2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位 外国语水平全国统一考试(法语)

2013年硕士研究生入学考试初试专业课246法语(二外)试题北京科技大学2013年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题====================================== ========================================= ==============试题编号: 246 试题名称:法语(二外)(共 8 页)适用专业:外国语言文学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。
====================================== ========================================= ============== I. Choisissez le mot de chaque groupe qui se prononce différemment : (10’ :1*10)1. A. bon B. bombe C. tonne D. donc2. A. loup B. couvre C. tous D. aux3. A. Geai B. Gabrielle C. Guy D. glace4. A. cinq B. dinde C. cinéma D. syntaxe5. A. an B. entrer C. ancien D. antique6. A. zoo B. photo C. offre D. close7. A. exercice B. inexact C. excuser D. exonérer8. A. point B. moins C. coin D. moine9. A. chinois B. chatte C. Christian D. Cherche10. A. parlerai B. avais` C. fait D. taisII. Choisissez la bonne réponse : (15’ : 0.5*30)1. Quel temps ! Il y a toujours pluie !B. leC. duD. de la2. C’est une maladie qui est difficile guérir.A. àB. deC. pourD. en3. Va .A. - yB. –t’yC. - t’enD. –en4. de ces voitures ne marchent pas ?A. QuellesB. LesquellesC. LesquelsD. Desquelles5. Un camarade cinq est d’accord.A. surB. àC. entreD. dans6. Avez-vous changé les yuans les euros ?A. àB. parC. enD. contre7. Il est le seul arriver en retard.B. deC. pourD. qui8. Philippe de son séjour en ChineA. se rappelleraB. se souviendraC. retiendraD. pensera9. je le vois, il est toujours dans la classe.A. Une fois queB. Jusqu’à ce queC. Chaque fois queD. Dès que10. Ce journaliste a recueilli les informations nécessaires.A. toutB. toutesC. touteD. tous11. J’ai beaucoup de disques, mais vous en avez encore que moi.A. autantB. mieuxC. plusD. moins12. le mauvais temps, on a fait une sortie en bateau.A. A cause de (du)B. MalgréC. Grace à (au)D. Bien que13. Après réflexion, il a ses projets.A. quittéB. abandonnéC. abordéD. renoncé14. Hier soir, j’ai rencontré un ami.A. vieuxB. vieilC. vieilleD. vieillard15. Les deux femmes se sont et se sont bonjour.A. rencontrées ; ditesB. rencontrées ; ditC. rencontré ; ditesD.rencontrés ; dit16. Les sportifs prennent le départ 10 minutes.A. àB. dansC. enD. sur17. Avant de signer, lisez bien est écrit sur le contrat.A. ce quiB. ce queC. ce dontD. ce à quoi18. Je ne connais d’aussi mal élevé.A. quelqu'unB. personneC. quiD. lequel19. vous indiquera où se trouve la gare.A. N’importe quiB. N’importe quoiC. CertainsD. D’aucuns20. Le rouge ne va pas le vert.A. à (au)B. avecC. pourD. dans21. Ce jour-là, il faisait soleil magnifique.A. leB. duC. unD. au22. - Voulez-vous du café ?- Oui, donnez- une tasse. Merci.A. m’enB. moi-leC. le-moiD. m’y23. Je suis désolé de vous attendre si longtemps.A. faireB. avoir faitC. avoir faitsD. laisser24. Il suffit nous passer un coup de téléphone.A. /B. àC. deD. pour25. Sur le tableau, on lit : sur les pelouses (草坪).A. N’allez pasB. Ne montez pasC. Ne pas marcherD. Nemarchez pas26. faire la grasse matinée, il sort faire de la course dans le campus.A. Afin deB. Mieux vautC. Faute deD. Au lieu de27. trop vite de l’escalier, il a manqué une marche.A. En descendantB. DescenduC. Après avoir descenduD. Pourdescendre28. Cette robe est si jolie regarder, on dit qu’elle vient de ChezChanel.A. àB. deC. pourD. par29. J’ai perdu mon stylo, je ne l’ai vu part.A. aucuneB. touteC. nulleD. autre30. les années 90, l’augmentation annuelle ét ait 7% environ.A. Pendant ; /B. Pour ; àC. Dans ; deD. Dans ; /III. Mettez un pronom relatif convenable, s’il y a lieu, avec une préposition convenable:(10’ : 1*10 )1. La carte de crédit 1 je me sers pour payer mes chaussures n’estplus valable.2. Cet homme, 2 s’appelle Freud, est mon patron.3. Le mari 3 je rêve est un homme gentil et intelligent.4. Dès le moment 4 je l’ai vu, je l’ai aimé.5. Paris n’est pas un endroit 5 je me rapelle particulièrement, mais laC?te d’Azur est une région 6 j’adore et 7 le climat me fait du bien.6. Je suis pour ces décisions 8 ils manifestent.7. Ce sont des questions embarrassantes 9 il faut longuement réfléchir.8. Vous pouvez consulter ce médecin 10 j’ai une grande confiance.IV. Complétez les verbes au temps et au mode convenables : (15’ : 1*15)1. Hier soir, quand le téléphone (sonner) 1 , je (être) 2 à la douche.2. (Passer) 3 -moi la revue quand tu (la lire) 4 .3. (Arriver) 5 trop tard à la gare, ils (manquer) 6 le train hier.4. La semaine dernière, si tu (me dire) 7 , je (aller) 8 te chercher al’aéroport.5. Où que tu (aller) 9 , il (falloir) 10 être modeste et travailleur.6. Vendredi dernier, après (finir) 11 le travail, Marie (rentrer) 12chez elle.7. Si tu (voir) 13 Sophie, (dire) 14 -lui que je (vouloir) 15 la voir.V. Compréhension écrite : (20’ : 1* 20)Texte 1 :Deux languesDans mon enfance, j’ai eu l’occasion d’apprendre deux langues à la fois, et c’est un problème intéressant de voir se développer dans un jeune homme deux fa?ons différentes de p enser et de rêver.Je suis né à Paris de parents américains ; comme les autres gar?ons de Paris, j’ai été élevé dans une école primaire où tous mes camarades étaient Fran?ais. C’était complètement ma langue maternelle qui devenait une langue étrangère à l’école. Mais à la maison, je franchissais une frontière invisible, je me retrouvais en Amérique.Le travail était difficile, parce que je vivais dans un monde fran?ais. Ma mère ne supportait pas la terrible prononciation de son fils qui laisse tomber les "h" comme un étranger. Mais mes s?urs avaient appris l’anglais assez facilement, et moi, j’étais décidément le petit Fran?ais. Très sensible comme tous les enfants, l’idée d’être ridicule en parlant anglais et de faire rire est devenue une idée fixe qui a ralenti mes progrès.Je pensais toujours qu’être tout à fait bilingue est presque impossible. Plusieurs langues peuvent être possédées par la même personne, à un degréparfois étonnant. J’ai entendu des gens passer du fran?ais à l’anglais et de l’anglais à l’allemand très vite et avec une très bonne intonation. Questions :1. Quelle est la langue maternelle de l’auteur ?A. Le fran?ais.B. L’anglais.C. L’allemand.D. L’italien.2. " Mais à la maison, je franchissais une frontière invisible, je meretrouvais en Amérique. " Qu’est-ce que ?a veut dire ?A. L’auteur voulait faire des exercices en anglais à la maison.B. L’auteur parlait bien anglais à la maison.C. Ses parents parlaient anglais à la maison.D. L’auteur avait l’intention d’oublier le fran?ais.3. "Le travail était difficile, parce que je vivais dans un monde fran?ais."signifie que .A. ma famille était venue en France parce qu’il n’y avait pas beaucoupde travail aux Etats-Unis.B. comme je vivais dans une famille fran?aise, apprendre l’anglais ét aitpour moi difficileC. c’est parce que j’étais en France que j’avais des difficultés pourapprendre l’anglais.D. j'étais venu en France parce qu’apprendre le fran?aisaurait été plusdifficile ailleurs.4. "J’étais décidément le petit Fran?ais" veut di re que .A. j'avais décidé de prendre la nationalité fran?aise.B. mes parents avaient pris la décision que je ne rentrerais pas enAmérique.C. né à Paris, je devais automatiquement être Fran?ais.D. j'étais indiscutablement plus Fran?ais qu’Américain.5. D’après l’auteur, qui était "très sensible" ?A. L’auteur lui-même.B. Sa mère.C. Ses s?urs.D. Ses parents.Texte 2 :La lecture et les jeunesStéphane, 15 ans"Je suis en train de lire mon premier roman. C’est le 5e volume des aventures d’Harry Potter. J’avais vu le film, l’an dernier, que j’ai vraiment apprécié. Mon oncle m’a offert le bouquin. Il est assez long, et un peu difficile. Je lis à mon rythme, plut?t doucement. Mais je crois que je vais arriver au bout. Les romans, de toute fa?on, j’ai du mal à accrocher. Je lis parfois des bandes dessinées, c’est plus rapide, et puis j’aime bien le super héros. Dommage qu’à l’école, on parle rarement de ce genre d’histoire. "Chloé, 17 ans" Je dois lire une dizaine de romans par an, en plus de ceux que no us sommes