人教新目标 八年级上册期末模拟测试卷




人教版八年级数学上册期末考试模拟卷(一)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.下列倡导节约的图案中,是轴对称图形的是().2345678.计算xx−1+11−x等于()A.−1B.1C.x+1x−1D.x−1x+19.如图,△ABC中,∠ACB=80°,点D在BC上,∠ADC=70°,若AB=AC+CD,则∠BAD的度数为()A.35°B.40°C.30°D.36°10.如图,△ABC中,∠BAC=60°,点D是△ABC外一点,△BCD是等边三角形,过点D分别作AB,AC111213141516三、解答题17.计算(1)a3⋅a4⋅a+(a2)4;(2)(−4x2)(3x+1);18.(1)因式分解:8a3b2+12ab3c;(2)先化简,再求值:x−y++x=5+1,y=5−1.19.先化简,再求值:1−÷m2+2m+1,其中m=2.2m+220.如图,B是线段AC的中点,∠ABD=∠C,AD∥BE.求证:BD=CE.21.如图是由小正方形组成的7×6网格,每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点.△ABC的三个顶点都是格点,其中AB=5.仅用无刻度的直尺在给定网格中完成画图,画图过程用虚线表示,画图结果用实线表示.(1)在图1中,先画边AB上的中线CD;再画∠BAC的平分线AE;(2)在图2中,先画CF⊥AB于点F;M是边AB上一点,再画点M关于直线BC的对称点N.22.如图,点O是等边△ABC内一点,D是△ABC外的一点,∠AOB=110°,∠BOC=α,△BOC≌△ADC,∠OCD=60°,连接OD.(1)求证:△OCD是等边三角形;(2)当α=150°时,试判断△AOD的形状,并说明理由;(3)当α=_________时,△AOD是等腰三角形.23.在某市组织的农机推广活动中,甲、乙两人分别操控A,B两种型号的收割机参加小麦收割比赛.已知乙每小时收割的亩数比甲少20%,两人各收割8亩小麦,则乙比甲多用0.2小时完成任务;甲、乙在收割过程中都有一定的遗落或破损,损失率分别为3%,2%.(1)甲、乙两人操控A,B型号收割机每小时各能收割多少亩小麦?(2)某小麦种植大户有与比赛中规格相同的200亩待收小麦,邀请甲、乙两人分别操控A,B两个型号的收割机一同前去完成收割任务,要求平均损失率不超过2.3%,则最多安排甲收割多少小时?24.【问题提出】如图1,在△ABC中,AB=AC,D是BC延长线上的点.连AD,以AD为边作△ADE (E、D在AC同侧),使DA=DE、∠ADE=∠BAC,连CE.若∠BAC=90°,判断CE与AC的位置关系,并说明理由.(1)【问题探究】先将问题特殊化.如图2,当D在线段BC上,∠BAC=60°时,直接写出∠ACE的度数__________;(2)再探究具体情形、如图1,判断CE与AC的位置关系,并说明理由.(3)如图3,在△ABC中,AB=AC.点E为△ABC外一点,AD⊥BE于D,∠BEC=∠BAC,DE=3,EC=2.则BD的长为____________.25.如图,平面直角坐标系中,已知点A(0,a)在y轴正半轴上,点B(0,b)(其中b≤0),点C(c,0)在x 轴正半轴上,且a2−2ab+b2−c2=0.(1)如图1,求证:AB=OC;(2)如图2,当b=0时,连接AC,点P是线段AC上一点,CQ⊥OP于点Q,连接AQ.若∠AQO=135°,求证:QC=2QO;(3)如图3,当b<0时,点D在OC的延长线上,且CD=OB,连接AD,射线BC交AD于点E.当点B在y 轴负半轴上运动时,∠BED的度数是否为定值?如果是,请求出∠BED的度数:如果不是,请说明理由.参考答案12345678910题号C D C D C D C B C A答案1.C【分析】如果一个图形沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,这个图形叫做轴对称图形,根据轴对称图形的概念求解.【详解】解:A、不是轴对称图形,故此选项错误;B、不是轴对称图形,故此选项错误;C、是轴对称图形,故此选项正确;D、不是轴对称图形,故此选项错误.故选C.【点睛】此题主要考查了轴对称图形的概念.轴对称图形的关键是寻找对称轴,图形两部分折叠后可重合.2.D【分析】分别根据合并同类项、单项式除以单项式、同底数幂的乘法、幂的乘方法则进行计算即可求解.【详解】解:A. 2a−a=a,故原选项计算错误,不符合题意;B. −2a3÷(−a)=2a2,故原选项计算错误,不符合题意;C. a2⋅a3=a5,故原选项计算错误,不符合题意;D. (a3)2=a6,故原选项计算正确,符合题意.故选:D【点睛】本题考查了合并同类项、单项式除以单项式、同底数幂的乘法、幂的乘方等运算,熟知运算法则是解题关键.3.C【分析】关于x轴对称的点,其横坐标不变,纵坐标变为其相反数,根据这一特点即可完成.【详解】解:点P(2,3)关于x轴对称的点的坐标为(2,−3).故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了坐标与图形中关于x轴对称的点的坐标特征,掌握这一特征是关键.4.D【分析】本题考查了分式的基本性质,根据分式的基本性质,进行计算即可解答.【详解】解:由题意得:2x +2y 2x ×2y =2(x +y )4xy =12⋅x +y xy ,∴如果把分式x +y xy 中的x 和y 都扩大为原来的2倍,那么分式的值缩小为原来的12,故选:D .5.C 【分析】本题考查了因式分解的定义:把一个多项式化为几个整式的积的形式,根据因式分解的定义B C D 67B C D .(a−1)2−4(a−2)=(a−3)2,正确,故本选项不符合题意;故选:C .8.B【分析】本题考查分式的加法,先变为同分母分式,再进行加法计算即可.【详解】解:x x−1+11−x =x x−1−1x−1=x−1x−1=1,故选:B .9.C【分析】本题考查的是三角形的内角和定理的应用,三角形的外角的性质,等腰三角形的判定与性质,作出合适的辅助线是解本题的关键;如图,延长DC,使AC=CH,证明AB=AH=DH,再结合三角形的内角和定理与三角形的外角的性质可得答案.【详解】解:∵∠ACB=80°,∠ADC=70°,∴∠DAC=180°−80°−70°=30°,如图,延长DC,使AC=CH,∠ACB=40°,∴∠CAH=∠H=12∴∠HAD=∠CAH+∠CAD=70°=∠ADC,∴HA=HD=HC+CD=AC+CD,∵AB=AC+CD,∴AB=AH=DH,∴∠B=∠H=40°,∴∠BAD=70°−40°=30°,故选C10.A【分析】过点B,C,分别作AC,AB的垂线,垂足为G,H,利用多边形内角和定理及等边三角形的性质证明△CHB≌△DFC(AAS),△CGB≌△BED(AAS),设BE=CG=x,AG=y,则CF=BH=3BE=3x,利用在直角三角形中30度角所对的边是斜边的一半,得到AB=2y,AH=2y−3x,AC=2AH,即可求解.【详解】解:如图,过点B,C,分别作AC,AB的垂线,垂足为G,H,∵DE⊥AE,DF⊥AF,∴∠AED=90°,∠AFD=90°,∵∠A+∠AED+∠AFD+∠EDF=360°,∴∠A+∠EDF=180°,∵∠A=60°,∴∠EDF=180°−∠A=120°,∵△BCD是等边三角形,∴∠BDC=∠BCD=∠DBC=60°,BC=BD=CD,∴∵∴∴∴∵∴∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∴∴设在Rt△AHC中,AC=2AH,∴2(2y−3x)=x+y,∴3y=7x,∴x=37y,AB AC =2yx+y=2y107y=75,故选:A.【点睛】本题考查了等边三角形的性质,全等三角形的判定与性质,含30度角的直角三角的特征,多边形内角和,作出辅助线构造三角形全等时解得的关键.11.2【分析】根据分式的值为零的条件得到x-2=0且x≠0,易得x=2.【详解】∵分式x−2x+1的值为0,∴x−2=0且x≠0,∴x=2.故答案为2.【点睛】本题考查了分式的值为零的条件,解题的关键是熟练的掌握分式的值为零的条件.12.六边形【分析】本题考查了多边形的内角和定理和外角和.能够根据多边形的内角和定理和外角和的特征,把求边数的问题就可以转化为解方程的问题是解题的关键.多边形的外角和是360°,则内角和是360°×2=720°.设这个多边形是n边形,内角和是(n−2)⋅180°,这样就得到一个关于n的方程,从而求出边数n的值.【详解】解:设这个多边形是n边形,根据题意,得(n−2)⋅180°=360°×2=720°,解得:n=6,即这个多边形为六边形.故答案为:六边形.13.427【分析】本题考查了幂的乘方的逆应用,同底数幂的除法逆应用,熟练掌握公式是解题的关键.【详解】∵a2m−3n=a2ma3n =(a m)2(a n)3,且a m=2,a n=3,∴a2m−3n=2233=427,故答案为:427.14.11或−13【分析】本题考查了求完全平方式中的字母系数,熟记完全平方公式的形式是解题关键.【详解】解:∵4x2−(m+1)x+9=(2x)2−(m+1)x+32,∴m+1=±2×2×3,∴m=11或m=−13故答案为:11或−1315.m<6且m≠3【分析】本题考查了解分式方程,一元一次不等式.熟练掌握解分式方程,一元一次不等式是解题的关键.先求分式方程的解,然后根据解为正数列不等式,求解作答即可.