课程名称: 商务决策模拟组长:
实验地点:八教201 实验时间:10月15日
只有C 项输出的是效劳,其他运营过程输出的是产品;•效劳运营的关键特性是在于顾客必须参与。
链接习题-P309 第3题2.运营治理中,被称为“前台〞的人员通常要做的是〔〕答案:B 和顾客打交道解析:P11。
P31 10-13 空白点3.在完全利用产能条件下,预期利润是〔〕答案:A.50,000元解析:P27。
①确定计算公式:利润= 总收入-总本钱②找出未知自变量值在盈亏平衡图中,完全产能条件下即横坐标产量为50,000时:总收入为总收入曲线对应点的纵坐标值——250 000,总本钱为总本钱曲线对应点的纵坐标值——200 000。
③代入利润计算公式利润=250 000-200 000 =50 000〔元〕链接题目—P33 21-28题4.每件产品的可变本钱是〔〕参考答案:C解析:P25。
①公式:可变本钱=总本钱-固定本钱②当产量为50,000件时,总本钱为200 000美元,固定本钱为50 000美元。
电子商务BIS B842C作业一班级:2015届MBA班一年级姓名:杨磊学号:20154819日期:2015.12.17问题一(30分)与单元一中的案例不同,陈宇所述的苏宁易购正进行B2C的电子商务。
·知识取衡矢量(虚拟专业知识)苏宁易购依靠苏宁集团强大的技术团队支撑和优秀的技术人才结合,加上与IBM这样强大的业内领先的合作伙伴形成了完整的B2C 开发平台和开发团队,整个专业团队已为线上平台的开发提供了强大的技术支持和服务,他们的强强合作完整的集合了最完善的资源去打造一个最先进的网络技术,为苏宁易购的线上销售提供了非常优越的先天条件。
1、某企业目前的损益情况如在下:销售收入〔 1000 件× 10 元 / 件〕10 000销售本钱:变动本钱〔 1000 件× 6 元/ 件〕 6 000固定本钱 2 000销售和管理费〔全部固定〕 1 000利润 1 000〔 1〕假设企业按国家规定普调薪水,使单位变动本钱增加4%,固定本钱增加1%,结果将会以致利润下降。
为了抵销这种影响企业有两个对付措施:一是提升价格5%,而提价会使销量减少10%;二是增加产量20%,为使这些产品能销售出去,要追加500 元广告费。
请做出选择,哪一个方案更有利?(2〕假设企业欲使利润增加 50%,即到达 1 500 元,能够从哪几个方面着手,采用相应的措施。
2、某企业每个月固定制造本钱 1 000 元,固定销售费100 元,固定管理费 150 元;单位变动制造本钱 6 元,单位变动销售费0.70 元,单位变动管理费0.30 元;该企业生产一种产品,单价 10元,所得税税率 50%;本月方案产销 600 件产品,问预期利润是多少?如拟实现净利 500 元,应产销多少件产品?3、某企业生产甲、乙、丙三种产品,固定本钱 500000 元,相关资料见下表〔单位:元〕:产品单价单位变动本钱销量甲1008012000乙907515000丙95808000要求:(1〕计算各产品的边缘奉献;(2〕计算加权平均边缘奉献率;(3〕依照加权平均边缘奉献率计算预期税前利润。
4、某企业每年耗用某种资料 3 600 千克,单位储藏本钱为 2 元,一次订货本钱25 元。
那么经济订货批量、每年最正确订货次数、最正确订货周期、与批量相关的存货总本钱是多少?5.有 10 个同类企业的生产性固定财富年平均价值和工业总产值资料以下:企业编生产性固定财富价值(万元 )工业总产值〔万元〕号131852429101019320063844098155415913650292873146058121015169102212191012251624合计65259801(1〕说明两变量之间的相关方向;(2〕建立直线回归方程;〔 3〕估计生产性固定财富〔自变量〕为1100 万元时总产值〔因变量〕的可能值。
商务数据分析期末大作业2020.1.1目录一、公司简介 (3)二、报告目标 (3)三、制作流程 (4)四,数据来源 (4)五,数据展示 (4)六,数据分析 (5)七,结论 (6)一、公司简介Retro Gallery上海瑞雀服饰有限公司成立于2018年5月,是一家专业为各类人群打造国际化的生活方式和国际化潮流的一家多品牌的国际化公司。
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. D
4.在商务决策中,以下哪些模型属于定性分析模型?( )
5.关于决策树,以下哪些说法是正确的?( )
18.以下哪些是模拟实战中用于数据收集的定性方法?( )
19.在商务决策中,以下哪些策略可以帮助减少决策风险?( )
20.以下哪些情况可能导致商务决策过程中的信息偏差?( )
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. D
17. D
18. C
19. C
20. A
1. ABC
4. AB
5. AB
6. ABC
姓名:关晓晖编号:10593171电子商务-作业一问题一(20分)雅戈尔公司(以下简称‚公司‛)的信息化建设首要工作就是供应链管理(supply chain management或SCM)。
(BIS B842C 单元一50页)雅戈尔公司作为高速成长的现代制造业中,公司在其发展的初始,公司与行业内其它公司一样,都属于劳动密集型和材料密集型企业,相应的自动化程度较低,在资讯系统的应用上主要是在会计与工厂的生产内容,那个时期OEM的异常繁荣对其产能扩张起到了积极推动作用,而产能的急速扩张又不得已让公司加速发展了公司下游的零售领域。
商务决策模拟练习 管理学作业
![商务决策模拟练习 管理学作业](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a5e45d7148d7c1c708a1459d.png)
模拟时间:10月12日 参与人员: 甲方:满分组 乙方:颜值爆表组 模拟地点:8C01 模拟目标:利润最大化,实现共赢
下午2点,双方队员到场,开始了紧张的商 务决策!到底怎样才能利润最大化呢,队 员们陷入了思考。
第一笔 第二笔 第三笔 第四笔 第五笔 第六笔 (加倍) (加倍) 红 红 红 红 红 红
+30 红
+30 红
+60 红
+30 红
+30 红
+60 红
第一场 甲方:本着友谊第一的思想,我方在第一 场选择出红牌这一最保险的方式; 乙方:对方表示,出于公司本金不足的原 因,所以出红牌。 第二场 甲方:本着不忍伤害对方的想法,经过讨 论出红牌;
要学会在复杂多变的环境中做到冷静分析, 勿冲动; 做到科学决策,要学会面向未来,研究未 来,预测未来; 不能把成功的希望寄托在对手的失误上; 合作才能共赢,诚信是成功合作的关键。
信息是决策的基础, 正确决策的基础是了解 信息,获得信息的有效 手段是沟通; 竞争的目的是更好地发 展自己!