obligés d’étudier en classe. J’aime bien les romans policiers, avec des auteurs comme Elisabeth George ouRuth Rendell. Ce sont toujours des histoires incroyables avec des gens assez dérangés. Et puis ?a se passe aujourd’hui. En ce moment, à l’occasion de l’anniversaire de la mort de Zola, on étudie L’argent, avec ce vocabulaire si particulier. Et puis, on ne peut pas dire non plus que ?a fasse rêver. "Camille, 18 ans" Je crois que lire, c’est indispensable. Je ne sais pas si le collège et le lycée poussent vraiment à lire. Tout dépend des professeurs en fait. Et puis ?a dépend aussi de la famille. S’il y a beaucoup de livres à la maison, et les parents qui lisent aussi beaucoup, on peut être influencé assez t?t. Moi, j’aime bien les romans qui r acontent de vraies histoires. Les écrivains fran?ais actuels, non, je ne les connais pas vraiment. Il faut dire que les bouquins avant qu’ils sortent en poche, c’est vraiment hors de prix. " Questions :6. Comment Stéphane lit-il Harry Potter ?A. Difficilement.B. Rapidement.C. Lentement.D. Rarement.7. Pourquoi Chloé lit-elle L’argent de Zola ?Parce que (qu’) .A. ce roman fait partie des dix romans de l’année de Chloé.B. elle aime bien le vocabulaire de Zola.C. c’est l’année de Zola.D. son professe ur lui a demandé de le lire.8. Qui ou qu’est-ce qui fait lire les élèves ?A. Le collège ou le lycée.B. Les professeurs et les parents.C. L’apparition des livres de poche.D. Le prix des livres de poche.9. Quels sont les points communs entre Camille et Chloé ?A. Elles font les études dans le même lycée et aiment lire autant l’uneque l’autre.B. Elles aiment lire autant l’une que l’autre et ont le même gout enlittérature.C. Elles lisent souvent et trouvent que la lecture est nécessaire.D. Elles aiment lire et trouvent que les livres ne co?tent pas cher.10. Pourquoi fait-on l’enquête ? On veut .A. trouver la différence entre les élèves et le professeur.B. savoir ce qu’ils lisent et comment ils lisent.C. vendre plus de livres.D. faire lire plu s d’élèves.Texte 3 :La bonne santé du tourisme mondialLes 611 exposants du Salon mondial du tourisme qui se déroule ce weekend à Paris devraient afficher des mines réjouies. Le tourisme en effet se porte bien. Le secteur représente un poids économique i mpressionnant en constante progression.Près de 600 millions de personnes se baladent sur la planète pour découvrir des pays étrangers. C’est la France qui arrive en tête des pays les plus visités. Viennent ensuite, et assez loin derrière, les Etats-Unis, l’Espagne, l’Italie, la Chine et le Royaume Uni. Les pays qui enregistrent la plus forte augmentation depuis quelques années sont la Chine, la Pologne et la République Tchèque.Le choix des destinations est variable. Il dépend notamment de la situation politique existante. Le tourisme est nettement freiné par les massacres en Algérie, ou bien en Egypte par les attentats visant les touristes. Il existe également des modes, en fonction parfois des promotions que fontles agences de voyages en baissant les prix sur certaines destinations. Ainsi, ces dernières années, l’Irlande, le Viêt Nam puis le Cuba se sont succédécomme pays en vogue pour les Fran?ais.Le secteur en tout cas prend de plus en plus d’importance dans les économies des pays. Car la plupart des e xperts font preuve d’optimisme. Le tourisme de demain ? Des voyages plus courts (plut?t dix jours qu’un mois ), mais aussi plus nombreux et lointains. Avec une augmentation annuelle des recettes de près de 10%, le marché mondial du tourisme pourrait être u n des plus importants secteurs économiques du siècle prochain.Questions :11. "Le tourisme se porte bien ". Le verbe " se porter " signifie dans laphrase .A. être en bonne santé.B. devoir être bien porté.C. être bien porté par quelqu’un.D. se diriger vers12. " Près de 600 millions de personnes se baladent sur la planète pourdécouvrir des pays étrangers. " Ces 600 millions de personnes fontleur voyage ensemble dans une période .A. mensuelleB. semestrielleC. trimestrielleD. annuelle13. Depuis ces dernières années, le pays le plus visité est .A. la FranceB. les Etats-UnisC. la ChineD. la Pologne.14. " l’Irlande, le Viêt Nam puis le Cuba se sont succédé comme pays envogue pour les Fran?ais. " Cette phrase veut dire que .A. ces trois pays sont devenus alternativement les pays préférés desFran?ais.B. ces trois pays sont devenus l’un après l’autre les pays préférés desFran?ais.C. ces trois pays sont devenus ensemble les pays préférés des Fran?ais.D. ces trois pays ont réussi à devenir des pays préférés des Fran?ais.15. La vogue susmentionnée vient .A. de la stabilité de ces paysB. des promotions de l’agence de voyagesC. des go?ts collectifs.D. de l’attirance du paysage de ces pays.Texte 4 :Dépenser15 200 euros, c’est ce que dépense en moyenne chaque habitant pour sa consommation annuelle. Une consommationqui a beaucoup évolué. Le consommateur francais réfléchit avant d’acheter, s’informe, compare, exige des services en plus mais ne résiste pas toujours à se faire plaisir. Ces quinze dernières années, il a découvert les magasins d’usines, de discounts et d’occasion.C’est le logement qui est aujourd’hui la première source de dépense ; plus du quart du revenu lui est consacré ; on l’équipe de nouveaux appareils liés au travail, au confort ou à la culture.L’automobile et les transports sont les deuxièmes postes de dépenses, juste devant l’alimentation (18%) et la culture (15%) : le succès des téléphones portables, DVD, caméscopes,téléviseurs explique la croissance de ce domaine mais aussi les sorties au cinéma, au spectacle, les voyages touristiques.Bien que la France représente le pays de l’élégance, les Fran?ais dépensent de moins en moins pour s’habiller, peut-être aussi parce qu’ils profitent des périodes de soldes (en janvier et en juillet, pendant 5 à 6 semaines) et des magasins de la grande distribution. Soucieux de leur forme, les Fran?ais consacrent 10% de leur budget aux dépenses de santé et à tout ce qui leur permet d’e ntretenir leur forme et leur apparence.Questions :16. D’après le texte, les Fran?ais sont .A. de plus en plus attentifs au rapport qualité / prixB. de moins en moins attentifs au rapport qualité / prixC. attentifs seulement à la qualité.D. attentifs seulement au prix.17. Où vont-ils faire des courses ?A. Aux grandes surfaces.B. Chez les petits commer?ants.C. Aux magasins d’usine ou d’occasion.D. Aux supermarchés.18. Les Fran?ais dépensent beaucoup pour .A. les loisirsB. le logementC. l’alimen tationD. l’habit19. Le deuxième poste de dépenses des Fran?ais représente .A. 18% de leur budgetB. 15% de leur budgetC. plus de 18% de leur budgetD. moins de 15% de leur budget20. Les Fran?ais se préoccupent .A. plus ou moins de leur santéB. de pl us en plus de leur santéC. de moins en moins de leur santéD. un petit peu de leur santéVI. Traduisez le passage suivant en chinois. (10’)Bien que la France représente le pays de l’élégance, les Fran?ais dépensent de moins en moins pour s’habiller, peut-être aussi parce qu’ils profitent des périodes de soldes (en janvier et en juillet, pendant 5 à 6 semaines) et des magasins de la grande distribution. Soucieux de leur forme, les Fran?ais consacrent 10% de leur budget aux dépenses de santé et à tout c e qui leur permet d’entretenir leur forme et leur apparence.VII. Traduisez les phrases suivantes en fran?ais. (20’ : 4*5)1. 不管未来发生什么,你都是我最好的朋友。


3. Votre camion est trop lourdpasser sur ce pont.
①afin de②à③de④pour
4.quoi puis-je vous être utile ?
5.Pars tranquille. Je veilleraita petite soeur.
ⅣCompréhension écrite(30points)
Texte1:une visite au poète
J’ai dit à Philippe :
-Nous allons voir un poète, M Ponge. M Ponge habite à Viresac. Le connaissez-vous ?
Choisissez la meilleure réponse (15points)
1.En général, je ne mange pas de gâteaux, saufqui sont au chocolat.
①ce② celui③celles④ceux
2.Quelle attention il nous apour échapper au piège.
4.Bien que M Ponge n’ait pas fait ses études secondaires, il a du talent pour la poésie.

