



HOT TOPIC EIGHT PopulationPopulation – Population is indeed the biggest and worst problem of China. The effect of this problem is widely talked about in news, debates and even in IELTS oral exams. How to reduce the population is also one of the most important thing that people should care about. Adequate knowledge about questions regarding the negative effects of population and positive ways of solving this problem are necessary if you want to take the IELTS exam. Here are examples that candidates can browse on:1. What are the bad effects of having a huge population?Too much population in a country causes problems for the government. Some citizens dutifully pay their taxes while most do not pay at all because their income could not afford it. If this is the case, there will be a shortage to government funds. Too much population may also cause problem especially if the country’s space is not big enough for the increasing number of people.2. What are the good ways to reduce population problems?China has one good way of reducing population problem and this is the one child policy per family. In history, this country has one of the largest population in the world, yet they were able to make an intelligent solution about the problem. Parents especially the newlyweds should be educated about family planning and birth control methods. Since it is usually the poor and the uneducated that has too much children, government can also impose a law about having appropriate number of children according to the income bracket.3. Do you think population is the biggest problem of China?Population used to be the biggest problem of China, but I don’t think this is the case at present. The one child policy has been successful and it is now possible for parents to give quality life to their child because their budget could afford it. But there is a consequence too because since the parents have only one child; it is a tendency for them to pamper and spoil the child. This results in the child not being exposed to hardship and thus not being able to develop the character of hard work and perseverance, which may not be good for the country’s future.HOT TOPIC SEVEN PollutionPollution – A huge problem in the society that should be solved immediately and that is why this topic is also tackled in IELTS speaking test. We are facing a variety of pollution problem such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution etc. Examiners would like to know how the candidates feel about this serious problem and methods to solve them .Below are questions related to pollution that candidates should have knowledge about before taking IELTS test.1. What causes the pollution problems in your city?There are many causes of pollution in our city that leads to poor health of the people. Air pollution is a hopeless case because of the gas that too many vehicles and factories emit. Smoking is also a form of air pollution and it causes lung cancer both to the active and passive smoker. Improper disposal of garbage causes land and water pollution that often leads to dengue, malaria or dysentery especially among children.2. What should be done to reduce pollutions?People should regularly have their car checked on emission test to minimize too much gas emission per travel. Factories and households should properly dispose their garbage and not just throw them carelessly in the canals and roadside. Each individual should discipline themselves not to urinate or spit in public places but to do these things in the comfortroom. Government should make it mandatory to always keep on planting trees and unscrupulous businessmen should stop illegal logging.3. Why some people do not care about the pollution problems of the city?Some people do not care about the pollution problems of the city because they are not aware of the consequences that it brings. Some people are aware of the consequences but they are indifferent about it because it has not personally affected them yet. Some businessmen are mindless about the negative impact of the pollution because it would mean huge profit for them. Cigarette smoking is considered to be a stress remover so most smokers refuse to quit this habit.HOT TOPIC SIX TransportationTransportation — Transportation topic in IELTS speaking test includes questions about bus, subway, train etc. Bicycle is often asked during the exam because it represents a strong culture of the Chinese people in terms of transportation. Examiners like to ask questions regarding special culture and means of lifestyle of a place. It is indeed a part of every one’s life. Let us see what are the questions about this topic are often asked in the IELTS oral test.1. What do you think about scooters or electric motorbike?Scooters and electric motorbikes are very economical because they do save a lot on gas. Not only do they save on gas but they do save on time as well as riders of these kinds of transportations can easily slide through the traffic jam of cars and buses. But personally, I do not like to ride on scooters or electric motorbikes because I see them as very dangerous. Whenever I visit a hospital, I discover that most of the accidents of the bloodied victims are caused by these things.2. What should be done to encourage people to take public transportation?To be able to encourage people to take public transportation, the government should emphasize on the benefits of doing so. Public vehicles should be properly maintained so that people would find it safe to ride in them. The government can also impose a law on the maximum number of car each household should have. In some countries, there is a law about color coding of the plate numbers of the cars so they can only be used on certain days of the week.3. Should the owners of private cars pay more taxes?Each taxpayer is charged depending on the level of his income, so likewise I think owners of private cars should pay taxes depending on the cost of their cars. People who buy luxury cars or regular cars also worked hard to be able to afford to buy such a thing in the same way as some people who work very hard but could really not afford to buy a car. It is actually not only about cars because people who have more properties such as real estate’s naturally pay more taxes as compared to people who have lesser properties or none at all. As the saying goes, with great capacity comes great responsibility and more is required of you.HOT TOPIC FIVE LawLaw –This topic caused panic and anxiousness to the students in the first quarter and through the second quarter of this year. Because most of the students do not have anything to say about it. Plus, the fact that this topic needs a certain depth in both their language ability and knowledge to be able to conquer and answer the questions about law. In my opinion, students should know and be definite about the punishment of the law that they want to say. If not, or students are not sure of their knowledge, it is wise to give opinionated answers rather than giving information and details about it .Take note : There are no right or wrong in one’s opinion! Questions related to this topic that had occurred in the IELTS speaking test are:1. Why do people have to abide the law of its country?For a country to remain orderly and peaceful, it is very necessary to have laws for the citizens to abide. After all, we as the citizens would be the ones to benefit if we abide by the law. The government requires us to pay our taxes so that they would have the funds to further improve and maintain our roads, bridges and other infrastructures which every single citizen in the country is actually using. Proper penalty is imposed on people who committed a crime or a violence to discourage these things from being committed by the citizens.2. Do you think laws should be changed after a certain time?There is a saying that the only thing permanent in this life is change. It is actually a give and take thing because some laws work for the advantage of others while some of the laws work for the disadvantage of others such as the business sector. Laws should only be changed if it would give greater benefit to the welfare of the citizens. However, the government should be able to discern between laws that are negotiable and laws that are not negotiable.3. What do you think should be the punishment if a person does not follow the law of your country?Punishment for not abiding in the law should be in accordance with what law was violated. There are numerous kinds of laws and numerous acts of violations as well, so the government should impose a reasonable penalty or punishment for each kind of violation. If it is as grave as murder, then “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth should be applied.I think death penalty would be the best suited for this violation. HOT TOPIC FOUR Flat and HouseFlat and House –The most “in” topic in the last quarter of the year 2009. It is actually also one of the hottest topics last year, the year 2008. The difference between house and flat are the most in demand question about this topic. To be able to answer the questions well, candidates should at least know the difference between the two and have opinions about each one of them. What kind of decorations, and things that can be found inside a house or apartment should also be known by the candidates who are preparing to take the test? The following are example questions of flat and houses in the IELTS speaking exam.1. Why do you think some people invest a huge amount of money in buying houses?A house actually speaks a lot about the person who lives inside it. Some people invest a huge amount of money to buy a house because it is a reflection of how much they have achieved. Some people are willing to shell out a large sum of money because they would like to enjoy a quality and comfortable home with their family. After all, who would not want to take comfort in a nice and pleasant house after a tiring and stressful day?2. Should we live in a flat or in a house?Whether to live in a flat or in a house would actually depend on the lifestyle of the resident. It would be practical for a single professional who just comes home to sleep, take a shower and go to work to live in a flat for his own convenience. But it would be advisable for a family especially with children to live in a house as they will more likely be able to make full use of the space and the rooms. Of course, needless to say that we must live in a place where our budget could afford.3. What kind of decorations do you have in your flat/house?When you come to my house, you will see lots of oriental lanterns, bamboos, paintings and vases. It’s a Japanese theme for my living room so you get to see lots of pillows, a low square table and figurines of ladies in their kimonos. Since Chinese dish is one of the greatest dishes in the world, my kitchen is that of a Chinese theme. We would find Chinese characters and pictures on the wall paintings, porcelain plates and tea sets, and of course a round table where we enjoy our sumptuous meals.HOT TOPIC THREE Science and TechnologyScience and technology –This is one of those things that is changing rapidly in the society. Computers, MP 4, appliances are all part of the development of Science and technology. Any kind of change about these things usually has a very strong impact on us, some positive and some negative. Questions about pros and cons about this topic are often asked by the examiners during the exam. And anything about science and technology can become a question in IELTS speaking test. Here are some example questions candidates should know.1. Do you think computer will replace TV in the future?I think the computer has already replaced TV in the present time. People can download the movies or the TV series that they would like to watch from the internet. We can even enjoy watching our favorite Talk shows via internet too. The you tube is very famous nowadays because we get to see not only movies or programs but demonstrations about doing some of the things that we would like to learn to do.2. What are the disadvantages of high technology?High technology certainly takes away the virtue of patience in us because everything is fast paced. Some of us get out of touch with nature and are not able to enjoy playing with the frogs and enjoying the cool wind and sunshine outside because we prefer to play computer games inside the house. Mobile phones come in handy as we can easily get in touch withpeople whenever we need to. But with this convenience also comes consequences because studies proved that using mobile phones are harmful not only to our brain but also to the different parts of our body organs.3. Should young people adapt with the changes of technology now?Actually, it’s not only the youth that should adapt to the changes of technology but the adults and seniors as well. For many years, people who live miles apart from their families are only able to get in touch through snail mails and long distance telephone calls. But nowadays, they can easily get in touch with each other via webcam and headset phones. It is very convenient but both parties must at least know how to open the computer and be able to enjoy the use of these.HOT TOPIC TWO MediaMedia – Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Television and Advertisement are all parts of Media. In the IELTS speaking test, there are a variety of questions comparing these different media types because it is considered to be the most powerful source of information that can straightly affect and influence people. Media is widely spread all over different places and countries. Most of the time it can change people’s way of life and way of thinking ,so examiner s would like to know how you think and feel about it. Here are some examples of questions related to media in the IELTS speaking test.1. Do you think that we should have censorship in TV programs?Y es, I think that we should definitely have censorship in TV programs. I speak not only for the children but for the adults as well. What we see on TV do affect our subconscious level more than we are actually aware of. X rated films and violent programs are major factors why crime and violence are very rampant in the world we are living in.2. Why some people are willing to spend a lot of money in purchasing magazines?Magazines can be source of leisure yet can be informative as well that is why some people do not hesitate to splurge their money on these things. Through magazines, we can read about the life of some of our favorite celebrities. We get to also learn about practical tips about budgeting, fashion, improving our homes, etc. It is a source of entertainment where learning is fun and not forced.3. What kind of influence can advertisement give to people?Advertisement either compels people to buy or refrain them from buying certain things or from doing certain actions without their conscious awareness. It is a very powerful tool to influence the mindset of people both young and old. All types of advertisement seem to have this kind of impact whether they are found on the billboards on the trains, buses and roads, whether they are found in the magazines or newspapers, and whether they are seen on TV. Advertisement has great power to boost or break a particular brand.As the year 2009 ends, all IELTS candidates are awaiting to foresee what trends in IELTS speaking in 2010 will be. Almost all the students in Longer training center are asking the same questions. “What kind of questions will be asked?”, “Will the question and topic be more challenging than before?” To answer all these questions here are some of the most important topics that candidate should prepare for IELTS speaking 2010.HOT TOPIC ONE EducationEducation was one of the most “hot” topics in 2009. Examiners would like to know the different situations of the education in one’s country and how it differs from the others. Good education is one of the most important right a citizen should have .Therefore; examiners would like to hear different views and opinions towards this topic. Without adequate knowledge about this topic, candidates will have a difficult time answering these questions.1. Why parents would prefer to home school their children?Parents prefer to home school their children because it has been observed that children who are home schooled tend to be able to make it to international universities. Most people would be concerned about the child having an abnormal social life as he will not have any classmates when he is home schooled. Surprisingly, home schooled children seemed to be well rounded as compared to children who go to the traditional schooling. Parents can pay particular attention on the weakness of the child and focus on how to improve this when home schooling.2. What are the advantages of Chinese education that you think should be passed on to the next generation?Chinese characters seem to be complicated, yet very interesting because each stroke and character has a meaning of its own. When a character is combined with another character, the meaning becomes different already. Chinese history is very rich in culture and values which are essential in one’s character and lifestyle. Sadly, not all the Chinese are lucky enough to be able to learn all these things.3. Do you think that having a 9 year-compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future?I am not convinced about the idea that a 9-year compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future. It would really depend on the child’s emotional maturity, character, capacity,intellect and resilience to be able to have a bright future. Most of the tycoons that we know did not come from well to do backgrounds, thus some of them were not able to finish even the elementary level. A bright future is not only gauged on material gains, but on how much this individual has contributed for the benefit of those around him.。



