



SAS的功能非常强大和全面,这一点在函数上得到了极为充分的体现,SAS 8.2中共有25大类函数,功能涉及到文件管理、金触、数学计算、统计计算、字符串处理、货币转换等各个方面。



第50章 SAS函数简介

第50章 SAS函数简介

第50章 SAS函数简介SAS函数是一个子程序,它由0个或几个自变量返回一个结果值。



SAS函数形式为 functionname (argument ,…)。


50.1 日期时间函数应用举例【例50-1】计算两个日期之间的天数。

具体SAS程序(程序名为SASTJFX50_1):程序说明data _null_;sdate=’01jan2008’d;edate=’01jan2009’d;days=datdif(sdate,edate,’act/act’); days360=datdif(sdate,edate,’30/360’); put days= days360=;run; 调用datdif函数按每个月实际天数计算按每个月30天计算结果显示为:days=366 days360=360【例50-2】计算两个日期之间的年数。

具体SAS程序(程序名为SASTJFX50_2): 程序说明data _null_;sdate=’01jan1999’d;edate=’01jan2009’d;year1= yrdif(sdate,edate,’30/360’); year2= yrdif(sdate,edate,’act/act’); year3=yrdif(sdate,edate,'act/360'); year4=yrdif(sdate,edate,'act/365'); put year1= year2= year3= year4= ; run; 调用yrdif函数按一年360天一个月30天计算按实际天数计算按一年360天每个月实际天数计算按一年365天每个月实际天数计算结果显示为:year1=10.083333333 year2=10.084931507 year3=10.233333333 year4=10.093150685【例50-3】计算当前时间的小时数和分钟数。



152.3 146.7
150.6 148.1
5. 截取函数简介

例5:请把STD=1.92354和CV=0.601106用 3个不同的截取函数(ceil、int、round)进行运 算,并分析这些函数的作用。
q1=2.9199855804 q2=13.894376071
SAS 帮助 与文件
索引中键入: SAS Function

在SAS系统9.1版本,SAS函数分为二十五种类型, 分别是算术函数、截取函数、数学函数、概率 和密度函数、分位数函数、非中心函数、样本 统计函数、随机数函数、财政金融函数、日期 和时间函数、换算函数和特殊函数等。 在SAS系统6.12版本,SAS函数分为十七种类型 共有178个,SAS系统8.1版本,SAS函数分为二十 二种类型共有319个函数。
例1.2: 以日为单位计算当前日期的天数。
data; x=date (); y=today(); format x y yymmdd10.; put x= y=; run;
例1.3: 将时间值换算为以秒计数的 计算方法。
data; hms=hms (21,50,51); put hms=; x=21*60*60+50*60+51; put x=; mdy=mdy (08,18,2001); put mdy=; format mdy yymmdd10.; run;

计算以下数据表中日期值所在的年季月以及 处于某月的第几天、某周的第几天。
Date 1991-01-02 1991-01-03 1991-01-04 1991-01-05 1991-01-07 1991-01-08 1991-01-09 1991-01-10 1991-01-11 1991-01-12

sas sql中 常用函数

sas sql中 常用函数

sas sql中常用函数SAS SQL中常用函数在SAS中,SQL是一种用于管理和操作关系数据库的语言。

通过使用SAS SQL,可以对数据进行查询、筛选、排序、汇总等操作,以便更好地理解数据以及满足需求。

在SAS SQL中,函数是非常重要的一部分,它们可以对数据进行处理,提取有用信息,并进行计算和转换。

本文将介绍SAS SQL中常用函数,并逐步进行详细讲解。

1. COUNT函数:COUNT函数用于统计某个列中非空值的个数。



2. SUM函数:SUM函数用于计算某个列的数值总和。



3. AVG函数:AVG函数用于计算某个列的数值平均值。



4. MAX函数:MAX函数用于找出某个列中的最大值。



5. MIN函数:MIN函数用于找出某个列中的最小值。



6. CONCAT函数:CONCAT函数用于将多个字符串连接在一起。

语法如下:CONCAT(string1, string2, ...)其中,string1、string2等参数表示要进行连接的字符串。


7. SUBSTRING函数:SUBSTRING函数用于提取某个字符串的部分内容。

SAS Function(函数)

SAS Function(函数)


这些函数的调用方法类似其它语言,比如求x1,x2,x3三个自变量的和可以用函数SUM(x1,x2,x3) 。

另外,SAS还提供了函数调用的另一种语法以便于把多个数据集变量作为函数自变量,其格式为“函数名(OF 变量名列表)”,其中变量名列表可以是任何合法的变量名列表,比如x1 ,x2,x3的和等价地可以用SUM(OF x1 x2 x3)或SUM(OF x1-x3)表示。

