

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:财务管理和财务分析文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:财务管理班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文翻译原文Financial Management and Analysis is an introduction to the concepts,tools, and applications of finance. The purpose of this textbook is to communicate the fundamentals of financial management and financial analysis.This textbook is written in a way that will enable students who are just beginning their study of finance to understand financial decision-making and its role in the decision-making process of the entire firm.Throughout the textbook, you’ll see how we view finance.We see financial decision-making as an integral part of the firm’s decision-making, not as a separate function. Financial decision-making involves coordination among personnel specializing in accounting, marketing, and production aspects of the firm.The principles and tools of finance are applicable to all forms and sizes of business enterprises, not only to large corporations. Just as there are special problems and opportunities for small family-owned businesses(such as where to obtain financing), there are special problems and opportunities for large corporations (such as agency problems that arise when management of the firm is separated from the firm’s owners). But the fundamentals of financial management are the same regardless of the size or form of the business. For example, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar one year from today, whether you are makingdecisions for a sole proprietorship or a large corporation.We view the principles and tools of finance as applicable to firms around the globe, not just to U.S. business enterprises. While customs and laws may differ among nations, the principles, theories, and tools of financial management do not. For example, in evaluating whether to buy a particular piece of equipment, you must evaluate what happens to the firm’s future cash flows (How much will they be? When will they occur? How uncertain are they?), whether the firm is located in the United States, Great Britain, or elsewhere.In addition, we believe that a strong foundation in finance principles and the related mathematical tools are necessary for you to understand how investing and financing decisions are made. But building that foundation need not be strenuous. One way that we try to help you build that foundation is to present the principles and theories of finance using intuition, instead of with proofs and theorems. For example, we walk you through the intuition of capital structure theory with numerical and real world examples, not equations and proofs. Another we try to assist you is to approach the tools of finance using careful, step-by-step examples and numerous graphs.ORGANIZATIONFinancial Management and Analysis is presented in seven parts. The first two parts (Parts One and Two) cover the basics, including the objective of financial management, valuation principles, and the relation between risk and return. Financial decision-making is covered in Parts Three, Four, and Five where we present long-term investment management (commonly referred to as capital budgeting), the management of long-term sources of funds, and working capital management. Part Six covers financial statement analysis which includes financial ratio analysis, earnings analysis, and cash flow analysis. The last part (Part Seven) covers several specialized topics: international financial management, borrowing via structured financial transactions (i.e., asset securitization), project financing, equipment leasing, and financial planning and strategy.DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE TEXTBOOKLogical structure. The text begins with the basic principles and tools, followed by long-term investment and financing decisions. The first two parts lay out the basics; Part Three then focuses on the “left side” of the balance sheet (the assets) and the Part Four is the “right side” of the balance sheet (the liabilities and equity). Working capital decisions, whi ch are made to support the day-to-day operations of the firm, are discussed in Part Five. Part Six provides the tools for analyzing a firm’s financial statements. In the last chapter of the book, you are brought back full-circle to the objective of financial management: the maximization of owners’ wealth.Graphical illustrations. Graphs and illustrations have been carefully and deliberately developed to depict and provide visual reinforcement of mathematical concepts. For example, we show the growth of a bank balance through compound interest several ways: mathematically, in a time-line,and with a bar graph.Applications. As much as possible, we develop concepts and mathematics using examples of actual practice. For example, we first present financial analysis using a simplified set of financial statements for a fictitious company. After you’ve learned the basics using the fictitious company, we demonstrate financial analysis tools using data from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Actual examples help you better grasp and retain major concepts and tools. We integrate over 100 actual company examples throughout the text, so you’re not apt to miss them. Considering both the examples throughout the text and the research questions and problems, you are exposed to hundreds of actual companies.Extensive coverage of financial statement analysis. While most textbooks provide some coverage of financial statement analysis, we have provided you with much more detail in Part Six of the textbook. Chapter 6 and the three chapters in Part Six allow an instructor to focus on financial statement analysis.Extensive coverage of alternative debt instruments. Because of the innovations in the debt market, alternative forms debt instruments can be issued by a corporation. In Chapter 15,you are introduced to these instruments. We then devote one chapter to the most popular alternative to corporate bond issuance, the creation and issuance of asset-backed securities.Coverage of leasing and project financing. We provide in-depth coverage of leasing in Chapter 27, demystifying the claims about the advantages and disadvantages of leasing you too often read about in some textbooks and professional articles. Project financing has grown in importance for not only corporations but for countries seeking to develop infrastructure facilities. Chapter 28 provides the basic principles for understanding project financing.Early introduction to derivative instruments. Derivative instruments (futures, swaps, and options) play an important role in finance. You are introduced to these instruments in Chapter 4. While derivative instruments are viewed as complex instruments, you are provided with an introduction that makes clear their basic investment characteristics. By the early introduction of derivative instruments, you will be able to appreciate the difficulties of evaluating securities that have embedded options (Chapter 9), how there are real options embedded in capital budgeting decisions (Chapter14), and how derivative instruments can be used to reduce or to hedge the cost of borrowing (Chapter 15).Stand-alone nature of the chapters. Each chapter is written so that chapters may easily be rearranged to fit different course structures. Concepts, terminology, and notation are presented in each chapter so that no chapter is dependent upon another. This means that instructors can tailor the use of this book to fit their particular time frame for the course and their students’preparation (for example, if students enter the course with sufficient background in accounting and taxation, Chapters 5 and 6 can be skipped). We believe that our approach to the subject matter of financial management and analysis will help you understand the key issues and provide the foundation for developing a skill set necessary to deal with real world financial problems.1 Introduction to Financial Management and AnalysisFinance is the application of economic principles and concepts to businessdecision-making and problem solving. The field of finance can be considered to comprise three broad categories: financial management,investments, and financial institutions:■ Financial management. Sometimes called corporate finance or business finance, this area of finance is concerned primarily with financial decision-making within a business entity. Financial management decisions include maintaining cash balances, extending credit, acquiring other firms, borrowing from banks, and issuing stocks and bonds.■ Investments. This area of finance focuses on the behavior of financial markets and the pricing of securities. An investment manager’s tasks, for example, may include valu ing common stocks, selecting securities for a pension fund, or measuring a portfolio’s performance.■ Financial institutions. This area of finance deals with banks and other firms that specialize in bringing the suppliers of funds together with the users of funds. For example, a manager of a bank may make decisions regarding granting loans, managing cash balances, setting interest rates on loans, and dealing with government regulations.No matter the particular category of finance, business situations that call for the application of the theories and tools of finance generally involve either investing (using funds) or financing (raising funds).Managers who work in any of these three areas rely on the same basic knowledge of finance. In this book, we introduce you to this common body of knowledge and show how it is used in financial decision- making. Though the emphasis of this book is financial management, the basic principles and tools also apply to the areas of investments and financial institutions. In th is introductory chapter, we’ll consider the types of decisions financial managers make, the role of financial analysis, the forms of business ownership, and the objective of managers’ decisions. Finally, we will describe the relationship between owners and managers.FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTFinancial management encompasses many different types of decisions. We can classify these decisions into three groups: investment decisions, financing decisions, and decisions thatinvolve both investing and financing. Investment decisions are concerned with the use of funds—the buying, holding, or selling of all types of assets: Should we buy a new die stamping machine? Should we introduce a new product line? Sell the old production facility? Buy an existing company? Build a warehouse? Keep our cash in the bank?Financing decisions are concerned with the acquisition of funds to be used for investing and financing day-to-day operations. Should managers use the money raised through the firms’ revenues? Should they seek money from outside of the business? A company’s operations and investment can be financed from outside the business by incurring debts, such as though bank loans and the sale of bonds, or by selling ownership interests. Because each method of financing obligates the business in different ways, financing decisions are very important.Many business decisions simultaneously involve both investing and financing. For example, a company may wish to acquire another firm— an investment decision. However, the success of the acquisition may depend on how it is financed: by borrowing cash to meet the purchase price, by selling additional shares of stock, or by exchanging existing shares of stock. If managers decide to borrow money, the borrowed funds must be repaid within a specified period of time. Creditors (those lending the money) generally do not share in the control of profits of the borrowing firm. If, on the other hand, managers decide to raise funds by selling ownership interests, these funds never have to be paid back. However, such a sale dilutes the control of (and profits accruing to) the current owners.Whether a financial decision involves investing, financing, or both, it also will be concerned with two specific factors: expected return and risk. And throughout your study of finance, you will be concerned with these factors. Expected return is the difference between potential benefits and potential costs. Risk is the degree of uncertainty associated with these expected returns.Financial AnalysisFinancial analysis is a tool of financial management. It consists of the evaluation of thefinancial condition and operating performance of a business firm, an industry, or even the economy, and the forecasting of its future condition and performance. It is, in other words, a means for examining risk and expected return. Data for financial analysis may come from other areas within the firm, such as marketing and production departments, from the firm’s own accounting data, or from financial information vendors such as Bloomberg Financial Markets, Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Corporation, Fitch Ratings, and Value Line, as well as from government publications, such as the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Financial publications such as Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal also publish financial data (concerning individual firms) and economic data (concerning industries, markets, and economies), much of which is now also available on the Internet.Within the firm, financial analysis may be used not only to evaluate the performance of the firm, but also its divisions or departments and its product lines. Analyses may be performed both periodically and as needed, not only to ensure informed investing and financing decisions, but also as an aid in implementing personnel policies and rewards systems.Outside the firm, financial analysis may be used to determine the creditworthiness of a new customer, to evaluate the ability of a supplier to hold to the conditions of a long-term contract, and to evaluate the market performance of competitors.Firms and investors that do not have the expertise, the time, or the resources to perform financial analysis on their own may purchase analyses from companies that specialize in providing this service. Such companies can provide reports ranging from detailed written analyses to simple creditworthiness ratings for businesses. As an example, Dun & Bradstreet, a financial services firm, evaluates the creditworthiness of many firms, from small local businesses to major corporations. As another example, three companies—Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch—evaluate the credit quality of debt obligations issued by corporations and express these views in the form of a rating that is published in the reports available from these three organizations.FORMS OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISEFinancial management is not restricted to large corporations: It is necessary in all forms and sizes of businesses. The three major forms of business organization are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. These three forms differ in a number of factors, of which those most important to financial decision-making are:■ The way the firm is taxed.