C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2 鸿利LED
华宏光电子(深圳)有限公司 3528单晶蓝光贴片产品说明书
产品规格书Specification3528单晶蓝光贴片3528 Single Chip Blue Color Top LED产品型号/ Part No : WW-BNA30TS-Q1批准审核制定牛焕东陶源杨成琼华宏光电子(深圳)有限公司WAH WANG OPTOELECTRONIC (SHENZHEN)COMPANY LIMITED地址:深圳市宝安区大浪街道华荣路联建科技工业园第五栋Address:Floor Block 5, Lianjian Science &Technology lndustrial Park,Crossing of HuaRong Road,Dalang Sub-District, Bao`an, ShenZhen电话:*************Tel**************传真:*************Fax**************S.D.N. / D.N. No. 送货单编号Customer Name客户名称Sample Approval Signature戶客确认签署Date日期■ 产品特性■ Features:PLCC LED dimensions: 3.5(L) x 2.8(W) x 1.9(H) mm 发散视角120°Wide view angle 120 环保防静电胶带包装Available on tape and reel with Anti-electrostatic bag 产品性能稳定可靠Compatible for all SMT Assembly and Lead-Free SolderingRoHS Compliant■ 应用■ Applications: 背光液晶开关和显示Backlight for LCD Switch and Display 装饰照明Decorative Lighting 一般照明General Lighting 汽车内部照明Automotive Interior Lighting 常规使用General Use■ 产品尺寸图■ Package Dimensions:2建议焊盘尺寸■ 注释■ Notes :1、上图所有尺寸的单位为毫米All dimension units are in millimeters.2、所有外形尺寸公差为 ± 0.25毫米,除非另有说明All dimension tolerances are ± 0.25mm unless otherwise noted.■ 最大绝对额定值■ Absolute Maximum Ratings :参数Parameter 符号 Symbol 数值 Value单位 Unit 功耗Power dissipation P d 60 mW 连续正向电流I F 20 mA 峰值正向电流 Peak Forward CurrentI FP 50 mA 反向电压 Reverse Voltage V R5V静电放电(HBM)ESD 1000 V 工作温度范围T opr -25 to +85 ℃ 存储温度范围T stg -40 to +100 ℃ 无铅焊接温度T sol260( for 5 sec)℃Recommended Soldering Pads Dimensions Recommended Soldering Pads Dimensions光电参数规格:Electrical Optical Characteristics:WW-BNA30TS-Q1注释Notes:1、发光强度、功耗和光通量的误差为 ± 10%WW maintains a tolerance of ±10% on flux and power measurements.2、波长的误差为 ±1nm;d ±1nm.3、电压的误差为 ± 0.1VA tolerance of ±0.1V on forward voltage measurements参数 Parameter 符号 Symbol最小值 Min.平均值Typ.最大值 Max.单位 Unit测试条件 Test Conditions发光强度I v 400 --- 600 mcd波长 Spectral λd465 --- 475 nm参考光通量 Φv ------- --- lm 正向电压 V F 2.7 --- 3.3 V 视角Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 ---120 --- Deg I F =20mA反向电流 I R --- --- 5 µA V R = 5V■光电特性Typical Optical Characteristics CurvesAmbient Temperature TA(°C)环境温度(℃)R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)发光强度(%)Forward Current Derating Curve 环境温度与电流的关系曲线图Radiation Diagram发光角度图Spectral Distribution波长曲线图Luminous Intensity vs AmbientTemperature发光强度与温度的关系曲线图F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )电流(m A )Ambient Temperature TA(°C)R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)光通量(%)Forward Current (mA)电流(mA)Forward Voltage (V)电压(V)F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A ) 电流(m A )Forward Current vs Forward Voltage伏安特性曲线Forward Current vs Relative Luminous Intensity电流和光通量的关系■ 产品可靠性检测项目:序號No.实验项目Test Item标准测试方法Standard TestMethod测试条件Test Conditions检测时间和周期Duration不良数/测试数Failure RateIf=20mA1正常工作寿命Steady StateOperating LifeJEITA ED-4701100 103 Ta=25℃1000hrs 0/22 JEITA ED-47012低温贮藏Low TemperatureStorage 200 202Ta=-40℃ 1000hrs 0/22JEITA ED-47013高温贮存High TemperatureStorage 200 201Ta=100℃ 1000hrs 0/22JEITA ED-4701 Ta=60℃4高温高湿贮藏TemperatureHumidity Storage 100 103 RH=90%1000hrs 0/22JEITA ED-4701 0℃ ~ +100℃5 冷热冲击Thermal Shock 300 307 5min~ 15sec ~5min10 cycles 0/22H:+100℃ 30min.高低温循环Temperature Cycle ∫ : +25℃ 5min.6 JEITA ED-4701100 105L:-40℃ 30min100cycles0/22 JEITA ED-47017 烫锡Solder Heat 300 301 Tsld=260℃, 10sec(Max.)2 times 0/22■ 失效产品判定标准:项目Item符号Symbol测试条件Test Condition最小值Min.最大值Max.正向电压Forward VoltageV F I F = 20mA -- *U.S.L×1.1 反向电流Reverse CurrentI R V R = 5V -- *U.S.L×2.0发光强度Luminous IntensityI V I F = 20mA **L.S.L×0.7 --*U.S.L.:超出标准最大值*U.S.L.: Upper Standard Level** L.S.L.:低于标准最低值** L.S.L.: Lower Standard Level■ .■■■ Dimensions of the reel:■ .包装■ Packing:防潮、防静电真空密封包装■ Moisture, anti-static vacuum sealed packages■ 注释■ Note:上图所有尺寸的单位为毫米,公差为 ± 2.0毫米,除非另有说明All dimensions are in mm, tolerance is ± 2.0mm unless otherwise noted.■注意事项:PRECAUTION IN USE1.存储要求:1.1推荐储存环境温度:5℃30℃的(41oF86oF)湿度:相对湿度60%以下1.2防潮袋密封包装储存时间3个月,起始时间以包装标签日期为准,需在包装袋封口良好并无漏气现象,且湿度卡未变为粉红色前提下使用,如超过3个月的LED需按2. 2要求除潮烘烤后才能正常使用。
21IC 中国电子网—电子工程师的网站 www21ic
LM1117-3.3 SOT-223
一体化红外接 塑封
K9F1G08U0A TSSOP-48 1 _PCB0SPຫໍສະໝຸດ 232SOJ-16按键
AT45DB161D SO-8
K1、K2、K3、K4、 直插按钮
贴片二极管 D7
D5 D6
缩体 SS14
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21IC 中国电子网-电子工程师的网站
J7 J10 J19
型号规格 封装
2 芯插针
2.54 间距
10 芯单排针 2.54 间距
配3个 跳线帽
接插件-带 锁扣插座
接插件-单 排孔插座
J4 J6 J2 J1
接插件- 通 用件
J14 J8 J9 J12 J13
包装纸盒 配套光盘 通讯线缆
焊料及人工 费 小计 总计
J17 垫高螺柱
USB2.0 打印线 串口延长线
4 芯单排插针 2.54 间距
3 芯插针
2.54 间距单 1