1月9、10日口语机经Part One:*Studies (北京, 福州, 上海,长沙, 上海, 悉尼)Are you a student or at work?What is your major?Do you like this major?Why do you choose to study in this university?How important is the first day in university?Why do you choose this major?Is it easy for university graduates to find a job now?What kind of job do you want in the future?How can you get the job you want?*Jobs (上海)Are you a student or are you working?Do you like your job?Have you taken any pre-job training?What can you learn from this job?What is your future plan?What is your daily duty?How can people do their jobs well?Do you want to change jobs in the future?*Hometown (悉尼, 墨尔本)Where are you from?How is the traffic in your hometown?*TV programs (天津)How much time do you spend watching TV everyday?What kind of TV program do you like?*Time (苏州, 北京)Do you wear a watch?What do you use a watch for?Do you think time passes slowly?*Cooking (长沙 )Do you know how you like?Who cooks in your family?Did you learn to cook when you were a child?*House/flat (墨尔本, 杭州, 广州)Do you live in a house or in a flat?Do you want any improvement in your house?How are you going to improve your house?How long have you been living there?How are the surroundings there?Which part do you like most in your apartment?Is there anything good in your house?Is there any sports facility in your community?*Movies (上海北京)Do you like watching movies?What type of movies do you like? Is it popular in China? What type of movies do you dislike?Do you like to watch movies at home or in the cinema? *Fruits and vegetables (北京)Do you like fruits or vegetables?Did you like vegetables when you were a child?*Driving (上海, 天津, 北京)Do you know how to drive a car?Do you think good driving skills are very important? Do you have a driving license?*Painting (长沙)Did you learn painting when you were a child?Do you think children should learn painting?Why do some people have paintings hung on the wall of their house? Do you buy any paintings?*Friends (北京长沙)What do you usually do with your friends?Do you think you have enough time to stay with your friends?Do you invite your friends to visit your home?Where do you go when you hang out with your friends?*Handwriting (长沙)What do you write everyday?Do you prefer writing by hand or typing?Is handwriting still important today?*SportsDo you like sports?How often do you do sports?Do you think it is necessary for children to do exercises?*Weather (上海)What kind of weather do you like?Do you watch the weather report on TV? When?How does weather affect you?*Flowers (长沙)On what occasions do Chinese people send flowers?Do people in China like growing flowers in the garden?Do you like gardens?Do old people in China like flowers?*Letters (长沙)Do you often write letters or emails?How often do you send emails?What was the last email you sent about? 第二部分卡片提前*Neighbors (上海, 悉尼)How is your relationship with your neighbors?How do you know about your neighbors?Do you often meet each other?Do you prefer young people to be your neighbors or old people?What problems are there between neighbors?Daily routine (悉尼, 长沙)When do you usually get up?When is the best time in a day?Do you like your daily life?Do you like the first day in your university?*Internet/ Computer (福州, 长沙)When did you use the computer for the first time?Who use the internet most in your country?What are the benefits brought by computers?How do people use computers?How has computers changed people’s life?*Travelling (福州, 广州)Why do people like travelling?Which place do you think is worth visiting?Tell me something about the most impressive trip, please. 第二部分卡片提前Which country do you want to visit?How often do you go travelling?Among all the places you have travelled to, which one do you like best?*Advertisements (西安, 郑州,长沙)Have you bought something after watching an advertisement?What kinds of advertisements are there in your country?Through what channels can people find advertisements?What type of advertisements do you like?*Magazines and newspapers (上海, 长沙)Do you like magazines or newspapers?What kind of information do you feel interested in?Have you ever read a foreign magazine?What type of magazines do you like?Is reading English magazines helpful for people to learn English?*Shopping (长沙, 上海)What is the difference between big shops and small ones?When was the last time you went shopping?Do you care about fashion?What is fashion?What is the difference between people’s attitudes towards fashion now and those before?Part Two and Three:*A person you lived with (上海)Describe a person/ family member you once lived withYou should sayWho he/she wasHow long you had been living togetherWhat you did togetherWhat your relationship isHow he/she influences youAnd explain the reason why you like spending most time with him/herHow do we get along well with people?What kind of people would you choose to live with?Is it difficult to maintain lasting friendship with others?Why do some people like to live alone?What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with family?Do children live their parents in China?A wild animal (重庆) 精品卡重出江湖!*A movie you like (长沙)Describe a movie you like to watch at home or at the cinemaYou should sayWhat kind of film it isWhat it wasWhen you watched itWhere you watched itAnd explain the reason why you enjoyed itDo you like local movies or foreign movies?What is the influence of movies on you?*A small shop 天津长沙Describe a shop you like.You should sayWhere the shop isWho introduced it to youWhat it sellsHow you got to know the shopWhether you would like to introduce it to othersAnd explain the reason why you often go thereWhat is the difference in shopping habits between males and females? How will people’s shopping habits change in the future?Why do Chinese people have the habit of saving money?Why do you think shopping could make people relax?How do you think the credit card change people's shopping habit?Do you think credit card is safe for the children? Why?What is the change of young men’s shopping habits when they get older?A celebrity (重庆) 新题*A leisure activity (北京,天津)Describe a leisure activity that you would like to doYou should sayWhen you do itWhere you do itWhether it is difficultAnd explain the reason why you choose it as your pastimeWhat kind of leisure activities is popular in China?Do people take part in any traditional leisure activity?Do you think time is important?Some people think leisure activities and hobbies are a waste of time. What do you think? Do children have enough time to play?A garden/park (重庆) 新题An extra/ private tutoring course you had in childhood (重庆北京) 新题Describe an extra/ private tutoring course you had in childhood.You should sayWhen you had idWhere you had itHow the school was likeHow you think of the teachers and students thereWhat you learnt from itWhat kind of teachers can motivate students to study hard?How can the teaching quality be improved?A type of music you like (福州) 新题Describe a type of music you like.You should sayWhere you heard itWhen you heard itWhat feeling you hadAnd explain the reason why you like itWhat has music brought to you?What is the difference between traditional music and modern music?Why do people play music in shopping malls?Some people think that music we hear in the street is too corny. What do you think of it?*A historical site (广州长沙)Describe a historical placeYou should sayWhere it is locatedWhen you went thereHow you got to know itWhat you learnt from this placeWhat was interesting about itAnd explain the reason why you are interested in itWhat kind of destination is most popular in your country?Do you think young people are interested in historical places?Do you like movies about history?Do you think people should pay for the visit to historical places?*A change you would like to make in the futureDescribe your future plan.You should sayWhat it isHow you are going to carry it outWho are involved in this planWhether it is easy to makeAnd explain the reason why you want to make such a change.Why do some people like changes?What kind of people is not willing to change?What kind of changes is difficult to make?*A electronic appliance you want to buy in the future (西安, 郑州) Describe an electronic product you want to buyYou should sayWhat it isWhat functions it hasWhat is special about itHow you use itAnd explain the reason why you want to buy itHow is technology used at school?What scientific courses do students have at school in China?What are impacts of advanced technology on schooling?Do teachers become less important because of technology?*A city your once lived in or visited (上海)Describe a city you visited or once livedYou should sayWhere it isWhat is the best season to visit thereWhat features it hasWith whom you went thereHow you like itAnd explain the reason why you like itWill you go back to live in the city you mentioned?Can people lead a healthy life in the city?What kind sounds can you hear in the city and in the countryside?What are the advantages of living in the city?What are the differences between people in the city and those in the countryside? Will you move to the countryside in the future?A modern building (悉尼) 新题Describe a modern building in your city.You should sayWhere it isHow it looksWhat it is used forAnd explain the reason why you want to talk about itAre there many modern buildings in your hometown?Do you like old buildings or modern ones?What do you think are the advantages of modern buildings over old buildings? How do you like the old buildings here?Have you been to any countries with lots of old buildings?*An interesting speech (墨尔本, 厦门, 广州)Describe an interesting speech/talk that influences youYou should sayWho gave itWhen you heard itWhere you heard itWhat it was aboutWhat influence or effect it had on youWho can give speeches to children?Why is it important to give a speech to children?Who do people feel nervous when they give a speech to adults? What are the advantages of conferences?As young people, what kind of speeches can you give to adults? Are children able to communicate with professionals?*A healthy thing/ habit (厦门)Describe a good thing that can improve your healthYou should sayWhat it isWhen did you get itWhether you like it or notHow do you think of it*A piece of good news from phone (厦门)Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone You should sayWhat it was aboutWhere you were when you received itWho gave it to youAnd explain the reason why you think it is good newsA thing you bought but seldom use (悉尼) electronic device的变种卡Describe a thing you bought but seldom use.You should sayWhere you bought itWhat is its usageWhy you bought itAnd explain the reason why you do not use it oftenA journey you will go on (上海)Describe a journey you want to take with your friends.You should sayWho you like to go withWhere you want to goHow you like to get to the placeWhat you would do thereAnd explain the reason why you want to take this journeyWhat is the difference between travelling now and that in the past?Who do you like to travel with?Do you think the media have any influence on travelling?*A book you read in your childhood (上海, 长沙)Describe a book you have read and feel like reading it againYou should sayWhat it isWho gave it to youWhat it the contentWhat you can get from itAnd explain the reason why you like itWhat is the difference between e-books and p-books?At what age should children develop the habit of reading?What kind of books is suitable for children?The process of making a dish (上海) 精品卡重出江湖!*A TV program you dislike (上海)Describe a TV program you dislike.You should sayWhat it is aboutWhen you watched itHow you dislike itAnd explain the reason why you dislike it.What are the changes of TV programs in China in recent years? Why?Do you think educational programs should be promoted?What do you think of the idea that pop stars are young people’s idols?Do you think it is reasonable that stars earn a lot of money?What qualities should a good star have?What type of TV programs do Chinese people like?Are there any TV programs suitable for children to watch?What do you usually do for entertainment?Are there different types of TV programs that cater to people of different age groups?Which age group cannot find TV programs that are suitable for themselves?*An old thing your family has kept*A special meal*A letter/card you received (广州, 长沙)Describe a letter you receivedYou should say:Who sent it to youWhen you received itWhat it was aboutAnd explain the reason why it is special to youDo you prefer letters or emails?Do you like receiving cards?Which do you like better, cards or gifts? Which can strengthen relationship among people in a better way?Will there be any change of letters in the future?*A course you would learn if you had time (福州, 长沙)Describe a course you would like to take in the future if you have time.You should sayWhat it isWhat you can learn from itWhether it is easy or notAnd explain the reason why you want to learn itHow can computing skills help people in job hunting?What is the influence of the internet on our life?Should school focus on teaching practical skills?Do companies care about job applicants’ working experience?What major is popular in China?*A party you would like to hold (天津)Describe a party that you would like to holdYou should sayWho you will inviteWhere you will hold itWhat you would prepareWhat people would do at the partyAnd explain the reason why you would like to have itWhat are young people’s attitudes towards traditional festivals?Do young people and old people celebrate festivals in different ways?What special meanings do traditional festivals carry?What different qualities should teachers specializing in different subjects have?A journey you planned to go but did not go 3-day travelling的变种卡Describe a journey you planned to go but did not go.You should sayWhere it isWhen you planned to goHow you planned to have itWhy you didn’t goWhether you would go again if you have the chanceDo you like travelling?五分问题What kind of people do you think like travelling?Why do some people dislike travelling?What is the difference between business trips and ordinary trips?Do you think you yourself can take both two types of trips?How do you think business affect international cooperation?*An experience of being helped by others (北京)Describe an experience of being helped by your friend.You should sayWho helped youWhen it happenedWhat the situation wasHow he/she helped youWhat is the resultWhat impact it had on youWhat trouble do children often meet?Who can help children with these problems?What can people do when they are too shy to ask for help?Why are parents considered as the most reliable people?*A handicraft you made before (长沙)Describe a handicraft you made by yourself.You should sayWhat it isHow you made itHow long you made itAnd explain the reason why you want to made itOn what occasions do people make handicrafts?On what occasions are handicrafts more popular than factory-made products? Why are handicrafts no longer popular now?What should be done to attract people’s attention to traditional handicrafts?A subject you liked at school (上海) 新题Describe a subject you liked at school.You should sayWhat it wasWhen you learned itWhat benefits you getAnd explain the reason why you liked it.What are the roles of old teachers at school? How about young teachers?What qualities should a good teacher have?Do you think being a teacher is a good occupation?What kind of teachers should work at high school?What a bad teacher is like?How do teacher influence students?Do you think people of different ages have different ways of study?A job you want to do in the future (北京, 广州) your ideal job的变种卡Describe a job you want to do in the future.You should sayWhat it isHow you plan to handle itWhat benefit you hope could get from itAnd explain the reason why you want to get it.What are the factors that affect people’s choice of job?Do you think parents should encourage children to take internship?Do children have many opportunities to take internship?How do people in China choose a major in university?What kind of career can affect people’s life?Do you think high school students should do part-time jobs?*An old person you know (苏州)Describe an old people you know.You should sayWho he/ she isHow you met hem/herHow you like him/ herAnd explain the reason why you like him/ her.Has children’s attitude towards children changed?How do old people affect other members in a family in China?Is the information from TV or movies trustworthy?*An enjoyable visit (北京, 悉尼)Describe an experience of someone visiting you.You should sayWho he/she wasWhen he/she visited youWhy he/she visit youWhat you think of her/ his visit.Do you like watching movies at home or in the cinema?What would you do if a foreign guest came to visit you?What do you think of cultural differences?How do Chinese people welcome their guests?What is the difference between a visit from friends and that from relatives?How would a foreigner feel if he/she visited a Chinese family? How about a Chinese visiting a foreign family?*A piece of music in your childhood (广州, 长沙)Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.You should sayWhat kind of music it wasWhen you first heard itWhere you heard itWhat the song is aboutHow you felt when you used to sing this song.And explain the reason why it impressed youHow do people of different ages listen to music?What different functions do music have in modern society?*An important conversation (北京, 长沙)Describe an important conversation you hadYou should sayIn what situation you got itWhen you had itWho you talked toWhat you talked aboutWhere you had itWhat are the topics of your conversations with your friends?What is the difference between face-to-face communication and communication on the phone?Why do people of different genders choose different when having a conversation with others? What is the difference between a conversation with friends and the one with a senior person? What are the drawbacks of having only one international language in the world?*A place near water (哈尔滨 )Your last weekend (长沙, 上海) birthday party的变种卡Describe your last weekend.You should sayWhat you didWhether something special happenedWhat influence it had on youHow you felt of itWhether you look forward to the next weekendAre you satisfied with your last week?五分问题Is working overtime common in China? Is it necessary to work overtime?Do people have enough rest after working overtime?Is work shift necessary?Do you like abnormal working time?*A library (长沙)Describe a libraryYou should sayWhere it isWhat it looks likeWhat you like or dislike about itWhat books and facilities this library hasAnd explain the advantages and disadvantages of itWhat skills should a librarian have?*A science course (北京)Describe a science(biology,chemistry etc.)you learnYou should sayWhen you began to learn itWhere you learnt itWho taught youHow you learned itWhether you would continue to learn itIs science important to children?Where else can children learn science apart from school?A recent event that mad you happy (长沙) local event的变种卡Describe a recent event that made you happy.You should sayWhat it isWhen you had itWhat you didAnd explain the reason why you think it is happy.What makes people happy?Why do some people feel unhappy though they have a lot of money?Can people gain happiness from work?What are the differences between happiness you gain from money and that you gain from your relatives?A magazine you read (长沙) 新题Describe a magazine you read.You should sayWhat it isWhat is its main interestWhen you started to read itHow you like itAnd explain the reason why you like reading it.Why do people like magazines?What are the positive and negative influences of magazines on people?Will there be magazines in the future?Do people of different ages like different types of magazines?Why do some people like reading paper books?A story that is well-known in your country (昆明) 精品卡重出江湖!*A person who helped you (北京,郑州)Describe a person gave you important helpYou should sayWho he/she isWhat the situation wasHow he/she helped youWhat influence he/she has on you*A toy (长沙)Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood.You should sayWhat it wasWhat it looks likeWho gave it to youHow often do you play with itAnd explain the reason why it was importantDo you still keep your toys?Do you think children nowadays have too man toys? How can parents avoid this situation? Why do children like a certain toy instead of others?What kind of toys is popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop children's intelligence?。



2010年01月09日雅思口语机经[A类]2010年01月14日雅思口语机经[A类]2010年01月23日雅思口语机经[A类]Part 1∙Introduction:1. What is your name?2. What is the meaning of your name?3. Are your working or studying?4. Who gave you your name?∙Reading5. Do children read more now than before?6. Do you like to read newspaper?7. How much time do you spend in reading newspaper?8. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?9. What kind of book do young people like to read?10. When did you begin to read newspapers?11. How many kinds of newspapers are there in China?12. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?13. Do you think news is important in people’s life?*Art14. Tell me something about your favorite art.15. Tell me something about your favorite music.16. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?17. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?*House18. Do you live in a flat or in a house?19. Do you have garden in your house?20. What do you have in your house?21. Do you have decorations in your house? ( Ex. Decorations in the walls )22. What can you see outside your window?*Weather23. What is your favorite weather?*School24. Tell me something about your school.25. What is your impression of your school?26. Do you like the teachers in your school?27. Do you want to be a teacher?*Job28. What is the hardest part of your job?29. What is good about being a student?*TV program30. What kind of TV program do you like?31. How can you get an access to English TV programs?32. Do you think English programs are helpful?*Holidays33. How do people spend their holidays?34. Do you think it’s important to have a vacation? Why? *Hometown35. Where is your hometown?36. Are there any changes in your hometown now?37. What is the best thing you have in your hometown?38. What is the biggest problem in your hometown?*School39. Do you like your school?40. Why did you choose this school?41. Where do you study?42. Do you prefer to study or work?43. Do you like your course?*Event44. Tell me something about a happy event.45. Tell me something about a happy event in your family.46. Do you like your course?*Internet47. What do you think about the internet?48. What are the advantages of internet?*Birthday49. How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays?50. How did you celebrate your last birthday?*Gift51. What kind of gift do you want to give your friend?*Music52. What kind of music do you like?*Sports53. Do you have sports?54. What is the importance of having a sport?55. What kind of physical exercise do you like?*Evening56. What do you usually do in the evening?57. Do you like to go out in the evening? What do you usually do?58. Do you think weekends are important?*Planting59. Do Chinese people plant in their garden?60. What kind of plants do you want to have in your garden?*Transportation61. What kind of transportation do you usually take?*Communicating62. Would you talk to people whom you met for the first time?63. Why do you want to chat with other people?*Clothes64. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?65. Do you like to wear formal clothes?66. What is your opinion about wearing uniforms?67. Can you judge a person by their clothes their wearing?*Household Chores68. What do you dislike about household chores?69. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores?70. Do you like to do housework?71. What kind of housework do you usually do?Part 2&3PersonDescribe a teenagerWhat are the differences between teenagers and children?How have their lives changed in the last decade?Until what age do you think they can qualify for being adults?Until what age should they get married?What role does the school play in the process of students turning from teenagers to adul ts?What kind of attitude is generally shared by teenagers towards adults?Describe a person you admireDescribe a successful personWhy do you think he/she is successful?How to succeed in your life? Please draw on your personal experienceDo you send books to others as gifts?What kind did you read when you were a child?Is it possible to continue part-time study while working?Describe a visitor to your familyDo Chinese people have the tradition of paying a visit to your relatives or friends on a regular basis?What gifts do people send when visiting your friends?Do visitors stay in the hotel or at home?How to improve hotel service in general?Describe a friend you meet at schoolShould government provide financial assistance to the elderly people?Describe a person who is good at his or her jobIs it the responsibility of universities to help students to find their ideal jobs?What sort of jobs suit young adults and what sort of jobs suit elderly people?Should an age limit be imposed on certain jobs?Should companies have the responsibility of providing training to young people?How is company training carried out?*EventDescribe a family eventHow do you define happiness?Describe a recent event that has made you happyDo you think money is important?Do you think money can give you happiness?Can old people get happiness?Describe a physical activityWhat are your favorite physical activities?Why do you like them?What kind of sports do you usually engage yourself in?Why do you prefer to go to the gym?Describe a recent change in your lifeDo old people like to change their lives?Do young people like changes?What’s your opinion towards switching jobs on a regular basis?*ObjectDescribe a magazineWhat are the differences between magazine and newspaper and other forms of mass media su ch as the Internet?Describe an interesting news you read on newspaper or TVHow often do people in your country read newspaper?Which one is a popular medium for obtaining information, radio or TV?Do you think we should have more entertainment news in the future?Which one is more important, local news or international news?Describe a photographDo you like painting or taking photographs?Why do some people not like taking photographs?What sort of pictures are considered most appealing to people?Describe a filmDescribe a good lawDo you think the “one-child” policy in China is considered a good law?Should we tell our children stories concerning robbing the rich so as to help the poor p eople?Should we comply with laws?Describe a website you have visited that is useful to youHow did you manage to find this website?Why do you choose to talk about this website?What’s the range of people using Internet in your country?What do you think about online shopping?How would you convince an elderly person to learn to use the Internet if he had never us ed it before and was resistant to modern technology?Describe a pictureDescribe a skill you want to learnDescribe a letter you have receivedDescribe a book you have recently readDescribe one particular regulation employed during Olympic GamesWhat performances have you watched and with whom?What game have you played in your childhood?Describe a programDescribe a useful toolDescribe the help you have received beforeWhy do modern people not like to help others?How should help others?How to cultivate our children to develop the habit of helping others?*PlaceDescribe a place you have studied or workedWhen and where did you work?How do you think about the workplace?How do you plan your work?What do you want to do in the future?Do you think women should stay at home as a full-time housewife or go out to look for jo bs?Why do you like the university you have studied in?What’s your plan after graduation?Are there any beautiful views in your university?Is it necessary for university to purchase teaching equipment?Describe a place you can listen to musicDescribe a shop that you like to visitWhy do some people not like to go shopping?What are the differences between big shops and small shops?Apart from shops, is there any other ways that people can buy things?What are some of the problems in cities?What are some of the environmental problems caused in cities?Describe a place you would like to introduce to your friends Describe a city you likeDescribe a polluted cityDescribe a garden you likeDo you think garden is important?Should people in the city know much about the country life?*AnimalDescribe an interesting animalAre you a vegetarian?Should animals be kept in cities or countryside?What are some of the problems related to raising pets?2010年01月30日雅思口语机经[A类]。





