




1. 平面上n个点的k距离和最小值问题:给定平面上n个点,对于每个点,计算它到其他所有点的距离,然后求出这些距离中的k个最小值。


A = [1, 2, 3, 4] 和
B = [2, 3, 4, 5],最长公共子序列是[2, 3, 4]。

3. 凸包问题:给定平面上的一组点,找到一个最小的凸多边形,使得这个多边形能够包含这组点中的所有点。

4. 最短路问题:给定一个有向图,其中每条边都有一个非负的权重,找出图中任意两点之间的最短路径。

5. 子集和问题:给定一个正整数数组和一个目标值,判断数组中是否存在和为目标值的两个非空子集。

例如,给定数组[1, 2, 3, 4] 和目标值7,判断是否存在两个子集,它们的和分别为7。





acm初赛试题及答案# acm初赛试题及答案1. 问题描述给定一个整数n,求出n以内所有正整数的和。

2. 输入格式输入包含一个整数n(1≤n≤10000)。

3. 输出格式输出一个整数,表示n以内所有正整数的和。

4. 样例输入```100```5. 样例输出```5050```6. 问题分析本题要求计算从1到n的所有正整数的和。


7. 解题思路使用求和公式:\( \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \)。

8. 算法实现编写一个函数,输入n,输出计算结果。

9. 代码示例```pythondef sum_of_numbers(n):return n * (n + 1) // 2n = int(input())print(sum_of_numbers(n))```10. 注意事项输入的n可能会非常大,需要考虑整数溢出的问题。

11. 测试用例- 输入:1输出:1- 输入:10输出:55- 输入:10000输出:5000500012. 评分标准- 正确性:算法正确,输出结果符合预期。

- 效率:算法执行效率高,能在规定时间内完成计算。

- 代码风格:代码可读性好,注释清晰。

13. 常见错误- 未考虑整数溢出。

- 未正确使用求和公式。

- 代码中存在语法错误。

14. 扩展思考- 如果要求计算从m到n的所有正整数的和,应该如何修改算法? - 如何优化算法以处理更大的输入值?15. 参考答案- 对于扩展思考的第一个问题,可以将求和公式修改为:\( \sum_{i=m}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} - \frac{(m-1)m}{2} \)。

- 对于扩展思考的第二个问题,可以考虑使用更高效的数据结构或者算法来减少计算量。




计算机acm试题及答案一、选择题1. 在计算机科学中,ACM代表什么?A. 人工智能与机器学习B. 计算机辅助制造C. 计算机辅助设计D. 国际计算机学会答案:D2. 下列哪个不是计算机程序设计语言?A. PythonB. JavaC. C++D. HTML答案:D3. 在计算机系统中,CPU代表什么?A. 中央处理单元B. 计算机辅助设计C. 计算机辅助制造D. 计算机辅助教学答案:A二、填空题1. 计算机的内存分为__________和__________。

答案:RAM;ROM2. 在编程中,__________是一种用于存储和操作数据的数据结构。

答案:数组3. 计算机病毒是一种__________,它能够自我复制并传播到其他计算机系统。

答案:恶意软件三、简答题1. 请简述计算机操作系统的主要功能。


2. 什么是云计算,它与传统的本地计算有何不同?答案:云计算是一种通过互联网提供计算资源(如服务器、存储、数据库、网络、软件等)的服务模式。


四、编程题1. 编写一个程序,计算并输出从1到100(包括1和100)之间所有偶数的和。

答案:```pythonsum = 0for i in range(1, 101):if i % 2 == 0:sum += iprint(sum)```2. 给定一个字符串,编写一个函数,将字符串中的所有字符按ASCII 码值排序并返回。

答案:```pythondef sort_string(s):return ''.join(sorted(s))```五、论述题1. 论述计算机硬件和软件之间的关系及其对计算机系统性能的影响。




acm程序设计大赛试题ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)程序设计大赛是一项面向大学生的编程竞赛,旨在提高参赛者在算法和数据结构方面的能力。


ACM程序设计大赛试题通常涵盖广泛的计算机科学和编程知识,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 算法和数据结构,试题可能涉及各种经典算法和数据结构的应用,如排序、查找、图论、动态规划、贪心算法等。