Confirmation Audit确认Package Dimensions (封装尺寸)ATTENTIONOBSERVE PRECAUTIONSFOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES 注意:操作时应注意静电敏感释放设备装置3.30 [0.13][0.11][0.08]3.50 [0.14]HL-A-2835D49BC-S1-08 Selection Guide (选择指南)Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C 电性与光学特性Parameter (参数) Symbol (符号)Rating (值)Units (单位)Power Dissipation (功耗) Pd 500 mW Forward Current (正向电流)I F 150 mA Peak Forward Current [1](峰值正向电流)I FP 200 mA Reverse Voltage (反向电压) V R 5 V Electrostatic Discharge (HBM)(静电) ESD 1000 V Operating Temperature (操作温度) Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature (保存温度)Tstg-40 ~ +100℃Note:(备注)1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. q1/2 是半值角,指光强是光学中心线光强的1/2处到光学中心线的角度 2. the above luminous intensity measurement allowance tolerance ±10%. 上述发光强度的测试允许公差为±10%Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C 绝对最大额定值Note:(备注)1. 1/10 Duty cycle, 0.1ms pulse width.(脉宽0.1ms,周期1/10)2. The above forward voltage measurement allowance tolerance is ±0.1V .(以上所示电压测量误差±0.1V )3. The above dominate wavelength measurement allowance tolerance is ±0.1V .(以上所示波长测量误差±1nm )Parameter (参数)Symbol (符号) Min. (最小) Typ. (平均) Units (单位)Test Conditions 测试条件 Forward Voltage 正向电压V F2.8- -VI F =150mAReverse Current 反向电流 I R - - - - Ua V R = 5VDominate Wavelength 主波长 Λd 452 - - Nm I F =150mAMax. (最大) 3.410 462 Part No. 型号 DiceLens Type 胶体类型Luminous intensity(mcd)光强@ 150mAViewingAngle角度 MinTyp2q1/2 HL-A-2835D49BC-S1-08 WHITE (InGaN ) Water Clear 1700 2200120°OF-SMD2835B-05Test Items 项目 Ref.Standard 参考标准Test Condition 测试条件 Time 时间Quantity 数量Ac/Re 接收/拒收Reflow 回流焊 JESD22-B106 Temp:260℃max T=10 sec 3 times. 22Pcs. 0/1Temperature Cycle温度循环 JESD22-A104 100℃±5℃ 30 min.↑↓5 min-40℃±5℃ 30 min. 100 Cycles 22Pcs. 0/1High Temperature Storage高温保存 JESD22-A103 Temp:100℃±5℃1000Hrs. 22Pcs. 0/1Low Temperature Storage低温保存JESD22-A119 Temp:-40℃±5℃ 1000Hrs. 22Pcs. 0/1Life Test 常温通电JESD22-A108 Ta=25℃±5℃ IF=150mA1000Hrs. 22Pcs. 0/1High Temperature High Humidity Life Test高温高湿通电JESD22-A10185℃±5℃/ 85%RHIF=100mA1000Hrs. 22Pcs. 0/1HL-A-2835D49BC-S1-08Reliability Test Items And Conditions 信赖性测试项目及条件*The technical information shown in the data sheets are limited to the typical characteristics and circuit examples of the referenced products. It does not constitute the warranting of industrial property nor the granting of any license.数据工作表中所示的技术信息仅限于典型特征和电路实例引用的产品.它既不构成工业特性的保证,也不构成任何许可的授权Criteria For Judging Damage 失效判定标准Symbol 符号 Test Condition 测试条件Criteria For Judgement判定标准 Min. 最小Max. 最大 Forward Voltage正向电压 VFIF=150mA- -U.S.L*)x1.1Reverse Current反向电流 IR VR = 5V - - U.S.L*)x2.0Luminous Flux光通量lm IF=150mA L.S.L*)x0.7 - -Test Items 项目 U .S .L : Upper standard level 规格上限 L .S .L : Lower standard level 规格下限载带规格(单位:mm)。
华旺光电子Warm White色顶LED单片机3528型号说明书
For 3528 Single Chip Warm White Color Top LED Part No: WW-WRA30TS-U1
260( for 5 sec)
பைடு நூலகம்
Electrical Optical Characteristics at Ta=25℃
Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Test Condition
Luminous Intensity Ref. Luminous Flux
Viewing Angle
Iv1 2100 --- 3000 mcd
2θ1/2 --- 120 --- Deg
IF = 20mA(Note 10) IF = 20mA IF = 20mA
Forward Voltage
IF = 20mA
Luminous Intensity
Iv2 3000 --- 4000
Power dissipation
Continuous Forward Current
Peak Forward Current (1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width)
奥普通电子 uni25CF 0805型号单片片区 LED 灯片说明书
12.0x 1.25x 0.8m m C h i p L E DOSXX0805C1E■Features■Outline Dimension●Single chip2121. All dimensions are in millimeters;2. Tolerance is ±0.1mm unless otherwise noted;3. Soldering PAD Suggested:● 2.0x1.25x0.8mm(0805) standard package . ● Suitable for all SMT assembly methods. ●Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflow solder process.●This product doesn’t contain restriction Substance, comply ROHS standard.●Compatible with automatic placement equipment.■Applications●Automotive : Dashboards, stop lamps, turn signals. ●Backlighting : LCDs, Key pads advertising.■Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25℃)■DirectivityItemSymbolValueUnitW/M/B/V/K/G5R5/Y5/O5/G8DC Forward Current I F 30 30 mA Pulse Forward Current* I FP 100100mA Reverse V oltage V R 55 V Power Dissipation P D 10878mWOperating Temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -40~ +85 ℃ Lead Soldering TemperatureTsol260℃/10sec- *Pulse width Max 0.1ms, Duty ratio max 1/10 ■Electrical -Optical Characteristics(Ta=25(Ta=25℃℃)Part NumberColorV F (V) I R (µA) Iv(mcd)λD(nm)2θ1/2(deg)Min. Typ. Max. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ.Max. Typ. I F =20mA V R =5V I F =20mAOSW50805C1E White W5 ■ - 3.3 3.6 10 350 450 - X:0.27, Y:0.28 120 OSM50805C1E Warm White M5 ■- 3.3 3.6 10 350 450 - X:0.44, Y:0.41 120 OSK50805C1E Pink K5 ■ - 3.3 3.6 10 60 90 - X:0.38, Y:0.18 120 OSV40805C1E Violet V4 ■ 3.3 3.6 10 8 12 - 395 400 405 120 OSB50805C1E BlueB5 ■- 3.2 3.6 10 80 120 - 460 465 475 120 OSG50805C1E True Green G5 ■3.3 3.6 10 400 450 - 520 525 530 120 OSG80805C1E Yellow Green G8 ■-2.0 2.6 10 20 35 - 564 570 578 120 OSY50805C1E Yellow Y5 ■ -2.1 2.6 10 100 120 - 585 590 595 120 OSO50805C1E Orange O5 ■ - 2.0 2.6 10 100 120 - 600 605 610 120 OSR50805C1ERedR5 ■-2.02.610120150-620625630120*1 Tolerance of measurements of chromaticity coordinate is +10%*2 Tolerance of measurements of dominant wavelength is +1nm *3 Tolerance of measurements of luminous intensity is +15% *4 Tolerance of measurements of forward voltage is ±0.1VLED & Application Technologies 2■ Soldering ConditionsReflow SolderingHand SolderingPre-Heat 180 ~ 200°C Temperature Soldering time350°C Max. 3 sec. Max. (one time only)Pre-Heat Time 120 sec. Max. Peak temperature 260°C Max. Dipping Time10 sec. Max.ConditionRefer to Temperature-profile• Reflow Soldering Condition(Lead-free Solder)*Recommended soldering conditions vary according to the type of LED*Although the recommended soldering conditions are specified in the above table, reflow, or hand soldering at the lowest possible temperature is desirable for the LEDs.*A rapid-rate process is not recommended for cooling the LEDs down from the peak temperature. •All SMD LED products are pb-free soldering available.• Occasionally there is a brightness decrease caused by the influence of heat or ambient atmosphere during air reflow. It is recommended that the User use the nitrogen reflow method. • Repairing should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable adouble-head soldering iron should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.• Reflow soldering should not be done more than two times.• When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating. • After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.LED & Application Technologies 3■ Taping and Orientation.1. Quantity:3000pcs/Reel2. Note: The tolerances unless mentioned is ±0.1mm,Unit:mm■ Cautions:1. After open the package, the LED ´s floor life is 4 Weeks under 30℃ or less and 60%RH or less(MSL:2a).2. Heat generation must be taken into design consideration when using the LED.3. Power must be applied resistors for protection, over current would be caused the optic damage to the devices and wavelength shift.4. Manual tip solder may cause the damage to Chip devices, so advised that heat of ironshould be lower than 15W with temperature control under 5 seconds at 230-260 deg. C. ( The device would be got damage in re working process, recommended under 5 seconds at 230-260 deg. C)5. All equipment and machinery must be properly grounded. It is recommended to use a wristband or anti-electrostatic glove when handing the LED.6. Use IPA as a solvent for cleaning the LED. The other solvent may dissolve the LED package and the epoxy, Ultrasonic cleaning should not be done.7. Damaged LED will show unusual characteristics such as leak current remarkably increase, turn-on voltage becomes lower and the LED get unlight at low current.LED & Application Technologies。
鸿利0.5W HL-A-2835D46W-S1-08-HR3 (2835)
DATE: OCT/14/2013
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Typical optical characteristics curves 典型光学特性曲线
Relative spectral emission 相对光谱分布特性曲
Cool White 1.0
SPEC NO:B-13-A-0728
DATE: OCT/14/2013
PAGE: 3 OF 14
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C
Typical optical characteristics curves 典型光学特性曲线
Soldering Temperature vs. Forward Current
Forward Current VS. Relative Intensity
DATE: OCT/14/2013
PAGE: 6 OF 14
Y 0.44
W42 W52 W62
0.4 4000K
W43 W44
W53 W63 W64
0.38 5000K
N42 N53 N43
0.36 6000K
Warm White
Neural White
Consult installation guide for exact dimensions.CEILING CUTOUT SIZE A B C D E F 2X223 3/4”23 3/4” 4 1/8”22 1/2”22 7/8”22 7/8”2X447 3/4”23 3/4”4 1/8”46 1/2”46 3/4”22 7/8”ATOP VIEW7/8” WIRING ACCESSEDCROSS SECTIONCBFHousingPrecision die formed and welded housing with specified material (see product ordering key).MountingFlange installation is supported by swing style mounting brackets. Grid installation suitable for 1” and 1.5” T-Bar ceilings.Door FrameSingle piece precision die formed with specified material (see product ordering key). Corners are TIG welded. Tamper resistant TORX® Head with center pin fasteners secure door frame to housing.LEDAvailable in two standard colour temperatures 3500K and 4000K.LensMultiple lens choices available (see product key for options). Lens sealed to door frame with continuous retention system and supported with stainless steel aircraft cables.FinishPolyester powder painted white finish features a high reflectivity coating for improved performance and efficiency.ElectricalLong life LED’s coupled with high efficiency drivers provide quality illumination. Rated to deliver an L80 performance >50,000 hours. The standard driver has a THD of <10%. Standard low-voltage dimming (0-10v). All electrical components are CSA or UL approved. A ½” EMT hole is provided for wiring connections.Warranty5 year limited warranty. For complete warranty terms visit:/assets/Viscor_LED_Warranty.pdfDimensionsApprovalsApproved CSA and UL Standards. UL listed