中考英语词汇过关训练七年级〔上〕1德国的博客语法声音完成爱好国家年龄梦想人人,所有人必须重要的事实千米自己的捕捉不多,很少去别处问题为提供把倒入扔掉德国山,山脉年长的友好的工程师世界日本公寓你自己美国接近去上学擅长与交朋友普及愿意2日常的文章从不乒乓球骑,驾驶通常地因此,所以不常,很少地理4澳大利亚脚印湿的水坑踢镇吹所有事物,一切旅行照耀明亮地野餐枯燥的下雪多的花〔时间〕,度过亲戚在期间祖父〔母〕小包装纸袋去旅行去野餐堆雪人放风筝去游泳野餐休息钟,铃响起铃声结束乐队练习在一起市场吉他年级初级中学步行参加过得愉快去睡觉起床3地球知识竞赛模式,形式保护报告局部陆地田地,田野大的提供污染〔n.〕燃烧能量污染〔v.〕5日记太空宇宙飞船宇航服紧张的离开地球引力能够漂浮系,绑我们自己没有,缺乏虚弱的呼吸如果照相机运转花园岩石明信片机器返回多于能够〔短语〕不得不以便拍照像一样也就是说例如到里面地面6 杀死亚洲手册,指南地域传统的现代的观光中心喷泉建筑正好在对面照亮杂志某事,某物确实,确实任何事物以前英国多于,超过客厅对有害对感兴趣艺术作品方向自然的美七年级〔下〕桥池塘小吃在外面饺子庙旅游手册名胜在的中心点亮〔短语〕在的西北部7展览会摄影火箭太阳的能量参加教,讲授发射消失吃惊的又一令人大为惊奇的技术令人疲倦的大字标题消息1人快乐的,快乐的工作努力的耐心的聪明的很可能忘记气味照顾,照料想念玩笑笑保持不变严格的鼓励支持获得成功的成员段落除之外,也照顾〔短语〕嘲笑讲笑话对严格要求放弃上班夜以继日蚂蚁蝴蝶蜜蜂近来的学习自始至终当然遥控器查阅8不寻常的采访模型邮票门铃前面的银白色的按不久孙子孙女报纸向里面到处跟随几乎不空间空闲的应该句子2法国法国的旗帜葡萄酒标记号可能的欧洲百货商店葡萄园优秀的南部,南方位于,坐落在海岸完美的更喜欢滑雪塔完成电梯台阶楼梯〔复数〕接受者日期问候地址以而闻名百货商店〔短语〕更喜欢〔短语〕去度假去观光3瞎的无线电播送节目有用的营救表达的意思接待员允许宠物任何地方带着抱歉狗叫醒来毛巾底部最后机场化学品通过管道珍贵的一点,有点银行找给的零钱归还蒸汽形成搅拌继续结晶体关掉把参加一点〔短语〕的一局部零花钱由组成干涸出现扮演攀登黑暗的没有什么到达单独带着〔某人〕到入睡醒来〔短语〕蹲下消防车4拯救松树讨论树枝根与作斗争反对例子有害的气体产生氧气主要的方便的家具6电谈话确认,认出规那么任何人答复愚蠢的电线〔使〕连接电缆瞬间电池厨灶,厨具冰箱电灯泡锁上测试使整洁触摸,碰一袋在某种程度上连接到发电站洗衣机关掉整理好,收拾好空调想象,设想疾病挖洞搬,扛,背容器吸收来自例如确切的说环顾四周由制成数以百万计的对有好处的5掉下,滴下旅行,旅程数量实验,试验淡的,无盐的盐〔工作中或使用中〕说话声,嗓音水库增加,添加7诗歌普通的,平凡的感觉,情感命令建议大声地,高声地组,群同意不同意押韵词完整的,整个的水井淋雨建筑工地狭窄的高度超人卖者,卖方微笑迅速移动人群一点也〔不〕为担忧报摊冲出去一群8 事业行星卫星丝绒钻石射击主持知识剩余局部金子,黄金代替,顶替认识到,意识到抄写,誊写正确地,无误地交通〔交通〕事故很早以前向〔某人〕挑战〔短语〕等等抄写,誊写〔短语〕生动的持续事实上任何人到达〔目标〕驾帆船航行决定训练单独将来曾经外出看起来像越来越多长大去进行帆船运动八年级〔上〕1百科全书人的恐龙意大利人创造家音乐家科学家出生乡村,农村才智,智慧有艺术天赋的才能,能力3订货,订购比拟,比照显示器扬声器主机键盘鼠标打字脑操纵,控制昂贵的微小的依靠,依赖计算速度操作,控制铁路系统公司价格总额,合计英寸出售,售卖受喜爱的,受欢送的从事工作没意识到,未觉察依靠〔短语〕除以外〔还〕总计盼望可能,大概创造笔记本包括,包含甚至然而突然,突然没有人化石获胜,赢美元在农村人〔短语〕灭绝了解去散步2数字指示,命令〔复数〕检查,核实克儿子国际象棋印度充满智慧的向〔某人〕挑战承诺,许诺奖品,奖赏谷粒国际象棋棋盘〔使〕加倍数量,数额4广告滑稽的,好笑的创造,创作车轮,轮子舒适的,舒服的四轮马车世纪乘客,旅客创造,创造有用的,适用的从以后距离在任何时候开发,研制灯蜡烛白天,日间灰尘,尘土特殊的,特别的翅膀,机翼引言代替汽油自那以来与保持联系在白天使不接近同时5有教育意义的交流,互访文化主人当地的,地方的英国的快乐,愉快客人,宾客筷子工作日在旅游极好的,了不起的经历,体验太极拳字母有价值的,值得的用字母拼〔v.〕除非困难清单步骤循环相像的纸币钱包篮,框经理取(提)款涌出已经,早已使初次了解成功仍未,尚未尊重起初,起先到目前为止小量使初次了解〔短语〕从到6古代的特洛伊的战争理解,懂差异,不同金字塔首领希腊人攻占士兵巨大的拖,拉动主要的庆祝笨的,傻的午夜,子夜8演说,发言通告,布告比赛,竞赛宝物,珍宝文本时机,机遇自信地话题优胜者建议(v.) 沟通,交流在任何时候富有的,富裕的贫穷的,贫寒的隐藏袭击,攻击羞怯的,腼腆的其他的,别的挑选,选择〔v.〕寻宝游戏公开地上演依我看尤其是小心,留神空的除以外秘密的八年级〔下〕侧面安静地陆军部队进来,进入成功,到达目的计策王子王后偷窃处分,惩罚〔戏剧或歌剧的〕场先生将表演出来拿开玩笑除以外〔短语〕充满,有大量的最后加油,快7记忆力,记性角丧失,失去改良,改善提到,说到方法,方法拼写,拼法〔n.〕头脑,大脑可笑的1募捐,提高准许,批准有残疾的青少年主动提出受折磨严重的〔某种〕疾病组织〔v.〕表达,表露痛苦,苦恼孤独的,寂寞的友谊,友情困难喜悦,愉快平静,和平使受伤,疼痛勇气,勇敢情绪,心境〔pl〕付费社区需要帮助的义务性工作报请批准受折磨使鼓起勇气为了,目的在于英里2语言交流,交际芭蕾舞接受拒接意思,意义手势信息,消息厌倦的,烦闷的兼职的衣作讲究的女士叹气怎么了?表情,神色外貌,外表印象向,朝着使保持以后,后来提醒脖子使交叉,使重叠点头与〔某人〕握手,摇头确信,肯定肢体语言发生坐直给留下好印象提醒某人某事气泡心思,想法初略的速写,概述程序录制效果根本的步骤,段友好的,和蔼的详细的显得,看来演员与相配单独的,分别的播放得分队明星,体坛高手神秘岛暴风雨夹克衫,短上衣波浪,海浪连环漫画张大,睁大决定摄像机同比赛天气预报救生衣谢天谢地获得成功3说明,形容描述渔民网符号尽管,虽然健康的鸬鹚、下潜准备好到达,抵达吸引,使喜爱悬挂,吊柱,杆需要从事工具剪刀〔pl〕图案人物,文字,符号健康幸运婚礼生面团粗糙的大小,尺寸简单的有吸引力的剪纸到达〔某数量或程度〕出发,动身起伏天黑后不再一直,始终4动画片警告角色扮演5濒危的档案大熊猫义务,责任野生环境竹子成年动物重量千克人口,族群活动方式,行为出生〔n.〕斑点,色斑肩膀中心的,中央的菜单毛皮残忍的,残酷的组织,机构危险,风险面对亚洲的称重在野生环境中出生时单独几乎,接近6答复,回应抱怨,投诉引起,造成巧克力海豚使发出咔塔声原因,理由可爱的责任喂养据所说忠诚地长沙发吵闹的几乎,差不多陌生人普遍的,常见的选择〔n.〕躺注意力使害怕相信心脏心脏病发作直到为止照顾,照料更有甚者除了别无选择推荐使满意使混合电子的放松,休息在期间,当的时候科技,工艺软件病毒使有准备现在〔短语〕在前面在互联网上的形状使与相混合准备片刻,瞬间四处自由走动无所事事混日子九年级〔上〕阻止某人做某事对忠诚的死于继续7未知的外星人宇航员收到小山,山丘大声的探索灌木安静的圆形的破坏,毁坏碰撞惊吓的发现,觉察可怕的,非常讨厌的害怕,恐惧生物,动物羽毛想知道线,线条拒绝张开符号,记号沙漠帐篷刀解释,说明快乐,满意保持安静因为害怕地降落场尽快同意,赞成不同意,有分歧8互联网帖子,邮递抱歉〔n.〕借口,辩白过去〔n.〕目前,现在氢气宽阔的形状,外形咖啡馆最近地永远当然1金的王冠奥运会同意证实罐不能肯定真的真相似乎解决装满碗取代较少的金属确定的监狱拳击赛马摔跤运动击,打勇敢的标点符号正确的错误对满意用把装满溢出把关进监狱确保2聪明人天文学家天才认为理解力幽默邀请学说大学乐事防止讲座在今晚观众信任座位鼓掌苍白的成绩宇宙哲学家服从减少收到来信准确地〔故事中的〕情节幽默感使失望熟记坐下轻而易举参加毫不知情处于困境开某人的玩笑转折点一系列3一顿饭分享决定个人财产要求在国外商务,公事个人的安排,确定女儿介意流行的流行款式过时的烫平公开活动5赞扬观看播送稿导演化装艺术家演播室比赛者在上在中向,朝向前秒放松的领先赢,打败平静的单个的胜利英格兰幸运的新闻报道民意调查楼层平面图达人秀昏迷保持静止紧急出口在工作日认为也〔用于否认句〕关系邀请值钱类型帮着做出差对没有兴趣4在线的模特儿规定饮食虽然,尽管极其讨厌的懊悔惭愧情况牙箍厌恶优势为难的建议生气的杂乱使恼怒的不及格粗心的评论要求有礼貌的没有一个考试节食嘲笑对感到惭愧让人受不了搞得一塌糊涂格格不入与某人无关6偏爱评论豆荚牛肉产品蛋白质汉堡包可乐三明治色拉医疗的脂肪食糖说明必要的调查大量通常的咖啡买〔可享受的东西〕顾客标题提供英镑果馅派炸薯条效劳〔使〕就坐均衡饮食乳制品不接近油炸食物软饮料体格检查减肥大量通常给自己买某物愿意做某事7冒险小说青蛙祝贺同情汽船蒸汽作家有幽默感的栅栏任务码木板查看进展休息时间遗憾沉默一会儿小心交易覆盖层闻名的铅故事情节变得更加成功官员增加关系贸易外国的船队非洲无处丝绸长颈鹿除之外开展地区先锋民族财富传播开辟去旅行建立起航被称为也,还导致把与比照懒惰的假装休息一下想象到出现真可惜不停的做沉默地过了一会儿使翻转诱使某人做某事8礼物毕业典礼分,分币计算总数买得起礼物膝盖招牌商品搜寻链子账单脚步声掏出一套,一组梳子控告美洲妻子相册2文化冲击度假营烟花火鸡国际的成认空闲的程度失败勉力完成习惯用语每天的校服任何事物粉色的紫色的无论如何尤其棒球运动有教益的经历州国家的总统假期日程安排使爆炸脱下在某人的空闲时间在某种程度上习惯于略有不适笔记寻找终于集中于递出被控告以假名九〔下〕1航行重复美洲的大陆路线发现3担忧大气层温度消费者猜想环境保护的无生命的燃料煤结果〔使〕增长海平面摧毁自然界外表土壤洪水习惯正确的无害的回收利用目的解决方法羽毛球运动精神压力渴望做登记,报到迫不及待地想做说实在的被绊倒保持平衡建立政府楷模温室效应在危险中由于导致,造成许多采取行动有影响充当4小行星台风地震融化淹没严重地活着水坑物体长途汽车通过线路不运行的老板聋的凝视屏幕注意到〔使〕醒来立即,马上失踪的同类的自然灾害通过〔短语〕持续无所事事,闲坐没时间做不被理睬凝视〔短语〕惊讶地暂时救生包6实施,执行生活方式争吵聚焦于同龄人压力是否风险守卫积极乐观的取消有希望的强迫音乐会私人的沉默的乐器敌人有规律的鼓舞沮丧的视力牙科医生恢复解决防止抵消持乐观的态度学着做忙于做把抛在后面变得更快乐5公告护照太平洋加拿大旅游胜地加拿大的斜坡在对面手套夫妻平缓的坦率的绳索迅速的结束令人惋惜的费用报名参加半决赛决赛。
中考英语词汇过关训练七年级(上)1德国的博客语法声音完成爱好国家年龄梦想人人,所有人德国山,山脉年长的友好的工程师世界日本公寓你自己美国接近去上学擅长与…交朋友遍及愿意2日常的文章从不乒乓球骑,驾驶通常地因此,所以不常,很少地理休息钟,铃响起铃声结束乐队练习在一起市场吉他年级初级中学步行参加过得愉快去睡觉起床3地球知识竞赛模式,形式保护报告部分陆地田地,田野大的提供污染(n.)燃烧能量污染(v.)到…里面地面杀死必须重要的事实千米自己的捕捉不多,很少去别处问题为…提供…把…倒入…扔掉4澳大利亚脚印湿的水坑踢镇吹所有事物,一切旅行照耀明亮地野餐干燥的下雪多的花(时间),度过亲戚在…期间祖父(母)小包装纸袋去旅行去野餐堆雪人放风筝去游泳野餐5日记太空宇宙飞船宇航服紧张的离开地球引力能够漂浮系,绑我们自己没有,缺乏虚弱的呼吸如果照相机运转花园岩石明信片机器返回多于能够(短语)不得不以便拍照像…一样也就是说例如6亚洲手册,指南地域传统的现代的观光中心喷泉建筑正好在…对面照亮方向自然的美桥池塘小吃在…外面饺子庙旅游手册名胜在…的中心点亮(短语)在…的西北部7展览会摄影火箭太阳的能量参加教,讲授发射消失吃惊的又一令人大为惊奇的技术令人疲倦的大字标题消息蚂蚁蝴蝶蜜蜂近来的学习自始至终当然遥控器查阅8不寻常的采访模型邮票门铃前面的银白色的按不久孙子孙女报纸向里面到处跟随几乎不空间空闲的应该句子杂志某事,某物确实,的确任何事物以前英国多于,超过客厅对…有害对…感兴趣艺术作品七年级(下)1人高兴的,快乐的工作努力的耐心的聪明的很可能忘记气味照顾,照料想念玩笑笑保持不变严格的鼓励支持获得成功的成员段落除…之外,也照顾(短语)嘲笑讲笑话对…严格要求放弃上班夜以继日2法国法国的旗帜葡萄酒标记号可能的欧洲百货商店葡萄园优秀的南部,南方位于,坐落在海岸完美的更喜欢滑雪塔完成电梯台阶楼梯(复数)接受者日期问候地址以…而闻名百货商店(短语)更喜欢(短语)去度假去观光3瞎的无线电广播节目有用的营救表达…的意思接待员允许宠物任何地方带领道歉狗叫醒来毛巾底部最后机场出现扮演攀登黑暗的没有什么到达独自带着(某人)到…入睡醒来(短语)蹲下消防车4拯救松树讨论树枝根与…作斗争反对例子有害的气体产生氧气主要的方便的家具想象,设想疾病挖洞搬,扛,背容器吸收来自例如确切的说环顾四周由…制成数以百万计的对…有好处的5掉下,滴下旅行,旅程数量实验,试验淡的,无盐的盐(工作中或使用中)说话声,嗓音水库增加,添加化学品通过管道宝贵的一点,有点银行找给的零钱归还蒸汽形成搅拌继续结晶体关掉把…加入一点(短语)…的一部分零花钱由…组成干涸6电谈话确认,认出规则任何人回答愚蠢的电线(使)连接电缆瞬间电池厨灶,厨具冰箱电灯泡锁上测试使整洁触摸,碰一袋在某种程度上连接到发电站洗衣机关掉整理好,收拾好空调7诗歌普通的,平凡的感觉,情感命令建议大声地,高声地组,群同意不同意押韵词完整的,整个的水井淋雨建筑工地狭窄的高度超人卖者,卖方微笑迅速移动人群一点也(不)为…担忧报摊冲出去一群8事业行星卫星丝绒钻石射击主持知识生动的持续事实上任何人达到(目标)驾帆船航行决定训练独自将来曾经外出看起来像…越来越多长大去进行帆船运动八年级(上)1百科全书人的恐龙意大利人发明家音乐家科学家出生乡村,农村才智,智慧有艺术天赋的才能,能力可能,大概发明笔记本包括,包含甚至然而突然,忽然没有人化石获胜,赢美元在农村人(短语)灭绝了解去散步2数字指示,命令(复数)检查,核实克儿子国际象棋印度充满智慧的向(某人)挑战承诺,许诺奖品,奖赏谷粒国际象棋棋盘(使)加倍数量,数额剩余部分金子,黄金代替,顶替认识到,意识到抄写,誊写正确地,无误地交通(交通)事故很早以前向(某人)挑战(短语)…等等抄写,誊写(短语)3订货,订购比较,对比显示器扬声器主机键盘鼠标打字脑操纵,控制昂贵的微小的依靠,依赖计算速度操作,控制铁路系统公司价格总额,合计英寸出售,售卖受喜爱的,受欢迎的从事…工作没意识到,未察觉依靠(短语)除…以外(还)总计盼望4广告滑稽的,好笑的创造,创作电话车轮,轮子舒适的,舒服的四轮马车世纪乘客,旅客发明,创造有用的,适用的从…以后距离手机在任何时候开发,研制灯蜡烛白天,日间灰尘,尘土特殊的,特别的翅膀,机翼引言代替汽油自那以来与…保持联系在白天使…不接近同时5有教育意义的交流,互访文化主人当地的,地方的英国的高兴,愉快客人,宾客筷子工作日在…旅游极好的,了不起的经历,体验太极拳已经,早已使…初次了解成功仍未,尚未尊重起初,起先到目前为止小量使…初次了解(短语)从…到6古代的特洛伊的战争理解,懂差别,不同金字塔首领希腊人攻占士兵巨大的拖,拉动主要的庆祝笨的,傻的午夜,子夜空的除…以外秘密的侧面安静地陆军部队进来,进入成功,达到目的计谋王子王后偷窃处罚,惩罚(戏剧或歌剧的)场先生将…表演出来拿…开玩笑除…以外(短语)充满…,有大量的最后加油,快7记忆力,记性角丧失,失去改进,改善提到,说到方法,办法拼写,拼法(n.)头脑,大脑可笑的英里字母有价值的,值得的用字母拼(v.)除非困难清单步骤循环相像的纸币钱包篮,框经理取(提)款涌出8演说,发言通告,布告比赛,竞赛宝物,珍宝文本机会,机遇自信地话题优胜者建议(v.)沟通,交流在任何时候富有的,富裕的贫穷的,贫寒的隐藏袭击,攻击羞怯的,腼腆的其他的,别的挑选,选择(v.)寻宝游戏公开地上演依我看尤其是小心,当心八年级(下)1募捐,提高准许,批准有残疾的青少年主动提出受折磨严重的(某种)疾病组织(v.)表达,表露痛苦,苦恼孤独的,寂寞的友谊,友情困难喜悦,愉快平静,和平使受伤,疼痛勇气,勇敢情绪,心境(pl)付费社区需要帮助的义务性工作报请批准受…折磨使鼓起勇气为了,目的在于…2语言交流,交际芭蕾舞接受拒接意思,意义手势信息,消息厌倦的,烦闷的兼职的衣作讲究的女士叹气怎么了?表情,神色外貌,外表印象向,朝着使保持以后,后来提醒脖子使交叉,使重叠点头与(某人)握手,摇头确信,肯定肢体语言发生坐直给…留下好印象提醒某人某事3说明,形容描述渔民网尽管,虽然健康的鸬鹚、下潜准备好到达,抵达吸引,使喜爱悬挂,吊柱,杆需要从事工具剪刀(pl)图案人物, 文字,符号健康幸运婚礼生面团粗糙的大小,尺寸简单的有吸引力的剪纸达到(某数量或程度)出发,动身起伏天黑后不再一直,始终4动画片警告角色扮演符号气泡心思,想法初略的速写,概述程序录制效果基本的步骤,段友好的,和善的详细的显得,看来演员与…相配单独的,分别的播放得分队明星,体坛高手神秘岛暴风雨夹克衫,短上衣波浪,海浪连环漫画张大,睁大决定摄像机同…比赛天气预报救生衣谢天谢地获得成功5濒危的档案大熊猫义务,责任野生环境竹子成年动物重量千克人口,族群活动方式,行为出生(n.)斑点,色斑肩膀中心的,中央的菜单毛皮残忍的,残酷的组织,机构危险,风险面对亚洲的称重在野生环境中出生时独自几乎,接近6回答,回应抱怨,投诉引起,造成巧克力海豚使发出咔塔声原因,理由可爱的责任喂养据…所说忠诚地长沙发吵闹的几乎,差不多陌生人普遍的,常见的选择(n.)躺注意力使害怕相信心脏心脏病发作直到…为止照顾,照料更有甚者除了…别无选择四处自由走动无所事事混日子阻止某人做某事对…忠诚的死于继续7未知的外星人宇航员收到小山, 山丘大声的探索灌木安静的圆形的破坏,毁坏碰撞惊吓的发现,发觉可怕的,非常讨厌的害怕,恐惧生物,动物羽毛想知道线,线条拒绝张开符号,记号沙漠帐篷刀解释,说明高兴,满意保持安静因为害怕地降落场尽快同意,赞成不同意,有分歧8互联网帖子,邮递道歉(n.)借口, 辩解过去(n.)目前,现在氢气宽阔的形状,外形咖啡馆最近地永远当然推荐使满意使混合电子的放松,休息在…期间,当…的时候科技,工艺软件病毒使…有准备现在(短语)在前面在互联网上…的形状使…与…相混合准备片刻,瞬间九年级(上)1金的王冠奥运会同意证实罐不能肯定真的真相似乎解决装满碗取代较少的金属确定的监狱拳击赛马摔跤运动击,打勇敢的标点符号正确的错误对…满意用…把…装满溢出把…关进监狱确保2聪明人天文学家天才认为理解力幽默邀请学说大学乐事避免讲座在今晚观众信任座位鼓掌苍白的成绩宇宙哲学家服从减少准确地(故事中的)情节幽默感使…失望熟记坐下轻而易举加入毫不知情处于困境开某人的玩笑转折点一系列3一顿饭分享决定个人财产要求在国外商务,公事个人的安排,确定女儿介意流行的流行款式过时的烫平公开活动认为也(用于否定句)关系邀请值…钱类型帮着做出差对…没有兴趣4在线的模特儿规定饮食虽然,尽管极其讨厌的懊悔惭愧情况牙箍厌恶优势尴尬的建议生气的杂乱使恼怒的不及格粗心的评论要求有礼貌的没有一个考试节食嘲笑对…感到惭愧让人受不了搞得一塌糊涂格格不入与某人无关收到…来信5赞扬观看广播稿导演化妆艺术家演播室比赛者在…上在…中向,朝向前秒放松的领先赢,打败平静的单个的胜利英格兰幸运的新闻报道民意调查楼层平面图达人秀昏迷保持静止紧急出口在工作日6偏爱评论豆荚牛肉产品蛋白质汉堡包可乐三明治色拉医疗的脂肪食糖说明必要的调查大量通常的咖啡买(可享受的东西)顾客标题提供英镑果馅派炸薯条服务(使)就坐均衡饮食乳制品不接近油炸食物软饮料体格检查减肥大量通常给自己买某物愿意做某事7冒险小说青蛙祝贺同情汽船蒸汽作家有幽默感的栅栏任务码木板查看进展休息时间遗憾沉默一会儿小心交易覆盖层闻名的铅故事情节懒惰的假装休息一下想象到出现真可惜不停的做沉默地过了一会儿使翻转诱使某人做某事8礼物毕业典礼分,分币计算总数买得起礼物膝盖招牌商品搜寻链子账单脚步声掏出一套,一组梳子控告美洲妻子相册笔记寻找终于集中于递出被控告…以…假名九(下)1航行重复美洲的大陆路线发现变得更加成功官员增加关系贸易外国的船队非洲无处丝绸长颈鹿除…之外发展地区先锋民族财富传播开辟去旅行建立起航被称为也,还导致把…与…对比2文化冲击度假营烟花火鸡国际的承认空闲的程度失败勉力完成习惯用语每天的校服任何事物粉色的紫色的无论如何尤其棒球运动有教益的经历州国家的总统假期日程安排使…爆炸脱下在某人的空闲时间在某种程度上习惯于略有不适3担心大气层温度消费者猜测环境保护的无生命的燃料煤结果(使)增长海平面摧毁自然界表面土壤洪水习惯正确的无害的回收利用目的解决办法政府楷模温室效应在危险中由于导致,造成许多采取行动有影响充当4小行星台风地震融化淹没严重地活着水坑物体长途汽车通过电话线路不运行的老板聋的凝视屏幕注意到(使)醒来立即,马上失踪的同类的自然灾害通过(短语)持续无所事事,闲坐没时间做…不被理睬凝视(短语)惊讶地暂时救生包5公告护照太平洋加拿大旅游胜地加拿大的斜坡在…对面手套夫妻平缓的坦率的绳索迅速的结束令人惋惜的费用报名参加半决赛决赛羽毛球运动精神压力渴望做…登记,报到迫不及待地想做…说实在的被…绊倒保持平衡建立6实施,执行生活方式争吵聚焦…于同龄人压力是否风险守卫积极乐观的取消有希望的强迫音乐会私人的沉默的乐器敌人有规律的鼓舞沮丧的视力牙科医生恢复解决防止抵消持乐观的态度学着做忙于做…把…抛在后面变得更高兴。
38. The students in Class 1 are (计划)a visit to the Palace Museum these days.39. Vegetables are best when they are (新鲜的),and they're good for health.40. Don't (抬起)your heads when you are doing the exam.41. If the Earth becomes too seriously (污染),perhaps we'll have no choice but to moveto Mars.42. Mr Jiang wanted to buy a robot in order to make his life much (容易).43. How clever the boy is! He turned the waste into boxes in different (形状).44. Dress (合适地)on the day when you go for an interview.45.一English is like a . It makes people in the east and west understand each other.一You're right. It's really important for us to learn it well.46.一Where can I find Jack?一Just walk on. He's waiting for you at the end of the road.47.一Do you know how to make coffee?一Yes, put the coffee and the sugar into the cup and them up.38—47 planning fresh raise polluted easiershapes properly bridge straight mix【2019四川广安一诊卷】(一)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
2019年中考英语真题专题训练——形容词、副词专题1.(2019孝感)一How do you like this plan?—It's just what I've been expecting.A. Perfect.B. Terrible.C. MeaninglessD. Awful2.(2019天津)—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them?—Don't worry. It's ______ to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them.A.rude B.exciting C.perfect D.natural3.(2019昆明)The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace. Asa Chinese, I am it.A. responsible forB. proud ofC. full ofD. known for4.(2019敦煌)I could____control my feelings at the moment.The movie reminds me of my childhood.A. reallyB. nearlyC. slowlyD. hardly5.(2019遂宁)I live next to a supermarket.It's ______ for me to do some shopping.A.crowded B.valuable C.convenient D.awful6.(2019自贡)—Why are you worried?—The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus______ hasn't come.A.still B.already C.always7.(2019达州)—As we know, it's very difficult to live in a foreign country like the UK, the US and so on.—I agree._____ if you don't understand the local language.A.Especially B.Generally C.Naturally D.Exactly8.(2019武汉)—Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow?—Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems .A.anxiousB. personalC. cruelD. careless9.(2019呼和浩特)Frederick _______entered the final competition last month. His hobby hasbrought him _______.A.successful; successB. successful; successfullyC. successfully; successD. successfully; successful10.(2019温州)Betty felt so tired last night that she ____________ fell asleep in bed after lying down.A.recentlyB. suddenlyC. frequentlyD. immediately11.(2019本溪)Mr. Liu _________ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.A.often B.seldom C.always D.usually12.(2019哈尔滨)—what's the weather like in summer here?—It's hot. Sometimes it rains ____.A.clearlyB. heavilyC. carefully13.(2019本溪)The Greens like the quietness in the countryside.The city is too ______ for them.fortable B.dangerous C.noisy D.perfect14.(2019泰州)-How about the fruit salad?—Yummy! It tastes very _________. By the way, who made it?A.goodB. badC. wellD. badly15.(2019海南)As students,we should go over lessons and do our homework______.A.carefully B.finally C.slowly16.(2019河南)—You don’t like British breakfast, do you?—Not ____________ . I just need some time to get used to it.A.moreB. onlyC. trulyD. exactly17.(2019海南)Mr. Black's speech is______.It helps us have a better understanding of life.A.silly B.awful C.excellent18.(2019苏州)Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _______________?A.quicklyB. happilyC. slowlyD. clearly19.(2019黔南州、黔西南、黔东南)We should not go outside, in such a terrible storm.A.Probably B.especially C.immediately D.exactly20.(2019山西)—Our motherland’s 70th birthday is coming.—Great! We will hold many activities to celebrate it .A.wiselyB. warmlyC. simply21.(2019青岛)My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird.A. usuallyB. hardlyC. oftenD.always22.(2019河池)Tina, close the door _____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.A.clearly B.easily C.widely D.quietly23.(2019山西)When we read a piece of news online, we’d better make sure it’s before sending it toA.trueB. specialC. strange24.(2019贵港)—What do you think of the TV program The Reader?—Excellent.Many people are _________ about it.They never miss it.A.nervous B.worried C.crazy D.angry25.(2019连云港)While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________moments.A. humorousB. challengingC. dangerousD. surprising26.(2019贵港)—Why was Jim late for work this morning?—He _________ got up late.A.nearly B.gradually C.hardly D.probably27.(2019深圳)—I like country music. It’s really exciting. What about you?—I prefer electronic music. It’s becoming more and more .A.popularB. comfortableC. boring28.(2019江西)Peter spoke so ______ that I could hardly hear him.A. loudlyB. quietlyC. clearlyD.patiently29.(2019镇江)A black young man named Sheku Kanneh-Mason is _________ enough to show thatpeople of colour can take on any challenge of classical music.A.modestB. humorousC. confidentD. curious30.(2019滨州)—Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries.—Yes, Chinese is _______ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese.A. hardlyB. widelyC. neverD.seldom31.(2019无锡)—You haven’t said a ___________word since last Friday. What’s wrong?—Nothing. Just leave me alone.A.simpleB. singleC. similarD. silent 32(2019滨州)The artist is so ________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand.A. commonB. carelessC. creativeD. helpful33.(2019齐齐哈尔)Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower, the girl moved ________ to have a look at it.A.quietlyB. easilyC. politely34.(2019深圳)—Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.—So she is. She’s gotten prepared for it.A.sorryB. famousC. ready35.(2019南通)—I hear people can pay for almost everything by ZHI FU BAO in China.—Actually, it’s that people often go shopping without taking any paper money.A.importantB. impossibleC. surprisingD. necessary36.(2019安徽)I came to school ____ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom.A. earlyB. slowlyC. quietlyD. suddenly37.(2019河池)Tina, close the door____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.A.clearlyB. easilyC. widelyD. quietly38.(2019河北)Ken was_________ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A.stillB. alwaysC. alreadyD. almost39.(2019大庆)Many tourists visit Longfeng Wetland (湿地) all year round.____ in summer.A. hardlyB. nearlyC. especiallyD. really40.(2019安徽)—The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.—It's really ____.A. secretB. directC. amazingD. traditional41.(2019毕节)We should not go outside, in such a terrible storm.A. probablyB. especiallyC. immediatelyD. exactly42.(2019重庆A卷)You’d better leave ____, or trouble will come to you.A.livelyB. friendlyC. heavilyD. quickly43.(2019北部湾)—Why is Mike so popular in your class?—Because he always tells jokes. He is ________.A. humorousB. politeC. honestD. friendly44.(2019兰州)How ____ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel our football match.A heavily B. light C. heavy D. lightly45.(2019南京)Seeing the new changes in her hometown,Nanjing,Sandy could ______believe her eyes.A.properly B.highly C.nearly D.hardly 46.(2019重庆B卷)Lisa made so many mistakes in her homework,because she didn’t do it ______enough.A.carefullyB. busilyC. quicklyD. warmly47.(2019南京)Which of the following can be used to describe the girl in the picture?A.Crazy B.Curious C.ScaredD.Confident48.(2019 福建)More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are asas mountains of gold a and silver.A. centralB. specialC. valuable49.(2019襄阳)—The sun shines .—We’d better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned.A. softlyB. hardlyC. fastD. brightly50.(2019宿迁)Santaishan Forest Park is __________ beautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction.A.soB. veryC. suchD. quite51.(2019襄阳)—It’s a good way to study English with a group.—That’s true. I find it to improve our pronunciation.A. thankfulB. harmfulC. helpfulD. careful52.(2019宜昌)—He hardly had friends because he used to be mean.—But now he has changed a lot. He treats others and is popular.A. nicelyB. carelesslyC. rudelyD. heavily53.(2019凉山州)He was down in the mouth because he missed his plane.A. unhappyB. happyC. gladD. relaxed54.(2019遂宁)Shanghai is one of ____ in the world.A.the biggest cities B.biggest citiesC.the biggest city D.bigger cities55.(2019天津)Jenny will get up ______ than usual in order to catch the first bus.A.early B.very early C.earlier D.earliest56.(2019广元)Taking a subway in Chengdu is much __________than taking a taxi.A.cheapB. cheaperC. cheapest57.(2019重庆B卷)The Hong Kong—Zhuhai—Macau Bridge, the world’s ______crosss—sea bridge, won another international prize in December, 2018.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest58.(2019达州)—Maling's Chinese isn't so ____ as Wangming's.—I know them very much, But now Maling studies ____ than Wangming does.A.good;harder B.good;hardC.better;harder D.better;better59.(2019自贡)—I don' t want this book because of the price. May I have another one?—How about this one? It is as interesting as that one and ______ expensive.A.more B.less C.little60.(2019青海)—You have made such a great progress on your English.—Thanks.I believe ______ you work,_____ you will be.A.the less,the betterB.the harder,the betterC.the better,the worse61.(2019孝感)—There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US.—I agree. If we can't avoid it, the relationship will get ________as time goes on.A.badB. badlyC. worseD. worst62.(2019呼和浩特)—He is planning to walk on the wings of the a flying plane.—What? I have never heard of ______idea before.A.A crazierB. the crazierC. a creaziestD. the creaziest63.(2019河南)More and more people agree that expressions such as “LOL”and “hahaha”are making our speech more direct but ____________ interesting and creative.A.lessB. moreC. the leastD. the most64.(2019湘潭)—What subject do you like ____ English,math or physics?—Of course,English.A.good B.better C.best65.(2019敦煌)Sam is 11 years old.Peter is 16 years old.Peter is 5 years____than Sam.A. olderB. shorterC. newerD. longer66.(2019邵阳)—Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years.—Yes.It is getting_________.A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest67.(2019温州)The living room becomes ____________as the sunlight comes in through the windows.A. biggerB. cleanerC. quieterD. brighter68.(2019黄石)—Do you know Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥)?—Yes,it is ____ cross-sea bridge in the world.A.the longerB. longestC. the longestD. longer69.(2019广东)Fishing is one of ____ activities among the middle-aged people.A.popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the most popular70.(2019海南)Shanghai has a ______ population than that in many other cities.rge B.larger C.largest71.(2019苏州)The flying squirrel might be one of __________ animals you could meet during the trip.A. strangeB. strangerC. strangestD. the strangest72.(2019黔南州、黔西南、黔东南)Does the dish taste as as it looks?A.well B.best C.good D.better73.(2019北京)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her brother.A.patientB. more patientC. most patientD. the most patient74.(2019柳州)Peter studies ______________ of all the students in his class.A.hardB. harderC. hardest75.