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Ethical Monotheism- is a term used to describe a belief in one God who
பைடு நூலகம்
Hanukkah- A Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the

25th day of Kislev (in December) and commemorating the rededication of the Temple in 165 BC by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians. Moses- He is the most important prophet in Judaism. Moses is the leader who freed them from slavery in Egypt. Moses protected the Jews from the wrath of God, and negotiated with God on their behalf. Passover- is celebrated to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel who were led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses.

Synagogue- House of worship for Jewish congregation

Talmud- The book of Jewish law- Jewish Holy Book

Collection of ancient Jewish writings that forms the basis of Jewish religious law, consisting of the early scriptural interpretations and the later commentaries

The first founder of Judaism Physical and spiritual ancestor of the Jewish people Father of the faith

When they were exiled they were sent to Babylonia until present time

guides humanity through ethical principles. This can be seen as distinct from monotheistic beliefs which may be based on dogma or doctrines. Ethical monotheists sometimes believe that all ethical standards are derived from God and they are thus dependent upon the divine in this way.

Over the two days there are special services at the synagogue A musical instrument called a shofar is blown. It makes a loud piercing sound like a trumpet and reminds the Jews of Gods great power The place of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation Men and women usually sit separately in the Synagogues
= where Judaism is practiced = where Judaism originated

Judaism originated in Israel According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there is 14,993,000 Jews worldwide In Israel alone there is 5,703,700 United States has 5,275,000 Canada has 375,000 Mexico has 39,400

It is a major eight day festival Matzah is eaten throughout the festival Great spring cleaning in the home before the festival

Rabbi- A Jewish scholar or teacher especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law. A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader. Rosh Hashanah- Jewish new year, it commemorates the creation of the world.

Abraham- The Hebrew patriarch from whom all Jews trace their descent Covenant- is an agreement found in the bible between God and His people in which God makes specific promises and demands Diaspora- the dispersion of Jews outside of Israel