Spring Rates, Wheel Rates, Motion Ratios and Roll Stiffness


椰拉弗Spring Lift 1.5英寸 Springs Installation Guide

椰拉弗Spring Lift 1.5英寸 Springs Installation Guide

Important Notes:Prior to beginning this or any installation read these instructions to familiarize yourself with the required steps and evaluate if you are experienced and capa-ble to personally perform these modifications.Refer to the parts list to ensure that all necessary components and hardware has been included. If any parts are missing please contact your local retailer for assistance.TeraFlex, Inc.5241 South Commerce Dr.Murray, Utah 84107Phone/801.288.2585Fax/P R O D U C T I N S T A L L A T I O N G U I D ERev. 27 August 2010 TTJK 1.5” Spring LiftPart # 1351500Required Tools:10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21mm sockets and wrenches 7/16”, 5/8”, 3/4” sockets and wrenches 3/8” &1/2” drive ratchets 3”, 6”, & 12” extensions Ft-lbs torque wrench Breaker bar Floor jack Jack stands Wheel chocks Hammer Pry bars PliersSafety glassesInstallation:Remove track bar bolts using a 21mm socket, 1.at both the front and rear axle and removetrack bars.Loosen all control arm bolts using a 21mm2.socket, DO NOT REMOVE ARMS OR BOLTS!Lift the vehicle and support under the frame 3.with jack stands. Make sure that the axle willdrop far enough to remove and install the coilsprings.Remove the wheels.4.Rear Installation:Support the rear axle with a jack and slightly lift 5.one or two inches so that it is easy to removethe bolts from the shocks. (If you remove thenut from the bolt prior to jacking up on theaxle you can put slight pressure on the boltwith your hand while jacking the axle and seewhere it is easiest to remove the bolts.)Remove the bottom shock bolts using an6.18mm socket and wrench.Remove the clips that secure the ABS wiring 7.harness to the upper control arm mount.Remove the bracket that holds the park brake 8.cables to the body using a 10mm deep wellsocket.Remove the brake line mount at the frame 9.using a 10mm socket.Carefully lower the rear axle far enough to 10.remove the rear springs. Be careful not to letthe coils fall out as you lower the axle. You will want to lower the axle far enough to install thenew 1.5” springs in place. While lowering theaxle make sure the brake lines, ABS wires and axle vent do not stretch as this could causedamage to these vital parts.11.reuse the factory spring isolator.Jack up the rear axle and replace lower shock 12.bolts. Torque to 56 ft-lbs.Reinstall the brake line mount and torque to 16 13.ft-lbs.Remove jack from under axle.14.Rear installation complete.15.Front installation:Place jack under the axle and slightly lift the 16.front axle so you can easily remove factoryhardware form shocks, sway bar links.Remove the front shocks by using a 18mm 17.wrench and socket at the axle side.Remove sway bar links using 18mm socket 18.and wrench at the axle and 18mm socket and20mm wrench at the sway bar. Lower the jack enough to remove the springs.Remove front coil springs.19.Install new 1.5 inch coil springs. Do the drivers 20.side first.82225Install the new sway bar links on the outside 21.of the sway bar and inside of the axle mount.Torque to 75 ft-lbs.Reinstall the lower shock bolts and torque22.to 56 ft-lbs.Reinstall wheels, torque lug nuts to 95- 115 23.ft-lbs, Remove jack stands, lower the vehicleonto its own weight, and torque all the controlarm bolts. Torque the uppers to 75 ft-lbs andthe lowers to 125 ft-lbs.Install the rear track bar. To align the rear track 24.bar to the axle have someone push on thebody of the jeep until the bolt hole lines up.Torque to 125 ft-lbs.Install the front track bar. To align the front 25.track bar have someone move the steeringwheel until the bolt hole lines up. Torque to 125 ft-lbs.To straighten the steering wheel, loosen the 26.adjuster sleeve on the drag link by using 15mm sockets. Mark the position by making a lineacross the sleeve and the threads this line willindicate the original position. Looking from thedrivers side rotate the adjuster sleeve counterclockwise 3/4 of a turn. This should get yoursteering wheel close to center. Every vehicleis different so test drive yours and determine ifyours needs further adjustment. Once steering wheel is straight torque pinch clamp bolts to 45 ft-lbs.Re-torque all fasteners after 300 miles.27.MAINTENANCE INFORMATION:It is the buyer’s responsibility to have all suspension, drivetrain, steering, and other components checked for proper tightness and torque after the first 100 miles and every 3000 miles after that.NOTICE TO INSTALLER:The enclosed “Warning to Driver” sticker must be installed in the vehicle in driver’s view. This sticker is to act as a constant safety reminder when operating the vehicle. It is your responsibility as the equipment installer to install the provided sticker and to forward the product instructions to the vehicle’s owner for review. If a “Warning to Driver” sticker or product installation guide were not included in the kit, free replacement stickers and instructions are available by request. It is the installer’s duty to ensure a safe and controllable vehicle after the modifications have been performed.WARNING:Neither the seller nor the manufacturer will be liable for any loss, damage, or injury directly or indirectly arising from the use of or inability to determine the use of these products. Before using, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for its intended use, and the user shall assume all responsibility and risk in connection therewith.WARNING TO DRIVER:This vehicle has been modified to enhance off road performance and has unique handling characteristics. Because of the higher center of gravity and larger tires, this vehicle handles and reacts differently than many passenger cars, both on and off road. You must drive it safely! Extreme care should be taken to prevent vehicle rollover or loss of control, which can result in serious injury or death. Avoid sudden sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers. Generally, braking performance and capabilities are decreased when significantly larger/heavier tires are used, especially when used in combination with transfer case low-range reduction kits. Take this into consideration while driving. Do not add, alter or fabricate any factory or aftermarket parts to increase vehicle height over the intended height of the TeraFlex Inc. product purchased. Mixing component brand is not recommended. TeraFlex Inc. will not be responsible for any altered product or any improperinstallation or use of our products. We will be happy to answer any questions concerning the design, function, and correct use of our products. It is ultimately the buyer’s responsibility to have all bolts/nuts checked for tightness after the first 100 miles and then every 3000 miles after that. Wheel alignment, steering system, suspension and drive line systems must be inspected by a qualified professional mechanic at least every 3000 miles.TERAFLEX PRODUCT WARRANTY:TeraFlex Inc. warrants TeraFlex Suspension products to the original retail purchaser to be free of defects in material and workmanship for as long as the original purchaser owns the vehicle on which products were originally installed.Failure to complete regular maintenance (grease every 3000 miles) on TeraFlex FlexArms will void this warranty. All other conditions of the standard TeraFlex Inc. product warranty apply.All TeraLow products are covered by the TeraFlex Inc. two-year warranty to be free of defects in material and workmanship for two years from date purchased.TeraFlex axles are covered by the TeraFlex Inc. 12-month warranty to be free of defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover or include product finish, improperly installed or applied products, improperly maintained products, products or components used for racing or competition or damage due to abuse or neglect, products that fail due to the use of larger tire and wheel combinations.All returns must be accompanied by an original invoice. It is the customer’s responsibility to remove the product from the vehicle. Shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. TeraFlex Inc. will pay the return freight.This warranty is for the replacement or repair of defective TeraFlex products only and does not include freight charges, labor charges for removal of or installation of TeraFlex or related products or components, costs incurred due to down time of the vehicle, or lost profits due to vehicle down time.A returned goods authorization number (RGA#) must accompany any returned products. For more information please contact a TeraFlex customer service representative.COPYRIGHT©Copyright 2008. All rights reserved, TeraFlex Inc. Reproduction of this catalog and/or any of its contents without writtenpermission is strictly prohibited.TeraFlex® is a registered trademark of TeraFlex Inc. All trade names and logos including but not limited to TeraFlex,FlexArms, RockGuard, Monster, and LCG are protected by law and duplication of trade names and/or logos are strictly prohibited.TeraFlex Inc. reserves the right to update, discontinue, redesign, modify finish, part number or component build parts ifdeemed necessary without written notice. TeraFlex Inc., and any associated dealers are not responsible for misprints or typographical errors that may have inadvertently been made within this instruction sheet.Jeep® and the Jeep® grill are registered trademarks of Chrysler LLC, and have no affiliation with TeraFlex Inc.PRODUCTINFORMA TION & WARRANTYTeraFlex, Inc. 5241 South Commerce Dr. Murray, Utah 84107Phone/801.288.2585 Fax/801.713.2313 。

底盘系统设计chassis system design methodology

底盘系统设计chassis system design methodology
August 5, s
1.1 Chassis System Synthesis Process ..............................................................................................................3 1.1.1 Assumptions and Limitations for Synthesis Approach..........................................................................3 1.1.2 The Synthesis Method..................................................................................................................................4 1.1.3 The Ride Mode ...............................................................................................................................................6 1.1.4 The Roll Mode ................................................................................................................................................9 1.1.5 The Lateral Dynamic



Mut+ ‎S trai‎n sMu‎t+ st‎r ains‎of P‎past‎o rzs ‎a re s‎e nsit‎i ve t‎o hig‎h res‎i dual‎meth‎a nol ‎c once‎n trat‎i ons‎(2) I‎n the‎pres‎e nce ‎o f ex‎c ess ‎o xyge‎n and‎meth‎a nol,‎form‎a ldeh‎y de, ‎t hef‎i rst ‎p rodu‎c t of‎meth‎a nol ‎m etab‎o lism‎, ris‎e s to‎toxi‎c lev‎e ls a‎n d “p‎i ckle‎s” th‎ecel‎l s (2‎-5). ‎T hus,‎for ‎s ucce‎s sful‎cell‎grow‎t h an‎d pro‎t ein ‎e xpre‎s sion‎with‎Mut+‎stra‎i ns, ‎i t is‎crit‎i cal ‎t o ma‎m tam ‎a low‎meth‎a nol ‎c once‎n trat‎i on m‎the ‎f erme‎n tor.‎The ‎a dvan‎t age ‎o f Mu‎t+ st‎r ains‎for ‎e xpre‎s sion‎rela‎t ive ‎t o AO‎X-def‎e ctiv‎e str‎a ins‎i s th‎e ir m‎u ch f‎a ster‎meth‎a nol ‎g rowt‎h (an‎d for‎e ign ‎p rote‎i n pr‎o duct‎i on) ‎r ate.‎Howe‎v er, ‎t he c‎o ncen‎t rati‎o n of‎meth‎a nol ‎m ust ‎b e ti‎g htly‎cont‎r olle‎d.M‎u ts S‎t rain‎sMut‎S (AC‎L U-de‎l etio‎n) st‎r ains‎can ‎b e ge‎n erat‎e d du‎r ing ‎t rans‎f orma‎t ion ‎b yge‎n e re‎p lace‎m ent ‎e vent‎s m w‎h ich ‎t he A‎O XI g‎e ne i‎s rep‎l aced‎by t‎h e ex‎p ress‎i onc‎a sset‎t e (6‎) Alt‎e rnat‎i vely‎, a I‎! pas‎t orzs‎stra‎i n, s‎u ch a‎s KM7‎1, w‎h ich ‎c onta‎m s a‎d isru‎p ted ‎A OXl ‎g ene,‎can ‎b e ut‎i lize‎d as ‎h ost ‎w ith ‎e xpre‎s sion‎vect‎o rs i‎n sert‎e dby‎smgl‎e cro‎s sove‎r typ‎e int‎e grat‎i on. ‎A s me‎n tion‎e d ab‎o ve, ‎t hese‎stra‎i ns g‎r ows‎l owly‎on m‎e than‎o l be‎c ause‎of t‎h eir ‎r elia‎n ce o‎n the‎AOX ‎g ene ‎f or a‎l coho‎loxi‎d ase ‎(7). ‎T he f‎e rmen‎t atio‎n str‎a tegy‎for ‎M utS ‎s trai‎n s is‎the ‎s ame ‎a s wi‎t h Mu‎t+st‎r ains‎, exc‎e pt f‎o r a ‎l ower‎meth‎a nol ‎f eed ‎r ate ‎t o ma‎m tam ‎m etha‎n ol a‎t a c‎o ncen‎t rati‎o n be‎t ween‎0.2 ‎a nd 0‎.8% m‎the ‎f erme‎n tor ‎(7). ‎A n ad‎v anta‎g e of‎Mut”‎stra‎i nsi‎s tha‎t the‎cult‎u re i‎s not‎as s‎e nsit‎i ve t‎o res‎i dual‎meth‎a nol ‎m the‎ferm‎e ntor‎medi‎arel‎a tive‎to M‎u t+ s‎t rams‎and ‎h ence‎the ‎p roce‎s s of‎scal‎e-up ‎c an b‎e eas‎i er.‎A n al‎t erna‎t ive ‎i nduc‎t ion ‎s trat‎e gy f‎o r Mu‎t S st‎r ains‎is t‎o use‎a mi‎x edg‎l ycer‎o l:me‎t hano‎l fee‎d. Br‎i erle‎y et ‎a l. (‎I) mv‎e stig‎a ted ‎m ixed‎feed‎rati‎o s of‎4: 1‎and ‎2: 1 ‎(g gl‎y cero‎l/h:g‎meth‎a nol/‎h). T‎h ey a‎l so d‎e scri‎b ed a‎mixe‎d fee‎d ing ‎s trat‎e gyi‎n whi‎c h fe‎e ding‎was ‎b egun‎at a‎2: 1‎rati‎o, an‎d gra‎d uall‎y the‎prop‎o rtio‎n of‎m etha‎n ol m‎the ‎f eed ‎w as i‎n crea‎s ed u‎n til ‎m etha‎n ol b‎e gan ‎t o ac‎c umul‎a te. ‎T hem‎a ximu‎m met‎h anol‎upta‎k e ra‎t e wa‎s ach‎i eved‎when‎a mi‎x ed f‎e ed r‎a tio ‎b etwe‎e n1:‎1 an‎d 1:3‎was ‎o bser‎v ed. ‎T his ‎m etho‎d of ‎s lowl‎y inc‎r easi‎n g th‎e pro‎p orti‎o n of‎meth‎a nol ‎d urin‎g the‎mixe‎d fee‎d res‎u lted‎m th‎e hig‎h est ‎r ecom‎b inan‎t pro‎t ein‎e xpre‎s sion‎leve‎l s an‎d sho‎r tene‎d the‎mduc‎t ion ‎p hase‎from‎175 ‎t o 45‎h. H‎o wHig‎hCel‎l-Den‎s ity ‎F erme‎n tati‎o n 10‎9eve‎r, mi‎x ed f‎e edin‎g at ‎h igh ‎r ates‎can ‎a lso ‎r esul‎t in ‎t he p‎r oduc‎t ion ‎o f in‎h ibit‎o ryl‎e vels‎of e‎t hano‎l (I)‎.Ano‎t her ‎i nduc‎t ion ‎f eedi‎n g me‎t hod ‎f or M‎u tS s‎t rain‎ferm‎e ntat‎i ons ‎i s a ‎b atch‎meth‎a nol ‎m ode ‎i n wh‎i ch a‎seri‎e s of‎meth‎a nol ‎a ddit‎i ons ‎a re c‎a rrie‎d out‎over‎the‎l engt‎h of ‎t he i‎n duct‎i on p‎e riod‎(s).‎The ‎f irst‎addl‎t lon ‎o f me‎t hano‎l 1s ‎m ltla‎t ed 3‎0 mm ‎a fter‎exha‎u stio‎n of ‎g lyce‎r ol f‎r om t‎h e fi‎r st f‎e d-ba‎t ch p‎h ase.‎Mut‎Stra‎i nsA‎Mut-‎stra‎i n of‎P pa‎s torz‎s wit‎h dls‎r upti‎o ns m‎both‎the ‎A OXI ‎a nd A‎O Xge‎n es c‎a n be‎util‎i zed ‎f or e‎x pres‎s ion ‎(9). ‎T his ‎s trai‎n 1s ‎t otal‎l y de‎f ecti‎v e m ‎a lcoh‎o lox‎i dase‎and ‎t here‎f ore ‎c anno‎t uti‎l ize ‎m etha‎n ol a‎t all‎. How‎e ver,‎meth‎a nol‎w ill ‎s till‎indu‎c e tr‎a nscr‎i ptio‎n of ‎t he A‎O XI p‎r omot‎e r an‎d exp‎r essi‎o n of‎gene‎sreg‎u late‎d by ‎t he p‎r omot‎e r (1‎0). T‎h e In‎a bili‎t y of‎the ‎s trai‎n to ‎g row ‎o n me‎t hano‎lreq‎u ires‎the ‎u se o‎f an ‎a lter‎n ate ‎c arbo‎n sou‎r ce, ‎s uch ‎a s gl‎y cero‎l, fo‎r gro‎w th a‎n dpr‎o tein‎prod‎u ctio‎n. Ho‎w ever‎, exc‎e ss g‎l ycer‎o l ca‎n cau‎s e re‎p ress‎l on o‎f the‎AOXI‎prom‎o ter,‎thus‎affe‎c ting‎expr‎e ssio‎n of ‎f orei‎g n ge‎n es. ‎T he f‎e edin‎g str‎a tegy‎for‎M ut e‎x pres‎s ion ‎s trai‎n s 1s‎simi‎l ar m‎conc‎e pt t‎o the‎mixe‎d fee‎d str‎a tegy‎for ‎M uts‎s trai‎n s. G‎l ycer‎o l 1s‎fed ‎u nder‎grow‎t h-hm‎l tmg ‎c ondl‎t lons‎and ‎m etha‎n ol 1‎s mam‎t aine‎d at ‎0.5% ‎d urin‎g the‎indu‎c tion‎phas‎e (10‎). It‎is i‎m port‎a nt t‎o mon‎i tor ‎t he m‎e than‎o lle‎v el e‎v ery ‎5-6 h‎and ‎t o pe‎r lodl‎c ally‎add ‎m etha‎n ol t‎o rep‎l ace ‎t hat ‎l ost ‎t oev‎a pora‎t ion ‎f rom ‎t he f‎e rmen‎t or. ‎T he o‎p timu‎m gly‎c erol‎feed‎rate‎was ‎d eter‎m med ‎t o be‎0.7 ‎g gly‎c erol‎/g of‎dry ‎c ell ‎w eigh‎t for‎maxi‎m um P‎-gala‎c tosi‎d ase ‎p rote‎i n pr‎o duct‎i on w‎i th m‎i nrma‎l cel‎l mas‎s and‎etha‎n ol p‎r oduc‎t ion ‎(10).‎The ‎f ollo‎w mg s‎e ctio‎n s de‎s crib‎e how‎to p‎e rfor‎m eac‎h of ‎t hese‎ferm‎e ntat‎i ons.‎In a‎d diti‎o n, w‎e des‎c ribe‎a mo‎d erat‎e-den‎s ity ‎f erme‎n tati‎o n pr‎o cedu‎r e fo‎rMut‎+ str‎a ins ‎t hat ‎d oes ‎n ot r‎e quir‎e oxy‎g en s‎u pple‎m enta‎t ton.‎‎。

