
2023年英语学校圣诞晚会活动方案(精选3篇)方案一:活动主题:英式圣诞庆典活动内容:1. 圣诞合唱演唱:学生们组成合唱团,演唱经典的英文圣诞歌曲,如《Jingle Bells》和《Silent Night》等。
2. 圣诞剧表演:学生们分组准备圣诞剧表演,如《圣诞颂歌》、《圣诞宝贝》等,展示英国传统庆祝圣诞的场景和故事情节。
3. 制作圣诞装饰:提供DIY圣诞饰品的材料和工具,供学生们制作圣诞树装饰品、圣诞袜等,增强学生们的动手能力。
4. 圣诞游戏:开展各种有趣的圣诞游戏,如传递圣诞礼物、打扮圣诞人等,增加互动和娱乐性。
5. 圣诞美食品尝:准备传统的圣诞美食,如英式圣诞布丁、姜饼人等,让学生们品尝英国的圣诞传统美食。
活动目标:1. 提高学生对英国文化和传统的了解,增强他们的跨文化交流能力。
2. 增强学生的合作能力和动手能力,培养他们的团队合作意识。
3. 提供一个愉快的圣诞庆典活动,增进师生之间的互动和交流。
方案二:活动主题:圣诞音乐会活动内容:1. 学生乐团表演:学生乐团演奏精选的圣诞音乐作品,如《Joy to the World》和《O Holy Night》等,展示他们的音乐才华。
2. 吉他弹唱:学生们用吉他伴奏演唱圣诞歌曲,组成吉他合唱团,展示他们的音乐表演能力。
3. 舞蹈表演:学生们编排圣诞舞蹈表演,展示他们的艺术才华和舞蹈技巧。
4. 圣诞独奏:邀请学生们展示他们的独奏才华,可以是钢琴、小提琴、长笛等乐器的独奏演奏。
5. 音乐游戏:开展与音乐相关的游戏,如音乐问答、音乐接龙等,增加互动和娱乐性。
活动目标:1. 展示学生们的音乐才华,激发他们对音乐的兴趣和热爱。
2. 培养学生的音乐表演能力和团队合作意识。
3. 提供一个欣赏音乐的机会,增强师生之间的艺术交流和感受音乐的美。

2024年班级圣诞英语晚会企划方案范文一、活动目标:1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力和英语交流能力;2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情;3. 培养学生的合作意识和团队精神;4. 倡导全员参与,让每位同学都能有表演机会。
二、活动策划与安排:1. 活动主题:圣诞英语晚会2. 活动时间:2024年12月22日(星期五)晚上7点至9点3. 活动地点:学校礼堂三、活动内容:1. 欢迎仪式在欢迎仪式上,可以安排一支学生合唱团献唱英文圣诞歌曲,同时由主持人向观众介绍晚会的主题和安排。
2. 杂技表演可以邀请学校的杂技社团进行一个精彩的英语杂技表演,这将会给晚会带来一份惊喜和欢乐。
3. 儿童剧表演可以找一些英语演出团队来表演一部经典的儿童剧,选取寓教于乐的剧本,通过趣味的故事情节,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时也增加了互动性和参与感。
4. 英语小品表演可以邀请学生们自愿参与英语小品的表演,可以选择一些经典的喜剧情节,通过英语的表演形式来打造欢乐的氛围。
5. 英语短剧表演可以将整个班级分成几个小组,每个小组选择一个英语短剧进行表演,可以是经典的故事改编、电影剧情短剧等。
6. 英语歌曲演唱可以邀请学生们自愿报名参与英语歌曲演唱比赛,通过比赛形式激发学生的积极性和参与度,同时也提高学生的英语歌唱能力。
7. 抽奖环节可以准备一些小礼品,通过抽奖的方式把这些礼品送给观众,增加活动的趣味性和互动性。
8. 结尾致辞由主持人致辞,向观众表达感谢之情,并祝大家圣诞节快乐。
四、活动准备与推广:1. 活动准备:(1)确定活动的预算;(2)联系学校的相关部门协助活动的准备工作;(3)派发任务表,建立相应的工作小组,明确每个小组的职责和任务;(4)准备相关道具、服装和音响设备等。
2. 活动推广:(1)制作海报,在校园内张贴;(2)通过学校的公众号、班级微信群等途径进行宣传;(3)邀请学生和家长参与,可以通过班级家长会等方式邀请。

Introduction:The holiday season is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the spirit of giving and joy. To make this festive season more memorable for our students and staff, we have planned a delightful Christmas celebration at our English training center. This event will not only enhance the festive spirit but also provide a platform for our students to improve their English language skills in a fun and interactive environment.I. Objective:- To create a joyful and festive atmosphere within the training center.- To engage students in English language activities that promote their skills.- To foster a sense of community and gratitude among students, staff, and parents.II. Date and Time:- Date: December 24th, 2023- Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PMIII. Venue:- Indoor and outdoor areas of the English training centerIV. Preparations:A. Venue Decorations:1. Decorate the entrance with a festive banner and Christmas lights.2. Set up a Christmas tree adorned with lights, ornaments, and colorful balloons.3. Create a "Santa's Grotto" area with a Santa Claus costume and gifts for students.B. Invitations:1. Send out personalized invitations to students, staff, and parents.2. Encourage parents to attend the event to share in their child's festive experience.C. Entertainment and Activities:1. English Christmas Carol Singing: Students and staff will gather around the Christmas tree to sing traditional English Christmas carols.2. Christmas Themed Games: Organize games such as "Find Santa's Sleigh," "Santa's Secret Present," and "The Christmas Tree Hunt" to engage students in interactive activities.3. English Vocabulary Challenge: Divide students into teams and have them compete in identifying Christmas-related English words and phrases.4. Storytelling Session: Invite a local author or a trained staff member to narrate a Christmas story in English, followed by a Q&A session.V. Menu and Refreshments:1. Christmas Themed Snacks: Serve traditional Christmas treats like cookies, mince pies, and hot chocolate.2. Refreshments: Provide a variety of drinks, including hot and cold