【详解】解:xx−3−2=mx−3,x−2(x−3)=m,x∵∴∴16,∵等腰直角△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,∴∠ABC=45°,∴∠K=45°,∴△AKB是等腰直角三角形,∵△ADE是等腰直角三角形,∴∠KAD+∠DAB=∠BAE+∠DAB=90°,∴∠KAD=∠BAE,在△ADK和△AEB中,AD=AE∠KAD=∠BAE,AK=AB∴△ADK≌△AEB(SAS),∴∠ABE=∠K=45°,∴△BMG是等腰直角三角形,∵AC=BC=4,∴AB=42,∵M是AB中点,∴BM=22,∴MG=BG=2,∠G=90°,∴BM>MG,∵△ADK≌△AEB,∴当点D在射线BC上运动上时,点E在BE上运动,∴当ME=MG时,即点E在点G时,ME的值最小,∴ME=MG=2,故答案为:2.17.(1)2a8(2)−12x3−4x2【分析】本题考查整式的运算.(1)根据同底数幂乘法和幂的乘方进行计算即可;(2)根据单项式乘多项式的运算法则进行计算即可.【详解】(1)解:a3⋅a4⋅a+(a2)4=a8+a8=2a8;(2)解:(−4x2)(3x+1)=(−4x2)⋅3x+(−4x2)=−12x3−4x2.18.(1)4ab2⋅(2a2+3bc);(2)(x+y)(x−y),45【分析】此题考查了因式分解和分式的化简求值,熟练掌握提公因式法及分式的运算法则是解题的关键.(1)原式提取公因式即可;(2)根据分式混合运算的法则把原式进行化简,约分得到最简结果,再把x与y的值代入计算即可∵∴20.见解析【分析】先根据题意得出AB=BC,在根据平行线的性质得出∠A=∠EBC,然后根据ASA得出△ABD≅△BCE,即可得出结论【详解】证明:∵点B为线段AC的中点,∴AB=BC,∵AD∥BE,∴∠A=∠EBC,在△ABD 与△BCE 中,∠A =∠EBC AB =BC ∠ABD =∠C∴△ABD≅△BCE ,∴BD =CE .【点睛】本题考查了全等三角形的判定与性质、平行线的性质等知识,熟练掌握全等三角形的判定与性质是解题的关键.21.(1)见解析(2)见解析【分析】(1)如图可知AB 竖直有4个格,取AB 上A 点上方两个格的点D ,连接AD ;先作∠C 的角平分线CQ ,点Q 是三角形三条角平分线的交点,过Q 作射线AQ 交BC 于点E ;(2)连接CG ,交AB 于点F ;作A 关于BC 的对称点A 1,过M 作MN ∥AC 交A 1B 于点M .【详解】(1)如图,CD ,AE 即为所作;(2)如图,CF 和点M 即为所作.【点睛】本题考查三角形的高线、中线、角平分线和轴对称,解题的关键是学会利用数形结合的思想解决问题.22.(1)见解析(2)△ADO 是直角三角形,理由见解析(3)110°或140°或125°【分析】本题考查了全等三角形的判定与性质、等边三角形的判定与性质、等腰三角形的定义,熟练掌握以上知识点并灵活运用,采用分类讨论的思想是解此题的关键.(1)由全等三角形的性质可得OC=DC,结合∠OCD=60°,即可得证;(2)由等边三角形的性质可得∠CDO=60°,由全等三角形的性质得出∠BOC=∠ADC=150°,即可得出∠ADO=90°,从而得解;(3)根据题意以及全等三角形的性质,分别计算出∠ADO、∠OAD、∠AOD,再分三种情况讨论即可.【详解】(1)证明:∵△BOC≌△ADC,∴OC=DC,∵∠OCD=60°,∴△OCD是等边三角形;(2)解:△ADO是直角三角形,理由如下:∵△OCD是等边三角形,∴∠CDO=60°,当α=150°时,∵△BOC≌△ADC,∴∠BOC=∠ADC=150°,∴∠ADO=∠ADC−∠ODC=90°,∴△ADO是直角三角形;(3)解:∵△OCD是等边三角形,∴∠COD=∠ODC=60°,∵△BOC≌△ADC,∴∠ADC=∠BOC=α,∵∠AOB=110°,∴∠AOD=360°−∠AOB−∠BOC−∠COD=360°−110°−α−60°=190°−α,∠ADO=∠ADC−∠ODC=α−60°,∴∠OAD=180°−∠AOD−∠ADO=180°−(190°−α)−(α−60°)=50°,当∠AOD=∠ADO时,190°−α=α−60°,解得:α=125°;当∠AOD=∠OAD时,190°−α=50°,解得:α=140°;当∠ADO=∠OAD时,α−60°=50°,解得:α=110°;综上所述,当α=110°或140°或125°时,△AOD是等腰三角形.23.(1)甲:10亩/时;乙:8亩/时.(2)6小时.【分析】(1)设甲操控A型号收割机每小时收割x亩小麦,则乙操控B型号收割机每小时收割(1﹣20 %)x亩小麦,利用工作时间=工作总量÷工作效率,结合乙比甲多用0.2小时完成任务,即可得出关于x的分式方程,解之经检验后即可求出甲操控A型号收割机每小时收割小麦的亩数,再将其代入(1﹣20%)x中即可求出乙操控B型号收割机每小时收割小麦的亩数;(2)设安排甲收割y小时,则安排乙收割200−10y8小时,根据要求平均损失率不超过2.3%,即可得出关于y的一元一次不等式,解之取其中的最大值即可得出结论.【详解】(1)解:设甲操控A型号收割机每小时收割x亩小麦,则乙操控B型号收割机每小时收割(1﹣20%)x亩小麦,依题意得:8(1−20%)x −8x=0.2,解得:x=10,经检验,x=10是原方程的解,且符合题意,∴(1−20%)x=(1−20%)×10=8.答:甲操控A型号收割机每小时收割10亩小麦,乙操控B型号收割机每小时收割8亩小麦.(2)解:设安排甲收割y小时,则安排乙收割200−10y8小时,依题意得:3%×10y+2%×8×200−10y8≤2.3×200,解得:y≤6.答:最多安排甲收割6小时.【点睛】本题考查了分式方程的应用以及一元一次不等式的应用,解题的关键是:(1)找准等量关系,正确列出分式方程;(2)根据各个数量之间的关系,正确列出一元一次不等式.24.(1)60°(2)CE⊥AC;理由见解析;(3)5【分析】(1)根据题意可得△ADE、△ABC为等边三角形即可知∠DAE=60°,∠B=60°,证明△ABD≅△ACE,得∠ACE=∠B=60°;(2)过D作DF⊥CD,交AC的延长线于F,根据SAS证明△AFD≅△ECD可得∠FAD=∠CED,从而可得绪论;(3)过A作AF⊥CE,交CE的延长线于F,分别证明△ABD≅△ACF和Rt△ADE≅Rt△AFE可得绪论【详解】(1)∵AB=AC,∠BAC=60°∴△ABC为等边三角形∴∠B=60°∵∠ADE=∠BAC∴∠ADE=60°∵DA=DE∴△ADE是等边三角形,∴∠DAE=60°∴∠DAE=∠BAC∴∠BAD=∠CAE又AB=AC,DA=DE∴△ABD≅△ACE,∴∠ACE=∠B=60°;(2)过D作DF⊥CD,交AC的延长线于F,如图所示:则∠FDC=90°,∵AB=AC,∠BAC=90°,∴△ABC为等腰直角三角形,∴∠ACB=45°,∴∠FCD=∠ACB=45°,∴△FDC为等腰直角三角形,∴DC=DF,∠CDF=90°,∵DA=DE,∠ADE=∠BAC,∴△ADE为等腰直角三角形,∴∠ADE =90°,∴∠ADE +∠ADC =∠CDF +∠ADC ,即∠ADF =∠EDC ,在△AFD 和△ECD 中DA =DE ∠ADF =∠EDC DC =DF,∴△AFD≅△ECD (SAS),∴∠FAD =∠CED ,∵∠FAD +∠ACE =∠CED +∠ADE ,∴∠ACE =∠ADE =90°∴CE ⊥AC(3)过A 作AF ⊥CE ,交CE 的延长线于F ,如图所示:则∠AFC =90°,∵AD ⊥BE ,∴∠ADB =∠ADE =90°,∵∠BEC =∠BAC ,∴∠ABD =∠ACF ,在△ABD 和△ACF 中∠ADB =∠AFC ∠ABE =∠ACF AB =AC,∴△ABD≅△ACF (AAS),∴BD =CF ,AD =AF ,在Rt △ADE 和Rt △AFE 中AD =AF AE =AE,∴Rt △ADE≅Rt △AFE (HL),∴DE =EF =3,∴CF =CE +EF =5,∴BD =CF =5.【点睛】此题是三角形综合题,主要考查了等边三角形的性质,等腰直角三角形的性质,全等三角形的判定和性质,判断出△ABD≅△ACF(AAS)是解本题的关键.25.(1)详见解析(2)详见解析(3)∠BED的度数为定值,∠BED=135°,详见解析【分析】(1)根据完全平方公式因式分解得出(a−b)2=c2,进而得出a−b=c,即可得证;(2)作AH⊥OP,交OP的延长线于H,证明△AOH≌△BCQ(AAS),进而得出结论;(3)作DF⊥OD于D,取DF=OC,连接接CF,BF,证明△OBC≌△DCF(SAS),得出△BCF是等腰直角三角形,根据平移的性质得出AD∥BF,则∠AEB=∠CBF=45°,即可求解.【详解】(1)证明:∵a2−2ab+b2−c2=0,∴(a−b)2=c2,∵a>0,b≤0,c>0,∴a−b=c,∴AB=OC;(2)证明:作AH⊥OP,交OP的延长线于H,∵∠AOH+∠COH=90°,∠COH+∠BCQ=90°,∴∠AOH=∠BCQ,∵AB=BC,∴△AOH≌△BCQ(AAS),∴CQ=OH,OQ=AH,∵∠AQO=135°,∴∠AQH=45°,又AH⊥OP,∴AH=HQ∴AH=HQ=OQ∴CQ=OH=2OQ.(3)解:∠BED的度数为定值,∠BED=135°.证明如下:作DF⊥OD于D,取DF=OC,连接接CF,BF,∵OB=CD,∠BOC=∠CDF,OC=DF,∴△OBC≌△DCF(SAS),∴∠OCB=∠CFD,BC=CF∴∠OCB+∠DCF=∠CFD+∠DCF=90°,∴∠BCF=90°,∴△BCF是等腰直角三角形,∴∠CBF=45°,∵AB=OC,OC=DF,∴AB=DF,∴DF可由AB平移所得,∴AD∥BF,∴∠AEB=∠CBF=45°,∴∠BED=135°.【点睛】本题考查了因式分解的的应用,等腰三角形的性质与判定,全等三角形的性质与判定,坐标与图形,综合运用以上知识是解题的关键.。



