to provide the corresponding travel services, both parties, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, have agreed upon this contract after negotiation and shall adhere to it jointly.第一条旅游服务内容Article 1 Travel Service Content1.1 乙方应根据本合同约定,为甲方提供以下旅游服务:1.1 Party B shall provide the following travel services to Party A in accordance with the terms of this contract:(1)_____________________(2)_____________________(3)____________________1.2 甲方应根据本合同约定,向乙方支付旅游费用,具体金额为:_____________________1.2 Party A shall pay the travel expenses to Party B inaccordance with the terms of this contract, the specific amount is: ________________第二条旅游费用及支付方式Article 2 Travel Expenses and Payment Method2.1 旅游费用包括但不限于交通费、住宿费、餐饮费、景点门票费等。
去国外旅游比较简约的免费合同6篇篇1旅游合同协议甲方(旅游者):__________________ 身份证号:_________________________乙方(旅游服务提供商):_________________________鉴于甲方计划前往国外旅游,乙方提供旅游服务,双方根据平等、自愿、公平的原则,就本次旅游活动达成如下协议:一、旅游服务内容乙方为甲方提供以下旅游服务:1. 旅游目的地:_________________________(具体地点)2. 旅游时间:自______年______月______日至______年______月______日,共______天。
3. 旅游项目:包括但不限于景点游览、交通、住宿、餐饮等。
二、费用及支付方式1. 本次旅游服务费用总计为人民币______元,甲方需支付该费用给乙方。
2. 支付方式:甲方选择以下第______种方式支付费用。
3. 乙方在收到甲方支付的款项后,将向甲方提供相应的收据。
三、旅游安排与标准1. 乙方应按照合同约定为甲方提供优质的旅游服务。
2. 旅游行程、住宿、餐饮等标准详见附件《旅游行程单》。
3. 乙方有权根据当地实际情况对旅游安排进行适当调整,但应事先告知甲方并获得甲方同意。
四、双方权利义务1. 甲方应按时支付旅游费用,遵守旅游纪律,配合乙方完成旅游活动。
2. 乙方应按照合同约定为甲方提供旅游服务,确保旅游活动的安全与顺利进行。
3. 甲方应遵守当地的法律法规,尊重当地的风俗习惯。
4. 乙方有权拒绝甲方提出的超出合同约定的不合理要求。
五、违约责任及赔偿1. 甲乙双方任何一方未履行本合同约定的义务,均应承担违约责任。
2. 若因乙方的原因导致旅游活动无法如期进行或造成甲方损失,乙方应承担赔偿责任。
英文出境旅游服务合同出租方(房东):姓名:____________________________承租方(租客):姓名:____________________________双方经友好协商,就房屋租赁事宜达成如下协议:房屋信息1.1 房屋地址为:。
1.2 房屋类型为:(如住宅、公寓、写字楼等)。
1.3 房屋面积为:____________________________平方米。
租赁期限2.1 租赁开始日期为:。
2.2 租赁结束日期为:。
2.3 租赁期满后,如承租方希望继续租赁,应在租赁期满前一个月书面通知出租方,以便协商续租事宜。
租金及支付方式3.1 每月租金为:____________________________ 元人民币。
3.2 租金支付方式为:(如银行转账、现金等)。
3.3 租金支付日期为:(如每月的第一天)。
3.4 租金应在每个月的支付日期前完成支付。
押金4.1 押金金额为:____________________________ 元人民币。
4.2 押金支付方式为:____________________________。
4.3 押金退还条件:租赁期满,承租方在退房时应将房屋恢复至原状,押金将在退房后____________________________天内退还给承租方,扣除因房屋损坏或欠租金等产生的费用。
房屋用途5.1 房屋仅用于____________________________(如居住、办公等)。
5.2 承租方不得将房屋用于其他用途,不得擅自改变房屋结构或用途。
维修责任6.1 出租方的维修责任包括但不限于房屋的主要设施和结构的维修,如水电系统、房屋主体结构等。
6.2 承租方的维修责任包括日常使用中的小修小补,如灯泡、更换门锁等。
合同解除条件7.1 出租方可在以下情况下解除合同:承租方未按时支付租金、严重违反合同条款、房屋存在安全隐患或不可抗力因素导致租赁无法继续。
甲方(旅行社):____________________乙方(旅游者):____________________签订日期:______年______月______日英文版:Travel ContractParty A (Travel Agency): ____________________Party B (Tourist): ____________________According to the provisions of the "Travel Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the touristic matters organized by Party A for Party B on the basis of voluntary, equality, fairness, and good faith:I. Tour Itinerary ArrangementsParty A shall formulate the itinerary arrangements for this tour according to Party