
以下是一些常见的规则和特点:1. 失爆(Unaspirated Stops):在英语中,辅音字母 p、t、k在发音时,若位于单词开头或者跟在 s、f、th、sh、ch、wh等音素后面,则发音时不带气流爆破的声音。
例如,在单词"pin" 中,p 的发音不是爆破音,而是类似于 "bin" 的音。
2. 连读(Linking):在英语中,连续音节的发音会产生连读现象,即将各个音节的辅音和元音连接起来,形成一种流畅的发音。
例如,在词组 "a cup of tea" 中,当 "a" 后面跟着 "cup" 时,发音时会连读为"əkʌp",并且"p" 的发音也是无爆破的。
3. 辅音音变(Consonant Allophones):英语中的一些辅音发音会受到周围音素的影响而发生变化。
例如,音素 /t/ 在发音时,如果在音素 /r/ 后面,则会发音为翘舌音 /ɾ/,如 "better"发音为/ˈbɛɾər/。
4. 弱读(Schwa):在英语中,除了重读音节外,其他非重读音节的元音通常被发成弱读音,即元音发音为 /ə/(也称为短"u" 音)。
例如,在单词 "conversation" 中,非重读音节的 "a"发音为 /ə/,即 /kɑːnvərˈseɪʃən/。

1.1“辅音+元音”型连读1)以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice lastˆyesterday.I calledˆyou halfˆanˆhourˆago.Putˆitˆon, please.Notˆatˆall.Please pickˆitˆup.2)以辅音结尾的单词+h 开头的单词:h 不发音,与前面的辅音连读What wil(l he) [wili]do?Ha(s he) done it before?Mus(t he) [ti] go?Can he do it?Should he…?Tell him to ask her…Lea(ve him) [vim].For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)3)“/t/+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以[t]结尾的,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的[t]要轻读成[d],例如:What a 读成[wd ]。
4)“/w/+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以/w/结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的w 不但要发/w/,而且还要与后面的元音发生连读。
例如:I saw it.读成[aisX wit]。
1.2“r/re+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以-r 或者-re 结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r 或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。
They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare som e books on the desk.Hereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.But whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?但是,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。

以下是一些常见的连读规则:1. 辅音+辅音:当一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以辅音开头时,这两个辅音会连读。
例如,“good day”连读成[gud deɪ]。
2. 元音+元音:当一个单词以元音结尾,下一个单词以元音开头时,两个元音会连读。
例如,“see it”连读成[si ɪt]。
3. 元音+辅音:当一个单词以元音结尾,下一个单词以辅音开头时,两个单词之间通常用连音符连接。
例如,“a dog”连读成[eɪ.dɒɡ]。
以下是一些常见的爆破规则:1. 发/p/音:在一个重读的单词开头或音节开头,/p/音通常会带有更强烈的气流爆破效果。
例如,“pat” 发音为“pæt”。
2. 发/t/音:在一个重读的单词开头或音节开头,/t/音通常会带有更强烈的气流爆破效果。
例如,“top” 发音为“tɒp”。
3. 发/k/音:在一个重读的单词开头或音节开头,/k/音通常会带有更强烈的气流爆破效果。
例如,“cat” 发音为“kæt”。
重读和弱读(Stress and Weak Forms)在英语中,一些词和音节有重音(也称为强读),而其他词和音节则有弱音(也称为弱读)。
以下是一些常见的重读和弱读规则:1. 重读:在一个多音节的单词中,通常有一个音节被重读。

1.1“辅音+元音”型连读1)以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice lastˆyesterday.I calledˆyou halfˆanˆhourˆago.Putˆitˆon, please.Notˆatˆall.Please pickˆitˆup.2)以辅音结尾的单词+h 开头的单词:h 不发音,与前面的辅音连读What wil(l he) [wili]do?Ha(s he) done it before?Mus(t he) [ti] go?Can he do it?Should he…?Tell him to ask her…Lea(ve him) [vim].For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)3)“/t/+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以[t]结尾的,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的[t]要轻读成[d],例如:What a 读成[wd ]。
4)“/w/+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以/w/结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的w 不但要发/w/,而且还要与后面的元音发生连读。
例如:I saw it.读成[aisX wit]。
1.2“r/re+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以-r 或者-re 结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r 或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。
They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare som e books on the desk.Hereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.But whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?但是,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。