第一学期期末模拟检测八年级英语试题(考试时间:100分钟,满分为120分)听力部分 (20分)I. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。


( 5分)1. ______2. __________3. ______4.__________5. ______II. 听对话,并根据对话提出的问题选择正确的答案。


( 5分)( ) 6. A. Going to the park. B. Visiting her grandmother. C. Spending time with her friends( ) 7. A. She was working in the park. B. She was hitting the motorbike. C. She was walking.( ) 8. A. Bill. B. Tom. C. Ann.( ) 9. A. She takes the bus to school. B. She walks to school. C. She rides a bike toschool.( ) 10. A. She has to study for a test. B. She has to go to school. C. She has to go to the doctor’s.III. 听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。


( 5分)( )11. The woman goes to the music store_______.A. twice a weekB. once a weekC. three times a week( ) 12. Jane often ____ on weekends.A. goes fishingB. goes shoppingC. goes exercising( ) 13. Tony shouldn’t tonight.A. go to bed earlyB. go outC. go to the party( ) 14. Washington is tired and he likes to_______.A. eat breadB. eat an appleC. play football( ) 15. Tom’s family are going to their hometown and go _______.A. swimmingB. hikingC. fishingIV. 听短文, 从A, B, C三个选项中选出一个与其内容相符的选项。






1. A. Sure. With pleasure. B. Yes, you can. C. No, I don’t.2. A. I can do the chores. B. I like playing soccer. C. I will go to the movie.3. A. It’s two weeks. B. For half an hour. C. In ten days.4. A. Great! B. I have a new bike. C. I want to buy a new bike.5. A. I had a P.E. lesson. B. I can make a meal. C. I’m going to watch a game show.(二)听小对话,选择正确答案。


6. Where does the boy plan to go to university?A. In America.B. In France.C. In England.7. What will Sally do?A. Wash some clothes.B. Clean the windows.C. Clean the floor.8. What are they doing now?A. Buying some food.B. Cooking a meal.C. Having a meal.9. Who is ill in hospital?A. Kate.B. Kate’s math teacher.C. Kate’s music teacher.10. How many students spoke in the class meeting yesterday?A. Six.B. Seven.C. Eight.(三)听对话,选择最佳答案,对话读两遍。




(5分)()1.()2.()3.()4.A()6.Where will the speakers do this Sunday?A、To the park.B、To the farm.C、To the zoo.()7.The man gives ______ to Mary.A、some money.B、some books.C、some flowers.()8.The speakers will play table tennis ________.A、on the playground.B、in the gym.C、at home.()9.What’s wrong with Peter?A、He had a cold.B、He has a fever.C、He broke his neck.()10.The boy will take part in ______.A、the long jump.B、the relay race.C、the footballgame.三、听对话,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。


()11.Mike wants to be ______ when he grows up.A、an English teacher.B、a P.E. teacher.C、a history teacher.()12.What does Mike want to encourage(鼓励) more children to do?A、To do sports.B、To learn English.C、To study history.听第二段对话,回答第13、14、15小题。

()13.The Chinese team will play against ________.A、a team from the U.S.A.B、a team from Russia.C、a team from France.()14.The speakers will meet _______.A、at 7:30 p.m.B、at 8:00 p.m.C、at 8:30 p.m.()15.The girl asks the boy to take ______.A 、his MP3 player.B 、his basketball.C 、his camera.四、听短文,完成表格。