B's needs and requirements, including the tourist destination, departure date, itinerary route, accommodation standards, meal standards, and transportation mode.II. Cost and Payment MethodThe total cost of this tour is RMB______ yuan, which Party B shall pay to Party A at the time of signing this contract. Party A shall provide Party B with invoices and relevant documents after the tour is over.III. Rights and Obligations of Party AParty A shall provide corresponding services according to the agreed itinerary arrangement and ensure the quality of service. If force majeure factors cause the itinerary to be blocked, Party A shall promptly notify Party B and assist in solving the problem.IV. Rights and Obligations of Party BParty B shall pay the tour fee on time, abide by the itinerary arrangement, and not leave the group or change the itinerary without permission. If special circumstances require changing theitinerary or ending the tour early, Party B shall negotiate with Party A to resolve the issue.V. Liability for Breach of ContractIf any party to this contract breaches the contractual provisions, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.VI. Dispute Resolution MethodIf there is a dispute between Party A and Party B in the performance of this contract, they shall友好协商resolve it; if negotiation fails, they may bring a lawsuit in a people's court with jurisdiction.。
第三条价格及费用1. 乙方应按照约定支付出境旅游的费用。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求及时支付费用,逾期不支付的,甲方有权取消乙方的出境旅游资格,并扣除乙方已支付的费用作为违约金。
第四条保险1. 乙方应购买出境旅游保险,以确保在旅途中遇到突发事件时能够得到及时赔偿和帮助。
2. 乙方在签订本合同时应提供相应的保险证明,如未提供或提供的保险不符合要求,甲方有权要求乙方重新购买符合要求的保险。
第五条乙方义务1. 乙方在出境旅游期间应遵守当地法律法规和风俗习惯,不得从事不良行为。
2. 乙方应保护好自己的财物和个人安全,避免发生意外事件。
3. 乙方应尊重导游和其他旅客的权利,不得干扰导游的行程安排和其他旅客的正常旅游秩序。
第六条甲方责任1. 甲方应为乙方提供合格的服务,确保乙方的出境旅游顺利完成。
2. 若因甲方原因导致乙方出现重大损失,甲方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
第九条其他事项1. 本合同自签订之日起生效,至旅游结束之日止。
2. 乙方在签订本合同时应提供有效的身份证明和联系方式,若遇到突发情况便于联系。
3. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
出境旅游英文合同范本合同编号(Contract No.):__________甲方(旅游者)(Party A (Tourist)):姓名(Name):__________身份证号(ID Card No.):__________联系地址(Contact Address):__________联系电话(Contact Phone):__________乙方(旅行社)(Party B (Travel Agency)):名称(Name):__________营业执照号码(Business License No.):__________联系地址(Contact Address):__________联系电话(Contact Phone):__________第一条旅游行程(Article 1. Travel Itinerary)甲方同意参加乙方组织的__________(旅游线路名称)旅游活动,行程共计________天________夜,出发日期为________年________月________日,返回日期为________年________月________日。
第二条旅游费用(Article 2. Travel Expenses)甲方应向乙方支付的旅游费用总计为人民币________元(大写:________元整),包括但不限于交通费、住宿费、餐饮费、门票费、导游服务费等。
第三条服务标准(Article 3. Service Standards)1. 交通:乙方应为甲方安排符合安全标准的交通工具,并保证交通工具的舒适性和准时性。
2. 住宿:乙方应为甲方安排符合当地三星级标准以上的酒店住宿,并保证住宿环境的卫生和安全。
3. 餐饮:乙方应为甲方安排符合当地饮食习惯和卫生标准的餐饮,并保证餐饮的质量和数量。
