犹太⼈历史百科犹太⼈历史百科⼀、犹太⼈犹太⼈(Jewish),或称“尤太⼈”,是⼴泛分布于世界各国的⼀个族群?希伯来(犹太)语,乃是指犹太教民,或者更笼统意义上所有犹太族⼈(也被称为犹太民族),是族群体既包括⾃古代沿传下来的以⾊列种族,也包括了后来在各时期和世界各地皈依犹太宗教的⼈群?从⼴泛的⾓度,犹太⼈可以是也可以不是严格的宗教奉⾏者?根据有关犹太⼈组织的统计,2007年全球犹太⼈总数约在1320万⼈左右,其中540万⼈定居在以⾊列,530万⼈居住在美国,其余则散居在世界各地?犹太⼈⼝总数仅占全球总⼈⼝的0.2% ,上述数据也包含了⾃认为是犹太⼈但没有归属于任何犹太社团组织的⼈群?但事实上,全球犹太⼈的总⼈⼝数很难得到准确统计,因为犹太⼈的定义存在多种标准和界定⽅式,导致统计的准确性受到了影响?1.判定⽅法①.正统派犹太教和保守派犹太教界定⼀个⼈是否属犹太⼈的标准是要看其母亲是否是犹太⼈,如果其母亲是犹太⼈⽆论她的⼦⼥是否信仰犹太教还是信仰基督教或者是⽆神论者她的⼦⼥也被承认为犹太⼈?该标准被以⾊列《回归法》所采纳?②.属犹太教少数派的卡拉派(Karaism)界定⽅法刚好相反,卡拉派认为⽗亲是犹太⼈他的⼦⼥就是犹太⼈?由于属卡拉派的犹太⼈数量⾮常⼩,卡拉派的观点往往被外界所忽视?③.⾃由派和改⾰派认为,只要母亲或者是⽗亲有⼀⽅是犹太⼈并按照犹太⼈的风俗习惯来抚育⼦⼥,他们的⼦⼥就是犹太⼈?2.历史来源古希伯来⼈属于闪族的⼀种?它在公元前三千纪时游牧于幼发拉底河流域的草原,公元前⼆千纪中叶,进⼊迦南,就是后来称为巴勒斯坦的地区,当时的迦南⼈把外来的⼈叫做“希伯来⼈”,意思是“从河那边来的⼈”(“河”是指幼发拉底河)?根据《圣经·旧约》的历史记载?他们的远祖亚伯拉罕(阿拉伯语发⾳为易⼘拉⾟)原来居住在苏美尔⼈的乌尔帝国附近,后来迁移到迦南(今以⾊列/巴勒斯坦⼀带)?他有两⼦,嫡幼⼦以撒成为犹太⼈祖先,根据《圣经》和《古兰经》的记载,其与侍⼥夏甲所⽣的庶长⼦以实玛利(阿拉伯发⾳易斯玛仪)的后代就是阿拉伯⼈?所以在原始⾎缘上,犹太⼈和阿拉伯⼈很近?3.变迁历程①.远古犹太⼈的祖先名字叫雅各(阿拉伯发⾳为叶尔孤⽩),雅各是以撒的⼉⼦?亚伯拉罕(阿拉伯发⾳为易⼘拉欣)的孙⼦,后来改名叫以⾊列,意思是“与神⾓⼒者”,⽽且因为他在和神搏⽃的时候伤了腿筋,所以犹太⼈在宰杀动物时都要把腿筋挑出来丢弃?雅各⽣有12个⼉⼦,由于约瑟的关系,在七个荒年的第⼆年迁移到埃及,受到当时统治埃及的西克索斯⼈的优待,居住在尼罗河下游,转变为农业民族?西克索⼈被努⽐亚⼈暴动赶出埃及后,以⾊列⼈的地位急剧下降,沦为埃及⼈的奴⾪,他们在摩西(阿拉伯发⾳为穆萨)的带领下逃出埃及,逃回巴勒斯坦定居,雅各的12个⼉⼦的后代形成⼗⼆⽀族,原来在巴勒斯坦分居,后来统⼀成⼀个国家,先由便雅悯⽀族中的扫罗作王四⼗年?之后由犹⼤⽀派中的⼤卫担任国王?⼤卫(David)名字的意思是“被蒙爱者”,以⾊列国家在⼤卫的⼉⼦所罗门(阿拉伯称为苏莱曼⼤帝)担任国王期间达到⿍盛?所罗门死后,他的⼉⼦罗波安继承王位?由于他及⼀班年青的⼤⾂所施⾏的苛刻政策,北部10个⽀族的⼈分离出去,单独成⽴以⾊列王国,并推举尼⼋的⼉⼦耶罗波安为王;犹⼤⽀族和便雅悯⽀族联合成⽴了犹太王国?以⾊列王国不久即被亚述⼈消灭,犹⼤王国尚坚持了⼏百年,后来也终于被巴⽐伦帝国攻占?⼈民被虏到巴⽐伦成为奴⾪?波斯帝国消灭巴⽐伦后?犹太⼈被允许回犹太区,重建耶路撒冷圣殿,后来相继沦为希腊和罗马帝国的属民?到了公元1世纪,撒马利亚⼈和犹太⼈是没有来往的?耶稣死后不久,犹太⼈起义反对罗马⼈,耶路撒冷被罗马⼤军攻破,圣殿被拆毁,犹太⼈被迫流落到世界各地,⾃称为犹太⼈?②.近代犹太⼈到世界各地后,语⾔?风俗逐渐和当地居民同化,但他们坚持信仰本民族的宗教,以此维持民族的独⽴性,仍然⽤⾃⼰的希伯来字母书写⽂字,在意⼤利?西班⽛的犹太⼈,语⾔被同化,⽤希伯来字母书写的叫“拉丁诺⽂”;在德国?波兰的犹太⼈语⾔为“意第绪语“;流落到中国的犹太⼈,由于他们的宗教信仰也不吃猪⾁,被中国⼈误称为“蓝帽回回”“术忽回回”,并逐渐和其他回族混淆,长期以⾄于完全失去了犹太⼈的信仰和习俗传统,信仰了伊斯兰教?虽然基督教《圣经》的“旧约”部分与犹太教《圣经》的内容⼏乎相同,但基督教的“新约”将“旧约”的内容进⾏了相当⼤程度的延伸并使得基督教和犹太教之间产⽣了⼀定的区别?③.现当代19世纪末期,由于东欧的迫害加剧,成千上万的犹太⼈逃离此地,⼤多数投奔美国?加拿⼤和西欧?到1924年,共有⼤约两百万犹太⼈移民⾄美国,因当时美国社会对待犹太族群的态度相对⽐东欧⽽⾔更加宽容?欧洲对犹太⼈的迫害终于在纳粹德国时期达到顶峰,发⽣了灭绝约600万犹太⼈的⼤屠杀,⼏乎彻底摧毁犹太⼈在欧洲2000年的⽂化历史沉淀?1948年以⾊列国建⽴,是⾃罗马摧毁耶路撒冷后近2000年来成⽴的第⼀个犹太⼈国家,并⼈为复兴⼝语希伯来语的正式使⽤?但以⾊列建国的地点是在巴勒斯坦地区,导致和当地定居已久的阿拉伯裔巴勒斯坦⼈⽭盾激化,使中东成为世界的热点地区,并致使原先居住在阿拉伯国家的近90万犹太⼈也陷⼊困境?到21世纪初,美国和以⾊列是犹太⼈的主要集中地?[1]④.以⾊列国以⾊列建国前的巴勒斯坦地区巴勒斯坦阿拉伯⼈⽐例占绝⼤多数,1948年犹太⼈仅占6%?由于战争以及以⾊列政府的驱逐,到2009年以⾊列的犹太⼈占总⼈⼝的76%,19%是阿拉伯⼈,5%是其他民族?由于犹太⼈的出⽣率⽐阿拉伯⼈低,⽽且近年来⼜有犹太⼈从以⾊列移民到欧美等国,以⾊列政府担⼼,将来以⾊列的犹太⼈不会再占⼈⼝的多数?⼆、种族特点①.肤⾊特点犹太⼈在世界各地经过接近⼆千年的流浪,和当地⼈的通婚,使到犹太⼈的肤⾊变得多种多样,有⽩种犹太⼈,黄种犹太⼈,和⿊种犹太⼈,及印度和拉美的亚肤⾊的犹太⼈?黄种犹太⼈居住在位于印度和缅甸交界处⼈⼝只有九千?②.象征颜⾊蓝⾊和⽩⾊是象征犹太⼈的颜⾊?纳粹德国在1935年制定的《纽伦堡法律》第四条(1)禁⽌犹太⼈展⽰第三帝国国旗或展⽰象征德国的颜⾊?(即纳粹党旗的颜⾊,红⾊?⽩⾊?⿊⾊)(2)犹太⼈可以展⽰象征犹太⼈的颜⾊?(即蓝⾊和⽩⾊)?因为⽩⾊既是第三帝国国旗的颜⾊⼜是象征犹太⼈的颜⾊所以破例允许犹太⼈展⽰⽩⾊?③.契约民族割礼(割去男婴的包⽪)为犹太⼈盛⾏的传统宗教仪式,希伯来⽂称此仪式为“盟约”(brit)或“割礼的盟约”(brit milah)?穆汉(mohel)为割礼执⾏⼈?男婴如没有⽣病或有其他健康问题等延期理由,穆汉就会为出⽣后第⼋天的男婴举⾏割礼?割礼进⾏期间,穆汉会致祝词并宣告男婴已实践律法,接着男婴的⽗母会致祝词以表明⾃⼰的⼉⼦已被纳⼊上帝与犹太⼈之间的约,正式给男婴起名?根据《圣经·创世记》17章9-14节的记载,上帝吩咐亚伯兰为⾃⼰?男性⼦孙和仆⼈都要⾏割礼为永久之契约?按中世纪犹太教⼝传律法哈拉卡,没有跟从割礼者会被视为有意犯(karet),会招致在上帝剪除的惩罚?对犹太⼈来说,为出⽣后第⼋天的男婴举⾏割礼有着神圣的特殊意义?三、信仰宗教1?犹太教综述犹太语,旧称挑筋教?蓝帽回回,是在公元前2000年中东地区的游牧民族希伯来⼈中产⽣的?犹太教的成年礼在⼗⼆岁(⼥)与⼗三岁(男)?犹太教崇拜单⼀的主神雅赫维(基督教中称耶和华),是希伯来⼈内部的民族宗教?