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• • • • • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 family benefit(子女津贴) family support(清寒减免) orphans benefit(孤儿补助金) domestic purpose benefit(家务津贴) invalids benefit(重残津贴) sickness benefit(卧病津贴) national superannuatio (国家养老金) widows benefit(遗孀津贴) unempoymentbenfit(失业救济金)
Nine universities in New Zealand
• 奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland • 奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of T echnology • 惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington • 梅西大学 Massey University • 坎特伯雷大学 University of Canterbury • 林肯大学 Lincoln University • 奥塔哥大学 University of Otago • 怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato • And one Maori university. •
• Nowadays,the Haka often becomes a celeb ration dance performances,even with their eyes rounded on international competition
3,Traditional welcoming ceremony
The Maori of rank did not acquire his 'real' face until he had been tattooed. Indeed, personal tattoo patterns were often remembered rather than facial characteristics.
1,The dance of haka is the most famous. 2,Haka is a kind of vigorous posture dance which symbolizes the vitality of Maori manhood.
The Maori is a born dancer
W e lfa re policy of New Z e a la nd
Welfare policy of New Zealand welfare allowance
• 1、免费公立医疗
从怀孕到生产的所有费用由国家负责,政府鼓励生育, 除一次性($1500)奖励一笔金钱外,每生一个孩子由政府每 周补贴养育费直至18岁。18周岁以上的孩子可以独立生活, 享受青年人津贴
5 政府养老
6 免费政府公房(Housing New Zealand)
为实现人人居有其所,新西兰自1935年第一届工党政府开 始,实施为普通的新西兰家庭大规模建造住房,截止目前新西 兰拥有约6.9万栋政府公房。为满足需求,政府每年还会再新 建或在市场上购买约500栋房子(新西兰政府公房为独立带花园 house,包括大量3居室、4居室、5居室的房子)做补充。新西 兰公房居住过程中房屋维修维护所产生的费用,由政府承担。
Education in New Zealand
The New Zealand’s education system is regarded as one of the best education systems in the world. They provide high quality’s education through pri mary schools, secondary schools, universities, pol ytechnics and other education institutions. The Ne w Zealand’s education system originated from Bri tish traditional education system. They carry out th e unified education system throughout the country.
In the past,Maori women with authentic moko(纹 身制),only tattooed lips and chin(下巴).
Recently, something superficially similar has made an appearance among women, but it is no more than a variant of the current international tattoo and body-piercing fashion craze
Their Feature
1,Skin: A little brown 2,their body is brawny<强壮的> 3,there are all kinds of tattoo(刺青) on their bodies or faces 4,when they dance,the man is naked only with a grass skirt (草裙),but the woman often wear a black and white coat between red hue(色彩) with a diamond(菱形的) picture on the front
• The high quality of New Zealand’s education is rec ognized all over the world , and the Programme for I nternational Student Assessment (PISA国际学生评估 项目) ranks New Zealand’s education as the 7th be st in the world. Its education system has high degre e of internationalization. Compared with many Asian countries, New Zealand has wider choices of teachi ng subjects. The tuition(学费) and living expense s in New Zealand are lower than other English count ries.
Social and Culture
• • • • MaoriCulture welfare of newzland Education food
———New Zealand(新西兰) native(土著)
Culture of New Zealand:Maori
Maori are the native people i lving in the New Zealand and comprise about 14 percent of the country's population. 2,The Maori first arrived here in voyaging canoes from their ancestral homeland of Hawaiki(哈 瓦基) over 1000 years ago.
Haka dance
• The haka ,which was originall y used as a WAR CRY(作战 时的呐喊) and as a preparat ion before battle,is character ized by heavy stomping(跺脚) , loud chanting(喊叫), and aggressive body movements. The haka is the most widely known performance which is used by the All Blacks (New Zealand's national rugby tea m) to challenge their rivals (对手).
救急津贴(emergency benefit) 死亡给付(emergency benefit) 意外医疗给付(the accident compensation system) 住所津贴(accomodation benefit)
特殊住所津贴(accommodation benefitspecial)
The highest etiquette(最高 礼节)
4,Maori Woodcarving: Woodcarving is a traditional art form of the Maori people. Maori houses and communal(公共的; 公社的) buildings often incorporate(包 含) ornate (装饰华丽 的) woodcarvings.
important content
• • • • 1,Tattooing(刺青) 2,Haka(毛利人哈卡舞) 3,Traditional welcoming ceremony 4,Maori Woodcarving毛利人木雕
1,Maori moko and tattoo(纹身)毛利人 的刺青
Show two pictures about Maori moko and tattoo
小学中学免费教育,国立大学只需交象征性的低学费,定 居两年后可以享受学生津贴,其金额需根据学生家庭人数,住 房费用等补贴,足够全家生活开销。(每10周学习,2周放假)
成为新西兰公民后可免签证进入欧美发达国家。可以自动 得到澳大利亚定居权、工作权,享受除失业救济外的所有澳大 利亚公民应享受的福利。可以到英国工作。退休后可以到英国、 荷兰、比利时等国居住(退休金由新西兰政府支付)。
Hongi(毛利族人的以鼻相触的见面 礼): touching nose etiquette
The traditional Maori welcome is called a powhiri(欢迎仪式), this involves a hongi which is a warm greeting that involves pressing noses as opposed to a kiss.
three steps
First:A formal w elcome at a marae (毛利会堂) begi ns with challenge.
President of South Korea
Then ,some women from the hosts will perform t o the guests, usually a c all or a song, or have a Haka
In Classic Maori society ,the male was the fully tattooed flourishing decorated cheeks, chin, nose and forehead as well as buttocks(臀部)and thighs. Tattooing was a sign of status(身份的象 征) and far from simply decorating the face. In general,a man has a higher status if he has a more complex decorative(装饰性的) pattern on his face .