(上)期末模拟质量检测卷 八年级英语 (请把答案填写在答题卷上) 第一部分 听力(25分) 第二部分:笔试 (95分) 一、单项选择。

(15分) ( )26. We should eat ________ fruit and vegetables, but ________ meat. It is good for our health. A. more; less B. more; more C. less; more D. less; less ( )27. —I was at the cinema at nine o ’clock yesterday evening. What about you? —I ________ TV at home. A. am watching B. was watching C. will watch D. watched学校:________________班级:________________姓名:________________学号:______________……………………………密……………………………封……………………………线……………………………( )28. Town Cinema has__________ seats of all. 新课标第一网A.most comfortable B. comfortableC.the most comfortable D. more comfortable ( )29. —I am not good at playing football, would you mind ________ me?—Not at all.A. teachB. teachingC. to teachD. taught( )30. There ________ a wonderful English movie in the school hall next Sunday.A. is going toB. is going to beC. hasD. have( )31. If you still have a headache, you’d better ________ a doctorA. seeB. seeingC. to see.D. seen( )32. —?—Nothing serious, but a bit tired.A. Is that allB. Is there anything else?C. What’s thisD. What’s the matter withyou( )33. —How often does Tina go to the movies?—She goes to the movies _____.A. three times a monthB. three time a monthC. three time every monthD. three times ofmonth( )34. It’s a little difficult for them ________that work today.A. finishesB. finishC. to finishD. finishing( )35. —Why don’t you let Jenny do it ?—I ______Jenny _____ do it.A. think, canB. don’t think, can’tC. don’t think, canD. think, can’t( )36. —Must I take much medicine every day?—No, you ________.A. mustB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. can’t ( )37. —Oh, It’s late, I must go now.—It’s snowing outside. Don’t leave it stops.A. whenB. afterC. whileD. until( )38. Jim _______Betty ______see a film once a week last year.A.invites; to B.invited; for C.invite; for D.invited; to( )39. Betty had nothing for breakfast, ____________?A. hadn't sheB. had sheC. didn't sheD. did she( )40.—It’s hot here. Why not ________ your coat?—OK.A. take offB. taking offC. to put onD. put on二、完形填空A)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,填写在题前括号内。




(1×25 = 25分)1. I usually come to school________A. by a busB. on footC. by footD. on bus2. What`s the matter ______your leg?A. atB. inC. withD. to3.---_______do you surf the Internet? ---Once a weekA. HowB. How oldC. How oftenD. How many times4.I have __________to tell you.A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything important.D. important anything5.Ann is ________than her friend.A. outgoingB. more outgoingC. outgoingerD. outgoingger6.Don`t forget_______ the light before you go outA. turn onB. to turn offC. turn offD. turning off7.You are never _____ young to start doing thingsA. soB. veryC. tooD. quite8.---Could you please do the dishes? ---___I have to ___my homework.A. Sorry, I can`t; doB. No, I don`t; doingC. Yes, I can; doD. Yes I can; doing9. The twin brothers _________ students.A. are bothB. both areC. are allD. all are10. --- ________ is he staying in Tibet? --- For a month.A. How oftenB. HowC. WhenD. How long11. Milk is good _____ our ______.A. at, healthyB. at, healthC. for, healthyD. for, health12. ---Would you like some milk? --- Yes, just______.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little13. I remember you came to see me ____ a cold Tuesday evening.A. inB. atC. onD.of14. He needs ________ his room.A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean15. I want to ___ some money from you. Could you ____ it to me?A. borrow; lendB. lend, borrowC. borrow, keepD. keep, lend16. ---____ beef do you want?---Half a kilo.A. How muchB. How manyC. What kiloD. How much kilo17. Do you enjoy _____chores?A. doB. didC. doingD. make18. It took her two hours __ her homework yesterday.A. finishingB. finishedC. to finishD. finish19. --- Would you like to come to my birthday party?--- Oh, thank you. I’d _____.A. loveB. love toC. likeD. go to20. Thank you very much _____me work out the problem.A. to helpB. for helpingC. helpingD. help21. _____do you make fruit salad?A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. Who22. You are right, I agree ___ you.A. ofB. aboutC. withD. on23.---What are you going to be when you grow up? ---I _____ an actor.A. amB. wasC. beD. am going to be24. Don’t ____ too much sugar ___the milk.A put…on … B. pour…into … C. add…into… D add…to…25. Ted cleaned the room on his day _________.A. ofB. offC. downD. away二完形填空。

新人教版八年级上册 期末目标检测(七套试卷和参考答案)

新人教版八年级上册 期末目标检测(七套试卷和参考答案)

八年级上册 期末目标检测试卷(六)一、相信你一定能选对!(每小题3分,共36分)1.直线y=kx+2过点(-1,0),则k 的值是 ( ) A .2 B .-2 C .-1D .12.和三角形三个顶点的距离相等的点是 ( )A .三条角平分线的交点B .三边中线的交点C .三边上高所在直线的交点D .三边的垂直平分线的交点3.一个三角形任意一边上的高都是这边上的中线,•则对这个三角形最准确的判断是( )A .等腰三角形B .直角三角形C .正三角形D .等腰直角三角形4.下列式子一定成立的是 ( )A .x 2+x 3=x 5;B .(-a )2·(-a 3)=-a 5C .a 0=1D .(-m 3)2=m 55.已知点M 的坐标为(3,2)它关于x 轴的对称点是N,点N 的坐标是( )A .(3,-2)B .(-3,2)C .(-3,-2)D .(-2,-3)6.已知x 2+kxy+64y 2是一个完全式,则k 的值是 ( )A .8B .±8C .16D .±167.下面是一组按规律排列的数:1,2,4,8,16,……,则第2005个数是( )A .22005B .22004C .22006D .220038.已知(x+a )(x+b )=x 2-13x+36,则a+b 的值分别是 ( )A .13B .-13C .36D .-369.如图,△ABC 中,AD ⊥BC 于D ,BE ⊥AC 于E ,AD 交EF 于F ,若BF=AC ,则∠ABC 等于 ( )A .45°B .48°C .50°D .60°10.如图,△ABC 中边AB 的垂直平分线分别交BC 、AB 于点D 、E ,AE=3cm ,△ADC•的周长为9cm ,则△ABC 的周长是 ( )A .10cmB .12cmC .15cmD .17cmB EC A F D(11题) (12题) (15题)二、你能填得又对又快吗?(每小题2分,共16分)11.计算:1232-124×122=_________.12.分解因式:a 3-4ab 2=__________.13.如图,已知△ABC ≌△DEF ,若∠A=60°,∠F=90°,DE=6cm ,则AC=________.14.点P关于x轴对称的点是(3,-4),则点P关于y轴对称的点的坐标是_______.15.已知a2+b2=13,ab=6,则a+b的值是________.16.对直线y=3x-15,当x____________时,y<0; 当x__________时,y>0.17.如图所示,一个窗户被装饰布挡住了一部分,其中窗户的长 a与宽b的比是3:2,装饰布由一个半圆和两个四分之一圆组成,圆的直径都是0.5b,那么当b=4时,•这个窗户未被遮挡的部分的面积是__________.18、如图中的图象(折线ABCDE)描述了一汽车在某一直线上的行驶过程中,汽车离出发地的距离s(千米)和行驶时间t(小时)之间的函数关系,根据图中提供的信息,给出下列说法:①汽车共行驶了120千米;②汽车在行驶途中停留了0.5小时;③汽车在整个行驶过程中的平均速度为80/3千米/时;④汽车自出发后3小时至4.5小时之间行驶的速度在逐渐减少.其中正确的说法是三、认真解答,一定要细心哟!(共58分)19.(8分)先化简再求值:[(x+2y)(x-2y)-(x+4y)2]÷(4y),其中x=5,y=2.20.(8分)求证:等腰三角形两腰上的高的交点到底边两端的距离相等.21.(8分)已知图7中A、B分别表示正方形网格上的两个轴对称图形(阴影部分),其面积分别记为S1、S2(网格中最小的正方形的面积为一个单位面积),请你观察并回答问题.(1)填空:S1:S2的值是__________.(2)请你在图C中的网格上画一个面积为8个平方单位的轴对称图形.22.(12分)某批发商欲将一批海产品由A地运往B地,•汽车货运公司和铁路货运公司均开办了海产品运输业务.已知运输路程为120千米,•汽车和火车的速度分别为60千米/时和100千米/时.两货物公司的收费项目和收费标准如下表所示:运输工具运输费单价(元/吨·千米)冷藏费单价(元/吨·小时)过路费(元)装卸及管理费(元)汽车 2 5 200 0火车 1.8 5 0 1600 注:“元/吨·千米”表示每吨货物每千米的运费;“元/•吨小时”表示每吨货物每小时的冷藏费.(1)设该批发商待运的海产品有x(吨),•汽车货运公司和铁路货运公司所要收取的费用分别为y1(元)和y2(元),试求出y1和y2和与x的函数关系式;(2)若该批发商待运的海产品不少于30吨,为节省运费,•他应该选择哪个货运公司承担运输业务?23.(12分)如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CE⊥AB于点E,AD=AC,AF平分∠CAB•交CE于点F,DF的延长线交AC于点G,求证:(1)DF∥BC;(2)FG=FE.答案:一、1~10 ADCBA DBBAC二、11、112、a(a+2b)(a-2b)13、3cm14、(-3,4)15、516、x<5, x>517、20.8618、②三、19、原式=-5y-2x 值是-2020、利用AAS证明三角形全等。