犹太教认为《塔⽊德》是仅次于《圣经》的经籍,犹太教中派⽣出了两个世界最⼤的宗教--基督教和伊斯兰教?当亚历⼭⼤⼤帝征服希伯来⼈的犹太原居地后,希伯来⼈也易名为犹太⼈并散落到希腊帝国各处,公元前3世纪,希腊化的埃及托勒密王朝君主托勒密⼆世,召集70多位懂希腊语的犹太⼈,集中整理犹太教⽂献并译成希腊语,即⽬前基督教使⽤的希腊语圣经中的旧约全书部分,所谓七⼗⼠译本?再后来犹太国被罗马帝国彻底摧毁,犹太教位于耶路撒冷的圣殿被拆毁,只留下⼀段残破的西墙(哭墙),犹太⼈散落到欧亚各地?公元6世纪时,部分犹太学者将七⼗⼠译本圣经整理,剔除其不是源于希伯来⽂或阿拉姆⽂本的部分,将整理好的部分重新译回希伯来⽂,成为犹太教的圣经?当然这个说法只是关于希伯来语圣经成书的⼀种说法?这个说法与基督宗教和犹太教中常见的关于希伯来圣经的来源的说法不⼀致?历史上,犹太⼈曾⾯对多次毁灭性的灾难和逼害?犹太⼈由于两千多年⼀直分散在世界各地,语⾔?⽂字已经分化,只是靠着统⼀的宗教维系其单⼀的民族性?由于犹太教徒认为救世主尚未来临,不承认耶稣基督是救世主,这是⼀直受到基督教世界歧视和迫害的⼀个原因?但已故天主教教宗若望·保禄⼆世,已承认曾对抗犹太教徒,造成了他们承受苦难的历史?19世纪,犹太复国主义(锡安主义)思潮兴起,各地犹太⼈以买地等⼿段陆续回到巴勒斯坦,建⽴以⾊列国家?由于在遵守⽅式和程度的差异,现今的犹太教主要有三⼤派系,分别是正统派?保守派及改⾰派?⼀些宗教学者将犹太教?基督教和伊斯兰教通称为亚伯拉罕诸教,因为三者奉旧约中的亚伯拉罕为他们的先知?2?犹太教影响犹太教只是⼀个民族性的宗教,信仰⼈⼝并不多,但起源于犹太教的两个宗教--伊斯兰教和基督教,在世界上有很⼤的影响?犹太⼈国家在公元79年被罗马帝国摧毁后,⼀部分犹太⼈流落到阿拉伯半岛,和阿拉伯⼈混居,他们的宗教与阿拉伯⼈宗教类似,犹太教的教义⼜认为犹太⼈和阿拉伯⼈是来⾃同⼀祖先?在古兰经中,也有很多和犹太教近似的⽅⾯?基督宗教本⾝原来只是犹太教的⼀个⽀派,在耶稣被钉⼗字架死后,圣保罗仍然在犹⼤-撒马利亚宣扬耶稣基督救赎,就是传扬救赎给万邦万民,但⼏乎获得和耶稣同样的下场,只是由于圣保罗是出⽣于⼩亚细亚的罗马公民,所以幸免于处死被遣返回罗马?他圣灵的启⽰下要传福⾳给外邦⼈听?故此他在罗马帝国中间的各民族中传道,将基督教变成了⼀个世界性的⼤宗教?现在全世界信仰犹太教的⼈很少,只局限在犹太⼈内部,还没有信仰锡克教和神道教的⼈⼝多,但每⼀部介绍宗教的书籍都少不了要提到犹太教,主要是因为其影响巨⼤?[2]四、反犹主义反犹主义长盛不衰的原因之⼀就是犹太⼈控制所在国家的经济命脉,在美国国徽上有⼀由⼗三颗星星组成代表美国最初13个州的⼀个六⾓形?⼀般认为这是⼀个偶然的标记,但也有⼈认为这个标记是为了感谢海姆·所罗门(Haym Solomon)为美国独⽴战争所提供的慷慨资助加⼊的,有⼈甚⾄认为所罗门本⼈设计了这个国徽?犹太⼈标志“⼤卫王之星”也是六⾓形?正是这颗国徽上的⼤卫王之星触动了反犹主义者敏感的神经,这颗在美国国徽上的⼤卫王之星成为反犹主义者眼中犹太⼈控制美国的证据,他们认为在历届的美国总统选举中,谁更亲以⾊列谁就会在犹太⼈⽀持下当选美国总统?在现今世界认为犹太⼈控制美国的观点在穆斯林中仍相当有市场?1.历史上的反犹在历史上⽆论是伊斯兰教还是基督教都有反犹的传统?但也有对犹太⼈较为宽容的基督教国家及伊斯兰教国家,对犹太⼈较宽容的基督教国家以波兰为代表,对犹太⼈较宽容的伊斯兰教国家以奥斯曼帝国为代表,虽然巴耶塞特⼆世之后的苏丹改变了巴耶塞特⼆世的亲犹作风,但总的说来⽣活在奥斯曼帝国的犹太⼈⽐⽣活在其他伊斯兰教国家的犹太⼈受到较少的迫害?第⼆次世界⼤战后,传统反犹的基督教有较⼤的转变,现今的天主教教会在对待犹太⼈的态度上转好?甚⾄将其祈祷⽂中涉及犹太⼈的部分做出更正?①.伊斯兰教的反犹什叶派反犹:波斯在刚刚开始伊斯兰化的时候(634 ⾄1255),犹太⼈要交特定的税禁⽌犹太⼈携带武器,禁⽌骑马,禁⽌犹太⼈在有关穆斯林的案件中作证,历史发展波斯宗教⼈⼝由伊斯兰教逊尼派占⼤多数转变为伊斯兰教什叶派占⼤多数的国家,伊斯兰教什叶派的神学观点认为异教徒是不洁的(阿拉伯语)⽣活在什叶派占统治地位的波斯犹太⼈(1502 ⾄1925)就认为是不洁,谁接触过犹太⼈谁就要进⾏宗教的洁净仪式后才能进⾏祈祷,犹太⼈禁⽌⽤穆斯林的公共浴室,禁⽌下⾬或下雪的时候外出,因为⾬⽔或雪花会通过接触犹太⼈⽽污染穆斯林?犹太⼈被强迫戴特定的帽⼦穿特定的服饰进⾏识别,罗马尼亚旅⾏家历史学家J. J. Benjamin写到“在波斯,犹太⼈要买东西时禁⽌在商店⾥接触任何商品?如果商品被犹太⼈不经意接触了,就认为该商品被犹太⼈所污染,⽆论货主开个什么价钱犹太⼈都必须把该商品买下”圣训:圣训也有⼀些针对犹太⼈的话“将来你们⼀定会与犹太⼈交战,最终你们必定会歼灭他们,甚⾄连⽯头都会说话:…穆斯林啊!这⾥藏着犹太⼈,快来杀死他?’”(《穆斯林圣训实录》41:6981)《穆斯林圣训实录》41:6985有类似的记述:“复⽣⽇不会来临,直到穆斯林杀戮犹太⼈?当穆斯林追杀犹太⼈,他们藏于⽯头和树⽊后时,⽯头和树⽊就会喊:…穆斯林!安拉的仆民!我后⾯的就是犹太⼈,快来杀他!?但厄尔盖德树不会这样,因为它是犹太⼈的树?”这段圣训被巴勒斯坦的哈马斯组织纳为其宪章第7条的⼀部分?21世纪:沙特阿拉伯有教科书宣扬反犹太的观点,描述犹太⼈的起源是猴⼦和猪?这些教科书在国外的穆斯林社群中也有使⽤?在巴勒斯坦与黎巴嫩活动的反犹太圣战组织,接⼆连三的对以⾊列军民发动攻击,使得以⾊列仍处于混乱状态?②.⼆战时期的反犹希特勒是个极端的种族主义者和反犹主义者?他在《我的奋⽃》中写道:“雅利安⼈的最⼤对⽴⾯就是犹太⼈”他把犹太⼈看作是世界的敌⼈,⼀切邪恶事物的根源,⼀切灾祸的根⼦,⼈类⽣活秩序的破坏者?这些观点成了希特勒后来屠杀数百万犹太⼈,企图灭绝犹太⼈的理论依据?究其原因⼤致可以从以下四个⽅⾯加以透视:(1).历史的原由在历史上,欧洲⼈对犹太⼈持有成见?为了阐明问题,有必要对犹太民族的历史作⼀个简单的回顾?犹太⼈的远祖是古代闪族的⽀脉希伯来⼈,公元前,他们的祖先曾聚居⽣活在阿拉伯巴勒斯坦的⼟地上?公元1世纪,罗马帝国攻占巴勒斯坦后,犹太⼈举⾏过多次⼤规模反抗罗马占领者的起义,但都遭到了罗马统治者的⾎腥镇压?到公元135年的犹太⼈起义再次惨遭失败为⽌,在这1个多世纪的时间⾥,罗马统治者屠杀了百万犹太⼈,最后还把余者全部赶出巴勒斯坦⼟地,使他们流散到西欧,西欧当时完全处于落后的⼩⽣产农牧社会,⼟地被⼈们视为最珍贵的财富,商业则是⼈们鄙视的⾏业?犹太⼈逃往西欧后,当地的封建主们⾮常歧视他们,不许他们占有⼟地,只许他们经营商业?不知是历史过错教育了他们,还是⽣死磨难砥砺了他们,或者说这本来就是历史赋予的机遇,总之,由这⼀切所构成的历史集合体,铸就了犹太⼈的特质,使得他们聪明起来,坚强起来?他们不仅在困境中顽强地繁衍⽣息,⽽且逐渐地富有了?公元13⾄15世纪,欧洲开始进⼊资本主义社会,当地新兴资产阶级同那些经商致富的新兴的犹太⼈资本家们,产⽣了利益冲突,噩运再次降临到犹太⼈的头上?现实利益的冲突加上宗教信仰的差异,⼤批犹太⼈被迫流往东欧及美洲各国,开始了历史上的犹太⼈第⼆次逃亡?