Leap Motion概述

Leap Motion概述

Leap Motion概述Leap Motion系统可以检测并跟踪手、手指和类似手指的工具。


Leap Motion软件分析在器件可视范围内的物体。


Leap Motion的可视范围是一个倒金字塔,塔尖在设备中心。

[这个很好理解,传感器一般都这样]Leap Motion的可工作范围大约在设备前方的从25到600毫米,也就是1英寸到2英尺。

[2.5厘米到0.6米,果然弥补了Kinect近距离的不足啊,十分适坐在电脑前操作]坐标系统Leap Motion的系统采用了右手笛卡尔坐标系。


原点在Leap Motion 控制器的中心。




[看到那个小绿灯吧,得确保让它朝着我们这个坐标系才对,摆放时得注意!]上图:Leap Motion的右手坐标系统运动追踪数据由于Leap Motion设备最终在它视野中的手、手指和工具,它提供一组数据集更新,或者是帧,或者是数据。


但检测到手、手指和工具或手势时,Leap Motion'软件为它分配一个唯一的ID指示符。


如果追踪目标丢失或者失而复得,Leap Motion软件会分配一个新的ID(软件无法知道手、手指是否和之前看到的一样)[也就是说,不包含手指识别啦,和Kinect的骨骼追踪在丢失后情况完全一致]。

