如何高效使用Westlaw? 在网络上很多免费网站亦可找到某.
2.West钥匙码系统® (West Key Number System®)下的钥匙码系统把判例按法律点进行分类,因此可以找到涉及某点的其他判例。
West钥匙码系统(West Key Number System)Wset钥匙码系统将法律进行分类,可借助其找到讨论某一特定法律概念的判例。
可借助关键引用检索该判例、法律、行政裁决或联邦法规的引称参考,并利用关键引用警觉(Keycite Alert)自动跟踪该题目关键引用信息的变化。
What Makes Using Westlaw So Efficient?Westlaw editorial enhancements DO make a difference. When you are searching for documents, speed and efficiency count. And that's what the Westlaw editorial enhancements bring to your searches.When you search the Web for a document, you may find the document, e.g., case or statute, you are looking for. But it will not contain the editorial enhancements that allow you to quickly determine whether the document is useful to your search. Below are just some of the enhancements and features you will find on Westlaw.There are many editorial enhancements that aid your search.Enhancements for case law include∙headnotes crafted by West attorney-editors covering every specific point of law in a case∙key numbers classified under the West Key Number System® that classify every point of law so you can find other cases on point∙ a case synopsis, a one-paragraph summary to help you quickly decide if the case is on point∙added search terms, such as synonyms, acronyms, terms of art, generic names, and legal relationship terms, so your search terms don't have to match the judge's terms verbatim∙court corrections by West attorney-editors, who work closely with the courts to identify and correct errors ranging from incorrect citations ormisspellings to substantive factual and legal inaccuraciesEnhancements for statutes and regulations include∙an alphabetical index for state and federal statutes and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)∙RegulationsPlus®, an annotated version of the CFR∙notes of decisions, brief summaries of the important cases that interpret your statute or regulation, and links to the full text of each case∙historical notes that show you how your statute or regulation evolved∙cross-references that link to more resources∙ a table of contents so you can quickly browse through sections and chapters without needing a citationWest Key Number SystemThe West Key Number System classifies the law so that you can find cases discussing a specific legal concept. West attorney-editors index cases under more than 400 topics and 100,000 key numbers. If you find an on-point key number, you can easily locate other cases discussing the same or similar legal concepts.KeyCiteKeyCite lets you know whether your case, statute, administrative decision, or federal regulation is good law. You can also use KeyCite to find citing references to your case, statute, administrative decision, or regulation. Then use KeyCite Alert to automatically monitor the status of your document when its KeyCite information changes.。
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引用自复旦大学图书馆——由04级5班柯劲恒收集--------------------------------------------------------------------------------主题范围法律、商业数据库简介Thomson Legal & Regulatory是世界著名的法律信息出版集团,Westlaw International是Thomson Legal面向法律专业人员推出的专业数据库。
多次获得由美国Law Office Computing 评选的年度Readers' Choice Awards奖项。
Westlaw International中包括6000个Thomson Legal & Regulatory主要的法律数据库以及约7000个来自Dow Jones Interactive的新闻及商业信息数据库。
通过Westlaw International可获得主要西方国家的案例、法律法规、条约、商业资料等信息。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------检索指南1.进入点击WestLaw会出现“Westlaw International Academic User Agreement”页面,选中“I Agree”后,点击“GO”即可进入。
2.1 上方导航栏上方导航栏共有六个标签,分别是:World Journals(期刊)、Federal(美国法律)、WLI General Subscription(所有内容)、Westlaw UK(英国法律)、Westlaw Australia(澳大利亚法律)、LawSource(加拿大法律)。
WESTLAW使用方法简介WESTLA W是美国西方出版公司(west Publishing Company)开发的一项电脑辅助法律研究系统,现已在我系开通。
使用WESTLA W系统进行查寻,大致有三种方式:一是自然语言查寻法(Natural Language searching)。
该方法简称WIN,是WESTLA W is Natural的词头缩写。
如果您对如何使用WESTLA W不熟悉,或您知道与自己所研究的问题相关的概念,建议您选用这种查寻法。
二是EZ ACCESS 查寻法。
该方法是西方出版公司为使用者寻找WESTLA W上的文件而提供的一种"菜单驱动系统"。
对那些不熟悉或不常使用WESTLA W的人而言,EZ ACCESS是一种理想的查寻方法,因为它既不要求使用者具备经验,也不需要进行培训。
这种方法因为使用起来相当简便,因而对于那些有经验的WESTLA W使用者也同样有帮助。
三是传统的术语与连接词查寻法(Terms and Connectors method)。
有经验的WESTLA W使用者多选择此种查寻方法。
鉴于EZ ACCESS查寻法易于掌握,使用者根据电脑菜单上提供的项目就可选择查寻;而Terms and Connectors查寻法对于初学者来讲又具有一定的难度,故本文对这两种方法暂不赘述。
Westlaw 登陆界面
• Find by citation----快速查询单一的法条,判决或者期刊
பைடு நூலகம்