不幸的是,这种反对犹太⼈的意识,居然演变成了⼀种⽂化沉淀,在某些国家和地区⼀直“遗传”到现代?尤其是进⼊上个世纪后的德及奥民族,反犹情绪与⽇俱增,希特勒及其追随者就是其中的典型代表?(2).宗教的情结基督教是世界上流传最⼴?信教⼈数最多的宗教?在欧洲,特别是西欧,⼈们普遍信仰基督耶稣?虽说基督教的经典《圣经》之⼀的《旧约全书》,原是犹太教的经典,两教之间有着密切的历史渊源,但基督教教义认为,是耶稣的12门徒之⼀的犹⼤为了30块银币⽽出卖了上帝之⼦,是犹太⼈将耶稣钉死在⼗字架上,这就造成了基督徒们在情感上对犹太⼈的仇视?所以说信奉基督教的欧洲⼈在宗教感情上是很难接纳犹太⼈?这种宗教感情的社会化,⼜逐渐衍化成⼀种⼤众化的厌恶犹太⼈的社会⼼态?同样,这种社会⼼态也作为⼀种⽂化沉淀?世代“遗传”,并随着岁⽉的推移,逐渐与社会经济政治相结合,使之成为⼀种随时可以被利⽤的社会政治的潜在⼒量?当这种潜在的东西被某个(些)政治野⼼家利⽤时,就会像⽕⼭⼀样喷发,成为⼀种疯狂的社会驱动⼒?应该看到,当时的德及奥民族的内部,民族主义思潮盛⾏,原有的宗教情绪在现实利益冲突的激化下,使⼈们本来已有的反犹情绪更加激烈,从⽽加剧了对犹太⼈的仇视?在这种社会氛围的熏陶下,希特勒的“仇犹反犹”观点逐步形成,并迅速成为了这股社会情绪的主导,⼀⽅⾯,当时德及奥民族仇犹反犹的社会情绪极⼤地刺激着他的政治野⼼,使其民族主义思想恶性膨胀,为其⽇后仇犹?反犹?灭犹政策和措施制造社会价值取向,培植政治⼒量?(3)现实的需要20世纪20年代末30年代初,世界性经济危机爆发,严重打击了德国,使其⼯业⽣产倒退到了上世纪末的⽔平,国⼒渐衰?深刻的经济危机不仅激化了国内的阶级⽭盾,⽽且刺激了垄断资产阶级对外扩张的野⼼?“德意志民族必须从掠夺的⼟地和⽣产空间中寻找出路”,希特勒的这⼀争霸世界的主张,得到了德国垄断资产阶级的拥护和⽀持?然⽽,实施建⽴⼀个德意志民族的⽇⽿曼帝国的罪恶计划需要巨额资⾦提供财⼒保证?在国⼒衰落的情况下,把⼿伸向富有的犹太⼈成为了他们的理所当然?另外,居住在欧洲各地的犹太⼈,较之于其他民族⽽⾔,不仅富有,⽽且素质也要⾼些?⾯对这样⼀个民族,希特勒及其党徒们,既感到仇恨,⼜觉得胆怯?在他们的⼼中,犹太⼈这个特殊的社会群体,是他们实现“第三帝国”美梦的严重威胁?这些,⽆疑加剧了希特勒对犹太⼈的仇恨和政治嫉恨?加上当时德国社会政治⽣活完全处在⼀种极端疯狂的症状之中,使希特勒的仇犹反犹观点不仅有了适当的社会环境,且得以迅速疯狂起来?(4).纳粹统治者病态的⼼理希特勒青少年时代整天在维也纳和慕尼⿊街头的经历,铸就了他既⾃私⼜狂妄的性格?正如他⼩时的⼀位班主任⽼师后来回忆所说的那样:“希特勒缺乏⾃制⼒,⾄少被⼤家认为性格执拗,刚愎⾃⽤,⾃以为是和脾⽓暴躁?”加上他患有痉挛性的神经质,发起癫狂来甚⾄会趴在地上啃地毯边?从有关史料上可以看出,狂暴是希特勒性格的典型特征?例如,1942年的⼀天,纳粹德国武装部队外科医师扎尔·伯罗赫奉命去晋见希特勒,希特勒的爱⽝就猛扑这位医师,吓得他魂不附体,医师被迫与它细声细语地说话,很快它就平静地趴在医师⾝边,把前肢搁在医师膝盖上,两眼温顺地看着他,并与他逗笑?希特勒见此情景暴跳如雷:“它是完全忠于我的惟⼀⽣物,可你把它骗去了,我要杀死它?”声⾳越来越⾼,简直到了嘶叫的地步,恕吼着威胁要监禁医⽣,类似这样的事,时有发⽣,狂暴加嫉恨,⼜造就了他的狠毒和残忍,希特勒是⼀个有严重病态⼼理的政治狂⼈?上述四⼤原因,如果孤⽴地看其中任何⼀个原因,都很难构成对犹太⼈的灭绝性仇杀?只有把这四⼤原因融合为⼀体时,才能产⽣确定性的使犹太民族在劫难逃的社会效应,⽽希特勒则是把这四⼤原因巧妙地结合在⼀起的魁⾸?⾸先,纳粹党打着当时在德国流⾏的民族主义和社会主义两块招牌,宣扬德意志民族是优秀民族,把犹太民族视为劣等民族?为了蛊惑⼈⼼,欺骗德国⼴⼤民众,希特勒对这种种族歧视理论从两个⽅⾯进⾏了周密的包装?⼀是按照他⾃⼰的社会逻辑,断章取义地摘取前⼈论述⼈⼝问题中的某些词句,拼凑成⼀个种族优劣的理论,为把犹太⼈打⼊劣等⼈种制造理论依据?⼆是利⽤早就深植于德及奥⼈⼼中的反犹意识和宗教情结,⼤肆⿎吹“犹太瘟疫”的谬论?经过希特勒的蓄意“嫁接”,使得这个理论再也不是⼀般意义上的种族歧视了?他利⽤历史的宗教的因素,为其灭绝犹太⼈⽽创设了⼴泛的社会基础,使得这⼀理论更加具有普遍的煽动性?希特勒⼀上台,之所以能够顺利推⾏⼀整套疯狂迫害犹太⼈的反犹灭犹政策,⽆疑得益于他这个荒谬绝伦的理论?其次,纳粹党还利⽤当时德国国内⼴⼤群众痛恨凡尔赛和约的⼼理,煽动复仇主义情绪,并把这种情绪转移到犹太⼈⾝上?在这四⼤原因中,现实的需要是最直接的要素,其它⽅⾯的原因也是⾮常重要的因素?如果没有历史的原因和宗教的情结作为先导性条件,那么,即使现实再需要,也很难想象会达到如此疯狂和残忍的程度?只有当这四⽅⾯的原因聚合为⼀体时,才产⽣了那可怕可憎的充满⾎腥的驱动⼒?任何历史事件都是社会各种相关因素合⼒作⽤的产物,或者说是时事造就的?⼆战期间,600万犹太⼈惨遭杀害,希特勒当属罪魁?希特勒对犹太⼈特有的种族仇恨和政治嫉恨,是政治狂⼈病态⼼理的⼀种特殊反映?导致希特勒严重病态⼼理的“菌种”来⾃历史成见和宗教情结,恰好这些⼜得到了当时德国社会环境的孕育?确切地说,希特勒的严重病态⼼理与当时德国社会政治⽣活的疯狂病态是相辅相成的:⼀⽅⾯,疯狂的病态⼼理正是历史成见?宗教情结和现实需要三⼤原因的粘合剂;另⼀⽅⾯,这三⼤原因的聚合⼜把希特勒疯狂病态的⼼理推向了极端,从⽽引发了那场⼈类历史的⼤悲剧?五、复国历程1.建国前⼣1920年,国际联盟委托英国管辖巴勒斯坦?1922年英国将托管地划分为两部分:东部(现约旦)为阿拉伯⼈居住地,西部为犹太居民区?1922年,第⼀次世界⼤战结束之后,犹太⼈有了⾃⼰的居住地?第⼀次世界⼤战后,犹太⼈掀起了第三和第四次移民浪潮?接着在1936年-1939年⼜有数场暴动发⽣?对此英国在1939年颁布了⼀份⽩⽪书,限制犹太⼈的移民数量⾄75,000⼈,并且限制犹太⼈购买⼟地?这份⽩⽪书被许多犹太⼈和锡安主义者视为是对犹太⼈的背叛,并且认为那违背了贝尔福宣⾔?阿拉伯⼈也并没有就此平息,他们希望完全停⽌犹太⼈的移民?1933年,纳粹在德国执政,掀起第五次犹太⼈移民浪潮?1940年,犹太⼈已占当地居民总数的30%?后来在欧洲发⽣的犹太⼈⼤屠杀,进⼀步推动了犹太⼈移民?1944⾄1948年之间,愈20万犹太⼈通过各种途径辗转来到巴勒斯坦地区?第⼆次世界⼤战结束后,巴勒斯坦地区已经有60万犹太居民?2.建⽴国家1947年,鉴于犹太⼈与阿拉伯⼈之间的暴⼒冲突不断升级,和平努⼒受到挫败,英国政府决定从巴勒斯坦托管地脱⾝?犹太⼈的移民数量⾃从19世纪末以来⼀直稳定增长,受到⼆战中的犹太⼈⼤屠杀影响,犹太⼈复国的理念也获得越来越多的国际⽀持?联合国成⽴了“巴勒斯坦专门委员会”,1947年11⽉联合国⼤会表决了《1947年联合国分治⽅案》,33国赞成(包括美国和苏联),13国反对,10国弃权,通过决议:将巴勒斯坦地区分为两个国家,犹太⼈和阿拉伯⼈分别拥有⼤约55%和45%的领⼟,耶路撒冷被置于联合国的管理之下,以期避免冲突?1947年11⽉29⽇,联合国通过分治⽅案的当⽇,⼤卫·本-古理安接受了该⽅案,但被阿拉伯国家联盟断然拒绝?