2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试英语试卷一ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TESTFOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTSPaper One (100 minutes)Part I Oral Communication (10 points)Part II Vocabulary (10 points)Pan III Reading Comprehension (25 points)Part IV Cloze (10 points)Part V Text Completion (20 points)考生须知1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分为75分,考试时问100分钟,9:00开始10:40结束;试卷二满分为25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。
2. 考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。
3. 本试卷为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上或其他类型的答题卡上无效,答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考老师予以更改。
4. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A][B][C][D]。
5. 监考员宣布考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌上,继续做试卷二。
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Part 1 Oral Communication (10 points)Section ADirections: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Dialogue OneA. It sounds like a flu.B. I also advise resting for a couple of days.C. Boy, when it rains, it pours.Doctor: What has been bothering you?Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot.1Doctor: Any stomach pains?Patient: Actually, y es. My stomach’s been upset for a few days.Doctor: 2 It’s been going around lately.Patient: Anything I can do for it?Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work?Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two.Dialogue TwoA. So, what are you going to do with the money?B. You have lots of money.C. How much do I owe you?Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance?Father: Oh. I forgot about that.Joshua: You ALWAYS forget.Father: I guess I do. 4Joshua:Just $13.Father: Well, I’m not sure if I have that much.Joshua: Go to the bank. 5Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well. I think the bank is closed.Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed?Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6Joshua: I’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books.Father: Well, that sounds great, Joshua.Section BDirections: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of theblanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.A. Nationalities stay in their own areas.B. People don’t queue like they do here in England.C. What I liked best was that I could work and still lead a normal life.D. Some supermarkets are open twenty-four hours a day.Interviewer: How long did you live in the Slates?Interviewee: I was there for two years, in New York, and I enjoyed it tremendously.7 I mean, the shops are open till 10:00 p.m.Interviewer: All shops?Interviewee: Yes, everything. Food shops, chemists, and department stores.8 And on public holidays, only the banks are shut.Interviewer: I see, um... Do you think New York is as multinational as Loudon?Interviewee: Oh, that's for sure. But it’s not as mixed. 9 like there’s Russian sec-tion, the German section and China Town. But I think the major difference between these two cities was the height of the place. Everything was up in the Big Apple. We lived on the thirty-fifth floor. And of course everything is faster and the New Yorkers are much ruder.Interviewer: Oh! In what way?Interviewee: Well, pushing in the street, fights about getting on the bus. 10 And of course the taxi drivers! New York taxi drivers must be the rudest in the world!Part II Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11. I read the newspaper every day so that I can stay informed about current events.A. importantB. internationalC. latestD. cultural12. After seven days in the desert, the explorer was relieved when he eventually found water.A. predictablyB. finallyC. luckilyD. accidentally13. When we gave the children ice cream,they immediately ceased crying.A. startedB. continuedC. resumedD. stopped14. The science teacher demonstrated the process of turning solid gold into liquid.A. showedB. elaboratedC. devisedD. simplified15. John’s application for admission to graduate studies in the School of Education has been approved.A. entranceB. acceptanceC. experienceD. allowance16. Most college students in the United States live away from home.A. apartB. downC. elsewhereD. along17. The pursuit of maximum profit often drives manufacturers to turn out things that can do harm to people’s health.A. preserveB. promoteC. processD. produce18. Many different parts make up an airplane: the engine(s), the wings, the tail, and so on.A. composeB. decorateC. constructD. derive19. You make it sound as if I did it on purpose.A. carefullyB. unwillinglyC. incrediblyD. deliberately20. He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.A.understoodB. explainedC. expectedD. believedPart III Reading Comprehension (25 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer SheetPassage OneFive or six years ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecturer was determined to catch us in the act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketballs back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting.Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic (有阅读障碍的),and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tossers, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla (大猩猩)came in among the players. She (we later learned a female student was in the gorilla suit) stared at the camera, thumped her chest, and then strode away while they continued passing the balls.When the tape stopped, the philosopher asked how many people had counted at least a dozen basketball tosses. Hands went up all over. He then asked who had counted 13, 14, and congratulated those who’d scored the perfect 15, Then he asked, “And who saw the gorilla?”I raised my hand and was surprised to discover I was the only person at my table and one of only three or four in the large room to do so. He'd set us up,trapping us in our own attention blindness. Yes, there had been a trick, but he wasn’t the one who had played it on us. By concentrating so hard on counting, we had managed to miss the gorilla in the midst.21. This passage describes_______.A. a basketball matchB. an experimentC. a philosopherD. a gorilla22. “Attention blindness” refers to _______.A. th e fact that one can’t see what one can’t seeB. seeing one thing while missing all elseC. keeping track of just about everythingD. the condition of being blind to details23. “Catch us in the act” (Para. 1) is closest in meaning to “find us_______.”A. doing something improperB. sleeping during the lectureC. counting the basketball lossesD. failing to notice something within sight24. How many people in the room saw the gorilla in the video?A. 1.B. 3 or 4.C. 13 or 14.D. 15.25. Whom does “he” (last paragraph) refer to?A. The author.B. The gorilla.C. The lecturer.D. The student.Passage TwoThere are few sadder sights than a pile of fan letters, lovingly decorated with hand drawings,suffering in a bin. The sparkly envelopes were addressed to Taylor Swift, a pop star much beloved by teenage and pre-teen girls.“Dear Taylor,” read one discarded message, “I love you so much!! You’re the best!! And you're really beautiful and cute!! I’m really enjoying your songs,”This, along with hundreds of other similar letters sent from around the world, was discovered in a Nashville recycling disposal unit by a local woman. Swifts management was quick to reassure her admirer that they had been thrown out accidentally. The response may come as a disappointment to any devotee who imagines, as they compose their letters, that Swift makes time lo view each one personally.Dealing with piles of fan mail is, however, an administrative burden for most celebrities. While some celebrities do like to go through their mail personally, the majority simply do not have time. But the fate of their correspondence is something most committed fans will not wish, to dwell on, says Lynn Zubernis,an expert in the psychology of fandom at West Chester University.“There’s this little bit of every fan that thinks theirs will be the one that stands out—it's not an expectation, but a hope that theirs will be seen by the celebrity.”While the relationship between the fan and the celebrity may exist only in the mind of the former, it stems from a deeply-rooted human need for community and belonging, Zubernis believes. As a result, even receiving a mass-produced letter ofacknowledgement and a photo stamped with a reproduced signature can be a powerful experience.“People have a tremendous need to connect with the person they are idolizing (偶像化),” she says. “They can’t ring them up and say, ’C an we have coffee?’ It’s not about the autograph (签名) ,It’s about the moment of connection.”26. Which of the following statements is true?A. The letters in the bin were exaggerating.B. Some letters to Swift were thrown away unread.C. A woman discovered the letters and discarded them.D. Poorly decorated letters were left unread.27. Swift’s management claimed that_______.A. Swift had read each one of the lettersB. fans could trust them with their lettersC. they were quick in response to the incidentD. they didn’t intend to throw away the letters28. Most celebrities_______A. are too busy to read fan mailB. are afraid of receiving fan mailC. try their best to read fan mail themselvesD. care about the fate of fan mail29. According to Zubernis, fans want their letters to be read because they _______.A. hope to show their hand drawingsB. want the celebrities to see their talentC. desire to get connected with the starsD. dream of getting a photo of the stars30. Which of the following will fans cherish the most?A. The feeling of being related to their stars.B. The sense of being similar to their stars.C. The time spent with their stars.D. The autograph of their stars.Passage ThreeFacelift (紧肤术)followed by a week on a beach in Thailand? Hip surgery with a side of shopping in Singapore? Over the last 10 years, Asia’s rise on the medical tourism scene has been quick. Eastern nations dominate the global scene. Now Bali wants a slice of the action.The Indonesian island recently opened its first facility specifically targeting medical tourists with packages and services, Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) Nusa Dua. BIMC already has an international hospital in Kuta, which opened in 1998.The new internationally managed facility offers surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures and dental care.Unlike most of the region’s hospitals, BIMC is designed to feel more like a spa or resort (度假村)than a medical facility.The 50-bed hospital has a 24-hour medical emergency entrance and hotel-like lobby at the front of the building servicing the hospital’s medical, and dental centers.If you’re a celebrity who doesn’t want everyone to know you’re here for a bit of lipo (吸脂术),no worries. There's a private entrance that leads to the CosMedic Centro, which offers views of a golf course.BIMC has even teamed up with the nearby Courtyard by Marriott Bali, which provides specific after-care services like tailor-made meals and wellness programs for patients.Latest technology and cool interiors are a start, but breaking into a regional industry that already has some of the world’s top international hospitals will be tough, says Josef Woodman, CEO of U.S.