Laytime Definitions for Charter Parties 2013 中英对照




对于很多航运合同中最敏感的条款应该是装卸时间计算的条款也就是laytime的问题,在这里主要应该是gencon charter party个修订版本中的区别了,前两个版本1922/1976以及最新版本1994的条款内容写出来进公参考:1、GENCON 1922/1976:LAYTIME:(a) Separate laytime for loading and dischargingThe cargo shall be loaded within the number of running hours as indic ated in Box 16, weather permitting Sundays and holidays excepted, un less used, in which event time actually used shall count.The cargo shall be discharged within the number of running hours as i ndicated in Box 16 weather permitting Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time actually used shall count.(b)Total laytime for loading and dischargingThe cargo shall be loaded and discharged within the number of total r unning hours as indicated in Box 16, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time actually used sha ll count.(c) Commencement of laytime (loading and discharging)Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 1 p.m. if notic e of readiness is given before noon, and at 6 a.m. next working day it notice given during office hours after noon. Notice at loading port to be given to the Shippers named in Box 17.Time actually used before commencement of laytime shall count.Time lost in waiting for berth to count as loading or discharging time, as the case may be.indicate alternative (a) or (b) as agreed, in Box 16.装卸时间(a)装货和卸货分别计算时间如果天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的连续小时数内装完,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算实际使用的时间。



Counting of Laytime(a) Laytime shall commence counting following the number of hours detailed as Turn Time in Schedule 1 after a valid Notice of Readiness has been given or when discharging commences, whichever occurs first.The time used for draft survey before discharging is counted as laytime used.(b) Laytime shall cease on completion of discharge unless a draft survey is required by the Buyer upon the completion of discharge, in which case laytime shall cease on completion of the draft survey.(c) If the Buyer orders the vessel to discharge at two ports, time shall not count from the time of completion of discharge at the first port until arrival of the vessel at the second port, whether in berth or not whether in port or not, or when discharging resumes, whichever occurs first.(d) Time used in shifting directly between berths at the Buyer’s request shall count as laytime and all resulting costs incurred shall be for the Buyer’s account.Time used by vessel for but not limited to up heaving anchor, mooring, fastening and inward formality shall count as laytime.(e) Any time lost during discharging due to the vessel's inability to discharge at the applicable discharge rates determined in accordance with clause 9.6 or due to any other defect and/or default in the vessel, deficiency and/or default of the vessel's personnel, including inability of the vessel to ballast or deballast at a rate that commensurate with the respective discharging rate, shall not count as laytime. Any time lost by the vessel in obtaining gas free clearance, either directly or consequentially, shall be for the Sellers’ account.(f) A Force Majeure Event or bad weather shall not interrupt the counting of laytime for vessels already on demurrage.(g) Laytime permitted at the Discharge Port shall be calculated on bill of lading quantity.(h) Shifting from anchorage to berth shall not count as laytime unless vessel is already on demurrage.Seller’s laytime calculation shall be final.。















分时度假的起源及其正确定义(doc 13页)

分时度假的起源及其正确定义(doc 13页)

分时度假的起源及其正确定义(doc 13页)度假产业产权式酒店相近业态的概念辨析分时度假是国际上流行的度假产品形式,但在我国,对这一产品形态的理解仍存在许多歧见,而且由于各种原因,目前还不具备大规模发展的条件。




















首先,如果租船合同没有要求船长这么做,那么船长并没有义务去签署这些SOF(Statement of Fact,事实记录)2;其次,在期租合同下,如NYPE格式,在第8条下船长也没有默示的义务,除非是承租人给予了清晰明确的指示3;再次,船长并不十分清楚目标泊位的具体情况,而很多事实记录会记录目标泊位的状况,让船长自己去核对泊位的情况很显然勉为其难4。







laytime计算小结laytime计算小结只针对简单的铁矿石装卸过程就所遇到的情况总结一些关键点,关于laytime计算中几个扣除部分的计算12H TT,shifting(起算止算时间),initial dtaft survey,坏天气1. NOR递交,12h turn time是给租家的准备时间,这段时间租家备好货,做好通关等与货物相关的事宜,如果租家已做好一切准备,此段时间内移泊、做水尺都不再单独扣除。

