电影英语 超能陆战队句子




【超能陆战队】台词中英对照Get up!Get up! 赢家诞生完胜对手 The winner!By total annihilation. 催命阎王 Yama! 谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who’s next?Where’s the guts to stopGet up!Get up! 赢家诞生完胜对手The winner!By total annihilation. 催命阎王 Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who’s next?Where’s the gut s to stop me in the ring? 挑战我的小阎王 With little Yama! 我能试试吗 Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot.I built it myself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场 Beat it kid!House Rules:You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh,Is this enough? 你叫什么小朋友What’s your name,little boy? 我叫小宏滨田宏 Hiro,Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫 Prepare your bot,Zero... 两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter...One might leaves. 准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战 Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight.Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友 No one likes a sore loser littleboy. 回家吧 Go home. 我还有钱I’ve got more money... 准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战 Fight! 磁力神 Megabot! 灭了他 -再见了小阎王-什么 -Not more”Little Yama”.-But what? 这2怎么可能This is not possible! 我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey,I’m as surprised as you are.Beginner’s luck. 你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again? 阎王 Yama? #NAME? -No one hustles Yama!-Wooh!Hey! 给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson! 伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas.Let’s talk about this.-小宏快上车-阿正-Hiro,get on!-Tadashi! 来得真是时候 Ooh!Good timing. #NAME?-Are you okay?-Yeah. #NAME?-Are you hurt?-No! 那你在想什么笨蛋 Then,what are youthinking,knuckle head! 你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you’re 13 and this iswhat you’re doing? 抓紧了 Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal.You’re gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal.Betting on bot 但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But,so who could heed.I’m on a roll,big brother. 谁也不能阻止我3And there is no stopping me! 哦不 Oh,no. 嗨卡斯阿姨Hi,Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay?Tell me you’re okay... #NAME?-We’re fine.-We’re okay. 那就好 Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大 For 10 years,I heed the best I could to raise you. 我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect?No! 我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about children?No!我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting?Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说...Where I was going with this?I had a point... #NAME?#NAME? 我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beatpoetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米 Stress eating because of you!Come on,Moty! 真的好好吃啊4This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有You’d better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe. 那是自然 For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you learn your lesson,bone head. 我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You’re going fight boting,aren’t you?小镇那边还有一场比赛There’s a fight across town. 如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now,I could still make it. 你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊When are you gonna start doing something with that bigbrain of yours?干吗像你一样去上大学What?Go to college like you? 好让别人教我我早就知道的东西 So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻 Unbelievable.老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh!What would Mom and Dad say? 我不知道他们已经5过世了I don’t know.They’re gone. 我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3,remember? #NAME?-I’ll take you.-Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can’t stop you from going,but I’m not gonna let you go on your own. 太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边我去拿点东西Gotta grab something. 要用很长时间吗Is this gonna take long? 淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax,you big baby,we will be in and out. 你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway,you’ve never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了 Oh great!I get to see your Nerd Lab. #NAME?-Heads up!-Wooh! 电磁悬浮Electromag suspension? 你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏 Gogo,this is my brother,Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab. 是啊 Yeah...6我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢I’ve never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before. 零阻力骑得更快Zero resistance,faster bike.但...还不够快But...Not fast enough. 还不够 Yet.别动站在线后面 Ohh!Woohh!Do not move!Behind the line please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏 Hey,Wasabi.This is my brother,Hiro.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊Hello,Hiro.Prepare to be amazed. 接好了 Catch! #NAME?-Laser induced Plasma?-Oh,yeah. 运用一点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement for ah.. 超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow,how did you find anything in this mess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system.There is a place for everything,andeverything in its place. #NAME?-I need this!-You can’t do that! 你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!7This is anarchy!Society has rules! 不好意思借过一下Excuse me!Coming through! 阿正 Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh,you must be Hiro! 久仰大名啊I’ve heard so much about you! 来得正好Perfect timing!Perfect timing! 全是碳化钨That’s a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide. 足足四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here!Come here!You’re gonna love this. 一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid. 一点钴一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt,a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin,and...快看 Tadah! 很不错吧It’s really great,huh? #NAME?-So pink.-Here’s the best part. 很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittlement! 不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad,Honey Lemon. 哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆8Honey Lemon?Gogo?Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次 I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people.One time! 外号都是弗莱德取的 Fredis the one who comes up with the nicknames. 谁是弗莱德Ah...Who’s Fred? 鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah!Ah!Don’t be alarmed,it is just a suit.This is not my real face and body.我叫弗莱德The name is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上 School mascot by day but by night, 我还是学校的吉祥物I’m also a sc hool mascot. 话说你的专业是什么So,what’s your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No!No!I’m not a student but I am a major scienceenthusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个I’ve been turning to get honey to develop a formula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will. 但她居然说这”不科学”9But she says that’s not”science”. 真心不科学It’s really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah,and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabi 也不是科学吗for isn’t science,either? #NAME?-Is it?-Nope! #NAME?-Well then,what about invinsiblesandwich?-Hiro! 你想啊你吃着三明治 Imagine eating a sandwich but, 可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thinks you’re crazy. 够了喂 Just stop. #NAME?-Laser Eye?-What? #NAME?-Tingly fingers?-Never gonna happen!那开个杂货店总可以了吧 Then what about grocery stores.-那你在研究什么-我展示给你看-So,what are you been working on?-I’lll show you. 胶带纸 Duct Tape?别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you,Bro.Already been invented. 老哥痛痛痛Awww!Dude!Awww... 这就是我研究的项目10This is what I’ve been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello,I am Baymax.Your personal health care companion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说 I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said: 嗷的时候 Awww... 机器人护士?A robotic nurse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10,How would you rate your pain?你是说生理上的还是心理上的 Physical,or emotional? 正在扫描I will scan you now. 扫描完成Scan complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤 You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an anti-bacterial spray. 等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa,whoa...What’s in the spray specifically?喷雾的主要成分是”杆菌肽” The primary ingredient is:”Bacitracin.”真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏11That’s a bummer,I’m actually allergic to that. 你并不对杆菌肽过敏You’re not allergic to Bacitracin. 倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to:Peanuts. 真不赖 Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You’ve done some serious coding on this thing huh!啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah!Programmed to over more than 10,000 medicalprocedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片 This chip!Is what makesBaymax,”Baymax.” 乙烯树脂 Vinyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah,going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪 Looks like a walking marshmallow.No offense.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot.I can not be offended. 超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras? 没错 Yup. #NAME?-Titanium skeleton.-Carbon fiber. 对哦更轻便Right.Even lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的12Killer actuators,where did you get those?就是在这里加工的在实验室里Machined them right here...In house.. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? -He can lift a thousand pounds.-Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy,have a lollipop. 真棒 Nice! 直到你说”我很满意你的照顾”I can not deactivate until you say: 我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care. 那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well then,I’m satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He’s gonna help a lot of people. #NAME?-Hey,what kind of battery does it use?-Lithium lon. 铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know,Super Capacitor would charge way faster. 开夜车呢滨田先生Burning the midnight oil,Mr.Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey,Professor,I actually was finishing up.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro.Bot fighter,right?13在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was younger,That’s all she wanted todo. 我能看看吗 May I? 当然 Sure! 嗯不错 Hmm!磁力伺服器Magnetic Bearing Servos. 超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗 Pretty sick huh?Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey,genius!He invented them!你是罗伯特?卡拉汉 You are Robert Callaghan? 是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in,Callaghan....Callaghan’s Laws of Robotics? 正是在下That’s right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题 Ever think about applying here?Your age wouldn’t be an issue.他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don’t know,he’s pretty serious about his career in bot fighting. #NAME?-Well,kind of serious.-I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy. 差不多吧Yeah,I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well,if you like things easy, 那或许我们的项目不适合你14then my program isn’t for you. 在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限 We push the boundaries of robotics here.我的学生们会创造未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利 Nice to meet you,Hiro.Good luck with the bot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fight. 我必须到这里上学 I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don’t go to this nerd school.I’m gonna lose my mind. 我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year,the school has a student showcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with something that blows Callaghan away,你就稳了You’re in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But,it’s gotta be great. 相信我Trust me... 这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothing!No ideas. 空脑子笨脑子15Useless empty brain. 才十四岁就一败涂地了 washed up at 14. 太悲哀 So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing!I’m done!I’m never getting in!我还没对你放弃希望呢I’m not giving up on you. #NAME?-What are you doing?-Shake things up.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out. 换一个角度看问题Look for a new angle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样 Wow,a lot of sweet tech heretoday.How you feelin’? 我以前可是机器人拳击手You’re talking to an ex-bot fighter, 这阵势想吓到我还远远不够It takes a lot more than this to rattle me. 他紧张着呢Yup,he’s nervous. 小家伙没什么好担心的Oh!You have nothing to fear little fella. 他好紧张He’s so tense.-没我才不紧张-放松点小宏 -No!I’m not.-Relax,Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐 Your tech is amazing!Tell him,Gogo...16别叽歪了拿出点气概 Stop whining,woman up. 我好着呢I’m fine.你需要什么小家伙What you need,little man? 除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint,fresh pair of under pants? 内裤你有病得治了Under pants?You need serious help. 我这是有备而来Hey,I come prepared. 我已经六个月没洗衣服了I haven’t done laundry in 6 months.一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front,I go back,I go inside out then I go front and back.#NAME? -Wow!That is both disgusting and awesome.-Don’t encourage him.这叫做”循环再利用”It’s called”recycling”. 下一位展示者滨田宏 Next Presenter:Hiro Hamada. #NAME?-Oh yeah!This is it!-I guess I’m up.照相照相大家一起说”小宏”Okay!Okay,photo!Photo!Everybody say:”Hiro!” 小宏 Hiro!17我们爱你小宏祝你好运 We love you,Hiro.Good luck! 别搞砸了Don’t mess it up. 祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg,little man! 科学万岁耶 Science,yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了 Alright,Bro.This is it! 拜托别让我失望了Come on,don’t leave me hanging. 怎么了?What’s going on? 我真的很想去你们学校 I really wannago here. 你可以的You got this. 大家好 Hi...我的名字是滨... My name is Hiro... 抱歉 Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And,I’ve been working o n something that I think is pretty cool. 希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it. 这是一个微型机器人 This,is a microbot.深呼吸 Breathe.看起来微不足道It doesn’t look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of its pals... 就变得有趣18多了Things gonna get a little more interesting.它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do...它们就照做 They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech are limitless. 建筑物Construction... 曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people 人工建造数月或数年working by hands for months or years.现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by one person.这仅仅是九牛一毛And that’s just the beginning... 可不可以用在 Howabout... 交通运输上? Transportation?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方 Microbots can move anything,anywhere,with ease. 只有想不到If you can think it... 没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制19The only limit is your imagination. 微型机器人 Microbots! 那是我外甥That’s my nephew! 是我家人我爱我家人My Family!I love my family! 棒呆了 Nailed it! #NAME?-You did it!-You did it bad. -做得好小宏-太让我震惊了老弟-Good job,Hiro.-It blows my mind,dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you.That was amazing! 是的 Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development,your tech could be revolutionary.你是阿拉斯泰尔?克雷 Alastair Krei. 我可以看看么? May I? 太棒了Extraordinary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech. 不是吧 Shut up.克雷先生说得对 Mr.Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech. 你可以继续开发它们You can continue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人20Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by hisown self interest. 罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert,I know how you feel about me 但是这不关你的事But it shouldn’t affect you...一切由你决定小宏 This is your decision,Hiro.但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的 But you should know,Mr.Krei has cut corners喜欢走捷径忽视科学 and ignored sound science to getwhere he is. 不是那样的That’s just not true. 克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I wouldn’t trust Krei Tech with your microbots 其他东西也是 or anything else 小宏 Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳I’m offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagine. 多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖 I appreciate the offer,Mr.Krei.But they are not for sale. 我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter than that. 罗伯特 Robert. 克雷先生 Mr.Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That’s my brother’s. 哦对了Oh,that’s right.我期望能在课堂上见到你21I’m lo oking forward of seeing you in class... 哇耶难以置信Wohoo!Yeah!Unbelievable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses!Let’s feed those hungry brains. 回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe,dinner is on me! 太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes,nothing is better than free food. #NAME?-Aunt Cass...-Unless it’s moldy. -我们会赶回去的好么-当然 -We’ll catch up,okay?-Sure. 我为你感到骄傲I’m so proud of you! #NAME?-Both of you!-Thanks,Aunt Cass. 我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say. 我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself 因为我的天赋终于能用于正途...because I’m finally using my gift for something important..不我只是想告诉你No!No,I was just gonna tell you, 整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的 your fly was down for the whole show.哈哈别搞笑Haha,Hilarious! 什么啊 What?Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School, 怪咖 Nerd! 我22Hey,I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you,so... 你知道You know...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me. 你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah,I’m okay.But Professor Callaghan is still in there. 阿正不要 Tadashi,No! 教授还在里面Callaghan’s in there. 我得去救他Someone has to help. 阿正 Tadashi! 阿正 Tadashi! 嗨Hey... 嗨卡斯阿姨 Hey,Aunt Cass. 松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs.Matsuda’s in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She’s wearing something super inappropriate for an 80year old. 每次都能让我捧腹大笑 It always cracks me up. 你应该下楼看看You should come down. 以后再说吧 Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了 Oh,the university called again.开学已经有几周了It’s been a few weeks since classes started, 但他们说现在23去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register. 知道了谢谢Okay,thanks. 我会考虑的I’ll think about it. 嗨小宏 Hi,Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了 We just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. 我们希望你能来学校老弟 Wewish you were here,buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro,if I could have only one super power right now...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱 it wouldbe the ability to crawl through this camera and give you abig hug. 嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello,I am Baymax,Your personal health care companion. 你好 Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax,I didn’t know you were still active.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress.What seems to be the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh,I just had my toe a little.I’m fine.24从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10,How would you rate your pain? 零? Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了I’m okay,really.Thanks.You can shrink now. #NAME?-Does it hurt when I touch it?-That’s okay.No!No touching!嗷! Aw!你摔倒了You have fallen. 你说呢 You think? 从一...On a scale of one... 从...On a scale... 从...On a scale... 从一到十...On a scale of one to ten... 从一到十你的痛感是几级?On a scale of one to ten,How would you rate your pain? 零 Zero. #NAME?-It is alright to cry.-No!No... #NAME?-Crying is a natural response to pain.-I’m not crying.-让我为你扫描看是否受伤-别扫我 -I will scan you forinjury.-Don’t scan me.-扫描完毕-不可理喻!-Scan complete.-Unbelieveable! 你没有受到外伤You have sustained no injuries. 但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神25经递质 However,your hormone and neurotransmitter levels 都显示你有异常情绪波动indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定:Common on adolescenes.Diagnosis: 青春期躁动 Puberty.你说什么? Woah!What?好吧你该缩回去了Okay,time to shrink now. 这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an increase in body hair.尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和... Especially on your face,chest,armpits,and... 谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you,that’s enough. 身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay,let’s go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作I can not deactivate until you say:You are satisfied withyour care.好吧我很满意你的...Fine,I’m satisfied with my... 我的微型机器人? Mymicrobot? 这是怎么回事?26This doesn’t make any sense.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescentflowering into a manhood. 不! No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但... The thing is attracted with other microbot,but...这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That’s impossible,theywere destroyed in a fire. 肯定有地方坏了Something’s broken. 你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh,yeah?Why don’t you find out where he is trying to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗 Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings? 当然Absolutely. 大白? Baymax? 大白? Baymax? 大白?Baymax? 不是吧 What? 小宏? Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨 Hi,Aunt Cass. #NAME?-Wow,you’re up?-Yeah,I figured it was time. 你是要去登记入学吗Are you registering for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah,yes.I’ve thought about what you said.Really inspired me. 亲爱的那27太棒了! Oh,honey.That’s so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅...Okay,special dinner tonight.I leave up some chickenwings... 放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱 You know,with a hot sauce that makesus faces numb. 好啊听起来不错 Okay,sounds good. 那好!再抱一个 Great!Last hug. 大白! Baymax! 大白!Baymax! 大白! Baymax! 大白! Baymax!疯了么你这是要干嘛Are you crazy?What are you doing? 我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...I have found where your tiny robot wants to go..都跟你说了它坏了!它没有要去... I told you,its broken!It’s nottrying to go... 锁住了 Locked. 那有窗户There is a window. 请注意安全Please exercise caution.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤 A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm. 糟了个糕 Oh,no.抱歉请允许我放走些空气Excuse me,while I let out some air. 好了吗Are you done? 好了 Yes.我需要点时间重新充满It will take me a moment to re-inflate.28好吧声音轻点就是了Fine,just keep it down. 我的微型机器人? My microbots? 有人在批量制造Someone’s making more. 小宏?Hiro?心脏病都快被你吓出来了You gave me a heart attack. 我的手掌内置电击器My hands are equipped with defibrillators. -预备!-停!住手! -Clear!-Stop!Stop! 我只是打个比方It’s just an expression! 糟了个糕 Oh,no. 快跑! Run! 噢快点! Oh,come on! 我跑不快I am not fast. 是啊我看到了! Yeah,no kidding! 快!快!速度! Go!Go!Come on! 把门踢倒! Kick it down! 出拳! Punch it! 快!快! Go!Go! 跟上快!快! Come on,go!go! 快走! Move it! 快点! Come on!快点!从窗户出去! Come on!The window! 挤过去! Suck in! 大白! Baymax! 小宏? Hiro?快点~咱们赶紧离开这!跑~速度! Come on!Let’s get out ofhere!Go!Hurry!好了听我整理一下思路Alright,let me get this straight. 一个头戴歌伎面具的男人 A man in a kabuki mask 带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了29你attacked you with an army of miniature flying robot.是微型机器人! Microbots! 微型机器人 Microbots.嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器Yeah,he was controlling them以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.也就是说这位面具先生 So Mr.Kabuki was using 用超能力袭击了你和气球人ESP to attack you and balloon man.你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗? Did you file a report when your flying robots was stolen?没有我以为它们都被烧毁了No,I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他 Look,Iknow it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too.Tell him. 是的长官他说的是事...实 Yes,officer.He is telling the tru...th.怎么...你怎么了?What the...What’s wrong with you? 电量不足 Lowbattery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa!Whoa,try to keep it ho..me 我是您的私人健康助手30大白...I am a health care,your personal Baymax...孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid,How about we call your parents and get them downhere. 什么? What?在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再...Write your name and number down in this piece ofpaper,and we can... 得赶紧带你回家充电 I gotta get you home to your charging station. 还能走吗? Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will scan you now.Scan complete. 健康Health care. 听好... Okay...要是阿姨问起来 If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗 we are at school all day,got it? 我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window. 不是声音轻点!嘘!No,But be quiet!Shhh! 我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window. 你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can’t say things like that on our Aunt Cass. 小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的? You home,sweetie? 是的!That’s right! 就知道我没听错嗨!31I thought I heard you.Hi! 嘿卡斯阿姨 Hey,Aunt Cass. 看看我的小大学生啊Oh,look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah!I can’t wait to hear all about it. 马上就好咯Oh!It means its almost ready. 你能安静会儿吗 You bequiet? 好了来大吃一顿吧Alright,get ready to have your face melted.明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧We are gonna feel this things tomorrow.You know whatI’m saying? 好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay,sit down,tell me everything. 情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了 The thing is,since I registered so late.我有很多功课要赶上I’ve got a lot of school stuff to catch up on. 什么声音What was that? 是糯米团 Mochi. 该死的猫Oh!That darn cat. 就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh!Just take a plate for the road,okay? #NAME?-Don’t work too hard.-Thanks for understanding. 毛茸茸的宝贝 Hairy baby. 毛茸茸的宝贝 Hairy baby. 好了起来吧Alright,come on.32我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手I’ll carry on,I’m your personal Baymax.一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other. 没道理啊This doesn’t mak e any sense. 阿正 Tadashi. 什么 What? 阿正 Tadashi. 阿正走了Tadashi’s gone. 他什么时候回来When will he return? 他死了大白He is dead,Baymax. 阿正身体十分健康Tadashi was in excellent health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise,He should have lived along life. 是他应该会Yeah,He should have. 但发生了一场火灾... But there is a fire... 现在他去了Now he’s gone. 阿正就在这里 Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No,people keep saying he is not really gone. 他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛... Still hurts.. 我没有检测出伤口I seen no evidence of physical injury. 那是另外一种伤痛33It’s a different kind of hurt.你是我的病人我想帮助你 You are my patient.I would like to help. 这个你治不了You can’t fix this one buddy. 你在做什么Ah..What are you doing? 我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am downloading a database on personal lost. 数据库下载完成Database downloaded. 治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatments include:Contact with friends,and loved ones.。



