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Class begins,good morning,boys and girls. Today,we are going to learn how to write a letter/passage.

Before the class,I want to ask you some question.

-Q1 -Q2 -Q3

--Good,Nancy,you please.

--Good jobs!sit down please!

And then

--Thanks your answer. Sit down please.…


1.Observing the letter. Ok,now,Let me read the passage for you,after that,We are going to learn how to write a letter.

Ok,now,let's see."

Q1 Q2 简单讲解一下文章的结构

OK,that's all for this letter.If you have any problems,just put your hands up,and I will come around and try to help you.

2.Discussion. OK,now,I will give you 5mins to discuss with your partner about what you want to write."

Now,time is up. Are you ready for writing?Don't be scary!let's have a try.

Step 3.While.-listening


①now I will give you 25min to write a drat according to the correct format on the textbook and pay attention to the tense.

②I will offer some sentences structures that can be used in writing.


2. Peer editing. OK,time is up. now exchange your passage with your partner and check each other's article. We should check the content and expression of the article,and pay attention to the grammar and spelling. now,let's begin.


Ok,time is up. Now,I want to invite two students to show their writing to us. Any volunteer?OK,XX,you please.(复述)

-Good,your writing is very good,the content of your writing is interesting. But you should pay more attention to your grammar next timework?sit down please."

-Great,you are good at writing. But please pay more attention to your spelling next timework?sit down please.

Step 5.Summary&Homework

Our class is doing to be over. Let’s see what we have learned today.

Today,we have learned how to write a letter,at the same time,we learn the tense and some sentences...

Now,I will give you some homework.

At first,review and summarize what we have learned today,and then talk about XX with your friends. Ok,it's all for today. see you next time!
