中国的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵TheMingTombs雍和宫YongheLamasery中华世纪坦ChinaCenturyAltar秦始皇陵TheEmperorQinShihuang'sTomb天安门广场Tian'anmenSquare华表OrnamentalPillars人民英雄纪念碑TheMonumenttothePeople'sHeroes 毛主席纪念堂ChairmanMaoMemorialHall人民大会堂TheGreatHallofthePeople故宫TheForbiddenCity乾清宫ThePalaceofHeavenlyPurity坤宁宫ThePalaceofEarthlyTranquility御花园TheImperialGarden九龙壁TheNineDragonScreen天坛TheTempleofHeaven回音壁EchoWall祈年殿TheHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest颐和园TheSummerPalace佛香阁TheTowerofBuddhistIncense石舫TheMarbleBoat十七孔桥The17-ArchBridge铜牛BronzeOx谐趣园TheGardenofHarmoniousInterests长城TheGreatWall居庸关JuyongguanPass北海公园:BeihaiPark故宫博物院:thePalaceMuseum革命历史博物馆:TheMuseumofRevolutionaryHistory 毛主席纪念堂:ChairmanMaoZedongMemorialHall保和殿:theHallofPreservingHarmony中和殿:theHallofCentralHarmony长城:theGreatWall午门:theMeridianGate紫金山天文台:PurpleandGoldHillsObservation紫禁城:theForbiddenCity御花园:ImperialGarden颐花园:SummerPalace天坛:TempleofHeaven周口店遗址:ZhoukoudianAncientSite太和殿:theHallofSupremeHarmony祈年殿:theHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest.少年宫:theChildren’sPalace烽火台:theBeaconTower人民大会堂:theGreatHallofthePeople清东陵:EastenRoyalTomsoftheQingDynasty乾清宫:PalaceofHeavenlyPurity民族文化宫:theCulturalPalaceforNationalities劳动人民文化宫:WorkerPeople’sCulturalPalace北京工人体育馆:BeijingWorkers’Stadium护城河:theMoat仙人洞:FairyCave黄果树瀑布:HuangguoshuFalls西山晴雪:theSunnyWesternHillsafterSnow避暑山庄:theImperialMountainSummerResort龙门石窟:LongmenCave苏州园林:SuzhouGardens庐山:LushanMountain天池:HeavenPoll蓬莱水城:PenglaiWaterCity大雁塔:BigWildGoosePagoda华山:HuashanMountain峨眉山:EmeiMountain石林:StoneForest西湖:WestLake白马寺:WhiteHorseTemple白云山:WhiteCloudMountain.布达拉宫:PotalaPalace大运河:GrandCanal滇池:DianchiLake杜甫草堂:DuFuCottage都江堰:DujiangDam鼓浪屿:GulangyuIslet观音阁:GoddessofMercyPavilion归元寺:GuiyuanBuddhistTemple甘露寺:SweetDewTemple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleumofthe72Martyrs华清池:HuaqingHotSpring昭君墓:Zhaojun’sTomb毛泽东故居:MaoZedong’sFormerResidence周恩来故居:ZhouEnlai’sFormerResidence越秀公园:YuexiuPark岳阳楼:YueyangTower南湖公园:SouthLakePark中山公园:ZhongshanPark漓江:LijiangRiver寒山寺:HanshanTemple静心斋:Heart-EastStudy黄鹤楼:YellowCraneTower黄山:HuangshanMountain天下第一关:theFirstPassUnderHeaven桂林山水:GuilinScenerywithHillsandWaters秦始皇兵马俑:QinTerra-CottaWarriorsandHorsesFigurines HuaQINGhotspring华清池drumtower鼓楼GreatGOOSEpagoda大雁塔theWestLake西湖泰山:MountTaishan庐山:Mt.Lu天安门及广场Tian'anmenandTian'anmenSquare 故宫ThePalaceMuseum天坛TheTempleofHeaven颐和园TheSummerPalace长城TheGreatWall(八达岭长城TheGreatWallatBadaling居庸关长城TheGreatWallatJuyongguanPass慕田峪长城TheGreatWallatMutianyu司马台长城TheGreatWallatSimatai)明十三陵TheMingTombs北海公园BeihaiPark雍和宫YonghegongLarmasery白云观TheWhiteCloudTaoistTemple北京孔庙BeijingConfuciusTemple国子监TheImperialCollege潭柘寺TanzheTemple圆明园TheRuinsofYuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址PekingManSiteatZhoukoudian中华民族园ChineseEthnicCulturePark世界公园BeijingWorldPark中华世纪坛ChinaCenturyAltar桂林山水theLandscapeofGuilin杭州西湖theWestLakeofHangzhou故宫theImperialPalace苏州园林theGardensofSuzhou安徽黄山MountHuangofAnhui长江三峡theThreeGorgesontheYangtzeRiver台湾日月潭theSunandMoonLakeofTaiwan河北承德避暑山庄theSummerMountainResortinChengde,Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑TerraCottaWarriors半坡遗址BanPoVilligeRemains。
中国的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵The Ming Tombs雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery中华世纪坦China Century Altar秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场Tian'anmen Square华表Ornamental Pillars人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People故宫The Forbidden City乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility御花园The Imperial Garden九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen天坛The Temple of Heaven回音壁Echo Wall祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest颐和园The Summer Palace佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense石舫The Marble Boat十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge铜牛Bronze Ox谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests长城The Great Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History 天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden颐花园: Summer Palace天坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山 :Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫 :Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Yuexiu Park岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple静心斋: Heart-East Study黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower黄山 : Huangshan Mountain天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines HuaQING hot spring 华清池drum tower 鼓楼Great GOOSE pagoda 大雁塔the West Lake西湖泰山:Mount Taishan庐山:Mt. Lu 天安门及广场 Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square故宫 The Palace Museum天坛 The Temple of Heaven颐和园 The Summer Palace长城 The Great Wall(八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵 The Ming Tombs北海公园 Beihai Park雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple国子监 The Imperial College潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park世界公园 Beijing World Park中华世纪坛 China Century Altar桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou故宫 the Imperial Palace苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan河北承德避暑山庄 the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors半坡遗址 Ban Po Villige Remains1。
