



Unit 1 School is fun.【课文内容】—What can you see?你能看到什么?—I can see a big book.我看到了一本很大的书。

【单词时间】eraser橡皮擦pencil铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒bag书包pen 钢笔ruler尺子blackboard黑板book 书本big大small小—Hello!Welcome to our school.Please come with me. 你好。



—This is our swimming pool. 这是我们的游泳池。

【唱唱跳跳】School is fun,school is fun.Drawing,singing and we are Number One.School is fun,school is fun.Reading,writing and we are Number One.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. 跳舞,唱歌,跳高和游泳。

Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. 跳舞,唱歌,跳高和游泳。

We are Number One.We are Number One. 我们是第一名!Unit 2 Classroom Olympics【课文内容】—One,two,three,four,... 1 2 3 4...—Hop!Hop!Hop!Hop! 跳!跳!跳!—One,two,three,four,five,... 1 2 3 4 5...—Up!Up!Down!Down! 上!上!下!下!—Jump and touch! 跳起来!碰!—Catch and count!Catch and count! 抛接球!数数!—Kick and stop! 踢球停在那儿!【单词时间】paint绘画catch抓hop跳count计数run跑bounce弹draw画touch碰football足球badminton羽毛球baseball排球basketball篮球【唱唱跳跳】Draw a picture.Bounce the ball. 画一幅画。



