
中国学生赴国外留学图表英语作文The table shows the number of Chinese students studying abroad in different countries from 2015 to 2020. It is clear that more and more Chinese students are choosing to pursue their education overseas.In 2015, the United States was the most popular destination for Chinese students, with a total of 304,040 students studying there. The United Kingdom was the second most popular choice, with 94,540 Chinese students enrolled in British universities. Australia, Canada, and Germany also attracted a significant number of Chinese students, with 81,850, 63,700, and 49,280 students respectively.Over the next few years, the number of Chinese students studying abroad continued to increase. By 2020, the United States remained the top destination, with 385,210 Chinese students. The United Kingdom also saw a significant increase in Chinese students, with 119,340 students enrolled in British universities. Australia, Canada, and Germany maintained their positions as popular choices for Chinese students, with 97,450, 75,820, and 58,860 students respectively.There are several factors contributing to the increasing trend of Chinese students studying abroad. First and foremost, Chinese families are placing a greater emphasis on the importance of a global education and the opportunities it can provide. Studying abroad is seen as a way for students to gain a competitive edge in the job market and to broaden their horizons.Furthermore, the quality of education offered by universities in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Germany is widely recognized. These countries have top-ranking universities that offer a wide range of programs and opportunities for students to excel in their chosen fields.In addition, the rise of scholarship programs and international exchange agreements has made it more accessible for Chinese students to study abroad. Many universities offer scholarships specifically for international students, making it easier for Chinese students to afford the cost of tuition and living expenses.In conclusion, the number of Chinese students studying abroad is on the rise, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. As Chinese families place a greater emphasis on the importance of a global education and as more opportunitiesbecome available for students to study abroad, we can expect to see even more Chinese students pursuing their education overseas.。

中国去美国留学人数增加英语作文The Number of Chinese Students Studying in the United States is IncreasingIn recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Chinese students choosing to study in the United States. This trend can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the high quality of education available in American universities, the opportunity to experience a different culture, and the potential for better job prospects upon graduation.One of the main reasons for the growing number of Chinese students studying in the United States is the reputation of American universities for excellence in education. Many Chinese students believe that by studying in the United States, they will receive a high-quality education that will better prepare them for their future careers. American universities are known for their state-of-the-art facilities, world-renowned faculty, andcutting-edge research opportunities, making them an attractive choice for ambitious students.Another factor driving the increase in Chinese students studying in the United States is the opportunity to experience a different culture. Many Chinese students see studying abroad asa chance to broaden their horizons, meet new people, and gain a fresh perspective on the world. By immersing themselves in American culture, Chinese students can develop a greater understanding of different ways of thinking and living, which can be invaluable in an increasingly globalized world.Furthermore, Chinese students studying in the United States have the potential to benefit from better job prospects upon graduation. An American education is highly regarded by employers around the world, and many Chinese students believe that studying in the United States will give them a competitive edge in the job market. In addition, studying in the United States can provide Chinese students with valuable skills such as fluency in English, cross-cultural communication abilities, and critical thinking skills, all of which are highly valued by employers.In conclusion, the increasing number of Chinese students choosing to study in the United States can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the high quality of education available in American universities, the opportunity to experience a different culture, and the potential for better job prospects upon graduation. As this trend continues, it is likely that even more Chinese students will decide to pursue their education in the United States in the years to come.。

iStudyEdu涉外教育服务平台属于南京双日教育科 技有限公司 。公司成立于2013年5月3日,作为一家 专业提供涉外教育文化推广服务及涉外合作服务的平 台型公司,公司专注于运用互联网多媒体技术促进涉 外教育服务的发展,公司创立的“教育品牌推广系统 ”为中国涉外教育文化机构提供电子商务平台解决方 案。
iStudy-China“爱学中国”中国涉外教育海外推广平台,为中国院校及外籍学生开放双边端口,通过境外合作资源 及外媒推广,帮助中国院校准确传递教育信息,在海外建立教育品牌,有效推广教育产品,大大提高全球学生申请 比例! 院校活动推广平台2014-2015年期间在欧洲建立多个欧洲大学基地,覆盖超过5万欧洲学生,通过组织学生活动推广 中国教育。仅2015年,iStudy-China通过电商平台为中国院校海外扩招来自美国,澳大利亚,英国,德国,法国, 匈牙利,波兰,拉托维亚,立陶宛等多国的上千名海外学生。
EDUPOLSKA “波兰教育联盟” 旨在成为中国与波兰教育桥梁,帮助两国院校建立多领域合作关系,提高中波教育 在双方国家的知名度,促进双方教育合作交流及留学生交流。2015年,iStudy教育服务集团帮助多个中国院校与波兰 院校建立多项合作关系, 同年在iStudy教育服务集团支持下,波兰籍教育团队创立的波兰教育联盟项目,同时建立波 兰留学生基地中心。EDUPOLSKA波兰教育联盟的成立将共享iStudy的所有教育资源,做好中国教育与波兰教育的桥 梁,帮助双方教育机构在教育领域创造更多的合作可能性。项目将协助建设奖学金互换,合作办学,教师互访,教师 培训,交换生,学术项目共建等更多领域合作!