-based medical travel consumer guide Patients Beyond Borders (PBB).“As a newcomer, Bali faces stiff competition from nearby international healthcare providers. To compete,Bali will need to demonstrate a quality level of care and promote its services to the region and the world. On the positive side, Bali is blessed as one of the region's safest,most popular tourist destinations, with a built-in potential to attract medical travelers.”The Indonesian island couldn’t have picked a better time to get into the game, says PBB. “The world population is aging and becoming wealthier at rates that surpass the availability of quality healthcare resources,” says the company's research.31. What does "medical tourism” (Para. 1) probably mean?A. Treating a disease during a trip.B. Attracting patients with package tours.C. Cosmetic treatment and a tour in one:D. Turning hospitals into tourist attractions.32. How does BIMC differ from regular hospitals?A. It offers cosmetic surgery.B. It has better environment and services.C. It accepts international patients.D. It has more beds and longer service hours.33. BIMC wishes to attract celebrities with its_______.A. privacy measuresB. first-class designC. free golf courseD. tailor-made meals34. According to Woodman, BIMC_______.A. threatens its regional competitorsB. will soon take the load in the industryC. needs further improvementD. faces both challenges and opportunities35. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?A. The population is developing faster than medical resources.B. Healthcare is hardly available for the aging population.C. The world is in need of more quality medical care.D. The world population is becoming older and richer.Passage FourFor many of us,asking for help is a difficult concept. We may feel as if we are admitting a weakness that the world would not have known about,had we not asked for help.Ironically, it’s been my experience that people who are able to deliverwell-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When they demonstrate the humility (谦卑)to ask for help, they earn the respect of others. People who receive a heartfelt request for help are usually honored by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided.One of my clients (we’11 call her Kira) recently made a shift in how she was interacting with her boss. When asked to prepare presentations, she assumed that she was expected to go away, develop the content, deliver it at the required meeting and then wait for feedback from her boss. Her boss was highly regarded for the impact of his presentations, while Kira often felt that her presentations were lacking. When she took a hard look at how this approach was working for her, Kira recognized that she had not yet made use of her boss’s support. She could learn far more about creating attractive presentations by walking through a draft with her boss-focusing on the content plus her delivery----and obtaining feedback earlier in the process rather than at the back end. So she made the request for his support.The outcome? Her boss was delighted to coach Kira and was enthusiastic about the opportunity to put into use his own strength by teaching presentation skills more effectively to her. By taking the time to work together on preparation for a number of Kira’s key presentations, she benefited from her boss's thought process and was able to distinguish the critical components to enhance her own presentations. Kira’s present ations now have punch!Some of us are uncomfortable asking for help because we believe that our request places burdens on the other person. Ironically, we may be missing an opportunity to show others how we value and respect them. People who know you and think well of you are often highly motivated to help. Furthermore, the morespecific you can be about what you need from them, the easier it is for them, to assist you.36. Many people are unwilling to ask for help because they _______.A. are confident of themselvesB. do not trust other peopleC. arc ashamed of doing soD. do not think it necessary37. Which of the following may the author agree with?A. Asking for help means admitting weaknesses.B. Helping others is helping oneselfC. Well-positioned: requests for help are welcomed.D. Weak people often need more help.38. Kira’s request for help_____.A. turned out rewardingB. was turned downC. led to her promotionD. benefited her boss in return39. “Kira’s presentations now have punch” means her presentations are_____.A. forcefulB. controversialC. well receivedD. highly motivating40. The purpose of the passage is to_____.A. illustrate how to ask for helpB. show the importance of mutual helpC. call for atte ntion to others’ requestsD. encourage people to ask for kelpSection BDirections: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The biog and comments arc followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.A fascinating new study reveals that Americans are more likely to call their children “intelligent,” while European parents focus on happiness and bala nce.Here’s what one parent had to say about the intelligence of her 3-year-old, which was apparent to her from the very first moments of her life:“I have this vivid memory, when she was born, of them taking her to clean her off... And she was looking all around... She was alert from the very first second (I)took her out when she was six weeks old to a shopping mall to have her picture taken people would stop me and say, “What an alert baby.” One guy stopped me and said, “Lady, she was an intelligent baby.”Not only are Americans far more likely to focus on their children’s intelligence and cognitive skills, they are also far less likely to describe them as “happy” or “easy” children to parent.The U.S.’s unhealthy interest in cognitive developmen t in the early years overlooks so much else,” the researchers told us.Comment 1:Probably indicates more about differences in cultural attitudes towards humility and boasting than about parenting styles. Here in the Netherlands if someone called their child “intelligent” I’d be rolling my eyes, both because it’s probably biased and overstated and because it’s just a rotten thing to draw attention to; as if it’s all about whose child is “Better”. Life isn’t that much of a damn contest to us.Comment 2:Agreed! That would apply in Sweden too. Parenting is more focused on the child’s well-being than social competition (there may be pressures here too, but it is not socially acceptable to express those things).Comment 3:I agree and I live in the U.S. Parent’s opinions of their children’s intellect are definitely biased and overstated. It is the most annoying thing to listen to. Being “advanced” at a young age has little if anything to do with their ability to learn as they get older and EVERY child is a genius if you give them a chance and an ear to listen to them. The happier the kid is, the smarter they will be. Happy and healthy is key.41. The passage is mainly concerned with cultural differences in _____.A. bringing up one’s childrenB. describing one’s childrenC. social contestsD. choosing a place to live in42. The word “alert” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to “_____.”A. intelligentB. easy-goingC. quick at noticing thingsD. happy43. According to Comment 1, in the Ne therlands, calling one’s own child “intelligent” is_____.A. boastingB. acceptableC. encouragingD. reasonable44. What nationality is the writer of Comment 2?A. Dutch.B. American.C. Swedish.D. French.45. All of the following are true of Comment 3 EXCEPT that _____.A. it agrees with all the other commentsB. being happy and healthy is importantC. being intelligent at a young age makes no senseD. children’s intellect varies from person to personPart IV Cloze (10 points)Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Riding a bike is good exercise and great fun. But what do you do with a bike after you outgrow it? Nicole Basil, 12, has a terrific answer to this question. Whenshe was 8 years old, she 46 Pedal Power. It is a charity that collects bikes that kids have outgrown and donates them to Chicago public schools.Since 2008, Nicole has collected and donated more than 1,000 bikes. 47 the bicycles, Pedal Power supplied riders with 400 helmets (头盔) last year. “It is important to ride 48 on a bike, and helmets are a big part of that,” Nicole says. The Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Shop helps to 49 that all donated bikes are safe to ride. Each bike receives a five-minute 50 by the shop’s employees.The bikes are given to students who have good grades and perfect attendance. Nicole says: “Some kids aren’t as lucky as others, 51 they still do well in school. I think they should be 52 for that.” Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say test 53 are improving. “Bikes can take you far,” she says. “Good grades can take you even 54.”Barton Dassinger is the principal of Cesar E. Chavez school in Chicago. Students in his school have received bikes. “It’s been a great way to 55 students to do their best,” Dassinger says. “They work hard to make it happen.”46. A. joined B. created C. helped D. reformed47. A. In addition to B. In honor of C. In line with D. In exchange for48. A. safely B. happily C. freely D. quickly49. A. insist B. accept C. remember D. ensure50. A. look-out B. drop-out C. check-up D. line-up51. A. and B. so C. but D. or52. A. remembered B. rewarded C. repaid D. recommended53. A. papers B. scores C. conditions D. methods54. A. higher B. better C. further D. greater55. A. require B. exploit C. entitle D. motivatePart V Text Completion (20 points)Directions: In this part, there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions (Ranging from 56 to 75). Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed. First, use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases. Second, use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text. Note you should blacken the letters that indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.Text OneA. optimistic aboutB. a needC. a thirdPhrases:A. they felt 56 forB. most were 57 the future for womenC. less than 58 of themIn a recent survey, 55% of 3,000 Japanese women polled said they weren’t being treated equally with men at work, and 59 said they expected women’s lives to improve over the next two decades. Yet,only 26% of the women said 60 a strong and organized women’s movement. In a similar survey of American women, a much smaller 29% believed they were treated unfairly at work, 61 ,and 37% said a women’s movement was needed.Text TwoA. up toB. collectionsC. libraryPhrases:A. introduce you to our 62 facilitiesB. check out 63 five booksC. houses our humanities and map 64Welcome to the university library. This tour will 65 . First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one 66 . On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. Finally, group study rooms and the multimedia center are located on level four. Undergraduate students can 67 for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times.Text ThreeA. to understand themB. to think aboutC. not accent eliminationD. give them the most troublePhrases:A. identify which specific areas of pronunciation 68B. give you some things 69C. make it difficult for native speakers 70D. focus on accent reduction, 71Many ESL learners are concerned about eliminating their accents, but before you run out and spend hundreds of dollars on the latest pronunciation course, let me 72 . First, the main goal of any pronunciation course should be to 73 , which is virtually impossible. Rather, students should work on reducing areas of their pronunciation that affect comprehensibility, that is, areas of their accents that 74 . Second, with this goal in mind, students need to be able to 75 , Of course, there are universal areas of pronunciation that affect specific language groups, and reading up on these commonalities will help you.2013同等学力英语真题参考答案Part 1 Oral Communication (15 minutes 10 points)(1) A. (2)C. (3) B.(4) C. (5). B (6) A(7)C (8)D (9) A (10) BPart II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points)11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B16.C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. CPart III Reading Comprehension (45 minutes, 25 points)21-25 B B D B C26-30 B D A C A31-35 C B A D C36-40 C C A A D41-45 A C A C DPart IV Cloze (10 minutes, 10 points)46-50 A A A D C51-55 C B B C DPart V: Text Completion (20 minutes, 20 points)56 -58 B A C59-61 C A B62-64 C A B65-67 A C B68-71 D B A C72-75 B D C APart VI Translation (20 minutes, 10 points)闷闷不乐就像一种病;染上这种疾病的人会让人们避之唯恐不及。