2. 编程语言和编程技巧,参赛者需要熟练掌握至少一种编程语言,通常是C++、Java或Python。



3. 数学和逻辑思维,ACM程序设计大赛试题可能涉及一些数学和逻辑问题,如数论、组合数学、概率统计等。


4. 实际问题的建模和解决,ACM程序设计大赛试题通常基于实际问题,参赛者需要能够将问题抽象为计算机可解决的形式,并设计出高效的算法和数据结构进行求解。


5. 时间和空间复杂度分析,参赛者在解决问题时需要考虑算法的时间和空间复杂度。







1. 给定一个矩阵M(X, Y),列集为X ,行集为Y 。

如果存在对其列的一个排序,使得每一行的元素都严格递增,称M 是一个次序保持矩阵。

例如下图中存在一个排序x 4,x 1,x 2,x 3,x 5I ⊆X ,满足:子矩阵M(I,Y)是次序保持矩阵。

[测试数据] 矩阵M :[测试数据结果] I={ x 1,x 3,x 4,x 7,x 8}[解题思路] 将该问题归约为在一个有向图中找一条最长路径的问题。

给定矩阵M=(a ij ),行集Y ,列集X ,行子集J ⊆Y ,定义有向图D A =(V A ,E A ),其中V A 含有|X|个顶点,每个顶点代表X 中的一列,如果顶点u ,v 对应的列x u ,x v 满足,对于任意的j ∈J ,u v ij ij a a <,则有一条从u 到v 的弧(u ,v )∈E 。

显然,D A 是个无环图,可以在O(|X|2)时间内构造完毕。

对于任意的条件子集J ,A(I,J)是次序保持的当且仅当对应于J 中条件的顶点在D A 中构成一条有向路径。

从而我们只需在有向图D A 中找一条最长路径,该问题可在O(|V A |+| E A |)时间内完成。


一些表示方法如下:d out (u )为顶点u 的出度,d in (u )为顶点u 的入度,source 为入度为0的顶点,sink 为出度为0的顶点,N out (u )为u 指向的邻接点集合,P uv 为从u 到v 的最长路,显然应从source 到sink 。


v被赋了一个临时标签(v’,i v)表明在当前步,算法找出的最长的从source到v的有向路长度为i v,且经由v’而来。

v被赋了一个永久标签[v’,i v]表明从source到v的最长有向路长度为i v,且经由v’而来,通过回溯每个顶点的永久标签就可以找出最长有向路。



acm竞赛试题及答案ACM竞赛试题及答案1. 问题描述:给定一个整数数组,找出数组中没有出现的最小的正整数。

2. 输入格式:第一行包含一个整数n,表示数组的长度。


3. 输出格式:输出一个整数,表示数组中没有出现的最小的正整数。

4. 样例输入:53 4 1 2 55. 样例输出:66. 问题分析:首先,我们需要理解题目要求我们找出数组中缺失的最小正整数。


7. 算法描述:- 遍历数组,使用一个哈希集合记录出现的数字。

- 从1开始,检查每个正整数是否在哈希集合中,直到找到不在集合中的最小正整数。

8. 代码实现:```pythondef find_missing_positive(nums):seen = set()for num in nums:if num <= 0:continuewhile num in seen or num > len(nums):num += 1seen.add(num)return min(set(range(1, len(nums) + 1)) - seen)```9. 测试用例:- 输入:[3, 4, -1, 1]- 输出:210. 答案解析:在给定的测试用例中,数组[3, 4, -1, 1]中没有出现的最小正整数是2。



11. 注意事项:- 确保数组中的元素是整数。

- 考虑数组中可能包含0或负数的情况。

- 算法的时间复杂度应尽可能低。

12. 扩展思考:- 如果数组非常大,如何优化算法?- 如果数组中的元素可以是浮点数,算法应该如何修改?13. 参考答案:- 针对大数组,可以考虑使用更高效的数据结构,如平衡二叉搜索树。

- 如果元素是浮点数,需要先将其转换为整数,然后再进行处理。



acm大赛试题及答案ACM大赛试题及答案1. 题目一:字符串反转问题描述:编写一个程序,输入一个字符串,输出其反转后的字符串。



示例:输入:hello输出:olleh答案:```pythondef reverse_string(s):return s[::-1]input_string = input().strip()print(reverse_string(input_string))```2. 题目二:计算阶乘问题描述:编写一个程序,输入一个非负整数n,输出n的阶乘。



示例:输入:5输出:120答案:```pythondef factorial(n):if n == 0:return 1else:return n * factorial(n - 1)n = int(input())print(factorial(n))```3. 题目三:寻找最大数问题描述:给定一个包含n个整数的数组,找出数组中的最大数。