注意两种写法不能混在一起,比如SUM(OF x1,x2,x3)和SUM(x1-x3)都是错的。

本小节对重要的函数加以介绍,其它详见《SAS软件:Base SAS软件使用手册》(高惠璇等编译,中国统计出版社出版)。

一、数学函数ABS(x) 求x的绝对值。

MAX(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最大一个。

MIN(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最小一个。

MOD(x,y) 求x除以y的余数。

SQRT(x) 求x的平方根。

ROUND(x,eps) 求x按照eps指定的精度四舍五入后的结果,比如ROUND(5654.5654,0.01) 结果为5654.57,CEIL(x) 求大于等于x的最小整数。


FLOOR(x) 求小于等于x的最大整数。


INT(x) 求x扔掉小数部分后的结果。

FUZZ(x) 当x与其四舍五入整数值相差小于1E-12时取四舍五入。

LOG(x) 求x的自然对数。

LOG10(x) 求x的常用对数。

EXP(x) 指数函数。

SIN(x), COS(x), TAN(x) 求x的正弦、余弦、正切函数。

SAS Function(函数)

SAS Function(函数)


这些函数的调用方法类似其它语言,比如求x1,x2,x3三个自变量的和可以用函数SUM(x1,x2,x3) 。

另外,SAS还提供了函数调用的另一种语法以便于把多个数据集变量作为函数自变量,其格式为“函数名(OF 变量名列表)”,其中变量名列表可以是任何合法的变量名列表,比如x1 ,x2,x3的和等价地可以用SUM(OF x1 x2 x3)或SUM(OF x1-x3)表示。

注意两种写法不能混在一起,比如SUM(OF x1,x2,x3)和SUM(x1-x3)都是错的。

本小节对重要的函数加以介绍,其它详见《SAS软件:Base SAS软件使用手册》(高惠璇等编译,中国统计出版社出版)。

一、数学函数ABS(x) 求x的绝对值。

MAX(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最大一个。

MIN(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最小一个。

MOD(x,y) 求x除以y的余数。

SQRT(x) 求x的平方根。

ROUND(x,eps) 求x按照eps指定的精度四舍五入后的结果,比如ROUND(5654.5654,0.01) 结果为5654.57,CEIL(x) 求大于等于x的最小整数。


FLOOR(x) 求小于等于x的最大整数。


INT(x) 求x扔掉小数部分后的结果。

FUZZ(x) 当x与其四舍五入整数值相差小于1E-12时取四舍五入。

LOG(x) 求x的自然对数。

LOG10(x) 求x的常用对数。

EXP(x) 指数函数。

SIN(x), COS(x), TAN(x) 求x的正弦、余弦、正切函数。



一、数学函数1. ABS(X):求X的绝对值;2. MAX(A1,A2,...,An):求最大;3. MIN(A1,A2,...,An):求最小;4. MOD(x,y):x除以y的余数;5. sort(x):x的平方根;6. round(x,eps):x按照eps的精度四舍五入的结果,如round(5.777,2)=5.78;7. ceil(x):大于等于x的最小整数;8. floor(x):小于等于x的最大整数;9. int(x):扔掉小数部分后的结果;10.fuzz(x):当x与四舍五入整数值相差1E-12时取四舍五入;11.log(x):取x的自然对数;12.log10(x):取x的常用对数;13.exp(x):指数函数;14.sin(x),cos(x),tan(x):三角函数;15.arsin(x):计算y=sin(x)的反函数,在[-1,1]区间;16.arcos(x):计算y=cos(x)的反函数;17.atan(x):计算y=tan(x)的反函数;18.sinh(x)/cosh(x)/tanh(x):双曲正弦、余弦、正切;19.erf(x):误差函数;20.gamma(x):完全函数;二、字符函数1.trim(s)返回去掉字符串s的尾随空格的结果;2.upcase(s)把字符串s中的所有小写字母转换成大写字母的结果;3.lowcase(s)把字符串s中的所有大写字母转换成小写字母的结果;4.index(s,s1)查找s1在s中出现的位置。


SAS 常用函数手册

SAS 常用函数手册

SAS函数功能简介作者:huaxie 来源:【整理】发布时间:2009-5-7 浏览:669 访问者:摘要提示:SAS提供了比一般程序设计语言多几倍的标准函数可以直接用在数据步的计算中,其中包括所有语言都有的数学函数、字符串函数,还包括特有的统计分布函数、分位数函数、随机数函数、日期时间函数、财政金融函数,等等。


这些函数的调用方法类似其它语言,比如求x1,x2,x3三个自变量的和可以用函数SUM(x1,x2,x3) 。

另外,SAS还提供了函数调用的另一种语法以便于把多个数据集变量作为函数自变量,其格式为“函数名(OF 变量名列表)”,其中变量名列表可以是任何合法的变量名列表,比如x1 ,x2,x3的和等价地可以用SUM(OF x1 x2 x3)或SUM(OF x1-x3)表示。