beverages.VI. Gift Exchange:1. Secret Santa: Organize a Secret Santa gift exchange among staff members.2. Christmas Gifts for Students: Distribute small gifts to students as a token of appreciation for their participation.VII. Photography and Social Media:1. Hire a professional photographer to capture the memorable moments of the event.2. Share photos and updates on our social media platforms to keep everyone connected.VIII. Promotion:1. Post event details on our website, social media, and email newsletters.2. Distribute flyers in the neighborhood and at local businesses.IX. Safety and Security:1. Ensure that the venue is safe and well-lit.2. Have a first aid kit on hand in case of any emergencies.3. Assign a staff member to supervise all activities.Conclusion:Our Christmas celebration at the English training center promises to be a memorable event filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of giving. We look forward to celebrating this festive season with our students, staff, and parents, and creating lasting memories together.。

#### 一、活动背景圣诞节,作为西方最重要的节日之一,不仅是亲朋好友团聚的时刻,也是传递欢乐和爱的时刻。
#### 二、活动主题“欢乐圣诞,英语同行”#### 三、活动目标1. 提高学员的外语口语表达能力。
2. 增强学员之间的团队协作能力。
3. 丰富学员的课余生活,营造浓厚的校园文化氛围。
4. 增强学员对西方文化的了解和兴趣。
#### 四、活动时间2023年12月24日(周六)下午14:00-17:00#### 五、活动地点外语机构多功能厅#### 六、活动流程1. 开场致辞(14:00-14:10)- 外语机构负责人致辞,介绍活动背景和意义。
2. 圣诞歌曲合唱(14:10-14:30)- 学员分组,每组挑选一首圣诞歌曲进行合唱,展示团队精神。
3. 英语知识竞赛(14:30-15:30)- 分为四个小组,通过抢答和笔试形式进行英语知识竞赛,考验学员的英语水平。
4. 圣诞手工制作(15:30-16:30)- 学员分组,利用现有材料制作圣诞贺卡、装饰品等,增进学员动手能力。
5. 英语角(16:30-17:00)- 学员自由交流,用英语进行日常对话,提高口语表达能力。
#### 七、活动准备1. 场地布置:布置圣诞氛围,如圣诞树、彩灯、气球等。
2. 物资准备:制作活动海报、圣诞贺卡、装饰品制作材料等。
3. 人员安排:安排工作人员负责现场秩序、活动流程引导等。
4. 奖品准备:为获奖小组和个人准备奖品,如奖品、证书等。
#### 八、活动宣传1. 通过学校官方网站、微信公众号、朋友圈等渠道进行活动宣传。
2. 邀请家长参与活动,共同见证孩子的成长。
#### 九、活动总结活动结束后,进行活动总结,收集学员和家长反馈,为今后类似活动提供借鉴。
#### 十、注意事项1. 活动期间,确保学员安全,做好安全防范措施。

英语培训机构圣诞节活动策划Title: Christmas Activities Planning for an English Training InstitutionIntroduction:Christmas is a special season filled with joy and festive spirits. As an English training institution, organizing Christmas activities can strengthen students' language skills while immersing them in the holiday ambiance. This article presents a comprehensive plan for a series of engaging Christmas activities, providing students with an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.1. Christmas Card Competition (Duration: 1 week)Goal: Enhance students' creativity and language expression through making Christmas cards- Involve students of all ages and proficiency levels in a Christmas card competition.- Provide construction paper, colored pencils, markers, and other art supplies.- Encourage students to incorporate English greetings and expressions in their cards.- Display the best cards in the school's hallway with the students' names.2. Christmas Cooking Class (Duration: 2 hours)Goal: Introduce traditional Christmas recipes from English-speaking countries and improve students' language proficiency in cooking vocabulary and instructions.- Organize a hands-on Christmas cooking class.- Provide recipes for traditional dishes like roast turkey, Christmas pudding, and gingerbread cookies.- Teach students essential cooking vocabulary and instructions.- Assign roles to students, such as chef, sous chef, and kitchen helpers.- Allow students to taste and share their creations while practicing English expressions related to food and taste.3. Christmas Movie Night (Duration: 2 hours)Goal: Enhance students' listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition through watching Christmas movies in English.- Select age-appropriate and culturally relevant Christmas movies, such as "Home Alone" or "Elf."- Provide English subtitles to support understanding.- Before watching, provide students with a vocabulary list related to the movie.