示例:输入:5 1 2 3 4 5输出:5答案:```pythonn = int(input())numbers = list(map(int, input().split()))max_number = max(numbers)print(max_number)```4. 题目四:判断闰年问题描述:编写一个程序,输入一个年份,判断该年份是否为闰年。



示例:输入:2000输出:Yes答案:```pythonyear = int(input())if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):print("Yes")else:print("No")```5. 题目五:斐波那契数列问题描述:编写一个程序,输入一个非负整数n,输出斐波那契数列的第n项。



acm竞赛试题及答案ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)竞赛是一项全球性计算机科学竞赛,旨在锻炼参赛者的问题解决能力和编程技巧。



1. 问题描述给定一个由N个整数组成的数组A,请编写一个程序,找出数组中两个不同元素的差的最小值。

2. 输入格式- 第一行包含一个整数N,表示数组A的长度。

- 第二行包含N个以空格分隔的整数,表示数组A中的元素。

3. 输出格式输出一个整数,表示数组中两个不同元素的差的最小值。

4. 示例输入:51 52 9 12输出:15. 解题思路该问题可以通过对数组进行排序,并比较相邻两个数的差值来求解。




6. 代码实现```pythondef min_difference(nums):nums.sort() # 对数组进行升序排序min_diff = float('inf') # 初始化最小差值为正无穷大for i in range(len(nums)-1):diff = abs(nums[i] - nums[i+1]) # 计算相邻两个数的差值min_diff = min(min_diff, diff) # 更新最小差值return min_diff# 输入处理N = int(input())A = list(map(int, input().split()))# 调用函数并输出结果result = min_difference(A)print(result)```7. 答案解析对给定的数组进行排序后,遍历数组计算相邻两个数的差值,并记录其中的最小值。







第一阶段公示题目:题目一:(5分)打印以下图形,纵遵从字母顺序,行字符数遵从斐波那契数列ABCCDDDEEEEEFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGG#include<iostream>int f(int x){int a = 1 , b = 0;int max_ = x;int sum = 0;for(int i = 0; i < max_ ; i++){sum = a + b;a = b;b = sum;}return sum;}void loop_print(int num,char chr){for(int i = 0; i < num ;i++)std::cout<<chr;std::cout<<"\n";}int main(){int line_max = 7;char chr = 'A';for(int line = 0; line < line_max; line++){loop_print(f(line+1),chr);chr++;}return 0;}题目二:(5分)有个电子钟,12点显示为12:00(即12小时制),那么请问一天24时间内,出现连续3个相同数字的钟点有几个?#include<iostream>using namespace std;bool check(int time){int h=time/100;int m=time-100*h;return h<=12&&m<=59&&h>0?true:false;//12小时制}int main(){int time=0;int j(0);//总计数器while(time<1270){//max 12:59int t=time;int n[4];for(int i=0;i<4;i++){n[i]=t%10;t /= 10;}if(n[1]==n[2]&&(n[0]==n[1]||n[3]==n[1])&&check(time)){//cout<<n[3]<<n[2]<<":"<<n[1]<<n[0]<<"\n";//testj++;}time++;}cout<<"total: "<<j*2<<endl;}题目三:(5分)10进制的四位数中有几个符合如下特征:将其分别表示为16进制、10进制、12进制,在每种状态下,分别将各个位上的数相加,能得到3个相等10进制数。



备战ACM资料习题1. 0-1背包问题在0 / 1背包问题中,需对容量为c 的背包进行装载。

从n 个物品中选取装入背包的物品,每件物品i 的重量为wi ,价值为pi 。


程序如下:#include <stdio.h>void readdata();void search(int);void checkmax();void printresult();int c=35, n=10; //c:背包容量;n:物品数int w[10], v[10]; //w[i]、v[i]:第i件物品的重量和价值int a[10], max; //a数组存放当前解各物品选取情况;max:记录最大价值//a[i]=0表示不选第i件物品,a[i]=1表示选第i件物品int main(){readdata(); //读入数据search(0); //递归搜索printresult();}void search(int m){if(m>=n)checkmax(); //检查当前解是否是可行解,若是则把它的价值与max比较else{a[m]=0; //不选第m件物品search(m+1); //递归搜索下一件物品a[m]=1; //不选第m件物品search(m+1); //递归搜索下一件物品}}void checkmax(){int i, weight=0, value=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++){if(a[i]==1) //如果选取了该物品{weight = weight + w[i]; //累加重量value = value + v[i]; //累加价值}}if(weight<=c) //若为可行解if(value>max) //且价值大于maxmax=value; //替换maxvoid readdata(){int i;for(i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%d%d",&w[i],&v[i]); //读入第i件物品重量和价值}void printresult(){printf("%d",max);}2.装载问题有两艘船,载重量分别是c1、c2,n个集装箱,重量是wi (i=1…n),且所有集装箱的总重量不超过c1+c2。