人教新目标八年级英语上册期末考试复习模拟测试题考试时间:120分钟总分:120分第一大题听力测试(共四节;共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)略第二大题单项选择(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 1 0 分)从各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

( )21.—How often does your brother use _______ Internet?— He uses it at _______ least three times a week.A. the; aB. / ; theC. the; /D. an; /( )22. —________honey does Tina need?—Tina needs two teaspoons of honey.A. How muchB. How manyC. How oftenD. How long( )23. There are ________ people in the supermarket. It’s s o crowded.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of( )24. —Is Rick there?—No, he _______ for Beijing three days ago.A. leftB. leavesC. leavingD. leave( )25. —I think Cindy is _______ student in our class.—I don’t think so. Linda is _______ than her.A.smarter; smarterB. the smartest; smarterC.the smartest; the smartestD. smarter; the smartest( )26.—Why do you watch the news every night?—Because I hope to_________ what’s going on around the world.A. find outB. come outC. get outD. bring out( )27. —What’s your next Saturday’s plan?—I expect__________ the film Tiny Times directed by Guo Jingming.A. seeingB. to seeC. to seeingD. See( )28.The math question is _____ hard for me ____ work out.A .so, that B. too, to C. such, that D. so , to( )29. —What ___ you do if it _____sunny tomorrow?—I’ll go to the park with my friends.A.do, isB. will, isC. do, will beD. will, will be( )30. We are looking forward to _________Yao Ming one day.A. meetB. meetingC. meetsD. met第三大题完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)第一节阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。



人教版新目标英语八年级上册期末测试总分:130分注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)1.In the past, I saw being ________ university student as a steppingstone to a good job. But now I know that being ________ active person is the key to a happy life.A.a; an B.a; a C.an; a D.an; an 2.—Look! The street is full ________ more visitors with masks than yesterday! —Great. I think our city can not develop (发展) quickly ________ these visitors.A.of; with B.with; of C.of; without D.with; from 3.—When will Lily and Lucy come back from Hangzhou.—They will stay there for ________ days, because they want to know more about it.A.more three B.another three C.three another D.three others 4.Ann’s mother cooks the food in the ________ of animals to make her interested in meals.A.shape B.part C.mind D.fact5.__________ knows Mr. Smith in my town. He is very famous.A.Someone B.Something C.Everybody D.Everything 6.—We worked so ________ and our team won the game in the end.—Great! Let’s have a party to ________ it.A.hardly; make B.hardly; celebrate C.hard; make D.hard; celebrate 7.Simon shows little interest in doing DIY jobs. He thinks there is nothing if he has to work all by himself.A.more bored B.most bored C.more boring D.most boring 8.—I ______ the dirty water in the river.— ______ less pollution in it as long as we work hard together.A.can’t stand, there will have B.don’t mind, there will beC.can’t stand, there will be D.don’t expect, there will have 9.Children ________ more time to do what they like if their parents let them take fewer after-school classes.A.have B.is having C.will have D.had 10.—Why did you leave the cinema so early?—Some people were on the phone. ________.A.Bye for now B.I can’t stand itC.See you later D.Lucky you二、完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)ASometimes children seem to have endless energy (无尽的精力). When they go to school they are 11 of energy. After they get home from school, they still want to play outside.Many experts (专家) think that children should get about three 12 of activities a day. Maybe this sounds a lot, 13 they don’t need to do it all at once. It’s a good idea to make children move around for a few minutes every hour. Nemeth also says a 12-year-old child should have no more 14 12 hours of baseball practice and games a week. If a child doesn’t want to exercise or play, he might exercise too hard before. Children may also 15 interest (兴趣) in these activities because of long-time practice. So if parents want to keep their children’s h ealthy, they should encourage (鼓励) them to try different sports. And they should let them join in different activities.11.A.bored B.full C.hungry 12.A.hours B.months C.minutes 13.A.because B.if C.but14.A.than B.with C.through 15.A.lose B.wonder C.dislikeBHow far can you jump? For British parkour (跑酷) athlete Toby Segar, the 16 is 2.96 meters. And he did it up a wall! The 28-year-old broke a world 17 . How did he do it? Parkour helps him a lot. Because of it, he can run faster, jump and climb higher.Parkour started in France first. It comes from a French way of training soldiers (士兵). Today, it is a fun way to keep 18 . Parkour athletes 19 the city as their playground. They run along walls, climb to high places, and jump from rooftops (屋顶) to rooftops. Behind 20 cool moves is the parkour athletes’ hard training. To keep his body strong, Segar does exercise for 21 least 90 minutes every day.Not just young people like the sport, but many kids also enjoy it. Segar started learning parkour when he was 11. “Each time I finish the training, I am getting 22 to my dream,” he said. “That is the 23 meaning of the sport. It is not about the game or winning. People 24 when they do better.”A girl who loves parkour said, “I like running and jumping. This summer I started to learn parkour and 25 it. The sport helps me 26 from the busy schoolwork. In parkour classes, most kids are boys. But 27 you are a boy or a girl is not important. You should try your best. Every time I 28 a difficult move, I feel more confident (自信的).”“29 we parkour together?” can be the newest way to say hello. But remember, parkour can be dangerous. Always think about what you are doing and do it 30 . 16.A.person B.answer C.risk D.reason 17.A.record B.information C.match D.peace 18.A.weak B.fat C.healthy D.lucky 19.A.build B.regard C.play D.send 20.A.their B.his C.your D.my 21.A.at B.with C.of D.on 22.A.clearer B.closer C.cheaper D.happier 23.A.serious B.wrong C.full D.true 24.A.win B.lose C.hate D.beat 25.A.was worried about B.was famous forC.was fond of D.was angry with26.A.relax B.shake C.correct D.check 27.A.whether B.while C.as D.if 28.A.cause B.cover C.appear D.finish 29.A.Will B.Must C.Shall D.Should 30.A.really B.carefully C.certainly D.finally三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)AOver the past 10 years, China has tried to improve public health and fitness.Sports in China todayHealthcare in numbers根据表格内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。



第一学期期末模拟教学质量检查八 年 级 英 语 科 试 题说明:1. 全卷共10页(试卷8页,答卷2页),满分100分,考试时间80分钟;2. 答案务必填写在答卷相应位置上,否则无效。

一. 听力理解(本大题分为四部分,共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A.听句子:根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题, 选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置上。


(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. What is Jane ’s favorite sport ?A B C( ) 2. What did Tom do last night ?A B C( ) 3. Which animal is she talking about ?A B C() 4. Which one is Jack fond of collecting ?( ) 5. What is Michael interested in now ?B.听对话:回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置上。


(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5 分) 听第一段对话回答第6 小题。

( ) 6. What is Nancy going to do tomorrow?A. Play tennis .B. Play baseball .C. Play table tennis. 听第二段对话回答第7 小题。

( ) 7. What is Lisa doing?A. Closing the window.B. Throwing litter.C. Putting her bike.听第三段对话回答第8 小题。

( ) 8. What does Bob ask Mary to do ?A. To take some medicine.B. To see a doctor.C. To stay in bed.听第四段对话回答第9小题。