MRS STAR: Hello. I'm Mrs Star.MR STAR: Hello. I'm Mr Star. SUZY, STELLA AND SIMON: Goodbye.Unit 1 Page 3Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five. MASKMAN: Maskman. What's your name? MONTY: Monty.ALL: Goodbye.Unit 1 Page 4STELLA: Hello, Meera.SUZY: Suzy.MEERA: How old are you?SUZY: I'm three.SIMON: How old are you, Meera? MEERA: I'm eight, and you?SIMON: I'm six.Unit 1 Page 5Sing the song.Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue.I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow to you.Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue.I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow to you.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 118.Sing the song.Mr Star, Mr Star,How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Mrs Star, Mrs Star,How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Stella Star, Stella Star,How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Simon Star, Simon Star,How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Suzy Star, Suzy Star,How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 1311.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MARIE: OK. Sit down, please, everybody.MARIE: Open your Activity Books, please, and pick up your pencils. MARIE: Listen to the CD and draw the monster.MASKMAN: Oops! Oh, my Activity Book!MONTY: Here's another book, Maskman.MARIE: No, not another book, Monty. Here's an eraser. MASKMAN: Er, no, Marie. Another Activity Book, please.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 177.Sing the song.Monty isn't here,Monty isn't there.He isn't on the table.He isn't under the chair.Oh, where? Where?Where is Monty?Is he in the toy box?Is he under the book?Is he next to the computer?Look! Look! Look!Oh, where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where's Monty?Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 2510.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Look at this!MARIE: What is it?MASKMAN: It's a picture of my family.MONTY: Who's this?MASKMAN: She's my sister, Maskgirl.MONTY: And is this your young brother?MASKMAN: Yes, that's Maskboy.MONTY: Wow!MARIE: And look, here's my family.MONTY: Wow! She's beautiful. Is she your mother?MARIE: Yes, she is. She's my mum, Babs.MONTY: And is this your father?MARIE: Yes, that's Ben, my dad.MONTY: Are you my brother, Maskman?MASKMAN: No, I'm not.MONTY: Are you my sister, Marie?MARIE: No, I'm not.MONTY: Where's my family?MARIE: Look, Monty. Here's your family. It's the mouse family.MONTY: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin mouse and Maxi mouse. MASKMAN: Are you happy now, Monty?MONTY: Yes, I am.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 141.Listen and point.STELLA: My favourite toy's my computer. What's your favourite toy, Alex? ALEX: My bike. What's your favourite toy, Simon?SIMON: My favourite toy's Maskman and ... the car.MEERA: Is Maskman a doll?SIMON: No. Marie's a doll.MEERA: Oh. My favourite toy's my ball.LENNY: My favourite's my train. What's your favourite toy, Suzy? SUZY: Mo ... Aaahhh! Where's Monty?Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 153.Listen and say the number.What's your favourite toy?My favourite toy's my red car.Look at my green ball. It's my favourite toy.What's this?It's my blue computer.What colour's your train?It's yellow.What's your favourite toy?It's my orange bike.What's this?It's my pink doll.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 154.Say the chant.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 165.Listen and do the actions.MR STAR: Simon ... Simon, is your ball in your bag? SIMON: Er, no, it isn't, Dad.MR STAR: Simon, is your ball on the toy box? SIMON: Er, no, it isn't, Dad.MR STAR: Simon, is your ball under the table? SIMON: Er, no, it isn't, Dad.MR STAR: Simon, where's your ball?SIMON: Er, it's next to your chair, Dad.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 166.Listen, point and repeat.MR STAR: Is your ball on the toy box?MR STAR: Is your ball under the table?MR STAR: Is your ball next to the door?MR STAR: Is your ball in the toy box?MR STAR: Where's your ball?SIMON: Er, it's next to your chair.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 177.Sing the song.Monty isn't here,Monty isn't there.He isn't on the table.He isn't under the chair.Oh, where? Where?Where is Monty?Is he in the toy box?Is he under the book?Is he next to the computer?Look! Look! Look!Oh, where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where's Monty?Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 189.Say it with Monty.MONTY: Tommy tortoiseMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Tommy tortoiseMONTY: Train, two, toys, tableMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Train, two, toys, tablePupil's BookUnit 3Page 1911.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Hello, Marie. What's that?MARIE: It's my computer. It's my favourite toy.MASKMAN: Oh, ...MARIE: What's your favourite toy, Maskman?MASKMAN: My car. It's blue and black. It's 'the Maskman Car'.MARIE: Oh, that's nice. Where is it?MASKMAN: It's there, next to the toy box.MONTY: No, it isn't next to the toy box, Maskman.MASKMAN: Oh, no! Where's my car?MONTY: Is it in the toy box?MASKMAN: No, it isn't.MARIE: Is it under the table?MASKMAN: No, it isn't under the table. Ooohh. Where's my car?MARIE: I don't know, Maskman. Is it on the chair?MASKMAN: Noooo, it isn't.MONTY: Look, Maskman. It's OK. It's here, in the bag.MASKMAN: Oh, thank you, Monty.MASKMAN: My Maskman Car.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 201.Listen and point.SUZY: This is my family. That's my father, Mr Star. He's a pop star. Now, this is a nice picture of my mother. She's on a white chair. Who's that woman in the car? That's my grandmother. My grandfather is next to my grandmother. He's funny. There's my brother, Simon. He's on a black bike. And that's my sister, Stella. She's seven. Oh! And who's that girl next to the table, Monty? That's me. And, oh, where are you? There you are, on the table.Pupil's BookUnit 42.Listen, point and repeat.grandfathergrandmotherfathermotherbrothersisterPupil's BookUnit 4Page 213.Listen and say the number.MAN: Who's that woman, Stella?STELLA: That's my mother, Mrs Star.STELLA: My sister Suzy's three.MAN: Is that your father next to Simon?STELLA: No. He's my grandfather.MAN: Where's your grandmother?STELLA: She's here, next to my sister, Suzy.STELLA: This is my brother, Simon. He's six.MAN: Who's that man?STELLA: My father.MAN: How old is he?STELLA: Ooohh! I don't know.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 214.Look, listen and say the words.Look at number four. STELLA: She's my ... mother.Look at number six. STELLA: He's my ... grandfather.Look at number one. STELLA: She's my ... sister.Look at number three. STELLA: He's my ... father.Look at number two. STELLA: She's my ... grandmother.Look at number five. STELLA: He's my ... brother.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 225.Listen and point.Look at my family. That's my mother. She's beautiful. My sister's young - she's three. Oh, dear! Look at that bag. My father's sad. Today my brother's ugly. My grandfather's old. He's next to my sister. My grandmother's happy.Pupil's BookPage 226.Listen and do the actions.oldyounguglybeautifulhappysadyounguglysadoldbeautifulhappyPupil's BookUnit 4Page 237.Sing the song.ALL THREE CHILDREN: Young or old,Happy or sad.Brother and sisters,Mum and Dad.SUZY: We are family.My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister,And me.STELLA: He's my father,She's my mother,She's my sister,And he's my brother.SUZY: We are family.My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister,And me.SIMON: She's my mum,He's my dad.Beautiful, not ugly,Happy, not sad.SUZY: We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister, And ...We are family.My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister,And me.Pupil's BookUnit 48.Say it with Monty.MONTY: Bertie batMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Bertie batMONTY: Ball, bag, bike, bookMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Ball, bag, bike, bookPupil's BookUnit 4Page 249.Listen and correct.Look at number 1. She's beautiful.Look at number 2. She's old.Look at number 3. He's sad.Look at number 4. He's young.Look at number 5. She's ugly.Look at number 6. He's happy.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 2510.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Look at this!MARIE: What is it?MASKMAN: It's a picture of my family.MONTY: Who's this?MASKMAN: She's my sister, Maskgirl.MONTY: And is this your young brother? MASKMAN: Yes, that's Maskboy.MONTY: Wow!MARIE: And look, here's my family.MONTY: Wow! She's beautiful. Is she your mother? MARIE: Yes, she is. She's my mum, Babs. MONTY: And is this your father?MARIE: Yes, that's Ben, my dad.MONTY: Are you my brother, Maskman? MASKMAN: No, I'm not.MONTY: Are you my sister, Marie?MARIE: No, I'm not.MONTY: Where's my family?MARIE: Look, Monty. Here's your family. It's the mouse family.MONTY: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin mouse and Maxi mouse.MASKMAN: Are you happy now, Monty?MONTY: Yes, I am.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 2511.Listen and say the number.MONTY: Are you my brother, Maskman?MASKMAN: No, I'm not.MONTY: Are you my sister, Marie?MARIE: No, I'm not.MONTY: Where's my family?MASKMAN: Look at this!MARIE: What is it?MASKMAN: It's a picture of my familyMARIE: Look, Monty. Here's your family. It's the mouse family.MONTY: Who's this?MASKMAN: She's my sister, Maskgirl.MONTY: And is this your young brother?MASKMAN: Yes, that's Maskboy.MONTY: Wow!MONTY: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse.MASKMAN: Are you happy now, Monty?MONTY: Yes, I am.MARIE: And look, here's my family.MONTY: Wow! She's beautiful. Is she your mother?MARIE: Yes, she is. She's my mum, Babs.MONTY: And is this your father?MARIE: Yes, that's Ben, my dad.Pupil's BookOur worldReviewUnits 1 to 4Page 261.Listen and say the number.Hello. My name's Ravi. I'm seven. My favourite toy is my bike.This is my school. I like my school.This is my mother and father. My mother is beautiful.This is Nihal. He's my friend. He's six. We're happy.This is my grandfather. My grandfather is old. My grandmother is on the chair next to my grandfather.This is my sister, Shilpa. She's nine. My sister's favourite toy is her ball. She's happy.Pupil's BookOur worldReviewUnits 1 to 4Page 262.Listen and say 'yes' or 'no'.Ravi is six.Nihal is Ravi's friend.Nihal's eight.Ravi's grandfather is young.Ravi's sister is five.Ravi's favourite toy is a car.Ravi's mother is beautiful.Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 281.Listen and point.PET SHOW JUDGE: Hello, children. It's a lovely day for the pet show. Are they your pets?CHILDREN: Yes.SUZY: This is my pet. It's a black and white dog.MEERA: This is my favourite fish. It's orange. What's your favourite pet, Simon? SIMON: My mouse. It's grey.MEERA: Oh! That's, er, nice.STELLA: Look at my cat. It's white. What's your pet, Lenny?LENNY: It's a beautiful bird. It's red, blue and green. Where's your pet, Mrs Star? MRS STAR: It's there, next to my car. That's my black horse.Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 282.Listen, point and repeat.horsedogfishmousecatbirdPupil's BookUnit 5Page 293.Say the chant.My horse is beautiful.My dog is too.My fish is ugly.My bird is blue.My cat is young.And my mouse is grey.Here are our pets,On pet show day.My horse is beautiful.My dog is too.My fish is ugly.My bird is blue.My cat is young.And my mouse is grey.Here are our pets,On pet show day.Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 294.Listen and say the number.This is my grey cat. It's young.My dog's black. It's old.This is my mouse. It's white.My bird's yellow. It's happy.This is my orange fish. It's beautiful. My horse is brown. It's happy.Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 306.Listen, point and repeat.a dirty tablea long pencila small mousea big doga short pencila clean toy boxPupil's BookUnit 5Page 317.Sing the song.MEERA: My name's Meera,And this is my fish.It's a long fish.It's a long fish.LENNY: My name's Lenny,And this is my bird.It's a happy bird.It's a happy bird.STELLA: My name's Stella,And this is my cat.It's a clean cat.It's a clean cat.SUZY: My name's Suzy,And this is my dog.It's a big dog.It's a big dog.MRS STAR: My name's Mrs Star,And this is my horse.It's a beautiful horse.It's a beautiful horse.SIMON: My name's Simon,And this is my mouse.It's a small mouse.SUZY: It's an ugly mouse.SIMON: No, it isn't.STELLA: It's a dirty mouse.MEERA: It's a short mouse.LENNY: It's a small mouse.ALL: Yes, it's a small mouse.SIMON: Yes, it is.Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 329.Say it with Monty.MONTY: Penny penguinMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Penny penguinMONTY: Pick up a pink pencil and point to a purple petMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Pick up a pink pencil and point to a purple pet Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 3311.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Look, Marie. The pet show.MARIE: Oh, yes.MASKMAN: What's your favourite pet, Marie?MARIE: Cats are my favourite pets. They're beautiful and clean.MASKMAN: Yes, but they aren't big. Big dogs are my favourite pets.MARIE: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.MARIE: Mice are good pets.MASKMAN: Yes, but they're small and dirty.MONTY: Pardon? Mice are small, but we aren't dirty ... and we're happy. MASKMAN: Oops. Sorry, Monty.MASKMAN: Mice aren't dirty and they're good pets. But my favourite pets are big dogs.MONTY: But they're ugly and ...ALL THREE TOYS: [Gasp.]MARIE: Look at the puppet!MONTY: Oh, no!MASKMAN: Eek!MASKMAN: No, dogs aren't my favourite pets. My favourite pets are fish.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 341.Listen and point.SIMON: Ssshh, everybody. It's The Troll Show. It's my favourite programme. STELLA: Yes, mmmm.SUZY: Ooohh. They're big and ugly.SIMON: No, they aren't. They're funny.PRESENTER: Hi, boys and girls. It's The Troll Show.TREVOR: Hello, everybody. My name's Trevor Troll. I'm big and green ... SUZY: ... and ugly.SIMON: Ssshh!TREVOR: My head is big and I've got purple hair. Look at my face. It's dirty. My eyes are orange and my mouth is big. I've got yellow teeth and big green ears. My nose is short.SIMON: Lovely!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 342.Listen, point and repeat.mouthnoseearseyesfaceteethPupil's BookUnit 6Page 353.Say the chant.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, humhum, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, humhum, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Hum, humhum, knees and toes, knees and toes.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 354.Listen and correct.I'm a boy monster.My hair's purple.My nose is small.I'm green.My eyes are blue.My hair's short.My ears are big.My mouth's red.I'm sad.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 365.Listen and point.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.COMMENTATOR: Hello, everybody. Welcome to The Ugly Monster Show.MONTY: Look, Maskman. It's my favourite show.MASKMAN: It isn't my favourite show. Those monsters are ugly.MONTY: Sshh! Be quiet, please!MURK: Hello, boys and girls. My name's Murk. I've got a purple head and short orange hair. I've got one big red eye and a long green nose. I've got four small ears.COMMENTATOR: Have you got a small mouth?MURK: No, I haven't. I've got a big mouth and I've got four clean white teeth. COMMENTATOR: Thank you, Murk. You are ugly.MURK: Oh, thank you.COMMENTATOR: And this is Moss. Hi, Moss.MOSS: Hello, everybody. I've got a yellow face and long green hair. I've got three orange eyes and a small blue nose. I've got a big purple mouth and a lot of beautiful teeth. My teeth are grey.COMMENTATOR: Have you got small ears?MOSS: No, I haven't. I've got two big ears.COMMENTATOR: Thank you, Moss. You're ugly too.MOSS: Thank you.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 366.Listen, point and repeat.MURK: I've got a purple head.MOSS: I've got long green hair.MURK: I've got one big red eye.MOSS: I've got a yellow face.MURK: I've got four small ears.MOSS: I've got a small blue nose.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 377.Sing the song.I'm a very ugly monster,I'm a very ugly monster,I'm a very ugly monster.I've got six dirty ears.Yes, I have.I've got pink hair,And my eyes are red.I've got a blue nose,And a purple head.I've got a green mouth,And my teeth are blue.My name's Slime.Who are you?I'm a very ugly monster,I'm a very ugly monster,I'm a very ugly monster.I've got six dirty ears.I've got six dirty ears.Yes, I have.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 388.Say it with Monty.MONTY: Henry horseMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Henry horseMONTY: Here's a happy horse with hair on his head.MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Here's a happy horse with hair on his head.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 3910.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Look, Marie. There he is. He's a monster.MARIE: No, he isn't, Maskman. He's a troll.MASKMAN: A troll? What's a troll? Look at his hair! It's long and ... purple! And his head ... it's big and green!MARIE: Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green.MASKMAN: Look at his eyes, Marie ... They're orange. He's a monster! TREVOR: I'm green, I've got purple hair and orange eyes, but I'm not a monster. MONTY: Hello, Trevor! How are you?TREVOR: Hello, Monty. I'm fine, thank you.MONTY: Trevor, this is Marie and this is Maskman. They're my friends. TREVOR: Hello. I'm Trevor.MARIE: Hello, Trevor. How are you? Are you happy?TREVOR: Yes, I am. Now I've got three friends.MASKMAN: Yes, we're your friends.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 3911.Listen and say 'yes' or 'no'.1. Trevor's got orange hair.2. Trevor's got a big green head.3. Marie's got short hair.4. Monty's got small eyes.5. Maskman's got two noses.6. Trevor's got three friends.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 401.Listen and point.SIMON: Let's play an animal game, Suzy!SUZY: OK, Simon.SIMON: What's this animal? It's a big cat. It's orange and black.SUZY: That's easy. It's a tiger.SIMON: Yes. Very good. What now? This animal is big and grey.SUZY: It's a hippo.SIMON: No, it's big and grey with a long nose.SUZY: It's an elephant.SIMON: OK. OK. What's brown and yellow with a small head?SUZY: Is it a monkey?SIMON: No, it isn't.SUZY: I know! It's a giraffe.SIMON: Yes, very good. OK. What's this? It's long and green and ...SUZY: Er, is it a snake?SIMON: Hah! No, it isn't. This animal is big, long, green and ...SUZY: I know! I know! It's a crocodile.SIMON: Yup!SUZY: Now it's my turn. What's this? It's small and white with red hair and a big mouth.SIMON: Er, I don't know. What animal's that, Suzy?SUZY: It's a Simon! Ha! Ha! Ha!SIMON: Very funny, Suzy. Thank you.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 402.Listen, point and repeat.giraffeelephantsnakehippocrocodilemonkeytigerPupil's BookUnit 7Page 413.Say the chant. Do the actions.Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,Giraffe and crocodile.Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,Giraffe and crocodile.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 414.Listen and point.What's the animal?Listen and look.Point to the animalIn this book.It's small and brown,It's long and green.It's grey and dirty,It's big and clean.It's orange and black,It's red and blue.It's yellow and brown,With a small head too.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 425.Listen and point.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: What have you got there, Trevor?TREVOR: I've got a book on animals. Look at these monkeys. They're funny. MASKMAN: Yes, they've got long arms and big hands. Ooohh. What are they? TREVOR: They're crocodiles. They're long and green and they've got big mouths and long tails.MONTY: How many teeth have they got?TREVOR: They've got a lot of teeth.MASKMAN: Have they got long legs?TREVOR: No, they haven't. They've got short legs and feet. Look at the snakes. They've got no legs and no feet.MASKMAN: Look at the elephants. They're big and grey. They've got very big ears, long noses and short tails.MONTY: Hmmm. Elephants. They're my favourite animals.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 426.Listen, point and repeat.They've got long arms and big hands.They've got long legs.They've got short legs.They haven't got feet.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 437.Sing the song.Animals, animals, big and small,Animals, animals, short and tall.Animals, animals, dirty and clean,Animals, animals, brown and green.Come on, children, sing along,Sing and move to the animal song.Let's all do the hippo show,Let's all do the hippo show,Let's all do the hippo show,Move your hands and feet.Let's all do the elephant dance,Let's all do the elephant dance,Let's all do the elephant dance,Move your arms and legs.Let's all do the snake shake,Move your head and tail.Let's all do the crocodile smile,Let's all do the crocodile smile,Let's all do the crocodile smile,Show your big white teeth.Let's all do the giraffe laugh,Let's all do the giraffe laugh,Let's all do the giraffe laugh,Open your big clean mouth.Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 448.Say it with Monty.MONTY: Cassandra catMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Cassandra catMONTY: Car, computer, crocodile, catMONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Car, computer, crocodile, cat Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 4510.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MONTY: Animals animals, big and small. Animals animals, short and tall. MARIE: Help! Help, Maskman! Look at these snakes. They're long and ugly and they've got two long teeth.MASKMAN: I'm here, Marie. I've got the snakes. Snakes have got two long teeth, but I've got two big arms.MARIE: Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you. You're a superhero!TREVOR: Help! Help! Help! Maskman! Look at these crocodiles. They've got big mouths ... and they've got a lot of teeth.MASKMAN: I'm here, Trevor. I've got the crocodiles. Crocodiles have got big mouths and a lot of teeth, but I've got long legs and big hands.TREVOR: Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you. You're a superhero!MASKMAN: Help! Help! Look at these elephants! They're very big ... and they've got very big feet. Aaagghh!MONTY: I'm here, Maskman! Elephants are very big and they've got very big feet, but I'm a mouse ... and I'm very small.MASKMAN, MARIE, TREVOR: Thank you, Monty. You're a small mouse, but you're a big hero.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 461.Listen and point.MR STAR: Come on, children. Time for school.STELLA: OK, Dad.SIMON: Stella, where are my grey trousers?STELLA: They're under your toy box.SIMON: Now, where are my socks?STELLA: Your blue socks? They're in your shoes.SIMON: And where are my shoes?STELLA: Under the chair, Simon. Come on!SIMON: OK. Is that my green T-shirt next to the computer?STELLA: Yes, it is. And your jacket's next to the door.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 462.Listen, point and repeat.T-shirtskirtsocks。