范例: • U.S Const. art. I, § 9, cl.3 • 398 F.Supp.768 • 120 HVLR 661
• U.S Const. art. I, § 9, cl.3
美国宪法简称 Constitution of the United States of
第一条 art.是article 的简称
第九项 简称
第三款 的缩写
§ 是section的 cl.是claim
• 398 F.Supp 768
• 其中主要包括英国成文法(1267 年至今)、美国联邦和州法(1789 年 至今)、欧盟法规(1952 年至今)、香港地区(1997 年至今)和加拿 大的法律法规。
• 1000 余种法学期刊,覆盖了当今 80% 以上的英文核心期刊。汤森路透 法律信息集团在自己出版诸多法律期刊的基础上,还刊载大量知名的国 际法律期刊,如Harvard Law Review(1949年第63卷至今)、Yale Law Journal(1891年第1卷至今)、Stanford Law Reviews (1947年 第1卷至今) Columbia Law Review、Criminal Law Review、Hong Kong Law Journal 等多种法律专业全文期刊。 • 此外还包括 300 多种法律通讯(Legal Newsletter) 和法律新闻 (Legal News) , 如:New York Law Journal,American Lawyer 和 Criminal Law News,帮助法律专业人士更多、更快的获取学界最新动 态。
Westlaw 使用指南说明书
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEWESTSEARCH PLUSWith WestSearch® Plus, get better predictive research suggestions across thousands of legal topics so you can find authoritative answers even faster. Predictive typeahead gives you relevant queries in the Global Search box. When you select a suggested query, you will go to the most relevant text without needing to scan the entire results list.Get StartedTo use WestSearch Plus, enter your search query into the Global Search box. As you type, related suggestions will appear below your query. You can access:•Suggestions •Cases •Statutes •Regulations •Secondary Sources •Other relevant informationWESTLAW EDGEWESTLAW EDGE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEFind Answers FasterClick a Suggestion to see the most relevant text along with links to relevant cases at the top of theresult list.Click S how More to see more snippets relevant to your research.Relevant CasesWESTSEARCH PLUS 2© 2018 Thomson Reuters S070223/9-22LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION?Westlaw Edge is available on the Web at /edge .For assistance using Westlaw Edge, call 1-800-REF-ATTY (1-800-733-2889).For free reference materials, visit /edge-training .Click the snippet text to view the exact headnote for that point of law within the document, and then click theheadnotelink to view exactly where the case discusses that point of law.。
westlaw 使用说明
Westlaw 用户使用手册
该使用手册是根据中国大陆地区 Westlaw 用户的检索需求和习惯制作的。主体部分包括两个板块,先简要介绍了 Westlaw 常用的 5 种检索方法,再针对用户最常检索的几种资料,包括法学期刊文章,成文法,判例,法律新闻和词典, 用具体的检索实例讲述如何利用 Westlaw 迅速准确的进行检索,并对结果进行有效分析利用。结尾的附录部分还精心 整理了 60 多个推荐数据库,建议用户使用。
常用资料检索详述 ......................................................................................................................27
期刊文章检索 ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 成文法检索............................................................................................................................................................ 29 判例检索 ............................................................................................................................................................... 31 新闻检索 ............................................................................................................................................................... 33 使用布莱克法律词典 ............................................................................................................................................. 35
West Law使用指南
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西法网Westlaw Case Notebook快捷参考指南-西法网说明书
Serial cable WESTLAW ® CASE NOTEBOOK ™ QUICK REFERENCE GUIDELiveNote ™Stream Manager ™: Setting O ptionsStream Manager and CAT Software on Same Computer: Using a Serial Connection and the Internet (Recommended)∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer. ∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition using a serial cable. ∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.You must access the CAT system and LiveNote Stream in the following order:1. Access the CAT system.2. Note the baud rate and COM port number that are used for thesession.3. Close the CAT system.4. Access LiveNote Stream.5. Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below.6. Re-access the CAT system.For assistance using Westlaw Case Notebook call 1-800-290-9378 or e-mail westlaw. softwaresupport@ .For free reference materials, visit/ westlaw/guides .THOMSON REUTERS WESTLAWThomson Reuters Westlaw comprises industry leading online research, print products, software, tools, and services that help legal professionals perform their work faster and more efficiently, every day.A Click Local CAT System whenStream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer. B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView . C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system. D In the CAT sending on list, click the same COM port that is set in the CAT system. E Do not click the Use Virtual Port check box when a participant is using a serial cable.Court reporterParticipant a t d eposition L iveNote s oftware Participant at remote site using the Internet AB C D EGUIDEStream Manager and CAT Software on Same Computer: Using Internet Connections Only∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer.∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition via the Internet using Westlaw Case Notebook orLiveNote software.∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.Access LiveNote Stream before you access the CAT system. Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below:A Click Local CAT System when Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer.B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView .C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system.D Stream Manager automatically chooses the COM port. Set your CAT software’s Output field to the same COM port displayed in the CAT sending on box.E Select the Use Virtual Port check box when all participants are using the Internet.Setting Options 2Court reporter with Stream Manager and CATsoftware Participant at deposition using softwareParticipant at remote site using the InternetAB C D EGUIDEInternetStream Manager and CAT Software on Separate Computers: Using a Serial Connection and the InternetIf you are using Stenocast or wireless equipment, Stream Manager and CAT software must be installed on separate computers, as described below. ∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on separate c omputers. ∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition using a serial connection. ∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below:A Click Serial when Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on separate computers.B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView .C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system.D In the Serial Port list, click the same COM port that is set in the Stream Manager computer receiving the real-time feed.Published 01/18. L-373961.© 2018 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. RM173115.The trademarks used herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. West trademarks are owned by West Publishing Corporation.CAT s oftware Stream M anager Participant a t d eposition using softwareParticipant at a remote site using the Internet AB C D。
西律 ate 二因子身份验证设置说明书
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) keeps your Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ profile secure by requiring acode in addition to your normal OnePass password. This acts as an extra layer of security to ensure no one else is able to access your profile. Setting up 2FA is simple:Select one of the following options to ensure easyaccess to Westlaw®:• Authenticator application• Text message• Phone callNOTE: It is recommended to set up authenticationoptions across at least two devices when securing youraccount to ensure seamless access even if one device isnot available. For example, using the Thomson Reutersauthenticator app for two factor authentication on aphone and a tablet. Even better, set up multipleoptions too, including text or voice code to multipledevices.Details on how to set up all three are on the followingpages.Go to , click Update OnePass profile ,and sign in.Click SECURITY at the top of the page, then,on the Two-step authentication page, click Addauthentication method .1.Setting up Authenticator ApplicationOnce you've set it up, the Thomson Reuters Authenticator App is the most secure and easy-to-use option. You can download Thomson Reuters Authenticator from both the Apple® and Google Play™ stores.If you want to use other authentication applications,make sure they provide 6-digit codes. We alsorecommend accessing your authenticator on adevice other than the one you use for Westlaw.Once you have downloaded Thomson ReutersAuthenticator, you can sync it easily to OnePass.Select Scan QR Code.Hold your phone’s camera up to the QR code,where the authenticator will recognize it and syncit to your OnePass.Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registeredin the U.S. and other countries.2.How to set up SMS Text MessagingSMS Text Messaging will send your cell phone a text when you request it. The code will be good for 15 minutes.To set up this option, enter the Phone number you’dlike to use to receive the code. Add a name in theCustom label box that will help you remember whichdevice you chose, then click Send .The device you entered will receive a text message withthe code. Enter that code into the Security code section,then click Verifyto complete the process.You will receive this confirmation message onyour phone. Click Got It and you will be ready toauthenticate into Westlaw.3.How to set up Phone Number for VoiceThe Phone Number for Voice option gives you the ability to have any phone called to receive a security code. When you choosethis option, you will receive a call from an automated female voice that will give you your OnePass security code.To set up this option, enter the Phone number you’dlike to use to receive the code. Add a name in theCustom label box that will help you remember whichphone you chose, then click Send.© 2018 Thomson Reuters S054546/7-18Thomson Reuters is not a consumer reporting agency and none of its services or the data contained therein constitute a ‘consumer report’ as such term is defined in the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. sec. 1681 et seq. The data provided to you may not be used as a factor in consumer debt collection decisioning, establishing aconsumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing, or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. By accessing one of our services, you agree not to use the service or data for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.Visit For more information, contact yourrepresentative at 1-844-247-0397.The phone number you entered will receive a call withthe code. Enter that code into the Security code section,then click Verify to complete the process.Security SettingsYou can choose to use one, two, or all threerecommended security options for 2FA. It isrecommended to enable at least two. If you chooseto use all three, your Security Settings page will looksimilar to this.Note – By default, Westlaw users will only need to gothrough two factor authentication after a public recordssearch is run. Two factor authentication is not required toaccess any other area of Westlaw, unless users enable“two-step authentication” on the OnePass security page. Ifthis is enabled, then users will be required to go throughtwo factor authentication when signing on to Westlaw.However, this setting can always be disabled so that twofactor authentication is only required after a public recordssearch.Thank you for using Thomson Reuters Westlaw.。
WESTLAW使用方法简介WESTLA W是美国西方出版公司(west Publishing Company)开发的一项电脑辅助法律研究系统,现已在我系开通。
使用WESTLA W系统进行查寻,大致有三种方式:一是自然语言查寻法(Natural Language searching)。
该方法简称WIN,是WESTLA W is Natural的词头缩写。
如果您对如何使用WESTLA W不熟悉,或您知道与自己所研究的问题相关的概念,建议您选用这种查寻法。
二是EZ ACCESS 查寻法。
该方法是西方出版公司为使用者寻找WESTLA W上的文件而提供的一种"菜单驱动系统"。
对那些不熟悉或不常使用WESTLA W的人而言,EZ ACCESS是一种理想的查寻方法,因为它既不要求使用者具备经验,也不需要进行培训。
这种方法因为使用起来相当简便,因而对于那些有经验的WESTLA W使用者也同样有帮助。
三是传统的术语与连接词查寻法(Terms and Connectors method)。
有经验的WESTLA W使用者多选择此种查寻方法。
鉴于EZ ACCESS查寻法易于掌握,使用者根据电脑菜单上提供的项目就可选择查寻;而Terms and Connectors查寻法对于初学者来讲又具有一定的难度,故本文对这两种方法暂不赘述。
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CI指的是citation,即文件引称,它是文件独一无二的名称,就像我们每个人有自己的姓名一样,使用文件引称能快速定位找到相关文件;KW指key words,是描述案件内争端的关键词,通过关键词能明白你所搜寻的材料是否为你需要的;CP是catch phrase,它相比KW来说,对案件内争端的描述更简洁,一目了然;SU和SY是summary和synopsis的缩写,都表示对案件事实和争端的简单叙述;RC是reference cited,可以再引用时进行参考;PA是panel的缩写,指审理该案的法官名单,很多著名的法官意见值得参考。
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我是知识产权方向研究生, 本学期需要撰写毕业论文, 不知道目前知识产权领域 有哪些研究热点?
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2009年1月29日奥巴马在美国最高院首席大法 官John Roberts的面前第二次宣誓就职
Seated left to right: Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Standing left to right: Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Justice Elena Kagan.