注意两种写法不能混在一起,比如SUM(OF x1,x2,x3)和SUM(x1-x3)都是错的。


一、数学函数ABS(x) 求x的绝对值。

MAX(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最大一个。

MIN(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最小一个。

MOD(x,y) 求x除以y的余数。

SQRT(x) 求x的平方根。

ROUND(x,eps) 求x按照eps指定的精度四舍五入后的结果,比如ROUND(5654.5654,0.01) 结果为5654.57,ROUND(5654.5654,10)结果第 1 页为5650。



例5.9 计算两个日期之间的年数。 data _null_; sdate='16oct1998'd; edate='16feb2003'd; y30360=yrdif(sdate, edate, '30/360'); /* 30/360规定求年数的标准 */ yactact=yrdif(sdate, edate, 'ACT/ACT'); yact360=yrdif(sdate, edate, 'ACT/360'); yact365=yrdif(sdate, edate, 'ACT/365'); put y30360= yactact= yact360= yact365=; run; 结果显示: y30360=4.333 yactact=4.3369 yact360=4.4 yact365=4.3397.
例5.3 用与不用SAS函数时的程序。 totx=xl+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10;
if totx<y then least=totx; else least=y;
least=min(sum(of x1-x10),y); 例中,两段程序的结果相同,第二段只有一个语句, 非常简单。
yrdif('16oct1998'd, '16feb2003'd, '30/360');
yrdif('16oct1998'd, '16feb2003'd, 'act/act'); 返回由年和季定义的SAS日期值




基本⼀、数据管理vector:向量 numeric:数值型向量 logical:逻辑型向量character;字符型向量 list:列表 data.frame:数据框c:连接为向量或列表 length:求长度 subset:求⼦集seq,from:to,sequence:等差序列rep:重复 NA:缺失值 NULL:空对象sort,order,unique,rev:排序unlist:展平列表attr,attributes:对象属性mode,typeof:对象存储模式与类型names:对象的名字属性⼆、字符串处理character:字符型向量 nchar:字符数 substr:取⼦串format,formatC:把对象⽤格式转换为字符串paste,strsplit:连接或拆分charmatch,pmatch:字符串匹配grep,sub,gsub:模式匹配与替换三、复数complex,Re,Im,Mod,Arg,Conj:复数函数四、因⼦factor:因⼦ codes:因⼦的编码 levels:因⼦的各⽔平的名字nlevels:因⼦的⽔平个数 cut:把数值型对象分区间转换为因⼦table:交叉频数表 split:按因⼦分组aggregate:计算各数据⼦集的概括统计量tapply:对“不规则”数组应⽤函数数学⼀、计算+, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%:四则运算ceiling,floor,round,signif,trunc,zapsmall:舍⼊max,min,pmax,pmin:最⼤最⼩值range:最⼤值和最⼩值sum,prod:向量元素和,积cumsum,cumprod,cummax,cummin:累加、累乘sort:排序approx和approx fun:插值diff:差分sign:符号函数⼆、数学函数abs,sqrt:绝对值,平⽅根log, exp, log10, log2:对数与指数函数sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,atan2:三⾓函数sinh,cosh,tanh,asinh,acosh,atanh:双曲函数beta,lbeta,gamma,lgamma,digamma,trigamma,tetragamma,pentagamma,choose ,lchoose:与贝塔函数、伽玛函数、组合数有关的特殊函数fft,mvfft,convolve:富利叶变换及卷积polyroot:多项式求根poly:正交多项式spline,splinefun:样条差值besselI,besselK,besselJ,besselY,gammaCody:Bessel函数deriv:简单表达式的符号微分或算法微分三、数组array:建⽴数组 matrix:⽣成矩阵data.matrix:把数据框转换为数值型矩阵lower.tri:矩阵的下三⾓部分 mat.or.vec:⽣成矩阵或向量t:矩阵转置 cbind:把列合并为矩阵 rbind:把⾏合并为矩阵diag:矩阵对⾓元素向量或⽣成对⾓矩阵aperm:数组转置 nrow, ncol:计算数组的⾏数和列数dim:对象的维向量 dimnames:对象的维名row/colnames:⾏名或列名 %*%:矩阵乘法crossprod:矩阵交叉乘积(内积) outer:数组外积kronecker:数组的Kronecker积 apply:对数组的某些维应⽤函数tapply:对“不规则”数组应⽤函数 sweep:计算数组的概括统计量aggregate:计算数据⼦集的概括统计量 scale:矩阵标准化matplot:对矩阵各列绘图 cor:相关阵或协差阵Contrast:对照矩阵 row:矩阵的⾏下标集col:求列下标集四、线性代数solve:解线性⽅程组或求逆 eigen:矩阵的特征值分解svd:矩阵的奇异值分解 backsolve:解上三⾓或下三⾓⽅程组chol:Choleski分解 qr:矩阵的QR分解chol2inv:由Choleski分解求逆五、逻辑运算<,>,<=,>=,==,!=:⽐较运算符!,&,&&,|,||,xor():逻辑运算符logical:⽣成逻辑向量 all,any:逻辑向量都为真或存在真ifelse():⼆者择⼀ match,%in%:查找unique:找出互不相同的元素 which:找到真值下标集合duplicated:找到重复元素六、优化及求根optimize,uniroot,polyroot:⼀维优化与求根程序设计⼀、控制结构if,else,ifelse,switch:分⽀for,while,repeat,break,next:循环apply,lapply,sapply,tapply,sweep:替代循环的函数。