中国各地的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵The Ming Tombs雍和宫Y onghe Lamasery中华世纪坦China Century Altar秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场Tian'anmen Square华表Ornamental Pillars人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People故宫The Forbidden City乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility御花园The Imperial Garden九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen天坛The Temple of Heaven回音壁Echo Wall祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest颐和园The Summer Palace佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense石舫The Marble Boat十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge铜牛Bronze Ox谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests长城The Great Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History 天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden颐花园: Summer Palace天坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山:Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫:Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Y uexiu Park岳阳楼: Y ueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple静心斋: Heart-East Study黄鹤楼: Y ellow Crane Tower黄山: Huangshan Mountain天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines HuaQING hot spring 华清池drum tower 鼓楼Great GOOSE pagoda 大雁塔the West Lake西湖泰山:Mount Taishan庐山:Mt. Lu 天安门及广场Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square 故宫The Palace Museum天坛The Temple of Heaven颐和园The Summer Palace长城The Great Wall(八达岭长城The Great Wall at Badaling居庸关长城The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass慕田峪长城The Great Wall at Mutianyu司马台长城The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵The Ming Tombs北海公园Beihai Park雍和宫Y onghegong Larmasery白云观The White Cloud Taoist Temple北京孔庙Beijing Confucius Temple国子监The Imperial College潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple圆明园The Ruins of Y uanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian中华民族园Chinese Ethnic Culture Park世界公园Beijing World Park中华世纪坛China Century Altar桂林山水the Landscape of Guilin杭州西湖the West Lake of Hangzhou故宫the Imperial Palace苏州园林the Gardens of Suzhou安徽黄山Mount Huang of Anhui长江三峡the Three Gorges on the Y angtze River台湾日月潭the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan河北承德避暑山庄the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors半坡遗址Ban Po V illige RemainsThe Big Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔2.The Small Wild Pagoda 小雁塔3.The Bell Tower 钟楼4.The Banpo Museum 半坡博物馆5.The Xingjiao Temple 兴教寺6.The Great Mosque 清真寺7.TheDeep Fragrance Pavilion Xingqinggong Park 兴庆宫沉香厅8.The Temple of Emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇陵9.Terra –cotta Soldiers and Horses 兵马俑Terra cotta WarriosQin Warrios10.The Summer Palace 颐和园11.The Sydeny Opera House 悉尼歌剧院12.The White House 白宫13.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫14.The Forbidden City 紫禁城15.Tomb of Princess Y ongtai 永泰公主墓16.the Huaqing Pool 华清池17.the Hot Spring in Li Mountain 骊山温泉18.Tang Wells 唐井19.Nine-Drangon Lake 九龙糊20.Tang Operras and Recreations 梨园。
名胜古迹的英语说法1.places of historic interest and scenic beauty2.famous historic and cultural sites3.places of historic interest名胜古迹的相关短语游览名胜古迹 Historical Sites Tour ; hit the spots特指名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites拜访名胜古迹Visit sites and monuments ; Visit places of interest世界名胜古迹 World famous sights and monuments有许多名胜古迹 There are many monuments畅游名胜古迹 enjoy a trip to places of historic interest名胜古迹的英语例句1. A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city.参观这个城市的名胜古迹可能要用一个星期.2. In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。
3. Wherever he goes, he always goes to visit the local beauty spots and places of historical interest.每到一个地方, 他都要去看看当地的名胜古迹.4. Well, I have visited many of the historical places in London.嗯, 我参观了伦敦的许多名胜古迹.5. My meeting with Sadat was thus sandwiched between thecontemplations of antiquity.我和萨达特的会晤就这样安排在两次观赏名胜古迹之间.6. They spent the whole day wandering about seeing the sights.他们花了一整天,到处跑跑,参观名胜古迹.7. He has made over the whole property to the National Trust.他已把全部房地产转交给全国名胜古迹托管协会.8. Day after day and night after night we have wandered among the crumbing wonders of Rome.日日夜夜,我们在罗马名胜古迹的废墟中徘徊.9. I'm afraid two days isn't enough for you to see all the places of interest.恐怕两天的时间不够你游览所有的名胜古迹.10. Has bright cultural and the scenic spot and historic resort.有灿烂的文化和名胜古迹.11. The tourist area is dotted with historic and scenic attractions.旅游区内名胜古迹星罗棋布.12. The island abounds with places of historic and scenic interest.普陀山的名胜古迹很多.13. England can well boast of its numerous scenic spots and historical relics.英格兰以拥有许多名胜古迹而自豪.14. LongZhong is a place of historical interest in our XF.隆中是我们襄樊的名胜古迹.15. Are there any places of historical interest here?这儿有名胜古迹吗 ?著名景点的英语例句1. Actually this is one of the most visited places of Mallorca.其实这里是马略卡岛上著名景点之一.2. And it has many plaques about the history of the famous site.而且还有很多碑牌记录着这个著名景点的历史.3. The group goes on a lecture tour of site in Greece.该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游.4. What famous scenic spot does this city have?这个城市有什么著名景点?5. London has many famous scenic spots, such as Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Hyde Park.伦敦有很多著名景点, 例如白金汉宫、伦敦桥、海德公园等.6. Yueyang Tower Pavilion is a famous scenic spot in the Dongting Lake area.岳阳楼是洞庭湖区的著名景点.7. What are known as Guansuo Peak and Shaijia Mountain are two other places of scenic interest.关索岭,是另一处著名景点.8. According to our five - day itinerary, we shall visIt'six famous scenic spots in Beijing.根据我们五天的行程安排, 我们将游览北京六大著名景点.9. They stayed at several of the island's top tourist spots.他们在岛上最著名的几处旅游景点作了停留。