for insulated ceilings, wet locations.ICRATEDProduct DescriptionThe VRU series by Certolux is a vandal resistant IC-rated specification grade recessed luminaire for grid or flange applications. The luminaire features tamper resistant fasteners to protect from unauthorized fixture penetration and security lenses to maximize impact resistance.Features• SPEEDShip in 5 days (limited quantity of 25 units)Features Options• IP65 RatingOrder KeyEXAMPLE: VRUI2X2A/ALED840K055LUNV-P13/P45PhotometricCRI8 - (80-89)8A AVoltageUNV - 120-277V347 - 347VCCT35K - 3500 K40K - 4000 KSize NominalLumens Watts 2x25500532x45500477000611000082LEDVRUSeriesSize(Width xLength)2x22x4 Door StyleI - InsetO - OverlappingDoorGaugeA - 18 Ga. CRS - PaintedHousingGaugeA - 18 Ga. CRS - PaintedInternal/ExternalLensP13 - .125 Prismatic AcrylicP45 - .125 Clear Polycarbonate/-/NominalLumens055L - 5500lm070L - 7000lm100L - 10000lm2x42x2VRUI-2X2-LED840K055LUNV-P82P08IES File:VRUI-2X2-LED840K055LUNV-P82P08Lumens:5569Wattage:52Efficacy:1070°10°20°30°40°50°60°70°80°90200 cd 400 cd 600 cd 800 cd 1000 cd 1200 cd 1400 cd 1600 cd 1800 cd 2000 cd 2200 cd 2400 cdZonal Lumen SummaryZone Lumens%Lamp0.0° - 30.0°1723-43,083.6%30.9%0.0° - 40.0°2764-69,091.0%49.6%0.0° - 60.0°4646-116,155.7%83.4%0.0° - 90.0°5569-139,225.4%100.0%Average Luminance Table (cd/m2)CP Summary0.00°45.00°90.00°0.00°63646364636445.00°52025147523255.00°46644579468165.00°39103791391575.00°26592559278085.00°79711701738Coefficients of Utilizationρc80%70%50%ρw70%50%30%70%50%30%70%50%30%0119119119116116116111111111111010510110710399102999621009386989185938782392827489807385777148473658272647869625786557766456726255672595070585067564976754456553456251448624941614841584740958453757453754443610554234534134514033Effective Floor Cavity Reflectance: 20%P13P45OptionsApproval OptionsX8 IP65 RatingOther options may be available, consult factory.Specifications and data subject to change without notice.。
9833D 24W LED驱动应用替换BP2833参考
基于 9833D 的 24 串 280mA LED 灯驱动电源方案
3. PCB 文件
9833D 24W LED 驱动应用参考
76 V/50Hz;满载
220 V/50Hz;满载 580mV
264V/50HZ 满载 580MV
VDS V schottky工作波形
9833D 24W LED 驱动应用参考
176 V AC 满载
200V AC/满载
220V V AC/满载
264V AC/满载
240V 0.363W
17.5V 0.316 6.86 80.61 0.321 7.03 79.90 0.320 7.07 79.21 0.325 7.20 79.00 0.326 7.23 78.91
264V 0.420W
开路保护 OK 开路电压 22-25V
93 28% 92.87%
283.9 284.4
30.54 27.66
92.96% 92.52%
287.0 80
24.72 92.88% 286.5
L12 LED保护芯片说明书
五、主要参数指标参数最小值典型值最大值-0.7V—12V输入电压范围Input voltage截止漏电流—0.1µA1µAOff state current7.0V8.0V9.0V击穿触发电压Breakdown voltage1.0V 1.1V 1.3V导通压降(I=350mA)On state drop out voltage50mA350mA400mA工作电流Operation current响应时间200ns500ns1us Response time8KV(接触)15KV(空气)静电防护ESDElectrostatic Discharge1.2V 1.3V 1.5V反向导通电压Reverse break-over voltage150℃结温Junction temperature-40℃85℃工作温度Operation temperature260℃(10s)焊接温度Welding temperature—646µm*570µm—晶粒尺寸Grain size六、典型IV特性曲线常温25℃下L12的典型I-V特性曲线七、典型应用电路图八、SOT23-3封装尺寸封装尺寸图九、管芯压焊点尺寸图。
dura352 技术指标
dura352 技术指标
1. 芯片品牌:科锐(CREE)
2. 芯片型号:XHP70.2
3. 封装形式:DO-45
4. 颜色:冷白/正白
5. 最大功率:35W
6. 出光面功率:30W
7. 灯珠亮度:70-75LM(预估值)
8. 发光角度:135°
9. 恒流驱动:双恒流,输出电流范围宽(20%-100%)
10. 工作电压:2.8V-3.8V
11. 散热方式:铝合金散热器
12. 散热尺寸:厚度小,重量轻
13. 灯杯材质:PC+ABS
14. 灯具类型:筒灯
15. 灯杯口径尺寸范围:Φ26-63mm
1. 高光通、高显色、低热量、耐冲撞。
2. 出光面均匀且柔和,能够避免直射刺眼的问题。
3. 适配灵活,适用于筒灯、射灯、灯带等照明设备。
VLMU35CL2.-275-120 低功耗紫外视光LED说明书
UVC Emitting Diode in SMD PackageDESCRIPTIONVLMU35CL2.-275-120 is a ceramic based low power UVC LED with silicone lens for long life time. The package size is 3.45 mm x 3.45 mm x 1.38 mm and the radiant power typically 2.5 mW at 20 mA in a wavelength range of 265 nm to 285 nm.PRODUCT GROUP AND PACKAGE DATA •Product group: LED•Package: SMD ceramic•Product series: standard power UV LED•Angle of half intensity: ± 60°•Lead-finishing:Au FEATURES•Ceramic SMT package with silicone lens•Dimension (L x W x H) in mm: 3.45 x 3.45 x 1.38•DC forward current: up to 30 mA•Radiant power (typ.): 2.5 mW at 20 mA and3.5 mW at 30 mA•Leads / terminations finish: gold plated (Au)•Reflow soldering method•MSL 3 according to J-STD-020•Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see /doc?99912 APPLICATIONS•Sterilization•Medical application•Sensing of gases, germs, DNA, ...SAFETY ADVICESThese LEDs emit very strong UV radiation during operation. Do not look directly into the LED light when in operation as UV radiation can harm your eyes. To prevent inadequate exposure, wear protective eyewear. If LEDs are embedded in devices, please indicate warning labels. Avoid exposure to skin or other tissue during operation. Keep out of the reach of children. Take appropriate precautions around pets and other living organisms to avoid UV exposure.PARTS TABLEPART COLOR RADIANT POWER(mW)atI F(mA)WAVELENGTH(nm)atI F(mA)FORWARD VOLTAGE(V)atI F(mA)TECHNOLOGY MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.VLMU35CL20-275-120Ultraviolet 1.6 2.5-2026527728520 5.0 6.88.020AlGaN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)VLMU35CL2.