1. 考试概述同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平统一考试A是为了评估同等学力人员在外国语言能力方面的水平而设立的考试。
2. 考试重要性同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平统一考试A的合格标准是硕士研究生学位申请的必备条件之一。
3. 考试准备由于同等学力人员通常没有系统的外语培训背景,因此考试准备对于他们来说尤为重要。
4. 考试技巧合理的考试技巧可以帮助同等学力人员在考试中取得更好的成绩。
5. 考试心态同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平统一考试A对于考生来说是一项重要的考试,但要保持积极乐观的心态。

2013同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试A卷英语试卷一Paper One (100minutes)Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points)Section ADirections:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Dialogue oneA. It sounds like a flu.B. I also advise resting for a couple of days.C. Boy, when it rains, it pours.Doctor: What has been bothering you?Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot.1Doctor: Any stomach pains?Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days.Doctor: 2 . It’s been go ing around lately.Patient: Anything I can do for it?Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 .Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work?Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two.Dialogue TwoA. So, what are you going to do with the money?B. You have lots of money.C. How much do I owe you?Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance?Father: Oh, I forgot about that.Joshua: You ALWAYS forget.Father: I guess I do. 4Joshua: Just $13.Father: Well, I’ m not sure if I have that much.Joshua: Go to bank. 5Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed.Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed?Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books. Father: Well, that sounds greats great, Joshua.Section BDirections:In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.A. Nationalities stay in their own areas,B. Pe ople don’t queue like they do here in England.C. What I liked best was that I could work and still lead a normal life.D. Some supermarkets are open twenty-four hours a day.Interviewer: How long did you stay in the States?Interviewee: I was there for two years, in New York, and I enjoyed it tremendously.7 I mean, the shops are open till 10:00 p.m.Interviewer: All shops?Interviewee: yes, everything. Food shops, chemists, and department stores.8 . And on public holidays, only the banks are shut.Interviewer: I see, erm … Do you think New York is as multinational as London?Interviewee: Oh, that’s for sure. But it’s not as mixed.9 like there’s Russian section, the German section and China town. But I think the major difference between these two cities was the height of the place. Everything was up in the Big Apple. We lived on the thirty-fifth floor. And of course everything is faster and the New Yorkers are much ruder.Interviewer: Oh! In what way?Interviewee: well, pushing in the street, fights about getting on the bus. 10 And of course the taxi drivers! New York taxi drivers must be the rudest in the world!Part II Vocabulary(10 minutes,10 points)Directions:In this part there are ten sentences,each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11. I read the news paper everyday so that I can stay informed about current events.A. importantB. internationalC. latestD. cultural12. After seven days in the desert, the explorer was relieved when he eventually found water.A. predictablyB. finallyC .luckily D. accidentally13. When we gave the children ice cream, they immediately ceased crying.A. startedB. continuedC. resumedD. stopped14. The science teacher demonstrated the process of turning solid gold into liquid.A. showedB. elaboratedC. devisedD. simplified15. John’s application for admission to graduate studies in the school of Education has been approved.A. entranceB. acceptanceC. experienceD. allowance16. Most college students in the United States live away from home.A. apartB. downC. elsewhereD. along17. The pursuit of maximum profit often drives manufacturers to turn out things that can do harm to people’s health.A. preserveB. promoteC. processD. produce18. Many different parts make up an airplane: the engine(s), the wings, the tail, and so on.A. composeB. decorateC. constructD. derive19. You make it sound as if I did it on purpose.A. carefullyB. unwillinglyC. incrediblyD. deliberately20. He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.A. understoodB. explainedC. expectedD. believedPart III Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,25 points)Section ADirections:In this section,there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneFive or six year ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecture was determined to catch us in th e act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketball back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting.Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic(有阅读障碍的), and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tosses, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla(大猩猩) came in among the players. She (we later learned a female student was in the gorilla suit) start at the camera, thumped her chest, and the strode away while they continued passing the balls.When the tape stopped, the philosopher asked how many people had counted at least d a dozen basketball tosses. Hands went up all over. He then asked who had counted 13, 14, and congratulated those who’d scored the perfect 15. The he asked, “And who saw the gorilla?”I raised my hand and was surprised to discover I was the only person at my table and one of only three or four in the large room to do so. He’d set me up, trapping us in our own attention blindness. Yes, there had been a trick, but he wasn’t the one who had played it on us. By c oncentrating so hard on counting, we had managed to miss the gorilla in the midst.21. This passage describes_______A. basketballB. an experimentC. a philosopherD. a gorilla22. ‘’Attentions blindness” refer to_______.A. the fact that one can’t see what one can’t seeB. seeing one thing while missing all else.C. keeping track of just about everythingD. the condition of being blind to details23. “Catch us in the act” (Para. 1) is closest in meaning of “find us ________”A. doing something improperB. sleeping during the lectureC. counting the basketball tossesD. failing to notice something within sight24. How many people in the room saw the gorilla in the video?A. 1B. 3 or 4C.13 or 14D.1525. Whom dose “he”(last paragraph) refer to ?A. The authorB. The gorillaC. The lectureD. The studentPassage TwoThere are few sadder sights than a pile of fan letter, lovingly decorated with hand drawings, suffering in a bin. The sparkly envelopes were addressed to Taylor Swift, a pop star much beloved by teenage and pre-teen girls. “Dear Taylor”, read one discard message, “I love you so much!! You’re the best! And you’re really beautiful and cute!! I’m really enjoying your songsThis, along with hundreds of other similar letters sent from around the world, was discovered in Nashville recycling disposal unit by a local woman. Swift’s management was quick to reassure her admirers that they had been thrown out accidentally. The response may come as a disappointment to any devotee who imagine, as they compose their letter, that Swift make time to view each one personallyDealing with pile of fan mail is, however, an administrative burden for most celebrities. While some celebrities do like to go through their mail personally, the majority simply do not have time. But the fact f their correspondence is something most committed fans will not wish to dwell on, say Lynn Zubernis, an expert in the psychology of fandom at West Chester University.“There’s this little bit of every fan that thinks theirs will be the one that stands out- it’s not an expectation, but a hope that theirs will be seen by the celebrity.”While the relationship between the fan and the celebrity may exist only in the mind of the former, it sterns from a deeply-rooted human need for community and belonging, Zubernis believe. As a result, even receiving a mass-produced letter of acknowledgment and a photo stamped with a reproduced signature can be a powerful experience.“People have a tremendous need to connect with the person they are idolizing(偶像化),” she says, “They can’t ring up and say, ‘ Can we have coffee?’ It’s not about the autograph(签名). It’s about the moment of connection.”26. Which of the following statements is true?A. The letters in the bin were exaggerating.B. Some letters to Swift were thrown away unread.C. A woman discovered the letters and discard themD. Poorly decorated letters were left unread27. Swift management claimed that______A. Swift had read each one of lettersB. fans could trust them with their lettersC. they were quick in response to the incidentD. they didn’t intend to throw away the letters.28. Most celebrities___________A. are too busy to read fan mailB. are afraid of receiving fan mailC. try their best to read fan mail themselves.D. care about the fate of fan mail29. According to Zubernis, fans want their letters to be read because they_____A. hope to show their hand drawingB. want the celebrities to see their talentC. desire to get connection with the starsD. dream of getting a photo of the stars30. Which of the following will fans cherish the most?A. The feeling of being related to their stars.B. The sense of being similar to their stars.C. The time spent with their stars.D. The autograph of their stars.Passage ThreeFacelift(紧肤术) followed by a week on a beach in Thailand? Hip surgery with a side of shopping in Singapore? Over the last 10 years, Asia’s rise on the medical tourism scene has been quick. Eastern nations dominate the global scene. Now Bali wants a slice of the action.The Indonesian island recently opened its first facility specifically targeting medical tourists with package and service, Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) Nusa Dua. BIMC already has an international hospital in Kuta, which opened in 1998.The new internationally managed facility offers surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures and dental care.Unlike most of the region’s hospitals, BIMC is designed to feel more like a spa or resort(度假村) than a medical facility.The 50-bed hospital has a 24-hour medical emergency entrance and hotel-like lobby at the front of the building servicing the hospital’s medicals, and dental centers.If you’re a celebrity who doesn’t want everyone to know you’re here for a bit of lipo (吸脂术),no worries. There’s private entrance that leads to the CosMedic Centre, which offers views of a golf course.BIMC has even teamed up with the nearby Courtyard by Marriott Bali, which provides specificafter-care service like tailor-made meals and wellness programs for patient.Latest technology and cool interiors are a star, but breaking into a regional industry that already has some of the world’s top international hospital will be tough, says Joesf Woodman, CEO of U.S-based medical travel consumer guide Patients Beyond Borders(PBB).“As a newcomer, Bali faces stiff competition from nearby international healthcare providers. To compete, Bali will need to demonstrate a quality level of care and promote its services to the region and the world. On the positive side, Bali is blessed as one of the region’s safest, most popular tourist destinations, with a built –in potential to attract medical travelers.”The Indonesian island couldn’t have picked a better time to get into the game, says PBB.“The world population is aging and becoming wealthier at rate s that surpass the availability of quality healthcare resource,” says the company’s research.31. What does “medical tourism” (Para. 1) probably mean?A. Treating a disease during a tripB. Attracting patients with package toursC. Cosmetic treatment and a tour in oneD. Turning hospital into tourist attractions32. How does BIMC differ from regular hospitals?A. It offers cosmetic surgeryB. It has better environment and services.C. It accepts international patients.D. It has more beds and longer service hours.33. BIMC wishes to attract celebrities with its______A. privacy measuresB. first-class designC. free golf courseD. tailor-made meals34. According to Woodman, BIMC____A. threatens its regional competitorsB. will soon take the lead in the industryC. needs further improvementD. faces both challenges and opportunities35. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?A. The population is developing faster than medical resources.B. Healthcare is hardly available for the aging populationC. The world is in need of more quality medical care.D. The world population is becoming older and richer.Passage FourFor many of us, asking for help is a difficult concept. We may feel as if we are admitting a weakness that world would not have known about, had we not asked for help.Ironically, it’s been my experience that people who are able to deliver well-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When they demonstrate the humility(谦卑) to ask for help, they earn the respect of others. People who receive a heartfelt request for help are usually honored by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided.One of my clients (we’ll call h er Kira) recently made shift in how she was interacting with her boss. When asked to prepare presentations, she assumed that she was expected to go away, develop the content, deliver it at the required meeting and then wait for feedback from her boss. Her boss was highly regarded for the impact of his presentations, while Kira often that her presentations were lacking. When she took a hard look at how this approach was working for her, Kira recognized that she had not yet made use of her boss’s support. She could learn far more about creating attractive presentations by walking through a draft with her boss-focusing on the content plus her delivery- and obtaining feedback earlier in the process rather than at the back end. So she made the request for his support.The outcome? Her boss was delighted to coach Kira and was enthusiastic about the opportunity to put into use his own strength by teaching presentation skills more effectively to her. By taking the time to work together on presentation for a numbe r of Kira’s key presentations, she benefited from her boss’s thought process and was able to distinguish the critical components to enhance her own presentations. Kir’s presentations now have punch!Some of us are uncomfortable asking for help because we believe that our request places burdens on the other person. Ironically, we may be missing an opportunity to show others how are value and respect them. People who know you and think well of you are often highly motivated to help. Furthermore, the more specific you can be about what you need from them, the easier it is for them to assist you.36. Many people are unwilling to ask for help because they____A. are confident of themselvesB. do not trust other peopleC. are ashamed of doing soD. do not think it necessary37. Which of the following may the author agree with?A. Asking for help means admitting weaknesses.B. Helping others is helping oneself.C. Well-positioned requests for help are welcomedD. Weak people often need more help.38. Kira’s re quests for help_____A. turned out rewardingB. was turned downC. led to her promotionD. benefited her boss in return39. “Kira’s presentations now have punch” means her presentations are______A. forcefulB. controversialC. well receivedD. highly motivating40. The purpose of the passage is to _____A. illustrate how to ask for helpB. show the importance of mutual helpC. call for attention to other’s requestsD. encourage people to ask for helpSection BDirections:In this section,you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the answer sheet.A fascinating new s tudy reveals that Americans are more likely to call their children “intelligent,” while European parents focus on happiness and balance.Here’s what one parent had to say about the intelligence of her 3-year-old, which was apparent to her from the very first moments of her life:“I have this vivid memory, when she was born, of them taking her to clean her off… And she was looking all around… She was alert from the very first second… I took her out when she was six weeks old to a shopping mall to have her picture taken- people would stop me and say, “What an alert baby.” One guy stopped me and said, “Lady, she was an intelligent baby. ”Not only are Americans far more likely to focus on their children’s intelligence and cognitive skills, they are also far less likely to describe them as “happen” or “easy” children to parent.“The U.S ‘s unhealthy interest in cognitive development in the early years overlooks so much else,” the researchers told us.Comment 1:Probably indicates more about differences in cultural attitudes towards humility and boasting than about parenting styles. Here in the Netherlands if someone called their child “intelligent” I’d be rolling my eyes, both because it’s probably biased and overstated and because it’s ju st a rotten thing to draw attention to; as if it’s all about whose child it “better”. Life isn’t that much of a damn contest to us.Comment 2:Agreed! That would apply in Sweden too. Parenting is more focused on the child’s well-being than social competition (there may be pressure here too, but it is not socially acceptable to express those things).Comment 3:I agree and I live in the U.S Parent’s opinions of their children’s intellect are definitely biased and overstated. It is the most annoying th ing to listen to. Being “advanced” at a young age has little if anything to do with their ability to learn as they get older and EVERY child is a genius if you give them a chance and an to listen to them. The happier the Kid is, the smarter they will be. Happy and healthy is key.41. The passage is mainly concerned with cultural differences in .A. bringing up one’s childrenB. describing one’s childrenC. social contestsD. choosing a place to live in42. The world “alert”(Para.3) is closest in me aning to .A. intelligentB. easy-goingC. quick at noticing thingsD. happy43. According to Comment 1, in the Netherlands, calling one’s own child “intelligent” is .A. boastingB. acceptableC. encouragingD. reasonable44. What nationality is the writer of Comment 2?A. DutchB. AmericanC. SwedishD. French45.All of the following are true of Comment 3 EXCEPT that 。


Some animals, such as camels and desert snakes, are incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Their adaptations (适应) 1 them to live in conditions that other creatures couldn't cope with.Camels are known for their humps, which are a store of fat that can be converted into water and energy when food and water are scarce. Their wide, tough feet help them to walk easily on sand, and their long legs allow them to take big steps to avoid sinking.Desert snakes have a special way of moving across the hot desert sand. Unlike most snakes, which push themselves off the ground with their stomach muscles, desert snakes do the opposite. They lift their stomachs off the ground to the point where they almost stand up and then they throw themselves forwards. This way of moving is very quick and allows the snake to spend less time in contact with the burning sand.1. The main topic of the passage is __________.A. adapting to desert conditionsB. the humps of camelsC. the movement of desert snakesD. the features of camels and desert snakes答案:D2. According to the passage, camels can __________.A. store water in their humpsB. convert fat into foodC. walk easily on sandD. take big steps to avoid sinking答案:C3. How do desert snakes move across the hot sand?A. By lifting their stomachs off the ground.B. By pushing themselves off the ground with their stomach muscles.C. By throwing themselves forwards quickly.D. By spending less time in contact with the sand.答案:A二、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。


Part II Vocabulary
两种类型的题目,单词替换或者是选词填空两 种题型任选其一,而不是像以前的考试两个题 型都包含在内;这就要求考生词汇量一定要达 标,由此可见,词汇还是复习的重点;
Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 pommunication (15 minutes,10 points)
Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Dialogue Two A.It’s been paining me all night. B.Let’s have a look and see what they’ve done to you. C.Do I take these Sofradex is they’re prescribed here,Doctor?
Dialogue One A.when it comes to the exam B.you need to go over it yourself C.then I can go through it again next time
Student:I mean I want to do some of these problems. Teacher:Yeah. Student:But it’s taking time to do them. Teacher:When we cover something in the lesson,(1) ________ .Work out the exercises in it.Erm,when you get a little bit stuck,sort it out yourself,and then think. Student:Yeah.