12TT 就是相当于给租家的福利,可以做任何事情,都不算laytime,NOR递交后起算,一旦过了12H,立即起算laytime2. shifting起算跟止算时间有很多争议,但如果CP规定好了就可避免。

一、POB 起算,first line ashore止算二、anchor up起算,all made fast 止算三、POB/first line ashore作为起算时间,与anchor up/all made fast作为止算时间(from POB to all made fast) 如果两个起止算关键点相隔时间很短,争议不大,关系好的承租双方可能就睁只眼闭只眼了,但如果例如POB很久了,都没有anchor up,这中间要看什么原因而定3. initial draft survey一般在SOF中明确写明,没有很大的争议,一般来讲,费用由程租人承担,时间不计入laytime,但如果CP有特殊规定,譬如承租双方各承担一般时间,或者出租人承担所有时间的按照CP计算,intermediate draft survey不扣除(两个货物等级的时候基本都要做,与船东无关)time for intermediate draft survey if required by shippers/seller to count as laytime, if required by the master/vessel not to count as laytime. Time for innitial and final draft survey not to count as laytime4. 坏天气(bad weather包括下雨,下雪,大风,大雾)是针对装卸货泊位而言的,如果泊位上船舶作业不受影响,laytime不能止算总结:如果CP规定的好,基本不会产生争议,但是特殊情况谁也预料不到,一切以CP 规定为准,没有规定的部分再去按照习惯计算。



关于NOR及LAYTIME的若干问题/ 詹先凯【摘要】本文针对实践中发生的NOR争议事件,通过对一些仲裁判例的对比分析,来简要分析一下关于NOR及Laytime计算的一些注意事项,以便在实务中参考,避免引起不必要的争议纠纷及造成无谓的损失。








泊位依旧有船在作业,该轮最后趁高潮18日0130起锚,0220引水上船,于0708靠泊鲅鱼圈港开始卸货, 21日0100卸完。





第一章装卸时间与滞期费的概述1 程租的四个阶段Diplock 勋爵在The ―Johanna Oldendorff‖ (1973) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep. 285 去把一个程租合约分为四个阶段,如下:“(1) The loading or approach voyage, viz. the voyage of the vessel from wherever she is atthe date of the charterparty or the conclusion of her pervious fixture, if that is later, to the place specified as the place of loading.(2) The loading operation, viz. the delivery of the cargo to the vessel at the place of loadingand its stowage on board.(3) The carrying or loaded voyage, viz. the voyage of the vessel from the place of loading tothe place specified in the charter as the place of delivery.(4) The discharging operation, viz. the delivery of the cargo from the vessel at the place of delivery and its receipt there by the charterer or other consignee.”。