- Encourage students to take notes while watching and discuss the movie afterward.- Ask comprehension and discussion questions to promote active listening and speaking skills.4. Christmas Carol Singing (Duration: 1 hour)Goal: Improve students' pronunciation and confidence in speaking English through singing traditional Christmas carols.- Teach students popular Christmas carols in English, such as "Jingle Bells" and "Silent Night."- Practice the lyrics and pronunciation of the carols together as agroup.- Organize a mini Christmas concert where students can perform the carols.- Encourage students to invite friends and family to attend the concert.- Provide certificates or small prizes to recognize their efforts. 5. Secret Santa Gift Exchange (Duration: 2 hours)Goal: Encourage students' communication skills and demonstrate cultural understanding through a gift exchange activity.- Organize a Secret Santa gift exchange among students.- Ask students to fill out a questionnaire to gather information about their interests and preferences.- Set a spending limit for the gifts to ensure equality.- Allocate time for students to wrap their presents creatively.- Arrange a special moment for students to exchange gifts and express their gratitude in English.6. Christmas Trivia Quiz (Duration: 1 hour)Goal: Test students' knowledge of Christmas traditions, culture, and vocabulary.- Create a Christmas-themed trivia quiz with questions of varying difficulty.- Divide students into teams for a friendly competition.- Allow students to discuss and work together to find the correct answers.- Award points to the teams with correct answers.- Provide small prizes for the winning team.Conclusion:The proposed activities aim to provide a fun and engaging learning experience for students while immersing them in the festive spirit of Christmas. Through these activities, students can enhance their language skills, stimulate creativity, and appreciate the cultural aspects of Christmas. The institution will thrive as a place where learning English becomes an enjoyable and memorable journey.。


活动一:圣诞节主题课程活动时间:12月1日-12月24日活动地点:新东方教室1. 圣诞节主题课程为了更好地融入圣诞节氛围,我们将为学员们准备一系列有趣的圣诞节主题课程。
2. 圣诞节英语角每周末我们将在教室设立一个英语角,学员们可以自由地用英语交流关于圣诞节的话题,分享自己的圣诞节计划和想法。
活动二:圣诞主题摄影展活动时间:12月15日-12月25日活动地点:新东方大厅1. 摄影比赛我们邀请学员们自行拍摄与圣诞节有关的照片,并组织一次摄影比赛。
2. 圣诞摄影展在圣诞节前夕,我们将在新东方大厅举办一场圣诞主题摄影展。
活动三:圣诞节义卖市场活动时间:12月20日-12月24日活动地点:新东方大厅1. 活动介绍我们将在学校大厅设立一个圣诞节义卖市场。
2. 慈善义卖作为一所教育机构,我们鼓励学员们在圣诞节期间展现爱心和分享精神。
活动四:圣诞节晚会活动时间:12月24日晚上7点活动地点:新东方剧场1. 文艺演出我们将邀请学员们和外教共同参与圣诞节晚会的表演。

英语培训班圣诞节活动的策划方案Title: Christmas Activity Plan for English Training Classes Introduction:The Christmas season is a time of joy and celebration, and it presents a wonderful opportunity for English training classes to engage their students in fun and interactive activities. This activity plan aims to provide a comprehensive outline for a memorable Christmas-themed event that incorporates English learning while fostering a festive environment for students to enjoy. Objectives:1. To create an immersive and enjoyable Christmas experience for students.2. To enhance English language skills through various activities.3. To promote teamwork and social interaction among students.4. To cultivate creativity and cultural understanding.Duration: One day (approximately 4 hours)I. Preparations:A. Decorations:1. Christmas tree: Set up a beautifully decorated Christmas tree as the centerpiece of the event venue.2. Wall decorations: Hang Christmas-themed banners, snowflakes, and ornaments to create a festive atmosphere.3. Table arrangements: Decorate tables with Christmas tablecloths, candles, and small Christmas ornaments.B. Props and Materials:1. Santa hats: Provide Santa hats for all participants to wear during the activities.2. Christmas costumes: Prepare a few costumes, such as Santa Claus and elves, for certain