-275-120PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL VALUE UNIT DC forward current I F30mA Power dissipation P V0.24W Reverse voltage Not designed for reverse operation Electrostatic discharge HBM: MIL-STD-883 C 3B ESD2000V Junction temperature T j+90°C Operating temperature range T amb-40 to +80°C Storage temperature range T stg-40 to +100°C Solder temperature T sol260°CNote•Tolerances: ± 11 % for φe , ± 0.1 V for V F , ± 3 nm for λpNote•In order to ensure availability, single groups for radiant intensity, wavelength, and forward voltage will not be orderable. Only one group for radiant intensity, wavelength, and forward voltage will be shipped in any one reelOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLMU35CL2.-275-120, ULTRAVIOLETPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 20 mA V F 5.0 6.88.0V Radiant powerI F = 20 mA φe 1.6 2.5-mW I F = 30 mA - 3.5-Ratio of radiant intensity/radiant power I F = 20 mA I e /φe -0.25-sr -1Peak wavelength I F = 20 mA λp 265277285nm Angle of half intensityI F = 20 mAϕ-± 60-°Thermal resistance junction to solder-pointSoldered on 20 x 20 x 1.7 (in mm)Al MCPCBR thJS-38-K/WRADIANT POWER CLASSIFICATION (I F = 20 mA)GROUP MIN.MAX.UNIT X11.6-mWPEAK WAVELENGTH CLASSIFICATION (I F = 20 mA)GROUP MIN.MAX.UNIT W1265285nmFORWARD VOLTAGE CLASSIFICATION (I F = 20 mA)GROUP MIN.MAX.UNITV1 5.0 6.0V V2 6.07.0V37.08.0TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)Fig. 1 - Maximum Forward Current vs. Solder Point Temperature Fig. 2 - Relative Radiant Power vs. Forward CurrentFig. 3 - Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFig. 4 - Relative Radiant Power vs. Wavelength Fig. 5 - Relative Radiant Intensity vs. Angular Displacement Fig. 6 - Relative Radiant Power vs. Junction TemperatureFig. 7 - Relative Radiant Power vs. Junction TemperatureTAPE AND REEL DIMENSIONS in millimeters HANDLING RECOMMENDATIONSIn order to achieve excellent lifetime, the package of these UV-LEDs consists of a ceramic substrate in combination with a UV stable silicone as lens material. Compared to standard materials silicone is generally softer and it tends more to attract dust:•Minimize the level of dirt and dust particles in contact with the LED•Small amounts of particles on the LEDs, although noticeable from a cosmetic point of view, do not affect the performance in terms of brightness, reliability and quality •If cleaning is required, a short rinsing with isopropy alcohol, not longer than 15 seconds, is recommended. Do not use ultrasonic cleaning, it may damage the LED •Do not apply mechanical stress on the silicone lens •Avoid any piercing of the silicone lens by sharp objects •It is recommended to use a suitable pick and place tool for the removal of the LED from blister tape without applying stress to the lens. The recess of the pick-up needle has to be larger than the silicone lens•For manual handling using tweezers make sure that the LED will be touched carefully at the sidewall of the ceramic substrate, but not at the silicone lensSOLDERING PROFILEFig. 8 - Vishay Lead (Pb)-free Reflow Soldering Profile(according to J-STD-020C)BAR CODE PRODUCT LABEL (example only)A.2D barcodeB.Part No: Vishay part numberC.QTY: quantityD.SelCode: selection bin codeE.Country of originF.PTC: production plant codeG.Termination finishH.Region codeI.Serial#: serial numberK.Batch number: year, week, country code, plant code L.SL: sales locationM.Environmental symbols:RoHS, lead (Pb)-free, halogen-free N.Lot numbersDRY PACKINGThe reel is packed in an anti-humidity bag to protect the devices from absorbing moisture during transportation and storage.FINAL PACKINGThe sealed reel is packed into a cardboard box. A secondary cardboard box is used for shipping purposes.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF STORAGEDry box storage is recommended as soon as the aluminum bag has been opened to prevent moisture absorption. The following conditions should be observed, if dry boxes are not available:•Storage temperature 10 °C to 30 °C •Storage humidity ≤ 60 % RH max.After more than 168 h under these conditions moisture content will be too high for reflow soldering.In case of moisture absorption, the devices will recover to the former condition by drying under the following condition:192 h at 40 °C + 5 °C / - 0 °C and < 5 % RH (dry air / nitrogen) or24 h at 60 °C + 5 °C and < 5 % RH for all device containers or24 h at 100 °C + 5 °C not suitable for reel or tubes.An EIA JEDEC ® standard JESD22-A112 level 3 label is included on all dry bags.Example of JESD22-A112 level 3 labelPart No:VLMU35CL20-275-120Q TY: 500S elCode: X1-W1-V2Origin CHINA Machine:01PTC:25Lot1: XXXXXXXXXXLot2:Batch: YYYYWWOOPP Region: 2170 S L: 0010S erial#: XXXXXXXXXXXX Operator: ChkD:VI S HAY H/F AB C D EFGHKMLNIe43168 hESD PRECAUTIONProper storage and handling procedures should be followed to prevent ESD damage to the devices especially when they are removed from the antistatic shielding bag. Electrostatic sensitive devices warning labels are on the packaging.VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS STANDARDBAR CODE LABELSThe Vishay Semiconductors standard bar code labels are printed at final packing areas. The labels are on each packing unit and contain Vishay Semiconductors specific data.Legal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.