1. Procrastination(拖延症)Procrastination是指推迟或拖延做事情的行为。



2. Time blocking(时间区块)Time blocking是一种时间管理方法,通过将日程划分为不同的时间块,以确保每个任务都有特定的时间段来完成。



3. Pomodoro Technique(番茄工作法)Pomodoro Technique是一种专注于工作的时间管理技术。




4. Eisenhower Matrix(艾森豪威尔矩阵)Eisenhower Matrix是一种时间管理工具,通过将任务划分为重要和紧急两个维度,帮助我们优先处理任务。



5. Time audit(时间审计)Time audit是一种评估我们如何使用时间的方法。





以下是一些常用的预定作业时间标准法术语:1. 作业时间表(Schedule):指安排任务和活动的时间顺序的计划。

2. 里程碑(Milestone):指项目中重要的时间点或事件。


3. 任务(Task):指需执行的特定工作或活动,需要完成的一项工作。

4. 持续时间(Duration):指完成任务所需的时间,常用天、小时等单位来表示。

5. 优先级(Priority):指任务在整个项目中的重要性和迫切程度。


6. 前置任务(Predecessor Task):指在开始或完成一个任务之前必须完成的其他任务。

7. 后续任务(Successor Task):指一个任务在完成后必须立即开始或接着做的任务。

8. 关键路径(Critical Path):指所有关键任务和里程碑相连而构成的路径,决定项目的总工期。

9. 里程碑日期(Target Date):指计划中规定的特定日期,用来表示里程碑任务的截止日期或完成日期。

10. 提前期(Lead Time):指提前完成前置任务的时间,以便在紧凑的时间表中能加速后续任务的开始。

11. 滞后期(Lag Time):指延迟完成前置任务的时间,以便在项目进程中留出一定时间的缓冲。

12. 关联(Dependency):指任务之间的逻辑关系,如任务A 必须在任务B之前完成。

13. 里程碑计划(Milestone Plan):指一份记录项目主要里程碑的计划,用来跟踪和监督项目进展。

14. 限制(Constraint):指某些特定条件或限制对任务或项目的影响,如资源限制或时间限制。

15. 资源(Resource):指在完成任务过程中所需的材料、设备、人力或经费等。




Charter Party LaytimeDefinitions,1980F.I.O.T Free In Out and Trimmed.Free to the ship, with the charterer organising and paying for thestevedoring.Liner TermsApplicable to a liner trade where an owner has his shipsregularly calling at his arranged berths and thus can offer to loadand discharge incorporating stevedoring into the freightrate1、PortAn area within which ships are loaded with and / ordischarges of cargo and includes the usual places where ships waitfor their turn or are ordered or obliged to wait for their turn nomatter the distance from that area.If the word port is not used, but the port is ( or is to be)identified by its name, this definition shall still apply2、SafePortA port which, during the relevant period of time, the ship can reach,enter, remain at and depart from without, in he absence of someabnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger which cannot beavoided by good navigation and seamanship.3、BerthThe specific place where the ship is to load and ordischarge.If the word berth is not used, but the specific place is( or is tobe ) identified by its name, this definition shall still apply4、Safe BerthA berth which, during the relevant period of time, the ship canreach, enter, remain at and depart from without, in he absence ofsome abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger which cannot beavoided by good navigation and seamanship.5、Reachable on Arrival or Always AccessibleThe charterer undertakes that when the ship arrives at theport there will be a loading and discharging berth for her to whichshe can proceed without delay.6、LaytimeThe period of time agreed between the parties during whichthe the owner will make and keep the ship available for loading /discharging without payment additional to the freight.7、Customary DespatchThe charter must load and or discharge as fast as ispossible in the circumstances prevailing at the time of loading or discharging.8、Per Hatch Per DayLaytime is to be calculated by multiplying the agreed dailyrate per hatch of loading / discharging the cargo by the number ofthe ship's hatches and dividing the quantity of cargo by theresultant sum.ThusLaytime = Quantity of Cargo = DaysDaily Rate x Number of HatchesA hatch that is capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneouslyshall be counted as two hatches.9、Per Working Hatch Per Day or Per Workable Hatch Per DayLaytime is to be calculated by dividing the quantity of cargoin the hold with the largest quantityby the result of multiplyingthe agreed daily rate per working or workable hatch by the number of hatches serving that hold.Thus:Laytime = Largest Quantity in One Hold = DaysDaily rate per hatch x Number of hatches serving that holdA hatch that is capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneously shall be counted as two hatches.10、As Fast As The V essel Can Receive /DeliverThe laytime is a period of time to be calculated byreference to the maximum rate at which the ship in full workingorder is capable of loading / discharging the cargo.11、DayA continuous period of 24 hours which, unless the context otherwiserequires, runs from midnight to midnight.12、Clear day or ClearDaysThe day on which the notice is given and the day on whichthe notice expires are not included in the notice period.13、HolidayA day of the week or part(s) thereof on which cargo work on the ship would normally take place but is suspended at the place of loading/discharging by reason of:(1)the local law,or (2)the local practice14、Working DaysDays of or part(s) thereof which are not expressly excluded from laytime by the charter party and which are not holidays15、Running days or Consecutive DaysDays which follow one immediately after theother.16、Weather Working DayA working day or part of a working day during which it is or, if thevessel is still waiting for