大一acm竞赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 下列哪个算法的时间复杂度为O(n^2)?A. 快速排序B. 归并排序C. 插入排序D. 冒泡排序答案:C2. 在C++中,下列哪个关键字用于定义类?A. structB. classC. unionD. enum答案:B3. 下列哪个数据结构适合用于实现稀疏矩阵?A. 顺序存储B. 链式存储C. 压缩存储D. 散列存储答案:C4. 在图论中,下列哪个算法用于寻找最短路径?A. 深度优先搜索B. 广度优先搜索C. 迪杰斯特拉算法D. 弗洛伊德算法二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. 在二叉树的遍历算法中,______遍历会先访问根节点。

答案:前序2. 哈希表的冲突解决方法之一是______。

答案:链地址法3. 在数据库中,用于实现一对多关系的表结构是______。

答案:外键4. 动态规划算法的核心是______。

答案:状态转移方程三、编程题(每题30分,共60分)1. 编写一个函数,实现对一个整数数组进行排序,并返回排序后的数组。

答案:```pythondef sort_array(arr):arr.sort()return arr```2. 编写一个函数,实现计算给定整数n的阶乘。

答案:```pythondef factorial(n):if n == 0:return 1return n * factorial(n - 1)```四、算法题(每题30分,共30分)1. 给定一个整数数组,请设计一个算法找出数组中第二大的数。

答案:```pythondef find_second_max(nums):first_max = second_max = float('-inf')for num in nums:if num > first_max:second_max = first_maxfirst_max = numelif num > second_max and num != first_max:second_max = numreturn second_max```。



acm数学竞赛试题及答案# 题目一:数列问题问题描述:给定一个数列 \( a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_n \),数列中每个元素都是正整数,且满足 \( a_i = a_{i-1} + a_{i-2} \) 对于所有\( i \geq 3 \)。

如果 \( a_1 = 1 \) 且 \( a_2 = 1 \),请找出数列的第 \( n \) 项。


第 \( n \) 项的值可以通过递归关系计算得出。

对于 \( n \) 的值,可以使用以下递归公式:\[ a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-2} \]其中,\( a_1 = 1 \) 和 \( a_2 = 1 \)。

因此,数列的前几项为 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...。

对于任意的 \( n \),可以通过递归或动态规划方法计算出 \( a_n \)。

# 题目二:组合问题问题描述:从 \( n \) 个不同的元素中选择 \( k \) 个元素的所有可能组合的个数是多少?解答:这个问题可以通过组合数学中的二项式系数来解决。

从 \( n \) 个不同元素中选择 \( k \) 个元素的组合数 \( C(n, k) \) 可以用以下公式计算:\[ C(n, k) = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} \]其中,\( n! \) 表示 \( n \) 的阶乘。

# 题目三:几何问题问题描述:在一个直角坐标系中,给定三个点 \( A(x_1, y_1) \),\( B(x_2, y_2) \) 和 \( C(x_3, y_3) \)。

如果 \( \overrightarrow{AB} \) 和 \( \overrightarrow{AC} \) 是垂直的,求证 \( A \) 是直角三角形 \( ABC \) 的直角顶点。