例如,考官常问的一道问题Where do you come from?Well, I was born in Hubei Province. However, I have been in Shanghai for like more than a decade, so it’s my second hometown really. Actually I think I enjoy my life here for, you know, its convenience. Besides, Shanghai is also a very beautiful city, like a pearl by the Y angtze River.名师总结雅思口语常考话题:描述现场类Describe a show or performanceYou should say:what kind of performance it waswhen and where you saw ithow it was performedand explain how you felt about this performance.My friends and I visited Laoshe Teahouse in Beijing last summer. It was our first time to visit such a famous place. We not only had nice tea but also enjoyed Chinese traditional art performances. It has been quite an impressive experience to me, and to my friends, too.The teahouse is to the southwest of Tian’an Men Square. Its amazing Beijing style has attracted hundreds of visitors from home and abroad every day.Before we decided to go, we had heard a lot about that place and we got very excited. We got even more excited when the performance was about to begin-audience from different parts of the world made the atmosphere hot. The performance began with a thrilling starting music. It was folk music played with Chinese traditional instruments. by Teahouse Music Band. The drum beats immediately dragged people’s attention. After starting music was Peking Opera Highlights with the name Presents from Magu. I didn’t quite follow its plot because I didn’t understand their singing. However, I like the music and the way it was presented. The most unforgettable show came when an artist from Sichuan started performing Face-Changing of Sichuan Opera. It was just like magic. He changed his face so quickly that no one could tell how he could manage that. This show gained much applause from the audience.I am glad that I took my friends from the US to the Laoshe Teahouse that evening. We had wonderful time there. I like this kind of performance. It has become a special showcase of the essence of Chinese national culture, and a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world.Part 3Artistic PerformancesAre traditional art forms performed very much in China?In some small cities and towns, where popular modern art is less introduced into, traditional art forms are still playing an important role in entertaining local people. In big cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, traditional art forms are kept well and performed a lot in big and small theatres. I think people are getting more aware of protecting our own traditions, including traditional art performances. And this is why it’s now a fashion to go and watch a really good Beijing Opera show at a not so low price.How does TV program help to spread traditional culture?TV program helps greatly to spread traditional culture, definitely. For an obvious reason, people have easier access to a TV program than to a live show. Every one can afford it. So, with the help of TV show, more people would have the chance to be exposed to traditional culture.What benefits do you think people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions?In my opinion, art is not a necessity in our life, like food and drink. But life cannot be without art. Sounds contradictory? Well, I mean, what people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions is mental pleasure and satisfaction. People say art is the reflection of life.I agree. Suppose after a day of hard work, what will a piece of beautiful music bring to us? Comfort, relief, refreshment, and so many other mental enjoyment. Life is hard, but thanks to art, we become less depressed.Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music?Generally, the majority would prefer to listen to recordings of music. It’s much easy to get and every one could afford the money and time. Besi des, concert is concert. It’s live, and it’s one-time. You get there, you listen to it, and it’s over. Recordings can be listened to for many times. People choose to listen to their favorite recordings at any time, any place they like to.The Performing Arts and ChildrenWhat is the value of watching artistic performance (or experiencing artistic activities) in relation to children's development?Beauty education is important in children’s development. Watching artistic performance or experiencing artistic activities is a good way to have such an education. It helps children to build up their understanding of this world. They get to know what is beautiful and what is ugly, which is good for their growing-up. But there is one thing we have to be careful about. That is to choose the proper performance and activities, improper ones could only lead to a bad education.What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to sing or dance in front of an audience?It depends on if the child him/herself likes to do it or not. If it’s his/her own willingness to learn, it’s a hobby. Learning to perform will be a pleasant experience. Knowing how to perform could be a treasure for the child’s future development. Performing could be a well-paidocc upation. However, if it’s not the child’s own wish to learn, it could be torture and I don’t think the child could get anything positive from the learning.Do you think the performing arts should be included in school curriculums? (Why?/ Why not?)Performing arts should be included in school curriculums as an optional course, but not a compulsive one. If it’s optional, students with interest can choose to attend the course and develop their performing talent. For students who are not that involved in performing, they can have enough freedom not to choose to attend the course. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for those who don’t like performing.Do boys and girls have the same feelings/attitudes about performing (or watching) an artistic performance?For me, it’s a little blind to give a yes-or-no answer to this question. Well, if there is difference, I see it as the difference between individuals, but not between boys and girls.But…well, yes, I guess it’s easier for girls to get involved and become part of the story. I remember when I watched the play Cinderella many years ago, I cried when Cinderella was being tortured, but the boy sitting next to me didn’t.Who do you think is more suited to learning how to dance - boys or girls?It’s ha rd to say. We have female dancers as well as many successful male ones dancing on the world stage. I mean male dancers can achieve as high as females dancers do. However it is a fact that more girls are learning how to dance at an early age than boys. The Chinese thinking is like this. Girls have to be pretty, and dancing girls are just fancy. But for boys people hold different expectations. Boys are expected to be playful and tough. It is not seen as a right thing for boys to learn how to dance..。



听力:S1=NEWS2=NEW女的先问男的这学期教学方面什么比较满意1.Course :well organized 和Next term: don’t have the Writing’s Museum2) trip during the time 两条什么比较不满意,然后男的提出哪些方面要改进,matching 学校设施是否要落实配对的题:A .it need to be done in the futureB. it need to be done right nowC .it does not to be done at all2.Classroom size----- C3.男的说教室太小,很挤,而且容易发生危险,女的很同意,说肯定要反映情况 B4.Discussion groupB 建议强制学生出席e of library systemA 确定下个学期做S4=V08121s4 关于澳大利亚土著人的绘画艺术。

2010年01月09日,2008年02月02日考题B YamC Modern6个选择,6个画的特点与ABC对应2. style的Size比真实的小------C4. 画的东西的某一部分会missing-----C5. 哪种是有creature------A6. 哪种是有plants------ B7-10)填空7 作者的aim 是寻找animals to classify the works of8 由于environment change and cause the decrease of: sea level9古人的象征物是怎么来的Many activities have been decreased, for example hunting 10、古人的在pottery的制作上creation 起了变化。




专家解读:2010春季雅思口语难题总结Part 22010年的雅思口语考试继续延续了2009年的出题风格,在考题难度上基本没有改变。













这一类考题有以某一道菜为主要考点的:How do you cook this dish? Why is it your favorite dish? 也有以一顿丰盛的菜肴为主要考点的:What did the meal consist of? Was it made for a special occasion? Why was the meal so special? 还有一些考题问的是一些相关的信息,比如烹饪者、烹饪地点、共同进餐的人和喜欢烹饪或这道菜的理由。