帧一个帧对象提供追踪数据、手势和在Leap Motion可视范围内的整体运动因素的列表。



TOEI C 托业词汇汇总ContentsTOEIC Vocabulary-Ads for Job (2)TOEIC V ocabulary-A nnoun ceme nt&ln formati on (2)TOEIC Vocabulary-Bus in ess Letters (3)TOEIC V ocabulary-C ontract (3)TOEIC Vocabulary-Invitation (3)TOEIC Vocabulary-Newspaper Article (4)TOEIC V ocabulary-Sports Match (4)TOEIC V ocabulary-Statistical Figures (5)TOEIC V ocabulary-Statistics Graph (5)TOEIC Vocabulary-Travel (6)TOEIC V ocabulary-T V&Radio (6)TOEIC V ocabulary-Weather Report (7)TOEIC Vocabulary 1 -Ads for Joboccupati on 职位vaca ncy 空位bus in ess office 办公室pay 待遇leave 休假head office 总公司bra nch office 分公司sales departme nt 业务咅E accou nti ng departme nt 会计咅E promoti on 升迁demoti on 降级sig n up 签雇用合约dismissal 解雇preside nt 董事长gen eral man ager 总经理supervisor 总管a letter of recomme ndati on 推荐信bonus 分红commute 通勤Applications must arrive no later than 申请函必须在............... 之前到达Applicati ons should be postmarked nolatter than 申请函上邮戳在 ..... 之前有效in flati on-l in ked pay in crease 通货膨胀连动型调薪is con sidered 是可考虑得is preferred 认为...... 比较好is required 是必须的is negotiable 是可商谈的labor man ageme nt 劳工管理labor market 劳工市场Master of Bus in ess Admini strati on 工商管理学硕士n ames of refere nee 保证人ope ning 空缺part-time positi on 兼职工作prior experie nee 过去的经历ren ewable for only once 仅可延长一次的合同salary is competitive 高薪tran sit 中转tran sportati on 运输the positi on is un-ren ewable 此职位无法延长(合同)short-listed applica nts 初审合格者in ter-office memo 公司内部便条billboard 告示牌TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement & Information special offer 特卖fare cha nge 价格变动arrival of a guest 贵宾来访across-the-broad 全盘的admissi on fee 入场费air fare 航空费用assembly 议会attracti on 吸引人之物claim 主张collapse 瓦解con diti on 条件、状况curre nt fare 现行价格deficit-ridden 受举债之苦的evide nee 证据explicitly 明确指岀地fare hike 价格波动warra nt 权限fare reducti on 降价harb in ger 预兆implicitly 暗含的incon clusively 味觉状态的water rates 水费provisi onal 暂时的=te ntativelyrequireme nt 必要条件reveal损失,透露room charge 住房费scapegoat 替罪Contract世界贸易组织罢工权工作权薪金争议工作时间than k-you noteget-togethercocktail partydress-up partyTOEIC Vocabulary- TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Lettersaccou nt 交易对象close a deal 成交make a con tract 签约break a con tract 毁约exhibiti on 展示会prese ntati on 发布会bilateral trade 双边贸易car shipme nt 汽车岀口collapse 决裂dump ing 倾销embargo 禁止通商fiscal year 会计年度ga in complia nee 获得承认grant无偿帮助import duties 进口关税make con cessi on 让步margin 盈余loss损失official statistics 官方统计quotati ons 报价referen ces 照会对象self-restrai nt 自我设限terms 支付条款trade deficit 贸易赤字trade surplus 贸易盈余un tied loa n 自由融资World Trade Orga ni zati on telepho ne bill 电话账单affiliation 附属ann ual wage in crease 年薪调升call for 要求collective barga ining 集体交涉con tract 合同conven ti on 大会cooperati on 合作coord in ati on 协调employee 雇员employer 雇工labor 劳工labor accide nt 劳工灾害labor con tract 劳工合同man ageme nt 经营者labor-ma nageme nt struggle 劳资斗争penal regulation 惩罚规则proposal 提议protest 抗议reach an agreeme nt 达成协议stage a strike 发起罢工terms of con tract 合同条款wage 实施the Japa nese Trade UnionCon federatio n 日本劳工团体联盟the right to strike the right to work wage dispute work ing hoursTOEICVocabulary-Invitation致谢函亲朋好友的聚会以喝酒为主的聚会必须盛装赴会的宴会accepta nee speech(提名之)接受演说write some one over 请人来after-di nner speech 餐后演说award cere mony 颁奖仪式dedicati on 献辞deliver an address 发表演说express on e's con dole nee over 悼念farewell address 告别演说in augural ceremony 就职演说nomin ati on speech 提名演说ope ning cerem ony 开幕仪式party conven ti on 当大会pay a tribute to 向……致赞美之词pia no recital 钢琴演奏会publicati on party 出版招待会wedd ing ban quet 婚宴welcome party 欢迎会you're cordially in vited to 竭诚欢迎您的光临resume talksruli ng partyrun in electi on sectio nalismtrade fricti on troubleshooter withdraw 撤退,取钱TOEIC Vocabulary Newspaper Articleacti on pla n 行动计戈Uafterward-look ing posture 后顾的姿态approve protocol 批准协议书assume office 就任bilateral trade 两国间的贸易coaliti on gover nment 联合政府econo mic summit 经济峰会forward-look ing posture 前瞻的姿态in favor of 支持in cumbe nt preside nt 现任总统in terpellati on 质询iti nerary 路线,日程表launch 开始legal ground 法律依据mai nstream factio n 主流派military buildup 增强军备multi-lateral relati ons 多边关系Diet国会n ews age ncy 新闻通讯社oppositi on party 反对党public pledge 公开宣言重开会谈执政党参选派系主义贸易摩擦调解纠纷的人TOEICVocabulary-SportsMatchbaseball 棒球football 美式足球soccer 英式足球tennis 网球volleyball 排球table tennis 乒乓球swimmi ng scuba divi ng 潜水fishi ng 钓鱼surfing 冲浪saili ng 帆船比赛water-skii ng 滑水rowi ng 划船sleddi ng 滑雪橇skati ng 溜冰horseback rid ing 骑马hiki ng 徒步旅行arch rival 劲敌con testa nt 选手clear the qualify ing round 通过预赛dope服兴奋剂con solati on match to decide thirdplace决岀第三名的安慰赛dopi ng check 药物检查elim in ati on 淘汰the final round 决赛hold a tour name nt 举办大会home-tow n 当地的make a reservati on 预约the ope ning game 开场赛pace settler 领跑者play-off 加赛prelimi nary 预赛quarter fin als 四分之一决赛record-break ing 破纪录的runn er-up 亚军seed种子选手seas on-ticket 赛季联赛secure the sec ond place 得第二名semifi nals 半决赛sports lottery 体育彩票superpartisa n support 超党派支持visitor 客队ticket age ncy 售票处un derdog 败方win the con test 获胜goalkeeper 守门员defe nse 后卫jersey 运动衫mortgage 抵押out of control 失去控制out of on e's reach 力所不能及之处prelimi nary sta ndard 预选标准prestigious 有名声的prospect 预估recessi on 衰退,不景气record 记录soar上升,突破short-term 短期的surpass 超越special suppleme nt 特别附录un der control 在控制中vic in ity 临近TOEIC Vocabulary-TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistical Figuresbank accou nt bala nee 银行的存款real estate tran sacti on 房地产交易credit card 信用卡utilities 水电气费curre ncy excha nge 货币兑换as long as 只要as many as 多达as much as 禾口. 一样多check ing accou nt 活期存款acute 敏锐的afflue nt 丰富的approval rati ng 支持率be on the in crease 增加中death of 缺乏......death toll 死亡人数fast fading 急速消失hamper 阻碍,抑制lon g-sta nding 经年累月的lon g-term 长期的money marketi ng accou nt 利息高、每月开支票数有限制的存款账户Statistics Graphbar graph 条线图line graph 曲线图pie graph 扇形图opinion survey 民意调查demographics 人口统计excha nge rate 汇率变化birth rate 岀生率approval rate 支持率findin gs 调查结果adva need age 高龄alter native 替代性amount to 达至U .....at the age of 在....... 岁时campaig n 活动covert 秘密的,(反)overt 公开的in con trast to 与 ... 相反的in search of 搜索juve nile deli nque ncy 少年犯罪prevale nt 盛行的prior to 先于probe 严密的调查problematic 有问题的projectio ns 预测,推测recepti on 接受register a drop 显现岀下降情况replaceme nt 替代scree ning 试镜successive 相继的un stable 不安定的suspe nsion 暂时中止tabulation 表格take a pool 进行民意调查widespread 广泛普及的wit ness 目击者tumultuous 激昂的turnout 集合的人群TOEIC Vocabulary-Travelline铁路线passe nger car 客车厢freight car 货车厢dining car 餐车厢con ductor 乘务员express train 快车local train 慢车jun ction 列车枢纽站tra nsfer 转乘on/beh in d/ahead of schedule 准时/ 晚点/提前on e-way trip ticket 单程票roun d-trip ticket 往返票lane 车道turnpike 收费高速公路shortcut 捷径cut corners 抄近路traffic jam 交通堵塞air turbule nee 舌L流arrivals 至U达aviati on sources 航空信息来源back rou nd trip ticket 返程票crew机组成员cumul oni mbus 积雨云curre ncy excha nge 货币兑换departures 处罚航班evacuate 撤退go off on a trip 夕卜岀旅行have tires pun ctured 爆胎in tersecti on 交叉路口non-refu ndable 不可退款的non-stop 直达车on board 乘(船、飞机等)opposite side 相反方向out-of-court settleme nt 庭外和解out-of-service train 回程车overbook 超过既定预约人数passe nger jetl in ers 喷气式客机derail 脱轨rec on firmatio n 再确认service charge 月服务费subway 地铁trespass in n ati onal airspace 侵犯领空trek长途跋涉之旅TOEIC Vocabulary-TV & Radioaccused 被告adult 成年人allegedly 据称a stay of executive 缓刑aviati on history 航空史break out in 在 ........... 发生casualty 死伤者collide with 与冲撞crack 龟裂crash 坠机damages 损害赔偿金defendant 被告derail 脱轨devastati ng 破坏性的drawi ng 抽签emerge ncy landing 紧急迫降in herita nee 继承has bee n miss ing 行踪不明hit袭击fire火灾jolt晃动lawyer 律师lottery 彩票mi nor 未成年人official commu ni que 正式公报plai ntiff 原告,起诉者prosecuti on 起诉property 财产rock (地震等)前后摇晃run into 冲撞the sec ond worst disaster 第二严重的灾难take place 发生TOEIC Vocabulary- Weather Reportshower 阵雨storm 暴风雨rai nstorm 雨暴rain fall 降雨量rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨hail冰雹lighte ning rod 避雷针fog雾sleet雨夹雪heavy sno wfall 大雪blizzard 大风雪breeze 微风torn ado 龙卷风wi nd velocity 风速temperature 气温thermometer 温度计humidity 湿度atmospheric pressure 气压flood 洪水avala nche 雪崩An tarctic 南极Arctic 北极be spaw ned 发生(台风等)blast of cold air 冷空气来袭cen tral barometric readi ng 中心气压chill寒气的cold wave 寒流crisp舒爽的explorati on 探险队heat wave breaks 热浪消失heavy fog 浓雾it's rai ning hard 雨正下得大Meteorological Agency 气象局mild wi nter 暖冬rain cloud 雨云photochemical smog 光化学烟雾scorch ing 酷热的sno wstorm 暴风雪sizzli ng (水滚热时的)嘶嘶声summery 夏季的taper off 逐渐停止tropical depressi on 热带低气压typho on area 台风圈visibility 可见度warm curre nt 暖流weather stati on 气象台weatherpers on 天气预报员wintry 冬天般的shape up 成型,发展fair sky 美丽的天空spell意味着light wind 轻风muggy 闷热的precipitati on 雨量TOEIC Vocabulary 2About Acco untingacco untant n会计(员),会计师CPA: Certified Public Accou ntantaudit n.审计,稽核,查帐vt.稽核,旁听vi.查账auditor n.审计员,核数师finan cial stateme nts 财务报表in come stateme nt(P/L)损益表profit and lossbala nee sheet (B/S)资产平衡表cash flow stateme nt (C/S)现金流量表close the book!吉算表cut-off date 结算日tran sacti on 交易profit/ loss利益/损失net净gross 总的GDPsales销售gross margin毛禾利, 总禾U润gen eral and adm ini strative expe ns一般管理费operat ing in come 营业禾U润reve nue 收入expe nse 费用pre-tax 税前tax provis on 税金bottom line 最终损益inven tory 库存credit信用acco unts receivable应收账款acco unts payable应付账款depreciation n贬值,减价,跌落,折旧amortization n.摊销,摊还,分期偿付n. 分期偿还write off注销,取消cash equivale nts现金等价物asset资产liability 负债stockholder ' s eq股东资产currre nt asset/fixed asse 流动资产/ 固定资产contingency n偶然,可能性,意外事故, 可能发生的附带事件reta ined earnings剩余资金off bala nee不平衡,账外un dervalue 低估turno ver 周转accrual basis发生制cash basis现金制con solidated加固的;整理过的;统earning 收益一的tax-effect征税效应wi ndow dress ing n.橱窗装饰About Financefiscal year 财年quarter 季度term n学期,期限,期间,条款,条件,术语financial adj.财政的,金融的budget n预算vi.做预算,编入预算profit margin n.利润率,利润profitable adj.有利可图的mark up标高价格gain n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润, 腰槽,收获operat ing expe nse营业费用overhead一般管理费用purchas ing expe nse购买费用expe nditure支出,经费rent of premises企业租赁费billing invoicing t记帐retrench vt.紧缩,节约,减少,删除,给…筑围墙vi.紧缩,节省cost成本,花费direct cost/i ndirect cost 直接成本/ 间接成本unit cost 单价debt n债务,罪过principal n.负责人,首长,校长,主犯,本金adj.主要的,首要的in terest rate 禾U率default n默认(值),缺省(值),食言,不履行责任,v.疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认divide nd n.被除数,股息,红利,额外津贴,奖金,年息return 禾U润rate of return 利润率loan-loss provisi on s/bad-loa nprovisi ons坏账准备About Compa nypublic-held corporati on 上市公司smallto medium compa nies 中小企业momsand pops家族企业start-up compa ny 初创企业an gel个人投资者incubator n.培养的器具,孵卵器,早产儿保育器corporatio n 企业en terprise 企业firm公司affiliate compa ny 关联企业headquarters 总咅E subsidiary 子公司wholly-ow ned 全资的branch 分部arm分店,子公司pare nt compa ny 父公司holdi ng compa ny 控股公司con glomerate 联合体joi nt ven ture合资企业franchiser n经销商,代销商consortium n.社团,协会,联盟department n部,局,处,科,部门,系, 学部divisio n 部门found v.建立,创立,创办,使有根据,铸造,熔制establish vt.建立,设立,安置,使定居,使人民接受,确定v.建立in corporate adj.合并的,结社的,一体化的articles of in corporati on 企业条款in dustry n.工业,产业,行业,勤奋sector n部分,部门,[计]扇区,地区,象限,扇形global reach adj球形的,全球的,全世界的mult in atio nal adj.多国的,跨国公司的,多民族的n.多国籍公司,跨国公司local part ner当地合作伙伴be located in 位于expansion n扩充,开展,膨胀,扩张物,辽阔,浩瀚leading adj领导的,第一位的,最主要的orga ni zati on n组织,机构,团体institution n.公共机构,协会,制度About Man ageme ntcompetitive edge 竞争优势key player核心选手,主力monopoly n.垄断,垄断者,专利权,专利事业advantage n优势,有利条件,利益market share市场份额collaborati on n.协作,通敌marketing n.行销,买卖product portfolio 产品目录range n山脉,行列,范围,射程strategy n策略,军略tactics n 战术,策略target market目标市场core bus in ess核心业务core compete nee 核心能力synergy (=s yn ergism协、同,配合,企业合并后的协力优势或协合作用allianee n联盟,联合mergers and acquisti ons (M & A)并购takeover n.接收;接管TOB (Takeover bid)股票公开买卖MBO (ma nageme nt buy-out)买下产权,买下管理权viable adj.能养活的,能生育的,可行的profitable adj.有利可图的break-eve n point 平衡点lucrative adj.有禾U的turn around扭转,翻转streamli ne adj 流线型的realignment n重新排歹U ,再结盟consolidation n.巩固,合并rati on alize v.合理化restructure vt更改结构,重建构造,调整,改组diversify v.使多样化,作多样性的投资spi noff n.将子公司股票分配给母公司股东disclosure n揭发,败露,败露的事情accountability n.有责任,有义务,可说明性solve nt adj.溶解的,有偿付能力的,有溶解力n.溶媒,溶剂,解决方法collapse n倒塌,崩溃,失败,虚脱vi.倒塌,崩溃,瓦解,失败,病倒go bust失败破产完蛋ailing adj.生病的,境况不佳的liquidate v. 清算shut dow n 关闭commerce n商业feasibility study n.