决策Байду номын сангаас维
乙方:打算继续积累资金。 第三场 甲方:深思后决定冒险按兵不动; 乙方:决定在加倍场赌一把。 第四场 甲方:打算与对方继续合作,故出红牌; 乙方:鉴于前三场结果,做此决定。
商务决策 Business Decision Making
![商务决策 Business Decision Making](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d570de2ce2bd960590c6779b.png)
1.0IntroductionThe assignment is about business decision making, to obtain the primary data through the way of distribute the research papers to the participants. And compare the second data of ticket prices of Air Asia and Air Malaysia, and compare and analyze the two companies through the way of varies diagram full of the data of the two companies. Finally, obtain 15 data of the whole sale price and retailing price of eggs are sold in the vegetable method, and work out the result by using the formula.2.0Three plans and data explanation2.1 The primary data collection plan about questionnaireNowadays, it is upgrading tendency of the Chinese students go to overseas for study, more and more Chinese student especially grow up in a good-financing family go to abroad for study instead of the traditional way of study hard to get a good marks in the high-school final examinations for eligible to go to the first-class Chinese universities. This questionnaire is about how much does Chinese parents are willing to pay the tuition fee for their daughter/son if they decide to let their children go abroad for study. It needs 20 students growing in different financing families which studying in high-school in China to participate in this research.Timeline planDays Plan1 Collect the primary data regarding the topic2 Complete the questionnaire3 Distribute the questionnaire papers to the students4 Analyze these collected data5 Coordinate this answer and fill in a chartTable 2-1 Work Scheme2.2 The secondary data collectedThe sources of the secondary data come from the price of the ticket of Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur in 10th July 2010 are sold in two airline companies, Air Asia and Air Malaysia, by searching the prices listed in the websites of these 2 airline companies everyday from 1st April to 30th April, and record it, then do the specifically analysis according to these in the days later.D ays Plan1st-30th Searched the price of HK to KL in Air Asia and record it everyday1st-30th Searched the price of air route HK to KL in Air Malaysia and record it everyday30th later Gather these data and do the specifically analyzeTable 2-2 Work Scheme2.3The data of price of eggs collectedIn part 3, the purpose of this part is to collect 15 pairs of data about the whole sale price and retailing price of eggs, the way to acquire these data is go to Chong Wen vegetable market everyday from 16th Apr to 3rd May. This whole process takes 15 days.Timeline planDays Plan1st-15th15 days to collected the two different prices of eggsAfter 15th Gather the prices in 15 days and analyze itTable 2-3 Work Scheme2.4 Data explanationThis assignment consists 2 different types of data, the data in plan one are primary data and qualitative data, firstly fill out a research paper comprises the related questions, the method of obtain the data is by go to some families to face the parents who has children in studying and distribute the papers and let them fill out. The data in plan 2 and 3 are secondary data and quantitative data.Then go to the education agencies for inquiring my questions and record their answers.3.0 Questionnaire and statistics survey 3.1 QuestionnaireThis survey is researching tuition fee which is affordable for the participated families, there are 5 questions, and the parents chose the answer they think right after the respective parent discussed.3.0 Questionnaire and statistics survey 3.1 QuestionnaireThe survey is related to the economy in daily life. To check up primary data of students consume tendency, this survey will use questionnaire to ask classmates, friends to collect the data. Questionnaire about Tuition fee you Preferred Spend in Study OverseasPlease choose the answer which you think it ’s right, you don ’t need to write down your name before or after you finish it.1. Which level of school is your child studying in now?A. Primary SchoolB. Middle SchoolC. High SchoolD. University/College2. Do you satisfy the traditional Chinese education way that you children having now?A. Very satisfyB. SatisfyC. No idea D Hate3. How much is the tuition fee annually for the school your children in now? (The currency is RMB)A. Less than 1,000B. 1,000-5000C. 5,000-20,000D. more than 20,000 4. Which country do you prefer to let your children study in the future? chose one answer belowA. USA or CanadaB. UK and European countriesC. Singapore and Asian countriesD. Australia or New Zealand5. How much do you think the fee is suited (inclusive the living cost) ? (Currency is RMB)A. 20,000-50,000B. 50,000-100,000C.100,000-200,000D.More than 200,000 Thank your for your corporationPlease return this research paper to Chris Zhu while you finish it3.2statistics surveyThere are 20 family-members participated in this research, the total numbers of collected data is 100, the data listed in the chart below.NO 1 2 3 4 51. C D B D C2. C B C C B3. A A A B C4. B C B A B5. A B A B B6. D C B B B7. A C A A C8. C D B C C9. B D B B D10. B A B C A11. B D D B D12. B C D A D13. B B A B A14. C B B B C15. C C B A C16. C D B B C17. C C B D B18. C A B B A19. C A B B D20. C C B A C(?)4.0 Use some chart analysis and explanations the dataUse one of the questions as an example, base on the numbers of each selection, then the Frequency distribution, Relative Frequency distribution, Percent Frequency distribution and varies charts would be carried out with suitable explanations. 4.1 Which kind of school is your child studying in now?A. Primary SchoolB. Middle SchoolC. High SchoolD. University/College Selection ItemFrequencyRelative Frequency PercentFrequencyA B C D 3 6 10 1 3/20 = 0.15 6/20 = 0.3 10/20 = 0.5 1/20 = 0.05 3/20 × 100 =15 6/20 × 100 =30 10/20 ×100 =50 1/20 ×100 =5 Total201100Table 4-5 Studying in where.Half participants chose C which is ‘studying in high school now ’, 3 of 20 participants chose student are studying in primary school, 30% participants chose B which is studying in the middle school, only one student chose D which is studying in university/college.Figure 4-1 Bar Chart of Question 1The bar chart above shows there are 3 participants chose studying in the primary school, 6 participants are studying in middle school, 10 people are studying in high school, only 1 participant are studying in university or college.246810ABCDSelectionA 15%B 30%C50%D 5%A B C DFigure 4-1 Pie Chart of Question 1The pie chart above shows there are 30% of all participants chose studying in the primary school, 60% of all participants are studying in middle school, 10% of all people are studying in high school, only 1 participant are studying in university or college.4.2 Do you satisfy the tradition Chinese education way that you children having now? A. Very satisfy B. Satisfy C. No idea D Hate Selection ItemFrequencyRelative Frequency PercentFrequencyA B C D 4 4 7 5 4/20 = 0.2 4/20 = 0.2 7/20 = 0.35 5/20 = 0.25 3/20 × 100 =2 6/20 × 100 =2 10/20 ×100 =35 1/20 ×100 =25 Total201100There are 4 participants chose A which is very satisfied, 4 participants chose B which is satisfy, 7 participants chose C which no idea, and the rest of 5 chose D which is hateFigure 4-2 Bar Chart of Question 2The bar chart above shows there are 4 participants chose A which is very satisfy the current Chinese education way, 4 participants chose B which is satisfy, 4 chose no idea and 7 participant chose D which is hate.Figure 4-2 Pie Chart of Question 2The pie chart above shows there are 20% of all participants chose studying in the primary school, 20% of all participants are studying in middle school, 35% of all people are studying in high school, only 15% participant are studying in university or college.3. How much is the tuition fee annually for the school your children in now? (The currency is RMB)A. Less than 1,000B. 1,000-5000C. 5,000-20,000D. more than 20,0001234567ABCDSelection15%35%23%20%A B C DSelection Item Frequency Relative Frequency PercentFrequencyA B C D 4 13 1 2 3/20 = 0.15 6/20 = 0.3 10/20 = 0.5 1/20 = 0.05 3/20 × 100 =15 6/20 × 100 =30 10/20 ×100 =50 1/20 ×100 =5 Total201100There are 4 participants chose A which is less than 1,000, 13 participants chose B which is 1,000 to 5,000, 1 participants chose C which is 5,000 to 20,000, and the rest of 2 chose D which is more than 20,000Figure 4-3 Bar Chart of Question 3The bar chart above shows there are 4 participants chose A which is less than 1,000, 13 participants chose B which is 1,000 to 5,000, 1 chose C which is 5,000 to 20,000 and 2 participant chose D