第3章 SAS9.2函数

第3章  SAS9.2函数

后呈正态分布的资料;等比级数资料,即观 察值之间呈倍数或近似倍数变化的资料。如 抗体滴度、平均效价等。其计算方法有: 直接法 加权法

compress 函数
compress(s1,s2) s1: 要处理的字符串 S2: 要移走的字符串。

translate(source, to, from) source: 要处理的字符串。 to: 指明替换字符串要用的字串。 from: 要替换的字符串。 功能:实现字符串的替换。 Id=translate(id_ls, ‘99999’,’’); /*translate函数处理缺失值,数据文件中id_ls列生成 数据集时缺失值替换为99999,赋值给id变量*/

hms(v_hour,v_minute,v_second) v_hour: 输入小时的数值。 v_minute: 输入分钟的数值。 v_second: 输入秒的数值 功能:根据输入时间返回一个SAS时间。

dhms(v_date,v_hour,v_minute,v_second) v_date: 输入的日期数值 v_hour: 输入小时的数值。 v_minute: 输入分钟的数值。 v_second: 输入秒的数值 功能:根据输入日期时间数值返回一个SAS时间。
第3章 SAS9.2函数
功能,根据实际需求合理而有效地调用这些 函数可以实现强大的编程能力,提高程序的 可读性和执行效率。 SAS函数可以分为数据步中的函数、外部文 件函数、库和类函数,以及其他一些特殊函 数。



sas函数大全一、数学函数ABS(x) 求x的绝对值。

MAX(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最大一个。

MIN(x1,x2,…,xn) 求所有自变量中的最小一个。

MOD(x,y) 求x除以y的余数。

SQRT(x) 求x的平方根。

ROUND(x,eps) 求x按照eps指定的精度四舍五入后的结果,比如ROUND(5654.5654,0.01) 结果为5654.57,ROUND(5654.5654,10)结果为5650。

CEIL(x) 求大于等于x的最小整数。


FLOOR(x) 求小于等于x的最大整数。


INT(x) 求x扔掉小数部分后的结果。

FUZZ(x) 当x与其四舍五入整数值相差小于1E-12时取四舍五入。

LOG(x) 求x的自然对数。

LOG10(x) 求x的常用对数。

EXP(x) 指数函数。

SIN(x), COS(x), TAN(x) 求x的正弦、余弦、正切函数。

ARSIN(y) 计算函数y=sin(x)在区间的反函数,y取[-1,1]间值。

ARCOS(y) 计算函数y=cos(x)在的反函数,y取[-1,1]间值。

ATAN(y) 计算函数y=tan(x)在的反函数,y取间值。

SINH(x), COSH(x), TANH(x) 双曲正弦、余弦、正切ERF(x) 误差函数GAMMA(x) 完全函数此外还有符号函数SIGN,函数一阶导数函数DIGAMMA,二阶导数函数TRIGAMMA ,误差函数余函数ERFC,函数自然对数LGAMMA,ORDINAL函数,AIRY 函数,DAIRY函数,Bessel函数JBESSEL,修正的Bessel函数IBESSEL,等等。


数组函数包括:DIM(x) 求数组x第一维的元素的个数(注意当下界为1时元素个数与上界相同,否则元素个数不一定与上界相同)。

SAS学习系列06. 使用SAS函数

SAS学习系列06. 使用SAS函数

06. 使用SAS函数(一)创建并定义新变量可以在数据步中,利用赋值语句创建或重新定义新变量(列),语法:变量名=表达式;注:(1)表达式可以是数值或字符常量、数学表达式、函数等;(2)加减乘除幂:+ - * / **,也可以使用括号。

例1下面数据(C:\MyRawData\Garden.dat)是番茄、南瓜、豌豆、葡萄的重量:代码:data homegarden;infile'c:\MyRawData\Garden.dat';input Name $ 1-7 Tomato Zucchini Peas Grapes;Zone = 14;Type = 'home';Zucchini = Zucchini * 10;Total = Tomato + Zucchini + Peas + Grapes;PerTom = (Tomato / Total) * 100;run;proc print data = homegarden;title'Home Gardening Survey';run;运行结果:程序说明:(1)5-8行使用了5个赋值语句,第6行改写旧变量,运行结果将输出所有变量;(2)若观测值中有缺省值,相应的新变量也出现缺省值。