Part 1Your Studies1. What subject are you studying?2. Why did you choose to study that?3. Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subjects if a high school student)4. Where do you study (= what school/university do you attend)?5. Why did you choose that (particular) school/university?6. When did you start this course and when will you finish it? Do you like university life?7. What do you think of your school/university?8. (Similar to above) What do you think of the place where you are studying?9. What is the best thing about your university/school?10. Why are you taking the IELTS test?11. What are your future study plans?12. What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)13. When you start working, do you think you will prefer that to being a student?Your Hometown1. Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?)2. Do you think you'll always live there?3. Where do you live at the moment?4. Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?)5. What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?6. What would you say is the best part of your hometown?7. What's the most famous thing about your hometown?8. Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown?9. Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g. 20 years)10. Would you say your hometown is suitable for children to grow up in?11. What parts of your hometown are most suitable for families and children?12. What's the weather usually like in your hometown?13. Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?Your Home (Your Accommodation)1. Do you live in a house or a flat?2. Please describe the place where you live.3. How have you decorated your home (or, your room)?4. Do you have anything (hanging) on the wall of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations)5. What can you see when you look out the window of your room?6. What is the environment like in your neighbourhood?7. Do you like your neighbours?8. What kind of people are your neighbours? 2Part 2&3People1. A Famous Foreign PersonDescribe a famous person you would like to meet.You should say:who this person is (or, was)how you first learned about him or herhow/why this person is famous *and explain why you would like to meet this person. *part31. What benefits do people get from being famous?2. Can you think of any disadvantages to being famous?3. Do you think famous people can (or, do) keep their privacy after they become famous?4. Compare the types of people who were famous about 30 or 40 years ago (or, in the past) with the people who are famous today.5. Do you think famous people change their ways of thinking when they become famous?2. A Person you Have Lived WithDescribe a person you live with. *You should say:what kind of person he or she is (= what his or personality is like) *how long you have been living with (or, lived with) him or herwhat the two of you do togetherand explain why you live with this person*part31. Today, more and more (young) people are not willing to live at home with their parents. What do you think of this?2. Why do they not want to live with their parents?3. When people live together, what are the most important things (= the most important factors) to enable them to get along with each other?4. Do old people relate to others the same way that young people do?5. Why do some people prefer to live alone?3. A FamilyDescribe a family (not your own) you enjoyed spending time with.You should say:where this family lived (or, lives)who the members of the family were (or, are)how you know themwhat each person in this family is interested inand explain why you like this familyPart 3The Treatment of the Youngest and Oldest family Members1. What do you think are some differences between families where the grandparents are living with their grandchildren, compared to families where they live separately?2. Can you think of any activities that younger family members and older family members(usually/often/sometimes) do together? FQ3. (Similar to above) How can old family members be made to feel that they are valued members of the family? FQ4. Do you think it's important to include old family members in family activities? (Why?/Why not?)5. In China, has the way that parents treat their children changed at all in the past few years (20 or 30 years)?The Importance of Family6. In general, which do you think is more important, people as individuals or the family? Difficult QuestionLiving Arrangements7. How can people get along with those they live with?8. In the future, how do you think people's living arrangements will be different to the way peoplelive today?9. Do people in China prefer to rent or buy their home?4. A Famous ArtistDescribe a famous artist you admire (e.g. a painter, a performer etc.)You should say:who he or she ishow you know about this person (or: when you first learned [learnt] about this person)what he or she has done to become famous and explain why you admire this person.Part3:1. Do you think art (or, the arts) is (are) important? FQ2. How are children (or, young people) exposed to art?3. How important do you think it is for children to have art classes in school? FQ4. What are some good ways to teach art to children? FQ5. Do you think art and literature (or, the arts) should be taught in universities? FQ6. (Similar to above) Do you think the different arts should be taught at universities? FQ5. A Person you HelpedDescribe a time when you helped someone.You should say:who you helpedhow you helped themwhy you helped themexplain how you felt after you helped this person.Part3:Neighbours/Community/Your Social Circle1. In what ways do average people help others (or, help each other)?2. What are the benefits that result when someone helps another person?3. In your social circle (= the people you know, your friends etc.), do people help each other very much? (If yes, give examples. If no, why not?)4. Do you think people should help their neighbours? (Why? How?) FQ5. Do you ever help your neighbours (or, help in your community)? FQ6. What do you get from helping in your community? FQ7. Why do you think neighbours should help each other?8. Compared to the past, how is the way people help others (or, get help) different today?9. Is it hard to ask others for help?10.Do you think people nowadays are more willing, or less willing to help others than before? (Why?)11. (Similar to above) Do you think people have become more selfish than they used to be?(Why?)6. A Friend You AdmireDescribe a friend you admire.you should say:●who he or she is *●how you first met this person *and explain why you admire him/her. *Part3:1. What are the qualities of a good friend? FQ2. Are friends more important than family? FQ3. What is the nature of friendship?4. How do friends affect your life? * (= How important is friendship to you?)5. How do people in China form friendships? FQ6. What is your opinion of making new friends on the internet?7. How can friendships be maintained?8. How do friends keep in contact with each other when they move to a different part of China?9. Why do some friends drift apart (= lose contact with each other)?10. (As above) How do some friendships break up?11. Do friendships change, as people grow older? (= Do people change friends or change their attitudes about friendship, as they grow older?)12. When you are old, how important do you think friendship will be to you?13. Does your family like your friends?14. Are you and your parents good friends?15. Who has the bigger influence on children, friends or family? (Why?) FQ16. How do you think people will form friendships in the future?17. Do adults and children make friends the same way?*7. A TV or Radio PresenterDescribe a TV or radio presenterYou should say:Who this person iswhat program he or she presentswhat kind of person he or she isand explain how people feel about this personPart 3What skills does a person need to be a TV or radio presenter?What are some differences between a radio presenter and a TV presenter?8. A Person Speaks Another Language (N!)Describe a person you met who speaks a foreign language.You should say:how you know him/her (or, where you met this person)what this person is (or, was) like*what this person does (work, study etc.) *and explain what you learned from this person.Part3:1. What are some reasons why foreigners come to China?2. What do you think is the best way to learn a foreign language?3. Why do you going overseas is the best way to learn a foreign language?4. How, or where can Chinese people make foreign friends in China?5. Many people say that "the world is getting smaller". What do they mean?6. What's your opinion of American-style fast food restaurants and other foreign ideas coming into China?7. Do you think these foreign ideas and customs might damage Chinese culture?8.. Do you think this is a good thing?9. A Childhood Teacher (N!)Describe a teacher you had when you were a child and who you liked. *You should say:what he/she looked likewhat he or she taughthow often you saw him or herand explain why you liked him or her. *Part3:1. Is teaching a popular profession in China? (= Do many people in China want to work as teachers?)2. What do people in China think of teachers?3. If China could afford it, do you more money should be spent on teachers or on facilities?4. Do you think school fees will increase in the future?5. What could (should) the government do to improve the education system?6. Do you think there should be fewer exams? 77. Do you think teachers are useful (or, necessary; or, important)? (Why?/Why not?)8. What (personal) qualities do you think teachers should have?10. An Old Friend (N!)Describe a friend you have known for a long time.You should say:who this friend ishow you first metwhat kind of person he or she isand explain how your friendship has lasted so long.Part3:1. What are the qualities of a good friend?2. Are friends more important than family?3. How do people in your country meet (make) new friends?4. Where do people go to meet new people?5. What are some differences between friendship in the past and friendship today?6. Do you think modern technology influences how people make friends?7. Do you like making new friends on the internet?8. What's the difference between making friends on the internet and making friends by face to face contact?8Place1. A Modern BuildingDescribe a modern building.You should say:● where it is● what it looks like (Or: How it is designed)● when you visited this buildingand explain why you like or dislike this building.Part31. Does your city have many tall buildings?2. What’s the tallest building in your city?3. What do you think of tall buildings?4. How have science and technology changed the way modern buildings are constructed?5. Do (or can) tall buildings have any effect on the environment?6. Compare residential and commercial buildings.2. A GardenDescribe a garden or park you visited and liked.You should say:● where it was● what it looked like● what people did (or, were doing) thereand explain why you liked it. *Part31. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?2. Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit?3. Do you think the government should spend more money on public gardens for the cities or for the villages and small towns in the countryside?4. How do people of different age groups use public gardens?5. If you had your own personal garden, which would you prefer to grow, vegetables or flowers?3. A Childhood SchoolDescribe a school you enjoyed going to when you were a child.*You should say:● where it was● what the other students were like● what the teachers were likeand explain what you enjoyed during your time at this school. 9Part31. Which do you think is better, students studying in big classes or studying in small classes? FQx22. What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of children studying in big classes, compared to small classes? FQx23. What do you think are the benefits of studying in a large school? FQ4. For children these days, do you think it’s eas ier to make friends in a small school or a large school?5. Do you think it's easier for kids to make friends when they are in primary school or in high school?6. Some people want to be teachers. Why do you think they want to do that job? FQ7. Do you think teaching young children (e.g., early primary school age) is important? FQx28. Do you think everybody is suitable for becoming a teacher?9. What are the qualities of a good teacher? FQx24. A place Where You Learned about the PastDescribe a place you visited where you learned something about the past.You should say:● where you went● why you went there● what you saw (and did) there *and explain what you learned from (visiting) this place.Part31. How did you learn about history in your childhood?2. As children grow older, do you think they will remember the history they have learned in their childhood? FQ3. Why do you think some adults can't remember some of the history they learned in school? FQ4. Do you think it's useful for children (and young people) to learn about (recent) history from old people? FQ5. Recent Changes to Your HometownDescribe an area of your city that has recently changed.*You should say:1. what part(s) of your hometown has (have) changed2. when these changes were made3. ................. and explain how you feel about these changes.Part 3Cities1. (If doing the test away from your home country, e.g., Australia) - How are cities in Australia different to cities in your home country?2. Should people have the right to ask for changes when they are dissatisfied with something about their city?3. What are the most important needs of people when they live in a city?Change4. What are some differences between young people in the past and at present?5. Among people, what differences in attitudes are there about change?6. What kinds of people like change and what kinds of people dislike change?7. When governments make changes to society, who usually benefits the most?Traditions8. What do you think about the value of traditions?6. A Place with a Lot of Noise (N!)Describe a place you have been to that had a lot of noise.You should say:● what place it was● where it was● why it had a lot of noiseand explain how you felt about this noise.Part31. What noises (= sounds) can we hear in a city?2. How do you suggest this noise could be controlled (or, decreased)?3. What do you think the government should do about excessive ( = too much) noise?4. Do you think it's possible to completely eliminate all noise?5. Would you agree to your neighbours having a party on the weekend?6. What time would you want them to finish the party?7. A Restaurant (N!)Describe cafe or restaurant that you know.You should say:● where it is● what kind of food they serve there (or, what service they provide)● who you usually go there withand explain why you like to eat at this place.part31. Are there many restaurants near your home/school/university/work?2. What (different) types of restaurants are there in your hometown?3. What kinds of eating places are there at your school/university?4. Does Chinese families often go to a restaurant to eat?5. What are the most popular kinds of restaurant in China today?6. How have restaurants in China changed in the last few (e.g. 20) years?7. What are some of the factors that make a restaurant a good one?8. Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat?9. Do you think that junk food should be banned?8. A River in Your Hometown (N!)Describe A River in Your Hometownyou should say:● where it is● what it looks like● what do people often do thereand explain why you like this river.Part31. Do you think water is important?2. Does China have many places with water?3. Do you think there is enough fresh water (= non-sea water; drinkable water) in the world for the needs of all the world's people?4. Compare the ways that water is used in urban environments with the ways it is used in rural environments.5. Which location do you think uses more water, the cities or the rural areas?6. What do you think is the difference between water for industrial usage and water for domestic usage?7. Do you think water use will increase in the future, or not?8. What are some ways that we (or, people) can (help to) conserve water?9. Would you say that people in China are aware of the various problems connected with water?10. How can (or, could) people be made more aware of these problems?11. Do many people choose to go to a place (for a holiday or for recreation) that has a lot of water?12. Why do people in China like to go to places such as Hainan Island for a holiday?9. A Hotel (N!)Describe a hotel you stayed at or have seen.You should say:● The name of the hotel● Where it was● What facilities it hadAnd explain your impressions of this hotel.Part31. How have hotels changed (improved) in recent years (or, compared to the past)?2. What facilities should a (good) hotel have?3. Is the hotel industry an important part of China's economy?4. Has tourism had any bad effects on your hometown?5. What kind of people (what kind of personal qualities) are best suited to work in a hotel?6. What could be done to improve the level of service in hotels?Event1. A Relaxing DayDescribe a relaxing day you had once after a period of hard work. *You should say:● when you had this relaxing day● where you spent this day● who you spent it with (and what you did)and explain why it was relaxing. *Part31. Where do people go nowadays when they want to relax? FQ2. Is there much difference between the way old people relax and the way young people relax? (Why?) FQ3. Do people of different ages spend their free time differently? (Why?) FQ4. Do you think sleeping is a good (or, an effective) way to relax? FQx25. Do you think there is much difference between the amount of sleep that old people need and that which young people need? FQ2. A Walk with a FriendDescribe a walk with a friend that you remember.You should say:● when it was● who you walked with● where you walked● what happened during the walkand explain why you remember it.Part31. Do people in China walk very much? FQ2. Where do they usually walk3. What are the benefits of walking? FQx24. Do you think exercise is important? (Why?) FQ5. In previous years, did people used to walk more than today, or less? FQ6. Do you think people will walk more than they do now in the future? FQ7. How do you think people could be encouraged to walk more? FQx28. How do you think people could be encouraged to walk to work?3. A Long JourneyDescribe a trip that didn't go as you had (originally) planned (or, expected). *You should say: 13● where you were traveling to● who was travelling with you *● what happened that was unplanned (OR: what didn't happen according to plan) *● what you didand explain how you felt.Part31. How does travel affect different (types of) people in different ways?2. What are some of the different reasons why people travel from one place to another? FQ3. In what ways is a business trip different to a holiday trip? FQx24. In general, do you think people like traveling? FQ5. What are some of the problems that people might experience when they go on a trip and whatcan/could the traveler do to resolve (or, avoid) these problems? FQx24. An Important Cerebration (N!)Describe an important celebration in your culture.You should say:● what this celebration is● when this celebration is held● what people do during this celebrationand explain why this celebration is important.Part31. Do you think "globalization" will eventually bring all the cultures of the world closer together?2. How important do you think it is to observe traditional celebrations?3. Are traditional celebrations today different to the traditional celebrations in the past?4. Do you think that, today, there's too much emphasis on making money from traditional celebrations?5. How much do young people in China know about traditional culture?6. Can you suggest how traditional culture could be promoted among young people?7. Is there much difference between the attitudes of young people and older people concerning traditional culture?5. A Time When You Were Late (N!)Describe an important occasion when you were late.You should say:● when this happened● what occasion you were late for● why you were late (Or, how you explained your lateness)and explain the result of your being late. 14Part31. What are some of the common excuses/reasons that people give when they are late?2. Some of these excuses might not be true. Do you think it is good to be dishonest like that?3. Are people in China usually punctual when they have to be somewhere at a certain time?4. What do people in China think of people who are late?5. Do you think it's important to be on time? (Is punctuality important?)6. Why do you think some people are often late? What sort of problems does this person have?7. What do you think is the main reason why some people are late for something?8. Do you think people who are often late can change this habit? (How?)9. Do you think people will place more emphasis, or less emphasis on punctuality in the future?10. For what situations is being on time very important? (Why important?)11. For what situations is it not so important to be on time? (Why not so important?)6. An Outdoor Activity (N!)Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing (or do regularly). *You should say:● what this activity is● where you do it● when you do it (or, how often you do it)and explain why you like it.Part31. Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did, say, 20 years ago?2. What are the benefits of doing things outdoors?3. Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to do ?4. What are the most popular outdoor activities in China?5. What sorts of activities do children like to do outdoors?6. Do boys and girls like to do the same kinds of things outdoors?7. Do old people and young people like doing the same kinds of things outdoors?8. How do you think climate and the environment affect what activities people do outdoors? 7. Something Naughty You Did (N!)Describe something naughty you did when you were a child.You should say:● when you did it● what you did● why you did itand explain how your parents felt about what you did. 15Part31. How important do you think pre-school education is?2. Why do you think some people like teaching little kids?3. And why do you think some people don't like teaching little kids? (What difficulties are there?)4. What do you think are the features of (the qualities of) a good teacher for young kids?5. Do you think there's too much pressure on school students nowadays to do well at school?6. What effects does going to a kindergarten have on the development of children? Object1. A Wild AnimalDescribe a wild animal from your country.You should say:● what the animal is● what it looks like● where it lives● and explain how people in your country (or, you) feel about this animal.Part31. Why do you think some people don't want to have a pet?2. What kinds of pets are most popular in China?3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?4. Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)5. Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you feel about that?2. An Unused ThingDescribe something you bought (or borrowed) recently but have never used (or not often used).You should say:● what it is● when you bought it● where you got it fromand explain why you have not used it very much.Part31. What products do people buy in China? FQ2. Do young people and old(er) people buy the same kinds of things?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of huge shopping malls (or, huge supermarkets/huge department stores)?FQ4. When people go shopping, do you think they are more concerned about price or quality?FQx25. When people go shopping, do you think they are more concerned about the appearance of the product or its quality? FQx23. A TV Program that You Didn’t LikeDescribe a TV program that you watched but didn't like.You should say:● what program it was● when you saw it● what it was aboutand explain why you didn't like it. 17Part31. Do you think TV celebrities are good role models for children? FQx22. Television and film stars are often role models for young people. What do you think of that? FQx23. (Similar to above) Do you think it's good that TV celebrities are often role models for young people?4. In your opinion, what qualities does someone need to have to become a TV celebrity? FQ5. (Similar to above) What skills and abilities does a person need to be a TV celebrity? FQ6. Many TV stars have an income that is very high. Do you think this is reasonable? FQx24. A Well-known Story in Your CountryDescribe a well-known traditional story from your country. *You should say:● who told you the story● when you (first) heard it● what it was aboutand explain how you felt when you heard this story.Part31. Why do you think (little) kids like listening to stories? FQx22. (Similar to above) Do you think (young) children prefer to be read a story or to read a story themselves?3. (Similar to above) Parents often read bedtime stories to their children. Why do you think children like that? FQx24. Please compare kids' stories today with kids' stories in the past.5. Something Healthy You Would RecommendDescribe something you do that is good for your health.You should say:● what you do● when you do it / Or: when you began to do it● whether you enjoy doing this (or, how much you enjoy doing it)and explain why you think this is important for your health.Part31. What do you think are the differences between healthy food and 'junk food'?2. What things do you think people in China need to do (or, need to change) in order to improve their health?3. Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?4. How do schools in your country teach about health?5. Do you think the media can play a role in educating people about health? (How?)6. A Piece of EquipmentDescribe an electrical (or electronic) machine or device you would like to buy.You should say:● what special features you would like it to have● how you know about it● how much it would costand explain why you would like to buy it.Part31. Do you think science and technology are very important in today's society?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this situation?3. How have the changes in communication technology changed society?4. How are the computers used in education today?5. How has modern science and technology changed the way people work in the past generation (20 to 30 years)?7. Using ComputersDescribe something you have learned to do on computers (such as studying). *You should say:● what it was● when you learned it● how you learned it *● and explain what benefits you get from having this skill.Part 3The Benefits of Computers in the Home1. What do you think are the benefits of using computers at home?2. Please compare writing by hand and writing on a computer.3. Do you think that people who are very sociable use computers very much?4. Do you think the next generation (about 30 years in the future) will use computers the same way as we do today?8. A Type of Popular Music in Your CountryDescribe a type of music that is popular in your country.You should say:● what type of music it is● where people listen to (or, can hear) it● what types of people usually like this type of music *and explain why you it is so popular. *Part31. Would you say that people of all ages like music?2. Would you say that people of all ages like the same types of music?3. What's your favourite type of music?4. (Similar to above) What types of music are popular with your generation? FQ5. Do your parents also like that kind of music?6. (Similar to above) What types of music are popular with people of your parents' generation? FQ7. Compare the music that young people like to listen to with the music that older people like to listen to.8. Compare classical music and modern music.9. What's the difference (the differences) between traditional music and modern music?10. Can you suggest how classical music could be made more attractive for young people?11. Do you think some people tend to classify others according to the music they like?12. Do you think friends should have the same tastes in music?。

2010 1月-6月 口语 机经

2010 1月-6月 口语 机经

2010年1月17日重复北美2008年12月6日考题Task 1Describe the person to whom you would like to turn for advice when you have a problem. Explain why you would like to turn to this person for advice? Please include details and in your answer. [2007.9.29/2008.12.7/北美2008.12.7]Task 2Some people think that government should put money on arts and culture like museums and theaters. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. [2006.12.17/2007.9.29/2008.12.7/北美2008.12.7]2010年1月23日重复北美2008年3月14日考题第1题、What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?第2题、 Do you lke to be taught by teachers with experience or new teachers?2010年1月31日重复北美2008年12月12日考题speaking:Task 1What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation.2010年2月7日重复北美2008年10月11日考题1、done subject you do not enjoy but think it is important2、watch a movie at home or theater?2010年2月21日重复北美2008年6月28日考题第1题、 who you want to spend time with? explain why第2题、 Do you think student should study in quiet place? why?2010年2月27日重复北美2008年11月14日考题Q1: 你会不会去一个foreign country 上univ or college,为什么?Q2: 当你去一个陌生的城市旅游时,你prefer travel by car or by public transprtation such as bus, 为什么?2010年3月6日重复北美2008年3月1日考题第1题、说你喜欢的performer. 为什么喜欢第2题、你是闲着的时候随波逐流还是有计划?2010年3月13日重复北美2008年9月27日考题Task 1What are some important effects of internet on modern people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response?Task 2Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their own cities or towns. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.2010年 3 月 27 日Many students want to improve their study records. Do you have any suggestion to them.2. Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Other people like to shopping even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which would you prefer?2010年4月10号1.Describe a gift and one person you would like to give the gift.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:it is easier to be teacher than to be student.2010年4月24号Describe one of your favorite teacher.Some people like to make decision quickly, while others need some time. Which do you think better?2010. 5.81. describe one of very important projects or assignments for you .2. Do you agree or disagree that children cause problems to parents2010.5.161. describe an important events you do with your family.2. Do you prefer large grocery or small one.2010.5.221. the most important friend in your childhood2. which role do you think we should be in a team, leader or member?2010.6.131. Describe one of musicians or artists you don’t like.2. Do you think parents should help their children to choose university/2010.6.13 US1. describe an area in your city or hometown.2. IF a college student have problem, which way do you think is better, ask for professor or search the information on the internet.。


高科技和环境两大概念是21世纪不可逆转和忽略的题材,也是雅思口试的要点。对于转基因食品GM food, fast food, 和robot这一类尚无定论,且政府也无明确章程的东西,成为口试中引发讨论的内容。
在食品方面,由人口增长导致了粮食缺乏,再引起的GM crops的产生,是一个热点。考生必须有的一个认知是,GM food的产生原因,他们的全称是genetically modified food,大致的含义,及它可能带来的影响等。
Your ideal house
Your ideal job
Your ideal car/bicycle
或者出题方式以something you want to own in the future,如:
另一个是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describe the emblematic building in your town,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很可能得高分的答题思路。
A car/bicycle you want to own in the future
The accommodation you want to own in the future
这类题目在做的时候可以不限章法,游刃有余,将自己心目中比较特别甚至奇特的想法描述出来,所以不一定是在日常生活中要有的东西,理想的accommodation包括villa, mansion, manor等,每种房屋又可有不同的造型,所以,这种题的宽容度非常大。另外,像car或者bicycle,除了生活中看到的车子,也可以描述一辆高科技的车子,甚至是可以飞的车子。至于ideal job,可以有很多感兴趣的因素,只要能想到的,如salary, time, chance to travel, challenge, benefits, environment, location, future development等,都可以逐条列出,会非常详细而有思路!所以建议考生做理想题要开阔思路。但是也要注意具体在描述是题目的时候,要注意顺序的把握,是from top to the bottom, from the outside to the inside,还是逐条列出,都是考官会关注的方面哦!