例:one evening /w?ni:vn??/ put up /p?d?p/ (美式英语中,⼀些清辅⾳和后⾯的元⾳连读,会浊化,尤其是t变成d,p变成b,k变成g。
)例:her (/r/)age3)前⾯的单词以辅⾳结尾,后⾯的单词以/h/⾳开头,则省略/h/后,把前⾯单词词尾的辅⾳和/h/后的元⾳进⾏连读。
例:find him /fa?nd?m/4)当⼀个单词以辅⾳结尾,⽽下⼀个单词以半元⾳/w/,/j/,/r/开头,单词之间要连读。
)例:like we /la?kwi:/ kidnap you /?k?dn?pju:/ punk rap /p??kr?p/2:辅⾳+辅⾳两个相同的辅⾳的合并:前⼀个单词以辅⾳结尾,后⼀个单词以相同的辅⾳开头,发⾳时只发⼀个拖长的辅⾳。
例:some milk /s?m?lk/ (some中的e本⾝不发⾳)it’s half full /hɑ:f?l/ (half 中的l本⾝不发⾳)3:元⾳+元⾳1)⽤/w/连接两个元⾳。
前⾯的单词以元⾳/u:/, /a?/, /??/结尾,后⾯的单词以元⾳开头,则在中间加/w/来连接两个元⾳。

1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如:farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.Whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat?(hat 与or 之间不可以连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不可以连读)Can you speakˆEnglish or French?(English 与or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet atˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与at eight 与or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin. (door 与and 之间不可以连读)2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。

英语中读音中强读、弱读、连读、失爆等规则连读、加音、爆破、同化、省音、弱读、浊化——英语常见语流现象1. 连读:两个相邻单词首尾音素自然的拼读在一起,中间不停顿,被称为连读。
1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me ha veˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如: farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.are fourˆeggs. HereˆWhereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I l ooked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat?(hat 与or 之间不可以连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不可以连读) Can you speakˆEnglish or French?(English 与or 之间不可以连读) Shallwemeetatˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与 at eight 与or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin.(door 与and 之间不可以连读) 2. 加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。

1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如:farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.Whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat?(hat 与or 之间不可以连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不可以连读)Can you speakˆEnglish or French?(English 与or 之间不可以连读)Shall we me et atˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与ateight 与or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin. (door 与and 之间不可以连读) 2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。

1. 连读:在一个句子中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地把辅音和元音相拼,构成一个音节。
如“I am”就可以直接读成“A main”。
2. 省音:在读合成词时,有些词的前一个词的最后一个音节与后一个词的第一个音节相同,发音时可以省去这个重复的音节。
3. 弱读:在英语中,句子中的单词有强有弱,强读是指单词中的每一个音节都发音清晰,而弱读则是指单词中的某些音节不发音或发音轻化。