■ The degree of control owners may exert on decisions.■ The liability of the owners.■ The ease of transferring ownership interests.■ The ability to raise additional funds.■ The longevity of the business.Sole ProprietorshipsThe simplest and most common form of business enterprise is the sole proprietorship, a business owned and controlled by one person—the proprietor. Because there are very few legal requirements to establish and run a sole proprietorship, this form of business is chosen by many individuals who are starting up a particular business enterprise. The sole proprietor carries on a business for his or her own benefit, without participation of other persons except employees. The proprietor receives all income from the business and alone decides whether to reinvest the profits in the business or use them for personal expenses.A proprietor is liable for all the debts of the business; in fact, it is the proprietor who incurs the debts of the business. If there are insufficient business assets to pay a business debt, the proprietor must pay the debt out of his or her personal assets. If more funds are needed to operate or expand the business than are generated by business operations, the owner either contributes his or her personal assets to the business or borrows. For most sole proprietorships, banks are the primary source of borrowed funds. However, there are limits to how much banks will lend a sole proprietorship, most of which are relatively small.。

网络财务管理研究外文文献翻译With the rapid development of the。
ork financial management has XXX and development trend of ork financial management。
and explores its XXX issues。
XXX measures。
improving the legal system。
and promoting the XXX of financial products and services。
the paper discusses the potential impact of ork financial management on the nal financial industry。
XXX.Keywords: ork financial management。
XXX industry译文:随着互联网的快速发展,网络金融管理已成为一个重要的研究课题。
The n industry。
has a significant impact on society and has rated us fields。
including the way people work。
In the finance industry。
the use of "financial ork" has XXX electronic commerce to replace the nal accounting and financial management model with us financial management are systems。

未经允许,请勿外传~LNTU Acc公司治理与高管薪酬:一个应急框架总体概述通过整合组织和体制的理论,本文开发了一个高管薪酬的应急办法和它在不同的组织和体制环境下的影响。
正如Jensen 和Murphy观察,“代理理论预测补偿政策将会以满足代理人的期望效用为主要目标。

提供实践经验:借鉴国内外成 功案例和经验,为政策制定提 供参考
提供理论依据:为政策制定 提供理论支持和依据
提供数据支持:提供相关数据 和统计信息,为政策制定提供
提供政策建议:根据文献研究 结果,为政策制定提供建议和
跨学科研究:结合不同学科的理论和方法进行研究 实证研究:通过实证数据验证理论假设 案例研究:通过具体案例分析财务管理问题 定量研究:运用统计和计量方法进行数据分析 定性研究:通过访谈、观察等方法获取数据并进行分析 国际比较研究:比较不同国家或地区的财务管理实践和理论
实证研究:通过实证研究验 证财务管理理论的有效性
提高财务管理质量: 通过文献评价与展 望,可以更好地了 解财务管理的质量 标准和评价方法, 从而提高财务管理 质量。
促进财务管理创 新:通过文献评 价与展望,可以 更好地了解财务 管理的创新方向 和趋势,从而促 进财务管理创新。
,a click to unlimited possibilities
文献评价与展 望
权威性:选择权威 的学术期刊或出版 物
相关性:选择与财 务管理相关的文献
内容质量:选择内 容质量高、观点新 颖的文献
文化差异:注意文化差异,避 免因文化差异导致的误解和误
理解原文:准确理解原文的意思和结构 词汇选择:选择合适的词汇进行翻译 语法转换:根据目标语言的语法进行转换 语境考虑:考虑原文的语境和目标语言的语境 风格保持:保持原文的风格和语气 校对检查:翻译完成后进行校对和检查,确保翻译的准确性和

毕业设计附件外文文献翻译:原文+译文文献出处:Musa S N. The research of network financial management[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 1(1): 25-34.原文The research of network financial managementMusa S NAbstractBased on Internet information technology, information industry, with its powerful information and service ability and various fields at all levels of change and influence the society, and penetrated the way people work. In the field of finance, "financial network" is used. So-called financial network, is a technology based on network computing, to integrate enterprise electronic commerce as the goal, can replace the Internet environment accounting, financial management model and its various functions of financial management software system. Under the network financial of financial management is the financial activities with electronic information technology and network, implementing Web, real-time audit charge to an account on the Internet, online funds, dynamic report forms, and through the financial and business synergy realize comprehensive use, financial settlement efficiency and business process integration.Keywords: financial network; financial management; the network environment1 IntroductionReviewing the development of financial management, in the 20th century is a century in the development of financial management major. Financial management after five times over sex change, called five times the development tide of financial management. I.e., the financing management financial management stage, asset management, financial management, investment management, financial management, financial management and international business finance phase of inflation. It is easy to find from the development of financial management, financial managementdevelopment and innovation motivation comes from the change of financial management environment. The end of the 20th century, with the rapid development of information technology, human marched into the information age. The Internet (Internet) can be said to be the following PC, in the second wave of industry in the field of global IT, radiation to the global economy and the society as a whole. Information technology, especially the Internet technology mature and apply, promoted the network economy the emergence of this new economic form, it is a center from products to service center of service economy, is an end-to-end open direct economic model, will lead to the reconstruction of the market and industry, to promote e-commerce will become the new business operation model. Held in Bangkok in February 2000, unclad report published online trade will reach $1.234 trillion in 2002, to 2003 e-commerce accounted for the proportion of total world trade will be up to a quarter. And, in recent years, global e-commerce really is developing at an astonishing speed rapid development, global e-commerce transactions reached more than $1.5 trillion in 2003, the Internet is increasingly becoming the world's largest, highest efficiency of the market. E-commerce is the use of enterprise network environment and the nature of information and communication technology between customers, suppliers and partners to realize online transactions, cooperation and exchange value. Then, related to business activities of the parties, including suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, customers, and Banks, tax, audit and other social departments should be closely combined in the network, to complete their respective business activities in the Internet environment. In the new environment, financial management based on the characteristics and requirements of e-commerce, enterprises must accelerate the process of informatization, and financial management as an important part of enterprise management, must first in the face of the requirements of the network environment and a fundamental change.2 Network overview of financial managementAt present, the enterprise financial report is from the traditional paper-based financial report to the network financial report (Internet Financial Reporting, IFR) form. It should be said that the network financial report this new definition of theconcept in the world today without a unified definition. In general, the network financial report refers to the advanced data processing with the aid of electronic computer technology and network technology of the enterprise production and business operation activities and reflected in financial reporting, and store it in prospective users access to the database, query at any time by users to enterprise's operating results, financial situation and other important matters. When a company through its website to provide a full set of financial statements (including footnotes and audit reports), or other sites to link to the store in the Internet financial reports, we all saw it as the network financial report, make no distinction in this. Network plays an important role in the development of financial report, mainly has the following features:2.1 Online feedback, provide real-time financial reportingReal-time reporting refers to the enterprises make full use of information network technology, the enterprise of production and operation activities and events in real time is reflected in the financial report, and report will be stored in available for users to query the database for user query at any time. Users may at any time for real-time report information, don't have to wait for the final accounting. The application of network technology, making the financial data collection, processing, processing, and provide financial report, can be in real time, greatly improve the timeliness of accounting information; Information users visit the home page of the enterprise, can go online at any time grasp the latest and historical financial information of the enterprises in the first place the query of the information about their care, improve the function of information use, overcome the lag of financial information. Tradition is in the final preparation of accounting statements, both in dynamic report or static report is a summary of the past events; The network financial report record new occurrence of economic business, at any time and immediately update financial report content, make the information users to get the latest information at any time, it also will be more suitable for the requirements of decision makers, for policymakers to make optimal decisions in a timely manner to provide real-time information. The characteristics of this kind of instant processing, at anytime to provide information for traditional accounting statements.2.2 Disclosure of information capacity expansionThe Internet age, based on the computer powerful operation ability and the transfer function of the network quickly, make the enterprise to expand capacity to become a reality of the disclosure. Through online access, information demanders can get online open all the financial and non-financial information (non-financial information refers to aren't directly related with the company's financial situation, but is closely related to the company production and operation of all kinds of information. The network economy era, information transfer more convenient, information the user requirement for information is becoming more and more high. In order to meet the diversified demands of the information users, the financial report should reflect the monetary information, and to reflect the monetary information; should not only reflect the financial information, and to reflect the financial information, make the public to enterprise's financial condition has a comprehensive understanding. Network accounting online database including the enterprise all the relevant information, through online access, enterprise internal and external information users may at any time to obtain the required level of different level detailed on the information. The use of the network financial report, effectively expand the capacity of the disclosure of information, but also make the enterprise greatly reduces the cost of the release of the information, to shorten the time of the information release.2.3 Meet the personalized requirements of different information usersNetwork for the timely communication between information providers and users. Under the network environment, with the aid of computer network, man-machine dialogue function provided by the users of the information is no longer just passively accept unified format of the financial information, but according to their own needs for relevant accounting information, and for the information for further processing, meet the demand of its own use. t the same time can also with the aid of multimedia technology provides visualization, audio information. his makes the information retrieval process more interactive, and give full consideration to the needs of information users, according to user different individual needs to provide information,improves the accounting information, better realize the accounting objectives.2.4 To realize resources sharingCompared with stand-alone systems, network accounting in addition to the server, other terminals can be Shared server resources of all kinds of software and hardware, improve the efficiency of the use of resources, realize the resources sharing. Individual point of view, from the enterprise network make the enterprise's own financial report information resources also got maximum Shared. Enterprise by storing a set of basic data, using network technology support, meet the diverse needs of different users of information, breaking the internal functions of the different respective collection, storage, a large number of repeat information, can't timely exchange, communication, avoid information and therefore and human waste. Technical support, through the network on the basis of a set of basic data can be generated more than information, provide information users with multiple financial reporting, establishing accounting channel. Information consumers can