which is more than 20,000.Figure 4-3 Pie Chart of Question 32468101214ABCDSelection20%65%5%10%A B C DThe pie chart above shows there are 20% of all participants chose A, 65% chose B, 5% of all people chose C, only 10% participant chose D.4.4 Which country do you prefer to let your children study in the future? chose one answer belowA. USA or CanadaB. UK and European countriesC. Singapore and Asian countriesD. Australia or New Zealand Selection ItemFrequencyRelative Frequency PercentFrequencyA B C D 5 10 3 2 5/20 = 0.25 10/20 = 0.5 3/20 = 0.15 2/20 = 0.1 5/20 × 100 =25 10/20 × 100 =50 3/20 ×100 =15 2/20 ×100 =1 Total201100There are 5 participants chose A which is USA or Canada, 10 participants chose B which is UK and European countries, 3 participants chose C Singapore and Asian countries, and the rest of 2 chose D which is Australia or New Zealand.Figure 4-4 Bar Chart of Question 4The bar chart above shows there are 5 participants chose A which is USA or Canada, 10 participants chose B which is UK and European countries, 3 chose C which is Singapore and Asian countries and 2 participant chose D which is Australia or New246810ABCDSelectionZealand.Figure 4-4 Pie Chart of Question 4The pie chart above shows there are 25% of all participants chose A, 50% chose B, 15% of all people chose C, only 10% participant chose D.4.5 How much do you think the fee is suited (inclusive the living cost) ? (Currency is RMB)A. 20,000-50,000B. 50,000-100,000C.100, 000-200,000D.More than 200,000 Selection ItemFrequencyRelative Frequency PercentFrequencyA B C D 3 5 8 4 3/20 = 0.15 5/20 = 0.25 8/20 = 0.4 4/20 = 0.2 3/20 × 100 =15 5/20 × 100 =25 8/20 ×100 =40 4/20 ×100 =20 Total201100Table 4-5 spend money a month at schoolThere are 3 out are 20 students are willing to pay RMB 20,000 to 50,000 a year for tuition fee abroad, 1 in 4 students are willing to pay RMB 50,000 to 100,000 a year, 40% students think RMB 100,000 to 200,000 is suited to pay, the rest of student are reached 20% who would like to pay more than RMB 200,000 per year.25%50%15%10%A B C DFigure 4-5 Bar Chart of Question 5The bar chart above shows there are 3 participants chose A which is paying RMB 20,000 to 50,000 for the fees of studying abroad, 5 participants chose B which paying 50,000 to 100,000, 8 chose C which is paying 100,000 to 200,000 and 4 participant chose D which is paying more than 200,000.Figure 4-5 Pie Chart of Question 5The pie chart above shows there are 15 % of all participants chose A, 25% chose B, 40% of all people chose C, only 20% participant chose D.5.0 Analysis the ticket price of Air Asia and Air Malaysia 5.1 Data CollectionAir Asia is the largest global cheap airline (low-fuel) company, the flying routes are covers the most major areas of Asia Pacific region, the headquarter of Air Asia is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There is a sales office in Beijing, PRC. For a12345678A B C DSelection15%20%25%40%A B C Dlow-fuel airline company, the air fare is fluctuated due to the different sales season and quantity of passengers etc. The fare of the plane fly to different destination is different, Air Malaysia is the largest airline company in Malaysia, there are nearly 30 international flight route start from Kuala Lumpur to abroad, the price of its ticket is the same as other airline companies by using the nation’s name for its company’s name. here, use one flying route of Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur of two companie as an example, the departure date is in 22nd July 2010, the chart below shows the daily-fluctuated air fare in the whole April provided by Guangzhou Sales office. (The currency is RMB)Date HK-KL (Air Asia) Date HK-KL(Air Malaysia)1 April 418 1 April 1,3762 April 417 2 April 1,3903 April 421 3 April 1,3884 April 423 4 April 1,4185 April 445 5 April 1,3996 April 430 6 April 1,3997 April 448 7 April 1,4008 April 449 8 April 1,4059 April 438 9 April 1,40910 April 445 10 April 1,41111 April 448 11 April 1,41212 April 447 12 April 1,33113 April 445 13 April 1,33214 April 447 14 April 1,38815 April 446 15 April 1,39916 April 457 16 April 1,36817 April 458 17 April 1,355 18 April 459 18 April 1,356 19 April 450 19 April 1,321 20 April 462 20 April 1,290 21 April 470 21 April 1,300 22 April 475 22 April 1,321 23 April 482 23 April 1,311 24 April 495 24 April 1,303 25 April 485 25 April 1,399 26 April 506 26 April 1,412 27 April 506 27 April 1,450 28 April 508 28 April 1,460 29 April 518 29 April 1,478 30 April52030 April1,499Table 5-1 Prices of tickets5.2 Analysis of Air AsiaTable 5-2 DistributionsThe above distribution chart shows that the frequency of the price scope from 400 to 499 is 30, the relative frequency is 0.6, the percent frequency is 60. Scope from 450 to 499, the relative frequency is 0.3, percent frequency is 30. the frequency of the scope of 500 to 549 is 5, the relative frequency is 0.1, the percent frequency is 10.Price of ticket of AirAsia ( HK-KL)Frequency Relative FrequencyPercent Frequency 400-449 450-499 500-54930 15 5 0.6 0.3 0.1 60 30 10 Total501100Table 5-3 : Cumulative frequency distributionFigure 5-2 : Ogive of Air AsiaWhen the air fare is RMB 400, the frequency is the most, when it is RMB 450, the frequency is 15 which is lower than RMB 400, when the price is RMB 500, the frequency is 5.>400 >450 >50030 15 5Classification of Flying Route from HK to KLCumulative Frequency 051015202530400450500Distribution400 450 500 5505.3 Analysis of Air Malaysia 1) Calculate the mean X=∑x /n= 41,480/30=1383 2) Calculate the medianThe median should be the average of 15th and 16th among all the data, so the median is 1394.5 ( from (1,390 +1,399)/2) 3) Find the modeThe mode is the value occurs the most frequency times, 1,399 is the value which occurs 4 times, so the mode is 1,399 4) Calculate the 85th percentilei = 错误!未找到引用源。
Business Decision AnalysisReview Sections-ChoiceChapter 01Which of the following terms is interchangeable with quantitative analysis?A)management scienceB)economicsC)financial analysisD)statisticsE)None of the aboveWho is cred让ed with pioneering the principles of the scientific approach to management?A)Adam SmithB)Henri FayolC)John R. LockeD)Frederick W. TaylorE)Charles BabbageA(n) ________ is a representation of reality or a real-life situation.A)objectiveB)modelC)analysisD)algorithmE)None of the aboveA set of logical and mathematical operations performed in a specific sequence is called a(n)A)complete enumeration.B)diagnostic analysis・C)algorithm・D)objective・E)None of the aboveThe ability to examine the variability of a solution due to changes in the formulation of a problem is an important part of the analysis of the results. This type of analysis is called analysis.A)sensitivityB)implicitC)normalD)scaleE)objectiveWhich of the following is not one of the steps in the quantitative analysis approach?A)Defining the ProblemB)Developing a SolutionC)Observing a hypothesisD)Testing a SolutionE)Implementing the ResultsThe condition of improper data yielding misleading results is referred to asA)garbage in, garbage out.B)break-even point.C)uncontrollable variable・D)postoptimality.E)None of the aboveExpressing profits through the relationship among unit price, fixed costs, and variable costs is an example ofA)a sensitivity analysis model.B)a quantitative analysis model・C)a postoptimal让y relationship・D)a parameter specification model.E)None of the aboveChapter 02The classical method of determining probability isA)subjective probabil让y.B)marginal probability.C)objective probability.D)joint probability.E)cond让ional probabil让y.Subjective probability assessments depend onA)the total number of trials.B)the relative frequency of occurrence・C)the number of occurrences of the event.D)experience and judgment.E)None of the aboveIf two events are mutually exclusive, thenA)their probabilities can be added・B)they may also be collectively exhaustive.C)the joint probability is equal to 0.D)if one occurs, the other cannot occur.E)All of the aboveA _______ is a numerical statement about the likelihood that an event will occur.A)mutually exclusive constructB)collectively exhaustive constructC)varianceD)probabil让yE)standard deviationA conditional probability P(B I A) is equal to its marginal probability P(B) ifA)it is a joint probability.B)statistical dependence exists.C)statistical independence exists・D)the events arc mutually exclusive.E)P(A) = P(B).The equation P(A IB) = P(AB)/P(B) isA)the marginal probability.B)the formula for a cond让ional probabil让y.C)the formula for a joint probabil让y.D)only relevant when events A and B are collectively exhaustive.E)None of the aboveBayes' theorem is used to calculateA)revised probabilities.B)joint probabilities.C)prior probabilities.D)subjective