activities.3. English learning materials: Prepare worksheets, flashcards, and other teaching materials related to Christmas vocabulary, songs, and games.C. Refreshments:1. Christmas snacks: Serve Christmas-themed snacks, such as gingerbread cookies, candy canes, and eggnog during breaks.2. Drinking water: Provide water bottles for all participants to stay hydrated during the activities.II. Activity Plan:A. Opening Ceremony (30 minutes):1. Welcome speech: Address participants, introduce the purpose of the event, and set a joyful tone for the day.2. Sing Christmas carols: Have the entire group sing popular Christmas carols to kick-start the event.3. Lighting of the Christmas tree: Invite a student to officially turn on the lights of the Christmas tree.B. English Language Activities:1. Christmas Vocabulary Race (30 minutes):a. Divide students into teams.b. Provide each team with a set of flashcards containing Christmas-related vocabulary.c. Display a flashcard, and the first team to correctly shout out the corresponding word scores a point.d. The team with the highest number of points wins a small prize.2. Christmas Storytelling (45 minutes):a. Organize a storytelling session by selecting a Christmas-themed story.b. Allow students to volunteer as storytellers, encouraging them to use their English language skills.c. Provide comprehension questions after the story for all participants to answer in English.d. Discuss the moral or lesson learned from the story.3. Christmas Recipe Sharing (45 minutes):a. Ask students to prepare traditional Christmas recipes from their respective cultures.b. Each student presents their recipe in English, explaining the ingredients and cooking process.c. Encourage students to share their recipes with one another, fostering cultural exchange.d. Give out recipe cards for all students to collect and try these recipes at home.C. Creative and Fun Activities:1. Christmas Carol Karaoke (60 minutes):a. Set up a stage area with microphones and speakers.b. Create a list of popular Christmas carols in English.c. Invite students to sing solo or as a group, using karaoke tracks with lyrics on a screen.d. Acknowledge participation with small gifts or certificates.2. Christmas Craft Workshop (60 minutes):a. Arrange craft stations with materials for students to create Christmas-themed crafts (e.g., ornaments, cards).b. Provide step-by-step instructions in English, allowing students to practice following directions.c. Encourage creativity and uniqueness in the craft designs.d. Display the finished crafts in the event area or send them home as souvenirs.D. Closing Ceremony (30 minutes):1. Awards and Certificates: Recognize the participation and achievements of students in various activities.2. Group Photo: Gather all participants for a group photo with the Christmas tree as a backdrop.3. Closing remarks: Express gratitude to the participants, teachers, and organizers for their involvement.III. Evaluation and Follow-up:A. Feedback Forms: Provide participants with feedback forms to gather their opinions and suggestions.B. Social Media Engagement: Encourage students and their parents to share their experiences on social media platforms, using a designated event hashtag.C. Follow-up Activities: Share resources, such as Christmas-themed English-learning apps or websites, with participants to continue their language learning journey.Conclusion:This Christmas activity plan for English training classes aims to create a festive and immersive English learning experience for students. By incorporating various activities that promote languagelearning, teamwork, creativity, and cultural understanding, students can enjoy the holiday season while improving their English language skills.。

四、嬉戏,供大家参考1、find the christmas star玩法:请每个孩子做一颗星星并学会说英语christmas star,老师把星星收起来,另一名老师将孩子带出课室,老师再把星星藏到课室里的不同地方,然后再带孩子进来找星星,找到最多星星的孩子可得到老师的礼物。