连读、加音、爆破、同化、省音、弱读、浊化——英语常见语流现象1.连读:两个相邻单词首尾音素自然的拼读在一起,中间不停顿,被称为连读;连读只发生在同一意群之内,即意思联系紧密的短语或从句之内;1词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Stand up.Notatall.Putiton, please.Please pickitup.I'manEnglish boy.Itisanold book.Let me havea lookatit.Ms Black worked inanoffice.I called you halfanhourago.2词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/;如:far awayHere is a letter for you.Hereare foureggs.Whereis my cupWhereare your brotherand sisterThey're my father and mother.I looked forit hereand there.Thereis a football underit.There are some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读;如:Isit a hat ora cathat 与or 之间不可以连读Thereisa good book in my desk.book 与in 之间不可以连读Can you speakEnglish or FrenchEnglish 与or 之间不可以连读Shall we meet ateight or ten tomorrow morning meet 与 at eight 与or 之间不可以连读She opened the door and walked in. door 与and 之间不可以连读2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思;1)词尾元音/2),u:/+词首元音在词尾加上一个轻微的/w/;Go w away.How w and why did you come hereThe question is too w easy for him to answer.3)词尾元音/4),i:/+词首元音在词尾加上一个轻微的/j/;如:I j am Chinese.She can't carry j it.I j also need the j other one.He j is very friendly to me.She wants to study j English.It'll take you three j hours to walk there.3. 失去爆破与不完全爆破:1失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音当两个爆破音/p,b,t,d,k,g/相邻时,前一个爆破音只按其发音部位做好发音口形、形成阻碍而不爆破出来,稍微停顿后即发出后面的辅音;前一个爆破音被称为失去爆破;失去爆破产生的原因大体上是由于省力原则造成的;如:Kept/Blackboard/Notebook/Goodbye/September/Suitcase/Big boy/Sharp pencilWhat timeYou must pay.Ask Bob to sit behind me.She took good care of the children.2不完全爆破:A爆破音+摩擦音:爆破音/p,b,t,d,k,g/与摩擦音/f,v,s,z,,,θ,e,r,h/相邻时产生不完全爆破;发摩擦音时发音器官并不形成阻碍而只形成一个很狭小的缝隙让气流从缝隙中摩擦而出;如果一个爆破音与摩擦音相接它爆破冲出的气流只能从狭小的缝隙中通过这种爆破是不完全的;失去爆破产生的原因大体上是由于省力原则造成的;如: Advance/SuccessA good viewOld friendsJust thenGet throughMake sureNight showKeep silenceKeep that in mindB爆破音+破擦音:爆破音与破擦音/t,d,tr,dr/相邻时产生不完全爆破;如Picture/ObjectThat childGood jobSweet dreamGreat changesA fast trainC爆破音+鼻辅音:爆破音与鼻辅音/m,n,/相邻时:在词中,不完全爆破;在词尾鼻腔爆破;如:Utmost/Admit/Midnight/Certain/Button/GardenGood morningGood nightStart nowI don’t knowJust momentA good neighborD爆破音+边辅音:爆破音与边辅音/l/相邻时:在词中,不完全爆破;在词尾舌侧爆破;如:Lately/Badly/Mostly/FriendlyA bit louderI’d like toStraight lineGood luckAt lastAt lunch4.同化:人们在说话的时往往会不自觉地让一个音受相邻音的影响,使它们变得与其相同或相似;或者两个音互相影响变为第三个音;这两种现象被称为音的同化;同化可以发生在同一个词、复合词内或者句子相邻词之间;1因声带的影响而发生的同化:A浊辅音可变为清辅音,如:ofv→f course hisz→s pen withe →θ pleasure;B清辅音可变为浊辅音,如:likek→g that;2因发音部位的影响而发生的同化:A/t/+/j/→/t/;如:Don’t hu rt yourselfI’ll le t you go this time.Don’t you do that again.It’s very nice to mee t you.B/d/+/j/→/d/;如:Did your sister comeWould you please come inCould you read this for me please You didn’t like English, did youC/s/+/j/→//;如:I miss you.May God bless you.We will come this year.D/z/+/j/→//;如:Here’s your ticket.I love you because you are you.Don’t expect he tell s you the truth5. 省音:在快速、随便的言语中一些音素被省略掉被称为省音;省音能提高语速,使说话省力;在正式场合和语速慢的情况下,省音不是必须的;1同一单词内元音的省略,主要是非重读音节中的//和//,如:ordinary;2当前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以//开头时,//常被省略,如:walk away;3当前一单词以否定形式-n't结尾,后一单词以辅音开头时,/t/常被忽略,如:She isn’t there.I didn’t hear you.He can’t believe that.4)任何一个辅音若后面紧跟着/h/,/h/可以不发音;如:Come hereMust he /ti/ goWhat will he /wili/doHas he done it beforeTell him to ask her…5)将多个单词利用连读爆破等拼和在一起;如:gottagot togonnagoing tokindakind oflotsalots ofgimmegive me6. 强读式和弱读式:在一个句子,有些词说得又轻又快,而且较为含糊,有些词则说得又重又慢,而且较为清晰;那些说得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在;实词包括名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、数词疑问词等一般都接受句子重音,为重读词,采用强读式:虚词包括介词、代词、连词、冠词、助动词、情态动词等功能词一般都不接受句子重音,为非重读词,采用弱读式;6.1 一般规律:1弱读式只出现在句子的非重读词中;如:Pass me/m/ the/e/ book. me、the弱读;2单词单独出现或在句首或句尾时,都采用强读式;如:What are you listening to/tu:/3被特别强调的词无论实词还是虚词都采用强读式;如:I am/ m/ Peter. 我就是皮特;6.2 虚词弱读规律:1长音变短音,如:she/i:/弱读//;2元音前面的辅音被省略,如:him/h m/弱读/m/;3辅音前面的元音被省略,如:am/m/弱读/m/;4元音一般弱读为//,如:can/k n/弱读/k n/;5部分虚词有多种弱读式,如:would/w d/弱读/d,d/;7. 浊化:1/s/ 后面的清辅音要浊化;如:/k/浊化成/g/: scar/school/discussion/t/浊化成/d/: stand/student/mistake/p/浊化成/b/: spring/spirit/expression2美音中,当/t/出现在两个元音之间并且处于非重读位置的时候,/t/需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音;这样,writer听起来和rider 的发音几乎没有区别;如:Letter/water/better/duty/bitter/cityI got it.Would you please pick it up注:/t/如果处于重读位置的话,即使在两个元音之间也不需要浊化;请比较:清晰的/t/ 浊化的/t/I'talian 'Italya'tomic 'atomLa'tino 'Latinpho'tographer 'photograph3美音中,当/t/前面是一个元音,后面是一个模糊的/l/,且处于非重读位置,/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音;如:Battle/bottle/cattle/little/rattle/settle4美音中,当/t/前面是一个清辅音或前鼻音/n/,后面是一个元音,且处于非重读位置,/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音;如:Twenty/fifty/center/after/faster/actor/sister/yesterday 朗读练习:1. There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house, whether you intend to buy or only rent. After all, it is going to be your home, perhaps for quite a long time, and you want to be happy with it. You have to decideexactly what kind of house you want, how much you can afford to pay, and the type of neighborhood you wish to live in. However, it’s always easy to forget all above, because it’s most probably that you’ll fall in love with the house for sale at the first sight.2. YouthYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite for what's next, and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.。