them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella! them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella! them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella! Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella! Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!Suzy:Oh!Kites!Can we look at them,Dad?Mr Star:Ok,Suzy.where are they? Suzy:over there!Next to the lorries.Simon:Look at these robots! Stella:Ugh!They are ugly.Alex:I like this big yellow watch. Meera:Look at this camera.It's orange,my favourite colour. Stella:Hum!...Look!Computer games!I love computer games! Simon:Great!Is there a Maskman Playbooks?Stella:Yes,There is,and there's a “can you spell?”game.Meera,Alex,Simon:Ugh!Stella!。



精心整理UNIT1Maskman:Hello,Marine.Marie:Hello,Maskman.Closethedoor,please.Sitdownhere. Maskman:Listentomychant,Matine.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9and10. Marine:Verygood,Maskman.Maskman:Yes,good.Maskman:Listen!Look!What...?Aaaagghh!Abluemonster! Marine:No,Maskman.It’sa....Maskman:Eeeek!Abluemonster!Goodbye,Marine.Monty:Hello,Marine.Marine:Hello,Monty.Monty:Look,abluepencil.Marine:Yes,abluepencil.UNIT2Marine:OK.Sitdown,please,everybody.Marin:ListentotheCDanddrawthemonster.Maskman:Oop!Oh,myActivityBook!Monty:Here’sanotherbook,Maskman.UNIT3Marine:It’. Maskman:ItMaskman:No,itisn’t.Marine:isitunderthetable?Maskman:No,itisn’’smycar?Marine:Idon’tknow,Maskman.Isitonthechair?Maskman:Noooo,itisn’t.Monty:Look,Maskman.It’sOK.It’shere,inthebag. Maskman:Oh,thankyou,Monty.Maskman:MyMaskmanCar.UNIT4Maskman:Lookatthis!Marine:Whatisit?Maskman:It’sapictureofmyfamily.Monty:Who’sthis?Maskman:She’smysister,Maskgirl.Monty:Andisthisyouryoungbrother?Maskman:Yes,that’sMaskboy.Monty:Wow!Marine:Andlook,here’smyfamily.Monty:Wow!She’sbeautiful.Issheyourmother?Marine:Yes,sheis.She’smymum,Babs.Monty:Andisthisyourfather?Marine:Yes,that’sBen,mydad.Monty:Areyoumybrother,Maskman?Maskman:No,I’mnot.Monty:Areyoumysister,Marie?Marie:No,I’mnot.Monty:Where’smyfamily?Marie;Look,Monty.Here’syourfamily.It’Monty:Ooohh!Maskman:Areyouhappynow,Monty?Monty:Yes,Iam.UNIT5Allthreetoys:[Gasp.]Marie:Lookatthepuppet!Monty:Oh,no!Maskman:Eek!Maskman:No,dogsaren’tmyfavouritepets.Myfavouritepetsarefish. UNIT6Maskman:Look,Marie.Thereheis.He’samonster.Marie:No,heisn’t,Maskman.He’satroll.Maskman:Atroll?What’satroll?Lookathishair!It’slongand...purple! Andhishead...it’sbogandgreen!Marie:Yes,Maskman.Trollsaregreen.Maskman:Lookathiseyes,Marie...They’reorange.He’samonser!Trevor:I’mgreen,I’vegotpurplehairandeyes,butI’mnotamonster.Monty:Hello,Trevor!Howareyou?Trevor:Hello,Monty.I’mfine,thankyou.Monty:Trevor,thisisMarieandthisisMaskman.They’remyfriends.Trevor:Hello.I’mTrevor.Marie:Hello,Trevor.Howareyou?Areyouhappy?Trevor:Yes,Iam.NowI‘vegotthreefriends.Maskman:Yes,we’reyourfriends.UNIT7Monty:Animalsanimals,bigandsmall.Animalsanimals,shortandtall.Marie:Help!Help,Maskman!Lookatthesesnakes.They’relonganduglyandthey’vegottwolong TeethMaskman:I’mhere,Marie.I’arms.Marie:Ooohhh,Maskman,thankyou.You’They’vegotbigmouths...andthey’Maskman:I’mhere,Trevor.I’h,butI’Trevor:Ooohhh,Maskman,thankyou.You’They’Monty:I’vegotverybigfeet,butI’mamouse.’reabighero.UNIT8’sgotablueskirt,she’sgotpin’sgotaredjacket,he’sgotgreentrouseTrevor:Oooohh!Hee,hee.Monty:Suzy’sgotaskirt,andshe’sgotabeautifuoorangeT-shirt,withamouseonit!Trevor:Ha,ha,ha!UNIT9Maskman:DotheMaskmansong,DotheMaskmansong,Let’sallDotheMaskmansong,Monty:Oooh!Look!There’sMaskman.Hecanrideabikeandplaytennis!Trevor:Iknow,andhecanplaybasketball.Monty,TrevorandMaskman:Rideabike.Playtennis,basketball.Play,play,play.Monty:Hello,Marie.TrevorandMaskman:Hello,Marie.Trevor:Marie!ListentotheMaskmansong.Hecanswimandhecanplayfootball!Marie:What?Pardon?Oh!Sorry,Trevor.Marie:Yes,Trevor.Maskmancanswimandhecanrideabikeandhecanplayfootball,but....hecan’tp laytheguitarandhecan’tsing.UNIT10Sam:Help!Help!Ican’tswim.Maskman:i’mflyingmyhelicopter!Look!Icanseeaboy.Oh!Hecan’tswim.Maskman:Icanpicktheboyup.Maskman:Standnexttome,Sam.Youcanflyinmyhelicopteragain.Sam:Thanks,Maskman.Wow!You’remyhero!Monty:Maskman...agreenlorry!Stop!Youcan’tcrossthestreetnow.Look,theman’sred! Maskman:Ooh!Er!Thankyou,Monty.Wow!You’Monty:That’sOK,Maskman.MarieandTrevor:DotheMontysong,DotheMontysong,Let’salldotheMontysong.UNIT11Suzy:Wherearemypencils?I’Canyouhelpme?Stella:Aretheyunderthetable?Suzy:No,they aren’tandtheyaren’Stella:Sorry,Suzy.Ican’Trevor:I’’tinthekitchenorthediningroom.Stella:Look,Suzy!Yourpencilsarehereonthefloor.Suzy:What?Hmmmmm.....UNIT12Monty:Icecreamandchocolate.Icecreamandchocolate.Marie:BURGER!Marie:STOP,EVERYBODY!Trevor:Ooooops!Maskman:Ooooh,er!Monty:Eeeek!Help!Marie:ButIdon’tburgers.Maskman:AndIdon’tlikeapplesorbananas.Monty’sgotmyicecreamandchocolate.Monty:ButIdon’tlikeicecreamandchocolate.Myfavouritefood’scake.Marie:Yuk!Ilikeapplesandbananas.Trevor:Listen!Iknow!Canwechantourfavouritefood? Maskman,Montyandmarie:Yes!Ok!Let’schantourfavouritefood. Maskman:Hah!NowI’vegottheicecreamandchocolate.Marie:Apple,apple.Banana,banana.Monty:Icecreamandchocolate.Icecreamandchocolate.Trevor:PENCILS!。