(2019青岛)To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them.A. dirtyB. dirtierC. cleanD. cleaner76.(2019河池)Linda is ___ of the three girls, but she is the tallest.A.young B.Younger C.youngest D.the youngest77.(2019河北)The High Speed Rail is amazing. It makes travel_________.A. easierB. harderC. higherD. slower78.(2019贵港)—Frank has changed a lot,hasn't he?—Yes.He is much ______________ because he exercises every day.A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest79.(2019南充)—Who sings __________in your class?—Li Jing does.A. most beautifullyB. most beautifulC. more beautifullyD. more beautiful80.(2019天水)—What do you think of the environment in your hometown?—It's Both the air and the water are badly polluted.A.not bad B.as good as beforeC.much better than before D.not as good as before81.(2019重庆A卷)Nobody worked the math problem out. It was ____ one of all.A.easierB. the easiestC. more difficultD. the most difficult82.(2019镇江)Because of the flood, there are _________ tourists in that ancient town this year than last year.A.moreB. mostC. fewerD. fewest83.(2019江西)—What do you think of the band’s performance?—It could be ______. I think they’re feeling very nervous.A. goodB. betterC. badD. worse84.(2019岳阳)Tina is as ________ as her sister Tara.A.outgoingB. more outgoingC. the most outgoing85.(2019湘西州)—Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?—Yes,I do. It's much _______ than the US.A.the oldest;olderB. old;olderC. older;older86.(2019湘西州)一What do you think of English?一I think English is as as Chinese.efulB. more usefulC. the most useful87.(2019无锡)—Guess what? The university has accepted my application!—Wow! That’s __________ new I’ve heard this year, Boris! Let’s celebrate.A.a worseB. the worstC. a betterD. the best88.(2019南通)—Would you like to go to the city and live with us, Granny?—Oh, dear, I’m used to the life in the country. I think life here is .A.more comfortableB. less comfortableC. the most comfortableD. the least comfortable89.(2019黄冈)—Mike plays the drums so wonderfully!—Of course. He is than any other students in his class.A. TalentedB. more talentedC. less talentedD. the most talented90.(2019黄石)—Do you know Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥)?—Yes, it is ____cross- sea bridge in the world.A.the longerB. longestC. the longestD. longer91.(2019河池)Linda is __________of the three girls, but she is the tallest.A.youngB. youngerC. youngestD. the youngest92.(2019贵阳)Everyone wants to win in the contest. But I think is to learn something and have fun.A.the most importantB. importantC. more important93.(2019广元)Taking a subway in Chengdu is much __________ than taking a taxi.A.cheapB. cheaperC. cheapest94.(2019大庆)—If there are ______ people driving, there will be ______air pollution.—Yes, and the air will be fresher.A.less; lessB. less; fewerC. fewer; fewerD. fewer; less95.(2019郴州)-This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me-But this is _________one in our shop, sir.A. cheapB. cheaperC. the cheapest96.(2019毕节)Does the dish taste as as it looks?A.wellB. bestC. goodD. better97.(2019益阳)Lin Tao, a student of Grade 9, is ________ boy in our school.A.tallB. tallerC. the tallest98.(2019襄阳)—Who runs in your class?—Tom does. None of us can catch him in the race.A.fasterB. slowerC. fastestD. slowest99.(2019咸宁)—The 55—kilometer HZMB(港珠澳大桥)opened to the public on Oct. 24th. 2018. —It is ____ cross-sea bridge in the world, linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest100.(2019眉山)—Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please?—Of course. We can buy one than this, but it.A. a better; better thanB. a worse; as good asC. a cheaper; as good asD. a more important; not as good as 101.(2019安顺)—Roy never likes junk food.—Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming ____________ now.A. healthy and healthyB. more and more healthilyC. weaker and weakerD. healthier and healthier102.(2019岳阳)Tina is as _____ as her sister, Tara.A.outgoing B.more outgoing C.the most outgoing103.(2019长沙)Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished ______ one.A. the most difficultB. the least difficultC. the less difficult104.(2019福建)—You are singing to the plants!—That’s true. I believe it helps them grow ____________ .A. slowerB. betterC. harder105.(2019新疆)The _____ we do for other people, the _____ we will be.A. much;happierB. more;happyC. more;happierD. most;happiest106.(2019凉山州)—Home is _____ place wherever you go.—East or west, home is the best.A. warmB. warmerC. warmestD. the warmest107.(2019百色)Wang Wei speaks English as _____ as Yang Lan.They both study English hard.A. good B. well C. better D. best 108.(2019百色)Tea is one of _____ drinks in the world.A. more popularB. the more popularC. most popularD. the most popular2019年中考英语真题专题训练——形容词、副词专题参考答案1.(2019孝感)一How do you like this plan?—It's just what I've been expecting.A. Perfect.B. Terrible.C. MeaninglessD. Awful 【答案】A2.(2019天津)—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them?—Don't worry. It's ______ to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them.A.rude B.exciting C.perfect D.natural 【答案】D3.(2019昆明)The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace. Asa Chinese, I am it.A. responsible forB. proud ofC. full ofD. known for 【答案】B4.(2019敦煌)I could____control my feelings at the moment.The movie reminds me of my childhood.A. reallyB. nearlyC. slowlyD. hardly【答案】D5.(2019遂宁)I live next to a supermarket.It's ______ for me to do some shopping.A.crowded B.valuable C.convenient D.awful【答案】C6.(2019自贡)—Why are you worried?—The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus______ hasn't come.A.still B.already C.always【答案】A7.(2019达州)—As we know, it's very difficult to live in a foreign country like the UK, the US and so on.—I agree._____ if you don't understand the local language.A.Especially B.Generally C.Naturally D.Exactly 【答案】A8.(2019武汉)—Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow?—Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems .A.anxiousB. personalC. cruelD. careless【答案】C9.(2019呼和浩特)Frederick _______entered the final competition last month. His hobby has brought him _______.A.successful; successB. successful; successfullyC. successfully; successD. successfully; successful【答案】C10.(2019温州)Betty felt so tired last night that she ____________ fell asleep in bed after lying down.A.recentlyB. suddenlyC. frequentlyD. immediately【答案】D11.(2019本溪)Mr. Liu _________ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.A.often B.seldom C.always D.usually 【答案】B12.(2019哈尔滨)—what's the weather like in summer here?—It's hot. Sometimes it rains ____.A.clearlyB. heavilyC. carefully【答案】B13.(2019本溪)The Greens like the quietness in the countryside.The city is too ______ for them.fortable B.dangerous C.noisy D.perfect【答案】C14.(2019泰州)-How about the fruit salad?—Yummy! It tastes very _________. By the way, who made it?A.goodB. badC. wellD. badly 【答案】A15.(2019海南)As students,we should go over lessons and do our homework______.A.carefully B.finally C.slowly【答案】A16.(2019河南)—You don’t like British breakfast, do you?—Not ____________ . I just need some time to get used to it.A.moreB. onlyC. trulyD. exactly【答案】A17.(2019海南)Mr. Black's speech is______.It helps us have a better understanding of life.A.silly B.awful C.excellent【答案】C18.(2019苏州)Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _______________?A.quicklyB. happilyC. slowlyD. clearly【答案】D19.(2019黔南州、黔西南、黔东南)We should not go outside, in such a terrible storm.A.Probably B.especially C.immediately D.exactly【答案】B20.(2019山西)—Our motherland’s 70th birthday is coming.—Great! We will hold many activities to celebrate it .A.wiselyB. warmlyC. simply【答案】B21.(2019青岛)My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird.A. usuallyB. hardlyC. oftenD.always【答案】B22.(2019河池)Tina, close the door _____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.A.clearly B.easily C.widely D.quietly【答案】D23.(2019山西)When we read a piece of news online, we’d better make sure it’s before sending it toA.trueB. specialC. strange【答案】A24.(2019贵港)—What do you think of the TV program The Reader?—Excellent.Many people are _________ about it.They never miss it.A.nervous B.worried C.crazy D.angry【答案】C25.(2019连云港)While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________ moments.A. humorousB. challengingC. dangerousD. surprising 【答案】A26.(2019贵港)—Why was Jim late for work this morning?—He _________ got up late.A.nearly B.gradually C.hardly D.probably 【答案】D27.(2019深圳)—I like country music. It’s really exciting. What about you?—I prefer electronic music. It’s becoming more and more .A.popularB. comfortableC. boring【答案】A28.(2019江西)Peter spoke so ______ that I could hardly hear him.A. loudlyB. quietlyC. clearlyD. patiently【答案】B29.(2019镇江)A black young man named Sheku Kanneh-Mason is _________ enough to show that people of colour can take on any challenge of classical music.A.modestB. humorousC. confidentD. curious 【答案】C30.(2019滨州)—Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. —Yes, Chinese is _______ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese.A. hardlyB. widelyC. neverD. seldom【答案】B31.(2019无锡)—You haven’t said a ___________word since last Friday. What’s wrong?—Nothing. Just leave me alone.A.simpleB. singleC. similarD. silent 【答案】B32(2019滨州)The artist is so ________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand.A. commonB. carelessC. creativeD. helpful【答案】C33.(2019齐齐哈尔)Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower, the girl moved ________ to have a look at it.A.quietlyB. easilyC. politely【答案】A34.(2019深圳)—Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.—So she is. She’s gotten prepared for it.A.sorryB. famousC. ready【答案】C35.(2019南通)—I hear people can pay for almost everything by ZHI FU BAO in China.—Actually, it’s that people often go shopping without taking any paper money.A.importantB. impossibleC. surprisingD. necessary【答案】C36.(2019安徽)I came to school ____ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom.A. earlyB. slowlyC. quietlyD. suddenly 【答案】A37.(2019河池)Tina, close the door____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.A.clearlyB. easilyC. widelyD. quietly 【答案】D38.(2019河北)Ken was_________ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A.stillB. alwaysC. alreadyD. almost【答案】D39.(2019大庆)Many tourists visit Longfeng Wetland (湿地) all year round.____ in summer.A. hardlyB. nearlyC. especiallyD. really 【答案】C40.(2019安徽)—The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.—It's really ____.A. secretB. directC. amazingD. traditional【答案】C41.(2019毕节)We should not go outside, in such a terrible storm.A. probablyB. especiallyC. immediatelyD. exactly 【答案】B42.(2019重庆A卷)You’d better leave ____, or trouble will come to you.A.livelyB. friendlyC. heavilyD. quickly 【答案】D43.(2019北部湾)—Why is Mike so popular in your class?—Because he always tells jokes. He is ________.A. humorousB. politeC. honestD. friendly 【答案】A44.(2019兰州)How ____ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel our football match.A heavily B. light C. heavy D. lightly【答案】A45.(2019南京)Seeing the new changes in her hometown,Nanjing,Sandy could ______believe her eyes.A.properly B.highly C.nearly D.hardly【答案】D46.(2019重庆B卷)Lisa made so many mistakes in her homework because she didn’t do it______enough.A.carefullyB. busilyC. quicklyD. warmly 【答案】A47.(2019南京)Which of the following can be used to describe the girl in the picture?A.Crazy B.Curious C.ScaredD.Confident【答案】D48.(2019 福建)More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are asas mountains of gold a and silver.A. centralB. specialC. valuable【答案】C49.(2019襄阳)—The sun shines .—We’d better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned.A. softlyB. hardlyC. fastD. brightly 【答案】D50.(2019宿迁)Santaishan Forest Park is __________ beautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction.A.soB. veryC. suchD. quite 【答案】A51.(2019襄阳)—It’s a good way to study English with a group.—That’s true. I find it to improve our pronunciation.A. thankfulB. harmfulC. helpfulD. careful 【答案】C52.(2019宜昌)—He hardly had friends because he used to be mean.—But now he has changed a lot. He treats others and is popular.A. nicelyB. carelesslyC. rudelyD. heavily 【答案】A53.(2019凉山州)He was down in the mouth because he missed his plane.A. unhappyB. happyC. gladD. relaxed 【答案】A54.(2019遂宁)Shanghai is one of ____ in the world.A.the biggest cities B.biggest citiesC.the biggest city D.bigger cities【答案】A55.(2019天津)Jenny will get up ______ than usual in order to catch the first bus.A.early B.very early C.earlier D.earliest 【答案】C56.(2019广元)Taking a subway in Chengdu is much __________than taking a taxi.A.cheapB. cheaperC. cheapest【答案】B57.(2019重庆B卷)The Hong Kong—Zhuhai—Macau Bridge, the world’s ______crosss—sea bridge, won another international prize in December, 2018.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest 【答案】C58.(2019达州)—Maling's Chinese isn't so ____ as Wangming's.—I know them very much, But now Maling studies ____ than Wangming does.A.good;harder B.good;hardC.better;harder D.better;better【答案】A59.(2019自贡)—I don' t want this book because of the price. May I have another one?—How about this one? It is as interesting as that one and ______ expensive.A.more B.less C.little【答案】B60.(2019青海)—You have made such a great progress on your English.—Thanks.I believe ______ you work,_____ you will be.A.the less,the betterB.the harder,the betterC.the better,the worse【答案】B61.(2019孝感)—There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US.—I agree. If we can't avoid it, the relationship will get ________as time goes on.A.badB. badlyC. worseD. worst 【答案】C62.(2019呼和浩特)—He is planning to walk on the wings of the a flying plane.—What? I have never heard of ______idea before.A.A crazierB. the crazierC. a creaziestD. the creaziest【答案】A63.(2019河南)More and more people agree that expressions such as “LOL”and “hahaha”are making our speech more direct but ____________ interesting and creative.A.lessB. moreC. the leastD. the most 【答案】A64.(2019湘潭)—What subject do you like ____ English,math or physics?—Of course,English.A.good B.better C.best【答案】C65.(2019敦煌)Sam is 11 years old.Peter is 16 years old.Peter is 5 years____than Sam.A. olderB. shorterC. newerD. longer 【答案】A66.(2019邵阳)—Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years.—Yes.It is getting_________.A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest【答案】B。
2019年中考英语词汇(给首字母)真题精选(名师精选全国真题+实战训练,建议下载练习)一.填空题(共7小题)1.(2018•真题)Over 2,000 years ago,in China,there lived a boy called Confucius.When he was o(1)nly three,his father died.His mother was very poor.In those days people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have enough m(2)oney to send him.As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things.So he d(3)ecided to teach himself.Unfortunately he was a strange﹣looking boy.The other children pointed and made fun of him.They called him names and laughed at him.Confucius got very upset,but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight b(4)ack.Confucius did not play with other children.He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them.He t(5)alked to artists and musicians and learned from them.If he tried to do something difficult,he kept trying over and over again u(6)ntil he learned how to do it.In this way the boy taught himself to read and w(7)rite and learned lots of interesting things.Confucius grew up to be a very c(8)lever man.When he was a man,Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu.People were very h(9)appy when he was their leader.He used his abilities and skills ina w(10)ise way.People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived.We still remember many of his sayings today.【解答】1.only.考查副词.句意"当他__三岁时,他的父亲去世了.".根据首字母提示,可知,应该是"只、仅仅".填副词only.2.money.考查名词.句意"他母亲没有足够的__送他.".根据上一句In those days people had to pay to go to school那时候人们不得不花钱上学.及首字母提示,可知,应该是"钱".填不可数名词money.3.decided.考查动词.句意"所以他__自学".根据首字母提示,可知,应该是"决定"decide动词.一般过去时态,谓语动词用过去式dicided.4.back.考查搭配.句意"孔子很不高兴,但他是个和蔼可亲的男孩,没有__.".根据首字母提示,可知,fight back反击.固定搭配.填back.5.talked.考查动词.句意"他与艺术家和音乐家___,并从中学习.".根据首字母提示,可知,talk to sb和某人交谈.一般过去时态,谓语动词用talk的过去式talked.6.until.考查连词.句意"他不断地反复尝试,__学会了怎么做.".根据首字母提示,可知,应该是"直到".填连词until.7.write.考查动词.句意"就这样,男孩自学了读书和___.".根据首字母提示,可知,应该是"写字".不定式to后用动词原形write.8.clever.考查形容词.句意"孔子成长为一个非常___人.".根据上一句learned lots of interesting things学到很多有趣的东西.及首字母提示,可知,应该是"聪明的",修饰名词,用形容词clever.9.happy.考查形容词.句意"当他是他们的领袖时,人们非常__.".根据最后一行People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived人们有时称他为有史以来最伟大的人.及首字母提示,可知,应该是"高兴的".系表结构.填形容词happy.10.wise.考查形容词.句意"他以__方式使用自己的能力和技巧.".根据首字母提示,可知,应该是"智者的".修饰名词用形容词wise.2.(2017•真题)The Cinderella story is a famous one Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died.Her father remarried.Cinderella's new stepmother and two stepsisters (71)t reated her poorly.She had to wear old clothes and work hard (72)w hile the sisters wore beautiful clothes and had fun.You know the (73)r est of the story.A good fairy turned Cinderella's old clothes intoa beautiful dress.Cinderella went to a party and a prince (74)f ell in love with herCinderella left the party in such a (75)h urry that she left a glass slipper and the Prince used that to find her (76)F inally Cinderella and the Prince married and lived happily ever after.That's one telling of the story,but the Cinderella fairy take is found in many different countries.And Cinderella is not always a young(77)l ady.In an Irish story,a young gentleman,Becan,marries a princess and lives happily ever since.Why is the Cinderella story so (78)p opular and found in so many cultures?There are several (79)r easons First of all it's a romantic story Also,Cinderella a kind girl with a hard life And (80)m aybe the most important is that in the Cinderella story,a person faces many difficulties but overcomes them in the end.【解答】71.treated,考查动词,根据空格后的副词"poorly糟糕地;恶劣地",可知是修饰空格处的动词,结合主语是Cinderella's new stepmother and two stepsisters 灰姑娘的继母和两个异母的姐妹,由此可知他们对待灰姑娘不好,用动词"treat对待"符合题意,故事是一般过去时,动词要用一般过去式,故填treated.72.while,考查连词,根据前文She had to wear old clothes and work hard她不得不穿旧衣服,辛苦干活,和后文the sisters wore beautiful clothes and had fun.她的姐妹穿漂亮的衣服,过着快乐的生活,可知前后是一种并列成分,结合首字母w,while当…时候,此处是并列连词,符合题意,故填while.73.rest,考查形容词,根据语境,前面故事讲述的是灰姑娘的艰难生活,后文讲述的是故事剩余部分,结合首字母r,填rest剩余的,符合题意,the rest of the story故事剩余部分,故填rest.74.fell,考查动词,根据语境"灰姑娘和王子相爱了",结合题干中句型fall in love with 和…相爱,这是固定句型,时态为一般过去时,故填fell.75.hurry,考查名词,根据she left a glass slipper 她落下了水晶鞋,可知她是匆忙中留下的,结合首字母h,可知"in a hurry匆忙的",是固定搭配,故填hurry.76.Finally,考查副词,根据the Prince used that to find her 王子利用水晶鞋找到了她,可知这是最后的结果,空格处应该是一个总结性的副词来修饰这句话,结合首字母f,可知是"finally最后"符合题意,故填finally.77.lady,考查名词,根据后文In an Irish story,a young gentleman,Becan,marries a princess and lives happily ever since.在爱尔兰的故事中,一个年轻的绅士跟王子结婚了并过着幸福的生活,可知前文说的不是一个"女士",结合首字母l,推出是名词lady,此处是单数名词,故填lady.78.popular,考查形容词,根据前文语境,the Cinderella fairy take is found in many different countries灰姑娘的故事在很多国家有不同的版本,说明这个故事是"受欢迎的",结合首字母p,故填popular.79.reasons,考查名词,根据上一句中的疑问词是Why,可知后面回答的是"原因",结合首字母r,名词"reason原因"符合题意,后面解释的不止一个原因,要用名词复数形式,故填reasons.80.maybe,考查副词,根据the most important is that in the Cinderella story,a person faces many difficulties but overcomes them in the end.最重要的是在灰姑娘故事中,一个人勇敢面对困难并克服了困难,这是作者猜测的原因,所以用一个表达猜测的词语,放在句首,故此处是副词,结合首字母m,"maybe或许;可能"符合题意,故填maybe.3.(2016•真题)"Make﹣A﹣Wish"is one of the world's most well﹣known charities,It makes wishes come true for children who have (71)s erious illness.It gives them hope and helps them forget about their (72)h ealth problems.It (73)s tarted in 1980in Phoenix,Arizona.Christopher was a 7﹣year﹣old boy who was very sick.He always dreamed of becoming a (74)p ilot to fly in the sky.They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机)and (75)b roughta space helmet of him.There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:I wish to go.Children usually want to visit some (76)p laces of interest,like thestatue of Liberty.I wish to meet.Children sometimes want to meet their (77)f avorite film stars orsports players.I wish to be.Some children wish to become doctors to help people who don't have moneyfor (78)m edical treatment.I wish to have.Some children want to have a computer,a bike or many other things.(79)L ooking for them,they can get what they want from the charity.Let's hope more wishes will come true in the (80)f uture.People who work in the charity always try for the best.Will you be one of them?