1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Stand* up.Not* at A all ・Pu「汇on. please.Please pick" f up.I'nf aif English boy.If is" an" old book・Let me have* a look~ at^ it.Ms Black worked in* aif office・I called you half aif hour* ago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如:far* awayHere" is a letter for you.Here" arc four" eggs・Where" is my cup?Where" are your brother* and sister?They're my father* and mother.I looked fof it here* and there.There" is a football under* it.There" are some books on the desk・注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Is A it a hat of a cat? (hat及or之间不可以连读)There* is* a good book in my desk, (book 及in 之间不可以连读)Can you speak A English or French? (English 及or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet at'eiglit or ten tomorrow moniing? (meet 及at eight 及or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walked"in. (door 及and 之间不可以连读)英语的连读主要可分为三个大类:"辅音+元音连读”、"辅音十辅音连读”和"元音+元音连读“。

连读、加音、爆破、同化、省音、弱读、浊化——英语常见语流现象1.连读:两个相邻单词首尾音素自然拼读在一起, 中间不停顿, 被称为连读。
连读只发生在同一意群之内, 即意思联络紧密短语或从句之内。
1)词尾辅音+词首元音, 如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音, 词尾r发音/r/。
如:farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.Whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注: 当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat? (hat 与or 之间不能够连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不能够连读)Can you speakˆEnglish or Fren ch? (English 与or 之间不能够连读)Shall we meet atˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与at eight 与or 之间不能够连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin. (door 与and 之间不能够连读)2.加音:在连贯语流中, 大家往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音, 从而愈加流畅地表示意思。

1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如:farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.Whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat?(hat 与or 之间不可以连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不可以连读)Can you speakˆEnglish or French?(English 与or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet atˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与at eight 与or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin. (door 与and 之间不可以连读)2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。