choose according to their own requirements to the required information, the network accounting will provide different financial report according to different requirements. This conflict with the concept of traditional accounting, but multiple report model is likely to be the future development trend, at least to the powerful features of the computer network has made it possible to its implementation.3 E-commerce demands for network financial managementCompared with other communication media, the Internet has two obvious features: two-way interactive communication and open standards. Two-way interactive communication refers to the information provided by the Internet communication is a two-way street. Information providers at the same time of release information can collect information for the information; Access to information in the collection of information at the same time, to choose to receive the information provider. This two-way information communication is different from radio, television and other traditional one-way information dissemination and information face-to-face communication between people is more similar. Open standards refers to the Internet based on open information transmission standard. Information providers in publishingand collecting information, information receiver in the collection and selection, can take a variety of, convenient and quick way such as the way of any multimedia), is not bound by the technical operating standards. The advantages of the Internet technology, provide enterprises with a new business operation mode, e-commerce.3.1 E-commerce impact on financial management functionsThe spread of electronic business enterprise will become a node in the global supply chain network, many business enterprises processing activities will be in the Internet, such as online trading, online settlement, electronic advertising, electronic contract, etc., the traditional financial planning, financial control, the method of payment will add new content, such as past financing, financing, capital management and so on will become one of the main aspects of financial management and is no longer a complete content, the focus of financial management will expand to the enterprise comprehensive control of financial resources. Financial data provided by the information is not just in the monetary measurement of the financial data, what is more important, such as customer satisfaction, market share and create a virtual enterprise speed reflect the information of enterprise competitiveness, thus for enterprise management, leadership decision-making provides the omni-directional service.3.2 E-commerce on traditional financial management method of the new requirementsElectronic commerce activities from consultations, both sides signed a contract to the payment and settlement, etc., can be done through the Internet in the shortest possible time, make the whole transaction remote, real-time, and virtualization. These changes required: financial forecast, plan, control, decision making, such as work time, timeliness, adaptability and flexibility to the method of financial management put forward higher requirements due to the remote, real-time transactions, requirements of enterprise financial management mode from decentralization to centralization development; The content of corporate financial analysis and standard may be new changes. Such as e-commerce should attach importance to the enterprise knowledge capital (including human capital, structural capital and customer capital) analysis; Liquidity standards under the condition of electronic commerce will greatly improve.译文网络财务管理研究Musa S N摘要以互联网为基础的信息技术、信息产业,以其强大的信息和服务能力改变和影响着社会各个阶层和各个领域,并渗透到了人们的工作方式中。


我们可以对比比较财务报表中的项目,作出如下结论:1. 项目之间的资产负债表比较:a)在资产负债表中的一个日期之间的比较,例如项目,现金与流动负债相比; b)同一项目在资产负债表中一个日期与另一个日期之间的比较,例如,现在的现金与一年前比较;c)比较两个项目之间在资产负债表中一个日期和一个相似比率在资产负债表中的另一个日期的比率,例如,现在现金流动负债的比率与另一个项目一年前的相似比率和已经标记的现金状况趋势的比较。
2.项目报表中收入和支出的比较:a)一定时期中的报表项目的比较;b)同一项目在报表中现阶段与上个阶段的比较;c)报表中项目之间的比率与去年相似比率的比较;3.资产负债表中的项目与报表中收入和支出项目的比较:a)在这些报表项目之间的一个给定的时间内,例如,今年净利润可能以百分比计算今年净值;b)两个报表中项目之间的比率在这几年时间的比较,例如,净利润的比率占今年净值的百分比与去年或者前年的相似比率的比较如果我们采用上述比较或比率,然后依次比较它们,我们的比较分析结果将获得重要意义:1. 这样的数据比较是报表缺少的,但这种数据对于金融史和条件判断是十分重要的,例如,商业周期的阶段性;2. 使用财务财务比率分析财务报表,从竞争角度,人民比较关注类似业务的比较。


中英文资料翻译A Financial Control System that Focuses on Improvement and SuccessOf course, we are not saying that businesses should ignore prudent controls over their cash drawer. The point is that focusing on small components while not knowing how much cash is tied up in receivables does not represent a control system that recognizes priorities and risk. Focusing solely on the rote and mundane does little to improve your overall financial performance. Financial control systems shouldn’t just be about compliance, they should be about continually improving key aspects of the financial operation such as:∙Regularly reviewing and improving the overall capital structure.∙Using a capital plan to minimize the cost of capital while strengthening the Debt/Equity position.∙Managing working capital so excessive inventories and receivables do not sap financial resources.∙Ensuring proper calculations and scenarios are explored while making debt/investment or leasing decisions.∙Maximizing returns while minimizing costs for cash and merchant accounts.A control system of well-defined processes is not only about control or compliance, it is also about consistently striving to do a little better. Control systems that are designed only to achieve compliance are doing the bare minimum, and they represent a missed opportunity to gain improvement and a competitive edge. And that should be enough reason for any size and type of company to think about using a continual improving process approach to creating a financial internal control system. Sox is nice; but continual improvement is better for everyone.Financial control of projectsPurpose:Established and effective cost control systems and procedures, understood and adopted by all members of the project team, entail less effort than ‘crisis management’ and will release management effort to other areas of the project.Fitness for purpose checklist:∙The prime objective of the government’s procurement policy is to achieve best VFM.∙To exercise financial/cost control, project sponsors need to review and act on the best and most appropriate cost information. This means that they should receive regular, consistent and accurate cost reports that are both comprehensive in detail and presented in a manner that permits easyunderstanding of both status and trends. Reports need to be tailored to suit the individual needs of each project and should always be presented to givea comparison of the present position with the control estimate.∙Reports to project sponsors normally give only the status of the project overall. But sponsors will on occasion need to monitor costs against a specific cost centre in more detail. The typical contents of a cost report are given in Annex A.∙Tables of figures are essential, but for rapid understanding and analysis of trends some graphs are helpful.Suggested content:The following aspects should be addressed in a financial report (rather than repeating detailed information available in earlier reports, later reports can summarise the key points and cross refer to the relevant earlier reports):∙development of budget∙original authorised budget∙new budget authorisations (giving justification for changes)∙current authorised budget∙expenditure to date(Each section on budgets and expenditure should address the original base estimates and risk allowances for each element)∙commitments∙agreed variations (giving justification for variations)∙potential/expected claims or disputes awaiting resolution (if the project is going well, this area should be small)∙commitments required to complete∙orders yet to be placed∙variations pending∙future changes anticipated.Each of the following cost elements should be covered:∙in-house costs and expenses (including all central support services, administration, overheads etc)∙consultancy fees and expenses (design, feasibility, client advice, legal, construction management, site supervision etc)∙land costs∙way leaves and compensation∙demolition and diversion of existing facilities∙new construction or refurbishment costs∙operating costs∙maintenance costs∙disposal costs∙insurance costs∙all other costs relating to the project not listed above.∙All prices need to be discounted to a common base.∙Example of a cost summary reportFinancial ControlFinancial Control is a major contributory factor to business survival. For many managers, exercising effective financial control is, at best, seen as a mystery and, at worst, not even considered. Yet monitoring a small number of important figures can ensure that you retain complete and effective financial control.ObjectivesThis section is intended to help you put in place that financial control: to ensure that you are estimating costs accurately and then keeping them under control; to ensure that you are charging and/or paying the right price; and to ensure that you can collect money owed to you and can pay your bills as they fall due. Its objectives are:∙to demonstrate how effective financial control assists in the management of the organisation in which you work;∙to show that control can be achieved through simple documentation; and,∙to suggest financial indicators for inclusion in your strategic objectives.1 Achieving ControlGood financial results will not arise by happy accident! They will arise by realistic planning and tight control over expenses. Remember that profit is the comparatively small difference between two large numbers: sales and costs. A relatively small change in either costs or sales, therefore, has a disproportionate effect on profit.You must watch your costs/prices and margins very carefully at all times since small changes in any of these areas can lead to substantial changes in net profit. Control can then be exercised by comparing actual performance with budget. To do this, you will need to produce:∙ a financial plan, agreed as being achievable by all concerned; and,∙some means of monitoring performance against the plan.Since there will always be differences between the actual and the plan, you need some form of control. Beyond a certain organisational size, control can only be exercised by delegation; the human aspect of control is, therefore, important.Why keep records?Accurate record keeping is required if you are to be effective in monitoring performance against budget. Other reasons why you will need to keep accurate records are:∙there is a legal obligation to do so;∙any shareholders may want accounts;∙the VAT inspectors will need them;∙HM Revenue and Customs will require them;∙potential suppliers may require them;∙you will need to report accurate figures to your stakeholders;∙you will need to identify areas of possible concern; and,∙you will need to investigate and explain variances (under or overspends against your budget).Accounting records will need to be detailed enough for you to be able to say at any one time what the financial position is; ie, how much cash is in the business or the budget? How much do you owe? How much is owed to you? How big is the overdraft (or overspend)? How long could bills be paid for if cash stopped flowing in? What is the profit margin?Financial control will be poor if there are no clear objectives and a lack of knowledge of the basic information necessary to run a business or departmentsuccessfully. A lack of appreciation of the cash needs for a given rate of activity and a tendency to assume that poor results stem from economic conditions or even bad luck will only exacerbate the situation.Accounting centresOne way of delegating financial responsibility is to set up a system of accounting centres. Where businesses make a range of products, putting each into a different accounting centre makes it easier to determine which of the products are profitable. Some costs (eg factory rent) are more difficult to allocate, so may be recorded in a holding account and then split between products. Indirect costs could be allocated by the proportion of sales represented by each product (by volume or cost), by proportion of machine time used, or by some other appropriate method.This split will give an indication of the profitability of each product, but you should beware of ceasing sales of a particular product because of low profit or loss - the costs currently charged to that accounting centre would have to be redistributed among those remaining, so necessitating increased sales of those products.There are four possible levels of financial responsibility with appropriate targets and control requirements:∙revenue centre - staff only have responsibility for income (eg a sales department in a store). Staff have sales targets against which income is measured and compared;∙cost centre - staff have responsibility for keeping costs within set targets, but do not have to worry about where the money comes from (eg an NHS Trust department);∙profit centre - staff have more responsibility and control and will agree targets of profitability and absolute levels of profit (eg a division within a larger company). Control is achieved throughmonitoring performance as measured by the profit and loss account (P&L); they are unable, however, to invest in new equipment; and,∙investment centre - the staff have authority over investments and the use of assets (eg a subsidiary company) although the holding company would typically need to approve major investment. Targetswould focus on return on capital and control would be through monitoring performance measured bythe complete accounts.2 Management Information SystemsIf your financial control is to be effective you need to regularly analyse your actual performance figures and compare them against the financial plan and, perhaps, performance of the business historically.An easy way of comparing actuals and budgets is variance analysis. Usually, only a few figures need to be watched regularly to achieve effective control. Using a computer-based spreadsheet will assist you with all your analysis requirements.Having a suitable management information system (MIS) is a prerequisite for effective monitoring. Although it might sound daunting, an MIS can be extremely simple. An MIS is simply a set of procedures set up by you and your staff to ensure that data about the business is collected, recorded, reported and evaluated quickly and efficiently. That information is then used to check the progress of the business and to control it effectively. For most small businesses, there are likely only to be a few key elements.