【解答】71:serious 考查形容词根据句意"It makes wishes come true for children who have _ illness 这个慈善机构主要帮助患有_ 疾病的儿童病人完成梦想"和首字母"s"可知,这里考查的是形容词"严重的serious",故答案为serious72:health 考查名词根据句意"It gives them hope and helps them forget about their _problems.它给孩子们带来了希望并且帮助他们忘记他们的_问题"和上文的"children who have serious illness"可知,这里意为"健康问题",结合所给首字母"h"可知,答案为名词health73:started考查动词的用法根据句意"It _in 1980in Phoenix,Arizona.它1980年_于亚利桑那州的凤凰城"及首字母提示"s"可知,这里考查的是动词"start开始,起源"的用法,由"in 1980"可知,这里的时态为一般过去时,故这里应该用start的过去式,答案为started74:pilot考查名词根据"fly in the sky"和首字母提示"p"可知,克里斯多夫想要成为一个"飞行员pilot",由冠词"a"可知,这里应该为单数形式,故答案为pilot 75:brought考查动词的用法根据句意"b_ a space helmet forhim.为他_太空头盔"及首字母提示"b"可知,这里考查的是动词"bring带来"的用法,因这句话的时态为一般过去时,故这里应该用bring的一般过去式,答案为brought76:places考查名词短语根据"like the statue of Liberty像自由女神像"和首字母提示"p_ of interest"可知,这里意为"名胜古迹".名胜古迹:places of interest,故答案为places77:favorite考查形容词根据句意"Children sometimes want to meet their _film stars or sports players孩子们有的时候想见见他们_电影明星或者运动员"和首字母"f"可知,这里的应填词语意为"最喜欢的"形容词最喜欢的:favorite,故答案为favorite 78:medical考查形容词根据句意"who don't have money for _treatment没有钱进行_治疗的人"和首字母"m"可知,这里应该为形容词"医学的medical",故答案为medical79:Looking考查动词的用法根据句意"_for them,they can get what they want from the charity._他们,他们可以从慈善机构得到他们想要的"和首字母"L"可知,这里意为"寻找",寻找:look for,因动词look放于句首,故应该用ing形式,答案为looking80:future考查名词根据句意"Let's hope more wishes will come true in the _我们希望在_有更多的愿望可以实现"和首字母"f"可知,这里意为"在将来",在将来:in the future,故答案为名词future4.(2015•真题)English people like DIY.A lot of people always spend their holiday making their homes more b(71)eautiful.If there is anything that needs repairing or decorating around their homes,such as p(72)ainting the walls or putting in a new shower,they will do the jobs themselves.They s(73)hare DIY experience with theirfriends.More and more people show an i(74)nterest in DIY.Sometimes people also DIY in order to s(75)ave money.They are trying to find ways to make their house better when they can't a(76)fford the cost.So,it is not surprising that DIY is very popular.DIY can be difficult.People often find it not e(77)asy to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions well.Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear,but the furniture i(78)tself is difficult to build.DIY can also be d(79)angerous.People should learn much about DIY work before doing it.Unluckily,many people don't care about that.So they may be in danger.It is r(80)eported that in just one year thousands of people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK,including those who fell off ladders.【解答】71.beautiful.根据上句英国人非常喜欢手工制作,在假期里他们自己经常做一些手工使他们的家更漂亮,more后面修饰形容词,"更漂亮"用形容词beautiful.72.painting.根据上句如果他们的家里有什么东西需要修理或者装饰,例如刷墙或者装饰新的淋浴,such as 后面接doing sth.根据后面的putting可知,应填写painting.73.share.根据上句他们还会和朋友们分享制作的经验,share sth with sb."和某人分享某事"是固定短语,这篇短文使用的是一般现在时,故应填写share.74.interest.句意是越来越多的人对手工感兴趣,interest是一个名词,用在短语show an interest in sth.show 是动词,故应填写interest.75.save 句意是有时候人们自己制作是为了省钱,in order to do sth.意思是为了去做某事,save是动词"节省",故其后面接动词原形,故应填写save.76.afford 根据句意是当他们支付不起费用时,他们就自己制作,can′t是情态动词,后面接动词原形afford.77.easy 句意是人们经常发现制作一套家是不容易的,因为他们不明白说明书,easy 是一个形容词,句中的句型是find it+adj.+to do sth.故应填写easy.78.itself 句意是有时候说明书很简单和清楚,但是家具本身很难制作,根据文意可知,作者介绍的DIY有时制作时比较有困难的,说明书是一方面但是制作家具是有困难的,这里的itself代替的是furniture是一个不可数名词,故应填写itself.79.dangerous 句意是手工制作也可能是危险的.根据下文So they may be in danger.可知在做手工制作之前应该先了解一下,但是很多人不在乎,所以他们就可能有危险,由此可知手工制作是危险的,故应填写dangerous.80.reported 句意是根据报道一年内在英国有几千人在做手工时受伤,包括那些从梯子上摔下来的人,report是动词"报道",这句话是用的句型是It's reported that…是据报道…句子使用的是被动语态,故应填写reported.5.(2014•真题)Dear Mr President,I have been doing a project at school recently about animals in danger.I think their living(71)c ondition is terrible in China.I am writing to you to suggest (72)w hat we should do to help protect animals more.I feel so (73)s orry for the giant panda.It's one of the most popular animals in theworld and a(74)s ymbol of China.We've learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo.I think we should try to do more to (75)p revent people from destroying their forests.Another animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator(扬子鳄).They live in some (76)a reas of eastern China,and now the water there isn't (77)c lean enough for them to live in.The government should stop factories from (78)p olluting the lakes and rivers.If we protect these beautiful animals in China,more people may wish to visit China to see them.They could be an important (79)t ourist attraction.It would be good if more people came to visit our beautiful country,(80)e specially some quieter places in the country.I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important subject.Yours sincerely,Huang Jing.【解答】71.condition 考查首字母填空.句意:我认为他们的生活条件在中国是可怕的.根据句意判断,故填:condition.72.what 考查首字母填空.句意:我给您写信就是建议我们应当做些什么来保护更多的动物.根据句意判断,故填:what.73.sorry 考查首字母填空.句意:我感到对大熊猫有些抱歉.根据句意判断,故填:sorry.74.symbol 考查首字母填空.句意:它是世界上最受欢迎的动物之一,是中国的象征.根据句意判断,故填:symbol.75.prevent 考查首字母填空.句意:我认为我们应当尽力做些什么来阻止人们破坏森林.根据句意判断,故填:prevent.76.areas 考查首字母填空.句意:它们生活在中国东部的一些区域.根据句意判断,故填:areas.77.clean 考查首字母填空.句意:现在那儿的水不是足够的干净.根据句意判断,故填:clean.78.polluting 考查首字母填空.句意:政府应当阻止工厂污染湖泊和河流.根据句意判断,故填polluting.79.tourist 考查首字母填空.句意:它们可能成为一个重要的旅游景观.根据句意判断,故填:tourist.80.especially 考查首字母填空.句意:尤其是国家一些僻静的地方.根据句意判断,故填:especially.6.(2013•真题)My family went to a restaurant for dinner one night.When we were walking to the restaurant from our car,a girl about my age and her mother (71)c ame towards us.They asked if we had any (72)m oney.My mom asked where they were (73)l iving.The girl said there were six of them staying in an (74)o ld black car.My mom gave them a few dollars.Then she sent me inside the restaurant (75)w ith my dad and my three sisters.(76)H owever,my mom didn't come.Later,I found out that she had gone (77)h ome and put all the food in our cupboard into afew bags.Then she brought that food over to the car and gave the bags to the poor (78)f amily.I wasn't there when that part happened,yet I can (79)i magine the joyon their faces.After painting this picture in my mind,I understood (80)w hy my mom had done what she did that night.I will never forget this lesson in kindness from my mom.【解答】答案:71.came 考查动词,根据a girl about my age and her mother (71)c…towards us 可知该空在句中作谓语,故填动词的正确形式,根据空格后的关键词towards,结合首字母为c,可知为come towards sb 意为"朝着某人过来",根据短文描述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,故填入come的过去式,故填came.72.money 考查名词根据They asked if we had any (72)m…该空处在句中作宾语,故填入名词的正确形式,联系上下文及首字母m可知她们母女二人问作者一家是否有钱,故填money73.living 考查动词根据句中My mom asked where they were…宾语从句的连接词为where及首字母l可推知我的妈妈问她们住在什么地方,"住"的英文表达为live,又知空格前were,可知用过去进行时态,故填live的现在分词,故答案为living74.old 考查形容词根据The girl said there were six of them staying in an (74)o…black car,根据该空作定语修饰名词car,故填入形容词,结合首字母为o,可推知女孩说她们六口人住在一辆旧的黑色小汽车里,故填old75.with 考查介词根据Then she sent me inside the restaurant (75)w…my dad and my three sisters,句意"然后她把我以及我的爸爸和三个姐妹送到饭店"结合首字母为w可知用介词with后接宾语在句中作伴随状语表示"和…一起",故填with76.However 考查副词根据上文Then she sent me inside the restaurant (75)with my dad and my three sisters可知妈妈把我以及我的爸爸和三个姐妹送到饭店,再根据下文my mom didn't come可知我的妈妈没有来,可知上下文表达一种转折关系,结合所给首字母h,可知however作副词用时,表示"然而;但是"位于句首时,要用逗号与句子其它部分隔开,故填however77.home 考查名词根据下文and put all the food in our cupboard into a few bags可知把橱柜里所有的食物放到几个袋子里,结合首字母h可推知我知道她回家…,故填home78.family 考查名词根据Then she brought that food over to the car and gave the bags to the poor…"然后她这些食物送给了这贫穷的…"结合首字母f,可推知送给了贫穷的家庭,故填family79.imagine 考查动词根据I wasn't there when that part happened,yet I can 可知当时我不在场但是我能…结合首字母i,可推知我能想象…,"想象"的英文表达为imagine,该空前为情态动词can,填入动词原形即可,故答案为imagine 80.why 考查连接副词根据句中缺少宾语从句的连接词,结合句意及首字母After painting this picture in my mind,I understood (80)w…my mom had done what she did that night可知在脑海里绘制了这幅画之后,我明白我的妈妈那天晚上为什么做这件事了,故填why7.(2012•真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整.每空限一词.Nogoba was a cavegirl.She lived in a cave with about 40other people.Cavepeople lived in big groups to help each other.Their l (71)lives were very dangerous.There were many w (72)wildanimals near the caves﹣lions,tigers,bears and elephants.The cavemen hunted.They k (73)killed the animals for food.The children's jobs were dangerous,too.Nogoba and her friends went to the river every day to get w (74)water.Sometimes,the river was very deep.S(75)Sometimes,there were animals near the river.For many months of the y (76)year,Nogoba was cold.There was ice and snow everywhere.It was difficult to be w (77)warm.The children sometimes went to sleep by the fire.Sometimes they were too n (78)near the fire.Sometimes Nogoba and her friends went to f(79)find fruit and nuts to eat.Sometimes the fruit and nuts were poisonous and everyone became i(80)ill.There weren't any cave doctors or cave hospitals!【解答】71.lives.考点是首字母填空.根据后一句在洞穴周围有许多的野生动物们可知,他们的生活是危险的;根据题干的句子的谓语是be动词的复数were;故填lives.72.wild 考点是首字母填空.根据他们的生活是危险的,后面列举的都是野兽,可知,有许多的野生动物;应填wild.73.killed考点是首字母填空.根据The cavemen hunted.可知,They k (73)1the animals for food.他们杀死动物来吃饭;故填killed.74.water考点是首字母填空.根据本句前面的"wenttotheriver"可知是去打水.再根据Sometimes,the river was very deep.水很深可知;他和他的朋友去喝水;故填water.75.Sometimes考点是首字母填空.根据Sometimes,the river was very deep.S(75)1,there were animals near the river.可知,有时候又许多动物在河附近;列举了两种危险;故填Sometimes.76.year考点是首字母填空.根据根据Nogoba was cold.There was ice and snow everywhere可知,在一年中的许多个月份里;此处是指一年中的好多月.故填year.77.warm考点是首字母填空.根据上文中提到"冷"和"冰雪",可知这里指取暖问题;be后用形容词.再根据There was ice and snow everywhere.可知,保暖是困难的.故填warm.78.near考点是首字母填空.根据The children sometimes went to sleep by the fire.可知,有时候他们在火附近;故填near.79.find考点是首字母填空.根据Sometimes Nogoba and her friends went to f(79)1fruit and nuts to eat.可知,有时候他们去找水果吃;故填find.80.ill 考点是首字母填空.根据Sometimes the fruit and nuts were poisonous.可知,吃了有毒的果实而致病;系动词become后用形容词;故填ill第1页(共11页)。
2017年中考英语专题训练《词汇检测》1.it's good to have a(健康的)eating habit.2.His father always(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.3.John is interested in(化学)4.The Blacks are going to have their garden(浇水)this weekend.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an(未知的)world to us.6.Sue always has great(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to(指向)at others like that.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words(正确地).9.With the development of science and technology,more and more(机器人)are used in factories.10.Drinking tea is a(传统的)custom in China.11.Everest is a natural(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and(五月).13.Most drivers in Suqian are(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.14.All my classmates went to the old people's home(除了)Enic because he was ill.15.Researchers say temperatures i n North Africa will continue(上升)this summer.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.18.Flight 846(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his(粗心).20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very(真实的)21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of(传统的)art.22.Mrs Wang,a new(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long(历史).24.We all know that the earth is not the(中心)of the universe.25.They were(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.26.I could feel my heart(跳动)fast when I heard the news.27.The floor will feel even(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.28.Don't drink the(污染)water.It will make you ill.29.To my parents,my health(要紧)more to them than anything else.30.All(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.31.Something must be done to stop the virus(扩散).32.The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)33.I think these cameras are those(导演).Please look after them.34.The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year.(预计)35.Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing.36.We need to learn new words and more(语法)to understand English better.37.They wanted to(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.38.I was told that Apple Pay is one of the(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.39.Jack has many story books and he often(分享)them with his friends.40.My father is interested in(收集)stamps.41.His family is not rich enough to(买得起) a house.42.To our surprise,there was no salt in the fish.Dad did the cooking(粗心地).43.Here is the(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?44.My dream is to be a teacher in the(将来).45.Everyone is here(除了)Tom.He is absent because of his illness.46.This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon.(整个的)47.of patients are treated in the hospital every day.(千)48.He climbed the window and saw what he could take away.(穿过)49.It is my to be together with you.(愉快)50.Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou Airport.(国际的)51.Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the most beautiful college campuses.(世界的)52.Any person who does something the law will be put into prison.(违反)53.fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016.(首次)54.Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of.(他自己)55.The boy learns to play the piano every evening.(星期二)56.This is probably the painting I've ever seen.(丑陋的)57.The man seems to be in his.(四十)58.Please tell me the(总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it.59.The boy who won the drawing competition is the(骄傲)of his class.60.The robot caught a virus and no longer worked(正常地)61.My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the (三十).62.Helping others is the most(有价值的)thing in the world.63.People like(分享)things through WeChat now.64.Could you tell me the(高度)of Qomolangma?65.He has just come back after living(在国外)for almost ten years.66.The copy of Evangeline has many(有帮助的)notes at the back.67.The twins looked the same,so I often(弄错)one from the other.68.Do you know the(首都)of America?69.Mum sometimes(混合)vegetables together to make a salad for us.70.To catch her attention,I(摇动)my head and held up my hat to her.71.I have no interest in TV ads.I think it(简直)a waste of time to watch them.72.Today,I consider myself the(幸运的)man on the face of the Earth.73.Can you help me divide the cake into two(半)?74.I never learned to raise cows and(也不)did they.75.The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is(赞扬)as the"Art Palace of Nature".76.The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an(地下的)worker of our Party.77.Something is wrong with the(模型)plane.Can you fix it for me?78.The Australian teacher in our school tries to use(筷子)when he has meals.79.We should work(紧密地)with the local people to help them with their problems.80.Most foreign visitors are very(兴趣)in Chinese traditional culture.81.Yesterday we had a special party for her(九)birthday.82.Supermarket is the(吵闹的)place that I have been to.83.Before the game started,I(分开)these children into five groups.84.I found a letter(躺)on the floor when I came into the classroom.85.﹣Do you know the lady well over there?﹣No,she is a(完全的)stranger to me.86.Luckily,neither the driver nor the(乘客)was hurt.87.﹣What's the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?﹣It will drop zero,to﹣5℃.88.﹣What do you think of Mr.Reads speech?﹣It was very.Some of the students were sleeping all the time.?89.﹣Are these vegetables safe enough to eat﹣Yes,they are up to high.?90.﹣Is there any chance that we can change the plan﹣I'm afraid not.Whether you are for or,it will be carried out.91.﹣Where are you going for your school trip,Tom?﹣I haven't made a yet,I'm going to talk about it with our classmates.92.﹣Why not take this road?It's a short cut.﹣I am afraid we can't,for it breaks down.Several workers are busy it now.93.一in before others is really not polite,I think.一I agree.We should always queue.94.一Are there any clues for the big fire?一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by.95.一Have the passengers gone on yet?一Yes,they are all on the plane now.96.﹣﹣﹣Why did n't you accept such a good job?﹣﹣﹣Oh,it's my ability,so I had to give it up.97.﹣Do you know what the gesture"V"stands for?﹣It stands for"".I think.98.﹣﹣Will Tom win the game?﹣﹣Of course.There is no that he will be come first.99.﹣How much does this elephant?﹣About 3tons.100.﹣The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time,but I found it very hard.﹣I think you can make it.101.Tomorrow is his(九十)birthday,and he is so excited.102.There are still some places that are(未知)to humans.103.Simon,don't worry too much.We all think you can make it by(自己).104.American (发明家)Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at thebeginning of the 20th century.105.Chang'e 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when it(到达)the moon in the year 2018.106.Kobe Bryant,one of the greatest players,retired(退役)in April.He(赢得)five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.107.Alex and Tony are crazy about computer.They want to be computer(工程师)in the future.108.Lots of parents become(没耐心)as their children grow up.109.Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life was(完全)finished.110.You can watch more English(录像)to improve your oral English.111.Leonardo DiCaprio finally(赢得)his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards.112.This kind of disease(传播)so quickly that it drew the government's attention.113.Each of us felt(口渴的)when seeing the watermelons on the table.114.To(形成)a good habit of reading,you should always choose the good reads.115.Don't wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at night,yellow and white are the(容易的)colours for dirvers to see.116.I can't tell the differences between the two boys.They look(完全地)the same.117.The museum is about two(小时)ride from the theme park.We had better start right now.118.He is a talented man and all his novels were well(写).119.Though the little girl has no parents,lots of people have volunteered to give a (帮助)hand.120.Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by (意外的事).121.I think the(人口)of China will become larger and larger because of the new policy(政策).122.Anna has(取得进步)in math since last term.123.(饲养)cows is still an important industry in many parts of the world.124.She has a(亲戚)in this small town.125.It's the(丑陋的)house I have ever seen in this city.126.Don't take the lift in a(火灾).127.As science(技术)is changing fast,we need to keep studying.128.Yesterday Jay Chou's(出现)made his fans excited,and they were calling out his name.129.The big man was seen(奔跑)away from the scene of the crime.130.Tim(主动提出)to help me with my history every Sunday this morning.131.You will be(测试)in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels in this course.132.Rodger loves reading and he has eight(百)books at home.133.The old man was very(孤独的)after his wife passed away.134.Look,there's a brilliant car parking there.The car is for one of the(发明者).135.What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues(线索).136.Everyone wants to get(满足)out of his or her job.137.Bill is(搜索)the Internet.He wants to find something interesting.138.Go(径直地)on,and you'll find the Panda House.139.You must look left and right before(穿过)the road.140.You should(沟通)with your parents or your teacher if you have time.141.Can you help find some(信息)about the history of football on the Internet?142.When someone knocked at the door,I was(翻译)the sentences into Chinese.143.Tom and all his(亲戚)always look after each other well.144.Can you give me some(建议)on reading?145.Mr.King successfully(避免) a terrible disaster the other day.146.The purpose of the charity should be(改善)young people's health.147.He's so shy that he has trouble(交流)with others.148.﹣﹣﹣I have a pair of shoes(类似于)to yours.﹣﹣﹣That's nice.We can wear on the same day.149.The doctors must be tired because h e has done several(手术)in thedaytime.150.Henry(继续)his writing for another year although he was badly ill.151.What do you think of the town after the(最近的)visit to it.152.The girl from America is very(友好的).153.I like history best.Because history is very(容易的).154.He was in trouble,but he(拒绝)all help from others.155.We should take action to prevent water(污染)because people can't live without water.156.It's(困难的)for many foreigners to use Chinese chopsticks.157.Many students(讨厌)to housework.158.We are looking forward to(饲养)some cute pet dogs.159.Let me ask you the(四十九)question.160.Be careful with the machines on show and you mustn't(触摸)any of them.161.The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open (空地).162.It is a(极好的)show,many young people are looking forward to it.163.There is a dog lying in the(角落)of the room.164.Do you want to be an(技师)in the future?165.I think that Tony will never forget such interesting(经历)in France.166.When he came in,I was standing(紧挨着)the wall and crying sadly.167.The children carefully wrote their names at the(底部)of their pictures.168.I'd like to buy a house with two big(阳台).169.It's a pity that our house is going to be the(最丑陋的)one in this area.170.