her turn, it would be possible to load/ discharge the cargo without interference due to the weather. If such interference occurs ( or would have occurred if work had beenin progress) there shall be excluded from the laytime a period calculated by reference to the ratio which would have or could have been worked but for that interference.17、Weather Working Day of 24 ConsecutiveHoursA working day or part of a working day or 24 hours during which it isor, if the ship is still waiting for her turn, it would be possibleto load / discharge the cargo without interference due to the weather. If such interference occurs ( or would have occurred if work had been in progress ) there shall be excluded from thelaytime the period during which the weather interfered or would have interfered with the work.18、Weather PermittingTime during which weather prevents working shall not count as laytime.19、ExceptedThe specified days do not count as laytime even if loadingor discharging is done on them.20、Unless UsedIf work is carried out during the excepted days the actual hours of work only counts at laytime.21、To A verageSeparate calculations are to be made for loading and discharging and any time saved in oneoperation is to be set against any excess time used in the other.22、ReversibleAn option given to the charterer to add together the time allowed for loading and discharging. Where the option is exercised the effect is the same as a total time being specified to cover both operations23、Notice of ReadinessNotice to the charter, shipper, receiver or other person as required by the charter that the ship has arrived at the port or berth as the case may be and is ready to load /discharge.24、In WritingIn relation to a notice of readiness, a notice visibly expressed in any mode of reproducing words and includes cable,telegram, telex, fax (email requires the consent of all partiesprior to signing of contract)25、Time Lost Waiting For Berth to Count as Loading/Discharging Time or as LaytimeIf the main reason why a notice of readiness cannot be given is that there is no loading / discharging berth available to the ship the laytime will commence to run when the ship starts to waitfor a berth and will continue to run, unless previously exhausted ,until the ship stops waiting. The laytime exceptions apply to the waiting time as if the ship was at the loading / discharging berth provided the ship is not already on demurrage. When the waiting time ends time ceases to count and restarts when the ship reaches the loading / discharging berth subject to the giving of a notice of readiness if one is required by the charter party, and to any notice time if provided for in the charter party, unless the ship is by then on demurrage.26、Whether in Berth OR Not or Berth NO BerthIf the location named for loading / discharging is a berth and if the berth is not immediately accessible to the ship a notice of readiness can be given when the ship has arrived at the port in which the berth is situated.27、DemurrageThe money payable to the owner for delay for which the owner is not responsible in loading and / or discharging after the laytime has expired.28、On DemurrageThe laytime has expired. Unless the charter party expressly provides to the contrary the time on demurrage will not be subject to the laytime exceptions.29、Despatch Money or DespatchThe money payable by the owner if the ship completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired.30、All Time SavedThe time saved to the ship from the completion of loading /discharging to the expiry of the laytime inc luding periods excepted from the laytime.31、All Working Time Saved or All Laytime SavedThe time saved to the ship from the completion of loading /discharging to the expiry of the laytime excluding any notice time and periods excepted from the laytime.CHOPT Charterers option ( often refers to a discharge port)A TUTC All time used to countSHINC Saturday or Sunday Holidays included ( in Time)1SB PORT One safe berth or port。



常见资产负债表英语词汇资产类(Assets)- 流动资产(Current Assets)- 非流动资产(Non-current Assets)- 货币资金(Cash and Cash Equivalents)- 应收账款(Accounts Receivable)- 存货(Inventory)- 预付款项(Prepayments)- 其他应收款(Other Receivables)- 固定资产(Fixed Assets)- 投资性房地产(Investment Properties)- 在建工程(Construction in Progress)- 长期股权投资(Long-term Equity Investments)- 长期债权投资(Long-term Debt Investments)负债类(Liabilities)- 流动负债(Current Liabilities)- 非流动负债(Non-current Liabilities)- 短期借款(Short-term Borrowings)- 应付账款(Accounts Payable)- 预收款项(Advance Receipts)- 应付职工薪酬(Employee Benefits Payable)- 应交税费(Taxes Payable)- 长期借款(Long-term Borrowings)- 长期应付款(Long-term Payables)- 应付利息(Interest Payable)所有者权益类(Equity)- 实收资本(Paid-in Capital)- 资本公积(Capital Surplus)- 减值准备(Allowance for Impairment)- 盈余公积(Surplus Reserve)- 未分配利润(Undistributed Profits)- 外币报表折算差额(Foreign Currency Translation Reserve)- 减:库存股(Treasury Stock)- 少数股东权益(Equity Attributable to Minority Interest)。