超能陆战队台词中英对照起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了小阎王 - 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?#NAME?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey!给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.- 小宏快上车 - 阿正- Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.#NAME?- Are you okay? - Yeah.#NAME? - Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head!你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll, big brother.谁也不能阻止我And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay...#NAME?- We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about children? No!我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说... Where I was going with this? I had a point...#NAME?#NAME? 我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米Stress eating because of you! Come on, Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe.那是自然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren'tyou?小镇那边还有一场比赛There's a fight across town.如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?干吗像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻Unbelievable.老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say?我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3, remember?#NAME?- I'll take you. - Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab something.要用很长时间吗Is this gonna take long?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway, you've never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.#NAME?- Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.零阻力骑得更快Zero resistance, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough.还不够Yet.别动站在线后面Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.接好了Catch! #NAME?- Laser induced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运用一点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement for ah..超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow, how did you find anything in this mess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place.#NAME?- I need this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is anarchy! Society has rules!不好意思借过一下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!久仰大名啊I've heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide.足足四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna love this.一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.一点钴一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, and...快看Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?#NAME?- So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittlement!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lemon.哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah! Ah! Don't be alarmed, it is just a suit. This is not my real face and body.我叫弗莱德The name is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上School mascot by day but by night,我还是学校的吉祥物I'm also a school mascot.话说你的专业是什么So, what's your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No! No! I'm not a student but I am a major science enthusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个I've been turning to get honey to develop a formula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will.但她居然说这"不科学"But she says that's not "science".真心不科学It's really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabi也不是科学吗for isn't science, either?#NAME?- Is it? - Nope!#NAME?- Well then, what about invinsible sandwich? - Hiro!你想啊你吃着三明治Imagine eating a sandwich but, 可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thinks you're crazy.够了喂Just stop.#NAME?- Laser Eye? - What?#NAME?-Tingly fingers? - Never gonna happen!那开个杂货店总可以了吧Then what about grocery stores.- 那你在研究什么 - 我展示给你看- So, what are you been working on? - I'lll show you.胶带纸Duct Tape?别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already been invented.老哥痛痛痛Awww! Dude! Awww...这就是我研究的项目This is what I've been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax. Your personalhealth care companion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said:嗷的时候Awww...机器人护士?A robotic nurse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?你是说生理上的还是心理上的Physical, or emotional?正在扫描I will scan you now.扫描完成Scan complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa, whoa... What's in the spray specifically?喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"The primary ingredient is: "Bacitracin."真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏That's a bummer, I'm actually allergic to that.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You're not allergic to Bacitracin.倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts.真不赖Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You've done some serious coding on this thing huh!啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah! Programmed to over more than 10,000 medical procedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片This chip! Is what makes Baymax, "Baymax."乙烯树脂Vinyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot. I can not be offended.超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras?没错Yup.#NAME?- Titanium skeleton. - Carbon fiber.对哦更轻便Right. Even lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的Killer actuators, where did you get those?就是在这里加工的在实验室里Machined them right here... In house..#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?- He can lift a thousand pounds. - Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy, have a lollipop. 真棒Nice!直到你说 "我很满意你的照顾"I can not deactivate until you say:我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He's gonna help a lot of people.#NAME?- Hey, what kind of battery does it use? - Lithium lon.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know, Super Capacitor would charge way faster.开夜车呢滨田先生Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey, Professor, I actually was finishing up.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was younger, That's all she wanted to do.我能看看吗May I?当然Sure!嗯不错Hmm!磁力伺服器Magnetic Bearing Servos.超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey, genius! He invented them!你是罗伯特·卡拉汉You are Robert Callaghan?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in, Callaghan.... Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?正是在下That's right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题Ever think about applying here? Your age wouldn't be an issue. 他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don't know, he's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting.#NAME?- Well, kind of serious. - I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy.差不多吧Yeah, I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well, if you like things easy,那或许我们的项目不适合你then my program isn't for you.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限We push the boundaries of robotics here.我的学生们会创造未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fight.我必须到这里上学I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don't go to this nerd school. I'm gonna lose my mind.我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year, the school has a student showcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with something that blows Callaghan away,你就稳了You're in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But, it's gotta be great.相信我Trust me...这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothing! No ideas.空脑子笨脑子Useless empty brain. 才十四岁就一败涂地了washed up at 14.太悲哀So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing! I'm done! I'm never getting in!我还没对你放弃希望呢I'm not giving up on you.#NAME?- What are you doing? - Shake things up.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.换一个角度看问题Look for a new angle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feelin'?我以前可是机器人拳击手You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,这阵势想吓到我还远远不够It takes a lot more than this to rattle me.他紧张着呢Yup, he's nervous.小家伙没什么好担心的Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.他好紧张He's so tense.- 没我才不紧张 - 放松点小宏- No! I'm not. - Relax, Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐Your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo...别叽歪了拿出点气概Stop whining, woman up.我好着呢I'm fine.你需要什么小家伙What you need, little man?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair of under pants?内裤你有病得治了Under pants? You need serious help.我这是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我已经六个月没洗衣服了I haven't done laundry in 6 months. 一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front, I go back, I go inside out then I go front and back.#NAME?- Wow! That is both disgusting and awesome. - Don't encourage him.这叫做"循环再利用"It's called "recycling".下一位展示者滨田宏Next Presenter: Hiro Hamada.#NAME?- Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess I'm up.照相照相大家一起说 "小宏"Okay! Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say: "Hiro!"小宏Hiro!我们爱你小宏祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck!别搞砸了Don't mess it up.祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg, little man!科学万岁耶Science, yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了Alright, Bro. This is it!拜托别让我失望了Come on, don't leave me hanging.怎么了?What's going on?我真的很想去你们学校I really wanna go here.你可以的You got this.大家好Hi...我的名字是滨...My name is Hiro...抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And, I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This, is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.看起来微不足道It doesn't look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of its pals...就变得有趣多了Things gonna get a little more interesting.它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do...它们就照做They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech are limitless.建筑物Construction...曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people人工建造数月或数年working by hands for months or years.现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by one person.这仅仅是九牛一毛And that's just the beginning...可不可以用在How about...交通运输上?Transportation?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方Microbots can move anything, anywhere, with ease.只有想不到If you can think it...没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制The only limit is your imagination.微型机器人Microbots!那是我外甥That's my nephew!是我家人我爱我家人My Family! I love my family!棒呆了Nailed it!#NAME?- You did it! - You did it bad.- 做得好小宏 - 太让我震惊了老弟- Good job, Hiro. - It blows my mind, dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you. That was amazing!是的Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.你是阿拉斯泰尔·克雷Alastair Krei.我可以看看么?May I?太棒了Extraordinary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.克雷先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你可以继续开发它们You can continue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self interest.罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert, I know how you feel about me但是这不关你的事But it shouldn't affect you...一切由你决定小宏This is your decision, Hiro.但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的But you should know, Mr. Krei has cut corners喜欢走捷径忽视科学and ignored sound science to get where he is.不是那样的That's just not true. 克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your microbots其他东西也是or anything else小宏Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳I'm offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagine.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei. But they are not for sale.我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter than that.罗伯特Robert.克雷先生Mr. Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That's my brother's.哦对了Oh, that's right.我期望能在课堂上见到你I'm looking forward of seeing youin class...哇耶难以置信Wohoo! Yeah! Unbelievable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses! Let's feed those hungry brains.回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe, dinner is on me!太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes, nothing is better than free food.#NAME?- Aunt Cass... - Unless it's moldy.- 我们会赶回去的好么 - 当然- We'll catch up, okay? - Sure.我为你感到骄傲I'm so proud of you!#NAME?- Both of you! - Thanks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say.我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself因为我的天赋终于能用于正途... because I'm finally using my gift for something important.. 不我只是想告诉你No! No, I was just gonna tell you,整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的your fly was down for the whole show.哈哈别搞笑Haha, Hilarious!什么啊What? Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School,怪咖Nerd!我Hey, I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so...你知道You know...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me.你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah, I'm okay. But ProfessorCallaghan is still in there.阿正不要Tadashi, No!教授还在里面Callaghan's in there.我得去救他Someone has to help.阿正Tadashi!阿正Tadashi!嗨Hey...嗨卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She's wearing something super inappropriate for an 80 year old.每次都能让我捧腹大笑It always cracks me up.你应该下楼看看You should come down.以后再说吧Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了Oh, the university called again.开学已经有几周了It's been a few weeks since classes started,但他们说现在去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register.知道了谢谢Okay, thanks.我会考虑的I'll think about it.嗨小宏Hi, Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了We just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.我们希望你能来学校老弟We wish you were here, buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro, if I could have only one super power right now...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug.嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax, Your personal health care companion.你好Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax, I didn't know you were still active.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh, I just had my toe a little. I'm fine.从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?零?Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.#NAME?- Does it hurt when I touch it? - That's okay. No! No touching! 嗷!Aw!你摔倒了You have fallen.你说呢You think?从一...On a scale of one...从...On a scale...从...On a scale...从一到十...On a scale of one to ten...从一到十你的痛感是几级?On a scale of one to ten, How would you rate your pain?零Zero.#NAME?- It is alright to cry. - No! No...#NAME?- Crying is a natural response to pain. - I'm not crying.- 让我为你扫描看是否受伤 - 别扫我- I will scan you for injury. -Don't scan me.- 扫描完毕 - 不可理喻!- Scan complete. - Unbelieveable!你没有受到外伤You have sustained no injuries.但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels都显示你有异常情绪波动indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定: Common on adolescenes. Diagnosis:青春期躁动Puberty.你说什么?Woah! What?好吧你该缩回去了Okay, time to shrink now.这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an increase in body hair.尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和... Especially on your face, chest, armpits, and...谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you, that's enough. 身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay, let's go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作I can not deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care.好吧我很满意你的...Fine, I'm satisfied with my...我的微型机器人?My microbot?这是怎么回事?This doesn't make any sense.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescent flowering into a manhood.不!No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但... The thing is attracted with other microbot, but...这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That's impossible, they weredestroyed in a fire.肯定有地方坏了Something's broken.你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where he is trying to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?当然Absolutely.大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?不是吧What?小宏?Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass. #NAME?- Wow, you're up? - Yeah, I figured it was time.你是要去登记入学吗Are you registering for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah, yes. I've thought about what you said. Really inspired me.亲爱的那太棒了!Oh, honey. That's so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅... Okay, special dinner tonight. I leave up some chicken wings...放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱You know, with a hot sauce that makes us faces numb.好啊听起来不错Okay, sounds good.那好!再抱一个Great! Last hug.大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!疯了么你这是要干嘛Are you crazy? What are you doing?我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...I have found where your tiny robot wants to go..都跟你说了它坏了! 它没有要去...I told you, its broken! It's not trying to go...锁住了Locked.那有窗户There is a window.请注意安全Please exercise caution.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.糟了个糕Oh, no.抱歉请允许我放走些空气Excuse me, while I let out some air.好了吗Are you done? 好了Yes.我需要点时间重新充满It will take me a moment to re-inflate.好吧声音轻点就是了Fine, just keep it down.我的微型机器人?My microbots?有人在批量制造Someone's making more.小宏?Hiro?心脏病都快被你吓出来了You gave me a heart attack.我的手掌内置电击器My hands are equipped with defibrillators.- 预备! - 停!住手!- Clear! - Stop! Stop!我只是打个比方It's just an expression!糟了个糕Oh, no.快跑!Run!噢快点!Oh, come on!我跑不快I am not fast.是啊我看到了! Yeah, no kidding!快! 快! 速度!Go! Go! Come on!把门踢倒!Kick it down!出拳!Punch it!快! 快!Go! Go!跟上快! 快!Come on, go! go!快走!Move it!快点!Come on!快点! 从窗户出去! Come on! The window!挤过去!Suck in!大白!Baymax! 小宏?Hiro?快点!咱们赶紧离开这! 跑!速度! Come on! Let's get out of here! Go! Hurry!好了听我整理一下思路Alright, let me get this straight.一个头戴歌伎面具的男人A man in a kabuki mask带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你attacked you with an army of miniature flying robot.是微型机器人!Microbots!微型机器人Microbots.嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器Yeah, he was controlling them以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.也就是说这位面具先生So Mr. Kabuki was using用超能力袭击了你和气球人ESP to attack you and balloon man.你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗?Did you file a report when your flying robots was stolen?没有我以为它们都被烧毁了No, I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他Look, I know it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too. Tell him.是的长官他说的是事... 实Yes, officer. He is telling the tru...th.怎么... 你怎么了?What the... What's wrong with you?电量不足Low battery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa! Whoa, try to keep it ho..me我是您的私人健康助手大白...I am a health care, your personal Baymax...孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid, How about we call your parents and get them down here.什么?What? 在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再...Write your name and number down in this piece of paper, and we can...得赶紧带你回家充电I gotta get you home to your charging station.还能走吗?Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will scan you now. Scan complete.健康Health care.听好...Okay...要是阿姨问起来If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗we are at school all day, got it?我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.不是声音轻点! 嘘!No, But be quiet! Shhh!我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的?You home, sweetie?是的!That's right!就知道我没听错嗨!I thought I heard you. Hi!嘿卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.看看我的小大学生啊Oh, look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah! I can't wait to hear all about it.马上就好咯Oh! It means its almost ready.你能安静会儿吗You be quiet?好了来大吃一顿吧Alright, get ready to have your face melted.明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧We are gonna feel this things tomorrow. You know what I'm saying?好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay, sit down, tell me everything.情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了The thing is, since I registered so late.我有很多功课要赶上I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.什么声音What was that?是糯米团Mochi.该死的猫Oh! That darn cat.就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh! Just take a plate for the road, okay?#NAME?- Don't work too hard. - Thanks for understanding.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.好了起来吧Alright, come on.我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手I'll carry on, I'm your personal Baymax.一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other.没道理啊This doesn't make any sense.阿正Tadashi.什么What?阿正Tadashi.阿正走了Tadashi's gone.他什么时候回来When will he return?他死了大白He is dead, Baymax.阿正身体十分健康Tadashi was in excellent health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise, He should have lived a long life.是他应该会Yeah, He should have. 但发生了一场火灾...But there is a fire...现在他去了Now he's gone.阿正就在这里Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No, people keep saying he is not really gone.他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛...Still hurts..我没有检测出伤口I seen no evidence of physical injury.那是另外一种伤痛It's a different kind of hurt.你是我的病人我想帮助你You are my patient. I would like to help.这个你治不了You can't fix this one buddy.你在做什么Ah..What are you doing?我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am downloading a database on personal lost.数据库下载完成Database downloaded.治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatments include: Contact with friends, and loved ones.#NAME?- I am contacting them now. - No! No, don't do that.#NAME?- Your friends have been contacted. - Unbelieveable!你现在在做什么Now what are you doing?其他治疗方法包括关怀和安抚Other treatments include: Compassion, and physical reassurance.我没事真的I'm okay, really.你会好的You will be alright.乖乖There, there.谢谢你大白Thanks, Baymax. 对于那场火灾我很遗憾I am sorry about the fire.别放心上这是意外It's okay, it was an accident.除非...Unless...除非它不是意外...Unless it wasn't a...蒙面的家伙偷走了我的微型机器人Ah! Ah! The showcase, the guy in the masked stole my microbots还纵火销毁痕迹and set the fire to cover his tracks.是他害死了阿正He's responsible for Tadashi.我们要抓住那家伙We gotta catch that guy.它还活着It's alive, It's alive, It's alive, It's alive!要想抓住那家伙就得给你升升级If we're gonna catch that guy, you need some upgrades.抓到蒙面人能改善你的情绪吗Will apprehending the man in the masked improve your emotional state?。



Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots en ter... One might leaves. 准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again? 没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy. 回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.-再见了小阎王-什么-Not more "Little Yama". - But what? 这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginn er's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go aga in?阎王Yama?-No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey! 给他点颜色看看Teach him a less on!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.-小宏快上车-阿正-Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.-Are you okay? - Yeah.-Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop mein the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. 这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your n ame, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head! 你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighti ng is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才…才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighti ng..thats..that's illegal.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But, so who could heed. rm on a roll, big brother. 谁也不能阻止我And there is no stopp ing me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay... -We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knu ckle heads thi nking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about childre n? No!我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on pare nti ng?Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说...Where I was going with this? I had apoi nt...我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of you two fello nson beat poetry ni ght.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米Stress eat ing because of you! Come on,Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之刖You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everyth ing in the cafe.那是自然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you lear n your less on, bone head.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren't you?小镇那边还有一场比赛There's a fight across town.如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book no w, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊Whe n are you gonna start doing somethi ng with that big brain of yours?干吗像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西你简直不可理喻Un believable. 老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say?我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died whe n I was 3, remember?-I'll take you. - Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can't stop you from going, but rm not gonna letyou go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab somethi ng.Is this gonna take long?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.你还没见过我的实验室呢Any way, you've n ever see n my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.-Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢rve n ever see n Electromag suspe nsion on a bikebefore.零阻力骑得更快Zero resista nee, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough.还不够Yet.别动站在线后面Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the lineSo people can tell mestuff I already know?要用很长时间吗please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed. 接好了Catch!-Laser in duced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运用一点磁约束技术来达到…With a little magn etic confin eme nt for ah..超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow, how did you find anything in this mess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system. There is a place for everyth ing, and everyth ing in its place. -I n eed this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is an archy! Society has rules! 不好意思借过一下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!久仰大名啊rve heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tun gste n Carbide.足足四百磅400 pou nds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna lovethis.一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.一点钻一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint Hydroge nPeroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, an d...快看Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?-So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittleme nt!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lem on.哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆Honey Lem on? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with the nickn ames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah! Ah! Don't be alarmed, it is just a suit. This is not my real face and body.我叫弗莱德The n ame is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上School mascot by day but by ni ght,我还是学校的吉祥物rm also a school mascot.话说你的专业是什么So, what's your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No! No! rm not a stude nt but I scienee en thusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个rve bee n turning to get honey to develop aformula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breath ing lizard atwill.但她居然说这"不科学"But she says that's no t "scie nee".真心不科学It's really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah, and I guess the shri nk ray I ask Wasabi也不是科学吗for isn't scie nee, either?-Is it? - Nope!-Well the n, what about invin sible你想啊你吃着三明治Imag ine eat ing a san dwich but, 可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thi nks you'recrazy.够了喂Just stop.-Laser Eye? - What?-Tin gly fin gers? - Never gonna happe n!那开个杂货店总可以了吧Then what about grocery stores.-那你在研究什么-我展示给你看-So, what are you been working on? - I'III showyou.胶带纸Duct Tape?am a major sandwich? - Hiro!别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already invented.老哥痛痛痛Awww! Dude! Awww...这就是我研究的项目This is what I've been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax. Your pers onal health care compa nion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说I was alerted to the n eed for medical atte ntio n whe n you said:嗷的时候Awww...机器人护士?A robotic nu rse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you ratePhysical, or emoti on al?正在扫描I will sca n you now.扫描完成Sca n complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤You have a slight epidermal abrasi on onyour forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an an ti-bacterial spray.等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa, whoa... What's in the sprayspecifically?喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"The primary in gredie nt is: "Bacitraci n.your pain?been你是说生理上的还是心理上的IItothat.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You're not allergic to Bacitrac in.倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to: Pea nu ts.真不赖Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You've done some serious codi ng on this thinghuh!啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah! Programmedto over more than 10,000medical procedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片This chip! Is what makesBaymax, "Baymax."乙烯树脂Vi nyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏That's a bummer, I'm actually allergickind of thi ng.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪Looks like a walk ing marshmallow. No offen se.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot. I can not be offen ded.超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras?没错Yup.-Titanium skeleton. - Carbon fiber.对哦更轻便Right. Eve n lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的Killer actuators, where did you get those? 就是在这里加工的在实验室里Mach ined them right here... In house.. -He can lift a thousand pounds. - Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy, have a lollipop.真棒Nice!直到你说"我很满意你的照顾"I can not deactivate un til you say:我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well the n, I'm satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He's gonna help a lot of people.-Hey, what kind of battery does it use?-Lithium Ion.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know, Super Capacitor would charge wayfaster.开夜车呢滨田先生Bur ning the mid ni ght oil, Mr. Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey, Professor, I actually was fin ishi ngup.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was youn ger, That's allshe wan ted to do.我能看看吗May I?当然Sure!嗯不错Hmm!磁力伺服器Magn etic Beari ng Servos.超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey, geni us! He inven ted them!你是罗伯特•卡拉汉You are Robert Callagha n?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in, Callaghan.... Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?正是在下That's right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题Ever think about appl ying here? Your age would n't be an issue.他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don't know, he's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting.-Well, kind of serious. - I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy.差不多吧Yeah, I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well, if you like things easy,那或许我们的项目不适合你then my program isn't for you.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限We push the boun daries of robotics here.我的学生们会创造未来My stude nts go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with thebot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wannacatch that botfight.我必须到这里上学I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don't go to this nerd school. rm gonnalose my mind.我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year, the school has a stude ntshowcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with somethi ng that blowsCallagha n away,你就稳了You're in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But, it's gotta be great.相信我Trust me...这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothi ng! No ideas. 空脑子笨脑子Useless empty brain.才十四岁就一败涂地了washed up at 14.太悲哀So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing! rm done! rm never getting in! 我还没对你放弃希望呢rm not giving up on you.-What are you doing? - Shake things up.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to thi nk your way out.换一个角度看问题Look for a new an gle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feeli n'? 我以前可是机器人拳击手You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,这阵势想吓到我还远远不够他紧张着呢Yup, he's n ervous.小家伙没什么好担心的Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.他好紧张He's so ten se.-没我才不紧张-放松点小宏-No! I'm not. - Relax, Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐Your tech is amaz ing! Tell him, Gogo...别叽歪了拿出点气概Stop whi ning, woma n up.我好着呢I'm fine.你需要什么小家伙What you n eed, little man?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair of under内裤你有病得治了Un der pan ts? You n eed serious help.我这是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我已经六个月没洗衣服了I have n't done laundry in 6 mon ths.一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front, I go back, I go in side out the nI go front and back.It takes a lot more than this to rattle me. pants?-Wow!That is both disgusting and awesome. -Don't en courage him.这叫做"循环再利用"It's called "recycli ng".下一位展示者滨田宏Next Prese nter: Hiro Hamada.-Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess rm up.照相照相大家一起说"小宏"Okay! Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say: "Hiro!"小宏Hiro!我们爱你小宏祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck!别搞砸了Don't mess it up.祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg, little man!科学万岁耶Scien ce, yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了Alright, Bro. This is it!拜托别让我失望了Come on, don't leave me hanging.怎么了?What's going on?我真的很想去你们学校I really wanna go here.你可以的You got this.大家好Hi...我的名字是滨…My n ame is Hiro...抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My n ame is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And, I've bee n work ing on someth ing thatI thi nk is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This, is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.看起来微不足道It does n't look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of itspals...就变得有趣多了Things gonna get a little morein teresti ng.它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are con trolled with this n eurotra nsmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do... 它们就照做They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech are limitless.建筑物Con structi on …曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people人工建造数月或数年working by hands for mon ths or years. 现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by one pers on. 这仅仅是九牛一毛And that's just the beg innin g...可不可以用在How about...交通运输上?Tran sportatio n?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方Microbots can move anything, any where,with ease.只有想不到If you can think it...没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制The only limit is your imagination.微型机器人Microbots!那是我外甥That's my n ephew!是我家人我爱我家人My Family! I love my family!棒呆了Nailed it!-You did it! - You did it bad.-做得好小宏-太让我震惊了老弟-Goodjob, Hiro. - It blows mymind, dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you. That was amaz ing!是的Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development, your tech could berevoluti on ary.你是阿拉斯泰尔•克雷Alastair Krei.我可以看看么?May I?太棒了Extraord in ary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.克雷先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an in spired piece of tech.你可以继续开发它们You can con ti nue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self in terest.罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert, I know how you feel about me但是这不关你的事But it should n't affect you...一切由你决定小宏This is your decisi on, Hiro.但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的But you should know, Mr. Krei has cut corners喜欢走捷径忽视科学and ignored sound scie nee to get where heis.不是那样的That's just not true.克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I would n't trust Krei Tech with yourmicrobots其他东西也是or any thi ng else小宏Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳rm offeri ng you more money tha n anyfourtee n year old could imag ine.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei. But they are notfor sale.我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter tha n that.罗伯特Robert.克雷先生Mr. Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That's my brother's.哦对了Oh, that's right.我期望能在课堂上见到你rm look ing forward of see ing you in class...哇耶难以置信Wohoo! Yeah! Un believable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses! Let's feed those hungry brains.回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe, dinner is on me!太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes, nothing is better tha n free food. -Aunt Cass... - Uni ess it's moldy.-我们会赶回去的好么-当然-We'll catch up, okay? - Sure.我为你感到骄傲rm so proud of you!-Both of you! - Than ks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say.我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself因为我的天赋终于能用于正途…because I'm fin ally using my gift for someth ing importa nt..不我只是想告诉你No! No, I was just gonna tell you,整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的your fly was dow n for the whole show. 哈哈别搞笑Haha, Hilarious!什么啊What? Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School,怪咖Nerd!我Hey, I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I would n't be here if it was n't for you,so...你知道You kno w...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me.你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah, I'm okay. But Professor Callaghan is still inthere.阿正不要Tadashi, No!教授还在里面Callagha n's in there.我得去救他Some one has to help.阿正Tadashi!阿正Tadashi!嗨Hey...嗨卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She's weari ng someth ing superin appropriate for an 80 year old.每次都能让我捧腹大笑It always cracks me up.你应该下楼看看You should come dow n.以后再说吧Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了Oh, the university called again.开学已经有几周了It's bee n a few weeks since classes started,但他们说现在去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register. 知道了谢谢Okay, tha nks. 我会考虑的I'll thi nk about it.嗨小宏Hi, Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了We just wan ted to check in and see howyou're doing.我们希望你能来学校老弟We wish you were here, buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro, if I could have only one super power rightno w...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱it would be the ability to crawl throughthis camera and give you a big hug.嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax, Your pers onal healthcare compa nion.你好Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax, I did n't know you were stillactive.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress. What seems tobe the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh, I just had my toe a little. I'm fine.从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rateyour pain?零?Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了rm okay, really. Than ks. You can shri nk now.-Does it hurt when I touch it? - That'sokay. No! No touch ing!嗷!Aw!你摔倒了You have falle n.你说呢You thi nk?从一...On a scale of on e...从…On a scale...从...On a scale...从一到十...On a scale of one to ten...从一到十你的痛感是几级?Ona scale of one to ten, Howwould you rate your pain?零Zero.-It is alright to cry. - No! No...-Crying is a n atural resp onse to pain.-I'm not crying.-让我为你扫描看是否受伤-别扫我-I will scan you for injury.me.-扫描完毕-不可理喻!-Scan complete. - Un believeable!你没有受到外伤You have susta ined no in juries.但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质However, your horm one andn eurotra nsmitter levels都显示你有异常情绪波动in dicate that you are experie ncing moodswi ngs.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定:Common on adolesce nes. Diag no sis:青春期躁动Puberty.你说什么?Woah! What?好吧你该缩回去了这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an in crease in body hair. 尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和...Especially on your face, chest, armpits, an d...谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you, that's eno ugh.身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experie nee stra nge and powerfulnew urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay, let's go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作-Don't scan Okay, time to shrink now.I can not deactivate un til you say: You are satisfied with your care.好吧我很满意你的…Fine, I'm satisfied with my...我的微型机器人?My microbot?这是怎么回事?This does n't make any sen se.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can ofte n be a confusing time for young adolesce nt floweri ng into a man hood. 不!No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但…The thing is attracted with other microbot, but... 这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That's impossible, they were destroyed in a fire. 肯定有地方坏了Somethi ng's broke n.你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where heis tryi ng to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗Would that stabilize your pubesce nt moodswin gs?当然Absolutely.大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?不是吧What?小宏?Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.-Wow, you're up? - Yeah, I figured it was time.你是要去登记入学吗Are you registeri ng for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah, yes.「ve thought about what you said.Really in spired me.亲爱的那太棒了!Oh, hon ey. That's so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅...Okay, special dinner toni ght. I leave upsome chicke n win gs...放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱You know, with a hot sauce that makes usfaces nu mb. I told you, its broken! It's not trying to 我需要点时间重新充满好啊听起来不错go... It will take me a moment to re-inflate. Okay, sounds good. 锁住了好吧声音轻点就是了那好!再抱一个Locked. Fin e, just keep it dow n.Great! Last hug. 那有窗户我的微型机器人?大白!There is a wi ndow. My microbots?Baymax! 请注意安全有人在批量制造大白!Please exercise cauti on. Some on e's making more.Baymax! 从这样的咼度坠落可导致身体损伤小宏?大白! A fall from this height could lead to Hiro?Baymax! bodily harm. 心脏病都快被你吓出来了大白!糟了个糕You gave me a heart attack.Baymax! Oh, no. 我的手掌内置电击器疯了么你这是要干嘛抱歉请允许我放走些空气Myhands are equipped with defibrillators Are you crazy? What are you doing? Excuse me, while I let out some air. -预备!-停!住手!我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了…好了吗-Clear! - Stop! Stop!I have found where your tiny robot wants Are you done? 我只是打个比方to go.. 好了It's just an expressi on!都跟你说了它坏了!它没有要去…Yes. 糟了个糕Oh, no. 快走!attacked you with an army of min iature 快跑!Move it! flying robot.Ru n! 快点!是微型机器人!噢快点!Come on! Microbots!Oh, come on! 快点!从窗户出去!微型机器人我跑不快Come on! The win dow! Microbots.I am not fast. 挤过去!嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器是啊我看到了!Suck in! Yeah, he was con trolli ng them Yeah, no kidd ing! 大白!以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人快!快!速度!Baymax! telepathically with a n eurocra nialGo! Go! Come on! 小宏?tran smitter.把门踢倒!Hiro? 也就是说这位面具先生Kick it dow n! 快点!咱们赶紧离开这!跑!速度!So Mr. Kabuki was using出拳!Comeon! Let's get out of here! Go! Hurry! 用超能力袭击了你和气球人Punch it! 好了听我整理一下思路ESP to attack you and ballo on man. 快!快!Alright, let me get this straight. 你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗Go! Go! 一个头戴歌伎面具的男人Did you file a report when your flying 跟上快!快! A man in a kabuki mask robots was stole n?Come on, go! go! 带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你没有我以为它们都被烧毁了What?在这张表上填上姓名电话 然后我们再...Write your n ame and nu mber dow n in this得赶紧带你回家充电I gotta get you home to your charg ing stati on.还能走吗?Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will sca n you now. Sca n complete.健康Health care.听好...Okay...要是阿姨问起来If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗we are at school all day, got it?No, I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议 不过当时大白也在 告诉他there too. Tell him.是的长官他说的是事…实Yes, officer. Heis telli ng the tru...th.怎么…你怎么了 ?What the... What's wrong with you?电量不足Low battery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa! Whoa, try to keep it ho..me我是您的私人健康助手 大白…I ama health care, your personal Baymax...孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid, Howabout we call your parents and get them dow n here.什么?Look, I know it sounds crazy but Baymaxwas piece of paper, and we can...我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of wi ndow.不是声音轻点!嘘!No, But be quiet! Shhh!我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of wi ndow.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的?You home, sweetie?是的!That's right!就知道我没听错嗨!I thought I heard you. Hi! 嘿卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.看看我的小大学生啊Oh, look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah! I can't wait to hear all about it.马上就好咯Oh! It means its almost ready.你能安静会儿吗You be quiet?好了来大吃一顿吧Alright, get ready to have your face melted. 明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧Weare gonna feel this things tomorrow. know what rm say ing?好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay, sit dow n, tell me everythi ng.情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了The thing is, since I registered so late.on.什么声音What was that?是糯米团Mochi.该死的猫Oh! That darn cat.就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh! Just take a plate for the road, okay?-Don't work too hard. - Tha nks forun dersta nding.Hairy baby.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.好了起来吧我有很多功课要赶上我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手rve got a lot of school stuff to catch up ril carry on, I'm your personal Baymax.You毛茸茸的宝贝一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other.没道理啊This does n't make any sense.阿正Tadashi.什么What?阿正Tadashi.阿正走了Tadashi's gone.他什么时候回来When will he return?他死了大白Alright, come on.我没有检测出伤口I see n no evide nee of physical injury.It's a differe nt kind of hurt.你是我的病人我想帮助你You are my patie nt. I would like to help.这个你治不了You can't fix this one buddy.你在做什么Ah..What are you doing?我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am dow nl oad ing a database on pers onal lost. 数据库下载完成Database dow nl oaded.治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatme nts in elude: Con tact with frie nds, and loved on es.do that. -Your frie nds have bee n con tacted.-Un believeable!你现在在做什么Now what are you doing?其他治疗方法包括关怀和安抚Other treatments include: Compassion, and physical reassura nee.我没事真的rm okay, really.你会好的You will be alright.乖乖There, there.谢谢你大白Than ks, Baymax.对于那场火灾我很遗憾I am sorry about the fire.Tadashi was in excelle nt health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise, He should 那是另外一种伤痛have lived a long life.是他应该会Yeah, He should have.但发生了一场火灾…But there is a fire...现在他去了Now he's gone.阿正就在这里Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No, people keep say ing he is not reallygone.他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛…Still hurts.. -I amcontacting them now. - No! No, don't 另放心上这是意夕卜。



起来起来Get up!Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner!By total annihilation。

催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who’s next?Where’s the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot.I built it myself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid!House Rules:You gotta pay to play。

这些够了吗Oh,Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What’s your name,little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro,Hiro Hamada。

准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot,Zero.。

.两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter。

.One might leaves。

准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight.Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy. 回家吧Go home。

我还有钱I've got more money.。

准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy。

-再见了小阎王—什么-Not more"Little Yama"。

-But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey,I'm as surprised asyou are。

Beginner’s luck。

你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?#NAME?-No one hustles Yama!—Wooh!Hey!给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas.Let’s talkabout this。



起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了小阎王 - 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?#NAME?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey!给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.- 小宏快上车 - 阿正- Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.#NAME?- Are you okay? - Yeah.#NAME?- Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head!你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll, big brother.谁也不能阻止我And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay...#NAME?- We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about children? No!我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说...Where I was going with this? I had a point...#NAME?#NAME?我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米Stress eating because of you! Come on, Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe.那是自然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren't you?小镇那边还有一场比赛There's a fight across town.如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? 干吗像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻Unbelievable.老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say?我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3, remember?#NAME?- I'll take you. - Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab something.要用很长时间吗Is this gonna take long?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway, you've never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.#NAME?- Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.零阻力骑得更快Zero resistance, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough.还不够Yet.别动站在线后面Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro. 你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.接好了Catch!#NAME?- Laser induced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运用一点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement for ah..超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow, how did you find anything in this mess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place.#NAME?- I need this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is anarchy! Society has rules!不好意思借过一下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!久仰大名啊I've heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide.足足四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna love this.一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.一点钴一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, and...快看Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?#NAME?- So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittlement!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lemon.哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah! Ah! Don't be alarmed, it is just a suit. This is not my real face and body.我叫弗莱德The name is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上School mascot by day but by night,我还是学校的吉祥物I'm also a school mascot.话说你的专业是什么So, what's your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No! No! I'm not a student but I am a major science enthusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个I've been turning to get honey to develop a formula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will.但她居然说这"不科学"But she says that's not "science".真心不科学It's really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabi也不是科学吗for isn't science, either?#NAME?- Is it? - Nope!#NAME?- Well then, what about invinsible sandwich? - Hiro!你想啊你吃着三明治Imagine eating a sandwich but,可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thinks you're crazy.够了喂Just stop.#NAME?- Laser Eye? - What?#NAME?-Tingly fingers? - Never gonna happen!那开个杂货店总可以了吧Then what about grocery stores.- 那你在研究什么 - 我展示给你看- So, what are you been working on? - I'lll show you.胶带纸Duct Tape?别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already been invented.老哥痛痛痛Awww! Dude! Awww...这就是我研究的项目This is what I've been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said:嗷的时候Awww...机器人护士?A robotic nurse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?你是说生理上的还是心理上的Physical, or emotional?正在扫描I will scan you now.扫描完成Scan complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa, whoa... What's in the spray specifically?喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"The primary ingredient is: "Bacitracin."真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏That's a bummer, I'm actually allergic to that.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You're not allergic to Bacitracin.倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts.真不赖Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You've done some serious coding on this thing huh!啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah! Programmed to over more than 10,000 medical procedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片This chip! Is what makes Baymax, "Baymax."乙烯树脂Vinyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot. I can not be offended.超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras?没错Yup.#NAME?- Titanium skeleton. - Carbon fiber.对哦更轻便Right. Even lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的Killer actuators, where did you get those?就是在这里加工的在实验室里Machined them right here... In house..#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?- He can lift a thousand pounds. - Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy, have a lollipop.真棒Nice!直到你说 "我很满意你的照顾"I can not deactivate until you say:我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He's gonna help a lot of people.#NAME?- Hey, what kind of battery does it use? - Lithium lon.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know, Super Capacitor would charge way faster.开夜车呢滨田先生Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey, Professor, I actually was finishing up.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was younger, That's all she wanted to do.我能看看吗May I?当然Sure!嗯不错Hmm!磁力伺服器Magnetic Bearing Servos.超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey, genius! He invented them! 你是罗伯特·卡拉汉You are Robert Callaghan?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in, Callaghan.... Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?正是在下That's right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题Ever think about applying here? Your age wouldn't be an issue.他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don't know, he's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting.#NAME?- Well, kind of serious. - I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy.差不多吧Yeah, I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well, if you like things easy,那或许我们的项目不适合你then my program isn't for you.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限We push the boundaries of robotics here.我的学生们会创造未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fight.我必须到这里上学I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don't go to this nerd school. I'm gonna lose my mind.我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year, the school has a student showcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with something that blows Callaghan away,你就稳了You're in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But, it's gotta be great.相信我Trust me...这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothing! No ideas.空脑子笨脑子Useless empty brain.才十四岁就一败涂地了washed up at 14.太悲哀So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing! I'm done! I'm never getting in!我还没对你放弃希望呢I'm not giving up on you.#NAME?- What are you doing? - Shake things up.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.换一个角度看问题Look for a new angle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feelin'?我以前可是机器人拳击手You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,这阵势想吓到我还远远不够It takes a lot more than this to rattle me.他紧张着呢Yup, he's nervous.小家伙没什么好担心的Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.他好紧张He's so tense.- 没我才不紧张 - 放松点小宏- No! I'm not. - Relax, Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐Your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo...别叽歪了拿出点气概Stop whining, woman up.我好着呢I'm fine.你需要什么小家伙What you need, little man?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair of under pants?内裤你有病得治了Under pants? You need serious help.我这是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我已经六个月没洗衣服了I haven't done laundry in 6 months.一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front, I go back, I go inside out then I go front and back.#NAME?- Wow! That is both disgusting and awesome. - Don't encourage him.这叫做"循环再利用"It's called "recycling".下一位展示者滨田宏Next Presenter: Hiro Hamada.#NAME?- Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess I'm up. 照相照相大家一起说 "小宏"Okay! Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say: "Hiro!"小宏Hiro!我们爱你小宏祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck!别搞砸了Don't mess it up.祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg, little man!科学万岁耶Science, yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了Alright, Bro. This is it!拜托别让我失望了Come on, don't leave me hanging.怎么了?What's going on?我真的很想去你们学校I really wanna go here.你可以的You got this.大家好Hi...我的名字是滨...My name is Hiro...抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And, I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This, is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.看起来微不足道It doesn't look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of its pals...就变得有趣多了Things gonna get a little more interesting.它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do...它们就照做They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech are limitless.建筑物Construction... 曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people人工建造数月或数年working by hands for months or years.现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by one person.这仅仅是九牛一毛And that's just the beginning...可不可以用在How about...交通运输上?Transportation?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方Microbots can move anything, anywhere, with ease.只有想不到If you can think it...没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制The only limit is your imagination.微型机器人Microbots!那是我外甥That's my nephew!是我家人我爱我家人My Family! I love my family!棒呆了Nailed it!#NAME?- You did it! - You did it bad.- 做得好小宏 - 太让我震惊了老弟- Good job, Hiro. - It blows my mind, dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you. That was amazing!是的Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.你是阿拉斯泰尔·克雷Alastair Krei.我可以看看么?May I?太棒了Extraordinary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.克雷先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你可以继续开发它们You can continue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self interest.罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert, I know how you feel about me但是这不关你的事But it shouldn't affect you...一切由你决定小宏This is your decision, Hiro.但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的But you should know, Mr. Krei has cut corners喜欢走捷径忽视科学and ignored sound science to get where he is.不是那样的That's just not true.克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your microbots其他东西也是or anything else小宏Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳I'm offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagine.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei. But they are not for sale.我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter than that. 罗伯特Robert.克雷先生Mr. Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That's my brother's.哦对了Oh, that's right.我期望能在课堂上见到你I'm looking forward of seeing you in class...哇耶难以置信Wohoo! Yeah! Unbelievable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses! Let's feed those hungry brains.回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe, dinner is on me!太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes, nothing is better than free food.#NAME?- Aunt Cass... - Unless it's moldy.- 我们会赶回去的好么 - 当然- We'll catch up, okay? - Sure.我为你感到骄傲I'm so proud of you!#NAME?- Both of you! - Thanks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say. 我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself因为我的天赋终于能用于正途... because I'm finally using my gift for something important..不我只是想告诉你No! No, I was just gonna tell you,整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的your fly was down for the whole show.哈哈别搞笑Haha, Hilarious!什么啊What? Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School,怪咖Nerd!我Hey, I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so...你知道You know...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me.你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah, I'm okay. But Professor Callaghan is still in there.阿正不要Tadashi, No!教授还在里面Callaghan's in there.我得去救他Someone has to help.阿正Tadashi!阿正Tadashi!嗨Hey...嗨卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She's wearing something super inappropriate for an 80 year old.每次都能让我捧腹大笑It always cracks me up.你应该下楼看看You should come down.以后再说吧Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了Oh, the university called again.开学已经有几周了It's been a few weeks since classes started, 但他们说现在去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register.知道了谢谢Okay, thanks.我会考虑的I'll think about it.嗨小宏Hi, Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了We just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.我们希望你能来学校老弟We wish you were here, buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro, if I could have only one super power right now...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug.嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax, Your personal health care companion.你好Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax, I didn't know you were still active.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh, I just had my toe a little. I'm fine.从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?零?Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.#NAME?- Does it hurt when I touch it? - That's okay. No! No touching!嗷!Aw!你摔倒了You have fallen.你说呢You think?从一...On a scale of one...从...On a scale...从...On a scale...从一到十...On a scale of one to ten...从一到十你的痛感是几级? On a scale of one to ten, How would you rate your pain?零Zero.#NAME?- It is alright to cry. - No! No...#NAME?- Crying is a natural response to pain. - I'm not crying.- 让我为你扫描看是否受伤 - 别扫我- I will scan you for injury. - Don't scan me.- 扫描完毕 - 不可理喻!- Scan complete. - Unbelieveable!你没有受到外伤You have sustained no injuries.但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels都显示你有异常情绪波动indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定:Common on adolescenes. Diagnosis:青春期躁动Puberty.你说什么?Woah! What?好吧你该缩回去了Okay, time to shrink now.这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an increase in body hair.尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和...Especially on your face, chest, armpits, and...谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you, that's enough.身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay, let's go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作I can not deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care.好吧我很满意你的...Fine, I'm satisfied with my...我的微型机器人?My microbot?这是怎么回事?This doesn't make any sense.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescent flowering into a manhood.不!No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但...The thing is attracted with other microbot, but...这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That's impossible, they were destroyed in a fire.肯定有地方坏了Something's broken.你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where he is trying to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?当然Absolutely.大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?不是吧What?小宏?Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.#NAME?- Wow, you're up? - Yeah, I figured it was time.你是要去登记入学吗Are you registering for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah, yes. I've thought about what you said. Really inspired me.亲爱的那太棒了!Oh, honey. That's so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅...Okay, special dinner tonight. I leave up some chicken wings...放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱You know, with a hot sauce that makes us faces numb.好啊听起来不错Okay, sounds good.那好!再抱一个Great! Last hug.大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!疯了么你这是要干嘛Are you crazy? What are you doing?我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...I have found where your tiny robot wants to go..都跟你说了它坏了! 它没有要去... I told you, its broken! It's not trying to go...锁住了Locked.那有窗户There is a window.请注意安全Please exercise caution.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.糟了个糕Oh, no.抱歉请允许我放走些空气Excuse me, while I let out some air.好了吗Are you done?好了Yes.我需要点时间重新充满It will take me a moment to re-inflate.好吧声音轻点就是了Fine, just keep it down.我的微型机器人?My microbots?有人在批量制造Someone's making more.小宏?Hiro?心脏病都快被你吓出来了You gave me a heart attack.我的手掌内置电击器My hands are equipped with defibrillators.- 预备! - 停!住手!- Clear! - Stop! Stop!我只是打个比方It's just an expression!糟了个糕Oh, no.快跑!Run!噢快点!Oh, come on!我跑不快I am not fast.是啊我看到了!Yeah, no kidding!快! 快! 速度!Go! Go! Come on!把门踢倒!Kick it down!出拳!Punch it!快! 快!Go! Go!跟上快! 快!Come on, go! go!快走!Move it! 快点!Come on!快点! 从窗户出去!Come on! The window!挤过去!Suck in!大白!Baymax!小宏?Hiro?快点!咱们赶紧离开这! 跑!速度! Come on! Let's get out of here! Go! Hurry!好了听我整理一下思路Alright, let me get this straight.一个头戴歌伎面具的男人A man in a kabuki mask带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你attacked you with an army of miniature flying robot.是微型机器人!Microbots!微型机器人Microbots.嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器Yeah, he was controlling them以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.也就是说这位面具先生So Mr. Kabuki was using用超能力袭击了你和气球人ESP to attack you and balloon man.你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗? Did you file a report when your flying robots was stolen?没有我以为它们都被烧毁了No, I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他Look, I know it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too. Tell him.是的长官他说的是事... 实Yes, officer. He is telling the tru...th.怎么... 你怎么了?What the... What's wrong with you?电量不足Low battery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa! Whoa, try to keep it ho..me我是您的私人健康助手大白...I am a health care, your personal Baymax...孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid, How about we call your parents and get them down here.什么?What?在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再... Write your name and number down in this piece of paper, and we can... 得赶紧带你回家充电I gotta get you home to your charging station.还能走吗?Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will scan you now. Scan complete.健康Health care.听好...Okay...要是阿姨问起来If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗we are at school all day, got it?我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.不是声音轻点! 嘘!No, But be quiet! Shhh!我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的?You home, sweetie?是的!That's right!就知道我没听错嗨!I thought I heard you. Hi!嘿卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.看看我的小大学生啊Oh, look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah! I can't wait to hear all about it.马上就好咯Oh! It means its almost ready.你能安静会儿吗You be quiet?好了来大吃一顿吧Alright, get ready to have your face melted.明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧We are gonna feel this things tomorrow. You know what I'm saying?好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay, sit down, tell me everything.情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了The thing is, since I registered so late.我有很多功课要赶上I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.什么声音What was that?是糯米团Mochi. 该死的猫Oh! That darn cat.就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh! Just take a plate for the road, okay?#NAME?- Don't work too hard. - Thanks for understanding.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.好了起来吧Alright, come on.我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手I'll carry on, I'm your personal Baymax.一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other.没道理啊This doesn't make any sense.阿正Tadashi.什么What?阿正Tadashi.阿正走了Tadashi's gone.他什么时候回来When will he return?他死了大白He is dead, Baymax.阿正身体十分健康Tadashi was in excellent health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise, He should have lived a long life.是他应该会Yeah, He should have.但发生了一场火灾...But there is a fire...现在他去了Now he's gone.阿正就在这里Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No, people keep saying he is not really gone.他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛...Still hurts..我没有检测出伤口I seen no evidence of physical injury.那是另外一种伤痛It's a different kind of hurt.你是我的病人我想帮助你You are my patient. I would like to help.这个你治不了You can't fix this one buddy.你在做什么Ah..What are you doing?我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am downloading a database on personal lost.数据库下载完成Database downloaded.治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatments include: Contact with friends, and loved ones.#NAME?- I am contacting them now. - No! No, don't do that.#NAME?- Your friends have been contacted. - Unbelieveable!你现在在做什么Now what are you doing?其他治疗方法包括关怀和安抚Other treatments include: Compassion, and physical reassurance.我没事真的I'm okay, really.你会好的You will be alright.乖乖There, there.谢谢你大白Thanks, Baymax.对于那场火灾我很遗憾I am sorry about the fire.别放心上这是意外。