介绍北京的名胜古迹小学生英语作文**Exploring the Ancient City of Beijing: A Journey Through Its Famous Historical Sites**Beijing, the capital of China, is a city steeped in history and culture. It's a place where ancient traditions and modern progress coexist harmoniously. Home to the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Temple of Heaven, among many other historical landmarks, Beijing offers a fascinating glimpse into China's rich past. Let's take a journey through some of the city's most famous attractions. **Forbidden City**The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structured building complex in the world. It was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties and a symbol of imperial power for almost 500 years. Wandering through its vast courtyards and intricate palaces, one can imagine the grandeur and splendor of the imperial era.**The Great Wall**One of the New Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Wall is a testament to ancient Chinese wisdom and labor. Stretching over thousands of kilometers, it once served as a defense against invaders. Standing on its crumbling bricks, one can feel the weight of history and the determination of the ancient Chinese people.**Temple of Heaven**The Temple of Heaven is a place where ancient Chinese emperors worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvests and prosperity. Its architecture is a blend of traditional Chinese styles and symbols, making it a beautiful example of ancient religious architecture. Visiting this serene and peaceful place gives one a sense of the importance of religion in ancient Chinese society.**Summer Palace**The Summer Palace, also known as the Old Summer Palace, is a large historical and cultural complex in the western suburbs of Beijing. It was built by the Qing Dynasty as a royal garden and pleasure palace. The Summer Palace features extensive园林scenery, including lakes, pavilions, temples, and bridges, all set against a backdrop ofbeautiful natural scenery. It's a perfect blend of nature and art, offering a respite from the hustle and bustle of modern Beijing.**Peking Opera**While not a physical attraction, Peking Opera is a must-experience when visiting Beijing. This unique form of Chinese theater combines music, dance, acrobatics, and mime to tell stories. Watching a Peking Opera performance is not just an entertainment experience; it's a journey through Chinese history and culture.Beijing is truly a city that offers something for everyone. Its historical landmarks are not just tourist attractions; they are windows to the past, giving us a glimpse into the rich and diverse history of China.Visiting these places is not just about seeing the sights; it's about connecting with the spirit of the ancient Chinese people and understanding their values and traditions.**探索古都北京:名胜古迹之旅**北京,中国的首都,是一座充满历史和文化底蕴的城市。
司马台长城The Great Wall at Simatai)
xxThe Ming Tombs
xxBeihai Park
雍和宫Yonghegong Larmasery
白云观The White Cloud Taoist Temple
北京孔庙Beijing Confucius Temple
Goddess of Mercy Pavilion
Guiyuan Buddhist Temple
Sweet Dew Temple
Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs华清池:
Huaqing Hot Spring
Zhaojun’s Tomb
中华世纪坛China Century Altar
桂林山水the Landscape of Guilin
杭州西湖the West Lake of Hangzhou
故宫the Imperial Palace
苏州园林the Gardens of Suzhou
安徽黄山Mount Huang of Anhui长江三峡the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River台湾日月潭the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan河北承德避暑山庄the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei
国子监The Imperial College
xxTanzhe Temple
圆明园The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan
周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man Site at
中国的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵TheMingTombs雍和宫YongheLamasery中华世纪坦ChinaCenturyAltar秦始皇陵TheEmperorQinShihuang'sTomb天安门广场Tian'anmenSquare华表OrnamentalPillars人民英雄纪念碑TheMonumenttothePeople'sHeroes 毛主席纪念堂ChairmanMaoMemorialHall人民大会堂TheGreatHallofthePeople故宫TheForbiddenCity乾清宫ThePalaceofHeavenlyPurity坤宁宫ThePalaceofEarthlyTranquility御花园TheImperialGarden九龙壁TheNineDragonScreen天坛TheTempleofHeaven回音壁EchoWall祈年殿TheHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest颐和园TheSummerPalace佛香阁TheTowerofBuddhistIncense石舫TheMarbleBoat十七孔桥The17-ArchBridge铜牛BronzeOx谐趣园TheGardenofHarmoniousInterests长城TheGreatWall居庸关JuyongguanPass北海公园:BeihaiPark故宫博物院:thePalaceMuseum革命历史博物馆:TheMuseumofRevolutionaryHistory 毛主席纪念堂:ChairmanMaoZedongMemorialHall保和殿:theHallofPreservingHarmony中和殿:theHallofCentralHarmony长城:theGreatWall午门:theMeridianGate紫金山天文台:PurpleandGoldHillsObservation紫禁城:theForbiddenCity御花园:ImperialGarden颐花园:SummerPalace天坛:TempleofHeaven周口店遗址:ZhoukoudianAncientSite太和殿:theHallofSupremeHarmony祈年殿:theHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest.少年宫:theChildren’sPalace烽火台:theBeaconTower人民大会堂:theGreatHallofthePeople清东陵:EastenRoyalTomsoftheQingDynasty乾清宫:PalaceofHeavenlyPurity民族文化宫:theCulturalPalaceforNationalities劳动人民文化宫:WorkerPeople’sCulturalPalace北京工人体育馆:BeijingWorkers’Stadium护城河:theMoat仙人洞:FairyCave黄果树瀑布:HuangguoshuFalls西山晴雪:theSunnyWesternHillsafterSnow避暑山庄:theImperialMountainSummerResort龙门石窟:LongmenCave苏州园林:SuzhouGardens庐山:LushanMountain天池:HeavenPoll蓬莱水城:PenglaiWaterCity大雁塔:BigWildGoosePagoda华山:HuashanMountain峨眉山:EmeiMountain石林:StoneForest西湖:WestLake白马寺:WhiteHorseTemple白云山:WhiteCloudMountain.布达拉宫:PotalaPalace大运河:GrandCanal滇池:DianchiLake杜甫草堂:DuFuCottage都江堰:DujiangDam鼓浪屿:GulangyuIslet观音阁:GoddessofMercyPavilion归元寺:GuiyuanBuddhistTemple甘露寺:SweetDewTemple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleumofthe72Martyrs华清池:HuaqingHotSpring昭君墓:Zhaojun’sTomb毛泽东故居:MaoZedong’sFormerResidence周恩来故居:ZhouEnlai’sFormerResidence越秀公园:YuexiuPark岳阳楼:YueyangTower南湖公园:SouthLakePark中山公园:ZhongshanPark漓江:LijiangRiver寒山寺:HanshanTemple静心斋:Heart-EastStudy黄鹤楼:YellowCraneTower黄山:HuangshanMountain天下第一关:theFirstPassUnderHeaven桂林山水:GuilinScenerywithHillsandWaters秦始皇兵马俑:QinTerra-CottaWarriorsandHorsesFigurines HuaQINGhotspring华清池drumtower鼓楼GreatGOOSEpagoda大雁塔theWestLake西湖泰山:MountTaishan庐山:Mt.Lu天安门及广场Tian'anmenandTian'anmenSquare 故宫ThePalaceMuseum天坛TheTempleofHeaven颐和园TheSummerPalace长城TheGreatWall(八达岭长城TheGreatWallatBadaling居庸关长城TheGreatWallatJuyongguanPass慕田峪长城TheGreatWallatMutianyu司马台长城TheGreatWallatSimatai)明十三陵TheMingTombs北海公园BeihaiPark雍和宫YonghegongLarmasery白云观TheWhiteCloudTaoistTemple北京孔庙BeijingConfuciusTemple国子监TheImperialCollege潭柘寺TanzheTemple圆明园TheRuinsofYuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址PekingManSiteatZhoukoudian中华民族园ChineseEthnicCulturePark世界公园BeijingWorldPark中华世纪坛ChinaCenturyAltar桂林山水theLandscapeofGuilin杭州西湖theWestLakeofHangzhou故宫theImperialPalace苏州园林theGardensofSuzhou安徽黄山MountHuangofAnhui长江三峡theThreeGorgesontheYangtzeRiver台湾日月潭theSunandMoonLakeofTaiwan河北承德避暑山庄theSummerMountainResortinChengde,Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑TerraCottaWarriors半坡遗址BanPoVilligeRemains。
