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(A) .根据首字母填空

1. Beiji ng is the c ______ of China.

2. Which t does he live in ?

3. I have a bedroom of my o , but it

' s not big.

4. Thank you for i me to your birthday party..

5. This is my f time to visit the Great Wall. (B) .根据中文填空

1. Would you please take a _______ (

2. There is a bridge ____ the river.(

3. They live in the ______ of Paris.(

4. His dream home is very large. It has four

5. Which ________ is this photo from?( (C) .根据所给的词填空

1. How many ______ (kni fe)are there in the box?

2. Eddie would like to live in the ________ (big) restaura nt.

3. September is the _______ (nine) month of a year.

4. Do you thi nk these ________ (build) are beautiful?

5. Most of us have dinner in the ________ (dine) room. (二)选择题(15) (

)1. Sandy sits in front of Amy, but behi nd Simon .So Sandy sits Simo n.

口信)for me?

在…上面) 中心) _____ .(

国家) Amy


A. next; to

B. next to; beside

C. between;


D. opposite;

)2. The _____ is the best place to chat and watch TV. A. bedroom

B. dining room

C. kitche n

)3. There are __________ days in a year.

A. three hun dreds and sixty five

B. three hun dred and sixty five

C. three hun dred and sixty-five

D. three hun dred sixty-five )


“Excuse me . May I speak to Jill, pleas

e ? ”

A. Yes, I am

B. Do you know him?

D. livi ng room

C. look out from

D. look into the wi ndow.

)6. There is an air con diti oner A. in B. beside

C. betwee

n )7. Could you tell me how to _____ that in En glish?

A. say

B. tell

C. talk

) 8. “We will have a school trip next week.

D. above D.speak

___ 4 ___ my house and beh ind ___ 5 ____ is a big garde n. I can ______ 6 __ trees and flow -ers in it 」like ____ 7 __ green everywhere and green is my ____ 8 ___ color. I like to work in the _______ 9 ___ and 「fish in the river. I ' d like to invite my friends

to my home .The n we can chat and play games. How __ 10 __ we are!

comer. He stopped t o look at the front row

of shoes, and he felt happy to see that

"That sounds A. well 」 'm sure we will have a good time there. D.good

)9. Wedn esday is the _______ A. fifth B. fourth )10. Look! There are many bridges __

A. betwee n

B. in middle of B. badly

C. bad ___ r __ day of a week. C. forth the

river. C. over

D. third

D. above

)11. Would you like

A. drink a cup of tea?

B. to drink

C. drinking

her brother?

C. of

D. to drinking

)12. Would you like to share the room ____ A. with B. and )13. _________ i s your telepho ne nu mber?

A. What

B. How many

C. How much )14. Which of the follow ing is the capital of Fran ce? A. Paris

B. Lo ndon

C. Tokyo

)15. How do you say 15,858?

A. Fiftee n thousa nds, eight hun dred and fifty-eight

B. Fiftee n thousa nd, eight hun dreds and fifty eight.

C. Fiftee n thousa nd, eight hun dred and fifty-eight

D. Fiftee n thousa nd and eight hun dred a (三)完型填空(10)

My ___ 1 __ home is in the country (

__ 2 __ .My house is very beautiful.

nd fifty-eight.

D. on

D. How long D. Moscow 乡下).The air there is fresh and it is

3 at least three floors. There is a river

()1. A. dream ()2. A. quite quitely ()3. A. There are ()4. A. in front of ()5. A. them I

()6. A. grow do ()7. A. saw look

()8. A. best favite ()9. A. park ()10. A. happy (四) 阅读理解(20)

B. day

B. quiet

B. There is B. i n the front B. it D. my pare nts

B. make

B. look B. favourite.

C. dreams C.

C. Have C.under


C. read

C. to see

C. like

C. house C. please

B. garde n B. happily


The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street D. night quietly


D. Has D. on


D. to


D. home

D. unhappy
