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1. A handheld computer is essentially a PDA enhanced with features such as removable storage,

e-mail, Web access, voice communications, built-in camera, and GPS. ______

A True

2.It is important to turn on all peripheral devices before you turn on the system unit. ______

A True

3. A screen saver will be displayed on a computer monitor after a specified period of inactivity

on your computer. ______

A True

4.Windows allows you to select a different screen saver, but you cannot change the wait time

before a screen saver is displayed. ______

B False

puter scientists have proposed that the term kilobyte be used to refer to 1024 bytes.


A True

6.Icons on the Windows Taskbar require a double-click to start the associated program. ______

B False

7.Which of the following is considered a good tip to use when selecting a secure password?


A Use a password that is eight characters or more

8.To turn on a desktop computer, you need to press the _________.

C Power button for the system unit and Power button for the monitor

9.All of the following are peripheral devices EXCEPT a(n) _________.

C System unit

10.During the Windows "boot process"the computer_______

D All of the above

11.When a computer is in "sleep"mode it_______.

C Conserves power by not turning off the monitor or disk drives

12.Screen savers were originally designed to_______.

D Prevent an image from being permanently “burned” onto the screen

13.To clear a screen saver, you would_______.

D Move the mouse and Press any key

14.The typing keys on a computer keyboard include the ______.

D All of the above

15.The ______ key deletes one character to the left of the "insertion point"that marks your

place on the screen.

B Backspace

16.The ______ key deletes characters to the right of the "insertion point"that marks your

place on the screen.

D Delete

17.The ______ provides a calculator-style keypad for efficiently entering numbers.

D Numeric keypad

18.The ______ key captures the image on the screen and stores it in memory.

A PrtSc

19.Technologies used to equip devices with location awareness include ______

D All of the above

20.The _____ system has only two digits: 0 and 1.

A binary

21.The Windows desktop contains small pictures called________, which represent hardware

devices, programs, and data files.

C Icons

22.By pressing the key combination _______, you can close a program that has stopped


C Ctrl, Alt, Del

23.The reset button performs a(n) ________by reinitiating(重启) your Windows desktop

B Hard boot(硬启动)

24.Most cultures use the decimal number system because_____.

A People started counting on ten fingers

25.In a(n)______number system, such as the binary number system or the decimal number

system, the value of a digit is determined by its position in relation to other digits.

C Positional

26.When you add 1+1 in the binary number system, the answer is _____.

C 10

27.When you counting in binary, the next number after 101 is _____.

B 110

28.The place values for the binary number system are ______.

A 32,16,8,4,2,1

29.Binary digits are also called ______.

A Bits

30.The binary digits 0 and 1 can correspond to the “on ” and “off” states of ______ when data is

held in memory.

A Capacitors(电容)

31.The binary 0 and 1 can correspond to the negatively and positively charged magnetic particles

that ______.

B Store data on disk

e paper and pencil to convert the binary number 1111000 to its decimal equivalent. You

answer is _____.

B 120

e paper and pencil to convert the binary number 101010 to its decimal equivalent. You

answer is _____.

C 42

e paper and pencil to convert the binary number 11101 to its decimal equivalent. You

answer is _______.

B 29

D 567

e paper and pencil to convert the binary number 11000111 to its decimal equivalent. You

answer is _____.

A 199

e paper and pencil to convert the binary number 00001111 to its decimal equivalent. You
