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新版P EP小学英语BOOK4

Unit5 My clothes A Let’ s talk 第一课时

教学内容: A Let’s talk




2、学生能够听、说、认读句型:Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. They’re Chen Jie’s. Is this John’s? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.

3、学生能够在情景中运用句型Are these yours? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Is this John’s? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 确认物品的主人;能够理解如何在情景中恰当运用句型It’s Mike’s. They’re Chen Jie’s.表述物品的主人。




教学重点:句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't. Is this John's? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.在情景中的正确运用。



教具准备: 本课时教学课件、部分文具、实物




课件封面播放歌曲《What time is it now》。

(设计目的:活跃气氛并把学生带入学习英语的氛围中。)T:Hey! Honey! Oh, It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for our English class. Stand up, please! Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you.(上课起立问好,师生进行简单交流.)

1、Free talk

T: Hello /Hi, what’s your name? / Nice to meet you.

Ss: …

(设计目的:熟悉学生,把学生带入学习英语的氛围中。)2、Let’s chant

T: Look here, now let’s chant together.

My bag is red, my ruler is green.

My pens are pink, my pencils are blue.




T: Look, what are these?

Ss: They are….

T: Are they crayons?

Ss: Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.

T: Look, what ’s this?

Ss: It’s ….

T: Is this …?

Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

(设计目的:利用Chant画面中的文具复习句型What are these?They are…. What ’s this?It’s …. Are they…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't. Is this …?Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.)

2、Guess time


T: look! What’s this?


T:Can you guess? What’s under the hat?

Ss: Pen/pencil/ …

T: No./ Maybe.点击课件显示small hat.

T: It’s a small hat. 出示hat单词,教读、认读、学生读。Now, let’s go on. Guess, What’s under the small hat?

Ss: Ruler/pen/ …

T: No./Oh, sorry./ Maybe.点击课件显示shoes. 师简单领读2遍。

T: Go on. Guess, w hat’s under the shoes?

Ss: …

T: Look! Wow, it’s a clock. What time is it now?

Ss: It’s 3:00.

T: Yes, it’s time for PE class.(点击课件呈现Amy上体育课图片)

T: Look carefully, what time is it now? 师点击课件呈现图片:

S: It’s 4 o’clock.

T: Yes, it’s time to go home now. What are Amy and her teacher talking about?

(此环节设计目的:利用游戏的方式激发学生学习兴趣,自然导入本课时要学习的对话,同时复习已学过词汇hat、shoes 以及句型,为本课时学习做铺垫。)

3、Talk time:


接上一环节的问题,T: Please look at the cartoon, listen and choose, ok? Now, look! (带着问题看、听对话,处理问题。)T: What are Amy and her teacher talking about?

Ss: A shoes hat


T: Now, let’s listen again, answer the questions. (Q2: What colour are Amy’s shoes?)