(二)使用SAS函数一、SAS函数概述SAS自带数百个函数,主要包括以下函数类:字符/字符串函数日期/时间函数距离/州/邮编代码函数数学函数概率/描述统计/随机数函数金融函数宏函数变量信息函数函数基本调用形式(可以嵌套调用):函数名(参数1,参数2,…);例2南瓜雕刻比赛的数据(C:\MyRawData\pumpkin.dat)包含了参赛者的名字、年龄、雕刻的南瓜类型、报名日期、五位裁判给出的分数:代码:data contest;infile'c:\MyRawData\Pumpkin.dat';input Name $16. Age 3. +1 Type $1. +1 Date MMDDYY10.(Scr1 Scr2 Scr3 Scr4 Scr5) (4.1);AvgScore = mean(Scr1, Scr2, Scr3, Scr4, Scr5);DayEntered = day(Date);Type = upcase(Type); /* 转化为大写 */run;proc print data = contest;title'Pumpkin Carving Contest';run;运行结果:程序说明:(1)均值函数mean( )返回非缺省值参数的平均值;(2)d ay( )函数返回日期值距离1961年1月1日的天数。



SAS常⽤函数学习substr功能:字符串的替换和截取举例: 截取:year=substr(sid,7,4) ---------放在等号右边 替换:substr(sid,7,3)="00000"cat cats catx不去掉之间的空格:cat去掉空格:cats以分隔符连接:catx(“-”,city, county)scan功能:对有分隔符的字符串进⾏截取举例:scan(phone,2,"-")length功能:返回⼀个⾮空字符的长度,不包括尾部空格index indexc indexwindex(str,str1):寻找str中str1中⾸先出现的位置。


indexc("abcABC","xyz","12","CD")=6 indexw(str,word,<分隔符>):查找字符串中要找的⼀个“单词或字符”,默认空格为分隔符。

indexw("asdf adog dog","dog")=11 foundfound(string, substring,<,modifiers,startpos>)功能:若要搜寻的字符串被找到,返回其第⼀次出现的位置。

如果未找到,返回0; modifiers:I表⽰不区分⼤⼩写;T表⽰忽略尾部空格 startpos:从字符串的何处开始搜寻⼦字符串。

left right功能:对齐常⽤的时间和⽇期函数⽇期函数(date)时间函数(time)⽇期时间函数(datetime)today time datetimeintnx intnx intnxday hour hourdatdif datepartyear/qtr/month/day(date)返回年⽉⽇SAS中的年,嫉妒,⽉,天的数据weekday(date)返回周⼏intnk(date_interval,v_startdate,v_enddate)data_interval 为输⼊⽇期间隔值,如day,week,month,qtr year,hourv_startdate:开始⽇期v_enddate:结束⽇期例⼦:inctk("year","01jun2012"d,"01dec2014"d)=2intnx(interval,v_startdate,n<,alignment>)计算从start到end经历过⼏个interval后的SAS⽇期。