2、where is your sleigh?玩法:孩子们围成一个圆圈坐好,请一个孩子戴上圣诞帽,蒙上眼睛扮演圣诞老人站在圆圈中间,把“雪撬”放在他身边,再请一个孩子拿着“雪橇”围着圈外边走边说:“santa, santa, where is your sleigh? someone has taken it away. guess who? guess who?(全班孩子都要学会说)然后把“雪橇”放在一个孩子的背后。
3、christmas cards 玩法:每个孩子预备一张圣诞卡(自己制作或画),老师把全部的卡片收起来放在一张桌子上,孩子们轮番扔骰子,扔到6点的孩子可自由去选择卡片,直到每个孩子都能得到别人的卡片。
4、穿山洞预备:一条细线、一张桌子、“where is thumb-king”挂图/cd一张。
(2)、在“开头”的口令下让孩子拿着一条线从大拇指(thumb)的外侧绕进食指(pointer)内侧—中指(tall man)外侧—无名指(ring man)内侧—小指(babyfinger)外侧。



英语培训班圣诞节策划方案Christmas Training Class ProgramIntroduction:Christmas is a festive season celebrated worldwide, and one of the favorite times of the year for people of all ages. It is a time of joy, love, and giving, making it an ideal opportunity to organize special activities and events for our English training class. This program aims to create a fun and engaging learning environment, where students can improve their English skills and immerse themselves in the Christmas spirit. We have planned a series of activities, games, and lessons to make this Christmas memorable and educational for our students.Duration: The Christmas training class will run for four weeks, starting from the first week of December until the last week before Christmas.Week 1: Let’s Get Festive!Objective: Introduce students to the Christmas traditions, vocabulary, and symbols in a festive atmosphere.1. Christmas Decoration Workshop:- Decorate the classroom with Christmas lights, garlands, and ornaments.- Encourage students to bring their homemade decorations to showcase their creativity.- Play Christmas carols in the background to create a festive ambiance.2. Christmas Vocabulary Lesson:- Introduce themed vocabulary related to Christmas such as presents, Santa Claus, reindeer, stockings, etc.- Conduct vocabulary exercises, games, and quizzes to reinforce learning.3. Christmas Card Exchange:- Ask each student to create and bring Christmas cards.- Organize a card exchange session where students can exchange cards and write short messages in English.- Encourage students to practice their writing skills and express their wishes for Christmas and the upcoming year.Week 2: Let’s Sing and Dance!Objective: Engage students in learning English through Christmas songs and dances.1. Christmas Song Workshop:- Choose popular Christmas songs with simple and catchy lyrics. - Break the class into groups and assign each group a different song.- Students will learn and rehearse their songs, including choreography if appropriate.- Organize a Christmas sing-along session where each group performs their song.2. Christmas Role Play:- Divide students into small groups and assign roles such as Santa Claus, elves, or reindeer.- Provide a Christmas-themed script or story.- Students will practice and perform their role plays, encouraging them to use English expressions and dialogues.3. Christmas Dance Party:- Compile a playlist of fun and energetic Christmas songs.- Clear the classroom to create a dance floor, or rent a larger space if necessary.- Have students dress up in festive costumes and have a dance party, where they can show off their dance moves and enjoy the Christmas spirit.Week 3: Let’s Share the Joy!Objective: Promote empathy and kindness among students by engaging them in charitable acts.1. Charity Drive:- Organize a charity drive to collect donations for underprivileged children or families.- Encourage students to bring gifts, clothes, or food items suitable for donation.- Discuss the importance of giving and caring for others during the Christmas season.2. Christmas Storytelling:- Invite a guest storyteller to share heartwarming Christmas stories. - Encourage students to listen attentively and ask questions about the stories.