2023-2024学年⼈教版八年级上册期末模拟测评卷(解析版)⼀⼆三总分⼀、单选题(共8⼩题,每⼩题2分,共16分.)1.计算(−12)2023×22024的结果是( )A .12B .1C .−12D .-22.某市从今年1月1日起调整居民用水价格,每立方米水费上涨 13,小丽家去年12月份的水费是 15元,而今年5月的水费则是 30 元,已知小丽家今年5月的用水量比去年12月的用水量多 5m 3 .求该市今年居民用水的价格.设去年居民用水价格为 x 元/ m 3 ,根据题意列方程,正确的是( ) A .30(1+13)x −15x=5B .30(1−13)x −15x=5C .15x −30(1+13)x=5D .15x −30(1−13)x=53.计算-的结果是( )A .B .C .21D .244.若一个三角形的3个内角度数之比为5:3:1,则与之对应的3个外角的度数之比为( )A .4:3:2B .3:1:5C .3:2:4D .2:3:45.如图所示,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ABC=90°,AB=6 cm ,BC=8 cm ,动点P 从点A 出发沿AB 边以 1 cm/s的速度向点B 匀速移动,同时,点Q 从点B 出发沿BC 边以2 cm/s 的速度向点C 匀速移动,当P ,Q 两点中有一个点到达终点时,另一个点也停止运动.当△PBQ 的面积为5 cm 2时,点P ,Q 运动的时间为( )A .0.5 sB .1 sC .5 sD .1或5 s6.已知三个数 a ,b ,c 满足ab a +b =15 , bc b +c =16 , ca c +a =17 ,则 abc ab +bc +ca 的值是( ) A .19B .16C .215D .1207.满足﹣1<x≤2的数在数轴上表示为( )A.B.C.D.⼆、多选题(共4⼩题,每⼩题4分,共16分.在每⼩题给出的选项中,有多项符合题⽬要求.全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.)8.如图,∠1=∠2,BC=EF,要添加一个条件使△ABC≌△DEF.添加的条件可以是( )A.∠B=∠D B.∠A=∠D C.AB=ED D.AB∥ED9.利用反例可以判断一个命题是错误的,下列命题错误的是( )A.若ab=0,则a=0B.对角线相等的四边形是矩形C.函数y=2x的图象是中心对称图形D.六边形的外角和大于五边形的外角和10.下列等式不成立的是( )A=a+b B C D011.如图,在△ABC中,AD是BC边上的高,∠BAF=∠CAG=90°,AB=AF,AC=AG,连接FG,交DA 的延长线于点E,连接BG,CF,则下列结论:①BG=CF;②BG⊥CF③∠EAF=∠ABC;④EF=EG ,其中正确的有( )A.①B.②C.③D.④三、填空题(共4⼩题,每⼩题4分,共16分)12.解关于x的方程x−3x−2=2mx−2有增根,则m的值为 13.不等式组2x>10−3x5+x≥3x的解集为 .14.如图,△ABC中,点D、E分别是BC,AD的中点,且△ABC的面积为8,则阴影部分的面积是 .15.若记x表示任意实数的整数部分,例如:3.5=3=2,…−+−+⋅⋅⋅+−“+”“-”依次相间)的值为 .四、解答题(共6⼩题,共52分)16.阅读材料:我们知道,4x−2x+x=(4−2+1)x=3x,类似地,我们把(a+b)看成一个整体,则4(a+b)−2(a+b)+(a+b)=(4−2+1)(a+b)=3(a+b).“整体思想”是中学教学解题中的一种重要的思想方法,它在多项式的化简与求值中应用极为广泛.(1)把(a−b)2看成一个整体,求合并3(a−b)2−6(a−b)2+2(a−b)2的结果;(2)已知x2−2y=4,求−3x2+6y−21的值.17.如果一个自然数n能被不超过n10的所有的非0自然数整除,我们称自然数n为“牛数”。



2024年最新人教版八年级数学(上册)模拟考卷一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数是正数?A. 2B. 0C. 3D. 52. 下列哪个数是负数?A. 4B. 0C. 1D. 23. 下列哪个数是整数?A. 3.5B. 2C. 3.2D. 0.54. 下列哪个数是分数?A. 4B. 0C. 3D. 0.55. 下列哪个数是正整数?A. 2B. 0C. 3D. 5二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. 2的平方根是______。

2. 3的立方根是______。

3. 4的绝对值是______。

4. 0.25的倒数是______。

三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 计算下列各式的值:(1)3 + (2) × 4(2)(1)³ × 2²(3)5 ÷ (3) + 22. 解方程:2x 3 = 73. 求下列不等式的解集:3x 4 < 2x + 5四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)1. 小明有5元钱,他想买3个苹果,每个苹果的价格是1.5元。

请问小明还有多少钱?2. 小红有8个橘子,她给了小明3个,然后又从小明那里得到了2个。

请问小红现在有多少个橘子?五、证明题(10分)证明:对于任意实数a,都有a² ≥ 0。

六、综合题(10分)1. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的平方等于这个数乘以它自己。

2. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的立方等于这个数乘以它自己再乘以它自己。

3. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的倒数等于1除以这个数。

七、附加题(10分)1. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的平方根等于这个数的正平方根。

2. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的立方根等于这个数的正立方根。

3. 请用数学公式表示:一个数的绝对值等于这个数的非负值。

一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. C2. D3. B4. D5. C二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. ±√22. ∛33. 44. 4三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)1. (1)5(2)8(3)1/32. x = 53. x < 9四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)1. 5 3 × 1.5 = 0.5元2. 8 3 + 2 = 7个橘子五、证明题(10分)证明:对于任意实数a,都有a² = a × a ≥ 0,因为a × a非负。



第一学期期末模拟试题八年级英语(满分120 分,考试用时120 分钟)一、听力(共三节,计25分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听句子。




1.A B C2.A B C3.A B C4.A B C5.A B C第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面6段对话。





6.What does Sarah do every night?A.Listens to the news.B.Plays computer games.C.Goes to bed early.7.What does Sarah hope to find out?A.The news.B.What is happening here.C.What’s going on around the world.听第7段对话,回答第8、9小题。

8.How often does the girl do her homework?A.Every day.B.Once a day.C.Twice a day.9.Where does the girl do her homework?A.In the classroom.B.At school.C.At home.听第8段对话,回答第10、11小题。

10.Have they seen each other for a long time?A.Yes, they have.B.No, they haven’t.C.Certainly, they have.11.Which country did Helen go on vacation?A.B.Japan.C.Australia.听第9段对话,回答第12、14小题。



学校 班别 姓名 考号( )4.—There __________ the talent show The Voice of China tomorrow.A.will have B.are going to beC.is going to be D.are going to have ( )5.She is______ than any other girl in her class. So she is______ .A outgoing, more outgoingB more outgoing, mostoutgoingC more outgoing, the most outgoingD most outgoing, moreoutgoing( )6.I can’t get ___________ because my family isn’t _____________.A. money enough, rich enoughB. enough money, enough richC. enough money, rich enoughD. money enough, enough rich( )7.—Will people use money ________ 100 years?—No, they won’t. Everything will be free.A.on B.in C.atD.with( )8.—What do you think of talk shows?— .A. It doesn’t matterB. They can’t standC. It’s all rightD. I don’t mind them ( )9.—What’s on _________side of the hill, mum? —A big lake.A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other( )10.—Do you think our class will beat Class 3 in the football match?—Yes, we have better players. I ______ us to win.A.hope B.except C.expectD.prefer( )11.In the game, you should keep your hands _______ and your eyes ______.A. opened, closedB. open, closeC. opened, closeD. open, closed( )12. The Yangzi River is one of ________ in the world.A. the longest riversB. the longest riverC. longer riversD. longer river( )13.—Do you know Bigbang?—Sure. They often ______ on TV. I know them very well.A.happen B.appear C.become D.take( )14.That made me very excited.A.to feelB.feelingC. feltD. feel( )15.—What do you ________ My Love from the Star?—Pretty good. It is popular with many people.A. care aboutB. hear aboutC. think ofD. find out( )16.Although Peter and Rick are brothers, they have little ____ common.A. forB. onC. inD. of( )17.—The winter vacation is coming. Where do you want to go?—Oh, we are planning ____ the Great Wall.A.visit B.to visit C.visiting D.visited( )18.—Shall we have a picnic tomorrow?—the weather is fine, we will go.A.If B.As C.When D.Because( )19.This meeting is very important to him, so I think he ________ it ________.A. take…seriousB. takes…seriousC. take …seriouslyD. takes…seriously( )20.—Susan, you did a good job in the final exam.—________.A.Thank you B.You’re welcomeC.That’s all right D.No problem二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前的括号内。