出境旅游合同范本甲方(旅游者):______________________乙方(旅行社):_______________________鉴于甲方有意参加由乙方组织的出境旅游活动,经双方协商一致,现就出境旅游相关事宜达成如下合同条款:第一条旅游行程1. 乙方负责组织甲方参加出境旅游,旅游目的地为:_________________。
2. 旅游行程安排如下:- 第一天:_____________________- 第二天:_____________________- 第三天:_____________________- ......- 第N天:___________________第二条旅游费用1. 甲方应支付的旅游费用总额为:_______元/人。
2. 费用包含:- 交通:往返机票/火车票/汽车票- 住宿:_______晚酒店住宿- 餐饮:_______餐- 门票:行程内所列景点门票- 导游:专业导游服务- 保险:旅游意外险3. 费用不包含:- 个人消费- 单房差- 因不可抗力因素产生的额外费用第三条付款方式1. 甲方应在签订合同后_______日内支付定金_______元/人。
2. 余款应在出发前_______日内一次性付清。
第四条取消与变更1. 若甲方在出发前_______天内取消行程,定金不予退还。
2. 若甲方在出发前_______天内变更行程,需支付变更费用_______元/人。
3. 若因乙方原因导致行程取消或变更,乙方应提前通知甲方,并退还已支付费用。
第五条责任与义务1. 乙方应保证旅游服务质量,提供符合合同约定的服务。
2. 甲方应遵守旅游目的地的法律法规,尊重当地风俗习惯。
3. 甲方应按时支付旅游费用,不得无故拖欠。
第六条争议解决1. 双方因履行本合同所产生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决。
2. 协商不成时,可向乙方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
第七条其他1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
一、旅游内容1. 旅游目的地:2. 旅游日期:3. 旅游天数:4. 旅游项目:二、费用及支付1. 甲方应支付的旅游费用为:2. 甲方支付费用的方式为:3. 甲方支付费用的期限为:三、旅游服务1. 乙方应按约定提供旅游服务,包括:2. 乙方应确保甲方的旅游安全,采取必要的安全保障措施,如:四、甲方义务1. 甲方应按照约定的时间和地点参加旅游活动,如:2. 甲方应遵守旅游目的地的法律法规,如:五、违约责任1. 如乙方未按约定提供旅游服务,甲方有权要求乙方承担违约责任,如:2. 如甲方未按约定支付旅游费用,乙方有权要求甲方承担违约责任,如:六、不可抗力1. 如因不可抗力导致合同无法履行,双方互不承担违约责任,如:七、争议解决1. 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;如协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。
八、其他约定1. 双方应遵守国家相关法律法规,如:2. 双方应保护环境,如:本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
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1出境旅游接待合同Outbound Travel Service Contract合同编号Contract No:GTA__________ 本出境旅游接待合同由以下双方于__ 20 __ 年____月日签订:This Outbound Travel Service Contract is entered into by the following parties on 25 MARCH 20XX;__XXXXXXXXXXX公司,系依照中华人民共和国法律设立的法人,依法享有组织中国公民出国旅游的经营权,注册地址在 ____电话:_ ,传真:(下称“甲方”);__,Ltd.Guangzhoubranch__, a company incorporated under the laws ofthe People’s Republic of China and entitled to organizeoutbound tourismfor Chinese citizens with registered address at__________________________________________________;Tel:___________; Fax:_________ (“Party A”).GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (香港XXX商务旅行公司),系依照香港法律设立的法人,是XXX旅游集团(Gullivers Travel Associates)的子公司,具有接待中国公民出境旅游的经营资格,地址在香港九龙观塘伟业街XXXX号宏利金融中心B座7楼XX室; 电话:XXXXXX,传真:(下称“乙方”)。
GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (“G”),a subsidiary of Gullivers Travel Associates and entitled to provide outbound tourism servicesto Chinesecitizen with principal place of business at Unit 708A, 7Floor, Tower B Manulife Financial Centre 223-231 Wai Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong; Tel: XXXXXX; Fax:XXXXXXX_ (“Party B”):2甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就组织、接待中国公民前往向中国公民开放旅游的国家/地区旅游事宜,明确双方的权利义务,订立本合同。
Upon friendly consultation, both parties reachthis contract in respectto provision outbound tourismservices to Chinese citizens as follows: 第一条甲方同意将组织成行的旅游团交由乙方接待,乙方同意按照双方确认的接待标准,安排旅游团的旅行游览活动。