中国的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵TheMingTombs雍和宫YongheLamasery中华世纪坦ChinaCenturyAltar秦始皇陵TheEmperorQinShihuang'sTomb天安门广场Tian'anmenSquare华表OrnamentalPillars人民英雄纪念碑TheMonumenttothePeople'sHeroes 毛主席纪念堂ChairmanMaoMemorialHall人民大会堂TheGreatHallofthePeople故宫TheForbiddenCity乾清宫ThePalaceofHeavenlyPurity坤宁宫ThePalaceofEarthlyTranquility御花园TheImperialGarden九龙壁TheNineDragonScreen天坛TheTempleofHeaven回音壁EchoWall祈年殿TheHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest颐和园TheSummerPalace佛香阁TheTowerofBuddhistIncense石舫TheMarbleBoat十七孔桥The17-ArchBridge铜牛BronzeOx谐趣园TheGardenofHarmoniousInterests长城TheGreatWall居庸关JuyongguanPass北海公园:BeihaiPark故宫博物院:thePalaceMuseum革命历史博物馆:TheMuseumofRevolutionaryHistory 毛主席纪念堂:ChairmanMaoZedongMemorialHall保和殿:theHallofPreservingHarmony中和殿:theHallofCentralHarmony长城:theGreatWall午门:theMeridianGate紫金山天文台:PurpleandGoldHillsObservation紫禁城:theForbiddenCity御花园:ImperialGarden颐花园:SummerPalace天坛:TempleofHeaven周口店遗址:ZhoukoudianAncientSite太和殿:theHallofSupremeHarmony祈年殿:theHallofPrayerforGoodHarvest.少年宫:the Children’sPalace烽火台:theBeaconTower人民大会堂:theGreatHallofthePeople清东陵:EastenRoyalTomsoftheQingDynasty乾清宫:PalaceofHeavenlyPurity民族文化宫:theCulturalPalaceforNationalities 劳动人民文化宫:WorkerPeople’sCulturalPalace 北京工人体育馆:BeijingWorkers’Stadium护城河:theMoat仙人洞:FairyCave黄果树瀑布:HuangguoshuFalls西山晴雪:theSunnyWesternHillsafterSnow避暑山庄:theImperialMountainSummerResort龙门石窟:LongmenCave苏州园林:SuzhouGardens庐山:LushanMountain天池:HeavenPoll蓬莱水城:PenglaiWaterCity大雁塔:BigWildGoosePagoda华山:HuashanMountain峨眉山:EmeiMountain石林:StoneForest西湖:WestLake白马寺:WhiteHorseTemple白云山:WhiteCloudMountain.布达拉宫:PotalaPalace大运河:GrandCanal滇池:DianchiLake杜甫草堂:DuFuCottage都江堰:DujiangDam鼓浪屿:GulangyuIslet观音阁:GoddessofMercyPavilion归元寺:GuiyuanBuddhistTemple甘露寺:SweetDewTemple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleumofthe72Martyrs 华清池:HuaqingHotSpring昭君墓:Zhaojun’sTomb毛泽东故居:MaoZedong’sFormerResidence周恩来故居:ZhouEnlai’sFormerResidence越秀公园:YuexiuPark岳阳楼:YueyangTower南湖公园:SouthLakePark中山公园:ZhongshanPark漓江:LijiangRiver寒山寺:HanshanTemple静心斋:Heart-EastStudy黄鹤楼:YellowCraneTower黄山:HuangshanMountain天下第一关:theFirstPassUnderHeaven桂林山水:GuilinScenerywithHillsandWaters秦始皇兵马俑:QinTerra-CottaWarriorsandHorsesFigurines HuaQINGhotspring华清池drumtower鼓楼GreatGOOSEpagoda大雁塔theWestLake西湖泰山:MountTaishan庐山:天安门及广场Tian'anmenandTian'anmenSquare故宫ThePalaceMuseum天坛TheTempleofHeaven颐和园TheSummerPalace长城TheGreatWall(八达岭长城TheGreatWallatBadaling居庸关长城TheGreatWallatJuyongguanPass慕田峪长城TheGreatWallatMutianyu司马台长城TheGreatWallatSimatai)明十三陵TheMingTombs北海公园BeihaiPark雍和宫YonghegongLarmasery白云观TheWhiteCloudTaoistTemple北京孔庙BeijingConfuciusTemple国子监TheImperialCollege潭柘寺TanzheTemple圆明园TheRuinsofYuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址PekingManSiteatZhoukoudian中华民族园ChineseEthnicCulturePark世界公园BeijingWorldPark中华世纪坛ChinaCenturyAltar桂林山水theLandscapeofGuilin杭州西湖theWestLakeofHangzhou故宫theImperialPalace苏州园林theGardensofSuzhou安徽黄山MountHuangofAnhui长江三峡theThreeGorgesontheYangtzeRiver台湾日月潭theSunandMoonLakeofTaiwan河北承德避暑山庄theSummerMountainResortinChengde,Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑TerraCottaWarriors半坡遗址BanPoVilligeRemains。
天安门及广场Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square故宫The Palace Museum天坛The Temple of Heaven颐和园The Summer Palace长城The Great Wall(八达岭长城The Great Wall at Badaling居庸关长城The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass慕田峪长城The Great Wall at Mutianyu司马台长城The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵The Ming Tombs北海公园Beihai Park雍和宫Yonghegong Larmasery白云观The White Cloud T aoist Temple北京孔庙Beijing Confucius Temple国子监The Imperial College潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple圆明园The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian中华民族园Chinese Ethnic Culture Park世界公园Beijing World Park中华世纪坛China Century AltarThe Great WallThe Palace MuseumTian’anmen RostrumThe Great Hall of the PeopleThe Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution The Monument to the Pe ople’s HeroesChairman Mao’s Mausoleum•分享日志••热门日志••怎样用英语来说北京的名胜古迹分享怎样用英语来说北京的名胜古迹来源:侯文凤的日志the Palace Museum故宫the Temple of Heaven天坛the Summer Palace颐和园t he Great Wall长城the Tian'anmen Square天安门广场十三陵The Ming Tombs雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery中华世纪坦China Century Altar秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场Tian'anmen Square华表Ornamental Pillars人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People故宫The Forbidden City乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility御花园The Imperial Garden九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen天坛The Temple of Heaven回音壁Echo Wall祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest颐和园The Summer Palace佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense石舫The Marble Boat十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge铜牛Bronze Ox谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests长城The Great Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden颐花园: Summer Palace天坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow 避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山:Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫:Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s To mb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Yuexiu Park岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple。