﹣What is the weather like today?﹣It's very cold.The temperature is zero.171.﹣He the early bus again this morning.﹣That's true.He always gets up so late.172.﹣It is to play with fire.﹣Yes,we should keep children away from fire.173.﹣What does your uncle do?﹣He is a,and he sends letters and newspapers.174.﹣﹣What happened to you then?﹣﹣I looked down and found an of ants climbing on my body.175.﹣﹣Will you go to Sam's birthday party?﹣﹣No,I his invitation.I would like to,but have no time.176.﹣﹣Excuse me,can you give me more about that meeting?﹣﹣Sorry,it's secret.177.﹣Millie,can you give me the to the classroom?I left my homework in it ﹣OK,here you are.178.I think(医疗的)level in the city is better than that in the countryside.179.When driving,you need to know the flashing yellow light(意味着)you must stop.180.More volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake.I really admired them for their(勇气).参考答案与解析1.it's good to have a healthy(健康的)eating habit.【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干it's good to have a___(健康的)eating habit.可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.修饰名词habit,应该用形容词.healthy,健康的,形容词.故填:healthy.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词.2.His father always encourages(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_____(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查encourages.3.John is interested in chemistry(化学)【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣.【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in______(化学).可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣.chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.故填:chemistry.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.4.The Blacks are going to have their garden watered(浇水)this weekend.【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden___(浇水)this weekend.可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.have sth.done,"have+sth (宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)"意为"让/叫/使/请别人做某事".宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.故填:watered.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an unknown(未知的)world to us.【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界.【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语法正确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词6.Sue always has great courage(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因.【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示"勇气'的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查名词7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to point(指向)at others like that.【分析】亨利,要有礼貌.那样指着别人没有礼貌.【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为It's+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示"指向"及空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查固定短语及动词的识记.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words correctly(正确地).【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词.【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示"正确地"的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查副词9.With the development of science and technology,more and more robots(机器人)are used in factories.【分析】随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用.【解答】答案:robots根据提示词"机器人"可知,这里考查名词的用法.机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词"more and more"可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词"more and more"判断出此处应该用复数形式.10.Drinking tea is a traditional(传统的)custom in China.【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗.【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词"传统的"和空格后面的名词"custom"可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional.【点评】本题考查形容词.做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义及句子分析出词语的词性.然后再写出相对应的词语.11.Everest is a natural wonder(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural____(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.不定冠词a+名词单数.wonder,奇迹,名词.故填:wonder.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查wonder,奇迹.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and May(五月).【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and___(五月).可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.and 连接并列的句子成分.可知此处应该填月份.May,五月,名词.故填:May.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查May,五月,名词.13.Most drivers in Suqian are polite(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.【分析】宿迁的大部分司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路.【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示"礼貌的"的英文表达为polite,故填polite.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词14.All my classmates went to the old people's home except(除了)Enic because he was ill.【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old people's home____(除了)Enic because he was ill.可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.except 表示"表示"除了…"指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,即不包括在内.besides表示"除了…之外,还有…",指在整体中加入一部分,即包括在内.根据句意,可知是不包括Enic在内,应该用except,故填:except.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查except.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue rising(上升)this summer.【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue___ (上升)this summer.可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.continue+doing…,持续做某事;继续做某事.rise,上升,不及物动词.故填:rising.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查rise,上升,动词.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea bridge(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.【分析】﹣﹣连云港新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?﹣﹣在2016年4月.【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干﹣When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.可知句意为:连云港的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月.根据题干When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词.这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数.故填:bridge.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查bridge.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or successful(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.【分析】﹣﹣加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.﹣﹣谢谢,我会再次尝试的.【解答】答案:successful.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.",由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词"成功的"是successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.18.Flight 846landed(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846___ (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers.可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态.land,着陆,动词,过去式landed.故填:landed.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查landed.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his carelessness(粗心).【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his____ (粗心).可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.物主代词his+名词.carelessness,粗心,名词.故填:carelessness.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查carelessness.20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real(真实的)【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样.【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional(传统的)art.【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式.【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.22.Mrs Wang,a new customer(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友.【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long history(历史).【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪.【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.24.We all know that the earth is not the center/centre(中心)of the universe.【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.【解答】答案:center/centre.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.",由设空处前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"中心"是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.25.They were excitedly(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.【分析】他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.【解答】答案:excitedly.根据题干They were﹣﹣(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.可知句意为:他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.句子中discuss是个动词,修饰它的话应该用副词形式.excitedly,副词,激动地.故填:excitedly.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.26.I could feel my heart beating(跳动)fast when I heard the news.【分析】听到这个消息的时候,我能觉得心跳很快.【解答】答案:beating.提示词:跳动,beat,是一个动词.根据when I heard the news,可知这里表示当我听到这个消息时我的心正跳动的厉害,所以应该用beat的现在分词形式,表示正在进行.故填:beating.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,解答时根据所给的汉语提示,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.27.The floor will feel even smoother(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.【分析】我拖完地板以后,地板会感觉更光滑.【解答】答案:smoother.根据even﹣﹣(光滑的)after it is mopped by me,可知在这里拖地之后和拖地之前相比较更光滑,even,更加,后面可以跟比较级,所以这里用形容词smooth 的比较级形式smoother,故填smoother.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么,然后用其适当形式解答即可.28.Don't drink the polluted(污染)water.It will make you ill.【分析】不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.【解答】答案:polluted.根据Don't drink the﹣﹣(污染)water.It will make you ill,可知不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.所填词修饰名词,这里用形容词形式polluted.故填polluted.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.29.To my parents,my health matters(要紧)more to them than anything else.【分析】对于我的父母来说,我的健康对他们比其它任何事情更要紧.【解答】答案:matters.根据my health﹣﹣(要紧)more to them than anything else,可知这里考查"要紧"的英语表达法,在英语中一般翻译成matter,本句缺少谓语,所以这里matter是一个动词,本句叙述了一个事实,时态应该用一般现在时,根据health,可知它是一个不可数名词,所以后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,直接在词尾加s.故填matters.【点评】本题考查学生对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力.30.All suggestions(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.【分析】所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.【解答】答案:suggestions.根据All﹣﹣(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime,可知所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.句子中all和are可以判断出主语应该是复数形式,suggestion,名词,建议,复数是suggestions.故填suggestions.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.31.Something must be done to stop the virus spreading(扩散).【分析】应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.【解答】答案:spreading.根据Something must be done to stop the virus﹣﹣(扩散).可知应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.句子考查了stop的用法:stop to do sth停下来做某事,stop doing sth 停止做某事,这里应该是阻止病毒扩散,所以用stop doing sth,spread,动词,扩散.故填spreading.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.32.The little boy hung his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)【分析】当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.【解答】答案:hung.根据题干The little boy﹣﹣his head when he heard what his mother said.可知句意为:当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.句子when he heard what his mother said,可以判断所使用的时态应该是一般过去时,hang,动词,垂下,过去式是hung.故填:hung.。
['bɑːskɪt; 'bæskɪt]
be(am, is, are)
题型八词汇考查素养训练提高S U Y A N GX U N L I A N T I G A O一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.【1】1。
(2018江苏淮安)On (rain) days,the traffic is heavier than usual。
2.(2018江苏淮安)Man can't live (with) air or water。
3.(2018江苏淮安)Come on,Sam。
Believe in (you)。
You can work out the problem on your own.4.(2018江苏淮安)You look very tired.Why not (take) a rest?5。
(2018江苏淮安)Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨孙漂流记》) by Daniel Defoe is(wide) read by teenagers in our city.6.(2018江苏淮安)The two (president) wives also took part in the charity show。
1.(2018山东莱芜)We are supposed to read (quiet) in the library.2。
19年中考英语真题 分类 专题18.4 词汇运用(选词填空)(第01期)(解析版)
2019年中考真题英语分项汇编专题18 词汇运用考点4选词填空一、【2019 •浙江省绍兴市】用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。
aloud lock behave their low(1)Make sure the door is ________ when you leave the room.(2)It's so cold today. The temperature may be the ________ this winter.(3)The pain in his leg made him cry ________.(4)Mary always ________ so well that everyone likes her.(5)When our washing machine broke, our neighbors let us use ________.【答案与解析】(1)locked句意:离开房间时一定要锁门。
由this winter,这个冬天,可知温度最低的,要用low的最高级lowest,故答案为lowest。
由everyone likesher,可知一定是行为表现好,要用behave,表现;always,总是,频率副词,常与一般现在时连用;主语Mary,第三人称单数,谓语动词behave的第三人称单数behaves,故答案为behave s。
中考英语专题训练《词汇检测》1.it's good to have a(健康的)eating habit.2.His father always(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.3.John is interested in(化学)4.The Blacks are going to have their garden(浇水)this weekend.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an(未知的)world to us.6.Sue always has great(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to(指向)at others like that.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words(正确地).9.With the development of science and technology,more and more(机器人)are used in factories.10.Drinking tea is a(传统的)custom in China.11.Everest is a natural(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and(五月).13.Most drivers in Suqian are(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.14.All my classmates went to the old people's home(除了)Enic because he was ill.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue(上升)this summer.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.18.Flight 846(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his(粗心).20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very(真实的)21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of(传统的)art.22.Mrs Wang,a new(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long(历史).24.We all know that the earth is not the(中心)of the universe.25.They were(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.26.I could feel my heart(跳动)fast when I heard the news.27.The floor will feel even(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.28.Don't drink the(污染)water.It will make you ill.29.To my parents,my health(要紧)more to them than anything else.30.All(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.31.Something must be done to stop the virus(扩散).32.The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)33.I think these cameras are those(导演).Please look after them.34.The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year.(预计)35.Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing.36.We need to learn new words and more(语法)to understand English better.37.They wanted to(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.38.I was told that Apple Pay is one of the(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.39.Jack has many story books and he often(分享)them with his friends.40.My father is interested in(收集)stamps.41.His family is not rich enough to(买得起)a house.42.To our surprise,there was no salt in the fish.Dad did the cooking(粗心地).43.Here is the(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?44.My dream is to be a teacher in the(将来).45.Everyone is here(除了)Tom.He is absent because of his illness.46.This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon.(整个的)47.of patients are treated in the hospital every day.(千)48.He climbed the window and saw what he could take away.(穿过)49.It is my to be together with you.(愉快)50.Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou Airport.(国际的)51.Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the most beautiful college campuses.(世界的)52.Any person who does something the law will be put into prison.(违反)53.fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016.(首次)54.Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of.(他自己)55.The boy learns to play the piano every evening.(星期二)56.This is probably the painting I've ever seen.(丑陋的)57.The man seems to be in his.(四十)58.Please tell me the(总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it.59.The boy who won the drawing competition is the(骄傲)of his class.60.The robot caught a virus and no longer worked(正常地)61.My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the (三十).62.Helping others is the most(有价值的)thing in the world.63.People like(分享)things through WeChat now.64.Could you tell me the(高度)of Qomolangma?65.He has just come back after living(在国外)for almost ten years.66.The copy of Evangeline has many(有帮助的)notes at the back.67.The twins looked the same,so I often(弄错)one from the other.68.Do you know the(首都)of America?69.Mum sometimes(混合)vegetables together to make a salad for us.70.To catch her attention,I(摇动)my head and held up my hat to her.71.I have no interest in TV ads.I think it(简直)a waste of time to watch them.72.Today,I consider myself the(幸运的)man on the face of the Earth.73.Can you help me divide the cake into two(半)?74.I never learned to raise cows and(也不)did they.75.The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is(赞扬)as the"Art Palace of Nature".76.The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an(地下的)worker of our Party.77.Something is wrong with the(模型)plane.Can you fix it for me?78.The Australian teacher in our school tries to use(筷子)when he has meals.79.We should work(紧密地)with the local people to help them with their problems.80.Most foreign visitors are very(兴趣)in Chinese traditional culture.81.Yesterday we had a special party for her(九)birthday.82.Supermarket is the(吵闹的)place that I have been to.83.Before the game started,I(分开)these children into five groups.84.I found a letter(躺)on the floor when I came into the classroom.85.﹣Do you know the lady well over there?﹣No,she is a(完全的)stranger to me.86.Luckily,neither the driver nor the(乘客)was hurt.87.﹣What's the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?﹣It will drop zero,to﹣5℃.88.﹣What do you think of Mr.Reads speech?﹣It was very.Some of the students were sleeping all the time.89.﹣Are these vegetables safe enough to eat?﹣Yes,they are up to high.90.﹣Is there any chance that we can change the plan?﹣I'm afraid not.Whether you are for or,it will be carried out.91.﹣Where are you going for your school trip,Tom?﹣I haven't made a yet,I'm going to talk about it with our classmates.92.﹣Why not take this road?It's a short cut.﹣I am afraid we can't,for it breaks down.Several workers are busy it now.93.一in before others is really not polite,I think.一I agree.We should always queue.94.一Are there any clues for the big fire?一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by.95.一Have the passengers gone on yet?一Yes,they are all on the plane now.96.﹣﹣﹣Why did n't you accept such a good job?﹣﹣﹣Oh,it's my ability,so I had to give it up.97.﹣Do you know what the gesture"V"stands for?﹣It stands for"".I think.98.﹣﹣Will Tom win the game?﹣﹣Of course.There is no that he will be come first.99.﹣How much does this elephant?﹣About 3tons.100.﹣The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time,but I found it very hard.﹣I think you can make it.101.Tomorrow is his(九十)birthday,and he is so excited.102.There are still some places that are(未知)to humans.103.Simon,don't worry too much.We all think you can make it by(自己).104.American (发明家)Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at the beginning of the 20th century.105.Chang'e 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when it(到达)the moon in the year 2018.106.Kobe Bryant,one of the greatest players,retired(退役)in April.He(赢得)five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.107.Alex and Tony are crazy about computer.They want to be computer(工程师)in the future.108.Lots of parents become(没耐心)as their children grow up.109.Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life was(完全)finished.110.You can watch more English(录像)to improve your oral English.111.Leonardo DiCaprio finally(赢得)his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards.112.This kind of disease(传播)so quickly that it drew the government's attention.113.Each of us felt(口渴的)when seeing the watermelons on the table.114.To(形成)a good habit of reading,you should always choose the good reads.115.Don't wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at night,yellow and white are the(容易的)colours for dirvers to see.116.I can't tell the differences between the two boys.They look(完全地)the same.117.The museum is about two(小时)ride from the theme park.We had better start right now.118.He is a talented man and all his novels were well(写).119.Though the little girl has no parents,lots of people have volunteered to give a (帮助)hand.120.Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by (意外的事).121.I think the(人口)of China will become larger and larger because of the new policy(政策).122.Anna has(取得进步)in math since last term.123.(饲养)cows is still an important industry in many parts of the world.124.She has a(亲戚)in this small town.125.It's the(丑陋的)house I have ever seen in this city.126.Don't take the lift in a(火灾).127.As science(技术)is changing fast,we need to keep studying.128.Yesterday Jay Chou's(出现)made his fans excited,and they were calling out his name.129.The big man was seen(奔跑)away from the scene of the crime.130.Tim(主动提出)to help me with my history every Sunday this morning.131.You will be(测试)in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels in this course.132.Rodger loves reading and he has eight(百)books at home.133.The old man was very(孤独的)after his wife passed away.134.Look,there's a brilliant car parking there.The car is for one of the(发明者).135.What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues(线索).136.Everyone wants to get(满足)out of his or her job.137.Bill is(搜索)the Internet.He wants to find something interesting.138.Go(径直地)on,and you'll find the Panda House.139.You must look left and right before(穿过)the road.140.You should(沟通)with your parents or your teacher if you have time.141.Can you help find some(信息)about the history of football on the Internet?142.When someone knocked at the door,I was(翻译)the sentences into Chinese.143.Tom and all his(亲戚)always look after each other well.144.Can you give me some(建议)on reading?145.Mr.King successfully(避免)a terrible disaster the other day.146.The purpose of the charity should be(改善)young people's health.147.He's so shy that he has trouble(交流)with others.148.﹣﹣﹣I have a pair of shoes(类似于)to yours.﹣﹣﹣That's nice.We can wear on the same day.149.The doctors must be tired because he has done several(手术)in thedaytime.150.Henry(继续)his writing for another year although he was badly ill.151.What do you think of the town after the(最近的)visit to it.152.The girl from America is very(友好的).153.I like history best.Because history is very(容易的).154.He was in trouble,but he(拒绝)all help from others.155.We should take action to prevent water(污染)because people can't live without water.156.It's(困难的)for many foreigners to use Chinese chopsticks.157.Many students(讨厌)to housework.158.We are looking forward to(饲养)some cute pet dogs.159.Let me ask you the(四十九)question.160.Be careful with the machines on show and you mustn't(触摸)any of them.161.The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open (空地).162.It is a(极好的)show,many young people are looking forward to it.163.There is a dog lying in the(角落)of the room.164.Do you want to be an(技师)in the future?165.I think that Tony will never forget such interesting(经历)in France.166.When he came in,I was standing(紧挨着)the wall and crying sadly.167.The children carefully wrote their names at the(底部)of their pictures.168.I'd like to buy a house with two big(阳台).169.It's a pity that our house is going to be the(最丑陋的)one in this area.170.﹣What is the weather like today?﹣It's very cold.The temperature is zero.171.﹣He the early bus again this morning.﹣That's true.He always gets up so late.172.﹣It is to play with fire.﹣Yes,we should keep children away from fire.173.﹣What does your uncle do?﹣He is a,and he sends letters and newspapers.174.﹣﹣What happened to you then?﹣﹣I looked down and found an of ants climbing on my body.175.﹣﹣Will you go to Sam's birthday party?﹣﹣No,I his invitation.I would like to,but have no time.176.﹣﹣Excuse me,can you give me more about that meeting?﹣﹣Sorry,it's secret.177.﹣Millie,can you give me the to the classroom?I left my homework in it ﹣OK,here you are.178.I think(医疗的)level in the city is better than that in the countryside.179.When driving,you need to know the flashing yellow light(意味着)you must stop.180.More volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake.I really admired them for their(勇气).参考答案与解析1.it's good to have a healthy(健康的)eating habit.【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干it's good to have a___(健康的)eating habit.可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.修饰名词habit,应该用形容词.healthy,健康的,形容词.故填:healthy.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词.2.His father always encourages(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_____(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查encourages.3.John is interested in chemistry(化学)【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣.【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in______(化学).可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣.chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.故填:chemistry.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.4.The Blacks are going to have their garden watered(浇水)this weekend.【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden___(浇水)this weekend.可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.have sth.done,"have+sth (宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)"意为"让/叫/使/请别人做某事".宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.故填:watered.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an unknown(未知的)world to us.【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界.【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语法正确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词6.Sue always has great courage(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因.【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示"勇气'的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查名词7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to point(指向)at others like that.【分析】亨利,要有礼貌.那样指着别人没有礼貌.【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为It's+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示"指向"及空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查固定短语及动词的识记.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words correctly(正确地).【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词.【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示"正确地"的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查副词9.With the development of science and technology,more and more robots(机器人)are used in factories.【分析】随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用.【解答】答案:robots根据提示词"机器人"可知,这里考查名词的用法.机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词"more and more"可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词"more and more"判断出此处应该用复数形式.10.Drinking tea is a traditional(传统的)custom in China.【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗.【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词"传统的"和空格后面的名词"custom"可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional.【点评】本题考查形容词.做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义及句子分析出词语的词性.然后再写出相对应的词语.11.Everest is a natural wonder(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural____(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.不定冠词a+名词单数.wonder,奇迹,名词.故填:wonder.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查wonder,奇迹.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and May(五月).【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and___(五月).可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.and 连接并列的句子成分.可知此处应该填月份.May,五月,名词.故填:May.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查May,五月,名词.13.Most drivers in Suqian are polite(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.【分析】宿迁的大部分司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路.【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示"礼貌的"的英文表达为polite,故填polite.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词14.All my classmates went to the old people's home except(除了)Enic because he was ill.【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old people's home____(除了)Enic because he was ill.可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.except 表示"表示"除了…"指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,即不包括在内.besides表示"除了…之外,还有…",指在整体中加入一部分,即包括在内.根据句意,可知是不包括Enic在内,应该用except,故填:except.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查except.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue rising(上升)this summer.【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue___ (上升)this summer.可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.continue+doing…,持续做某事;继续做某事.rise,上升,不及物动词.故填:rising.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查rise,上升,动词.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea bridge(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.【分析】﹣﹣连云港新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?﹣﹣在2016年4月.【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干﹣When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.可知句意为:连云港的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月.根据题干When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词.这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数.故填:bridge.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查bridge.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or successful(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.【分析】﹣﹣加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.﹣﹣谢谢,我会再次尝试的.【解答】答案:successful.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.",由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词"成功的"是successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.18.Flight 846landed(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846___ (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers.可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态.land,着陆,动词,过去式landed.故填:landed.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查landed.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his carelessness(粗心).【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his____ (粗心).可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.物主代词his+名词.carelessness,粗心,名词.故填:carelessness.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查carelessness.20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real(真实的)【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样.【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional(传统的)art.【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式.【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.22.Mrs Wang,a new customer(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友.【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long history(历史).【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪.【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.24.We all know that the earth is not the center/centre(中心)of the universe.【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.【解答】答案:center/centre.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.",由设空处前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"中心"是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.25.They were excitedly(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.【分析】他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.【解答】答案:excitedly.根据题干They were﹣﹣(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.可知句意为:他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.句子中discuss是个动词,修饰它的话应该用副词形式.excitedly,副词,激动地.故填:excitedly.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.26.I could feel my heart beating(跳动)fast when I heard the news.【分析】听到这个消息的时候,我能觉得心跳很快.【解答】答案:beating.提示词:跳动,beat,是一个动词.根据when I heard the news,可知这里表示当我听到这个消息时我的心正跳动的厉害,所以应该用beat的现在分词形式,表示正在进行.故填:beating.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,解答时根据所给的汉语提示,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.27.The floor will feel even smoother(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.【分析】我拖完地板以后,地板会感觉更光滑.【解答】答案:smoother.根据even﹣﹣(光滑的)after it is mopped by me,可知在这里拖地之后和拖地之前相比较更光滑,even,更加,后面可以跟比较级,所以这里用形容词smooth 的比较级形式smoother,故填smoother.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么,然后用其适当形式解答即可.28.Don't drink the polluted(污染)water.It will make you ill.【分析】不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.【解答】答案:polluted.根据Don't drink the﹣﹣(污染)water.It will make you ill,可知不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.所填词修饰名词,这里用形容词形式polluted.故填polluted.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.29.To my parents,my health matters(要紧)more to them than anything else.【分析】对于我的父母来说,我的健康对他们比其它任何事情更要紧.【解答】答案:matters.根据my health﹣﹣(要紧)more to them than anything else,可知这里考查"要紧"的英语表达法,在英语中一般翻译成matter,本句缺少谓语,所以这里matter是一个动词,本句叙述了一个事实,时态应该用一般现在时,根据health,可知它是一个不可数名词,所以后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,直接在词尾加s.故填matters.【点评】本题考查学生对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力.30.All suggestions(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.【分析】所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.【解答】答案:suggestions.根据All﹣﹣(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime,可知所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.句子中all和are可以判断出主语应该是复数形式,suggestion,名词,建议,复数是suggestions.故填suggestions.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.31.Something must be done to stop the virus spreading(扩散).【分析】应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.【解答】答案:spreading.根据Something must be done to stop the virus﹣﹣(扩散).可知应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.句子考查了stop的用法:stop to do sth停下来做某事,stop doing sth 停止做某事,这里应该是阻止病毒扩散,所以用stop doing sth,spread,动词,扩散.故填spreading.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.32.The little boy hung his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)【分析】当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.【解答】答案:hung.根据题干The little boy﹣﹣his head when he heard what his mother said.可知句意为:当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.句子when he heard what his mother said,可以判断所使用的时态应该是一般过去时,hang,动词,垂下,过去式是hung.故填:hung.。
38. (成功)usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.39. Planting a tree isn't as simple as just (挖)a hole.40. Why not (考虑)moving to another city if you don't like it here?41. Paper cutting is one of China's most popular (传统的)folk arts.42. Thomas Alva Edison was full of (创意)–always coming up with new ideas.43. Charles Dickens became famous at the age of 24 with his first (小说).44. Do you know that at the beginning of the Victorian period nobody really (庆祝) Christmas?45.—How much do you know about the World War?—It was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945.46.—Roy never likes junk food.—do I. That's probably why I'm becoming healthier and healthier now.47.—Our monitor, Lin Tao, keeps all his things in good order.—That's true. He's so , and we should learn from him.景范中学二模第五部分词汇检测:(10’)38. It’s twenty_____________ (分钟) walk from my home to school.39. ---Has he __________(摇动) the sand out of his shoes? ---Not yet.40. _ (表扬) children is a good way to make them confident.41. The foreign visitors____________(大部分)come from North America.42. Mr. Wu said he had finished reading the ___________ (九十九) chapter (章).43. The teenagers should learn to look after (他们).44. The new flyovers(立交桥)close to our school will be in (服务)next year.45. ---Is Mr. Green this woman's brother?---No, they are a nice and they have a lovely daughter.46. ---This math problem is really hard. Could you help me?---You are sure to work it if you read it carefully enough.47. --- Have you found your lost wallet?--- No. To make things _________, I lost my phone when I was looking for the wallet.五词汇:38. minutes’; 39.shaken; 40.Praising; 41.mostly; 42.ninety-ninth; 43.themselves; 44.service; 45.couple 46.out; 47.worse昆山5月质检第五部分词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。
38.(成功)usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.39. Planting a tree isn't as simple as just(挖)a hole.40. Why not(考虑)moving to another city if you don't like it here?41. Paper cutting is one of China's most popular(传统的)folk arts.42. Thomas Alva Edison was full of(创意)–always coming up with new ideas.43. Charles Dickens became famous at the age of 24 with his first(小说).44. Do you know that at the beginning of the Victorian period nobody really(庆祝) Christmas?45.—How much do you know about theWorld War?—It was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945.46.—XXX.—do I. That'XXX.—Our monitor, Lin Tao, keeps all his things in good order.—That's true. He's so, and we should learn from him.XXX二模第五部分词汇检测:(10’)38. It’s twenty_____________ (分钟) walk from my home to school.39. ---Has he __________(摇动) the sand out of his shoes?---Not yet.40. _(表扬) children is a good way to make them confident.41. The foreign visitors____________(大部分)XXX.42. Mr. Wu said he had finished reading the ___________ (九十九) chapter (章).43. The teenagers should learn to look after(他们).44. XXX(立交桥)close to our school will be in(服务)next year.45. ---Is Mr. Green this XXX?---No, they are a XXX. ---This math problem is really hard. Could you help me?---You are sure to work itif you read it carefully enough.47. --- Have you found your lost wallet?--- No. To make things _________, I lost my phone when I was looking for the wallet.五辞汇:38.minutes’;39.shaken;40.Praising;41.mostly;42.ninety-XXX;45.couple46.out;47.worse昆山5月质检第五部分词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。
2019年中考英语专题训练《词汇检测》参考答案与解析1.it's good to have a healthy(健康的)eating habit.【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干it's good to have a___(健康的)eating habit.可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.修饰名词habit,应该用形容词.healthy,健康的,形容词.故填:healthy.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词.2.His father always encourages(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_____(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查encourages.3.John is interested in chemistry(化学)【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣.【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in______(化学).可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣.chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.故填:chemistry.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.4.The Blacks are going to have their garden watered(浇水)this weekend.【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden___(浇水)this weekend.可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.have sth.done,"have+sth (宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)"意为"让/叫/使/请别人做某事".宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.故填:watered.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an unknown(未知的)world to us.【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界.【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语法正确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词6.Sue always has great courage(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因.【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示"勇气'的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查名词7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to point(指向)at others like that.【分析】亨利,要有礼貌.那样指着别人没有礼貌.【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为It's+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示"指向"及空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查固定短语及动词的识记.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words correctly(正确地).【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词.【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示"正确地"的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查副词9.With the development of science and technology,more and more robots(机器人)are used in factories.【分析】随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用.【解答】答案:robots根据提示词"机器人"可知,这里考查名词的用法.机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词"more and more"可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词"more and more"判断出此处应该用复数形式.10.Drinking tea is a traditional(传统的)custom in China.【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗.【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词"传统的"和空格后面的名词"custom"可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional.【点评】本题考查形容词.做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义及句子分析出词语的词性.然后再写出相对应的词语.11.Everest is a natural wonder(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural____(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.不定冠词a+名词单数.wonder,奇迹,名词.故填:wonder.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查wonder,奇迹.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and May(五月).【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and___(五月).可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.and连接并列的句子成分.