少儿精彩英语小故事大全1.少儿精彩英语小故事Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a WellThere is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.有一只青蛙住在井底,他从来没有去过井外面。


One day a crow es to the well. He sees the frog and says, “Frog, let’s have a talk.”一天,一只乌鸦飞到井边,看见青蛙,就对它说:“青蛙,咱们聊聊吧。

”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?”青蛙就问他:“你从哪里来?”“I fly from the sky,” the crow says.“我从天上上来。


The frog feels surprised and says, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?”青蛙惊讶地说:“天空就只有这井口这么大,你怎么会从天上来? ”The crow says, “The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you don’t know the world is big.”乌鸦说:“天空很大。


”The frog says, “I don’t believe.”青蛙说:“我不相信。

”But the crow says, “You can e out and have a look by yourself.”乌鸦说:“你可以出来,自己看看嘛。






















































《剑桥国际少儿英语》是2009年在全球同步推出的零起点少儿英语教材,由国际英语教学专家卡罗琳·尼克松(Caroline Nixon)和迈克尔·汤姆林森(Michael Tomlinson)合作编写。







剑桥少儿英语全集视频教程全集剑桥少儿英语第一级上册01剑桥少儿英语第一级上册02剑桥少儿英语第一级上册03剑桥少儿英语第一级上册05剑桥少儿英语第一级上册04剑桥少儿英语第一级下册01剑桥少儿英语第一级下册02剑桥少儿英语第一级下册03剑桥少儿英语第一级下册04剑桥少儿英语第一级下册05-1剑桥少儿英语第一级下册05-2剑桥少儿英语第二级上册01剑桥少儿英语第二级上册02剑桥少儿英语第二级上册03剑桥少儿英语第二级上册04剑桥少儿英语第二级上册05剑桥少儿英语第二级下册01剑桥少儿英语第二级下册02剑桥少儿英语第二级下册03剑桥少儿英语预备级第二集剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集剑桥少儿英语预备级第三集剑桥少儿英语预备级第四集剑桥少儿英语预备级第五集剑桥少儿英语预备级第六集剑桥少儿英语预备级第七集剑桥少儿英语预备级第八集剑桥少儿英语预备级第九集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十一集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十二集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十三集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十四集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十五集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十六集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十七集剑桥少儿英语预备级第十八集英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 1 人物介绍英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 2 英文字母英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 3 小动物英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 4 我的身体(1)英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 5 游戏问答转圈圈(1)英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 6 常用问候语(1)英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 7 常用问候语(2)英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 8 常用问候语(3)英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 9 我的家庭英语过山车Disc (一)\Lesson 10 游戏部问答转圈圈(2) 【英语过山车】VCD02 02数字【英语过山车】VCD02 01片头【英语过山车】VCD02 03颜色【英语过山车】VCD02 04玩具【英语过山车】VCD02 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD02 06文具【英语过山车】VCD02 08衣物【英语过山车】VCD02 07食物【英语过山车】VCD02 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD04 02食物【英语过山车】VCD04 03饮料【英语过山车】VCD04 04衣物【英语过山车】VCD04 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD04 06颜色【英语过山车】VCD04 07餐具【英语过山车】VCD04 08玩具【英语过山车】VCD04 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD05 03职业【英语过山车】VCD05 02天气【英语过山车】VCD05 04季节【英语过山车】VCD05 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD05 07方向【英语过山车】VCD05 06动作【英语过山车】VCD05 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD05 08星期【英语过山车】VCD06 02表情【英语过山车】VCD06 04乐器【英语过山车】VCD06 03我的一天【英语过山车】VCD06 06花果【英语过山车】VCD06 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD06 07天空【英语过山车】VCD06 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD06 08童话故事】:【英语过山车】VCD07 03形容词【英语过山车】VCD07 02动物【英语过山车】VCD07 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD07 04比较【英语过山车】VCD07 06食物【英语过山车】VCD07 07职业【英语过山车】VCD07 08今天星期几【英语过山车】VCD07 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD08 02动作【英语过山车】VCD08 03 WHAT ARE YOU DOING 【英语过山车】VCD08 04 WHAT IS THE TIME【英语过山车】VCD08 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD08 06迷糊的新家【英语过山车】VCD08 07电器【英语过山车】VCD08 08感觉【英语过山车】VCD09 02你几岁了【英语过山车】VCD08 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD09 03节日【英语过山车】VCD09 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD09 04 WHAT DO YOU LIKE 】:【英语过山车】VCD07 03形容词【英语过山车】VCD07 02动物【英语过山车】VCD07 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD07 04比较【英语过山车】VCD07 06食物【英语过山车】VCD07 07职业【英语过山车】VCD07 08今天星期几【英语过山车】VCD07 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD08 02动作【英语过山车】VCD08 03 WHAT ARE YOU DOING 【英语过山车】VCD08 04 WHAT IS THE TIME【英语过山车】VCD08 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD08 06迷糊的新家【英语过山车】VCD08 07电器【英语过山车】VCD08 08感觉【英语过山车】VCD09 02你几岁了【英语过山车】VCD08 09游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD09 03节日【英语过山车】VCD09 05游戏问答转圈圈【英语过山车】VCD09 04 WHAT DO YOU LIKE。



剑桥少儿英语三级听力原文fiyers2In the realm of children's English education, the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (CYLET) play a pivotal role in assessing and enhancing the language proficiency of young learners. Among the various levels of CYLET, Level 3, particularly its listening section known as "Fiyers2," offers a unique challenge to students, requiring them to comprehend a range of audio materials and apply their language skills to extract information, understand context, and analyze the speaker's intentions.The "Fiyers2" listening section is designed to test the students' ability to listen actively, interpret the spoken word, and respond appropriately. The audio materials, which could be conversations, narratives, or instructions, are carefully crafted to engage the listeners' attention and challenge their comprehension skills. The variety of audio formats ensures that students are exposed to different speaking styles and rates, helping them adapt to real-life communication scenarios.To excel in the "Fiyers2" section, students need to develop a set of skills that go beyond mere languageknowledge. They must learn to actively listen, identifying key information, understanding the speaker's tone and attitude, and making inferences based on contextual clues. This requires regular practice and exposure to authentic listening materials that simulate real-world scenarios.One effective way to prepare for the "Fiyers2" section is through story listening. Storytelling is a natural and engaging way for children to learn language. By listening to stories, children can develop their vocabulary, grammar, and listening comprehension skills. Moreover, stories provide contextualized language, making it easier for children to understand and remember new words and expressions.Besides story listening, another valuable resource for practicing the "Fiyers2" section is podcasts and online audio materials. These resources offer a wide range of listening materials, covering different topics and speaking styles. Listening to podcasts and online audio materials regularly can help students familiarize themselves with different accents and speaking rates, thereby improving their listening comprehension skills.Moreover, practicing with mock tests and sample questions is crucial for success in the "Fiyers2" section. By practicing with mock tests, students can familiarize themselves with the test format, time management, and types of questions. This helps them identify their areas of weakness and work on improving them before the actual test. In addition to these strategies, it is important for students to maintain a positive and motivated attitude towards learning English. Encouraging them to engage in meaningful and enjoyable language activities, such as singing English songs, watching English movies, and participating in language exchanges, can foster their interest in the language and enhance their learning experience.In conclusion, the "Fiyers2" listening section of Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Level 3 is a challenging yet rewarding aspect of children's English education. By developing active listening skills,practicing with diverse audio materials, and maintaining a positive learning attitude, students can successfullynavigate this section and make significant progress intheir English proficiency.**剑桥少儿英语三级听力原文Fiyers2的深度解析** 在少儿英语教育领域,剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLET)对于评估和提升年轻学习者的语言水平起着至关重要的作用。