2010年雅思口语全年经典话题汇总一个老友P2 describe a close friend / a friend you have known for long time(how you meet each other, how you contact with each other, explain why you like him/herP3 Is it easy to make friends?What is the most important thing when you make friends?Do people make friends with younger or older people?How can they narrow the generation gap?How to keep their friendship?What you may get from a long friendship?Do you have friends with totally different personalities?How can you meet your friend?How do computer and mobile phone affect friendship?户外活动P2 Describe an activity outside or in the open air (what it is, where you do it, how often you do it, why you like itP3 Do you think outside acidities are good?What about the inside ones?How often do young people take sports? What about old people?What outside activity young people like? What about old people?How do the working people relax?What kind of people work outside?What is the difference between work outside and work inside?What is the difference between young and old people’s outdoor activities?童年爱好P2 describe a hobby you enjoyed in your childhood( what it was,when it started,what it involved,and explain why you like this hobbyP3 What are Chinese people’s hobbies now?What are th e children’s hobbies in China? Is it good?Do they have same hobbies with children in the past?Who have more time, students or workers?Do you think people have less free time?Do you think people may have more free time in the future?Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work?What do you want to do in your free time?Do you think the citizens have more free time?Do you want more free time?How much free time you think it’s good?What is the difference of their free time?What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies?What is the difference between children’s hobby past and now?What are the positive effects of your hobby to the development of your study and work?以下两题很可能为同一题:Describe a friend who had done something you admire 朋友做的让你崇拜的事P2 describe a thing you admire which was done by your friend (What it was, When he/she did it, How he/she overcame difficultyP3 Do young and old people admire same people?What kind of people do young people admire? What about old people?What is the influence of the people they admire to the public?Do some people admire bad person?Do you think we should give money to the people who did good things?Do you think good education may bring good jobs?Do you think famous people should be good examples for the public?What is the influence of academic degrees in the past and now?你崇拜的朋友P2 describe a person/friend you admire(what he/she did, why you admire him/herP3 what he will do when he encounters problem?do you think the people you admire will become good examples?What is the influence of a good example?What are the characters of successful young people?Do you think the working experience is important?Some people have many certificates, while others think the working experience is more important, what is your opinion?童年的玩具P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(What it was, Who gave you, Where you usually played with it(what it is,how it is played,who gave itto you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toyP3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now?Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good?What is the difference between boys' toys and girls' toys?What are the difference and relevance between toys and education?Is there any toy you could share with your friends?What is the difference of toy in city and in village?Would you like to share your toys with others?Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good?Do you think electronic toys are good?What is the benefit of educational toys to children’s growth?Do you think complicated toys are good for children?给别人的礼物P2 describe a present you gave to other person ( what it was, whom you gave it to, why you gave him/herP3 which one you think is better, sending gift or receiving gift?When do people give presents to others?Do you think it’s good if we give different gifts to different people?How you choose presents for others if you don’t know what they like?On what occasions you may receive presents in the city?What is the influence if presents are cheap?Is it good to give money as present?What kind of presents should friends give to each other?Do you think it is easy to choose a present?Do you think buying a present on the internet is much easier and cheaper? When was your last visit to a museum?Do you think it’s good if we sell things to visitors in museum?描述家乡的变化P2 describe the changes in your hometown (what was the change, from where you noticed it, describe the change in detailP3 what is the difference between things which children play with in the past and now?What is the difference between the ideas of modern people and old people?What are the differences between old and new life styles?What are their entertainment ways?How could you relax yourself?Some people think it’s important to protect the old lifestyles, what do you think?What kind of people should be respected?What is the relationship between the increasing population and the changes in cities?How do the cities change?Will local people tell the government these changes?What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village?Is there any new governmental policy?Should the government listen to local people's opinions?What facilities are necessary in cities?How do the changes in cities affect local people?Think about a facility which is good for the city development.Are there many accidents in your cities?How could you relax yourself?主持人这题P2可能有3版本:P2 describe a CCTV presenter you likeP2 describe your favourite program presenterP2 describe a TV program or radio presenterP3 Do your friend also like him/her?do you think he/she is good at this work?Why you like this program?What is the difference between news reporter and entertainment presenter? What about news reporter and radio presenter?What are the skills they need?Where they can be trained?Do you want to be a presenter?Do you think the presenter can tell jokes in programs?If they don’t tell jokes, do you think it is boring?Can they show their own opinions?环保P2 Describe something you can do for the environmentP3 Do you think it’s easy?Do you always read news about wild animals?Do you think we should legislate laws? What it is about? Why?Is there any other pollution in china?How to improve the environment?Who is more important to improve the environment, government or business man?Do you think it’s easy to improve the environment through changing people’s livi ng habit?擅长的事P2 describe something you are good at (what it is, how you learnt it, when you began to do it, how often you do it, who taught you this, what do you feelP3 Do you think it is good or bad if parents force their children to do sth.?What difficulties talented children may have in study?Do you think smart children like to stay alone?Some people are doing things to be famous, do you think so?Is it easier for the youngsters to learn skills than old men?What is important in learn new skills?What kind of new skills may give you more opportunities?Do you think the talent is playing an important part in learning new skills?If a man has no talent, do you think it’s suitable for him to learn new skills? What he should do?What kind of training schools are there in china?与别人合做的事P2 Describe a project you work with othersP3 How to cooperate with others?What would you learn from cooperation?What are the advantages if boys and girls cooperate?What is the difference between things which men do and women do?Why some people like to do things alone?What is the advantage if you do things alone?What is the difference betweeen foreign education and education in your country?What is the advantage if children cooperate?How to encourage children to cooperate?实用技能P2 Describe a practical/special skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving (what is your purpose of learning it,when do you learn it ,how do you learn it ,do you think it is difficult to learn itP3 How do you study?How do the ways of study change?What is the difference between the courses of primary and college education?What skills should children learn?Do they learn fast?How do adults learn things?What’s the difference between their study in the past and now?How to learn on internet?迟到的场合P2 describe an occasion when you were late and missed something important (what was the situation,why you were late, when it happened, how to excuseP3 Do you have any excuse if you are late? Is it true?What reasons do people use for being late?Do you think being on time is important?What kinds of situation do you think being on time is important and what is not?How do Chinese people consider being on time?Do you think people's attitude towards being on time has been changed or improved?传统故事P2 describe a traditional/ old / famous story in your country(what it was about, through what ways you knew it, what the meaning of this story is, why you remember it, explain why it is importantP3 How do children nowadays know traditional stories?What is the significance of the story to your language?How did these stories spread in your country?How to keep them alive?What kind of story do parents tell their children?Why some people like writing stories? How about you?What kind of people like writing stories?Do you think it is important to write stories?Do you think the traditional culture is important?What is the benefit of traditional story?Why people like to write story?Which kind of person likes to write story?Do you think traditional culture is important?博物馆P2 describe a historical museum(which one you want to say, where it is, what it is about, how often you go there and explain what you can do thereP3 what is the influence of museums to children?Do you think we should take children to museum?What kind of museum we should go to?Do you think government should spend a lot of money on library?What do you think of library?Do you think government should fund public library?What kind of museum is popular in china?How can we make library more attractive to people?How can modern technology improve library?广告P2 describe an advertisement (what it was, what it included, what kind of people like it, why it was impressiveP3 There are advertisements with famous people like Jacky Chan, how do you consider it?Where you can see advertisements?There are too many advertisements on streets or TV, do you think it is good?What advertisements do Chinese people like and dislike?What kind of advertisement attracts you most?What are the factors of good advertisement?Do you think it is good if children advertise the products?When is the most important time in a day?Why people who advertise products are always good-looking and happy?What about people who look ugly, like big fat guy?Where you can see fake goods advertisement?Why some companies use fake goods advertisement?Do people believe the fake ones?If not, why companies still use it?Do you think now people focus on material life?新的法规P2 Describe a new law (what it is, why it is helpfulP3 What law should be legislated to improve your hometown?P3 What law should be legislated to improve your hometown?Do you think it is easy to legislate and carry it out?Why the legislation is popular?Do you want to be a lawyer? Why?Why it is difficult to be a lawyer?What quality does it need to be a lawyer?Under what situation may people ask for lawyers’ help?What quality does it need to be a lawyer?Some people think lawyers are dishonest, what do you think?What is the function of law?Is it difficult for jobs which are related to laws?Do you think more women should join these jobs?How do the lawyers work?Do you think honesty is important to them?Do you think policemen are important?Do you think it is difficult to join the police?What ability should police officer have?What is the difference between policemen and policewomen?Who are more suitable for joining the police?If not, is it possible after they are trained?Do you think more women should join these jobs?Should policemen be armed with guns? Why? Why not in other countries?Should their guns be canceled?Is there any law which needs international cooperation?Do you think women are suitable for joining police?Do you think it is difficult to join the police?If not, is it possible after they are trained?Why policemen in some countries are armed with guns? Why in other countries not?Should their guns be canceled?智力测验P2 Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending P3 Do you like watching the quiz shows?Why some people dislike quiz show?What kind of people may attend the show?Do you think people all want to attend the show?Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?Is quiz show popular in China?Why young people do not like quiz shows?Are there many competitions in everyday life?Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree? Do you think that people are born to be competitive?How to be a competitive person?Do you like watching the quiz shows?What kind of people may attend the show?Do you think people all want to attend the show?Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?Do you think it is important for a company to be competitive?Do you think there should be legislation for the company competition?中学课程P2 describe a subject/course you liked when you were at secondary / high school ( what subject it was, how was the teacher like, how long did you study this subject and explain why you like this subjectP3 what subjects Chinese students learn in high school?If you like the subject, what will you do?If the students dislike the subject, what will the teacher do?In Chinese education, which subject is the most important?Do the teachers use technology to teach?What is the difference between college education and high school education?Which one should we focus on, academic research or practical research?How can teacher make students like the subject?Are there more male teachers or female teachers in primary school?Who is better, old teacher or young teacher?Is there any change of education this year?Do you have courses for taking sports?What makes a subject good or not?How does the modern technology positively and negatively influence education?What kind of majors do Chinese students choose?What should you consider when you are choosing a major?Do you think it’s good if parents help students choose majors?有噪音的地方P2 Describe a place full of noiseP3 What is the cause of noise?Why it is harmful?Why should we reduce noises?Are all noises harmful?How can we reduce noises?Do you think there are more noises than before? Why?How can we control the noises?Many people are keeping dogs as pets, do you think the dog barking is noise? Have they realized the dog barking is also noise?以下两题很可能为同一题目:外国人P2 describe a foreignerp3 Do you like communicating with foreigners?Are there many foreigners in china?Why more and more people choose to go abroad?Do you think people like to live abroad?What are the differences of cultures between different nations?说外语的人P2 describe a person who speaks another foreign language (who he/she is, what you have learnt from him/her, how do you communicate with him/her, how do you know each otherP3 Through what ways we may meet foreigners?Do you have difficulties when you talk about culture with them?What you may learn after you go abroad?Do you think after going abroad you may understand yourself better? Why?Do you think the immigration may affect another country? How?What about people? What about building?以下两题很相似;令你激动的消息P2 describe an exciting message you received through telephone or email (who sent you, what it was about, what you did laterP3 do you use internet?What about your parents? What about your grandparents?What’s the difference of old and young people's talk on a same thing?Face to face and sending message, which one is better? (why you think is face to face?What’s the difference between fact-to-face and using telephone?Talk about some communication skills. How to be a good communicator?What’s the dif ference between letter and email/cell phone?Do you think letter will be replaced by email/cell phone?有趣消息P2 describe an interesting message from phone or tvp3 do you think it is good if schools do not teach communication skills?Whom do you often communicate with?以下两题很相近:一段音乐P2 describe a piece of music/ your favourite type of music (when you listened to it, where you heard it, what style it is,why you like itP3 The different meanings of different music?What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it?Who is your favourite singer?What is the difference between Chinese and western music?Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style?Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?流行音乐P2 describe a type of popular music in your country(what type it is; why people like it; where do people listen to it...P3 what kind of music do you enjoy listening? Why?Why some music become popular?What do you think about the music business?What do you think about the rich singers?Why some singers are rich?Why you enjoyed listening to popular music at the first time?What is the opinion of old people towards popular music? And what kind of music they like?What kind of music should be called popular music?What kind of music do modern people like?Will they change their minds when they are getting older? Why?What kind of music could be popular for a long time?What kind of music is the most popular in China?Why some music is popular for long time while other not?Do you think the internet may affect music?Do you think KTV is expensive?Whom you would like to go with? Are males and females go together?The different meanings of different music?What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it?Who is your favourite singer?What is the difference between Chinese and western music?Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style?Do you think music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?Do you think all the music company is for earning money? Any for the dream of music?Why so many people want to be singers?The singers are earning too much money, do you think it’s fair?Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?健康生活方式P2 describe a healthy lifestyle you recommend(something good for your health(what it is, the reason? what people should doP3 Through what ways you know it?What is your opinion to health? Do you share your opinion with your friends?What is the difference between lifestyle 20 years earlier and now in China?Which one is much healthier?Do you think food may also affect the healthy lifestyle? In what ways?What should government do for this?How to educate children pay more attention to their health?How can parents help their children keep healthy? What about teachers?What’s the function of P.E. education?What are the different opinions of male and female students on health problem? What are the reasons?Describe a speech or lecture with the topic of health in school.What should the government do?Should government give money to it?传统节日P2 descibe a traditional festival/day you celebrate in your country (whatit is, when it is, how do you celebrateP3 Do Chinese have other festivals except the one you mentioned?What will you do on other festivals?Will other countries celebrate the festival in same way?What is the difference between the festival people celebrate in the pastand now?Do you think money is important?Do you think it is worth spending a lot of money on the national day parade?庆祝P2 Describe something you celebrated on some day( What celebration it was, when you celebrate it, where you celebrate it,What was your feeling after the celebrationP3 Will people spend a lot of money celebrating it?What is the difference between Chinese and western ways of celebration?How do young children know traditional customs?What is the traditional culture to your country?How does your country celebrate the traditional culture?How does traditional culture affect you?What is the traditional culture in your mind?What would happen if a country loses its traditional culture?你帮助过的人P2 Describe a person you helped (Whom you helped, What help you gave, Why you helped him/her, and explain how you felt after you helped him/herP3 Do you think children should help others?Why children should help others?Do you think we need to teach children to help others?What they could learn from adults?How can parents and teachers educate children to help others?Why parents have to pay teachers?If they help others from early age, what kind of relationship they will have with their classmates? Why so many people prefer to be doctors?Is it because of the high salary?What is the reason that movie stars earn more than nurses?What is the motivation/purpose of helping others?Do you think everyone is born with the awareness to help people?Why some people do not help others?中学影响你的老师P2 describe a teacher who influenced you when you were at secondary school(where you met him/her,what subject he/her taught,what was special about him/her,and explain why he/her influenced you so muchP3 What is the advantage of being a teacher?What are the qualities of good teachers?Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so?What is the difference between teachers in the past and now?你想见的老师P2 Describe a teacher who has taught you in your childhood and you want to meet him/her againWho he/she was, how much you contact, Why you want to meet him//her again, 4个问题少1个Do you want to meet him/her again?P3 Do you think teacher is a very important job?Please talk about the advantages of being a teacher.If some people think that teachers are not important, what should you do?What is the difference between teacher and other jobs?How can government encourage people to be teachers?P2 Describe a teacher in your childhood(Who he/she was, Why you describe him/her, 3个差一个P3 How could the teachers help you when you were at school?Do you think Chinese teachers are very tired?How often did they have holiday?When was the holiday for high school teachers?How much can they earn?Do you think the living condition of teachers is better than before?你去过的地方P2 describe a place you visited before makes you learn about past (when you went there, why you went there, what you didP3 What do you learn about the history of the places you visited?Why you think it is attractive?Questions about historical sites.Where, and through what ways can we learn history?Is history important for people?How do children learn about history?Do you think history is important to children today?Why people forget what they learn in history class?Do you think what we have learnt from books is important?Do you think museum is important? Do you think it should be free of charge?How do old people and young people relax themselves in cities?看过的电影P2 describe a movie you watched recently(where you watched it,why you chose it, what do you think of it, what you have learnt from itP3 What are the different kinds of movies?Which parts of the movie you like or dislike?What are the influences of movies?Do you think children should watch movies? What kind of movies they should watch? With whom?What kind of movie parents hope their children will watch?Should parents control the programs children watch?What are the effects of watching TV for children?Why movies which can earn a lot of money may not be popular?What kind of movie can be called “successful movie”?Do you think movies which cost a lot of money can be called successful movies? What about movies with a lot of stars?Do you think it is good if DVD players replace the cinema?新闻报道P2 describe a news story makes you excited or happy(how you knew it, what it included, where you learnt it, how you feltP3 How do you get the news?How interesting the news story is?Do you think the international news is important?How do people in your hometown get news home and abroad?How do foreigners know the information of China?Do you think young people pay attention to news?Do you think people in different ages may have different ways of getting information?Do they use internet more and more?How can you develop their interest to news if you have children?Do you think they will discuss news in school?School education and parents’ education, which one is better?Do you think we should encourage students to pay more attention to news?Is there any way for school to improve students’ ability to obtain information?Is there any difference in the attitude to news between foreigners and people in your country?Do you think the information obtained on internet is important?野生动物P2 describe a wild animal (what it is, how you know it, why you like it—有人说是interesting animal (what you learnt from the animal, why you think it is interesting,有人说是animal you likeP3 Why cities have zoos? Is it good?What is the function of zoos?Why people like to go to zoos?What effect zoos bring to us? What about in the future?What do you think of locking animals in the zoos?Why the governments build zoos?Should we build zoos in colder countries?What is the influence if we do so?What kind of zoo can be called a good zoo?How can we better the zoos?How do the zoos in your country develop?Do you think it is good if children go to zoos?Now many people hurt wild animals, how can we protect them?Is it worth spending money on this?Why there are fewer and fewer pandas?存钱买的东西P2 describe a thing you wanted to buy but you had to save money(what it was, how long you had to save money, why you bought it, how you feel after you bought itP3 what is the difference between shopping in big city and countryside?What is the difference between males and females when they buy things?How to measure people’s living standard? Do you think it is fair?Poor child or rich child, who is happier? Why?What problems may poor child have?Some parents buy whatever their children want, what do you think?What do you think of shopping online?吃中午饭的地方。