可知此处应该填月份.May,五月,名词.故填:May.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查May,五月,名词.13.Most drivers in Suqian are polite(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.【分析】宿迁的大部分司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路.【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示"礼貌的"的英文表达为polite,故填polite.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词14.All my classmates went to the old people's home except(除了)Enic because he was ill.【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old people's home____(除了)Enic because he was ill.可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.except 表示"表示"除了…"指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,即不包括在内.besides表示"除了…之外,还有…",指在整体中加入一部分,即包括在内.根据句意,可知是不包括Enic在内,应该用except,故填:except.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查except.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue rising(上升)this summer.【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue___ (上升)this summer.可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.continue+doing…,持续做某事;继续做某事.rise,上升,不及物动词.故填:rising.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查rise,上升,动词.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea bridge(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.【分析】﹣﹣连云港新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?﹣﹣在2016年4月.【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干﹣When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.可知句意为:连云港的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月.根据题干When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词.这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数.故填:bridge.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查bridge.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or successful(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.【分析】﹣﹣加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.﹣﹣谢谢,我会再次尝试的.【解答】答案:successful.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.",由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词"成功的"是successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.18.Flight 846landed(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846___ (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers.可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态.land,着陆,动词,过去式landed.故填:landed.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查landed.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his carelessness(粗心).【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his____ (粗心).可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.物主代词his+名词.carelessness,粗心,名词.故填:carelessness.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查carelessness.20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real (真实的)【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样.【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional(传统的)art.【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式.【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.22.Mrs Wang,a new customer(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友.【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long history(历史).【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪.【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.24.We all know that the earth is not the center/centre(中心)of the universe.【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.【解答】答案:center/centre.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.",由设空处前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"中心"是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre 【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.25.They were excitedly(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.【分析】他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.【解答】答案:excitedly.根据题干They were﹣﹣(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.可知句意为:他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.句子中discuss是个动词,修饰它的话应该用副词形式.excitedly,副词,激动地.故填:excitedly.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.26.I could feel my heart beating(跳动)fast when I heard the news.【分析】听到这个消息的时候,我能觉得心跳很快.【解答】答案:beating.提示词:跳动,beat,是一个动词.根据when I heard the news,可知这里表示当我听到这个消息时我的心正跳动的厉害,所以应该用beat的现在分词形式,表示正在进行.故填:beating.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,解答时根据所给的汉语提示,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.27.The floor will feel even smoother(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.【分析】我拖完地板以后,地板会感觉更光滑.【解答】答案:smoother.根据even﹣﹣(光滑的)after it is mopped by me,可知在这里拖地之后和拖地之前相比较更光滑,even,更加,后面可以跟比较级,所以这里用形容词smooth的比较级形式smoother,故填smoother.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么,然后用其适当形式解答即可.28.Don't drink the polluted(污染)water.It will make you ill.【分析】不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.【解答】答案:polluted.根据Don't drink the﹣﹣(污染)water.It will make you ill,可知不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.所填词修饰名词,这里用形容词形式polluted.故填polluted.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.29.To my parents,my health matters(要紧)more to them than anything else.【分析】对于我的父母来说,我的健康对他们比其它任何事情更要紧.【解答】答案:matters.根据my health﹣﹣(要紧)more to them than anything else,可知这里考查"要紧"的英语表达法,在英语中一般翻译成matter,本句缺少谓语,所以这里matter是一个动词,本句叙述了一个事实,时态应该用一般现在时,根据health,可知它是一个不可数名词,所以后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,直接在词尾加s.故填matters.【点评】本题考查学生对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力.30.All suggestions(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.【分析】所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.【解答】答案:suggestions.根据All﹣﹣(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime,可知所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.句子中all和are可以判断出主语应该是复数形式,suggestion,名词,建议,复数是suggestions.故填suggestions.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.31.Something must be done to stop the virus spreading(扩散).【分析】应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.【解答】答案:spreading.根据Something must be done to stop the virus﹣﹣(扩散).可知应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.句子考查了stop的用法:stop to do sth停下来做某事,stop doing sth停止做某事,这里应该是阻止病毒扩散,所以用stop doing sth,spread,动词,扩散.故填spreading.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.32.The little boy hung his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)【分析】当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.【解答】答案:hung.根据题干The little boy﹣﹣his head when he heard what his mother said.可知句意为:当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.句子when he heard what his mother said,可以判断所使用的时态应该是一般过去时,hang,动词,垂下,过去式是hung.故填:hung.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.33.I think these cameras are those directors'(导演).Please look after them.【分析】我认为这些相机是那些导演的.请保管好他们.【解答】答案:directors'.根据题I think these cameras are those﹣﹣(导演).Please look after them.可知句意为:我认为这些相机是那些导演的.请保管好他们.句子中those是那些,是个指示代词,后面应该跟名词,而且应该是复数,director.名词,导演,这里应该用名词所有格形式,表示某某的.故填:directors'.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.34.The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is expected to attract 10million visits each year.(预计)【分析】在六月开幕的上海迪士尼度假酒店预计每年有望吸引1000万人次逗留.【解答】答案:expected.根据题干The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is﹣﹣to attract 10million visits each year.可知句意为:在六月开幕的上海迪士尼度假酒店预计每年吸引1000万人次逗留.be expected to,固定说法,一般翻译成有望做某事.故填:expected.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.35.Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is similar(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing.【分析】冰上钓鱼,一项受欢迎的冬季运动,在很多方面与普通的钓鱼是相似的.【解答】答案:similar.根据句子结构可知该空在系动词be后作表语,结合汉语提示"相似的",以及该空格后的介词in,可知填形容词similar,即be similar in意为"在…方面是相似的".故填similar.【点评】本题属于给汉语型单词拼写题,平时多积累词汇是作答该题的前提,其次要结合句意,根据语法要求,运用所给单词的适当形式作答.36.We need to learn new words and more grammar(语法)to understand English better.【分析】我们需要学习新单词和更多的语法来更好地理解英语.【解答】答案:grammar.根据题干We need to learn new words and more﹣﹣(语法)to understand English better.可知句意为:我们需要学习新单词和更多的语法来更好地理解英语.grammar,语法,不可数名词.故填:grammar.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.37.They wanted to send(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.【分析】他们想给每个人发电子邮件请求帮助.【解答】答案:send.根据题干They wanted to﹣﹣(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.可知句意为:他们想给每个人发电子邮件请求帮助.want to do sth表示想做某事,后面跟to引导的不定式短语,所以这里用原形send,动词,发送.故填:send.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.38.I was told that Apple Pay is one of the safest(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.【分析】有人告诉我,苹果支付是互联网上最安全的支付方式之一.【解答】答案:safest.根据题干I was told that Apple Pay is one of the﹣﹣(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.可知句意为:有人告诉我,苹果支付是互联网上最安全的支付方式之一.one of后面一般跟形容词的最高级,safe,形容词,安全,最高级是safest.故填:safest.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.39.Jack has many story books and he often shares(分享)them with his friends.【分析】杰克有许多故事书,他经常和他的朋友们分享.【解答】答案:shares.根据题干Jack has many story books and he often﹣﹣(分享)them with his friends.可知句意为:杰克有许多故事书,他经常和他的朋友们分享.often,经常,通常用于一般现在时之中,主语是he,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式.share,动词,分享,第三人称单数形式是shares.故填:shares.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.40.My father is interested in collecting(收集)stamps.【分析】我父亲对集邮感兴趣.【解答】答案:collecting.根据题干My father is interested in﹣﹣(收集)stamps.可知句意为:我父亲对集邮感兴趣.be interested in对某某感兴趣,in是介词,后面跟动词的ing形式,collect,动词,收集,动名词是collecting.故填:collecting.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.41.His family is not rich enough to afford(买得起)a house.【分析】他家里不够富裕去买一套房子.【解答】答案:afford.结合中文含义表示买得起用afford动词,adj+enough to do sth 足够怎样去做某事,故答案是afford.【点评】enough to do sth.表示"足够…以至于做某事",不定式是结果状语.42.To our surprise,there was no salt in the fish.Dad did the cooking carelessly(粗心地).【分析】令我们惊讶的是,鱼里没有加盐,爸爸烧饭很粗心.【解答】答案:carelessly.空格处修饰动词did,故用副词carelessly粗心的,故答案是carelessly.【点评】形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词,动词副词或者整个句子.43.Here is the menu(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?【分析】这是菜单,你能告诉我你想点什么吗?【解答】答案:menu 考查翻译填空.根据题干:the后面要用名词,系动词是is,故要用单数名词,答案是menu菜单.【点评】考查翻译填空.解答此题的关键是根据语境推测要填内容表达的含义,然后用合适的词的形式完成句子.44.My dream is to be a teacher in the future(将来).【分析】我的梦想是将来成为一名老师.【解答】答案:future 考查翻译填空.根据题干:in the future 在将来是固定短语,故答案是名词future将来.【点评】考查翻译填空.解答此题的关键是根据语境推测要填内容表达的含义,然后用合适的词的形式完成句子.45.Everyone is here except(除了)Tom.He is absent because of his illness.【分析】每个人都在这,除了Tom,他缺席因为他生病了.【解答】答案:except.结合后文He is absent because of his illness.他缺席因为他生病了,可知汤姆不在这里,结合汉语"除了",指除去汤姆,不包括汤姆在内;故用介词except.【点评】except意为"只有…除外;除去…",后跟名词或代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except后的部分不包括在整体之内.besides,意为"除了…以外还有…",即"除去一部分还有另外一部分"的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内.使用时要结合语境注意分辨.46.This big meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.(整个的)【分析】这顿大餐给了我整个下午的活力.【解答】答案:whole.考查形容词.句意"这顿大餐给了我整个下午的活力.".结合所给中文提示可知,整个的"whole",形容词形式,修饰名词.答案是whole.【点评】形容词的种类有很多,要根据具体语境选择适当的形容词.抓住关键词语,分析用法,完成试题.47.Thousands of patients are treated in the hospital every day.(千)【分析】每天有数千个病人在这所医院得到医治.【解答】答案:Thousands.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"每天有数千个病人在这所医院得到医治.",根据设空处后面的of判断本题考查短语"数以千计的"用thousand的复数形式,"千"的英文是thousand,所以答案是:Thousands【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.48.He climbed through the window and saw what he could take away.(穿过)【分析】他从窗户爬进去,看看有什么他可以带走.【解答】答案:through.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"他从窗户爬进去,看看有什么他可以带走.",根据设空处前面的动词climb判断填介词,"穿过"的英文是through,所以答案是:through【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.49.It is my pleasure to be together with you.(愉快)【分析】和你再一起是我的快乐.【解答】答案:pleasure.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"和你再一起是我的快乐.",根据设空处前面的形容词性物主代词my判断填名词,"愉快"的英文是pleasure,所以答案是:pleasure【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.50.Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou International Airport.(国际的)【分析】扬州泰州机场已经更名为扬州泰州国际机场.【解答】答案:International.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"扬州泰州机场已经更名为扬州泰州国际机场.","国际的"的英文是international,所以答案是:International【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.51.Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the world's most beautiful college campuses.(世界的)【分析】Forbes认为清华大学是世界上最美的大学校园之一.【解答】答案:world's.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是""Forbes认为清华大学是世界上最美的大学校园之一.,根据设空处后面有名词确定应该填名词所有格形式,"世界"的英文是world,所以答案是:world's【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.52.Any person who does something against the law will be put into prison.(违反)【分析】任何人做了违反法律的事情都要被关进监狱.【解答】答案:against.。
2019 中考英语单词拼写专题练习(解析)(精品)根据所给句子旳意义及中文提示写出正确旳单词,每空一词.单词拼写(1)1.–What does he look (像)? –He is of medium height.2.I am very (饿). I want to buy some food to eat.3.–How’s the weather today? –It’s(晴朗旳).4.Mum often tells(告诉) us to wash hands before each meal.5.My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks (日语).6.Shanghai is a (繁忙旳) city.7.He is a (幸运旳) dog.8.–What would you do if you had a million dollars?–I’d give it to medical(研究).9.English is very (重要旳) and many people enjoy learning it.10.The people in the (村) are richer than before.单词拼写(2)1.I hope you’re feeling(更好)soon.2.He has a good idea to (解决) the problem.3.-What size bowl of (面条) would you like? -I’d like a large one.4.There’s a bank near the post office.We can (节约)our money there.5.Would you mind (关) down the radio? The boy is doing(做) his homework.6.China is a (国家)with a long history.7.Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems (容易地)now.8.They are (友好旳)to each other.9.His uncle is a (科学家). He works in Beijing.10.Mr Wang’s(办公室)is on the fourth floor.单词拼写(3)1.It’s impolite to(指向)at others with chopsticks at table.2.This is an (空旳)box. Could I have a full one, please?3.It’s(冷)outside. Please put on your coat.4.Would you mind not making a loud (噪音)here? Your father is sleeping.5.If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer (错误).6.Don’t(浪费)any water. We should save it.7.“(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers.8.There is a beautiful (花园)in front of the tall building.9.He is neither blind nor (聋旳). He can see and hear anything well.10.We should learn to (拒绝)the bad things.单词拼写(4)1.She hasn’t(看见) her pet dog for a week.2.There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go(购物).3.–What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the (第一)time? -They are supposed to shake hands.4.He often (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible.5.Of four (季节), I like autumn best, because it’s cool.6.Ruth loves to tell a (笑话).7.-Could you please take out the trash? -With (乐意).8.Hi, little boy, don’t(爬) the wall. It’s dangerous.9.I didn’t(赶上) the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.10.We’ll have tea in the garden(代替)of in the sitting-room.单词拼写(5)1.-When was the telephone (发明)? -In 1876.2.He is (渴). He wants something to drink.3.Lucy spoke too (快) and I couldn’t follow her.4.The manatee weighs about 1,000 (英镑). It’s too heavy.5.Teachers’ Day is(九月)10th.6.The computer is too expensive. I don’t have (充足旳) money to buy it.7.-(谁旳)backpack is this? -Oh, it’s Lily’s.8.I will feel (自豪旳)when I see the national flag of China.9.-What do you think of soap operas? -I can’t(忍受) them..10.I like soft music. It always makes me(轻松旳).单词拼写(6)1.Julia’s sister is a nurse. She works in a(医院) .2.This question is very (难). I can’t answer it.3.We visited a small village in Gansu Province. The (村民) there arereally friendly.4.He was upset, because he didn’t(通过) the math test again last week.5.Be (小心) when you drive, it’s very dangerous to drive in such bad weather.6.-Paul, what day is today? -It is (星期三).7.The weather report says that tomorrow will be (阴天).8.Eating more vegetables and less meat can make you (健康旳).9.Sally, can you (带来) some story-books here from your home?10.Good (友谊) can make you happy. So we all need friends.单词拼写(7)1.-What’s wrong with Jenny? -She’s not well, she has a (发烧), 39.5 ℃.2.-What’s your e-mail (地址)? –It’s cindyj@.3.-How did you get to school yesterday? -I (骑)my bicycle.4.-What’s your hobby?-I like to (收集)shells.5.Liu Ming is very tall, but Zhang Qiang is quite s (矮).6.-Excuse me, where’s the bank?-Walk along this street and turn (右边). It’s next to the movie theater.7.-Do you know my new friend? -I think I know him. He often (抽烟).8.Chen Yong always plays computer (游戏). He doesn’t want to go to school.9.France is a beautiful country. It’s(著名旳) for its wine.10.Alice made a living by (她自己) when she was young.单词拼写(8)1.We (错过)the last bus. So we had to walk home.2.Talking loudly in the library is i (不礼貌).3.-How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies (一次) a month.4.When is Sally’s birthday(聚会)?5.Don’t be near the lions. They are(危险).6.Everyone goes to play soccer (除……外)Tom because he doesn’t like it.7.Are you (有空旳)next Sunday? Let’s go to the zoo.8.It is (必要旳) to learn a foreign language.9.She (成为) a basketball player in 2005.10.Science is one of my favorite (科目). What about you?单词拼写(9)1.Please keep (安静). I' m trying to study.2.She didn’t go to bed(直到)her mother came back last night.3.Take the medicine (两次)a day, then you’ll be better soon.4.My father doesn’t let me(踢) football after lunch.5.I received a gift yesterday. My grandma (寄) it to me from Nanning.6.Our classroom is very (脏旳) Please clean it at once.7.He borrowed my pen and didn’t(还) it last week.8.Li Hua is one of the (成员) of the school football club.9.(除……之外) milk and cheese, we also need vegetables.10.He (学习) math every night because he is not good at it.单词拼写(10)1.What is your friend going to be when he (长大) up ?2.They can’t go to a movie tonight, because they have lost their (票).3.One hundred years is a (世纪) .st week we held a concert to (筹集)500,000 yuan for Hope Project.5.She has two (孩子), a son and a daughter .6.(猴子) like to eat bananas.7.That is a (令人惊叹旳) film. You should go to see it.8.China (赢) the most gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games.9.Confidence is the key to (成功).10.–What’s your(电话) number? –It’s 7822360.************************************************单词拼写(11)1.Don’t forget to(锁)the doors when you leave the classroom.2.Will you join us in the (讨论)about the teenage problems.3.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are (平日).4.In the morning taking a walk and (呼吸)some fresh air are good for yourhealth.5.Broccoli and tomatoes are healthy (蔬菜).6.Listening to tapes is (有帮助旳) for you to improve your English.na always gets (神经紧张旳) when she answers the teacher’s questions.8.I think this theater has the most (舒适旳) seats.9.Liu Xiang is famous in the (世界).10.China has a long (历史)of about 5,000 years.单词拼写(12)1.Don’t(横过)the street when the light is red.2.My (喜爱旳)movie star is Jackie Chan.3.Did you listen to the weather (报告)last night?4.-What' s Jim doing ? -He' s watching a football (比赛) .5.An accident (发生)on the road yesterday. A man was hurt.6.I want to buy a (毛衣) for my mother.7.Where does he (居住)?8.I (相信)he will come this evening.9.I have (粥) every morning.10.This kind of bus is made in a (南方旳)city.单词拼写(13) 1.You can cross the road in (安全)when the traffic lights turn green.2.We need eleven (运动员) for our soccer team.3.No one can achieve anything without (努力).4.Steven (参加) the school dancing club last year.5.The soldiers coming to help people in Yushu county are also (英雄)in my mind.6.We should (复习) our lessons every day.7.–Excuse me. Where is the park? –It’s(在对面) from the library.8.I like to live in the (北方) .9.The woman is very (疲倦旳) because she has work all the afternoon.10.Do you think she is telling the (真实)?单词拼写(14)1.–What’s your favorite subject?-I like (物理)best.2.Children like to eat candy. But I don’t like it, because it tastes too(甜旳).3.Two men were badly (受伤)in the car accident.4.My fifteenth (生日)will be on next month. Can you come to my party?5.Don’t forget to take an u()with you. It’s raining outside.6.The boys were all very (激动) when they heard the good news.7.“One World, One (梦想) ” is the most popular words in the BeijingOlympics.8.Her mother agreed with her (决定).9.–Where is Li Hua? -He’s not here. He has (已经) gone to Shanghai.10.Mr Smith is a (外国人) , but he speaks Chinese quite well.单词拼写(15)1.This book is too old. Do you have a (新旳)one?2.Are you (感兴趣)in music? We want a music teacher.3.The students in the school are not (允许) to go out at night.4.A knife is used for (割) things.5.Don’t trouble me. I’m(忙) with my homework.6.Shall we meet (在外面) the zoo or the park?7.You need to have a good (休息) after the long walk.8.Young people like to send (信息) to friends to greet each other onmobile phones.9.His (爱好) is to listen to music after school.10.When the earthquake happened I was in my (卧室).单词拼写(16)st night it rained (大)in the southern part of the city.2.You read the sentence too fast, I can’t follow you. Please read it (慢).3.-How much is the cap? –It’s 3(美元).4.Please turn off the light when you (离开)the classroom.5.This is a (现代旳) mobile phone. I like it.6.–What’s wrong with you?-I have a (头痛).7.Her mother couldn’t(负担得起) to pay for her child’s education.8.David (穿着) an old shirt every day.9.Mr Green is a good teacher. He (教)us English last year.10.National Day is on (十月)1st.单词拼写参考答案单词拼写(1)1.like 2.hungry 3.fine/sunny 4.tells 5.Japanese6.busy7.lucky8.research9.important 10.village/villages单词拼写(2) 1.better 2.solve 3.noodles 4.save 5. turning6.country7.easily8.friendly9.scientist 10.office单词拼写(3) 1.point 2.empty 3.cold 4.noise 5.mistakes6.waste7.Safety8.garden9.deaf 10.refuse单词拼写(4) 1. seen 2.shopping 3.first 4.lends 5.seasons6.joke7.pleasure8.climb9.catch 10.instead单词拼写(5) 1.invented 2.thirsty 3.quickly/fast 4.pounds 5.September6.enough7.Whose8.proud9.stand 10.relaxed单词拼写(6) 1.hospital 2.difficult 3.villagers 4.pass 5.careful6.Wednesday7.cloudy8.healthy9.bring 10.friendship单词拼写(7) 1.fever 2.address 3.rode 4.collect 5.short6.right7.smokes8.games9.famous 10.herself单词拼写(8) 1.missed 2.impolite 3.once 4.party 5.dangerous6.except7.free8.necessary9.became 10.subjects单词拼写(9)1.quiet 2.until 3.twice 4.play 5. sent/posted6.dirty7.return8.members9.Besides 10.studies/ learns单词拼写(10)1.grows 2.tickets 3.century 4.raise 5. children6. Monkeys7.wonderful8.won9.success 10.telephone/phone单词拼写(11)1.lock 2.discussion 3.weekdays 4.breathing5.vegetables6.helpful7.nervousfortable9.world 10.history单词拼写(12)1.cross 2.favorite 3. report 4.match 5.happened6.sweater7.live8.believe9.porridge 10.southern单词拼写(13)1.safety 2.players 3.effort(s) 4.joined 5.heroes6.review7.across8.north9.tired 10.truth单词拼写(14)1.physics 2.sweet 3.hurt 4.birthday 5.umbrella6.excited7.Dream8.decision9.already 10.foreigner单词拼写(15)1.new 2.interested 3. allowed 4. cutting 5. busy6.outside7.rest8. messages9.hobby 10.bedroom单词拼写(16) 1. heavy 2.slowly 3.dollars 4. leave 5.modern 6.headache 7.afford 8.wears 9.taught10.October。