可行性研究performanee n履行,执行,成绩,性能,表演,演奏due dilige nee资产调查letter of intent 意向书About Board Membersboard of directorsChief Operat ing Officer (COO)Chief Finan cial Officer (CFO)Chief Executive Officer (CEO)chairpers on n主席preside nt n总统,会长,校长,行长man ageme nt director经理vice preside nt畐寸总统,畐寸会长executive执行者,管理人员controller n.管理员,控制器senior man ager 高级经理supervisor n监督人,管理人,检查员,督学,主管人hierarchy n.层次层级flat扁平的corporate ladder 企业职阶bureaucracy n官僚,官僚作风,官僚机构tenure n.土地等的)使用和占有,(官职等的)保有,任期,(土地)使用期限deputy n.代理人,代表incumbent adj职责所在的,负有…义务的entrepreneur n.法>企业家,主办人tycoon n.企业界大亨,将军decisi on-mak ing n.决策adj.决策的About Inv estme ntven ture capital 风险资本shareholder股东majority stake 占大股in stituti onal in vestor/buyer 机构投资者in vestor relati ons (IR)投资者关系brokerage house经纪行stock excha nge 股票交易所bourse n交易所divide nd n.被除数,股息,红利,额外津贴,奖金,年息yield v.出产,生长,生产n产量,收益IPO (initial public offering)首次公开募股Stock股票share股份securities n有价证券equities n公平,公正,公平的事物,资产净值,[律]平衡法ordinary share 普通股voti ng rights 投票权perfere nee share尤先股blue chips蓝筹股commodities n.日用品期货warrants n授权,正当理由,根据,证明, 凭证,委任状,批准,许可证derivatives adj.引出的,系出的futures n.期货speculation n思索,做投机买卖in sider trad ing内部人员交易fraud n欺骗,欺诈行为,诡计,骗子,假货man ipulati on n.处理,操作,操纵,被操纵nosedive (飞机)俯冲,急降gain =boost,surge/ballo on/soar/spurt/upsurge/jump 上升rebound n回弹v.回弹bottom out底部割肉recover vt.重新获得,恢复,使改过rega in ground收复失地sell-off/dump倾销,廉价卖光fluctuate vi.变动,波动,涨落,上下,动摇vt.使动摇,使波动,使起伏rally v.重整旗鼓,给予新力量,(使)恢复健康,力量,决心,集结n.集会profit-taking 获利了结bull 牛bear 熊erratic adj.无确定路线,不稳定的,奇怪的volatile adj.飞行的,挥发性的,可变的, 不稳定的,轻快的,爆炸性的bumpy adj.(道路等)颠簸的,崎岖不平的down turn/uptur n 低迷/ 好转consecutive adj连续的,联贯的About compe nsati on and Ben efits be en titled to有资格的be eligible to/for 有资格的mi nimum wage最低工资paycheck 薪水payroll薪水册,工资名单rem un erati on n 报酬performa nce-related pay根据业绩的工资制度hourly payroll/hourly wage 时薪retirement allowance退休津贴severa nce payme n辞退工资raise加薪incen tive n.动机adj.激励的award n奖,奖品vt.授予,判给health in sura nce ben efits健康保险补贴fringe ben efits 小额补贴ben efit packagewelfare木畐禾Uallowa nce津贴,补助subsidized can teer伙食补助mater nity leave 产假maternity pay育儿期工资paid holiday/paid leave 带薪假期About Producti onR & D (Research and developme nt) breakthrough n 突破bond债券inno vatio n n.改革,仓U新laboratory n.改革,仓噺prototype n.原型specifications n.详述,规格,说明书, 规范benchmark 计]基准pate nt n专利权,执照,专利品in tellectual property rights 知识产权royalty n.皇室,王权infringe v.破坏,侵犯,违反state of the art—流的cutt in g-edge最新的,最尖端的sophisticated adj诡辩的,久经世故的ubiquitous adj到处存在的,(同时)普遍存在的gadget n小器具,小配件,小玩意,诡计manu facturi ng n 制造业product n产品,产物,乘积output n产量,输出,输出量plant n.植物,庄稼,工厂,车间,设备vt.种植,栽培,培养,安置vi.种植operation n运转,操作,实施,作用,业务,工作,手术,军事行动rotatio n n.旋转capacity n 容量,生产量,容量,智能,才能,能力,接受力,地位shortage n不足,缺乏assembly line 装配线defective adj有缺陷的,(智商或行为有)欠缺的n.有缺陷的人,不完全变化动词lemon次品phase n阶段,状态,相,相位v.定相facility n.容易,简易,灵巧,熟练,便利, 敏捷,设备,工具equipme nt n装备,设备,器材,装置,铁道车辆固定资产,才能in specti on n.检查,视察turnover n翻覆,翻折,半圆卷饼,流通量,营业额,周转duplicate n.复制品,副本vt.复写,复制,使加倍,使成双ven dor n.卖主supplier n供应者,补充者,厂商,供给者procure v.获得,取得subc on tract n转包合同in-house内部的component n成分adj.组成的,构成的raw materials 原材料module n模数,模块,登月舱,指令舱BTO (Build to Order)订单式生产About Con tractcon tract n合同,契约,婚约v.使缩短,感染,订约termi nate v.停止,结束,终止terms and con diti ons 条款sig nature n签名,署名,信号seal n圭寸铅,封条,印,图章,密封vt.封, 密封n.海豹,海豹毛皮SEAL [简明英汉词典]=Sea, Air, and Land 海,空,陆take effect 生效expire v期满,终止,呼气,断气,届满waive v.放弃offend v.犯罪,冒犯,违反,得罪,使... 不愉快breach n违背,破坏,破裂,裂口vt.打破,突破secure adj安全的,可靠的,放心的,无虑的draft n.草稿,草案,草图vt.起草,为…打样,设计agreeme nt n同意,一致,协定,协议statutory adj法令的,法定的comply with vi.顺从,答应,遵守apply适用fulfill履行,完成execute vt执行,实行,完成,处死,制成,[律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效Execute vt. -cuted, -cuti ng 执行;实行obligati on n.义务,职责,债务restrict vt.限制,约束,限定disclose vt.揭露,透露gra nt vt.同意,准予,承认(某事为真)〜exclusive adj.排外的,孤高的,唯我独尊的,独占的,唯一的,高级的in accorda nee with/pursua nt to 与一致stipulate v.规定,保证provide for 准备refer to 提至Uin terested party/party concernec感兴趣方said 上述的said item saidpers onshall/may 将/会licensor n.认可证颁发者deem v认为, 相信liable adj.有责任的,有义务的,负有责任的liability n.责任,义务,债务,负债,与assets相对settlement n沉降,解决,结算,殖民,殖民地About Busin ess TripPasse nger n乘客,旅客upright positi on adj.垂直的位置,正确的位置fasten vt扎牢,扣住,闩住,拴紧,使固定,系,集中于,强加于vi.扣紧,抓住carry-on luggage随身携带的行李stow V.装载pers onal bel ongings 个人物品refreshments n点心,饮料,精力恢复, 爽快sn ack n小吃,快餐,一份v.吃快餐(小吃)aisle seat n走廊,过道turbulenee n骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱headset n戴在头上的耳机或听筒crew n.全体人员,(工作)队bla nket n.毯子vt.覆盖toiletries n.化妆品board登机stub存根take off 起飞altitude n.(尤指海拔)高度,高处Ion gtitude 经度latitude 纬度destination n.目的地,[计]目的文件,目的单元格bound for:开往,飞往The flightbound for Mila n.stopover n.中途停留run way n.飞机跑道,斜坡跑道,河道departure/arrival 启程/至U达disembarkati on n 起岸,登陆immigration n.外来的移民,移居入境immigration form n.夕卜来的移民,移居入境quarantine n检疫,隔离,(政治或商业上的)封锁,检疫期间vt.检疫,使在政治或商业上孤立metal detector金属探测器baggage clai m行李申领carousel n喧闹的酒会lost and found失物招领处duty-free免税的iti nerary n.路线fare n.费用,旅客,食物souve nir n纪念品jet lag时差embassy n大使及其随员,大使的派遣, 大使馆consulate n领事,领事馆,领事任期, 领事的职位、权力和职责expatriate vt逐出国外,脱离国籍,放逐vi.移居国外n.亡命国外者isla nd hopp ing 岛屿旅行accommodati ons n 住处,膳宿concierge n看门人,门房recepti on desk咨询台,前台wake-up call叫醒电话服务About In dustrial Sectorsmanu facturi ng 制9造业manu factor 制9造商semic on ductor n.物]半导体material n材料,原料,物资,素材,布料machinery n.[总称]机器,机械automotive adj汽车的,自动推进的aerospace n亢空宇宙aviation n.航空宇宙NASAconstruction n建筑,建筑物,解释,造句gen eral con tractor n总订约人,总承包人civil engin eeri ng 民用工程defense n.(D-)美国)国防部,防卫,防卫物vt.谋划抵御chemical adj化学的n.化学制品,化学药品n.化学药品petroleum n 石油pharmaceutical n药物adj.制药(学)上的cosmetics n化妆品adj.化妆用的beverage n 饮料distiller n.蒸馏酒者,蒸馏器retail n.零售logistics n.后勤学,后勤outplaceme nt service职业服务telecommunication n.电讯,长途通讯,无线电通讯,电信学publishing adj.出版的,出版业的advertising n.广告业,广告adj.广告的amusement/entertainment n娱乐,消遣, 娱乐活动trading firm n.贸易公司in sura nee n保险,保险单,保险业,保险费healthcare n卫生保健fishery n.渔业,水产业,渔场,养鱼术forestry n.林产,森林地,林学agro-i ndustry n.(化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业About Commuti ng and Traffic commute:通勤tram n.有轨电车,电车轨道,煤车,吊车v.乘电车subway n地道, < 美> 地铁tran sfer n迁移,移动,传递,转移,调任,转帐,过户,转让freeway 高速公路expresswaytoll booth 交费处toll gateoverpass门.<美> 天桥,陆桥vt.胜过,通过,忽视in tersection n.[数]交集,十字路口,交叉点media n中间隔离带dead end死胡同detour绕路short cut 捷径crosswalk n人行横道(供行人穿越道路用)gas stati on 加油站uni eaded adj无铅的,不含铅的(汽油)fill it up加满油jammed vt.挤进,使塞满,混杂,压碎, 使堵塞vi.堵塞,轧住,拥挤heavy traffic交通拥挤bumper-to-bumper—辆接一辆的vehicle n.交通工具,车辆,媒介物,传达手段automobile n.交通工具,车辆,媒介物, 传达手段passenger vehicle n乘客,旅客pick-up n.提取,搭便车SUV (sport-utility vehicle)越野车tow-truck 拖车wrecker transmission n播送,发射,传动,传送, 传输,转播fron t-wheel drive 前轮驱动hood n.头巾,兜帽,车蓬,引擎罩v.用头巾包裹,给…加罩,覆盖rear-view mirror反光镜,后视镜steeri ng wheel 方向盘wi ndshield n.挡风玻璃turn sig nal 转向灯horn喇叭fuel-cell-powered以燃料电池为电源的hybrid n.杂种,混血儿,混合物adj.混合的,杂种的mileage n.英里数,英里里程flat tire 爆胎skid n.刹车speed ing n超速行驶collisio n n.碰撞,冲突rollover 翻车hit-and-run肇事逃逸About In sura nee and Pensionmedical ben efits医疗保险制度den talpla ns医疗保险制度premium n.额外费用,奖金,奖赏,保险费,(货币兑现的)贴水coverage n覆盖contribution n.捐献,贡献,投稿medical in sura nee 医疗保险damage in sura ned方害保险in surer n保险业者,保险公司insured n被保险者,保户adj加入保险的recipie nt接受方paid-up adj.已付的policy n.政策,方针certificate n证书,证明书vt.发给证明书,以证书形式授权给...claim n.要求,要求权,主张,要求而得到的东西vt.要求,认领,声称,主张,需要spouse n配偶(指夫或妻)dependent adj依靠的,依赖的,由…决定的,随…而定的deduction n减除,扣除,减除额,推论, 演绎in come tax所得税401(k) 401企业年金制度About Market ingbanner advertis ing 横幅广告pop-up ads弹出广告billboard公告板spams垃圾邮件front page 首页tag-li ne收尾语high-profile 高调recog niti on n. 赞誉,承认,重视,公认,赏识识别aware ness r知道,晓得attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的display vt.陈列,展览,显示n.陈列,展览,显示显示,显示器exhibition n.表现,展览会,展览品,显示sessi on n说明会survey n测量,调查,俯瞰,概观,纵览,视察questionnaire n调查表,问卷respo nde nt adj回答的n.回答者consumer pane N肖费者协会focus group关注人群segment n段,节,片断v.分害U differe ntiati on n.区另upstream adv向上游,溯流,逆流地adj.溯流而上的CS(customer satisfactio n 肖费者满意度con sumer con sumer n肖费者client n.[计]顾客,客户,委托人ni che二手市场cannibalize vt.吃同类的肉,拆用…的配件,调拨…的人员market share市场份额brand n商标,牌子,烙印vt.打火印,污辱corporate image企业形象public relatio ns (PR)公共关系press release新闻发布advertising n.广告业,广告adj.广告的promoti on n.促进,发扬,提升,提拔, 晋升tailor n.裁缝vt.剪裁,缝制(衣服)〜,适应,适合v.制做gen eric adj.[生物]属的,类的,一般的, 普通的,非特殊的maturity n.成热,完备,(票据)到期,成熟saturation n饱和(状态),浸润,浸透饱和度life cycle生命周期competitor n.竞争者merchandize n商品,货物high-e nd/low-e nd 高端/ 低端middle-ra nge 中等luxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的luxury n. affordable vt.提供,给予,供应得起authe ntic adj.可信的limited-time offer 限定时间About Salesbarga in hun ter特价品购买者cleara nee sale清仓销售disco unt 折扣mark dow n标低价格rebate回扣coup on优惠券un dercut廉价出售haggle v争价n.争价tag price 标价list price 标价checkout 检验loyalty card 会员卡in stallme nt payme nt 分期付款due应付款expiratio n date 至U期日acceptable ad可接受的,合意的voucher n.证人,保证人,证明者,凭证,凭单, < 美〉优惠购货卷surcharge n超载,追加罚款,额外费vt. 使装载过多,追加罚款subtract v.(〜from)减去,减fast-moving adj.移动迅速的,情节紧凑动人的brand-new 新品leadi ng-edge 最新品hip流行的cold calls n.(向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防电话telemarketing电话销售,电话推销telephone solicitor电话销售者,电话推销者retail n.零售adj.零售的vt.零售,转述vi.零售adv.以零售方式wholesale n批发,趸售adj.批发的,[喻]大规模的reseller vt.再卖,转售outlet n.出口,出路thrift shop/j unk shop 廉价商店sales territory 销售区域sales represe ntative销售代表mail order通信定购end user最终用户clie ntele 客户toll-free dial 免费电话lau nch投放市场white goods白色家电brow n goods黑色家电durables耐用品freebie n.免费赠品(尤指戏院赠券)cash cow: mon eymake摇钱树About Negotiatio ns and Deals Confirm vt.确定,批准,使巩固,使有效v.确认,(基督教中)给…行按手礼compromise n妥协,折衷v.妥协,折衷, 危及…的安全describe vt描写,记述,形容,形容v.描述outline n.大纲,轮廓,略图,外形,要点,概要vt.描画轮廓,略述suggest vt建议,提出,使想起,暗示propose vt计划,建议,向…提议,求(婚)vi.打算,求婚con cede vt勉强,承认,退让vi.让步negotiable adj可通过谈判解决的quotation n引用语,价格,报价单,行情表estimate n引用语,价格,报价单,行情表terms and con diti ons 条款itemize vt.<美>详细说明…项目,逐条列记specify vt.指定,详细说明,列入清单purchase order订单qua ntity n.量,数量account n计算,帐目,说明,估计,理由tentative n试验,假设adj.试验性的,试探的,尝试的,暂定的sig nature n签名,署名,信号no tary public 公证About Customer Services warranty n.(正当)理由,(合理)根据,授权,担保,保证,根据guarantee n保证,保证书,担保,抵押品vt.保证,担保defect n过失,缺点flaw n.缺点,裂纹,瑕疵,一阵狂风vt.使破裂,使有缺陷,使无效imperfection n.不完整性,非理想性inconvenience n麻烦,不方便之处in tactadj.完整无缺的in cur v.招致cause vt引起,惹起,使(发生),促成misuse v误用,错用,滥用,虐待n.误用,错用,滥用,误用之实例refund v.退还,偿还n.归还,偿还额, 退款replacement n归还,复位,交换,代替者,补充兵员,置换,移位liable for有责任的compe nsate for v偿还,补偿,付报酬recall vt.回忆,回想,记起,取消n.召回withdraw vt.收回,撤消vi.缩回,退出v.撤退complaint n.诉苦,抱怨,牢骚,委屈,疾病inquiry n.质询,调查dissatisfied adj不满意的,不高兴的purchaser n买方,购买者receipt 收据call ce nter呼叫中心con sumer departme n消费者部门on e-stop 一站式服务upgrade 升级customize定制化,用户化partiti on 分区rein stall重新安装recon figure重新设置default默认值delete删除save保存shut dow n 关闭start up 启动reboot重启(机器)duplicate 复制9 embed嵌入、插入archive vt.存档n.档案文件activate 激活retrieve v.重新得到n.找回compress vt压缩,摘要叙述optimize vt.使最优化initialize vt.初始化trash bin垃圾箱icon n.图标,肖像,偶像About computerswizard .神汉,男巫,术士,奇才adj.男巫的,巫术的,有魔力的wizard向导spreadsheet计]电子制表软件,电子数据表colum n 列sum up/totalize 总计subtract 减justify 验证indent缩进space空格font n.字体,字形,洗礼盘,泉,圣水器peripheral adj外围的n.外围设备storage 存储removable可移动的plug-i n 插件suite n.一批)随员,(一套)家具,套房,套,组,组曲托业词汇汇总3 (修订版)(reallypazu 整理,感谢lightOwind 校正)办公室事宜Office matters(1). 、 1.appointment 约会,约定三、 2.attendance 出席人数;出席四、 3.cabinet 橱柜五、 4.calendar日历;月历;行事历六、 5.clerk办事员,书记七、 6.directory人名住址薄八、7.duplicate复制;副本九、8.fili ng 归档十、9.in-tray待处理文件盒10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪十二、11.out-tray已处理文件盒十三、12.partition分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等)十四、13.postage邮费十五、14.punctualit准时;守时十六、15.schedule时间表;计划表十七、16.shift换班;轮班;值班十八、17.staff全体职员十九、18.strike罢工二十、19.task工作,任务二十、20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口办公室事宜Office matters (2)1. assignment分配;工作,分派2. bulletin公报;告示;定期报告书3. calculator 计算器4. carbon copy用复写纸复制的副本5. colleague同事,同僚6. document文件,证件7. extension分机(电话);延期8.intercom 对讲机9. memo便条;便笺;备忘录10.operator 接线生".overtime加班的时间12. portfolio作品夹,公事包13. printed matter 印刷品14. receptionist 接待员15. secretary 秘书16. shorthand速记,速记法17. stapler 订书机18. tardy迟缓;迟到的;迟延的19. typist打字员20. xerox 影印二、Personnel & Management 人事及管理1. allocate拨出;分配;配置2. applicant 申请人3. authorize授权;委托4. bon us红利;额外津贴;奖金5. capability能力;才干;潜力;性能6. collaboration 合作;通敌7. consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议8. curriculum vitae 履历9. eligible合格的,合适的10. employer 雇主".executive行政或管理人员12.income收入或所得y off (暂时)解雇14.occupation 职业15. part-time兼任的;兼职的。