2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试参考答案英语试卷一Array英语试卷二PartⅥTranslation (10 points)参考译文不快乐就像传染病,它使得人们都躲避不快乐的人。
PartⅦWriting (15 points)The possibility of using the mobile phone to study English Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. Mobile phones have become a daily necessity as well as a useful tool for communicating, working and learning. As far as I am concerned, we can use mobile phones to study English or any other subject.It is not difficult for me to come up with some factors to account for my viewpoint. To begin with, more and more people are accustomed to using the handset to access the internet. The bulks of information are resourceful for people to learn English or any information. Secondly, with the advancement of technology, people can download some soft wares, like online-dictionary, words-memorization, audio and video soft wares, which can facilitate learning English more efficiently and effectively. They are able to look for some new words or read some English passages. Additionally, mobile phones are portable, we can make use of the fragmented time for learning.In my view, mobile phones, rather than being just simple communicative tools, enable people to easily get access to any information they need. It is mobile phone that makes instant learning, effective acquisition of knowledge possible.。

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? People live to work. 类似的题目有:
Text One
learn to
or not
A. Whether we like it (56) _____ B. have to (57) _____ accept C. that exists (58) _____ planet Earth
Why We Learn English Why Some Parents Send Their High School Children Abroad
¡ 1999年真题
¡ Directions: For this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 120 words on The Qualities of the Cross-century Talent. You should write according to the three points outline given.
¡ Li: Good to meet you, Zhang Lin. Oh, we haven’t seen each other for… It must be close to half a year!


在准备外国语水平考试时,申请人可以参考以下几点:1. 学习目标:明确自己申请硕士学位的专业和研究方向,确定所需的外语能力水平。
2. 语言能力评估:在开始准备外国语水平考试之前,建议先进行一次语言能力自评。
3. 学习资源:选择合适的学习资源,包括教材、专业翻译资料、在线学习平台等。
4. 学习方法:制定有效的学习计划,并结合自己的学习特点和时间安排,选择适合自己的学习方法。
5. 模拟考试:在正式考试之前,进行多次模拟考试。
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绝密★启用前2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试法语试卷一I.Pratique communicative (15 points)II.Structure grammaticale et vocabulaire (20 points)III. Compréhension écrite (30 points)IV. Exercice à trous (10 points)考生须知1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。
4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如:[A] [B] [C] [D]。
AI. Pratique communicative (15 points)Choisissez la meilleure proposition pour compléter les dialogues.1.— Je m’appelle Julie. Et vous, monsieur?— Julien Bonnot.— ________A .Désolée.B .Très contente.C .Enchantée.D .De rien.2.— Bonjour, monsieur. Je voudrais un ananas et un kilo de pommes.— Voilà. ________— Un kilo de tomates, s’il vous plaît.A .Encore?B .Vous oubliez toujours quelque chose?C .Qu’est -ce qui vous plaît?D .Et avec ça?3.— Monsieur, s’il vous plaît. Je voudrais une bièr e.— Vous voulez une bière française?— _________A .Oui, merci.B .Oui, désolé.C .Oui, volontiers.D .Oui, je regrette.4.— Pardon, monsieur, je suis perdu.— ________— Je voudrais aller à la gare de Lyon.— Oh, c’est facile. Vous allez tout droit...A .Où êtes-vous?B .Où allez-vous?C .Comment allez-vous?D .Comment vous y allez?5.— Bonjour, madame. ________— Bonjour, monsieur. Je voudrais un trois-pièces, dans un beau quartier.— Attendez... Je regrette, il y a seulement un deux-pièces.— C’est un p eu petit.A .Vous désirez ...?B .Vous préférez ...?C .Vous voudrez ...?D .Vous aimez ...?6.— Je déteste le lundi.— ________— Parce que je dois me lever tôt pour le travail.A .Quoi?B .Qu’est -ce qu’il y a?C .Pourquoi?D .Comment ça?7.— Allô, Anne? Bonjour, ________— Elisa! Où es-tu?— Au bureau.— Encore? Il est presque huit heures !— Mais, j’ai trop de travail.A .je m’appelle Elisa.B .mon prénom est Elisa.C .qui es-tu?D .c’est Elisa.8.— Pierre, bonjour. Où vas-tu?— Au cinéma. ________— D’ac cord.A .Tu sors avec nous?B .Tu viens avec moi?C .Tu désires?D .Tu es d’accord?9.— Allô, bonjour. Je voudrais parler à Monsieur Dubois.— ________ Je vous le passe.— Merci.A .Il n’est pas là.B .Ne quittez pas, s’il vous plaît.C .Ça va, pas de problème.D .Oui, d’accord.10.— Créatif coiffure, bonjour.— Bonjour, madame. Je voudrais un rendez-vous mercredi matin.— Désolée, tout est complet le matin.— Et dans l’après -midi?— Alors, à 14 h 30, ________— Oui, d’accord.A .ça te convient?B .tu es d’accord?C .vous aimez ça?D .c’est possible pour vous?II. Structure grammaticale et vocabulaire (20 points)Complétez les phrases suivantes en choisissant A, B, C, D. Faites le meilleur choix parmi ces quatre propositions.11.Comme cadeau de son dix-huitième anniversaire, Pascal désire avoir______téléphone portable.A .unB .uneC .leD .la12.Voici le dossier de mon successeur, M. Dupont, qui ______ à son poste le moisprochain.A .est arrivéB .arrivaitC .arriveraD .arriverait13.Dès que l’occasion se présente, faites du tourisme, on ne sait jamais ce qui sepassera ______.A .quelques jours aprèsB .plus tardC .immédiatementD .de bonne heure14.La sortie d’un nouveau film de ce grand réalisateur américain est prévue ______septembre 2013.A .enB .pourC .àD .par15.Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute information ______ vous auriez besoin.A .queB .quiC .oùD .dont16.Le responsable du secteur est au bureau 206. Vous prenez le couloir à droite______ de l’ascenseur.A .sortezB .sortiC .en sortantD .sortant17.Charles nous a dit qu’il ______ visite à ses anciens collaborateurs après la fête dela Musique.A .rendB .rendaitC .rendraD .rendrait18.Dans ces pays africains, on accorde beaucoup d’importance aux petites politess es,les gens sont donc ______.A .poétiquesB .sympathiquesC .dynamiquesD .authentiques19.C’est une bonne idée de (d’) ______ le chinois, langue si mystérieuse et utiledans l’avenir.A .apprendreB .prendreC .faireD .savoir20.Mon grand-père entend beaucoup ______ depuis qu’il a un appareil. J’en suiscontente!A .meilleurB .mieuxC .bienD .bon21.Ces consommateurs pauvres sont mécontents de l’augmentation des ______ deces plats principaux.A .prixB .quantitésC .qualitésD .poids22.Emmanuelle a quinze jours de congé annuel. Elle compte les passer ______ lamer avec ses parents.A .à côté deB .à l’échelle deC .le long deD .au bord de23.C’est parfait! Rendez -vous à trois heures de l’après -midi à l’entrée principale dujardin, ______ d’habitude.A .commeB .c’estC .selonD .suivant24.Je propose qu’on ______ une promenade au Jardin des Plantes après lacérémonie, qu’en pensez -vous?A .faitB .feraC .fasseD .ferait25.D’après le reportage, les chauffeurs de taxis n’ont plus de clients ______ la grèvecette semaine.A .grâce àB .à force deC .par bonheurD .à cause de26.Nicole apprécie d’être à Paris pour une dizaine de jours. Elle ______ profite pourvoir ses amis.A .leB .laC .enD .y27.Son directeur du département voulait aller immédiatement dans le petit hôtel biencalme qu’il a ______ depuis Bordeaux.A .demandéB .intéresséC .réservéD .conservé28.Mme Lacroix est bilingue. Elle a rendez-vous avec deux clients étrangers dans lasalle de réception ______ interprète.A .enB .sansC .avecD .pour29.Hier matin, Christine est sortie de la salle sans faire aucun bruit pour que (qu’)______ ne la voie.A .onB .tout le mondeC .tuD .personne30.Nous souhaitons à toi et à tous les ______ une bonne année du Serpent, avec beaucoup de bonheur en famille !A .tiensB .siensC .nôtresD .vôtresIII. Compréhension écrite (30 points)Lisez les textes suivants et choisissez la meilleure réponse parmi les quatrepropositions.Texte 1La révolution du travail partoutVotre emploi ne vous appartiendra plus jamais. C’est ce que les Américains, et pas eux seulement, doivent apprendre maintenant au berceau. Vous ne vieillirez pasdans votre entreprise. Vous changerez peut-être vingt fois d’emp loyeurs dans votre vie... voilà ce que nous amène le changement du monde.Ces ouvriers de Boeing, fiers d’appartenir à la grande entreprise, licenciés du jour au lendemain, ces cadres supérieurs enfoncés dans leur fauteuil de directeur,éjectés (驱逐)en une heure, cette masse humaine bousculée et choquée nous rappelle quelque chose. C’est que la révolution du travail est partout. Le marché de l’emploi a changé. On est engagé pour un temps déterminé. Après quoi, il faut, dans la plupart des cas, chercher