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Bob and David are good friends, but they like to joke on each other sometimes. One day they

went to London for their holidays. They went to the (1) and bought their tickets. When the train arrived, Bob got on the train first, but he dropped his (2) on the platform(站台) without knowing it. David was behind him and quickly (3) it up. Without saying a word to his friend, he put it in his

(4) . After they had been in the

(5) for a little while, they saw the conductor(列车员) coming along, shouting, “Ticket, please!” Bob (6) for his and of course he couldn‟t find it.

“Oh, dear, I can‟t (7) my ticket, David.” He said.

“Have anothe r look, Bob; it must be (8) ,” said David. “No, I can‟t find it anywhere. What shall I do?”

“Perhaps you‟d better hide under the (9) so that the conductor won‟t see you.”

So Bob crawled(爬)under the seat and lay there quietly. Soon the conductor stood in front of David. “Ticket, please.” he said. David handed him (10) tickets and said, “This is mine. The other is for my friend‟s. He prefers to travel under the seat.”


Long long ago,, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud. The elephant thought of himself strong, and monkey felt himself quick.

One day they went to ask the old (1) ____. “Can you tell us which is (2)

important, strong or quick?” The old bird didn‟t give them the answer at once. Instead he asked them to get some bananas on the other side of the (3) and bring them to him.

So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the water ran so fast that the monkey was afraid. “Get on my (4) , Monkey,” said the elephant, “I shall take you there. I‟m big and strong, and I can swim (5) the river.”

Soon they got to the other side. The elephant (6) to reach the bananas, but the were too (7) . “Wait a minute, please. I can (8) , said the monkey.” He quickly ran up the tree and passed the bananas to the elephant.

Then they came back happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas. “Now, you see” said the old bird

(9) a smile, “Only you two could do the work well when you helped

(10) other.”


Tom was a waiter. He liked to plant (1) in his garden when he was free. Every time he worked in his (2) , he wore his old clothes. One Sunday morning after (3)

He put on his old clothes and began to dig in his garden at eight. He dug and dug. After half an hour he suddenly found a (4) near his foot. He was very glad. He put it in his right (5) . A few minutes later he found another coin. He picked it up and put it into the same pocket. The (6) thing happened for the third time, fourth and fifth time…

He was very happy and told his wife about it. She was (7) too. She said, “A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few months ago. The (8) caught him but they didn‟t find any coins.”

Then Tom went on (9) for some more coins, but just when he began to dig again, he felt something cold in his trousers. It ran down one of his legs. He put his hand down quickly and the coin in to his hand. Now he knew there was a (10) in his pocket.


Mr. Smith is a boss. He and Jim work in the same office. One morning, Jim came into (1) , threw his cap on the (2) , saying, “Mr. Smith, there is a ball game at the (3) ________ today, and I want to watch it.”

Mr. Smith was perfectly willing that the boy should go, (4) he thought he would give him a lesson and showed him how should say it politely.

“Jim,” he said .” That isn‟t the way to talk to me. Now sit down on my (5) and I will show you how to do it politely.”

The boy sat down and his (6) picked up his cap and went outside. Then he opened the

(7) softly, taking the cap in his (8) , and said quietly to the boy in a big chair, “Please, sir, there‟s a ball game at the park today. If you don‟t need services this afternoon, I‟d like to

(9) it.”

The boy replied at once, “Certainly, boy, and here‟s (10) dollars for you.”