连读、加音、爆破、同化、省音、弱读、浊化——英语常见语流现象1.连读:两个相邻单词首尾音素自然的拼读在一起;中间不停顿;被称为连读..连读只发生在同一意群之内;即意思联系紧密的短语或从句之内..1词尾辅音+词首元音;如:Stand up.Not at all.Put it on; please.Please pick it up.I'm an English boy.It is an old book.Let me have a look at it.Ms Black worked in an office.I called you half an hour ago.2词尾不发音r或re+词首元音;词尾r发音/r/..如:far awayHere is a letter for you.Here are four eggs.Where is my cupWhere are your brother and sisterThey're my father and mother.I looked for it here and there.There is a football under it.There are some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读..如:Is it a hat or a cat hat 与or 之间不可以连读There is a good book in my desk.book 与in 之间不可以连读Can you speak English or French English 与or 之间不可以连读Shall we meet at eight or ten tomorrow morning meet 与 at eight 与or 之间不可以连读She opened the door and walked in. door 与and 之间不可以连读2.加音:在连贯的语流中;人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音;从而更加流畅地表达意思..1)词尾元音/ ;u:/+词首元音在词尾加上一个轻微的/w/..Go w away.How w and why did you come hereThe question is too w easy for him to answer.2)词尾元音/ ;i:/+词首元音在词尾加上一个轻微的/j/..如:I j am Chinese.She can't carry j it.I j also need the j other one.He j is very friendly to me.She wants to study j English.It'll take you three j hours to walk there.3. 失去爆破与不完全爆破:1失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音当两个爆破音/p;b;t;d;k;g/相邻时;前一个爆破音只按其发音部位做好发音口形、形成阻碍而不爆破出来;稍微停顿后即发出后面的辅音..前一个爆破音被称为失去爆破..失去爆破产生的原因大体上是由于省力原则造成的..如:Kept/Blackboard/Notebook/Goodbye/September/Suitcase/Big boy/Sharp pencil What timeYou must pay.Ask Bob to sit behind me.She took good care of the children.2不完全爆破:A爆破音+摩擦音:爆破音/p;b;t;d;k;g/与摩擦音/f;v;s;z; ; ;θ;e;r;h/相邻时产生不完全爆破..发摩擦音时发音器官并不形成阻碍而只形成一个很狭小的缝隙让气流从缝隙中摩擦而出..如果一个爆破音与摩擦音相接它爆破冲出的气流只能从狭小的缝隙中通过这种爆破是不完全的..失去爆破产生的原因大体上是由于省力原则造成的..如:Advance/SuccessA good viewOld friendsJust thenGet throughMake sureNight showKeep silenceKeep that in mindB爆破音+破擦音:爆破音与破擦音/t ;d ;tr;dr/相邻时产生不完全爆破..如Picture/Object That childGood jobSweet dreamGreat changesA fast trainC爆破音+鼻辅音:爆破音与鼻辅音/m;n; /相邻时:在词中;不完全爆破;在词尾鼻腔爆破..如:Utmost/Admit/Midnight/Certain/Button/GardenGood morningGood nightStart nowI don’t knowJust momentA good neighborD爆破音+边辅音:爆破音与边辅音/l/相邻时:在词中;不完全爆破;在词尾舌侧爆破..如:Lately/Badly/Mostly/FriendlyA bit louderI’d like toStraight lineGood luckAt lastAt lunch4.同化:人们在说话的时往往会不自觉地让一个音受相邻音的影响;使它们变得与其相同或相似;或者两个音互相影响变为第三个音..这两种现象被称为音的同化..同化可以发生在同一个词、复合词内或者句子相邻词之间..1因声带的影响而发生的同化:A浊辅音可变为清辅音;如:ofv→f course hisz→s pen withe→θ pleasure..B清辅音可变为浊辅音;如:likek→g that..2因发音部位的影响而发生的同化:A/t/+/j/→/t /..如:Don’t hu rt yourselfI’ll le t you go this time.Don’t you do that again.It’s very nice to mee t you.B/d/+/j/→/d /..如:Did your sister comeWould you please come inCould you read this for me pleaseYou didn’t like English; di d youC/s/+/j/→/ /..如:I miss you.May God bless you.We will come this year.D/z/+/j/→/ /..如:Here’s your ticket.I love you because you are you.Don’t expect he tell s you the truth5. 省音:在快速、随便的言语中一些音素被省略掉被称为省音..省音能提高语速;使说话省力..