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1.你想去看熊猫吗?______ you like _______ ______ the pandas?

2.熊猫生活在中国并且喜欢爬树。Pandas ______ ______ China and _____ like __ __ ______.

3.大象是我最喜欢的动物。My favourite animal is _______ ________.

4.袋鼠是澳大利亚的吗?_______ the kangaroo ________?


________ _____ ______ ______ Africa and Asia. The _____ is _____ home.


________ _______ Beijing Zoo. The animals come from all around ______ ______.

7.你经常去网吧吗?________ you often _______ _______ the Internet bar?

8.他经常玩什么游戏?________ _________ ________he often play?

9.你怎样保存新文件?_________ do you _______ a new __________?

10.我爸爸从不在网上下载音乐。______ father ______ _______ from the Internet. 11.请再读一读,检查一下你的拼写。_____ read it _____ and _____ your spelling. 12.大明有多少个朋友?_______ ______ _______ does Daming _______?

13.你喜欢哪种音乐?What ______ _______ _______ do you like?

14.你想去看足球赛吗?Would you ____ ____ ___ the football _____ ?

15.成龙是我最喜欢的电影明星。Jackie Chan is my ____ _______ _____ .

16.让我们周六去公园吧。Let’s _____ ____ the park on _______ .

17.他们不玩电脑游戏。They ______ _______ computer games .

18.我们周二不看电视。We ______ _____ TV _____ Tuesday..

19.大明和玲玲在晚上六点做作业。Daming and Lingling_______ _____ _____ at 6:00 pm.

20. 放学后我踢足球吧! ___________ __________ football after school.

21. 英语中的人名,名在前,姓在后。

In English, the given name is ___________ and _____________ name is last.

22.. 五班与六班相邻。Class Five is __ ____ Class Six.

23. 我晚餐喜欢吃米饭,菜和鸡肉。I like____ rice, vegetables and chicken ____ _ ______.

24 愿意跟我一起去看电影吗?_____ you ______ to go to the cinema with me?

25.《老鼠爱大米》是我特别喜爱的歌。Mouse Loves Rice is song.

26.我的祖父母年老了,但是他们很健康. My are old, they are .

27.我们吃面条和米饭,它们是健康食品。We eat and . They're

28.我会打篮球,不过我不会游泳。I can ____ __ ,but I .

29.我妈妈是一家医院的医生。My mother is a

30.. 袋鼠来自欧洲吗?不,它产自澳大尼亚。____the kangaroo ____ Europe ? No ,it isn’t.

31.. 欢迎你们所有人来我们城市做客。all of you our city.

32.. 图书馆的后面有一棵大树。There is a tall tree the .

33.. 你想去看电影吗?you like to to the cinema?

34.. 堂姆经常骑自行车去上学。Tom often a to go to school.