中国一些名胜古迹的英语说法十三陵The Ming Tombs雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery中华世纪坦China Century Altar秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场Tian'anmen Square华表Ornamental Pillars人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People故宫The Forbidden City乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility御花园The Imperial Garden九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen天坛The Temple of Heaven回音壁Echo Wall祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest颐和园The Summer Palace佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense石舫The Marble Boat十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge铜牛Bronze Ox谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests长城The Great Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden颐花园: Summer Palace天坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony 祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’Stadium护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Yuexiu Park岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple静心斋: Heart-East Study黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower黄山: Huangshan Mountain天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses FigurinesHuaQING hot spring 华清池drum tower 鼓楼Great GOOSE pagoda 大雁塔the West Lake西湖泰山:Mount Taishan庐山:Mt. Lu 天安门及广场Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square故宫The Palace Museum天坛The Temple of Heaven颐和园The Summer Palace长城The Great Wall(八达岭长城The Great Wall at Badaling居庸关长城The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass慕田峪长城The Great Wall at Mutianyu司马台长城The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵The Ming Tombs北海公园Beihai Park雍和宫Yonghegong Larmasery白云观The White Cloud Taoist Temple北京孔庙Beijing Confucius Temple国子监The Imperial College潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple圆明园The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian中华民族园Chinese Ethnic Culture Park世界公园Beijing World Park中华世纪坛China Century Altar桂林山水the Landscape of Guilin杭州西湖the West Lake of Hangzhou故宫the Imperial Palace苏州园林the Gardens of Suzhou安徽黄山Mount Huang of Anhui 长江三峡the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River台湾日月潭the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan河北承德避暑山庄the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors半坡遗址Ban Po Villige Remains。
中国的名胜古迹用英语怎么说十三陵 The Ming Tombs雍和宫 Yonghe Lamasery中华世纪坦 China Century Altar秦始皇陵 The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square华表 Ornamental Pillars人民英豪纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大礼堂 The Great Hall of the People故宫 The Forbidden City乾清宫 The Palace of Heavenly Purity坤宁宫 The Palace of Earthly Tranquility御花园 The Imperial Garden九龙壁 The Nine Dragon Screen天坛 The Temple of Heaven回音壁 Echo Wall祈年殿 The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest颐和园 The Summer Palace佛香阁 The Tower of Buddhist Incense石舫 The Marble Boat十七孔桥 The 17-Arch Bridge铜牛 Bronze Ox谐趣园 The Garden of Harmonious Interests长城 The Great Wall居庸关 Juyongguan Pass北海公园 : Beihai Park故宫博物院 : the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆 : The Museum of Revolutionary History毛主席纪念堂 :Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿 : the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿 : the Hall of Central Harmony长城 : the Great Wall午门 : the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台 : Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城 : the Forbidden City御花园 : Imperial Garden颐花园 : Summer Palace天坛 : Temple of Heaven周口店旧址 : Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿 : the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿 : the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫 : the Children’s Palace战火台 : the Beacon Tower人民大礼堂 : the Great Hall of the People清东陵 : Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫 : Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫 : the Cultural Palace for Nationalities劳感人民文化宫北京工人体育馆:Worker People :BeijingWorkers’s Cultural Palace’ Stadium护城河 : the Moat神仙洞 : Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布 :Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪 : the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄 :the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟 : Longmen Cave苏州园林 :Suzhou Gardens庐山 :Lushan Mountain天池 : Heaven Poll蓬莱水城 : Penglai Water City大雁塔 : Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山 : Huashan Mountain峨眉山 :Emei Mountain石林 : Stone Forest西湖 : West Lake白马寺 : White Horse Temple白云山 : White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫 :Potala Palace大运河 : Grand Canal滇池 : Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂 : Du Fu Cottage都江堰 : Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿 : Gulangyu Islet观音阁 : Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺 : Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺 : Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池 : Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓 : Zhaojun ’s Tomb毛泽东旧居 :Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来旧居 :Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园 : Yuexiu Park岳阳楼 : Yueyang