在正式场合和语速慢的情况下;省音不是必须的..1同一单词内元音的省略;主要是非重读音节中的/ /和/ /;如:ordinary..2当前一单词以辅音结尾;后一单词以/ /开头时;/ /常被省略;如:walk away..3当前一单词以否定形式-n't结尾;后一单词以辅音开头时;/t/常被忽略;如:She isn’t there.I didn’t hear you.He can’t believe that.4)任何一个辅音若后面紧跟着/h/;/h/可以不发音..如:Come hereMust he /ti/ goWhat will he /wili/doHas he done it beforeTell him to ask her…5)将多个单词利用连读爆破等拼和在一起..如:gottagot togonnagoing tokindakind oflotsalots ofgimmegive me6. 强读式和弱读式:在一个句子;有些词说得又轻又快;而且较为含糊;有些词则说得又重又慢;而且较为清晰..那些说得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在..实词包括名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、数词疑问词等一般都接受句子重音;为重读词;采用强读式:虚词包括介词、代词、连词、冠词、助动词、情态动词等功能词一般都不接受句子重音;为非重读词;采用弱读式..6.1 一般规律:1弱读式只出现在句子的非重读词中..如:Pass me/m / the/e / book. me、the弱读.. 2单词单独出现或在句首或句尾时;都采用强读式..如:What are you listening to/tu:/3被特别强调的词无论实词还是虚词都采用强读式..如:I am/ m/ Peter. 我就是皮特..6.2 虚词弱读规律:1长音变短音;如:she/ i:/弱读/ /..2元音前面的辅音被省略;如:him/h m/弱读/ m/..3辅音前面的元音被省略;如:am/ m/弱读/m/..4元音一般弱读为/ /;如:can/k n/弱读/k n/..5部分虚词有多种弱读式;如:would/w d/弱读/ d;d/..7. 浊化:1/s/ 后面的清辅音要浊化..如:/k/浊化成/g/: scar/school/discussion/t/浊化成/d/: stand/student/mistake/p/浊化成/b/: spring/spirit/expression2美音中;当/t/出现在两个元音之间并且处于非重读位置的时候;/t/需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音..这样;writer听起来和rider 的发音几乎没有区别..如:Letter/water/better/duty/bitter/cityI got it.Would you please pick it up注:/t/如果处于重读位置的话;即使在两个元音之间也不需要浊化..请比较:清晰的/t/ 浊化的/t/I'talian 'Italya'tomic 'atomLa'tino 'Latinpho'tographer 'photograph3美音中;当/t/前面是一个元音;后面是一个模糊的/l/;且处于非重读位置;/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音..如: Battle/bottle/cattle/little/rattle/settle4美音中;当/t/前面是一个清辅音或前鼻音/n/;后面是一个元音;且处于非重读位置;/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音..如:Twenty/fifty/center/after/faster/actor/sister/yesterday朗读练习:1. There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house; whether you intend to buy or only rent. After all; it is going to be your home; perhaps for quite a long time; and you want to be happy with it. You have to decide exactly what kind of house you want; how much you can afford to pay; and the type of neighborhood you wish to live in. However; it’s always easy to forget all above; because it’s most probably that you’ll fall in love with the house for sale at the first sight.2. YouthYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks; red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity; of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin; but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry; fear; self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether sixty or sixteen; there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder; the unfailing childlike appetite for what's next; and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty; hope; cheer; courage and power from men and from the Infinite; so long are you young.When the aerials are down; and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism; then you are grown old; even at twenty; but as long as your aerials are up; to catch the waves of optimism; there is hope you may die young at eighty.。