4.84% 4.44% 7.08% 6.2% 8.76%
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1.1 国际留学生人数不断攀升在世界范围内,跨国间的学生流动日益频繁,留学生人数不断攀升。
1.2 国际学生流向多元化发展中国生源占比极高在世界留学生流动的过程中,留学生的去向出现多元化的特征。
2.1 中国出国留学总人数持续增长据教育部最新统计,2014年度中国出国留学人员为45.98万人,较2013年增加了4.59万人。

英语作文中国留学人数Title: The Soaring Number of Chinese Students Studying Abroad。
In recent years, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has been on a remarkable rise, reflecting the increasing trend of international education among Chinese youth. This phenomenon has garnered attention globally and warrants an exploration of its causes, implications, and potential challenges.Firstly, the surge in Chinese students pursuing education overseas can be attributed to several factors. One primary factor is the desire for higher-quality education. Many Chinese students perceive international educational institutions as offering superior academic standards, innovative teaching methodologies, and a more conducive learning environment compared to domestic universities. Additionally, studying abroad provides opportunities for personal growth, exposure to diversecultures, and proficiency in foreign languages, which are highly valued in today's globalized world.Furthermore, China's rapid economic development has led to an expanding middle class with greater disposable income, enabling more families to afford the substantial costs associated with overseas education. The Chinesegovernment's encouragement of outbound education through scholarship programs and favorable policies has also contributed to the upward trajectory of Chinese students studying abroad.The influx of Chinese students into foreignuniversities has significant implications for both the sending and receiving countries. On one hand, it enriches the cultural diversity of campuses and fosters cross-cultural understanding among students from different backgrounds. Chinese students bring unique perspectives, experiences, and talents that enhance the academic andsocial fabric of host institutions. On the other hand, the presence of a large number of Chinese students may pose challenges related to integration, language barriers, andcultural adaptation for both students and local communities.Moreover, the growing number of Chinese students studying abroad has geopolitical implications, as itreflects China's increasing global influence and soft power. By nurturing a generation of globally-minded individualswith international networks and perspectives, China aims to enhance its competitiveness and diplomatic relations on the world stage.However, despite the numerous benefits, there are also concerns associated with the unprecedented expansion of Chinese students studying overseas. One major concern is brain drain, as talented individuals educated abroad may choose to remain in host countries for better career opportunities, depriving China of essential human capital. Additionally, some Chinese students face challenges such as academic pressure, social isolation, and discrimination in foreign countries, which can impact their mental health and overall well-being.In conclusion, the surge in Chinese students studyingabroad reflects the increasing globalization of education and the aspirations of Chinese youth for international exposure and academic excellence. While this trend brings about numerous opportunities for individuals and societies, it also poses challenges that require careful consideration and proactive measures to address. Balancing the benefits and challenges of Chinese students studying abroad is essential to harnessing the full potential of international education as a force for global collaboration and mutual understanding.。





中国学生赴国外留学图表英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Going to Study in Another Country - So Cool!Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I'm in 5th grade at Sunshine Elementary School in Beijing. Today I want to tell you about something I find really fascinating - Chinese students going to other countries to study! My teacher showed us some interesting charts about this in class, and I thought it would be fun to share what I learned with you.The first chart showed the total number of Chinese students studying abroad over the past few years. In 2018, there were around 662,000 students. That number went up each year after that, reaching almost 704,000 in 2021. Wow, that's a lot of students! Just thinking about over 700,000 kids and young adults living and learning in different countries around the world is kind of mind-blowing to me.My teacher explained that there are a bunch of reasons why so many Chinese students want to study overseas. Some of the main ones are to learn or improve their English skills, experiencedifferent cultures, get a high-quality education at prestigious universities, and maybe even stay and work in that country after graduating. I can understand those reasons - it does sound like an incredible opportunity.The next chart broke down where all those Chinese students are going to study. The top destination turned out to be the United States, with around 347,000 students in 2021. That's almost half of the total! The