2010年上半年口语考试题目+资料汇总贴(7.1更新完毕)口语考试总时间: 13-15分钟PART 1 4 - 6分钟寒暄一番后,考官会谈谈一般话题(生活作息上、文化习惯上、个人兴趣等等PART 2 2 - 3分钟主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,我们有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行1-2分钟个人观点阐述。

建议大家最好说一分半钟,考官也可能会补充提一到二个问题!PART 3 8分钟左右考官就第二部分所提及的话题与考生进行更深入的双向讨论有同学说如果PART2说的太差的话,考官不会继续了问了,直接让你走人,不过概率极小。






2.6-7part1:1. 你住在哪,什么样的地方,你觉得怎么样, 和邻居的关系怎么样。

2. 中国人种花么,爱种花么,为什么3.job or study,subject program you like,why5.do u like eat vegetable when u were child?why?6.does it easy to buy some refresh vegetable or food around your house?9how easy? part2:1. 一个帮助过你的人2. 公共事件3. 一次重要的谈话4. 描述上周做了什么5. 小时候发生的开心的事6. 老人7. 描述一顿饭8. 一次不顺利的旅行9. 手工制作10. 电视节目11. 电影12. 喜欢的课程13. 公共事件14. 描述一个和你住一起的人15. 最近拜访过的人16. 商店17. 书18. 描述一个城市19. 花,20. 博物馆21. 城市乡村的区别22. 交通事故,23. 和你住在一起的人24. 收到的卡片或者手写信 T25. 描述一个重要的节日26. 一次野餐27. 一个聚会28. 极限运动29. 高兴的一件事情30. 一个科学研究31. 电子产品的选择32. 广告part3:人们喜欢public events 么,为什么?你喜欢么,都有什么样的public events, 为什么会有public events对青少年, 老年人来说哪些是要注意的, 为什么孩子应该不应该赡养父母关于食物,喜欢在家吃还是在外面吃2.11part11. 你觉得英语难学么?通过什么方式学习英语?2. 对学校的第一印象重要么?3. 工作还是学习?第一天上班的情况的?4.喜不喜欢看书?part21. 描述逃离工作放松的一天,在哪儿,和谁,做了什么。



1月9日雅思口语机经为大家整理了网友版:2014年1月9日雅思口语机经,仅供参考!!2014年1月9日雅思口语回忆回忆1delaide IDP P1:名字,职业,语言,有没有其他需要想学的语言p2一件忘记的事p3 怎么防止忘记东西,高科技有帮助我们记忆吗?有好处还是坏处? 记忆会随着时间而改变吗? 要求不高,求六分回忆2重庆川外考场RM04白人考官很友善part1describe the place where you live,cooking part2 advertisement part3问了有关广告的途径和两面性回忆3合肥中澳RM402 白人美女超级nice从不打断~P1姓名学习工作专业有意思么照片喜欢照片么保留照片么希望把摄影当职业么什么时候拍照亲戚朋友喜欢拜访哪个亲戚重要么朋友有用么P2重要的决定P3做决定时有求助谁么年轻人要做哪些决定会求助他人么大人做什么决定~最后一次攒人品!回忆4内蒙古师范大学,707,P1:party,sunshine P2:something you can not without (escape computer,telephone) P3:年轻人容易被新科技所打动。


回忆5合肥中澳p1家乡音乐唱歌生日p2 家族企业p3 大公司好还是小公司好跟家里人工作好还是陌生人好交流技巧重要吗成为成功商人的要素商人为什么会开创自己的生意。



回忆6呼和浩特内师大rm4白人高高帅帅男子爱笑p1 学习工作computer 喜欢的科目p2不同地方的文化p3 globalization 求过攒人品回忆7杭州203 白人男子挺帅的脾气好P1 Where you live, Music, Rain P2 A restaurant P3 disadvantages of eating outside, 大饭店是不是比小饭店好,贵的饭店是不是比便宜的好。



2010年11-12月雅思口语试题整理:【3G雅思网- 雅思考试(IELTS)】Do you work or study?What is your major?Do you like it?Why do you choose it?Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country?What do like most about it?Do you think your major will make you have more job chances?Is it important to learn a major you are interested in?P1 CollectionP1 do you like collecting things?what do you like collecting?what did you collect in your childhood? what about now?what do you think of other people's collections?if you could be rich, what would you collect?P1 hometownWhere are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from? What do you like most in your hometown?What is the weather like in your town?What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?Could you describe sth. about your hometown?Is there sth. which still needs to be developed in your hometown?What you think should be improved in your hometown?Do you have CD player or radio?What was your feeling when you firstly come to your college?Do you think it is important to be in college?What is famous in your hometown?How much you know about hometown?Is it possible to meet foreigners in your hometown?P1 SoundWhat kind of sound do you like?What kind of sound may remind you your childhood?What kind of sound you dislike?P1 ColourWhich colour do you like?What is your favourite colour? Why?Do different colours have different meanin该文章转载自无忧考网:【网络综合- 雅思考试(IELTS)试题】10年雅思口语经典试题:建筑2010年的雅思口语考试已经过去了,又一年的硝烟战场被留在了烤鸭们的身后。



2010口语机经(总结到2010.12.12)TASK 1一、人物类*. (2010.04.24=NA2008.11.08=NA2006.03.03) 【版本1】好老师的character【版本2】描述你喜欢的一位老师。

*. (2010.09.12=2009.01.10=2007.10.21)问好朋友什么最重要?loyalty,honest还是Humor*. (2010.11.28=2009.05.31=NA2008.02.01) What is the most important quality of a good neighbor should have?*. (2010.03.06=NA2008.03.01) Describe your favorite performer or musician. Explain why you like this performer or musician most. Include reasons and examples to support your response.*. (2010.09.26=2009.06.21=NA2008.02.23/24) describe a character in a book,film , poem, explain why you like it. *. (2010.05.22=NA2008.05.09) describe a special friend, why she/he is special to you?*. (2010.02.21=NA2008.06.28) Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person.*. (NA2010.06.12=2010.06.12) Describe an artist, musician or popular singer you do not like. Give specific reasons 二、地点类*. (NA2010.11.05=2010.06.13=2009.03.14=2007.12.01=NA2006.07.15) 介绍你最喜欢的城市的一个地方*. (NA2010.01.22) favorite place to go shopping三、物品类*. (NA2010.09.25) cell phone给人们生活带来的好处*. (2010.03.13=NA2008.09.27) Internet怎么重要了*. (NA2010.08.28) 网络对你的作用*. (NA2010.03.12) Is it beneficial for the student to have computers?*. (2010.04.10=NA2009.03.13) Describe a gift and one person you would like to give the gift.*. (2010.01.23=NA2008.03.14) 说说你小时候最喜欢的toy or game 是什么and why四、事件类*. (NA2010.12.10) describe a decision you made. How you made that decision? how you solve it?*. (2010.11.27=NA2009.06.20) what new activity you like to do recently?*. (2010.10.23=NA2009.08.01) 说一件你在不久未来会去做的activity.*. (NA2010.04.24) when did you commemorate an important activity in a restaurant?*. (NA2010.09.10=NA2009.06.27=2009.06.27) What big event happened in your country recently?*. (NA2010.03.20)最近参加的event or celebration*. (2010.11.14=NA2009.08.07) 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件*. (2010.12.12=2009.07.25=2007.11.24) Describe a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends*. (2010.10.31=NA2009.09.25)最重要的一天*. (2010.07.10=NA2009.05.15) Describe one thing you tried to do, but you have never done it before. Explain why it was important to you.*. (2010.08.28=NA2009.07.25)描述一件事情you don’t want to but you asked to do?*. (2010.01.17=2008.12.06=2007.09.15) Describe one of the difficulties in which you received help from your family, friends or classmates and please give specific details to describe how their suggestion helped you.*. (NA2010.12.03)选一个你认为大学期间很challenge 的事情,有三个选项,因为我选的是Finding time to relax,所以只记得这个选项五、文体娱乐*. (2010.07.24=NA2008.10.25) What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is more important for you? 你是怎么KEEP HEALTH 的*. (NA2010.09.24) describe a group, organization or club you would like to join*. (NA2010.02.13) 在学校里喜欢什么活动*. (2010.11.21=NA2009.05.30) Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child.Describe the activity and explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family?*. (2010.05.16=NA2009.01.10) what activity do you and your family like to do together*. (2010.01.31=NA2008.12.12) What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.*. (2010.01.16) describe a book you have not read but are interested in*. (NA2010.01.30) 描述Mystery, science fiction,biography 三类书中你最不喜欢哪类?why?*. (2010.08.14=NA2009.06.12) Describe one of your friends? And explain why you become friends. 让给个例子说说如何交到一个朋友*. (2010.10.09=NA2009.03.21) describe a common cloth in your country, explain why they have interest*. (2010.12.04=2008.11.01) what kind of clothing do you usually wear and why六、工作学习*. (2010.06.26=NA2008.08.16) One new skill you'd like to learn or you're already good at it.*. (NA2010.02.27)描述一项activity that you have already know how to do, but want to do better. Describe the details of how you will do to improve it*. (NA2010.05.08=2010.05.08) 说一个你曾经参与过的assignment, 从中学到了什么*. (NA2010.09.11=2010.09.11)问在完成school assignments时prefer哪种:Research paper. Class presentation. Group project*. (2010.02.07=NA2008.10.11) 说一个你觉得不感兴趣(或者很难对付)但又非常重要的学科,具体到为啥难对付但又为什么重要.*. (NA2010.06.26) your different study habits from other students*. (NA2010.03.06) 你的朋友想在课上提高成绩,你有何建议能够帮助她*. (NA2010.07.10) 如果你朋友非常害怕在一群人面前(公众场合)做演讲,你会给他什么建议*. (NA2010.03.27=2010.03.27) Many students want to improve their study records. Do you have any suggestion to them?*. (NA2010.08.13)你的朋友job interview 你有什么suggestion*. (NA2010.08.21)你朋友突然天上掉馅饼地获得了一笔钱,问你他该怎么处置这笔钱,你怎么建议?*. (2010.10.17=NA2009.01.17) many students do volunteer work, 问what kind of volunteer do you want to be? *. (NA2010.10.22) choose one ability if you volunteer? 1. Children program 2 planning garden 3community cleaning up?*. (NA2010.11.13=2010.11.13) 在professor, environment protector, and journalism 中选一个你认为最rewarding 的*. (2010.08.21=NA2008.05.16)你和别人合作解决问题或处理一些事情的经历,请说问什么这个经历helpful *. (NA2010.04.10) primary school teacher、artist、nurse,who is the most important to the society?*. (2010.02.27=NA2008.11.14) 你会不会去一个foreign country 上university or college,为什么?*. (NA2010.10.30) 喜欢在什么地方/哪学习*. (NA2010.06.19)Your friend wants to drop out of university or college, agree or disagree*. (2010.09.18=NA2009.02.21) What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?*. (NA2010.11.06) Why do you think it is hard for university student to manager time七、抽象类*. (NA2010.10.09) Describe a change in your country*. Which sentence do you think is very meaningful to you?*. (NA2010.10.29) 童年,青少年,成年,那个阶段是你认为最difficult 的period*. (NA2010.07.23)我们现在社会面临着很严重的环境问题,选取一个你认为有用的方法来save our planetTASK 2一、生活娱乐类*. (NA2010.07.10) 你喜欢不喜欢吃快餐店的食物(fast food)*. (2010.02.07=NA2008.10.11) 你愿意去电影院看电影还是在家看,为啥?*. (2010.09.12=2009.01.10=2007.10.21) Do you prefer watching news on television or reading news on newspaper? *. (2010.11.27=NA2009.06.20) do you like to memorize your experiences by writing diary, taking pictures?*. (2010.07.24=NA2008.10.25) Some people prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays with a large group of people in a party. Others prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays alone and quietly. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.*. (NA2010.10.09)在外留学的学生是和当地的family一起住,还是自己一个人或和朋友住好?*. (2010.06.26=NA2008.08.16) Some people prefer to do team sport; others prefer to do individual sport. Which do you prefer and why*. (NA2010.10.29) 你是愿意参与sports,还是看别人play*. (NA2010.01.30) 喜欢一个人旅行还是跟family一起,Why?*. (2010.10.09=NA2009.03.21) would you like to spend time with family or friends rather than alone and why*.(2010.11.28=2009.05.31=NA2008.02.01) Some people prefer to watch entertainment TV programs while others prefer to watch educational programs, which one do you prefer, why?*. (2010.12.12=2009.07.25=2007.11.24) Do you like travel to somewhere you have never been to or the place you have ever been?*. (2010.05.16=NA2009.01.10) do you like shopping in large grocery store/department or small grocery store?*.(2010.02.27=NA2008.11.14)当你去一个陌生的城市旅游时,你prefer travel by car or by public transportation such as bus, 为什么?*. (2010.03.06=NA2008.03.01) Some people prefer to plan activities for their leisure time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their leisure time. Which do you prefer?*. (2010.08.28=NA2009.07.25)有的人喜欢plan for the future, 有的人喜欢focus on the present, 你喜欢哪种? *. (NA2010.03.27=2010.03.27) Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Other people like to shop even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which would you prefer?*. (NA2010.03.06)你是愿意买书还是愿意去图书馆借书或去店里租书*. (NA2010.07.23)你prefer carefully pick presents for friends,还是给他们gift cards之类的让他们自己选择礼物。



2010年雅思写作考试真题总汇壹领教育/整理2010年1月9日Task1pie chartTask2Some people think charitable organizations should help people in their own country,while others argue that they should help those in the greatest need,no matter where they live.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年1月14日Task1tableTask2Some people think the government,instead of private companies,should be responsible for scientific research.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年1月23日Task1mapTask2The gap between the wealthy and the poor is increasing.What are the causes and how can we solve this problem?2010年1月30日Task1bar chartTask2There is an increasing amount of anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others.Why is this the case? Give some measures.2010年2月6日Task1pie chartTask2Air travel only benefits the rich people.But the majority of people do not benefit from it.To what extent do you agree?2010年2月11日Task1bar chartTask2Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world.Other people,however,believe that scientists are the most important.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年2月20日Task1pie chartTask2Some traditional values are lost as a result of economic development.To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?2010年2月27日Task1tableTask2Technological progress in the last century had more negative effects,despite its remarkable contributions tohuman society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年3月6日Task1pie chartTask2The life expectancy is longer in many societies.What effects does this situation have on individuals and the society as a whole?2010年3月18日Task1tableTask2Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed,while other people believe that zoos are useful for protecting rare animals.Discuss both views and give your opinion2010年3月20日Task1bar chartTask2With the technology developing rapidly,machines are used widely in our lives.To what extent do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?2010年3月27日Task1tableTask2Many children prefer watching TV to doing creative things.Why is this the case?How can we solve this problem?2010年4月10日Task1bar chartTask2Some people think that the recent increase in cheap air travel has brought many benefits,but others believe that this development does harm to the environment and world’s resources.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年4月15日Task1tableTask2Males and females are different in many ways.Some jobs can be done by men,but other jobs are just suitable for women.Do you agree or disagree?2010年4月17日Task1tableTask2Some people think the government should be responsible for its citizens’healthy lifestyles while others think citizens should live in ways they prefer.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年4月24日Task1tableTask2In modern society everyone in the world wants to own a car,a TV and a fridge.Do you think the disadvantages of such economic development outweigh the advantages?2010年5月8日Task1bar chartTask2Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore,other subjects such as music and sports are not important.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?2010年5月15日Task1mapTask2Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important to a children's education than going to school.However,others believe that schools and teachers are necessary for children to learn effectively.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年5月22日Task1flow chartTask2Some people think children should be made to obey rules what their teachers and parents want,while others think students who are controlled too much will not be prepared for future adult life.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年5月29日Task1mapTask2Many young people leave schools with a negative attitude.Why does this happen?What do you think can encourage young people to have a positive attitude?2010年6月5日Task1pie chartTask2Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.Some people think universities should make it especially easy for them to study To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年6月17日Task1mapTask2To what extent do you agree societies benefit from increased contact and closer relationships brought about from the international tourism and business?2010年6月19日Task1tableTask2An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives.Is this a positive or negative development?2010年6月26日Task1mapTask2When people travel to other countries,some of them are becoming prejudiced rather than broad-minded. What are the causes why people fail to benefit from travel and how to promote the understanding of countries you visit.2010年7月10日Task1mapTask2Some people think that young people are not suitable for important positions in the government.Others argue that young people have new ideas in these positions.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年7月15日Task1tableTask2Some people think that young adults should learn practical skill themselves,but others argue that they should learn such skills from teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年7月17日Task1pie chartTask2People moving from rural areas to the city will cause problems for both areas.What are these problems and how can we solve these problems?2010年7月31日Task1bar chartTask2University students should pay for all the costs for university education because they can get more benefits from university education as individuals than society on the whole.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年8月5日Task1tableTask2In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes.Why is this case happening?How should children or teenagers be punished?2010年8月14日Task1bar chartTask2Cities are developing very fast today.What problems has this brought to young people and how can we solve them?2010年8月21日Task1bar chartTask2Some charities and other organizations create some special days such as Children's Day and No Smoking Day.Why do we have these special days?How effective are they?2010年8月28日Task1bar chartTask2City planners tend to put shops,homes,factories and offices in separate areas.To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2010年9月4日Task1line chartTask2Anyone can make a home or work call at any place or time.Some people think this has negative effects on individuals and the society.Do you agree or disagree?2010年9月11日Task1bar chartTask2Some people believe that the use of animals for experimentation purposes is cruel.However,others think it is necessary for the development of science.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年9月16日Task1pie chartTask2Society is based on rules and laws.It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年9月25日Task1bar chartTask2An increasing number of children aged7-11are watching TV or play video games in their free time.What are the effects of this development?How can we solve this problem?2010年10月9日Task1line chartTask2Some countries have introduced a law to limit working hours for employees.Why this law can be introduced?Do you think it is a positive or negative development?2010年10月14日Task1The graphs below show the development of the cutting tools made by stone,one was made1.4million years ago,and the other was made800thousand years ago,viewing from back view,front view and side view.图表要素回忆此图形并不是传统意义上的流程图,但是也有一定的发展变化顺序,即石器在不同的时期的不同形态。