解答:如果 \( \overrightarrow{AB} \) 和 \( \overrightarrow{AC} \) 垂直,那么它们的数量积(点积)应该为零。
















A 20 8.00
B 15 6.50
C 10 5.00
D 5 4.00








ACM程序设计竞赛例题备战ACM资料一:知识点数据结构:1,单,双链表及循环链表2,树的表示与存储,二叉树(概念,遍历)二叉树的应用(二叉排序树,判定树,博弈树,解答树等)3,文件操作(从文本文件中读入数据并输出到文本文件中)4,图(基本概念,存储结构,图的运算)数学知识1,离散数学知识的应用(如排列组合、简单的图论,数理逻辑)2,数论知识3,线性代数4,组合代数5,计算几何二算法1,排序算法(冒抛法,插入排序,合并排序,快速排序,堆排序)2,查找(顺序查找,二分发)3,回溯算法4,递归算法5,分治算法6,模拟法7,贪心法8,简单搜索算法(深度优先,广度优先),搜索中的剪枝,A*算法9,动态规划的思想及基本算法10,高精度运算三、ACM竞赛的题型分析竞赛的程序设计一般只有16种类型,它们分别是:Dynamic Programming (动态规划)Greedy (贪心算法)Complete Search (穷举搜索)Flood Fill (不知该如何翻译)Shortest Path (最短路径)Recursive Search T echniques (回溯搜索技术)Minimum Spanning Tree (最小生成树)Knapsack (背包问题)Computational Geometry (计算几何学)Network Flow (网络流)Eulerian Path (欧拉回路)Two-Dimensional Convex Hull (不知如何翻译)BigNums (大数问题)Heuristic Search (启发式搜索)Approximate Search (近似搜索)Ad Hoc Problems (杂题)四ACM竞赛参考书《实用算法的分析与程序设计》(吴文虎,王建德著,电子工业出版社,竞赛类的黑宝书)《青少年国际和全国信息学(计算机)奥林匹克竞赛指导)――组合数学的算法和程序设计》(吴文虎,王建德著,清华大学出版社,参加竞赛组合数学必学)《计算机算法设计与分析》(王晓东编著,最好的数据结构教材)《数据结构与算法》(傅清祥,王晓东编著,我所见过的最好的算法教材)《信息学奥林匹克竞赛指导――1997-1998竞赛试题解析》(吴文虎,王建德著,清华大学出版社)《计算机程序设计技巧》 D.E.Kruth著,算法书中最著名的《葵花宝典》,大师的作品,难度大)《计算几何》周陪德著《ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛试题与解析(一)》(吴文虎著,清华大学出版社)《数学建模竞赛培训教材》共三本叶其孝主编《数学模型》第二版姜启源《随机规划》《模糊数学》《数学建模入门》徐全智《计算机算法设计与分析》国防科大五常见的几个网上题库常用网站:1)信息学初学者之家:/doc/5a7376776.html/(2)大榕树编程世界:/doc/5a7376776.html/~drs/program/default.asp(3)中国教育曙光网:/doc/5a7376776.html/aosai/(4)福建信息学奥林匹克:/doc/5a7376776.html/fjas/index.htm(5)第20届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛:/doc/5a7376776.html/(6)第15届国际青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛:/doc/5a7376776.html/(7)全美计算机奥林匹克竞赛:/doc/5a7376776.html/usacogate(8)美国信息学奥林匹克竞赛官方网站:/doc/5a7376776.html/(9)俄罗斯Ural州立大学:http://acm.timus.ru/(10)西班牙Valladolid大学:http://acm.uva.es/problemset (11)ACM-ICPC:/doc/5a7376776.html /icpc/(12)北京大学:/doc/5a7376776.html/JudgeOnline/index.acm(13)浙江大学:/doc/5a7376776.html/(14)IOI:http://olympiads.win.tue.nl/ioi/(15)2003年江苏省信息学奥林匹克竞赛夏令营:/doc/5a7376776.html(16)/doc/5a7376776.html(17)/doc/5a7376776.html(18)/doc/5a7376776.html(19)/doc/5a7376776.html/downldmanag/index.asp(20)/doc/5a7376776.htmlcolin_fox/colin_fox五如何备战ACM/ICPC1,个人准备(算法书,习题集,网上做题和讨论)2,1000题=亚洲冠军=世界决赛3,做好资料收集和整理工作实验一:递归与分治1. 二分查找2. 合并排序3. 快速排序实验二:回溯1. 0-1背包问题2. 装载问题3. 堡垒问题(ZOJ1002)4. *翻硬币问题5. 8皇后问题6. 素数环问题7. 迷宫问题8. *农场灌溉问题(ZOJ2412)9. *求图像的周长(ZOJ1047)10. *骨牌矩阵11. *字母转换(ZOJ1003)12. *踩气球(ZOJ1004)实验三:搜索1. Floodfill2. 电子老鼠闯迷宫3. 跳马4. 独轮车5. 皇宫小偷6. 分酒问题7. *找倍数8. *8数码难题实验四:动态规划1. 最长公共子序列2. 计算矩阵连乘积3. 凸多边形的最优三角剖分4. 防卫导弹5. *石子合并6. *最小代价子母树7. *旅游预算8. *皇宫看守9. *游戏室问题10. *基因问题11. *田忌赛马实验五:贪心与随机算法1. 背包问题2. 搬桌子问题3. *照亮的山景4. *用随即算法求解8皇后问题5. 素数测试实验一:递归与分治实验目的理解递归算法的思想和递归程序的执行过程,并能熟练编写递归程序。