next most popular countries were the United Kingdom with around 119,000 students, Australia with 93,000, and Canada with 76,000. I had never really thought about it before, but I guess it makes sense that English-speaking Western nations would be the top choices.Some other charts compared the numbers between undergraduate and graduate students, showed the most popular fields of study like STEM subjects and business, and even looked at the gender ratio (there are more male students than female ones going abroad). There was so much interesting data to take in!Personally, I think the idea of studying in another country sounds both exciting and scary at the same time. Can you imagine being a teenager and moving across the world, away from your family and everything familiar? You'd get to make newfriends from different backgrounds, see amazing new sights, and become fluent in another language through full immersion. But you'd also have to adjust to different customs, different food, maybe even a different alphabet! For me, the language part would definitely be the most challenging.I asked my teacher what she thought about Chinese students studying internationally, and she said it's a great way to become a more globally-minded and well-rounded individual. She believes experiencing other cultures firsthand is important for developing respect, empathy and understanding for how people in other parts of the world live. She thinks studying abroad can really open your eyes in so many ways.After seeing all those charts and numbers, I have to admit, the whole idea of attending university in another country seems pretty awesome to me. Maybe I'll be one of those students in the future statistics one day! If I did, I think I'd want to go to the U.S. and study something like marine biology or archaeology (I love learning about ancient civilizations and undiscovered treasures). Or maybe attend a cool art s school in Europe like України or France. Who knows?For now, I just need to keep working hard in my classes and trying my best. But exploring different cultures and seeing theworld is definitely a dream of mine. A few years of living and studying in an exotic, foreign land could be the experience of a lifetime! Okay, I've probably rambled on enough about this topic. Thanks for reading about what I learned - I hope you found it as interesting as I did! Study abroad, here I come (eventually)!篇2The Chart About Chinese Students Going to Other CountriesHi there! My name is Cindy and I am 10 years old. I am in the 5th grade and I study really hard in school. My favorite subjects are math and art. Today I want to tell you about this very interesting chart I saw about Chinese students going to other countries to study.The chart has some numbers and percentages along with some maps showing different countries and regions of the world. At first it looked a little confusing with all those numbers, but once I studied it for a bit, I started to understand what it means.The biggest number on the chart is 662,100. That's how many Chinese students went to study in other countries in 2018. Wow, that's a really big number! It made me think about howmany students that would be if we tried to fit them all into my school. I don't think my school is big enough for that many kids!Under that big number, there are some smaller numbers showing the top countries and regions where Chinese students went to study. The United States has the biggest number at 363,341 students. That means more than half of the Chinese students who went overseas chose to go to America.The second highest number is for Australia with 121,352 students. I looked on a map and saw that Australia is really far away from China, practically on the other side of the world! It must be a very long flight to get there. But I've heard Australia has really nice beaches and cool animals like kangaroos.After Australia is the United Kingdom with 119,229 students.I don't know much about the UK but I know it's where English originated from. Maybe a lot of students want to go there to study English really well.The fourth highest number is for Canada at 50,857 students. Canada is the big country above the United States and it's known for having really cold winters with lots of snow. I'm not sure I would want to go somewhere that cold to study!Then there are some smaller numbers for Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Germany and France. Those numbers are all under 10,000 students. Those must not be as popular destinations for Chinese students compared to the top few countries.At the bottom of the chart, there is one last number that says "51,760 students went to other regions." I'm not totally sure what that means. Maybe those are Chinese students who went to study in places not listed above like Africa or South America.The chart also has some percentages showing how the number of Chinese students going abroad increased over the years. It says the number went up 8.83% from 2017 to 2018. And over five years from 2014 to 2018, the increase was a huge 53.58%!Seeing those big percentage increases makes me think that more and more students from China must