1. What did the boy go on vocation?A. B. C.2. What are they talking about?A. B. C.3.Who is taller?A. Tina.B. Sarah.C. We don’t know.4.What is Gina going to be when she grows up?A. A teacher.B. An engineer.C. A doctor.5.What are they going to watch tonight?A. A talent show.B. A talk show.C. A sports show.听第6段对话,做第6-7小题。

6. When is the party?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.7. What will Mary do?A. She will go to the party with Sam.B. She will go to the party alone.C. She will stay at home.听第7段对话,做第8-9小题。

8. What does Joan have to do first?A. She has to go to the cinema firstB. She has to do her homework first.C. She has to help her mother with housework first.9. When are they going to the cinema?A. Now.B. This evening.C. Tomorrow.听第8段对话,做第10-12小题。




( )1. I don’t know if he tomorrow.A. go climbingB. will go climbingC. goes climbingD. went climbing ( )2. I hope you _________ to my party.A. comingB. to comeC. comesD. can come( )3. Our football team is _______ win next year.A. sure ofB. sure aboutC. sure thatD. sure to( )4. What TV program do you expect tonight?A. to watchB. watchC. watchingD.watched( )5.Of the two girls, Mary is _______, I am afraid.A. betterB. the bestC. the betterD. worse( )6.Jim knew nothing about it _______ his sister Kate told him.A.becauseB.sinceC.ifD.until( )7. Japan is smaller than _______in North America.A. any other cityB. the other citiesC. any countryD. any other county( )8.The soil is made _______ the dead leaves of the trees.A.up ofB.ofC.fromD.by( )9. —How many monkeys are there in the cage left? —_______.A.NoneB.No oneC.NothingD.Not some( )10.I want to give you a little _______ on your work.You’d better finish the work before Friday.A.suggestionB.adviseC.adviceD.order( )11.Two months _______ quite a long time.A.areB.isC.wasD.were( )12.Tina said she _______ to Beijing the next Sunday.A.didn’t goB.isn’t goingC.wasn’t goingD.won’t go( )13. —Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?—Yes.It happened when I _______ past the museum.A.walkB.am walkingC.will walkD.was walking( )14.He suddenly returned _______ a rainy night.A.withB.inC.atD.on( )15.Diana,together with her friends, _______Chinese in China.A.studyB.have studiedC.studiesD.studying二、完形填空:(共10题,每小题1分,总分10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项,并在答题纸上将相应的字母编号涂黑。



人教新目标版英语八年级上册期末测试We often watch movies about the future. What will the future and our life be like in 20 years? Our world ________ much more beautiful than now. There will be less ________. There will be more robots in our life. They can help us ________ the housework and do some simple jobs. Fewer people will do such jobs because these jobs are ________. The robots even can talk with humans and have their own feeling such as sadness and happiness. Some will look like humans and ________ may look like animals.How about me? Maybe in 20 years, I think I will be a pilot. As a pilot, I can ________ all over the world and meet many interesting people. I will keep a dog as a pet in my home. And I also have________ robot helper. ________ I leave my city because of work, the robot can help me to look after it. During the holiday, my robot will make different plans for me and tell me ________ money each plan needs. Then I can choose the ________ plan.No one knows what will happen in the future? So Let’s wait!1.A.will be B.is C.was2.A.pollute B.pollution C.polluting3.A.for B.about C.with4.A.happy B.boring C.bored5.A.the other B.another C.others6.A.travel B.traveling C.to travel7.A.a B.an C.the8.A.Because B.When C.But9.A.how long B.how far C.how much10.A.more B.less C.bestEvery parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we may be 15 or 16 years old. In their eyes, we are always little kids and always do ________ things. For example, when I need to stay at home, they will always ________ me and my life without them.Most parents always think that they give the best things to make their children live better. They buy their children pretty clothes, nice shoes, strange but ________ school things, even a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that they do everything for their dear little children. And they only want their children to get good ________ on the exams.But ________ can’t their children still understand (明白) them? Do they still want more things?________. In fact, they want a true family. What is a true family? I think it means a place we can leave the outside ________ world. From here, we can get consolation (安慰) and happiness. We should be stronger in the outside world because we have a family.So I think parents should ________ their money and talk with children. It will let them ________ that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other ________. Then, no one will be a little child.11.A.new B.important C.good D.wrong12.A.fight with B.clean up C.worry about D.talk with13.A.expensive B.cheap C.beautiful D.ugly14.A.health B.grades C.food D.gifts15.A.where B.how C.why D.what16.A.No B.Sure C.Yes D.Sorry17.A.warm B.cold C.great D.happy18.A.give B.save C.kept D.shop19.A.know B.thought C.mix D.lose20.A.good and good B.stronger C.worse D.betterLibrariesPublic LibrariesMost towns in Britain have a public library. A library usually has a number of books. People can use and borrow books for free. The first public library in Britain opened in Manchester in 1852. Its first librarian was a man called Edward Edwards.Library ServicesTo join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. You will get a library card. You need to use the card when using library services. Modern public libraries have something for everyone. Most of them have audio books, CDs, newspapers, DVDs and books to borrow.Mobile LibrariesNot everyone can get to a library. Some people live far away from towns and cities. Other people find it difficult to go out because they have an illness. Thanks to the mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books. Mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini-bus.The back of the mini-bus has sh elves for books. And it’s big enough for borrowers to goinside and look around. A driver takes the bus to different places. People also know when the bus will come. They can return their books and borrow some more.21. The first public library opened in ________ in 1852.A.Manchester B.London C.New York D.Leeds22. You need ________ to use the library service.A.some money B.a form C.a phone D.a library card 23. Some people who live far away from cities can borrow books from ________.A.supermarkets B.bookstores C.mobile libraries D.public libraries 24. In modern public libraries, people can borrow ________ kinds of things.A.two B.three C.four D.five25. Which of the following is NOT true?A.People can borrow books in the public library for free.B.Not everyone can get to a library.C.You need to fill a form before getting a library card.D.People don’t know when the mobile libraries will get.Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (恐龙) controlled (控制) the earth. And there were different kinds of dinosaurs on the earth. Some of them were no bigger than chickens, while some were about 90 feet long. But all of them had very small brains (大脑). Later on, there weren’t any dinosaurs. What happened to them?In the days of dinosaurs, the whole earth was warm and wet. There were many green forests. But the earth changed slowly all the time. When parts of the earth became freezing and dry, the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough food to eat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.There were also terrible fights between dinosaurs. Though there was no man to see any of the fights, the animal’s footprints could tell us that the fights did happen.What’s another reason? We can make a guess. New kinds of animals might come to the earth. Some of them had big brains and were fast and strong. They could kill dinosaurs. Some ate dinosaur eggs, too.There may be other reasons that we do not know about. Each year people will find some dinosaur footprints and bones. Scientists are trying to tell us more about dinosaurs.26. Dinosaurs controlled the earth when ________.A.all the forests died out B.the earth became dryC.the earth was snowy D.the earth was warm and wet27. What does the underlined word “freezing” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Wet. B.Cold. C.Warm. D.Cool.28. How many reasons why dinosaurs died out are talked about in the passage?A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.29. According to the passage, we are sure that ________.A.not all dinosaurs had very small brainsB.scientists know everything about dinosaursC.different kinds of dinosaurs were on the earthD.new kinds of animals came to the earth and killed dinosaurs30. Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Why Dinosaurs Died Out B.Where Dinosaurs LivedC.When Dinosaurs Died Out D.What Dinosaurs Looked Like配对阅读。