SAS函数大全SAS FUNCTIONSExcerpted from SAS release 8.2 Online DocumentationJuly, 2004Arithmetic FunctionsABS(argument)returns absolute valueDIM(array-name)returns the number of elements in a one-dimensional array or the numberof elements in a specified dimension of a multidimensional array.n specifies the dimension, in a multidimensional array, forwhich you want to know the the number of elements.DIM(array-name,bound-n)returns the number of elements in a one-dimensional array or the numberof elements in the specified dimension of a multidimensional arraybound-n specifies the dimension in a multidimensional array, for which you want to know the number of elements. HBOUND(array-name)returns the upper bound of an array HBOUND(array-name,bound-n)returns the upper bound of an arrayLBOUND(array-name)returns the lower bound of an arrayLBOUND(array-name,bound-n)returns the lower bound of an arrayMAX(argument,argument, ...)returns the largest value of the numeric argumentsMIN(argument,argument, ...)returns the smallest value of the numeric argumentsMOD(argument-1, argument-2)returns the remainderSIGN(argument)returns the sign of a value or 0SQRT(argument)returns the square rootCharacter FunctionsBYTE(n)returns one character in the ASCII or EBCDICcollating sequence where n is an integer representinga specific ASCII or EBCDIC characterCOLLATE(start-position<,end-position>) | (start-position<,,length>)returns an ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence character stringCOMPBL(source)removes multiple blanks between words in acharacter stringCOMPRESS(source<,characters-to-remove>)removes specific characters from a character string DEQUOTE(argument)removes quotation marks from a character value INDEX(source,excerpt)searches the source for the character string specifiedby the excerptINDEXC(source,excerpt-1<, ... excerpt-n>)searches the source for any character present in theexcerptINDEXW(source,excerpt)searches the source for a specified pattern as a word LEFT(argument)left-aligns a SAS character stringLENGTH(argument)returns the length of an argumentLOWCASE(argument)converts all letters in an argument to lowercase QUOTE(argument)adds double quotation marks to a character value RANK(x)returns the position of a character in the ASCII orEBCDIC collating sequenceREPEAT(argument,n)repeats a character expressionREVERSE(argument)reverses a character expressionRIGHT(argument)right-aligns a character expressionSCA N(argument,n<,delimiters>)returns a given word from a character expression SOUNDEX(argument)encodes a string to facilitate searchingreplaces character value contentsSUBSTR(argument,position<,n>)=characters-to-replacevar=SUBSTR(argument,position<,n>)extracts a substring from an argument. (var is anyvalid SAS variable name.)TRANSLATE(source,to-1,from-1<,,from-n>)replaces specific characters in a characterexpressionTRANW RD(source,target,replacement)replaces or removes all occurrences of a word in acharacter stringTRIM(argument)removes trailing blanks from character expressionand returns one blank if the expression is missing TRIMN(argument)removes trailing blanks from character expressionsand returns a null string if the expression is missingUPCASE(argument)converts all letters in an argument to uppercase VERIFY(source,excerpt-1<,...excerpt-n)returns the position of the first character unique toan expressionDate and Time FunctionsDATDIF(sdate,edate,basis)returns the number of days between two datesDATE()returns the current date as a SAS date valueDATEJUL(julian-date)converts a Julian date to a SAS date valueDATEPA RT(datetime)extracts the date from a SAS datetime value DATETIME()returns the current date and time of day DA Y(date)returns the day of the month from a SAS date value DHMS(date,hour,minute,second)returns a SAS datetime value from date, hour, minute, andsecondHMS(hour,minute,second)returns a SAS time value from hour, minute, and second HOUR()returns the hour from a SAS time or datetime value INTCK('interval',from,to)returns the number of time intervals in a given time spanINTNX('interval',start-from,increment<,'alignment'>)advances a date, time, or datetime value by a given interval, and returns a date, time, or datetime valueJULDATE(date)returns the Julian date from a SAS date value MDY(month,day,year)returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values MINUTE(time | datetime)returns the minute from a SAS time or datetime value MONTH(date)returns the month from a SAS date valueQTR(date)returns the quarter of the year from a SAS datevalue SECOND(time | datetime)returns the second from a SAS time or datetime value TIME()returns the current time of day TIMEPA RT(datetime)extracts a time value from a SAS datetime valueTODA Y()returns the current date as a SAS date valueWEEKDA Y(date)returns the day of the week from a SAS date valueYEA R(date)returns the year from a SAS date valueYRDIF(sdate,edate,basis)returns the difference in years between two datesYYQ(year,quarter)returns a SAS date value from the year and quarterMathematical FunctionsAIRY(x)returns the value of the AIRY functionDAIRY(x)returns the derivative of the AIRY functionDIGAMMA(argument)returns the value of the DIGAMMA functionERF(argument)returns the value of the (normal) error functionERFC(argument)returns the value of the (normal) error functionEXP(argument)returns the value of the exponential function GAMMA(argument)returns the value of the GAMMA functionIBESSEL(nu,x,kode)returns the value of the modified bessel functionJBESSEL(nu,x)returns the value of the bessel functionLGAMMA(argument)returns the natural logarithm of the GAMMA functionLOG(argument)returns the natural (base e) logarithmLOG2(argument)returns the logarithm to the base 2LOG10(argument)returns the logarithm to the base 10TRIGAMMA(argument)returns the value of the TRIGAMMA functionNoncentrality FunctionsCNONCT(x,df,prob)returns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-squared distributionFNONCT(x,ndf,ddf,prob)returns the value of the noncentrality parameter of an F distributionTNONCT(x,df,prob)returns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the student's t distribution Probability and Density FunctionsCDF('dist',quantile,parm-1,...,parm-k)computes cumulative distribution functionsLOGPDF|LOGPMF('dist',quantile,parm-1,...,parm-k)computes the logarithm of a probability density (mass) function. The two functions are identical.LOGSDF('dist',quantile,parm-1,...,parm-k) computes the logarithm of a survival functionPDF|PMF('dist',quantile,parm-1,...,parm-k)computes probability density (mass) functions POISSON(m,n)returns the probability from a POISSON distribution PROBBETA(x,a,b)returns the probability from a beta distribution PROBBNML(p,n,m)returns the probability from a binomial distribution PROBCHI(x,df<,nc>)returns the probability from a chi-squared distribution PROBF(x,ndf,ddf<,nc>)returns the probability from an F distribution PROBGAM(x,a)returns the probability from a gamma distribution PROBHYPR(N,K,n,x<,r>)returns