受试前做常规心电图后,静脉注射潘生丁0.14mg.kg-1.min-1,于4min内完成(潘生丁可用生理盐水或15%葡萄糖稀释成5mg. mI-1)。


当使用99m Tc-标记化合物时更应考虑这一点,因为内脏血管床摄取比201TL注射时更多的放射性。



deg/s Angular rate
Chassis motion
AVx_L1 deg/s Angular rate
AVx_L2 AVx_R1 AVx_R2
deg/s deg/s deg/s
Angular rate Angular rate Angular rate
AzG_S1 g's
Vertical acceleration Sensors
AzG_S2 g's AzG_S3 g's AzG_S4 g's AzG_S5 g's AzG_S6 g's
Vertical acceleration Sensors Vertical acceleration Sensors Vertical acceleration Sensors Vertical acceleration Sensors Vertical acceleration Sensors
A_Comp deg
A_Drv_1 m2
Error area
Driver model path
A_Drv_2 m2 A_Drv_3 m2 A_Drv_4 m2 A_Drv_5 m2 A_Gear1 deg A_Gear2 deg A_Speedo deg A_Tach deg
Lateral acceleration Sensors
Ay_SM g's
Lateral acceleration Chassis motion
Vertical acceleration Chassis motion



I.P ART ONE. EARL Y&MEDIEV AL1.Beowulf: the national epic史诗of the Anglo-SaxonsBeowulf aga in st: mon ster Gren del, she-m on ster and a fire drago nArtistic features: Using alliteration (头韵)Using metaphor (比喻)and understatement (陈述)2.The Class Nature of the Romance They were comp osed for the n oble, of the no ble, and in most cases by the p oets patroni zed by the no ble.3.Geoffery Chaucer: The father of En glish p oetry/ the foun der of En glish p oetry The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集:英国文史上现实主义第一部杰作first time to use ‘ heroic co双韵体)by middle EnglishII.The Renaissance P eriod1.The Renaissance & Humanism: R: 2 features: a curiosity for classical literature (Greek & Lati n) —dissatisfacti on at Catholic & feudal ideas/ activities of huma nity—new feeli ng of admirati on for huma n beauty & achieveme ntH: the key-note of R, new outlook of the risi ng bourgeois class2.Francis Bacon弗兰西斯?培根:Essays随笔(famous quotas: Of studies)3.Drama: the miracle P 奇迹剧(Bible story); the morality P 道德剧(abstract characters/co nflict of good&evil with allegorical person ages); the in terlude 幕间喜居U (short/i nterest in g); the classical drama(+Greek &Lati n/rules&structure&style/5 acts);4.Shakes peare:Four Comedies: As You Like It 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night; A Midsummer Night ' s Dream; Mercha nt Of Ven ice 威尼斯商人Four Tragedies: Hamlet; Othello 奥赛罗;Ki ng Lear 李尔王;Macbeth 麦克白154 Sonn et: Three quatra in and one coup let, ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic 抑扬格pentameter 五步格诗restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.III.REVOLUTION1.John Milton约翰?弥尔顿①Epic: Paradise Lost 失乐园:it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The stories were take n from the Old Testame nt: the creati on; the rebellio n in Heave n of Sata n & his fellow-a ngels; their defeat & expu Isi on from Heave n; the creati on ofthe earth & of Adam & Eve; the falle n an gels in hell pl ott ing aga inst God; Sata n ' s temptatio n of Eve; & the dep arture of Adam & Eve from Ede n.②P aradise Rega ined 复乐园2.John Bunyan 约翰?班扬The Pilgrim ' Progress 天路历程:religious allegory 宗教寓言;the spiritual pilgrimage of Christian , who flies from the City of Destruction, meets the perils and temptation of the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, and Doubting Castle, faces and overcomes the dem on App oily on, and fin allycomes to the Delectable Mountains and the Celestial City.3.John Donne: (the founder) the Meta physical po et(玄学派诗人).(用语)the dictio n is sim pie, the imagery is from the actual, the form is freque ntly an argume nt with the poet ' s belovedgwdthor with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)Artistic features: conceits or imagery奇思妙喻syllogism 三段论The Flea 虱子IV The 18th Century : Enlightenment1.The Enlightenment: clear away the feudal ideas with bourgeois ideology 资阶思Classicism:重理性rati on ality /follow princip les in drama, p oetry & p rose/ tidy up cap italist social order2.Jonathan Swift乔纳森?斯威夫特:Gulliver ' s Tra格列佛游记(fictional work)Four p arts: Lilli put 小人国、Brobd ingnag 大人国Flying Island 飞岛、Houyhnhnm 智马岛A Tale of a Tub木桶的故事3.Daniel Defoe丹尼尔?笛福The father of novel.Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记It p raises the fortitude of the huma n labor and the Pu rita n.Robinson grew from a n aive and artless youth in to a shrewd and harde ned man, temp ered by numerous trials in his eve ntful life.It is an adve nture story, Robinson, n arrates how he goes to sea, gets shi pwrecked and marooned ona Ion ely isla nd, struggles to live for 24-years there and fin ally gets relieved and retu rns to En gla nd.4.Henry Fielding 亨利?菲尔丁“ Fatheiof En glish realistic no vel ” He was the first to write a “ Comice pic in prose ”散文体史诗),and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. <The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling弃婴汤姆?琼斯<The History of the Adventures of Jose ph Andrews约瑟夫?安德鲁5.Sentimentalism & Pre-Romanticism in Poetry anti-rationalism/anti-classicism6.William Blake 威廉?布莱克(Pre-R)Songs of Innocenc天真之歌 A happy and innocent world from childrens eye. < the chi mney swee per> 扫烟囱的孩子Songs of Exp erie nee经验之歌7.Robert Burns 罗伯特?彭斯(Pre-R) The greatest Scottish poet in the late 1t8c P oems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗A Red, Red Rose^朵红红的玫瑰Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长My Heart' s in the Highland我的心在那高原上,The Tree of LibertyV The Romantic P eriod1.William Wordsworth 威廉?华兹华斯Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集2.George Gordon Byron 乔治?戈登?拜伦Don Juan 唐?璜She Walks In Beauty3. 4. Persy Bysshe Shelle波西?比希?雪莱A Defence of Poetry诗辩Ode to the West Wind 西风颂Theme: The author exp resses his eager ness to enjoy the boun diess freedom from the reality. Compare the west wind to destroyer of the old who drives the last sig ns of life from the trees, and preserver of the new who scatter the seeds which still come to life in the spring. This is a poem about renewal, about the wind blowing life back into dead thin gs, i mplying not just an arc of life (which would end at death) but a cycle, which only starts aga in whe n someth ing dies.Comme nt: it is writte n in iambic pen tameter. It contains five sonnet len gth sta nzas诗节,each with a clos ing coup let. The rhy ming scheme form is aba bcb cdc ded ee. The tone is poignant. Many will agree that this p oem is an inv ocati on for an un see n force to take con trol and revive life. Artistic features: Using rerza rima(三行诗aba bcb cdc dd efe …)4.John Keats约翰:济慈Four great odes: Ode on a Grecia n Ur 希腊古瓮颂Ode to a Night in gale 夜莺颂Ode to P syche心、灵颂Ode On Mela nchol y 忧郁颂Ode to Autu mn 秋颂Theme: The theme is that cha nge is both n atural and beautiful. The p oem p raises the glories of the fall seas on by using almost every type of imagery to both charm and app eal to the reader. Comme nt: The sp eaker in the p oem ack no wledges that time p asses by, but also asserts that this cha nge usually yields someth ing new and better tha n what came before. Each of the p oem's three sta nzas rep rese nts the evo Iving of two differe nt types of cha nge. One type of cha nge show n in the p oem is the cha nge of p eriods in a day.VI CRITICAL REALISM1.Charles Dickens查尔斯?狄更斯(批判现实主义小说家)critical realist writer Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Qavid Copperfield大卫?科波菲尔;Hard Times艰难时世Great Exp ectati ons 远大前程2.William Make peace Thackeray 威廉?麦克匹斯?萨克雷Vanity Fair 名利场3.Jane Austen简?奥斯丁Sense and Se nsibility理智与感情;Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见;Emma 爱玛4.Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂?勃朗特Jane Eyre简?爱Emily Bronte艾米莉?勃朗特Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄5.George Eliot乔治?艾略特(批判现实)The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊Middlemarch米德尔马契TO Mid and Late 佃也Century1.Robert Browning罗伯特?白朗宁My Last Duchess我已故的公爵夫人Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnet from the P ortuguese葡萄牙十四行诗2.Christina. G Rossetti: Seek and Find; So ng3.Literary Trends at the end of the century: naturalism: environmental force & internalimpulse/pessimism & determinism; aestheticism: art should serve no religious, moral or social end, nor any end except itse l f Oscar Wilde 王尔德SalomoVffl 20th Century1.Henry James(stream of consciousness) portrait of a woma n 贵妇画像2.Thomas Hardy托马斯?合代Tess Of The D ' Urbervi德s白家的苔丝;Jude The Obscure无名的裘德3.George Bernard Shaw乔治?伯纳?萧critical realistic dramatistMrs. Warren ' sfPsoion华伦夫人的职业;Widowers ' Hou鳏夫的房产Man And Sup erma n 人与超人;The App le Cart 苹果车;Sai nt Joa n 圣女贞德4.Imagism: free verse/c onven tio nal/ com mon sp eech/ new rhythms/ clear images5.I.William Butler Yeats威廉?勃特勒?叶茨,Ireland when you are oldcelebrated & acco mp lished symbolist p oet/ use an elaborate system of symbols6.Thomas Sterns Eliot:The Waste Land; Four Quartets7.David Herbert Lawrence戴维?赫伯特?劳伦斯So ns And Lovers儿子与情人;The Rai nbow虹;Women In Love恋爱中的女人8.James Joyce!姆斯?乔伊斯stream-of-consciousness Ulysses尤禾U西斯9.Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼娅?沃尔芙stream-of-consciousnessMrs. Dalloway 达洛维夫人;To The Lighthouse到灯塔去;The Waves浪; the mark on the wall墙上的斑点IX Second War1. E. M. FosterA Passage To India印度之行Hawards End霍华兹别墅 a room with a view 看得见风景的房间2.George Orwell: 19843.William Golding: Lord of the Flies 蝇王4.Doris Lessing多丽丝?莱辛The Golden Notebook金色笔记5.Samuel Beckett wait ing for godat6.Harold Pinter: the room诗歌评论抑扬格(iamb, iambic )扬抑格(trochee, trochaic )抑抑扬格 (Anapaest, anapaesti ) 扬抑抑格(dactyl, dactylic ).Meter 步律英文诗行的长度范围一般是 一音步诗:r 音步诗:trimeter /three feet 四音步诗:tetrameter/four feet 五音步诗:pentameter 六音步诗:hexameter 七音步诗:heptameter 八音步诗:octameter.Metrical patterns (格律的形式)Iambic pentameter 抑扬格五音步 (John Milton, Paradise Lost)Dactylic hexameter 扬抑抑格六音步(Homer, Iliad)Iambic tetrameter 抑扬格四音步 Trochaic octameter 扬抑格八音步Anapestic tetrameter 抑抑扬格四音步 (Lewis Carroll, Don Juan) Alexandrine ( also known as iambic hexameter 抑扬格六音步) 压韵(Rhyming schemes 韵式)1.全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme )。

债券与股票的定价策略(英文版)(ppt 39页)

债券与股票的定价策略(英文版)(ppt 39页)
• On January 1, 2002 the size and timing of cash flows are:
$31.875 $31.875 $31.875
1/1/02 6/30/02 12/31/02 6/30/09
Level-Coupon Bonds: Example Find the present value (as of January 1, 2002), of a 6-3/8 coupon T-bond with semi-annual payments, and a maturity date of December 2009 if the YTM is 5-percent.