acm选拔试题及答案# acm选拔试题及答案1. 问题描述:编写一个程序,计算给定整数序列中,连续子序列的最大和。

2. 输入格式:第一行包含一个整数 \( n \),表示序列的长度。

第二行包含 \( n \) 个整数,表示序列中的元素。

3. 输出格式:输出一个整数,表示连续子序列的最大和。

4. 示例:输入:```51 -234 -1```输出:```6```5. 问题分析:这个问题可以通过动态规划的方法来解决。

定义一个数组 `dp[i]` 来表示以第 `i` 个元素结尾的连续子序列的最大和。

6. 算法逻辑:- 初始化 `dp[0]` 为序列的第一个元素。

- 对于每个 `i`(从 1 到 `n-1`),`dp[i]` 可以通过 `dp[i-1] + nums[i]` 来更新,如果 `dp[i-1]` 是负数,则 `dp[i]` 应该等于`nums[i]`。

- 遍历序列,更新 `dp` 数组,同时记录最大和。

7. 代码实现:```pythondef max_subarray_sum(nums):n = len(nums)max_sum = nums[0]current_sum = nums[0]for i in range(1, n):current_sum = max(nums[i], current_sum + nums[i]) max_sum = max(max_sum, current_sum)return max_sum```8. 测试用例:- 输入:`[-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]`- 输出:`6`9. 答案解析:- 该测试用例中,连续子序列 `[4, -1, 2, 1]` 的和为 `6`,是所有可能子序列中的最大值。

10. 注意事项:- 考虑边界条件,如序列中所有元素都是负数的情况。

- 优化算法以处理大数据量的情况。

11. 附加说明:- 该问题也可以通过分治法或贪心算法来解决,但动态规划提供了一个更简洁且易于理解的解决方案。



acm考试题目及答案1. 题目:给定一个整数数组,找出数组中没有出现的最小的正整数。





2. 题目:实现一个函数,检查一个链表是否为回文结构。




3. 题目:给定一个只包含 '(' 和 ')' 的字符串,判断字符串是否有效。




4. 题目:找出一个无序数组中第k大的元素。





5. 题目:给定一个字符串,找出其中不含有重复字符的最长子串的长度。






Problem A -- 超级难题Time Limit:1000ms Memory Limit:65535KBDescriptionACM程序设计大赛是大学级别最高的脑力竞赛,素来被冠以"程序设计的奥林匹克"的尊称。






