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Dear Jim,,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in the Spring Festival. I’d like to introduce it to you. The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It usually lasts for 15 days.

Before the Festival, people usually clean their houses. we think it can sweep away bad luck. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have a big meal. As they eat, we watch the Spring Festival Gala(春晚) on TV. At midnight, we set off fireworks(放鞭炮)to welcome the New Year. During the festival, people visti the relatives and friends. They wish each other a happy year and good luck.

Best wishes!


Wang Bo

2.某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点, 写一篇80个词左右的英语短文参加此次活动:

1. 父母规矩太多, 过于强调学习成绩, 不理解自己等问题;

2. 你对这些问题的看法;

3. 你与父母保持良好关系的做法。

How to keep a good relationship with parents

In my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night. They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents don’t quite understand me.I think all these rules are too strict.

However, I try my best to understand them. Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.

In order to keep a good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.

3.假如你陪你的外籍老师去某音乐厅, 在门口的布告栏上看见一张观众须知, 内容如下:

1. 一人一票, 凭票入场。

2. 场内严禁吸烟。

3. 食品和饮料请勿带进场内。

4. 演出时请勿照相。

5. 演出时请勿使用电话。

6. 提前30分钟入场。

史密斯先生不懂中文, 他很想知道布告栏上写的是什么。现在, 请你把观众须知的内容用英文告诉史密斯先生, 并把要讲的话写下来。

Mr Smith, I would like to tell you something about what the notice says . First we should enter the concert hall 30 minutes earlier before the concert starts. Second we are not allowed to enter the concert hall if we don’t have tickets. Third,Food or drinks should not be taken into the hall. Of course, we are not allowed to smoke in the hall, either. At last.Please don’t take your digital camera with you because photos can’t be taken in the concert hall. And what is more, mobile phones must be kept off during the concert.

4.上周学校举行了初三年级家长会, 家长、学生和老师进行了面对面的交流, Betty代表同学们说出了学习生活中的问题, 表达了一些看法。:

Last week our school held a parents’meeting. Parents, students and teachers sat together and talked a lot. Betty says she has a lot of problems. She often suffers from stress and feels disturbed at times because of exams. She has too much homework, so she doesn’t have time for her hobbies. She also doesn’t know how to keep a balance between work and hobbies. Her teacher often tells her there are many ways to relax. She can often talk to her parents and friends. She can also read some great books by famous writers. Now she knows it’s important to save time. She can hand in her homework on time. She has made great progress in study.

5.请以“My Favourite Great Book”为题, 根据下面的问题写一篇80个词左右的短文,

My Favourite Great Book

My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a lively and clever boy. He lives with his aunt Polly. His aunt is strict with him, so he runs to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River with two friends, Huck and Joe. With Huck, he goes looking for treasure; with Becky, he gets lost in a cave. And finally Tom and Huck find a box of gold. Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Becky is pretty with fair hair. Huck is Tom’s best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.

The theme of the story is to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.

6.请以“Lower Carbon(低碳),Happier Life”为题,写一篇80个词左右的短文

Lower Carbon(低碳),Happier Life

It’s our duty to protect the environment.The environment is becoming worse and worse,so we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment.First,we can ride to school or go to school on foot .we’d better tell our parents to walk instead of driving cars.Second,we should save water and electricity by turning off the taps and lights in time when don’t need them.Third,we are supposed to give the old books