be wanting to travel abroad and experience living in other countries while continuing their education. Maybe one day when I'm older, I'll want to do that too and get to see new places and meet students from all over the world.I find this chart really fascinating because it shows how many students are crossing borders and exposing themselves to newcultures by going overseas. Even though the numbers and percentages look confusing at first, once you understand what they represent, it's amazing to see how much interest there is in international study.As people from different countries interact more through studying together, maybe it can lead to greater connections, cooperation and understanding between nations. Of course, I'm just a 10-year-old kid, so I could be totally wrong about that. But I'd like to think studying abroad helps bring the world closer together in positive ways.At the very least, the students who go abroad probably have some awesome adventures and make memories that will last a lifetime. They're so lucky to get that opportunity! Who knows, maybe I'll be one of those students heading off to another country in a few years when I get to high school or university. A girl can dream, right?Anyway, that's my take on this chart displaying all the numbers about Chinese students studying overseas. I did my best to make sense of it, but maybe I missed or misunderstood some parts since I'm still just a elementary kid. Let me know if you have any other thoughts after seeing this chart! I'll do my best to understand.Thanks for reading my essay! I'm off to practice my math facts now. Gotta keep studying hard in case I do decide to become an international student someday. Bye!篇3My Big Graph About Chinese Students Studying in Other CountriesHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 4th grade. For a school project, I had to make a big graph all about Chinese students going to study in different countries around the world. It was a lot of work but also really interesting!First, let me tell you about the graph itself. It's a line graph, which means it shows how things change over time with a line going up and down. The x-axis (the horizontal line) shows the years, starting in 1998 and going all the way to 2024. The y-axis (the vertical line) shows the number of students, from 0 up to 800,000.The line on the graph is blue and it tracks how many Chinese students went to study outside of China each year. In 1998 at the start, there were only around 40,000 students studying abroad from China. That's a pretty small number!Then over the next few years, the line slopes upward, which means more and more students started going to other countries for their studies every year. By 2005, the number had already doubled to around 120,000 students.The line just keeps climbing up and up after that as the years go by. It looks like a steep hill or even a wall going straight up! By 2015, there were over 520,000 Chinese students abroad. Wow, that's over ten times more than in 1998!The highest point on the graph is in 2018, when it shows over 660,000 Chinese students enrolled at universities in other nations around the globe. I can't even imagine a number that huge. It's more people than live in my whole city!After hitting that peak in 2018 though, the line does start to level off and bend over a little. It means the number of students leaving China to study was still going up, but not quite as fast as before. The graph projects it will be around 730,000 students abroad from China by 2024.My teacher says there are a couple big reasons why the number of Chinese students overseas grew so rapidly over those 20-25 years. One is that the economy in China was developing really fast, so more families could afford to send their kids to study internationally. The second reason is that the governmentstarted encouraging students to get educational experiences in other countries as part of China's policy called "Opening Up" in the late 1990s.The countries where most Chinese students go are the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. But you can find them all over the world now - in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, you name it! Some schools even have thousands of Chinese students enrolled.I think studying abroad is a great opportunity, even though it must be really hard too. You get to experience a totally new culture, learn a new language, make friends from all over the globe, and study at some of the best schools in the world. But it's also challenging living so far from your family, dealing with homesickness, adjusting to different teaching styles, and maybe struggling with the local language at first.For my project, I also interviewed a college student from China who is currently studying engineering at a university in the United States. He said it was difficult in the beginning with the language barrier and culture shock, but that it has been an incredible experience overall. His English is amazing now and he has buddies from so many countries. He plans to work in the US for a few years after graduating before returning to China.I think studying abroad is a fascinating trend, based on my big graph and the research I did. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of those Chinese students going overseas for university in 8 or 9 years! Or maybe I'll join the growing number of international students coming to universities and colleges here in China. Either way, exchanging students between countries seems like a great way to learn about the world and from each other. The world is getting more connected each year.Well, that's my graph project explaining the huge increase in Chinese students at foreign universities over the past 25 years. Let me know if you have any other questions! I tried to cover all the key points about the graph, the reasons behind the trends, the top destination countries, the pros and cons of studying abroad, and my own thoughts on the topic. Looking at a graph is a lot more fun when you analyze what it all means. Thanks for reading my essay!。

关于留学人数增多的英语作文100字In recent years, the number of students studying abroad has been increasing rapidly. There are various reasons for this trend. First and foremost, studying abroad provides students with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture and environment. This experience not only broadens their perspective, but also enhances their personal growth.Secondly, many students choose to study abroad as a means to pursue higher education at a prestigious institution. The quality of education, facilities, research opportunities and faculty are some of the key factors that attract students to reputable universities overseas.Moreover, studying abroad offers a chance to improve language skills, which is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world. This not only enhances career prospects, but also facilitates crosscultural communication.However, studying abroad is not without its challenges. Language barriers, culture shock, homesickness, and financial constraints are some of the issues that students may face. Therefore, it is importantto carefully evaluate the benefits and challenges of studying abroad before making the decision.In conclusion, the increasing number of students studying abroad is a reflection of the importance of international education and the opportunities it presents. The experience gained from studying abroad goes beyond the classroom and has a lifelong impact on personal and professional development.。

中国去美国留学人数增加英语作文In recent years, the number of Chinese students studying in the United States has been on the rise. This trend has been driven by a variety of factors, such as the increasing global competitiveness of Chinese students, the desire for a quality education, and the cultural exchange opportunities that studying in the United States provides.One of the main reasons for the increase in Chinese students studying in the United States is the high quality of education that American universities offer. Many Chinese students see studying in the United States as a way to gain access to top-notch academic programs and cutting-edge research opportunities. American universities are known for their diverse course offerings, world-class faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, making them an attractive option for Chinese students seeking a quality education.Another factor driving the increase in Chinese students studying in the United States is the competitive nature of the job market. In an increasingly globalized economy, Chinese students recognize the importance of having a strong educational background and international experience in order to stand out in the job market. By studying in the United States, Chinesestudents can gain valuable skills and knowledge that will make them more competitive in the global job market.In addition to the academic and career benefits of studying in the United States, Chinese students are also drawn to the cultural exchange opportunities that studying abroad provides. By living and studying in a different country, Chinese students have the chance to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn a new language, and make connections with people from all over the world. This cross-cultural exchange can help Chinese students broaden their horizons, develop a global perspective, and gain a better understanding of different cultures and ways of thinking.Overall, the increase in Chinese students studying in the United States is a testament to the growing interest in international education and the value that studying abroad can bring. As Chinese students continue to seek out educational opportunities abroad, they are not only expanding their own horizons but also contributing to the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and culture on a global scale. With the right support and resources, Chinese students studying in the United States can achieve great success and make a positive impact on the world.。



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【留学回国政策2015年】教育部:七成留学人员选择回国发展 总数达82万

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最新发布的2014 Open Doors Report的数据显示,2014年在美国学院和大学的国际学生人数增加了8%,达到了近89万人次,而美国国际学生的疯狂增长在很大程度上是由来自中国的学生驱动的,2014中国学生的入学率增加了15%,总人数达到了约28万人。