第8页CD 1,10磁带1.ANARRATOR:SimonandAlexareintheirArtclass.They’remakingbowlsandtheycan’tst op.They’re busy.SIMON:Oooh.My bowl’s terrible!NARRATOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy.Lenny doesn’t think Maths iseasy.He thinks it’s difficult.LENNY:I can’t do this Maths problem.It’s difficult.STELLA:Come on.Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy.NARRATOR:...It’s 73-72.Wha t an exciting game!Meera’s got the ball and she’s running withit.Meera’s quick.The boy’s slow.GIRL:This is really boring.I don’t like basketball.CD 1,11磁带1,A1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally!I am being careful.2 What was the film like?It was really boring.3 What’s 397 and 79?Oh, I don’t know,That’s difficult.4 What was the football match like?It was really exciting!5 Come on,Mary.Don’t be so slow.I’m not slow!6 What’s 2 and 2?That’s easy.It’s 4.7 Can I talk to you?No,sorry.I’m busy.8 The bus is coming,Be quick!9 The weather’s terrible!Oh no!Look at our food.CD 1,12磁带1.ASIMON:Hey!The school show’s really exciting,Dad.MR STAR:Yes ,It is...and it’s good to see your teachers.Who are theyall?SIMON:Well,the man who’s talking to Mun ismy Maths teacher.He’s called Mr Newton.MR STAR:Right,Is the man who’s singing your Music teacher?SIMON:No,he’s Mr Burke,our sports teacher.Miss Flower’s our Music teacher.She’s the womanwho’s wearing the long green skirt.They do the‘after school club’.MR STAR:The‘After school club’?What’s that?SIMON:It’s a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. ...Andcan you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR:Ooh,Simon,that’s difficult.Is it the woman who’s playing the guitar?SIMON:Very funny.Dad.No,that’s Mrs Robinson.our English teacher.Our Art teacher’s overthere,He’s the one who’s carrying the lorry.MR STAR:Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha.SIMON:No.Dad,His name’s Mr Turner.CD 1,13磁带1,A1 Who’s Mr Edison?He’s the man who’s writing on the board.What’s he wearing?He’s wearing a green a sweater,grey trousers and blue shoes.2 Who’s Paul?He’s the boy who’s reading a book,He‘s wearing a red T-short and blue trousers.3 Who’s Mary?She’s the girl who’s got long blonde curly hair,She’s wearing a pink dress,She’s wearing apink dress.She’s talking to Peter.4 Who is Jim?He’s the boy who’s sharpening his pencil,He’s wearing a brown shirt and grey trousers.CD 1,20磁带1,A1 Six hundred and eighty-seven metres twenty-two centimetres.2 Thirty-nine metres sixty-seven centimetres.3 Eight hundred and twenty-four metres forty-three centimetres.4 Seventy-five metres twelve centimetres.5 Five hundred and sixty-two metres thirty-five centimres.6 Ninety-three metres fifty-six centimres.7 Seven hundred and forty-one metres fifty-eight centimetres.8 Nine hundred and thirty-eight metres seventy-nine centimetres.第16页CD 1, 21磁带1,BSIMON:Look,this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY:What does‘activitycentre’mean?SIMON:It’s a plane where you can learn to do lots of exciting sport.Look.It’s got rockclimbing,I’d like to learn to climb.STELLA:Hmm.It’s not nice when it’s cold,wet and raining.SIMON:No,it’s OK.They’ve got a climbing wall inside and outside.SU ZY:Look!There’s a lake too.SIMON:Yes,you can do water sport,You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming therewhen it’s hot.SUZY:I don’t want to sail or climb.What can I learn to do?STELLA:Hmmm,Lets’s see.You can learn to skate,Suzy.SUZY:Hm m,skating.That’s exciting,but I haven’t got any skates.STELLA:That’s OK.They’vegot skates at the centre,And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.CD 1, 24磁带1,BMR STAR:Hello.CRANDPA:Hello,son.Where are you?MR STAR:Hi,Dad.I’m inside,watching Simon andAlex.They’re climbing really well.Simon’sclimbing quickly and he’s near the top of the wall.Alex is climbing slowly andcarefully.Where are you,Dad?GRANDPA:I’m outside with Suzy.She’s learning to skate.MR STAR:How’s she doing?GRANDPA:Well,she isn’t doing badly.She doesn’t want to fall.so she’s skating slowly.SUZY:Look at me,Grandpa!I can skate really well now,but I’m tired.Let’s go inside and watchSimonGRANDPA:Good idea,Suzy.See you in a minute,son.We’re coming in now.CD 1, 32磁带1,BALEX:You weren’t at sch ool last week,Simon.Where were you?SIMON:I was st Monday I had a temperature.It was 39degrees.ALEX:Wow.What was the matter?SIMON:I don’t know. I drank lots of water,but on Tuesday 1 was worse and I had a bad headacheToo.ALEX:Were you batter on Wednesday?SIMON:No, I wasn’t. I had a terrible cough,soI saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX:Were you batter after you took your medicine?SIMON:No I wasn’t .On Thursday I went to the hospital with mun and had some tests.ALEX:So,what was the matter?SIMON:Er I had a cold...,but I wasn’t ill on Friday afternoon.I was fine!I ate a big dinner...andthen I had a really god weekend!CD 1, 34磁带1,BSTELLA:I’m really tired this morning.MEERA:Really?Why?Were you awake all night?STELLA:No,I had a terrible dreamMEERA: Oooh,what was your dream about?STELLA:I was a doctor in a big hospital.I had a long white coat...and I had lots of doctor’sthings,but I didn’t hae time to stop!MEERA:Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA:I saw lots.I saw a man who had a cough,but he didn’t have a tempreture so I gave himsome medicine...And there was a woman with a bad headache.And then,there was agirl who had a bowl on her head!8CD2, 02磁带2,AMR STAR:What did you do yesterday afternoon at the after schoolclub,kids?SIMON:Well,first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried theminto the hall.MR STAR:And what did you do,Stella?STELLA:I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON:Yes,Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical.We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR:Did you dance,Simon?SIMON:Well,I didn’t dance,but I hopped,skipped and jumped to the music...and Meera and Stellalaughed a lotSTELLA:Well,Simon,you were funny.Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing,butthen he stopped us!MR STAR:So what now?STELLA:Mr Burke doesn’t want us to do a musical this year.SIMON:It’s great!I don’t have to sing and dance!CD2, 05磁带2,ANARRATOR:It’s Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex’s new flat.LENNY:Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA:I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON:Wow,the fifteenth floor,That’s exciting!MEERA:Yeah,he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.Oh,no!The lift isn’t working!LENNY:That’s OK.There are some stairs.We can walkup.STELLA:Lenny,we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON:That’s no problem.Lenny and I love e on.Lenny.Let’s see who gets therefirst!LENNY:Yeah!STELLA:First floor,second floor,third floor,fourth floor,fifth floor...I’m sotired!ALEX:Hello.What’s the matter?EVERYONR ELSE:The lift isn’t working.Alex:But it’s only the fifth floor!LENNY:Yeah,but we went up to the fifteenth because Stella thinks you live there!ALEX:Well,It’s good you didn’t want to see my uncl e.He lives on the twentiethfloor!CD2,11磁带2,ACan you see the line from the wordTuesday?On Tuesday,Mary went to the library to take her books back.Now you listen and draw lines.1Did you do a lot of things last week,Mary?Yes I did.I had a very busy week.What was the first thing you did?On Monday I went to see my grandma because she wasn’t well.She had a tempera.Oh,dear.Is she better now?Yes, thanks,She’s a lot better.2What next?Well,on Wednesday I went shopping with my mum.What did you buy?I had to get some new school shoes.3What did you do on Thursday?I did my Maths homework.Was it difficult?No, it was OK.I like Maths.4Did you have to do your homework on Friday?No,I didn’t.I had my music lesson on Friday.Really?What do you play?I play the piano.5And tell me,did you do anything interesting at the weekend?At the weekend?Well,not on Sunday,but on Saturday I cleaned my bedroom.Oh dear!Do you do that every week?Yes I do.I enjoy cleaning my bedroom!CD2,19磁带2,AGRANDMA:We want to buy a computer so we can use the internet.I’d like to email my old friendin Australia.SUZY:Do you know how to use the computer,Grandma?GRANDMA:No,not really.Can you show us,please?STELLA:Yeah,first you have to turn the computer on.Push this button here.Then you have to turnon the screen..That’s the button here.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and...GRANDMA:What mouse?SUZY:This here,Grandma.It’s called a mouse because It’s got a longtail.Look.GRANDMA:Oh,I see.STELLA:Then you click on this program,and you can write youemail.SIMON:OK.What do you want to do Grandpa?GRANDPA:I want to go on the internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON:You don’t want a video,Grandpa.A DVD’s better,because you can watch it on your newcomputer.Now, you need an MP3 player,Grandpa.GRANDPA:No Simon.Now I need a cup of tea.CD2,23磁带2,AHi,John,Did you go shopping yesterday?Yes.I did.I went with my mum and my dad.What did you buy?We bought a new computer.Really?That’s nice.Is the computer for you?No,it isn’t.What’s it for?It’s for my brother.I see.Why does your brother need a compute,John?Well,he needs it for two things.What’s the first?First,he need the internet to help him with his homework.Did you say there were two things he needs a computer for?That right.What’s the second thing?He wants to watch DVDs.Oh, I see.Was it a lot of money?Yes,it was.How much was it?It was six hundred and ninety-nine pounds.Oh,that is a lot of money.Does your brother work at the weekends?Yes.He works in a cafe on Saturdays.CD2,29磁带2,B1What did you do last week,Fred?Last week I did lots of things.I don’t know where to start.Tell me what you did on...Thursday.On Tuesday I went to the park with my dad.He took a photo of me on my bike.2 Did you go shopping last week?Yes.On Monday I went shopping with my mum and she bought me a new DVD.Really?Yes.It’s great.It’s great.It’s called Box of Tricks.3 What other things did you do?Well,at the weekend I had a great time.It was Grandma’s birthday on Saturday.We gave her aPresent.What did you get her?We got her an MP3 player.Great!4 On Sunday afternoon we went to the countyside and I found a mobile phoneunder a tree.What did you do with it ?The woman who lost it phoned the number and I gave it back to her.5 What about Wednesday?Let me think.Oh,yes.On Wednesday I took some photos of my little sister.She was in the schoolPlay.That’s nice.Did she like the photos?She loved them!6 Oh,and on Friday we went to the cinema.Which film did you see?We saw Lost on the Internet.Really?I saw that last week.It’s really exciting!Yes,it is.We chose that one because we love films of computer games.CD2,30磁带2,BMR BURKE:Welcome to the Kids Box Quiz.Let’s hear it for these two clever kids in today’s bigfinal:11/ 11。