写作呢?当然要写!(顺便BS 一下那些只看书却从来不动笔的人。







P.S. 自从在“关于我”中把邮箱公布后每天都有无数邮件汹涌而至,而且都是“冰天雪地跪求”或者“在线等”,很怕怕。

Pat一定会尽量多回复大家的信,但如果有遗漏也请原谅哈~~2009年1月10日Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having the opposite effect. What is your opinion?2009年1月15日Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from others sources (such as the Internet or television).To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年1月17日Today, people can work and live anywhere they want to because of the improvement of communication technology and transport. Do advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?2009年2月7日Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty. Therefore, rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年2月12日Development in technology causes environmental problems. Some people believe the solution to these problems is that everyone accepts a simpler way of life while others say that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.2009年2月21日Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve while others think that individuals can solve these environmental problems if they take some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2009年2月28日Some people believe that to improve public health, the government should increase the number of sports facilities. Others believe that that it has little effects and we need other measures to improve it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2009年3月5日Newspapers have an enormous influence on people’s opinions an d ideas. Why is this the case and do you think it is a positive or a negative situation?2009年3月7日Some people think music plays an important role in society. Others think it is it is simply a form of entertainment. Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion.2009年3月14日More and more students choose to go to another country for their higher education. Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it?2009年3月21日Some people think that to prevent illnesses, it is more important for the government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年4月4日Nowadays,people live in societies where consumer goods are cheaper. Do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages?2009年4月18日If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a form of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年4月25日Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important to a child's education than going to school. However, others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2009年4月30日Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain people. But others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2009年5月9日Some people believe that teenagers should take all school subjects. However, others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.2009年5月16日It has been believed that people who read books for pleasure have developed better imagination and language skills than people who prefer to watch TV for fun. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年5月21日A hundred years ago, people think that the human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Now it seems this is not the case in many areas. In what areas do you think we have made important progress? In what areas do you think we still need to make progress?2009年5月30日Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are the main sources of energy in many countries. But in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy (wind energy and solar energy) are encouraged. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?2009年6月11日Some food travels thousands of miles from farms to consumers. Some people think it would be better to our environment and the economy if people only eat locally-produced food. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2009年6月13日Some research reports suggest that the majority of criminals who were sent to prison would commit crimes again when they are set free. What do you think of these reports? What can be done to solve this problem?2009年6月20日Some people believe that those who are not talented in language learning should not be required to learn a foreign language. What is your opinion?2009年6月27日Developing countries often request help from international organizations. Some people think that financial aid is important. However, others believe that practical aid or advice is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.2009年7月4日Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore,some people think financial support from the government should only be provided for scientific research by postgraduate students rather than their research on less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?2009年7月11日Many people think companies and individuals, instead of governments, should pay for reducing the pollution they have produced. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年7月23日Some people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree?2009年7月25日Some people think students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home. Do you agree or disagree?2009年8月8日The development of technology has changed the way that people interact with each other. In which ways does it change the type of relationship that people build with each other? Does this have positive or negative effect on society?2009年8月13日The subjects and course contents for children are decided by the authorities, such as the central government. Some people think that teachers should decide these for students. To what extent do you agree of disagree with this opinion?2009年8月22日The news media are increasingly influential today. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?2009年8月29日When we travel to foreign countries, we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countries. What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positive or negative?2009年9月5日Some people think that students should go to university for further education. However, some others claim that students should go to learn skills such as fixing cars or construction. What is you opinion?2009年9月12日Care for children is an important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年9月17日Do you think giving criminals longer terms in prison is a good way to reduce crimes?2009年9月26日"211同义词替换工程”版十天Day 8(下)的范文,原题重现2009年10月8日Some people think family members have stronger influence on children than teachers and friends. Do you agree?2009年10月10日Some people think the production of consumer goods damages the environment. Do you agree or disagree?2009年10月24日Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think it should help students acquire theoretical knowledge. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2009年10月31日Environmental problems are too serious for individuals to solve. Only governments and big companies can solve them. Do you agree? (非常典型的替代法,十天Day 2)2009年11月7日There is a higher rate of juvenile delinquency(youth crime)today. What are the causes and what are your solutions? "211同义词替换工程”版十天Day 8 (中)里面原题和范文都有2009年11月14日Professionals such as doctors, nurses and teachers should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree? (《剑7》里Test B原题)2009年11月18日Some people think governments should introduce new technology to improve the lives in developing countries while others think they should provide free education for developing countries to achieve that. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ("211同义词替换工程”版十天附录A政府类范文)2009年11月21日International organizations have failed to help everyone who needs help so they should only focus on helping the communities in their own countries. To what extent do you agree? (一看到only就是最典型的替代法题目,马上用“十天”Day 2里第二种方法解决)2009年12月3日Some people prefer to have temporary jobs and only work for a few months in a year and then use the rest of time to do what they wish to do. To what extent do you think the advantages of doing this outweigh the disadvantages? (说白了就是讨论part-time job利弊的老题,只不过这个part-time job不是从一天来说,而是从一年来说)2009年12月5日In the past, people repaired broken items and continued to use them. But nowadays people throw away things that are broken. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are its effects? (剑桥过去的G类老题)2009年12月12日Only employees can benefit from working at home, but not employers. Do you agree or disagree? ("211同义词替换工程”版十天附录B里原题和范文都有)2010年1月9日Some people think charitable organizations should help people in their own country while others think they should help those in the greatest need, no matter where they are. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.("211同义词替换工程”版十天p254范文)2010年1月14日Some people think the government,instead of private companies,should be responsible for scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ("211同义词替换工程”版十天p274原题+范文2010年1月23日The gap between the wealthy people and the poor people is increasing. What are the causes of this problem and what are the solutions to this problem? (典型的report,"211同义词替换工程”版十天p150)2010年1月30日There is an increasing amount of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions? (report再次出现,令那些23号之后匆忙断言“不可能连续考两次report”的人大跌眼镜)2010年2月6日Air travel only brings advantages to the rich people. But the majority of people do not benefit from it. To what extent do you agree? (“211同义词替换工程版”十天写作p285原题)2010年2月20日Economic development has caused some traditional values to be lost. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? (《十天写作》"211同义词替换工程版”发展类p290倒数第三题)2010年2月27日Technological progress in the last century had negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution to human society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (《十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”p290正中间发展类第二题)2010年3月6日The life expectancy is longer in many countries, which is causing problems for society. What kinds of effect does this situation have on individuals and society as a whole? (《十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”附录D中Development类人口老龄化考题)2010年3月18日Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. Some other people think zoos are useful for the protection of the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”附录D中Animals类保护动物考题)2010年3月20日With the technology developing rapidly, machines are used widely in our lives. To what extent do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? (《十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”p265-p266)2010年3月27日Many children prefer to watch TV rather than to do creative things. Why is this the case? How can we solve this problem? (《十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”附录A最后一篇:儿童喜欢video games是否影响creativity)2010年4月10日重复中国大陆2月6日考题2010年4月17日Some people think the government should help citizens adopt healthy lifestyles while othersthink citizens should live in ways they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (《十天写作》“211同义词替换工程版”p.287政府类第三题)2010年4月24日It has been suggested that everyone in the world wants to own a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you think the disadvantage of such social development outweighs the advantage?2010年1月9日Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. But others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2010年1月14日In today's world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry out most on scientific research.To what extend do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages.2010年1月23日The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer.What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem?2010年1月30日Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others.What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem?2010年2月6日Air travel only benefits the richest people, majority people take no advantage from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年2月11日Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2010年2月20日Many countries aim to improve living standard by economic development, but some important social values are lost as a result.Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?2010年2月27日Some people hold that technological progress in the last 100 years has brought negative effects upon society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年3月6日Survey shows that in many countries across the people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole what are the possible effect of longer living for individuals and society?2010年3月18日Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2010年3月20日More and more works have done by the machines. What are the impacts on individuals and society? What’s your opinion?2010年3月27日Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they do in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things.Why do you think this is case? What measurement and methods can be used to tackle with it?2010年4月10日Some people think that the increase of cheap air travel has brought about many benefits while others argue that this development has its drawbacks to the world’s environment and resources.Discuss these two points of view. What’s your opinion?2010年4月15日Some people think that men and women have different qualities that some certain job suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.To What extent do you agree or disagree?2010年4月17日Governments should change the way individuals live while others believe they should choose the way themselves.Discuss these both points of view and give your opinion.2010年4月24日It has been suggested that everyone in the world want to own a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you think disadvantage of such a development outweigh advantages?2010年5月8日Some people consider that school education should be concentrated on academic subjects, which would be helpful for their future careers, and subjects like music and sport are not useful.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年5月15日Nowadays, distance-learning programs are such common thing for us, but some people argue that they are not as good as those by attending in a college or university in person.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年5月20日Some people think that children should obey rules that parents and teachers want them to do. However, others think that control may lead to children cannot well deal their life.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2010年5月29日Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happening? What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?。



2010年11月6日雅思考试口语考题回顾(一)考试日期:2010.11.06Part 1Your Work or Your StudiesWhat do you do (in a typical day) at work?Do you like your job?Would you like to change your job?Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?What job would you like to do in the future?Why are you taking the IELTS test?Do you think the first day at work is important?What subjects are you studying?Why did you choose that subject?What school (or university) do you go to?Why did you choose that university (or, school)?How do you like your subject?What's your favourite subject at school?What's the most difficult part of your course?What's the most interesting part of your course (your subject)?For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course? Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?Did you like your first day at university?Do you think the first day at university is important?Your Home& Your AccommodationDo you live in a house or a flat?How long have you lived there?Do you plan to live there for a long time?Please describe your home a little.What are the benefits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house?What's your favourite room in your home? (Why?)How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved? What is the environment like around your flat/house?Is it easy to travel to and from your home?Would you say it's a good place to live?Where do you come from?Where do you live at the moment?Does your whole family live there?Tell me something about your hometown.What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?Do you prefer to live in a big city or in the countryside?Would you say it's a good place to grow up?Would you say that's a good place to live?Do you plan to live there/here for a long time?What (other) city would you like to live in (in the future)?What's the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?CollectingDo you collect anything as a hobby?Did you collect anything (such as stamps or CD's) when you were a child?Do you still collect them now?Why do you like collecting things?If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?TravellingHave you ever been on a long trip? (If yes, say where you went!)Do you like travelling? Why?Which country would you like to travel to (in the future)?WeatherWhat's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?What changes are there between the different seasons in your country?What's your favourite season? (Why?)Do you usually pay attention to the weather forecasts?Does the weather ever affect what you do?Do you (or, do people in China) do the same things in the different seasons of the year?ShoppingDo you like shopping? CDo you prefer shopping alone or with others?What time of the day do you prefer to go shopping?When was the last time you went shopping? CDo you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big shops such as supermarkets and department stores?Is there anything you dislike about shopping?Mobile PhonesDo you have a mobile phone?What do you use it for?How often do you use it?When did you get it?How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?CookingDo you like cooking?Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?When did you learn how to cook?In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)SoundsDo you prefer a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds? What natural sound do you like the most?What sounds do you dislike?What sounds remind you of your childhood?Clothes and FashionDo you like shopping for clothes?Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?Do many people (in China) follow fashion?AnimalsDo you like animals?What's your favourite animal?Are people in your country fond of animals?Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?ColoursWhat's your favorite color?Do you usually wear clothes in your favouritecolour?Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?SportAre you interested in sport?What sports do you like?Do most people in your country like sport?What benefits do you think sport can bring us?Do (did) you often play sport at school? (What sport?)Do you think it's important for children to play sports?考试日期:2010.11.06Part 2&3PlaceDescribe a place you have visited(want to visit)Why many people want to live in this place?There’s many problem in transportation in this place?So why many people still wants to live in this place?How this place affects people?Why people like to live in the city?Describe a place you visited where you learned something Why do people build museums?What are they used for?Why don't some people want to visit museums?Describe a place you go to that has a lot of noise.What noises can we hear in a city?Do you think noise (ever) has any benefits?Do you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?What harm can noise do to people's health?How do you suggest this noise could be controlled?What do you think the government should do about excessive noise?Object/ ThingDescribe a sport you would like to be good atDo you think sport are necessary at school?What do you think are the benefits of international sporting competitions?Why do you think athletes from certain countries are better at some sports than athletes from other countries?Describe a type of music that is popular in your country.What is the importance of music in people's lives?How do people's preferences in music change with age?Describe a useful piece of (electrical) equipment that you often use at homeAre there any of those that you think are not very important?What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)? Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using modern equipment?How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?Describe a hobby you had when you were a child.What hobbies do young people in your country have?What hobbies for children do you think will be most useful for them when they grow up? describe a favourite subject in high school or secondary schoolDo you want to study this subject in the future?what is the popular subject in high school, whywhat is the interesting subjecthow can teacher make class interestingtechnologies and high school student's study.Describe something healthy you would recommendWhat do you think are the differences between healthy food and 'junk food'?What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?Do you think it's important for children to learn about a healthy lifestyle?Do you think the media can play a role in educating people about health?Do you think it's a good idea for employers to encourage their employees to live a healthy life?How can employers do that?Describe a film you have recently seen.What kind of movie is popular in China? Why?What is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?What do you learn from watching movies?Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?Do you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?What kind of people prefer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why? What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies?Describe an interesting wild animal from your countryWhat kind of relationship do people and animal have?What is the difference between having a pet now and having a pet in the past?Is it better to have a dog in city or rural area?Is vegetarian conducive to protect animals?Do you think animals should be killed? Why?Why do people raise pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?Why is it popular to raise pets?What can we use animals for?Are you a vegetarian?Should animals be kept in cities or countryside?What are some of the problems related to raising pets?Describe something you made yourself (either alone or with othersIn China, do many people make things themselves?What are some reasons why (some) people make things themselves?In order to make something, what qualities does a person need to have?Which group is better at making things by hand, men or women?What are some differences between hand-made things and things made by machine? Do you think there are any differences concerning the quality of hand-made andfactory-made products?Describe an interesting job you have heard about or read about.Do you think it's reasonable (or, fair) that people have different salary levels?What do you think of the working conditions in your country at the moment?Do you think most people's working conditions in your country are better than in the past? Do you think working conditions will improve in the future?In what ways do you think working conditions still need to be improved?What minimum working conditions should all employees be given, by law?What effects does (or can ) working overtime have on the lives of employees, especially women?Describe an advertisement that you think is successful.You should say:What is advertised?What the advertisement contains (the contents of this advertisement)What is the function (purpose) of this advertisement?What kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in (or attracted to) this advertisementAnd explain why you this advertisement works well.Describe an exciting message.Was it from phone or emailWhat was it aboutWhat did you do after you received itHow are younger people and older people different in receiving messages? Is it easy to talk to the elderly?Is it easy to communicate with teachers?Do teachers need communication skills?Describe a gift you want to send to somebody.Who will you send this giftWhyHow do you think the receiver would respondWhat do you think of gift-givingWhat do you think of donating to charity?What is the significance in donation?How would the trend of donation be?Describe a law.Is it difficult to become a policeman?Should policemen bear guns?Are men more suitable to become police than women?Are lawyers respected?What makes a good lawyer?When do people need laws?EventDescribe some situation that some people gave u some useful advice who gave u the advice。