阿盟委员会⾼层下令对以⾊列的犹太平民展开为期三天的暴⼒袭击,攻击建筑?商店?以及住宅区,紧接着犹太⼈组织的地下民兵部队展开还击,这些战⽃很快便蔓延为⼤规模的冲突,继⽽引发了1948年的以⾊列独⽴战争?1948年5⽉14⽇,在英国的托管期结束前⼀天的⼦夜,以⾊列国正式宣布成⽴?在1949年1⽉25⽇全国选举中,有85%的合格选民参加了投票,接著有120个议席的第⼀届议会开会?两位曾领导以⾊列建成国家的⼈成为该国的领袖,犹太⼈代办处领导⼈⼤卫·本-古⾥安当选⾸任总理;世界犹太复国主义组织领导⼈哈伊姆·魏兹曼由议会选为⾸任总统?1949年5⽉11⽇,以⾊列取得联合国的席位,成为第59个会员国?3.独⽴战争在以⾊列建国之后,埃及?伊拉克?约旦?叙利亚?以及黎巴嫩向以⾊列宣战,开始了1948年的以⾊列独⽴战争?北边的叙利亚?黎巴嫩和伊拉克军队都在接近边界的地⽅被阻挡下来,来⾃东⽅的约旦军队则攻下耶路撒冷的东部,并且对城市的西部展开攻击?不过,犹太⼈的民兵部队成功的阻挡了约旦军队,⽽地下的国民军组织部队(Irgun)也阻⽌了来⾃南⽅的埃及军队?从6⽉开始,联合国宣布了⼀个⽉的停⽕令,在这段期间⾥以⾊列国防军正式成⽴?在数个⽉的战⽃后,双⽅在1949年达成⼀则停⽕协议并划清暂时的边界,这条边界线被称为“绿线”(Green Line)?以⾊列在约旦河的西⽅获得了额外的23.5%的管辖领域,约旦则占有以⾊列南部⼀块⼭地区域和撒马⾥亚,后来那⾥被称为“约旦河西岸地区”?埃及在沿海地区占有⼀⼩块的⼟地,后来被称为加沙地带?⼤量的阿拉伯⼈⼝逃离了新成⽴的犹太⼈国家,巴勒斯坦⼈将此次流亡称为“⼤灾难”(),预计有400,000⾄900,000名巴勒斯坦难民流亡,联合国估计有711,000⼈?以⾊列与阿拉伯国家之间未解决的冲突?以及巴勒斯坦难民的问题⼀直持续⾄今?随着1948年的。
1. Nigger (黑鬼):这是一种极端带有种族歧视的字眼,常用来贬低非洲裔人。
2. Chink (小眼睛):这个单词常用于贬低亚洲人,特别是那些
3. Spic (墨西哥佬):这个单词是用来贬低拉丁裔人的,尤其是那些来自墨西哥的人。
4. Kike (犹太佬):这个单词是用来贬低犹太人的,也是一个非常带有歧视性的词汇。
5. Gook (鬼佬):这个单词常用于贬低亚洲人,特别是越南人和韩国人。
- 1 -。
历史上欧洲对犹太人屠杀习惯成自然, 历史上欧洲对犹太人屠杀习惯成自然,中世纪西 班牙用火刑处死3万 世纪波兰屠杀30万 班牙用火刑处死 万,18世纪波兰屠杀 万,700个 世纪波兰屠杀 个 犹太社区毁灭, 世初 乌克兰20万犹太人被杀 世初, 万犹太人被杀, 犹太社区毁灭,20世初,乌克兰 万犹太人被杀, 70万人逃难。 万人逃难。 万人逃难 近代,整个十九世纪末期,由于东欧的迫害加剧, 近代,整个十九世纪末期,由于东欧的迫害加剧, 成千上万的犹太人逃离此地,大多数投奔美国、 成千上万的犹太人逃离此地,大多数投奔美国、加拿 大和西欧。二战前的德国有人做过类似的调查。 大和西欧。二战前的德国有人做过类似的调查。尽管 犹太人仅占德国和奥地利人口的1%,但其医生、 犹太人仅占德国和奥地利人口的 ,但其医生、律 师却占了50%以上。在商界、政界更是不用提了!对 以上。 师却占了 以上 在商界、政界更是不用提了! 于犹太人占据了德国的经济命脉,引起了德国民族主 于犹太人占据了德国的经济命脉 引起了德国民族主 义者的不满, 义者的不满,他们把第一次世界大战的失败归咎于犹 太人,希特勒 希特勒( 犹太血统 更疯狂煽动反犹情绪, 犹太血统) 太人 希特勒(1/4犹太血统)更疯狂煽动反犹情绪, 二战期间保守估计有六百万犹太人被纳粹德国杀害。 二战期间保守估计有六百万犹太人被纳粹德国杀害。
在奥斯维辛集中 营被用来做医学 实验的犹太儿童 图片来源: 图片来源:大屠 杀历史画报-伊扎 杀历史画报 伊扎 克·阿拉火车,但是立即又 被塞进了没有食物、 被塞进了没有食物、 水和卫生设备的野外 临时帐篷里, 临时帐篷里,仔细看 看这些人, 看这些人,他们就是 被纳粹认为危险的人 在这张照片拍摄后不 他们被杀害, 久,他们被杀害,然 后尸体被焚烧 图片来源:阿兰·雅格 图片来源:阿兰 雅格 布斯
英语 犹太民族介绍
development. Mainly including commercial and financial areas.
they are very fond of reading and they value the development of children's creativity.
jewish ancestor Abraham(亚伯拉罕) led his family to migrate to Canan(迦南) extablished their own kingdom being driven out by the Rome ,were forced to flee all over the world nearly 2000 years. during the 2000 years ,they suffered deportation(驱 逐) and massacre(屠杀).
西格蒙德· 弗洛伊 德
Karl Marx 卡 尔· Βιβλιοθήκη 克思毕加索斯皮尔伯 格
卡 夫 卡
Jew also called Israelite (以色列人)or Hebrew(希伯来人) Israel population wordwide:about 14 million --43% settled in lsrael --39% lived in US
They average IQ can reach 125 or more. They share of the goble population of 0.2%,but they won 27%of the word's Noble price
下面是店铺给大家整理的摩西英文简介,供大家参阅!摩西简介Moses (Hebrew: הֶׁשמ) was the nation leader of the Jewish people in the 13th century BC. The historian thinks he is the founder of Judaism. In the religion of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Bahá'í, are considered to be extremely important prophets. According to the inheritance of the children of Israel, the five tribes of Moses were made by them.And it came to pass in the records of the LORD, that Moses was led by the LORD, and led the enslaved Hebrews to flee from ancient Egypt, to a rich land: the land of Canaan. After 40 years of hard journey, he died when he was about to reach his destination.Under the leadership of Moses, the Hebrews were freed from the tragic life of enslavement, learned to observe the Ten Commandments, and became the first nation in history to respect the monotheistic religion.