eg:What a nice gift (it is)! = How nice the gift is! 多漂亮的礼物! What a clever boy (he is)! = How clever the boy is! 多聪明的男孩!
同义句转换: What a fine day it is! (转换成How引导的感叹句) How happy the child is! (转换成What引导的感叹句)
Oh, how happy I am! I have got a name!
how happy I am!是一个感叹句,你们会翻 译吗? have got 有 我真高兴!我有一个名字!
Hi! Which is my name? Just a minute ! It’s ready! which 哪一个 Just a minute是什么意思呢? ready 准备好的
具体用法: a bit + 形容词 a bit of +名词 eg: I am a bit cold. (形容词) 我有点儿冷。 I have a bit of water. (名词) 我有一点儿水。
回忆一下,family tree是什么意思?
another (不定数量的)另一个 eg:I don’t like this book,give me another. 我不喜欢这本书,给我另一本。 (不定数量中的任意一本)
比较: the other (两者中的)另一个
eg:I have two books, one is a Chinese book, the other is an English book. 我有两本书,一本是语文书,一本是英语 书。(两者中的另一个)



剑桥少儿英语kb2听力原文第二册全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, my name is Lucy and I want to share with you an article from the Cambridge Young Learners English Test (YLE) Starters Listening 2 book. It's really fun and I hope you enjoy it!Title: A Day at the ZooYesterday, my mom took me to the zoo. I was so excited because I love animals. As soon as we got there, we saw a big sign that said "Welcome to the Zoo!" We bought our tickets and went inside.The first animals we saw were the monkeys. They were swinging from tree to tree and making funny noises. I laughed so much watching them. Then we saw the lions. They were sleeping under a big tree, so we had to be quiet. Mom told me they are very strong and dangerous.After that, we saw the elephants. They were playing with their trunks and spraying water everywhere. I wanted to touchthem, but we weren't allowed to. Next, we saw the giraffes. They were so tall and elegant, eating leaves from the trees. I felt like a little ant next to them!We also saw some penguins swimming in a pool, and a big polar bear sleeping in the sun. It was a great day at the zoo and I can't wait to go back again. I love all the animals and I wish I could be a zookeeper when I grow up!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story, I hope you had fun too! Bye bye!篇2Title: A Day in the Life of a Little ExplorerHi everyone! My name is Sam and I'm a little explorer. I love going on adventures and discovering new things. Today, I'm going to tell you all about a day in my life.Every morning, I wake up bright and early. I have a yummy breakfast of cereal and juice before I get ready for the day. I put on my explorer hat and grab my backpack with all my adventure gear inside.Today, I decided to go on a treasure hunt in the park. I packed a magnifying glass, a map, and some snacks in my backpack. I was all set for an exciting day!As I walked through the park, I saw colorful flowers, chirping birds, and squirrels running around. It was so exciting to be out in nature and explore everything around me.I followed the map to a hidden trail and found a secret cave. Inside the cave, I found a treasure chest full of shiny coins and gems. I couldn't believe my eyes! I felt like a real explorer discovering hidden treasures.After my amazing adventure, I sat down on a patch of grass and enjoyed my snacks. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I felt so happy and grateful for the wonderful day I had.As the day started to come to an end, I packed up my things and headed home. I couldn't wait to tell my family all about my adventure and show them the treasure chest I found.I had such a fantastic day being a little explorer. I can't wait for my next adventure and all the exciting things I'll discover. Life is full of wonders waiting to be explored, and I'm ready to dive in and see what's out there.That's all for now, my fellow adventurers. Until next time, happy exploring!篇3Hello everyone, I'm so excited to share with you the original text from Cambridge Young Learners English Listening Test Book 2! Let's have some fun and learn some English together.Title: My Summer VacationHi everyone! My name is Lily and I want to tell you about my super cool summer vacation.During the summer break, my family and I went to the beach. We stayed at a cozy cottage near the ocean. The weather was so nice and warm, perfect for swimming and playing in the sand.I played beach volleyball with my brother, built sandcastles with my mom, and collected seashells with my dad. We even had a barbecue on the beach one evening. It was so much fun!One day, we went on a boat tour to see some dolphins. It was amazing to see them jump and play in the water. I took lots of pictures to show my friends back home.At night, we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. We told stories and sang songs under the stars. It was so magical.I also went surfing for the first time and it was so exciting! I fell off the board a few times, but I didn't give up. By the end of the day, I was able to stand up and ride the waves. It was such a great feeling of accomplishment.I had the best summer vacation ever and I can't wait to go back to the beach next year. It was full of fun, laughter, and happy memories with my family. I hope you all had a fantastic summer too!That's the end of my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Let's have more adventures and make more memories together. Bye for now!篇4Title: A Day in the Life of JimmyHey guys! My name is Jimmy and I want to tell you about a typical day in my life. I am a student in Grade 2 and I love learning English with my friends at the Cambridge English Kids Box 2 class.In the morning, I wake up early and have a yummy breakfast with my family. My mom always makes me toast with jam and a glass of milk. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and get ready for school. I put on my favorite t-shirt and sneakers and pack my bag with all my books and pencils.At school, we have different classes like English, Math, Science, and Art. My favorite subject is English because I love learning new words and practicing speaking with my friends. During our English class, our teacher plays fun games and we listen to interesting stories. We also practice our listening skills to understand different accents and pronunciations.During lunchtime, we have delicious food at the school cafeteria. My favorite lunch is spaghetti with meatballs and a big chocolate chip cookie for dessert. After lunch, we have recess and I play with my friends on the playground. We run around, play tag, and sometimes even have a mini soccer game.After school, I go home and do my homework with my mom. She helps me with my math problems and I read my English book aloud to practice my pronunciation. Then, I have dinner with my family and we talk about our day. Sometimes, we watch a movie together or play board games before bedtime.At night, I brush my teeth again and put on my pajamas. I snuggle in bed with my favorite teddy bear and my mom reads me a bedtime story. I love listening to her voice and it helps me relax before I fall asleep.That's a day in my life as a Cambridge English Kids Box 2 student. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventures at school and at home. English learning is so much fun! See you next time, guys! Bye-bye!篇5One day, Jack and Lily went to the zoo. They saw many animals there. Jack liked the lions the best, because they were big and strong. Lily liked the pandas the best, because they were cute and fluffy.They also saw some giraffes, elephants, and monkeys. They even saw a crocodile! It was very big and scary, with sharp teeth.After looking at all the animals, they went to the gift shop. Jack bought a toy lion and Lily bought a panda keychain. They were happy with their purchases and carried them everywhere they went.Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the lion enclosure. They went to see what was happening and saw that one of the lions was roaring loudly. Jack and Lily were scared, but the zookeeper told them not to worry. The lion was just showing off for the other lions.After that, Jack and Lily went to see the penguins. They were so cute waddling around on the ice. Jack and Lily laughed and took lots of pictures.As the day came to an end, Jack and Lily were tired but happy. They had a great time at the zoo and couldn't wait to come back again. It was a fun day filled with adventure and excitement. They were grateful for the experience and couldn't wait to tell their friends all about it.篇6Title: A Fun Day at the ZooHi guys! My name is Emily, and I want to tell you all about the super cool day I had at the zoo with my friends. We went to the zoo last weekend, and it was so much fun!First, we saw all the big animals like lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my! It was so exciting to see them up close. We even saw a giraffe and an elephant! They were so big and cool.Then, we went to see the monkeys. They were swinging from the trees and making funny noises. We couldn't stop laughing! We also saw some colorful birds and cute little bunnies. It was like a real-life animal show.After that, we had a yummy picnic lunch in the zoo. We had sandwiches, fruits, and juice. It was so delicious! We sat on the grass and talked about all the animals we saw.Next, we went to see the dolphins show. They did tricks and jumps in the water. It was amazing! We clapped and cheered for them. I wish I could be a dolphin trainer when I grow up.Finally, we went to the gift shop and bought some souvenirs.I got a cute stuffed lion to remind me of our fun day at the zoo. I can't wait to go back and see more animals next time!I had the best time at the zoo with my friends. I learned so much about animals and had a great day out in the sunshine. I can't wait for our next adventure together! Zoos are so much fun!篇7Title: My Amazing Day at the ZooHey everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my super fun day at the zoo. It was so cool and I saw lots of awesome animals!First, we went to see the lions. They were roaring really loudly and it was kinda scary, but also really exciting. The lions were so big and majestic. I even got to hear some interesting facts about them from the zookeeper.Next, we went to the monkey enclosure. The monkeys were swinging from trees and playing around. They were so funny and cute! I couldn't stop laughing at their antics. One of the monkeys even waved at me, which was so adorable.After that, we went to see the penguins. They were waddling around on the ice and diving into the water. It was amazing to watch them swim so gracefully. I wish I could swim like a penguin!We also saw elephants, giraffes, and even a really rare white tiger. It was so cool to see all these animals up close and learn more about them. I even took some photos to show my friends.Overall, my day at the zoo was the best day ever! I had so much fun and learned a lot about different animals. I can't waitto go back again and see even more animals. Zoo trips are the best!That's all for now. Thanks for reading about my awesome day at the zoo! Bye!篇8Title: My Fun Day at the ParkHi everyone! It’s me, Jenny! Today, I want to tell you about the super fun day I had at the park with my friends. It was so cool!So, in the morning, my mom took me to the park. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there were so many people out and about. I was so excited to see my friends and play with them.When we got to the park, we saw Sarah, Lucy, and Timmy waiting for us. We all ran to each other and gave big hugs. I was so happy to see my friends again!First, we went to the playground. We climbed on the monkey bars, went down the slide, and swung on the swings. Timmy even showed us how high he could swing! We laughed and played until our tummies hurt.Next, we decided to have a picnic. We spread out our blankets on the grass and my mom gave us yummy sandwiches, juice boxes, and some cookies. It was so fun to eat together under the big oak tree.After lunch, we played a game of tag. Sarah was super fast and kept dodging everyone. We chased each other around the park and had a blast.Finally, it was time to go home. We were all tired but happy. I hugged my friends goodbye and promised to play with them again soon. What a great day at the park!I can’t wait for our next adventure together. The park is definitely one of my favorite places to hang out with my friends. Thank you for listening to my story. Bye!篇9Title: My Adventure at the ZooHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my super cool adventure at the zoo. It was soooo awesome! I went to the zoo with my family and we saw lots of animals.First, we went to see the lions. They were so big and strong, and they roared super loud. I was a little bit scared, but alsoamazed by how powerful they were. Next, we saw the giraffes with their long necks and spots. They were eating leaves from the trees and they looked so graceful.After that, we went to the elephant enclosure. The elephants were gigantic and they were spraying water with their trunks. It was so funny to watch! We also saw some monkeys swinging from tree to tree and playing around. They were so cute and mischievous.We had lunch at the zoo and then we went to see the penguins. They were waddling around and sliding on the ice. I wanted to join them and slide too! Finally, we visited the reptile house and saw snakes, lizards, and turtles. They were so fascinating to look at.I had so much fun at the zoo and I can't wait to go back again. Have you ever been to the zoo? What animals did you see? Let me know in the comments below. Bye for now!篇10Title: My Fun Day at the ZooHi, everyone! I want to tell you about my super fun day at the zoo. It was so exciting and I saw so many cool animals.First, we went to see the lions. They were roaring loudly and pacing around their enclosure. I felt a little scared but also amazed at how big and majestic they were. I even got to see them feed on some meat, it was so cool!Next, we went to the monkey exhibit. The monkeys were swinging from branch to branch and playing with each other. They were so funny and cute, I couldn't stop laughing at their antics.After that, we visited the giraffes. They were so tall and graceful, I was amazed at how they could reach the leaves on the trees. I even fed one of them with some leaves, it was such a unique experience.We also saw the elephants taking a bath in a giant pool. They were splashing water everywhere and playing with each other. It was so adorable to see them having so much fun.Lastly, we visited the penguin exhibit. The penguins were waddling around and swimming in the water. They looked so happy and carefree, I wished I could join them in their icy world.Overall, my day at the zoo was amazing. I learned so much about different animals and had so much fun exploring theirhabitats. I can't wait to go back again and see more of my animal friends.。