- Afterward, discuss the moral lessons and values that can be learned from the stories.3. Volunteer Activities:- Arrange for a volunteer activity, such as visiting a local orphanage or nursing home.- Students will interact with residents, engage in conversations, and practice their English communication skills.- Encourage students to bring small gifts or handmade cards to distribute.Week 4: Let’s Celebrate!Objective: Culminate the training class with a grand Christmas celebration.1. Christmas Cooking Workshop:- Teach students how to make traditional Christmas treats such as cookies, gingerbread houses, or eggnog.- Share recipes and guide students through the cooking process.- Give students an opportunity to taste their creations and practice conversational English while discussing the recipes.2. Christmas Talent Show:- Students will prepare and perform various talents such as singing, dancing, or instrument playing.- Encourage students to perform solo or in groups.- Create a judging panel and award certificates for various categories, such as Best Singer, Most Creative Dance, etc.3. Christmas Farewell Party:- Organize a special farewell party for students to enjoy their last class together.- Prepare traditional Christmas dishes and snacks for everyone toenjoy.- Students can exchange gifts and take group photos to remember their time in the training class.Conclusion:This Christmas Training Class Program is designed to immerse students in the festive atmosphere and provide them with an opportunity to improve their English skills. By incorporating Christmas-related activities, games, and lessons, students will have a memorable and enjoyable learning experience. Additionally, the program aims to instill values such as empathy, kindness, and giving through charity drives and volunteer activities. We believe that by blending fun and education, this program will create a positive and engaging environment that fosters language learning and personal growth among our students during the Christmas season.。

具体安排如下:- 12月20日:英语小品表演- 12月22日:圣诞主题英语角- 12月24日:节日派对活动内容1. 英语小品表演- 参与者:所有学员,分成小组,每组3到5人- 内容:根据经典的圣诞故事(比如《圣诞颂歌》)编排小品- 目标:提高学员的口语表达能力和团队合作能力2. 圣诞主题英语角- 主题:围绕“圣诞传统与习俗”,学员可以自由分享自己的圣诞经历- 目标:增强学员的英语表达能力,培养他们的自信心3. 节日派对- 内容:提供各种美味的圣诞食物,还有一些有趣的游戏,比如“圣诞老人传递礼物”- 目标:在轻松愉快的氛围中,促进学员之间的交流物资准备- 小品表演道具:简单的服装和道具,预算大概300元- 英语角材料:准备一些关于圣诞的文章和图片,预算大约100元- 派对食物与饮料:预计需要500元,选择一些简单的点心和饮品宣传与推广活动前一周,我们会通过微信群、海报和机构官网进行宣传,鼓励学员们积极参与。

活动场景布置包括在门口设置圣诞老人,让小朋友们写上圣诞寄语并且签名,设立登记处和准备抽奖箱,悬挂吊图、拉花和在教室布置气球、彩带等,可以用PPT拼写Merry Christmas投放屏幕上。

一、活动目标通过圣诞节活动,我们的目标是:1. 增进学员对西方文化和圣诞节的了解;2. 提供一个互动、有趣的学习环境,激发学员们的学习兴趣;3. 培养学员的团队合作能力和创造力;4. 增强学员与外教和其他学员之间的互动和交流能力。
三、活动内容1. 圣诞主题课程为了增加学员对圣诞节的了解,我们将在相关课程中增加圣诞主题的教学内容。
2. 圣诞节文化展示学员们将组成小组,以各个西方国家为主题,展示该国家的圣诞文化。
3. 圣诞音乐会我们将举办一场圣诞音乐会,邀请学员们和外教一起演唱当地和国际流行的圣诞歌曲。
4. 圣诞游戏竞赛我们将组织一系列有趣的圣诞游戏竞赛,包括圣诞猜字谜、装饰圣诞树比赛、制作圣诞节蛋糕等。
5. 圣诞义卖活动我们将组织一次圣诞义卖活动,通过出售学员们亲自制作的圣诞手工艺品和小礼物,筹集善款。
6. 圣诞晚会圣诞晚会是我们活动的重头戏。

英语培训圣诞节活动策划案Christmas Training Activity Plan1. IntroductionChristmas is a special time of the year when people all over the world come together to celebrate and spread joy. It is also an excellent opportunity to engage employees in team-building activities and provide them with valuable training. This activity plan aims to incorporate Christmas festivities into an English training program while enhancing teamwork and communication skills among the participants.2. Objectives- Promote team-building and communication skills among participants- Improve English language proficiency in a festive and relaxed environment- Create a sense of camaraderie and holiday spirit among employees3. Duration and ParticipantsThe Christmas training program will span over a week, with daily activities scheduled for a total of 40 employees. The program will be divided into two groups of 20 participants each. Each activity will last for approximately two hours.4. Activities4.1. Icebreaker: Find Santa's Helper (Day 1)Description:- Participants will be randomly divided into groups and given a set of clues to find hidden presents around the training venue.