摩西人物生平Moses (Moses; Hebrew: הֶׁשמ; Arabic: ىسوم). The Catholic Church called Moses, Islam called Moussa, whose name in Hebrew means: pull up from the water. Because at that time Moses was only a baby, was packed in the basket, Pharaoh's daughter saved Moses from the water and took the name for him.The princess saved Moses and raised Moses as his son.Moses grew up and killed a soldier who had beaten the Jews, and in order to avoid the killing of Pharaoh, Moses came to Midian and married to the priest's daughter, Zippola, to have two sons, The On the same day, Moses was inspired by God, returned to Egypt, and led the Jews living in Egypt as slaves, leaving there to return to God's milk and honey - TheJudaism believes that Moses is the greatest of the prophets. He is the highest leader of the Jews, he is a warrior, a politician, a poet, a moralist, a historian, a Hebrew legislator. According to the Bible, he had personally talked to God, inspired by his revelation, leading the Hebrew nation from Egypt to the promised land of God - the Palestinian (PALESTINE) (ancient called the Canaan), to liberate their slave life. According to the Bible. And he led the Hebrews through the Red Sea, and God separated the waters from the waters, and exposed the waters of the waters, and the waters made their walls around them. The Hebrews cross the sea.When the Egyptian soldiers hijacked the Red Sea, God brought the sea together and drowned the pursuers pursuing them, so that they could escape.On Mount Sinai, he received the scriptures of the Ten Commandments written by God and taught the Hebrews of commandments, judgments and statutes, and the construction of the tabernacle. The commandments that were promulgated were the Moses Ten Commandments. (Exodus 19-40) The Hebrews continued to complain because they were not satisfied, causing God to punish them for 40 years in the wilderness until all the first generation of Egyptians died and led them into the Promised Land - Canaan. (Numbers 14) Moses was angry with the grievances of the people in the wilderness of the Hebrews for 40 years, and did not follow thewill of God, "commanded" the rock to take water, but with the stones, Be ruled by him and Aaron "because you do not believe me, and do not sanctify me in the sight of the children of Israel, so that you will not receive this congregation into the land which I have given them." (Numbers 20)At the time of the garrison of Moab, Moses, in accordance with the commandment of God, led the Israelites to retaliate against the Midian who had deceived them, and God made Moses on the Mount of the Sea, and in the mountains God had given