© 2019 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED。
XL3003 220KHz 36V 4A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器说明书
220KHz 36V 4A 开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器XL3003特点⏹8V到36V宽输入电压范围⏹0.21V输出电流采样电压⏹最大占空比100%⏹最小压差0.3V⏹固定220KHz开关频率⏹最大4A开关电流⏹内置功率MOS⏹出色的线性与负载调整率⏹内置频率补偿功能⏹内置热关断功能⏹内置电流限制功能⏹TO252-5L封装应用⏹降压恒流驱动⏹显示器LED背光⏹通用LED照明描述XL3003是一款降压恒流型LED驱动器,可工作在DC8V到36V输入电压范围,低纹波,内置功率MOS。
图1. XL3003封装220KHz 36V 4A 开关电流降压型LED 恒流驱动器 XL3003引脚配置VIN SW CS GNDVC 12345TO252-5L图2. XL3003引脚配置表1.引脚说明引脚号 引脚名 描述 1 GND 接地引脚。
2 CS 输出电流采样引脚,CS 参考电压为0.21V 。
3 SW 功率开关输出引脚,SW 是输出功率的开关节点,金属片电气属性是SW 。
4 VC 内部电压调节器旁路电容引脚,需要在VIN 与VC 引脚之间连接1个1uF 电容。
5VIN电源输入引脚,支持8V 到36V DC 范围电压输入,需要在VIN 与GND 之间并联电解电容以消除噪声。
220KHz 36V 4A 开关电流降压型LED 恒流驱动器 XL3003方框图OCPVCVINCurrent Sense3.3V Regulator 0.21V ReferenceStart Up &UVLOCOMPOscillator 220KHzEACSGNDRS Latch and Driver3.3V 0.21VSWSwitch1:1000Thermal ShutdownVC Clamp图3. XL3003方框图典型应用XL3003CIN100uF/50VCOUT220uF/35VL1 100uH/4AD1 B540CC1105C21055312VIN4IOUT=0.21V/RCSVINVCSWGNDCSCC 105LED图4. XL3003系统参数测量电路220KHz 36V 4A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器XL3003订购信息产品型号打印名称封装方式包装类型XL3003E1 XL3003E1 TO252-5L 2500只每卷XLSEMI无铅产品,产品型号带有“E1”后缀的符合RoHS标准。
Renoir II LED驱动器系列产品说明书
PROBLEM Restaurant desires wall box control user interfaces for high-performance dimmable LED loads with identified 0-10V controllable drivers.
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Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Global Headquarters
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Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions
恒光电子19-21SURC S530-A3 TR8 LED说明书
19-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8Features․Package in 8mm tape on 7〞diameter reel.․Compatible with automatic placement equipment.․Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflow solder process.․Mono-color type.․Pb-free.․The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.․Compliance with EU REACH․Compliance Halogen Free .(Br <900 ppm ,Cl <900 ppm , Br+Cl < 1500 ppm).Description․The 19-21 SMD LED is much smaller than lead frame type components, thus enable smaller board size, higher packing density, reduced storage space and finally smaller equipment to be obtained.․Besides, lightweight makes them ideal for miniature applications. etc.Applications․Backlighting in dashboard and switch.․Telecommunication: indicator and backlighting in telephone and fax.․Flat backlight for LCD, switch and symbol.․General use.AlGaInP Brilliant Red Water ClearReverse Voltage V R 5 V Forward Current I F25 mAeak Forward Current(Duty 1/10 @1KHz)I FP60 mA Power Dissipation Pd60 mW Electrostatic Discharge ESD HBM2000 V Operating Temperature T opr-40 ~ +85 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +90 ℃Soldering Temperature Tsol Reflow Soldering : 260 ℃ for 10 sec. Hand Soldering : 350 ℃ for 3 sec.Luminous Intensity Iv 37 56 ----- mcd I F =20mAViewing Angle 2θ1/2-----100-----degPeak Wavelength λp ----- 632 ----- nmDominant Wavelength λd-----624-----nmSpectrumRadiation Bandwidth △λ -----20-----nm Forward Voltage V F 1.70 2.00 2.40 V Reverse CurrentI R----------10μAV R =5VTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesPackage DimensionNote: Tolerances unless mentioned ±0.1mm. Unit = mmLabel Explanation‧CPN: Customer ’s Product Number ‧P/N: Product Number ‧QTY: Packing Quantity‧CAT: Luminous Intensity Rank‧HUE: Chromaticity Coordinates & Dom. Wavelength Rank ‧REF: Forward Voltage Rank ‧LOT No: Lot NumberReel DimensionsNote: The tolerances unless mentioned is ±0.1mm ,Unit = mmCarrier Tape Dimensions: Loaded quantity 3000 PCS per reelPrecautions For Use1. Over-current-proofCustomer must apply resistors for protection, otherwise slight voltage shift will cause bigcurrent change ( Burn out will happen ).2. Storage2.1 Do not open moisture proof bag before the products are ready to use.2.2 Before opening the package: The LEDs should be kept at 30℃or less and 90%RH or less.2.3 After opening the package: The LED's floor life is 1 year under 30℃or less and 60% RH or less.If unused LEDs