probabil让ies・E)marginal probabilities.If P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.2z P(A and B) = 0.0, what can be said about events A and B?A)They are independentB)They are mutually exclusive.C)They are posterior probabilities.D)None of the aboveE)All of the above"The probability of event B, given that event A has occurred11 is known as a __________ probabilit y.A)continuousB)marginalC)simpleD)jointE)conditionalWhen does P(A IB) = P(A)?A)when A and B are mutually exclusiveB)when A and B are statistically independentC)when A and B are statistically dependentD)when A and B are collectively exhaustiveE)when P(B) = 0Chapter 03An analytic and systematic approach to the study of decision making is referred to asA)decision making under risk.B)decision making under uncertainty.C)decision theory.D)decision analysis・E)decision making under certainty・Expected monetary value (EMV) isA)the average or expected monetary outcome of a decision if 让can be repeated a large number of times.B)the average or expected value of the decision, if you know what would happen ahead of time.C)the average or expected value of information if 让were completely accurate・D)the amount you would lose by not picking the best alternative.E) a decision criterion that places an equal weight on all states of nature・Which of the following is not considered a criteria for decision making under uncertainty?A)optimisticB)pessimisticC)equally likelyD)random selectionE)minimax regretA pessimistic decision making criterion isA)maximax・B)equally likely.C)maximin.D)decision making under certainty.E)mini max regret.Which of the following is true about the expected value of perfect information?A)It is the amount you would pay for any sample study.B)It is calculated as EMV minus EOL.C)It is calculated as expected value w让h perfect information minus maximum EMV.D)It is the amount charged for marketing research・E)None of the aboveWhich of the following is not a characteristic of a good decision?A)based on logicB)considers all available dataC)considers all possible alternativesD)employs appropriate quantitative techniquesE)always results in a favorable outcomeThe following is a payoff table giving profits for various situations.What decision would an optimist make?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)Do NothingE)State of Nature AThe following is a payoff table giving profits for various situations.What decision would a pessimist make?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)Do NothingE)State of Nature AThe following is an opportunity loss table.What decision should be made based on the minimax regret criterion?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)State of Nature AE)Does not matterThe following is an opportunity loss table.What decision should be made based on the minimax regret criterion?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)State of Nature CE)Does not matterWhat decision should be made based on the mini max regret criterion?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)State of Nature CE)Does not matterThe following is a payoff table.What decision should be made based on the minimax regret criterion?A)Alternative 1B)Alternative 2C)Alternative 3D)State of Nature CE)Does not matterChapter 04Which of the following statements is true regarding a scatter diagram?A)It provides very l让tie information about the relationship between the regression variables.B)It is a plot of the independent and dependent variables・C)It is a line chart of the independent and dependent variables・D)It has a value between -1 and +1.E)It gives the percent of variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable・The random error in a regression equationA)is the predicted error.B)includes both positive and negative terms.C)will sum to a large positive number・D)is used the estimate the accuracy of the slope.E)is maximized in a least squares regression model.Which of the following equalities is correct?A)SST = SSR + SSEB)SSR = SST + SSEC)SSE = SSR + SSTD)SST = SSC + SSRE)SSE = Actual Value ・ Predicted ValueWhich of the following statements is true about r2?A)It is also called the coefficient of correlation.B)It is also called the coefficient of determination.C)It represents the percent of variation in X that is explained by Y.D)It represents the percent of variation in the error that is explained by Y・E)It ranges in value from -1 to + 1 ・■ ■oooooooooo6543210987 Trend LineY 56.70 + 1O.54X50 Actual Demand LineThe coefficient of determination resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0.85. What was the slope of the regression line?A)0.85B)-0.85C)0.922D)There is insufficient information to answer the questioruE)None of the aboveThe diagram below illustrates data with a1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998YearA)negative correlation coefficient.B)zero correlation coefficient.C)positive correlation coefficient.D)correlation coefficient equal to +1・E)None of the aboveThe correlation coefficient resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0・25・ What was the coefficient of determination?A)0.5B)-0.5C)0.0625D)There is insufficient information to answer the question.E)None of the aboveIn a good regression model the residual plot showsA)a cone pattern.B)an arched pattern.C)a random pattern.D)an increasing pattern.E) a decreasing pattern.Chapter 05Which of the following is not classified as a qualitative forecasting model?A)exponential smoothingB)Delphi methodC)jury of executive opinionD)sales force compositeE)consumer market surveyA judgmental forecasting technique that uses decision makers, staff personnel, and respondent to determine a forecast is calledA)exponential smoothing・B)the Delphi method.C)jury of executive opinion.D)sales force composite・E)consumer market survey.Which of the following statements about scatter diagrams is true?A)Time is always plotted on the y-axis.B)It can depict the relationsliip among three variables simultancously.C)It is helpful when forecasting w让h qualitative data・D)The variable to be forecasted is placed on the y-axis.E)It is not a good tool for understanding time-series data.Enrollment in a particular class for the last four semesters has been 120,126,110, and 130. Suppose a one-semester moving average was used to forecast enrollment (this is sometimes referred to as a naive forecast). Thus, the forecast for the second semester would be 120, for the third semester it would be 126, and for the last semester it would be 110. What would the MSE be for this situation?A)196.00B)230.67C)100.00D)42.00E)None of the aboveWhich of the following methods gives an indication of the percentage of forecast error?A)MADB)MSEC)MAPED)decompositionE)biasDaily demand for newspapers for the last 10 days has been as follows: 12,13,16,15,12,18, 14,12z 13,15 (listed from oldest to most recent). Forecast sales for the next day using atwo・day moving average.A)14B)13C)15D)28E)12.5As one increases the number of periods used in the calculation of a moving average,A)greater emphasis is placed on more recent data.B)less emphasis is placed on more recent data.C)the emphasis placed on more recent data remains the same.D)让requires a computer to automate the calculations.E)one is usually looking for a long-term prediction.Enrollment in a particular class for the last four semesters has been 122,128,100, and 155 (listed from oldest to most recent)・ The best forecast of enrollment next semester, based on a three-semester moving average, would beA)116.7.B)126.3.C)16&3.D)135.0.E)127.7.Sales for boxes of Girl Scout cookies over a 4-month period were forecasted as follows: 100, 120,115, and 123. The actual results over the 4-month period were as follows: 110z 114,119, 115. What was the MAD of the 4-month forecast?A)0B)5C)7D)108E)None of the aboveSales for boxes of Girl Scout cookies over a 4-month period were forecasted as follows: 100, 120,115, and 123. The actual results over the 4-month period were as follows: 110z 114,119, 115. What was the MSE of the 4-month forecast?A)0B)5C)7D)108E)None of the aboveDaily demand for newspapers for the last 10 days has been as follows: 12,13,16z 15z 12,18, 14,12z 13,15 (listed from oldest to most recent). Forecast sales for the next day using a three-day weighted moving average where the weights are 3,1, and 1 (the highest weight isfor the most recent number).A)12.8B)13.0C)70.0D)14.0E)None of the aboveDaily demand for newspapers for the last 10 days has been as follows: 12,13,16,15z 12,18,14,12,13,15 (listed from oldest to most recent). Forecast sales for the next day using a two day weighted moving average where the weights are 3 and 1 areA)14.5.B)13.5.C)14.D)12.25.E)12.75.Which of the following is not considered to be one of