Moses a place where he was promised, but he could not enter The (Numbers 21)After looking at the promised land, Moses died in the mountains. God himself buried him in the valley of the land of Moab, and in the valley of Beer, and so far no man knew his tomb.Moses died when he was 120 years old. Eyes are not dim, the spirit did not decline. And the children of Israel cried for Moses in the plain of Moab for 30 days, and the day of mourning for Moses was full.Then there was no rise of the prophet in Moses in Israel; he was known to the Lord's face to face. And the LORD sent him in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and all his servants, and all his land, and carried all the signs and wonders of all the mighty things, and all the mighty things that were in the sight of all the people of Israel.Moses led the Israelites to fight five times, and every time they followed the command of God to prevail! They faced the Amalekites, the Canaanites, the Ammonites 2, and the five king of Midian, who challenged them. (Exodus 17: 8-4; Numbers 21: 1-3; 21-23; 31; Deuteronomy 3: 1-11; 2: 24-37)The Old Testament refers to Moses about 767 times, and theNew Testament refers to Moses 79 times. It is seen that Moses was an important figure in the history of the Israelites and admired for the Jews.He is a great figure in history, leading a group of slaves, under an unimaginable dilemma, to mold them into a nation that affects and changes the course of human history as a whole.Moses, on the way that he led the Israelites to Canaan, experienced the challenge of being led by the tribe and sister Miriam and brother Aaron, and finally led the Israelites under the approval of God. (Numbers 12; 16)The most prestigious period of Moses was probably the thirteenth century BC, because it was generally believed that Pharaoh Rameses II died in 1237 BC in the Bible. After 847, Muhammad thought that Moses was the true prophet. With the spread of Islam, Moses in the entire Islamic world (even including Egypt) became a respected figure.Five hundred years after the year, his fame and prestige came with Christianity in many parts of Europe. Moses was still revered by the believers, Christians, Muslims, and even by many atheists, three thousand years after his death.Inherited him as the leader of the son of Joshua.Moses was unable to enter the land of Canaan in his lifetime, but he was able to enter the land of Canaan after his death. Jesus Christ changed his face and glowed in the Great Boulder, showing the appearance of God. Then the prophet Moses and Elijah appeared on his side, and Jesus spoke to them. (Matthew 17: 1-9, Mark 9: 2-8, Luke 9: 28-36; 1 Peter 1: 16-18).摩西以色列人居住埃及的始末The story of Moses began in Jacob, and he was famine in the land of Canaan, and came to Egypt with his sons and his family.The family lived under the invitation of Joseph (the youngest son of Jacob in Egypt as the prime minister) and the Pharaoh's presence, where he lived in a place in the northeastern part of Egypt, where they lived for 430 years (twelve forty) The During this period, the number of their people grew rapidly, full of sly (out of a 7).摩西的生平事迹In the life of Moses can be divided into three periods, each period is forty years.The first period was in EgyptThe second period was in the wilderness of the Midian ShepherdThe third period is the election of God, leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, the Red Sea, the wilderness.。