ailleu rs. On vit dans un état d’insécurité permanente...Voyons la situation en France : ce travailleur d’une fonderie (铸造厂)qui a accepté de travailler trois jours par semaine, dont le samedi. Ou cet employé d’Aérospatiale (欧洲航天局)qui est demandé de travailler le samedi et le dimanche. En semaine, il s’occupe de ses enfants. Tous s’interrogent sur la place du travail dans la vie. Elle a été la première, mais c’est fini. Peut -être n’est -ce pas si mal ? L’exemple des États-Unis où l’on est, théoriquement, plus mobile qu’en Europe montre que c’est au prix d’une vraie douleur. Oui, elle est cruelle, cette révolution du travail, elle ne fait pas couler le sang mais déjà beaucoup de larmes. Et encore, elle est au moins pour assez longtemps, inéluctable (不可避免的). Mais peut-on y trouver un remède ?Questions :31.Comment comprenez-vous : « Vous ne vieillirez pas dans votre entreprise. » ?A .Vous serez toujours jeune dans votre entreprise.B .Vous ne vous sentirez jamais vieux dans votre entreprise.C .Il vous est impossible de travailler toujours dans votre entreprise.D .Il vous est impossible de passer la vieillesse dans votre entreprise.32.Comment est la situation des ouvriers qui travaillent aujourd’hui à Boeing ?A .Ils ont un emploi assuré pour longtemps.B .Ils sont licenciés.C .Ils seront licenciés le lendemain.D .Ils risquent à tout moment d’être licenciés.33.Que veut dire : « On est engagé pour un temps déterminé. » ?A .On travaillera définitivement dans l’entreprise.B .On travaillera pour un certain temps dans l’entr eprise.C .On travaillera temporairement dans l’entreprise.D .On ne travaillera pas dans l’entreprise.34.Quelles informations le texte a-t-il données sur la recherche du travail ?A .On a plus de soucis pour trouver du travail.B .On trouve facilement un travail.C .On ne trouve plus de travail en week-end.D .On a moins de soucis pour trouver du travail.35.Que pensent les gens de cette révolution du travail ?A .On en est très content.B .On n’en pense rien.C .On en souffre.D .On en pense différemment en Eu rope qu’aux États -Unis.Texte 2Premier pas dans l’entrepriseÇa y est! Vous avez enfin eu le premier boulot. Fini le rythme étudiant! Mais, attention, ce qui vous attend (négociation de salaire, signature de contrat, relations personnelles avec les collègues…) n’est pas plus facile que les études!Premier défi après avoir réussi les tests de sélection : négocier son salaire. Il est important de s’y préparer, de situer correctement sa propre « valeur » sur le marché, c’est -à-dire bien s’évaluer (自我评估). Malheureusement, les nouveaux ont facilement tendance de se brader ou se surévaluer.Côté contrat de travail, veillez à tout lire attentivement pour éviter les mauvaises surprises.Enfin, arrivent les premiers jours en entreprise. Il faut bien sûr réussir d’abord sa période d’essai si l’on a envie de devenir un vrai membre de cette maison. Et pourcela, comme on se trouve dans un environnement professionnel qui est tout à fait nouveau, encore faut-il faire attention à plusieurs choses. Ce qui est le plus important dans ce cas-là, c’est de savoir écouter, observer et communiquer afin deconnaître rapidement la culture d’entreprise pour s’en imprégner(了解、掌握).Maintenant, à vous de jouer!Questions :36.Selon vous, à qui est-ce que cet article devrait s’adress er?A .Aux jeunes diplômés.B .Aux femmes de ménage.C .Aux jeunes cadres.D .Aux personnes âgées.37.Quel conseil l’auteur de l’article donne -t-il surtout aux lecteurs?Il voudrait surtout les inviter ________A .à faire la concurrence avec les collègues.B .à mieux se situer sur le marché pour un bon salaire.C .à se placer correctement dans le nouvel environnement.D .à s’imprégner le plus vite possible de la culture d’entreprise.38.Quel est le sens du mot « se brader » d’après le texte?A .Surévaluer soi-même.B .Évaluer correctement soi-même.C .Ne pas évaluer soi-même.D .Sous-évaluer soi-même.39.D’après l’auteur, quelle est la première chose à faire après avoir réussi les tests?A .Écouter, observer et communiquer.B .Faire attention à la négociation du salaire.C .Faire attention aux relations avec les collègues.D .Lire attentivement tout le contrat afin d’éviter les mauvaises surprises.40.Pourquoi s’imprègne -t-on de la culture d’entreprise?A .Pour réussir la période d’essai.B .Pour écouter, observer et communiquer.C .Pour être engagé par l’entreprise.D .Pour connaître l’environnement professionnel.Texte 3Dépenser pour la santéD’après les statistiques récentes, les dépenses de santé des Français sont parmi les plus élevées du monde. Il est vrai que, pour garantir le niveau de protection de lasanté, les Français doivent laisser presque un cinquième de leurs salaires pour les charges sociales. Et il y a plus de quatre Français sur cinq qui paient volontairementune assurance complémentaire.Comme les Français sont grands consommateurs de soins médicaux, leurs dépenses sur la santé représentent 10% du budget annuel des familles. Ils adorent aller chez le médecin généraliste ou chez le spécialiste; ils y vont huit fois par an enmoyenne, et ceux qui consultent le plus sont les femmes et les seniors.D’une manière générale, les Français ont une relation privée avec leur médecin. Cependant leur attitude change : ils n’hésitent plus à consulter plusieurs médecins à la fois pour s’assurer du diagnostic (诊断)et ils exigent d’être informés plusprécisément sur leur état de santé.Dans ce contexte, les Français sont naturellement champions du monde pour la consommation de médicaments. Dépression (抑郁症), problèmes de sommeil, état nerveux, angoisse, maladies du cœur sont toujours l’occasion de consommer desmédicaments. Protégés par la « sécurité sociale », ils en consomment trois fois plus que leurs voisins allemands ou anglais, soit 33 boîtes par an chacun!Questions :41.Quels Français dépensent plus de 20% de leurs salaires pour se protéger la santé?A .Tous les Français.B .80% des Français.C .Un cinquième des Français.D .Les femmes françaises.42.Qui va le plus souvent chez les médecins en France?A .Tout le monde.B .Les femmes et les enfants.C .Les hommes.D .Les femmes et les vieux.43.Maintenant, que font les Français pour être sûrs du diagnostic?A .Ils vont voir différents médecins.B .Ils adorent aller chez des spécialistes.C .Ils s’achètent une assurance.D .Ils maintiennent une relation privée avec leur médecin.44.Pourquoi les Français consomment-ils beaucoup de médicaments?A .Ils aiment les médicaments.B .Ils pensent que les médicaments sont moins chers qu’autrefois.C .Ils prennent des médicaments à tout problème de santé.D .Ils ont payé cher les assurances.45.Les Anglais consomment combien de médicaments chacun par an?A .33 boîtes.B .11 boîtes.C .Autant que les Français.D .Trois fois plus que leurs voisins.IV. Exercice à trous (10 points)Lisez le texte suivant et choisissez la meilleure réponse parmi les quatre propositionspour compléter le blanc.Choix de vieQuel est le cadre de vie préféré des Français? C’est difficile 46 dire. Unechose est sûre, en France, selon une enquête, c’est dans les agglomérations (居民点) 47 il y a le plus d’habitants. Et comme les trois quarts des personnes 48 disent qu’elle s ont choisi le quartier ou la ville où elles vivent actuellement, on peut penser que la vie urbaine attire 49 que la vie à la campagne.Si les Français choisissent de vivre en ville, la qualité de l’environnement ou du cadre de vie reste pour eux l’ 50 le plus important dans le choix de leur lieu d’habitation : quand on leur demande où ils 51 habiter, les deux villes les plus citées sont Montpellier et Toulouse. 52 proximité du lieu de travail, d’abord, etcelle de la famille, ensuite, ont 53 une importance dans le choix du lieu d’habitation. Et, bizarrement, toujours selon cette enquête, ce sont les raisons 54 qui ont le moins d’influence sur ce type de choix. On 55 beaucoup d’importance à la qualité de l’environnement...46.A .à B .de C .en D .pour47.A .dont B .où C .qu’ D .qui48.A .demandées B .demandés C .interrogés D .interrogées49.A .aussi B .moins C .plus D .autant50.A .effort B .élément C .énergie D .épreuve51.A .ont aimé B .aimeront C . aimaient D .aimeraient52.A .Le B .La C .Un D .Une53.A .justement B .facilement C .également D .spécialement54.A .directes B .légales C .physiques D .financières55.A .accorde B .aborde C .apporte D .avance绝密★启用前2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试法语试卷二V . Version (10 points)VI . Expression écrite (15 points)考生须知1.试卷二满分为25分。