Note of Decision提供了法庭对法案条款适用的准确解释以及 快速定位您需要关注的该条款涉及的最重要判例
vitamix 6300料理机中文说明书
详细部分Vitamix 6300料理机说明书控制面板1.ON/OFF SWITCH (开关按钮/电源开关):开关按钮在机器前端左面的底部(在控制面板与开关指示灯之下)。
晚上或不再使用料理机时请将开关按钮关闭(按至OFF)2.ON/OFF Light(开关指示灯):开关指示灯在控制面板之下。
如果您使用预设程序(预设程序包括:SMOOTHIES 冰沙;FROZEN DESSERT S 冷冻甜品,HOT SOUPS 热汤)时,当料理机即将完成您的预设指令时,开关指示灯会闪烁。
3.Start/Stop Switch (开始/停止按钮):向下按压开始/停止开关,料理机便会按照您所选用的转速(1-9 转速)或者预设程序运转(SMOOTHIES,FROZEN DESSERTS,HOT SOUPS)。
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Electric Bike User ManualRANGER /CLASSIC STWARRANTYWesthill bikes are covered by a limited 3-year warranty. Aside from general cycle maintenance, any work to the motor should be carried out by a Westhill technician or authorised dealer.1.Warranty periodsThe statutory warranty valid at the time of delivery applies to:Frame: 3 yearsMotor: 2 yearsBattery, Charger & Controller: 2 years2.Warranty conditions2.1 RequirementsThere is a defect in materials or workmanship or an error of information.The cause of the change in the product is neither natural nor related to its functions, wear and tear or ageing.The damage was not caused by use of the bike for other than the intended purpose.2.2 Warranty exclusionsDamage caused by improper use or force majeure.All parts subject to function-related wear and tear, unless this is the result of a defect in the manufacturing process or material.Damage which results from improper orreplacement of parts by persons other than trained professionals.Accidental damage or other external effects, provided these are not the result of defective products or information.Repairs resulting from the use of second-hand parts or damage caused by this use. Damage resulting from competitive use.Observing the required service intervals is also a condition of any warranty claims you may make.2.3 The following are considered wear parts under the statutory warranty:TyresRims in combination with rim brakes SpokesBrake padsChains and toothed beltsChain wheels, sprockets, bottom brackets and jockey wheelsSliding bearingsLamps for lighting systemHandlebar tape/handle gripsHydraulic oils and lubricantsGear-shift cables and brake cablesBatteries (depletion of capacity to 60% isIn this warranty the following terms shall have the following meanings: Westhill Bikes shall mean FW3 Ltd; Westhill Product shall mean FW3 Ltd; Product Warranty Period shall mean mean a period commencing on the original date of purchase as new(2)Circumstances outside our controlFW3 Ltd shall not be liable for any failure in service as a result of FW3 Ltd, or FW3 Ltd agents employees or contractors being performance of its obligations by reason of any circumstances beyond its reasonable control. Such circumstances include, but are not limited(3)DisclaimersFW3 Ltd shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages losses or expenses (including without limitationreputation or lost business) arising directly or indirectly, from the purchase use or sale of the Product, whether or not FW3 Ltd was advised or aware of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses. It is the customer’s responsibility to make lawful use of the products FW3 Ltd supplies.the delayed, prevented or hindered in theTHIS MANUAL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A PERMANENT PART OF THE ELECTRIC BICYCLE AND SHOULD REMAIN IF IT IS RESOLD.3TABLE OF CONTENTSINCLUDED IN THE BOX........................................................................................ SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................. ASSEMBLY.................................................................................................................................................. SAFE RIDING ....................................................................... CHARGING THE BATTERY.................................................................................... HOW TO USE THE BIKE CONTROLS................................................................... CARE AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................. SAFETY WARNINGS............................................................................................... MODIFICATIONS.................................................................................................... ADDITIONAL OPERATION CAUTIONS (45611111316171818)SeatDisplayRear Wheel16.17.Rear Brake18.Motor4SPECIFICATIONS* Factors that effect this: battery size, rider weight, weather conditions, terrain, temperature, gradience, tyre pressure, total load, battery age, battery misuse (please see battery care and maintenance information:https:///battery-care-maintenance).