【超能陆战队】台词中英对照起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞⽣完胜对⼿The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下⼀个谁还有胆量在赛场上⼀决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的⼩阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器⼈是我⾃⼰造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧⼩⼦这⼉有规矩交钱才能⼊场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么⼩朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫⼩宏滨⽥宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器⼈⼩⾍Prepare your bot, Zero...两⽅对垒决⼀死战Two bots enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第⼀次参赛能再试⼀次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没⼈喜欢输不起的⼈⼩朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁⼒神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了⼩阎王- 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新⼿运⽓好吧1Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来⼀次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey! 给他点颜⾊看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.- ⼩宏快上车- 阿正- Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.- Are you okay? - Yeah. - Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋Then, what are you thinking, knucklehead!你⼗三岁从⾼中毕业就是为了⼲这个You graduated high school and you're13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器⼈⽐赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna getyourself arrested.机器⼈⽐赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.但没⼈会注意到的我势头可猛了⽼哥But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll,big brother.谁也不能阻⽌我And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you'reokay...2- We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个⼩笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的⼗年我含⾟茹苦把你们拉扯⼤For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我⼗全⼗美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养⼩孩吗不Do I know anything about children? No! 我该找本育⼉⼿册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说...Where I was going with this? I had apoint...我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收⼯I had to close up early because of youtwo fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴⾷了过来糯⽶Stress eating because of you! Come on,Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅⾥的所有⾷物之前You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe.那是⾃然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训⼩⼦And I hope you learn your lesson, bonehead.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器⼈⽐赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren't you?⼩镇那边还有⼀场⽐赛There's a fight across town.3如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能⽤⽤你那聪明的⼤脑⽠啊When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? ⼲吗像你⼀样去上⼤学What? Go to college like you?好让别⼈教我我早就知道的东西So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻Unbelievable.⽼妈⽼爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say? 我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3, remember?- I'll take you. - Really?我阻⽌不了你但我不会让你⾃⼰去I can't stop you from going, but I'm notgonna let you go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆⼦学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器⼈⽐赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab something.要⽤很长时间吗Is this gonna take long?淡定我的⼤宝贝拿完东西就⾛Relax, you big baby, we will be in andout.你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway, you've never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆⼦实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.- Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神⾏御姐这是我弟弟⼩宏4Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆⼦实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应⽤在⾃⾏车上的电磁悬浮呢I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.零阻⼒骑得更快Zero resistance, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough. 还不够Yet.别动站在线后⾯Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please.芥末⽆疆这是我弟弟⼩宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.你好啊⼩宏做好⼤吃⼀惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.接好了Catch!- Laser induced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运⽤⼀点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement for超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到⾃⼰要⽤的Wow, how did you find anything in thismess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各⾃的位置I have a system. There is a place foreverything, and everything in its place.- I need this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is anarchy! Society has rules!不好意思借过⼀下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你⼀定是⼩宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!5久仰⼤名啊I've heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide. ⾜⾜四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你⼀定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna love this.⼀点⾼氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.⼀点钴⼀点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...加热⾄五百开尔⽂然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, and...Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?- So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对⾦属的脆化作⽤Chemical metal embrittlement!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lemon.哈妮柠檬神⾏御姐芥末⽆疆Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬⾐上就洒了⼀次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙⼈在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服⽽已我真⼈可不长这6。



big hero超能陆战队中的台词《超能陆战队》(Big Hero 6)是迪士尼与漫威联合出品的第一部动画电影,主要讲述充气机器人大白与天才少年小宏联手菜鸟小伙伴组建超能战队,共同打击犯罪阴谋的故事。

以下是店铺为大家准备的big hero中的台词,希望大家喜欢!big hero中的台词(一)1、Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking!那你们两个傻瓜在想什么!2、Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?在开夜车吗,浜田先生?3、You come up with something that blows Callaghan away. You're in.你想出一个能让卡拉汉惊艳的东西,就会被录取。

4、Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad.哇哦,刚刚14岁就江郎才尽了,太悲哀了。

5、But you should know, Mr.Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is.但是你应该知道,格利先生取得今天的成绩是因为惯于投机取巧,无视可靠的科学。

6、The guy's too high profile.这个家伙太高调了。

7、What you just did, we never signed up for.你刚才做的,不是我们事先约定好的。

8、Honey, Fred, can you give us some cover?哈尼,弗雷德,能给我们做一下掩护吗?9、Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individuals.关于这些不明身份的人的报道还在铺天盖地地袭来。

10、We didn't set out to be superheroes.我们没想过要当超级英雄。



超能陆战队1--Get up!Get up!起来起来2--The winner!By total annihilation.赢家诞生完胜对手3--Yama!催命阎王4--Who's next?Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄5--With little Yama!挑战我的小阎王6--Can I try?我能试试吗7--I have a robot.I built it myself.我有个机器人是我自己造的8--Beat it kid!House Rules:You gotta pay to play.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场9--Oh,is this enough?这些够了吗10--What's your name,little boy?你叫什么小朋友11--Hiro,Hiro Hamada.我叫小宏滨田宏12--Prepare your bot,Zero...准备好你的机器人小虫13--Two bots enter...One might leaves.两方对垒决一死战14--Fighters ready?准备好了吗15--Fight!开战16--That was my first fight.Can I try again?这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗17--No one likes a sore loser little boy.没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友18--Go home.回家吧19--I've got more money...我还有钱20--Fighters ready?准备好了吗21--Fight!开战22--Megabot!磁力神23--Destroy.灭了他24---Not more"Little Yama".-But what?-再见了小阎王-什么25--This is not possible!这怎么可能26--Hey,I'm as surprised as you are.Beginner's luck.我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧27--Do you wanna go again?你还想再来一次吗28--Yama?阎王29---No one hustles Yama!-Wooh!Hey!-没人敢惹阎王-嘿30--Teach him a lesson!给他点颜色看看31--Hey fellas.Let's talk about this.伙计们有话好好说32---Hiro,get on!-Tadashi!-小宏快上车-阿正33--Ooh!Good timing.来得真是时候34---Are you okay?-Yeah.-你没事吧-没事35---Are you hurt?-No!-受伤了吗-没有36--Then,what are you thinking,knuckle head!那你在想什么笨蛋37--You graduated high school and you're13and this is what you're doing?你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个38--Hold on!抓紧了39--Bot fighting is illegal.You're gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的40--Bot fighting is not illegal.Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法41--But,so who could heed.I'm on a roll,big brother.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥42--And there is no stopping me!谁也不能阻止我43--Oh,no.哦不44--Hi,Aunt Cass.嗨卡斯阿姨45--Are you guys okay?Tell me you're okay...你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事46---We're fine.-We're okay.-我们很好-我们没事47--Oh good.那就好48--Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么49--For10years,I heed the best I could to raise you.过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大50--Have I been perfect?No!我十全十美吗不51--Do I know anything about children?No!我很会养小孩吗不52--Should I pick a book on parenting?Probably?我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧53--Where I was going with this?I had a point...我想说什么来着我本来想说...54---Sorry.-We love you,Aunt Cass.-抱歉-我们爱您卡斯阿姨55--I love you too!我也爱你56--I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工57--Stress eating because of you!Come on,Moty!因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米58--This is really good!真的好好吃啊59--You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前60--before she eats everything in the cafe.想办法补偿她61--For sure.那是自然62--And I hope you learn your lesson,bone head.我希望你能吸取教训小子63--Absolutely.我会的64--You're going fight boting,aren't you?你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗65--There's a fight across town.小镇那边还有一场比赛66--If I book now,I could still make it.如果我现在预约还能赶得上67--When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊68--What?Go to college like you?干吗像你一样去上大学69--So people can tell me stuff I already know?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西70--Unbelievable.你简直不可理喻71--Ahh!What would Mom and Dad say?老妈老爸会怎么说啊72--I don't know.They're gone.我不知道他们已经过世了73--They died when I was3,remember?我三岁时他们就死了记得吗74---I'll take you.-Really?-我带你去-真的吗75--I can't stop you from going,but I'm not gonna let you go on your own.我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去76--Sweet!太棒了77--What are we doing at your nerd school?我们来你的呆子学校做什么78--Bot fights that way!机器人比赛在那边79--Gotta grab something.我去拿点东西80--Is this gonna take long?要用很长时间吗81--Relax,you big baby,we will be in and out.淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走82--Anyway,you've never seen my lab.你还没见过我的实验室呢83--Oh great!I get to see your Nerd Lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了84---Heads up!-Wooh!-小心-噢85--Electromag suspension?电磁悬浮86--Who are you?你是谁87--Gogo,this is my brother,Hiro.神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏88--Welcome to the Nerd Lab.欢迎来到呆子实验室89--Yeah...是啊90--I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢91--Zero resistance,faster bike.零阻力骑得更快92--But...Not fast enough.但...还不够快93--Yet.还不够94--Ohh!Woohh!Do not move!Behind the line please.别动站在线后面95--Hey,Wasabi.This is my brother,Hiro.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏96--Hello,Hiro.Prepare to be amazed.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备97--Catch!接好了98---Laser induced Plasma?-Oh,yeah.-激光诱导等离子体-没错99--With a little magnetic confinement for ah..运用一点磁约束技术来达到...100--Ultra precision.超精密程度101--Wow,how did you find anything in this mess?你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的102--I have a system.There is a place for everything,and everything in its place.我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置103---I need this!-You can't do that!-借用一下-你不能这样104--This is anarchy!Society has rules!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!105--Excuse me!Coming through!不好意思借过一下106--Tadashi!阿正107--Oh my gosh,you must be Hiro!我的天哪你一定是小宏108--I've heard so much about you!久仰大名啊109--Perfect timing!Perfect timing!来得正好110--That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide.全是碳化钨111--400pounds of it.足足四百磅112--Come here!Come here!You're gonna love this.过来你一定会喜欢这个的113--A dash of per chloric acid.一点高氯酸114--A smidge of cobalt,a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...一点钴一点过氧化氢115--super heated to500Kelvin,and...加热至五百开尔文然后...116--Tadah!快看117--It's really great,huh?很不错吧118---So pink.-Here's the best part.-太粉嫩了-重头戏来了119--I know right!很神奇吧120--Chemical metal embrittlement!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用121--Not bad,Honey Lemon.不赖嘛哈妮柠檬122--Honey Lemon?Gogo?Wasabi?哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆123--I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people.One time!我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次124--Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.外号都是弗莱德取的125--Ah...Who's Fred?谁是弗莱德126--This guy right here!鄙人在此127--Ah!Ah!Don't be alarmed,it is just a suit.This is not my real face and body.莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样128--The name is Fred.我叫弗莱德129--School mascot by day but by night,白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上130--I'm also a school mascot.我还是学校的吉祥物131--So,what's your major?话说你的专业是什么132--No!No!I'm not a student but I am a major science enthusiast..不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控133--I've been turning to get honey to develop a formula...我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个134--That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will.能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式135--But she says that's not"science".但她居然说这"不科学"136--It's really not.真心不科学137--Yeah,and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabi才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢138--for isn't science,either?也不是科学吗139---Is it?-Nope!-不是吗-不是140---Well then,what about invinsible sandwich?-Hiro!-那隐形三明治怎么样-小宏过来141--Imagine eating a sandwich but,你想啊你吃着三明治142--everybody just thinks you're crazy.可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病143--Just stop.够了喂144---Laser Eye?-What?-激光眼呢-什么145---Tingly fingers?-Never gonna happen!-刺猬指呢-不可能146--Then what about grocery stores.那开个杂货店总可以了吧147---So,what are you been working on?-I'lll show you.-那你在研究什么-我展示给你看148--Duct Tape?胶带纸149--I hate to break it to you,Bro.Already been invented.别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了150--Awww!Dude!Awww...老哥痛痛痛151--This is what I've been working on.这就是我研究的项目152--Hello,I am Baymax.Your personal health care companion.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手153--I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said:我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说154--"Awww...""嗷"的时候155--A robotic nurse?机器人护士?156--On a scale of1to10,How would you rate your pain?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是157--Physical,or emotional?你是说生理上的还是心理上的158--I will scan you now.正在扫瞄159--Scan complete.扫瞄完成160--You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤161--I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.我建议进行除菌喷雾处理162--Whoa,whoa...What's in the spray specifically?等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么163--The primary ingredient is:"Bacitracin."喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"164--That's a bummer,I'm actually allergic to that.真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏165--You're not allergic to Bacitracin.你并不对杆菌肽过敏166--You do have a mild allergy to:Peanuts.倒是对花生有轻微过敏167--Not bad.真不赖168--You've done some serious coding on this thing huh!你对这个机器人的编程还真不错勒169--Ahah!Programmed to over more than10,000medical procedures.啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序170--This chip!Is what makes Baymax,"Baymax."大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片171--Vinyl?乙烯树脂172--Yeah,going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing.对为了做出无害又可爱的效果173--Looks like a walking marshmallow.No offense.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪174--I am a robot.I can not be offended.我是机器人我不会见怪175--Hyperspectro Cameras?超光谱镜头176--Yup.没错177---Titanium skeleton.-Carbon fiber.-钛合金的骨架-是碳纤维178--Right.Even lighter.对哦更轻便179--Killer actuators,where did you get those?好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的180--Machined them right here...In house..就是在这里加工的在实验室里181---Really?-Yup.-真的假的-真的182---He can lift a thousand pounds.-Shut up!-他能托举一千磅的重量-不是吧183--You have been a good boy,have a lollipop.你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖184--Nice!真棒185--I can not deactivate until you say:直到你说"我很满意你的照顾"186--"You are satisfied with your care."我才会结束工作187--Well then,I'm satisfied with my care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾188--He's gonna help a lot of people.他会帮助很多很多人的189---Hey,what kind of battery does it use?-Lithium lon.-你给他用的哪种电池-锂电子电池190--You know,Super Capacitor would charge way faster.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快191--Burning the midnight oil,Mr.Hamada?开夜车呢滨田先生192--Hey,Professor,I actually was finishing up.教授你好其实我已经在收尾了193--You must be Hiro.Bot fighter,right?你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗194--When my daughter was younger,That's all she wanted to do.在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个195--May I?我能看看吗196--Sure!当然197--Hmm!嗯不错198--Magnetic Bearing Servos.磁力伺服器199--Pretty sick huh?Wanna see how I put them together?超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗200--Hey,genius!He invented them!嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的201--You are Robert Callaghan?你是罗伯特·卡拉汉202--Like as in,Callaghan....Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗203--That's right.正是在下204--Ever think about applying here?Your age wouldn't be an issue.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题205--I don't know,he's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting.他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的206---Well,kind of serious.-I can see why.-是挺认真的-我看得出来207--With your bot winning must come easy.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易208--Yeah,I guess.差不多吧209--Well,if you like things easy,如果你喜欢做简单的事情210--then my program isn't for you.那或许我们的项目不适合你211--We push the boundaries of robotics here.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限212--My students go on to shape the future.我的学生们会创造未来213--Nice to meet you,Hiro.Good luck with the bot fights.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利214--You gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fight.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点215--I have to go here!我必须到这里上学216--If I don't go to this nerd school.I'm gonna lose my mind.如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的217--How do I get in?我怎么才能被录取218--Every year,the school has a student showcase.学校每年一次会举办学生科技展219--You come up with something that blows Callaghan away,你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西220--You're in.你就稳了221--But,it's gotta be great.不过你一定要做得漂亮222--Trust me...相信我223--It will be...这将会是224--Nothing!No ideas.什么也没有完全没想法225--Useless empty brain.空脑子笨脑子226--washed up at14.才十四岁就一败涂地了227--So sad.太悲哀228--I got nothing!I'm done!I'm never getting in!什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了229--I'm not giving up on you.我还没对你放弃希望呢230---What are you doing?-Shake things up.-你在干嘛-帮你换换角度231--Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想232--Look for a new angle.换一个角度看问题233--Wow,a lot of sweet tech here today.How you feelin'?好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样234--You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,我以前可是机器人拳击手235--It takes a lot more than this to rattle me.这阵势想吓到我还远远不够236--Yup,he's nervous.他紧张着呢237--Oh!You have nothing to fear little fella.小家伙没什么好担心的238--He's so tense.他好紧张239---No!I'm not.-Relax,Hiro...-没我才不紧张-放松点小宏240--Your tech is amazing!Tell him,Gogo...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐241--Stop whining,woman up.别叽歪了拿出点气概242--I'm fine.我好着呢243--What you need,little man?你需要什么小家伙244--Deodorant breath mint,fresh pair of under pants?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤245--Under pants?You need serious help.内裤你有病得治了246--Hey,I come prepared.我这是有备而来247--I haven't done laundry in6months.我已经六个月没洗衣服了248--One pair last me four days.一条内裤我能穿四天249--I go front,I go back,I go inside out then I go front and back.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍250---Wow!That is both disgusting and awesome.-Don't encourage him.-好恶心但是好酷-别鼓励他251--It's called"recycling".这叫做"循环再利用"252--Next Presenter:Hiro Hamada.下一位展示者滨田宏253---Oh yeah!This is it!-I guess I'm up.-时候到了-我想我该上去了254--Okay!Okay,photo!Photo!Everybody say:"Hiro!"照相照相大家一起说"小宏"255--Hiro!小宏256--We love you,Hiro.Good luck!我们爱你小宏祝你好运257--Don't mess it up.别搞砸了258--Break a leg,little man!祝展示成功小家伙259--Science,yeah!科学万岁耶260--Alright,Bro.This is it!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了261--Come on,don't leave me hanging.拜托别让我失望了262--What's going on?怎么了?263--I really wanna go here.我真的很想去你们学校264--You got this.你可以的265--Hi...大家好266--My name is Hiro...我的名字是滨...267--Sorry.抱歉268--My name is Hiro Hamada.我的名字是滨田宏269--And,I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西270--I hope you like it.希望你们能喜欢271--This,is a microbot.这是一个微型机器人272--Breathe.深呼吸273--It doesn't look like much.看起来微不足道274--But when it links up with the rest of its pals...但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候275--Things gonna get a little more interesting.就变得有趣多了276--The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.它们由这个神经发射器控制277--I think about what I want them to do...我想让它们做什么278--They do it.它们就照做279--The applications for this tech are limitless.这项创造的应用是无止境的280--Construction...建筑物281--What use to take teams of people曾经需要大队人马282--working by hands for months or years.人工建造数月或数年283--Can now be accomplished by one person.现在只要一个人就可以完成284--And that's just the beginning...这仅仅是九牛一毛285--How about...可不可以用在286--Transportation?交通运输上?287--Microbots can move anything,anywhere,with ease.微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方288--If you can think it...只有想不到289--microbots can do it.没有做不到290--The only limit is your imagination.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制291--Microbots!微型机器人292--That's my nephew!那是我外甥293--My Family!I love my family!是我家人我爱我家人294--Nailed it!棒呆了295---You did it!-You did it bad.-你做到了-你做得太棒了296---Good job,Hiro.-It blows my mind,dude.-做得好小宏-太让我震惊了老弟297--They loved you.That was amazing!观众爱死你了太神奇了298--Yes.是的299--With some development,your tech could be revolutionary.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的300--Alastair Krei.你是阿拉斯泰尔·克雷301--May I?我可以看看么?302--Extraordinary.太棒了303--I want your microbots at Krei Tech.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技304--Shut up.不是吧305--Mr.Krei is right.克雷先生说得对306--Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新307--You can continue to develop them...你可以继续开发它们308--Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self interest.也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人309--Robert,I know how you feel about me罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的310--But it shouldn't affect you...但是这不关你的事311--This is your decision,Hiro.一切由你决定小宏312--But you should know,Mr.Krei has cut corners但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的313--and ignored sound science to get where he is.喜欢走捷径忽视科学314--That's just not true.不是那样的315--I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your microbots克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人316--or anything else其他东西也是317--Hiro...小宏318--I'm offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagine.我能给你提供超乎想像的酬劳319--I appreciate the offer,Mr.Krei.But they are not for sale.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖320--I thought you were smarter than that.我真是高估了你的智商321--Robert.罗伯特322--Mr.Krei...克雷先生323--That's my brother's.那是我弟弟的机器人324--Oh,that's right.哦对了325--I'm looking forward of seeing you in class...我期望能在课堂上见到你326--Wohoo!Yeah!Unbelievable!哇耶难以置信327--Alright geniuses!Let's feed those hungry brains.天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧328--Back to cafe,dinner is on me!回餐厅晚饭我请客329--Yes,nothing is better than free food.太棒了免费美食最棒了330---Aunt Cass...-Unless it's moldy.-卡斯阿姨-除非它发霉了331---We'll catch up,okay?-Sure.-我们会赶回去的好么-当然332--I'm so proud of you!我为你感到骄傲333---Both of you!-Thanks,Aunt Cass.-为你们俩-谢谢卡斯阿姨334--I know what you gonna say.我知道你要说什么335--I should be proud of myself我应该感到自豪336--because I'm finally using my gift for something important..因为我的天赋终于能用于正途...337--No!No,I was just gonna tell you,不我只是想告诉你338--your fly was down for the whole show.整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的339--Haha,Hilarious!哈哈别搞笑340--What?Ahh!什么啊341--Welcome to Nerd School,欢迎来到怪咖大学342--Nerd!怪咖343--Hey,I am...我344--I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you,so...如果不是你我不会有今天所以345--You know...你知道346--Thanks for not giving up on me.谢谢你没有放弃我347--Are you okay?你还好么348--Yeah,I'm okay.But Professor Callaghan is still in there.我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面349--Tadashi,No!阿正不要350--Callaghan's in there.教授还在里面351--Someone has to help.我得去救他352--Tadashi!阿正353--Tadashi!阿正354--Hey...嗨355--Hey,Aunt Cass.嗨卡斯阿姨356--Mrs.Matsuda's in the cafe.松田夫人来餐厅了357--She's wearing something super inappropriate for an80year old.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪358--It always cracks me up.每次都能让我捧腹大笑359--You should come down.你应该下楼看看360--Maybe later.以后再说吧361--Oh,the university called again.对了学校又打电话来了362--It's been a few weeks since classes started,开学已经有几周了363--but they said its not too late to register.但他们说现在去报道还不晚364--Okay,thanks.知道了谢谢365--I'll think about it.我会考虑的366--Hi,Hiro!嗨小宏367--We just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.我们只是想看看你怎么样了368--We wish you were here,buddy.我们希望你能来学校老弟369--Hiro,if I could have only one super power right now...小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力370--it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug.我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱371--Awww...嗷372--Hello,I am Baymax,Your personal health care companion.你好我是大白你的私人健康助手373--Hey...你好374--Baymax,I didn't know you were still active.大白我不知道你还能用375--I heard a sound of distress.What seems to be the trouble?我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?376--Oh,I just had my toe a little.I'm fine.我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好377--On a scale of1to10,How would you rate your pain?从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?378--Zero?零?379--I'm okay,really.Thanks.You can shrink now.我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了380---Does it hurt when I touch it?-That's okay.No!No touching!-我碰它会疼吗?-没事不别碰381--Aw!嗷!382--You have fallen.你摔倒了383--You think?你说呢384--On a scale of one...从一...385--On a scale...从...386--On a scale...从...387--On a scale of one to ten...从一到十...388--On a scale of one to ten,How would you rate your pain?从一到十你的痛感是几级?389--Zero.零390---It is alright to cry.-No!No...-哭也是可以的-不!不要...391---Crying is a natural response to pain.-I'm not crying.-哭是疼痛的自然反应-我没在哭392---I will scan you for injury.-Don't scan me.-让我为你扫瞄看是否受伤-别扫我393---Scan complete.-Unbelieveable!-扫瞄完毕-不可理喻!394--You have sustained no injuries.你没有受到外伤395--However,your hormone and neurotransmitter levels但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质396--indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.都显示你有异常情绪波动397--Common on adolescenes.Diagnosis:常见于青少年人群症状鉴定:398--Puberty.青春期躁动399--Woah!What?你说什么?400--Okay,time to shrink now.好吧你该缩回去了401--You should expect an increase in body hair.这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长402--Especially on your face,chest,armpits,and...尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和...403--Thank you,that's enough.谢谢你解释够多啦404--You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动405--Okay,let's go you back in your luggage.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不406--I can not deactivate until you say:You are satisfied with your care.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作407--Fine,I'm satisfied with my...好吧我很满意你的...408--My microbot?我的微型机器人?409--This doesn't make any sense.这是怎么回事?410--Puberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescent flowering into a manhood.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫411--No!不!412--The thing is attracted with other microbot,but...微型机器人之间是互相感应的但...413--That's impossible,they were destroyed in a fire.这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了414--Something's broken.肯定有地方坏了415--Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.你的微型机器人好像要去哪416--Oh,yeah?Why don't you find out where he is trying to go?噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧417--Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗418--Absolutely.当然419--Baymax?大白?420--Baymax?大白?421--Baymax?大白?422--What?不是吧423--Hiro?小宏?424--Hi,Aunt Cass.嗨卡斯阿姨425---Wow,you're up?-Yeah,I figured it was time.-你起来啦-是啊想着也是时候了426--Are you registering for school?你是要去登记入学吗427--Ah,yes.I've thought about what you said.Really inspired me.是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少428--Oh,honey.That's so great!亲爱的那太棒了!429--Okay,special dinner tonight.I leave up some chicken wings...好勒今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅... 430--You know,with a hot sauce that makes us faces numb.放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱431--Okay,sounds good.好啊听起来不错432--Great!Last hug.那好!再抱一个433--Baymax!大白!434--Baymax!大白!435--Baymax!大白!436--Baymax!大白!437--Are you crazy?What are you doing?疯了么你这是要干嘛438--I have found where your tiny robot wants to go..我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...439--I told you,its broken!It's not trying to go...都跟你说了它坏了!它没有要去...440--Locked.锁住了441--There is a window.那有窗户442--Please exercise caution.请注意安全443--A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤444--Oh,no.糟了个糕445--Excuse me,while I let out some air.抱歉请允许我放走些空气446--Are you done?好了吗447--Yes.好了448--It will take me a moment to re-inflate.我需要点时间重新充满449--Fine,just keep it down.好吧声音轻点就是了450--My microbots?我的微型机器人?451--Someone's making more.有人在批量制造452--Hiro?小宏?453--You gave me a heart attack.心脏病都快被你吓出来了454--My hands are equipped with defibrillators.我的手掌内置电击器455---Clear!-Stop!Stop!-预备!-停!住手!456--It's just an expression!我只是打个比方457--Oh,no.糟了个糕458--Run!快跑!459--Oh,come on!噢快点!460--I am not fast.我跑不快461--Yeah,no kidding!是啊我看到了!462--Go!Go!Come on!快!快!速度!463--Kick it down!把门踢倒!464--Punch it!出拳!465--Go!Go!快!快!466--Come on,go!go!跟上快!快!467--Move it!快走!468--Come on!快点!469--Come on!The window!快点!从窗户出去!470--Suck in!挤过去!471--Baymax!大白!472--Hiro?小宏?473--Come on!Let's get out of here!Go!Hurry!快点!咱们赶紧离开这!跑!速度!474--Alright,let me get this straight.好了听我整理一下思路475--A man in a kabuki mask一个头戴歌伎面具的男人476--attacked you with an army of miniature flying robot.带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你477--Microbots!是微型机器人!478--Microbots.微型机器人479--Yeah,he was controlling them嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器480--telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人481--So Mr.Kabuki was using也就是说这位面具先生482--ESP to attack you and balloon man.用超能力袭击了你和气球人483--Did you file a report when your flying robots was stolen?你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗? 484--No,I thought they were all destroyed.没有我以为它们都被烧毁了485--Look,I know it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too.Tell him.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他486--Yes,officer.He is telling the tru...th.是的长官他说的是事...实487--What the...What's wrong with you?怎么...你怎么了?488--Low battery.电量不足489--Whoa!Whoa,try to keep it ho..me嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..490--I am a health care,your personal Baymax...我是您的私人健康助手大白...491--Kid,How about we call your parents and get them down here.孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧492--What?什么?493--Write your name and number down in this piece of paper,and we can...在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再...494--I gotta get you home to your charging station.得赶紧带你回家充电495--Can you walk?还能走吗?496--I will scan you now.Scan complete.我将对你进行扫瞄扫瞄完毕497--Health care.健康498--Okay...听好...499--If my aunt asked,要是阿姨问起来500--we are at school all day,got it?你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗501--We jump out of window.我们从窗户跳下来502--No,But be quiet!Shhh!不是声音轻点!嘘!503--We jump out of window.我们从窗户跳下来504--But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨。