- Each group will have to work together to solve the clues and find the presents. The first team to find all the presents wins.- This activity promotes teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills.4.2. Carol Karaoke (Day 2)Description:- Participants will form small groups and choose a popular Christmas carol to perform a karaoke version.- Each group will be provided with lyrics and backing tracks.- This activity encourages creativity, collaboration, and enunciation skills in English.4.3. Christmas Cooking Challenge (Day 3)Description:- Participants will be divided into teams and given a mystery box of ingredients and a recipe for a Christmas dish.- Each team will have to work together to prepare the dish within a given time frame.- Judges will evaluate the dishes based on taste, presentation, and teamwork.- This activity fosters collaboration, time management, andproblem-solving skills.4.4. Present Wrapping Relay (Day 4)Description:- Participants will be divided into teams and given a box of presents, wrapping paper, and other necessary materials.- Each team will have to work together to wrap the presents as quickly and neatly as possible.- Teams will compete in a relay format, with each member taking turns to wrap a present.- This activity promotes teamwork, time management, and attention to detail.4.5. Christmas-themed Role Play (Day 5)Description:- Participants will be assigned roles related to a Christmas-themed scenario.- Each team will have to work together to prepare and perform a short role play in English.- The role plays will be evaluated based on creativity, teamwork, and language proficiency.- This activity enhances teamwork, creativity, and English language fluency.5. ConclusionThe Christmas training program aims to provide a festive and enjoyable learning experience for employees. By incorporating funand engaging activities, we can simultaneously enhance teamwork, communication skills, and English proficiency. It is hoped that through this Christmas-themed training, employees will develop stronger bonds with their colleagues and feel motivated and energized for the coming year.。

英语培训班圣诞节活动策划Title: Christmas Celebration at English Training Center Introduction:Christmas is a special time of the year when people come together to celebrate, share joy, and strengthen bonds. Our English Training Center is excited to host a Christmas Celebration to provide our students with a unique and memorable experience. This event aims to immerse our students in the festive spirit while enhancing their English language skills. The following activities and plans are designed to make this a fun and enriching celebration.Theme: A Magical Christmas JourneyDate: December 24, 20xxDuration: 4 hours (2:00 PM to 6:00 PM)Venue: English Training Center premisesTarget audience: Students, parents, and staff members of the English Training CenterActivities:1. Christmas Decoration Contest: (1 hour)- Dividing the students into teams and assigning them a designated area for decorating, using mainly recyclable materials.- Evaluating the decorations based on creativity, use of materials,and adherence to the Christmas theme.- Rewarding the winning team with certificates and small gifts. 2. Craft Stations: (1 hour)- Setting up craft stations where students can participate in various Christmas-themed activities.- Providing materials for making Christmas cards, tree decorations, and paper snowflakes.- Appointing instructors to assist and guide the students, encouraging them to communicate in English while creating their crafts.3. Christmas Carol Singing: (30 minutes)- Organizing a choir of students and staff members to perform a selection of popular Christmas carols.