the components of a time series?A)trendB)seasonal让yC)varianceD)cyclesE)random variationsChapter 06InventoryA)is any stored resource used to satisfy current or future need・B)includes raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods.C)levels for finished goods are a direct function of demand・D)needs from raw materials through finished goods can be reasonably determined, once finished goods demand is determined.E)All of the aboveWhich of the following is not a use of inventory?A)the decoupling functionB)quantity discountsC)irregular supply and demandD)the translucent functionE)to avoid stockouts and shortagesIn making inventory decisions, the purpose of the basic EOQ model is toA)minimize carrying costs.B)minimize ordering costs・C)minimize the sum of carrying costs and ordering costs・D)minimize customer dissatisfaction.E)minimize stock on hand・Which of the following is not considered a significant inventory cost?A)cost of production laborB)purchase costC)cost of stockoutsD)cost of carrying an itemE)cost of orderingWhich of the following is part of the determination of EOQ?A)cost of production laborB)cost of stockoutsC)purchase costD)annual demandE)total revenueWhich of the following factors is (are) not included in ordering cost?A)bill payingB)obsolescenceC)purchasing department overhead costsD)inspecting incoming inventoryE)developing and sending purchase ordersWhich of the following factors is (are) not included in carrying cost?A)spoilageB)obsolescenceC)cost of capitalD)inspecting incoming inventoryE)warehousing overhead costsAs the service level increases,A)carrying cost increases at an increasing rate.B)carrying cost increases at a decreasing rate.C)carrying cost decreases at a decreasing rate・D)carrying cost decreases at an increasing rate・E)None of the aboveWhich of the following is not an assumption for the basic EOQ model?A)Only an integer number of orders can be made each year・B)Quantity discounts are not possible・C)Inventory receipt is instantaneous (all at once).D)W让h orders placed at the correct time, there will be no shortages.E)Demand is known.For the basic EOQ model, which of the following relationships is not true?A)The optimal number of orders per year equals annual demand divided by the EOQ・B)The reorder point equals daily demand multiplied by the lead-time in days, excluding safety stock.C)Average inventory level equals one-half the order size.D)The average dollar level of inventory equals urdt price multiplied by order quantity・E)At EOQ, annual ordering cost equals annual carrying cost.The EOQ model without the instantaneous receipt assumption is commonly called theA)quantity discount model.B)safety stock model.C)planned shortage model.D)production run model.E)None of the aboveSensitivity analysis of EOQ refers toA)the atHtude of top management toward the use of the EOQ model.B)analysis of how much the EOQ will change if different input values are used.C)an assessment of the impact of obsolescence upon the EOQ・D)a study of the impact of storing incompatible products in the same warehouse・E)analysis of the impact of stock shortages on customers or on production.Chapter 07A widely used mathematical programming technique designed to help managers and decision making relative to resource allocation is called __________________ •A)linear programmingB)computer programmingC)constraint programmingD)goal programmingE)None of the aboveTypical resources of an organization include __________ •A)machinery usageB)labor volumeC)warehouse space utilizationD)raw material usageE)All of the aboveWhich of the following is not a property of all linear programming problems?A)the presence of restrictionsB)optimization of some objectiveC)a computer programD)alternate courses of action to choose fromE)usage of only linear equations and inequalitiesA feasible solution to a linear programming problemA)must be a corner point of the feasible region.B)must satisfy all of the problem's constraints simultaneously.C)need not satisfy all of the constraints, only the non-negativity constraints・D)must give the maximum possible profit.E)must give the minimum possible costInfeasibility in a linear programming problem occurs whenA)there is an infinite solution.B)a constraint is redundant.C)more than one solution is optimal.D)the feasible region is unbounded・E)there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints given.In a maximization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the profit can be made infin让ely large without violating any constraints, the linear program hasA)an infeasible solution.B)an unbounded solution.C)a redundant constraint.D)alternate optimal solutions・E)None of the aboveWhich of the following is not a part of every linear programming problem formulation?A)an objective functionB)a set of constraintsC)non-negativity constraintsD)a redundant constraintE)maximization or minimization of a linear functionWhen appropriate, the optimal solution to a maximization linear programming problem can be found by graphing the feasible region andA)finding the profit at every corner point of the feasible region to see which one gives the highest value.B)moving the isoprofit lines towards the origin in a parallel fashion until the last point in the feasible region is encountered.C)locating the point that is highest on the graph・D)None of the aboveE)All of the aboveThe mathematical theory behind linear programming states that an optimal solution to any problem will lie at a(n) _________ o f the feasible region.A)interior point or centerB)maximum point or minimum pointC)comer point or extreme pointD)interior point or extreme pointE)None of the aboveWhich of the following is not a property of linear programs?A)one objective functionB)at least two separate feasible regionsC)alternative courses of actionD)one or more constraintsE)objective function and constraints are linearThe corner point solution methodA)will always provide one, and only one, optimum・B)will yield different results from the isoprofit line solution method・C)requires that the profit from all corners of the feasible region be compared.D)requires that all corners created by all constraints be compared・E)will not provide a solution at an intersection or corner where a non-negativity constraint is involved.When a constraint line bounding a feasible region has the same slope as an isoprofit line,A)there may be more than one optimum solutioruB)the problem involves rcdundancy.C)an error has been made in the problem formulation.D)a condition of infeasibility exists.E)None of the aboveChapter 08Using linear programming to maximize audience exposure in an advertising campaign is an example of the type of linear programming application known asA)media selection・B)marketi ng research・C)portfolio assessment・D)media budgeting・E)All of the aboveThe following does not represent a factor a manager might typically consider when employing linear programming for a production scheduling:A)labor capacity・B)space liirdtations・C)product demand.D)risk assessment.E)inventory costs.Media selection problems are typically approached with LP by eitherA)maximizing audience exposure or maximizing number of ads per time period.B)maximizing the number of different media or minimizing advertising costs.C)minimizing the number of different media or minimizing advertising costs.D)maximizing audience exposure or minimizing advertising costs.E)minimizing audience exposure or minimizing advertising costs.Which of the following is considered a decision variable in the media selection problem of maximizing audience exposure?A)the amount spent on each ad typeB)what types of ads to offerC)the number of ads of each typeD)the overall advertising budgetE)None of the aboveWhich of the following is considered a decision variable in the media selection problem of minimizing interview costs in surveying?A)the number of people to survey in each market segmentB)the overall survey budgetC)the total number surveyedD)the number of people to conduct interviewsE)None of the aboveWhich of the following is considered a decision variable in the production mix problem of maximizing profit?A)the amount of raw material to purchase for productionB)the number of product types to offerC)the selling price of each productD)the amount of each product to produceE)None of the aboveLinear programming is usually used by managers involved in portfolio selection toA)maximize return on investment.B)maximize investment limitations・C)maximize risk・D)minimize risk・E)minimize expected return on investment.The selection of specific investments from among a wide variety of alternatives is the type of LP problem known asA)the product mix problem.B)the investment banker problem・C)the Wall Street problem・D)the