1. 失爆:在英语中,常常发生在辅音爆破音(例如/p/、/t/、/k/等)之后的情况。
2. 连读:英语中的连读是指在两个单词之间,辅音和元音的连续发音。
例如,短语"an apple"中,连读会导致"an"和"apple"之间的辅音/n/和元音/a/形成流畅的连续发音。
3. 弱读:在英语中,一些无重音的辅音和元音在发音时会较弱。
例如,在句子"I have to go"中,辅音/h/和/to/的发音会较弱,而辅音/v/会更清晰。
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1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Standˆup.Notˆatˆall.Putˆitˆon, please.Please pickˆitˆup.I'mˆanˆEnglish boy.Itˆisˆanˆold book.Let me haveˆa lookˆatˆit.Ms Black worked inˆanˆoffice.I called you halfˆanˆhourˆago.2)词尾不发音r或re+词首元音,词尾r发音/r/。
如:farˆawayHereˆis a letter for you.Hereˆare fourˆeggs.Whereˆis my cup?Whereˆare your brotherˆand sister?They're my fatherˆand mother.I looked forˆit hereˆand there.Thereˆis a football underˆit.Thereˆare some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时不可连读。
如:Isˆit a hat orˆa cat?(hat 与or 之间不可以连读)Thereˆisˆa good book in my desk.(book 与in 之间不可以连读)Can you speakˆEnglish or French?(English 与or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet atˆeight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与at eight 与or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walkedˆin. (door 与and 之间不可以连读)2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。
Go w away.How w and why did you come here?The question is too w easy for him to answer.2)词尾元音/ɪ,i:/+词首元音在词尾加上一个轻微的/j/。
如:I j am Chinese.She can't carry j it.I j also need the j other one.He j is very friendly to me.She wants to study j English.It'll take you three j hours to walk there.3. 失去爆破与不完全爆破:1)失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音当两个爆破音/p,b,t,d,k,g/相邻时,前一个爆破音只按其发音部位做好发音口形、形成阻碍而不爆破出来,稍微停顿后即发出后面的辅音。
如:Kept/Blackboard/Notebook/Goodbye/September/Suitcase/Big boy/Sharp pencil What timeYou must pay.Ask Bob to sit behind me.She took good care of the children.2)不完全爆破:A)爆破音+摩擦音:爆破音/p,b,t,d,k,g/与摩擦音/f,v,s,z,ʃ,ʒ,θ,ð,r,h/相邻时产生不完全爆破。
如:Advance/SuccessA good viewOld friendsJust thenGet throughMake sureNight showKeep silenceKeep that in mindB)爆破音+破擦音:爆破音与破擦音/tʃ,dʒ,tr,dr/相邻时产生不完全爆破。
如Picture/ObjectThat childGood jobSweet dreamGreat changesA fast trainC)爆破音+鼻辅音:爆破音与鼻辅音/m,n,ŋ/相邻时:在词中,不完全爆破;在词尾鼻腔爆破。
如:Utmost/Admit/Midnight/Certain/Button/GardenGood morningGood nightStart nowI don’t knowJust momentA good neighborD)爆破音+边辅音:爆破音与边辅音/l/相邻时:在词中,不完全爆破;在词尾舌侧爆破。
如:Lately/Badly/Mostly/Friendly A bit louderI’d like toStraight lineGood luckAt lastAt lunch4.同化:人们在说话的时往往会不自觉地让一个音受相邻音的影响,使它们变得与其相同或相似;或者两个音互相影响变为第三个音。
1)因声带的影响而发生的同化:A)浊辅音可变为清辅音,如:of(v→f) course his(z→s) pen with(ð→θ) pleasure。
B)清辅音可变为浊辅音,如:like(k→g) that。
如:Don’t hu rt yourself!I’ll le t you go this time.Don’t you do that again.It’s very nice to mee t you.B)/d/+/j/→/dʒ/。
如:Did your sister come?Would you please come in?Could you read this for me please?Yo u didn’t like English, di d you?C)/s/+/j/→/ʃ/。
如:I miss you.May God bless you.We will come this year.D)/z/+/j/→/ʒ/。
如:Here’s your ticket.I love you because you are you.Don’t expect he tell s you the truth5. 省音:在快速、随便的言语中一些音素被省略掉被称为省音。
2)当前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以/ə/开头时,/ə/常被省略,如:walk (a)way。
3)当前一单词以否定形式-n't结尾,后一单词以辅音开头时,/t/常被忽略,如:She isn’(t) there.I didn’(t) hear you.He can’(t) believe that.4)任何一个辅音若后面紧跟着/h/,/h/可以不发音。
如:Come (h)ere!Must (h)e /ti/ go?What will (h)e /wili/do?Has (h)e done it before?Tell (h)im to ask (h)er…5)将多个单词利用连读爆破等拼和在一起。
如:gotta(got to)gonna(going to)kinda(kind of)lotsa(lots of)gimme(give me)6. 强读式和弱读式:在一个句子,有些词说得又轻又快,而且较为含糊,有些词则说得又重又慢,而且较为清晰。
6.1 一般规律:1)弱读式只出现在句子的非重读词中。
如:Pass me/mɪ/ the/ðə/ book. me、the弱读。
如:What are you listening to/tu:/?3)被特别强调的词无论实词还是虚词都采用强读式。
如:I am/æm/ Peter. 我就是皮特。
6.2 虚词弱读规律:1)长音变短音,如:she/ʃi:/弱读/ʃɪ/。
7. 浊化:1)/s/ 后面的清辅音要浊化。
如:/k/浊化成/g/: scar/school/discussion/t/浊化成/d/: stand/student/mistake/p/浊化成/b/: spring/spirit/expression2)美音中,当/t/出现在两个元音之间并且处于非重读位置的时候,/t/需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音。
这样,writer听起来和rider 的发音几乎没有区别。
如:Letter/water/better/duty/bitter/cityI got it.Would you please pick it up?注:/t/如果处于重读位置的话,即使在两个元音之间也不需要浊化。
请比较:清晰的/t/ 浊化的/t/I'talian 'Italya'tomic 'atomLa'tino 'Latinpho'tographer 'photograph3)美音中,当/t/前面是一个元音,后面是一个模糊的/l/,且处于非重读位置,/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音。