leadtime统计表摘要:1.引言:介绍leadtime 统计表的含义和重要性2.leadtime 统计表的内容:详细说明表格中包含的数据和信息3.如何阅读和理解leadtime 统计表:解析表格中的数据,以及如何利用这些数据进行分析和决策4.leadtime 统计表的应用:讨论如何将leadtime 统计表应用于实际业务场景,提高生产效率和降低成本5.结论:总结leadtime 统计表的重要性和应用价值正文:一、引言在制造业中,leadtime(交货期)是指从下订单到收到货物的时间。


因此,有一个有效的leadtime 统计表是非常必要的。

本文将介绍leadtime 统计表的含义和重要性,并详细解析如何阅读和理解这个表格,以及如何将它应用于实际业务场景。

二、leadtime 统计表的内容leadtime 统计表通常包含以下数据和信息:1.供应商信息:包括供应商名称、联系方式等2.产品信息:包括产品名称、型号、规格等3.订单信息:包括订单日期、订单数量等4.交货期信息:包括预计交货期、实际交货期等5.交货准时率:这是评估供应商绩效的重要指标,计算公式为(实际交货期- 预计交货期)/预计交货期*100%三、如何阅读和理解leadtime 统计表阅读和理解leadtime 统计表需要关注以下几个方面:1.供应商的交货准时率:这是评估供应商绩效的关键指标,如果交货准时率较低,可能需要考虑更换供应商2.交货期的变化:如果交货期有较大的波动,可能需要与供应商进行沟通,以确保交货期的稳定性3.产品的交货期:不同产品的交货期可能有所不同,需要根据实际情况制定生产计划和库存管理策略四、leadtime 统计表的应用leadtime 统计表可以应用于以下实际业务场景:1.供应商选择:通过比较不同供应商的交货准时率,可以选择最适合的供应商2.生产计划:根据产品的交货期,可以制定合适的生产计划,以确保生产效率的最大化3.库存管理:通过分析交货期的变化,可以优化库存管理策略,降低库存成本4.客户服务:了解交货期信息,可以更好地与客户沟通,提高客户满意度五、结论总的来说,leadtime 统计表对于制造业企业来说非常重要。






1. 关键路径关键路径是指在项目网络计划图中连接项目起点和终点的路径,通过这条路径上的活动的序列和时长来确定整个项目的最短工期。


2. 时序网络图时序网络图也被称为甘特图,是用于展示项目活动、时间和资源的图形工具。



3. 项目进度项目进度是指项目团队在规定的时间范围内完成工作的程度。



4. 里程碑里程碑是项目中的重要时间点或事件,它标志着项目的不同阶段或重要的里程碑。



5. 周期估算周期估算是指对项目活动或任务所需的时间进行估计和预测的过程。



6. 时间预算时间预算是在项目规划阶段确定项目完成所需的时间并将其分配给不同的活动或任务的过程。


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Laytime Definitions for Charter Parties 2013Words, phrases, acronyms and abbreviations (“Words and Phrases”) used in a Charter Party shall be defined, for the purposes of Laytime only, in accordance with the corresponding Words and Phrases set out below, when any or all such definitions are expressly incorporated into the Charter Party."Charter Party" shall include any form of contract of carriage or affreightment including contracts evidenced by bills of lading.Singular/PluralThe singular includes the plural and vice versa as the context admits or requires.List of Definitions1.PORT shall mean any area where vessels load or discharge cargo and shall include, butnot be limited to, berths, wharves, anchorages, buoys and offshore facilities as well as places outside the legal, fiscal or administrative area where vessels are ordered to wait for their turn no matter the distance from that area. 指船舶装或卸的任何区域,包括但不限于泊位锚地浮筒近海设施,同样包括船舶被指令等待依次进港的区域,而不论该区域与港口的法律税收或行政区域的距离远近。