伊索寓言Lesson 28 The hart in the ox-stall 牛栏里的雄鹿The hart in the ox-stallA hart was being pursued by some dogs. It ran into an ox-stall, and hid its elf in a truss of hay. Only the tips of its horns could be seen.Soon after the hunters came to the stable, and asked if anyone had seen the hart. The stable boys looked around, but could see nothing. So the hunters wen t away.Later the master came in. He looked around, and saw that something unusual was there.He pointed to the truss of hay, and asked, "What are those two strange thin gs?" When the stable boys went to look, they discovered the hart.牛栏里的雄鹿●一只雄鹿被猎狗追赶得很急,跑进牛栏里,躲在一大堆干草里面,只有鹿角尖露在外面。





寓意: 在逃避一种危险时,不要忽视另一种危险。

伊索寓言Lesson 27 The one-eyed doe 一只眼睛的母鹿The one-eyed doeA doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her fr om one side.In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land.But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye. He rowed a boat und er the cliff, and shot her from the sea.一只眼睛的母鹿●有头瞎了一只眼睛的母鹿,没有办法看到从瞎了的那只眼的方向靠近她的东西。



剑桥国际少儿英语KB1故事〔Unit1——Unit 6〕Toys in the toy box, come alive, walk and talk, on t the count of five, one ,two, three ,four ,five. (此段独白在每个故事开始都会说)Unit 1 〔学生用书第7页, CD1------ 17〕MASKMAN : Hello, Marie.MARIE: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down, here.MASKMAN: Listen to my chant, Marie, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and 10.MARIE: very good, Maskman.MASKMAN: Yes, good.MASKMAN: Listen! What… ? Aaaagghh! A blue monster!MARIE: No, Maskman. It’s a…MASKMAN: Eeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, marie.MARIE: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.Monty: Hello, Marie.MARIE: Hello, Monty.Monty: Look, a blue pencil.MARIE: Yes, a blue pencil.Unit 2〔学生用书第13页, CD1------ 32〕MARIE: OK, sit down, please, everybody.MARIE: Open your activity books, please, and pick up your pencils.MARIE: Listen to the CD and draw the monster.MASKMAN: Oops! Oh, my activity book!MONTY: Here’s another book, Maskman.MARIE: No, not another book, Monty. Here’s an eraser.MASKMAN: Er, Marie. Another Activity Book, please.Unit3〔学生用书第19页, CD1------ 47〕MASKMAN: Hello,Marie. What’s that ?MARIE: It’s my computer. It’s my favourite toy. MASKMAN: Oh….. MARIE: What’s your favourite toy, Maskman ?MASKMAN: My car. It’s blue and black. It’s ‘the Maskman Car’MARIE: Oh, that’s nice. Where is it ?MASKMAN: It’s there, next to the toy box.MARIE: No, it isn’t next to the toy box, Maskman.MASKMAN: Oh, no! Where’s my car ?MONTY: Is it in the toy box?MASKMAN: No, it isn’t.MARIE: Is it under the table?MASKMAN: No, it isn’t under the table. Oooh. Where’s my car?MARIE: I don’t know, Maskman. Is it on the chair ?MASKMAN: No, it isn’t.Monty: Look, Maskman. It’s OK. It’s here, in the bag.MASKMAN: Oh, thank you Monty.MASKMAN: My Maskman car.Unit4〔学生用书第25页, CD1------ 62〕MASKMAN: Look at this!MARIE:What is it ?MASKMAN: A picture of my familyMONTY:Who’s this ?MASKMAN : Yes, that’s Maskboy.MONTY: Wow!MARIE: And look, here’s my family.MONTY: Wow! She’s beautiful. Is she your mother ?MARIE: Yes, she is. She’s my mum, Babs.MONTY: And is this your father ?MARIE: Yes, that’s Ben, my dad.MONTY: Are you my brother, Maskman ?MASKMAN: No, I’m not.MONTY: Are you my sister, Marie ?MARIE: No, I’m not.MONTY: Where’s my family ?MARIE: Look, Monty. Here’s your family. It’s the mouse family. MONTY: Oooh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse. MASKMAN: Are you happy now, Monty?MONTY: Yes, I am.Unit5〔学生用书第33页, CD2------ 13〕MASKMAN: Look, Marie. The per show.MARIE: Oh, yes.MASKMAN: What’s your favourite pet, Marie ?MARIE: Cats are my favourite pets. They are beautiful and clean.MASKMAN: Yes, but they aren’t big. Big dogs are my favourite pets.MARIE: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.MARIE: Mice are good pets.MASKMAN: Yes, but they are small and dirty.MONTY: Pardon? Mice are small, but we aren’t dirty… and we’re happy. MASKMAN: Oops. Sorry, Monty.MASKMAN: Mice aren’t dirty and they’re good pets. But my favourite pets are big dogs. MONTY: But they are ugly and…MARIE: Look at the puppet!MONTY: Oh, no !MASKMAN: Eek !MASKMAN:No, dogs aren’t my favourite pets. My favourite pets are fish.Unit6〔学生用书第39页, CD2------ 29〕MASKMAN: Look, Marie. There he is. He’a monster.MARIE: No, he isn’t, Maskman. He’s a troll.MASKMAN: A troll ? What’s a troll ? Look at his hair! It’s long and purple! And his head… it’s big and green.MARIE: Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green.MASKMAN: Look at his eyes, Marie… They’re orange. He’s a monster!TEEVOR: I’m green, I’ve got purple hair and orange eyes, but I’m not a monster. MONTY: Hello, Trevor! How are you ?TREVOR: Hello,Monty. I’m fine, thank you.MONTY: Trevor, this is Marie and this is Madkman. They’re my friends. TREVOR: Hello. I’m Trevor.MARIE: Hello, Trevor. How are you ? Are you happy ?TREVOR: Yes, I am. Now I’ve got three friends.MASKMAN: Yes, we’re your friends.。