∙Marketing monitoring - Are you achieving your sales targets, in terms of level of sales and market share? How full is your order book? Are customers paying the right price?∙Production- How does the level of output compare with the level of sales?What is the percentage of rejects? How does the actual cost compare with the standard cost?∙Staff monitoring - Are they being effective? Are they satisfied and motivated?∙Financial control - Are you meeting your financial targets?You will need proper systems in place to ensure that:∙You keep careful track of everything bought by the business, especially if the person ordering is not the person who pays the bills;∙You record everything sold by the business and that everything is properly invoiced, especially if the person doing the selling is not the person who raises the invoices or chases customers for payment;∙There is an effective stock control system which records incoming raw materials and compares them against purchase orders, monitors progress through the production stages (if appropriate) and records the dispatch of finished goods; and,∙All payments and receipts are recorded to ensure that bank balances and overdraft limits are kept within agreed levels.Computerised accounting packages and spreadsheets make it relatively straightforward to record data and present it in an easily understood format. It still requires discipline to ensure that the data is collected, but making an effort will be rewarded through improved understanding of your business.The key to an effective MIS is to ensure that you only monitor a small number of figures and that those figures relate back to the strategic objectives and the operational objectives that you have set for your business. If other people needto see the figures, ensure that they get them speedily. If your system of financial control is to be successful, figures must be quickly available after month end.一个财务管理系统,该系统的改进与成功重点当然,我们并不是说,企业应该忽视对他们的现金抽屉审慎控制。

文献信息:文献标题:Impact of Financial Management Practices on SMEs Profitability with Moderating Role of Agency Cost(财务管理实践对中小企业盈利能力的影响及代理成本的调节作用)国外作者:Saqib Muneer,Rao Abrar Ahmad,Azhar Ali文献出处:《Information Management and Business Review 》, 2017, 9(1):23-30字数统计:英文2939单词,16394字符;中文5144汉字外文文献:Impact of Financial Management Practices on SMEsProfitability with Moderating Role of Agency Cost Abstract The importance of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) towards economic development and growth is considerable. Some SMEs are facing difficulties to their development due to the lack of financial resources and management experience. The objective of this study is to check the relationships of financial management practices on profitability of small and medium enterprises and also to check the impact of agency cost on this relationship. This study consists of data analysis of two hundred SMEs from Faisalabad Pakistan. The study used primary data predominantly. SPSS 23 is used for descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM) through Partial Least Square (PLS) 3 for hypothesis testing. The findings of this study indicate the presence of positive relationship between financial management practices and SMEs profitability but agency cost as a moderator has no effect on this relationship. The study strongly recommends higher adherence to financial management practices. Policy makers, developments partners, owners, and managers of SMEs may use these findings for sustainability of their business in Pakistan.Keywords: Financial management practices, Agency cost, SMEs, Working Capital1.IntroductionSmall and medium enterprises (SMEs) have significant contribution toward creating employment and also toward the economic development and growth (International Labor Organization, 2013, p. 1; Ratten, 2014; ulHaq, Usman, Hussain, and Anjum, 2014; Karadag, 2015). In Japan, small and medium industries have marked dominance, constituting about 99% of corporations (The Information Dissemination and Policy Promotio n Division of Japan’s Patent Office, 2009). In South Africa, SMEs contribute about 91% of formal business and provide 61% employment opportunities and enhance the GDP of South Africa between 52 to 57% (Abor & Quartey, 2010). In low income countries like Pakistan, the scale of the businesses size is limited to micro to medium. The main question is that how small and medium businesses measure their performance (Ahmad & Harif, Hoe, 2013, p. 87; Benedict & Matsotso, 2014, p. 247) said that failure of SMEs is inappropriate scale of measurement of the performance. The measurement of business is better through financial performance (Gallani, Krishnan & Kajiwara, 2015, p. 6). Effective use of finance much emphasized by modern research (Gitman, 2011). This scholarly effort will help to identify the financial management practices effect on the profitability of SMEs and also identify the agency cost effect. Good corporate governance is necessary for improving the performance and profitability of businesses (Braga-Alves & Shastri, 2011; Price, Rountree & Roman, 2011). In developing countries attention has been given to governance of the firm but still firms are suffering the governance problem (Ekanaakey, Perera & Perera, 2010). Actually corporate governance are rules under which the relationship of manager and owner is over looked and it is make sure that the manager is working for best interest of the owner.The contribution of this study is that financial management practices of SMEs are to improve its financial performance and review the cost that has to bear to the owner of the firm for maintaining the fair behavior of the financial manager in thebest interest of the firm. SMEs are a key source of economic growth (Sadi & Henderson, 2010), whether in developed or developing countries. In Saudi Arabia SMEs represent more than 90% of enterprises providing 51% of jobs in private sector and 22% of GDP (Mohammed, 2015 b). Importance of SMEs is now widely recognized as playing a vital role in creating new jobs (OECD, 2006; Karadag, 2015). Pakistan is also a developing country and the importance of SMEs can’t be ignored. Although Importance of these entities considerable but a high failure rate has found there, which led researchers to question the management practices of these entities (Fatoki, 2014, p. 922). In Pakistan SMEs are not providing required results although when compared with other developing countries because in Pakistan SMEs are facing many problems. From the major problem lack of financial management practices also include. This study is conducted in Faisalabad city so that financial management practices adopted by SMEs and the impact of these practices on firm performance can be viewed. For this study Faisalabad is selectedbecause this city is hub of the industries in Pakistan and due to this characteristic is also known as Manchester of Pakistan.2.Literature ReviewPakistan located in South Asia, with population of 188 million and DGP rate 4.7% (The World Bank, 2015). Trade and commerce played an important role in development of the economy so that the government of Pakistan has established a body for support and promote this sector. This government body is called Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) and it has responsibility of policies making related to promotion of SMEs, facilitation of financing is also the responsibility of SMEDA. It also helps in training and educating to the entrepreneurs. Pakistan’s position is lowest if it compared wit h other South Asian countries. The ratio of new firm in Pakistan is very low and close competitors of the firms are India and Bangladesh. Other member countries of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) performing much better. Specifically, United Kingdom (UK) is performing excellent and got the position at top of the ranking table. Thereare many factors which are badly affected performance of Pakistan businesses, and in this regard small businesses can play vital role to improve the Pakistan economy. Now Pakistan has also got memberships of OECD. In Pakistan the entrepreneurs are different from the entrepreneurs in other countries. Ali et al. (2010) has reported the impact of culture of Pakistan on entrepreneurial intentions. By usin g Hofstede’s dimensions about cultural, the results indicate that elements of culture for instance; collectivism and uncertainty avoidance are badly affecting the thinking of entrepreneurial intentions in Pakistan.SMEs stand for small and medium enterprises but State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) define SMEs in this way that SMEs can be classified into these three levels of business form micro enterprises, small enterprises and medium enterprises (SBP 2010). By the definition of State Bank of Pakistan SME means that any entity which is not a public limited co and has not full time employees more than 250 (manufacturing business), not more than 50 (in a trading or service business). Like other management science, financial management also establish its goals first and then its objective to achieve its financial goals. The main goal of financial management it to get maximum profit for the firm because many researchers have argued that SMEs play a significant role in the social and economic development of a country (for example, Benzing, Chu and Kara, 2009; Al-Disi, 2010; Han, Benson, Chen and Zhang, 2012; Shinozaki, 2012). Sometime financial decisions taken by owner of the firm proved wrong or wrong decision taken by the hired manager badly affect the profitability of the firm. Profitability of the firm could be damage due to the inefficient financial management. Mostly small and medium size businesses failed due to the absence of sufficient knowledge about efficient financial management. A sound financial management system has the effective governs system to the incomes, expenses, assets and liabilities to organizational performance (Abanis et al., 2013). The purpose of this study is not to cover all the aspect but only these practices will be included in this study accounting information systems, Financial Information System and working capital management.Accounting information systems consists of bookkeeping, recoding financialactivity transactions, cost accounting and the use of computers to manage these all activity. Small and medium enterprise publications and research have highlighted the importance of management of accounting system for SMEs. For example, in the literature of Lavia Lopez and Hiebl (2015) it was concluded that management of accounting system has a positive effect on performance of SMEs. Many SMEs are lower in their formal planning processes (Pemberton and Stone house, 2002). This makes relevant to examine the planning practices of small and medium businesses. Purpose of this study is to review the relationship of accounting information system toward firm profitably. Financial Information System: the frequency and the purpose of financial reporting, analysis of financial reporting, interpretation and auditing of financial reporting. Financial management expertise: the formal and informal education, relevant qualifications, training in financial management and overall financial management expertise. Working capital includes these content management of cash activity, management of account receivables and inventory management. Larger firm invested larger cash in the working capital and also have larger amounts of short term payables due to the source of financing (Deloof, 2003; Muneer et al., 2013). Both internal and external factors can influence the decision about current assets and current liabilities level. Recent studies, Silva (2011) and Gomes (2013) found positive relationship between working capital (WCM) and profitability, which indicates that firms have optimal working capital level which maximizes their profitability; see also Baños-Caballero et al. (2012) for evidence concerning with SpanishSME. Agency cost problem was raised by (Means and Berle, 1932) and in their research they argued that agency cost might be increased when ownership and control of the business separated. They told the cause of this increasing cost in-consistent interest of stockholders and management. Baker and Powell (2005) in their study define the agency problem as that agency problem create difficulties that are faced by the financiers to ensure the owners or stockholders of firm that their finance or fund is not wasted on any un attractive project. To check the impact of financial management practices on firm growth and role of agency cost as moderator, the following hypothesis are developed:Hypothesis 1:H1: Accounting information system (AIS) is positively related with profitability of SMEs.H1a: Accounting information system (AIS) is not positively related with profitability of SMEs.Hypothesis 2:H2: Financial information system (FIS) is positively related with profitability of SMEs.H2a: Financial information system (FIS) is no positively related with profitability of SMEs.Hypothesis 3:H3: Working capital management (WCM) is positively related with profitability of SMEs.H3a: Working capital management is not positively related with profitability of SMEs.Hypothesis 4:H4: Agency Cost as a moderator is affecting the profitability of SMEs.H4a: Agency Cost as a moderator is not affecting the profitability of SMEsFigure 1: Theoretical Frame Work3.MethodologyThis study occupied primary data to analyze the results