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《We laughed a lot》说课稿


Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

Knowledge Aims: Students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words: wore, told, show, women, actor, joke, funny, after, theatre, ready; students can master the sentence pattern: The men wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes.

Ability Aims:

1. Through answering questions,pair works and group discussion, students can describe the past event with the above sentence pattern.

2. Their listening and speaking ability will have an improvement.

Emotional Aims: Students can develop independent learning ability and their team work spirit can be improved by working in groups.

Ⅱ. Key and difficult points

Key points: Students can master the simple past forms of irregular verbs.

Difficult points: Students can use the simple past forms of irregular verbs to describe the past event and their own life.

Ⅲ. Teaching procedures

Step One Warming-up and Revision

1. Greetings

2. Free talk