2019江苏中考英语词汇运用练习(含解析)九、完成句子.(共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子.70.你最好每天早点睡觉.__________________________ earlier every day.71.同学们正在为即将到来的运动会做准备.The students the coming sports meeting.72.Peter昨天给Nancy发了一封电子邮件.Peter yesterday.73.课间时,我们应该保持门窗敞开.We should during the break time.74.这个侦探故事如此有趣,以至于我们看得欲罢不能.The detective story is _____________________________________________70.You' d better go to bed 71. are getting ready for / are preparing for72. sent an e-mail to Nancy / sent Nancy an e-email 73. keep the doors and windows open74. so interesting that we can' t stop reading it十、完成句子.(共io分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子.70.来吧,汤姆.该吃晚饭了.Come on, Tom. supper.71.你看上去很累,最好睡个好觉.You look very tired. have a good sleep.72.我的手机出毛病了,能用你的吗?my cell phone. May I use yours?73.快考试了,我既不玩游戏也不看电影.The exams are coming. I .74.学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的._________________________ in our daily life.70. It' s time for / to have 71. You' d better72.Something is wrong with / There' s something wrong with73.neither play games nor see movies / go to the movie / go to see a film74.It' s very / really necessary for us to learn how to deal with the problems by ourselves(十一)五、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词.66.We must believe in (自己)・That's the secret of success.67.Our school has a long history. It has celebrated its (/l十)birthday.68.Do you know what your (父母亲)favourite food and colours are?69.Three years ago, Ann (更喜欢)apples to bananas.70.What a hot day! Look! Maria is (游泳)in the river.71.It (花费)me 25 minutes to go to school every day.72.He is (感兴趣)in English. He wants to be an English teacher.73.The policeman told that man to give a (描述)of the accident.74.We are often told not to be (紧张)in the examinations.75.The weather in South China is (不同)from that in North China.(八)词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)第一节根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案用碳素笔写在答题卡相应的位置.(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)76. A good is half done. ( begin )77.He is a kind-hearted man, so we can get along with him. ( easy )78.Life teaches how to face difficulties when we are in trouble. ( we )79.Hope is bad for the happy man, and good for the ・(happy )80.According to the tour guide, three of the visitors were from Australia.They were all very interested in Chinese culture. ( five )第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案用碳素笔写在答题卡相应的位置.(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)81.It' s not polite to ask personal questions.(当众;公开)82.For students, how to make choices is also a .(生活技育旨)83.We' d better ourselves when we decide what to do and how to do.(依靠)84. Mothers' love is like the sunshine in the, it always makes us feel warm. (寒冬)85.Pollution is a serious problem today. Let' s try our best to protectour.(地球母亲)第一节词形转换76.beginning 77. easily 78. us 79. unhappy 80. fifths第二节汉译英81.in public 82. life skill 83. depend on 84. cold winter 85. mother earth六、动词应用(共10小题,计10分)根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空.(必要时加助动词或情态动词)76.I heard the boys (shout) downstairs when I opened the window.77.No stars can (see) in the daytime.78.you (visit) the Great Wall last summer?79.Do you enjoy (watch) TV?80.There are a lot of things (do) this evening.81.He (not do) morning exercises every morning.82.We (visit) many cities in China so far.83.They spent half an hour (pack) their bags.84.You (say) thanks to her. She helped you a lot.85.While I (clean) the top shelf, I lost my balance and fell off the chair.七、完成句子(共10小题,计5分)根据中文意思完成英语句子,每空所填写的词数不限86.我不相信我看到的.I couldn, t believe .87.对于这个消息我们感到兴奋.We the good news.88.令我吃惊的是,他花大量眨I时间在网上聊天., he spends much time chatting on the Internet.89.你觉得这部电影怎么样?______________________________ the movie ?90.你能告诉我怎样去家具店吗?Could you tell me the furniture store?五、单词拼写66. ourselves 67. eightieth 68. parents, 69. preferred 70. swimming 71. took72. interested 73. description 74. nervous 75. different六、动词应用76.shouting 77. be seen 78. Did; visit 79. watching 80. to do 81. doesn, t do 82.have visited 83. packing 84. should say 85. was cleaning七、完成句子86.what I saw 87. are excited about 88. To my surprise 89. What do you think of / How do you like 90. the way to /how I can get to /how to get to十二、第一节根据句义,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将所填单词写在答题卷相应位置.(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)76. He is a kind-hearted man, so we can get along with him. ( easy )77.The National Games for the Handicapped of the People, s Republicof China (中国残运会)was held in May in Kunming. (seven )78.The washing machine is easy to use. You just start it and then it can stop by_ ( it )79.Don* t be afraid of mistakes because nobody will be right all the time.(make )80.John becomes a member of the art club. He dreams to be a in the future.(paint )第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将所填单词写在答题卷相应位置.(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)81.Listening to will make you relaxed, and singing alongwill make you happy.(流行歌曲)82.Spring is walking to us quietly. We can see, white clouds, green grass and beautifulflowers here and there.(蓝天)83.Our life is changes, but there are also a lot of challenges.(充满)84. A lot of people like eating French Fries. , it' s bad for our health.(实际上)85.Parents often tell their children to computer games.(远离)76. easily 77. Seventh 78. itself 79. making 80. painter81. pop songs / popular songs 82. blue sky 83. full of84.In fact / As a matter of fact 85. stay away from / keep away from / be away from(十三)第一节根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将所填单词写在相应位置.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)76.Mr Potter has been in China for over ten years. He regards China as his home.(two) 76.77. A teacher, like bright sunshine, lights up the morning of life; like a river,takes to the sea of knowledge, (we) 77.78. Yunnan is beautiful. Many come for holidays every year. ( visit)78.79. A good hobby gives you anrest from your everyday work. ( enjoy) 79.80.Another new year, another beautiful . May my best wishes bring youa successful year. ( begin)80.第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将所填单词写在相应位(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)81.There are green trees and in the country. We can enjoy the nature there.(新鲜空气)82.“One World, One Dream" expresses the common wishes of people(全世界)83.Swimming in rivers is one of my favorite It makes me happy and healthy. (户外活动)84.The Olympic torch relay (火炬接力)has been on since March 24th , 2008. It can the Olympic spirit.(传递)85.West or east, home is best. Parents like to spend time with their children at hometogether and share the happiness of.(家庭生活)。
2019-2020年中考英语专题练习《词汇检测》2019-2020年中考英语专题练习《词汇检测》(一)根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词1.Millie lives on a healthy diet. She_______(很少)has sweet snacks.2. Stephen was_______(忙碌的)with the report on giant pandas last week.3. People aren't allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing from the next_______(月).4. Madee f elt proud when she_______(升起)the national flag in the playground this Monday.5. Jiangnan Examination Office in Confucius Temple attracted_______(千)of tourists on China Tourism Day this year.6.I like the suit, but the jacket doesn't_______(合身)me.7. It might be several months before she's fully_______(治愈).8.I think it's our_______(轮次)to drive the kids to school this week9.I'm busy at the moment, but I'll be_______(空闲的)this afternoon10. Brenda spent all day_______(准备)the meal.11.She_______(突然地)found herself being talked about in all the newspapers.12. Even if they are not very skilled, you really have to admire the.护士)team spirit.13. There is no_______(怀疑)that Nantong will develop intoa modern city in thenear future.14. We see smiling faces_______(到处)here and they make us feel at home.15. Are you crazy? How do you_______(胆敢)to do so?16.The old man looked a bit_______(苍白的)than usual after the operation17. You can get a better view of the lake if you go_______(楼上).18. Reading should be a lifelong_______(习惯)for every one of us.19. The CN Tower in Canada is l, 815 feet in_______ (高).20. The cat is lying_______(舒适)under the tree with its eyes half closed.21. He devoted all his savings to local education in his_______(九十)22. - Why did you shout?- I felt something_______ (击中) me on the head.23. Whether siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot_______ (讨论).24. - What do you think of the block you live in?_______.- I'm not satisfied. The loud noise from the square always _______(打扰,扰乱) me a lot.25. What he said finally proved that he was_______ (不诚实的)26. Some people have no sense of safety. They usually go_______(径直) across the road without looking at traffic lights.27. The weather report says there will be much _______ (雨) in most areas in the south.28. Lucy is one of the_______ (高) girls in our class.29. Last term, I_______(骑) a bicycle to school every day.30. I'm strongly_______(反对) smoking because it may cause cancer.31. We are pleased with the good_______(服务)in Yangzhou restaurants.。
-Where are the books? They are on the desk.I live in Beijing. → Where do you live?The children are on the playground.____ ____ the children?pal作名词,意为”好朋友,伙伴”,相当于friend,多用于口语中,有时用于构成合成词,表示在某方面关系密切的朋友.Jim is our old pal. 吉姆是我的老朋友.I want to have a pen pal. 我想有一个笔友.We have a pen ____ in America. We often write to each other.A palB palsC friendsD manfrom介词, 构成词组be from,意为”从…来,是….人,来自于…”,相当于come from,皆表示某人来自某一地方,后接地名,be from 与comefrom 构成的句子其否定句和疑问句形式不同I am from America 我来自美国.= I come from America.He isn’t from China. 她不是中国人.= He doesn’t come from China.Is she from Australia? 她是澳大利亚人吗?=Does she come from Australia?表示时间,意为”自…,从…”I stay here from my childhood. 我从孩提时代就住在这儿表示场所,意为”从…”Don’t jump from the tree. 不要从树上跳下来He fell from his bike. 他从自行车上摔下来表示数量,顺序,意为”从…”My daughter can count from one to one undred.我女儿能从1数到100.表示距离,意为”从…离开”My school is 2 kilometers from my home.我学校离我家2公里远表示出处,由来,意为”从…,自…,出自…. “I got a letter from a friend in Sichuan.我收到了来自四川朋友的一封信表材料,意为”由…”Paper is made from wood. 纸是木头做的.from 可构成很多习惯用语:from house to house 挨家挨户from hand to hand 一手转一手from head to foot 从头到脚from morning to tonight 从早到晚from beginning to end 自始至终from now on 从现在起from then on 从那时起-Where is your sister from? -She ____ from Canada.A areB doesC doD is各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。
2019中考英语浙江词汇运用练习(含解析)一、词汇15分A.根据句意、英文解释和中文提示写单词.1.Weather in Australia is not too cold the (all) year.2.Kitty is (自豪的)that he got the first place in the exam.3.We will spend our (holiday) in Kunming.4.-- Have you ever (听说)of the story? ---------------- Not yet.5 is the busiest season. Farmers are busy picking apples and pears.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺・(每小题1分, 共5分)safe she angry stomach forty6.Den Yaping taught English after she left the table tennis team.7.My father' s birthday happens to be on Father' s Day.8.During the earth, he lost his own life for others' .9.We should take good care of our own when it is getting cold.10.My mother looked even at what I said.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺.(每小题1 分,共5分)live stop sleep weigh show11.Everything more on the earth than on the moon because of gravity.12.Would you please tell him to keep quiet while my baby ?13.Let' s start off right now since it raining.14.—I wonder how to use the washing machine.一That' s easy. I you later.lie once in Beijing with her cousin for a long time.二、句型转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)16.The weather is quite hot today.(改为感叹句)weather it is today!17.Students can, t take magazines out of the reading room without permission.(改为被动语态)Magazines can' t out of the reading room without permission.18.She asked me, “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?"(改为间接引语)She asked me Igo to the cinema the next day.19.Are these books ours?(保持句意基本不变)these books belong to ?20.Eddie has lived with Millie in the past two years.(提问)has Eddie lived with Millie?答案:一、A. 1. whole 2. proud 3. vacation 4. heard 5. AutumnB.herself; fortieth; successfully; stomachs; angrierC.weighs; is sleeping; has stopped; will show; lived二、句型转换What hot; be taken; if/ whether; do us; How long(三)完成句子第一节根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空.(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1.The little boy wants to be an when he grows up. (act)2.Life is like a piece of white paper, on which we may draw the and finest pictures, (new)3.It is raining. You should drive the car ・(care)4.Parents are our first teachers. They teach lessons of life, (we)5.Take the time and listen, and you, 11 hear the sound of nature, (wonder)第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式.(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)6.Animals are our friends. I like to keep a in my house.(宠物狗)7.Don, t ! Your dream will come true (放弃)8.We should obey the and learn to protect ourselves.(交通规则)9.— How often do you help your mother with the housework?—・(一周一次)10. In order to save the trees on the earth, we'd better use fewer ,(纸 袋) 答案:1. actor 2. newest 3. carefully 4. us 5. wonderful 6. pet dog 7. give up8. traffic rules 9. Once a week 10. paper bags '(四)词组翻译供10小题,每小题1分)(1)将下列词组译成英语16.挣钱 17.暑假 18.短信息 19.学校生活 20.每三小时(2)将下列词组译成汉语:21. radio station _____________________Day ________________23. keep healthy ________________________ 25. the Eleventh Five-Year plan 答案 16・ make money, earn money 17. summer holiday / vacation 18. short message19. school life 20. every three hours 21.广播电台 / 无线电台 22.愚人节23.保持健康 24.家庭聚会25・第十一个五年计划(五)词汇运用(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式.每空限填一词.Chen Huan : Glad to meet you, Mr Zhu. Welcome to Yiwu TV Station totell your 56 (故事)of doing business. Mr Zhu:Thank you. I' d like to say something that happened thirty years ago. Chen Huan : At that time, you didn , t have 57 (足够的J ) foodto eat. Mr Zhu : Right. So I 58 (去)out to do business to make money by exchangesweets for chicken feathers, old shoes and so on. I had to get up very 59(早) every morning and travel a long way on 60 (脚).Chen Huan : It must bea special experience for you. Mr Zhu : Yes. During that time, I was' often tired and hungry 6] (没有)anything to eat. , especially on those 62 (寒冷的J )winter nights ・・・dut now everything is better. I own a big factory with hundreds of 63 (工人).And I can 64 (卖)my products to the world in a modern market. I' m sure24. family get-together22. April Fool' smybusiness will be better and better in the future. Chen Huan:How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. You' re really a greatexample for the 65 (年轻的I) people in Yiwu.答案:56. story/stories 57. enough 58. went 59. early 60. foot61. without 62. cold 63. workers 64. sell 65. young(六)词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)A)选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空.you cross act child laugh66.The boy wants to be an just like Jackie Chan.67.Tony, believe and you are sure to succeed.68.We couldn' t help after we watched Zhao Benshan' s funny performance.69.You are supposed to look around when you walk the street.70.Chocolate is usually the favorite food.B)根据句意及词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词.71.Please give me something to drink. I' m t .72.Time is knowledge and time is money. Don' t w it, please.73.Lin Tao' s biggest d is to enter Tsinghua University, so he is working hardall the time.74.We live in a flat with three (卧室).75.My parents always (鼓励)me to practice English every day.答案:A) 66. actor 67. yourself 68.laughing 69. across 70. children' sB) 71. thirsty 72. waste 73. dream 74.bedrooms 75. encourage(七)词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据所给汉语提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,使短文完整、达意,每空限填一词.Dear Patrick,I got a new job today helping a nice family do the housework. In the Peterson family, there are 71 (四)kids, two cats and two 72 (鸟),so there' s a lot to do.I have to cook a meal once a week. I' ve already thought 73 (关于)thefirst meal I will cook. I' 11 make a 74 (水果)salad and if I have time I' 11 also make a 75 (蛋糕).After the meal, of course, I' 11 76 (洗)the dishes.During the day, I need to make beds and do some 77(打扫)・Then I have to do the weekly shopping and pick up the kids from school and make sure they do their 78 (家庭作业).Sounds like a busy day? There' s more, much more. Whew, I think it will take79 (更长久)than one day a week to 80 (完成)all these chores.Robert71. four 72. birds 73. about 74. fruit 75. cake 76. wash77. cleaning 78. homework 79. longer 80. finish。