超能陆战队(●—●)电影原声对白[First lines; At a Bot Fight]Announcer: THE WINNER, BY TOTAL ANNIHILATION... YAMA! Yama: Who's next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama! [People in the crowd nervously hide their robots, too scared to fight.] Hiro: Can I try?[Everyone turns around to see a fourteen-year-old bot, holding a cute little robot. This is Hiro.]Hiro: [innocently] I have a robot. I built it myself.[Everyone laughs at Hiro's pathetic robot.]Announcer: Beat it, kid. House rules: You gotta pay to play.Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? [Holds up a handful of money] Yama: What's your name, little boy?Hiro: [shyly] Hiro. Hiro Hamada.Yama: Prepare your bot... Zero.[Hiro and Yama prepare to fight.]Announcer: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT! [Hiro's robot is destroyed in a matter of seconds. Yama laughs triumphantly.]Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I-- Ca-Can I try again?Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home.Hiro: I've got more money.[He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.] Announcer: Fighters ready? FIGHT![Megabot suddenly reassembles itself. Hiro drops his "shy, innocent little boy" act.]Hiro: Megabot, destroy! [Grins evilly][Tadashi just saved Hiro who was at a Bot Fight.]Tadashi: Bot Fighting is illegal! You're gonna get yourself arrested! Hiro: Bot Fighting is not illegal! Betting on Bot Fighting,that's-- that's illegal. But, SO lucrative! [Holds out a fat wad of cash he won from the Bot Fight] I'm on a roll, big brother. [Throws arms up victoriously] AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME![Tadashi suddenly stops the scooter as police cars pull up in front of them.] Tadashi: Oh, no.[Hiro and Tadashi walk out of the police department after getting arrested.] Hiro and Tadashi: [Shamefully] Hi, Aunt Cass.Aunt Cass: [Worried] Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay! Hiro: We're fine.Tadashi: We're okay.Aunt Cass: Oh, good. [She grabs them both by the ear and drags them to the car.] THEN WHAT WERE YOU TWO KNUCKLEHEADS THINKING?![Aunt Cass is scolding Hiro and Tadashi after they are arrested.] Aunt Cass: For ten years, I have done the best I could to raise you. Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No! Should I have picked up a book on parenting?! PROBABLY! Where was I going with this?I had a point.Tadashi: [Sheepishly] ...Sorry.Hiro: [Also sheepishly] We love you, Aunt Cass.Aunt Cass: [Snapping] WELL, I LOVE YOU, TOO![Hiro sits down at his computer.]Tadashi: You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe.Hiro: [Not really listening] For sure.Tadashi: And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.Hiro: [looking sincere] Absolutely.Tadashi: [Realizes he's lying; Exasperated] You're going Bot Fighting, aren't you?Hiro: [Casually] There's a fight across town! If I book, I can still make it! [He grabs Megabot and walks toward the door, but Tadashi stops him by grabbing the hood of his sweatshirt.]Tadashi: [Frustrated] WHEN are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?Hiro: What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I alreadyknow?Tadashi: [Hurt by Hiro's words] Unbelievable.GoGo: [Meeting Hiro] Welcome to the nerd lab.Hiro: [Chuckles nervously] Yeah. [About GoGo's prototype bicycle] I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.GoGo: Zero resistance, faster bike. [Removes one of the wheels] But not fast enough. [Throws wheel into a recycling bin full of its kind] Yet.[Wasabi shows Hiro his very organized table of tools.]Hiro: [Sarcastically] Wow. How do you find anything in this mess? Wasabi: I have a system. There's a place for every thing, everything in its place.GoGo: [Suddenly grabs a wrench, messing up Wasabi's "system"] Need this!Wasabi: [Freaking out] Hey, you can't do that! This is anarchy! SOCIETY HAS RULES! [Chases after GoGo]Honey Lemon: [listening to music on her ear-buds while rolling a huge ball of tungsten carbide onto a lift, squeezing past Hiro and Tadashi] EXCUSE ME! Coming through! [sees Tadashi] Tadashi! [notices Hiro and her smile grows even wider] Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! [shouting because of her music] I've heard so much about you! [removes her ear-buds and kisses Hiro on both cheeks.] Perfect timing! Perfect timing! [uses the liftto elevate the ball]Hiro: That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide.Honey Lemon: Four! Hundred! Pounds of it! C'mere, c'mere, c'mere, c'mere! [enthusiastically drags Hiro to a large kit filled with various liquid chemicals at the ready] You're gonna love this. A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide [takes out a small hand-held flamethrower and heats up the formula] super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and... [sprays the pink formula around the ball then uses magnetic force to attract it onto the ball]TADA! It's pretty great, huh?Hiro: [not really knowing what to say] So... pink.Honey Lemon: Here's the best part! [lightly touches the ball with her finger. Instantly, the ball explodes into a cloud of pink dust. Hiro is astounded.] Hiro: Whoa!Honey: [covered in pink dust] I know, right? Chemical metal embrittlement! Tadashi: Not bad, Honey Lemon.Hiro: [Confused by their names] "Honey Lemon"? "GoGo"? "Wasabi"? Wasabi: [Annoyed] I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time, people! ONE! TIME!Tadashi: [Chuckles] Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames. Hiro: Uh, who's Fred?[A guy in a giant lizard suit comes up behind Hiro.]Fred: This guy! Right here! [Hiro turns around and shrieks in surprise.] Ah,ah, don't be alarmed. [lifts up his costume head] It is just a suit. This is not my real face and body. [He shakes Hiro's hand.] The name's Fred! School mascot by day, but by night... [He does several impressive moves with the sign he's carrying.] I am also the school mascot.Hiro: So, what's your major?Fred: No, no, no, no, I'm not a student. But I am a major science enthusiast. I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula that could turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will. But she says that's "not science". Honey: I-It's really not.Fred: Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't "science" either, is it?Wasabi: Nope.Fred: Well then, what about... invisible sandwich? Imagine eating a sandwich, but everybody just thinks you're crazy.Wasabi: Just stop.[Hiro is inspecting Baymax for the first time. He pokes Baymax's back.] Hiro: Vinyl?Tadashi: Yeah, I'm goin' for a non-threatening... huggable kind of thing. Hiro: Looks like a walking marshmallow. [To Baymax] No offense. Baymax: I am a robot. I cannot be offended.Hiro: [Examining his eyes] Hyperspectral cameras?Tadashi: Yep.Hiro: Huh. [Pushes his face into Baymax's belly, examining his skeleton] Titanium skeleton.Tadashi: [Correcting] Carbon-fiber.Hiro: Right, even lighter. Killer actuators. Where did you get those? Tadashi: Ah, machined 'em right here, in house.Hiro: Really?Tadashi: Yep. He can lift a thousand pounds.Hiro: [In awe] Shut up.Baymax: You have been a good boy. [Pulls out a lollipop] Have a lollipop! Hiro: Niceǃ [Takes the lollipop]Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care. Hiro: Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.Tadashi: He's gonna help a lot of people.[outside SFIT]Tadashi: We gotta hurry if you wanna catch that Bot Fight.Hiro: [frantic] I have to go here! I-if I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind! How do I get in?[Tadashi smiles. Sometime later, in Hiro and Tadashi's room...] Tadashi: Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But it's gotta be great. Hiro: [confidently] Trust me, it will be. [Cut to Hiro banging his head on the desk that's covered with crumpled up balls of paper.] Nothing! No ideas!Useless! Empty! Brain!Tadashi: [jokingly] Wow. Washed up at fourteen. So sad.Hiro: [hopeless] I got nothing! I'm done! I'm never getting in! Tadashi: Hey, I'm not giving up on you.[Tadashi grabs Hiro by the ankles and hangs him upside-down over his shoulders. He begins jumping around the room, with Hiro flopping behind him.]Hiro: Ahhǃ What are you doing?!Tadashi: Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours to think your way out!Hiro: What?Tadashi: Look for a new angle.[Hiro groans and decides to humor Tadashi. He looks around the room from a new angle and spots Megabot. He gets an idea.][Today's the day for Hiro to show his invention to get into SFIT.] Tadashi: Wow. A lot of sweet tech here today. How you feeling? Hiro: You're talking to an ex-Bot Fighter. Takes a lot more than this to rattle me.GoGo: Yep. He's nervous.Honey: OhǃFred: You have nothing to fear, little fellow.Honey: He's so tense!Hiro: No, I'm not!Honey: Relax, Hiroǃ Your tech is amazing! Tell him, GoGo! GoGo: [Flatly] Stop whining, woman up.Hiro: I'm fine!Wasabi: What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?GoGo: Underpants? You need serious help.Wasabi: Hey, I come prepared.Fred: I haven't done laundry in six months. One pair'll last me four days.I go front, I go back, I go inside-out, and then, I go front and back. [Wasabi struggles . GoGo shakes her head.]Tadashi: Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome.GoGo: Don't encourage him.Fred: It's called "recycling".[Hiro was accepted into SFIT.]Hiro: I know what you're gonna say: [Imitates Tadashi] "I should be proud of myself 'cause I'm finally using my gift for something important." Tadashi: No, no, I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show.Hiro: Ha, ha, hilarious. [Looks down to find out his fly is indeed down] WHAT?! [He zips up his pants and elbows Tadashi for not telling him sooner. Tadashi laughs.]Tadashi: [Warmly] Welcome to nerd school... nerd.Hiro: Hey, I, um, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so... y-you know, thanks for not giving up on me.Baymax: [Approaches Hiro after activating in his bedroom] Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.Hiro: [Surprised] Uh, hey. Bay-Baymax, I didn't know you were still... active.Baymax: I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble? Hiro: Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain? Hiro: A zero? I'm-I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now. Baymax: Does it hurt when I touch it? [Reaches down to touch Hiro's foot] Hiro: No, no, no, that's okay. No touching. I'm fi--[Hiro trips over a toolbox and falls backwards into the space between his bed and his desk. He tries to squeeze out but realizes he's stuck.] Baymax: You have fallen.Hiro: [Annoyed] Ya think?[Hiro tries to get himself up by grabbing onto a shelf with toy robots on it. The shelf breaks, and the robots fall on Hiro one-by-one. Each time Hiro says "Ow", Baymax asks him how he would rate his pain.] Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain? Hiro: [Irritated] Zero.Baymax: It is alright to cry.Hiro: No! No, no, no, no, no!Baymax: [Picks up Hiro and cradles him like a baby] Crying is a natural response to pain.Hiro: [Jumps out of Baymax's arms] I'm not crying!Baymax: I will scan you for injuries.Hiro: [Firmly] DON'T scan me.Baymax: Scan complete.Hiro: [Irritated] Unbelievable!Baymax: You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings, common in adolescence. Diagnosis: puberty.Hiro: [Surprised] Whoa, what?![Hiro and Baymax are inside a creepy abandoned warehouse. Baymax sneaks up behind Hiro.]Baymax: Hiro?Hiro: [Screams] You gave me a heart attack!Baymax: [Rubs his hands together] My hands are equipped with defibrillators. [Moves his hands towards Hiro] Clear!Hiro: [Alarmed] STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP! It's just an expression! [Hiro and Baymax are at the police department reporting the guy who。



超能陆战队里经典的句子英文1. 超能陆战队中的20个经典语句1、大白说:我长成这样是为了让人看起来更想拥抱。


3、The only limitation is imagination. Life never goes we planed.4、你好,我是大白,你的私人健康顾问。

5、I'm satisfied with my care.6、痛失所爱的人,需要朋友和爱人的支持,谁第一个来分享他的感受?7、唯一的限制是想象!8、我不是胖嘟嘟,只是气很足。











2. 超能陆战队,当中有什么经典台词1、大白说:我长成这样是为了让人看起来更想拥抱。


3、The only limitation is imagination. Life never goes we planed.4、你好,我是大白,你的私人健康顾问。

5、I'm satisfied with my care.6、痛失所爱的人,需要朋友和爱人的支持,谁第一个来分享他的感受?7、唯一的限制是想象!8、我不是胖嘟嘟,只是气很足。




超能陆战队名句英语翻译1. 求超能陆战队经典台词,英汉互译的,我们作业要用超能陆战队大白语录:Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion。


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?从1到10,你的疼痛指数有多少?There. There。



Oh. No。


I am not fast。


Tadashi is here。


Balalalala巴拉啦啦啦啦啦超能陆战队经典英文台词:1. Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion。

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?3. There. There。

4. Oh. No。

5. I am not fast。

6. Hairy baby!7. Tadashi is here。

8. Balalalala9. Who has the guts to step into|the ring with Little Yama?10. That was my first fight.|I。

Can I try again?11. No one likes a sore loser,|little boy.12. Then what were you thinking,|Knucklehead?13. You graduated high school|when you were 13,and this is what you're doing?14. Hiro Ha mad a,a br illian t ro boti csp rodi gy1,finds hi msel f in the g rip o f2a cr imin alp lot t hat threa tens tod estro y the fastpace d,hi gh-t echc ity of Sa n Fr anso kyo.15. Wi thth e he lp of his c omp anio n,a ro bot n ame d Ba yma x,Hi ro H ama da j oins for ces with a t eam of cr ime f ight ers o n am issio n to save thei r cit y2. 超能陆战队主要内容(最好加上英文翻译)Big Hero 6 is a 2014 American 3D computer-animated superhero film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Loosely based on the superhero team of the same name by Marvel Comics, the film is the 54th Disney animated feature film.Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, the film tells the story of Hiro Hamada, a young robotics prodigy who forms a superhero team to combat a masked villain. The film features the voices of Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung, Damon Wayans Jr., Genesis Rodriguez, Alan Tudyk, James Cromwell, and Maya Rudolph.Big Hero 6 is the first Disney animated film to feature Marvel Comics characters, whose parent company was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2009. Walt Disney Animation Studios created new software technology to produce the film's animated visuals.英文不太难,就不翻译了,Bighero6就是超能陆战队3. 超能陆战队中的英文词起来 Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手 The winner! By total annihilation. 催命阎王 Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄 Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王 With little Yama!我能试试吗 Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的 I have a robot. I built it myself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场 Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. 这些够了吗 Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友 What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏 Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫 Prepare your bot, Zero。