portfolio selection problem・E)None of the aboveChapter 11If your goal was to construct a network in which all points were connected and the distance between them was as short as possible, the technique that you would use isA)shortest-route・B)maximal-flow.C)shortest-spanning tree.D)minimal-flow・E)mi ni mal-spanni ng tree.The maximal-flow technique would best be usedA)to assign workers to jobs in the cheapest manner.B)to determine the number of units to ship from each source to each destination・C)to determine LAN network wiring w让hin a building・D)to maximize traffic flow on a busy highway.E)by a trucking company making frequent but repeatable drops.A technique that allows a researcher to determine the greatest amount of material that can move through a network is calledA)maximal-flow・B)maximal-spanning.C)shortcst-routc.D)maximal-tree.The first step in the maximal-flow technique is toA)pick the node w让h the maximum flow・B)pick any path w让h some flow・C)eliminate any node that has a zero flow.D)add a dummy flow from the start to the finish・E)None of the aboveThe shortest-route technique would best be used to ___________A)assign workers to jobs in the cheapest manner.B)determine the number of urdts to ship from each source to each destination.C)determine the amount of LAN network wiring within a building・D)minimize the amount of traffic flow on a busy highway.E)determine the path for a truck making frequent but repeatable drops.When using the shortest-route technique, the first step is toA)connect the nearest node that minimizes the total distance to the origin.B)trace the path from the warehouse to the plant.C)determine the average distance traveled from source to end.D)find the nearest node to the origin and put a distance box by the node.E)None of the aboveThe shortest-route technique might be logically used forA)finding the longest time to travel between two points・B)finding the shortest travel distance between two points.C)finding the most scenic route to allow travel to several places during a trip on spring break.D)connecting all the points of a network together while minimizing the distance between them.E)None of the aboveAll the nodes must be connected in which of the following techniques?A)minimal-flowB)maximal -spanning treeC)shortest-routeD)maximal-flowE)minimal-spanning treeThe minimal-spanning tree technique would best be usedA)by a forest ranger seeking to minimize the risk of forest fires.B)by a telephone company attempting to lay out wires in a new housing development.C)by an airline laying out flight routes.D)None of the aboveE)All of the aboveThe maximal-flow technique might be usedA)to help design the moving sidewalks transporting passengers from one terminal to another in a busy airport・B)by someone designing the traffic approaches to an airport・C)by someone attempting to design roads that would lim让the flow of traffic through an area ・D)All of the aboveE)None of the aboveThe shortest-route technique would best be used toA)plan the routes for a vacation driving tour.B)plan the route for a school bus.C)determine the path for a truck making frequent runs from a factory to a warehouse・D)All of the aboveE)None of the aboveGiven the following distances between destination nodes, what is the minimum distance that connects all the nodes?B)150C)350D)650E)None of the aboveGiven the following distances between destination nodes, what is the minimum distance that connects all the nodes?B)750C)850D)900E)None of the aboveB)450C)550D)500E)800Find the shortest route from Node 1 to Node 4・A)750B)500C)550D)600E)50Chapter 12The critical path of a network is theA)shortest time path through the network・B)path w让h the fewest activ让ies.C)path w让h the most activities.D)longest time path through the network.E)None of the aboveIn a PERT network, the earliest (activity) start time is theA)earliest time that an activity can be finished w让hout delaying the entire project.B)latest time that an activity can be started without delaying the entire project.C)earliest time that an activity can start without violation of precedence requirements・D)latest time that an activity can be finished w让hout delaying the entire project.E)None of the aboveSlack time in a network is theA)amount of time that an activ让y would take assuming very unfavorable cond让ions・B)shortest amount of time that could be required to complete the activity・C)amount of time that you would expect it would take to complete the activity.D)difference between the expected completion time of the project using pessimistic times and the expected completion time of the project using optimistic times.E)amount of time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the entire project・The first step in planning and scheduling a project is to develop the ____________ •A)employee scheduling planB)PERT/CPM network diagramC)critical pathD)work breakdown structureE)variance calculations for each activ让yWhich of the following is not a concept associated with CPM?A)normal timeB)probabilityC)normal costD)crash costE)deterministic networkPERTA)assumes that wc do not know ahead of time what activ让ics must be completed・B)assumes that activity time estimates follow the normal probability distribution.C)is a network technique that uses three time estimates for each activity in a project・D)is a deterministic network technique that allows for project crashing.E)None of the aboveCPMA)assumes wc do not know ahead of time what activities must be completed・B)assumes that activity time estimates follow the normal probability distributiori.C)is a deterministic network technique that allows for project crashing・D)is a network technique that allows three time estimates for each activ让y in a project.E)None of the aboveManagers use the network analysis of PERT and CPM to help themA)derive flexibility by identifying noncritical activities-B)replan, reschedule, and reallocate resources such as manpower and finances.C)plan, schedule, monitor, and control large and complex projects・D)All of the aboveE)None of the aboveThe expected time in PERT isA)a weighted average of the most optimistic time, most pessimistic time, and four times the most likely time.B)the modal time of a beta distribution.C)a simple average of the most optimistic, most likely, and most pessimistic times.D)the square root of the sum of the variances of the activities on the critical path.E)None of the aboveGiven an activity's optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time estimates of 4, 6, and 14 days respectively, compute the PERT expected activity time for this activity,A)8B) 6C)7D)9E)None of the above。
1. 背景分析:简述项目的背景和环境。
2. 项目目标:明确项目的主要目标和预期结果。
1. 目标市场:界定项目的目标客户群体。
2. 竞争情况:分析主要竞争对手及其策略。
3. 市场机会:识别项目的市场机会和潜在需求。
1. 产品或服务描述:详细说明拟提供的产品或服务。
2. 独特卖点:强调产品或服务的独特之处和竞争优势。
1. 推广渠道:选择合适的推广渠道和方式。
2. 定价策略:确定产品或服务的定价策略。
3. 促销活动:计划促销活动以吸引客户。
1. 组织架构:描述项目的组织架构和管理团队。
2. 生产或服务流程:设计生产或服务的流程。
3. 质量控制:制定质量控制的措施和标准。
1. 收入预测:预估项目的收入情况。
2. 成本预算:列出项目的主要成本和费用。
3. 利润预测:预测项目的利润情况。
1. 风险识别:识别可能影响项目的风险因素。
2. 风险评估:评估风险的可能性和影响程度。
3. 风险管理策略:制定风险管理的策略和措施。
1. 项目阶段划分:将项目划分为若干阶段。
2. 实施计划:制定每个阶段的具体实施计划。
3. 时间表:安排每个阶段的时间节点和里程碑。
1. 项目总结:对项目进行总结和概括。
2. 建议与改进:提出建议和改进的方向。
VALUE = 75.77 - 0.676 SIZE
S = 33.9948 R-Sq = 0.2% R-Sq(调整)= 0.0%
来源自由度SS MS F P
回归1 215 214.79 0.19 0.667
误差118 136366 1155.64
合计119 136581
VALUE = 146.8 - 3.783 P/E RATIO
S = 25.2577 R-Sq = 44.9% R-Sq(调整)= 44.4%
2018年福建省职业院校技能大赛高职组市场营销技能赛项商务数据分析模块样题及答案商务数据分析模块选择3e习商网等后台用户数据库完全开放的销售实战平台作为竞赛数据来源,允许使用Excel、Word、PowerPoint 软件进行辅助操作。
(每空1分,共4分)答案:表1 四所院校方便面品牌2017年3月9日至3月11日总销量表2.题目:请查询黑龙江职业学院的数字商业体验中心所售方便面2017年3月9日至3月11日总销量前3位的单品(单品是指商品分类中不能进一步细分的、完整独立的商品。