当时的主办方是the Alpha Chapter of the UPE Computer Science Honor Society。








队伍A 做第一题所用的时间为T1分钟,做第一题所用的时间为T2分钟,.......做第M题所用的时间为Tm分钟。

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DinnerDescriptionLittle A is one member of ACM team. He had just won the gold in World Final. To celebrate, he decided to invite all to have one meal. As bowl, knife and other tableware is not enough in the kitchen, Little A goes to take backup tableware in warehouse. There are many boxes in warehouse, one box contains only one thing, and each box is marked by the name of things inside it. For example, if "basketball" is written on the box, which means the box contains only basketball. With these marks, Little A wants to find out the tableware easily. So, the problem for you is to help him, find out all the tableware from all boxes in the warehouse.InputThere are many test cases. Each case contains one line, and one integer N at the first, N indicates that there are N boxes in the warehouse. Then N strings follow, each string is one name written on the box.OutputFor each test of the input, output all the name of tableware.Sample Input3 basketball fork chopsticks2 bowl letterSample Outputfork chopsticksbowlHINT:The tableware only contains: bowl, knife, fork and chopsticks.You are my brotherDescriptionLittle A gets to know a new friend, Little B, recently. One day, they realize that they are family 500 years ago. Now, Little A wants to know whether Little B is his elder, younger or brother.InputThere are multiple test cases.For each test case, the first line has a single integer, n (n<=1000). The next n lines have two integers a and b (1<=a,b<=2000) each, indicating b is the father of a. One person has exactly one father, of course. Little A is numbered 1 and Little B is numbered 2.Proceed to the end of file.OutputFor each test case, if Little B is Little A’s younger, print “You are my younger”. Otherwise, if Little B is Little A’s elder, print “You are my elder”. Otherwise, print “You are my brother”. The output for each test case occupied exactly one line.Sample Input51 32 43 54 65 661 32 43 54 65 76 7Sample OutputYou are my elderYou are my brotherDescriptionDigital clock use 4 digits to express time, each digit is described by 3*3 characters (including”|”,”_”and”“).now given the current time, please tell us how can it be expressed by the digital clock.InputThere are several test cases.Each case contains 4 integers in a line, separated by space.Proceed to the end of file.OutputFor each test case, output the time expressed by the digital clock such as Sample Output. Sample Input1 2 5 62 3 4 2Sample Output_ _ _| _||_ |_||_ _||_|_ _ __| _||_| _||_ _| ||_HINT:The digits showed by the digital clock are as follows:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|| |||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _||_|DescriptionT he National Intelligence Council of X Nation receives a piece of credible information that Nation Y will send spies to steal Nation X’s confidential paper. So the commander of The National Intelligence Council take measures immediately, he will investigate people who will come into Nation X. At the same time, there are two List in the Commander’s hand, one is full of spies that Nation Y will send to Nation X, and the other one is full of spies that Nation X has sent to Nation Y before. There may be some overlaps of the two list. Because the spy may act two roles at the same time, which means that he may be the one that is sent from Nation X to Nation Y, we just call this type a “dual-spy”. So Nation Y may send “dual_spy” back to Nation X, and it is obvious now that it is good for Nation X, because “dual_spy” may bring back Nation Y’s confidential paper without worrying to be detention by Nation Y’s frontier So the commander decides to seize those that are sent by Nation Y, and let the ordinary people and the “dual_spy” in at the same time .So can you decide a list that should be caught by the Commander?A:the list contains that will come to the Nation X’s frontier.B:the list contains spies that will be sent by Nation Y.C:the list contains spies that were sent to Nation Y before.InputThere are several test cases.Each test case contains four parts, the first part contains 3 positive integers A, B, C(0<A,B,C<2000), and A is the number which will come into the frontier. B is the number that will be sent by Nation Y, and C is the number that Nation X has sent to Nation Y before.The second part contains A strings, the name list of that will come into the frontier.The second part contains B strings, the name list of that are sent by Nation Y.The second part contains C strings, the name list of the “dual_spy”.There will be a blank line after each test case.There won’t be any repetitive names in a single list, if repetitive names appear in two lists, they mean the same people.OutputOutput the list that the commander should caught (in the appearance order of the lists B).if no one should be caught, then , you should output “No enemy spy”.Sample Input8 4 3Zhao Qian Sun Li Zhou Wu Zheng WangZhao Qian Sun LiZhao Zhou Zheng2 2 2Zhao QianZhao QianZhao QianSample OutputQian Sun LiNo enemy spyIntermediaryDescription:It is widely known that any two strangers can get to know each other through at most six other people. Now let’s prove this.In the country Intermediary Conducts Personal Communications (ICPC), there are up to n (2<=n<=100) ordinary people conveniently numbered from 0 to n-1. They don’t know each other, or, in other words, they are strangers. The only way they can communicate with each other is through the government, which, in fact, is an intermediary agency. The government consists of up to m (1<=m<=9) employees conveniently numbered from 0 to m-1. Suppose employee z can introduce person x to person y at a cost of d dollars. If this is the first time in a day that employee z introduce one person to another, he will only require d dollars. For the second time, he will require d dollars plus extra e dollars as his tip. For the third time and more, he will require d dollars plus extra f dollars. He is not dared to require any more than that since the strange country is somewhat democratic. And if person x is able to communicate