Tower南湖公园 : South Lake Park中山公园 : Zhongshan Park漓江 : Lijiang River寒山寺 : Hanshan Temple静心斋 : Heart-East Study黄鹤楼 : Yellow Crane Tower黄山 : Huangshan Mountain天下第一关 :the First Pass Under Heaven桂林山川 :Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑 : Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines HuaQING hot spring华清池drum tower鼓楼Great GOOSE pagoda 大雁塔the West Lake西湖泰山: Mount Taishan庐山: Mt. Lu天安门及广场Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square故宫 The Palace Museum天坛 The Temple of Heaven颐和园 The Summer Palace长城 The Great Wall( 八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai)明十三陵 The Ming Tombs北海公园 Beihai Park雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple国子监 The Imperial College潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan周口店北京猿人旧址Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park世界公园 Beijing World Park中华世纪坛 China Century Altar桂林山川 the Landscape of Guilin杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou故宫 the Imperial Palace苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan河北承德避暑山庄the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors半坡旧址 Ban Po Villige Remains。
介绍北京的一处名胜古迹天坛英语作文The Temple of Heaven, located in Beijing, is a famous historical site and a must-see attraction for tourists from all over the world. It was originally built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty and was used by emperors to pray for good harvests and to offer sacrifices to the gods.The Temple of Heaven is a complex of buildings and gardens, all designed with traditional Chinesearchitectural style. The main buildings include the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the Imperial Vault of Heaven, and the Circular Mound Altar. The complex is surrounded by a large park, where locals gather to practice tai chi, play traditional musical instruments, and participate in other cultural activities.The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is the most well-known structure in the Temple of Heaven. Its unique design and intricate details make it a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture. The Hall is a triple-gabled circular building, constructed without nails, and is a prime example of the skill and craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese builders.The Imperial Vault of Heaven is another importantbuilding in the complex. It is a smaller, round buildingwith a blue roof, symbolizing the heavens. Inside the vault, there is a single, white marble platform known as the "Echo Wall" which has the unique acoustic property of echoing any sound made at one end of the wall to the other end.The Circular Mound Altar is an open-air platform usedfor the worship of the heavens. The circular design symbolizes the heavens, and the altar is made of white marble, representing purity and solemnity. The altar is a popular spot for visitors to take photos and to appreciate the beauty of the architecture and the surrounding gardens.In addition to the historical and cultural significanceof the Temple of Heaven, it also holds great importance in the lives of the local people. The park surrounding the complex is a popular gathering place for locals to socialize, exercise, and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. It is common to see groups of people practicing tai chi, playing traditional Chinese instruments, and engagingin other cultural activities.The Temple of Heaven is not only a historical site but also a living cultural heritage that continues to play an important role in the daily lives of the people in Beijing. Its architectural beauty, historical significance, and cultural relevance make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Beijing.天坛,位于北京,是一处著名的历史遗迹,也是世界各地游客必去的景点。
关于北京名胜古迹的英语小作文Title: The Glorious Historic Sites of BeijingBeijing, the capital city of China, is renowned for its rich historical and cultural heritage. It boasts numerous magnificent historic sites that tell the story of China's illustrious past.The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is one of the most famous landmarks of Beijing. This immense palace complex, once the residence of the Chinese emperors, is a testament to the grandeur and magnificence of ancient China. Wandering through its vast halls and palaces, one can imagine the splendor and pomp of the royal court.Another notable historic site in Beijing is the Great Wall. This magnificent structure, once built to defend China against invaders, stands as a symbol of the country's strength and unity. Standing on the wall, one can appreciate its immense length and the skillful engineering that went into its construction.The Summer Palace, also known as the Yiheyuan, is another must-visit destination in Beijing. This luxurious imperial garden, once a favorite resort of the emperors, offers a glimpse into the elegant lifestyle of the royal family. With its beautiful lakes, pavilions, and temples, the Summer Palace is a perfect example of Chinese garden art.The Temple of Heaven, dedicated to the worship of Heaven and Earth, is another significant historical site in Beijing. This magnificent complex, with its intricate architectural details and vast altars, reflects the ancient Chinese belief in harmony with nature and the universe.In addition to these, Beijing is also home to numerous other historic sites such as the Beihai Park, the Drum Tower, and the Bell Tower. Each of these places holds a unique story and contributes to the rich cultural heritage of Beijing.In conclusion, Beijing is a city that offers a glimpse into China's rich historical and cultural past. Its magnificent historic sites, such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven, are not only testaments to the country's glorious history but also provide visitors with an unforgettable experience. Visiting these places is a must for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture.翻译:北京的光荣历史遗迹北京,中国的首都,因其丰富的历史和文化遗产而闻名。