fromfinancialmanagement practices adopted by SMEs in Faisalabad. This study is conducted to test hypothesis and to develop a relationship between the dependent variable “Firm Growth” and the independent variables “Accounting information system, Financial information system, Working capital management” with moderating effect of agency cost. Survey questionnaires are used to collect the response from the target population.The sample for this study is comprised of 300 SMEs operating in Faisalabad city.Total three hundred questionnaires were delivered to the SMEs out of which two hundred responses were received back. During data entry, 20 questionnaires were incomplete and considered as redundant. Remaining 180 questionnaires were considered for the analysis. To test the hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied by using partial least square (PLS. 3).4.ResultsFor the assessment of validity and reliability Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability and average variance extracted (A VE) are used in the present study.According to George and Mallery (2003) “The value ofCronbach’s alpha less than0.50 is not acceptable, 0.50-0.60 is considered as poor but acceptable, while any valueabove 0.70 is considered as good”. Results show that data is valid.Table 1: Convergent validity (Measurement Model Quality Criteria)Cronbach’s Alpha CompositeA VEReliabilityAccounting information system 0.875133 0.906144 0.618016 Financial information system 0.768943 0.831819 0.589577 Working capital management 0.772320 0.828675 0.631078 Agency cost 0.674158 0.7794710.618230 Firm performance 0.552810 0.653952 0.565824 Financial Management Practices and Firm Performance Structural Model: Firm performance (FP) was assessed by using a three items scale. Three parameters (Accounting information system (Q1=.515), Financial information system (Q2=.238) and Working capital management (Q3=.112) were used to determine the firm performance and these parameters defined (Q5=.654) of firm performance overall. Itsmean there were also some other variables effecting firm performance.Figure 2: Predictive Relevance of Structural ModelsNote: Q1: Accounting information system (AIS), Q2: Financial information system (FIS), Q3: Working capital management (WCM), Q4: Agency cost, Q5: Firm performanceTable 2: Model Summery of All Independent VariablesHypothetical relationship Path coefficientAbsolute t-statistical valuesValues of R2 Values of Q2Q1 – Q5 0.515*** 6.402Q2-Q5 0.238*** 2.882Q3-Q5 0.112** 1.979Q5 0.654 0.231 Agency Cost (Moderator) and Firm Performance Structural Model: Agency cost is the moderator in this study. In below model agency cost (Q4) is taken as an independent variable (IV) to check its impact on firm performance and its shows (R2=-.076, 0.191, 0.216) of firm performance which is very low of total firm performance. The value of R2 is not significant because it should be more than 0.5Cronbach’s (1951).Figure 3: Predictive Relevance of StructureTable 3: Model SummeryRelationship Path Coefficient Absolute t-statistic valueValue of R2 ModeratorQ1-Q4 -0.076 0.730Q6 0.643 Not moderator Q2-Q4 0.1910.942Q6 0.623 Not moderator Q3-Q4 0.216 0.937Q6 0.525 Not moderator In the current study 4 hypothesis were tested. At the end results identified that 3 hypothesis (H1, H2, H3) were supported. It means results shown that AIS (accounting information system) FIS (financial information system) and WCM (working capital management) have significant impact on the profitability of SMEs. When one hypothesis was supported (H4a). It means result shown that agency cost is not affecting the relationship of (IV) and (DV) as a moderator in this study held in Faisalabad Pakistan.5.ConclusionThe major objective of this study was to examine the effect of financial management practices on the profitability of small and medium business and to checkthe financial practices adopted by SMEs in Faisalabad city of Pakistan. The data analysis shows that financial management practices have significant impact of SMEsprofitability. Most of the firms in Faisalabad city prepared their financial statement, balance sheet and income statement prepared regularly and frequently. Most of the firms have employed accountant for managing accounts department. Tendency to use computer for accounting information system was low in small size business but in medium size businesses accounting system was strong. 80% of the total firms followed cash management practices which include cash budget, review of cash budget on monthly or weekly basis. Most of the small enterprises prepare cash budget on weekly basis. This research shows that mostly firms are familiar to cash budgeting, cash control and cash flows. 36% firm face cash shortage problem for its expenditurewhile 64% firms face cash surplus. Finding tells that cash surplus is major problem than cash shortage for SMEs. Major issues created form cash surplus is that where surplus should invest for earn profit. Most of the firms have not better option to invest surplus cash in a profitable project. Agency problem may play a significance role in performance of business, for this purpose present study was also examined the agency cost behaviors as a moderate between the relationship of financial management and SME profitability in Faisalabad Pakistan. But it was viewed that agency cost worked as a moderator in any other economy but not worked in Faisalabad Pakistan. This study also explains that agency cost as an independent variable have some effect on profitability of SMEs.Limitations of the Research Study: Major limitation related to this study was financial and non-financial resources; time limitation and due to these limitation and scope of the study research have to limit the number of objectives. There are multiple areas of financial management related to research problem and research question directly or indirectly but due to the limitation of time and fund all the areas of financial management could not be investigated. Because resources were scarce so that all the SMEs in Pakistan could not be studied and selected SMEs in Faisalabad city were taken as a target population. Mostly selected firm were manufacturing concern. In Faisalabad city there are large no of small and medium business units and have different management practices and knowledge if compared with the SMEs situated in other cities of Pakistan. All primary data was collected from personalinterview but failed to collect any documentary prove related provided information by the respondent. This study viewed the internal factor which influence the profitability but not viewed any external factor which may affect the financial management practices.Implications for the Further Research: This study leads to the suggestion that in further research work should supplemented so that other areas could be examined which could not covered by this study. Following are the further suggestion for future research.•Findings or current study can be used in other financial management practices such as management of current assets, management of fixed assets and capital structure management in other cities of Pakistan.•Model of this study can be used in the other cities of Pakistan to check the financial management practices.•Most of the small enterprises in Faisalabad Pakistan are not adopting better financial management practices the reasons can be reviewed.•The financial performance of small enterprises and the medium enterprises can be viewed because there is difference in financial management practices of small enterprises and medium enterprises.•In small enterprises owner himself manage financial activities and in medium enterprises accounts manger manage financial activities so that effect of owner and manager financial management practices can be viewed.Finding can be used for the improvement of financial management practices especially in small enterprises for development of this sector of Pakistan.中文译文:财务管理实践对中小企业盈利能力的影响及代理成本的调节作用摘要中小企业对经济发展和增长的重要性是相当大的。

财务战略管理外文翻译文献外文文献原文及译文财务战略管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Small and medium-sized enterprise financial strategy choice indifferentFinancial strategic management of the significance of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper expounds the development of enterprise needs not only scientific, fine daily management, need more forward-looking strategic vision and strategic thinking;Through the analysis of the financial characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) in different development period, discusses the enterprise should be how to choose matching financial strategy problems, for the enterprise bigger and stronger, sustainable development, provides a feasible way of thinking.With the establishment of the modern enterprise system and market economic system reform deepening, the business activities of enterprises both contain the great vitality, also lies the great crisis.Small and medium-sized enterprises how to adapt to the environment, and maintain competitive advantage not only need to strengthen the daily management of science, fine, more need to have a forward-looking strategic thought, especially the financial and strategic thinking.Enterprise financial strategy, need to consider the enterprise external environment and internal conditions, and many other factors.Due to the small and medium-sized enterprise its own characteristics, in financial strategy can't be consistent with the practice of large enterprise,it must has its own way.Seek financial strategy for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, make the small and medium-sized enterprise to do strongly does, sustainable development, has important practical significance for the enterprise.First, the significance of small and medium-sized enterprise financial strategy managementModern enterprise financial faces a diverse, dynamic and complicated management environment, enterprise financial management is no longer a specific methods and means of financial management, but absorbs the principle and method of strategic management, from the perspective of to adapt to the environment, use conditions, pay attention to the long-term problem of financial and strategic issues.In the small and 外文文献原文及译文medium-sized enterprises under the condition of relative lack of resources, to develop a suitable financial strategy, and at a reasonable allocation of scarce resources is particularly important.Enterprise financial strategic focus is the development direction of the future financial activities, goals, as well as a basic approach to achieve the goal and strategy, this is a financial strategy is different from other features of various kinds of strategy.Enterprise financial strategy is the overall goal of assemble, configuration, and use resources rationally, to seek balanced and effective flow of enterprise funds, build enterprise core competitive power, finally realizes the enterprise value maximization.The several aspects of the goal is connected with each other.In the long term performance for, seek the sustainable growth of enterprise financial resources and ability, to realize theenterprise capital appreciation, and make the enterprise financial ability sustainable, rapid and healthy growth, maintain and develop the enterprise the competitive advantage.Strategic management in building enterprise core competitive power, need the support of enterprise financial management.Enterprise capital management as the important content of financial management must reflect the requirements of enterprise strategy, ensure the implementation of the strategy of its.Implement the strategy of enterprise financial management value is that it can maintain a healthy enterprise financial situation, to effectively control the financial risk of the enterprise.Second, the small and medium-sized enterprise financial characteristics analysisSuccessful financial strategy must be adapted to the enterprise financial characteristics, the development stage of conform to the enterprise overall strategy and the current and the benefits of stakeholders, the associated risks.Roughly divided into enterprise's development stage, initial, maturation and decline stages.Small and medium-sized enterprises in different stages of development presents the financial characteristics are different and should be based on the analysis of characteristics of its financial seek suitable for different development period of the small and medium-sized enterprise financial strategy.1)the initial financial characteristicsThe management risk of the enterprise life cycle of the initial stage is the highest, thisis because the products on the market soon, a single product structure, the scale of production limited, the product cost is higher, profitability is very poor, also need to invest a lot of money for the new product development and marketdevelopment, and product market whether to expand the product should be enough space for the development of is uncertain and compensation costs, core competence has not yet formed.To small businesses from the impact of the financial management activities of enterprises cash flow, operating activities and investment activities belong to the state of outflows greater than inflows, shortage of funds, cash flows is negative, it is difficult to form internal capital accumulation, financing activities is the only source of cash.This is the initial financial characteristics of the enterprise.2)mature financial characteristicsIn the beginning of small business success across, they will enter a relatively stable mature stage.In the process of enterprise tend to mature, the enterprise growth and prospect than as well as the management risk will fall;Enterprises have the product of the stability of the relatively high market share and account back continuously, has the high efficiency of capital turnover;At the same time, due to the new project, cash flow, less business net cash flow is positive, the enterprise the management activities and investment activities generally characterized by net