剑桥少儿英语 starters movers flyers

剑桥少儿英语 starters movers flyers

剑桥少儿英语 starters movers flyersIn the world of English language learning, Cambridge Young Learners' English (CYLE) is a renowned and trusted curriculum that caters to the needs of young learners. Among its three levels - Starters, Movers, and Flyers - it offers a structured and graded approach to teaching and learning English. This article delves into the journey of a young learner as he/she navigates through these three levels, exploring the challenges, achievements, and the fun involved in the process.**Starters: Laying the Foundation**At the Starter level, the focus is on building a solid foundation in the basics of English. Young learners are introduced to the alphabet, vocabulary, simple sentences, and basic conversational skills. Games, songs, andactivities are used to engage the children and make learning fun and exciting. As they progress through this level, they learn to recognize and use familiar words and phrases, and develop their listening and speaking skills. **Movers: Building Momentum**Once the foundation is laid, the learners move on to the Mover level, where the focus shifts to expanding their vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and communication skills. They are introduced to more complex sentence structures, new vocabulary, and are encouraged to participate in role-plays and conversations. Activities such as storytelling, dramatics, and projects help them apply their Englishskills in a more practical and creative manner. As they progress through this level, they gain confidence in their ability to express themselves in English and start to understand more complex texts and conversations.**Flyers: Reaching New Heights**At the Flyer level, the learners are ready to taketheir English skills to the next level. They are introduced to more advanced grammar concepts, a richer vocabulary, and are challenged to engage in more complex communication tasks. They are encouraged to read and write longer texts, participate in debates and discussions, and use English to express their opinions and ideas. Through projects, presentations, and interactive activities, they are able toapply their English skills in real-life situations and become more independent learners.The Cambridge Young Learners' English curriculum provides a comprehensive and engaging learning experiencefor young learners. As they progress through the Starters, Movers, and Flyers levels, they not only acquire new knowledge and skills but also develop a love for learning and a confidence in their ability to communicate in English. With the support of their teachers and parents, they can embark on this journey of learning with enthusiasm and excitement, and reach new heights in their languagelearning adventure.**剑桥少儿英语Starters、Movers、Flyers学习之旅** 在英语学习领域,剑桥少儿英语(CYLE)是一套广受认可并备受信赖的课程体系,旨在满足年轻学习者的需求。

剑桥少儿英语一级上unit15 Happy new year

剑桥少儿英语一级上unit15 Happy new year

[ɔ] [Λ] [u:]
dog hot mop cup bus cut
book sheep chair math cook shop chess teeth good fish lunch bath
[ei] [i:] [ai] [әu] [ju:]
cake name face he she me bike nose huge five rose duke kite home cute
n. (美)玉米
What letter is an animal?
• 谜语解析:哪一个字母是个动物?答案是B, 因为B谐音Bee,代表蜜蜂。
making a good shot
投个 好球
blowing balloon s
[bə‘luːn] 吹气球
making words
1. tha -- hat 2. agb -- bag 3. xis -- six
making words
1. eahd -- head 2. idrb -- bird 3. wrad -- draw
making words
1. inrkd --drink 2. elesp -- sleep 3. rvied -- drive
Follow me.
A Happy New Year!
Do you like New Year?
What can you get in New Year?
lucky money
What can we do in the New Year?

学习剑桥少儿英语第一册Unit6的 My face

学习剑桥少儿英语第一册Unit6的  My face

Unit6 My face 我的脸Words单词:1.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.玩具箱里的玩具. com e alive. walk and talk.on the count of five. 1,2,3,4,5。

Maskman: Look, Marie. There he is. He’s a monster.看,玛丽,他在那儿,他是个怪物。

Marie: No, he isn’t, Maskman. He’s a troll.不,他不是,马斯克曼,他是个巨魔。

Maskman: A troll? What’s a troll? Look at his hair. It’s long and… purple! And his head…it’s big and green.巨怪? 什么是巨怪? 看看他的头发,又长又... 紫色! 他的头... 又大又绿。

Marie: Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green.是的,马斯克曼,巨魔是绿色的。

Maskman: Look at his eyes, Marie… They’re orange. He’s a monster!看看他的眼睛,玛丽... 他们是橙色的,他是个怪物!Trevor: I’m green, I’ve got purple hair and orange eyes, but I’m not a monster.我是绿色的,我有紫色的头发和橙色的眼睛,但我不是怪物。

Monty: Hello, Trevor! How are you?你好,特雷弗,你好吗?Trevor: Hello, Monty. I’m fine, thank you.你好,蒙蒂,我很好,谢谢Monty: Trevor, this is Marie and this is Maskman. They’re my friends.特雷弗,这是玛丽,这是马斯克曼,他们是我的朋友。

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剑桥少儿英语故事篇一:泡泡剑桥儿童英语故事阅读1文本2 What's in the box? A piece of cheese! What's in the box? A mouse!What's in the box? A cat!what's in the box? Nothing!3 One teddy bear all alone. Two teddy bears on the phone. Three teddy bears with a kite. Four teddy bears in a fight. Five teddy bears up a tree. Six teddy bears in the sea. Seven teddy bears all for me!4 Bubbles in the air. Bubbles in my hair. Bubbles on the ground. Bubbles big and round. Bubbles bursting high. Bubbles bursting low.Where do all the bubbles go?5 Where's Woolly? She's not in her basket. She's notin my bed. She's not in the garden. Where is she? Here she is!She's in the cupboard under the stairs with threelittle kittens!6 Walking in the jungle, what can I see ?A long snake looking at me,me,me. Walking in the jungle,what can I see? A small mouse looking atme,me,me. Walking in the jumgle, what can I see? A bigtiger looking for her tea,tea,tea! 7One two three four five Once I caught a fish alive! Six seven eight nine ten Then I let it go again! Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finget so. Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right 10 This is my pet.Sometimes I take her for a walk.Sometimes I take her shopping. Sometimes I play with her. When she's dirty,I wash her. When she's tired,I take her home and make her dinner. She's lucky!11 Every year my dog has a party. All her friends e. They play hide and seek. they fight.They sing a song. Then they have tea.And when they go home, they all say,"Thank you!"12 I'm afloat in a boat on the wide,wide sea. I land on the sand and what can I see?A little white house by the wide,wide sea, and alittle brown mouse saying, "Time for tea."13 Five green monsters are playing on a swing. Four green monsters are dancing in a ring. Three green monsters are diving in a pool.Two green monsters are running home from school. One green monster is jumping in the hay. No green monsters are left to play.14 Four scary monsters are going to the fair. One scary monster is flying in the air.One scary monster is going round and round. One scary monster is falling on the ground. One scary monster is scaring a big ghost. Which scary monster is scared the most?15 Incy wincy Spider climbs up the water spout. Down es the rain and washes Incy out.Out es the sun and dries up all the rain.So Incy Wincy Spider climbs up the spout again.18 What can we do today? Look for dragons!What can we do today? Look for crocodiles! What can we do today? Look for tigers!What can we do today? Run away!19 That's me with my cat. That's me in Mum's hat.That's me with long hair. That's me at the fair.That's me in the pool. That's me going to school. Yes,that's ME!20 We're going on a picnic. Not here!It's too grassy. Not here!It's too noisy. Not here!It's too muddy.Not here!It's too busy. Not here!It's too messy. I know a good place.Here!21 When my dog is dirty, I give her a bath. First I wet het, then I wash her. She doesn't like it!She kicks and she splashes. My dog is nice and clean now. But look at me!22 Three spotty monsters are up in a balloon. Three spotty monsters are flying to the moon. Three spotty monsters are waving to a train. Three spotty monsters are waving to a plane. Three spotty monsters are waving to the stars. Three spotty monsters are flying off to Mars. 23The clock strikes one.篇二:剑桥少儿英语共几级?最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: /(报名网址)剑桥少儿英语共几级?今天洛基的小编为大家介绍一下剑桥少儿英语的分级问题。


















(二)教材分级《剑桥少儿英语》由教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会共同委任的中国剑桥少儿英语高级培训官邱耀德先生、剑桥少儿英语师资培训基地王、梁清女士等执笔,除经"剑桥少儿英语专家委员会"统一评审外,还先后经过剑桥大学考试委员会专家Melanie Williams女士、澳大利亚专家Marilyn Burke先生和人民教育出版社外语室主任龚亚夫先生等审定。