介绍北京的一处名胜古迹英语作文The Forbidden City, located in the heart of Beijing, is one of the most famous and well-preserved ancient architectural complexes in China. With a history spanning over 600 years, the Forbidden City served as the imperial palace for multiple dynasties, including the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the political center of China and the residence of emperors and their families.The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, covers an area of 180 acres and consists of 980 buildings with a total of 8,704 rooms. The architectural style of the Forbidden City is a combination of traditional Chinese architecture and imperial designs. The buildings are adorned with intricate carvings, colorful tiles, and majestic gates, reflecting the grandeur and opulence of the imperial era.Entering the Forbidden City through the Meridian Gate, visitors are greeted by a vast courtyard known as the Outer Court. This area was used for ceremonies and imperial gatherings. The most iconic structure in the Outer Court is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the largest and most important building in the palace. It was where the emperor held court and conducted state affairs.Walking further into the Forbidden City, visitors will reach the Inner Court, where the emperor and his family resided. The Hall of Heavenly Purity was the emperor's bedroom, while the Hall of Mental Cultivation was where imperial edicts were issued. The imperial living quarters are furnished with traditional Chinese furniture and decorations, providing a glimpse into the lifestyle of the royal family.One of the most striking features of the Forbidden City is its exquisite gardens and landscaping. The Imperial Garden, located at the back of the palace complex, is a tranquil oasis featuring pavilions, rockeries, and ponds. The garden was designed as a retreat for the imperial family to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.In addition to its architectural and historical significance, the Forbidden City is also home to an extensive collection of imperial treasures and artifacts. The Palace Museum houses over 1.8 million cultural relics, including ancient paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, and jade sculptures. These artifacts offer a fascinating insight into the art and culture of ancient China.Visiting the Forbidden City is not only a journey through China's imperial past but also a unique cultural experience. The grandeur and majesty of the palace complex are sure to leave alasting impression on visitors from around the world. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Forbidden City stands as a testament to China's rich history and cultural heritage.。
介绍北京的一处名胜古迹英语作文The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is one of the most famous historical sites in Beijing, China. It was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing and covers an area of 180 acres, making it the largest palace complex in the world.The Forbidden City is surrounded by a 26-foot-high wall and a moat that served as a defensive fortification. The main entrance to the palace is through the Meridian Gate, which leads to the vast courtyard known as the Outer Court. This area was used for ceremonial purposes and is where the emperor would receive foreign envoys and conduct important state affairs.Beyond the Outer Court lies the Inner Court, where the emperor and his family lived. The Inner Court consists of numerous halls, pavilions, and courtyards, including the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony, and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. These halls were used for official ceremonies, banquets, and imperial audiences.The buildings of the Forbidden City are constructed in traditional Chinese architectural style, with red walls, yellow roofs,and intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes. The palace is also adorned with beautiful gardens, lakes, and pavilions, creating a serene and picturesque atmosphere.Today, the Forbidden City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors from around the world. In addition to touring the palace complex, visitors can also learn about the history of the Forbidden City at the on-site museum, which houses a collection of imperial artifacts, artworks, and historical documents.Overall, the Forbidden City is a must-visit attraction for anyone traveling to Beijing. It offers a glimpse into China's imperial past and showcases the rich cultural heritage of the country. Whether you are a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a curious traveler, the Forbidden City is sure to leave a lasting impression.。