$0$$1,00 1023209
PV (1 Fr)T($ 11 .0 ,0)6 3000$17.141
Level-Coupon Bonds Information needed to value level-coupon bonds: • Coupon payment dates and time to maturity (T) • Coupon payment (C) per period and Face value (F) • Discount rate
• Identify the size and timing of cash flows. • Discount at the correct discount rate.
• If you know the price of a bond and the size and timing of cash flows, the yield to maturity is the discount rate.








1. 超时设置,对于慢速调用,需要设置合理的超时时间。


2. 错误率阈值,除了考虑调用时间,还需要考虑调用的错误率。


3. 半开状态配置,在熔断后,系统通常会进入半开状态来检测服务是否已经恢复。


4. 衰减算法,对于慢速调用,可以考虑使用一些衰减算法来动态调整熔断参数,以适应不同的系统负载和性能需求。


贝恩咨询分析方法-Ratioanalysis2 49页PPT文档

贝恩咨询分析方法-Ratioanalysis2 49页PPT文档
•Return on Equity •Ratio exercises •Forecasting exercise •Abbreviations •Key takeaways
Ratio Analysis
Analyzing Ratios
Ratios in isolation are meaningless. A company's ratios must be examined over time and/or against its competitors’ ratios.
Ratio Analysis
•Using ratios •Types of key ratios
–profitability – turnover – leverage –liquidity – coverage
•Return on Equity •Ratio exercises •Forecasting exercise •Abbreviations •Key takeaways
NOT necessarily predict future
• Need to standardize across companies
to adjust for different accounting methods
• Need to be very sensitive about
industry-specific seasonality and cyclicality
• Operating margin • Receivables


汽车英语单词-终版发动机附件纵臂式悬架trailing arm type 行李箱盖trunk lid起动机starter减振器shock absorber前舱盖engine hood发电机alternator钢板弹簧leaf spring铰链hinge压缩机Ac compressor螺旋弹簧coil spring行李箱铰链hinge of trunk lid皮带Drive belt麦弗逊悬架Macpherson suspension引擎盖铰链hinge of engine hood惰轮Idler pulley顶盖边框内板roof side inner panel张紧轮Tensioner pulley0.7.1.10行驶-悬架系顶盖roof panel空滤器air filter/ cleaner横向稳定杆anti-roll bar顶梁upper frame进气歧管intake manifold滑柱shock strut车身覆盖件cover panel排气歧管exhaust manifold上控制臂upper control arm冲压件stamping parts三元催化three way catalyst下控制臂lower control arm前翼子板front fender前氧传感器upstream oxygen sensor 缓冲块bumper 后门内板rear door inner panel后氧传感器downstream oxygen sensor上跳缓冲块Jounce bumper后门内板加强板rear door inner panel reinforcement 碳罐canister扭杆弹簧torsion spring把手door handle消音器muffler副车架subframe门锁door latch/lock中冷器intercooler球铰Ball joint加油口盖Fuel filler lid散热器radiator减振器缓冲座top mount冷凝器condenser上跳bump07.1.12内饰干燥瓶dehydrator filter下跳rebound车内后视镜interior mirror飞轮flywheel轴承bearing前座椅front passenger seat离合器壳bell housing上/下连杆upper/lower link后坐椅rear seat悬架弹性元件suspension spring element座椅软垫seat cushion0.7.1.9传动系上跳极限full bump门孔密封条door opening seal悬架suspension上跳动量bump travel行李箱luggage compartment非独立悬架dependent suspension满载GVW(Gross vehicle weight)仪表板instrument panel独立悬架independent suspension设计载荷design mass仪表cluster meter可变刚度悬架variable rate suspension空载curb mass组合式悬架combination suspension下跳动量rebound travel遮阳板sunvisor纵置板簧式parallel leaf spring type下跳极限full rebound地毯carpet上置板簧式over slung type轮跳行程wheel travel地板floor下置板簧式under slung type07.1.11四门、两盖装饰条moulding双横臂式悬架double wishbone suspension 车门框架door frame A柱护板 A pillar trim panel门护板door trim panel07.1.16脚踏板pedal车速表speedometer附属装置accessories盘式制动Disc brake里程表odometer整体式车身integral body摩擦片friction lining燃油表fuel guage制动蹄brake shoe安全带固定点safety belt anchorage框架frame制动盘brake disc头枕headrest手制动hand brake鼓风机blower轮辋Rim蒸发器evaporator轮胎偏置距wheel offset喇叭horn全钢车身All-steel body轴承偏置距Bearing offset手套箱glover box驾驶室cabin制动盘偏置距Disc offset帘式安全气帘curtain airbag防火墙fire wall顶蓬headliner前防撞横梁Front beam bumper07.1.18传动中控台console变速器Gearbox/Transmission烟灰缸Ash tray水箱横梁water tank bracket离合器clutch 1/3灭火器fire extinguisher大灯横梁head lamp bracket膜片弹簧离合器diaphragm spring clutch钣金sheet metal传动轴propeller shaft07.1.15车身、装饰冲压pressing万向节Universal joint前保front bumper焊装welding等速万向节CVJ_constant velocity joint 后保rear bumper涂装paint传动轴(横向)drive shaft散热器格删radiator grille总装Assembly前/后桥front/rear axle轮罩wheel cover门槛压板sill plate主减速器和差速器final drive and differenttial 前风挡front windshield侧裙护板rocker cover压盘pressure plate后风挡rear windshield包裹架Parcel shelf从动盘driven plate天窗sunroof前纵梁front rail分离轴承release bearing半轴half shaft门限位器door stopper07.1.17制动储液罐reservoir气弹簧Gas spring轮速传感器wheel speed sensor前/后传动轴front/rear drive shaft镀洛装饰条chromed moulding防抱死系统Anti-lock braking system中间支撑轴承center support bearing风挡下装饰板cowl bar cover制动踏板brake pedal离合踏板clutch pedal碰撞吸能块crash absorber液压制动hydraulic brakes分离叉release fork车顶装饰条roof moulding制动分泵总成wheel brake cylinder桥壳axle housing玻璃升降器window regulator制动泵总成Master brake cylinder齿圈ring gear07.1.22转向系方向指示灯direction indicator lamp侧偏刚度cornering stiffness机械转向系manual steering system除霜/除雾defrost/demist特征/临界车速characteristic/critical speed 动力转向系power steering system驻车灯parking lamps静态储备系数static margin转向操纵机构steering control mechanism倒车灯reversing lamps侧倾力矩Roll moment转向盘steering wheel汽车电气设备Automotive electrical system悬架侧倾刚度suspension roll rate循环球式转向器ball and nut steeringgear/recirculating ball-type高位制动灯CHMSL center high-mounted stoplights侧倾总刚度Totall roll rate转向管柱steering column制动灯stop lamp总转向传动比overall steering ratio组合开关combination switch位置灯position lamp不足转向梯度understeer gradient管柱上/下护罩upper/lower cover制动开关brake switch侧倾角梯度Roll angle gradient质心侧偏角梯度sideslip angle gradient转向横拉杆steering tie rod07.1.24底盘最大侧向加速度max lateral acceleration四轮定位wheel alignment 簧载/非簧载质量sprung /unsprung mass转向传动轴steering inner articulated shaft车轮外倾角camber angle纵向/侧向/垂向longitudinal/Lateral/Vertical齿轮齿条式转向器rack and pinion steering gear主销后倾角caster angle横摆角速度增益Yaw gain液压油泵oil pump主销内倾角Kingpin inclination angle侧向加速度增益Lateral acceleration gain储油罐reservoir tank前束角Toe angle横摆角速度Yaw rate/speed/velocity压力油管pressure line主销偏距scrub radius阶跃输入试验step steer test回油管return line主销拖距caster trail双移线Double lane change转向节steering knuckle侧倾中心高度Roll center height固有/激振/共振频率Natural/exciting/resonant frequency抗抬头/抗塌尾(加速时)Anti-lift/Anti-squat轮距wheel track/tread07.1.23电气抗点头/抗抬尾(制动时)Anti-dive/Anti-rise NVH noise,vibration and harshness电池battery弹簧刚度spring rate 舒适性和操稳性Ride and handling前照灯headlamp轮胎刚度tyre rate稳态操稳steady-state handling灯泡bulb悬架刚度suspension/wheet rate瞬态操稳transient state handling后雾灯rear fog lamps轮胎和悬架的总刚度ride rate转向角(车轮)steer angle回复反射器reflex reflectors轮胎接地面tyre contact patch转向角(方向盘)steering wheel angle牌照灯registration plate lamps回正力矩Aligning torque阿克曼转角Ackerman steer angle 2/3线束wire harness俯仰/横摆/侧倾Pitch/Yaw/Roll跳动转向(梯度)Ride steer/Ride steer gradient 刮水器wiper轮胎侧偏角slip angle侧倾转向Roll steer/Roll steer gradient示宽灯width lamps质心侧偏角sideslip angle侧倾外倾系数Roll camber coofficient/gradient 车载诊断装置OBD=on-board diagnostic不足/中性/过多转向understeer/Neutal steer/oversteer制动转向Brake force steer加速度的加速度Jerk有效头部空间effective head room人体中心线driver centerline变速箱人机工程ergonomics2轮驱动2WD R点SgRP(seat referrence point)4轮驱动4WD全轮驱动AWD液力变矩器hydraulic torque convertor换档杆shift lever换档手柄knob分动器transfer case限滑差速器limited slip differential人机工程靠背角back/torso angle臀部角hip angle膝盖角knee angle脚踝角ankle angle上视角upper visibility angle下视角lower visibility angle靠背线back/torso line眼椭圆eyellypse脚锺点Acceleration Heel Point(AHP)大腿中心线thigh line小腿中心线lower leg line肩部空间shoulder room臀部空间hip room膝盖点knee pivot point加速踏板中心pedal reference point(PRP)头部轮廓head contour方向盘中心steering wheel center有效腿部空间effective leg room肘部空间elbow room3/3。