with person t and person t is able to communicate with person y, then person t is always willing to transfer messages from person x to person y, at no charge. Of course, the intermediary fees are all paid by person x. Notice that employee z being able to introduce person x to person y doesn’t mean he can introduce person y to person x.Now person 0 has to send a message to person n-1 in one day. If all employees have just started to work, what is the minimum cost for person 0?Input:For each test case, the first line contains three integers, n, m and q, where q is the number of intermediary relationships and q is at most 10,000. The second line has m integers, each indicating the value e of every employee, in the range [0, 100]. The third line has m integers too, each indicating the value f of every employee, in the range [e, 200]. The next q lines each contains four integers, x, y, z and d, indicating that employee z can introduce person x to person y requiring d dollars, where 1<=d<=200. There is a blank line after each test case.Proceed to the end of file.Output:For each test case, print one integer on a single line, giving the minimum cost. If it is impossible, print -1.Sample Input:3 2 21 12 20 1 0 11 2 1 25 1 4120 1 0 11 2 0 12 3 0 13 4 0 1Sample Output:39English GameDescriptionThis English game is a simple English words connection game.The rules are as follows: there are N English words in a dictionary, and every word has its own weight v. There is a weight if the corresponding word is used. Now there is a target string X. You have to pick some words in the dictionary, and then connect them to form X. At the same time, the sum weight of the words you picked must be the biggest.InputThere are several test cases. For each test, N (1<=n<=1000) and X (the length of x is not bigger than 10000) are given at first. Then N rows follow. Each row contains a word wi (the length is not bigger than 30) and the weight of it. Every word is composed of lowercases. No two words in the dictionary are the same.OutputFor each test case, output the biggest sum weight, if you could not form the string X, output -1. Sample Input1 aaaaa 23 aaaa 2aa 5aaa 64 abca 1bc 2ab 4c 13 abcdab 10bc 20cd 303 abcdcd 100abc 1000bcd 10000Sample Output87540-1Friends numberDescriptionPaula and Tai are couple. There are many stories between them. The day Paula left by airplane, Tai send one message to telephone 2200284, then, everything is changing… (The story in “the snow queen”).After a long time, Tai tells Paula, the number 220 and 284 is a couple of friends number, as they are special, all divisors of 220’s sum is 284, and all divisors of 284’s sum is 220. Can you find out there are how many couples of friends number less than 10,000. Then, how about 100,000, 200,000 and so on.The task for you is to find out there are how many couples of friends number in given closed interval [a,b].InputThere are several cases.Each test case contains two positive integers a, b(1<= a <= b <=5,000,000).Proceed to the end of file.OutputFor each test case, output the number of couples in the given range. The output of one test case occupied exactly one line.Sample Input1 1001 1000Sample Output1HINT:6 is a number whose sum of all divisors is 6. 6 is not a friend number, these number is called Perfect Number.Happiness HotelDescriptionThe life of Little A is good, and, he managed to get enough money to run a hotel. The best for him is that he need not go to work outside, just wait for the money to go into his pocket. Little A wants everything to be perfect, he has a wonderful plan that he will keep one most beautiful reception whose m)(which means the reception is 1 square meter). There are other k rooms that have the size is 1(2m), x is an integer; Little A wants his hotel to be a square. Little A is a same area, and the area is x^2(2good thinker, but not a good maker. As his poor performance on math, he cannot calculate the least area needed to build such a hotel of his will. Now, this task belongs to you, solve this problem to make Little A’s dream of Happy Hotel come true. Please be careful, the whole area should only contain k rooms, and the reception, there should not be any vacant place.InputThere are several test cases.Each case contains only one integer k(1<=k<=1000) ,the number of rooms the hotel should have in one line.Proceed to the end of file.OutputOutput one integer d, means the hotel’s area is d^2(If there is no answer, output “no solution”) .The output of one test case occupied exactly one line.Sample Input123Sample Outputno solution32New RDSP ModeDescriptionLittle A has became fascinated with the game Dota recently, but he is not a good player. In all the modes, the rdsp Mode is popular on online, in this mode, little A always loses games if he gets strange heroes, because, the heroes are distributed randomly.Little A wants to win the game, so he cracks the code of the rdsp mode with his talent on programming. The following description is about the rdsp mode:There are N heroes in the game, and they all have a unique number between 1 and N. At the beginning of game, all heroes will be sorted by the number in ascending order. So, all heroes form a sequence One.These heroes will be operated by the following stages M times:1.Get out the heroes in odd position of sequence One to form a new sequence Two;2.Let the remaining heroes in even position to form a new sequence Three;3.Add the sequence Two to the back of sequence Three to form a new sequence One.After M times' operation, the X heroes in the front of new sequence One will be chosen to be Little A's heroes. The problem for you is to tell little A the numbers of his heroes.InputThere are several test cases.Each case contains three integers N (1<=N<1,000,000), M (1<=M<100,000,000), X(1<=X<=20).Proceed to the end of file.OutputFor each test case, output X integers indicate the number of heroes. There is a space between two numbers. The output of one test case occupied exactly one line.Sample Input5 1 25 2 2Sample Output2 44 3HINT:In case two: N=5,M=2,X=2,the initial sequence One is 1,2,3,4,5.After the first operation, the sequence One is 2,4,1,3,5. After the second operation, the sequence One is 4,3,2,1,5.So,output 4 3.。