** The weight includes the battery and has been rounded to the nearest whole number.561. Place the stem onto the steerer tube, push down until it is flush against the spacer and fork clamp. Remove the clamp and push the stem flat against the spacer.2. Once the stem is in the correct position, tighten the bolt going down through the stem with an allen key 1 . Once the bolt is correctly tightened, check if the stem and handlebars are straight with the front wheel. Then tighten bolts 2 . Please be careful not to overtighten the bolts.12Please check that the bolts are tightened correctly on the brake calliper shown below. Please be careful not to overtighten the bolts.Loosen the pin through the middle of the wheel to allow you to place the fork onto it. Make sure the disc is properly inserted into the brake caliper.7Tighten the nut and hold the lever in an upright position as shown in the photo below. Once tight push the lever in to secure the wheel.Check your tyre pressure – if they need pumping up, attach a bike pump to the valve (shown in the photo below) and inflate to the recommended tyre pressure (this will be located on the tyre).Make sure the quick release clamping lever is secure.Make sure the brake is hooked onto the disc and working properly.8There are 2 pedals. Please look inside of each pedal to identify whichis labeled R (right) and L (left).To connect the pedals to the bike, place L pedal into the left crank arm and R pedal into the right crank arm (left and right directions are as though you are sitting on the bike). Tighten by turning the pedals toward the front wheel. Use a spanner to make sure the pedals are tight and secure.The right pedal is attached on the same side as the chain. Make sureyou check the pedals are tight and secure before riding.9• Slide the saddle post into the seat tube.• Align the seat with the frame to make sure it is straight.• The height of the seat should not be pulled higher than the safety line marks on the seat post.• Tighten the seat clamping lever.10-ion removableonce completed.and remove battery chargedin the photo on p.12.the battery. The charging port is located on the side of the battery shown1112CHARGING PORTIn the unlikely event, step away from the battery and contact Westhill Bikes for furtherassistance.Do not turn on the bike while it is charging.charging port.batteryFUNCTIONS AND DISPLAYKT-LCD7 E-BIKE DISPLAY USER MANUALDear customer, thank you for choosing your new Westhill Electric Bike. Pleaseread this manual before using the KT-LCD7 display. The manual will guideyou to use the display correctly and enjoy your e-bike to the fullest.1 UP button10Riding speed (metric)2imperial)3DOWN button MAX speed 4 ASSISTPAS TM DST ODO VOLAVS MXS KM MIL KM/H MPH TTMPas levelAverage speed 5 Battery capacity indicator 11Distance (metric ) 6Backlight and headlights Distance (imperial)7 Trip distance 8 Power-assisted functionTotal distance 9Battery voltageRiding speed (Single trip meter Total trip meter 4MPH walk assist POWER / ENTER button 123456789101113Press or button to switch between 0-5 levelsof assitance. Level 0 is riding the bike without any motor assitance. Level 1 is for the minimum power, level 5 is for the highest power. Each startup will automatically restore level to the last level you used.When power-assisted riding, PAS display will appearon your display screen.Press & hold button to turn on the screen backlight and headlight. Press & hold button again to turn off the backlight and headlight.Press & holdbutton and flashes. Your bike willnow move forward at 4mph. This is to assist your walking.Release the button to stop the function.3. TURNING ON BACKLIGHT AND HEADLIGHT4.PAS (PEDAL ASSISTANCE) CONTROLLER 2. DISPLAY 15.WALK ASSIST (4MPH)6. PAS DISPLAYWhen turning the Bike on, Display 1 will appear automatically.FUNCTIONS AND DISPLAY1. ON/OFFHold button to turn the power ON, and hold button for a secondtime to turn the power OFF. When the motor stops driving and when