Party A agreed to employ Party B to providetourism services to tourism groups organized by Party A. Party B agreed to providesuch services according to the arrangements confirmed by both parties.第二条甲方应在旅游团进入目的地国境之日20天前向乙方预报团队信息;乙方应当在接到甲方预报后2个工作日内予以回复。
甲方应当在旅游团进入目的地国境之日前5个工作日内,以书面形式向乙方提供下列资料:Party A shall notify Party B preliminary group information 20 days prior to the planed arrival date; Party B shall respond to Party A within 2 working days after receipt of the notice. Party A shall provide following detailed information in writingto Party B 5 days prior to the planed arrivaldate:1.接待标准;Accommodation Standard;2.游程安排;Itinerary;3.旅游者名单(含姓名、性别、出生年月、职业、国籍、证件名称、号码);TouristDetails4.所需房间数;Rooms Needed5.入境航班或车次。
Flight Information乙方应按上述要求向甲方做出报价。
3Party B shall providefee quotation to Party A based on the above information. Both parties, upon confirmation of the aforesaid,shall perform relevant trip accordingly. Party A shall notify Party B 14 days prior to departure date in case of cancellation. Otherwise, 50% of the group fees shall be paid to Party B as compensation.甲方应保证旅行团成员持有前往目的地国家/地区的有效护照和签证。
Party A shall be responsible for validity of tourist’s passport and visa.第三条除非双方另有约定,甲方应当在旅游团进入目的地国境之日前,用电汇方式把旅游团的全部旅行费用汇入乙方帐户。
Unless otherwise agreed, Party A shall remit group fees to the following bank account of Party B by T/T prior to arrival date of the group:开户银行如果甲方未能按本合同规定支付相关款项,每逾期一日,应向乙方支付未付款项的千分之一作为违约金,并赔偿乙方的其他损失。
In case of any delay in the above payment, Party A shall pay 0.1% of outstanding amount as liquidated damage for each day delayed, and compensate for any loss ofParty B.第四条如因甲方操作失误或甲方的其他原因造成旅游团行程延误、更改、取消所产生的经济损失(包括但不限于乙方的损失)由甲方承担。
Party A shall be responsible for any loss (including but not limited to loss of Party B) caused by delay, modification or cancellation of the groups due to reasons attributable to Party A.第五条乙方应当按照本合同和合同附件约定及双方确认的标准和日程安排为旅游团提供服务。
Party B shall provideservices according to the agreed schedule and standards. Otherwise,Party B shall compensate price difference to Party Aand bear the cost of changes of itinerary, transportation and accommodation unless such changes are caused by force majure and/or reasons not attributable to Party B第六条如果接待国法律有强制性要求,乙方应当为旅游团委派持有导游证的导游人员提供服务。
If required by local law compulsorily, Party B shall providelicensed tour guide for the groups. Tour guide shall not force tourist to shop orparticipatein programnot included in the schedule or induce tourist to visit pornographic, gambling or drug places.第七条甲方旅游团搭乘飞机、轮船、汽车或在饭店、餐厅等各项旅游设施(区)中受到损害,或遇到战争、地震、海啸、传染性疫病等突发安全事件,乙方必须立即向甲方反馈信息。
Party B shall notify Party A of any emergency of the groups or touristsand provide assistancein handling of such emergencies.第八条甲方旅游团在进入目的地国境被阻时,除甲方或旅游者自身的原因外,乙方应当积极协助处理;如属乙方原因,乙方应当负责处理。