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2017年中考英语专题训练《词汇检测》1.it's good to have a(健康的)eating habit.2.His father always(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.3.John is interested in(化学)4.The Blacks are going to have their garden(浇水)this weekend.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an(未知的)world to us.6.Sue always has great(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to(指向)at others like that.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words(正确地).9.With the development of science and technology,more and more(机器人)are used in factories.10.Drinking tea is a(传统的)custom in China.11.Everest is a natural(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and(五月).13.Most drivers in Suqian are(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.14.All my classmates went to the old people's home(除了)Enic because he was ill.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue(上升)this summer.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.18.Flight 846(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his(粗心).20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very(真实的)21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of(传统的)art.22.Mrs Wang,a new(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long(历史).24.We all know that the earth is not the(中心)of the universe.25.They were(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.26.I could feel my heart(跳动)fast when I heard the news.27.The floor will feel even(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.28.Don't drink the(污染)water.It will make you ill.29.To my parents,my health(要紧)more to them than anything else.30.All(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.31.Something must be done to stop the virus(扩散).32.The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)33.I think these cameras are those(导演).Please look after them.34.The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year.(预计)35.Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing.36.We need to learn new words and more(语法)to understand English better.37.They wanted to(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.38.I was told that Apple Pay is one of the(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.39.Jack has many story books and he often(分享)them with his friends.40.My father is interested in(收集)stamps.41.His family is not rich enough to(买得起)a house.42.To our surprise,there was no salt in the fish.Dad did the cooking(粗心地).43.Here is the(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?44.My dream is to be a teacher in the(将来).45.Everyone is here(除了)Tom.He is absent because of his illness.46.This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon.(整个的)47.of patients are treated in the hospital every day.(千)48.He climbed the window and saw what he could take away.(穿过)49.It is my to be together with you.(愉快)50.Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou Airport.(国际的)51.Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the most beautiful college campuses.(世界的)52.Any person who does something the law will be put into prison.(违反)53.fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016.(首次)54.Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of.(他自己)55.The boy learns to play the piano every evening.(星期二)56.This is probably the painting I've ever seen.(丑陋的)57.The man seems to be in his.(四十)58.Please tell me the(总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it.59.The boy who won the drawing competition is the(骄傲)of his class.60.The robot caught a virus and no longer worked(正常地)61.My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the (三十).62.Helping others is the most(有价值的)thing in the world.63.People like(分享)things through WeChat now.64.Could you tell me the(高度)of Qomolangma?65.He has just come back after living(在国外)for almost ten years.66.The copy of Evangeline has many(有帮助的)notes at the back.67.The twins looked the same,so I often(弄错)one from the other.68.Do you know the(首都)of America?69.Mum sometimes(混合)vegetables together to make a salad for us.70.To catch her attention,I(摇动)my head and held up my hat to her.71.I have no interest in TV ads.I think it(简直)a waste of time to watch them.72.Today,I consider myself the(幸运的)man on the face of the Earth.73.Can you help me divide the cake into two(半)?74.I never learned to raise cows and(也不)did they.75.The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is(赞扬)as the"Art Palace of Nature".76.The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an(地下的)worker of our Party.77.Something is wrong with the(模型)plane.Can you fix it for me?78.The Australian teacher in our school tries to use(筷子)when he has meals.79.We should work(紧密地)with the local people to help them with their problems.80.Most foreign visitors are very(兴趣)in Chinese traditional culture.81.Yesterday we had a special party for her(九)birthday.82.Supermarket is the(吵闹的)place that I have been to.83.Before the game started,I(分开)these children into five groups.84.I found a letter(躺)on the floor when I came into the classroom.85.﹣Do you know the lady well over there?﹣No,she is a(完全的)stranger to me.86.Luckily,neither the driver nor the(乘客)was hurt.87.﹣What's the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?﹣It will drop zero,to﹣5℃.88.﹣What do you think of Mr.Reads speech?﹣It was very.Some of the students were sleeping all the time.89.﹣Are these vegetables safe enough to eat?﹣Yes,they are up to high.90.﹣Is there any chance that we can change the plan?﹣I'm afraid not.Whether you are for or,it will be carried out.91.﹣Where are you going for your school trip,Tom?﹣I haven't made a yet,I'm going to talk about it with our classmates.92.﹣Why not take this road?It's a short cut.﹣I am afraid we can't,for it breaks down.Several workers are busy it now.93.一in before others is really not polite,I think.一I agree.We should always queue.94.一Are there any clues for the big fire?一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by.95.一Have the passengers gone on yet?一Yes,they are all on the plane now.96.﹣﹣﹣Why did n't you accept such a good job?﹣﹣﹣Oh,it's my ability,so I had to give it up.97.﹣Do you know what the gesture"V"stands for?﹣It stands for"".I think.98.﹣﹣Will Tom win the game?﹣﹣Of course.There is no that he will be come first.99.﹣How much does this elephant?﹣About 3tons.100.﹣The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time,but I found it very hard.﹣I think you can make it.101.Tomorrow is his(九十)birthday,and he is so excited.102.There are still some places that are(未知)to humans.103.Simon,don't worry too much.We all think you can make it by(自己).104.American (发明家)Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at the beginning of the 20th century.105.Chang'e 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when it(到达)the moon in the year 2018.106.Kobe Bryant,one of the greatest players,retired(退役)in April.He(赢得)five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.107.Alex and Tony are crazy about computer.They want to be computer(工程师)in the future.108.Lots of parents become(没耐心)as their children grow up.109.Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life was(完全)finished.110.You can watch more English(录像)to improve your oral English.111.Leonardo DiCaprio finally(赢得)his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards.112.This kind of disease(传播)so quickly that it drew the government's attention.113.Each of us felt(口渴的)when seeing the watermelons on the table.114.To(形成)a good habit of reading,you should always choose the good reads.115.Don't wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at night,yellow and white are the(容易的)colours for dirvers to see.116.I can't tell the differences between the two boys.They look(完全地)the same.117.The museum is about two(小时)ride from the theme park.We had better start right now.118.He is a talented man and all his novels were well(写).119.Though the little girl has no parents,lots of people have volunteered to give a (帮助)hand.120.Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by (意外的事).121.I think the(人口)of China will become larger and larger because of the new policy(政策).122.Anna has(取得进步)in math since last term.123.(饲养)cows is still an important industry in many parts of the world.124.She has a(亲戚)in this small town.125.It's the(丑陋的)house I have ever seen in this city.126.Don't take the lift in a(火灾).127.As science(技术)is changing fast,we need to keep studying.128.Yesterday Jay Chou's(出现)made his fans excited,and they were calling out his name.129.The big man was seen(奔跑)away from the scene of the crime.130.Tim(主动提出)to help me with my history every Sunday this morning.131.You will be(测试)in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels in this course.132.Rodger loves reading and he has eight(百)books at home.133.The old man was very(孤独的)after his wife passed away.134.Look,there's a brilliant car parking there.The car is for one of the(发明者).135.What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues(线索).136.Everyone wants to get(满足)out of his or her job.137.Bill is(搜索)the Internet.He wants to find something interesting.138.Go(径直地)on,and you'll find the Panda House.139.You must look left and right before(穿过)the road.140.You should(沟通)with your parents or your teacher if you have time.141.Can you help find some(信息)about the history of football on the Internet?142.When someone knocked at the door,I was(翻译)the sentences into Chinese.143.Tom and all his(亲戚)always look after each other well.144.Can you give me some(建议)on reading?145.Mr.King successfully(避免)a terrible disaster the other day.146.The purpose of the charity should be(改善)young people's health.147.He's so shy that he has trouble(交流)with others.148.﹣﹣﹣I have a pair of shoes(类似于)to yours.﹣﹣﹣That's nice.We can wear on the same day.149.The doctors must be tired because he has done several(手术)in thedaytime.150.Henry(继续)his writing for another year although he was badly ill.151.What do you think of the town after the(最近的)visit to it.152.The girl from America is very(友好的).153.I like history best.Because history is very(容易的).154.He was in trouble,but he(拒绝)all help from others.155.We should take action to prevent water(污染)because people can't live without water.156.It's(困难的)for many foreigners to use Chinese chopsticks.157.Many students(讨厌)to housework.158.We are looking forward to(饲养)some cute pet dogs.159.Let me ask you the(四十九)question.160.Be careful with the machines on show and you mustn't(触摸)any of them.161.The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open (空地).162.It is a(极好的)show,many young people are looking forward to it.163.There is a dog lying in the(角落)of the room.164.Do you want to be an(技师)in the future?165.I think that Tony will never forget such interesting(经历)in France.166.When he came in,I was standing(紧挨着)the wall and crying sadly.167.The children carefully wrote their names at the(底部)of their pictures.168.I'd like to buy a house with two big(阳台).169.It's a pity that our house is going to be the(最丑陋的)one in this area.170.﹣What is the weather like today?﹣It's very cold.The temperature is zero.171.﹣He the early bus again this morning.﹣That's true.He always gets up so late.172.﹣It is to play with fire.﹣Yes,we should keep children away from fire.173.﹣What does your uncle do?﹣He is a,and he sends letters and newspapers.174.﹣﹣What happened to you then?﹣﹣I looked down and found an of ants climbing on my body.175.﹣﹣Will you go to Sam's birthday party?﹣﹣No,I his invitation.I would like to,but have no time.176.﹣﹣Excuse me,can you give me more about that meeting?﹣﹣Sorry,it's secret.177.﹣Millie,can you give me the to the classroom?I left my homework in it ﹣OK,here you are.178.I think(医疗的)level in the city is better than that in the countryside.179.When driving,you need to know the flashing yellow light(意味着)you must stop.180.More volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake.I really admired them for their(勇气).参考答案与解析1.it's good to have a healthy(健康的)eating habit.【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干it's good to have a___(健康的)eating habit.可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.修饰名词habit,应该用形容词.healthy,健康的,形容词.故填:healthy.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词.2.His father always encourages(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_____(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查encourages.3.John is interested in chemistry(化学)【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣.【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in______(化学).可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣.chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.故填:chemistry.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.4.The Blacks are going to have their garden watered(浇水)this weekend.【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden___(浇水)this weekend.可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.have sth.done,"have+sth (宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)"意为"让/叫/使/请别人做某事".宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.故填:watered.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an unknown(未知的)world to us.【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界.【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语法正确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词6.Sue always has great courage(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因.【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示"勇气'的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查名词7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to point(指向)at others like that.【分析】亨利,要有礼貌.那样指着别人没有礼貌.【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为It's+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示"指向"及空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查固定短语及动词的识记.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words correctly(正确地).【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词.【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示"正确地"的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查副词9.With the development of science and technology,more and more robots(机器人)are used in factories.【分析】随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用.【解答】答案:robots根据提示词"机器人"可知,这里考查名词的用法.机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词"more and more"可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词"more and more"判断出此处应该用复数形式.10.Drinking tea is a traditional(传统的)custom in China.【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗.【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词"传统的"和空格后面的名词"custom"可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional.【点评】本题考查形容词.做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义及句子分析出词语的词性.然后再写出相对应的词语.11.Everest is a natural wonder(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural____(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.不定冠词a+名词单数.wonder,奇迹,名词.故填:wonder.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查wonder,奇迹.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and May(五月).【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and___(五月).可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.and 连接并列的句子成分.可知此处应该填月份.May,五月,名词.故填:May.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查May,五月,名词.13.Most drivers in Suqian are polite(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.【分析】宿迁的大部分司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路.【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示"礼貌的"的英文表达为polite,故填polite.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词14.All my classmates went to the old people's home except(除了)Enic because he was ill.【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old people's home____(除了)Enic because he was ill.可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.except 表示"表示"除了…"指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,即不包括在内.besides表示"除了…之外,还有…",指在整体中加入一部分,即包括在内.根据句意,可知是不包括Enic在内,应该用except,故填:except.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查except.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue rising(上升)this summer.【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue___ (上升)this summer.可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.continue+doing…,持续做某事;继续做某事.rise,上升,不及物动词.故填:rising.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查rise,上升,动词.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea bridge(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.【分析】﹣﹣连云港新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?﹣﹣在2016年4月.【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干﹣When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.可知句意为:连云港的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月.根据题干When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词.这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数.故填:bridge.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查bridge.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or successful(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.【分析】﹣﹣加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.﹣﹣谢谢,我会再次尝试的.【解答】答案:successful.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.",由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词"成功的"是successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.18.Flight 846landed(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846___ (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers.可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态.land,着陆,动词,过去式landed.故填:landed.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查landed.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his carelessness(粗心).【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his____ (粗心).可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.物主代词his+名词.carelessness,粗心,名词.故填:carelessness.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查carelessness.20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real(真实的)【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样.【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional(传统的)art.【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式.【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.22.Mrs Wang,a new customer(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友.【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long history(历史).【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪.【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.24.We all know that the earth is not the center/centre(中心)of the universe.【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.【解答】答案:center/centre.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.",由设空处前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"中心"是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.25.They were excitedly(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.【分析】他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.【解答】答案:excitedly.根据题干They were﹣﹣(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.可知句意为:他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.句子中discuss是个动词,修饰它的话应该用副词形式.excitedly,副词,激动地.故填:excitedly.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.26.I could feel my heart beating(跳动)fast when I heard the news.【分析】听到这个消息的时候,我能觉得心跳很快.【解答】答案:beating.提示词:跳动,beat,是一个动词.根据when I heard the news,可知这里表示当我听到这个消息时我的心正跳动的厉害,所以应该用beat的现在分词形式,表示正在进行.故填:beating.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,解答时根据所给的汉语提示,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.27.The floor will feel even smoother(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.【分析】我拖完地板以后,地板会感觉更光滑.【解答】答案:smoother.根据even﹣﹣(光滑的)after it is mopped by me,可知在这里拖地之后和拖地之前相比较更光滑,even,更加,后面可以跟比较级,所以这里用形容词smooth 的比较级形式smoother,故填smoother.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么,然后用其适当形式解答即可.28.Don't drink the polluted(污染)water.It will make you ill.【分析】不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.【解答】答案:polluted.根据Don't drink the﹣﹣(污染)water.It will make you ill,可知不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.所填词修饰名词,这里用形容词形式polluted.故填polluted.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.29.To my parents,my health matters(要紧)more to them than anything else.【分析】对于我的父母来说,我的健康对他们比其它任何事情更要紧.【解答】答案:matters.根据my health﹣﹣(要紧)more to them than anything else,可知这里考查"要紧"的英语表达法,在英语中一般翻译成matter,本句缺少谓语,所以这里matter是一个动词,本句叙述了一个事实,时态应该用一般现在时,根据health,可知它是一个不可数名词,所以后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,直接在词尾加s.故填matters.【点评】本题考查学生对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力.30.All suggestions(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.【分析】所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.【解答】答案:suggestions.根据All﹣﹣(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime,可知所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.句子中all和are可以判断出主语应该是复数形式,suggestion,名词,建议,复数是suggestions.故填suggestions.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.31.Something must be done to stop the virus spreading(扩散).【分析】应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.【解答】答案:spreading.根据Something must be done to stop the virus﹣﹣(扩散).可知应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.句子考查了stop的用法:stop to do sth停下来做某事,stop doing sth 停止做某事,这里应该是阻止病毒扩散,所以用stop doing sth,spread,动词,扩散.故填spreading.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.32.The little boy hung his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)【分析】当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.【解答】答案:hung.根据题干The little boy﹣﹣his head when he heard what his mother said.可知句意为:当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.句子when he heard what his mother said,可以判断所使用的时态应该是一般过去时,hang,动词,垂下,过去式是hung.故填:hung.。