remain, it should be stored in moisture proof packages.2.4 If the moisture absorbent material (silica gel) has faded away or the LEDs have exceeded theBaking treatment : 603.3 When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating.3.4 After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.4.Soldering IronEach terminal is to go to the tip of soldering iron temperature less than 350℃for 3 seconds within once in less than the soldering iron capacity 25W. Leave two seconds and more intervals, and do soldering of each terminal. Be careful because the damage of the product is often started at the time of the hand solder.5.RepairingRepair should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used (as below figure). It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDsApplication RestrictionsHigh reliability applications such as military/aerospace, automotive safety/security systems,and medical equipment may require different product. If you have any concerns, please contact Everlight before using this product in your application. This specification guarantees the quality and performance of the product as an individual component. Do not use this product beyond the specification described in this document.。
1122334455667788DDC CBBAATitle NumberRevisionSize A3123467910CN6VH-10(8)123467910CN7VH-10T P 1,T P 2D14IN400712CN8VH-02135CN9VH-05(3)JK4-B JQF-38FC4470u F /450V C1470u F /450VC2470u F /450V C3470u F /450VR1150K /1WR2150K /1W R3150K /1WR4150K /1W C8470u F /450VC5470u F /450VC6470u F /450VC7470u F /450VR5150K /1WR6150K /1WR7150K /1WR8150K /1W123567CN2VH-07(6)13CN1VH-03(2)JK1B30A/24VJK2-B 30A/24VTR1NTC 47D-15TR2NTC 47D-15TR3MZ72-18RMR3410K/3WR1510K/3WT P 3,T P 41234IC3PC817C18104JK3S M I -24V D C -S L -2CVR214D151KLED1RedR36820RVR314D151KR3510K/3W+20K/2WD12IN4148R2910RR2820KR2720KD11IN4148D10IN4148Q48550+24V +24VR322KR3110K Q6100-6R331KC2647u F /50VC25R30100R C1947u F /50VD13IN4148R2110KR231.5K 1/2W+24VD9IN4148R175.1KC1647u F /50V R22100K R40100KC2410u F /50VQ5IRFZ24NLED2Green12CN3VH-02+24VD1IN4148C101041234IC2PC817C17104VR114D391KD3IN4007+24VR391R/1WR385.1K R3710RJK4567IC1B LM35812348IC1A LM358D8IN4148Q28050D6IN4148R14470RC13104Z127VR135.1KD5IN4007D4IN4007C11100uF/50VC12104R1612KC14104C15104R191K R185.1KR2510KQ38050R265.1KC20104R2410KD7IN4148R1010RR12100KR11150K+24VQ1IRFZ24ND2IN4007+24V R9100KC922uF/50V+24VJK1JK2123CN4VH-03123CN5VH-03R202KC 21\C 22\C 23100u F /50V220V/380V 自动转换底板原理图整流桥1整流桥2交流输入交流输入380V220V0V接控制变压器风机接入220V时吸合直流过压保护7.4V电压判断380V供电时导通6.8VAC24(25.2V)34V(35.3V)BA0.59V(0.7V)电源过压保护交流电过压保护:在正常供电情况下A点为34V,B点电压为0.59VQ2截止,焊机电源正常工作(不论在380V还是220V)当工作在380V/220V时,电压超过400V/232V,Q2导通CC点电位被拉低Q1截止,JK1、JK2继电器断开,同时Q5也截止,JK3、JK4继电器也断开。
飞林非隔离升降压型LED灯丝灯芯片 S5119 S5129 数据手册说明书
特点主要描述升、降压架构600V单芯片集成功率管,更稳定 600V高压供电,即开即亮专利技术,无反馈引脚过温自动掉电流保护±5%的恒流输出精度内置输入线电压补偿,宽输入电压 内置逐周期的电流限制及前沿消隐 LED开/短路保护LED 过压保护CS电阻短路保护SOP-8 / To-94封装应用范围LED灯丝灯其它小电流应用S5119与S5129是一组高精度原边反馈的LED驱动恒流控制开关。
典型应用图1 S5119/S5129应用示意图TEL**************-810Mobile:159****1751管脚封装图图2 Sop脚位图图3 To-94脚位图订购信息管脚描述(Note1)Note1 : 最大极限值是指在实际应用中超出该范围,将极有可能对芯片造成永久性损坏。
Note2 : 人体模型,100pF电容通过1.5K ohm电阻放电。
电气特性(除非特别说明,VCC=6V且Ta=25o C )功能模块图1、电路启动S5119/S5129系统集成600V耐压供电功率管,能直接通过高压启动电路,省掉了传统的外部启动以及辅助供电的绕组电路,极大的简化了系统的成本。
贴片发光二极管 3528翠绿色 SMD TOP LED 灯珠中英文参数资料
符号 Symbol
IF IFP VR PD Topr Tstg
焊接温度Soldering Temperature
1/10 周期, 0.1 msec 脉宽 IFP Conditions : 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1 msec Pulse Width.
最大额定值 Absolute Maximum Rating
(1) LEDS 在装带之后纸箱包装. The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after taping. (2) 装带规格 TapingSpecifications (单位:毫米 Units:mm)
编制 Prepared by
Checked by
Approved by
市场部 Market Dept.
确认 Confirmed by
Checked by
Approved by
确认 Confirmed by
30 150
9 100
-40ºC To +85ºC -40ºC To +85ºC
ReflowSoldering:260ºC Hand Soldering : 350ºC
单位 Unit mA mA
V mW °C °C for 10sec. for 3sec.
(2) 样品光电参数 Initial Electrical/Optical Characteristics (TA=25±5ºC)
( AS AQ: I 推出高频率 、 N D MX M) 电 流模式 P WM 控制器 MAX1 0 0/ 50
研 究中心 ( 以下简称 “ 产综研” 、三菱商 ) 事和T OKK 联合试制 出了采用有机薄膜 I
太 阳能 电池 的观 叶植物 式太 阳能 电池模 块, 将具 有鲜亮绿色的有机薄膜太阳能 电 池做成叶片状模块 , 并进一步制成 了观叶
型 电动车 、 工业 自动化系统 、 电 高效率、高电流升压转换 器带有两个输 出
信设 备和 电动 工具 、电动 剪草 电流槽 , 都可提供 1 A的稳定 电流。这两个
机和风扇等消费类 电子设备 。
L D电流源可平等共享输出电流 ;可将两 E
流 应用而言。这种采用 S pr O u eS 8封装的器件可以只用 2 % 的占位空 间提供 与 D2 a 成在一起 , 0 - k p 采用 1 个超级 电容提供所需 的 封 装相同的通态电阻。 高峰值 电流 ,为带有分辨率可达 5 M或更
Ot pi MOS34 V、6 V和 8 V产品适 用于需 要高效率和功率密度的功率转换和管 高 的拍 照功 能的手机提供 高亮度闪光 , 0 0 0 同
英 飞凌 推出全球 最低 通态电阻 Opi t MOS3系列 (E L D)驱动器芯片 AAT 2 2 1 8 ,可以为 白
WL D) 英飞凌科技股份公 司近 1推 出采用 S prO8 ¥ 0 (hikS pr O )封装的 色发 光二极 管( E 提供 高亮度照 明。 3 u eS 和 3 8 S r u eS 8 n
理应 用 , 包括众 多产品的S S 时 保 护 电池 。 MP
( 开关模式 电源 ) CDC转换 、D /
鸿利智汇 HL-C3535F7V365 -D1-L VR9(Au120) 产品说明书