income.Financing scale than the initial decline, and at this stage is given priority to with retained earnings and debt financing policy, a lot of debt servicing period, along with the increase of debt financing, rise to financial risk and operational risk equivalent.Dividend proportion also have improved, high cash per share net profit ratio make the dividend payment rate and payments will improve, investors return at this time more is through the dividend distribution rather than the start-up phase of the capital gains to meet.3)the recession financial characteristicsFor recession enterprises, reduce business and product death is inevitable, and the opportunity for profitable investment is very small, the purpose of business is the turning point in order to continue to make a living.To small business financial management activities of enterprises from the impact of cash flow, because the enterprise product sales decline, slow cash flow, business activities have obvious negative cash flow.At the same time, as companies in recession more to take high dividend distribution policy, debt financing in the process of decline will increase, and外文文献原文及译文financing activities generate positive cash flow, financial leverage and financial risk increases.Three, different development period of the financial strategy choiceThe choice of financial strategy decision of small and medium-sized enterprise financial orientation and pattern of resource distribution, affects the behavior of enterprise financing activity and efficiency.From the perspective of life cycle theory, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises generally to undergo early stage, mature stage and decline stages.Small and medium-sized enterprise's financial strategy will vary at different stages of development, only select and match the different developmental stages of the enterprise's financial strategy, in order to promote the small and medium-sized enterprises bigger and stronger, sustainable development.1)leading the financial and strategic choiceFinancing strategy is an integral part of the corporate financial strategy, it is the enterprise to raise funds to solve the main goal, principle, direction, scale, structure, major issues suchas channels and means, it is not a specific fund-raising plan, but in order to meet the future environment and the requirements of enterprise strategy, to the enterprise financing, and the idea of the system for a long time, enterprise strategy implementation and enhance the competitiveness of enterprise is dedicated to provide you with reliable cash flow support.In terms of external financing, small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulty in direct financing is a worldwide phenomenon.Objectively, to the extent of direct financing for smes, determined by the small and medium-sized enterprise its own problems.If it is difficult to find eligible collateral or guarantee units, commercial Banks to small and medium-sized enterprise is hard to track supervision and inspection.Most small and medium-sized enterprises small scale, the risk is big, once insolvency bankruptcy, commercial Banks and so on, the security of the creditor's rights will be these are the important factors that affect sme loans.Endogenous financing strategy refers to an enterprise that mainly from internal financing source of financing.Under the guidance of strategic thinking in the financing, the enterprise is not dependent on external funding, and raise the needed capital, and in this unit interior longitudinal accumulation of capital through retained profits before it.The main source of funds will be retained earnings, amortization, etc without having to pay cash, capital takes up less, savings brought by the revolving speed and so on.Type endogenous financing strategy is especially suitable for the lack of external financing channels of small and medium-sized enterprises.From the perspective of tax analysis, debt financing can bring tax benefits for enterprises.But since most startups accounting only produce loss, debt financingcan bring positive influence for the enterprise, and at present because our country small and medium-sized enterprises in the internal financing is relatively easy to some, lower the cost of financing, so should choose mainly endogenous financing, external financing is complementary financing strategy, provided by the owners and affiliated enterprise loan, at the same time to strengthen its own capital reserves, creating certain credit conditions, with their own assets as collateral, borrowing from financial institutions make the enterprise keep good capital structure.Enterprises should choose according to future solvency acceptable way of financing, prevent enterprises from the initial stage back heavy debt burden and was in financial crisis.Investment strategy is based on enterprise internal and external environment condition and its change trend, the enterprise has or the actual control of economic resources effectively put out, in order to obtain economic benefits and competitive advantage in the future.The content of investment strategy of investment direction, the determination of investment scale and proportion.Content must be combined with the specific investment enterprise overall strategy and investment environment, enterprise development stage to set.In the implementation of the investment strategy, managers should pay more attention to growth, leading technology and market share targets.At the start-up stage and growth stage of medium and small enterprises,They need a lot of money to develop new products, expand the market and expand business.Because it difficult to get loans from the outside, so the owners of the small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) are generally the after-tax profits retained in the enterprise, as far as possible use of cash dividend policy, keep more profits, to enrich the capital.2)mature small and medium-sized enterprise financial strategy choiceFor mature type of small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to obtain sufficient funds or stable sources of funds and excellent capital structure, usually adopt the combination of a variety of financing methods for financing.Financing strategy 外文文献原文及译文combinations can achieve better effect, such as financing, revitalize the memory through the financial assets financing, financing and depreciation enterprise commercial credit financing, etc.Type financial financing strategy refers to the enterprises with financial institutions to establish close cooperation relations, use of these financial institutions long-term stable credit the funds to reach the purpose of financing the financing strategy.Financial funding sources including policy Banks, commercial Banks and non-bank financial institutions credit financing lease, leasing company.Its advantage is financing large-scale, flexible form, enterprises need to pay interest charge, does not involve the use of equity.Type financial financing both bring to enterprise financial leverage effect, and can prevent the dilution of return on net assets and earnings per share, so in the meantime, small and medium-sized enterprises should be in order to improve the effect of financial leverage as a starting point, take active financing strategies, appropriately increase the proportion of debt.The deficiency of this form of financing is financing conditions and high cost, applicable to the product markets mature, is developing rapidly and has substantial advantages, especially small and medium-sized enterprises with technical advantage, is the premise of its financing is expected to borrow funds capital profit margin is higher than interest rates.In addition to this, mature type of small and medium-sized enterprises should also be effective to the implementation of the internal financing strategy, optimize the enterprise internal stock fund adjustment, the enterprise stock assets.Mature enterprises already have depreciation financing conditions, should play the advantages of depreciation financing.Depreciation financing possesses the advantages of low cost, low risk, through the depreciation financing to optimize financing /doc/f43449150.html,panies can also make full use of the commercial credit financing.Between enterprises credit financing, including accounts payable, notes payable, advance payment, etc.Credit financing for small and medium-sized enterprises limited liquidity is more special significance, it is the effective way to solve the enterprise capital especially the lack of liquidity.According to the characteristics of the small and medium-sized enterprises mature financial enterprises gradually rise in profits and stable at the same time, maintain production cost is reduced, which makes the enterprise capital at the beginning of the mature found some surplus.This stage of the small and medium-sized enterprises with profit maximization as the financial management goal, usually by taking scaleexpansion, development of diversification and find new ways to invest profit opportunities.Suitable for mature with the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises investment strategy includes scale expansion strategy and stable investment strategy.The expansion of scale expansion mainly refers to the core product sales.Expansion investment strategy is the mature period of small and medium-sized enterprises one of the most commonly used investment strategy, is small and medium-sizedenterprises achieve high growth of the most direct, the most effective way.The main means to realize scale expansion of market penetration, development strategy and product development strategy.After entering the mature stage of small and medium-sized enterprises, can produce a stronger intention and the growth of their own lack of various conditions, and ability of its internal contradiction, therefore, should hold more prudent attitude in financial aspects, blind expansion of avoid by all means.Summary of small and medium-sized enterprises in the reasons for failure in the process of seeking development, finance unsound accounts for large proportion.When companies have some occupy the market of products, with the possible longer profitable accumulation, often not very attention to working capital turnover, but for the past business on success, a large amount of working capital will be used for investment in fixed assets, it will lead to new tensions on the turnover of working capital.There is in order to avoid a single product, is trying to spread risk through diversification and the diversification operation, however due to the small and medium-sized enterprises generally smaller overall capital, diversification is very easy to cause the original items of working capital turnover difficult, and the new investment projects and could not form a certain scale, management ability and management experience, combined with the lack of necessary beyond to establish competitive advantage, enhancing the management risk.Different enterprises in the investment operation of the project will have different requirements, the expansion of investment strategy and stable investment strategy selection, small and medium-sized enterprise must look at the businessconditions and environment, to choose the appropriate investment strategy.Enterprises in the investment management aspects, therefore, should be to put money to be able to take advantage of the enterprise market of the products, and constantly update technical renovation, equipment, expand production scale, improve product yield and quality, to 外文文献原文及译文increase economies of scale, improve market share.At this stage, the enterprise should be scientific, reasonable choice of the mode of investment, strengthen the investment project feasibility study and argument, to strengthen the evaluation of project investment and summarizes the work.3)recession type of small and medium-sized enterprise financial strategy choiceRecession type is an important feature of small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure is highly leveraged, the most important is the compression ratio of debt financing, to avoid the risk of financial leverage.In the case of high financial risk management, often adopt defensive deflating financial strategy.Defense deflating financial strategy is to prevent financial crisis and survive, and the new development for the purpose of a financial strategy.Defense deflating financial strategy, general will minimize cash outflows and as far as possible to increase cash inflows as a top priority.In financial financing decision, should be given priority to with the use of short-term funds, as far as possible avoid the use of long-term funds, take on endogenous financing including profit retained accumulation, owner, shareholder investment and borrowing to owner, partners and shareholders of endogenous debt financing is given priority to, an application for a patent for divestitures,relies on external financing of the financing way.When enterprise sales began to decline, high fixed costs can make the enterprise into serious losses, but by signing a short-term contract or completely based on the variable cost, thus reduce fixed costs ratio lower the total cost.When many factors shows that the enterprise is in decline, can choose to some non-critical product or technology transfer, to abandon the development investment in a particular field, reduce the money for the old products, the accumulation of capital, to find new investment opportunities.To sum up, small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) on the sustainable development road, must choose to match with different stages of development of financial strategy, it can make up for the congenital defects existing in the financial, improving the capacity of sustainable development, it is the key to the small and medium-sized enterprises bigger and stronger.The arrangement of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the financial strategy, we should pay attention to keep a good capital structure, attach importance to connotation development, sound financial management, avoid blind investment and diversification, should be saving money andtimely realize scale expa。