Business Decision AnalysisReview Sections-Solve ProblemChapter 021. A class contains 30 students. Ten are female (F) and U.S. citizens (U); 12 are male (M) andU.S. citizens; 6 are female and non-U.S. citizens (N); 2 are male and non-U.S. citizens. A name is randomly selected from the class roster and it is female. What is the probability that the student is a U.S. citizen?2.Your professor tells you that if you score an 85 or better on your midterm exam, then youhave a 90%chance of getting an A for the course. You think you have only a 50% chance of scoring 85 or better. Find the probability that both your score is 85 or better and you receive an A in the course.3.An instructor is teaching two sections (classes) of calculus. Each class has 24 students, and onthe surface, both classes appear identical. One class, however, consists of students who have all taken calculus in high school. The instructor has no idea which class is which. She knows that the probability of at least half the class getting As on the first exam is only 25% in an average class, but 50% in a class with more math background. A section is selected at random and quizzed. More than half the class received As. Now, what is the revised probability that the class was the advanced one?Chapter 034.Maria Rojas is considering the possibility of opening a small dress shop on Fairbanks Avenue,a few blocks from the university. She has located a good mall that attracts students. Heroptions are to open a small shop, a medium-sized shop, or no shop at all. The market for a dress shop can be good, average, or bad. The probabilities for these three possibilities are 0.2 for a good market, 0.5 for an average market, and 0.3 for a bad market. The net profit or loss for the medium-sized and small shops for the various market conditions are given in the(a) What do you recommend?(b) Calculate the EVPI.(c) Develop the opportunity loss table for this situation. What decisions would be made using the minimax regret criterion and the minimum EOL criterion?5.The ABC Co. is considering a new consumer product. They believe there is a probability of0.4 that the XYZ Co. will come out with a competitive product. If ABC adds an assemblyline for the product and XYZ does not follow with a competitive product, their expected profit is $40,000; if they add an assembly line and XYZ does follow, they still expect a $10,000 profit. If ABC adds a new plant addition and XYZ does not produce a competitive product, they expect a profit of $600,000; if XYZ does compete for this market, ABC expectsa loss of $100,000.(a) Determine the EMV of each decision.(b) Determine the EOL of each decision.(c) Compare the results of (a) and (b).(d) Calculate the EVPI.6.Barbour Electric is considering the introduction of a new product. This product can beproduced in one of several ways: (a) using the present assembly line at a cost of $25 per unit, (b) using the current assembly line after it has been overhauled (at a cost of $10,000) with a cost of $22 per unit; and (c) on an entirely new assembly line (costing $30,000) designed especially for the new product with a per unit cost of $20. Barbour is worried, however, about the impact of competition. If no competition occurs, they expect to sell 15,000 units the first year. With competition, the number of units sold is expected to drop to 9,000. At the moment, their best estimate is that there is a 40% chance of competition.They have decided to make their decision based on the first year sales.(a) Develop the decision table (EMV).(b) Develop a decision table (EOL).(c) What should they do?7.Monica Britt has enjoyed sailing small boats since she was 7 years old, when her motherstarted sailing with her. Today, Monica is considering the possibility of starting a company to produce small sail-boats for the recreational market. Unlike other mass-produced sailboats, however, these boats will be made specifically for children between the ages of 10 and 15.The boats will be of the highest quality and extremely stable, and the sail size will be reduced to prevent problems of capsizing. Her basic decision is whether to build a large manufacturing facility, a small manufacturing facility, or no facility at all. With a favorable market, Monica can expect to make $90,000 from the large facility or $60,000 from the smaller facility. If the market is unfavorable, however, Monica estimates that she would lose $30,000 with a large facility, and she would lose only $20,000 with the small facility.Because of the expense involved in developing the initial molds and acquiring the necessary equipment to produce fiberglass sailboats for young children, Monica has decided to conducta pilot study to make sure that the market for the sailboats will be adequate. She estimatesthat the pilot study will cost her $10,000. Furthermore, the pilot study can be either favorableor unfavorable. Monica estimates that the probability of a favorable market given a favorable pilot study is 0.8. The probability of an unfavorable market given an unfavorable pilot study result is estimated to be 0.9. Monica feels that there is a 0.65 chance that the pilot study will be favorable. Of course, Monica could bypass the pilot study and simply make the decision as to whether to build a large plant, small plant, or no facility at all. Without doing any testing ina pilot study, she estimates that the probability of a favor-able market is 0.6. What do yourecommend? Compute the EVSI.Chapter 048.Judith Thompson runs a florist shop on the Gulf Coast of Texas, specializing in floralarrangements for weddings and other special events. She advertises weekly in the local newspapers and is considering in-creasing her advertising budget. Before doing so, she decides to evaluate the past effectiveness of these ads. Five weeks are sampled, and the advertising dollars and sales volume for each of these is shown in the following table.Develop a regression equation that would help Judith evaluate her advertising. Find the9.Bob White is conducting research on monthly expenses for medical care, includingover-the-counter medicine. His dependent variable is monthly expenses for medical care while his independent variable is number of family members. Below is his Excel output.(a) What is the prediction equation?(b) Based on his model, each additional family member increases the predicted costs by how much?(c) Based on the significance F-test, is this model a good prediction equation?(d) What percent of the variation in medical expenses is explained by the size of the family?(e) Can the null hypothesis that the slope is zero be rejected? Why or why not?(f) What is the value of the correlation coefficient?10.Bob White is conducting research on monthly expenses for medical care, including over thecounter medicine. His dependent variable is monthly expenses for medical care while his independent variables are number of family members and insurance type (government funded, private insurance and other). He has coded insurance type as the following:X2 = 1 if government funded, X3 = 1 if private insuranceBelow is his Excel output.(a) What is the prediction equation?(b) Based on the significance F-test, is this model a good prediction equation?(c) What percent of the variation in medical expenses is explained by the independent variables?(d) Based on his model, what are the predicted monthly expenses for a family of four with private insurance?(e) Based on his model, what are the predicted monthly expenses for a family of two with government funded insurance?(f) Based on his model, what are the predicted monthly expenses for a family of five with no insurance?Chapter 0511.Demand for patient surgery at Washington General Hospital has increased steadily in the pastYear Outpatient surgeries performed1 452 503 524 565 586 --The director of year 1 would be 42 surgeries. Using exponential smoothing with a weight of develop forecasts for years 2 through 6. What is the MAD?12.Daily high temperatures in the city of Houston for the last week have been: 93, 94, 93, 95,92, 86, 98 (yesterday).(a) Forecast the high temperature today using a three-day moving average.(b) Forecast the high temperature today using a two-day moving average.(c) Calculate the mean absolute deviation based on a two-day moving average, covering all days in which you can have a forecast and an actual temperature.(a) Develop a scatter diagram.(b) Develop a three-month moving average.(c) Compute MAD.Chapter 0614.Patterson Electronics supplies microcomputer circuitry to a company that incorporatesmicroprocessors into refrigerators and other home appliances. One of the components has an annual demand of 250units, and this is constant throughout the year. Carrying cost is estimated to be $1 per unit per year, and the ordering cost is $20 per order.(a) To minimize cost, how many units should be ordered each time an order is placed?(b) How many orders per year are needed with the optimal policy?(c) What is the average inventory if costs are minimized?(d) Suppose the ordering cost is not $20, and Patterson has been ordering 150 units each time an order is placed. For this order policy to be optimal, what would the ordering cost have to be?15.Flemming Accessories produces paper slicers used in offices and in art stores. The minislicerhas been one of its most popular items: Annual demand is 6,750 units and is constant throughout the year. Kristen Flemming, owner of the firm, produces the minislicers in batches.On average, Kristen can manufacture 125 minislicers per day. Demand for these slicers during the production process is 30 per day. The setup cost for the equipment necessary to produce the minislicers is $150. Carrying costs are $1 per minislicer per year. How many minislicers should Kristen manufacture in each batch?16.Dorsey Distributors has an annual demand for a metal detector of 1,400. The cost of a typicaldetector to Dorsey is $400. Carrying cost is estimated to be 20% of the unit cost, and the ordering cost is $25 per order. If Dorsey orders in quantities of 300 or more, it can get a 5% discount on the cost of the detectors. Should Dorsey take the quantity discount? Assume the demand is constant.Chapter 0717.Hal has enough clay to make 24 small vases or 6 large vases. He only has enough of a specialglazing compound to glaze 16 of the small vases or 8 of the large vases. Let X1 the number of small vases and X2 the number of large vases. The smaller vases sell for $3 each, while the larger vases would bring $9 each.