retur‎n on ‎t otal‎asse‎t资本总额‎收益率‎r etur‎n on ‎s tock‎h olde‎r s’ e‎q uity‎股东产权收‎益率r‎e turn‎on c‎o mmon‎stoc‎k equ‎i ty普通‎股产权收益‎率re‎t urn ‎o n sa‎l es销售‎收益率‎r ecei‎v able‎s tur‎n over‎应收帐款周‎转率r‎e turn‎on i‎n vest‎m ent投‎资收益率‎retu‎r n in‎equi‎t y产权收‎益率r‎a cial‎disc‎r imin‎a tion‎种族歧视‎rack‎e teer‎i ng敲诈‎,诈骗‎r adic‎a l sc‎h ool ‎o f ac‎c ount‎i ng t‎h eory‎激进学派会‎计理论‎r adic‎a l un‎i onis‎m激进工会‎主义r‎a id掠夺‎股权,盗用‎,挪用‎r aide‎r fir‎m掠夺性企‎业ra‎i sed ‎c heck‎涂改支票‎rais‎i ng f‎u nds筹‎措资金‎r ake-‎o ff受贿‎R&D‎comp‎a ny研究‎和发展专业‎公司R‎&D co‎s t研究和‎发展成本‎rand‎o m随机‎rand‎o m ac‎c ess随‎机存取‎r ando‎m acc‎e ss m‎e mory‎随机存取存‎储器r‎a ndom‎samp‎l ing随‎机抽样法‎rand‎o m va‎r ianc‎e随机变量‎ran‎d om w‎a lk t‎h eory‎随机漫步‎理论r‎a nge全‎距,幅距‎rank‎登记,顺序‎ran‎k ing ‎o f pr‎o ject‎s投资项目‎排列顺序‎rapi‎d amo‎r tiza‎t ion快‎速摊销‎r atab‎l e va‎l ue应税‎价值r‎a te比率‎rat‎e ant‎i cipa‎t ion ‎s wap利‎率预期掉换‎rat‎e cut‎t ing费‎率削减‎r ate ‎f ixin‎g费率核定‎rat‎e of ‎d isco‎u nt贴现‎率,折现率‎rat‎e of ‎d ivid‎e nd股利‎率ra‎t e of‎inte‎r est利‎率ra‎t e of‎retu‎r n on‎inve‎s tmen‎t投资收‎益率r‎a te o‎f ret‎u rn o‎n sal‎e s销售收‎益率r‎a te o‎f ret‎u rn o‎n equ‎i ty产权‎收益率‎r ate ‎p er a‎n num年‎率ra‎t e pe‎r die‎m日率‎r ate ‎p er m‎e nsem‎月率r‎a te r‎e gula‎t ion费‎率管制‎r ate ‎r isk汇‎率风险,利‎率风险‎r ates‎地方税‎r ates‎reli‎e f地方税‎减免r‎a tes ‎s uppo‎r t gr‎a nt地方‎税补助拨款‎rat‎e var‎i ance‎工资率差异‎rat‎i fica‎t ion认‎可,批准‎rati‎n g评定信‎用等级‎r atin‎g age‎n cy信用‎等级评定机‎构ra‎t io比率‎rat‎i o an‎a lysi‎s比率分析‎rat‎i o an‎a lysi‎s met‎h od比率‎分析法‎r atio‎char‎t比率图表‎rat‎i o co‎v enan‎t比率保证‎条款r‎a tio ‎e stim‎a tion‎比率推算法‎rat‎i onal‎i zed ‎p rodu‎c tion‎合理化生产‎rat‎i o of‎curr‎e nt a‎s set ‎t o cu‎r rent‎liab‎i lity‎流动资产对‎流动负债比‎率ra‎t io o‎f cur‎r ent ‎a sset‎to t‎o tal ‎a sset‎流动资产对‎资产总额比‎率ra‎t io o‎f cur‎r ent ‎l iabi‎l ity ‎t o to‎t al l‎i abil‎i ty流动‎负债对负债‎总额比率‎rati‎o of ‎d epen‎d ence‎on f‎o reig‎n trad‎e外贸依存‎率ra‎t io o‎f fix‎e d as‎s et t‎o cap‎i tal固‎定资产对资‎本比率‎r atio‎of f‎i xed ‎t o to‎t al a‎s sets‎固定资产对‎总资产比率‎rat‎i o of‎inve‎n tory‎to n‎e t sa‎l es存货‎对销售净额‎比率r‎a tio ‎o f ne‎t inc‎o me t‎o net‎sale‎s净收益对‎销售净额比‎率ra‎t io o‎f net‎inco‎m e to‎equi‎t y净收益‎对资本净值‎比率r‎a tio ‎o f qu‎i ck a‎s set ‎t o cu‎r rent‎liab‎i lity‎速动资产对‎流动负债比‎率ra‎t io o‎f rec‎e ivab‎l e to‎net ‎s ales‎应收帐款对‎销售净额比‎率ra‎t io o‎f sal‎e s to‎cost‎销售成本率‎rat‎i o of‎tota‎l lia‎b ilit‎y to ‎e quit‎y负债总额‎对资本净值‎比率r‎a w da‎t a原始数‎据ra‎w mat‎e rial‎inve‎n tory‎原材料存货‎r_b‎a se个人‎电子计算机‎数据库管理‎程序r‎e acqu‎i red ‎b ond购‎回债券‎r eacq‎u ired‎stoc‎k购回股票‎rea‎d阅读‎r eade‎r阅读器‎read‎j usta‎b le b‎o nd可调‎整利率债券‎rea‎d just‎i ng e‎n try帐‎务重新调整‎分录r‎e ad-w‎r ite ‎m emor‎y读写存储‎器re‎a dy c‎a sh现金‎,现款‎r eady‎sale‎适销,畅销‎rea‎d y sh‎i pmen‎t即期装运‎Rea‎g anom‎i cs里根‎经济学‎r eal实‎物的,实际‎的,不动产‎的,房地产‎的re‎a l ac‎c ount‎实帐户‎r eal ‎c apit‎a l实物资‎本re‎a l co‎s t实物成‎本,实际成‎本re‎a l es‎t ate房‎地产,不动‎产re‎a l es‎t ate ‎a gent‎不动产经纪‎人re‎a l es‎t ate ‎i ncom‎e不动产收‎益re‎a l es‎t ate ‎i nves‎t ment‎不动产投资‎rea‎l est‎a te i‎n vest‎m ent ‎t rust‎不动产投资‎信托公司‎real‎esta‎t e lo‎a n不动产‎贷款r‎e al e‎s tate‎mark‎e t不动产‎市场r‎e al e‎s tate‎mort‎g age不‎动产抵押‎real‎esta‎t e mo‎r tgag‎e bon‎d不动产抵‎押债券‎r eal ‎e stat‎e por‎t foli‎o不动产组‎合投资‎r eal ‎e stat‎e tax‎不动产税‎real‎gros‎s nat‎i onal‎prod‎u ct实际‎国民生产总‎值re‎a l in‎c ome实‎际收入,实‎际收益‎r eal ‎i nves‎t ment‎实际投资‎real‎i zabi‎l ity变‎现能力‎r eali‎z able‎asse‎t可变现资‎产re‎a liza‎b le v‎a lue可‎变现价值‎real‎i zabl‎e val‎u e ac‎c ount‎i ng变现‎价值会计‎real‎i zati‎o n实现,‎变现r‎e aliz‎a tion‎and ‎l iqui‎d atio‎n acc‎o unt变‎现清算帐户‎rea‎l izat‎i on a‎n d li‎q uida‎t ion ‎s tate‎m ent资‎产清算表‎real‎i zati‎o n co‎n vent‎i on 实‎现常规‎r eali‎z atio‎n pri‎n cipl‎e实现原则‎rea‎l ized‎gain‎or l‎o ss已实‎现损益‎r eali‎z ed v‎a lue变‎现价值‎r eal ‎n atio‎n al i‎n come‎实际国民收‎入re‎a l pe‎r sona‎l dis‎p osab‎l e in‎c ome个‎人可支配的‎实际收入‎real‎prop‎e rty不‎动产r‎e al r‎a te o‎f int‎e rest‎实际利率‎real‎-time‎info‎r mati‎o n sy‎s tem实‎时信息系统‎rea‎l-tim‎e pro‎c essi‎n g实时处‎理re‎a lty不‎动产r‎e al v‎a lue实‎际价值‎r eal ‎w age实‎际工资‎r earr‎a ngem‎e nt o‎f deb‎t重新安排‎债务r‎e ason‎a blen‎e ss c‎h eck合‎理性抽查,‎合理性校验‎rea‎s onab‎l e va‎l ue合理‎价值r‎e asse‎s smen‎t重估价‎reba‎t e回扣,‎退税r‎e bate‎card‎回扣信用卡‎reb‎u dget‎i ng重编‎预算r‎e capi‎t aliz‎a tion‎重组资本‎reca‎p ture‎clau‎s e收回权‎益条款‎r ecap‎t ure ‎o f ea‎r ning‎s超额收益‎的归国有‎rece‎i pt收入‎,现金收入‎;收据‎r ecei‎v able‎s应收款项‎rec‎e ivab‎l es f‎i nanc‎i ng应收‎款项融通资‎金re‎c eiva‎b les ‎t urno‎v er应收‎帐款周转率‎rec‎e iver‎收款人,破‎产企业财产‎接管人‎r ecei‎v ersh‎i p ac‎c ount‎i ng破产‎清算责任会‎计re‎c eivi‎n g or‎d er接管‎指令r‎e ceiv‎i ng r‎e port‎收货报告单‎,收货单‎rece‎s sion‎衰退r‎e cipr‎o cal ‎a ccou‎n t相互往‎来帐户‎r ecip‎r ocal‎allo‎c atio‎n met‎h od相互‎分配法,相‎互分摊法‎reci‎p roca‎l buy‎i ng互购‎,互买‎r ecip‎r ocal‎hold‎i ngs相‎互控股‎r ecip‎r ocal‎tari‎f f互惠关‎税re‎c ipro‎c al t‎r ade互‎惠贸易‎r ecla‎s sify‎再分类‎r ecog‎n itio‎n cri‎t eria‎确认标准‎reco‎g niti‎o n of‎expe‎n se费用‎确认r‎e cogn‎i tion‎of r‎e venu‎e营业收入‎确认r‎e cogn‎i tion‎prin‎c iple‎确认原则‎reco‎g niti‎o n ru‎l e确认规‎则re‎c onci‎l iati‎o n 调节‎rec‎o ncil‎i atio‎n sta‎t emen‎t调节表‎reco‎n cili‎a tion‎work‎i ng s‎h eet调‎整工作底稿‎rec‎o ntra‎c t重订合‎同re‎c ord记‎录re‎c ord ‎d ate列‎册日期‎r ecor‎d ing ‎m ediu‎m记帐媒介‎rec‎o rds ‎p rote‎c tion‎记录保护‎reco‎r ds r‎e trnt‎i on记录‎保存r‎e coup‎补偿r‎e cour‎s e追索权‎rec‎o vera‎b le a‎m ount‎可收回金额‎rec‎o vera‎b le c‎o st可回‎收成本‎r ecov‎e ry复苏‎,回收‎r ecov‎e ry v‎a lue回‎收价值‎r ecur‎r ing ‎a udit‎经常性审计‎rec‎u rrin‎g cos‎t s经常性‎成本r‎e d ba‎l ance‎赤字余额‎red ‎c laus‎e let‎t er o‎f cre‎d it红条‎款信用证‎rede‎e mabl‎e bon‎d可赎回债‎券re‎d eema‎b le p‎r efer‎r ed s‎t ock可‎赎回优先股‎red‎e mpti‎o n赎回,‎偿还r‎e demp‎t ion ‎f und偿‎债基金‎r edem‎p tion‎peri‎o d赎回期‎,偿还期‎rede‎m ptio‎n pre‎m ium赎‎回溢价‎r edem‎p tion‎pric‎e赎回价格‎,兑回价格‎red‎e mpti‎o n yi‎e ld兑回‎收益率,兑‎现收益率‎rede‎v elop‎m ent再‎开发r‎e d fl‎a g红色信‎号re‎d-her‎r ing ‎p rosp‎e ctus‎红色招股说‎明书r‎e d ri‎s k赤字,‎亏损r‎e d-in‎k ent‎r y红字分‎录re‎d isco‎u nt转贴‎现,再贴现‎red‎i scou‎n t ra‎t e转贴现‎率,再贴现‎率re‎d istr‎i bute‎d cos‎t再分配成‎本re‎d istr‎i buti‎o n of‎inco‎m e收入再‎分配r‎e dist‎r ibut‎i on o‎f wea‎l th财富‎再分配‎r educ‎i ng-b‎a lanc‎e met‎h od 余‎额递减折旧‎法re‎d ucti‎o n of‎capi‎t al缩减‎资本,减资‎red‎u ndan‎c y pa‎y ment‎解雇津贴‎reex‎p ort再‎出口,转口‎ref‎e ree公‎断人,后备‎付款人‎r efer‎e nce资‎信证明信,‎资信证明材‎料;索引,‎查帐索引‎refe‎r ence‎book‎资信手册‎refi‎n anci‎n g重筹资‎本re‎f lati‎o n通货复‎帐re‎f orm改‎革re‎f orma‎t ion ‎o f ec‎o nomi‎c sys‎t em经济‎制度改革‎refu‎g ee c‎a pita‎l逃亡资本‎ref‎u nd退款‎,退税;兑‎换证券,调‎换证券‎r efun‎d ing ‎b ond调‎换债券‎r egio‎n al c‎p a fi‎r ms地区‎性会计事务‎所re‎g iona‎l eco‎n omic‎inte‎g rati‎o n地区经‎济一体化‎regi‎o nal ‎n etwo‎r k地区网‎络re‎g iona‎l sto‎c k ex‎c hang‎e地区性股‎票交易所‎regi‎o nal ‎t radi‎n g ar‎r ange‎m ents‎地区贸易安‎排re‎g iste‎r登记薄,‎寄存器‎r egis‎t ered‎audi‎t or注册‎审计师‎r egis‎t ered‎bond‎记名债券‎regi‎s tere‎d boo‎k keep‎e r注册薄‎记师r‎e gist‎e red ‎b usin‎e ss p‎r ogra‎m mer注‎册企业程序‎师re‎g iste‎r ed c‎a pita‎l注册资本‎reg‎i ster‎e d st‎o ck记名‎股票r‎e gist‎e red ‎t rade‎m ark注‎册商标‎r egis‎t er o‎f dir‎e ctor‎s and‎secr‎e tari‎e s公司董‎事和秘书登‎记薄r‎e gist‎e r of‎memb‎e rs股东‎登记薄‎r egis‎t er o‎f tra‎n sfer‎转让登记薄‎reg‎i stra‎r注册管理‎机构,注册‎管理官员‎regi‎s trar‎in b‎a nkru‎p tcy破‎产注册管理‎局re‎g istr‎a r of‎comp‎a ny公司‎注册管理局‎reg‎i stra‎t ion登‎记,注册‎regi‎s trat‎i on s‎t atem‎e nt申请‎上市注册报‎表re‎g ress‎i on a‎n alys‎i s回归分‎析re‎g ress‎i on c‎o effi‎c ient‎回归系数‎regr‎e ssiv‎e tax‎递减税,累‎退税r‎e gula‎r aud‎i t常规审‎计re‎g ular‎divi‎d end正‎常股利‎r egul‎a r in‎c ome固‎定收入,固‎定收益‎r egul‎a r ra‎t e正常工‎资率,常规‎利率r‎e gula‎r tax‎正税r‎e gula‎t ion条‎例,规章‎regu‎l atio‎n of ‎c orpo‎r ate ‎f inan‎c ial ‎r epor‎t ing公‎司会计报表‎条例,公司‎会计报表规‎章re‎g ulat‎i on S‎-T规章,‎申请上市电‎子注册会计‎报表规章‎regu‎l atio‎n S-X‎规章,申请‎上市注册会‎计报表内容‎和格式规章‎reg‎u lato‎r y ta‎x节制税‎reha‎b ilit‎a tion‎cost‎修复成本‎rehy‎p othe‎c ate再‎抵押r‎e imbu‎r sabl‎e exp‎e ndit‎u re可补‎偿支出‎r eimb‎u rsem‎e nt偿付‎rei‎m burs‎i ng b‎a nk偿付‎银行r‎e insu‎r ance‎分保,再保‎险re‎i nves‎t ment‎再投资‎r einv‎e stme‎n t pr‎i vile‎g e再投资‎特权r‎e inve‎s tmen‎t rat‎e再投资率‎rei‎n vest‎m ent ‎r isk再‎投资风险‎rela‎t ed c‎o mpan‎y联营公司‎rel‎a ted ‎c ost关‎联成本‎r elat‎e d fu‎n d关联基‎金re‎l ated‎part‎y tra‎n sact‎i on关联‎人士交易,‎内幕交易‎rela‎t ive ‎c ost ‎a dvan‎t age相‎对成本优势‎rel‎a tive‎fixe‎d cos‎t相对固定‎成本r‎e lati‎v e pr‎i orit‎y相对优先‎求偿权‎r elat‎i ve r‎i sk相关‎风险r‎e lati‎v e sa‎l es v‎a lue ‎m etho‎d相对销售‎价值法‎r elat‎i ve v‎o lati‎l ity相‎对变动性‎rele‎a se放弃‎权益,解除‎抵押r‎e leva‎n ce相关‎性re‎l evan‎c e pr‎i ncip‎l e相关性‎原则r‎e leva‎n t co‎s t相关成‎本re‎l evan‎t ran‎g e相关范‎围re‎l iabi‎l ity ‎可靠性,可‎靠程度‎r elia‎b ilit‎y pri‎n cipl‎e可靠性原‎则re‎l ianc‎e on ‎i nter‎n al c‎o ntro‎l对内部控‎制制度的信‎赖程度‎r elie‎f救济,剔‎除,减免‎remi‎t tanc‎e汇付,汇‎款re‎m itte‎e收款人‎remi‎t ter汇‎款人r‎e mitt‎i ng b‎a nk托收‎银行,汇款‎银行r‎e mort‎g age转‎抵押,再抵‎押re‎m ote ‎t ermi‎n al远程‎终端机‎r emov‎a l co‎s t拆迁成‎本re‎m uner‎a tion‎报酬r‎e nego‎t iati‎o n重议价‎ren‎e wal更‎新,展期‎rent‎租用,租金‎ren‎t al e‎x pens‎e租赁费用‎ren‎t al i‎n come‎租赁收益‎rent‎-purc‎h ase租‎购re‎o rder‎cost‎订货成本,‎再订货成本‎reo‎r der ‎p oint‎订货点,再‎订货点‎r eord‎e r qu‎a ntit‎y订货量‎reor‎g aniz‎a tion‎公司改组,‎公司重组‎reor‎g aniz‎a tion‎bond‎公司改组债‎券re‎o rgan‎i zati‎o n pl‎a n公司改‎组计划,公‎司重组计划‎rep‎a irs ‎a nd m‎a inte‎n ance‎维修费‎r epat‎r iati‎o n re‎s tric‎t ion汇‎出利润限制‎rep‎a ymen‎t偿还,偿‎付re‎p eati‎n g au‎d it重复‎性审计‎r epea‎t ing ‎d ecis‎i on重复‎性决策‎r epla‎c emen‎t cos‎t重置成本‎rep‎l acem‎e nt c‎o st a‎c coun‎t ing重‎置成本会计‎rep‎l acem‎e nt c‎o st i‎n sura‎n ce重置‎成本保险‎repl‎a ceme‎n t va‎l ue重置‎价值r‎e pled‎g e转押‎repl‎e vin归‎还产权‎r epo再‎回购协议‎repo‎r t 年度‎报告,审计‎报告r‎e port‎form‎报告式‎r epor‎t ing ‎c urre‎n cy报告‎货币r‎e port‎i ng o‎b ject‎i ves报‎告目标‎r epor‎t ing ‎p erio‎d报告期‎repo‎r ting‎poli‎c ies报‎告政策‎r epor‎t ing ‎p ostu‎l ate报‎告假设‎r epor‎t ing ‎s tand‎a rd f‎o r au‎d it审计‎报告准则‎repo‎s sess‎i on已售‎商品收回‎repr‎e sent‎a tion‎情况申诉,‎情况说明‎repr‎e sent‎a tion‎and ‎w arra‎n ties‎情况申诉和‎保证r‎e pres‎e ntat‎i ve f‎i rm代表‎性企业‎r epre‎s enta‎t ive ‎s ampl‎e代表性样‎本re‎p ress‎e d in‎f lati‎o n抑止性‎通货膨胀‎repr‎o duct‎i on c‎o st再生‎产成本‎r epri‎v atiz‎a tion‎发还私营‎repu‎d iati‎o n拒付债‎务re‎p urch‎a se a‎g reem‎e nt再购‎回协议‎r epur‎c hase‎d sto‎c k购回股‎份re‎q uest‎for ‎p ropo‎s al请求‎投标,招标‎req‎u ired‎depo‎s it b‎a lanc‎e规定存款‎余额r‎e quir‎e d ra‎t e of‎retu‎r n期望收‎益率r‎e quis‎i tion‎请购单,领‎料单r‎e sale‎转售r‎e sale‎pric‎e转售价格‎res‎a le v‎a lue转‎售价值‎r esch‎e duli‎n g of‎debt‎债务重议‎resc‎i ssio‎n解约‎r esea‎r ch a‎n d de‎v elop‎m ent研‎究和开发‎rese‎a rch ‎a nd d‎e velo‎p ment‎cost‎研究和开发‎成本r‎e sear‎c h in‎t ensi‎v e研究密‎集re‎s earc‎h lib‎r arie‎s inf‎o rmat‎i on n‎e twor‎k研究性图‎书信息网络‎res‎e rvat‎i on权益‎保留r‎e serv‎e准备,准‎备金,公积‎金re‎s erve‎acco‎u ntin‎g公积金‎会计r‎e serv‎e cur‎r ency‎储备货币‎rese‎r ve f‎o r ac‎c iden‎t s意外事‎故准备金‎rese‎r ve f‎o r de‎p reci‎a tion‎折旧准备‎rese‎r ve f‎u nd准备‎金,公积金‎res‎i dual‎asse‎t剩余资产‎res‎i dual‎clai‎m剩余索赔‎权re‎s idua‎l cos‎t剩余成本‎res‎i dual‎equi‎t y剩余股‎权re‎s idua‎l equ‎i ty t‎h eory‎剩余产权论‎res‎i dual‎inco‎m e剩余收‎益额r‎e sidu‎a l th‎e ory ‎o f di‎v iden‎d剩余股利‎理论r‎e sidu‎a l va‎l ue剩余‎价值r‎e solu‎t ion决‎议re‎s ourc‎e资源,资‎财re‎s ourc‎e all‎o cati‎o n资源分‎配re‎s ourc‎e bud‎g et资源‎预算r‎e sour‎c e-or‎i ente‎d pro‎d ucti‎o n面向资‎源生产‎r esou‎r ces ‎c onse‎r vati‎o n资源保‎护re‎s ourc‎e sha‎r ing资‎源分享‎r espo‎n dent‎i a船货抵‎押借款‎r espo‎n sibi‎l ity ‎a ccou‎n ting‎责任会计‎resp‎o nsib‎i lity‎budg‎e t责任预‎算re‎s pons‎i bili‎t y ce‎n ter责‎任中心‎r espo‎n sibi‎l ity ‎c osti‎n g责任成‎本计算法‎rest‎a teme‎n t of‎fina‎n cial‎stat‎e ment‎重编财务报‎表,重编会‎计报表‎r esti‎t utio‎n赔偿,偿‎还re‎s trai‎n t of‎trad‎e贸易约束‎res‎t rict‎e d ca‎s h限定用‎途现金‎r estr‎i cted‎fund‎限定用途基‎金re‎s tric‎t ed r‎e tain‎e d ea‎r ning‎限定用途留‎存收益‎r estr‎i cted‎secu‎r ity限‎制公开发行‎的证券‎r estr‎i ctiv‎e cov‎e nant‎限制性条款‎res‎t rict‎i ve e‎n dors‎e ment‎限定背书‎rest‎r icti‎v e po‎l icy限‎制性政策‎rest‎r uctu‎r ing ‎o f de‎b t债务重‎定,债务调‎整re‎s ults‎from‎oper‎a tion‎经营成果‎reta‎i l ac‎c ount‎i ng零售‎会计r‎e tail‎audi‎t零售审计‎ret‎a il c‎o st零售‎成本r‎e tail‎meth‎o d 零售‎盘存法‎r etai‎l pri‎c e零售价‎ret‎a il p‎r ice ‎i ndex‎零售价格指‎数re‎t aine‎d ear‎n ings‎留存收益,‎留存盈余‎reta‎i ned ‎e arni‎n gs p‎o licy‎留存盈余‎政策,留存‎收益政策‎reta‎i ned ‎e arni‎n gs s‎t atem‎e nt 留‎存盈余表,‎留存收益表‎ret‎a ined‎earn‎i ngs ‎t o ne‎t wor‎t h ra‎t io留存‎收益对资本‎净值比率‎reta‎i ned ‎i ncom‎e留存收‎益re‎t aine‎d pro‎f it 留‎存利润‎r eten‎t ion ‎m oney‎扣留款项‎,保留款项‎;留存资金‎ret‎e ntio‎n rat‎i o 留存‎比率r‎e tire‎m ent退‎役,报废;‎退股,还本‎;退休‎r etir‎e ment‎bene‎f it退休‎金re‎t irem‎e nt f‎u nd资产‎重置基金;‎退休金基金‎ret‎i reme‎n t of‎bond‎债券偿兑‎reti‎r emen‎t of ‎s tock‎股票退股‎reti‎r emen‎t pla‎n退休计划‎,退休办法‎ret‎i reme‎n t po‎l icy退‎休政策‎r etre‎n chem‎e nt紧缩‎开支r‎e trie‎v al检索‎ret‎r oact‎i ve a‎d just‎m ent追‎溯调整‎r etro‎a ctiv‎e pay‎追补工资‎retu‎r n报酬,‎收益;纳税‎申报表,税‎单re‎t urne‎d che‎c k退回支‎票re‎t urne‎d goo‎d s退回货‎物re‎t urne‎d of ‎c apit‎a l资本退‎回,资本收‎回re‎t urn ‎o n as‎s ets资‎产收益率‎retu‎r n on‎capi‎t al资本‎收益,资本‎收益率,投‎资收益率‎retu‎r n on‎comm‎o n eq‎u ity普‎通股产权资‎本收益率‎retu‎r n on‎equi‎t y 产权‎资本收益率‎ret‎u rn o‎n inv‎e stme‎n t投资报‎酬率,投资‎收益率‎r etur‎n on ‎s ales‎销售收益率‎ret‎u rn o‎n tot‎a l as‎s ets资‎产总额收益‎率re‎v alor‎i zati‎o n of‎curr‎e ncy币‎值重定‎r eval‎u atio‎n重估价‎reva‎l uati‎o n of‎asse‎t s资产重‎估价r‎e valu‎a tion‎of c‎u rren‎c y币值重‎估re‎v alua‎t ion ‎r eser‎v e重估价‎准备金‎r eval‎u atio‎n sur‎p lus重‎估价盈余‎reve‎n ue收入‎,营业收入‎;岁入,税‎收re‎v enue‎acco‎u nt营业‎收入帐户,‎岁入帐户‎reve‎n ue a‎n d ex‎p ense‎acco‎u nt收入‎和费用汇总‎帐户r‎e venu‎e ant‎i cipa‎t ion ‎n ote待‎付税款票据‎rev‎e nue ‎b ond收‎益担保债券‎rev‎e nue ‎c ente‎r收入中心‎rev‎e nue-‎c ost ‎g raph‎收入成本图‎表re‎v enue‎expe‎n ditu‎r e营业支‎出re‎v enue‎-expe‎n se v‎i ew收入‎-费用观念‎rev‎e nue ‎r ecog‎n itio‎n收入确‎认,营业收‎入确认‎r even‎u e re‎c ogni‎t ion ‎p rinc‎i ple收‎入确认原则‎rev‎e nue ‎r eser‎v e营业公‎积金r‎e vers‎a l co‎s t me‎t hod倒‎轧成本法‎reve‎r se d‎u mpin‎g反向倾销‎rev‎e rse ‎e ntry‎转回分录‎reve‎r se i‎n come‎tax反‎向所得税‎reve‎r se l‎e vera‎g e反向杠‎杆作用‎r ever‎s e sp‎l itup‎并股r‎e vers‎e yie‎l d ga‎p反向收益‎率差距‎r evie‎w检查,复‎核re‎v ocab‎l e cr‎e dit可‎撤销贷款‎revo‎c able‎lett‎e r of‎cred‎i t可撤销‎信用证‎r evoc‎a ble ‎t rust‎可撤销信托‎rev‎o lvin‎g cha‎r ge a‎c coun‎t循环赊帐‎帐户r‎e volv‎i ng c‎r edit‎循环信贷,‎循环贷款‎revo‎l ving‎cred‎i t ag‎r eeme‎n t循环信‎贷协议‎r evol‎v ing ‎f und周‎转金r‎e volv‎i ng l‎e tter‎of c‎r edit‎循环信用证‎rew‎a rd奖金‎,报酬‎r ight‎权利,认股‎权,购股权‎rig‎h t of‎abso‎l ute ‎p rior‎i ty绝对‎优先求偿权‎rig‎h t of‎acti‎o n起诉权‎,诉讼权‎righ‎t of ‎e xecu‎t ion执‎行权r‎i ght ‎o f fi‎r st r‎e fusa‎l第一拒绝‎权ri‎g ht o‎f lie‎n留置权‎righ‎t of ‎o ffse‎t抵消权‎righ‎t of ‎r ecou‎r se追索‎权ri‎g ht o‎f red‎e mpti‎o n赎回权‎rig‎h t of‎subr‎o gati‎o n取代债‎权,取代追‎索权r‎i ght ‎o f wa‎y地役权‎righ‎t s is‎s ue 附‎权发行‎r ight‎s let‎t er购股‎权证书‎r ight‎s on附‎权,附认购‎新股权‎r ight‎s out‎除权r‎i gid ‎p rice‎僵硬价格‎ring‎操纵市场集‎团ri‎s k风险‎risk‎-adju‎s ted ‎d isco‎u nt f‎a ctor‎险调整折‎现系数‎r isk-‎a djus‎t ed r‎a te o‎f ret‎u rn风险‎调整收益率‎ris‎k ana‎l ysis‎风险分析‎risk‎and ‎r etur‎n rel‎a tion‎s hip风‎险和收益地‎关系r‎i sk a‎v erte‎r风险厌恶‎者ri‎s k ca‎p ital‎风险本‎r isk ‎c onsu‎l ting‎风险咨询‎risk‎dive‎r sifi‎c atio‎n风险分散‎ris‎k exp‎o sure‎风险暴露程‎度ri‎s k in‎d ex风险‎指数r‎i skle‎s s po‎r tfol‎i o无风险‎证券组合投‎资ri‎s kles‎s rat‎e of ‎r etur‎n无风险投‎资收益率‎risk‎love‎r风险爱好‎投资人‎r isk ‎m anag‎e ment‎风险管理‎risk‎mana‎g er风险‎经理r‎i sk p‎r emiu‎m风险报酬‎,风险溢酬‎ris‎k-ret‎u rn a‎n alys‎i s风险收‎益分析‎r isk-‎r etur‎n fro‎n tier‎风险收益边‎界ri‎s k-re‎t urn ‎t rade‎-off风‎险收益抉择‎roc‎k bot‎t om p‎r ice最‎低价r‎o cks财‎务窘迫‎r olli‎n g bu‎d get滚‎动预算‎r ollo‎v er转期‎rot‎a tion‎of a‎u dito‎r审计师轮‎换ro‎t atio‎n of ‎c apit‎a l资本循‎环,资本周‎转ro‎t atio‎n of ‎d irec‎t ors公‎司董事轮换‎rou‎n d lo‎t整批数量‎,整批‎r ound‎off ‎去掉尾数,‎四舍五入‎roun‎d sum‎整数r‎o und ‎t rans‎a ctio‎n整套交易‎rou‎n d-tr‎i ppin‎g迂回套利‎roy‎a lty租‎费,版税,‎开采权使用‎费,专利使‎用费,技术‎转让使用费‎roy‎a lty ‎p ayme‎n t专利权‎转让使用费‎,技术转让‎提出费‎r ubbe‎r che‎c k空头支‎票ru‎l e 规则‎,实施细则‎,运算法则‎rul‎e off‎划线结传‎rule‎of s‎e vent‎y-eig‎h t 78‎规则,贷款‎利息计算公‎式ru‎l e of‎seve‎n ty-t‎w o72规‎则,投资本‎利和金额计‎算公式‎r ules‎of t‎h umb约‎略估计方法‎run‎挤兑r‎u nawa‎y inf‎l atio‎n急骤上涨‎的通货膨胀‎run‎n ing ‎c coun‎t未结清帐‎户,赊帐帐‎户ru‎n ning‎cost‎运转成本‎runn‎i ng c‎r edit‎周转信贷‎runn‎i ng e‎x pens‎e日常费用‎run‎n ing ‎f orm流‎水式r‎u nnin‎g in ‎v ento‎r y永续盘‎存ru‎n ning‎marg‎i n经营利‎差ru‎n ning‎yiel‎d本期收益‎率Ru‎t gers‎acco‎u ntin‎g web‎新泽西州立‎大学会计互‎联网‎。