the probability from a hypergeometric distribution PROBMC probabilities and criticalvalues (quantiles) from variousdistributions for multiple comparisons of the means ofseveral groups.PROBNEGB(p,n,m)returns the probability from a negative binomialdistributionPROBBNRM(x,y,r)standardized bivariate normal distribution PROBNORM(x)returns the probability from the standard normal distributionPROBT(x,df<,nc>)returns the probability from a Student's t distribution SDF('dist',quantile,parm-1,...,parm-k) computes a survival functionQuantile FunctionsBETAINV(p,a,b)returns a quantile from the beta distribution CINV(p,df<,nc>)returns a quantile from the chi-squared distributionFINV(p,ndf,ddf<,nc>)returns a quantile from the F distributionGAMINV(p,a)returns a quantile from the gamma distribution PROBIT(p)returns a quantile from the standard normal distributionTINV(p,df<,nc>)returns a quantile from the t distributionSample Statistics FunctionsCSS(argument,argument,...)returns the corrected sum of squares CV(argument,argument,...)returns the coefficient of variation KURTOSIS(argument,argument,...)returns the kurtosis (or 4th moment) MAX(argument,argument, ...)returns the largest valueMIN(argument,argument, ...)returns the smallest valueMEAN(argument,argument, ...)returns the arithmetic mean(average)MISSING(numeric-expression | character-expression)returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing valueN(argument,argument, ....)returns the number of nonmissing values NMISS(argument,argument, ...)returns the number of missing values ORDINA L(count,argument,argument,...)returns the largest value of a part of a list RANGE(argument,argument,...)returns the range of values SKEWNESS(argument,argument,argument,...)returns the skewnessSTD(argument,argument,...)returns the standard deviation STDERR(argument,argument,...)returns the standard error of the mean SUM(argument,argument,...)returns the sumUSS(argument,argument,...)returns the uncorrected sum of squares VA R(argument,argument,...)returns the variance State and ZIP Code FunctionsFIPNAME(expression)converts FIPS codes to uppercase state namesFIPNAMEL(expression)converts FIPS codes to mixed case state namesFIPSTATE(expression)converts FIPS codes to two-character postal codesSTFIPS(postal-code)converts state postal codes to FIPS state codesSTNAME(postal-code)converts state postal codes to uppercase state namesTip:For Version 6, the maximum length of the value that isreturned is 200 characters. For Version 7 and beyond, themaximum length is 20 characters.STNAMEL(postal-code)converts state postal codes to mixed case state namesTip:For Version 6, the maximum length of the value that isreturned is 200 characters. For Version 7 and beyond, themaximum length is 20 characters.ZIPFIPS(zip-code)converts ZIP codes to FIPS state codesZIPNAME(zip-code)converts ZIP codes to uppercase state namesZIPNAMEL(zip-code)converts ZIP codes to mixed case state namesZIPSTATE(zip-code)converts ZIP codes to state postal codes Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions ARCOS(argument)returns the arccosineARSIN(argument)returns the arcsineATAN(argument)returns the arctangentCOS(argument)returns the cosineCOSH(argument)returns the hyperbolic cosineSIN(argument)returns the sineSINH(argument)returns the hyperbolic sineTAN(argument)returns the tangentTANH(argument)returns the hyperbolic tangentTruncation FunctionsCEIL(argument)returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to theargumentFLOOR(argument)returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument FUZZ(argument)returns the nearest integer if the argument is within 1E-12INT(argument)returns the integer valueROUND(argument,round-off-unit)rounds to the nearestround-off unitTRUNC(number, length)truncates a numeric value to a specified lengthVariable Information FunctionsGETVA RC(data-set-id,var-num)returns the value of a SAS data set character variableGETVA RN(data-set-id,var-num)returns the value of a SAS data set numeric variableVA RFMT(data-set-id,var-num)returns the format assigned to a SAS data set variableVA RINFMT(data-set-id,var-returns the informat assigned to a SAS data set variablenum)returns the label assigned to a SAS data set variableVA RLA BEL(data-set-id,var-num)VA RLEN(data-set-id,var-num)returns the length of a SAS data set variablereturns the name of a SAS data set variableVA RNAME(data-set-id,var-num)VA RNUM(data-set-id,var-name)returns the number of a SAS data set variable's position in a SAS datasetVA RRA Y(name)returns a value that indicates whether the specified name is an array VA RRA YX(expression)returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specifiedargument is an arrayVA RTYPE(data-set-id,var-num)returns the data type of a SAS data set variableVFORMAT(var)returns the format associated with the given variableVFORMATD(var)returns the format decimal value associated with the given variable VFORMATDX(expression)returns the format decimal value associated with the value of the specified argumentVFORMATN(var)returns the format name associated with the given variable VFORMATNX(expression)returns the format name associated with the value of the specifiedargumentVFORMATW(var)returns the format width associated with the given variable VFORMATWX(expression)returns the format width associated with the value of the specifiedargumentVFORMATX(expression)returns the format associated with the value of the specified argument VINARRA Y(var)returns a value that indicates whether the given variable is a member of an arrayVINARRA YX(expression)returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specifiedargument is a member of an arrayVINFORMAT(var)returns the informat associated with the given variable VINFORMATD(var)returns the informat decimal value associated with the given variable VINFORMATDX(expression)returns the informat decimal value associated with the value of thespecified argumentVINFORMATN(var)returns the informat name associated with the given variableVINFORMATNX(expression)returns the informat nameassociated with the value of the specifiedargumentVINFORMATW(var)returns the informat width associated with the given variable VINFORMATWX(expression)returns the informat width associated with the value of the specified argumentVINFORMATX(expression)returns the informat associated with the value of the specified argument VLA BEL(var)returns the label associated with the given variableVLA BELX(expression)returns the variable label for the value of a specified argument VLENGTH(var)returns the compile-time (allocated) size of the given variable VLENGTHX(expression)returns the compile-time (allocated) size for the value of the specifiedargumentVNAME(var)returns the name of the given variableVNAMEX(expression)validates the value of the specified argument as a variable name VTYPE(var)returns the type (character or numeric) of the given variableVTYPEX(expression)returns the type (character or numeric) for the value of the specifiedargument。