介绍名胜古迹北京英语作文80词关于北京名胜古迹的英语作文,每篇约80词:作文一:Beijing, the capital of China, is renowned for its numerous historical sites. The Forbidden City, once the imperial palace, stands as a symbol of ancient royalty. The Great Wall, stretching across the mountains, is a testament to the country's rich history. The Temple of Heaven, a place of sacrifice, exudes a serene atmosphere. Each of these places offers a glimpse into Beijing's storied past.作文二:Beijing boasts a plethora of cultural landmarks. The Summer Palace, with its lush gardens and elegant pavilions, offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. The Lama Temple, a blend of Tibetan and Han architecture, is a site of religious significance. The Beihai Park, with its scenic lakes and historical buildings, is a favorite among tourists and locals alike.作文三:Nestled in the heart of Beijing, the Tiananmen Square is not just a vast open space but a symbol of the nation's unity and pride. The Ming Tombs, located in the outskirts, are a serene reminder of the Ming Dynasty's grandeur. The Peking University, with its ancient architecture and rich academic history, is a beacon of learning in the city.作文四:Beijing is a treasure trove of historical wonders. The Drum Tower and Bell Tower, standing tall in the city center, echo with the sounds of ancient times. The 798 Art Zone, a former industrial park transformed into an art hub, showcases modern creativity amidst the ruins of the past. The Hutongs, the狭窄的胡同, offer a peek into the traditional lifestyle of Beijing.作文五:The imperial grandeur of Beijing is evident in its many landmarks. The Imperial College, with its intricate carvings and vast courtyards, is a testament to the splendor of the past. The Yonghe Temple, a Buddhist sanctuary, exudes a sense of peace and tranquility. The Beijing Opera House, a modern structurehousing traditional art, bridges the gap between the old and the new in this vibrant city.。
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天安门及广场Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square
故宫The Palace Museum
天坛The Temple of Heaven
颐和园The Summer Palace
长城The Great Wall
(八达岭长城The Great Wall at Badaling
居庸关长城The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass
慕田峪长城The Great Wall at Mutianyu
司马台长城The Great Wall at Simatai)
明十三陵The Ming Tombs
北海公园Beihai Park
雍和宫Yonghegong Larmasery
白云观The White Cloud T aoist Temple
北京孔庙Beijing Confucius Temple
国子监The Imperial College
潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple
圆明园The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan
周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian
中华民族园Chinese Ethnic Culture Park
世界公园Beijing World Park
中华世纪坛China Century Altar
The Great Wall
The Palace Museum
Tian’anmen Rostrum
The Great Hall of the People
The Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution The Monument to the Pe ople’s Heroes
Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum
the Palace Museum故宫the Temple of Heaven天坛the Summer Palace颐和园the Gr eat Wall长城the Tian'anmen Square天安门广场
十三陵The Ming Tombs
雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery
中华世纪坦China Century Altar
秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb
天安门广场Tian'anmen Square
华表Ornamental Pillars
人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes
毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People
故宫The Forbidden City
乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity
坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility
御花园The Imperial Garden
九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen
天坛The Temple of Heaven
回音壁Echo Wall
祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
颐和园The Summer Palace
佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense
石舫The Marble Boat
十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge
铜牛Bronze Ox
谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests
长城The Great Wall
居庸关Juyongguan Pass
北海公园: Beihai Park
故宫博物院: the Palace Museum
革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History
天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square
毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall
保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony
中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony
长城: the Great Wall
午门: the Meridian Gate
紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation
紫禁城: the Forbidden City
御花园: Imperial Garden
颐花园: Summer Palace
天坛: Temple of Heaven
周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site
太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony
祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.
少年宫: the Children’s Palace
烽火台: the Beacon Tower
人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People
清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity
民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace
北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium
护城河: the Moat
仙人洞: Fairy Cave
黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls
西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow
避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 龙门石窟: Longmen Cave
苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens
庐山:Lushan Mountain
天池: Heaven Poll
蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City
大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda
华山: Huashan Mountain
峨眉山:Emei Mountain
石林: Stone Forest
西湖: West Lake
白马寺: White Horse Temple
白云山: White Cloud Mountain.
布达拉宫:Potala Palace
大运河: Grand Canal
滇池: Dianchi Lake
杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage
都江堰: Dujiang Dam
鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet
观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion
归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple
甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple
黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring
昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb
毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence
周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence
越秀公园: Yuexiu Park
岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower
南湖公园: South Lake Park
中山公园: Zhongshan Park
漓江: Lijiang River
寒山寺: Hanshan Temple。