《超能陆战队》经典台词名言未来世界的超级都市旧京山(San Fransokyo),热爱发明创造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥泰迪的鼓励下参加了罗伯特·卡拉汉教授主持的理工学院机器人专业的入学大赛。










10. 你好!费事用心点!.11. 让路!当心头!片面推进!推进过猛!推进过猛……别停!恢复推进……再来一次……12.真是无敌景色。



13.Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion。


14.On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?从1到10,你的疼痛指数有多少?15.There. There。



16.Oh. No。


17.I am not fast。


18.Hairy baby!毛呼呼~19.Tadashi is here。




起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta payto play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了小阎王- 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey! 给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.- 小宏快上车- 阿正- Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.- Are you okay? - Yeah. - Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋Then, what are you thinking, knucklehead!你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you're13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna getyourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on botfighting..thats..that's illegal.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll,big brother.谁也不能阻止我And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you'reokay...- We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about children? No! 我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting?Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说...Where I was going with this? I had apoint...我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of youtwo fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米Stress eating because of you! Come on,Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe.那是自然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you learn your lesson, bonehead.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren't you?小镇那边还有一场比赛There's a fight across town.如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? 干吗像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻Unbelievable.老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say? 我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3, remember?- I'll take you. - Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can't stop you from going, but I'm notgonna let you go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab something.要用很长时间吗Is this gonna take long?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax, you big baby, we will be in andout.你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway, you've never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.- Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.零阻力骑得更快Zero resistance, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough. 还不够Yet.别动站在线后面Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.接好了Catch!- Laser induced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运用一点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement forah..超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow, how did you find anything in thismess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system. There is a place foreverything, and everything in its place.- I need this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is anarchy! Society has rules!不好意思借过一下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!久仰大名啊I've heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide. 足足四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna love this.一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.一点钴一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint HydrogenPeroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, and...快看Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?- So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittlement!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lemon.哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one timepeople. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with thenicknames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah! Ah! Don't be alarmed, it is just a suit. This is not my real face and body. 我叫弗莱德The name is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上School mascot by day but by night,我还是学校的吉祥物I'm also a school mascot.话说你的专业是什么So, what's your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No! No! I'm not a student but I am a major science enthusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个I've been turning to get honey todevelop a formula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breathinglizard at will.但她居然说这"不科学"But she says that's not "science".真心不科学It's really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I askWasabi也不是科学吗for isn't science, either?- Is it? - Nope!- Well then, what about invinsiblesandwich? - Hiro!你想啊你吃着三明治Imagine eating a sandwich but,可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thinks you're crazy.够了喂Just stop.- Laser Eye? - What?-Tingly fingers? - Never gonna happen!那开个杂货店总可以了吧Then what about grocery stores.- 那你在研究什么- 我展示给你看- So, what are you been working on? - I'lll show you.胶带纸Duct Tape?别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already been invented.老哥痛痛痛Awww! Dude! Awww...这就是我研究的项目This is what I've been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax. Your personalhealth care companion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说I was alerted to the need for medicalattention when you said:嗷的时候Awww...机器人护士?A robotic nurse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10, How would yourate your pain?你是说生理上的还是心理上的Physical, or emotional?正在扫描I will scan you now.扫描完成Scan complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤You have a slight epidermal abrasion onyour forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa, whoa... What's in the sprayspecifically?喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"The primary ingredient is: "Bacitracin." 真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏That's a bummer, I'm actually allergic to that.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You're not allergic to Bacitracin.倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts. 真不赖Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You've done some serious coding on this thing huh! 啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah! Programmed to over more than10,000 medical procedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片This chip! Is what makes Baymax,"Baymax."乙烯树脂Vinyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah, going for a non-threateninghuggable kind of thing.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪Looks like a walking marshmallow. Nooffense.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot. I can not be offended.超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras?没错Yup.- Titanium skeleton. - Carbon fiber.对哦更轻便Right. Even lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的Killer actuators, where did you getthose?就是在这里加工的在实验室里Machined them right here... In house.. - He can lift a thousand pounds. - Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy, have a lollipop.真棒Nice!直到你说"我很满意你的照顾"I can not deactivate until you say:我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He's gonna help a lot of people.- Hey, what kind of battery does it use? -Lithium lon.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know, Super Capacitor wouldcharge way faster.开夜车呢滨田先生Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey, Professor, I actually was finishingup.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was younger, That'sall she wanted to do.我能看看吗May I?当然Sure!嗯不错Hmm!磁力伺服器Magnetic Bearing Servos.超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey, genius! He invented them!你是罗伯特·卡拉汉You are Robert Callaghan?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in, Callaghan.... Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?正是在下That's right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题Ever think about applying here? Yourage wouldn't be an issue.他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don't know, he's pretty serious abouthis career in bot fighting.- Well, kind of serious. - I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy.差不多吧Yeah, I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well, if you like things easy,那或许我们的项目不适合你then my program isn't for you.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限We push the boundaries of roboticshere.我的学生们会创造未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck withthe bot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wanna catch thatbot fight.我必须到这里上学I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don't go to this nerd school. I'm gonna lose my mind.我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year, the school has a student showcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with something that blowsCallaghan away,你就稳了You're in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But, it's gotta be great.相信我Trust me...这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothing! No ideas.空脑子笨脑子Useless empty brain.才十四岁就一败涂地了washed up at 14.太悲哀So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing! I'm done! I'm nevergetting in!我还没对你放弃希望呢I'm not giving up on you.- What are you doing? - Shake thingsup.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.换一个角度看问题Look for a new angle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feelin'?我以前可是机器人拳击手You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,这阵势想吓到我还远远不够It takes a lot more than this to rattle me. 他紧张着呢Yup, he's nervous.小家伙没什么好担心的Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.他好紧张He's so tense.- 没我才不紧张- 放松点小宏- No! I'm not. - Relax, Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐Your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo...别叽歪了拿出点气概Stop whining, woman up.我好着呢I'm fine.你需要什么小家伙What you need, little man?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair ofunder pants?内裤你有病得治了Under pants? You need serious help.我这是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我已经六个月没洗衣服了I haven't done laundry in 6 months.一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front, I go back, I go inside out thenI go front and back.- Wow! That is both disgusting andawesome. - Don't encourage him.这叫做"循环再利用"It's called "recycling".下一位展示者滨田宏Next Presenter: Hiro Hamada.- Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess I'm up. 照相照相大家一起说"小宏" Okay! Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say: "Hiro!"小宏Hiro!我们爱你小宏祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck! 别搞砸了Don't mess it up.祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg, little man!科学万岁耶Science, yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了Alright, Bro. This is it!拜托别让我失望了Come on, don't leave me hanging.怎么了?What's going on?我真的很想去你们学校I really wanna go here.你可以的You got this.大家好Hi...我的名字是滨...My name is Hiro...抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And, I've been working on somethingthat I think is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This, is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.看起来微不足道It doesn't look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of its pals...就变得有趣多了Things gonna get a little more interesting. 它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are controlled with thisneurotransmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do...它们就照做They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech arelimitless.建筑物Construction...曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people人工建造数月或数年working by hands for months or years.现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by oneperson.这仅仅是九牛一毛And that's just the beginning...可不可以用在How about...交通运输上?Transportation?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方Microbots can move anything,anywhere, with ease.只有想不到If you can think it...没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制The only limit is your imagination. 微型机器人Microbots!那是我外甥That's my nephew!是我家人我爱我家人My Family! I love my family!棒呆了Nailed it!- You did it! - You did it bad.- 做得好小宏- 太让我震惊了老弟- Good job, Hiro. - It blows my mind,dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you. That was amazing!是的Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development, your techcould be revolutionary.你是阿拉斯泰尔·克雷Alastair Krei.我可以看看么?May I?太棒了Extraordinary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.克雷先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你可以继续开发它们You can continue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self interest.罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert, I know how you feel about me 但是这不关你的事But it shouldn't affect you...一切由你决定小宏This is your decision, Hiro. 但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的But you should know, Mr. Krei has cutcorners喜欢走捷径忽视科学and ignored sound science to get wherehe is.不是那样的That's just not true.克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with yourmicrobots其他东西也是or anything else小宏Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳I'm offering you more money than anyfourteen year old could imagine.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei. But theyare not for sale.我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter than that.罗伯特Robert.克雷先生Mr. Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That's my brother's.哦对了Oh, that's right.我期望能在课堂上见到你I'm looking forward of seeing you in class...哇耶难以置信Wohoo! Yeah! Unbelievable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses! Let's feed those hungry brains.回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe, dinner is on me! 太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes, nothing is better than free food.- Aunt Cass... - Unless it's moldy.- 我们会赶回去的好么- 当然- We'll catch up, okay? - Sure.我为你感到骄傲I'm so proud of you!- Both of you! - Thanks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say.我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself因为我的天赋终于能用于正途...because I'm finally using my gift forsomething important..不我只是想告诉你No! No, I was just gonna tell you,整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的your fly was down for the whole show.哈哈别搞笑Haha, Hilarious!什么啊What? Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School,怪咖Nerd!我Hey, I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so...你知道You know...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me.你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah, I'm okay. But Professor Callaghan is still in there.阿正不要Tadashi, No!教授还在里面Callaghan's in there.我得去救他Someone has to help.阿正Tadashi!阿正Tadashi!嗨Hey...嗨卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She's wearing something superinappropriate for an 80 year old.每次都能让我捧腹大笑It always cracks me up.你应该下楼看看You should come down.以后再说吧Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了Oh, the university called again.开学已经有几周了It's been a few weeks since classes started,但他们说现在去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register. 知道了谢谢Okay, thanks.我会考虑的I'll think about it.嗨小宏Hi, Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了We just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.我们希望你能来学校老弟We wish you were here, buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro, if I could have only one superpower right now...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱it would be the ability to crawl throughthis camera and give you a big hug.嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax, Your personalhealth care companion.你好Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax, I didn't know you were stillactive.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress. What seemsto be the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh, I just had my toe a little. I'm fine.从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would yourate your pain?零?Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.- Does it hurt when I touch it? - That's okay. No! No touching!嗷!Aw!你摔倒了You have fallen.你说呢You think? 从一...On a scale of one...从...On a scale...从...On a scale...从一到十...On a scale of one to ten...从一到十你的痛感是几级?On a scale of one to ten, How wouldyou rate your pain?零Zero.- It is alright to cry. - No! No...- Crying is a natural response to pain. -I'm not crying.- 让我为你扫描看是否受伤- 别扫我- I will scan you for injury. - Don't scanme.- 扫描完毕- 不可理喻!- Scan complete. - Unbelieveable!你没有受到外伤You have sustained no injuries.但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质However, your hormone andneurotransmitter levels都显示你有异常情绪波动indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定: Common on adolescenes. Diagnosis:青春期躁动Puberty.你说什么?Woah! What?好吧你该缩回去了Okay, time to shrink now.这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an increase in body hair.尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和...Especially on your face, chest, armpits,and...谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you, that's enough.身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experience strange andpowerful new urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay, let's go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作I can not deactivate until you say: Youare satisfied with your care.好吧我很满意你的...Fine, I'm satisfied with my...我的微型机器人?My microbot?这是怎么回事?This doesn't make any sense.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can often be a confusing timefor young adolescent flowering into amanhood.不!No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但... The thing is attracted with other microbot, but...这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That's impossible, they were destroyed in a fire.肯定有地方坏了Something's broken.你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where he is trying to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗Would that stabilize your pubescentmood swings?当然Absolutely.大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?不是吧What?小宏?Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.- Wow, you're up? - Yeah, I figured itwas time.你是要去登记入学吗Are you registering for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah, yes. I've thought about what yousaid. Really inspired me.亲爱的那太棒了!Oh, honey. That's so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅... Okay, special dinner tonight. I leave up some chicken wings...放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱You know, with a hot sauce that makes us faces numb.好啊听起来不错Okay, sounds good.那好!再抱一个Great! Last hug.大白!Baymax!大白! Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!疯了么你这是要干嘛Are you crazy? What are you doing?我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...I have found where your tiny robotwants to go..都跟你说了它坏了! 它没有要去...I told you, its broken! It's not trying togo...锁住了Locked.那有窗户There is a window.请注意安全Please exercise caution.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤A fall from this height could lead tobodily harm.糟了个糕Oh, no.抱歉请允许我放走些空气Excuse me, while I let out some air.好了吗Are you done?好了Yes.我需要点时间重新充满It will take me a moment to re-inflate. 好吧声音轻点就是了Fine, just keep it down.我的微型机器人?My microbots?有人在批量制造Someone's making more.小宏?Hiro?心脏病都快被你吓出来了You gave me a heart attack.我的手掌内置电击器My hands are equipped withdefibrillators.- 预备! - 停!住手!- Clear! - Stop! Stop!我只是打个比方It's just an expression!糟了个糕Oh, no.快跑!Run!噢快点!Oh, come on!我跑不快I am not fast.是啊我看到了!Yeah, no kidding!快! 快! 速度!Go! Go! Come on!把门踢倒!Kick it down!出拳!Punch it!快! 快!Go! Go!跟上快! 快!Come on, go! go!快走!Move it!快点!Come on!快点! 从窗户出去!Come on! The window!挤过去!Suck in!大白!Baymax!小宏?Hiro?快点!咱们赶紧离开这! 跑!速度! Come on! Let's get out of here! Go! Hurry!好了听我整理一下思路Alright, let me get this straight.一个头戴歌伎面具的男人A man in a kabuki mask带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你attacked you with an army of miniatureflying robot.是微型机器人!Microbots!微型机器人Microbots.嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器Yeah, he was controlling them以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人telepathically with a neurocranialtransmitter.也就是说这位面具先生So Mr. Kabuki was using用超能力袭击了你和气球人ESP to attack you and balloon man.你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗?Did you file a report when your flyingrobots was stolen?没有我以为它们都被烧毁了No, I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他Look, I know it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too. Tell him.是的长官他说的是事... 实Yes, officer. He is telling the tru...th. 怎么... 你怎么了?What the... What's wrong with you? 电量不足Low battery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa! Whoa, try to keep it ho..me 我是您的私人健康助手大白...I am a health care, your personal Baymax... 孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid, How about we call your parentsand get them down here.什么?What?在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再...Write your name and number down inthis piece of paper, and we can...得赶紧带你回家充电I gotta get you home to your chargingstation.还能走吗?Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will scan you now. Scan complete.健康Health care.听好...Okay...要是阿姨问起来If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗we are at school all day, got it?我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.不是声音轻点! 嘘!No, But be quiet! Shhh!我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的?You home, sweetie?是的!That's right!就知道我没听错嗨! I thought I heard you. Hi!嘿卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.看看我的小大学生啊Oh, look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah! I can't wait to hear all about it.马上就好咯Oh! It means its almost ready.你能安静会儿吗You be quiet?好了来大吃一顿吧Alright, get ready to have your facemelted.明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧We are gonna feel this things tomorrow.You know what I'm saying?好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay, sit down, tell me everything.情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了The thing is, since I registered so late.我有很多功课要赶上I've got a lot of school stuff to catch upon.什么声音What was that?是糯米团Mochi.该死的猫Oh! That darn cat.就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh! Just take a plate for the road, okay?- Don't work too hard. - Thanks for understanding.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.好了起来吧Alright, come on. 我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手I'll carry on, I'm your personal Baymax.一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other.没道理啊This doesn't make any sense.阿正Tadashi.什么What?阿正Tadashi.阿正走了Tadashi's gone.他什么时候回来When will he return?他死了大白He is dead, Baymax.阿正身体十分健康Tadashi was in excellent health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise, Heshould have lived a long life.是他应该会Yeah, He should have.但发生了一场火灾...But there is a fire...现在他去了Now he's gone.阿正就在这里Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No, people keep saying he is not really gone.他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛...Still hurts..我没有检测出伤口I seen no evidence of physical injury. 那是另外一种伤痛It's a different kind of hurt. 你是我的病人我想帮助你You are my patient. I would like to help.这个你治不了You can't fix this one buddy.你在做什么Ah..What are you doing?我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am downloading a database onpersonal lost.数据库下载完成Database downloaded.治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatments include: Contact withfriends, and loved ones.- I am contacting them now. - No! No,don't do that.- Your friends have been contacted. -Unbelieveable!你现在在做什么Now what are you doing?其他治疗方法包括关怀和安抚Other treatments include: Compassion,and physical reassurance.我没事真的I'm okay, really.你会好的You will be alright.乖乖There, there.谢谢你大白Thanks, Baymax.对于那场火灾我很遗憾I am sorry about the fire.别放心上这是意外It's okay, it was an accident.除非...Unless...除非它不是意外...Unless it wasn't a...蒙面的家伙偷走了我的微型机器人Ah! Ah! The showcase, the guy in themasked stole my microbots还纵火销毁痕迹and set the fire to cover his tracks.是他害死了阿正He's responsible for Tadashi.我们要抓住那家伙We gotta catch that guy.它还活着It's alive, It's alive, It's alive, It's alive!要想抓住那家伙就得给你升升级If we're gonna catch that guy, you needsome upgrades.抓到蒙面人能改善你的情绪吗Will apprehending the man in themasked improve your emotional state?当然Absolutely!来学点儿功夫吧Let's work on your moves.这儿也要改进改进Now let's take care of this.我有一些问题I have some concerns.这盔甲破坏了我可爱无害的设计This armor may undermine mynon-threatening huggable design.要的就是这个伙计。



智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料电影中的英语――《超能陆战队》精彩词句未来世界的超级都市旧金山(San Fransokyo),热爱发明创造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥泰迪阿正的鼓励下参加了罗伯特•卡拉汉教授主持的理工学院机器人专业的入学大赛。








精彩词句学起来:Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!那你们两个傻瓜在想什么?!Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?在开夜车吗,浜田先生?You come up with something that blows Callaghan away. You're in.你想出一个能让卡拉汉惊艳的东西,就会被录取。

Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad.哇哦,刚刚14岁就江郎才尽了,太悲哀了。

But you should know, Mr.Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is.但是你应该知道,格利先生取得今天的成绩是因为惯于投机取巧,无视可靠的科学。