2,现在模块中出现,如果用得很多的话,就变成了常规函数,如有些函数是从其他版本中其他模块转过来的,如SAS/ETS的INTCINDEX,INTCYCLE等等;SAS High-Performance Forecasting的HOLIDAY 和NWKDOM函数等等就是这样。

3,还有一类函数是SAS文档中没有记录的,比如说PROC SQL语句中的MONOTONIC( ) 函数,但是可以使用的,半官方的解释就是不成熟,处于试用中的函数,这种函数有些地方确实能起到惊艳的作用,但需要小心使用,多测试,防止意外发生。


比如说函数indexw(),具体见说明见mysa s 圈。


另附SAS9.2中新增和变动的函数列表(中文):以下为新增的函数和CALL 例程:ALLCOMB以最小更改顺序一次从n 个变量中任选k 个值时生成的所有组合。





CALL ALLCOMB以最小更改顺序一次从n 个变量中任选k 个值时生成的所有组合。

CALL ALLCOMBI以最小更改顺序一次从n 个对象中任选k 个指数时生成的所有组合。

CALL GRAYCODE以最小更改顺序生成n 个项的所有子集。

CALL ISO8601_CONVERT将ISO 8601 时间间隔转换为日期时间值和持续时间值,或将日期时间值和持续时间值转换为ISO 8601 时间间隔。

CALL LEXCOMB以字典顺序一次从n 个变量中任选k 个非缺失值时生成的所有非重复组合。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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CALL SCAN Routine Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string.
CAT Function Does not remove leading or trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.
COMPARE Function Returns the position of the leftmost character by which two strings differ, or returns 0 if there is no difference.
COMPBL Function Removes multiple blanks from a character string.
COALESCEC Function Returns the first non-missing value from a list of character arguments.
COLLATE Function Returns a character string in ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence.
ANYSPACE Function Searches a character string for a white-space character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, and form feed), and returns the first position at which that character is found.
ANYGRAPH Function Searches a character string for a graphical character, and returns the first position at which that character is found.
ANYLOWER Function Searches a character string for a lowercase letter, and returns the first position at which the letter is found.
一,常规函数 ;二,windows环境下函数;三,OpenVMS虚拟内存环境下函数;四,z/OS操作环境下函数,五,宏语言函数;六,多国语言函数,七,其他函数
Character 字符函数
COMPGED Function Returns the generalized edit distance between two strings.
COMPLEV Function Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings.
COUNTC Function Counts the number of characters in a string that appear or do not appear in a list of characters.
COUNTW Function Counts the number of words in a character string.
ANYUPPER Function Searches a character string for an uppercase letter, and returns the first position at which the letter is found.
ANYXDIGIT Function Searches a character string for a hexadecimal character that represents a digit, and returns the first position at which that character is found.
FIND Function Searches for a specific substring of characters within a character string.
FINDC Function Searches a string for any character in a list of characters.
函数名称 功能
ANYALNUM Function Searches a character string for an alphanumeric character, and returns the first position at which the character is found.
ANYALPHA Function Searches a character string for an alphabetic character, and returns the first position at which the character is found.
COMPRESS Function Returns a character string with specified characters removed from the original string.
COUNT Function Counts the number of times that a specified substring appears within a character string.
ANYPRINT Function Searches a character string for a printable character, and returns the first position at which that character is found.
ANYPUNCT Function Searches a character string for a punctuation character, and returns the first position at which that character is found.
DEQUOTE Function Removes matching quotation marks from a character string that begins with a quotation mark, and deletes all characters to the right of the closing quotation mark.
ANYCNTRL Function Searches a character string for a control character, and returns the first position at which that character is found.
ANYDIGIT Function Searches a character string for a digit, and returns the first position at which the digit is found.
FINDW Function Returns the character position of a word in a string, or returns the number of the word in a string.
CATQ Function Concatenates character or numeric values by using a delimiter to separate items and by adding quotation marks to strings that contain the delimiter.
CHOOSEC Function Returns a character value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments.
CHOOSEN Function Returns a numeric value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments.
CALL COMPCOST Routine Sets the costs of operations for later use by the COMPGED function
CALL MISSING Routine Assigns missing values to the specified character or numeric variables.
BYTE Function Returns one character in the ASCII or the EBCDIC collating sequence.
CALL CATS Routine Removes leading and trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.
CATS Function Removes leading and trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.
CATT Function Removes trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.