Approval 核准Audit 确认DATE:日期:2016.05.16 此规格书以中英文方式书写,若有冲突以中文版本为准文本. Xianke Yi Road,Hudong Town,Huadu District,Guangzhou,China传真:020-******** 86733938 86733265 Moisture resistant packaging 防潮包装100e m p r a t u r e (°C )150温度-时间图Use the matters needing attention(使用注意事项)一、储存(storage):为避免受潮,我司建议产品在未开包装前储存条件为 5~30°C,相对湿度小于60%;已开包装的LED光源请在24H内使用安装完毕;如果开封超过24H,或干燥剂变色,或使用日期超过出货标签日期两个月,必须进行除湿后才能使用!除湿条件:70℃±5℃,12H;请务必对未用完的产品进行除湿并抽真空后密封保存;产品密封保存有效使用期为一年。
To avoid moisture, we recommend storage conditions for the unopened LED +5 ~ +30 °C, relative humidity <60%. LED should be used within 24 Hrs. of opening the package. If LED are opened more then 24Hrs , or the color of accompanied dessicant changes ,or the date of using more than the date of shipping label two months, LED must to be dehumidified 12 Hrs before using . Dehumidifying condi-tion: +70 ℃±5 ℃, 12 Hrs. Please make sure to dehumidify and vacuum pack the remaining/ unused LED.Effective age for the sealed led is one year.二、组装注意事项(the assembly notes):焊接条件:此产品必须使用回流焊接的作业方式,回流曲线最高温度不可超过260°C.作业或存放过程中不可有 1000g 以上的外力或尖锐物体作用于灯珠表面(如压力,摩擦等外力以及钳子镊子等工具),以免造成元件损伤;如果超出此使用条件,鸿利光电将不能保证产品的稳定性,如需使用超出的操作条件,请务必进行风险评。
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Rating 值
2.7 800 10 115
Units单位 W
mA uA °C
View Angle (FWHM)- White 发光角度
Operating Temperature Range工作温度 Storage Temperature Range储藏温度
-20°C To +75°C
1 2 3 4 567 8
Applications 应用
● Portable lightings /(flash lightings, bicycle)便携式照明
Copyright@2014 Guang Zhou Hong Li Tronic Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
SPEC NO:B-14-C-0315
DATE: MAR/2014
PAGE: 3 OF 11
High Power LED P/ N: HL-C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2
(2) Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C IF=350mA 在Ta=25°C 时的典型光学特性 IF=350mA
Center Tc(K) Tc(K) NhomakorabeaRa
Luminous flux bins(lm)
SPEC NO:B-14-C-0315
DATE: MAR/2014
PAGE: 4 OF 11
High Power LED P/ N: HL-C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2
Product bins 产品分级
Forward Voltage bins
Min (V) 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
Max (V) 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
Chromaticity bins
Under Development
Mass production
0.4338,0.403 0.3818,0.3797 0.3447,0.3553 0.329,0.3417
2870-3220 3710-4260 4745-5310 5310-6020
Ra 70(min) 70(min) 70(min) 70(min)
Min(lm) 190 200 210 225
Typ(lm) 210 220 230 245
Note : 1、The parameters at IF=350mA are just for reference. IF=700mA时的参数仅供参考。 2、The CCT value will be raised 5%. IF=700mA时色温会上升约5%.
Notes for Table *1.Products are tested and binned at a transient forward current(IF) with 350mA. With the use of differ-
ent IF, it may cause differences in CCT & forward voltage. Generally, with the increase of IF, the CCT will be raised as well.
Fax/传真:020-86733883 86733938
注:1.此规格书以中英文方式书写,若有冲突以中文版本为准文本. 2.此规格书的最终解释权归广州市鸿利光电股份有限公司 3.此规格书的有效期限为两年,自盖章或签字之日起计算,期满时双方可以续签协议,但应采用书面形式
SPEC NO:B-14-C-0315
DATE: MAR/2014
PAGE: 2 OF 11
High Power LED P/ N: HL-C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2
Under Development
Mass production
□ Disqualified 不接受
日期: 工程部
Adr:Airport High-tech Industry Base Jinggu
South Road
(XianKe 1st Road Intersection), Huadu District,Guangzhou,China
(4)Optical Electrical /Thermal Characteristics at Ta=25° IF=350mA 在Ta=25°C 时典型的电学/热学特性IF=350mA
VF (V)
IF (mA)
Copyright@2014 Guang Zhou Hong Li Tronic Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
High Power LED P/ N: HL-C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2
Under Development
Mass production
Client Name: 客户名称: Client P/N: 客户品号:
Product P/N: 产品型号: HL-C3535F22W1EA(Ra1)-D2
瞬间点亮(小于100ns) ● Fully dimmable(属于可调光) ● No UV (无紫外线) ● Superior ESD protection(较好的防静电保
护) ● RoHS compliant (符合RoHS标准)
Product naming rules 产品命名规则
C 3535 F22 W 1 E A (Ra1) - D2
● Spot lighting 射灯 ● General lighting通用照明 ● Other lighting 其他照明
Radiation Pattern辐射模式
Relative Luminous Flux (%)
100 50
Copyright@2014 Guang Zhou Hong Li Tronic Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Under Development
Mass production
Features 特点
● Long operating life 寿命长 ● High flux 光通量高 ● More energy efficient than incandescent
and most halogen lamps 比白炽灯与卤素 灯节能 ● Low voltage DC operated 低电压直流工作 ● Cool beam, safe to the touch 冷光源,接触安全 ● Instant light (less than 100ns )
Sending Date: 送样日期:
Client approval 客户审核
Approval 核准
Audit 确认
Confirmation 制作
Hongli approval 鸿利光电审核
Approval 核准
Audit 确认
利光电 股份
Confirmation 制作
广州市 鸿
有限 公 司
□ Qualified 接受
(1) Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C在25°C时绝对极限条件
Parameter参数 Input power 输入功率 Forward Current 正向电流 Reverse Current反向电流 Junction Temperature结温
Symbol符号 Pi IF IR Tj
Notes注: *1.the products after this specification refer to the parameters prevail, before the release of specification without refer to the above parameters. 此规格书发布日后生产的产品以上述参数为准,发布前生产的库存品不参考上述参数。 2.Tolerance of measurement of forward voltage±3%、Color-rendering index±2、luminous flux±5% 不同标准源测试存在仪器公差:正向电压公差为±3%、显指公差为±2、光通量公差为±5%。