超能陆战队台词中英对照起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready?开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了小阎王 - 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?阎王Yama?#NAME?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey!给他点颜色看看Teach him a lesson!伙计们有话好好说Hey fellas. Let's talk about this.- 小宏快上车 - 阿正- Hiro, get on! - Tadashi!来得真是时候Ooh! Good timing.#NAME?- Are you okay? - Yeah.#NAME? - Are you hurt? - No!那你在想什么笨蛋Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head!你十三岁从高中毕业就是为了干这个You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing?抓紧了Hold on!机器人比赛是违法的你会被抓进监狱的Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested.机器人比赛不违法参与赌博才...才违法Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.但没人会注意到的我势头可猛了老哥But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll, big brother.谁也不能阻止我And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们还好吗快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay...#NAME?- We're fine. - We're okay.那就好Oh good.那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!过去的十年我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.我十全十美吗不Have I been perfect? No!我很会养小孩吗不Do I know anything about children? No!我该找本育儿手册来看吗也许吧Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably?我想说什么来着我本来想说... Where I was going with this? I had a point...#NAME?#NAME? 我也爱你I love you too!因为你们俩我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.因为你们我都暴饮暴食了过来糯米Stress eating because of you! Come on, Moty!真的好好吃啊This is really good!你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,想办法补偿她before she eats everything in the cafe.那是自然For sure.我希望你能吸取教训小子And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head.我会的Absolutely.你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗You're going fight boting, aren'tyou?小镇那边还有一场比赛There's a fight across town.如果我现在预约还能赶得上If I book now, I could still make it.你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?干吗像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西So people can tell me stuff I already know?你简直不可理喻Unbelievable.老妈老爸会怎么说啊Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say?我不知道他们已经过世了I don't know. They're gone.我三岁时他们就死了记得吗They died when I was 3, remember?#NAME?- I'll take you. - Really?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own.太棒了Sweet!我们来你的呆子学校做什么What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人比赛在那边Bot fights that way!我去拿点东西Gotta grab something.要用很长时间吗Is this gonna take long?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.你还没见过我的实验室呢Anyway, you've never seen my lab.太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.#NAME?- Heads up! - Wooh!电磁悬浮Electromag suspension?你是谁Who are you?神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.欢迎来到呆子实验室Welcome to the Nerd Lab.是啊Yeah...我从未见过应用在自行车上的电磁悬浮呢I've never seen Electromag suspension on a bike before.零阻力骑得更快Zero resistance, faster bike.但...还不够快But... Not fast enough.还不够Yet.别动站在线后面Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please.芥末无疆这是我弟弟小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.你好啊小宏做好大吃一惊的准备Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.接好了Catch! #NAME?- Laser induced Plasma? - Oh, yeah.运用一点磁约束技术来达到...With a little magnetic confinement for ah..超精密程度Ultra precision.你怎么在这么多东西中找到自己要用的Wow, how did you find anything in this mess?我有个系统每样东西都放在各自的位置I have a system. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place.#NAME?- I need this! - You can't do that!你把这弄乱了社会需要秩序!This is anarchy! Society has rules!不好意思借过一下Excuse me! Coming through!阿正Tadashi!我的天哪你一定是小宏Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!久仰大名啊I've heard so much about you!来得正好Perfect timing! Perfect timing!全是碳化钨That's a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide.足足四百磅400 pounds of it.过来你一定会喜欢这个的Come here! Come here! You're gonna love this.一点高氯酸A dash of per chloric acid.一点钴一点过氧化氢A smidge of cobalt, a hint Hydrogen Peroxide...加热至五百开尔文然后...super heated to 500 Kelvin, and...快看Tadah!很不错吧It's really great, huh?#NAME?- So pink. - Here's the best part.很神奇吧I know right!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用Chemical metal embrittlement!不赖嘛哈妮柠檬Not bad, Honey Lemon.哈妮柠檬神行御姐芥末无疆Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi?我把芥末洒在了衬衣上就洒了一次I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time!外号都是弗莱德取的Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.谁是弗莱德Ah... Who's Fred?鄙人在此This guy right here!莫惊慌卡通服而已我真人可不长这样Ah! Ah! Don't be alarmed, it is just a suit. This is not my real face and body.我叫弗莱德The name is Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物但到了晚上School mascot by day but by night,我还是学校的吉祥物I'm also a school mascot.话说你的专业是什么So, what's your major?不我不是这的学生不过我可是专业级科学控No! No! I'm not a student but I am a major science enthusiast..我最近一直在怂恿哈妮去开发一个I've been turning to get honey to develop a formula...能把我变成喷火蜥蜴的化学公式That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will.但她居然说这"不科学"But she says that's not "science".真心不科学It's really not.才怪那我让芥末无疆做的缩小激光呢Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabi也不是科学吗for isn't science, either?#NAME?- Is it? - Nope!#NAME?- Well then, what about invinsible sandwich? - Hiro!你想啊你吃着三明治Imagine eating a sandwich but, 可周围的人都觉得你脑子有病everybody just thinks you're crazy.够了喂Just stop.#NAME?- Laser Eye? - What?#NAME?-Tingly fingers? - Never gonna happen!那开个杂货店总可以了吧Then what about grocery stores.- 那你在研究什么 - 我展示给你看- So, what are you been working on? - I'lll show you.胶带纸Duct Tape?别怪我泼冷水老哥这个人家发明过了I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already been invented.老哥痛痛痛Awww! Dude! Awww...这就是我研究的项目This is what I've been working on.你好我叫大白是你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax. Your personalhealth care companion.我察觉到你需要医疗护理当你说I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said:嗷的时候Awww...机器人护士?A robotic nurse?从一到十级你的疼痛指数是On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?你是说生理上的还是心理上的Physical, or emotional?正在扫描I will scan you now.扫描完成Scan complete.你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm我建议进行除菌喷雾处理I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.等等这个喷雾的主要成分是什么Whoa, whoa... What's in the spray specifically?喷雾的主要成分是"杆菌肽"The primary ingredient is: "Bacitracin."真糟糕我不巧对那个东西过敏That's a bummer, I'm actually allergic to that.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You're not allergic to Bacitracin.倒是对花生有轻微过敏You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts.真不赖Not bad.你对这个机器人的编程还真不错嘞You've done some serious coding on this thing huh!啊哈他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序Ahah! Programmed to over more than 10,000 medical procedures.大白之所以成为大白就是靠这个芯片This chip! Is what makes Baymax, "Baymax."乙烯树脂Vinyl?对为了做出无害又可爱的效果Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing.看上去像一个移动的棉花糖别见怪Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense.我是机器人我不会见怪I am a robot. I can not be offended.超光谱镜头Hyperspectro Cameras?没错Yup.#NAME?- Titanium skeleton. - Carbon fiber.对哦更轻便Right. Even lighter.好赞的驱动器你从哪儿弄到的Killer actuators, where did you get those?就是在这里加工的在实验室里Machined them right here... In house..#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?- He can lift a thousand pounds. - Shut up!你是个乖宝宝来跟棒棒糖You have been a good boy, have a lollipop. 真棒Nice!直到你说 "我很满意你的照顾"I can not deactivate until you say:我才会结束工作You are satisfied with your care.那好吧我很满意你的照顾Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.他会帮助很多很多人的He's gonna help a lot of people.#NAME?- Hey, what kind of battery does it use? - Lithium lon.铝电解超级电容器充电速度更快You know, Super Capacitor would charge way faster.开夜车呢滨田先生Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?教授你好其实我已经在收尾了Hey, Professor, I actually was finishing up.你一定是小宏机器人拳击手对吗You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?在我女儿还小的时候她也一心想做这个When my daughter was younger, That's all she wanted to do.我能看看吗May I?当然Sure!嗯不错Hmm!磁力伺服器Magnetic Bearing Servos.超酷的吧想看看我怎么操纵它们吗Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?嘿天才这就是教授本人发明的Hey, genius! He invented them!你是罗伯特·卡拉汉You are Robert Callaghan?是那个机器人学卡拉汉定理的卡拉汉吗Like as in, Callaghan.... Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?正是在下That's right.想过来这做研究吗你的年龄不是问题Ever think about applying here? Your age wouldn't be an issue. 他对他的机器人搏击事业可是很认真的I don't know, he's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting.#NAME?- Well, kind of serious. - I can see why.凭你的机器人打赢一定很容易With your bot winning must come easy.差不多吧Yeah, I guess.如果你喜欢做简单的事情Well, if you like things easy,那或许我们的项目不适合你then my program isn't for you.在这里我们不断地探索机器人的极限We push the boundaries of robotics here.我的学生们会创造未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你小宏祝你比赛顺利Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot fights.想赶上那场比赛的话你最好快点You gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fight.我必须到这里上学I have to go here!如果我不来这所极客大学我会发狂的If I don't go to this nerd school. I'm gonna lose my mind.我怎么才能被录取How do I get in?学校每年一次会举办学生科技展Every year, the school has a student showcase.你如果能做出一个让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西You come up with something that blows Callaghan away,你就稳了You're in.不过你一定要做得漂亮But, it's gotta be great.相信我Trust me...这将会是It will be...什么也没有完全没想法Nothing! No ideas.空脑子笨脑子Useless empty brain. 才十四岁就一败涂地了washed up at 14.太悲哀So sad.什么都想不出来完了我永远也录取不上了I got nothing! I'm done! I'm never getting in!我还没对你放弃希望呢I'm not giving up on you.#NAME?- What are you doing? - Shake things up.用你的超大号大脑好好想一想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.换一个角度看问题Look for a new angle.好多酷炫的科技设备你感觉怎么样Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feelin'?我以前可是机器人拳击手You're talking to an ex-bot fighter,这阵势想吓到我还远远不够It takes a lot more than this to rattle me.他紧张着呢Yup, he's nervous.小家伙没什么好担心的Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.他好紧张He's so tense.- 没我才不紧张 - 放松点小宏- No! I'm not. - Relax, Hiro...你的设计棒极了快告诉他神行御姐Your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo...别叽歪了拿出点气概Stop whining, woman up.我好着呢I'm fine.你需要什么小家伙What you need, little man?除臭剂薄荷糖还是新内裤Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair of under pants?内裤你有病得治了Under pants? You need serious help.我这是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我已经六个月没洗衣服了I haven't done laundry in 6 months. 一条内裤我能穿四天One pair last me four days.前穿穿后穿穿然后翻过来再来一遍I go front, I go back, I go inside out then I go front and back.#NAME?- Wow! That is both disgusting and awesome. - Don't encourage him.这叫做"循环再利用"It's called "recycling".下一位展示者滨田宏Next Presenter: Hiro Hamada.#NAME?- Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess I'm up.照相照相大家一起说 "小宏"Okay! Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say: "Hiro!"小宏Hiro!我们爱你小宏祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck!别搞砸了Don't mess it up.祝展示成功小家伙Break a leg, little man!科学万岁耶Science, yeah!上吧弟弟展示的机会来了Alright, Bro. This is it!拜托别让我失望了Come on, don't leave me hanging.怎么了?What's going on?我真的很想去你们学校I really wanna go here.你可以的You got this.大家好Hi...我的名字是滨...My name is Hiro...抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada.我发明了一些自认为很神奇的东西And, I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This, is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.看起来微不足道It doesn't look like much.但是当它和其他小伙伴们团结起来的时候But when it links up with the rest of its pals...就变得有趣多了Things gonna get a little more interesting.它们由这个神经发射器控制The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.我想让它们做什么I think about what I want them to do...它们就照做They do it.这项创造的应用是无止境的The applications for this tech are limitless.建筑物Construction...曾经需要大队人马What use to take teams of people人工建造数月或数年working by hands for months or years.现在只要一个人就可以完成Can now be accomplished by one person.这仅仅是九牛一毛And that's just the beginning...可不可以用在How about...交通运输上?Transportation?微型机器人可以轻松移动任何物体至任何地方Microbots can move anything, anywhere, with ease.只有想不到If you can think it...没有做不到microbots can do it.你的思维局限是它唯一的限制The only limit is your imagination.微型机器人Microbots!那是我外甥That's my nephew!是我家人我爱我家人My Family! I love my family!棒呆了Nailed it!#NAME?- You did it! - You did it bad.- 做得好小宏 - 太让我震惊了老弟- Good job, Hiro. - It blows my mind, dude.观众爱死你了太神奇了They loved you. That was amazing!是的Yes.经过进一步开发你的技术将会是革命性的With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.你是阿拉斯泰尔·克雷Alastair Krei.我可以看看么?May I?太棒了Extraordinary.我希望你能把你的机器人卖给克雷科技I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.克雷先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的机器人将唤醒技术革新Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你可以继续开发它们You can continue to develop them...也可以把它们卖给一个唯利是图的小人Or you can sell them to a man whose only guided by his own self interest.罗伯特我知道你是怎么看我的Robert, I know how you feel about me但是这不关你的事But it shouldn't affect you...一切由你决定小宏This is your decision, Hiro.但至少你要知道克雷先生为达目的But you should know, Mr. Krei has cut corners喜欢走捷径忽视科学and ignored sound science to get where he is.不是那样的That's just not true. 克雷科技才不会善用你的机器人I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your microbots其他东西也是or anything else小宏Hiro...我能给你提供超乎想象的酬劳I'm offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagine.多谢你的赏识克雷先生但我不会卖I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei. But they are not for sale.我真是高估了你的智商I thought you were smarter than that.罗伯特Robert.克雷先生Mr. Krei...那是我弟弟的机器人That's my brother's.哦对了Oh, that's right.我期望能在课堂上见到你I'm looking forward of seeing youin class...哇耶难以置信Wohoo! Yeah! Unbelievable!天才们让我们去喂饱这些饥渴难耐的大脑吧Alright geniuses! Let's feed those hungry brains.回餐厅晚饭我请客Back to cafe, dinner is on me!太棒了免费美食最棒了Yes, nothing is better than free food.#NAME?- Aunt Cass... - Unless it's moldy.- 我们会赶回去的好么 - 当然- We'll catch up, okay? - Sure.我为你感到骄傲I'm so proud of you!#NAME?- Both of you! - Thanks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what you gonna say.我应该感到自豪I should be proud of myself因为我的天赋终于能用于正途... because I'm finally using my gift for something important.. 不我只是想告诉你No! No, I was just gonna tell you,整个展示中你的裤裆都是开的your fly was down for the whole show.哈哈别搞笑Haha, Hilarious!什么啊What? Ahh!欢迎来到怪咖大学Welcome to Nerd School,怪咖Nerd!我Hey, I am...如果不是你我不会有今天所以I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so...你知道You know...谢谢你没有放弃我Thanks for not giving up on me.你还好么Are you okay?我没事但是卡拉汉教授还在里面Yeah, I'm okay. But ProfessorCallaghan is still in there.阿正不要Tadashi, No!教授还在里面Callaghan's in there.我得去救他Someone has to help.阿正Tadashi!阿正Tadashi!嗨Hey...嗨卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.松田夫人来餐厅了Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe.穿的衣服一点都不适合她八十岁的年纪She's wearing something super inappropriate for an 80 year old.每次都能让我捧腹大笑It always cracks me up.你应该下楼看看You should come down.以后再说吧Maybe later.对了学校又打电话来了Oh, the university called again.开学已经有几周了It's been a few weeks since classes started,但他们说现在去报道还不晚but they said its not too late to register.知道了谢谢Okay, thanks.我会考虑的I'll think about it.嗨小宏Hi, Hiro!我们只是想看看你怎么样了We just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.我们希望你能来学校老弟We wish you were here, buddy.小宏如果现在让我选一种超能力Hiro, if I could have only one super power right now...我希望我能穿过这个摄像头给你一个大大的拥抱it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug.嗷Awww...你好我是大白你的私人健康助手Hello, I am Baymax, Your personal health care companion.你好Hey...大白我不知道你还能用Baymax, I didn't know you were still active.我听到一声惨叫发生了什么事?I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?我刚刚砸到了脚趾头我很好Oh, I just had my toe a little. I'm fine.从一到十你的疼痛等级是多少?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?零?Zero?我很好真的多谢你可以缩回去了I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.#NAME?- Does it hurt when I touch it? - That's okay. No! No touching! 嗷!Aw!你摔倒了You have fallen.你说呢You think?从一...On a scale of one...从...On a scale...从...On a scale...从一到十...On a scale of one to ten...从一到十你的痛感是几级?On a scale of one to ten, How would you rate your pain?零Zero.#NAME?- It is alright to cry. - No! No...#NAME?- Crying is a natural response to pain. - I'm not crying.- 让我为你扫描看是否受伤 - 别扫我- I will scan you for injury. -Don't scan me.- 扫描完毕 - 不可理喻!- Scan complete. - Unbelieveable!你没有受到外伤You have sustained no injuries.但是你的荷尔蒙水平和神经递质However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels都显示你有异常情绪波动indicate that you are experiencing mood swings.常见于青少年人群症状鉴定: Common on adolescenes. Diagnosis:青春期躁动Puberty.你说什么?Woah! What?好吧你该缩回去了Okay, time to shrink now.这一时期身体会出现毛发的增长You should expect an increase in body hair.尤其在脸部胸部腋窝和... Especially on your face, chest, armpits, and...谢谢你解释够多啦Thank you, that's enough. 身体还会感到莫名强烈的冲动You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.好啦咱乖乖回箱子里去好不Okay, let's go you back in your luggage.直到你说你满意我的照顾我才可以结束工作I can not deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care.好吧我很满意你的...Fine, I'm satisfied with my...我的微型机器人?My microbot?这是怎么回事?This doesn't make any sense.青春期的少年在成熟的过渡期常感到迷茫Puberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescent flowering into a manhood.不!No!微型机器人之间是互相感应的但... The thing is attracted with other microbot, but...这不可能啊它们不是都烧毁了That's impossible, they weredestroyed in a fire.肯定有地方坏了Something's broken.你的微型机器人好像要去哪Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.噢是吗那你帮忙找出它想去的地方吧Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where he is trying to go?这样能缓解你青春期的情绪波动吗Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?当然Absolutely.大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?大白?Baymax?不是吧What?小宏?Hiro?嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass. #NAME?- Wow, you're up? - Yeah, I figured it was time.你是要去登记入学吗Are you registering for school?是啊我考虑过你说的了确实让我振作不少Ah, yes. I've thought about what you said. Really inspired me.亲爱的那太棒了!Oh, honey. That's so great!好嘞今晚加餐我会留些鸡翅... Okay, special dinner tonight. I leave up some chicken wings...放些辣得脸发麻的辣酱You know, with a hot sauce that makes us faces numb.好啊听起来不错Okay, sounds good.那好!再抱一个Great! Last hug.大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!大白!Baymax!疯了么你这是要干嘛Are you crazy? What are you doing?我找到你的微型机器人要去的地方了...I have found where your tiny robot wants to go..都跟你说了它坏了! 它没有要去...I told you, its broken! It's not trying to go...锁住了Locked.那有窗户There is a window.请注意安全Please exercise caution.从这样的高度坠落可导致身体损伤A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.糟了个糕Oh, no.抱歉请允许我放走些空气Excuse me, while I let out some air.好了吗Are you done? 好了Yes.我需要点时间重新充满It will take me a moment to re-inflate.好吧声音轻点就是了Fine, just keep it down.我的微型机器人?My microbots?有人在批量制造Someone's making more.小宏?Hiro?心脏病都快被你吓出来了You gave me a heart attack.我的手掌内置电击器My hands are equipped with defibrillators.- 预备! - 停!住手!- Clear! - Stop! Stop!我只是打个比方It's just an expression!糟了个糕Oh, no.快跑!Run!噢快点!Oh, come on!我跑不快I am not fast.是啊我看到了! Yeah, no kidding!快! 快! 速度!Go! Go! Come on!把门踢倒!Kick it down!出拳!Punch it!快! 快!Go! Go!跟上快! 快!Come on, go! go!快走!Move it!快点!Come on!快点! 从窗户出去! Come on! The window!挤过去!Suck in!大白!Baymax! 小宏?Hiro?快点!咱们赶紧离开这! 跑!速度! Come on! Let's get out of here! Go! Hurry!好了听我整理一下思路Alright, let me get this straight.一个头戴歌伎面具的男人A man in a kabuki mask带着一队会飞的小机器人袭击了你attacked you with an army of miniature flying robot.是微型机器人!Microbots!微型机器人Microbots.嗯他通过戴在头部的发射器Yeah, he was controlling them以心电感应的方式控制那些机器人telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.也就是说这位面具先生So Mr. Kabuki was using用超能力袭击了你和气球人ESP to attack you and balloon man.你那会飞的机器人被盗后你有报案吗?Did you file a report when your flying robots was stolen?没有我以为它们都被烧毁了No, I thought they were all destroyed.听起来是有点不可思议不过当时大白也在告诉他Look, I know it sounds crazy but Baymax was there too. Tell him.是的长官他说的是事... 实Yes, officer. He is telling the tru...th.怎么... 你怎么了?What the... What's wrong with you?电量不足Low battery.嘿嘿尽量坚持到家..Whoa! Whoa, try to keep it ho..me我是您的私人健康助手大白...I am a health care, your personal Baymax...孩子我们还是打电话让你家长来一趟吧Kid, How about we call your parents and get them down here.什么?What? 在这张表上填上姓名电话然后我们再...Write your name and number down in this piece of paper, and we can...得赶紧带你回家充电I gotta get you home to your charging station.还能走吗?Can you walk?我将对你进行扫描扫描完毕I will scan you now. Scan complete.健康Health care.听好...Okay...要是阿姨问起来If my aunt asked,你就说我们一整天都待在学校知道吗we are at school all day, got it?我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.不是声音轻点! 嘘!No, But be quiet! Shhh!我们从窗户跳下来We jump out of window.你可不能这么回卡斯阿姨But you can't say things like that on our Aunt Cass.小宏?Hiro?你回来了亲爱的?You home, sweetie?是的!That's right!就知道我没听错嗨!I thought I heard you. Hi!嘿卡斯阿姨Hey, Aunt Cass.看看我的小大学生啊Oh, look at my little college man.我迫不及待地想听你在学校的一切Ah! I can't wait to hear all about it.马上就好咯Oh! It means its almost ready.你能安静会儿吗You be quiet?好了来大吃一顿吧Alright, get ready to have your face melted.明天就会感觉到这酸爽了你知道我在说什么吧We are gonna feel this things tomorrow. You know what I'm saying?好吧坐下来都告诉我Okay, sit down, tell me everything.情况是这样的因为我注册得太晚了The thing is, since I registered so late.我有很多功课要赶上I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.什么声音What was that?是糯米团Mochi.该死的猫Oh! That darn cat.就当饯行吃一盘好吗Oh! Just take a plate for the road, okay?#NAME?- Don't work too hard. - Thanks for understanding.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.毛茸茸的宝贝Hairy baby.好了起来吧Alright, come on.我会坚持下去我是你的私人助手I'll carry on, I'm your personal Baymax.一只脚前一只后One foot in front of the other.没道理啊This doesn't make any sense.阿正Tadashi.什么What?阿正Tadashi.阿正走了Tadashi's gone.他什么时候回来When will he return?他死了大白He is dead, Baymax.阿正身体十分健康Tadashi was in excellent health.饮食健康坚持锻炼他应该会长寿With a proper diet and exercise, He should have lived a long life.是他应该会Yeah, He should have. 但发生了一场火灾...But there is a fire...现在他去了Now he's gone.阿正就在这里Tadashi is here.不虽然大家都说只要有人记得他No, people keep saying he is not really gone.他就不是真的消失了As long as who remember him.但还是很痛...Still hurts..我没有检测出伤口I seen no evidence of physical injury.那是另外一种伤痛It's a different kind of hurt.你是我的病人我想帮助你You are my patient. I would like to help.这个你治不了You can't fix this one buddy.你在做什么Ah..What are you doing?我在下载伤心病治疗的数据库I am downloading a database on personal lost.数据库下载完成Database downloaded.治疗方法包括接触朋友爱人Treatments include: Contact with friends, and loved ones.#NAME?- I am contacting them now. - No! No, don't do that.#NAME?- Your friends have been contacted. - Unbelieveable!你现在在做什么Now what are you doing?其他治疗方法包括关怀和安抚Other treatments include: Compassion, and physical reassurance.我没事真的I'm okay, really.你会好的You will be alright.乖乖There, there.谢谢你大白Thanks, Baymax. 对于那场火灾我很遗憾I am sorry about the fire.别放心上这是意外It's okay, it was an accident.除非...Unless...除非它不是意外...Unless it wasn't a...蒙面的家伙偷走了我的微型机器人Ah! Ah! The showcase, the guy in the masked stole my microbots还纵火销毁痕迹and set the fire to cover his tracks.是他害死了阿正He's responsible for Tadashi.我们要抓住那家伙We gotta catch that guy.它还活着It's alive, It's alive, It's alive, It's alive!要想抓住那家伙就得给你升升级If we're gonna catch that guy, you need some upgrades.抓到蒙面人能改善你的情绪吗Will apprehending the man in the masked improve your emotional state?。



超能陆战队十句经典台词英文1、"Let's Power Up, Ready Go!” ——让我们能量化,准备Go!2、"Go Go Overdrive” ——进到无限冲动!3、"Unlock, Baxium Power!” ——解锁,巴克西嗖!4、"Go Max, Go Drive!” —— Go Max,Go Drive!5、"Rev It Up, That's Max Power!” ——节奏紧起来,这是无限动能!6、"Right Now, It's Morphin Time!” ——现在,是变身时间!7、"Go Go Hyperforce!” —— Go Go超能陆战队!8、"Back Up, Spark Back Up. Max Power!” ——备份,闪耀备份,无限动能!9、"Fire Up, Thunderbirds!" ——炽热,雷神鸟!10、"Power of the Spark, Charge!” ——闪耀之力,充电!超能陆战队从来就受到成千上万动画爱好者们的喜爱,一些典型的台词在观众心中深入长久,深受观众认可和喜爱。

那么,超能陆战队的十句经典台词都有哪些呢?1、"Let's Power Up, Ready Go!” 让我们能量化,准备Go!这句话不仅代表了超能陆战队拥有非凡力量的仪式感,也是观众与超能陆战队的精神连结,让我们共勉励话。

2、"Go Go Overdrive!” 进到无限冲动!动画中出现过很多超能陆战队在英勇艰难的冒险过程中,通过“overdrive”将力量引导出来,因此“Go Go Overdrive!”也成为了经典台词。

3、"Unlock, Baxium Power!” 解锁,巴克西嗖!超能陆战队的力量主要来自于巴克西活力,他们在变身的同时,通过解锁巴克西嗖之力,而得以获得超能力,因此这句台词也在观众中很受喜爱。