10多年后的今天我作为访问学者来到剑桥,在剑桥大学Leslie副校长的引荐下,我有幸和剑桥大学考试委员会全球运营总监和雅思课题经理Dr. Rod以及几位考试委员会的老师们结缘, 一同探讨剑七和2010年雅思考试最新的改革趋势等热点问题并且获取了2010年最新的考试趋势和内部资料,并借此机会和他们近距离的交流了我的多年来关于雅思教学方法的一点研究心得;“TSE和3D雅思口语快速突破法”"雅思口语和作文笔记法"等。



尽管这样,我花了一个多月的时候整理了听,说,读,写四个题库,口语话题有规律,听力场景有规律,阅读题型有规律,写作话题有规律,而我已经把这些规律和重点考题找出来,由于资料太多,篇幅有限,我会分多次与同学们分享,希望同学们按照我在课上所讲过的TSE方法一一攻破,并且参考我马上发布的剑桥考试中心老师和我一同撰写的参考答案,那就Impossible is nothing. 非常感谢剑桥考试委员会老师们提供的资料和帮助。

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2010年1月9日雅思考试考题回顾—口语考试日期:2010.01.09Part 1NameIs there any special meaning behind your name?What’s your name?Why do you get this name?Is there a certain name that is popular in China?Is the name important to Chinese people?OccupationAre you a student or at work?What are you studying for?Can you tell me something about your student life?What’s your job?What are you responsible for?Do you study part-time while working?What are the subjects you study?What’s your major?Why do people have worked think school life is happy?Do you think people should get paid when they are required towork on weekends?Hometown and AccommodationWhere are you from?Where do you live?How’s the traffic around your home?Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do youprefer?What’s on your apartment’s wall?How to improve your home?Where’s your hometown?What do you like most about your hometown?Are bicycles popular in your hometown?Do you like to live beside the seaside?What are the facilities in your community?Which room do you like most?If you can redesign your home, what would you do?What’s your flat like?What’s on the wall?What can you see from your window?Are there any fitness facilities near your home?How often do visitors visit your home?Weather and SeasonHow’s the weather in China?Does weather affect people’s work performance?DrivingDo you (know how to) drive a car?Do you think it's important to get (or, to have) a driver's license?How important do you think it is for drivers to have good driving skills?What advice would you give people about safe driving?At what age do you think young people should be allowed to get a driver's license?Do you think it's important to have driving classes at school? Apartment and HouseDo you like the place you currently live in?How is your relationship with your neighbors?What can you see out of your windows?Describe your flat or houseAdvertisementsAre there many advertisements in your country?Why do you think there are so many advertisementsnow?What kind of advertisements do you like?Have you ever bought anything after seeing (or hearing) an advertisement?Do advertisements have much influence on people's lives?Fruits and vegetablesDo you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?Did you like to eat fruit and vegetables when you were a child? Is it easy (or, convenient) to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?FlowerDo you like flowers?On what occasions do people give flowers to other people?When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?Do you like to have flowers in your home?Do many people in your country grow flowers at home?ComputerDo you use computers very much?What do you think are the benefits of (using) a computer?Do you play computer games?How often do you play computer games?What do you do when your computer has problems?ActivitiesHow do you spend your weekend?Do you read a lot in your spare time?Has anyone sent you a book before?Tell me something about your campus life in leisure time? What kinds of activities do Chinese people like for relaxation? Why do people need leisure? Is it important?Do you like watching TV in spare time? What kinds of programs do you like?What are the ways to relax yourself?What do you usually do in the evening?Do the people have more time to relax now?Do you read a lot of books in your childhood?What kind of shopping do you like?Do you like to go to picnics?CityWhich city do you want to visit?Why do you like to visit this city?EducationWhat’s your major?Why did you choose it as your major?Is your major difficult?What do you want to do after graduation?Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects? What do you like most about your school?Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young?Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys? What’s your suggestion on language learning?What’s the most difficult part of language learning?Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?Mass MediaHow do you get news?Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news? What do you think of advertisements?Do you like watching TV?What’s the different between magazine and newspaper? Is the information on the Internet reliable?Talk about the style of shops in your neighborhood?Do you watch TV everyday?What kinds of arts are provided by TV programs?PlaceHave you ever visited a museum?Is the visit beneficial?TravellingDo you prefer traveling alone or with friends?Do you prefer traveling with just one or two friends or with many friends? What was the last place you traveled to? Where do you want to visit most?Do you like traveling?When was the last time you go traveling?What would you prepare before travelling?ShoppingHow often do you go shopping?Talk about your last shopping experience.Why do you like shopping?Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone?Do you like shopping?What makes you interested in shopping?Do you think shopping is a waste of time?ReadingDo you like reading?How much time (each day) do you spend reading? Where do you usually do your reading?What did you (like to) read when you were a child?What books (or, what things) have you read recently? LetterIs there any letter you do not want to reply?Do you often write letters?When is the last time you sent a letter?What was the letter about?ClothesDo you think clothes is important for you?What is your opinion about clothes?When do you wear formal clothes?ArtsWhich style of arts do you like and why?What do you think about arts? Are they important?Do you usually go to a music hall or museum? Why?What’s your favorite art, such as painting or sculpture?Tell me something about your favorite art.Tell me something about your favorite music.What kind of art did you do when you were a child?What kind of art did you do when you were a child?Part 2&3PlaceYour Favorite Part of Your HometownWhich do you think is the better place to live, a city or thecountryside?What important facilities and services does your hometownhave?What facilities are there for the welfare of old people in thecommunity?How do you think the facilities in your hometown could beimproved?Describe an interesting modern building that you havevisited or seenAre there many modern buildings in your hometown?Do you prefer old buildings or modern buildings?In what ways do you think modern buildings are better than oldbuildings?In what ways do you think traditional (or, old) buildings inChina are different to traditional (or, old) buildings in otherplaces?Describe your ideal houseWhen was it built?Should the government invest in maintaining the historical places?Should government invest in creating more employment? What kind of housing do most Chinese people live in?Where is the housing?What are the differences between the architectural styles in the different areas in China?Should a company design its own buildings?A City you have Visited or Lived InWhat are the most important things that make a city worth living in?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city?Do you think there are any possible health problems that could arise from living in a large city?Describe a libraryWhere is the library?Is it a campus or public one?Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly? Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries?Is it important to learn how to use a library?Describe how to use a library.How do children benefit from going to public libraries?How can the elderly benefit from libraries?Describe a place you have visitedWhy many people want to live in this place?T here’s many problem in transportation in this place?So why many people still wants to live in this place?How this place affects people?Why people like to live in the city?Describe a small shop you often goHow do you look upon online shopping?Are there any changes in the way people shop today and the past.Is there any difference between the shopping habits of the old and young?What is the difference between going to the shopping mall and going to a small shop?What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?Why men don’t like shopping?Do you often go shopping? Why do you like it?Do you think that it is good for children to go shopping?What type of shop is close to your house?What type of shop do you usually go?What is the difference between going to the supermarket and going to a small shop?Introduce a place with a good water resourceWhat is the importance of water?Why do people use more water now than before?What kind of the policy should the government make to save the water resources?Why do people like to live in a place close to water?What can they do if they live close to the water?Why children like swimming?Describe a café or a restaurant you likeWhat is the main reason why this restaurant is popular?What kind of café do you have in your university?Do you often go out to have dinner? Why do you like it?Do you think people like to go out to have coffee in China?Do you think people care about healthy foods now?Do you think the food in your country is healthy or not? Describe a historical siteWhat are the types of historical sites?Why do people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?In what ways can people get to know history?Do you think TV programs that focus on history can make people interested in history more?Object/ ThingDescribe a TV programDescribe a story from a TV programmeDo you talk about the TV programme with other people?Do you think the programme will be changed in the future? How does the programme influence people?Is it educational?Describe a leisure activity you would like to do (in the future).What are the most popular leisure time activities in your country?Do you think it's important for students and working people to have some leisure time?Some people think that having hobbies is a waste of time. What do you think?In the future, what changes do you think we sill see in people's leisure activities?What are some of the more traditional leisure time activities that people in China do?Do you think children (in your culture) should have more leisure time?A Special MealDo you think the growing number of supermarkets will have any negative effects on society?Have there been any changes in the eating habits of Chinese people in the past 20 or 30 years?In general, what food do people in China buy when they go shopping for food?Why do you think supermarkets are becoming more popular in China?A card or A letter you received.When you recievedWho sent youWhat was talking aboutWhy It is important to you.Describe a piece of good news that you received by phoneDo people in China use telephones (including cell-phones) very much?Which do you think is better, cell phones or fixed line phones? Some people don't like using cell phones very much. Can you suggest why?How have cell-phones changed people's lives?How have communication methods in China changed in the past 20 or 30 years?Do you think the skill of handwriting might one day (more or less) disappear?Describe a piece of musicHow has western music influenced eastern one?Do you buy advertised products?Is the government responsible to build libraries?How has means of communication changed over the past decade?Describe a course that you want to learn in the future What (personal) qualities do you think teachers should have? What are the most popular courses that people study today in China?Which do you think is more useful studying a course in a classroom or getting practical work experience?A Healthy LifestyleWhat do you think are the differences between healthy food and 'junk food'?What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?Do you think it's important for children to learn about a healthy lifestyle?Do you think the media can play a role in educating people about health?Do you think it's a good idea for employers to encourage their employees to live a healthy life?How can employers do that?Describe a book you liked in your childhoodWhy do some books are very popular and people all over the world can read it, while others are less popular?Is there any difference between the books that men and women read? Why?What can reading bring to you except relaxation?What kind of books do children like to read in your country? What are the benefits of reading?What pleasure can adult gain from reading?What is the book about?Why did you read the book first time?What does the book tell you? What did you learn from the book?What kind of book do you like to read?What kind of book should children read before going to school?Describe your plans for the futureDescribe a special gift that you receivedHow do young people help the elderly people?Are people now more kindhearted than before?Describe a gift you gave to your friendsDo Chinese people prefer to buy gifts or make them?Which do you prefer?When do Chinese people usually send presents?Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?Do you think it’s a good idea to reward children with their gifts? Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?What are the ways to reward employees?Describe something you’d like to learn in the futureDo kids learn more from home or school?Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?A handicraft u made beforeWhy do people make a handicraft?What kinds of handicraft do you know?Is it true that some handicrafts are more popular than factory made products?Old things your family keepIs it common for families to have something passed down from the ancestors?Should we keep these things?Why do families choose something to pass down?Describe a type of sport you played when you were a child.What type of sport do you usually do?Do boys and girls play the same sports?Do you agree that having a sport can make a child healthy?Is boxing good for health?What do you think about women joining boxing competitions? Describe your favorite magazine and newspaper.What is your favorite magazine and newspaper?What information do you get from the magazine?What kind of people read the magazine? How popular is the magazine? Why?What is the difference between magazine and newspaper? How does the media affect the people?Do people read a lot of newspaper?When did you start to read newspaper?Do you like local or international news?Describe a machine or something electronic you want to buyWhat modern appliances do you have in your home?What do you think of these appliances? Why?Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?Describe a filmWhat kind of movie is popular in China? Why?What is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?What do you learn from watching movies?Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?Do you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?What kind of people prefer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why?What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies? Describe an electric appliance.A speechWhy do people feel nervous when delivering a speech?Who should give speeches to children?AdvertisementIs it Ok for kids to watch advertisements?Should parents or governments choose proper advertisements for kids to watch?Describe an wild animalWhat kind of relationship do people and animal have?What is the difference between having a pet now and having a pet in the past?Is it better to have a dog in city or rural area?Is vegetarian conducive to protect animals?Do you think animals should be killed? Why?Why do people raise pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets? Why is it popular to raise pets?What can we use animals for?Are you a vegetarian?Should animals be kept in cities or countryside?What are some of the problems related to raising pets?Describe an ideal job you would like to do in the future What is the job,what kind of things you can do ,what's the difference between the job you are doing.Why do people change jobs?What kind of people can give career advice to you?EventDescribe an outdoor eatingDo people eat more healthily than before?How do you think of traditional food?Do you think some traditional food is going to be deserted by people?What can the government do to help people eat healthy and diversified food?Describe a recent change in your life.Do you think children should try new things?Do you think the society has changed a lot? What have changed?What are the changes now? Is it better now than in the past? Why are these changes?Is the past better than the present ?Why is the environment getting worst?What kinds of pollution?What is the cause of pollution?Why the gasoline price is rising?Describe a memorable childhood eventWhy do people often recall their childhood?Is it important to remember the past?Why is the young generation turning its back on tradition? Why are children more easily influenced by western culture?Tell me one case of traffic jam you have ever metWhat do you think is the difference between in the bus or in the car when you are in a traffic jam?What actions can be taken to solve this problem? Why?How to prevent people buying private cars?How to promote road conditions?How to transfer people's awareness of doing something helpful to the society?Describe a jobWhat will people take into consideration when they choose their jobs?Why do people shift jobs?Does your company offer any training courses?What do you think of workaholics?Why is it difficult for people to land jobs in your country?Why do people want to get promoted?What are the disadvantages of doing one job for a lifetime?Describe an event that you have joined and made you happyWhy are people interested in doing something special? Which way of relaxation do you like?Some people think that having a family event will waste a lot of money, what is your opinion?What family event can make you happy?Do you think money can bring happiness?What can make people happy when they are old?Describe a science classWhen did you attend it?What was it about?What do you think of distance learning?What do you think of home studying?What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching?Do your parents help you when you study at home?Do you think studying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults?Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why?Should youngsters learn science? Why?Do you think boys can learn science better?When should students learn science?Should students learn history?How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays? What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge of history?Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think about them?Should history films retell authentic stories or should the stories be dramatized?How do the dramatized stories affect children?Describe an important conversation you had.Are there any communication differences between males and females?Do you think communication skills are important?Describe a journey you would like to take with your friendsDo Chinese people like to travel?Do people in China prefer long-distance travel or short trips? When Chinese people travel (as tourists), who do they usuallygo with?Where do Chinese people like to go when they go on a holiday trip?Do people in China ever go on trips that are a bit dangerous ? What do you think are the disadvantages of not traveling? What are some differences between a business trip and a holiday trip?Do you think the media has much effect on tourism?Describe an experience of helping someoneDo you often help people?Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good? How should parents encourage their kids to help others?Do people usually do volunteer work in China?What do you think of the volunteer work in China?Do people who live in Beijing like to help visitors for the Olympics?Is English very important when you are helping other people? Have you been to a foreign country?Have you helped other people when you were in a foreign country?Who did you help? Will you help again? Why?How do you help others in your community?What can you achieve from helping others?Whether children should be encouraged to help others?How can children help others?Describe a trip that you did not make as you plannedDo different people think of traveling differently?Are there any differences between business trip and tour? What technology will be brought along to assist in trip?Are there and differences between ordinary trips and business ones?What should you take when you are travelling?Describe a party you will holdWho will you invite?What will happen?Where will you hold it?Do you think family party is important?Why do people in your country usually hold a party?What do you think about national celebrations?Do you think they are important?An Exciting SportWhy do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?What qualities do people need to do these dangerous sports? Do you think the government should restrict (or, ban) some of these extreme sports?What are some ways people can (or, could) protect themselves when they do dangerous sporting activities?Do you think sports (and games) are important?What sports are most often shown on TV in your country?Do you think there is too much sport shown on TV?PersonA person you live withIn China today, what is the structure of the typical family (= the typical household)?Whose responsibility do you think it should be (or, is) to (financially) look after old people - the government's responsibility or the family's?What do you think are some of the advantages and possible disadvantages of having children, parents and grandparents all living together?Do you think family relationships are important?How do you think support from friends and support from parents are different?What responsibilities do young people (and/or children) have towards their family?In typical Chinese families, who is the dominant person, the mother or the father?What's the difference between help from family members (or, from parents) and help from friends?Describe an elder person you know and admireDo people like to be old?Do elder people need to be educated?Is there any lesson for elder people?Describe someone who visited your familyHow do you treat your visitor?Is it convenient to live in your friend’s house?What is the difference between living a hotel and living in your friend’s house?When you visit a place, where do you prefer to stay in a hotel or stay in other people’s house?What kind of service do you want to have in a hotel?What should be improved in a hotel?What is the culture of your country in treating guests? What is the difference between this culture then and now?What do you think about the trend of treating guests in your country?Describe a person who helped you on an important occasionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?。