(1) 把现金由国内输出用于国外经营业务;(2) 向投资所在国借贷;(3) 向第三国借贷。
1专业术语学习财务的学生通常会听到一个单词总在耳边嗡嗡作响:全球化( g l o b a l i z a t i on )。
学习资金市场的全球化必须首先掌握一些新的术语,以下便是在跨国财务中,还有本章中最常用到的一些术语:(1) 美国存托证(American Depository Receipt,ADR)。
ADR以两种形式代表大约690家外国公司:一是在某个交易所挂牌交易的 ADR,称为公司保荐形式;另一种是非保荐形式,这些ADR通常由投资银行持有并为其做市。
(2) 交叉汇率(cross rate)。

原文Financial Management of R&DFinancial thinking about R&D has evolved well beyond basic discounted cash flow models. Better tools have been developed to value intellectual capital, including the quantitative assessment of the value added by R&D. The dissection of the elements of risk and the application of real options theory are new features of the R&D landscape. Financing vehicles have also changed with an enormous surge of venture capital and private equity funds. The analyst’s toolbox has been enhance d by electronic spreadsheets, on-line databases, Monte Carlo software, the Internet, and the ubiquitous personal computer.Industrial R&D is characteristically a high-risk investment with a deferred payoff. Its importance to industrial societies, and to individual firms within these economies, is paramount;Lau has estimated that more than 50% of the wealth creation in developed countries originates from technology, which is typically a product of R&D. However, R&D comes at a cost, and it is as capable of destroying value as creating it. Knowing the difference is crucial; the penalties for underinvestment can be a deteriorating competitive position and lost opportunity; for overinvestment it will be a slow erosion of the firm’s capital base.But measuring the difference between value creation and value destruction is not easy. One source of confusion is that accounting conventions treat R&D as an expense, not an investment. An even more fundamental issue is that past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.Faced by a measurement problem that is both difficult and important, the business financial and academic communities have continued improving their tools. As a result, R&D analysis and management has evolved dramatically in the past fifty years (3), and that evolution is far from over.In its first postwar phase, industrial R&D was viewed as a creative enterprise and Its’ management was left to the R&D directors. Their main financial metric was an annual budget (a tool basically inadequate to evaluate an investment).The budget wasin part determined by industry benchmarks, such as R&D expense as a percentage of revenues.Accordingly, the financial skills of R&D executives were largely focused on cost accounting and cost control (4).In many companies, top management(often lacking personal experience in R&D)didn’t have a clue about the relationship of value to cost, and attempted to manage the function by a process that has been pithily described(5)as “managing the manager”. In other words,poor R&D returns were viewed more as a product of poor management than a consequence of a firm’s strategy .The solution was often to hire a “new boy.”The second phase, in the 1970s, was the introduction of increasingly powerful tools for evaluating investments under risk being adopted by financial analysts to R&D,leading to a circumstance I would describe as “the apparent triumph of DCF (Discounted Cash Flow).”The use of DCF in evaluating investments was an important step forward in that it introduced the discipline of business plans, factored in the concept of risk, and helped bridge the communications gap between technical and non-technical executives. The DCF toolkit included net present value (NPV) internal rate of return (IRR) and risk weighted cost of c apital.” But as it was applied in practice, the use of excessive discount rates and overly conservative terminal values combined to condemn almost any long-term R&D.project. This result contradicted industry’s common experience that many of the most profi table innovations had long gestation periods.The word value has become a fixture of the business lexicon during the past two decades. Unfortunately, this omnipresent word is being used in two very different contexts: economic value and market value. The two forms of value are not at all the same. The distinction is profound for R&D, because innovation initially comes at a cost ion economic value, but is equally often a driver for market value!Economic ValueThe term Economic Value is invoked in much current business jargon, explicitly In such concepts as Economic Value Added (EV A), and implicitly in discussions of “value chains,” and “value propositions.” The economic value of an enterprise is determined by the projected sum of its free cash flows, discounted by its cost ofcapital.The EV A concept, although traceable to Albert P. Sloan, the legendary CEO of General Motors, was reintroduced to the corporate community by the firm Stern Stewart in the 1990s, with considerable impact. EV A is defined as net operating profit minus an appropriate charge for the opportunity cost of all capital invested in the Enterprise. (The relationship between EV A and Economic Value is simple: Economic Value is just the sum of the EV A’s added by the enterprise in each successive year.) EV A is an estimate of true “economic profit,” or the amount by which earnings exceed or fall short of the required minimum rate of return that shareholders and lenders might earn by investing in alternative securities of comparable risk.The Crisi s in Valuation; When Market Value Didn’t TrackMarket ValueFor professional investors in securities, the bottom line is not economic return, it is total shareholder return (TSR), defined as the appreciation of the stock price plus dividend payments. This is “cash is king” reasoning, since liquid securities and cash dividends mean cash to an investor. To money managers, total return is also their report card. In such a world, the Market Value of a stock is the final metric, and Economic Value is but one co mponent of it. Investors also gauge each firm’s strategic position, plus other factors contributing to Market Value such as investor sentiment and macroeconomic trends. Shareholder value has largely come to be synonymous with current market value-stock price-and executives or directors who ignore this reality do so at considerable peril.Economic ValueA part of the crisis in valuation arose from the growing differences between market value and the accountant’s perspective of valuation based on historical cost. While this circumstance could, in principle, have resulted from smart management delivering superior cash flows, this explanation did not hold up when the actual cash flow projections of the companies were considered.Young is based on cash flow anticipated in the next five years-the outer limit of the proverbial “short-term”. Thus, more than 75 percent of the valuation of the totalstock market must be related to something other than short-term economic value. In this scenario, as long as perceptions of opportunity grew faster than economic capital, the growth sector would outperform the “value” sector, and hence would attract more investment. This cascade effect would result in higher price-earnings ratios, since the price-to-earnings metric is tied to current economic performance. That is what occurred in the marketplace during the decade of the 1990s.Investors in effect equated investment in ”value” stocks as investment in stocks with limited opportunities, and favored the ”growth” sector.During the 1990s, as the valuation gap was growing, a host of articles began to extend the venerable concept of intellectual property to the concept of intellectual or Knowledge capital, which added an important new dimension to intangible assets. Some writers even choose to define intellectual capital as the difference between market value and the value of the tangible assets. This approach is exemplified by this quotation: The greatest challenge facing any organization today is in understanding the huge differential between its balance sheet and market valuation. This gap represents the core value of the company – its Intellectual Capital.From this traditional base, the concept was now extended to include the knowledge of the organization and its employees, and its ability to learn. It thus went far beyond the more limited concepts of know-how and trade secrets. Most importantly, there was recognition that intellectual and human capital could far outweigh tangible capital for valuation purposes.This insight was important, but yet not very definitive." But the idea of intellectual capital is a new one,”wrote P.H. Sullivan ,”it brings to the foreground the brainpower assets of the organization, recognizing them as having a degree of importance comparable to the traditional land, labor, and tangible assets. If a survey were conducted, there would be agreement that many modern companies are filled with intellectual capital: law firms, consulting firms, software companies, computer companies to name but a few. But if the survey went on to ask people to define what intellectual capital is, there would be a wide range of answers. These answers would not converge onto one straightforward definition of intellectual capital, but rather onmany. The range of views and the number of terms used to describe and define intellectual capital are broad, without a clear focus, and often confusing……Technology appraisalA practical application of the economic value approach to intellectual property developed considerably during the 1990s.It has been termed technology appraisal. The approach is basically a DCF valuation of a pro forma business plan incorporating the technology being appraised .Technology appraisal has been used primarily for tax purposes: for example, the valuation of patents donated to universities by companies such as Dow Chemical or the valuation of in-process R&D in mergers and acquisitions.DuPont published a detailed description of typical technology appraisal methodology in connection with the completion of its acquisitions of Pioneer International and DuPont Merck. A number of consultants and accounting firms now offer technology appraisal services.New trends in corporate finance, and a new toolkit, are naturally to be expected to cause structural changes in industrial R&D. In fact, the changes that have taken place in the past two decades have been remarkably far-reaching.The Impact of Leveraged Buyouts (LBO’s)The 1980s marked the advent of the leveraged buyout era and its sibling, the high-yield or “junk” bo nd. The era culminated spectacularly in the RJR bidding war, depicted in the book and subsequent movie, Barbarians at The Gate (38), the book, The Predator’s Ball (39), and the imprisonment of prominent participants for insider trading and securities violations. About $400 billion of LBO’ s were financed in the decade of the 1980s.Excessive bids, such as for RJR, caused a broad collapse of the first junk bond market, but the technique is alive and well as a more sophisticated generation of LBO firms, backed by institutional funds, trawls the industrial marketplace for new buyout opportunities.LBO’ s were generally financed with 10 percent or less equity put up by limited partners and 90 percent by bank loans and subordinated debt, typically in the form of High yield bonds floated by Drexel Burnham Lambert and others. An LBO becomes a Possibility when the share price of the target company has fallen to a level where therequired debt to purchase the company can be paid down quickly by a combination of asset sales and cash flow from operations. Ideally, the company is purchased with its own assets, leaving the investors with a large profit after the debt burden is eliminated.The LBO strategy is not one of maximizing value; it is one of maximizing cash flow. The target company may be substantially depleted of physical and intellectual capital at the end of the game. Ironically, however, an LBO comes into play when management’s efforts to enhance value have either failed, or are perceived by the marketplace to be failing.There were lasting effects from this traumatic period, some beneficial and some less so. Managements rapidly became more disciplined about value creation when it became apparent that they were vulnerable to a raid, or were missing opportunities to enhance shareholder value. The notion was that if shareholders could benefit from streamlining, downsizing, etc. management would do it before the raiders arrived to do it for them. Corporations shed expensive frills, such as costly headquarters, unprofitable divisions, and pet projects, to focus on core operations, and to scrutinize new acquisitions and capital investments from an economic value viewpoint. The well-publicized reign of Jack Welch at General Electric symbolized many of the elements of this approach.The effects on R&D finance were significant: long-term R&D, and R&D not targeted to existing businesses, was often curtailed to shore up short-term cash flow. This process took place not only within companies that were in LBO mode, but also in companies that considered themselves LBO targets. Many large central research centers were downsized or eliminated, and those that remained were tied directly to strategic business units (Sub’s), which had now become the focus of value creation. In addition, a typical corporate reaction to external threats was to merge with others in the industry, and create value by eliminating duplicate headquarters, sales organizations, and R&D operations. The elimination of these costs clearly generated economic value; the issue would be how much of it came at a cost in strategic value.Source: F. Peter Boer .Financial Management of R&D. Research Technology Management,2002, pp1-28译文:研发财务管理研发财务管理的思想演变发展远远超过基本的现金贴现现金流模型,财务的研发工具中已经发展到了智力资本的价值,其中包括定量价值的评估。

第一部分外文翻译中文对照部分企业购买和支付的内部会计控制系统设计Lars Ny bergSpeech by Mr Lars Ny berg, Deputy Governor of the Severs Risks bank, at HQ Bank, 15October 2008.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia摘要本文讨论了采购和付款的基本系统的内部会计控制,并根据其业务流程,详细说明了实施相关的控制点控制措施。