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八上综合测试卷(时间:90分钟满分:120分)Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)()1. Can you borrow me ________ umbrella?A. aB. anC. theD. /()2. Why is the teacher very angry ________Zhao Fei? What did he do?A. atB. withC. forD. to()3. There are few________ in the fridge. Let's go and buy some.A. eggsB. milkC. coffeeD. chocolate()4. How long does it ________ you from home to school?A. spendB. payC. takeD. use()5. —Is it ________to have a friend who has the same hobby as you?—No,it isn't. I like friends who are different from me.A. seriousB. necessaryC. rightD. outgoing()6. My little sister finished ________ her homework at eight.A. to doB. doingC. didD. does()7. Who was ________ actor,Xiao Shenyang,Wang Baoqiang or Zhang Tielin?A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best()8. Beckham is still very popular ________ he retired.A. butB. althoughC. becauseD. if()9. —Can you help me with my English,Miss Gao?—Yes. I'm ________ till this weekend.A. freeB. busyC. quietD. sorry()10. There ________ a football match on TV this Saturday evening.A. isB. areC. will beD. will have()11. Jim asked Linda to come to his party,but she ________.A. turned upB. turned downC. looked upD. looked down()12. —________ was Jing Boran born?—In 1989.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhyD. What()13. —Where would you like to go,Jenny?—I want to go ________.A. somewhere interestingB. anywhere interestingC. interesting somewhereD. interesting anywhere()14. —Which subject do you like,English or Chinese?—________. They are very interesting.A. BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. All()15. —Can you go to the movies with me? Against War is on show.—I'd love to,but I ________. I have to finish my homework.A. canB. can'tC. shouldn'tD. needn'tⅡ. 完形填空(15分)Angela is an early bird. Her brother Samson is a night owl (夜猫子).Angela gets up early in the morning. She cleans ____1____ room every day before getting ready for school. She likes tohates mornings. He ____3____ cleans his room and he doesn’t like Angela’s cat.He likes to ____4____ all night reading comics (连环漫画).He also plays video games at night. He likes to do it when the house is quiet and ____5____.Angela and Samson are different in other ways,too. Sometimes Angela feels ____6____ that they are brother and sister. Angela has a big breakfast and a small dinner. Samson sometimes doesn’t have breakfast,____7____ he eats as much as he can for dinner. Angela likes to ____8____ her day. She can make good use of her time. Samson never does so,and he is often late ____9____ school. Sometimes he even forgets when his tests are.Angela and Samson have so many differences,but they don’t ____10____. They know they love each other and will help each other. Yes,they are still brother and sister,although they are so different.1.A.my B.his C.her D.their2.A.cat B.dog C.duck D.bird 3.A.only B.still C.even D.never 4.A.wake up B.stay up C.dress up D.make up 5.A.big B.cold C.new D.dark 6.A.surprised B.scared C.upset D.sorry7.A.or B.unless C.if D.but 8.A.spend B.remember C.plan D.share 9.A.with B.for C.about D.from 10.A.know B.agree C.try D.care Ⅲ. 阅读理解(40分)(A)Living in modern society brings anxieties(焦虑),which usually come from both work and life. Sometimes even little things make us upset. How can we deal with all of the worries and relax? Here are some tips.Take pictures every dayTaking photos to record your daily life is a good way to make you feel happy. According to scientists,the pictures can remind you of those happy memories.CrySome people hide their emotions when they feel sad. Remember that crying can make you feel better.Rest on weekendsWeekends are a time for rest,but some people,especially women,spend whole weekends doing housework,which makes them feel more tired. After working for a week,weekends are the best time for relaxation. A relaxing weekend can make you feel much better.Take part in more activitiesHaving a get-together is a great way to relax. Going out with friends for a picnic or having a party will be fun,and you won't feel lonely.Go for a swim or a runSwimming or running during the day can make you feel better,help you forget everything temporarily,__and help you sleep better.Sing while taking a showerSome people like to sing while taking a shower. They don't care how good their singing is. It's just a way to relax. Have a try. You are the only one listening.()1. What is the passage mainly about?A. Life in modern society.B. How to hide our emotions.C. How to study better.D. How to deal with worrying things.()2. According to the passage,what can help people sleep?A. Running.B. Swimming.C. Crying.D. Both A and B.()3. According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A. We should eat more to be fit.B. We must do more housework on weekends.C. Singing is one way for some people to relax.D. A relaxing weekend makes us feel even worse.()4. What does the underlined word “temporarily” mean?A. 生气地B. 永远地C. 暂时地D. 幸运地()5. According to the passage,we should ________.A. work harderB. learn to relaxC. smile at everyoneD. do nothing on weekends(B)One day when my friend Jenny and I were having a trip through Canada,we were very hungry. But we didn’t have enough money. We decided to stop at a village shop to get something to eat. I chose some cheap cakes and went to the front counter (柜台) to pay. Near the counter,I saw some packaged (包装好的) cakes in a large box. They looked good and were a lot cheaper than the cakes I had in my hand,so I took them.We left the shop and looked for a place where we could eat. We found a quiet place under a tree and we ate our hamburgers first,and then the cakes. We thought they were great.“Let’s get some cakes again,” I said.“They’re cheap and they really taste good.”Jenny could read some English,but I couldn’t. I gave her the package. She looked for the brand (商标) name. She looked at it and then started to laugh. “Why are you laughing?” I asked.“Because they’re dogs’ food!” she said.6.Where did the story happen?A.In a village in England. B.In a village in Canada.C.In a big city in England. D.In a small town in Canada.7.At first,the writer chose ________ in the shop.A.some cheap bread B.some cheap cakesC.some packaged cakes D.some expensive hamburgers8.The underlined word “they” refers to (指代) ________.A.the cakes B.the placesC.the brands D.the hamburgers9.What did the writer think of the packaged cakes?A.Cheap and small. B.Expensive and small.C.Cheap but delicious D.Expensive but delicious.10.Why did Jenny laugh?A.Because the cakes were delicious.B.Because the writer didn’t know En glish.C.Because she could eat the cakes again.D.Because the cakes were for dogs.(C)Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger.Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways. If you feel thirsty,just have a cup of water.Don’t forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning,so do not forget your breakfast.Get enough calcium(钙). Your bones need it. Milk has more calcium. You may also drink soya milk.Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is good exercise,and people need exercise for good health. It’s better to walk after meals.Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours. Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body.Use your brain every day. For example,you can do stand crossword puzzle or read a new book.Have a rest for about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to have a break. For example,stand up and walk. Or sit down to listen to music.11. How many things does this passage mention for you to do if you want to keep heal thy?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.D. Eight.12. Which meal can provide what your body needs for the morning?A. Breakfast.B. Lunch.C. Dessert.D. Dinner.13. It’s better to take a walk after meals,isn’t it?A. No,it isn’t.B. Yes,it is.C. No,it doesn’t.D. Yes,it was.14. What does the underlined word “Stretch” mean in Chinese?A. 锻炼B. 跳跃C. 跑步D. 伸展15. What is the best title of this passage?A. It’s Important to Keep HealthyB. Ways to Keep HealthyC. Why People Do ExerciseD. Take Care of Yourself(D)Yan Xiao,14,of Shandong,is crazy about using a mobile phone to communicate with her friends and classmates. Because she has a new mobile phone,these days,she checked the phone more than 30 times a day. “I can't focus(集中精力) in class or do homework,” Yan said. “What's wrong with me?”Yan,along with many other teenagers in China,gets into trouble with high-tech products(高科技产品) like mobile phones and computers.High-tech products bring us convenience but also bring us many problems.Fan Guoxin,13,of Beijing,checked his e-mail on the computer every day in the past,but now he doesn't visit his e-mail box every day. “There are too many junk mails in my box,” Fan said. “I have to find one piece of useful mail in mountains of junk mails. That's annoying.”When she visited a website sent by a stranger last year,Zhang Xueqin,14,of Shanghai,lost her QQ because of a virus. She was very angry. “It's a terrible thing for me. QQ is the only way for me to communicate with some of my classmates,” Zhang said. “Now I lose contact with them,and it is all because of the high-tech virus es.” she said.“High-tech products give modern middle school students a new way to learn and communicate,” said Liu Hu,the headmaster of the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University. “But students need self-control(自控) and to learn to stay away from trouble. High-tech products can be their good teachers and friends.”16. Where does Yan Xiao come from?________________________________________________________________________17. How old is Zhang Xueqin?________________________________________________________________________18. How many students' ideas about the high-tech products are mentioned(被提到) in the passage?________________________________________________________________________19. Why doesn't Fan Guoxin check his e-mail every day?________________________________________________________________________20. What advice did Liu Hu give students?________________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ. 短文填空(10分)根据短文内容,用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。