the E-bike is not used for 5 consecutive minutes, it will automatically shut down and turn off the motor power supply.14After power has been on for 5 seconds, press & hold and buttons at the same time, single trip riding time(TM) and single trip distance (DST) will flash. Press button shortly to reset this back to 0. Press & Hold to return to main menu.Control system failure will display (flashing) fault code. Once the fault was removed, it automatically disappear from the fault code display interface.If an error code is displayed, please contact your dealer or Westhill Electric Bikes.Press the button in display 1 to enter display 2.This will show you average speed.Press the button again to enter display 3. This will show your max speed achieved.7.DISPLAY AND DELETE OF SINGLE DATA8. DISPLAY 29. DISPLAY 310. ERROR CODE DISPLAYError CodeDefinition01_info T hrottle Abnormality03_info M otor hall signal Abnormality04_info T orque sensor signal Abnormality05_info A xis speed sensor Abnormality(only applied to torque sensor)06_info M otor or controller has short circuit Abnormality15The range of the battery is up to 60 miles per charge.riding(15.5mph)120kg (19 stone).and will void your warranty.limit can of factorsBattery size, tyre pressure, temperature, battery age and weather conditions.BATTERY RANGERegularthe life of your battery.prolongOUTLINE DRAWINGS AND DIMENSIONS 1. Dimensions of main instrument body1617CLEANING THE BIKECustomerYou can remove the battery but never disassemble it.on +44 (0)1823 672 970.the tyres (30-70 PSI depending on which bike you have & how firm you want your ride to be).batterytyrealcohol.Consult your doctor if taking prescription medication.Store the battery indoors in a room temperature environment.Do not use excessive water to clean the bike as this could damage thecomponents, resulting in personal injury or malfunction of the bicycle. Lubricate the chain after every wash if you can to keep it smooth and rust free.Suitable products are available via .bike.the bike.any electricalparts without contacting the Customer Service (+44 (0)1823 672 970).is18Be aware of your surroundings.NOTESThe other way to register your new bike is through Facebook. Simply visit our19。
Westward Hydraulic Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.®General Safety InformationStudy, understand,and follow allinstructions before operating this OperationOff-centered loads and loads liftedwhile jack is not level may damage theOperation (Continued)NOTE: Never use foot pedal to raiseload.This is a lifting device only. Theload must be supported immediately by other appropriate means.LOWERINGKeep hands, feet,and clutter clear ofground area when lowering the load.SLOWLY open the release valve by turning the handle knob counterclockwise.Avoid shock loads created by quicklyopening and closing the release valve as the load is being lowered. Shock loads can create dangerously high operating pressures within the hydraulic system, causing systemfailure and resulting in personal injury and/or property damage.MaintenanceIMPORTANT: When adding orreplacing oil, always use a good gradehydraulic jack oil. Do not use hydraulic brake fluid, alcohol, glycerine,detergent motor oil or dirty oil.Improper fluid can cause seriousinternal damage to the jack rendering it inoperative.ADDING OIL1. Position the jack on level ground and fully lower the saddle. Remove oil filler plug.2. Fill oil to within 3/8” of filler hole.DO NOT OVERFILL! If overfilled, the jack will not lower to published minimum height. If underfilled, the jack will not reach publishedmaximum height. Adjust fluid level as needed. Always reinstall oil filler plug before use.REPLACING OIL 1. Remove oil filler plug.2. Turn jack over and drain old oil out through oil filler plug hole.3. Refill with new oil through the oil filler plug hole.IMPORTANT: Do not allow dirt or other foreign material to enter the hydraulic system when filling.4. After refilling, remove air fromsystem by opening release valve and rapidly pumping handle several times. Reinstall oil filler plug when done.LUBRICATION1. For all models, add lubricating oil to all moving parts as needed.2. Models 3ZC66, 3W927, 3W928. Apply grease to grease fittings periodically.3. Models 5M455, 5M456, 5M457. Pour air tool lubricant into the air