2.BERTH shall mean the specific place where the Vessel is to load or discharge and shallinclude, but not be limited to, any wharf, anchorage, offshore facility or other location used for that purpose. 指船舶准备装卸的特定区域,包括但不限于泊位锚地浮筒近海设施或其他以装卸为目的的地点。

3.REACHABLE ON ARRIV AL shall mean that the charterer undertakes that an availableloading or discharging Berth be provided to the Vessel on arrival at the Port which the Vessel can reach safely without delay. 指租家保证船舶到港时,有可利用的装卸泊位供船舶安全且无延迟地抵靠。

4.ALW AYS ACCESSIBLE shall mean that the charterer undertakes that an availableloading or discharging Berth be provided to the Vessel on arrival at the Port which the Vessel can reach safely without delay. The charterer additionally undertakes that the Vessel will be able to depart safely from the Berth and without delay at any time before, during or on completion of loading or discharging.租家保证船舶抵港时,有可利用的装卸泊位供船舶安全且无延迟地抵靠,租家额外保证船舶能在装卸前中或完成后的任何时间都能安全无延迟的离开泊位。

YTIME shall mean the period of time agreed between the parties during which theowner will make and keep the Vessel available for loading or discharging without payment additional to the freight. 当事人约定的一段期限,在期限内,船东不能对装卸作业收取运费之外的费用。

6.PER HATCH PER DAY shall mean that the Laytime is to be calculated by dividingthe quantity of cargo by the result of multiplying the agreed daily rate per hatch by the number of the Vessel’s hatches. Thus:Quantity of cargo Laytime = = DaysDaily rate x Number of hatchesEach pair of parallel twin hatches shall count as one hatch. Nevertheless, a hatch that is capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneously shall be counted as two hatches.装卸时间的计算是用货物数量,除以每天每舱口约定装卸率与船舶舱口数的乘积。


7.PER WORKING HATCH PER DAY (WHD) or PER WORKABLE HATCH PERDAY (WHD)每日每可工作舱口或每日每可工作舱口shall mean that the Laytime is to be calculated by dividing the quantity of cargo in the hold with the largest quantity by the result of multiplying the agreed daily rate per working or workable hatch by the number of hatches serving that hold. Thus:Largest quantity in one hold Laytime = = Days Daily rate per hatch x Number of hatches serving that holdEach pair of parallel twin hatches shall count as one hatch. Nevertheless, a hatch that is capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneously shall be counted as two hatches.装卸时间的计算适用最大货仓载货量,除以每日每可工作舱口或每日每可工作舱口约定装卸率与该货舱服务的舱口数的乘积。


8.DAY shall mean a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours. Any part of a Day shallbe counted pro rata.连续24小时的期间,不足一日的按比例计算。

9.CALENDAR DAY shall mean a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours runningfrom 0000 hours to 2400 hours. Any part of a Calendar Day shall be counted pro rata.从0000到2400的连续24小时,不足的按比例。

10.CONVENTIONAL DAY shall mean a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hoursrunning from any identified time. Any part of a Conventional Day shall be counted pro rata.从任何一可识别的时间开始起算的连续24小时的期间,不足的按比例。

11.WORKING DAY shall mean a Day when by local law or practice work is normallycarried out. 根据当地法律或习惯,工作通常进行之日。

12.RUNNING DAYS or CONSECUTIVE DAYS shall mean Days which follow oneimmediately after the other.13.RUNNING HOURS or CONSECUTIVE HOURS shall mean hours which follow oneimmediately after the other.14.HOLIDAY shall mean a Day other than the normal weekly Day(s) of rest, or partthereof, when by local law or practice work during what would otherwise be ordinary working hours is not normally carried out.每周正常休息日以外的日期,或不足一天的时间,按照当地法律和习惯,在这个本属正常的工作时间内一般不做相应工作。