Magen David Adom
Magen David is equivalent to the Red Cross’s “Red Big Magen David” ,which is internationally recognized Jews sign. There is no Red Cross in Israel, it’s only equivalent to the Red Big Magen David of Red Cross.
The color of the blue and white is the symbol of the Jews. According to the Nuremberg Laws formulated by Nazi Germany in 1935, Article Ⅳ (1) Forbid Jews display the symbol of Germany's third Reich flag and its colors.(that is, the color of the Nazi flag, red, white, black) (2) Jewish symbol can show the color of the Jews. (that is, the blue and white)
3q don不'强t 迫wa别n人t 做to他们do不愿意做的事情
No决f不la因sh过度bu的rn热情us而b引y火e焚xc身es,s毁iv灭e 自己 enthusiasm, destroy them
marx Chaplin
Байду номын сангаас
Einstein Albert
The State of Israel
Free Template from
• 1、源于犹太教的两个宗教--伊斯兰教和基督 教,在世界上有很大的影响。 • 2、 第一诫 除了我以外,你不可有别的神。 • 第二诫 不可为自己雕刻偶像 • 第六诫 不可杀人 • 第八诫 不可偷盗 • 第九诫 不可作假见证陷害人 • 第十诫 不可贪恋人的房屋;也不可贪恋人 的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。
• 3、犹太人的成就:
• 占美国2%-3%的人口的犹太人成就如下: 全美200名最有影响的名人中,犹太人占一半 全美100多名诺贝尔奖得主,犹太人占一半 全美名牌大学教授,犹太人占三分之一 全美律师中,犹太人占四分之一 全美文学、戏剧、音乐的一流作家,犹太人占60% 华盛顿和纽约两地的大律师事务所的合伙人中,犹太人 占40% 全球最有钱的企业家,犹太人占一半 美国的百万富翁中,犹太人占三分之一 《富布斯》美国富豪榜前40名中,犹太人占18名 美国国会参议员中,犹太人占10名;美国国会众员中, 犹太人占27名
• 结语:犹太民族像中华民族一样 有着悠久的历史,然而犹太民族 的历史却是一部流浪史、血泪史、 奋斗史,他们的生活是悲惨的、 痛苦的、残酷的,这是一个坚强 的民族,历经重重灾难,依然不 屈,创造出令人难以置信的奇迹。
• 在1973年10月6日,正值犹太人传统的赎罪日那 天,埃及和叙利亚对以色列发起了突袭攻势。 • 1990年代在波斯湾战争中,虽然以色列不是反 伊拉克的联盟国之一、也没有实际参与伊拉克战 事,以色列仍遭到39枚飞毛腿导弹击中。
4、反屠犹原因: • 历史原因(罗马时代) • 宗教情结:耶稣的12门徒之一的犹大为了30块 银币而出卖了上帝之子,是犹太人将耶稣钉死在 十字架上,这就造成了基督徒们在情感上对犹太 人的仇视。黑暗时期。 • 现实需要:20世纪20年代末30年代初,世界性 经济危机爆发,严重打击了德国 • 种族主义盛行 • 希特勒个人原因:严重病态心理的政治狂人
History Current
Hebrew is the liturgical language of Judaism ("the holy tongue"), and the daily speech of the Jewish people for centuries. By the 5th century BC, Aramaic, a closely related tongue, joined Hebrew as the spoken language in Judea. By the third century BC, some Jews of the diaspora were speaking Greek. Others, such as in the Jewish communities of Babylonia, were speaking Hebrew and Aramaic, the languages of the Babylonian Talmud. These languages were also used by the Jews of Israel at that time.
According to scholar Moshe Davis, "English has in fact become the most common language of the Jews. It is the mother tongue for the majority of world Jewry and a secondary language for growing numbers in the other countries where Jews lir over sixteen centuries Hebrew was used almost exclusively as a liturgical language, and as the language in which most books had been written on Judaism. Modern Hebrew is now one of the two official languages of the State of Israel along with Arabic.