企业采购项目所需的用户部门根据他们的应用程序和批准的负责人负责采购批准; 2.查询和确定供应商。
公司采购部门和有关主管部门应当参与调查过程和确定供应商; 3.采购合同和审计。
公司采购部门应该准备下订单或合同和授权的部门或官审查、批准或适当的审计; 4.采购、验收。
企业采购、检验和会计记录功能应该被分离,以确保真实性的数量的采购和采购价格、质量、合规、采购记录和会计精度; 6.执行支付处理和支付。

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毕业设计附件外文文献翻译:原文+译文文献出处:Musa S N. The research of network financial management[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 1(1): 25-34.原文The research of network financial managementMusa S NAbstractBased on Internet information technology, information industry, with its powerful information and service ability and various fields at all levels of change and influence the society, and penetrated the way people work. In the field of finance, "financial network" is used. So-called financial network, is a technology based on network computing, to integrate enterprise electronic commerce as the goal, can replace the Internet environment accounting, financial management model and its various functions of financial management software system. Under the network financial of financial management is the financial activities with electronic information technology and network, implementing Web, real-time audit charge to an account on the Internet, online funds, dynamic report forms, and through the financial and business synergy realize comprehensive use, financial settlement efficiency and business process integration.Keywords: financial network; financial management; the network environment1 IntroductionReviewing the development of financial management, in the 20th century is a century in the development of financial management major. Financial management after five times over sex change, called five times the development tide of financial management. I.e., the financing management financial management stage, asset management, financial management, investment management, financial management, financial management and international business finance phase of inflation. It is easy to find from the development of financial management, financial managementdevelopment and innovation motivation comes from the change of financial management environment. The end of the 20th century, with the rapid development of information technology, human marched into the information age. The Internet (Internet) can be said to be the following PC, in the second wave of industry in the field of global IT, radiation to the global economy and the society as a whole. Information technology, especially the Internet technology mature and apply, promoted the network economy the emergence of this new economic form, it is a center from products to service center of service economy, is an end-to-end open direct economic model, will lead to the reconstruction of the market and industry, to promote e-commerce will become the new business operation model. Held in Bangkok in February 2000, unclad report published online trade will reach $1.234 trillion in 2002, to 2003 e-commerce accounted for the proportion of total world trade will be up to a quarter. And, in recent years, global e-commerce really is developing at an astonishing speed rapid development, global e-commerce transactions reached more than $1.5 trillion in 2003, the Internet is increasingly becoming the world's largest, highest efficiency of the market. E-commerce is the use of enterprise network environment and the nature of information and communication technology between customers, suppliers and partners to realize online transactions, cooperation and exchange value. Then, related to business activities of the parties, including suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, customers, and Banks, tax, audit and other social departments should be closely combined in the network, to complete their respective business activities in the Internet environment. In the new environment, financial management based on the characteristics and requirements of e-commerce, enterprises must accelerate the process of informatization, and financial management as an important part of enterprise management, must first in the face of the requirements of the network environment and a fundamental change.2 Network overview of financial managementAt present, the enterprise financial report is from the traditional paper-based financial report to the network financial report (Internet Financial Reporting, IFR) form. It should be said that the network financial report this new definition of theconcept in the world today without a unified definition. In general, the network financial report refers to the advanced data processing with the aid of electronic computer technology and network technology of the enterprise production and business operation activities and reflected in financial reporting, and store it in prospective users access to the database, query at any time by users to enterprise's operating results, financial situation and other important matters. When a company through its website to provide a full set of financial statements (including footnotes and audit reports), or other sites to link to the store in the Internet financial reports, we all saw it as the network financial report, make no distinction in this. Network plays an important role in the development of financial report, mainly has the following features:2.1 Online feedback, provide real-time financial reportingReal-time reporting refers to the enterprises make full use of information network technology, the enterprise of production and operation activities and events in real time is reflected in the financial report, and report will be stored in available for users to query the database for user query at any time. Users may at any time for real-time report information, don't have to wait for the final accounting. The application of network technology, making the financial data collection, processing, processing, and provide financial report, can be in real time, greatly improve the timeliness of accounting information; Information users visit the home page of the enterprise, can go online at any time grasp the latest and historical financial information of the enterprises in the first place the query of the information about their care, improve the function of information use, overcome the lag of financial information. Tradition is in the final preparation of accounting statements, both in dynamic report or static report is a summary of the past events; The network financial report record new occurrence of economic business, at any time and immediately update financial report content, make the information users to get the latest information at any time, it also will be more suitable for the requirements of decision makers, for policymakers to make optimal decisions in a timely manner to provide real-time information. The characteristics of this kind of instant processing, at anytime to provide information for traditional accounting statements.2.2 Disclosure of information capacity expansionThe Internet age, based on the computer powerful operation ability and the transfer function of the network quickly, make the enterprise to expand capacity to become a reality of the disclosure. Through online access, information demanders can get online open all the financial and non-financial information (non-financial information refers to aren't directly related with the company's financial situation, but is closely related to the company production and operation of all kinds of information. The network economy era, information transfer more convenient, information the user requirement for information is becoming more and more high. In order to meet the diversified demands of the information users, the financial report should reflect the monetary information, and to reflect the monetary information; should not only reflect the financial information, and to reflect the financial information, make the public to enterprise's financial condition has a comprehensive understanding. Network accounting online database including the enterprise all the relevant information, through online access, enterprise internal and external information users may at any time to obtain the required level of different level detailed on the information. The use of the network financial report, effectively expand the capacity of the disclosure of information, but also make the enterprise greatly reduces the cost of the release of the information, to shorten the time of the information release.2.3 Meet the personalized requirements of different information usersNetwork for the timely communication between information providers and users. Under the network environment, with the aid of computer network, man-machine dialogue function provided by the users of the information is no longer just passively accept unified format of the financial information, but according to their own needs for relevant accounting information, and for the information for further processing, meet the demand of its own use. t the same time can also with the aid of multimedia technology provides visualization, audio information. his makes the information retrieval process more interactive, and give full consideration to the needs of information users, according to user different individual needs to provide information,improves the accounting information, better realize the accounting objectives.2.4 To realize resources sharingCompared with stand-alone systems, network accounting in addition to the server, other terminals can be Shared server resources of all kinds of software and hardware, improve the efficiency of the use of resources, realize the resources sharing. Individual point of view, from the enterprise network make the enterprise's own financial report information resources also got maximum Shared. Enterprise by storing a set of basic data, using network technology support, meet the diverse needs of different users of information, breaking the internal functions of the different respective collection, storage, a large number of repeat information, can't timely exchange, communication, avoid information and therefore and human waste. Technical support, through the network on the basis of a set of basic data can be generated more than information, provide information users with multiple financial reporting, establishing accounting channel. Information consumers can choose according to their own requirements to the required information, the network accounting will provide different financial report according to different requirements. This conflict with the concept of traditional accounting, but multiple report model is likely to be the future development trend, at least to the powerful features of the computer network has made it possible to its implementation.3 E-commerce demands for network financial managementCompared with other communication media, the Internet has two obvious features: two-way interactive communication and open standards. Two-way interactive communication refers to the information provided by the Internet communication is a two-way street. Information providers at the same time of release information can collect information for the information; Access to information in the collection of information at the same time, to choose to receive the information provider. This two-way information communication is different from radio, television and other traditional one-way information dissemination and information face-to-face communication between people is more similar. Open standards refers to the Internet based on open information transmission standard. Information providers in publishingand collecting information, information receiver in the collection and selection, can take a variety of, convenient and quick way such as the way of any multimedia), is not bound by the technical operating standards. The advantages of the Internet technology, provide enterprises with a new business operation mode, e-commerce.3.1 E-commerce impact on financial management functionsThe spread of electronic business enterprise will become a node in the global supply chain network, many business enterprises processing activities will be in the Internet, such as online trading, online settlement, electronic advertising, electronic contract, etc., the traditional financial planning, financial control, the method of payment will add new content, such as past financing, financing, capital management and so on will become one of the main aspects of financial management and is no longer a complete content, the focus of financial management will expand to the enterprise comprehensive control of financial resources. Financial data provided by the information is not just in the monetary measurement of the financial data, what is more important, such as customer satisfaction, market share and create a virtual enterprise speed reflect the information of enterprise competitiveness, thus for enterprise management, leadership decision-making provides the omni-directional service.3.2 E-commerce on traditional financial management method of the new requirementsElectronic commerce activities from consultations, both sides signed a contract to the payment and settlement, etc., can be done through the Internet in the shortest possible time, make the whole transaction remote, real-time, and virtualization. These changes required: financial forecast, plan, control, decision making, such as work time, timeliness, adaptability and flexibility to the method of financial management put forward higher requirements due to the remote, real-time transactions, requirements of enterprise financial management mode from decentralization to centralization development; The content of corporate financial analysis and standard may be new changes. Such as e-commerce should attach importance to the enterprise knowledge capital (including human capital, structural capital and customer capital) analysis; Liquidity standards under the condition of electronic commerce will greatly improve.译文网络财务管理研究Musa S N摘要以互联网为基础的信息技术、信息产业,以其强大的信息和服务能力改变和影响着社会各个阶层和各个领域,并渗透到了人们的工作方式中。