- Encouraging the audience to join in and sing along, fostering a sense of community and cultural understanding.- Displaying the lyrics on a large screen to facilitate participation and showcase the English language.4. Drama Performance: (1 hour)- Selecting a group of students to perform a short Christmas-themed skit.- Providing the students with scripts and encouraging them to memorize their lines.- Organizing rehearsals and offering guidance to enhance their acting skills and pronunciation.5. English Conversation Games: (30 minutes)- Arranging a variety of interactive games focusing on English language learning.- Designing games that encourage conversation, such as "Guess the Christmas Vocabulary" and "Describing Santa's Workshop."- Engaging students in small groups, allowing them to practice speaking and listening skills while enjoying the games.6. Santa's Workshop: (1 hour)- Creating a designated area resembling Santa's Workshop, complete with toys, wrapping paper, and boxes.- Appointing a staff member to dress up as Santa Claus and distribute gifts to students and staff.- Encouraging students to interact with Santa Claus in English, such as sharing their Christmas wishes.7. Refreshments and Snacks: (30 minutes)- Providing traditional Christmas snacks like gingerbread cookies, candy canes, and hot cocoa.- Decorating a designated area with Christmas-themed props and arranging seating for socializing and relaxation.- Encouraging conversations in English during this time, allowing participants to practice their language skills informally.8. Closing Ceremony: (15 minutes)- Gathering all participants together for a brief closing ceremony. - Expressing gratitude to the students, parents, and staff for their participation and support.- Providing small tokens of appreciation to the students and parents, such as Christmas-themed bookmarks or pens.Marketing and Promotion:1. Promoting the event through the English Training Center's website, social media platforms, and notice boards.2. Sending email invitations to parents, students, and staff members with detailed event information and registration details.3. Offering early bird discounts to encourage early registration.4. Designing attractive posters and flyers to be displayed at the English Training Center and surrounding areas.5. Collaborating with local media outlets to advertise the event, potentially issuing press releases or organizing interviews. Conclusion:The Christmas Celebration at our English Training Center will provide students, parents, and staff members with an opportunityto celebrate, bond, and improve their English language skills. Through the various activities planned, participants will have fun, enjoy the festive atmosphere, and engage in English communication. This event aims to create cherished memories and strengthen the sense of community within our Training Center.。

2023年英语学校圣诞新年晚会活动策划方案(精选4篇)活动一:Christmas Carol Contest活动目的:激发学生对圣诞节传统歌曲的兴趣,提高英语水平。
活动内容:1. 邀请学生参加圣诞颂歌比赛,学生可以自己选择歌曲并准备演唱。
2. 要求参赛学生使用英语演唱,并在演唱过程中展示自己的英语发音和语感。
3. 比赛设有专业评委,根据演唱技巧、语音准确性和表演能力评选出前三名,并颁发奖品和证书。
活动二:Christmas Card Making Workshop活动目的:提升学生的创造力和手工技巧,增进学生对圣诞节的了解。
活动内容:1. 组织学生参加圣诞卡片制作工作坊,教授学生制作卡片的技巧和方法。
2. 为学生提供各种材料,如彩纸、贝壳、珠子等,让学生根据自己的创意制作圣诞卡片。
3. 在工作坊结束后,举行评选最佳圣诞卡片的活动,评委根据创意、技巧和美观度评选出前三名,并颁发奖品和证书。
活动三:Christmas Movie Night活动目的:创造一个欢乐的氛围,给学生观赏经典的圣诞电影。
活动内容:1. 选择几部经典的圣诞电影,如《小鬼当家》、《极地特快》等,并预先准备好投影仪和音响设备。
2. 将学校礼堂布置成影院的样式,为学生提供舒适的座位和爆米花。
3. 在活动前,向学生介绍电影的背景和故事,增强学生对电影的期待和参与度。
4. 活动结束后,可以就电影进行讨论和观影总结。
活动四:New Year Talent Show活动目的:展示学生的才艺,增强学生之间的交流和合作。
活动内容:1. 邀请学生参加新年才艺展示,学生可以表演歌曲、舞蹈、乐器演奏等各种才艺节目。
2. 要求学生以英语进行演出,并在演出前进行适当的导入,介绍节目的背景和学生的思考。
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Event Pla nning ,圣诞节活动策划
(二)活动节目时间控制安排:活动时间26日晚6: 30-9 : 00 第一环节:圣诞快乐