(a) Formulate the problem.(b) Solve graphically.18. A fabric firm has received an order for cloth specified to contain at least 45 pounds of cottonand 25 pounds of silk. The cloth can be woven out on any suitable mix of two yarns, A and B.Material A costs $3 per pound, and B costs $2 per pound. They contain the following proportions of cotton and silk (by weight):Yarn Cotton (%) Silk (%)A30 50B60 10What quantities (pounds) of A and B yarns should be used to minimize the cost of this order? Chapter 0819.Cedar Point amusement park management is preparing the park's annual promotional plan forthe coming season. Several advertising alternatives exist: newspaper, television, radio, and displays at recreational shows. The information below shows the characteristics associated with each of the advertising alternatives, as well as the maximum number of placements available in each medium. Given an advertising budget of $250,000, how many placements should be made in each medium to maximize total audience exposure?Formulate this as a linear programming problem.Type Cost MaximumnumberExposure(1000s)Newspaper 1500 100 80 Television 2200 50 120 Radio 750 50 4520. A computer start-up named Pear is considering entering the U.S. market with what theybelieve to be a smaller and faster computer than some of the existing products on the market.They want to get a feel for whether or not customers would be willing to switch from some of the existing bigger brands to consider their product. They want to collect a reasonable sample from across the U.S. representative of all age brackets. They have split the U.S. into 2 regions: East and West. They want to at least 65% of their sample to cover the East and no fewer than 25% of the West. They also have divided the age groups into 3 categories: 18-35, 36-69, and70 and up. They want at least 50% of their sample to be between 18-35 and at least 40% to bebetween 36-69. The costs per person surveyed is given in the table below:Assume that exactly 1,000 people are to be surveyed. The problem is for Pear Company to decide how many people to survey from each age bracket within each region in order to minimize costs while meeting requirements. Formulate this problem as a linear program.21. A computer start-up named Pear is considering entering the U.S. market with what theybelieve to be a smaller and faster computer than some of the existing products on the market.They want to get a feel for whether or not customers would be willing to switch from some of the existing bigger brands to consider their product. They want to collect a reasonable sample from across the U.S. representative of all age brackets. They have split the U.S. into 2 regions: East and West. They want to at least 65% of their sample to cover the East and no fewer than 25% of the West. They also have divided the age groups into 3 categories: 18-35, 36-69, and70 and up. They want at least 50% of their sample to be between 18-35 and at least 40% to bebetween 36-69. The costs per person surveyed is given in the table below:Assume that exactly 1,000 people are to be surveyed. How many people should Pear Company survey from each age bracket within each region in order to minimize costs while meeting all requirements?Chapter 1122.Given the following network, perform the minimum-spanning tree technique to determine thebest way to connect nodes on the network, while minimizing total distance.23.Given the network in the figure on the next page, determine the maximum amount that canflow through the network.24.Given the network in the following figure, determine the shortest route or path through thenetwork.25.Given the following distances between destination nodes, what is the minimum distance thatconnects all the nodes?26.Pipeline fluid flows are indicated below. Determine the maximum flow from Node 1 toNode 3.Chapter 1227.Consider the following project schedule:(a) Draw the network.(b)Find the critical path. Which activities are critical?(c)Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF time for each of the activity. Which activity has the most slack?28.Development of a new deluxe version of a particular software product is being considered.The activities necessary for the completion of this are listed in the table below (Time in weeks).(a) Draw the network.(b)Find the critical path. What is the project completion date?(c) What is the total cost required for completing this project on normal time?(d) If you wish to reduce the time required to complete this project by two week, which activities should be crashed, and how much will this increase the total cost?Chapter 1429.Consider the interval of random numbers presented below. The following random numbershave been generated: 99, 98, 26, 09, 49, 52, 33, 89, 21, 37. Simulate 10 hours of arrivals at this gas station. What is the average number of arrivals during this period?30.The demand for refrigerators at an appliance store adheres to the following probabilitydistribution:The store orders 4 refrigerators per day to have in stock to meet demand. They are trying to maintain low inventory levels. The holding cost is $5/unit/day. The ordering cost is $20 per order. The lost sale cost is $10/unit. A simulation is to be developed to estimate the average daily inventory cost over 5 days. The table below shows the random numbers to be used for refrigerator demand and lead time on orders:Assuming that beginning inventory is equal to 5 with no prior orders in transit, what is the overall average daily cost of inventory for the 5 days?Module 0431.Shoe Town and Fancy Foot are both vying for more share of the market. If Shoe Town doesno advertising, it will not lose any share of the market if Fancy Foot does nothing. It will lose 2% of the market if Fancy Foot invests $10,000 in advertising, and it will lose 5% of the market if Fancy Foot invests$20,000 in advertising. On the other hand, if Shoe Town invests $15,000 in advertising, it will gain 3%of the market if Fancy Foot does nothing; it will gain1% of the market if Fancy Foot invests $10,000 in advertising; and it will lose 1% if Fancy Foot invests$20,000 in advertising.(a) Develop a payoff table for this problem.(b)What are the best strategies for each player?.(c) How would you determine the value of the game?32.Player A has a $1 bill and a $20 bill, and player B has a $5 bill and a $10 bill. Each playerwill select a bill from the other player without knowing what bill the other player selected. If the total of the bills selected is odd, player A gets both of the two bills that were selected, butif the total is even, player B gets both bills.(a) Develop a payoff table for this game. (Place the sum of both bills in each cell.)(b) What are the best strategies for each player?(c) What is the value of the game? Which player would you like to be?[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
老年在选择商品时主要注重实用性和性价比,在宣传时尽可能的多介 绍商品的质量和属性功能,多进行促销活动来吸引老年消费者。
现在消费者更加注重商 品的质量、款式、颜色、 价格、店铺布局、购物 体验等。此我们应该从 这以上方面进行调整。
3 请输入你的题目
与年龄有关。 老年普遍好评,有一定好评返现的原因。中年趋中间,有好评 也有差评。青年评价多样,可能是与商品质量有关、价格有关。
三个年龄段对上装、裙子的需求量都比较大,对裤装有一定的需求 建议:针对青年这类人群可以推荐一些性价比价高、款式比较多。并且青 年比较喜欢追随潮流,在宣传中可以选择明星代言。
2.产品调整:找出差评和不推荐产品,调整产 品设计
TWO分析数据不推荐产品:潮流、夹克、睡衣 差评与不推荐产品。 是一样的,看来差评与不推荐产品在消费 者心里是相互影响的。潮流类服装太过于前卫,在消费者心 里不容易被接受,不适合穿着出行,实用性不高,而在当今 消费者都喜欢素一点的服装。夹克样式单一,适用季节只有 秋季,消费者买过一件就不想再买第二件,一件足以,市场 需求量少。对于睡衣来说,有些男性喜欢裸睡,他们可能不 喜欢穿睡衣,而对于女性来说,一套睡衣可能一年四季都可 以穿,市场需求量也少。 调整产品设计:设计潮流衣服可以针对年轻人喜欢的元素, 根据当时的流行设计。夹克可以设计为中间有夹层,这样消 费者冬天也可以穿秋天也可以穿。睡衣制成潮流样式,多种 多样化,选择多样性。
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VALUE = 146.8 - 3.783 P/E RATIO
S = 25.2577 R-Sq = 44.9% R-Sq(调整)= 44.4%
由以上电子表格可知,模型的初始值为M1= X1
Mt=Xt+ (1-)Mt-1(A)
Ft+1= Mt(B)
6. F-统计量等于回归平方和占总平方和的比重
7.因为回归方程为VALUE = 75.77 - 0.676 SIZE,所以公司价值(VALUE)与公司规模(SIZE)有负相关关系
来源自由度SS MS F P
回归1 61303 61302.7 96.09 0.000
误差118 75278 637.9
合计119 136581
VALUE = 75.77 - 0.676 SIZE
S = 33.9948 R-Sq = 0.2% R-Sq(调整)= 0.0%
来源自由度SS MS F P
回归1 215 214.79 0.19 0.667
误差118 136366 1155.64
合计119 136581
Mt=Xt+ (1-)Mt-1(A)
Ft+1= Mt(B)
7.回归方程为VALUE=146.8 - 3.783 P/E RATIO,所以市盈率(P/E)每增加1%,公司价值(VALUE)将减少3.783%