犹太民族领袖摩西的故事Some time during the twentieth century before our era, a small and unimportant tribe of Semitic shepherds had left its old home and moved westward, trying to find new pastures. This tribe of shepherds was known as the Hebrews or, as we call them, the Jews. They had wandered far and wide for many years before they had been given shelter in Egypt.公元前2000年的某⼀天,⼀⽀⼩⽽不重要的闪⽶特游牧部落踏上了流浪的旅程。
For more than five centuries they had dwelt among the Egyptians and when their adopted country had been overrun by the Hyksos marauders they had managed to make themselves usetul to the foreign invader and had been left in the undisturbed possession of their grazing fields. But after a long war of independence the Egyptians had driven the Hyksos out of the valley of the Nile and then the Jews had come upon evil times for they had been degraded to the rank of common slaves and they had been forced to work on the royal roads and on the Pyramids.And as the frontiers were guarded by the Egyptian soldiers it had been impossible for the Jews to escape.他们在埃及居住了500多年,⼀直与当地居民和睦相处。
• Attach more importance to education, respect knowledge
普林节 光明节
逾越节 无酵饼
Characters of the Jews
Physical Features
• The Jewish yarmulka(男子头戴无边的小圆帽 “基帕”。意为“遮盖”。头上有天,不可“光 头”以对, 其意是表示对上帝的敬畏。 所以要 用帽相隔 )O(∩_∩)O
National Characteristics
• Famous people: Karl Max, Linin, Einstein, FloydO(∩_∩)O~
• It is stated that there were 138 Jews among the people those who won Nobel Prize from 1901 to 2001.
• Black coat and hat, big beard (*^__^*) • Names: Moses,Solomon,David,Sarah • Houses and architecture: Magen David, The
seven Wall Sconces , Post script:-O \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/~
• Strives constantly for self-improvement • Great union power
英语50字故事:犹太民族摩西的故事犹太民族摩西的故事Some time during the twentieth century before our era, asmall and unimportant tribe of Semitic shepherds had left its old home and moved westward, trying to find new pastures.This tribe of shepherds was known as the Hebrews or, as wecall them, the Jews. They had wandered far and wide for many years before they had been given shelter in Egypt.公元前2000年的某一天,一支小而不重要的闪米特游牧部落踏上了流浪的旅程。
For more than five centuries they had dwelt among the Egyptians and when their adopted country had been overrun by the Hyksos marauders they had managed to make themselvesusetul to the foreign invader and had been left in the undisturbed possession of their grazing fields. But after a long war of independence the Egyptians had driven the Hyksos out of the valley of the Nile and then the Jews had come upon evil times for they had been degraded to the rank of common slaves and they had been forced to work on the royal roadsand on the Pyramids.And as the frontiers were guarded by the Egyptian soldiers it had been impossible for the Jews to escape.他们在埃及居住了500多年,一直与当地居民和睦相处。
一些著名的学者如Flavius Josephus和Philippa Foot都有关于古代犹太人历史的著作。
一些重要的作品如Salo Wittmayer Baron的"A Social and Religious History ofthe Jews"和Paul Johnson的"A History of the Jews"都对这一时期的犹太人历史进行了深入的研究。
Anne Frank的"The Diary of a Young Girl"和Raul Hilberg的"The Destruction of the European Jews"都是关于这一时期的重要著作。
《拯救大兵瑞恩》Saving Private Ryan
《人工智能》Artificial Intelligence
《世界大战》War of the Worlds
《印地安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国》 ★ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
《大白鲨》 Jaws
• In 1975, Spielberg helmed the terrifying film Jaws, about a great white shark who wreaks bloody havoc in the seas around a New England beach town.
Thank you!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Producer career
• From the 1980s up Steven Spielberg's identity, is increased a movie producer.
• Then he has made several cartoons .
• There was a time, he was also a longevity drama ER’ executive producer.
• In 2007, he became the film producer ( 监督;指导)of the famous commercial film ‘Transformers’ (《变形金刚》) . Famous commercial directors Michael Bay is the director of the movie. Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman write the script(剧本), eventually global boxoffice up to seven billion dollars.
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Prayers for the dying
A person who is known to be dying will not be left alone. Prayers will be said, and when the person has died a candle will be lit and placed beside the head.
The body is usually buried in a plain wooden coffin to show they are all equal in death. The tallith used to wrap the deceased man will have had its fringes cut. This symbolises that the person no longer needs to follow the 613 mitzvot (commandments).
Upon hearing about a death, a Jew recites the words, "Baruch dayan emet," Blessed be the one true Judge.
The body is not left alone from
until the burial.
Why do you think it is important that
someone always stays by the dead
Chevra Kaddisha
Every Jewish synagogue has a Chevra Kaddisha, a group of people who take over the arrangements for the funeral. Men are washed by men and are traditionally wrapped in their tallith. Women are washed by women and wear white. Traditionally the body is buried within 24 hours.
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Synagogue- House of worship for Jewish congregation
Talmud- The book of Jewish law- Jewition of ancient Jewish writings that forms the basis of Jewish religious law, consisting of the early scriptural interpretations and the later commentaries
Ethical Monotheism- is a term used to describe a belief in one God who
Hanukkah- A Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the
25th day of Kislev (in December) and commemorating the rededication of the Temple in 165 BC by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians. Moses- He is the most important prophet in Judaism. Moses is the leader who freed them from slavery in Egypt. Moses protected the Jews from the wrath of God, and negotiated with God on their behalf. Passover- is celebrated to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel who were led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses.
The first founder of Judaism Physical and spiritual ancestor of the Jewish people Father of the faith
When they were exiled they were sent to Babylonia until present time
Over the two days there are special services at the synagogue A musical instrument called a shofar is blown. It makes a loud piercing sound like a trumpet and reminds the Jews of Gods great power The place of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation Men and women usually sit separately in the Synagogues
It is a major eight day festival Matzah is eaten throughout the festival Great spring cleaning in the home before the festival
Rabbi- A Jewish scholar or teacher especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law. A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader. Rosh Hashanah- Jewish new year, it commemorates the creation of the world.
Abraham- The Hebrew patriarch from whom all Jews trace their descent Covenant- is an agreement found in the bible between God and His people in which God makes specific promises and demands Diaspora- the dispersion of Jews outside of Israel
= where Judaism is practiced = where Judaism originated
Judaism originated in Israel According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there is 14,993,000 Jews worldwide In Israel alone there is 5,703,700 United States has 5,275,000 Canada has 375,000 Mexico has 39,400
guides humanity through ethical principles. This can be seen as distinct from monotheistic beliefs which may be based on dogma or doctrines. Ethical monotheists sometimes believe that all ethical standards are derived from God and they are thus dependent upon the divine in this way.