supply inlet at air control valve periodically.PREVENTING RUST1. Check ram and piston periodically for signs of corrosion. Clean as needed with an oily cloth.2. When not in use, store jack with saddle and piston fully retracted.Westward Operating Instructions and Parts ManualWestward Hydraulic Service Jacks®3ZC66, 3W927, 3W928 and 5M455 thru 5M457Troubleshooting ChartJack will not lift load 1. Release valve not tightly closed 1. Ensure release valve tightly closed 2. Overload condition2. Remedy overload condition3. Pressure of air supply is too low 3. Change to a suitable air source (for air models)Jack bleeds off after lift 1. Same as above1. Same as above2. Hydraulic unit malfunctioning2. ReplaceJack will not lower after unloading 1. Reservoir overfilled 1. Drain fluid to proper level 2. Linkages binding2. Clean and lubricate moving parts Poor lift performance 1. Fluid level low 1. Ensure proper fluid level2. Air trapped in system2. With ram fully retracted, remove oil filler plug to let pressurized air escape, reinstall oil filler plug Will not lift to full height Fluid level lowEnsure proper fluid levelSymptomPossible Cause(s)Corrective Action24 hours a day - 365 days a year1*Power Unit4230142501410011 2Saddle4230242502410021 3Front Wheel Assembly4230342503410032 4Handle Set4230442504410041 5Rear Caster4230542505410052 6Oil Filler Plug4230642506410061 7Return Spring4230742507410071 8Release Valve Cable4230842508410081 9Piston Links4230942509410091 10Greasing Nipple4231042510N/A1 11Foot Pedal4231142511410111 (*) No repair parts available for power unit.1*Power Unit 22041012205101221010112Oil Filler Plug 22041022205102221010213Return Spring22041032205103221010314Release Valve Cable 22041042205104221010415Piston Links 22041052205105221010516*Air Motor 24101-G2424101-G2424101-A2717Air Hose24102241022410218Air Control Valve 24103241032410319Handle Set 220410922051092210109110Hose Clamp 220411022051102210110111Greasing Nipple 22041112205111N/A112Saddle220411222051122210112113Front Wheel Assembly 220411322051132210113214Rear Caster 220411422051142210114215Foot Pedal220411522051152210115116Swivel Manifold 24104A 24104A N/A 1* No repair parts available for power unit or air motor.Part Number For Models:5M455 (4 Ton)5M456 (5 Ton)5M457 (10 Ton)QuantityWestward Operating Instructions and Parts Manual3ZC66, 3W927, 3W928, and 5M455 thru 5M457Repair Parts ListManufactured for Grainger International, Inc.,Lake Forest, IL 60045 U.S.A.Figure 3 — Repair Parts Illustration for Models 5M455, 5M456 and 5M457For Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-062024 hours a day - 365 days a yearPlease provide following information:-Model number-Serial number (if any)Address parts correspondence to:Grainger Parts Operations P.O. Box 30741657 Shermer Road。
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3.选择数据库数据库名称(Database Name)及其数据库识别号(Database Identifier)不一定能充分显示给用户其收录的文献类型和涵盖范围,用户可以点击数据库旁的按钮查看该数据库的内容及涵盖范围。
3.1 快速选择数据库(1)用户可以直接选择在界面上显示的数据库来进行检索(2)如果需要的数据库没有在界面上显示,用户可数据库搜索栏(Search these databases)输入拟选用的数据库识别号查找出所需数据库3.2 搜索适当的数据库如果界面上没有显示出有关的数据库,而且用户也不知道有关数据库的识别号时,必须通过搜索数据库,选择适当的数据库进行检索。
具体方法有以下几种:(1)Find—查找Westlaw数据库点击页面上方“find”按钮,在出现的页面上点击左侧“publication list”,打开出版物列表页面后,可以直接通过查看清单或在输入栏输入拟检索的资料或数据库名称,然后点击“search”,即可定位到或查找出所需数据库。
4.检索4.1 以引称查询(Find by Citation)如果知道文献的引称信息(citation),比如案例文献编号、法律条例编号等,可直接通过Find by citation查询。
不同类型的文献,其引称格式也不同,引称一般以该文献的出版物名称、卷、页码或年份、卷、出版物名称、页码的格式,如294 F SUPP 2D 132 、1999 1 AC 197。
上述功能可在Westlaw主界面左侧快速搜索区的Find by Citation实现;也可通过首页工具栏的“FIND”实现。
如果您需要查询的数据库没有在当前的标签页列出,可通过Search these databases,在订购的所有数据库中查询,在检索结果列表中选择所需要的数据库进行检索。
4.2 以字词及连接词(Terms & Connectors)检索字词及连接词是比较精确的检索方法。
如字词及连接词不是当前检索方法,可点击“字词及连接词”(Terms and Connectors)链接,并按下列程序进行检索:步骤一:输入要检索的字词并考虑包括能替代该字词的同义词或反义词。
步骤二:选择要检索的数据库步骤三:按go 执行检索。
表1 Westlaw可使用的连接词和算符表2字段介绍*注:个别数据库以SU、SY、HE、DI代替KW。
4.3 自然语言检索(Nature Language)自然语言检索特别适用于检索复杂的法律问题。
5.检索结果查看和输出5.1 查看检索结果执行检索后,检索结果会分左右两栏显示,左栏显示命中结果数及结果列表(Result List),用户也可选择全屏幕格式显示结果列表(Full Screen List),如果命中的检索结果较多,还可在上次检索结果的范围内进行二次检索(Locate in Result)。
5.2 查看相关文献(KeyCite)在结果页面的左栏,除了Result List标签,还有一个Related Info标签,可查看当前点选的文献的相关文献(KeyCite)。
KeyCite是Westlaw 提供的独有功能,通过KeyCite用户可方便地核证判决此案的法律理据是否仍然有效以及了解引用此案的其它案件。
通过KeyCite Citeing Reference,可了解曾引用该案的其他案件;通过KeyCite History,可了解该案件的相关历史。
5.3 输出检索结果WLI的全文提供HTML格式、Word格式,部分文献同时提供PDF格式。