集装箱分类Container Classifications 中英对照

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外贸人都应该懂的集装箱分类Container Classifications

1.普通集装箱,又称干货集装箱(dry container):以装运件杂货为主,通常用来装运日用百货、五金、工艺品等。这种集装箱占集装箱总数的70~80%。

Common container,also called dry container:it is mainly used to transport sundry goods such as articles of daily use,hardware,and craft and so on.It accounts for70~80%of containers in total.

2.冷冻集装箱(reefer container):分内外置式两种。温度可在-28℃~+26℃之间调整。内置式集装箱在运输过程中可随意启动冷冻机;而外置式则必须依靠集装箱专用车、船的冷冻机来制冷。这种箱子适合在夏天运输黄油、巧克力等物品。

Reefer container:It is classified into internal one and external one.The temperature can be adjusted between-28℃to26℃.The refrigerating machine of built-in containers can be started at any time,while the external reefer containers have to rely on the refrigerating machine of the special container car and ship for refrigeration.This kind of container mainly transits butter, chocolate and so on in summer.

3.开顶集装箱(open top container):这种集装箱没有箱顶,可用起重机从箱顶上面装卸货物。适合于装载体积高大的物体,如玻璃板等。

Open top container:This kind of container has no roof.A crane can be used to load and unload goods from the top of the container.It is suitable for transiting large items such as glass pane and so on.

4.框架集装箱(flat rack container):没有箱顶和两侧,其特点是从集装箱侧面进行装卸。以超重货物为主要运载对象,诸如钢材之类可以免除外包装的裸装货。

Flat rack container:It has no roof or two sides.The characteristic of this kind of container is that goods can be loaded and unloaded from its sides.It mainly transits heavy items such as steel and other unpacked items.

5.牲畜集装箱(pen container):侧面采用金属网,通风条件良好,而且便于喂食。

Pen container:There is metal net all around with good ventilation and it is convenient for feeding.

6.罐式集装箱(tank container):又称液体集装箱。是为运输药品、化工品等液体货物而制造的特殊集装箱。

Tank container:Also called liquid container.It is specially made to transit liquid goods such as drugs and chemicals.

7.平台集装箱(platform container):长度可达6米以上,宽4米以上,高4.5米左右,用这种箱子装运汽车极为方便。

Platform container:It can reach more than6meters long,more than4meters wide,4.5meters high.It is quite convenient for transiting cars.

8.通风集装箱(ventilated container):箱壁有通风孔,内壁涂塑料层,适宜装新鲜蔬菜和水果等怕热怕闷的货物。

Ventilated container:There are vents on the outer wall of the container.And the inner wall is coated with a plastic layer.It is suitable for shipping perishable goods such as fresh vegetables and fruits.

9.保温集装箱(insulated container):箱内有隔热层,箱顶又有能调节角度的进出风口,可利用外界空气和风向来调节箱内温度。适宜装运对温湿度敏感货物。

Insulated container:The inner wall is coated with an insulating layer and there is adjustable inlet and outlet on the top to adjust the temperature through the outside air.It is suitable for shipping goods sensitive to humidity and temperature.

10.散装货集装箱(bulk container):一般在顶部设有2~3和小舱口,以便装货。底部有升降架,可升高成40°的倾斜角,以便卸货。这种箱子适宜装粮食、水泥等散货。

Bulk container:Generally,there are two to three hatchways so as to unload the goods.There are lifts at the bottom to tilt about40degrees so as to unloading.This container is suitable for shipping grain and cement.

11.散装粉状货集装箱(free flowing bulk material container):与散装箱基本相同,但装卸时使用喷管和吸管。

Free flowing bulk material container:It is similar to the bulk container,but the nozzle and the pipe are used in the loading and unloading.

12.挂式集装箱(dress hanger container):适合于装运服装类商品的集装箱。

Dress hanger container:This container is suitable for the shipment of clothes.