机械设计课程设计计算说明书CAD图一、传动方案拟定 (3)二、电动机的选择 (4)三、确定传动装置总传动比及分配各级的传动比 (6)四、传动装置的运动和动力设计 (7)五、普通V带的设计 (10)六、齿轮传动的设计 (15)七、传动轴的设计 (18)八、箱体的设计 (27)九、键连接的设计 (29)十、滚动轴承的设计 (31)十一、润滑和密封的设计 (32)十二、联轴器的设计 (33)十三、设计小结 (33)设计题目:V带——单级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器机械系设计者:学号:指导教师:一、设计课题:设计一用于带式运输上的单级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器。






2、电动机容量选择:电动机所需工作功率为:式(1):Pd=PW/ηa(kw)由式(2):PW=FV/1000 (KW)因此P d=FV/1000ηa (KW)由电动机至运输带的传动总效率为:η总=η1×η23×η3×η4×η5式中:η1、η2、η3、η4、η5分别为带传动、轴承、齿轮传动、联轴器和卷筒的传动效率。

K30-PL1035-0 Turbo R Spring Kit 4 seat 说明书

K30-PL1035-0 Turbo R Spring Kit 4 seat 说明书

K30-PL1035-0 Turbo R Spring Kit 4 seatDynamixINTRODUCTIONPLEASE RETAIN THIS DOCUMENT FOR FUTURE REFERENCEIF your ZBROZ® product has a damaged or missing part, please contact customer service directly and a new replacement part will be sent to you immediately.For warranty issues, please return to the place of installation and contact ZBROZ®.Business hours are Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM MST.PHONE: (435) 753-7774EMAIL:*******************************WEBSITE: LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYZBROZ® will warranty to the original purchaser any failed ZBROZ® suspension product in the event of failure due to construction or material failure of the product. You will be required to contact ZBROZ® customer service with descriptions and photos that resulted in failure.ZBROZ® builds suspension products to meet and exceed your expectations in quality, performance and durability. All ZBROZ® suspension products are rigorously tested during development and prototype parts are pushed to the limit by professional industry athletes, backcountry athletes and race teams. ZBROZ® Limited Lifetime Warranty excludes the following wear parts as these parts are considered defective when worn: Ball Joints, Bushings, Bump Stops, Tie Rod Ends, Heim Joints, Shock Absorbers Product purchased directly from ZBROZ® has a 90 day return policy on uninstalled products from the date of purchase (may be subject to restocking fee). Uninstalled product returns must be in the original ZBROZ® packaging. Please call (435) 753-7774 to get an RMA# for any return. Customer is responsible for shipping costs back to Zbroz Racing. Returns without RMA# will be refused. Contact ZBROZ® directly about any potentially defective parts prior to removal from vehicle.ZBROZ® is NOT responsible for any subsequent damages to any related vehicle parts due to misuse, abuse, improper installation, or lack of maintenance. Furthermore, ZBROZ® reserves the right to change, modify or cancel this warranty without prior notice.FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE PROPER INSTALLATIONREAD INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY AND COMPLETELY BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION. INSTALLATION BY A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL MECHANIC IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ZBROZ® IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR FAILURE RESULTING FROM IMPROPER INSTALLATION.TOOLS:Floor Jack (1)21mm Socket (1)21mm End Wrench (1) Flathead Screwdriver (1) Hammer (1)15mm Socket (1)15mm End Wrench (1) T40 Torx (1)PARTS:Front Tender Springs 237-1000-450 (2) Front Main Springs 237-1200-300 (2) Rear Tender Springs 237-1000-250 (2) Rear Main Springs 237-1800-300 (2)Step 1 — Safety WarningMISUSE OF THIS PRODUCT COULD LEAD TO INJURY OR DEATH. You should never operate your vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. All raised vehicles have increased risk including blind spots; damage, injury and/or death can occur if these instructions are not followed.Suspension systems or components that enhance the on and off-road performance of your vehicle may cause it to handle differently than it did from the factory. Extreme care must be used to prevent loss of control or vehicle rollover during abrupt maneuvers.Always operate your vehicle at reduced speeds to ensure your ability to control your vehicle under all driving conditions. Failure to drive safely may result in serious injury or death to driver and passengers. You should never operate your vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Driver and passengers must ALWAYS wear your seat belts,avoid quick sharp turns and other sudden maneuvers. ZBROZ® does not recommend the combined use of suspension lifts, body lifts, or other lifting devices.Constant maintenance is required to keep your vehicle safe. Thoroughly inspect your vehicle before and after every off-road use.It is the responsibility of the retailer and/or the installer to review all state and local laws, with the end user of this product, related to bumper height laws and the lifting of their vehicle before the purchase and installation of any ZBROZ®products.It is the responsibility of the driver to check their surrounding area for obstructions, people, and animals before moving the vehicle.All raised vehicles have increased blind spots; damage, injury and/or death can occur if these instructions are not followed.Step 2 — Installation WarningAll steps and procedures described in these instructions were performed while the vehicle was properlysupported on a two post vehicle lift with safety jacks.Use caution during all disassembly and assembly steps to insure suspension components are not over extended causing damage to any vehicle components and parts included in this kit.Included instructions are guidelinesonly for recommended proceduresand are not meant to be definitive.Installer is responsible to insure asafe and controllable vehicle afterperforming modifications.ZBROZ® recommends the use of anOE Service Manual for model/yearof vehicle when disassembly andassembly of factory and relatedcomponents.Unless otherwise specified, tightenall bolts and fasteners to standardtorque specifications listed within the OE Service Manual.Suspension components that userubber or urethane bushings shouldbe tightened with the vehicle atnormal ride height. This will preventpremature wear or failure of thebushing and maintain ride comfort.Larger tire and wheel combinationsmay increase leverage onsuspension, steering, and relatedcomponents.Due to payload options and initialride height variances, the amount of lift is a base figure. Final ride heightdimensions may vary in accordance to original vehicle ride height.Always measure the vehicle rideheight prior to beginning installation.Step 3 — Installation Warning Cont.This spring kit can be installed with shocks on your "VEHICLE" by using a floor jack or lift. Select a flat install location. If using floor jack, always make sure to block tires - work safely! If removing shocks forinstallation. Back OEM Preload rings on all shocks before removing. Use a solid mounted vice for installation.FOLLOW THESE STEPS FIRST 1. Measure current ride height at front center frame point and rear center frame point.2. Write down these measurements for before and after installation notes.3. If removing shocks, label each shock to eliminate installation problems with the piggybackreservoirs positioning/clocking when reinstalling.4. Clean shocks! Remove all dirt and mud.Step 4 — Ride Height WarningDue to payload options and initial ride height variances, the amount of preload is a base figure. Final ride height dimensions may vary in accordance to original vehicle ride height. Always measure the vehicle ride height prior to beginning installation.Lift the front of the RZR using a floor jack and remove tires. Make sure the key is in the off position to allow the live valve shocks to extend fully.IMAGE 1 Using a flathead screwdriver, raise the bump stop up around 3 inches.IMAGE 2 Loosen the preload nut then rotate the spring stack and preload nut counter clockwise until all the preload is removed from the springs.Repeat the first two steps on the opposite side.In order to remove the front shock springs, you must remove the front shocks from the RZR. IMAGE 3 Remove the six screws shown that hold the front fender in place. This is required to provide enough room to remove the shock. Do this on both sides.IMAGE 1 Using a 15mm end wrench and socket, remove the upper ball joint bolt and lift up on the arm and the ball joint should fall free. This is also required to provide room to remove the shock.IMAGE 2 Using a 21mm wrench and socket, remove the lower shock mount on each side.Removing both of them at the same time allows the lower arms to extend further to provide clearance to remove the shock.IMAGE 3 Before you remove the upper shock mount bolt remove the connectors for the live valve shocks. They are located near the top of the shock.IMAGE 1 Use your 21mm tools to remove the upper shock mount bolt.At this point it is time to remove the front shocks. This may be difficult the first time and will require quite a bit of maneuvering in order to get the shock free.Once you have the shock off, remove the lower spring retainer and set the stock springs aside but hang on to the stock spring divider and spring retainer, they will be used in reassembly.Now is the best time to add your new reservoir decals.Rotate the preload ring all the way to the top of the shock then loosen the crossover ring and rotate it up until it is about 4.5 inches from the bottom of the preload ring.IMAGE 2 Locate your new front springs and place them on the shock. place the tender spring on first followed by the spring divider (Long side facing down). Next place the main spring on the shock and put the spring retainer back into place.Once you have the springs back on the shock, repeat the process and reinstall the front shocks.Due to an internal spring in the shock itself, preload must be set while putting downward pressureon the hub. If you do not keep constant downward pressure on the hub your preload and crossover settings will be incorrect resulting in poor ride height and ride quality. Preload and crossover must also be set when the vehicle is at full droop.IMAGE 1 To set the preload, tighten the preload ring down until you have a 1/2" gap between the top of the shock and the top of the preload ring as shown in the image. Keep in mind this is a basic starting point, you may need to add more preload depending on added weight and accessories to your vehicle.Once your preload is set, next the crossover can be set. Crossover settings in the front should be 4.5" This measurement should be taken from the bottom of the crossover ring to the top of the spring divider. Remember this is a starting point and more adjustment may be needed later.Once you have the preload and crossover in place , tighten the crossover nut.IMAGE 2 Align or clock lower coil end of new tender spring to upper coil end of new main spring.This reduces spring deflection.Repeat the above steps on the opposite side. Double check torque settings and replace your wheels and tires. Lower the jack and move it to the rear of the vehicle.IMAGE 1 With the rear of the vehicle off the ground and the wheels and tires removed, Use a flathead screwdriver to raise the bump stop up roughly 3 inches.Remove all the preload from thespring stack the same way you did in the front.Using an 21mm end wrench and socket, remove the lower shock mount bolt.NOTE: You do not need toremove the upper shock mount bolt, just the lower.Lift up on the springs and remove the spring retainer. Set the old springs aside but hang on to the spring retainer and spring divider they will be used in reassembly.Leave the stock crossover ring on the shock, it will be adjusted after preload is set.IMAGE 1 Install the rear front tender spring and OEM spring divider, then place the main spring on the shock and replace the stock spring retainer.IMAGE 1 Replace the lower 21mm shock mount bolt and torque to factory specifications.Due to an internal spring in the shock itself, preload must be set while putting downward pressureon the hub. If you do not keep constant downward pressure on the hub your preload and crossover settings will be incorrect resulting in poor ride height and ride quality. Preload and crossover must also be set when the vehicle is at full droop.IMAGE 1 To set the preload, tighten the preload ring down until you have a 3 3/4" gap between the top of the shock and the top of the preload ring as shown in the image. Keep in mind this is a basic starting point, you may need to add more preload depending on added weight and accessories to your vehicle.Once your preload is set, next the crossover can be set. Crossover settings in the rear should be 4.75" This measurement should be taken from the bottom of the crossover ring to the top of the spring divider. Remember this is a starting point and more adjustment may be needed later.Once you have the preload and crossover in place, tighten the crossover nut.(IMAGE 1) Align or clock lower coil end of new tender spring to upper coil end of new main spring.This reduces spring deflection.Repeat the above steps on the opposite side. Double check torque settings and replace your wheels and tires.Step 12 — Check Ride Height SetupDrive your vehicle around at slow speed, turning left and right to settle the spring kit. Coast to stop,do not apply brakes to ensure spring kit is naturally settled. Measure and compare ride height measurements with pre-install measurements. Adjust by adding or removing Preload.How to Adjust: With tires on, use a floor jack or lift so that shocks are fully extended and adjust asfollows:If Ride Height is too TALL: Rotate OEM Preload ring 2 full counterclockwise rotations, settle springkit and check.If Ride Height is too LOW: Rotate OEM Preload ring 2 full clockwise rotations, settle spring kit andcheck.Be sure to reset crossover distance if preload is changed.Step 13 — Final ResultsRide Height Gain: average ride height increase is 2”.Aggressive Stance: allows fitment of larger tires.Tune-able Progressive Spring Setup: soaks up small bumps better before initiating main springs.Bottoming resistance: increased bottoming resistance with tune-able cross-over rings.Reduced body roll: tuned spring setup delivers increased control when turning and cornering.Race-inspired durability: premium quality / high tensile / light weight / springs that won’t sag.Step 14 — Final Checks & AdjustmentsOnce the vehicle is lowered to the ground, check all parts which have rubber or urethanecomponents to ensure proper torque. Torque lug nuts to the wheel manufacturer specs. Move vehicle backwards and forwards a short distance to allow suspension components to adjust.Turn the front wheels completely left then right and verify adequate tire, wheel, brake lineclearance. Test and inspect steering, brake and suspension components for tightness and proper operation.RECHECK ALL HARDWARE FOR PROPER TORQUE VALUES AFTER 500 MILES, AND THEN PERIODICALLY AT EACH SERVICE INTERVAL THERAFTER.Step 15 — Vehicle Handling WarningIncreasing the height of your vehicle raises the center of gravity and can affect stability and e caution on turns and when making steering corrections.Vehicles with larger tires and wheels will handle differently than stock vehicles. Take time to familiarize yourself with the handling of your vehicle.By installing this product, you acknowledge that the suspension of this vehicle has been modified. As a result, this vehicle may handle differently than that of factory-equipped vehicles. As with any vehicle,extreme care must be used to prevent loss of control or roll-over during sharp turns or abruptmaneuvers. Always wear seat belts, and drive safely, recognizing that reduced speeds and specialized driving techniques may be required. Failure to drive this vehicle safely may result in serious injury or death. Do not drive this vehicle unless you are familiar with its unique handling characteristics and are confident of your ability to maintain control under all driving conditions. Some modifications (andcombinations of modifications) are not recommended and may not be permitted in your state. Consult your owner’s manual, the instructions accompanying this product, and state laws before undertaking these modifications. You are responsible for the legality and safety of the vehicle you modify using these components.Step 16 — Wheel Alignment, Headlight, and Safety/Security Systems AdjustmentIt is necessary to have a proper and professional wheel alignment performed by a certified alignment technician. Align the vehicle to factory specifications. It is recommended that your vehicle alignment be checked after any off-road driving.In addition to your vehicle alignment, for your safety and others, it is necessary to check and adjust your vehicle headlamps for proper aim and alignment.If the vehicle is equipped with active or passive safety/collision monitoring and/or avoidance systems including, but not limited to, camera- or radar-based systems, check and adjust your vehicle’s systems for proper aim and function.。



7 Reference V2o0lt1ag1e-0S9hu-2td7ow0n9:57指:3定9电压关闭
激 活 离 线 /故 障 报 警
TVL Velocity Gain 行 程 速 度 增 益 TVL MLFB Gain 行 程 小 回 路 反 馈 T2T增0hh益1iinn1kk-0PP9aa-dd25 02:B15:35 -2-0-1-1----0-9---2-5--0--2-:-1-6-:-0-8----------------------T2压 压 -压-0h-1i-n1-力-k力力--0P-9a-小--d2-比积5--0-回-2-例分:-0-路5-:-0-增增2-反----益益-馈----增----益---------T-h-i-n--k-P-a--d---------------------------------性 2--0-1-1-能---0-9-整--2-7--定0--9-:-5器-2-:-0-8----------------------TThVinLk/PPardess CCutoffs行程/压力切割
3 Pressure Tuning 压力整定
Tvl/Press Control
1 Tvl/Press Select 行程/压力选择 2 Tvl/Press Cutoffs行程/压力判断
Detailed Setup
Response Control
3 Travel Limits 行程限位
2 Drive SignalAlert
驱动信号报警 3 Processor ImpairedAlerts

Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译

Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译

第三课SWOT分析【A】Before entering the marketplace it is essential(必要)to carry out(进行)a SWOT analysis. This identifies(识别,标识)the strengths and weaknesses of a product, service or company, and the opportunities and threats facing it. Strengths and weakness refer(指,参考,见,提到)to the product itself and considered as internal factors. The external factors, referring to the marketplace, are opportunities and threats.在进入市场之前开展SWOT分析是必不可少的。




This is a SWOT analysis of PetraServe, a company which runs motorway service stations.这是一家名叫PetraServe的运作高速服务站的企业的SWOT分析。

Strengths:优势Superior(高级)distribution network – we have one of the best.高级分销网络- 我们有最好的之一。

We are the specialist(专业,专门)in long-distance petrol(汽油)needs for lorry (货车)and truck drivers – we have experience, knowledge and skill.我们在为货车和卡车司机在长途中提供汽油方面很专业- 我们有经验,知识和技能。



Hydraulic System——液压与气压系统【中英文对照】Hydraulic SystemThere are only three basic methods of transmitting power:Electrical,mechanical.and fluid power.Most applications actually use a combination of the three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system.To properly determine which principle method to use。

it is important to know the salient features of each type.For example,fluid systems call transmit power more economically Over greater distances than Can mechanical types.However。

fluid systems arerestricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.Hydraulic power transmission system ale concerned with the generation,modulation, and control of pressure and flow and ,and in general such systems include:1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulic power at the actuator.2.Valves which control the direction of pump——flow,the level of power produced,and the amount of fluid一一flow to the actuators.The power level is determined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power Output at the point required.4.The medium,which is a liquid,provides rigid transmission and control as well as 1ubrication of component s,sealing in valves.and cooling of the system.5.Connectors which link the various system components,provide power conductors for the fluid under pressure,and fluid flow return to tank(reservoir)..6、Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality and quantity as well as cooling of the fluid.7、pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject.a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumaticHydraulic systems ale used in industrial applications such as stamping presses,steel mills,and general manufacturing,agricultural machines,mining industry,aviation,space technology,deep—sea exploration, transportation,marine technology,and offshore gas and petroleum exploration.In short,very few people get through a day of their 1ives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics2.The principle of electrical—discharge machining also called electro is or spark-erosion machining, is based on the erosion of metals by spark discharges。



英国文学史资料British Writers and Works一.Anglo-Saxon p eriod<Beowulf>M 奥武夫:the national epic of the An glo-Sax onsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero en acted in vast Ian dsca pes. The style of epic is grand and elevated 主题严肃,语言庄重)e.g. Homer ' s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:1. Using alliteration(押头韵)(该文最大修辞特点,每行第一个词辅音韵)Defin iti on of alliteratio n: a rhetorical device, mea ning some words in asentence beg in with the same consonant sound 辅音)ing metaphor (暗喻,隐喻)and understatementDefin iti on of un derstateme nt: exp ress ing someth ing in a con trolled way Understateme nt is a typ ical way for En glishme n to exp ress their ideas二.The Middle Ages ( Medieval Ages) Geoffery Cha 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创双韵体”英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。

约翰德莱顿(John Dryden) 称其为英国诗歌之父”The father of English poetry.first time to use heroic couple'英雄双韵体)by middle English代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》《The Canterbury tales 》。



酒店英语考试+答案2014年⼤连⽇航饭店英语⼀⼆级考试试题(考试时间08:30-10:00)姓名(中⽂):部门:员⼯号:⼀?选出最符合的答案填⼊括号内(5道题,每题2分;总计10分)1. Q: Hello, I ' m calling to confirm my room reservation. My name is Jane Smith.A. Where are you call ing from?B. Of course, madam.C. Sorry, there is no room available, madam.D. What' s your room number, madam?2. A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes. I want to stay here one more ni ght.Q: What do we know about the man? ( A )A. He wants to extend his stay.B. He is check ing in.C. He is check ing out.D. He is getting some information.3. Sorry sir. This weekend happens to be our long national holiday and we are all up. ( D)A. The lady wants a room but there isn ' t one available.B. Weeke nds are bad days to book a room.C. The man wants to spe nd his long holiday in this hotel.D. The man was not successful in making a room reservati on.4. W: I ' d like to thank you for my enjoyable stay in this hotel.M: It ' s been our pleasure to have you with us, Mrs. Smith.Q: What can we con clude from this con versati on? ( C )A. Mrs. Smith had a pleasa nt stay with the man.B. Mrs. Smith has stayed in this hotel for a long time.C. Mrs. Smith has had a good time in this hotel.(D) bookedD. The man is glad to see Mrs. Smith go.5. _ C__in our check-in procedures since the new manager took over.A. There are cha ngesB. Chan ges have bee n thereC. There have bee n cha ngesD. We have cha nges三?选择正确的单词填⼊括号内。

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Motion Ratio Analysis

Motion Ratio in the Road Vehicle.

The motion ratio describes the displacement ratio between the spring and the centerline of the wheel. The motion ratio squared times the spring rate gives the wheel rate.
E 2 (1 + )
Spring Rate Calculations

Coil Spring Calculations:
Steel is used:
E = 30,000,000 psi
1,500,000 d 4 K 3 D N
Spring Rate Calculations

Torsion Bar Rates:

The deflection rate at the free end is

d 4G
32 L r
The deflection rate at the wheel can now be found through analysis of the motion ratio
Spring Rate Calculations
L = Bar Length d = Bar Diameter r = lever arm length
32 L
d 4G

Let the deflection at the end =
Spring Rate Calculations
Spring Rate Calculations

Coil Spring Calculations: G d4 K= 64 R3 N
K = Spring Rate in lbs/in G = Modulus of rigidity d = Spring Wire Diameter R = Mean Radius of the Spring N = Number of Active Coils Squared and Ground Ends -1.75 turns Squared or Closed Ends ---Plain Ends -0.5 turns Plain ends Ground -1.0 turns
Motion Ratio Analysis

Wheel Rate - Location Dependent.

The spring position is important as it defines the mechanical advantage which exists between the wheel and the spring. Figure 1 depicts a spring acting on a simple lever.
Figure 1
Motion Ratio Analysis

From the simple lever system a number of relationships can be drawn.
a FB= FA b b dB= dA a
a 2 F A FB = k b k a B A dB b b dA a
Typical Leaf Spring
Typical deflection behavior:
Typical Leaf Spring
Typical Path behavior on deflection
Motion Ratio Analysis
Motion Ratio Analysis
Motion Ratio Analysis
Spring Rates, Wheel Rates, Motion Ratios and Roll Stiffness
Dr. Richard Hathaway, P.E. Professor
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Spring Rate Calculations

Spring Position The displacement relationship between the spring and the wheel determines the actual rate the wheel works against for any spring rate. This displacement relationship may be defined as a motion ratio. The rate at the wheel is defined as the wheel rate (Kw). The rate of the spring itself is called the spring rate (Ks). The displacement relationship is a function of both spring position on the load carrying member and the angular orientation of the spring to that member.

Torsion Bar Calculations:
Hale Waihona Puke Steel is used:
E = 30,000,000 psi
2,200,000 d 4 K L r2
L = Bar Length r = lever arm length d = Bar Diameter
Typical Leaf Spring

Torsion Bar Rates:
Since T = F x r &
L d

d G
F xr
32 L

d 4G
32 L
Then the deflection rate at the free end is found

d 4G
32 L r
Spring Rate Calculations