超能陆战队台词英文版超能陆战队片段台词(英文版)Big Hero 6超能陆战队片段1 Hiro: How do I get in? T adashi: Every year, the school has a student You ’re in. But it’s gotta be great. Hiro: It will be... Nothing! No ideas! Useless empty brain! T adashi:Hiro: I got nothing! I’m done! I’m never getting in! T adashi: Hey! I’Hiro: What are you doing? T adashi:Hiro: What? T adashi:片段2H: Baymax! Are you crazy? What are you doing? H: I told you. It’s broken! It’B: There is a window. B: Oh, no. H: Shh... H: Are you done? H: Fine. Just keep it down. 片段3 H: Okay... If my aunt asks, we are at school all day, got it? B: We jumped out of window. H: No! But be quiet! Shh... B: We jumped out of window. H: But you can’t say things likethat on our Aunt Cass.Shh... B: Shh... Shh... A: Hiro? You home, sweetie? H: Eh.. That’s right! A: I thought I heard you. Hi! H: Hey, Aunt Cass! A: Oh, look at my little college man. Ah, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Oh, It means it’s almost ready. B: Whee.... H: You be quiet? feel these things tomorrow. You know what I’m saying? OK, sit down, tell me everything.showcase:[ˈʃəʊkeɪs] 展会come up with:想出,提出blows sb. away: 使某人印象深刻trust:[trʌst]相信,信任washed up:江郎才尽的,彻底失败的give up on sb:放弃某人shake things up:改变局势,力挽狂澜angle:[ˈæŋgl]角度tiny: [ˈtaɪni] 极小的,微小的robot:[ˈrəʊbɒt]机器人locked:[lɔkt] 上锁的caution:[ˈkɔ:ʃn]小心,警告exercise caution 保持谨慎height:[haɪt]高度lead to:导致bodily harm[hɑ:m]: 身体伤害let out:释放re-inflate:[rei’ɪnfleɪt]重新充气melt:[melt]融化’ve got a lot of school stuff to A: What was that?A: Oh, just take a plate for the road, okay? Don’t work too hard.H: Thanks for understanding. B: Hairy baby.Hairy baby.H: All right, come on.B: I’ll carry on. I’m your personal Baymax.H: One foot in front of the other.This doesn’B: T adashi. H: What? B: T adashi.H: T adashi’s gone.H: He’s dead, Baymax.and exercise, he should have lived a long life.H: Yeah, he should have. But there is a fire.. Now, he’s gone.B: T adashi is here.H: It’s a different kind of hurt.片段4H: I’’s go! Be right! OK, to the left! Hard right! Up and over! Ok, Easy! Woohoo, nice flying! there! Baymax! Baymax!H: Nonono, wait, what about you? B: You are my patient. H: Baymax!H: Stop! No, no, I’B: Are you satisfied with your care? H: No, there’s gotta be another way. I’m not gonna leave you here. I’ll think of something.B: There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care? H: Please, no! I can’t lose you, too! B: Hiro, I will always bewith you. H: I’m satisfied with my care.register:[ˈredʒɪstə(r)]注册,报名stuff:[stʌf]东西,材料catch up on:赶上进度darn:[dɑ:rn]该死的make sense[sens]:讲得通,有意义return:[rɪˈtɜ:n]回来excellent:[ˈeksələnt]卓越的,优秀的a proper [ˈprɒpə(r)]diet[ˈdaɪət]:合理的饮食remember:[rɪˈmembə(r)]记住hurt:[hɜ:t]疼痛evidence:[ˈevɪdəns]证据,迹象physical[ˈfɪzɪkl] injury[ˈɪndʒəri]:物理伤害guide:[gaɪd]引路,引导level up:[ˈlevl]上升,升级almost:[ˈɔ:lməʊst]几乎thruster:[ˈθrʌstə(r)]推进器inoperable:[ɪnˈɒpərəbl]无法使用的grab:[græb]抓住Deactivate:[ˈdi:ˈæktɪveɪt]停用,关闭satisfied:[ˈsætɪsfaɪd]满意的,满足的concern:[kənˈsɜ:n]关心figure[ˈfɪgə(r)] out: 想出百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网,您的在线图书馆。

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The winner!By total annihilationWho,s next where,s the guts to stop me in the ring?With little yamaCan i tryI have a robot i built it myselfBeat it kid house rulesYou gotta(have got to)pay to playOh is this enough?What,s your name little boyPrepare your bot zeroTow bots enter one might leavesFighters ready?FightThat was my first fight can i try againNo one likes a sore loser little boyI,ve got more moneyDestroyNot more “litter yama”but whatThis is not possibleHey i,m as surprised as you areBeginner,s luckDo you wanna go againNo one hustles yamaTeach him a lessonHey fellasLet,s tail about thisThen what are you thinking knuckle headYou graduated high school and you,er 13 and this is what you,er doingHold onBot fighting is illegalYou,re gonna get yourself arrestedBot fighting is not illegalBetting on bot fighting that,s illegalBut so who could heedI,m on a roll ,big brotherAnd there is on stopping meHi aunt cassAre you guys okay tell me you,re okayThen what were you two knuckle heads thinkingFor 10 yearsI heed the best i could to raise youHave i been perfect?Do i know anything about childrenShould i pick a book on parenting? ProbablyWhere i was going with this? I had a pointI had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry nightStress eating because of you come on motyYou,d better make this up to aunt cassBefore she eats everything in the cafeFor sureYou,er going fight boting,aren,t youThere,s a fight across townIf i book now i could still make itWhen are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yoursWhat?Go to college like youSo people can tell me stuff i already knowUnbelievableWhat would mom and dad sayThey,re goneThey died when i was 3 remember?I,ll take youI can,t stop you from goingBut i,m not gonna let you go on your ownSweetWhat are we doing at your nerd schoolBot fights that wayGotta grad somethingIs this gonna take longRelaxYou big baby we will be in and outAnyway you,ve never seen my labOh great i get to see your nerd labHeads upElectromag suspensionWelcome to the nerd labI,ve never seen electromag suspension on a bike before Zero resistance faster bikeBut not fast enough yetDo not moveBehind the line pleasePrepare to be amazedCatchLaser induced plasmaWith a little magnetic confinement for ahUltra precisionHow did you find anything in this mess?I have a systemThere is a place for everything and everything in its place I need this you can,t do thatThis is anarchy society has rulesExcuse me coming throughYou must be hiroI,ve heard so much about youThat,s whole lot of tungsten carbideYou,re gonna love thisA dash of per chloric acidTadahIt,s really greatHere,s the best partI spilled wasabi on my shirt one time peopleFred is the one who comes up with the nicknamesThis guy right hereDon,t be alarmed it is just a suitThis is not my real face and bodySchool mascot by daybut by night,i,m also a school mascotI,m not student but i am a major science enthusiastI,ve been turning to get honey to develop a formula that can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at willBut she says that,s not “science”And i guess the shrink ray i ask wasabi for isn,t science either?Well then what about invisible sandwichImagine eating a sandwich but everybody just thinks you,re crazySo what are you been workingI,ll show youDust tapeI hate to break it to you ,bro,already been inventedThis is what i,ve been working onYour personal health care companionI was alerted to the need for medical attentionwhen you saidA robotic nurseOn a scale of 1 to 10I will scan you nowScan completeYou have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearmI suggest an anti-bacterial sprayWhat,s in the spray specificallyThe primary ingredient is “bacitracin”That,s bummer i,m actually allergic to thatYou are not allergic to bacitracinYou do have a mild allergy to peanutsYou,ve done some serious coding on this thing huh Programmed to over more than 10000 medical procedures This chip is what makes maymxGoing for a non-threatening huggableLooks like a walking marshmallow no offenseI can not be offendedHyperspectro camerasSkeleton fiberRight even lighterKiller actuators where did you get thoseMachined them right here in houseHe can lift a thousand pounds shut upYou have been a good boy have a lollipopI can not deactivate until you sayYou are satisfied with your careWell then I,m satisfied with my careYou know super capacitor would charge way fasterBurning the midnight oilProfessor i actually was finishing upWhen my daughter was younger that,s all she wanted to do May iMagnetic bearing servosPretty sick huhWanna see how i put them togetherGenius he invented themLike as inEver think about applying here you age wouldn,t be an issue He,s pretty serious about his career in bot fightingWell kind of serious i can see whyWith your bot winning must come easyI guessWell if you like things easyThen my program isn,t for youWe push the boundaries of robotics hereMy students go on to shape the futureNice to meet you good luck with the bot fightsYou gotta hurry if you wanna catch that bot fightI have to go hereIf i don,t go to this nerd school i,m gonna lose my mind How do i get inEvery year the school has a student showcaseBut it,s gotta be greatTrust meUseless empty brainWashed up at 14So sadI got nothingI,m done i,m never getting inI,m not giving up on youShake things upUse that big brain of yours to think your way outLook for new angleA lot of sweet tech here today how you feelinYou,er talking to an ex-bot fighterIt takes a lot more than this to rattle meHe,s nervousYou have nothing to fear little fellaHe,s so tenseYour tech is amazing tell him gogoStop whining woman upWhat you need little manUnder pants?You need serious helpI come preparedI haven,t laundry in 6 monthsOne pair last me four daysI go front i go back i go inside out then i go front and backIt,s called recyclingNext presenterThis is it i guess i,m upDon,t mess it upBreak a leg little manCome on don,t leave me hangingWhat,s going on?I really wanna go hereYou got thisI,ve been working on something that i think is pretty coolI hope you like itBreatheIt doesn,t look like muchBut when it links up with the rest of its palsThings gonna get a little more interestingThe microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitterI think about what i want them to doThey do itThe applications for this tech are limitlessConstructionWhat use to take teams of people working by hands for months or yearsCan now be accomplished by one personAnd that,s just the beginningHow about transportationThe only limit is your imaginationThat,s my nephewMy family i love my familyNailed itYou did it you did it badIt blows my mind dudeThey loved youThat was amazingWith some development ,your tech could be revolutionaryExtraordinaryI want your microbots at krei techShut upYour microbots are an inspired piece of techYou can continue to develop themOr you can sell to a man whose only guided by own self interestI know how you feel about meBut it shouldn,t affect youThis is your decisionBut you should know mr has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he isThat,s just not trueI wouldn,t trust krei tech with your microbots or anything elseI,m offering you more money than any fourteen year old could imagineI appreciate the offer but they are not for saleAlright geniuses let,s feed those hungry brainsBack to cafe dinner is on meYes nothing is better than free foodUnless it,s moldyWe,ll catch upI,m so proud of youBoth of youI know what you gonna sayI should be proud of myselfBecause i ,m finally using my gift for something importantI was just gonna tell youYour fly was down for the whole showHilariousWelcome to nerd schoolI wouldn,t be here if it wasn,t for youThanks for not giving up on meBut professor in still in thereSomeone has to helpM,s in the cafeShe,s wearing something super inappropriate for an 80 year old It always cracks me upYou should come downMaybe laterThe university called againIt,s been a few weeks since classes startedWe just wanted to check in and see how you,re doingWe wish you were hereIf i could have only one super power right nowIt would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hugI didn,t know you were still activeI heard a sound of distress what seems to be the troubleI just had my toe a littleYou can shrink nowDoes it hurt i touch it ?That,s okay touchingYou have fallen you think?It is alright to cryCrying is a natural response to painI,m not cryingI will scan you for injuryScan complete unbelievableYou have sustained no injuriesHowever,your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swingsCommon on adolescenes diagnosis pubertyTime to shrink nowYou should expect an increase in body hairEspecially on your face chest armpitsThat,s enoughYou may also experience strange and powerful new urgesYou are satisfied with your careI,m satisfied with myThis doesn,t make any sensePuberty can often be a confusing time for young adolescent flowering into a manhoodThe thing is attracted with other microbotThat,s impossible they were destroyed in a fireSomething,s brokenYour tiny robot is trying to go somewhereWhy don,t you find out where he is trying to goWould that stabilize your pubescent mood swingsAbsolutelyYou,re up?I figured it was timeAre you registering for schoolI,ve thought about what you said really inspired meThat,s so greatSpecial dinner tonightI leave up some chicken wingsWith a hot sauce that makes us faces numbSounds goodAre you crazy what are you doingI have found where your tiny robot wants to goI told you its broken it,s not trying to goLockedA fall from this height could lead to bodily harmExcuse me while i let out some airIt will take me a moment to re-inflateJust keep it downSomeone,s making moreYou gave me a heart attackMy hands are equipped with defibrillatorsIt,s just an expressionI,m not fastKick it downPunch itSuck inLet,s get out of here go hurryLet me get this straightA man in a kabuki maskAttacked you with an army of miniature flying robotHe was controlling them telepathically with a neurocranial transmitterEsp to attack you and balloon manDid you file a report when your flying robots was stolenI thought they were all destroyedLook ,i know it sounds crazy but baymax was there tooTell himOfficer he is telling the truthWhat,s wrong with youI am a health care your personal baymaxKid how about we call your parents and get them down here Write your name and number down in this piece of paperI gotta get you home your charging stationCan you walkI will scan you now scan completeHealth careWe are at school all day got it?We jump out of windowBut be quietBut you can,t say things like that on our aunt cassI thought i heard youLook at my little college manI can,t wait to hear all about itIt means its almost readyGet ready to have face meltedWe are gonna feel this things tomorrowYou know what i,m sayingSit down tell me everythingThe thing is since i registered so lateI,ve got a lot of school stuff to catch up onJust take a plate for the roadDon,t work too hardThanks for understandingHairy bayOne foot in front of the otherThis doesn,t make any senseWhen will he returnHe is deadTadashi was in excellent healthWith a proper diet ad exercise he should have lived a long lifeBut there is a fire now he,s gonePeople keep saying he is not really gone as long as who remember himStill hurtsI seen no evidence of physical injuryIt,s different kind of hurtYou are my patient i would like to helpYou can,t fix this one buddyI am downloading a database on personal lostTreatments include contact with friends and loved onesI am contacting them nowDon,t do thatYour friends have been contacted unbelievableOther treatments includeCompassion and physical reassuranceYou will be alrightI am sorry about the fireIt was an accidentUnless it wasn,t a accidentThe showcase the guy in the masked stole my microbotsWe gotta catch that guyIf we,re gonna catch that guy you need some upgradesWill apprehending the man in the masked improve your emotional stateAbsolutelyLet,s work on your movesNow let,s take care of thisI have some concernsThis armor may undermine my non-threatening huggable designThat,s gotta be the idea buddyYou look sickI can not be sickIt,s just an expressionData transfer completeI fail to see how karate makes me a better health care companionYou wanna keep me healthy don,t youHammer fistSide kickKnife handNow you,re getting itI will add fist bump to my care giving matrixLets go get that buyGet himYour tiny robot is trying to go somewhereTime to use those upgradesGet out of hereWhat are you doing out hereNothingjust stop for a walkhelps my pubescent mood swingsWhy is he wearing carbon fiber under pants I also know karateYou guys need to goNo don,t push us awayWe,re here for youThat,s why baymax contact usThose who suffer a loseRequires support from friends and loved ones Who would like to share their feelings first I,ii goIt has been 30 days sinceAm i the only one seeing thisI,m saving your lifeBaymax can handle that guyExplanation nowHe stole my microbotsHe started the fire i don,t know who he is Hard leftI mean how cool is that i mean it,s scary obviouslyBut how coolWhy are we stopped the lights redThere are no red lights in a car chaseWhy is he trying to kill usIt,s classic villain we,ve seen too muchLet,s not jump yo conclusionsWe don,t know he is trying kill usDid you just put your blinker onYou have to indicate your turn it,s the lawStop the carBaymax and i can take this guySeat belts save livesBuckle up everytimeI think we lose himWatch upWe are not gonna make itWe made itI told you we,re gonna make itWe injuries require my attention and your body temperature are lowWe should get out of hereI know a placeWhere are weListen,nitwitA lunatic in a mask just tried to kill usWe,ll be safe in hereI though you lived under bridgeWell technically it belongs to my parentsThey are on a vacay in a family islandWe should totally go sometime for all luckYou gotta be kidding meIf i wasn,t just attacked by a guy in a maskI think this would be the weirdest thing i,ve seen todayMy brain hates my eyes for saying thisYour body temperature is still lowIt,s like spooning a warm marshmallowIt,s toastedDoes that symbol mean anything to you guysIt,s a birdThe guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on itApprehending the man in the mask will improve h,s emotional stateApprehend him we don,t even know who he isI have a theoryActually millionaire weapons designerThe annihilatorBehind the mask industrialistsOh just get to the pointDon,t you guys get it?Rules don,t apply to a man like kreiThere,s no way the guy,s too high profileThen who was that guy in the mask?We don,t know anything about himHis blood type is ab negativeYou scanned himI am programmed to assess everyone,s health care needsI can use the date from your scan to find himYou,d have to scan everyone is sanAnd that might take i don,t know foreverI just have to look for another angleI,ll scan the whole city at the same timeI just have to upgrade baymax,s sensorActually if we,re gonna catch this guyI need to upgrade all of youUpgrade who nowThose who suffer a lose requires support from friends and loved onesI like where this is headingWe can,t go against that guy we,re nerdsWe want to help but we,re just usYou can be way moreCan you feel it?Do you guys can feel these?Our origin story beginsWe are gonna be superheroWe get the mask then he can,t control the botsAnybody else whose suit riding up on themCheck this outI,d like to introduceHe,s gloriousHold up focusShow them what you gotThe fist show them the fistRocket fistThat,s just one of his new upgradeWingsThrusterI fail to see how flying makes me a better health care companionI fail to see how you fail to see that is awesomeFull thrustLet,s just take this slowToo much thrustBack onMaybe enough flying for todayWhat do you sayYour neurotransmitters level are rising steadilyWhich means whatThe treatment is workingThat was sickI can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your careI don,t want you to deactivateWe still have to find that guySo fire up that super sensorFunctionality improved1000% increase in rangeI have found a matchOn that islandFiller viewIf i wasn,t terrified of heights i,d probably love thisBut i,m terrified of heights so i don,t love itAwesomeOur first landing together as a teamDo you people know what quarantine meansQuarantine enforced isolation on prevent contamination that could lead to Disease or in some cases deathThere,s a skull face on this one a skull faceBe ready he could be anywhereCease fireThat was a birdWell at least we know our gear worksI,ll laser hand you on the faceAny sign of himThe structure is interfering with my sensorPerfect the robot,s brokenI,m not sureThat,s right we were asked to do the impossibleThat,s what we didWe re-invented the very concept of transportationI present “project silent sparrow”General may i ?Magic hatTeleportation the transport of matter spontaneously through spaceNot science fiction anymoreNow,we didn,t spend billion of tax dollars to teleport hatsLadies and gentlemen you,re here to witness historyReady to go for a rideWe,ve invited all these peopleMight as well give them a showWe picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment fieldIs there a problemIt,s well within the parameters let,s move forwardField breach abortWe lost all contact with the podIt,s breaking up the pilot is gonePortal 2 is downThe magnetic containment field id downShut is down nowI want this island sealed offGet us out of hereGo for the transmitter behind his maskThat,s the planGravity crushFalling hardSeriously what,s the planGet the maskRight behind youFor real what is the planYou want to dance masked manYou,ll be dance with thisHand over the mask or your gonna tasted of thisAnd a little bit of thatI did alrightIs that all you gotYou got that too?Get back into the fireIt,s over kreiThe explosionI had your microbotsYou just let him dieGive me the maskHe went in there to save you that was his mistake DestroyMy programming prevents me from injuring a human beingMy health care protocol has been violatedI regret any distress i made have causedHow could you do that i had himWhat you just did,we never signed up forWe said we catch the guy that,s itI never should,ve let you help meMy enhanced scanner has been damagedThis isn,t part of the planYour blood pressure is elevatedYou appear to be distressThere is it workingMy sensor is operationalAre you going to remove my health care chip?My purpose is to healThe sick and injuredOpen your access portDo you want me to terminate professorWill terminating professor improve your emotional state?Is this what t wanted it doesn,t matterHe is not hereThis is the first of my robotics projectI,m not giving up on youYou don,t understand this yet but people need youSe let,s get back to workYou,re gonna help so many people buddyAnd this time we,ll do it rightBut maybe don,t leave your team stranded on a spooky island next timeIt,s cool h picked us up in a family chopperWe found something you should seeYou almost git us all killedYou did this you knew it wasn,t readyHe was such a good man what happenedI don,t know but the answers here somewhereWith the pilot blame revengeSo what are we waiting forThe beautiful new campus is the culmination of a life long dreamBut none of these would have been possible without a few bumps on the roadThose setbacks,made us stronger and set us on the path to a bright futureWhy is my daughter a setbackYour daughter that was an accidentYou knew it was unsafeMy daughter is gone because of your arroganceYou took everything from me when you send abigail on that machineNow i,m taking everything from youYou are going to watch everything you built disappearedAnd then it,s your turnLet him goListen to the kidPlease let me go i,ll give you anything you wantI want my daughter backGo for the maskLeaving into actionGetting a little tightThat,s it i know how to beat himListen up use those big brain of yours and think your way around the problemLook for a new angleI can,t go any furtherWait a second it,s a suitHello sign care to go for little spinI love that robotForget the maskTake out the bots they,ll get sucked up into the portalNow that is a planCan you give us some coverLike you have to askSmoke screenDiveGravity is getting a little weird here guysLet,s use thisNow that,s a chemical reactionThis ends nowBut we,ll take thatIt,s still on we have to shut it downWe cant the containment field is failingThe portals gonna tear itself apartWe need to get out of here nowMy sensor is detecting signs of lifeComing from thereThe life signs are female she appears to be in hyper sleep She is still aliveLets go get herThe portal is destabilizing you,ll never make itShe,s alive in there someone has to helpWhat do you say buddyFine makes me a better health care companionCareful there,s krei tech debris everywhereI have located the patientHurryCome on buddy let,s get her homeI,ll guide you out of here let,s goMy thrusters are inoperable just grab holdThere is still a way i can get you both to safetyI can not deactivate until you sayYou are satisfied with your careWhat about youYou are my patientAre you satisfied with your careThere,s gotta be another way i,m not gonna leave you hereI,ll think of somethingThere is no timeI can,t lose you tooI will always be with youI,m satisfied with my careThey made itCan you hear me what is your nameYou,re gonna be fine we,re taking you to the hospitalMove inA massive clean-up continues today at the headquarters of krei tech industriesReport are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individualsWho prevented what could have been a major catastropheThe whole city of san fransikyo is askingWho are there heroesAnd where are they nowI,m so excited sweetLast hugWe didn,t set out to be superheroesBut sometimes life doesn,t do the way you planThe good thing isMy brother wanted to help a lot peopleAnd that,s what we gonna doI have always felt the distance where with you being at the family island all the timeAnd i just wish you could see。
